Ben Simmons & Kyrie Irving, Joel Embiid’s dominance and the truth about VC’s dancing talents

Published Nov 16, 2022, 4:57 PM

Vince Carter and Ros Gold-Onwude discuss the latest around the NBA including: Ben Simmons and mental health, Kyrie Irving remaining suspended, Joel Embiid’s dominance and getting to the truth about the talented Mr. Carter. Plus, the crew talks about how to maintain nerves before performing and if the hype is real for Orlando’s Paolo Banchero.

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The Speed Show, Let's go doing the part with Rod. We got the sports on Dick for our all the youngs. Whether it's big news, hot topics, updated, straight facts, storytelling, breakdown, so special guest.

VC Show, Let's go, It's time to turn it down, b D Show. Let's go. Welcome to the VC Show, presented by Caesar's Sports Book on Omaha Audio. I'm Vince Carter alongside Rod load on what a ro It's great to be back with you. You know you're a busy lady, so I tried to hold it down for you, but you know what, I can admit it now. Glad to see you, Glad to see you. There you go, you have. I'm sorry, glad to have you back. Good to see you.

You've missed.

You missed me, you missed we missed you? Yeah, miss there you go, you got it.

Well, I'm so happy to be back. I've absolutely missed the VC Show. I've missed you, I've missed our team, I've missed everybody watching. So glad to be back, and now that I'm back, I have something I want to ask you about.

What's going on. Yes, I've been busy. No, No, that's not it.

No internet's talking. The internet's been talking, Vince about you. A quote from the great Alan Iverson popped up about you on the Internet and he said that you're a top five dancer in the world. That came from Alan Iverson. In fact, he doubled down on it when he was questioned again. He said, like, I mean, he's like super incredible. I don't know if too many people know it, but the guys and the females that know Vince, that know him personally, they know he's like a top five dancer in the world. Dude, any dance in any style, he can do it. Whatever, the young kids can do, whatever the fat is, Vince can do it.

And know where he got this from.

I got to get you on TikTok. So that's something that happened. I want the truth.

He said something about TikTok. So this is him doubling back like recently.

Yep, because it's TikTok.

Right, Yeah, you said TikTok. That's what I'm saying. Wait, oh man, yeah, I don't know where where I have to I have to have I have to talk to AI in a while. And I got to ask him, like refresh my memory, like where, where? Where do you recall any of this? Like because I know we played together in uh Puerto Rico for one of the Olympic qualified teams, qualifier qualifier teams, but I don't recall. I gotta I gotta ask some ques.

Why would why would I to interview and make up this story about you being a great dancer.

I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Why would he make.

That he is not adding up something.

Exactly adding up. We both agree on that something is not adding up. I don't know what it is. But bro, what, oh my gosh. I got to get a hold of him. Paysat.

He went on to say, oh, just a great talent, a great gift to the world, a blessing to the fans. Does anything stick out that he can dance his tail off? And that was after you had retired. That's him reminiscing on you after you retired. After twenty two years in the league. Alan Iverson was asked about Vince Carter and his main memory was that You're a incredible generational dancer, and now here you are denying.

It all one. I don't know, man, unbelievable.

We don't have to have Allen Iverson on the show.

Can we be.


All right?

I can't believe that you're just gonna dat this like that. So it's over. You don't have anything to say about.

These I have. I have zero to say because I am still I have questions that I need answer to from her because I don't know what he's I don't know what he's talking about. Okay, that's true.

That's other questions do you have for Allen Iverson?

What? What? What? What? The question is where? Where? Where are you getting this information from? Where did you see this? Okay?

We can we can talk basketball if you wanted, but before we move on to current topics in the NBA, because that was that was a quote that has resurfaced. According to our wonderful production team here at the VC show. People want to know, though, Vince, can you dance?

I could? I could dance a little bit. Yes. At one point I was in I was, as you know, I was in the band. I used to choreograph band dances back in the day. So yes, I was, I don't have two left feet now today today's dances, Uh, it's possible. I don't attempt them often. I don't put the time into them. Now you know you already know what takes up my time. So I'm probably behind on some dances now, which I'm saying that now sound old, but it's okay.

Do you have any other unknown skills that the world needs to know about? Can you? Can you cook?

You know you've got music?

