
Did Kamala JUST REVEAL A 'Coup 'Threat?! Vague Talk Of "We'll TAKE CARE OF November" Sparks CONCERN

Published Oct 23, 2024, 7:48 PM

In today’s full live edition of the Trish Regan Show, Trish reports on new highs in the prediction markets and newest polling numbers. None of this is good for Kamala Harris. Meanwhile, why is Kamala Harris is making the interview rounds suggesting that she’ll “deal” with November? What exactly is she trying to suggest? Trish Regan asks the question. All this as the Democrat Party increasingly seems to be losing its dominance over the GOP in a key battleground state, at least according to early voting data. Trish Regan has the numbers. JOIN TRISH LIVE and SUBSCRIBE HERE: SUBSCRIBE TO TRISH’S Financial Market Research HERE:



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And it is because of my love for our country and specifically because of the leadership that President Trump has brought to transform the Republican Party and bring it back to the party of the people and the Party of Peace that I'm proud to stand here with you today, President Trump and announce that I'm joining the Republican Party.


Wow. Oh my goodness,

ladies and gentlemen, that was quite a move last night, Tulsi Gabbard officially joining the Republican Party because of one person and one person only over watching the polls at this hour. And they are getting

very tight with Donald Trump

in the lead. This is making Democrats extremely nervous. They're, they're resorting to some pretty outrageous tactics which we, we gotta talk about, we gotta talk about. But before we get there and before we get to these incredible numbers again, consistently coming in overnight showing. Once again, he's climbing higher and higher and higher. I have some real concerns about what Kamala Harris is floating out there. You know, she said it once I kind of brought it up, I showed it to you guys

and then she said it again. And so Now I'm starting to ask the question. What does she mean by this? She keeps saying we're gonna deal with November, we're gonna deal with November. What do you mean, lady? You're gonna deal with November.

What is she trying to tell us what is being communicated here? I have some concerns. I wanna play you a couple of clips and we can discuss them by the way. Thank you for being here. Welcome everyone. It's good to have you. I hope that you subscribe and that you share and you tell everyone you're watching the Ters Regan Show here live every single

day. Let's go to Kamala Harris responding to somebody yelling out in the crowd while she's doing this little Shindig with Maria Shriver and Liz Cheney, lock him up, listen to what she says in response and then we're gonna hear a different version of it that she just told MS NBC.

You know, because some people find it humorous what he says and, and think it's just silly but understand how brutally serious

it is. Well, the courts will take care of that. We'll take care of November. Yes,

we'll take care of November, but it is brutally serious because to, to the congresswoman, my question is what does it mean?

What does quote we will take care of November mean,

I, I think back to how in August of 2020 Hillary Clinton started going on podcast. Jennifer Palmieri is who used to work for her and she gave the now infamous quote. I mean, I was just stunned by it saying no matter what Joe Biden, my advice is no matter what you hang on for dear life. If this is close, you hang on

and you're prepared for that. What exactly are they preparing for?

Because if you look at the polls, sure it's close. But let's face it. Donald Trump doesn't poll that. Well, I have more on that coming up. I think actually this could be a landslide. So I don't understand what she's trying to communicate when she says we're gonna deal with November here. She is again saying something similar in an interview with Hallie Jackson on MS NBC last night. Take a listen.

We are sitting here two weeks away from election night. Last election. The former president came out on election night and declared victory before all the votes were counted. What is your plan if he does that again in two weeks?

Well, let me say this, we've got two weeks to go and I'm very much grounded in the present in terms of the task at hand and we will deal with election night and the days after as they come and we have the resources and the expertise and the focus on that as well. So my team is ready to go. Is that what you're saying? Are you thinking about that as a possibility? Of course,

this is a person Donald Trump who tried to undo the a free and fair election who still denies the will of the people who incited a violent mob to attack the United States Capitol. And 140 law enforcement officers were attacked, some who were killed.

This is a serious matter.

Ok? We're gonna go back to J six. The, well, American people are at this 0.2 weeks out being presented with a very, very serious decision

about what will be the future of our country. And so she's prepared to deal, deal with it. We'll deal with November.

What if this doesn't go her way? I mean, come on, I mean, meanwhile you get Joe Biden out there yelling, lock him up.

Seriously. He sort of kind of corrects himself and says politically, I mean, politically,

what are you people doing? Here? We go in New Hampshire.


sounds like I said this five years ago, you locked me up, we gotta lock him up

politically, document

politically, lock him up, lock him up, lock him up. What, what,

what's up guys? Because last I checked you got a few little problems. You got Letisha James who wanted to lock him up and wanted to take everything he'd ever built and earned and owned.

Letitia James is going down in flames. Mind you unless somehow the democrats are able to do her a favor and get her the mayorship in New York City, Latisha James is about to have her case reversed. You have Jack Smith with egg on his face because of the Supreme Court. You get Alvin Bragg who's not able to do a darn thing and all of this stuff is getting tossed out. You see what happened with the documents and the mar a Lago documents down in Florida

yet? What are they talking about? Lock him up? We'll deal with November. I'm just asking. I mean, are they working on some kind of little coup again of their own? I mean, they, they, they, they pulled one effectively. I mean, what do you think that is you took by? Now? You put Kamala in because the polls were bad. Well, now we got more polls that are pretty bad.

