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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all bag all suit all looking back to back down, giving the mom just like themaking buck bus things and it's cos y'all to me. True good to Steve hardy guy listening to move to other for Steve bar quick Moby, I don't join Yeah, yeah, Bobby joining me. Honey do turn o love go yeah you go. You gotta turn to turn the turn to lobby, got to turn out to turn the wan go. Comey, come on your back at it. Uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on, dig me out wanting on it. Steve Harvey got a radio show man, Yeah, dou man. God been good to me, man, He's been so good to me. Wow. And you know what I say it like that. What makes it amazing is because it's been in spite of myself. I mean you know what I mean by that. I mean I mean that he's been good to me in spite of all the craziness I've done, all the foolishness I've gotten myself involved with, and not only got but knowingly got myself involved with all of the stupid decisions I've made, put all that to the side, and he's still been good to me. Bring it all and put it on the plate, and he's still been good to me. Man. That's amazing, man. And I'm sure there's a lot of people that can say the exact same thing. I mean, come on, man, I got you, ain't famous, I got anybody, got no microphone in your face, I got nobody, ain't got no spotlight on you. I got nobody, ain't got no came in your face. I got nobody problem. Ain't your body blogging about you. But let me tell you so if you break it down and be real about it, Oh, you haven't done something outside the box. You haven't done something ladies included. You've done something out the box. You woke up and went what did I do that for? Oh? We've all done it. So with all that's said and done, God still loves you, man, God still loves you, still wants you the best for you, still considers you his child, and it's and its willing is willing man to show you your future. He is willing to show you your life. He is willing to let you take a peek at the blueprint. Man, that's an amazing God right there, because I don't. I know, I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it. I'm glad it's him, you know. Today man, I want to encourage brothers out there. And when I say brothers, I'm talking to everybody that's of the male species. I don't care about your color. I really really don't. I don't even have time for that in my day a matter a matter of fact. Sometimes when you get to discussing race, and I just get tired of it sometimes and I just wish, you know, some some days I just want to wake up just do me. You know, I I got what what what the skin tone is? I got that. But I just want to wake up some days and just going buy my business and do me. I don't want to have to deal with something. I get tired of talking about the issues. Ain't gonna make them go away. But sometimes I get tired, so the damn talking to brothers, all the brothers of the male species. I'm talking about men today. Man, If if if you ain't doing it all, if you're feeling empty, man, start today completing your your process and your journey. And you know what I'm saying, by that, if there's a part of you're just missing as a man, and and and and now, man, I'm talking to you so you know some ladies listening, but you know what I'm talking about. It's it's some part of you that's missing as a man, if you ain't really been in touch with your kids like you supposed to now for whatever the reason is. And please no, I do understand how sometimes women can use children as pawns. It happens all the time. I've been through it. I've been through it, man, I know what it feels like, man, to want to do something. But because you ain't got this or you ain't doing this thing, I ain't gonna let you have this. You gotta fight through, Fellas, you got to fight through. You got to fulfill your end of the deal. And I got how difficult they're making it. I got how man, it's gonna come with some drama, but you gotta fight through it, because man, we need fathers to be fathers. That's really what we need. If you're a man out there and you are a father of a child, we need you to do your job. We I'm talking about the our community, our situation, us as a people, all of us. We need you to be a father period. Hey man, I ain't coming down on you. I'm just your boy. I'm your man. And I've been in the same predicament, in the same hole myself. Why I couldn't get to them, where they were used as pawns, where they were told things about me that wasn't even true. I've been through it. You can't see him, you don't come on, okay, okay, I got all that. You ain't sent this. You ain't okay, Hey got all that? If if, if you can call them sometimes, tell them you're thinking about them, Tell him you love them. If you can get a letter to them, if you can get a message to your children through one of your relatives, start the process today. Be a father. It's your job now. Because you ignoring him, are you acting like they ain't over there, or you don't back him out of your mind because the situation got too difficult. I got that. I got that. But you got to step up and be fatherss. You got to