
Ep 226: The History of Fuddruckers

Published Dec 3, 2024, 11:00 AM

Today, this is what's important:

Teeth, hangovers, the doctors office, therapy, picking your nose, the nineties, Fuddruckers, the hunt, chat GPT conversations, & more.

Welcome to This is important a production of iHeartRadio, the show where we only talk about what's the most important, bottom line, critical thing happening on this planet today. This is important.

How come the doors always open like that in space like buttholes? I don't know if anyone could trip harder than you and still look cool doing it.

This butthole is clean enough for hooking.

Buckle up, my leget my freaking.

Legie up a hidden temple? My mother Womax? Is it? Woman? Damn? Is not what Bobby Womax? Ole Mac? Oh, it's all all all Old Mac, old Man, Old Mac. Legends of the Legends of the Hidden Temple. May Legends of the Hidden Temple. O, Hey, what's up, man, it's me old Mac, old Man.

I think it's not Old Max, old Mac. I think it's old Man on the Stu Blake. Didn't you explain who ol Mac was on Workaholics? Didn't you?

I might have.

I know that it has roots in real like as tech culture, and isn't recalled that it is a real thing.

Is it?

It wasn't a talking stonehead, but it was something.

It was something Okay, sure, yeah, good, okay? So there it was something and that yeah for me, O Mac is a large animatronic talking head made of stone. Well obviously not in the Mayan days. Yeah, we're talking Mayan days. Like what was the history Okay in the TV film Okay, that's a TV film. Ol Mac was once a human king and in the middle of there should be there, in the middle of passing the throne to his son, Prince Zuma. However, Zuma's evil brother, Zuma's Revenge, is planning a coup detay on who gives the ship? You know, it's not even really lost. We lost all our listeners. Not even that was like on the TV that's not real. But that's freaking sick. Dude.

Well, you guys can do your homework later, but I do I do know it is rooted in real history. Okay, but you guys are my freaking legends, great leg legends of hidden temples.

Moving onto anything.

Do you remember when you went through freaking thirty years of your life and no one ever called you a legend? And now it's pretty much it just comes right off the tongue now, lots of legend talk.

It came from Australia, right.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I feel like Australian's legend your legendmate.

I feel like that's where it's stemmed from.

Yeah, I feel like they say it.

They throw it around a lot here.

It's fun to call people legends. You guys are my legends, legendary friends. You guys are legendary friends.

You know what I'm gonna steal from Australia and I'm gonna try and make it pop off. Have I already said this? Well? The thing they say here when you say like thanks instead of like no problem, they just go.

Nobody says thanks. Some of us say thanks, Happy Thanksgiving. By the way, I don't want to say thanks. No one says thanks, thanks, thanks? Are you finish?

Actually here?

They do okay, they don't know, they don't you bitch people.

People respond and they say too easy, like no problem.

I'm like, yeo, too easy.

When I go home and someone says thanks, I'm gonna go too easy, mate.

That's so cool. If anyone says thanks to me, I'm gonna stop them dead in their tracks kind of say are you Were you raised by Andres Holmes's parents because they taught him to say the word wrong. Well, I'm gonna say too easy. Did they say it.

I don't even know if my brothers say thanks. I think I think maybe I only have been saying this since I got fake teeth.

Oh really, you can't say thanks? Why don't you say think? Think? Why don't you say think?

I don't know. I'm saying I used to have a little, a little wind tunnel in the middle.

So I'm sure.

I said, I'm sure it whistled when I said before.

The whistles go whistled. Dang legendary. I just I went to the dentist the other day and he kind of made a big deal about how much coffee I was drinking. He was like, your teeth fucking brown ship stands essentially, essentially, that's what he said.

Really, yeah, that's why I'm here. Laser than fuckers.

I don't know what do you guys think they I mean, you got some choppers. You got some choppers.

You you don't want them white?

No, they matched, they match the curtains behind you. Yeah you don't want them to Yeah, you don't want.

Them to white. That's when they start to get Sometimes I.

Look at my fake teeth and they're not even the same color as the ones behind them, and I'm like, God, damn, I wish I got them like a little brown.

I think you could brown them up? Are they too brown? Should should I get yours?

No? They look natural?

Yeah? No, damn? All right?

So I mean, dude, go back and watch movies from the seventies and eighties and look how brown I see.

I don't want to be natural. I want to look like Joe Biden. Oh okay, well yeah you know those are those? Are those? Are I want some shoppers? Or who is the guy that the the the Dodger player that? Yeah, that one that that spose those are unreal? And I I call, I was like, those are fake? Those are fake teeth? Those And then immediately I looked it up and they're they're side by side comparisons. It's it's real. It is really.

Oh yeah, yeah, there's a few people. It spurred a lot of people as before and afters.

But why but why go that extreme? Like just make your teeth look better?

Can I tell you why? Okay, the dentists they don't know any better.

Yes, yes, they don't know any better.

Like they were like, you want it perfect, right, like everyone thinks you want it perfect, But you don't want it perfect because perfect is noticeable. Perfect is like, what the fuck's happening. It's like, if you have eyes that are like a crazy unnatural blue, people look at you like you're a weird anime camera.

Now I think people look at you like I'm trying to fuck you. Oh ky.

But if it's too unnatural notable, you want to look nice but not not not noticeable.


So if you're saying any sort of surgery that you you know you've changed the way you look, you say it should still be look human, right, like if you're getting a nose job or you're botox.

I think everybody wants to look natural. I mean, I'm sure there's some people who want to look supernatural.

Big naturals.

Big natch, I mean big naturals. You guys are reading my mind.

It's science. That's what I'm going for. That's what I'm going for. I'm going for a super big natural.

Right when you go to the dentist. That's what I say. When I went to this, I said, you know what I want, big naturals, and they were like, excuse me, I think that's down the hall I go.

I think not, I think it's right here. I'm trying to see old photos of Freddy's teeth. Look up Freddie Freeman's teeth and.

They were tiny, right, he had tiny one.

Oh whoa, he looked way different. He had just a little more pudge on him.

Yeah. Well he became a professional athlete. Look at that guy. He's come a long way.

Yeah well yeah, now he's worth two hundred million dollars and he's eating four leaf clovers.

No, I mean he's on the braves. He's on the braves in this photo. He's a professional athlete.

Yeah, but that was you know, early on. You know, he's been on the.

Brains for twelve years.

Look at this youngster. He's like a superhero.

Now, okay, we're your hands.

Where are your hands? Hands? And start beating off to a picture of Freddy like the old photo too, when he had some jacked up teeth. All right, No, he's actually yeah, he's got a little chubb on him. Have you seen him in college? He's hot, He's a hot little They tried to convince me because I went to the dentist in Colombia because I h I chipped the back of my teeth off. Like they they used the what is it stuff called the putty enamel. Yeah, no, no, like when they when they fixed too they I forget what they call that ship, but they had done that. My dentist did it because I grind the backs of my teeth on the front thought and so they're real thin. And he goes, I'm going to protect your real teeth by putting the fake bonding agent on the back bonding bond. And then yeah, and when aren't.

You grinding your teeth? Like when someone delivers a steak to your table, you just sit there.

