Vince Carter previews the NBA Dunk Contest, offers ideas on how to fix the dunk contest and get stars to compete. Vince reveals how he never practiced his iconic elbow dunk, and how the NBA offered him $1,000,000 to compete in the dunk contest against LeBron, Kobe & T-Mac. Plus, potential landing spots for Russell Westbrook and Kevin Love out of the buyout market and Tiger Woods is back!
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The VC Show is presented for the people by Caesar Sportsbook, the greatest sports betting app of all times. Download it, but you must be twenty one or older. The BP Show, Let's go doing the part with Rod. We got the sports on Dick for all the youngs, whether it is big news, hot topics, updates, straight fact, storytelling, breakdown, a special guest. BC Show, Let's go, It's time to turn it down. BC Show, Let's go. Welcome to the VC Show, presented by Caesar Sports Book on Omaha Audio. I'm Ben Carter. Tap it in to preview the NBA All Star Weekend. Yes, All Star Weekend is weekend is here. We're gonna talk about the ladies of grades and hoops, sports and beyond. You know, Roz is working, She's busy, She's doing what Roz does. So we got to get shout out to Rob thought on what it always But you know, when Rod's not here and I get to tap in a little bit, we talk a little other sports. Don't tell her even though I know she's gonna be watching this. But yeah, let's get it started. Where do we go? Let's go straight to All Star Weekend. Like I said, it's here, I'm interested and to see how All Star Weekend turns out once again. You always think of iconic moments. I know people are like, yeah, yeah, I do too. I think of iconic moments for me, not only just dunk contests, but the All Star Game three point contests, and this year two of my former There's probably more. There's so many guys in the three point contest, but first time participant Kevin Herder is in the three point contest, so I want to show him. So love Julius Randalls in the three point contest, which is interesting to me, but I watched him play a couple of nights ago versus the Hawks, and he wasn't hesitating. I think he was working on that three ball because he was letting him fly. And in this buddy heel a guy who's been there before, and right now he's my favorite. I think Kevin Hurder will do well once he gets past his nerves. I know keV like I do. Once he gets past his nerves, he'll be okay. But let's talk about the dunk contest. My guy, Shaden Sharp from the Portland Trailer Blazers, pulled out of the dunk contest to focus on the second half of the season. But hmmm, I really want to know why. I know, I just what I just said. He pulled out because he's wanted to focus on the Dunk Contest, I mean, on the second part of the season. But I really want to know why. Don't we all want to know why. I want to know why. Yeah, but I respect it as well. We talked last week about the Dunk Contest, Superstars not participating in the Dunk Contest, and you know, I would love to see Superstars participate in the Dunk Contest. And I know the way social media is today and how guys think and how they are. They're worried about, you know, legacy, reputation, what could be said if you win, I mean if you lose, obviously, what could happen to you if you win? But like, you don't know what happens unless you go out there and do your thing. I mean, I think at the end of the day, you want to just earn respect to the people by putting on the show. Show you know what you have to offer. But it is what it is. Man. It was a dream come true, an opportunity for me. So I hope one day soon we start to see some of the superstars, you know, get back in it. And we have more than four contestants, but I'll get into that shortly. Matt McClung, one of the guys in the dunk contest gen leaguer now is a part of the seventy six ers, was called up. Congratulations to him. He said, I have it here. He said, there's at least two dunks. I know that has never been done in any contest, and hopefully he's able to make them. So my reaction to that is, I love it. I love it. I love the fact that you're coming with something new, something fresh, something we haven't seen, where people can go back in the yard and try it. As I read that, I was trying to think, now, like what could he do, what hasn't been done, what haven't we seen. I mean, there's dumps out there by non NBA players that you see on social media doing some crazy stuff, and he has that ability to do some crazy stuff. I've seen his video. I've seen around so yeah, Mac, I've seen you. I know, I got my scouting report on all of these guys. I happen to run into another contestant and you know, introduced myself as my first time meetium and I just you know, gave my two cents and you can see the nervous energy in his reaction. Actually it was Dominique and I were talking to the to the I'll tell you to Jericho Sims and you can see the nervous excitement and energy and then open Topping comes over as well, and we're just kind of just encouraged, encourage him, you know, just giving him my thoughts. I know, Dominique is a contestant. I'm sorry, Dominique is a judge. So for Jericho to have Dominique, you know, not only a two time champion, myself a champion, Obie Topping has been a part of it as a champion. He's getting some advice and I just think he was just like overwhelmed. It was a cool moment. Uh. You know, I wish I obviously had that opportunity for everyone, but I was