One of our parents is getting FOMO from the school Whatsapp, but why? Another mum is thinking laterally to entertain her kids at home, and what's the difference between dog chocolate and real chocolate? Does it matter?
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Host: Annaliese Todd & Stacey Hicks
Producer: Thom Lion
Audio Producer: Lu Hill
Mamamia acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the Land we have recorded this podcast on, the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation. We pay our respects to their Elders past and present and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures.
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Mamma Mia acknowledges the traditional owners of land and waters that this podcast is recorded on.
Parents Anonymous.
Welcome to this glorious mess. I'm annals Todd. I'm a single mum and currently held together by coffee, raisin, toast and dry shampoo.
And I am Stacey Hicks. I'm the deputy editor at Mamma Mia and I've basically warned Pajamas to work today because I refuse to believe that we're back.
I wanted to say something, but given that you are other than this podcast, you're technically my manager, I didn't feel it was safe to say until we were in the podcast studio and recording that.
Were we're peers in here.
Yes I've done in pajamas. It's blue and white stripe.
Yes I did get told I was giving B two's. I'll take that fashion note on board. Thank you very much.
Aligned to pre Welcome back to parents Anonymous.
This is your safe space where you can confess your worst parenting moments and will make you feel better about them because we are absolute hot messes ourselves.
Yes, on parents Anonymous, you share those embarrassing sometimes shameful stories you haven't even told your friends.
Yeah, and then we soothe that shame because we'll give you points based on our very chaotic point system. But usually the worse you are, the higher you get rated. So there are no losers.
No, the worst parent you are, the better points you receive. Exactly, you can't lose, you really can't.
And in each episode we'll always give you one of our mini confessions.
Ours are as juicy as the ones you guys send us, but they're just a little evidence of what shameful parents we are. So you feel you're in.
A safe space seeing who got you understood.
We're hopeless. It's all fine, it's fine. So do you want to go with yours first? Tell us what you've done.
So, Stacy, we are in the thick of the school holidays.
Ah, we are thoughts and prayers from someone whose child is still in daycare.
Yeah, I love that for you. So look, I can't complain because mine are at tween age. And as I've talked about on this glorious Mess, we're doing a roster system where with my girlfriends on the days I do have my kids, we're doing different base camps at different houses where the tweens go to a base. Last week it was my base day. It was a Friday, and my eldest son splintered off into his own base camp left the building. So I had two nine year olds, and I thought this is going to be harder. So I invited two twelve year old girls over who are my elder son's friends, and they became the head babysitters.
Love this thinking.
They took them to the movies, they took them to the park, they took them out for lunch.
How did the nine year olds feel about it?
They loved it really because they didn't think that they were being babysat. They just thought they were hanging out two slightly older peers. But my confession is that on the way back, I also just slipped into the older girls. Would you mind picking out my dry cleaning?
Hey, this is just smart. Yes they're there, Yes, they'll feel super grown up and responsible. Love it.
And I paid for their movie snacks, which, as it turns out, is not very cheap labor. It was sixty four dollars because they took my card and I.
Didn't get in a limit that's basically professional limits. So you've paid for a professional EA for the day, so you might as well get your dry cleaning on the way.
Okay, I feel better, think, Yeah, you're welcome.
I'm here to back you in all your questionable choices. Well done, Thank you for your service. What is yours? Mine is I've just been away on a two week, very lucky two week family holiday with the extended fam That meant, you know, big beach day every day, and with a toddler.
You know that comes with a truckload of stuff.
Like you can't just grab a towel and go, and.
You can't just lie down and read a book.
You have to watch them near water. It didn't open a single page of a book week awful. No reading was done. But on one day I just wanted to go to the beach on my own. I just wanted to do the thing where you grab your keys and your towel. I live very far from the beach normally, so wanted to enjoy it. She wanted to come. She saw me in my swimmers. Mum, mummy, we're going to the beach. No, sorry, buddy, the beach is closed. I'm just wearing this because I've run out of the clothes. The beach is closed. You're definitely not allowed. I'm just popping to the shops, which she finds boring. Didn't come with me. I went and had a lovely little drawn to my own and she missed out on the beach that day. Is that bad? It's not that bad.
Look you know what, I'm gonna say.
That it was inauthentic. I should have been honest with my child. She's three. You can't reason.
Yeah, okay, and no core memories. As we've talked about before, five, lying I do now.
Is harmless, exactly. It's fine. It's fine. Until she listens to this. This will be sent to the therapist.
I'm sure.
Yeah, that's years away. That's the latest stay future me problem. It's fine.
Well, I I am actually really aligned with this lie. Thanks got me time. Oh my god, And so you should thank you. I hope you read a book and didn't watch the water and it was great. That was great. Take me back three year olds of pain. They are so this show does not exist without your guilty confessions. So we'd love it if you left us a voice note, or if you want to be fully anonymous. We actually really enjoy insufferably reading them out for you.
We do.