Like, yes, when the rotisserie chicken is on my plate, let the dog off the leash. So I grinded. I was driving to work actually on gemstones, and my teeth just fell out of my head and I thought, I thought I was dying, but it was just the back parts that had been fixed before. So anyway, so I'm in Columbia. Oh, just just the bonding agent. It was just dropped out, and so I was gonna I was. I was like, oh, I'll get this fixed in Columbia. And I go there and they tried to upsell me on Veneers like there's They're like, I'm doing a Columbian accent. There's no way. Yeah, there's no spot on. You know, there's no way that when it's reach let him go. It's regional that you would be able to have these these teeth because it's too it's too far gone. You need the Veneers. Is that a good accent? Dude? Yeah? Veneers? That's so really good. And then they were like, come back, we could do it, you know, do you have a few days we could do this, And I was like, uh no, I'm not. I'm not going to do Veneers here. You just try to upset me. And then I go back and my dentist does it like that, just in like twenty minutes, he does it. The bonding, The bonding is that easy? Is that easy?

Here's something? Do you think that you're so you're going to the dentist? Is the worst possible thing you can do while you are hungover? Is there another activity that is worse to do?

Let me guess you recently did it? Let me get it.

I didn't do it recently, but I remember the one time I did it, I told myself, this is the worst experience I've ever had in my life.

I don't know. I feel like when I go there, I just way back. I close my eyes and let them go to town. I'm fucking chilling.

Oh no, it's like sweaty and stressful for me, like when they're scraping on your teeth and shit. And if you're hungover and your mouth is all like hot and shit, it's terrible. It's a terrible experience.

I don't mind the dunnask.

Yeah, it doesn't really bother me that much. But I see what you're saying. You're a nervous person, so I could see for you.

Adam's picking up what you're putting down.

Yeah, And I just think when you're hungover, the last thing you want is like someone in your mouth, like doing things.

Speak for yourself.

On a feedback mom, do not come. Yeah, what would be the worst thing when you're hungover? Super hungover?

Amusement park? Ooh, go on a roller coaster.

The survey says.

Survey says, yeah, but maybe that shakes it out of you, like the tummy tickles.

Maybe like that. I feel like extreme activities, like.

I bet a dozens.

But if you're extremely hungover, you're at the amusement park with your kids, you could then get a beer. You can, but you can't get it. You cannot get.

Sorry, Sorry, sorry, being on a being on a roller coaster.

Amusement, amusement, anything we come up with.

We're like, oh, dude, going to the zoo.

Well, if you get a beer at the zoo, I'm just saying, get a beer at the zoo. But you can't get a beer at the dentis. I'm kind of you could do a buzzball. You can do a buzz ball in the bathroom and come back. And they're like, I swear I just fluorided your teeth. Why are they green? I just clean your teeth. I just why don't they smell like cram blaster bro? I don't know.

I mean, you're probably gonna kill me on this one, Adam, but well you're dead man getting on a boat.

Dead me.

Let's go because I've only done this a couple of times and I was hungover when I did it. Okay, going getting in a boat, going, you know, thirty minutes to a fishing spot, full blast, hungover. Not for me?

Oh yeah, but you're right, that's not that's not pleasant, that's not optimal. That's not optimal. But what you do what you do, though.

I thought you'd be like, you're not made for it, but hey, I.

Guess no one, No, it's not optimal to do that. But what you do, and what everyone does is then they get drunk. They pound yes. You have to pound yes. As you're getting the boat ready and it's five thirty in the morning and you don't want to you don't want to have a bed, right, you're just loading up. You have to you're loading things up, you're getting things ready. You have to pound one on the dock, and then you get in the boat. You crack one. You're not driving the boat, so you're you're in the clear. You just can you pound one on the way and then maybe you get twenty minutes in and you go, I'm gonna need one more to level it at diarrhe and shake, yeah you know. Yeah.

Also, nobody's mad if you chum the waters.

Yeah yeah, if you hop in, if you're like, actually, can we stop the boat a second, I gotta I'm gonna dive in and take a dip.

Yeah, Like, that's not what I'm saying. Vomiting into the wall.

Oh I thought you were saying you're taking a ship. That's my bad. That's my bad. That's a miscommunication.

So let's just rewind what we're talking about, we're being hungover.

You don't get diarrhea when you're hungover. That's the second part of hungover. It's diarrhea and and throwing up. Those are the two parts of hangovers. Come off fair enough.

I just thought it was more throwing up as more the next day is more synonymous.

But I was thinking, like when you're on a boat and you're jiggling around, I immediately went vomiting. Oh, vomit. I definitely didn't think.

And and like pieces of food are chumming, I mean dialing into I mean, I don't know, man, I love your crazy brain.

I just me and my friend group we always called chumming the water when you would when you.

Would like ship in the water, so always yeah, I mean always blake, that's where you threw us like when we go on camping trips and like be in.

The lake like time and time again.

Yeah, it was kind of like a running So how many camping trips did you go on where this was a topic every time? Like five, five or six?

Have you ship in? How many times have you shipped into open water?

I don't know, I will say I don't think I've ever done it. I don't do that. I don't do that. I'm saying I had friends who would do that, and it's like, oh, gross, you're freaking chumming in the water.

So you've never done it.

No, I want to Blake has a precious little asshole. He doesn't he okay, doesn't want things climbing you, bless your heart. You cherish you cherish her your assholes, so as we all should. Why would you not? Why would you abuse yours with it? Dude? Today I was at the doctor. I had to get Ah, God, you just lit up like a jack today as I went to the doctor's office and got a physical and hell, dude, I had ship in the bathroom in the hallway. In the hallway before going into the doctor's office, there's a bathroom right there. I was like, oh shit, I need a ship. I went. I took a ship perfect, not thinking he's going to spread my ass cheeks and look at my ass. No, yeah, no he didn't. I don't know what it looked like. I was like, it was it a great It wasn't like a sloppy shit.

Did you give him my heads up? You're like, FYI, I just went to the bathroom.

I didn't wow, dude, because you can't.

It doesn't matter, well you can.

It all happened so quick. I it all happened. If you're honest with them, what if you're like yoay o oh, yoh wait wait wait wait.

Like I've just gotta warn you. I judge it, and you tell him this exact thing.

Yeah, but if you just shit, or if you shed earlier in the day, it's gonna be this the same. It's gonna be the same.

Here's what I say, the same. If he saw it just after you wiped, that's probably better than like ten or fifteen minutes later when like.

The dust has little a little sauce.

When the dust is settled. Thank you.

Yeah, yeah, you're right.

You know, we're like after a half hour, you're like, I think I need to go back.

Yeah, there was none of that. I think it was a really great, a clean shit. I think it came out like we're bad and I was proud of the white.

Wait, it came out like what And if you're watching YouTube, just wait for the hand gesture.

Like it just it drops and just goes and the asshole just goes. It looks like Adam his miming was like unscrewing the light bulb for some reason, and then well it drops and then and then the asshole.

Like and then his hand turned into like a trail like a jelly fish.

No, it like close, like what are we looking at here? What part of this is my asshole? Okay? This is my asshole? Three fingers. The ship is going down, okay, and then my asshole goes like cinched it off.

Like a like a like a star trek door closed like spiral.

Yes exactly. Yeah, I was like the same thing exactly. The doors always open like that in space like buttholes because it's futuristic, it's future. It looks cool. But yes, so that's exactly what my butthole did to that ship. Cut it right off. I think it was a clean break, but in the moment it was a little funky. And how they just handle your dick right, just like pull your pants. And then he told me to pull my pants and take them all the way He's I swear, he said take them all the way off. He could have said down. I took them all the way off, and he's like, well, you could have left him one feet and I'm like, I don't know. I don't know what we're doing here. This is it's awkward. But then how he just man handles your cock? Is he just grabs it and he's pulling on it.