Can you cook?

Yeah? I'm okay, I don't. I don't do it often.

I think you're a humble renaissance man, Vince, and I don't even know why you're being so humble.

So I will say this. I will say this to that, not the cooking thing. Just my mother a long time ago, as as a as a high school kid, she said, you know, you need to begin to learn a little bit about a lot of things. And I took that to heart, and it puts you into a lot of circles, in my opinion, by just knowing a little bit about a lot of things, and you're able to have conversations with all types of people. And it was something I didn't really understand. I was like, okay, whatever. And as I started to get older, as basketball started to take me different places and started to meet people appearances, I started doing appearances that or speaking engagements, that's to say, to groups that didn't have anything to do with basketball. And at first I used to have anxiety and it was kind of didn't know what to say, you know, or how to be you know, it was just all about you know, basketball conversation. And as I began to kind of open my mind a little bit and started to learn a little bit about a lot of things. I mean, you know, when you're in these different situations and ros you're in a lot of different situations like that and meeting different people, if you can have or know a little bit or just have a conversation about what someone else does what they do, I mean, you know, that just opens up so many avenues for you. And I've I've learned that just you know, whatever it may be. There's a lot of things like cooking, like I mean, there's so many things out there that I don't.

Know much about, but like dancing, I know.

I know about dancing, I do. I mean, I know about it.

I know what you're covering up. But I think I don't know what you're covering up, but I will get to the bottom of this.

This is something.

On the show. I feel like you are giving me some roundabout right now to get around whatever Alan I was talking about. There was an off then there was an off season trip somewhere, and you was in a.

Bid I'm only there's only two times in my life that I can recall hanging Ellen. I okay, you know, and it was both well no, what was it a casino? I saw him once and then and then during our time we played together well and then some All Star games too, So but I don't I have to ask. I got to ask, man, I'll take you. Let's move. I am so so confused.

Let me tell you. I wasn't a math major. But none of this is adding up. All right, all right, let's take it to the numbers that are making sense. Your boy in Orlando, Paolo Bancero, like he's been doing his thinking. First of all, before we even get you major Orlando Magic Broadcasting.

Yeah, thank you. It was cool opportunity. As you know, I called games for the Atlanta Hawks, and you know, PR reached out to me like, hey, would you we will you know, I'm like, yeah, sure, whether I kid or can't, you know, I say, yes, what a former team that I played for. And it was great to be back. You know, obviously nor from Florida, so I got to some of the still some of the staff security, I mean still still work there. So just walking in to that arena was a pretty cool feeling. And uh, you know, we had we reminisced a little bit, but you know, it was cool. It was cool. It just adds on to all of the other stuff that I'm doing. I'm starting to get kind of busy like you. Now, Yeah, you.

Don't even want to be busy like me. You've worked too hard your whole life to be at this glorious stage. If you're a retired career, a hustling like I am, this is your time to be in the sunset, just popping on shows.

I'm not ready for that.

No, you know, golf, you are living a good retired life man, going to going to your kids games like things like that.

I'm out, Yeah, I'm doing this, That's what I'm saying. I'm doing that. In between that, I didn't say that, I'm yes, but no, I'll tell you it's just it's you know, I travel as much as playing, and I was like, dang, I should have just kept playing, Like but you know, I just make it work. And I think I'm retired, but not completely or fully retired as far as far as just like kicking my feet up, like I just can't. I'm not at the age where I can see myself just kicking my feet up just vacation at the vacation. I'm just I don't know. I still got the hustler like go get it mentality, man. So I still got goals. Man. I still want to be I'm gonna throw it out there. I've said it before, but I still want to be a part of an ownership group where I can help help a team, you know. So I just I'm doing my work now as far as just you know, calling games, being around and doing this and then hopefully it leads me to that one day. So you know, the Orlando Magic has given another opportunity.

I was joking, it's the end of the day. I think I'm delirious. But I think if there's anybody who you know you want affiliated with an organization or a team or an ownership group, you know, I mean, we can't speak highly enough about you. So the fact that you put the work in. There's a lot of people that would have pulled up like, hey, I'm vent. But but the fact that you're like, hey, I'm willing to put in work at every chapter, you know, in every new role in my life. He speaks a lot of volumes and I'm certain it will it will pay off.