like, hey, man, just go be you have fun, showed the world who you are and what you can do. That's that's kind of my message to all of these guys outside of you know, obviously the goal is to win it, but to show the people what you what you can do. I mean this is a great opportunity to make us splash on the national stage because everybody loves All Stars. Saturday Night. Sundays are cool, don't get me wrong, but everybody's watching Saturday Night, particularly what the dunk contest. I know. I've heard people say it's been water downs, not the same. There's people who's been blamed for the dun Dunk contest not being what it was. Whoever, that may be why they do that, I don't know, but you know, I will say this, if I could change the dunk contest, or if I could make adjustments some adjustments that I would make, I just I just keep it simple, honestly. I like to go back to the old school, the way it was, like you go to how the dunk contest was originated. Said it before and I'll say it again. Yep, I go dump. It's your turn, top top that can you beat that out? Do me? I think it brings out the competitiveness of it. Yes, everybody's still rooting for each other, blah blah blah whatever, but I feel like it's you know, we had the wheel, we had time limit, which I definitely I hope they never do that again. I'm not really one for endurance dunking. That's that's the way I consider that. You get a you get a was it a minute, forty seconds? Whatever? It was forty seconds or a minute, is what I'm saying. And you either have you have you can make it, get its make as many dumps as possible, or get it, make a dunk in forty seconds or whatever. I just this this too gimmicky. Let's just go roll the ball out there. It's your turn. A boom, I do my dump? Can you top that? And yes, he's still judged, and you still go through the order as you do. But I think that's to be the mentality and the approach, and I think you'll get the best out of these players. Put a little more money on the line. I think it's still twenty five thousand, and that's still a nice check, don't get me wrong, But you want to try to lure in some of the best dunkers, athletes, whatever you choose, the superstars that have this ability, you gotta try entice them with a little more money on the line. Obviously, these guys are making crazy money, so twenty five thousand, you know that's nothing to them these days. Maybe you should bump it up to seven fifty million. Why not. You're bringing in enough money, you have enough eyeballs on the game, and you will definitely get even more money and more eyeballs on the night if you start to lure in some of these guys. And I'm sure they've tried. I know for a fact some years back, Uh, the NBA tried to to this tactic as far as upping the anny a little bit million dollars that threw around with some names I think I remember. I think it was Brown, Cole, Kobe, Uh t Mac my name was thrown in there, of course, and it's uh, there's a few other people for a million dollars, but you could obviously could get the commitment of everyone to do it, uh either even I was just like I would wait to see what the field does. If everybody would partic just to pay t Mac, he was gonna be one of the hardest outside of Lebron not doing it. Obviously had never done it, didn't want to do it already, or you know, hasn't participated. Kobe, who has done it, I don't think he would have done it again. T Mac didn't want to do it, as you guys, know the story of me having to convince him. I mean going through, Man, what I had to go through to get Mac to do it. It was the act of Congress. If you haven't check out the guys over there, all the smoke he was on there, he tells that story. There's some clips floating around now that were pretty dark, funny, and it's funny to me because it's all true and not just reliving me convincing t Mac to be in a dunk contest. And if you go back and look at the dunk contest and the dunks that he did, like freaking amazing, and it's crazy and like just that's that's that those dunks were done by a guy who did not want to be in the contest. Let that sink in, you know. So, but yeah, I think that that's what needs to be done. That's one of the things that needs to be done, is just you know, some I'm convincing. It's like I said, it's unfortunate doubling back that we can't get the guys to do it. But you know, if I if I were to pick, if I were to pick a group, well, let me say now, currently we all know Mac McClung, Jericho Simms, Kenya Martin Jr. And I think trade Murphy the third or the contestants currently. If I were to pick prior to this, there's guys that I wanted to see or I would like to see to make up a nice dunk contest, I would have picked Zion, John Morant, Anthony Edwards, and Shade and Sharp and then I would add that that I just named those other four. So those eight contestants I think would make for a fantastic dunk contest. And with that being said, going back to what I would change, I would add more contestants because I look at you know, All Star weekend, it's just great. You want to see the best of the best. So don't don't sell the game short. Don't sell the contest short for only closing it off the four players. Try to get as many people you can. That's going to bring more eyeballs, and it's going to bring more guys to compete against. Seeing some of the best dunks and bringing out the best in guys like we're doing with the three point contest. How many guys