Nate Silver out with a big warning. It's a big article in the New York Times because he thinks Donald Trump's gonna win. You know, the last time Na Nate Silver thought Donald Trump was gonna win. What did they do? They took Joe Biden out of the race.

So I'm asking what's next, I mean, and then there's Trump saying he's not gonna do this to them. No, because he actually believes in the Constitution in the United States of America. Here he is with Howie Kurtz. We've played this but I want you to see it in context next to the likes of lock him up and we'll deal, we'll deal with November.

I think they're unethical, but who knows? I want to drill down on this question of retribution because against your political opponents, because you, you've um had opportunities to walk that back.

And my question is this, are you prepared to say now that you will not use law enforcement to punish or prosecute your political opponents? Excuse me? That's what they're using on me. OK. So you, before you start this? Yeah, I got how, that's what they're using on me. I've got d, I've got

everybody, they look at me. I, there's never been anything like this. The biggest case was the one down in Florida and I beat it 100%. I won the case because we had a, a number one, a brilliant judge and a judge that moved rather rapidly and I won the case, by the way, Biden had almost the same case, but he didn't have the presidential records on it because he wasn't the president just to finish.

And he got off on the basis that he's incompetent to se, you know, essentially that he's incompetent. And it was a strange ruling because they said number one, he's incompetent. So he's not gonna be, but he was, the prosecutor actually said he's guilty but he's incompetent. But they didn't say he couldn't be president anymore. That was his bigger problem for not being president. How can you not represent you yourself in court because you're incompetent,

but you're allowed to represent the United States of America. The whole thing is crazy. But no, they have weaponized government against me? And are you willing to use the same t, I don't want to do that because that's a bad thing for the country. I don't want to do that. I don't know who said, I haven't said that I would but they have done it. I've got attorney general,

they're all, you take a look at, you take a look in Atlanta with, with, they went and met with it. It's all coming out of the justice department. They have done something never done in this country before. Now. It's been done in a lot of other countries, third world countries, banana Republics, but never done. So when you ask that question,

you really have to start by saying, well, they've done it to you. No, I'm not looking to do it to them at all because that is a really, they have set a very bad precedent. However, you talk about the enemy for, sir,

for sure, a really, really bad precedent and they're doubling down on it in the days before the election with Kamala saying we'll deal with November. We'll let the courts take care of that. I mean, the courts have taken care of it and guess what the courts keep, keep coming back over and over and over again. He's innocent.

I mean, look, you can't say the same for Joe Biden's son.

Joe got off from the mar a lago stuff only because he's so frail and incompetent and elderly, they couldn't even move forward because they knew no jury would actually believe that, you know, he was capable of even remembering where any of the papers were. I mean, I'm sorry, people, this is really getting kind of alarming. So I don't know what you guys have up your sleeve, but I think we have to ask this question. Ok. This is the question you need to be asking right now.

Is there a chance here? Ladies and gentlemen that Kamala Harris

refuses to concede.

Is she going to say

something funny? Went down Elon Musk. Did God knows what?

I think you kind of got to be prepared for all scenarios right now.

We're a little bit broken. Dare I say just a little bit broken, which is, you know,

I sleep well at night because I got my gold. I'm telling you in all seriousness. There's a lot of reasons to like gold right now. But you know, you're going into this crazy, crazy time and

you're gonna have one side of the country that's not very happy. Um Either way you slice it, by the way, either way you slice it. So another reason to like gold, you know, we've been looking at new highs pretty frequently this year in gold. Part of that I think is because the fed of course, is moving with lower rates, Rob and I have talked about this over on 76 research. You know, I'm a long time. Believer in gold

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I mean, wow, this voter registration data shows

that the influence

in the keystone state is actually shifting. It's shifting to favor the GOP get nearly 55,000 registered Pennsylvania Democrats that changed their party affiliation this year. What's going on?

Inflation is going on.

Kamala Harris is going on, incompetence is going on and so what's happening? People are realizing in in the State of Pennsylvania

that they get a, they get a vote

so as to help protect themselves. And you're seeing this, by the way, even in like very rural areas as well as urban areas. I mean, think about all the Amish that they've recruited the Trump campaign has actually done a fantastic job. The RNC as well at getting some of these Amish voters to think about really getting out there and voting. So they've recruited a lot of them. You've got

in Pennsylvania voters as well. This is going to be a really, really tricky state. Now, more than 1.4 million voters are registered as third party or independent Keystone, independent voters in the Keystone State Democrat Party accounts for nearly 44% of voters. But I should point out that, um, the advantage that the Democrats have had has really, really dwindled,

dwindled significantly. In fact, the advantage used to be that there is something like,

um, a, a massive number, massive number. They had registration advantage over Republicans by some 685,818 votes. To be precise. That has been whittled down and whittled down this year to guess what, less than half 297,824. Ok. So basically they had nearly 700,000 voters

as an advantage over Republicans and now they have just nearly 300,000. This is really important because you think about how Pennsylvania went

back in 16 you think of really how close it was back in 2020

and now you think about what's going down in this moment in time and all of the polls, all of the polls in Pennsylvania really do point to. Here's one from real clear politics. Donald Trump, there is the winner. He's up by 8/10 of a percent. This is a big deal for Donald Trump to be up 8/10 of a percent in Pennsylvania.

