TuesdayTakeOver: Profile

Published Feb 22, 2023, 2:17 PM

Late last year, the University of Johannesburg appointed its deputy vice-chancellor, Professor Letlhokwa George Mpedi, as the new Vice-Chancellor and principal. He will step into his new role next week Wednesday, on the 01st of March. Announcing Mpedi’s appointment, the UJ council said the panel were impressed with his commitment to continuing with the university’s strategic objectives and its values of transformation, social justice, and environmental sustainability.

Until his appointment as the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Academic in 2021, Mpedi was the executive dean of the Faculty of Law at UJ. In January 2018, he was elected to the Board of Governors of the International Association of Law Schools (IALS). In 2017, Mpedi was awarded the Titans: Building Nations, Continental Award for Education and Training: Academic. Earlier that year, he walked away with both the South African and SADC Regional awards in this sector. He completed his B Juris degree in 1996 and LLB degree in 1998 at Vista University. He holds an LLM in Labour Law from the Rand Afrikaans University (now UJ) and an LLD in Mercantile Law from UJ.

Guest:  Letlhokwa Mpedi Vice-Chancellor at the University of Johannesburg] 

 #TuesdayTakeOver: Guest Interview

Law and Justice in South Africa

Guest: Mbuyiseli Madlanga ] Position AND org.: [• Judge of Constitutional Court ]