write a letter. You gotta send the money if she talking about If you don't send all the money, you ain't gonna sen him. Send what you got. If she if taking it over there is too much drama. Send it through a relative, give it to her mama, give it to her sister, ask her to take it over there and do something for the baby. Because okay, okay, you can't deal with the drama. I got that, and I know it's much to pay when you have to deal with that, because clearly I know hell have no fury like a woman's going. Please know, I know that. Please no, And that's a real statement. That ain't no saying, Steve got That's that's the truth. But do what you gotta do. Sometimes you have to apologize. Sometimes an apology goes a long way to your children. Just hey, look, because I've made this apology before. Hey man, look, I'm sorry. I wasn't there for you. I was out grinding and hustling, and I wasn't paying attention to you, and I should have been. And I apologize now. I imagine, man, there's days where you was telling people I was your father up at the school and they wasn't believing you. I apologize for sending you through that. But now, man, I tell you what. I made some mistakes, and I got it together. I want me and you to move forward as father and son. I want me and you to move forward as father and daughter. I want to be in your life. I ain't got a lot, but guess what, I know a lot, because if you're a man and you're a father, please know you know something that child don't know. You have information, you have experience. That's all they need. Sometimes they have somebody to talk to. That daughter yours just needs to know from her daddy, how should a man treat me? Dad? What should I look for in a man? See, they'll take that information from you because they know it's coming him the right place. And then you know that your son needs you because you know how difficult it is if you're trying to be a man without your daddy. You already know how funky that is right there. So come on, man and met your mistakes and move forward. Call your kids, write a letter, get a phone number on them, send a text, drop a message, send a note up to the school. Do something, man, Get your thinking caps on, fellas, but stand up and be fathers. Man, make the step to be fathers. Do you know that if every man that was a father would just stand up and be a father's that would be no need for half the mentoring programs. We're trying to start out here, but we have mintoring programs because there's such a lack of fathers out there. But guess what, it really ain't no lack of fathers out there because y'all have made these babies and you got these kids, and it was you and it's your seed. So it's your job. It ain't my job. It ain't my job to raise your kids. It's your job. Now, Fellas, like I say, I ain't coming down on you, but I'm telling you the truth. Now, whay is it that I'm lying in this hill? You made a baby, that's your baby, that's you'll see. They look just like you. That's your job. If those of us that are fathers would just be fathers, I could shut the mentory and camp down. Now. I will say, I apologize because I don't want you to think I'm coming down on you. But I've been through this myself. I ain't really coming down. I'm just reminding you this is our job. These are our children, this is our responsibility. We all men. There is no excuses. You you don't get you don't get cut a brake on that one. Sorry, you're listening to lady's legitimate boys and girls may have your attention. Please you all listening to the baddest Marty show in the world. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show, home of the new place that talks about the new talk show hop Tom Top Top Top top talk it is, It's all new. This is dedicated. This goes out to everybody who is planning on watching the new talk show every day. Anybody who's got any who's ever dv Arty, Anybody who wished they could see it but they at work. Anybody who's sitting down there watching it trying to keep me at work. Thank you, thank you, thank you. What's going on? Oh? Hey, good morning, Steve. Congratulations on the premiere of Steve Live from Hollywood. Great show. Oh yesterday call the energetic, Hey, good morning. What's up looking at the TV radio? No, it's Junior. I saw your name on the credit. You gotta say all that. Yeah, when you called me, Julia, I saw your name on the credit. My whole dude, Dame number one, Congratulations like Steve, j Anthony Browny Junior board, Congrats, Congrats, Congratus baby number two. Thank you, Steve, thank you. Steve got away from that other plantation and big things just happening for me over so much shade. Yeah, well that's the thing about the Harvey plantation. I provide ship. You can do all your picking from under a tree. There you go. Well, how you filcy film down? You know you look good? Way to tease ratings say? You can be happy all you want. It's a numbers game, now, that's good. It's a numbers game. You know it can grow. Of course, Hopefully your fans are loyal to you, they love you. Hopefully, man, I get to show up to thank her wheel on this numbers game. I don't worry about it at you ain't got it. You ain't gonna be do a lot of explanations