are in the nine twelve? How many guys do we have in this in the three point contest, So why can't you do something like that with the dunk contest. That's not going to last as long as the three point contests at the end of the day, you know, for all the shooters out there, and I'm consider myself a shooter, but it's spoken like a dunker, you know, looking out for the dunk contest, just to kind of evolve it and just kind of pump some life back into it. Obviously, it would pump life back into it if you get some of those names, the John Morans, the Zion even Anthony Edwards. You know, I think a guy who has crazy bounced, and I'm sure I'm missing some other guys Shade and Sharp as well. You bring those guys in into it, and Shadon doesn't have that name yet, but we all know what he can do. We all know what Anthony Edwards can do. So I hope once the NBA hears this in the future and hopefully some of those guys hear this and they're motivated and they're willing to do it, to make it a contest, because we all know. I believe it. I think you guys believe it. It's nothing like the Star all Star Weekend. Yes, it's nothing like all of the festivities. Yes, but what takes the cake is Saturday night the dunk contest. Whether you know, everybody says boring is dry water down. We're still watching to come up with that result. So hopefully we get to see some history and maybe some memorable moments. Now that's that's what we're all looking for. It's memorable moments because I know, h I got my opportunity, and I took advantage of it, as you know, So hopefully these guys do the same. So as I think about it, and as I say cool segue talking about memorable moments, I always think about my moment which I said, I took advantage of it. And my mom my mom My mom was on Del Curry and Sonya Sonya Sonya Curry's podcast, Uh some time ago, and everybody's like they're not together this some time ago, and she talked about the dunk contests and seeing it from her eyes, witnessing it from her eyes and seeing me hang up there on the rim my arm in the rim and it's always a cool perspective kind of hearing other people's perspective of what they saw, what they were thinking and how they felt about it, and watching them talk about it or replay it in their mind, and it's just funny to hear her say like she thought I was gonna break my armor. I thought the same thing. And That's what I was kind of going through as I was walking through the pattern, because I didn't really know. I've never done that before. That was my first time doing it. So I'm just trying to figure out what side of the court. How do I want to show or accomplish what I want to accomplish, what i want to get out of it. Like I think that I was thinking that stuff through like that, How would it when I'm up there? You know? What do I want? How do I want the crowd to react? All these little things is what I was thinking through, thinking through as I was walking back and forth. Obviously, I was praying to guy, please don't let me slip off the rim. You could go back and look you see. I rubbed my arm because I was like, this is probably gonna hurt. It's probably not the smartest thing, but I'm here to win it. I'm here to put on the show. I wanted to be in it. This is my time, this is my moment, let's go for it, And I just obviously trying to be safe as well, so I'll just kind of just rub it off, making sure I wasn't in my mind, being too sweaty wasn't safe, just in case I didn't get high enough, because there again, as I didn't know if I could get up high enough to do so. Now, prior to the dunk contest, I was doing something similar in a layup line in Gary Payton's charity basketball game, coming in to my rookie year, jumping over the rim, putting the ball in, you know, just dropping the ball in. I was doing that, but I didn't know, you know, if I could get up high enough to actually hold on and how high I need to be. I figured that all out in front of millions of people, and thank goodness it worked out, because we easily could have been talking about the other side of this, where I didn't get up high enough and I fell down. So I didn't. But nevertheless, it was a dope moment. It's funny to hear my mom say that because she was worried, and I know, shout out to Butcher Carter because that's one of the last things he said to me. As t Mac and I were leaving, he said, have fun, go put on the show, don't break anything. So right before it, I was like, I know, Butcher Carter is gonna be pissed if this goes wrong. And I'm sure he's like, what are you doing pushing the envelope? But if you don't push the envelope, you don't know what you can do. And I didn't know for I felt comfortable obviously because I did the don't but I didn't know for a fact if I could pull it off and God was on my side right And I want to add to that, if I had to pick, I don't know. If you guys got to see the upper room we do on NBA to I had Doctor J. Well, we were surprised with Doctor J. And the question they asked me was what would my all time dunk contests participant? Who would my all time dunk contest participants be? And I said, and I still stick to this Doctor J MJ, Dominique and the originator, the original dunk God, Doctor j MJ. Can fly and Dominique who had power, And I wanted to I would love to have competed against that group all time and yes, there's probably a few others that I name. I have a hard time naming guys who are currently playing, like even though I'm