That's how you want it, though, That's how you want it. I think that's how you want it, you know what I mean?

If he was a little too like timid? Timid?

Is there not timid? I mean like tender? You're like, well, I don't like this either, because now I'm dealing with all sorts of mind viruses. Really, you just don't want in there?

How do you? That's a great question, Like do you want him really rough in your joystick up? Or do you want them.

A callusk hand?

That's like give me that, give me that thing, let me look under this thing.

As soon as it feels good, I'm like stop.

I gotta go, I gotta go. Yeah. You ever see like a guy who uh like cleaning a fish and they just do it so quick?

Yes, well they're like they're like annihilated there like this, it's just like.

It's just routine. It's routine.

Yeah, it's just like entrails mean nothing, Dan my cock flate? Yeah? Yea, god damn you like a little you like a little cat. I like a catch and release. I like him the doctor treat it well and then put it back into the ocean where it belongs. Okay, take the hook out the mouth. Yeah he didn't. He didn't keep my cock with him at the office. Well, the ocean is my paint.

The release is your pants.

Yes, he puts it. He tuk your cock back in your pants.

Yes, as.

I stand there, I stand there, I look and I'll be Are we done? It doesn't seem like you want me to walk out.

You get so nervous. You just start doing a spent your impressions at him.

He's like, okay, you like gun glove. Mm hmm, peanut, do not go in.

There my pitch bulky.

I consider it. Carry on. Oh yeah, baby, we love it. Catch and release my ship. Doctor.

Here's snowflake. Excuse me, got a little snack for you.


Are you talking to me?

I love it? Well? Was every was everything good? Do mine? Everything good? Down there? I don't want to talk about it. Okay, I don't want to talk about it. Oh my god, Okay, fair enough. We you know there's some things that we uh we don't bring to the pod and that that will stay between us.

I think we talked about when I went to the doctor. She was like change and then I just got into the robe and had my pants off, and then she came in and like checked my knee or my leg and then she was like, you can have your pants on, and I was like, oh I didn't. I was like, sorry, oh.

Ready, your number is still nine one one, isn't it.

I thought you said change into the robe thing.

Wait, so you have a female doctor. That's sick.

I think the person who came in to like check first I was a woman whatever. I don't know what her position was.

I mean, I know you can have a female doctor. And obviously there's very good Women are more than qualified, absolutely more than qualid the qualified regular amount of qualified.

What's more than qualified? You're either qualified of or not.

Yeah, it's just the regular, just the regular amount. It would be weird to have it one than like just peek at my asshole real quick, just give it a little spread and look.

I don't know.

I mean it's like you said, if the doctor is like the person filating the fish, and if it's no thing, she sees assholes all the time.

Adam doesn't let women fill a fish.

Yeah, but what if she's kind of sexy, Say, well, that's that's a yeah, that's a you problem. Well, I don't want to fuck dudes. I don't want to fuck dudes for me, for me. Yeah, if he's already at.

Your asshole and he's sexy, like, maybe something could happen.

Game over. Man, it's not just a movie.

Yeah, yeah, I guess you put it like that, But yeah, that would be weird.

I think I think it doesn't matter. I think she can be hot, I think he can be ugly. Yeah, no, it adds stakes as long as there's nothing inside your asshole.

I know, Hey, and ands and Anders, I know that's the correct, politically correct thing to say. And I absolutely and and if Hollywood's listening, I agree, dude. But I'm just saying, if she's very sexy and she's and she's I mean, she's grabbing my cock, it's I would want her to do it exactly like this doctor didn't. But the peaking of the asshole. I would have been even more embarrassed. Hmmm, Patch Adams, I would have been more embarrassed by just taking a ship fifteen minutes than this doctor. This is my male doctor. Taking a peek at my shitty asshle.

Yeah, but like, but like this super hot doctor, like, who are Like what is her demeanor? She's still not like yeah, but it's not a sexy environment.

Yeah, he had a doctor's office. Is not a sexy environment. Have you seen any that's a sexy environment? No?

No, no, I'm saying, like, what they're bringing to the tables not like a bendover.

Would you know what they're bringing to the table. Well, my doctor is a very loving guy. My doctor he doing you know, mentally, yes, mentally a lot.

That's called small talk.

No, it's like a mental doctor.

Yeah, he's your doctor. He's your doctor's not your friend.

Yeah. But it's like kryd of crawling in my head. It's sort of like a like a shrink. Like how sexy was was the shrink in Sopranos?

Not Sopranos Not She's not sexy.

She carried herself very she carried herself very sexily in the sessions. By the end of this series, you didn't find you didn't find her attractive by the end of the series.

Not in the sessions.

Okay, I think you're one of the only ones. Tony soprano definitely.

Did well, I know, but Tony had mom issues and he was like, whoa, I need to dominate this woman who's trying to dominate me, just like mama.

It's hot, it's the whole thing.

Be over and I'll show you.

You're right.

You none of you guys had real life therapists before. Right, You've never sat in a room with a therapist. I've got a therapy.

Oh okay?

Was it?

Was it a male or a female? Dude? Yes? Okay? So was he like a dude or was he a guy?

Well, it's funny should say was he like a dude? Because he's just a guy. But I was like, for the first like many sessions, I was like, is this guy Jeff Bridge's son?


Because he looks like him and he sounds like him, and we're in LA. Anything's possible, and I'm.

Like googling was his last name Bridge? No?

But like you know, he could her.

I don't know the first thing.

Yeah, but I don't know their real names. I don't know if they're like telling me their real name or not. You know what I mean. They might have a fake name. So people don't go fucking murder them, I don't know, or if he's Jeff Bridge or Jefridge's son, or if Jeff Bridge's son, maybe he's got a fake name so that people aren't like, well, job Jeff Bridges's son.

Yeah, because you talk and look identical. Because I love the Big Lebowski's and Dude's great film.

Concentrate the first like, however many sessions because I just like listening, I'm like, is this it's a dead giveaway. I know, I'm a dude. How's your dad? Tell me about your dad?

Yeah? That would be weird. I mean, you can't have that job if you're if your parent is a celebrity, because then everyone goes in kind of already feeling like they know youth by propsing through your your father. Well, I just saw Elijah Douscheku, the actress Ella. She's a therapist, but she's a real therapist.

She like left Hollywood. Yeah, she left Hollywood. I think she got like me too as a kid on True Lines or some shit. I think it's out there. Could really, I don't know, but anyway, she left Hollywood. She's a I think she's a therapist now and I'm just like imagining being like sitting down and going like, wait a second, fucking wait, Douchecu, I don't know what. I don't know what she's from, but like Doucheco.

I wonder, you know, because I've always thought it would be an interesting profession. Maybe I should switch over to therapy. Do you think people be hyped to like pour their feelings out to me?


I think you could do it.

Oh, Buffy star Eliza Douchecup shifts from acting to psychedelic assisted therapy. Oh, that's that shit when you like you go into like k holes and like sit in a room. So that's the kind I might want to get into. They do it in Orange County. Actually have a buddy who did it. That'd be kind of fun. Yeah, I heard it some. I heard it's an interesting process. You really, I don't know abou k holes. I would just want to do a bunch of mushrooms and like go to Joshua Tree.