because if it don't work, you out of work. Happened in that pressure for a lot of years. It's just I've been so fortunate, man. Yeah, everything you touched, Steve, that's a lot of grace and favor right there. Man, it's been going really well. But I have such a high hopes for this talk show. Man. I think it's just what's needed in daytime. I think Ellen just needs some company and entertainment. Then she's done such a great job movement all these years. But she's been by off doing the entertaining. You know, everybody else is informative. It's like a night show that's in the daytime. It's Yeah, how's the wardrobe? It ain't there, it ain't. I'm still waiting on them to come in to get nice, get ready to get nice on level. Yeah, don't going to get it cranked up in here. I mean you might even wear some Dove Shaker battle suits pretty soon. Coming up, coming up, something funny with the fell Right now, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Stephen, the guys what regular season? The regular season of NFL football starts tomorrow. Oh my god, I know you guys are happy about that. Man you read Yeah, you guys have been fighting for a while about that first game. Can't the city of New England. And my question to you is what sport do you play? If you still play sports, it ain't gonna be football or what sport did you play? I should say did you play? Because I know you played golf? Right now? You play golf nice, non contact. You can't abody to do nothing. I ain't gotta run. Did you have a nickname when you did play? Because you boxed. You played basketball. Boxing should be considered something else that's bored in the contact sport. That's too much. Damn. Yeah, that's that's the whole intent is to. I know Tommy ran track and did you do something else? Tommy? I played football when ninth grade. I came across the middle to catch the ball and got knocked smooth out when I had a good cushion out of his knee. Somebody, Junior, now, I know you play football as well, football, basketball, track. Yeah you ran track to that's right. Yeah my nick name with quick Junior. I'm just gonna say this hill on the basketball court back in the day. Yeah, I wouldn't even let you score it, though, but I saw pictures of you. He looked like he could play. You heard he said? They called him quick. What you want quick? You can be talk quick? Sure? He talked quick quick, I had to go to lane jump was good. You're that good? I talk about himself in the third person. How you doing quick? Quick? Quick? Speak to Julian, I played defense. Don't even ask me because you play those sports. Know we'll see you. And when you would like trade up for team and say hey, I'll take fat boy. That you take that as like that, I just go write some jokes on that that was gonna go further than trying. Yeah, I'll tell you what if you give us that? Boy? No, well, let's telling jokes has paid off. You know. I'm not gonna say the name, but I said with NFL player before he got drafted and he's out of the league now. And I remember sitting there talking to him and I said, hey man, what you wanna do is he was a real ericant guy and he said, uh. He told me. He said, hey man, you know you all you do is tell your jokes. Oh, I played football. That's totally different. I said, well, you know, success, the principles of success are the same no matter what you apply him to. I was just sharing some information. Yeah, but I played football, so they ain't got nothing to do with I said, okay, cool. So you know he's out the league, is it? Oja? I'm still on TV. I was playing football when I was coming up. I ain't playing football. I'm still telling yeah, yeah, radio, I'm on TV. Dog dog, I'll be looking at people. I'll be going okay. So he was looking down at you for being a comedian and all all you do is tell jokes, I said, Pardoner's Tale, but like it don't pay though, Yeah, I mean not. The favorite thing I like to say is how your little career going? Actually, now I laugh it off. Even now, how you little career go? I didn't laugh it off. Let me tell you something. Now, I'm at the point now when I go into the bank, I'm kind of embarrassed. I'll side, do I stand this line? Go over that line? This little career going? Well, let me tell you some When I had my comedy club in Dallas, a lot of the cowboys used to come. They were cool. A lot of them was cool. Let some of them get to drink a little funny man, what you got for us the day? You know it? Used to make snide remarks. You we played football. You ain't doing I'm telling some damn jokes. Every last one of them. Cowboys don't play football no more. Well, yeah, that's a career that doesn't last long. Body. Yeah, you're done. Great, And I don't have a problem. None of the cowboys, don't get me wrong. I was just telling you. Sometimes a couple of them got drunk. None of the famous, like Dion was always cool. Emmett was always cool. Michael Irvin was always cool when he came to that. Michael Irvin was always cool when he came through that. But some other cats, man, some other cats came through that, like you know you you're damn you're on a damn practice squad. Yeah, don't nobody even know your ass? You don't get a number to go, you