retired. But you know, if I, if I, if I go with the of what I said by changing and adding more contestants, I would probably add maybe a Zach Levine and Aaron Gordon to that group. So but if we were just talking about four, those three and me and I would live. I would live for that and to be in that. I still think I win that. I tell those guys to their face, they wouldn't be happy knowing those guys like I do. They wouldn't be happy and would try to have a contest, probably on an eight and a half nine foot rim. But I like me and that one. I have to. I have to because they're great on the court. Let me have that. But yes, that would be great. I think you guys would enjoy that as well. It'd be cool you guys, you know once we drop well, I want to see you guys. Tell me and we'll talk about it on the next show. Tell me who you think will win that contest, MJ Doctor J Dominique VC let me know the VC shilled list.
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All right, now that we got All Star weekend out of the way, let's talk free agency. Let's talk about what's going on. Uh I got a chance to work free agency. We see all the moves something we talked about, and we're starting to see the buyout market. We're starting to see guys get released, but we're still trying to figure out where what Russell Westbrook will land. And when he was traded to Utah, I was like, Okay, interesting, will he stay there? Started hearing whispers about he wouldn't be there. So I got to thinking, all right, where would be the place to him? And we started hearing obviously the Clippers, Paul George and one of the Morris brothers, Marcus Morris. We started to hear them talking about and recruit Russell Westbrook, which I think they need a point guard, they need a true point guard. Yes, everybody sitting as soon as I say that. What does everybody say? Is he a true point guard? He's a scoring guard, whatever. But they feel like he fits their group, so they're gonna go after him. And we're starting to hear rumors that it's more than likely he will not end up there, he will end up somewhere else. What are some of the other landing spots for Uss. We're here in Miami heat, We're hearing the Washington Wizards and of course the Clippers, and there's one other, ah, the Chicago Bulls. Which one do I like, why not go back to the Clippers? I mean, why not go to the Clippers, you know, despite them? And I think it'll make for a great LA rivalry. I think Russ would be motivated. It's always great as a player when you have guys who are lobbying for you publicly, and Paul George and like I said, Marcus Morrison are doing so. But I also I think it's pretty cool that the Wizards are interested in bringing Russ back, because if we think about this years ago, the Washington Wizards did right by Russ. They didn't want to trade him, but they had the conversation asking him where he would want to go, and his request was, Hey, I'd like to play for the Lakers, and they made that happen. Here we are years later with the opportunity for him to go back, so that could possibly be a nice landing spot for him Miami Heat, depending on what the situation with Kyle Lowry and how they view Russ meaning the role that they're going to play him in. You bring Kyle, I mean, you bring Russ in to be your backup point guard and what do you do with Gabe Vincent and some of the other guys that you have there. But maybe, and that's kind of the dynamic we have to figure out when you go into the teams. Russ will probably start Washington. Actually the other three teams Bulls, Wizards, Clippers, I don't know about the Miami Heat remains to be seen, so we gotta stay tuned on that. What else is out there? Interesting? Kevin Love, Let's talk about Kevin Love here. This is interesting to me because it was it was it was interesting in a surprise. I mean, I just didn't know what Once we heard we heard that Kevin Love was out of the road hation, I started to think, all right, maybe maybe it's you know, the time has come and we won't we won't see him play in that uniform again. And here we are fast forwarding. He's working on his buyout and I ask you guys for your discussion, and I like to see you put that in your comments as well. Where does Kevin Love go from here? I say Lakers. Yeah, I think he's He would be a piece, another rebounder, guy who can stretch the floor. He doesn't have to play a lot of minutes. Just trying to get guys that have the winning mentality for the Lakers to make a push. So I think that would be an option. Maybe Minnesota. Maybe he goes back to Minnesota, that could be an option. I don't know what other options are out there that can use Kevin Love's skill set. Leader for me would be the Lakers. So it'd be interesting to see what you guys think and to see where he lands. I'm sure something like that will happen soon. Let's transition to some football. I got, I got I got something to say about football. I watched the Super Bowl. If you remember the last thing I said, I want to see both quarterbacks play well that the game decided on the field. It almost happened. Both quarterbacks did play well. The game was almost decided on the field. How I feel about the call, It's tough. Uh, it's a it's tiki tac ish for that magnitude right call. Sure, was he within the five yards? I don't know. You know that was one of my questions. Was he within the five yards where you can put your hands on Yes, he admitted Revin to Jersey. But my