Come on. This is not good news, right? For you because you think about Clinton in 2016 was up 6.2 po points. Ok. She was up, Biden was up 4.9%


Trump took it against Clinton. I, I think he's gonna take it again. I really do. I think that, you know, the polls are telling us this poly markets, telling us this.

And so we, we need to think about how everything's happening and gelling together right now in this moment in time when you have people sending in those early ballots and that advantage that historically, the Democrats have had in this state that has been whittled down and whittled down. Of course, if you listen to Elon Musk, there may be and this is concerning and I wanna be very cautious about how I present this. But the fear is that what if they have something up their sleeves?

What if they have other ways of getting around this? So this tweet came out from somebody at a group called Pennsylvania Chase.

And they're trying to basically figure out, you know how they get all these registered voters to make sure that they're going and registering. And so they're going around and they're doing some canvassing and they're going and knocking on doors and they knocked on this one door and this one place where allegedly there was a Republican mail in ballot that had been unreturned. And what they discovered

was that there were 53 registered voters there. It belonged to reportedly the Benedictine sisters of Erie Pennsylvania, but no one lived there. And so here's the video they're looking here at, take a look guys at um wow, at all the the women, the 53 women that live there and they're primarily all

registered as Democrats or they lean democrat et cetera. There was one Republican that they tried to trace chase down but then they, they couldn't find her because nobody actually lived there. So you can see you can understand that this is um

this is a bit of a concern, right? Like this is, this is, this is the, this is the fear everybody has. So Elon Musk tweeted this out in response. He's like, 0 53 voters, no big deal. You know the concern here is what some of the NGO S have been doing at the homeless shelters. And in this particular one, it's something called Broad Street love. It has served as a mailing address for 5200

individuals. Now, obviously, that's great because, you know, if you're homeless, it's very hard to get a job because you don't have an address, you can't get mail any anywhere. So the homeless shelter is offering this opportunity for you to have all that. And we commend that we also command. Of course, of course, everybody being registered to vote like you, you gotta register to vote and sometimes I get it, it's harder for some people than for.

So they try to make it easier in some places. But what happens when you're now in a situation where you're running the risk that they're just kind of going there like they do the nursing home saying, hey, you know, fill this out, fill this out and then they're delivering it and you have this political bias to the left. I, I don't wanna go too deep down this rabbit hole because, you know,

I'm Trish Regan and I'm a little bit still optimistic about these things. And I like to think that, you know, people are not just gonna vote the way somebody at the homeless shelter is telling them to vote,

but I think we need to be aware of it. On the flip side of that, I would say, you know, hats off to Lara Trump and the RNC because they have done a terrific job there in the State of Pennsylvania. And by the way, Elon Musk as well. With his rallies that they now hate where he's giving out a million dollars or a million dollars a day if you sign up for his petition. But the fact that they've gotten it down from 685,000

call it, which is 700 ok. They had 700,000 voters. That, that was their lead and now they've whittled down that lead thanks to the GDP Gops, really hard work to roughly 300,000 of a margin. So it's a big, big, big deal. It really is guys and I'm impressed by it and I'm encouraged by it. We're gonna do some more on the polls. But first, oh my gosh, this, this MS MV

C reporter. She went out and she was kind of stunned by this. Now, I say she's stunned, but at the same time, I almost think that there was a bit of an agenda going on here because there's this shame factor. Like if you're not voting for Kamala and you're a woman and you're not voting for Kamala. Oh my gosh. Like that's horrible. You're not sticking up for women if you're

a minority and you're not voting for come. Oh, you're like, really, really, really, really in trouble. So this MS NBC reporter went out and she's making the rounds of doing what we call M OS man on street. Except these are ladies on the street talking to some minority women about who they're gonna vote for. And the answer is not um

what it's supposed to be. I say supposed to be in quotations. Let's take a listen. What are your feelings? And I let me start with the women here about Kamala Harris. She's a woman of color. I'm not putting her down because of that and I'm not putting her down because she's a woman. I'm not a feminist. So I'm sorry. But at the end of the day, I don't think that she has the personality. I don't think that

she has what it takes to go up against Putin and go up against these other presidents that are built for this. I don't want to be scared because my president is scared. I want my president to feel

secure and manly and about it, we brought up gender, right? Like, do you think it matters that she's a woman and people aren't comfortable having a woman in a top leadership role? No, I don't think that because most men, they, they love their mothers, they love their wives. So as a woman, most men, they respect the woman, but she just don't have the qualification or the education to

run America because she don't have the experience. She don't understand our struggles. And for me to believe you for another four years, you're crazy, like you're crazy. You're saying the same thing that you said four years ago. So the fact that she's the vice president, the bottom line, you're like you've been here, you've had a chance. Well, for me, the very first time I ever heard the name Kamala Harris, it was in a,

to locking a parent for a truancy. That was the first time I ever heard of her name. And I, I really didn't understand how this person claims to be a black woman, but yet she's locking up black women and black men and separating families. This is a thing that is Trump talks about this a lot. He says, you know, Kamala Harris became black when it was convenient.

Can you, can you talk to me about, do you feel, do you agree with him on that? Do you feel like she's wearing her black? She's sworn into the, when she sworn into the Senate? It was as the first Indian American which is, it's fine. We don't care. We all know she's not black. Let's understand that we are all clear of that. But my point of view I told you earlier, she's already been there. She's in office right now.