don't even dress that. Yeah, and don't and don't stop there. I like to find the damn teachers that told me, ain't nobody gonna pay you to be stupid? Oh? Was she wrong in your life? Yeah? Sit down back there, a little Stevie acting of food. Ain't nobody gonna pay you no money to active food? Hey? Uh uh, Elliott Man, he might get to playzee. I think so, because when you appeal your suspension, I think you played doing this appeal. But I don't know. Man. It's just so unfair that they've that they suspended this kid because he was exonerated of all charges in the court of law and they said no man, and then the league just gonna turn around and just do that. Then the Cleveland Brown's twitter off of them. Neil oh really yeah yeah? I saw that quarterback and us wild and he going, and we need to bring Kaepernick in there because he already kneel. Yeah, we'll bring it. He started it, yeah, yeah, yeah. When they pay sixteen million dollars to get rid of you, man, they really don't like you know, six you know, sixteen million. Though I can be gotten rid of everyb you can get rid of me, you know, putting on the box. All right, nephew, tell me he's run. That prank back is coming up right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Miss and will be here with our national news. But right now it is time for the nephew to run that prankback. Baby, did you it's the foe? Three sir days with me? Three days I get to go, would beat somebody else? Three relationship? Everybody want one? I did. I'm genius. Girl. You ain't gonna be leave the latest thing I came up with. I can't tell you on the Apple, boy, I tell you right now, we're gonna run this folk. Three relationships. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach my reach. Hey, my reason. My my name is Devin Man. How you doing this evening? Brother? Oh man, I'm kind of sleeping man working? Nice? Bro? What's going on? Who is this game? This is Devin Man. I talked to your wife, Kesha the other day. That's that's your wife, right, Yeah, that's my wife. Yeah, I talked to you right now. No, she worked, bro. Okay, okay, I probic name me to wake you up. You work at night or something? Yeah, I'm a craning off ready at night, but I think it. Don't call me. That's three o'clock. What's this? What is it? What is a big collector something? No? No, no, no, no, no, no no no. I talked to your wife, man. She's interested in um this thing we got man called the four three relationship. She told me she wanted me to call back and talk to her husband about it. And she gave me the number. To hit you up at the house, man and let you know all about the four three relationship because she's really interested in it. For three relationship. You say you talked to my wife about it? Yeah, I talked to Keeps a couple of days ago. She gave me the number. She said, called him back. He'll be at home at this time. You can hit him up and see if he likes she said, but she definitely likes it, man, and she wanted to see if you would be interested in the four three relationship too, you know, if we want to get your approval on it before we went in it further. But uh, your wife was very excited about it, man. She was wanted to get started as soon as possible, and I wanted to see about contacting you and making sure that you agreed and approved on everything. But she definitely wanted to get your blessing and get your approval on it. Yeah. I'll try to do anything to make her happy, though, but I got to get some moment some information about this. What is that again for three f three? No, No, it's a four three Ford three relationship, is what it is. I'm willing to listen. Okay, well listen man. We're probably gonna get started right away, probably Monday. We'll get started on Monday. Uh, you'll go through Monday through Thursday and then uh and then I'll pick up you know, Friday through Sunday, man, and we'll go ahead and get this thing started. I think if till month, you're pretty much catch on everything. You know, there's something gonna be shipped to the house. Uh, pick up. She shouldn't have mentioned any of this to you, Okay, alright, Well what this is man? The fourth three relationship, Maurice, is this? You know, you spend four days with Keisha and she comes over to my place and she spend the other three days with me. That's what the four three relationships. So see this kind of frees you up, man on anything you might want to do on those other three days. Man, when she might be tying you down, you know, so for them days, you know you would heard. But the other three days you kind of have some free time to yourself. But she'll be over my place on the other three days. That's what that's what Basically a four three relationship is part of me said, what now, I say part of me? You say she has spend four days with me, three days with you. That's that's it, sir, That's the four three relationship right there. Maurice, you know you're you're really gonna like this man? Like I said, she was excited about it. Hold are you serious? Uh? Yeah, I'm there serious? Men, Like I said, Keisha was excited at the Halo name. I know, life ain't discuss you about lacetionship, spinish fol days with me, three days with man? So