And meet and meet Elijah Doo. I don't know about therapy, but doing mushrooms with douche Scuz sounds like.

I really think we got somewhere today, you know, Thank you so much. Also, I just get you to sign my Buffy the Vampire DVD. That'd be fucking rad. That would mean a lot to me. I feel like it would set me in the right direction.

I think she would love that. She would love that.

You know, I don't know who, like I got, no I recognize her, Okay, I see, I see her. She was in a bunch by the way, she's like our age. It's weird when people are famous at a very young age, you think that they're way older. She's forty three years old, right, that's to me, not that old, an more catch. You know.

That's how I felt when I met when I met Kobe Bryant, That's what I felt like I was because I was like, dude, you're like this old legend. He's like he was like three or four years older than me at the time. Like, well he started, Oh you were senior in high school when I was a fresh exactly. So it's just like legend made.

That's a legend made. Well that's Lebron. How everyone's like he's ancient. Lebron is one year younger than than Blake and I right, it's crazy, Yeah.

I mean it's but he's got a lot of miles on them. Damn legs. His legs are like one hundred years old.

Blake. I'll say, it's crazy how aggressively you just picked your nose and then just went back to I I did this.

Mm hmmm.

Sure, and I'm looking I'm looking at douche ku right now. Okay, check the YouTube. I Didnkay, yeah, no, I know you were. You were distracted and you just went no, I did not. I was on the side. I was not any So why did you pick the side of your nose? So what made you go like that? I can't itch my nose. Now you're gonna grill me for its my nose. I'm not. I love you. I love you. Normally when you're itching and nose to turn the video, you do this, you do this? Oh what is this how you want it? Is this how you want it? Now? Okay? So all I'm saying is, DRS saw the same thing. And I believe you if you say that you were itching the side of your nose, it was just an insane way to it'ch the side of your nose? What just for future reference, When you do that, people think you just snuck in the craziest nose. Pick the craziest nose pick anyone. So okay, fair, that isn't what happened.

Have you guys done the thing like this?

What were you like this dude that actually you know I'm talking. I don't know, but did you dude that actually reminds me to a way, way, way way back thing when you were really really little? Did you ever do this when you picked your nose and think that people didn't know you're picking your nose? I don't remember ever being a big nose picker. I know I've done it, but i've u I don't think I went through like a nose picking face.

Oh I'm a big, big nose picker.

You were?

It's fun, I think I am. Still yeah, oh still yeah?

Oh gross fun as hell.

Fingers are perfect size for a reason.

What I would do the weird thing I would do as a kid is I would lick my lips so so much that entire like all around was just red and chat. I looked insane. My dad is like, I thought you had mental issues?

Thanks dad, didn't did you get like Carmack Carmack Carmacks on your lips?

Oh? Yeah? Were you a CarMax family? Uh?

Car Mix CarMax was a.

Dealer ship Now I remember like, my parents didn't even want to get me chrapptick. I don't like. I remember them being like, just let his mouth. You don't need it, just because I think it was for them it was another thing to buy. They're like, we don't want to give him. No, no, no, no, don't give him, give himletic. He's gonna let the mouth turn red. Adam, you didn't take my petroleum jelly, did you, poor guy?

I'm gonna need that back, poor lips.

They also told me that's that's why they didn't buy me books. It was Scholastic book Fair, so understandably they were more expensive. Yeah, and then my mom was like, you're not gonna read them, and I'm like, I'm gonna It's cliff.

Was the Scholastic Book Fair more expensive than just Barnes and Noble Borders read them?

Look? Well, yeah, they didn't buy me books. I had no books. I know I ain't buying you no books, man, you ain't gonna read them. It makes sense.

Did you have a library card?

Yes? I did, but I was like, I want these cool books. It was like Clifford the Big Red Dog and Ship. It wasn't like you.

Ain't reading that familiar.

Yeah, you ain't reading that.

Wait a second, did you? I feel like we are the era. I feel like kids younger than this don't realize that this was a new thing that struck us our age old.

But yeah, let's hear it. Your your age man.


Bookmobiles? What's that?

You guys didn't have a bookmobile. It was like the library had like an r V that was like a library on wheels.

That's your show. That's the show right there.

Yeah, I gotta go, guys, so I need to go pitch this to Netflix. The bookmobile was from the library. We did not have that, and it would come outside your school every like Wednesday, be at your elementary school, and then it would like rotate to other.

Ones from the library, like the from the main brand public library.

Yeah, exactly.

Okay, and okay, I was thinking there was we had a library in our school, so.

Well, yes, but this was like with the Omaha or whatever library filled with books for like kids essentially, and you could even like request books for them to bring the next time.

Oh my god, the Calvin.

And Hobbes was on rotation.

Wow, you'll read the Monster Ring. The Monster Ring.

It was like a it might have been a two yer own adventure.

Or like a oh I love a CBS.

Story break joint. But yeah, the bookmobile was you guys didn't have a bookmobile?

Huh thirty Exclusive bestein Bears and uh and classics.

Cliff, Yeah, what about you read No Girls Aloud?

The hell?

What's that of Benstein?


It was.

I'm assuming it was a.

Banger because it was like the boys built a clubhouse, and you know when you read kids books, and it was like clubhouses are like things that the kids built. You'd look at it and be like, oh fuck, I'll go build that. But then the girls were like, we're gonna make our own ship, and it was like better, and I was.

Like, I'm a dude.

The No Boys Allowed was like kind of even sicker. It was like real world seattle, like fishing in the floor type.

Ship that's tight, very sick. Exactly exactly what you're talking about, though, that's hardcore. I know exactly what you're talking about.

The Real World House debut episodes.

Oh my god, dude, those houses were so off the chain.

Do you think they kept Do you think they kept Real World houses as they are?


Are they still things you can go to Now the.

Vegas suite is still the real world suite.

Right, that's fire dude, because I would love to go to the San Francisco one was sick.

San Francisco one that was super early on though you still remember what that. I remember Seattle being like it was right on the wharf. It was super dope. Mm hmmmm. Who was the cast of Seattle?

Boston had a fire pole.

I think someone got smacked and that was the big news. And then the very last episod that dude good.

The dude ran up and like hit the bipolar girl. She like she had like a breakdown, and he.

Was like.

Yeah, ran after to be like hey, I just want to say bye bye, hit her, and then she just was like.

Wait, the dude, the dude hit the girl.

Yes, yeah, I don't think she slapped her.

I think, but I think, and you know, do what you will. But I do think that the reason it was kind of okay is because the guy was a gay guy. So they were like, oh, it's fine that he slapped her. I think that was what I'm gonna at least that was what what was what was what made it okay?

I think also in addition to that she was crazy right before.

But he chased her out to the car. He she was sitting down. He reached and it's not a slap on the side of the face. He like slapped her in the middle of the front of the face and then dipped And.

Dude, it was crazy. I love how topical we are. We're just on the pulse. Dude. That was game changing ship. That was reality the birth.

Don't get into David and Tammy. Was it David?

And that's the birth of reality television. That's crazy, that's crazy. We were there for that our old acid. That's sick. Are you a drug dealer? And then and now reality television is like dying.

Does anybody like reality I guess it's just it's just Instagram at this point.

Yeah, it's just all YouTube and Instagram other than.

Wait, you think reality TV is dying?