We hope.

So no, all that come on, man, hard work pays off for sure. So tell me about Polo. What do you think about him? Real deal?

I think he's the real deal. I like his game, you know, and he's going to continue to mature. But you're talking about a rookie stepping into this NBA game. You saw what he did Game one where you know he had to you know, layer layer of my guy Corey Joseph down. But that's just he's fearless and they're putting the ball in his hands. And we're not talking about a point guard here, you know, we're talking about a small four, power forward type player that is making moves. I mean, he's making ways and he's been out lately and their team is still playing well. To have a bunch of young guys and they just play hard. You know coach Jamal Mosley has those guys playing hard, So look out for that team. And I know everybody like, what the magic cool? Yeah, you're right, you know, it's just magic. And they're irrelevant to a lot of us, but they have a lot of young talent. When it clicks, it's gonna click. And just imagine the game hasn't slowed down for him yet, like he's coming in as a rookie just feeling out, like as he slows down. Oh man, yeah, I mean I think.

He looks pretty confident and oh yeah, he is. That eyeballs on him and to be, you know, at his size, to be in that many playmaking positions on the court and.

The pressure of being the number one pick doesn't seem to face him.

Yeah, what's the pressure that comes with being a top ten pick?

Being a top ten player? Immediately? I think that's the number one pressure is you know, you're expected to be good, you expected to make a difference, and he's doing that. But you know, we've seen number one picks year after year that that takes some time and it's just different for different players. And he's in a position where he can be feature, where he can have the ball where he can make mistakes but still have the opportunity to grow, and they're featuring and highlighting his talents and everything else will come around because I think he's a great player and he's going to still you know, he's going to continue to evolve as a facilitator being that he has the ball a lot. I look at him being like a Lebron as far as having the ball at that size, making plays for everyone and himself. So what's going to come with that is that responsibility of being a facilitator because he can score a lot of points what your team's not gonna win. And once he kind of realized that, you know, you know how the phase works, then you know he'll he'll become He'll he'll continue to climb to that next year.

You know, you talk about handling pressure, and there's like good pressure, and there's like good anxiety sometimes or good anxiousness, not anxiety. Anxiousness that might come, you know, with pulling up to and handling the pressure of your job. You know, for me, even as a broadcaster and as a player, as a basketball player, I was nervous before every game, and as a broadcaster, I have a lot of nervous and energy as a person I do. One of the things that I've tried to do is one a lot of positive self talk, a lot of positive visualization, a lot of preparation gives me a lot of confidence. Preparation, know, when I came and prepared routines I found as an athlete helped me to come into the game more settled. And I do that even as a broadcaster. I do a lot of the same stuff before every game. You know, I really really try to lock in on moments, especially on the sideline reporter role, where I've got like thirty seconds to make impact, and you really got to focus because like it's coming at you, you have no idea what's coming. Sometimes you got to make sure you're not distracted.

And I want to give you before you go any further further, I want to give you your kudos to that, Like you've we've seen moments where you've been able to adapt to unknown situations and it was just dope because it was seamless and you didn't look rattle at all, and you handle it with grace and dignity, And like I got this like oh shoot, okay, all right, boom, all right, because and I think it helps that you've played the game and you know, you know what you saw. M you can think quick fact quickly enough to where it's like, all right, cool, Drew Holliday, all right, well cool, I can ask you and I can ask you a question just to get started, to give you time to think, and you can you can just tell you did a great job.

Thank you, Vans, Thank you so much. You're such a fabulous teammate. Thank you. And that does mean a lot to be seen. Sometimes the sideline role can feel, you know. So I've heard somebody who's the word thankless. You know, you're just hustling so much from one thing to the next. But yeah, I mean those are like I very much use basketball tools to help me get through my game days as a reporter. Now I'm curious, like, were you ever nervous before games or no, you just pulled up? Uh.