you're talking about my life? No, yeah, I know. She Hold up? What name again? My name is Devion Devid say bro, I don't play change man. I don't know how I got my mama's I mean, Maurice, what's wrong? I mean a lot of couples are don't what's wrong? That's my life that you're talking to. You ain't talking to what you thought you're talking to? Dude. Okay, well listen, man, A lot of couple are during the four three what other couples is doing the hard? But my wife and me ain't interested in No. Three relationship. I can't be I can't believe you want my for this man. Oh you're saving you're calling me talking about all three relationships? You know I told you I want your name? Why? I didn't know you worked that night? Man, like I said, see when I came over last week, Man, hold on, you came over well last week. I know you ain't finished safe without thank you for the thing you bet not said, you bet not said. Go ahead, go ahead, say it, go ahead, go ahead, player. You've been talking. Don't stop now, go ahead, Maurice Holder. You know I'm up, player, I'm up now, don't want to see it? Go ahead. All I'm saying that I came by there last week. Man, I came by your house. You come by my house? Okay? Are you at eighteen four? Get been here for the last here you so you may hear about your head? Okay because because she said, okay, she said, I call you right because this first man? First of all, you the w So you're gonna take you've been in my house? Okay, player, okay, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead. Okay. If you're not interested in the four three man, then I won't. I won't be wasting no one no more. You really are you? Wait time calling me with my little wife. Don't tell you about she want to go? Three? And she never told me nothing about you got the wrong home ball and nothing more my relationship? Okay, okay, So why would she tell me she interested in the four three man? Give up what she told you? I know I take care of my bed room, all right? So three I wish she william three days. I wish she would anyway. I know you how you know it? I don't know you for many I don't mind taking off one tonight to sell what going on my house with my cleaning night, working off night. Now I ask you again, how do you know us? Man? I know y'all through Tommy Man. Who is Tommy? Tommy Who Tommy Man, Maurice, nephew Tommy. This is nephew Tommy Man from the Steve Harvey more than show dog. Your wife Keisha got me to break phone call you. Man. You I'm talking about the Steve Harvey show. Yea, man, if you tell the little ballhead, I know y'all ain't with me, man, I know with me today. Man, that nephew you tell you now why you watch Steve need to be over here? You just slip out, got your ball head, but you ain't got nothing but poper. Man. You know I got to go to to see this ship when you got to go to where you're working at night? Man, all right, all right, I'm gonna let you go back and sleep. Man, gonna think doc tell me this man, what is the what's that bad that? I mean? The bad? I wish I was there? You hey, man, what's the baddest radio show in the land? Many show Bow three Babies. You can do Poe three, you can do six, one, you can do five to It depends on your relationship. How many you know, how many days you want to be away from your huh? You know. I don't know what I have to say to get through to you. You are married, I know, and I was gonna ask you about that. Let me ask you something. Why is it people getting Africa and hair these seven eight wise? But over here we can only have one because we overheim. But we're just going by these laws over here. We see these the ones we got over here. Now you can go to af If I changed my religion, do that allow me? What religion would that be? I don't know who? Who? Who? Get this? The wives currently right here? Ain't none of that? He wrote, bigging me look at this right food? You rather change religious to get my wives and go to hell? I'm not saying I'm not saying that. I'm just saying. With headlines including the latest on hurricane but first, this is a programming note. Don't forget to set your TV hars and check out ice Cube Mississippi Monica. That's for you to show we love Cuba around here and check this out at Girl. Janet Jackson says she's ready to go back on tour and get freak here than ever. Oh no, she's gonna get more freaking. As you know. Jenne's been hard at work in the dance studio since she got rid of her baby weight, and she got rid of her husband as well. Now she's ready, she says, to give her fans what they've been waiting for. A rep for Janet says, the State of the World tour will be so hot that they may have to band band kids, keep your clothes on. Man. For the past, my mama ence a few years back. Yeah, not my mom. What happened with that Tommy. He was dragging somebody across the state. My mom said, baby, Mama, Mama gonna, Mama, gonna leavebody. Mama, Mama going on back to her room. What's going on? Mama said, you ain't seen Jenna drug somebody looking like halfway Nick. Mama, don't Mama, don't do it is? MAMAA do it is? Mama, Mama, Mama left section at the Mama, just I can't do this. Baby. It's well. Yeah. For the past five years during her marriage, she conferred