I mean, well unless it's like The Bachelor that or like, yeah, I think I think it's days are numbered. I do, I really do, because and I mean I know I'm saying this as Bravos like bigger than it's ever been, and and there's like these dating shows and stuff.

But uh, yeah, like love is Blind or whatever.

But I think there's a reason that maybe the dating shows are doing really well. Uh, but the shows that just follow people, I think and maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm wrong, but I just doing to personal I'm backtracking now because our producers are just chiming in with hitting shows.

This is smash Yeah.

I think. I think it's real zenith and it's going to.

Get at them.

It's science that's just actually looked up word of the day, but yes, it's it's reached the pinnacle and.

Nope, that's the word of the day. And the other one.

I think it's gonna die because now YouTube exists and people just watch that shit.

Yeah that's true, dude. I started watching these like this couple that just lives on a boat. Okay my doing. They're like, why forty minute episode cause I'm just like up late, and I'm like, well, actually not now, but like I'm in bed, I'm bored, and I like clicked on it once and now just feeds me that's your YouTube, like forty five minute episodes of this. People being like, well, guess what the kmmode is out again?

Gotta fix it?

Well, I told you didn't.

I I get that my YouTube out algorithm's hell of weird. I get all the like there's this thing where it's like franchises that have like gone downhill.

So it's like what happened to Quiznos? Or like, why is fud Rutgers dead? It's pretty interesting shit.

And why is fud Rutgers dead?

Yeah, please explain.

Well it got it got rial really hurt by COVID because you know, it's kind of like a buffet situation. You would dress your burger and as you know, after COVID, salad bars kind of disappeards sala bars. Yes, it was the big, big hit.

I just went back in Omaha's just there. This past weekend, I went to a bang went to a banging salad bar, and I was so pumped about it.

I love salad bars, but so fud Rutgers was about to die, completely die, and one dude was like, no, I love fud Rutgers.

I'm never gonna let it die. He bought it, and it's alive to this day, and it's just doing well, alive to this day. Three years later. To this day, it's like, yeah, like four years later, now you want definition of legend?

That is a legend, baby, shout out to that guy. I'm going to get his name and give him a big shout out.

Yeah yea.

And what does fud Rutgers mean? Is that a last name?

It was? It was? It's the person. Can you imagine food Rugger, bro, if your name.

Was Brett fudd Rutgers.

Fucking man. I'll tell you what you're gonna middle school is gonna be.

Like marrying into that.

I'm might have a lot of custom jerseys. I'm gonna have a lot of custom jerseys. I want fud Rucker across my back, Babies.

I'm gonna marry this man. Oh my god, Wendy, we're so excited. What's his name? Because it's gonna be your name.

It's okay, it's fud Ruckers. That's that's fun. No, No, that's fun.

You're gonna love it, Wendy food Ruggers.

Wendy. Nationality is a fud Rucker. It's gotta be Scottish. Where the fud Ruckers come from.

Gotta be Germans. It probably means it's probably some sinister ship in German. It's like the worst guy at the concentration camp.

He's sending the foot rooker.

Oh boy, takes if you do not want to be getting food Rocker. Oh yeah, I can't even get into the joke. Your fudt left that one fail.

Oh, just say it's Scottish. The name of the restaurant comes from a fictional airline. The name of the restaurant chain, fud Rockers Blake, You're a liar, uh, comes from the fictional airline fud Pucker World Airways, which was a joke among pilots and aviation enthusiasts. The restaurant was originally called Freddie fud Rutgers. Oh, I thought that was the dude's name. Nah. Nah.

So there's so many like weird left turns and that even in the explanation, it's like it comes from the fictional airline. This is a restaurant, fud Pucker World Airways, so that's not it. So it's not even fud Ruts So that's not fud Rutgers. No, right, And then they turned it into a restaurant, okay, and change.

Which was it was a joke. I'm on pilots and aviation enthusiasts, weird joke, fud Pucker World Airways.

I'm not laughing at all. Yeah, and I know comedy very well.

The restaurant was originally called Ready fud Ruckers. I thought that was his name, damn. So, I mean there's nothing. There's no like aviation theme to fud Ruckers. Is there fucking things? No?

Maybe the logo had something involved, but I don't think so. There was like cargo crates at the one.

I went to get the hat off, Adam, let's do our hair.

Yeah, you guys look great.


You kind of inspired me to just.

Watch on YouTube right now, Rucker, just get.

In there, shake it up a little bit.

Got it into haircut.

You look, you look Doucheku and fud Rutger got married. Thank you so much, dude. I got all fucking burnt. I was hunting this past weekend and just got roasted. Dude. Mm I was just outside for like twelve hours and no sunscreen. You kind of forget, and.

It was sunny. It was sunny, sunny but not hot, not hot, but not hot.

Right, not hot? Yeah, so you forgot.

It's it sneaks up on you, didn't it?

Those are rough burns. Jesus, how did the hunt go? Did you? Did you slay? Dude? I fucking I mean I I don't want to brag, Okay, but I will since you asked. I absolutely slayed. Okay, I got four. So a shotgun holds. My shotgun holds five bullets, five shells was a ton, and so, uh, five birds came up at once. I got four of those motherfuckers.

Dude, boom, I'm sorry, So you this is a this is a pump action, this is a this action.

Yeah, it was terminating style.

Okay, so you go chick chick. Boom, you get one chick Chillom, boom, you get another chick chick. You missed chick chick, you get one chick chick, you get another one.

No, I missed the fourth one. Okay, I got three. The fourth one hit the last one. Way to bounce back, brother, Way to bounce back?

How far are How far are they at this point when you're getting that last one.

Yeah, when you're really blasting him, not that far. Like they popped up fifteen feet in front of me, and then kind.

Of playing, oh you're just explode, trying to get I'm trying to give you credit here, you're like, actually they got closer.

Well, dude, they fly towards the noise.

The last one had his mouth over the barrel and I blues.

Honestly, it was It was embarrassing. Actually, when I was done, I was a little embarrassed because I thought they were going to fly the other direction back because when you hunt pheasant, you walk through the field. You're in a straight line. Sure, and you're in a straight line you walk the field. And they all jumped up right in front of me and then went to the left, and I was the person farthest to the left. They were fucking so there was no so I was the only one that could possibly shoot or else you're shooting to the line, which you can't do your friends obviously, because you'll murder your.

Friend, right, Yeah, you don't want to do it.

Yeah, that'd be up. So yeah, it was. It was crazy. It was absolutely insane. Dang, that's pretty cool. They flew your way. You got the like fucking butt one with your gun that show away.

Yeah, you just pistol whipped one.



So they just explode, right, that's not edible at that point if you're shooting him like point blank with a shotgun.

No, because it's buckshot.

So it just turns out, no, it would, They're they're edible Okay, you gotta just pull yeah. Yeah, you just find the little tiny pellets in your food every once in a while.

Just get a big magnet, wave it over it.

Just don't bite down too hard, buddy, I don't like it that sounds. Yeah, and the hunt was awesome, dude. There was this so my dad's best friend. He brought his two grandsons, and I thought these were gonna be like sixteen year old kids. I'm like, we like, smoke a bunch of weed, we party up there. I'm like, are they I don't want to be There were like twenty three year old guys that could kick our ass, you know. Yeah and uh, And they were totally. They were great guys, really enjoyed their company. They were super fun. Welcome back to the Hunt every year. But the one kid snored.

