Keeping Your Marriage Strong
Willow Creek pastor Dave Dummitt to step down, Shawn Williams named successor Plumbline Faith on X: "In the New Testament, “church” is not a meeting or a “service.” Nor is it a building, a staged event or spectator seating. Rather, it’s a local community of people who participate together in servi…
Where Is Happiness Found?
Christianity Today on X: "Should church buildings be more “churchy”? A recent survey shows most Americans want religious spaces that feel more timeless and transcendent, less trendy and modern." / X Wendell on X: "Always a powerful reminder of the reason we are saved: becau…
What Can We Learn About Jesus From The People Who Were Around Him?
Dan White Jr. on X: "Jesus had a Tax Collector and a Zealot on his core team — political arch enemies. This choice makes absolutely no sense organizationally. But when you think about this transformationally, it turns the world upside down!" / X Fascinating on X: "The 20 Most Famous Last Words of …
Caring Network - Reach Her First
Caring Network
Cultural Christianity: Is It Good Or Bad?
The Gospel Coalition on X: "Cultural Christianity: The Good, the Bad, and the Inadequate" / X Evan Wickham on X: "Can you imagine if the church treated gluttony, inhospitality or forgetting the poor with the same intensity and intentionality as how it treats sexual sin? That's what YHWH wants us t…
What provides stability in the midst of chaos?
‘I Would Ask You To Reconsider’—Carl Lentz Offers His Thoughts on Fallen Pastors Returning to Ministry Too Quickly Want to Hear From God? Stop Drowning in Distractions Confronting Christianity with Rebecca McLaughlin on X: "God’s love is not bound by our past but by His essence.…
Rachel Faulkner Brown - Director of Never Alone Widows
Bret Eckelberry, Contributor at Plugged In
Richard Gamble – Founder of Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer, UK
Laine Lawson Craft, bestselling and award winning author, Warfare Parenting Podcast Host