Oh, ok. So this is, this is

a point of view,

a group of black women who are not going to vote for Kamala Harris

and there's a few things going on there. Let me, let me start with the most obvious one, which is that the reason they don't want to vote for her

is because it's the economy stupid to go back to James Carville. Right? I mean, you're looking at massive inflation, wages haven't kept up with inflation. Nobody likes this. Ok? You're paying so much more for everything. Ok. That's just the reality. It's, it's absolutely appalling. I mean, I'm just like, you gotta be kidding me. Like prices are through the roof.

So that is a huge problem. And you know what, that's all oncom, I'm telling you, it's all uncommonly, you know what? She was, all part of that Inflation Reduction Act. What did that do that printed trillions of dollars more into the economy at a time. We really guys, we really didn't need it. We were starting to recover. So what did that do? It actually just led to

lots of dollars chasing very few goods. That's the inflation we got. Thank you very much Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. OK. So she's responsible for that few other things going on. They're like, yeah, like she doesn't, she doesn't kind of gel with me. They don't buy that. She understands their experience. Think about that. They think the white guy

who grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth. Donald Trump understands their experience better or has more empathy for their experience. So that's what's so shocking to these reporters. I mean, how can this be how that was shocking to Kamala and her team? And I'll tell you how it could be

because he actually does care like he's actually, you know, he's like trying to do something about it and he does a better job at relating to your everyday average American. Whether, you know, it's, it's a black woman, whether it's, uh, the Teamsters Union member or, or, you know, whether it's anybody else, I think that he just does a better job relating to the working class. And so this is going to be

a huge problem. But, you know, you had me at economy, I think they'd forgive her a lot of things. Maybe they don't like her. But listen, if everybody was flushed with cash, it wouldn't matter. So, MS NBC wants you to think this is all sexism. You know, it's just women, not liking women, it's men, not liking a woman. And so that's what

it's really about. And so they brought this up with Kamala, she tried to diffuse, but you can read between the lines. Here we go. Let me ask you about something that you said when you were running for president the last time around back in 2019 at the time, you said that the elephant in the room was whether the country was ready for a woman and a woman of color to be president. So let me ask you as you sit here today. Do you think the country is ready now for a woman and a woman of color to be president? Absolutely. Absolutely. And I am saying that

in terms of every walk of life of our country, you know, I think part of what is important in this election is really not only turning the page but closing the page and the chapter on an era that suggests that Americans are divided,

what I know from personal experience, from lived experience and from my travels, personal grievances and not about the American people. Not about how are you going to help families? How are you gonna help small businesses? How are you going to strengthen our economy? These are the things I'm focused on. I'm focused on investing in the new industries on which America should lead and be

a global leader. I ask because to implement the agenda that you want to implement, you have to win first, you have to win the White House. And right now, there is a big gender gap in this race, fewer men support you right now than they did. President Biden. Some of your allies have suggested there's sexism at play. I wonder, do you think there is sexism at play here? Let me just tell you something. You've come to my events

and you will see there are men and women at those events, whether it be small events or events with 10,000 people. So the experience that I am having is one in which it is clear

that regardless of someone's gender, they want to know that their president has a plan to lower cost that their president has a plan to secure America in the context of our position around the world. They want a president United States who honors our military, who understands the importance of America's leadership around international rules and norms. And that is regardless of gender and that is how I will leave. Do you not see sexism as a factor in this race at all?

I don't think of it that way. My challenge is the challenge of making sure I can talk with and listen to as many voters as possible and earn their vote. And I will never assume that anyone in our country should elect a leader based on their gender or their race instead that that leader needs to earn the vote based on substance and what they will do to address challenges and to inspire

people to know that their aspirations and their ambitions can and will be achieved through the opportunity to do that.

Yeah, it's all the same old, same one with her, isn't it?

And look, I think America has turned the page. Ok? And sorry. Come on, they've turned the page on you. They've turned the page on you because you are more of the same and as much as you wanna break away, I'm sorry, girl, you know what? You're tethered to the guy, you're his stinking vice president. Ok? It's been a miserable 3.5 years. You can't get away from that.

And so when you look at the polls, what do you see over and over and over again? She is going to bomb and she's gonna bomb even with groups that she probably shouldn't be bombing with. I mean, is, is CNN said it. Well, the other day,

I mean, the bottom line is this at this particular hour? If you believe the polling, Donald Trump is going to put up the best performance with black voters since Richard Nixon back in 1960 not 68 since 1960. That's 64 years ago among Hispanic voters, Donald Trump is going to put up the best performance for Republicans since 2004. And George W Bush,

it's incredible. It's incredible. I was trying to see if I have a graphic because the Hispanic vote, that's just amazing to see. In fact, it, it's gonna be, it's gonna be a blowout, absolute positive blowout. I'm trying to see because somebody sent me this the other day and I was just, oh, this is my friend over at uh job Creators Network. That would be uh Alfredo Ortiz and he sent me this. He's like, check this out. I actually tweeted it because I was like, this is amazing.

49% of the Latino vote

according to a new USA today, Suffolk University poll is going to Donald Trump. 49% 38% 38% is going to Kamala Harris.