It's part of the joy for us. Yes, so thank you to the people who continue to send us confessions because it brings joy in an otherwise bleak existence that we live.
It does, we love it. And on today's show, our mystery confessions that we haven't heard yet are WhatsApp Fomo, dog lollies and DIY theme park.
Sounds like that a liar like you. Yes, love a little lie. All right, let's go, let's go. Confession number one, what's fomo? My son is heading into year six this year, and I don't know any parents' names. I've always worked full time. He also has no interest in having kids from school over in the holidays, as he has other friends outside of school. I feel so disappointed in myself that he'll be graduating at the end of the year and I don't know anyone. I look at the mother's groups and WhatsApp chats, and I'm jealous of the friends other mothers have made at school. But they just tell me how annoying WhatsApp chats are they are. I wish I had time to make friends with the parents, which may have changed his mind to hang out with other kids from school on the holidays. Am I a bad parent?
Oh, darling, No, you're know you.
Booked and busy. She's busy. But also it's the last year of primary school. It's too late, do you know what? Yeah, too little, too late. Don't worry about them. These people are dead to us now. Unless their child is coming to high school with your child, zero effort is required. Don't worry about it now. It doesn't matter. The horse is well and truly bolted. It's mass And also like he's got friends from other schools, and then he goes to high school and he'll make new friends, so it really doesn't matter.
She might be able to have a reinvention when this child goes to high school. She might be the most social parent there.
She could just enter as the chatty Kathy's as we've talked about on this grace mess, what sort of school parent? You could just reinvent yourself and enter the high school scene and pretend you're the most sociable person on the planet if you want.
But I would question, actually, as you've said, what's apps notoriously annoying? All of the updates about all of the things.
Where's little Johnny in school? Hat?
Like we all think we want to be included. We think we want to be in there and be one of those super involved mums in all those chats. And that's great for the people who genuinely do. But if you haven't been up until this point, maybe that's just not for you.
It's just not your vibe.
And your kid sounds like a vibe that he's also like, No, I'm not bothered by them. I've got these friends I like. He sounds nonchalant like you.
The only thing I'd say that she's missing out on because you know, she says he's no interest in having kids from school over in the holidays. That's a miss because, as I just revealed in my confession earlier, they can pick up you dry cleaning. Yeah, that's true. True, that's probably one sort of downside there that you might want to encourage some friends in high school to come over so they can do some errands or for you. Highly recommend very efficient that network. Especially when you work full time, you need to really outsource and children are a great resource for that very use.
But I have felt this as well, even with daycare, because I don't do the drop offs and pick ups. I work far from where we live. So I never do them. I picked her up one time and the cook went, oh, we never see you, how are you? I was like, I'm sure that was meant in a nice way, but it did make me feel like a very slack mum. So I understand the feeling of feeling like you've let yourself down and not be there. But actually it's just because you are providing for your son and doing what needs to be done. So don't worry about it.
I think this is fine, and it's too late as well.
It's the last late focus on next year and make a few little phoning befriend than Nicole.
Yes the organizer.
Yes, she actually just needs little effort. It's about being tactical here.
She's the friend rip, she's on the PNC. She knows all the dates, all the things.
Yeah, so then you'll know all the info and get all the goss with minimal effort from you to see there as a little sidekick.
Befriend and Nicole in high school is our parting words of advice and wisdom Stacy Hicks In terms of rating this and scoring, Yeah, what you go first, I'm still room.
I'm feeling the guilt. This is something I feel a lot of as you know famously on the show, always feel guilty about not being good enough mum, and I think you shouldn't feel like that. It's fine. But also because of that, you're not that bad. So I would generally rate this version low because they're a good mum even worrying about it. So for me, you're going to get four group chats out of ten. I think you saved yourself a lot of time.
I agree they're not a bad parent. No, it sounds like their son does have friends, just not at the school that they go to. And again it's probably just a miss for you missing out on some outsourcing opportunities in school holidays, having other children around. And so for that, I'm going to rate you five dry cleaning tickets out of ten.
Yeah, so well done on scoring so low.
Basically you're fine.
And so the second confession today is called dog lollies. My kids have the biggest sweet tooth, so do I I can police it when at home and what snacks I send them to school, but have the hardest time in the lolly isle at the supermarket. They always try to sneak things in the trolley whenever I have to take them shopping with me. I'm constantly pulling stuff out of the trolley, but then they try to sneak it back in at the checkout all the time, and there is always at the register of the chocolate bars and the chewing gum. So I have told them that the checkout chocolate is actually dog food and that seems to have worked.
How old they must be, little?
I love this. You're going to use this. I'm going to use it. This is getting implemented this Saturday. My daughter asked me for this.
This is brand stacy here. It is lying to children harmlessly.
Made me sound like the Gridge, But harmless little lies like this are genius. Like there's very little time where we feel like we've got the upper hand on our children, particularly when they're this age. So when you have these little lies that you can use, I think, use it until you can't until they figure it out.
Hmm, Well, you know what I'm going to say.
