Good morning and welcome to the ride! The CLO must deal with replacement weed. Robin Thicke is back in the headlines. Would your younger self be in shock to know about the technology of today? There is another senseless death in Bend, Oregon. There is nothing good to say about The Texans right now and Junior is stuck! Dr. Fauci had something to say about holiday gatherings and Steve had something to counter that. The fellas discuss man code especially after all this B2K stuff. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve reminds us that a blessing delayed is not a blessing denied.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things and it's to be good. String together, Please, I don't join jo. You gotta turn out. You're going to arm. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn You haven't got to turn them out with the turn of water. The water got me. Come come on your thing, Uh huh, I shall will. Good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, Come on dig me now. One and only Steve Arvey got a radio show. Man, Old man. Old Man symbolizes just one thing to me. Man, It's just a constant remind of exactly how good God has been to me over the years. And I thank him for it too, because I realize every day that I wake up that I would be nothing without him. That everything I am that's any good in me, I owe to him. Now. Have I made some mistakes along the way, yep, bunches, bunches and bunches. And will I continue to make mistakes along the way yep? Not as many, hopefully as I have in the past, because a lot of stuff I know better now. But you're still going to make mistakes. Now. You know, hopefully I've limited the amount of intentional in my life. I've wiped quite a few of those out. But from time to time, because we're human, we're going to make a mistake every now and then. The trick what it is, y'all, it's not to let the devil deceive you into thinking that once you make that mistake that that's it. You can't do it. You're falling off the wagon. You can't reboard it. That's the biggest trick that he uses. He makes you think that if you keep stumbling, that you can't run the race. It kind of reminds me of a marathon runner. From time to time I watch him on TV, and you'll see some people who finish the race, you know, in a in a nice pace. You see people finish the race sprinting towards the finished line. But every now and then you'll watch a marathon and you'll see a runner and the runner is in really, really bad shape. The key is they finish the race. See, you don't get disqualified in the marathon because you stumble. You don't. They don't. They don't take your opportunity to finish the race because you keep falling. That's not the key. The key is finishing. And a lot of times what the devil does is he makes you think that because you keep stumbling, because you're swaying from side to side, that you know you out the race. Well, that's not the case. And see and then this thing called life, let me help you understand something. Everybody falls, Nobody sprints to the tape in this one. Nobody just runs free and clear as some people running faster than you and all like this. And some people are gonna get to the end before you let them go ahead. And when the end come, the end come. I ain't in the rush to get to the end. But in this race, though, when you're stumbling and you're falling, it's a part of it. No one gets through this race without stumbling and falling, swaying from side to side. So don't let the enemy deceive you into thinking that it's over. I try to be encouraging to people because I don't want people to get stuck on this thing, you know. And my walk is very different from a lot of people's walks. And then I know a lot of people who walking in faith the way I'm walking in faith. But my thing in the morning is just to remind those that is not a perfect walk man, that it's not something that's set up where you're gonna be skipping through life scott free without any pitfalls. You know, I keep saying it over and over and over again because, like I said, when I was in DC, my boy Hondo said this to me, and it just kind of stuck with me that the road to construct, the road to successes always under construction. You have to figure and count on the setbacks and the pitfalls. But it's those people that that that that fight through will be the victors in the end. You cannot give up, man, Stop going somewhen sitting down. Every time something goes down. It's going to go down. It's a part of it. It's going to happen. It's going to occur that are going to be setbacks. If you go and sit down every time there's a setback, that's not how this works. It is designed that way. If success were easy, everybody would be successful. But success is just reserved for those who are willing to fight through, who refuse to settle for mediocrity, who wants something more. Now, don't get me wrong. Success is defined by each individual. So what I may consider to be successful, you may not consider that. You know what Bill Gates considers successful. I might not consider what Michael Jordan considers successful. I might not consider what you consider successful. Your boss might not consider. You have to define what that is for yourself. It may not be monetary at all. You know, your level of success could be tied up in community service. It could be tied up in family. It could be tied up into church. Your level of success could be tied up into boys clubs. It could be any number of things. Whatever your level of success is, you have to determine what that is you and the best way to determine that is to get in touch with your maker, who created you, to find out what your mission and your purpose is so he can put you on track. I just had this conversation with my son and we were talking about getting on the path that God has set up for you. So many times we find ourselves fighting through life because of so much uncertainty, because we have no idea where we're headed. It's like one of my own sayings that I have at my mentoring camp for boys is is that a boy without a male role model is like an explorer without a map. See if you don't have a map laid out in front of you of where you're going when you wake up every day, that pretty much explains the feeling of confusion, the laxadaisical attitude, the lack of purpose, to not understanding your mission because you don't have not gotten in touch with your creator to find out exactly what your path in life is. What are you supposed to be doing? The moment you can identify that is the moment that you get started waking up with purpose, with the sense of direction. When you kill the sense of I don't know what's next or what to do. Now, there's going to be some confusing moments no matter what happened, it's going to be some uncertainty, but at least you'll know where you're going. So if you're tied a waking up feeling loss, abandon confused, don't know what to do, don't know what you're supposed to be doing, refer back to your makeup. Because when he created you, he had a plan for you. When he created you, he had a path for you. Now we've made some decisions to get off of both of those, the mission and the path but God can get you right back on track. Do that today, asking what you're supposed to be doing, and listen, God has all the answers if you form the relationship. Okaying, shout who two two three? Somebody say it was moaning time to me. Somebody told me it was all up by me. I love that man. You ever see, y'all, ain't never been to a lounge where the singer is a relative of the lounge owner and he really has no business with the singing contract. But right at the start a happy hour at five, he can go on from five to five fifteen when they hauling nobody there. I'd invented them lounges, and that's where they at, man, and they just be up in their writing songs that they wrote on their own that don't make no damn say. You can look at me while I look at you, You looking at me? What? And one is too hey? And then he just kicked back like you don't rope the line of lines. That's how we're gonna do it this morning, y'all. We're gonna do it like ain't nobody able to do it, and then like we ain't got no business doing it. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Now once again, why do we start the show different every day? Because this is a new day. This day will be unlike any other day you've ever lived. Nothing about the day will be exactly the same as it was the other day. I don't care who you are and what you say. So why would we start the show the same way when we got a brand new day. That's why we start the show like this. Get used to it. It ain't fitting to change. Good morning, Sherley, Steve morning, Good Hey, Colin Pharrell, Good morning. What's happening to Steve? What I wanted you morning? I'm morn everybody, family, But nephew, comming ain't top top top top. Missip Monica, she waves. Y'all know we don't let her talk yet, but she will be. So promote, promote. You're in a great mood this Monday, you know what. I'm so happy bad, I'm so overjoy to be looking out this window. You know, I had to um, had to u come to the dentist. I had to travel to my dentist, and my dentist got COVID. Yeah he's yeah, so you know I won't be you know, laying back with my mouth open, then him bring em. You're happy, right because you hate the dentist? Over joy me. Well I'm not happy, no, no, no no, but I'm having the appointment is counsel. Yeah, over Yeah, it's a great dentist. Yeah, flew out here for nothing, ain't no problem. Got some golf cups? You ain't mad about that? Go get it? Do you play? Junior? I never hear not talking about. Oh no, I showed up and ride to cart Oh that's what I do. Okay, Yeah, I look like I was gonna be out there, but I didn't pass herebody, I'll be the first one back at the clubs. What is the appeal? Because a lot of people still don't get golf, you can't talk about it. Uh, we're running out of time, all right, guys coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, asked the CLO. Right after this, you're listening to the Steven Show. Time now for ask the CLO. Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building. This one is from Lakida and Denver. Lakida writes, I'm using my boss's car temporarily while mine is getting worked on. He helps me out by putting gas in the car, getting it washed occasionally. The other day he took the car and got it washed and filled it up. I noticed that my weed was gone, so I asked him if the car man threw it out. He said he found the weed and smoked it. He said it's his car and anything in the car is his property. I am so hot? Should I make him replace my weed? Are you kidding me? What? Are you kidding me? Legal? Okay? Now let me okay, okay, let me show them because did I get it confused? What's this? Her car? Her bosses now her boss's car. She's using it to she's using her boss's car. Hers is getting work done? Okay? Cool? Has she left out the part that her boss is trying or sleeping with her? Oh? No, she that's not in there. Oh well it should be. What boss letting you usday car and go washing in and clean it up and putting gas in it, and let you letting you use They call for what? For what? Because hers is getting worked on? Hers in the shop? But you cool enough with your boss where you can buy some weed and leave it in the ashtray. He can smoke it. Y'all got that type relationship? This ain't about bosson employer, just about something else. So I'm not even gonna answer the damn question because I don't give a damn about your weed. But they inner in Colorado. I guess it is, but it's not my concern who has a weed. I'm all concerned about how you got your boss's car driving it and he putting gas in and washing it. Who's sleeping with who? That's minute? What this about? Now? Y'all having a lover spat over some damn weed. They ain't even put this about to me. He said, it's his car, and anything in his car is his property, and so is she when she in it. Get it? Yeah, all right on Shirley, Moving on. Cassandra in the Midwest says, my husband and I we're planning to go to Antigua over the Christmas holidays, and the travel agent told us both that we have to be vaccinated to travel. My husband is paid for the trip and still won't get vaccinated, so now he's backing out of the trip. A portion of it is nonrefundable, so I suggested that I invite my sister to go with me instead. He said that's fine, but he'd expect my sister to pay him back, perhaps the trip. He was going to lose the money, So why does she have to pay your thoughts? See l oh hey, dog, listen to me. This situation is because you won't get a vaccine. You won't get vaccinated. Okay, cool? Now because of that, only half of the money is refundable. Your sister said, Your wife says, let my sister go. You say, fine, but she got to pay me for the other half. What on the half your hand or the half? Dog? It's gone cause your ass won't get the vaccine. Now you can't go. It don't make no sense to ask the girl for her money back. For your money back, Your money gone, Yes, whether she go or not, your half for the money gone? Get it. The unvaccinated is starting to piss me off because now y'all paying this unvaccinated thing all into vacations and everything. Man, whatever everybody else is suffering. I think we should have a vote. If you don't want to get vaccinated, you can't ever get a ventilator that'll stop all this mess right here. Oh really, So if you get it, god forbid you do, but don't come up in here taking up no hospital space. Now for people who really need get your ass dynam get vaccinated. Say what you want to say about me, whatever, get your ass vaccinated, because I've seen what these vaccines do to people who get vaccinated. The researchers there and it's coming in. Yes, you can still get COVID if you get vaccinated, but it has proven that the symptoms are reduced greatly where you don't need hospitalization. That's a fact. Now, other people dying from COVID who don't get vaccinated, Yes, the likelihood it happened with the vaccinated is unaccinated. I don't know what we're talking about. And right now I'm talking to my old ass sister. This is personal. Why is everything always because the family? I'm a flying down so you can you don't sit around and chop it up. And now we can't go yet because one of the old my other sister ain't got the vaccine yet. You ask get a vaccine, Okay too, damn old and be ignorant. Okay, are you done? Because we're moving on now. Anonymous in Tennessee, Clo says, my wife had all right, I'm gonna let you all right marinate a little bit while I do this. One anonymous in Tennessee says, my wife had a son in December the strange line, and we hired an older woman to come in and watch the baby while my wife is in her home office working. This woman is slim, thick with a tiny little waist and pretty feet. She is sexy, and she knows that. I fought her off at first, but she wore a dress with no underwear and we ended up doing a quickie in the kitchen while my wife was working. She has asked for more than a quickie, and she wants me to come over to her house. Should I go see what's up with granny? Go see what's people are insane? Well, go see what's up with Oh, come on, cell, I don't know what you mean by granny. Do you mean, well, she's an older woman. The babysitter who's watching the baby's an older woman, so he's calling her granny. Yeah, well no, did you miss that part? Yeah, we hired an older woman to come in and watch the baby while my wife is in her home office. The woman is slim, thick with a tiny little waist and pretty feet. She's sexy. She knows. Okay, Well, dog, I don't recommend going over to her house, because this is gonna eventually cost you your family. And I don't even know if it's your family anyway, because you say your wife had a son. I don't know. Is it not your baby? What y'all doing? I don't really know. But sexy Granny, don't go over her house. Dog, don't go over there. You're gonna get taped. This ain't gonna work out. She already got you messed up. Yes, all right, Well that's all we have time for today, Cello, thank you very much. Coming up now, it's the Nephew and run that brank back. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Anna is standing by with today's national news and then trending entertainment news. Robin Thick now is being accused of groping a blurred lines music video model. Plus in other entertainment news, Carla is here with today's music news. The Beet Hip Hop Awards are tonight. Yeah, all right, The Beet Hip Hop Awards are tonight. We'll talk about these stories, of course at the top of the hour, but right now, the nephew, you heard him. The nephew is here with today's run that brank back. What you got for his nav? I got kay dog for y'all. Kay do okay, let's go cat. Hello. Oh yeah, I'm trying to reach I'm trying to reach Terns. Yeah this is Sans. Who's this this K dog? Uh? His brand? Your brother? Then? Yeah, that's my brother? Eli up? Why what's up? Because? Yea cool? Hey look I just got that. I was actually uh, I was locked up with your brother. We was on the same tier together, like I was. You know, that was kind of like my boy right there. I took kill of uh. He told me that he was. He had been writing you to tell you and you was, you know, letting you know I had been taken care of, you know, while we was locked down or whatever. I know he don't get off for another couple of years, but like he told me that when he was writing you that you know, y'all had already got it situated it. You know, you was gonna take care of me when I got out. So you know, I, like I said, I just got out last night, and I wanted to come by and pick up the first ten grand you know sometimes this wait wait, wait, wait, wait wait, wait, wait, wait, how much did you just say kenny grand? Yeah? You know, I mean he told me he had already wrote you and told you what was up. Oh bro, I ain't talking to my brother over a year, so uh ain't hold on? Hold on, hold on, hold on right? You know? Okay? He told nah. You know, Peter told me that you you got me straight with the first ten grand when I first get out and done. A couple of months later, you hit me with the next ten grands. It's just twenty grand. Wait wait over, that's twenty grand. Bro. I got a wife and kids. I got a family to take care of. Ain't no, I ain't got ten grand to deal with. I gotta feed four kids and the wife. Okay, okay, So what you hold on? Hold? How how old? Hold them