Origin of You by Mindy Meng Wang 王萌 and Sui Zhen is a highly personal musical exploration of lived experiences of migration, motherhood, grief and reconnecting with identity.
The album uses three central motifs: 空 (Kōng), or Emptiness; 疼 (Téng), or Pain; 气 (Chi), sometimes known as ‘Energy’ to explore these stories.
Live at The Wheeler Centre, Wang and Zhen came together with host Eugenia Lim to talk about their craft, the origins of their collaboration and the importance of storytelling.
This event was recorded on Tuesday 26 March 2024 at The Wheeler Centre.
Origin of You is out now via Music in Exile: https://musicinexile.bandcamp.com/
Featured music is ‘Watch My Mum Dance’ by Mindy Meng Wang 王萌 and Sui Zhen (Recorded live at The Wheeler Centre)