I had nerves, but as I got to know how to handle them, I had my fixes for them. So sometimes for game even I'm talking about even year twenty twenty one, twenty two, I was like, I don't know, just hype. I was just in that moved like called crazy. So I had music that I would listen to to kind of just mail me out, not just mailing me out where I can't I got to fire myself up, but just even keel and vice versa. When I you know, when I needed to kind of find that energy, particularly year nineteen twenty two, find that energy to be ready to go, because I mean, for me, I felt like I had a responsibility regardless of whether I had a built in excuse. You know, it's easy to say, oh, he's forty something, you know he you know he does it's understandable. I didn't see it that way. I considered myself a player, basketball player, and I had to be I had to be ready to go like any other player. So I had music for the moment and for the mood and where I needed to be. So yeah, I mean I had nervous energy, and I had sometimes I felt like I was I wasn't ready to play mentally. So I found found you know, music or motivations, you know, like you said, some of those self talk sometimes like bro, like nah, you can't do this, you can't do this, like you know what, you know what they're gonna say if you play your eight minutes or you're twelve minutes or you're fifteen minute whatever it was, if you don't come ready to go things like that. So, uh yeah, for sure.

What kind of music did you play to get yourself in the right zone for a game?

Like I said, depending on the moment, I mean I was. It was a lot of throwback for me, A lot of throwback music that I enjoyed that, uh you know sometimes I mean sometimes No Limit you know, it's just you know it Sometimes you know, it's just you know, just some upbeat mystical. I'm a big I was a big Mystical fan, so you know some of his come on man something like yeah, yeah right, so like Mystical, you know, it was one of my favorites. So he's the one that kind of he and and No Limit kind of got me there, you know, O T I Old g Z, you know, stuff like that from Old Biggie. I mean I was all over the place. Yes, A couple of songs, yeah, I mean, uh you know, some ross like those. That's that was kind of my group there. And when I when I was over overly hyped, I listened to some jazz Sam Cook. I was all over nause Uh. I was all over the place. As far as that, you know, so you know, I'm heavy into the band obviously. You know it's in the marching band, so I would listen to like a lot of marching bands. You know that that kind of just got me in a different I don't know, that was hard to explain. I know people were like, wait what, but that would kind of, you know, keep me even healed too, because I really enjoyed that music as well.

With us talking about mindset, pressure, preparation, how we step into the game, it's a good segue for the just ongoing conversation around the nets and specifically Simmons and more recently, Charles Barkley just had you know, more to say on Ben Simmons, and you know, to softly paraphrase, you know, he said that he felt Ben needed to work with a sports psychologist, a mental game coach, that he is blocked up, and that he felt Ben the decision to move Ben to coming off the bench and have him come in as a backup and in a reserve role, he didn't like it. And I think that's a tough that's tough, you know. I think you've got coach trying to figure out what's the best way.

To one, put him in a position.

Away and then maybe too to take a little bit of pressure off of him in the second unit, perhaps feature him differently in the second unit. And to your point, I think, you know, and let's start with dude, I gotta get these wins.

You know, So what the door right?

What are your thoughts on the Ben Simmons situation.

It's a it's a tough situation. I will say, I'm gonna double back and work my way forward. I did like Kyrie protecting Ben Simmons coming out and like, what do you want to do? This guy's been out for a year and a half trying to get basketball, And I would ask that of anyone like you get away from you know, let's just talk about the game of basketball or you know something. It's going to take you while a while to kind of row yourself back into, you know, into that professional form. And you know, on top of all of the other issues and mental issues he's having from what we've you know, what we've heard on top of being a point guard trying to understand how to be the best point guard and get these two superstars and KD and Kyrie the ball and so on and so forth. So you know, it's one thing having a mental coach and all of these things and visualizing, going through and simulating these situations. It's another thing actually going through it live and feeling comfortable enough to handle those moments or situations that that might put him in these hesitant moments or situations. So it's a process. I mean, he's kind of going through it in front of us all, you know, when the every when when when the everyday person they take their time off and they go through this behind closed doors, behind the scenes where nobody knows and nobody really can count. I mean, you can't comment on on his every move. So it's just a different situation and everybody's gonna have their opinion, you know. Now to what Barkley said, like I hear him, but you know, it's a it's a it's a I hear what he said, Like he's like, oh, he doesn't like it. He feels like he should play hisself. I'm guessing he feels like he should play play himself out of this mental block outside of the mental coach, but an organization like such, yes, I do, and and I think that because me personally, I think you're saving it for himself. Now we're able to take a step back because through all of this stuff that we've been hearing lately, you don't hear much about Ben Simmons and not performing lately. You know, it was in the beginning the first couple of games, it was like, oh man, what what's going on? Then it died away because of you know, all of the other Kyrie stuff and not to and I think bringing them off the bench, you know, it's like, all right, take your time, do you think because I think they are in his corner. But it's a situation where we're supporting you, but we've just gone through a coaching change, and we have this interim coach who's trying to win, and we're trying to continue to have our season, to have a good seven s, save our season. It's a lot going on at the same time. So I don't think there's a book, there's a coach that you can go and ask these questions, how do I handle this situation. I think they're trying to go through this as there in the fire, so they're just trying to make the right decision for everyone, you know, because just think about it, if Jock doesn't win, if he's one in three or doesn't win the game. What are we saying right now? We got to figure it's time for jocks to go. He's not the one.