Adam wishes they were his doctor, go ahead.

Snored so fucking loud, dude, so loud that everyone's like, and they're the youngest one. Usually it's the old guys that have to have a fucking sea pat machine or some shit. Yeah, it was so painfully loud that I thought it was my friend who was there, so I'm yelling at him and I don't know this kid hardly at all. I met him earlier that day and I'm like, Matt, wake the fuck up.

They have twenty three year old names too.

Yes they do. I don't want to shout their names out, but they do.

That's awesome. You don't have to, but I just wanted to know. Yeah, yeah, that's great.

And so I'm screaming at my buddy Matt, and I'm like, Matt, wake the fuck up, wake up, wake up. I'm throwing that I get into my medication because it's the only thing I can find to throw, and I'm throwing pills at him from across the room. I get a pill of I get a pillow. I start hitting him, and I'm like, wake up. I'm like, roll over, roll over. Everyone's going like, just put the pillow over his fucking head. Just kill him, bro, fuck him, finish him. And this is I'm hitting him. I'm hitting him until I hear Matt go, dude, it's not me, and I go what and he goes, I'm next to him, it's that kid. And then and then I take my flash slight and it's this kid.

It's Grayson.

You're so close, dude, you're so close. You're so close, and I'm hitting him and I'm hitting him and I hit this kid like probably twelve times hard with the pillow and he does not wake up. He doesn't wake up. I go, I get ear plugs, I hand I hand ear plugs out to the guys. I'm like, I don't know, you know, I hit him so many times. We're wearing ear plugs. I still thirty minutes go by, I still can't fall asleep. I get up and I shake him viciously. I shake him to his head on the pillow, and then he wakes up and just stares at his pillow, doesn't look up at all, and just and then goes yeah and stares down at his pillow. And I'm like, hey, man, roll over or something. You're snoring so loud and he's just staring down and I just sort of sink back go to sleep, and I fall asleep before he starts snoring again. Yes, and wake up the next day and I go, dude, you were snoring so loudly, And he's like, why didn't you tell me to get up? And I'm like, are you kidding me? First of all, I shook you awake, And he's like wait, are you serious?

Are you serious?

And you have you have no idea how viciously I shook you? What the hell?

That's that twenty three year old sleep man? That's that good sleep where you you're sleeping for yourself nowadays.

He was drinking some some bush like tall boys too, so he was feeling kind of good. He's feeling pretty good. Okay, bush Master put his ass this leap.

Yeah, I feel like for me, I just remember Kyle Knuwachak. I don't know if you guys remember this guy.

I grew up with. Oh yeah, no, I used to know him back in the day, Terrible Snor.

Just sawing logs when we all crashed it at Gillian's place.


I don't think it ever slept in a room with him until at Gillian's place in New York. Yeah, yeah, and he was sleeping like on a chair and just snoring louder than anything ever.

It's terrible.

And you know, he also used to have night terrors too, so he would have that terrible snory and then he would like wake up from it and be like and grab a sword, like.

My fucking hair, my hair, fuck you dad. Yeah, and he'd be like oh my god, and you just have to hide under the blankets and I hope we didn't find you. He would scream, because I remember him getting up and yelling yeah, but I don't remember him screaming specifically my hair. My hair. Yeah, I remember one.

I'm at a sleepover when we were young, in like high school, him being.

Like, they're in my hair during my fucking hair. I was like, what is he talking about? Dude? It was really scary. Now do we think some of that is put on?

Let's give him a little like, I don't know, man, because because Kyle's his banana thing is put on?

No, it is no, because this was also this this was high school drinking.

So we're drinking like a lot.

I don't think you're waking up and going right into bits to impress people.

Yeah, right, how does this is a This is a teenager.

This is a teenager with terrible sleep apnea who just drink like, you know, a bottle of vodka, probably having some some real issues, mental.

Issues, you know, yeah, real real mental issues. Yeah, all right, because the banana thing is put on. I know he doesn't like bananas.

But I think the banana thing is exaggerated.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I think it is. Well, that's what I'm saying. I think like maybe I think he because I've seen him wake up and be like fuck water and then go back to sleep, but not go into a specific thing, right uh. And I was thinking maybe he woke up was doing his thing and then realized, like I got to pick a specific thing at least make it funny. You know, I'm in the moment, played up for the party.

And for Adam. If it's not specific, if it's just screaming at the top of the lungs not.

Enough, it's not as funny. It's funnier to say specifically, it's in my hair. You know, that's for sure.

That is funny. That is hilarious.

That's a good bit.

You invite people over just to see.

Isaac send us. Uh the Isaac looked up. I was talking with on the on the phone the other day. What would chat GPT say if if a conversation between Adam and Anders and.

It's the funniest thing I've ever heard.

Oh he told you, I've never heard this, Isaac send that our way. I would love to read part of that. Wait, this is your characters or just you from the no, just Adam Devine and anders home. It didn't say from work.

He prompted them to have a conversation, a conversation between Adam de Vine and.

Yes, and it wasn't from workaholics. It's just the names. It was just the nabel and the ideas.

Oh god, I can't even imagine where you guys begin is about muscles.

There's one with Blake too.

Isaac, wake up, I know, Isaac, where are you, dude? Get here? Yeah, dang, Isaac, God damn it, I'm looking.

I'm looking.

This is one of our later records. He might have gone to old man bed. Who knows.

I mean, honestly, it's at night. This is rare. It's not on his Chad GBT anymore. Well, that is true. It deletes after.

Then, how did you know? It's if you go to the thing, it's in the side. It catalogs it, It catalogs it. How did you read it to me earlier?

The cat But he did me and you as well, Blake and I guess we were like pretty with each other.

And I'm gonna hear this. Gosh, you said a really funny thing. And Isaac's just fucking pile driving in.

It dropping the ball and then Anders and I were like sort of beefeed with each other, which I think is kind of funny. Yeah, it's just nothing singers.

Dude, dude, I gotta hear I mean, I would love to hear this. I've actually, you know, I don't have many.

I don't even want to do it fake or not know it because it is it's just good. You just go yeah, yeah, pretty funny.

God damn it, Isaac. Wow, it's fun gonna be the funniest bit of TII.

Here's one it just made.

Here's one it just made. Okay, so Todd is did we So we don't know if this is good or not, but this is one that Todd just made.

Do we even want to do this? Adam? The other one's actually good and we know it's entertaining.

Yeah, I'm skimming through this and it's, oh, yeah, this is this is bad. What happened? What happened to chat GPT? But touching you was very funny with with Isaac's and by the way, we're saying, very funny. And then he's gonna send it and we're gonna make it not as good as I remember, But this one's not funny, So let's read it. This is the not funny version. I know it was on the edge of their seats. So Adam says, should I do? Uh, I'll do I'll play the role of Adam. Oh, this is fun you want to play? I guess yo onders. What's up? Man? How's live treating you after the whole Workaholics thing? Got any new projects? Cooking? Oh?

You know, just trying to stay busy. Been doing a bunch of writing lately. I don't know how you managed to stay so hyperactive all the time though, You're like a human red bull.

Hey, gotta keep up the gotta keep the energy up. Man. If I'm not doing something ridiculous, I'm napping like a weird, hyperactive sloth. But seriously, what are you writing a new sitcom? Or is it a dramatic role? You wear a lot of leather jackets.