I mean, they thought they could bank on these people, right? They thought that this was a, a sure thing that you would lock up women, Hispanics, blacks, you know, you'd have all these minority groups and what are they finding exactly the opposite? Thank you Alfredo for sending. I mean, this is amazing. Absolutely. Positively amazing.

A and the hits just keep on coming. Just incredible to see really and truly. Oh, wow. All right. I want to give a quick shout out to our friends are Grand Canyon University, great school. A private Christian University, beautiful Phoenix, Arizona, Arizona we're gonna talk about because new polls show you Arizona as well is looking increasingly like Trump territory. Anyway, they believe they believe that we are all endowed by our creator

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Wow. These polls, these polls, they keep taking the hits over and over and over again. These polls are showing you something. Ladies and gentlemen, the Democrats really don't wanna see right about now, but we got to talk about them, ok? Because I'm looking at Michigan and I think Michigan is gonna be huge. Let's go back to you remember Michael Moore said it's gonna be the best giant you ever

Michigan? Michigan. They're feeling the pain in Michigan and you know what Donald Trump's out there saying I'm gonna protect your jobs. I don't think they're getting the same reassurance from the likes of Kamala Harris. It is the economy stupid. So sure enough, if you look at the Michigan numbers, this is the real clear politics. Average. They're looking at everything here and you get Donald Trump up by 1.2%. Keep in mind, Clinton was up by 11 points back in 2016.

Biden was up 7.8.

Well, now Trump's up 1.2. Let's go over to Pennsylvania as I was just saying, Pennsylvania having narrowed the gap, right. They're actually getting a lot of those absentee ballots in in for the GOP right now in Pennsylvania and he's up 0.8%. You know, you got the Trafalgar poll. You've got Atlas Intel, you got Rasmussen

New York Times, Sienna shows Harris. It's one of the outliers up three points. But the tip poll, you've got Emerson Insider Advantage again. Quinnipiac shows Harris up two points. I think it's worth talking about those outliers yet. Wall Street Journal. Very good poll. Very reputable poll up one point for Donald Trump. Listen, I, I mean, it's close in the polls

but as Nate Silver points out and I'm gonna get to what he said in the New York Times today,

the thing is, is that Republicans don't actually always talk to pollsters and you can understand why under the circumstances. A friend of mine said she got a call the other day from a pollster. She was all set to talk and she's a Republican. And the pollster said, hey, I just wanna let you know I'm on a recorded line

and she's like, oh, a recorded line. Really?

And the pollster said yes. And she said, yeah, thank you very much. I, I, I'm gonna pass. So she didn't participate in the poll. I think you see a lot of that. You have very reluctant people on the right because they're like, I don't know, like there could be big data somewhere. They're recording this and forever they have it down that I'm gonna vote for Donald Trump and that could cost me at some point in time. After all. They've told us as much. Take a look at Georgia overwhelmingly. Now

for Donald Trump, we go to North Carolina. Ladies and gentlemen, again, you're seeing that it's going to be tight, but the advantage is Trump, Arizona, Arizona. We were just talking about, look at that 1.8% real clear. Politics. Average is what he is up, he's up five points according to New York Times, Sienna. Some of this has to do with what I was just telling you about.

And that would be, of course, Hispanics, Hispanics overwhelmingly now supporting Donald Trump 49% to 38%. And there's a large Hispanic Latino population in Arizona going out to Wisconsin, another very, very much a swing state that's leaning pink. That's leading red up 4/10 of a percent to Donald Trump. And then you go to the big whopper

and that would be poly market, poly market. Ladies and gentlemen, I mean, this is down a little bit from yesterday but still solid, solid, solid numbers there. He's posting a 62.3% chance of winning versus Gun Harris is 38%. Wow.

I mean, after all this, after all that, after Taylor Swift and Eminem out there in Detroit for Barack Obama trying to sell the Kamala thing and like no one's buying it, no one's buying, I guess they're gonna blame like people like me. Right.

Listen, I think this is great. So, Nate Silver, big deal pollster, really, really smart guy. I like his model. You've heard me talk about it before? I like his model because he actually takes all the polls and he weights them differently based on sort of what he views as, as them being strong.

We're not so strong. He also looks at other things, uh, like the economy and some other economic indicators and throws us all into a model and the model spits back out where it thinks we are. And right now, right now, Nate Silver's model is spitting back. Let me see if I have this for you. A real solid chance of none other than Donald Trump winning this. All right. So we're going back to 2016 all over again.

Let me share with you what Nate is putting out. Here we go.

He says this is the big picture. 53.1. This is the highest it's been, I should point that this is the highest it has been. Nate Silver has been tracking this all along and

you saw around the time of the debate

that Harris climbed into more positive territory and it took a while for Trump to come back. But now

sure enough, he's at 53.4. This is the highest, this is the highest it has been. So I I think this is a big alarm bell that's going off for many Democrats right now, Nate Silver out with a big article today in the New York Times saying here's my gut what my gut says about the election, but, you know, don't trust my gut, don't trust anyone's gut. Uh James Carville, ironically,

underneath doesn't quite have the same humility, shall we say? Uh James Carville, writing

three reasons. I am certain Kamala Harris will win. So he, you know, like I said, he doesn't quite have the same humility. He thinks it's, you know, a done deal that, that Kamala Harris is gonna win. I, I think it's interesting that, that Nate is sort of qualifying this a bit. But anyway, he does think that Donald Trump is gonna win

and he thinks he's gonna win because all of these polls now, um, are showing that they're in this dead heat with Donald Trump slightly, just slightly ahead

and the reality is

Republicans just don't pull, especially, especially Trump Republicans just don't pull in the same kind of way. So he's, he's out with a big article today and he's kind of analyzing this and look, you know, the pollsters have gotten it wrong before. Think about Brexit, think about Marie Le Pen and the success of her party over in France and pollsters just never quite understood in, in either of those scenarios, the

momentum that those movements were having. He's, he writes about, about these and he says, quote, there's even a certain snobbery right to the theory. Um he, he, he, he thinks, you know, the whole social stigma attached to them.

