There’s a better way on how you could tutor, teach, or coach someone… You just have to choose the right teaching language.
So, in this episode of The Tutor Podcast, Neil introduces you to the VAKOG Model of language to be effective in teaching. VAKOG stands for visual, auditory, kinaesthetic, olfactory, and gustatory which all make use of our senses. There could be a primary way that you use or it could be a combination of two or more of them. It depends on what you think could better influence your students. Discover also why you should be always receptive also of what are your students’ learning language so you’d know how to contribute more value to them.
Make sure to catch the next parts of The Teaching Language Toolbox special of the podcast!
- VAKOG is a core belief in NLP that language reflects the thoughts and way of understanding of people, and knowing this is incredibly useful when you are teaching.
- VAKOG is an acronym for visual auditory kinaesthetic olfactory and gustatory – the senses of sight, sound, movement and balance, smell, and taste. These are the ways people perceive the world, and NLP refers to them as representational systems. Understanding how people represent the world to themselves is a doorway to better teaching and greater influence. We are going to use their point of view to reduce what they have to process, by eliminating the need for them to convert what we’ve said into terms they prefer.
- Visual – pictures, colours, images
- Auditory – sound, noises, music
- Kinaesthetic – movement, feelings, hot/cold
- Olfactory – smells
- Gustatory – taste
- For guitar players, their best learning ways are kinaesthetic and auditory. You have to consider if you’re teaching one-on-one or a group. Maybe, you’ll have to consider visuals at first when you’re teaching a group.
- “Whichever system you notice is being used, lean more heavily on that system and your messages will get across more quickly, more easily, and will be better understood.”
- “Listen to the visual cues inside language because that’s the common thing you’ll come across.”
- “Listen to the actual words that people use and they’ll tell you exactly how you speak to them.”
Neil Cowmeadow is a maverick peripatetic guitar teacher from Telford with over 19 years of experience in the business of helping people. Learn how to start, grow and love your business with Neil’s invaluable advice and tips without the buzzwords and BS!
Neil Cowmeadow