Okay, so this is a pretty good Yeah, Oh there's more here you go, another jacket and no drama for me. Sticking to the comedy game, I'm working on something that might be a little darker though. I think like Workaholics meets Breaking Bad, but with less math and more bad decisions.

That's good. Oh that's good. I like that combo. But hey, let's be real. All right, let's be real. You're gonna have to do some wild physical comedy in it, you know, like throwing yourself into a table or getting hit in the face with the pie classic Honders.

Yeah, that's the real reason I got into acting. I just wanted to be the guy who accidentally gets slapped in the face with a pie or trips over a hoes for no reason.

Yeah, it's science. No, no, no, it's still going, it's still going.

I just feel like we should do an entire podcast written by this sometimes.

Honestly, though you were born for that slapstake stuff. I don't know if anyone could trip harder than you and still look cool doing it. Me, I'm just screaming flail.

Hey, flailing is a solid move, though you're a natural born flailer. I bet if you ever fell off a building, you'd make it look like a new dance move like the Adam Divine plummet.

Just give me a parachute and some DM music, I'm good to go. But speaking of new moves, dude, all right, dude, I like how we switch topics. Speaking to you, you really drive the conversation. I like that. Yeah, speaking seriously, what are you writing speaking of new moves? Dude? Are you still doing that thing where you try to convince people you're a professional chef. I remember you tried to make a cast role once on Workaholics and it was not good.

Don't remind me. I've still got the scars from that. I thought I could totally pull off a fancy cast role, but my skills are more like, here's a frozen pizza. Add some weird dobbings, you know, the real chef life.

Todd, Now, what was the did you say Adam Divine and I was home from Workaholics?

I think it just knows that this is all we talk.

About, and so can you make our conversation between Adam Devine and Honors home? Okay? Crazy?

Yeah, it's just so weird.

I thought that was less funny than what Isaac said.

No, Isaac wants better. It had like good jokes.

Actually, yeah, I thought I thought there was a couple. Yeah, it hit, it hit some things, but yeah, some of it I didn't really agree with. I don't think it really nailed the characters there. Well, Isaac's made us maybe too funny like each we all. It was constant. There was jokes happening like hey, you're stopping a bitch, you're nasshle.

And it kind of was. Isaac probably said, give me a conversation between Andors and Adam.

But funny, what if Isaac actually wrote it and he's just trying to push it off as chat GPT.

But he was like, I don't know where it is.

Yeah, oh no, Wendy, they found me out. I'm a secret comedy writer.

Can I tell you how much I know that's not the truth?

Yeah? No, absolutely, there's no possible I'm so there's absolutely, dude, no possible way. Out Of all of our producers and people that are on this call the zoom right now, Isaac would make the worst comedy writer. Correct. Hmmm, oh you found it? Thank you God? Yes, yes, okay, Isaac, you gotta put it in the chat, buddy. You can't just say you found.

It saved by the bell, all right.

I can't wait and just say you found it you guys and everybody at home who've been licking your job. Perfect wait, come on, okay, hear it go.

I can't wait. Okay, here's here's a playful imagining of a is this is this what you wrote? No? No, no, this is what Chad shot GPT said. Chat GBT says. Here's a playful imagining of a conversation between Adam Divine and Honors Home Anders. Be honest, do you ever look at me and think, wow, I'm just I'm lucky to know this guy.

I mean, not really, but I do look at you and think, wow, he's lucky to know me.

Uh, Classic Honors always so humble. You know, if I were as tall as you, i'd probably be an action star by now.

Yeah, because Hyatt is all that's holding you back, not the fact that you sound like you Inhale the helium balloon in every scene.

Fu you fuck fuck you bitch.

Don't know, don't you don't stray, don't spray?

Okay, page, Sorry dude, robot that Hey, that helium voice is my brand, which, by the way, I don't think I've said brand ever before, but you do know, hey, that helium voice is my brand. You're just jealous because no one's asking for Honors Home impressions.

Oh uh, No one's asking for random Divine impressions either, man. They're just stuck with you.

Oh, true, true, true. At least I bring the fun. You're like the dad at the barbecue who takes the grill way too seriously.

That's because I am the data of the barbecue, Adam, And someone asked to make sure you don't set the yard on fire.

Touche. But just so you know, if I ever do set the yard on fire, it'll be the funniest yard. They're the funniest thing you've ever seen.

And the last thing too, because I'm not bailing you out of jail again.

Yeah, but that was much more snappy, but it was. It was It was snappier dialogue with Yeah, Isaac, what did you what was the prompt there? Did you say? It's computer snappy dialogue? What is?


I think he wrote in I'm lonely write a conversation between my two favorite people, and it already knew it was us, dude.


Maybe it's because do you use like a Dell or something that that might be a del that that pumps that out?

Uh? Is there Dell computers anymore? M that's a YouTube video. I bet I got to check that out, The Fall of Dell. When do you guys? Adele? Thank you, great singer yeah, I already did it.

Rumor has a joke back to off?

Okay, all right, sorry, yes, what is a conversation between Adam Devine and honors Home?

Okay, that's a weird way of one. That was awesome a conversation.

Yeah, uh, two people, these two people talking. It was sassy.

I like how chat GPT had to be like, all right, guys, I think I know what this dude means. Let's get something going.

All right, serious thought, but you got alright other chat GPT. That's got Isaac's back. Isaac's back.

All right, hey, ones, get over here, zeros, line it up. We need everyone in order SNL. You're welcome.

What else I wonder has Isaac tried to chat GPT? Dude? I would love to see I was just about to say that I would love to see his history of what he's put into chat GPT. How to explain the birds and the bees to my boy, that's not bad actually. How to have a conversation with Blake m Yeah, what's up, bro nar Dog? What's up? Nardog? How are you what's chilling?

What is a nard dog?

Are you chilling? Are you chilling?

Braje Man? Any take backs? Any other prompts for GPT.

Yeah, if you guys want any Uh, well, I suppose they could do the prompts at their own house.

What's a diplomatic attache, that's what you asked at, Isaac.

Well, yes, I mean he did because we just were in DC the other weekend doing that American Valor thing and my buddy is a diplomatic attache for Kuwait. Yeah, so he's going to be in Kuwait doing that, and we were both like, He's like, yeah, I'm gonna be an atta. But both of us were like totally absolutely, And that's a cool job, right, He's like such a cool job, And we're like, for sure, you're gonna attached the fuck out of that. You're gonna be attached there, hip. Yeah, get your And by the way, what is it, Isaac, what is a diplomatic at No one knows.

I broke chat.

Fuck. Yeah. By the way, I heard I read a thing and by reading ahead applause Now, it was just uh, it was on It was just on an Instagram page. Oh god for you. Apparently every prompt for chatchy BT is like pouring out a thing of water. Did you see this as well? Yeah, I have been seeing that. What is that? What does that mean?


How does it use water? I don't understand, because you have to cool the computer? How they cool the Yeah? The servers?

What really tell you something? Guys? Can I tell you something?

I don't even know what that means? Sure?

What do you so?



But also like can't you you could? Hey? Can't we just cool it because it's not touching the servers? Because then, yeah, it is, it's touching the servers. Water science.

They're pouring water. Why don't they like recycle the water like a fountain.

Yeah, I believe that they are submerged servers that are kept cool in the cool water, I believe.

Why do you have to keep it? So? Why are they pouring it? Why is it like pouring it out?