up? Man? So what you're saying Brandon was lying to me the whole time. What I'm telling you is just locked up eighty man to say anything to uh say to the ain't no ten grand over here? You know, twenty grand over here? You want to get in, Brandon's gonna need to wait two years till you get out and deal with that. You get no, no, no, it ain't it ain't. It ain't been. It ain't been a fall like that. Plea nigga, hear what's sens to go down? Okay, Nah, I'm coming over the frad So coming over here, ten grand. The first ten grand is old old frid. Now what I ain't got the first. First of all, what you need to know is just right here. I don't care nothing about going back. My thing is just right here. Just pay for supposed to be read. And it took care of your brother all these years while I was up in there keeping people up off of him on the third till. And now you're been to come to me. You're fens to come to me nine how to put it in his work is now y'all ain't been to pay up. It ain't been. The LM like this. Yeah, that's what I'm telling y'all doesn't put it in work to provide my family, me and my wife work. And you telling me that you're trying to come over here Friday to get ten grand that I ain't even got bo that's locked up. Hey man, look I'm not I'm not. I'm not finna. First of all, all this backing pool, but like this hill, this ain't nothing. I do you understand, I don't do that. I don't go backing food. I don't you know what it is. It's ten green being on Friday now if you need to try to reach out to your brother that's uh locked in. You didn't talk to him. But like the zill I'm coming looking for terrest, you know, looking from my ten grand. That's this, that's a nitti ten grand. I put some tims up yond you come over here to my house, to my family, to about you're gonna get ten grand for my no great brother that's locked down. Hold on, hold on, because see you're gonna you're gonna remember around and take this. You know way what First of all, what did you just say on him? When I get over what you say? You you bring your to my house with my family here, I'm gonna put some tims up yere? How about ten thousand dollars and then another ten and a couple of months you lost so damn blind. I ain't got no damn grand. I've worked my often. You're gonna tell me that you want ten grand? Another ten grand in a few months of taking care of my brother while he locked up. Nobody tell you take care of him. That's a girl man. Let him take care of the self, Me and my family and the bell just out of so much I'm dumb. Hey, hey, hey, do look at I understand how it is that you've seen. But what you what you got to look at all mine for the land. Three and a half years, I've been over here taking kill and he telling me, y'all gonna take kill me. So so I don't know what's going on. What I do know, youll though Fried this frid I'm coming to get team Graham from Tim. So you got the six this right here. Anyway, you're gonna feast so I And that's just it right there, Come Friday. I'm in. I'm in front of your house. Down what wait? Hunt on? What wa? Hunt on? Kate Dog? You say your name, Kate dog baby from the third this Kay down from the third till three tills on the side of my left. I don't done three decades. You probably don't work the everybody in the street and then jail you got with my But I'm gonna tall something you bring over here to my house. Try to me, my wife and my kids. Thing gonna go down like you think it ain't gonna go. I'm gonna give you a thing I got. Then some you come over here, you're gonna be laying down. Bro, I'm gonna be what gonna be laying down? You come over here and try to me and my family and my kids. That ain't gonna happen that way. You okay, Then that's then that's that's where we're at to him. Baby, Then we just we just gonna say this up a Friday, and then because it don't make me know, i't already talk, we gotta wait to fighting, k dog, we gotta way to fight. I'll meet you somewhere. You're gonna like you think it's gonna go down. Once I get you any thing I got and lay you down, I'm gonna be in there with my brother Brandon whooping his putting me into he doesn't got yourn I'll call you hey. You know, first of all, if you ain't got the ten grand, you might well going on brand now anyway, get this. You need to get your out here and get a job like everybody else. I don't care how long you've been in and everybody got a job. I'm busting you won't tend't work for that ten Grand and get you out here and wash cars such grand. Hey, man, you know what I'm gonna tell you? Know what your your brother? One thing about him he was right about you though, he was right about you. You know what I'm saying. I'm gonna tell you what thing else he told me about Joe? What? What the hell did he tell you about me? He told me to tell you who I really was. This is nephew Tom and from the Steve Harpin more than show your sister. The feeder got me to point phone call you. Who is this man? This is this is this is nephew jommy man for the Steve Harvey born to show your sister the Vita got me the prank phone call? You get them. I didn't. I didn't let up a cigarette in the house. I could smoke in the house. I'm gonna get hut you all right? Man? I am? You had me on ten. I'm like ten, Grand, I'm gonna come to my wife. Man, it's all good. Man. I gotta ask you, brother, what is bad? And I mean the saddest radio show in the lane. Man, you know what it is is Steve Harvey Morning Show. You don't make me go see my brother. Now it's holidays. I'm gonna have to go see that man in jail man. And then you have it. That's the nephew, that's the k dog. I need ten K and I hey, I mean and took you knew it was going to be something with the name like kay Dog. Anyway, he talked about his brother man, everybody involved in this situation. He didn't give a damn one. I'm know one thing for showing't nobody getting ten vows? Period? Coming up at the top of the hour, we have some entertainment news for you. Thinking, neph you we'll be back right after this. You're listening to Stry Morning Show. So model Emily Rodijowski revealed that while shooting the Blurred Lines music video and Yes, Steve it was a few years ago, singer Robin Thicke groped her naked breasts. The director called cut on the video shoot and inquired if Emily was okay. Diane Martell confirmed, quote, I remember the moment that he grabbed her breasts, one in each hand. I screamed, in my very aggressive Brooklyn voice, what the effort you doing? The shoot is over? Emily wrote in her autobiography, My Body due this month. Quote out of nowhere, I felt the coolness and foreignness of a stranger's hands, cupping my bare breath from behind. The model Emily Emily Radejowski recall that Thick was a little drunk. I felt the heat of humiliation pumped through my body. I didn't react, not really, not like I should have. Oh so the book, Yeah, that's crazy. I know this one song. He wished he would never record it. I never lost the lawsuit with Marvin Gay children and this video now when was blurred lines out? I think it was twenty Yeah, that was a long time. She didn't say nothing. Then years ago, Why she didn't say nothing, We don't know if she said she said. I didn't react like she should have. That is where. Yeah. But now let me ask you a question. Uh, there's a book out now, she's writing My Body, Let's due this month. It's coming out. Oh, the book is coming out. Also, she's she's promoting the book. Yeah, I would assume. So, yeah, she's promoting the book, and that's something that's in the book. Yes, out of nowhere, I felt the coolness and foreigness of a stranger's ends, cupping my bare breast from behind yea, so he had no right to do that. No, there's no right to do that. But I gotta ask this, is this for sales? That what the book? Oh is she trying to promote? Is she's saying this so she can promote her book and get more sales. But yeah, I mean I expected to hear this eight years ago. Whenever that happens, I mean, of course, naturally that's got a lot to do with it now because I mean, Robin Think is a famous figure. Uh. The whether he did it or not is not what I'm talking about because I don't know. But what I do not do is assume that people are guilty. But if they got witnesses and all of that, I would think. Man, I wish that people were able to come out more freely when things happen to them, you know, come out more freely when it happens. I don't. It becomes a bit m victims are scared to especially when it's somebody that's famous. Well, that's why I said I wish it were. I wish people were able to be able to come out when things happen and not have to be ashamed or afraid. That's for the whole me to movement, movement about you know, yeah, them being afraid, them being you know, up against such powerful entities. You know that they're afraid that they'll lose. They'll be the losers, the victims will be the losers and be blamed for what. Yeah, because it's been like that for so long, you know, absolutely absolutely all right, guys, moving on and other entertainment news. Carla is here with today's music news, which you got, Carlotta, well quickly. Tonight are the b ET Hip Hop Awards hosted by our guys eighty five South DC, Young h Carlos Miller and Chic Goban. We love