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When someone shows you who they are, believe them! Episode 225 - Hour 2 When Someone Shows You Who They Are Believe Them

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THE THESIS: The Party has shown us what they are. Unless we believe them, we can’t began to properly fight against them. 


Ephesians 6:12 (in the NIV)

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Ephesians 6:12 NLT

For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.


The Party hates our personal mobility and they intend to steal it. 

World Economic Forum Calls to End ‘Wasteful’ Private Car Ownership; The globalist elites say too many people own private vehicles for the planet’s good. 

. . . they do not feel the same way about private planes, yachts or islands, of course. 

The Party is installing global fascism: a private group of immeasurable wealth is partnering with a global governance body to install policies  . . . 

[AUDIO] - United Nations announces Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum and UN General Secretary Antonio Guterres have signed an agreement to ‘accelerate’ Agenda 2030

ESG will be used against us in countless ways. While Blackrock has temporarily backed-off of EGS (at least publicly), their entire purpose is to change humanity with their power to coerce: 

[AUDIO] - In discussing ESG investing, @BlackRock CEO Larry Fink admits that the goal is to take the ESG agenda global:

CNN has shown us what they are, they are Party members using fear to create the demand for ESG and to prep the environment where people will cheer as their cars are made too expensive to use. They did the same for the medically useless, deadly, politically targeted lockdowns and The Party’s war against early treatment.

[AUDIO] - Caught Red Handed! CNN tech director speaks about instilling the next fear (Climate change) as COVID is no longer a fear factor in controlling Americans.

Of course, The Party that sponsors riots, open borders, mass use of drugs (both legal and illegal) and starts coups in places like Ukraine, wants us to believe they are concerned about instability 

[AUDIO] -  John Kirby: "Climate change creates instability, which creates insecurity in some places...The fighting in Syria really started as a result of a drought...It can actually drive military missions and force [them] to become involved in places and at times where they wouldn't"

Instability, you say? How insatiable has Sri Lanka become and where did the new President of that fallen Country get his hunger for QR codes? 

Sri Lanka's new President, Ranil Wickremesinghe, who is enforcing a QR code digital ID program to access gas, is a devoted Member and Agenda Contributor of the World Economic Forum (WEF). Because of course he is.

No QR Code for illegal immigrants getting on airplanes in America. The Party lets them use arrest warrants

[AUDIO] - Today the head of the TSA admitted that the Biden Administration has let nearly 1000 illegal aliens use arrest warrants as ID to get on planes this year.

The Party has a fascination with a number--500,000,000--that is the number of people they have decided should live at any one moment, 

The text of the Georgia guidestones 

[AUDIO] - Jane Goodall in Davos: "All these [environmental] things we talk about wouldn’t be a problem if there was the size of population that there was 500 years ago.”The world population 500 years ago is estimated between 420 and 540 million —  6.7 billion fewer people than today.

When The Party shows us what they are, we need to believe them. 

[AUDIO] - Pete Buttigieg: “The more pain we are all experiencing from the high price of gas, the more benefit there is for those who can access electric vehicles

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