question was was that pass catchable? Was that past catchable? My only argument is the only question I have was that pass catchable? Because if the pass is catchable, okay, I stand down. But I just look at where the ball landed, where he was going. He hadn't picked up top speed yet. Obviously he was still hand fighting trying to get loose. Then he's pulled. But I just didn't think the ball was a catchable ball anyway, So on and so forth. Patrick Mahomes wins his second Super Bowl MVP. The Chiefs were freaking amazing in the second half. I thought. I thought Jalen Hurst was unreal in the first half. I mean for the whole game. I mean three hundred plus yards, three touchdowns passing touchdown, just looked comfortable out there. The moment didn't seem too big for him. It's just that guy man, Patrick Mahomes did his thing in the second half and just played a flawless second half. And we credit Patrick Mahomes for his wizardry, for his unbelievable play. We credit Andy Reid for being a great coach, but a lot of credit, this is my opinion, does not go to Eric b Enemy. He's the play caller, He's the OC. He's the play caller that put a flawless game plan together for Patrick Mahomes to execute. I'm saying he did his part. Patrick Mahomes took it from there, but he put him in the position, he gave him the plays, and I think he should be acknowledged for it. So I just wanted to acknowledge Eric the Enemy, Sir, you've done a hell of a job. It is criminal. Criminal. You do not have a job right now, head coaching job. Excuse me and his questions after the Super Bowl and they had an okay, year they lost to my Bucks, and then we started to question Eric the enemy. His job was in jeopardy. What then we forget? And then yet he showed us again why he is good at what he does. I found it interesting that he is now interviewing for another job, which is not a head coaching job, but another OC somewhere else the commanders. It's pretty interesting, and I think to me, it just says he's showing that he has to show that he it's not just Patrick Mahomes, it's him and his offensive mind that can get the job done, to prove that he's worthy of a head coaching job, which is not right because we all sit here. I think we all know otherwise. So I'm off my soapbox with that. I wanted to talk about that. Shout out to Eric Vietnemy. Shout out to the Chiefs, congratulations. Shout out to Jalen Hurts and the Eagles jailing. You are amazing. The Eagles played great, they just lost to a better team unfortunately. And yeah, that's that. It's enough of football. Now it's time to talk a little golf. You see what I have here that would be Tiger Woods. Yes, let's talk about Tiger Woods at the Genesis. He's back. With everybody, I'm excited about it. I'm excited obviously, as you know, I'm a huge golfer. I'm excited about Tiger Woods being back. You know, we saw him at the P and C the Father's son. He didn't walk the course, obviously, was he was driving around, but his swing, his game looked pretty darn good and we were hoping it was a matter of time before hearing he'd be back, and we got the news Tiger is back. So I'm definitely interested in seeing how he does. He's playing with some of his guys, so not you know, not that Tiger needs to be comfortable around anybody, because usually when people are in his group, they're trying to get themselves together to play with Tiger. But there's two of his guys where he just caught their relax, you know, like he's playing around golf with two of his buddies and see where he is, you know, with his game. So I and one thing I love about Tiger, regardless of if he's hurt or not, he said quote, I don't enter a tournament unless I think I can win it or compete. And I'm with it. That means he feels good enough. I've played Riviera before, so it's cool to watch it and see all of my badnesses and some of my good shots and make too and just watch these guys just crush the course. And I'm interested to see I am excited to see what he does. And you know, hopefully the end of the week on Sunday, we see Tiger break the record, because if he can somehow pull this off, he breaks the record, and he's the winn against golfer of all times, which it would be fitting. And what else can we say about Tiger Woods. Obviously at his peak and his prime, at its healthiest, he was dominating. And to go through a catastrophe injury like that and to come back not only to compete, Yes, he's competing, and we always, you know, we tend to forget, like you know, I have a lower injury ankle and walking of course is a challenge for me. And now he has that, that lower limb injury and he's still able to compete. And any everyday golfer, when we don't feel half is good as Tiger is, we don't play, We don't go out there. This man is walking at the on the course at the highest level competing, so we we got to give him some credit and the shoutouts. So I hope he's ever to pull it off because, like like Lebron getting to witness History live, I would like to be able to watch Tiger pull that off at some point obviously, if it's not this week, hopefully, So I'm off my soapbox once agin. Thank you for your time the VC Show. Hey, we love you guys. We definitely love hearing your comments when we drop the doctor. Comments are something that's topics that we're talking about, that I'm talking about. We read them. Hopefully we can talk about them the next the next time we drop. Love you guys, let's go DC Show. We out