So I don't think that's going to be.

They can't know what I'm saying. If they don't run him.

To that position, he's got to get the whole season under him, unless they.

I'm talking about the outside the outsider's not more so organizations, you know. So I just you know, just get to talk. And now I think they're starting to push the talk out of their locker room. It's more playing basketball now, you know, they kind of kind of can just hoop and conversations you know, doing shoot around and and before the games are about your opponent now not about oh what do you think about what such and such said? You know. So I think, you know, they're trying to keep as much noise out. You know.

I think Ben is a situation matters, and I think the NETS are trying to work towards being a healthier organization on a number of levels. And you know, the more you can just focus on, you know, the game and you know, I'm reading articles about watch listening watching his language or you watching interviews from Ben talking about taking it a day at a time and one day at a time.

Think about that, not only musicians.

And I'm like, you know, you just we just spoke about Paolo Bancaro and you compared him to Lebron James. You said, there's things you can make that comparison. Just a few years ago we were talking about Ben.

The same way. Yeah, and you know, and he can be that. He still can be that if you want.

In the language that I noticed from Coach Vaughan, though, you know, I'm looking at language. I'm looking at who's telling the story. You know, I keep my media hat on, and I'm noticing Coach Vaughan is re setting expectations. He is taking pressure off of Ben. He is letting go of past notions and understandings of who Ben is in this league. So see, if you were to read a quote that Coach Vaughan used to describe Ben and just read it and you told somebody, guess who that and you didn't say, you didn't say the name, you said, guess who this quote is about? You wouldn't know that was about Ben Simmons. You would think it would be some you know, you know, rotational player working their way up on the roster. They need to see more, not a guy who's making I think one hundred and seventy million or something, you know, And like you know, these the size of these contracts put a lot of pressure too. Yeah, it's hard to have. It's hard to hear somebody say, oh, I'm gonna take it. I'm just taking it one day at a time.

Making one hundred seventy and in the market, in the market that he's in doesn't help either. He's in a small market New York.

Now, I'm a compassionate person and I actually have a lot of mental health stuff going on in our family, So there's a lot of compassion and grace I'm able to meet this with. But I understand the business side of this too. And it's like your contract says you need to be here, and it's putting pressure on the rest of our roster. But I think it's just a matter of time and to to you know, Charles's point about a sports psychologist, I think everybody should be seeing a sports psychologist all teams.

Do we know that he is or is not already or he is?

I mean he's talked very publicly about his mental health.

That's what I'm saying. But it's like, you know, he needs to see one. But like that's what I'm saying, Like, you know, do we know that he's he is or is not already? You know, like I feel like imagine it's just exactly that's what I'm saying. I think he is. I'm sure he is. And I think it's just everybody handles it different because differently, and we look we put we look at situations and we look at how we handle those situations and expect that person to handle it like I or we would handle it. And I think sometimes we do that two players, and you know, we all handle things differently. You know, we all had we can all get thrown the same situation and handle it differently every time.

