THE THESIS: KING-5 Nooze is playing defense for the child destroyers in Big Pharma. The NBC Affiliate in Seattle recently discovered the so called gender clinic at Children’s Hospital. Yes, after me talking about if for over five years, after taking them the story of 15 families who kids were being gender jacked, of autistic 6 years olds getting gender jacked at school, of families whose kids were told to get wrong sex hormones after ONE MEETING, KING-5 suddenly discovered Children’s so called gender clinc. WHY? Because Sunday was DeTransition Awareness Day, which drew attention to the tens of thousands of mostly young women who regret getting their bodies chemically and surgically mutilated. The fact that KING-5 Nooze is running what is OBVIOUSLY a Press Release for Children’s Chop Chop as news, proves to me they have teenage girls.
So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.
6 “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. 7 Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come!
Do you think a healthy society would force people to agree with this desperately sad, seemingly mentally ill human being that the source of their ruin is being “born in the ‘wrong body?’”
Teacher has breakdown over being “mis-’gendered.’ These are the people teaching your kids.
Here’s the trash KING-5 “Nooze” treats as journalism. Some of the issues: On DETRANSITION DAY, KING-5 couldn’t find ANYONE who disagrees with shooting kids up with wrong sex hormones? These kids were followed for a YEAR? Gee . . . do people’s opinions change when they grow-up? When they want kids but can’t have them? When they get cancer at young ages? When they get brittle bone disease in their early thirties? When their hair falls out at the temples in their late twenties? KING-5 didn’t care, they ran this trash as news,
. . . It’s not like it’s hard to find people who will tell the truth--or, if you like, the other side of the story--about the gender industry. Here’s a quick link.
Learn about the gender industry, here
. . . here’s a master source of data on the insane har these people perform.
Detailed analysis of the gender industry and the harms of wrong sex hormones
It’s not just old, white men--it’s all about race, remember?--here is a young woman who will take you on a tour of what these ghouls do to kids.
A YouTuber gets away with covering this abuse (this might appeal to younger audiences) - Sydney Watson
My friend's child wrote this to an SJW "teacher."
I read a book one time, named "Red Scarf Girl". It was for this library bingo activity we were doing at my elementary school, and I wasn't really that excited about it because historical fiction isn't really interesting to me. But, I had a book bingo board to fill out, so I got to work. Surprisingly, I really liked that book.
It told the story of a young Chinese girl experiencing the horrors of Mao's great leap forward. It was a truly terrifying story, it was unbelievable to me that this could happen in real life. Of every event detailed in that book, the "Struggle Session" was the most unnerving. The Communists would seize someone, bring them into a room of their peers, and grill them on account they were suspected of being Bourgeois (A capitalist pig). The accused would be interrogated, psychologically tortured, pressured to confess, and “encouraged" to turn back from their "evil ways". An act of contrition, if you will. I enclosed "Evil ways” in scare quotes here because not everyone they interrogated and tortured was, in fact, a capitalist. Terrifyingly, the bar to get thrown into one of these was as low as a simple accusation.
In fact, it was very much like the Salem Witch Trials, as we learned in your class. I’m sharing this with you to point out some current parallels. No one, not one person in this classroom, is racist. No one here hates blacks, Mexicans, Jews, Asians, whites you name it. No one here endorses or even has a neutral opinion of slavery, no one here is OK with segregation. So why are we doing this assignment?
I suspect it's because you consider yourself an activist teacher and it makes you feel good to be, and teach kids, to be so-called "Anti-racist". Promoting this type of political propaganda means you are one of the "good guys” but in truth, this is exactly what the "good Christians” did in the witch trials, and it is the tactic of the Proletariats under Mao. This activity is a thinly veiled Struggle Session, it's based in fantasy and Boogey Men that simply don’t exist in this country any more. Well, it didn’t, but you seem to want it to.
Red Scarf Girl is a lovely, powerful book, but it scares me that people like you, in charge of shaping young minds, are leading us along the exact same paths that those in the book did. This is a path that leads only to destruction and if you really want to “end racism,” I would suggest you simply stop talking about race all the time.