Because it's it's so hot that it's evaporating, Like that's the equivalent of evaporating. I don't know, that's what it takes.

Like boiling. I guess I'm learning something, but.

I don't know. I'm assuming And I don't think you can do it with salt water because then it's a corrosive that it's important.

But what about dukie water?

Oh dude, yeah, sewage? We need you maybe, yeah, some chum.

I guess. I'm just kind of like, all right, yeah, that's what it's doing now. But in five years it's gonna it's gonna use one ounce or half an ounce, you know what I mean, Like, the these things just get better.

This is so weird. I'm sure it sucks, right, it's so weird.

And we we have to have these chat GBT scripts because as you can see, they're fucking amazing.

Oh hey, dude, by the way, I feel like I just started to dip my toes into chat schipy tea. It's fucking fun cool, it's really nice. Yeah. Oh yeah, I heart AI. Oh dude, I turned. I flipped the script so hard on AI. I'm like, ah, yeah, I love it. Dude.

After you saw that video urs, did you send us the one where it was like a cat getting all buff and shit?

That was sid Yeah.

The AI art is just like it's my entire Instagram discovery speed now is like people like rubbing wet creatures or like giant fish things landing on like a boat in Japan.

Like it's crazy. I'm still like hot chicks and uh, muscular guys flexing. Oh dude.

Yeah, but those are getting pushed out by like the weird like mud skipper alien thing.

You don't have to answer, But have you masturbated to AI humans yet?

No? Masturbded? No, No, you don't have to answer it. Masturbated?

No, what does that mean?


What does that mean? No? Why do keep saying masturbated? So you did something else? You don't have to answer. I've looked it up.

I've made one for sure. I've been like, well what, but I've never been like, well now, I'm gonna grind on it.

But you can. You could make it. You could make like hot naked hey people on chat ChiPT You don't have to answer, yeah I didn't. You don't have to answer. You could make your own.

Pornos adam you got if you're not watching YouTube, he left, He's god, he just papers because eyebrows are still.

Spinning his headphones on.

Oh my god, you didn't know that?

Oh my god?

Any take backs, any apologies and a bit slam.

Oh man, I've had so much and I really like doing late night pods.

It feels good.

Really tell me more.

I just feel like I get a little loose, you know, wake up a little bit. It feels good. It feels good.

You wake up a little bit at night, Yeah.

A little bit, start to start to feel the werewolf of Ride.

I wake up by ten I wake up a little.

Bit, a little bit, a little bit by ten pm.

Huh, wake it up a little bit.

Uh and a problem, baby, I have no take backs to, no apologies. You know what I'm gonna do on Saturday. I'm going to the F one Race in Vegas. Oh, very nice.

Is this a yearly thing they do there?

Yeah? I think this is the second year.

I think they're really building it out now though, Like I see a lot of people going and it's looking like a function.

I mean it's an Instagram pr fucking to the max.

Oh yeah, it's gonna be nice. Yeah. I think it's party city, baby, I think so.

I think they say that the most like millionaires or billionaires land are in that one vicinity out of time than any other time.

In the world or something. Here we go, gay, Yeah, I might be compared maybe.

And which one do you want to be bro? Which one do you want to be look out for? Michael Jordan? Is that the one that he shows up to?

It could be a total cluster fuck. I don't know. I hope they will learn their lesson from last year. But we'll see. I have fun, have fun, but also be critical. The bummers is I'm not drinking still, so yeah, yeah, that's gonna be boring. Yeah, so I'll still have fun, but you know I'm not with The annoying thing is the race doesn't start till ten pm, and that's when I started to wake up a little bit. So I like that, right, that's right? Like that. So then so then it's done I think around midnight or twelve thirty somewhere in there, and then people are going to be all riled up and wanting to go out, obviously, But I'm not gonna want to go out at one am in Vegas if I'm not drinking. Yeah, that's gonna be tough. I'm not gonna want to. Yeah you might need to take a bunch of edibles.


Yeah, then I'm definitely not gonna want to go out. I'm like shivering. Why is anyone looking at me? I'm terrified?



But maybe you can give yourself like a cool purpose. Oh like maybe sell drugs.

Just go on a mission. Yeah no, just.

Like bring a bunch of cocaine. And sell it instead.

That would that'd be something different.

Yeah, and like that's cool. You tell your tell your son Daddy's coming home with a million dollars.

Or walk the track baby, do a little hooking. Yeah, get out there. Oh that's interesting. These are great options.

Yeah did the doctor say you can hook?

But he didn't say anything.

He didn't say you couldn't.

He didn't say anything about not hooking.

Yeah, okay, all right, he said this butthole is clean enough rooking.

Holy moly, you are a great wiper, brother. Hey, just wroll.

I'm back here. I'm impressed, and I'm wondering if you've done any hooking.

You ever walk the track, cause if you haven't, you should start. I'm still gonna say that, beautiful, beautiful buttle.

Everything looks good back here. You're ready to hook?

Excuse got a beautiful baby butthole. Beautiful baby butthole.

That is a thousand dollars.

But just manhandle my cock and get it over with it? Right, But Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, take back some apologies?

All right?

Well I do I do want to give a special shout out to Isaac, who finally sent me my and this is not an ad. But I do have load boost in hand. I haven't yet to crack it open. But maybe maybe we'll say that for next pot when I start, when I started getting on the boost, get boosted.

Let me know, Hey, next pot, I'll be recording live from Tokyo, Japan.

Okay, So the next pot is gonna be.

Fun canechi wah bitches ge wo. So I want the soundboard to like that. Please use the scretion.

So are you gonna have days off? You're going to get a go You're gonna get to go out and about.

Yeah, I leave some No, I leave a Sunday for my Sunday, and then I got like three or four days before I work, So I'm gonna just be fucking shopping. Hello.

Oh hey girlfriend, But I kind of have family there.

I'm gonna try and find catch up with them.

Wait you do Wait what you're Japanese? Hang on? I always knew something about you.

What the hell, let's just say I'm a little bit Japanese guys. Uh No, there's like a step brother on MM side who lives.

There, so oh cool, and he's gonna show you. You guys are going to paint the town. Does this guy paint towns or what does this guy do?

Yeah, I mean he formally painted towns for sure. I mean he's a father of two or three now, So like, you know, you might paint like we might paint like a restaurant.

That's cool.

You know, we might paint like a booth booth at a sushi place.

That's cool. That'll be fun.

That would be we paint each other. I don't know what they do there.

Real fun, dude, have fun. Yeah, lots of fun stuff.

I can't wait. It's been ten years or so.

Damn, that's sick. That's like my number one.

I remember those shoes you got there, You've been there right at.

Them, Yeah, a couple of times. Now.

Oh yeah, I'm gonna find some shoes for sure.

Oh baby, so much.

I got some real funky, funky nikes that nobody would know about.

I can't wait. I remember, I remember.

Those shoes kind of ugly. They were in a few photo shoots. So we did homeworks. They're moving lava dome.

You're very proud of those, and I thought they were very cool.

This is the way. I can't wait to get some more shoes that nobody likes.

Well, have fun, safe travels. Yeah, and I can't wait to hear all of it. And that was another episode. Oh, they're gonna have to learn to say that in Japanese.

Turning Japanese, I really think so. I was hoping you'd blast that one, but no, I got, I got want you go ship in the water?

What what was it? I don't make in these style migo that Japanese. I don't know. Actually I know, Banger, I give money. I'm a star star

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