She's going to say, guys, it's a lack of inauthenticity.
No, it's not a lack of it is too much. Yes, it's inauthentic to create these lies and illusions. First of all, why do you take your children to the shops. You can just shop online and remove the entire face.
That is true the ic. I'm too lazy to do the online shopping thing too.
It requires no effort. You can do it from the couch and your pajamas with a glass of wine.
I feel like they'll give me weird bananas or like a rock hard avocado, like it annoys me, like I want to be able to go and pick those things myself. Anyway, we digress. She's taken the kids. They want all the chocolate. She's had to come up with a good tactic, and I think this is bloody brilliant.
I don't agree. I don't think it's full proof. And I think that this lie is very very close to becoming undone, and she'll be exposed for the liar and the deceit that she's bringing to these children.
Only when they learn to read, and that could be years off. Who knows, these could be three year olds.
Okay. I feel like that there's some life lessons here that these children are missing out on, and that is than hearing though, and so for the lack of resilience, for the lack of life training, for the inauthenticity, it's bad parenting, and so therefore it gets eight kitkats out of ten from me.
See, I'm rating them high because I bloody love it. So you get nine dog bar biscuits out of ten from me. Well done?
All right, Moving right along Confession number three diy theme park. My kids have been begging me to go to a water theme park like Wet and Wild. We live in regional New South Wales and to go to the big Queensland theme parks is just a little bit out of budget for us. For these Christmas holidays just gone, we went away to a caravan park and I saw on the website that they had a water ride play equipment sort of thing that also had a slide that went into the pool. So I convince my kids that not only were we going to Wet and Wild, we were staying there too and they could go on the water rides every day. It worked, and now I am mom of the year.
I love it. See it's just more of this creative parenting. You need to hop on board. Stop being so au think about everything. Just a few little eyes.
Look, I would say that arguably a slide into a pool, especially if they're small, that is as big and as good as it gets, and you arguably would be too little for the rides at Wet and Wild or whatever they're called.
Yeah, I'm too scared of half the rides at Wet and Wild.
Some of them are terrifying.
In the tunnels and all.
The oh yeah no that No.
I feel this caravan sounds like, oh, you need it. If they're believing the lie, if they're not old enough to be googling images of Wet and Wild, I think you're in the clear. And this is great. This is really one of those holidays they really remember.
They're over five. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Because we've talked about the core memory. I feel like the reason I'm not as offended by this lie is it just comes down to branding. Yeah, they've just lied about the brand name of the venue. That's true. And so I don't feel so bad about this one. I don't feel torn about the inauthenticity levels.
And I think it is still giving your kids like a really beautiful experience, Like you don't need the big, flashy theme parks and the big international interstate holiday.
And you don't need disney Lands, no, No, just a good old caravan park with a lot of slime.
I love that. Then they thought she was Mom of the Year for giving them something that was within their budget. I think it's beautiful.
Yeah. So I'm torn now because i don't feel like this is bad parenting. I'm not offended by the inauthenticity of the brand name Lie. I'm not offended.
Done to this, mummy.
I've really slid in on the slight gap an ale sleeves for lies punintenders. Yes, yes, oh, I don't know. You go first, because I still need to think about this.
I think it's really lovely. It's made my heart warm that you've done this. I think you get ten slides out of ten, bloody, brilliant, little harmless lie happy memories made. No har I'm done.
I just don't think that in the spirit of our point system.
That's true. Really, she should be getting a one from me.
Does extent change from minute to me?
It does? It does? I told you it was chaotic.
It's chaotic, it's vibes. I'm torn because I feel like this is not bad parenting. No, especially in these cost of living crisis times. It's Meghan Markle. It's elevating a ordinary to extraordinary.
We love Megan, We love Megan. Thank you, Meghan. So what's your points?
So for being topical with Meghan Markle and her upcoming Netflix show and for really turning ordinary moments into extraordinary moments of connection and joy as Meghan does. I think I'm going to have to give them nine point five slides out of lovely. So we had WhatsApp fomo, which was that she hadn't made any friends at school. It was year six and it's too late. But we also gave her a strategy of how to enter high school rebrand next year.
It's absolutely fine.
Yeah, and find in all confession to again I wasn't a fan of because I love it the inauthenticity of lying and also just impractical do online shopping and also teach your children the valuable lesson of hearing.
No no love it. Continue with the life well.
Done and the DIY theme park, which was just really a slight rebrand of a name.
I think they're our winner. Well done.
I think Megan, we'd love Meghan wins for the elevating.
Ordinary caravan You've created magic. Congratulations and that brings us officially to the end of Parents Anonymous today, But Annelie's will be back on Monday for another episode of this glorious.
Mess, and next time on Parents' Anonymous stay. I'll leave you with a little titbink. Please do pun intended breastfeeding competition.
Oh god, I had feelings already. So if you've got a confession, we'd love to hear it. Please send us your direct shame. All the details are in the show notes.
See you next time we are