them, we love them. Yes, the I Am hip Hop Award. Nellie will receive that he's a legend and other performance will be there, so we will be watching tonight. And Big Daddy Kane he's going to pay a tribute to Bis Marquis. B ET Hip Hop Awards hosted by eighty five South Tonight, All right, Steve, come on it. It's time now for today's headlines, ladies and gentlemen, miss Anne Trippy, Thanks Steve, good morning. This is a trip with the news. President Biden says that in refusing to raise the nation's dead limit so that the government can actually pay US bills mostly run up. He says, by the Trump administration anyway, that Republicans are showing that they care more about politics than the American people. Just have to let us do our job. Get out of the way. You don't want to help save the country, get out of the way so you don't destroy it. Mister Biden says that in only four years with the GOP in charge, the government ran up nearly eight trillion dollars in additional debt that the government now has to pay off. That's why I need the debt limit raised, officials, saying that the federal government is now only two weeks away from exhausting its cash reserves. Alabama Governor kiv has announced that she intends to use four hundred million dollars in federal COVID relief money. COVID relief money got this and other funds not to strengthen Alabama's infrastructure, not to provide economic assistance to people in need in her state, and certainly not to relieve her state's health crisis. She says she's going to use it to build more prisons. Local people say, yeah, that's because you want to perhaps can incarcerate more blacks. That's what civil civil active people say in Alabama. Meanwhile, the black community of Delaware County demanding justice in the case of a child, an eight year old little black girls shot dead August twenty seventh by a stray bullet outside of a high school football game, a bullet which investigators are nearly certain came from a cops gun. Young Fantability was killed as cops from the County of Sharon Hill returned fire after a group of young men got into an argument a block away from the football stadium. State Senator Anthony Williams of the Black Legislative Caucus says the group wants to see legal action and several firings. They You've not heard one word from the police chief or the police department involved in the shooting, not one word. The grand jury is needed not only to bring charges, but also to vet those they have chosen not to cooperate with this investigation. The three officers who fired their guns that day, by the way, are an administrative leave. Their names have not been released or anything. While a review of Sharon Hill's police policies as they relate to the use of Deadly Force, they say is underway. Finalists looks like Captain James T. Kirk going into space for real. That's right. Actor William Shatner, who's ninety, is scheduled to take to space to dun what was it next week with je on the crew of Jeff Bezos Blue Origin, New Shepherd things. So he's gonna do that for real? Stay tuned. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show. Okay, here's the here's the question. What about the current world? What about the current world would be most surprising to your younger self? All right, Steve, So do you think the most surprising thing about the current world your younger self would be upset and shocked about is how people can actually make a living as influencers, you know, influencers taking pictures of themselves posting them on the internet on social media. Oh would I be shocked at that? That? Oh? Hell yeah? Because all I knew was hard work. I just I just saw my daddy hard work. I ain't never knew no if when an influence who? There were no cell phones? Who, how are you going to influence them? And ain't but three TV stations what are you fitting to do? I would be stunned. I'm stunned anyway. I mean, like I'm to be honest with you as my current self. I'm still amazed at the fact and I'm really opening my eyes to the fact that these young people have another way of earning a living and it's not the route we took. And it's been it's been a struggle for me admitting to that. So okay, So that's that's another part two of good Part two of this question, what would your younger self find shocking? What else would you find shocking? Cell phones? Cell phones? Cell phones? Cell phones? It was unthinkable. Yeah, one of the greatest inventions. It's right up there. Think about that. And a computer that you can type in information and it talked talked back to you Siri in your phone, Siri Alexa, dog. Dog. We had to call four War one, right, Yeah, we actually had to call four War one operator and she didn't know how to time right. Oh, you had to have all the information. She would say, I don't see that I need more information, old dog. Really hold up, hold up a phone book. Hello. You needed to know, bro, because if you was looking for John Smith and open up phone book dog which John Smith down that line, just trying to call and hope that little girl answer the phone. What a little girl? H huh? John Smith had daddy in lay. I got to go down each smell. I don't have her phone number. I got called to s oh a girl you liked when you were yaller cussed out, hung up. I wish you would bring you a little black ass by hill, Come on by him. She don't live him, but come by. What about landlines with that real long extension cord, you could go out out of nine. My daddy bought a fifty foot he could talk on the porch. We thought that would the coolest thing in the wood porch talking. You tried to take that phone out on the porch and talking. Here are you going with that phone? You ain't brought no cord in here? All right? Coming up with thirty four minutes after the hour, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. What is going on? Last month in Bend, Oregon, a twenty two year old black man named Barry Washington complimented a twenty se and you're a white man named Ian Cranston's girlfriend at a nightclub. She said, no, thank you, I'm flattered, but I'm in a relationship. Well, Cranston didn't like that, and a fight broke out between the two. Prosecutor said that after the fighting stopped, there was only shouting, at which time Cranston pulled a gun from his waistband and shot Washington. There was no justification for his use of the weapon. Cranston was arrested but released on a one hundred thousand dollar bond. This outraged the community, and he was re arrested, and the prosecutor released a statement saying our country has a disgraceful history of denigrating, prosecuting, and lynching black men for talking to white women. Over the last week, hundreds of people called and emailed me to remind me of this history. This is an horrible story right here. This is bad. This is really bad. Absolutely, you don't like the compliment. So let me just what's being done to this guy that's that pulled the trigger, that charges they've arrested him and charged him with fire. I see he got to you know, because you just you shooting a man because he complimented your girlfriend, and the girl said no, it ain't like he physically did anything to the girl, tried to force hisself on the girl, none of that. An argument ensued. Now you pull a gun out and you shoot the black dude, Man, get out of you. Yeah. This, this, this ain't what we're doing no more. It goes back to people being able to just carry these guns so freely you can just Yeah, I'm telling you, man, everybody, this open carry law, this right to bear arms in this country is the most one of the most ignorant laws we have because it's causing so much. It's a sasta in Atlanta right now, this carry law. Because here's look, man, here's a deal. If you carry a gun, a lot of people end up using it simply because they have access to it. Yeah, that's true. And I just think, man, that when you carry a gun, you're using it as a way out to solve a problem. Animal walking away, animal talking, animal, reasoning and logic. I have the ultimate decision maker on me, and it's called a gun, and I'll use it. Yeah. That that creates a lot of crime in our and then the freedom to buy guns allows criminals access to guns, which makes us who are law abadding people unsafe at Mars, not being able to go to PHIPS and Linux is. It's ridiculous what has happened in the city of Atlanta. It's hard enough, Steve, with law enforcement people who legally have the right to carry guns. You know, yeah, misconduct, Yeah, you know when they when they react badly or wrongly, or you know, misjudge the situation or whatever. They're racist, whatever the situation. And you got regular, like you say, law abiding citizens carrying guns. This is a horrible Now the law abiding citizen tries to counter trying the capabilities of criminals by let me, let me carry me a gun to protect me in my family. Do I understand that? Absolutely? Absolutely, I understand that. But now everybody got a gun, yes, yeah, Now we live in America to shoot them up society. And it's not like that in a lot of other countries. And if you look at the deaf and murder rates in other countries, America is far and away the most vicious and criminalized country on Earth. Damn near Damn, Damn near dog. I mean, dislike hill. This over here is crazy, man, and it's unfair, and I don't think it is reversible. And the reason I don't think is reversible. Is because the n r A controls the Right League part. Yeah, and they'll fight to the death for those Second Amendment rights. But to answer your question, Tommy, the grand jury has indict at Kranston. He has been charged with second degree murder, first degree manslaughter, second degree manslaughter, first degree assault, in two counts of unlawful use of a weapon. Okay, all right, yeah, all right, and we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up. The Nephew with today's prank phone call. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject is my children are inconvenient. That is the cha. I'm what all this? Everybody on the show has kids broke the okay? And who are listening? All right, we'll get into it. And justin Bibby right now, the Nephew is here. You hear them with today's praying phone call. What you got for its nat bottom of the pyramid, Bottom of the pyramid. I think Carlin knows a little something about this. Right here, shout out fledge your mom's we bought that life. Yes, all, here we go, Come on, cat Dog bottom of the pyramid. Hello, Hello, Hello, hello, yeah, can you hear me? I'm trying to read. Sorry on just a second, let me turn it down. Okay, Hi, who are you trying to reach? I'm trying to reach Angela? Oh yeah, this Hi Andrew. This is Chip Chip. I'm the new camp director for the cheerleading camp for the summer. Hi, Hip, what can I do for you? I just wanted to give you a courtesy call your daughter. You've got her signed up for four weeks with the camp, right yeah, but Joe, Yeah, this is your guys third year being a part of the camp, yep. And she's really excited. She loved coming to the camp and we think it's a great thing for how to be involved in. What's that? Okay? You guys just finished the whole cheerleading season two? Am I? Right? In the competition season? Yes, it's coming off of that right right? Okay, Well, we're getting ready for the summer and everybody's excited about coming out and being a part of what's going on. So here's what I wanted to give you a little bit like I said, I'm the new camp director. I was just starting at this job. I got a few notes that that we're giving to me about about, so I wanted to give you a call and see if I could talk to you about it. A few notes giving to you about Yeah, just a couple of notes. I don't think it's anything that we can make sure it's okay. What kind of note. Well, it's been brought from my team, and that some of the parents whose daughters are out there as well, there's gonna be there this summer. A little concerned about her being on top of the pyramid, that she's uh is getting a little heavy shit she uh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait ho ho ho. You calling me about some some other parents and said about how big my child is or how much my child waves? Is that work? What I wanted to let you know was we're gonna put as a base. Oh no, you ain't gonna put no base. I don't already pay my money. And what you say your name is Chip? And um, how long have you been the director? Because I was just up there two weeks ago and they told me that she was gonna be the same position that she was last year, because that is what worked. That's the formation that works. So I don't even know what the world supposedly that some of the girls are complaining that she's too heavy to hold up. So that's what seems to be the problem in there. They're not getting a strong on the pyramids. And wait a minute, way, way a minute. I know, well, she ain't the biggest one. I felt, have you been myself? My child is not the biggest child. I fell when it because I would see you have not seen these chimleys and if some baby so most I felt, Okay, hang on, sud Angela, I want you to calm down a bit now. Aint nobody's gonna calm down because I'd not already paid my money, And it is that I'll be talking about what parents what Harrison said? Something? Is it? Uh? Is it? Carrie Man? I'm not. I'm not gonna state who it is, but let's just say it was several Harris has got something to say about my child and her position on the chimleading squad. Because if you ain't gonna fuck up no names, then I don't understand what you're calling me about. I'll tell you one thing. When she get out fell I didn't pay my money. She better not be on no base. She better be in the hour. I guarantee you that, right. Nah, I've been hanging with the ain't nobody said nothing to me about and my way and all this. Okay, Angela, can you hear me? I just wanted you to hear me clearly. I haven't seen these young ladies yet. Once I see them, I will critique what I think. You don't even need to be calling me because you ain't even seen nothing. Are you calling me with some He says she's from some other parents that's been skinny and grinned in my face, and they now wanted you and nothing to me. They have't been in my house. We ain't had parties, always hiving the competition every weekend of other day, and they couldn't say nothing to me about my baby. I tell you what, why don't you call your girls on the three way? Mister Chip. If you can't call him on the three I got them. I call him on the three way. Okay, Okay, Look man, all I wanted to do is make you aware of the possibility that she may be a good Thank you you have made me aware, and I guarantee you that if I bring my big yellow up and come to the practice, I guarantee you she won't be a face. How much you want to bet on that, mister Chip, Look, you're gonna quit holler and me and I told you I would try to take a look at these girls. But I tell you what your thought is gonna be a face or she's gonna be a back support, whichever I decide. She's started to do. Who enough do you think you're holler that at, mister chill, No, that's not how it's gonna go down, as a matter of fact. As a matter of fact, mister chill, are you at the registration table to day? I'm here now while people are registering you? Sorry, let me turn it around. I'll tell you what. I'm all my way up there. Why don't you and the parents has been complaining? Why don't all y'all come to the table and we gonna have come to Jesus meeting about whether it's gonna be But it's coming up season because I'm not going to tolerate this. I've ben't told you, I haven't paid my money, and this high is going down? Game weight? What what is it that you wa game way to night. What does they have to do with her chill meeting? Jude? You agree that probably bigger than most of the girls on the team. It's not bigger than most of the girls on the team. Uh, mommy daughter's visited and she wasn't no base. Last ship they hiked up up some gonna get up to We all just gonna be big impromped up in the air. I didn't turned around, and I'm here to sell you the restration table, So let's be with it. I'll be ready before you get here. That's something else I need to tell you. You ain't gonna tell me something. All you gotta do is to have you and the pears around that table when I get there, because I'm on my way up there right now. Then y'all can say all y'all gotta say in my face, Well, I want to get before you get it. I just want to let you know, man, what this is nephew timing from the sea. Who this is on this phone? Wait? Wait, women, hold on, holo ho what did you just say? This is a nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. To be good? Oh lord, Rochelle, there's another pair named Rochelle. She thought for y'all a good friends out there, oh she got Oh, so she want to break out? All right, we're gonna see the season start started uniform. She'll be able to perform a fact we look at to hers. How about I want to break out me? Oh man, hey, let me ask some baby, what is the baddest I mean, the baddest radio show in the land. Now you have some people got to be at the bottom. Okay, some people got to be at the bottom. Up with me, everybody. Everybody can't be on the top. All you chier moms and cheer dad's out there, y'all, y'all pull up a little bit, y'all, y'all go hard for y'all be on the sideline doing way too much yelling at the coach. You just said, we cheer moms, we about that life. Everybody can't be on top. It's got to be some people at the bottom of the pyramid. Weight got a lot to do with it. You got to be on the base. You know who you are. You can't be the flyer. We can't throw you up and had a look on him kid's face on when you on your way down you're important. I'm not gonna run the risk of breaking both my arms trying to catch you. I think what costs most money is all expensive as ribbons. And let me tell you something. Your ribbon better not come out your head and hit that floor. You lose points for that. Yes, you better. You better have listen, No, listen. We're having Cheerley the Cuts this morning. The following people will not make the cut, and we will tell you why. Teresa, your inability to smile, you are out cherry, your inability to wear the halfstyles we required. We said pony tails. And Larissa, you don't know how to keep your bowing your here coming up, Strawberry Letter. My children are inconvenient as a subject. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here, right now. You never know, it could be yours could be could be buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry letter. Thank you, fh you. My children are inconvenient is the subject. Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm fifty one years old. I'm a married woman, and I've been with my husband for seven years. We met at a rap concert while picking up our daughters, who were both sixteen at the time. He and I started talking about how we shouldn't have let our daughters go unchaperoned. My daughter and her friends came out first, and he got my number before I walked away. We instantly clicked, and he proposed a year. After a year of dating, our daughters didn't know each other, so they demanded separate bedrooms as we struggled to blend our families after marriage. Right now, we live with two twenty three year old women, and he has a son that is nineteen, and he comes and goes as he pleases. When he breaks up with this girl, he's back on our couch for a few weeks. All of our bedrooms, all of our closets, and two storage rooms have been taken over by grown children. My husband and I are a decent couple, and my man works hard, and so do I. We brought our children up in the church and we made sure they went to college. All three of them dropped out. Our girls smoke weed, and I'm sure our son does too, but he's just better at high The girls smoke in our backyard, and the neighbors used to complain, but now they just accept it like we do. I talk to my husband about us selling our house and downsizing to a condo so these freeloaders won't have any space, but he's got a soft spot for these grown, lazy women. I want to redo our kitchen and din but I refuse to make our home nicer until the freeloaders will leave. I don't feel bad for them because they're a major inconvenience at this point. They have no way to take care of themselves if we put them out. What can we do to get these grown ups out of here? Wow, this is a really sad letter. Smoking weed in the backyard not working. This has got to stop right now. Okay, and downsizing to a nice condo sounds really nice. And I got to ask where is their mother? She probably doesn't let them take advantage of her space like you guys, You and your husband have to present some sort of night at front. I know you said your husband has a soft spot, But you all got to get this together so you can talk to these entitle, spoiled kids. You gotta let them know things are about to change. The free rides over. You got to set a deadline for them to get it together and get out. They need jobs, they need apartments so they can get out as soon as possible. They should start looking now, You as parents are enabling them. That's what you're doing. You have these kids have no incentive to get out. They have free meals, free room and boards. They can smoke weed whenever they want to. You guys, don't say anything. I mean, what's their incentive to leave? I mean, the sun does have a place to live, so you definitely shouldn't be letting him come and go as he pleases. I know you love your kids. We all love our kids, but there does come a time when we have to let go so they can spread their wings and get started on their own paths, on their own journey. They'll figure it out. They will figure it out as we all did, and they'll thank you later. All right, but you've got to tell them to get out now, set that deadline and stick to it. You and your husband together as a couple. Steve, all of us on this show that have adult children know what this letter is about and were sick of this type of letter. Yeah, we feel for you, we understand you, we empathize with you. But at the same time, I've had to do some things. Now let me tell you something ain't all ease because I'm all through this letter. I had blended family. All this here, so you know, here we go. Y'all met at a rap concert. Both of y'all sixteen year old daughters was at the concert. Y'all met waiting on them to come outside. Your daughters came out first with her friends. You all clicked. He asked for your number before you walked away. A year later, you all were married. Your daughters, who were both sixteen, didn't really know each other, so they demanded separate bedrooms as we struggled to blend our families after marriage. Blend in the family is not easy, especially the older they get. The more opinionated they are, and they have personalities, and they not necessarily would have been friends. They just became family thing. But families you don't get to pick your family. You do get to pick your friends, so when you throw them into this situation, it is going to be some difficulties. Right now, after seven years, you live with two twenty three year old women, and yeah, as a son is nineteen, come and go as he pleases, he break up with his girlfriend, he's back on our couch for a few weeks. All of our bedrooms, all of our clauses, two stories rooms have been taken up, our grown children. My husband and I have a decent couple, and my man works hard, and so do I. It's just so much going wrong in this letter. First of all, they've been at y'all's house way too long. Now. I'm off for your solution when we come back. But let me say this first. We brought our children up in the church. Okay, so much for that, So much for that. I don't even know why you put that in there. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know if that was supposed to change something. Because you bought them up in the church. You can bring them up in the church, and you can bring them up in the club when they ain't doing what they supposed to do. They ain't doing what they're supposed to do, and we made sure they went to college. All three of them dropped out. Okay, so now you're making adult decisions on your own, then it is time for adult consequences when I come back to me. This whole letter is about consequences and you have to allow and I've learned this as a parent. You have to allow for the consequences to occur. It's the only way they're gonna learn. And it's not consequences that you inflict. It's consequences that happen from their decisions. Will go over this when I come there. Hang on, Steve, we'll have part two of your response coming up twenty three minutes after the our subject, my children are inconvenient. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening Morning show. All right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter. My children are inconvenient? Well? Well, well, well ain't they all? Sometimes your children get on your last damn Nerve. Oh, they don't think they do, but they do. And guess what the good news is they children gonna get on they damn nerves too, Nann. So that's how I've been I've been looking at my son when kids now, and he'd be talking to me, I don't even be listening ahead to tell me why I listening whatever? Whatever, you was that same damn problem you tell me. So now we got these couple gotten married. They have two daughters. At sixteen, they blended a family. They're having difficulties. The daughters demanded each separate bed rooms. They struggle with their marriage. They got a nineteen year old boy that comes and go when he pleased. If he break up with his girlfriend, he back on their couch for a few weeks. All the bed rooms and closets and storage is taken up by grown children. And you all are a decent couple. You and your husband. Y'all raised your kids in church, which whatever, anyway, we made sure they went to college. Now all three of the kids have decided to drop out of college. This is where your consequences have to begin. The one thing I've taught my children is this, the older you get, the more die of the consequences. So you can make these mistakes at a child, and then your parents are helping. But the older you get, my man, the more die of the consequences. And I'm not going to stop the consequences from happening to you. So once they decided to drop out of college, then guess what they needed to develop then was a plan of action since you don't want to go to college, but they ain't have one, and you all didn't allow them to have one because you all let them come back to the hole. Now all three of them then dropped out, and now they're smoking weed, and you sure your son does too. He just bet at hiding it. The girls smoke weed in y'all's backyard, and the neighbors used to complain, but now they just accepted, like we do. Really seem to me like you need some rules at your house. See, you can stay here, but these are the rules at our house. You can't smoke weed in the backyard. It's no longer acceptable. And if you smoke weed in the backyard, we're gonna put you out. But they ain't got no consequences, so they do what they want to do. Now, you say you talked to your husband about selling your house and downsizing so you can get rid of these freeloaders because they won't have any space. But he got a soft spot for these grown lazy women. I'm assuming that you don't. That's why you wrote the letter. You want to redo your kitchen. It dead, but you don't want to make the place nice until the freeloaders lead. I don't feel bad for them because they have a major inconvenience at this point, they have no way to take care of themselves. This is where