He, it, it is actually in my estimation anyway. It's, it's quite real. It's dissipating though. He says it's dissipating a bit in part because

I don't know, maybe it's becoming more acceptable to say this. I guess it depends on where you live. I don't know about where I live. Cat's out of the bag, I guess with me. But he's really, you know, he, he's putting this out there and he's saying

in this article that his gut is telling him the model is also telling him and Polly Market is telling him, right? Polly Market where there's real money on the line guys, this stuff all adds up this stuff matters. Meanwhile, you get, you know, the other story over there with, um,

it's the economy, stupid, forgetting his own words. I mean, listen, it is the economy. I would say that they would forgive her a lot, a lot. Um, he,

uh going back to Nate Silver, I wanna read the section to you that might be important to our liberal friends. There's also the fact that MS Harris is running to become the first female president and the second black one, the so called Bradley Effect named after former Los Angeles mayor, Tom Bradley who underperformed his polls in the 1982. California governor's race for the supposed tendency of voters to say they're

undecided rather than admit they won't vote for a black candidate. Wasn't a problem for Barack Obama in 2008 or 2012. Still the only other time a woman was her party's nominee. Undecided voters tilted heavily against her. So perhaps MS Harris should have some concerns about a Hillary effect.

I, I don't buy that. Like, you know, look, I'm a woman


people have said to me, is it because she's a woman? And, you know, look sure. I mean, maybe it could be. I, I, but I, I don't fundamentally think so and I'm gonna tell you why. I don't think so


it's the candidate. I really do believe this, that people are voting for. Look at Marie Le Pen, they love her right in France, like the, they granted a different system et cetera, but they love her. She has a certain genes coi literally like in French and Donald Trump has it in Spades. It's charisma.

It's hard to come by.

Very few politicians have it.

I love Ted Cruz but he doesn't. Ok. Rhoda. Santas definitely doesn't. I mean, I may like Ron's policies but let's face it. This guy, you know, with a nasal voice in the whole nine yards. I mean, there is no charisma. All right, him versus Trump, like who can laugh at himself, who can

talk to rally goers for two hours? I mean, come on.

It's unusual to see that kind of charisma and I get it. You love him or you hate him and it's what you, you know, it's a high beta personality but people really love him and you think about what he's been through and two assassination attempts, et cetera, they, they really look to him as being willing to stand up for them in a way that they don't see Kamala Harris as being able to do. I mean, you heard the women earlier in the show saying we don't really think she understands what we're going through.

And for whatever reason, Donald Trump is able to communicate that, I mean, he's out at mcdonald's right, having the time of his life and

it's charisma,

charisma wasn't enough in 2020.

It wasn't because you know why people were still hurting. We were coming out of having been locked down

and, and, and they didn't, you know, they didn't like the lockdown very much

and they had some uncertainty about the future and they thought maybe the mean tweets were part of it.

And so it was a close election, but ultimately Joe Biden swept in.

He couldn't do that now and she can't do that now because there's no plan and if you don't have a plan and if you wanna do more of the same, which her economic policy, by the way is more of the, the same and then some, then we're gonna have, we're gonna have issues.

And so no, you know, James Carville, you can't say you're certain Harris is gonna win,

not when all the poles are telling you something else.

And so the Democrats now find themselves, ladies and gentlemen in a really bad spot. And so as a result of that, they're coming forward with a whole bunch of

weird stuff.

This is the October surprise that they planted.

And according to Mark Halpern, they may have another

political analyst, journalists, we're gonna get to that in a second. But before I do, I wanna give a shout out, we're going into the holiday season, we're going into the election season. You know what? There's gonna be, there's probably gonna be some election parties, right? Um There's gonna be some holiday parties. We've got Thanksgiving coming up. Balance of Nature, you gotta take care of yourself, gotta take care of yourself, gotta take care of your finances, gotta take care of your he your health, health and wealth. As I like to say, Balance of Nature is how I do that again. Going into the busy holiday season, I wanna make sure that I, I'm firing on all cylinders and

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Learn all about them. There's some great testimonials. I mean, I'm one of them, right. Who is feeling good so far? So good. I mean, sometimes I get a little sick during the fall and uh you know, fingers crossed all, all so far, so good. So balance in nature is one of the keys to me staying healthy. I encourage you guys to take a look too. It helps the show and of course, it helps you,

Mark Halpern has some ideas on this potential October surprise. Do,

do the democrats have a big surprise up their sleeve? I mean, this October surprise, October surprise they've already warned us about. It

makes me kind of wonder were they planting something out there? So there's this big story making the rounds. The Atlantic is basically comparing him to the most infamous dictator in modern history. And uh that would be the, the guy who slaughtered millions of people

and uh was just devastating for Germany. I, I mean, I don't even like to talk about this. It's so it's, it's, it's actually frankly disrespectful

to the people that died in World War Two,

all of our allies. It's disrespectful to all of the, the Jews that were slaughtered. And yet this is what the left is promoting in the 11th hour that somehow he's the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler. I I, I'm bothered by it. I don't even like talking about it, but we have to go there because we have to talk about what they're trying to do in order to try and influence people in the middle. In the 11th hour. Here, we are just two weeks out.