I think that every team, and most there are. I would say that there's a number of teams, if not all, that have a hired sports psychologist on the team staff. And if they don't, you know, there's someone that they bring in. You know, the last week or two, I've been covering games and go into cities and talking to the players, and I almost it's hard, you know, I have to use social media, I have content to post. I have to keep up with what's going on, but recently I felt like I needed to take a break. And I know that for the athletes, they're right in the thick of it on so many levels. Between the conversation, you know, the things that were happening with Kanye and Kyrie and conversations about anti Semitism, and then take off passing, and then this person passing away, and then like you know, shootings and this. It just it feels like there's so much stimulation and then also everything has an agenda and so much like happening at once. It's a lot and so you know, I feel like all these players, I mean especially on the nets when you see how the conversation and I'll shift this has moved around Kyrie. At first, you know, it became an issue of Kyrie is he being stubborn? And now there's a larger feeling that you're seeing a momentum moving around or let me say that better, because I don't want to say that wrong. Kyrie and anti Semitism and the hurtfulness of of his of how you use your platform. And now on the other side, I'm seeing a ripple effect of especially within the black community people feel now rallying around Kyrie and feeling that he's being unjust the punishment, isn't mastering the crime or is he being persecuted in the wrong way? And now more recently you're seeing you know, MVPA NBPA players associates association of representatives like a Jalen Brown speaking up speaking publicly now that he is upset that now Lebron James has spoken up talking that the punishment has been excessive, and there's been a lot of support from other celebrities and entertainers, And all I see is like, man, there's just this has become It has the potential to be very big. And I'm curious to your thought thoughts on how you've seen won the actual actions around the nets versus the bigger political or agenda or larger conversations as a society around what's going on.

My question was it is excessive and why is it so excessive? Yeah? Why why are they? Why are they? Why are they? Why is this punishment so excessive? Like what I'd like to know why they feel like this, this, this, this, and one of the things I thought, So if we think back, you know, on timelines it's like, you know, some of the things with Kyrie has put the Nets in situations where they had no power or no control over whatever outside of saying please stay away. And now this is a chance for them to kind of gain their power back. So I think it's more over over a course, but they're using the now to get everything under control. You said, I think Sean Marx is trying to change the culture on expectations and what they expect from guys. And I was like, maybe that's why. And I'm not sitting here saying by any means that's right, because I think it is excessive. You want an apology, a public apology. You know, Kyrie being Kyrie was giving an apology his way, which wasn't good enough. And that's fair, that's fair to the organization. And you know that conversation between Adam Silver and Kyrie should have happened before all of this happened. Now the organization is allowed to have their own you know, you know, their own disciplinary actions and do you know as they see fit. So I get that part, but I was like, okay, you know, okay, here's here's what confuses me. Ownership Commissioner has come out and say, by any we feel there's nothing, there's you know, Kyrie is not what we perceived him to be, so and so forth. So where are we right now? Like okay, so you now know, yeah, like we now know and you said he's not that. You know, he has zero hate to the Jewish community and all these things. So let's fix the problem and so we can move on because I think this is a strain on everyone. And there again, here's another situation where organization League is trying to handle this. But is there a book to go by it? Like you know, we obviously we feel like what's right, what's wrong? And we're trying to handle it that way, but it is accessible, it is point blank. I mean, I think you're trying to get him to, you know, to just go on this this mission that yo, I think you handled it right where he has to meet with this just this, but the most important person he needs to meet with. First, he needs to handle stuff within himself. Then you have to meet with your ownership. He did that. Ownership said no, you know what, No, Kyrie is not like that. I can vouch for him on that check. Meet with the commissioner of the league. You know what, Kyrie is not like that. Check now within all of these things. Now, I think you've proven that you're not like that. Now Kyrie should still be able to play while now meeting with these community figures that they want them him to meet with at the same time. You know. But you know, like I said, they all handle it differently.

Yeah, I think that.

I mean, it's a sticky situation.

Like what do you think you don't got to walk it back like I think you said.

No, no, no, I'm what I'm saying is it's a sticky situation.

There were many missed opportunities by Mousti parties.

That's what. Yeah, that's what I say that I.

Missed a number of opportunities to nip it in the bud. Sorry, oh you know that was wrong or I didn't. He eventually got there, but allowed but in his hesitation, in his slowness to get there, and perhaps his stubbornness to say it the way people needed to hear it or to denounce it, it created allowed the situation to become, you know, bigger. It also allowed while there's a lot of while it was absolutely reckless to use your platform to put any hurtful to any group, information out there. What you'll notice is that these things, these types of conversations now become like filled with agenda. People who don't care about Kyrie, people who don't care about the NBA, people don't care about Jewish peace, or people don't care about black people have now found a way to use this and manipulate it into you know, something that they can use. And you know, I think there were missed opportunities by ownership and the Brooklyn Nets, and I think there were missed opportunities by you know, the NBA to have a conversation before you know, further putting fire on this and then escalating. Nobody de escalated, everybody escalated, and you know, you put there's a list out I actually wonder how did that list get out there? Who gave that? Whose team did that come from? Because that only made the Nets look crazy and make.