you and I have some problems. They have no way to take care of themselves. Well that's not true. They do have a way once they have to find a way. I'm gonna repeat that, they do have a way once they have to find a way. But as Shirley said, you've enabled them, so now they ain't got to find a way. We're in the back yard smoking weed. We got a roof over our head, we got some need and we can get around. So what do we need to do anything for if we put them out? What can they excuse me? I'm sorry, we have no way to take They have no way to get care of themselves. If we with them out, What can we do to get these grown ups out of here? First of all, you need to set a deadline. That's for starters. You all have six months to find a job. Whoever doesn't have a job will be staying with the one that does have a job. But everybody got six months to find a job. Secondly, you and your husband stop cooking at home and y'all go out to dinner. I don't care if it's to go up to Popeyes. I don't give a damn. If it's to go get salad at Wendy's Ball salad Ball, I don't give a damn. If it's go to Jim and Nicks, I don't care what it is. Y'all need to stop cooking, starved their ass out. See, stop making conveniences. Yeah, so stop cooking, go out to dinner, set a deadline, and then they have to realize consequences. You have to allow life to hand them what they're putting in. See, you get out of life what you put in. So if you don't allow your kids to suffer consequences, Daddy, can I borrow some money, but what you need? And then they tell me, I'm under no obligation to give you the money. It depends on what's happening in your life. And I'm telling you right now, for the most part, I forced them to figure it out. I forced them to figure it out. And you know what, they go do they go and figure it out, because you know what we all did. We all struggle to give our kids a better life than the one we had, and in that process, you all, we created a safety net for them that we didn't have. And so now guess what they do. They keep diving and laying in the damn net and that's all they do because they think they are and they take advantage of the safety net. You have to remove the net. True, I'm sorry. It's the only way to make it happen and let them figure it out. That's the only way to do it. Deadline, you gotta get your ass out, That's right, Steve. Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM, on Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up at forty six minutes after the hour of Sports Talk with you know Who Junior. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, ladies and gentlemen, Junior is here with Sports Talk. What's you got Junior? Okay, Shirley, first off, if I'm gonna get to my team in a minute, but just congratulates to Tom Brady for sitting the passing record. He now holds the NFL pass a record with eighty congratulation. Browns the Browns, Yeah you know it again, because you're out there in Texas and ain't got nothing to be grateful for. Go ahead, Junior. I'm sorry, yeah, ok on no, because he lost Sunday forty to nothing, forty to nothing to the Buffalo Bills for it, not a now point, not nothing nothing. We had nothing to show for it. So it says now Statistically, teams that are one in three or folk the whole game attendance drops eighteen percent. So since we end that agent percent, I got some ideas to help the team out and get the attendance up. Just as a few suggestions, I think we should really implement ahead for a hundred dollars, just just for the take. For a hundred dollars, you can run out the tunnel with the team and then run to your seat, because we need to see who out here can run. We need other players can't do a damn thing on the field, just scout retalent at the at the fort out. Why would I give you one hundred dollars to run out with y'all losing asks? Go ahead? We're trying to find better players. We ain't really got nothing. So for fifty we got players or coaching. For fifty dollars, we'll let you drop your own play, will send it down and we'll run it. Because the one we run it ain't doing a damn thing for the whole peack, because we just go a point. We just need player coach. For two hundred dollars, we'll put pads in a helmet on you and let you play whatever position you want. If you feel like you're a better quarterback. Hell, he's starting eleven games in college. If you got any none league, any two hand touch leading high school football, I don't give a damn what it is you have done. If you can play better quarterback, then heat we'll came. I'm gonna give you two hundred dollars to put on some pads and stand behind that ragged ass official line. Um, Um, did you see we lost forty or nothing? We need all the help we can get. Six day. Don't want to initiate no help, We'll I initiate it for football to hand touch. We don't give a damn what it is. What's your football sparing? You can do better than what we did because we put up a goose egg for it to nothing, but you know what, and then for another two hundred and fifty dollars. Hell, we'll let you start because the startups we got ain't worth a damn, he says, too high, two hundred and fifty start and lose and just you don't. Can you get read my seasons? Parents? And I got two seasons? Fair? Can you go? And I'm abody buying that ragged ass chair you got For the passing time, We'll let you do the pep talk in the locker room to the coach. Get great suggestions, Junior, I love it. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll talk about the man code. Right after this. You're listening to Steve. If you recall, you mentioned that you saw the public apology of B two k's Little Fizz when he apologized to a Marion for dating a Marion's X and the mother of his two children, April Jones Well. During a recent B two K concert in Los Angeles. Fizz said he was wrong and basically said, I did some fed up sugar honey iced tea stuff to my brother. I'm not proud of it, man, So I want to say humbly, I humbly and sincerely apologize to you for any turmoil and dysfunction I caused between you and your family. So here's the question. Yeah you saw it, Yeah it was I'm sure it was a moment too. So here's a question for you. Junior and Tommy Steve talk about this man code. Fizz broke it. But can you really really be cool again once you break that man code? Can you be cool with your with your teammates or your bandmate, your brother again? I sent your name? Well, well, well we can just hold on for him because we already know what it is. Yeah, Oh, I don't know that it'll ever be the same because it's two people that's got to be forgiven. Fears is gonna forgive me for doing what he did to my girl, and then I'm gonna need forgiven it for what I did to Fears for doing it to my girl Maria forgiving Fiz right. Well, but see, I then Fear is gonna have to have forgiven me for beating his ass as bad as I did once week. Then now I don't know how time it feel. But that's that's a lot that'll partly we'd probably still be on stage forgiving each other. Okay, all right, what no, d Dani, same don't Yeah, I mean I hear what you say saying, but now you know that that you can't fix that because now, well my girl I got Now, I can't trust you around, honey, because y'all ass is a girl snatches. So it ain't a where in the world. I'm gonna sit up here and just be cool with you any time you walk in the room and here feeds in here, get your stuff, baby's gonna go. Come on, put the plate down and let's go. Feez is here ain't awhere in the world. All right, well, let's thank you. Let's move on to the man who holds a grudge until he dies. Uh, nephew, what about this man? Code? What you got? I'm through with you when we get to hell and all help, I don't with you. That's it. It is what it is. I'm sucky you've didn't done me. We dune. That's your age. That forgiveness. Yeah, I think man don't have that type of forgiveness towards that can't forgive each other. World thank forgive each other because and the reason being is, you know, they performing together they got a way to make this money, and I can show you something probably happened with that dude. Does a Marian still date this girl? No? Yeah, see that that's has two children from her. No, And it sounds like she was she on some revenge stuff to hurt him a Marian and then got with Fizz and he was wrong and she was wrong. So yeah, yeah, apologized. I think that big. That was real big. But I would like I said, I'd have had to apologize to them. Since we apologize the apology to I think that's being because I think a lot of B two K fans probably thought that they would never see them perform again in the group still as off the stage. Well, if you feel to be in the group and he'll be a cutout, he'll be, he'll be fizzing. It'll be some season out of him. That's but you know what, in all honesty, I like the apology that he made and I'm glad they was able to squash it because it ain't just fears to your girl trifling too. Yeah, so sometimes you need to get the news in a different way. One more time as we go out, Tommy, just to be clear on how you feel what averybody annoy it. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Showed twenty minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. In trending COVID News. Chief White House Medical Advisor Anthony Fauci said yesterday on the CBS Face the Nation show that it is just too soon to tell if Americans would need to limit holiday gatherings this year due to a course of pandemic. Doctor Fauci instead says we should focus like a laser on continuing to get those cases down by getting people vaccinated and getting booster shots into the arms of those that qualify. Last year, at the start of October twenty twenty, the seven day moving average of cases was around forty three thousand, according to the CDC. The current seven day moving average is around a one hundred and three thousand. Wow. That's a huge difference. Wow. Yeah, it's almost double, or more than double, more than double, yeah, more than double. People are not listening. They're not doing this Christmas like they did last Christmas. They're gonna gather, is what you're saying. Oh yeah, yeah, they had football games right now? Will you watch college football? You're watching a super soaker spreader. But the pros too though, right, professional games too. Yeah, everything is back, surely, I said it exactly. Why so yeah? Man? Yeah, well man, my grandmother. You gotta have your vaccine car to get in hot house. But Thanksgiving that first. All right, We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to the show? Time now for, asked the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building. This one is from Lakida and Denver. Lakida writes, I'm using my boss's car temporarily while mine is getting worked on. He helps me out by putting gas in the car, getting it washed occasionally. The other day he took the car and got it washed and filled it up. I noticed that my weed was gone, so I asked him if the car man threw it out. He said he found the weed and smoked it. He said it's his are and anything in the car is his property. I am so hot? Should I make him replace my weed? Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? Legal? Okay? Now, let me okay, okay, let me ask something, because did I get it confused. What's this her car? Her bosses now her boss's car, she's using it. She's using her boss's car, hers is getting worked done it? Has she left out the part that her boss is trying or sleeping with her? Oh? Well it should be. What boss letting you use their car and go wash it in and clean it up and pitting gas in it? But you cool enough with your boss where you can buy some weed and leave it in the ashtray he can smoke it. Y'all got that type relationship. This ain't about bossing employees, just about something else. So I'm not even gonna answer the damn question because I don't give a damn about your weed. But they in Colorado, I guess it is. But it's not my concern. Who has we? I'm more concerned about how you got your boss's car, driving it and he putting gas in and washing it. Who's sleeping with Who's That's really what y'all having a love of spat over some damn we dat me. He said it's his car and anything in his car is his property, and so is she when she in it? Get it? Yeah, all right, sir? Moving on, Cassandra in the Midwest, says, my husband and I we're planning to go to Antigua over the Christmas holidays, and the travel agent told us both that we have to be vaccinated to travel. My husband is paid for the trip and still won't get vaccinated, so now he's backing out of the trip. A portion of it is nonrefundable, so I suggested that I invite my sister to go with me instead. He says, that's fine, but he'd expect my sister to pay him back for half the trip. He was going to lose the money, so why did she have to pay your thoughts c l oh, hey, dog, listen to me. This situation is because you won't get a vaccine. You won't get vaccinated, Okay, cool. Now because of that, only half of the money is refundable, your sister said, Your wife says, let my sister go. You say, fine, but she got to pay me for the other half. What other half? You don't hand no other half? Dog, it's gone cause your ass won't get the vaccine. Now you can't go. It don't make no sense to ask the girl for her money back, for your money back, Your money gone. The unvaccinated is starting to piss me off. Coming up, it is our last break of the day, and of course we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only, our fearless leader, our Captain, Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, here we are on this Tuesday with our last break of the day, and this is it for our show for today. We've had fun. It's been good. Yes man, had a good time. Yeah, good Tuesday. Uh huh? And I don't what are you so mad? You don't really need to say nothing else today? Really? Really you really think you need to be talking? I told y'all cut his mic off. But what is he mad about? The little fist and mary stuff? Too long? Caller, that was forty minutes ago. We talked about that for years, than boy and mad at Earl Patterson on street about his bike that will never change. That makes you bitter inside. Earl Patterson. Earl got always be, Earl got to be at least sixty eight now he's still be talking about Earl Patterson. I'll be gonna Tommy, if you saw Earl, you wouldn't need recognized, all right, what is that? What the close remark about? On? Man, we ain't got enough time for them closing my mom with him. Hey, y'all, I do want to say this though. I want to remind people of something. I want everybody to go back and look again. Go back and look again. If you have given up on a mission in life, if you've given up on a dream, if you've given up on an aspiration, if you've stopped pursuing anything you that that that you had your eyes on as a goal, I want you to go back and look again. Sometimes you have to rekindle the dream. Sometimes you got to fire fired back up. Sometimes you gotta find a new motivation. Sometimes you just gotta Sometimes you just gotta go back and look again. I can't tell you how many times I stopped doing something because I thought it wasn't gonna happen, or because I thought that wasn't God's will, or because I just got tired. But if you go back and look again, you might come to the realization that God was behind the scenes working some stuff out for you. Because God sees things you don't see. He hears conversations you don't hear, so quite naturally, God gonna make moves you wouldn't make. Sometimes you got to go back and look again, because I can promise you it was not his fault at all. It is always because of a decision we make. Stop letting the devil rob you of your destiny by giving up too early. A blessing delayed is not a blessing denied. God has impeccable timing. His timing is always on point. He's never too late. The problem with people is we give up too early. We get tied awaiting on God's impeccable timing, and we give up too early. When all you got to do is stay the course. If you stay the course, lem la menation you something? What's wrong with staying the course? If you don't see any move then happening? Why would you not just stay the course when you don't see movement happening? It doesn't mean movement ain't happening. Could it possibly be that God is doing some things behind the scenes? You ever thought about that? I'm telling y'all, man, Sometimes you got to go back and look again. You gotta take a second look, man, and you'll find out. Oftentimes, man, it ain't God as you you got to stop giving up so quick. You got to stop throwing in the towel. You got to stop raising the white flag. What you're doing that for? What you're quitting for the problem with quitting is you, when you quit, you finalize the blessing from happenings. You impede the blessing from coming because you quit, You gave up. Sometimes you gotta go back and look again. God has always working behind the scenes. He's always preparing a table for you. I can't count the times how many times God didn't prepare the table in the presence of my enemies. I can't even tell you. I'm a living witness to this, man. But you gotta keep the faith. You gotta keep believing. You gotta keep going when it feels like it ain't gonna happen hanging there? Why quit when it doesn't feel right, when it doesn't seem like it's moving. This is not the time to quit. This is the time to knuckle down, stand still, and keep your faith. This is all what faith is. How many times can I say it? Man, Faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. God ain't gonna always reveal to you exactly how he's doing it. You just got to believe that it's gonna get done, just like it's been done every other time. Tell me one time God has failed you. Name it. Name the one time he failed you. Now, if you thank you're smart enough where you can name a time God has failed you. I want you to look back at that. Was it really God? Or was it you? I bet you it was you. God never fails. Come on, y'all, keep your faith, keep your head up. God is working. Look back again, take a look, don't give up hanging there. Those are my closing remarks. Y'all have a great one today. Hey, look, we'll see y'all tomorrow or God willing, and we'll have another great day. We'll have another great show. This Steve R. Martin Show. Anybody doing it like this? PI for all Steve Very contests, No purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Showing