And you've got John Brennan, the former head of the CIA talking about uh Kelly who was the chief of staff for Donald Trump and some of the comments that he made to the New York Times. Let's go to this. He is appearing here on MS NBC where he is a paid contributor,

Brennan. He's also an MS NBC, senior national security analyst and Intel analyst, Dr Brennan here is John Kelly in his own words, speaking to the New York Times about Trump, praising Hitler.

He is more of the ones that, you know, that Hitler did some good things too. And of course, if you know history, um again, I think he's lacking in that, but if you know what his, you know, Hitler was all about, uh it would be pretty hard to make an argument that he did anything good

director Brennan, your reaction.

Well, uh John Kelly is one of the most accomplished, decorated and respected flag officers of his generation and I worked very closely with John Kelly over the years, uh tremendously hard working and dedicated American public servant and military officer. And I have no doubt whatsoever in my mind that John Kelly was accurately recounting the comments that Donald Trump was making. As Congresswoman Edward said,

this is not surprising at all. We have seen this continuous pattern over the course of many years of Donald Trump endorsing individuals such as a Hitler disparaging the US military advocating for fascism, which is what John Kelly

said that he is fascist and just like Mark Milley, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staff who said that Donald Trump is fascist to the core. It just demonstrates that Donald Trump is not interested in promoting our democratic system and our values as Americans. And so therefore, again, it's I find it absurd and appalling that so many Americans are willing to just dismiss these comments and

the undecided voters that are still out there. I think they really need to take this into account when you have individuals such as John Kelly and Mark Milley saying this about Donald Trump. Is this the country that you want your Children and grandchildren to grow up in? I certainly hope not.

Ok. So think about the timing of this. All right, we've heard this before. II, I don't feel like this is anything new. Like I feel like this has been circulated before and we know Kelly doesn't like him. I get it and there's a lot of sort of very hot motion going on right now and you know, did, did Trump say this or not say this? You know, I think Kelly made an interesting point that he doesn't necessarily, you know, maybe

quite understand, like you say something like that and it can be taken out of context. OK? Like, like, like that it can be taken out of context. And so it's entirely possible he's saying things iii I can't justify it. I'm just gonna say that.

I think we've kind of been there, done that. I find it disrespectful to the Jews that we lost during that time to the allies that fought in those wars and to compare someone like that as they're doing right now, like that's, you know, they, they're running this clip over and over and over again and they're going on and on about how he's the next, you know, the next Hitler and, and that's a really, really, really

dangerous place to be going, but this is what they're doing and think about the timing of it so close, of course to the election itself. So it has some people saying is this the October surprise? I mean, the, the article big article in the Atlantic written by Goldberg. Jeffrey Goldberg who clearly has his political bent was in some ways kind of a hit job. And the timing is that of a hit job. And

my friend Mark Halpern, who hosts the podcast, he was talking about this on his program and I, I think it's worth listening because he's been pitched a couple of stories

and the stories have not been accurate. I mean, I think about, I was pitched the, the dossier way back when, and I looked at that, I'm like, this is a bunch of, you know what, like this is really like, nobody sourced that. Not even the FBI. Anyway, here's Halpern talking about how there's all this stuff floating out there and how he's not going there because it could actually ruin,

like, ruin Donald Trump's campaign if it was true, but he's chased it down and it's not true. But what's appalling is it's out there. Here we go. And the point I was making is there's all sorts of things being floated out there. Maybe Jeffrey Goldberg just happened to finish the story two weeks before the election. So I'm sure Sean will have a point of view about that.

I know of one story that's been pitched to a major newspaper and to me and for all I know to many others

that I don't believe is true. But if it's true, as I said yesterday, it would end Donald Trump's campaign just as if the accusations now thoroughly debunked and attributed by American intelligence to Russia about, about um uh Tim Waltz. If those were true, it would end his campaign.

What we're seeing in the final days is the point I was making is

actors who want a certain outcome are on social media and in pitches to reporters and in the case of the Atlantic, Jeffrey Goldberg writing himself are trying to affect the end of the race because they're so desperate to try to, to try to pull a Comey.

I'm not pursuing the story. I don't think it's true. People in Mar a Lago, calm down,

all I'm saying is there are people out there pitching stuff and, and if it were true, it would end his campaign. But if someone pitched me a story that said, uh Trump is a Martian,

I might not end this campaign. People might think that's cool. You get my point.