That Can I say one thing before you go any further, I just want to add to that, so until you can continue and you you you just put it out there. I think the thing that's damaging is that everything or everyone felt like they had to put it out on in the social media or everything they're feeling in social media. Instead of handling. Internally, Yeah, I think there's you know what I'm saying, Like, you know, I know Josiah had something right, but everybody felt like they had to go to say like what they had to say, Like Joe Side said, okay, handle it. You don't own to go in and pull them aside and say, hey, I didn't like you know, everything you said on social media, say it behind the closed door, behind closed doors, because now everybody's stressed trying to keep media out, but you invite them in.

By yeah what you're saying.

And that's what I'm saying.

Do you think that the activity by nets ownership Josi on Twitter was that abnormal for an owner?

I thought I thought it was kind of way like he showed his displeasure for me. I mean, it's it's you see it, you see it happen. But I mean, I think this is a situation where it's like nah, no, no, no, not that one, not that one, keep that handle that boss man. Handle that. Internally. To me, that's I felt when I saw it.

In the pr scope of things, Kyrie certainly has been has been digging himself himself a hole. There have been a number of actions he's taken that have been worthy of critique and got critique. But I don't think that the table's really turned until ownership. You know, Joe ci in Ownership got really involved vocally, and then we saw a list of demands, and then we saw it back and forth, and then it's hard to throw any stones, you know, because people will It's twenty twenty two, you know, people can look up, you know, and and and see if do you have a glass house yourself? And you know now and the pr campaign and then now I'm actually seeing a rally around Kyrie because you're noticing players starting to shift. Before it was silent. Now players are saying as excessive. There's reports now that the Players Association may file a grievance for Kyrie, who has apologized who did offer the money, although it was rejected. He has spoken to all the parties that he had to speak to. It's becoming bigger than Kyrie. It's becoming bigger than the nets. And if if the end, I'm sure the NBA would like to end this as soon as possible because it could get into something much uglier.

You know, yep, I agree, let's leave it there.

It's been good talking with you. I got to catch a flight. Hustle in my life just is always on the road. I still haven't packed. But you want to talk more Vince Vince always nothing. No, what do you want to talk about? Bradley Beal's the Lakers? You've got a college little Lakers. Do you think it's possible?

Joel mb had fifty nine? I know that.

Is he the best player in the world. All right, let's do Let's do a Joel and B topper.

He's not the best player in the world. Who's the best players world? I'm okay, I'm gonna say. I'm gonna say Giannis, Luca and then Jason Tatum right now, those three I love right now, those three right now? Yeah, cook cook, cooking.

But Joelle is not in in your list of top players.

I just said, I just gave you three. That's it you. I just gave you three. I did, I didn't. Yeah, yeah, you're doing five. Because when I give you five, you can say, wait, that's not in there, Joel. Okay, so we should say no. So we can say, okay, fine, give me.

Your top three and that Luca.

I just gave you those three. I said, you can say Giannis Luca, Jason Tatum. Then you throw jaw and then or and then and you've.

Got five players there, And I said, give me three.

That that's what I gave me three already. He was like, wait, so you're five five. I just gave five players, so your five are? No?

Okay, here you go Luca Tatum and b Josh, I like that five right now?

Do it? Yeah?

Okay? If you had to go down to three, what are your three?

Jannis Luca Tatum?

All right, you had to go top to not to who's your number one? That's it from the VC Show. He said it.

Let's go way the word let's go.

Yo, you basketball? All right? I feel bad. I always feel like the adult telling you to turn the lights off and go to bed like you want to. You want to talk, go ahead, we can we can talk.

No no no, no no no.

All right. It was fun to see you.

Always a pleasure, you know how we do. Thank you to everyone for listening. We love, obviously having a great conversation. To get you guys conversating and talking. VC Show. Let's go, We out