There's stuff like that, ok? There's stuff like that and that's what happens. And that's why journalism has become so seedy and so awful. And

it's hard to trust anyone in the media because there's all the, you know, you have to think about it. And as a journalist, I think about it all the time, like when someone

tries to pitch me something, it's like you gotta understand everybody's viewpoint, right? Because everybody has their bias and so your job

as a journalist or as a commentator, but certainly as somebody who's gonna write up an article and try and present something as fact is you gotta have all those facts, you really gotta do your due diligence. And what's scary is that in this day and age they're not doing their due diligence. I mean, think about New York Post, right? And the laptop from he double L that

along to Hunter Biden. And yet the guy that you just saw on MS NBC, John Brennan, former head of the CIA along with a whole bunch of other guys, former deputy director of the CIA Mike Morrell. He did this at the request of our now Secretary of State Anthony Blinken who wanted 51 ex spooks all a bunch of hacks scraping by the likes of a paltry little MS NBC job.

That's how you pay the bills, ok? Like that's what they're doing. OK? So they're all a bunch of hacks and they get out there and they know they got a scratch, everybody's back and you got, you got Lincoln, you got Mike Morell, you got Brennan putting on the pressure, you get to sign this thing. So 51 of them come forward and they sign something that says that there is no possible way that

Hunter Biden's laptop was being investigated by the FBI when they knew it was being investigated by the FBI. I mean, that's what's so incredibly disillusioning about these people that they're so willing to just lie through their teeth and they do it all in the name of quote unquote, protecting democracy, right? Because Kamala is gonna protect democracy. How is she

protecting democracy when they're using Law Farre to go after a guy, they don't want to run. How is she protecting democracy? When Biden's administration shows up on the doorstep of Matt Taibbi who was about to with the IRS who is about to go and disclose a whole bunch of stuff about how the Deep State State Department was there inside Twitter,

pushing around its influence on the day. He was about to make this testimony. He's a reporter. He used to work for Rolling Stones used to seem kind of left now. I think they, they forced him right too. Like they show up with the IRS on his doorstep. You think about all the, the shadowing et cetera that has had to happen. And ladies and gentlemen, this is all under the Biden Harris administration. Thank you very much.

I mean, I I think that Elon's kind of right, like we're in jeopardy of really losing the country.

I mean, when, when these clowns wanna sit there and lie through their teeth and now they're trying to spin another narrative and there's gonna be some reporter out there. Mark Halpern didn't take the story, but there will be some reporter that will

and thinks that they need to put out a bunch of garbage in the name of

preserving democracy so that Donald Trump is not in charge. I mean, this is, this is alarming stuff. Uh Again, take care of yourself. First go over to 76 research. This is my baby. This is what I created with a very dear friend, brilliant guy, brilliant, brilliant investor, my friend Rob Horton 76 You can get this with code word dollar, just type in dollar

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in Bitcoin. I can't wait to introduce him to you guys. He's super smart, super interesting and wow, wildly successful. So we can talk a little bit about Bitcoin. I know, I know like it scares some people. I get it. I get it. It scares me a little bit too, but I think the idea of not being in it scares me even more. A quick shout out for the

the store. Trish Regan dot shop. That's my store. You can get all your Trish Regan paraphernalia, including this very lovely glass that gets a lot of use during the show. Does it not? Um So check that out Trish Regan dot shop, especially here as we go in ladies and

of course, as we go in to the holiday season. But I, I think, you know, the, the bottom line here is they're getting really nervous, which makes me really nervous. I mean, when I hear Kamala Harris talking about November like that, some people find it humorous what he says and, and think it's just silly but understand how brutally serious

it is. Well, the courts will take care of that. We'll take care of November. Yes,

we'll take care of November. But it is brutally serious because to, to the congresswoman's point, anyone has, who has openly said as he has, ok, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And now she's gonna make us nervous because I, I just wanna know what that means when you say we will take care of November

in the context of lock him up and it's followed by Joe Biden.

It sounds like I said this five years ago, you locked me up. We got to lock him up

politically, right?

Something going on.

I think they're really nervous. I think that

Donald Trump

at this moment in time

stands a shot at winning in a landslide.

And I think they are trying to prepare the country

for what could be, which very well could be.

I'm starting to sound like her now. What could be unburned by what has been

anyway? What could be is Kamala Harris not being willing to concede this election

doing the exact same thing that she's constantly accused Donald Trump of doing.

That's what we could be looking at in all seriousness. I'm seeing so many familiar faces here. It's great to have you guys. Thank you so many of you have become supporters here on, on the program and I know we haven't done a lot of like private stuff, but we, we need to do that. I get it, but I, I just want you to know, I appreciate all your support

and I, I appreciate you guys being here like Mike Costa every single day, Don here every single day. I love it. Um I'm seeing some new new names here as well. Mj Cleveland. Good to see you back here. Luke. Good to see you. Peace of mind. Of course, good to see you and Don as well as Ian everyone really. Um This has become a really wonderful place and a great community

and it's thanks to you that this is becoming the success. It is. We haven't done any marketing at all. Um I'm working on the website

Donald will occasionally send me notes like, hey, you know, have you thought of this? Have you thought of that? And, and Alphonse as well has sent me, sent me notes, but we're, we're a very small operation and I appreciate the loyalty that you have given me and I, I have the same loyalty for you. So we're here every single day no matter what here on youtube. Thank you for subscribing to the channel. If you haven't done that, please make sure that you do

that. You do subscribe. It's important right about now and I will see you right back here, live again tomorrow.