formed to his strict interpretation of Islam. Her husband an insider to know that the Janet repressed so much that she nearly died of anxiety and boredom. So well, she was with him for what five years? And they have a son. Yeah, and they have a baby. Yeah, they have a baby. And she got money and she got paid. Don't forget that billions. She got paid, like five million or something. She got paid, She got paid. She stayed with him for a certain amount of time. She got five million. Yeah. See, if he'd had extra wife, they'd divided a difference around here, man, anyway, get ready for real? I want another wife. I'm just freaky Janet checks. You want another Steve? I want to under one roof shirt? Yeah, I say like that. Get a hip out around here. She ain't got the duke all the time. Nobody can pick up the kids. She dropped my out one picking Up's wrong with that? No? No, no, go ahead. He's married. You say something was wrong having a hip. It's a hip hot wife. I just told you all this wasn't gonna land. You did say that. What is the hip out white? Don't you just that's the wife a number two hip out number one? Carler? Ain't you carl Ain't you tired running these kids and cheer leading and stuff. Exhausted. Yeah, now my husband could get another wife for car pool and I just need to get in a car pool. That's what that sounds like. He's saying. It's wife pool, Carl. They never bring another wife up in there. But I'll give you credit for this time. He like around the first month, you were a good husban the first month, you know anything? You never heard anything about the side piece, anything like when did it go down here? Second month? Second month? I can't see the list piece suffer like that? Would you be mad at side piece? You know? Did her own thing? God wish you big? Oh what a double standards? Doing it like that? Well? Bottom line, go see the Janet Jackson con. Where is this supposed to start? Let's see she's let's see, no launch date has been revealed yet, she's working now. She's in the baby way, no clothes to her concert. She ain't gona hand on all right, Go ahead, Steve, miss and here, ladies and gentlemen, she's here, the talented, the lovely miss Anne Trip Steve wanting everybody out there. Here we go with the news, and there is a lot to tell. Good morning. Officials at the National Weather Service say that hurricane Irma is now the strongest storm ever recorded in the Atlantic, currently packing sustained winds of five miles per hour, threatening to slam into Puerto Rico and other parts of the Northern Caribbean sometime today. It has already hit Barbuda and is expected to reach the US mainland by this weekend. Miami Mayor Carlos Jimenez is urging residents there to take the situation seriously. I'm ordering all county offices to close Thursday and Friday. All non essential personnel will not need to come to work. I'm also requesting that all of our visitors that are here in Miami Dade County on their vacations begin and should consider cutting their vacations short. And evacuation order was issued in Monroe County yesterday, which includes the Florida Keys. Federal states of emergency have already been declared for the US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and for the state of Florida. Meanwhile, the National Guard has been called up in Florida. FEMA teams are on their way also to the Sunshine State. Reaction continues all over the country. To U S Attorney General Jeff Sessions announcement yesterday that the new administration is phasing out a program that former President Obama instituted by way of executive order five years ago to protect the Dreamers, some eight hundred thousand people brought here illegally when they were very young by their parents. Attorney General Sessions re poorly advised Trump to end the doctor program, which he considers a kind of unlawful amnesty. As Attorney General, it is my deedy to ensure that the laws of the United States are enforced and that the constitutional order is upheld. Such an open ended circumvention of immigration laws was an unconstitutional exercise of authority by the executive branch. Now, as a U. S. Senator, you need to know Jeff Sessions was against almost every immigration measure proposed over the last twenty years, and Texas and eight other conservative states had actually threatened to sue if the President did not resend DHACO, which is short for a Deferred Action for Childhood or rivals. So the Tran administration now plans a six month gradual wind down applications, new and all that kind of stuff will be decided on a case to case basis. There will be no new applications accepted, and he also wants the present says he also wants to give Congress time to act legislatively on this whole matter. Twenty minutes after the hour, Eugene the Butterfly is coming up. Stay tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, this is how we do it. Steve, you introduced j J. You introduced the Butterfly. Let's go Steve Hell Steven, come on, gentlemen and Britney Brown, that's not how you're doing You got your whatever you're bringing you Kay Now, okay, butterfly idle that I need to get morning. Get you can tell my Anthony Brown, Cold Brown, Kier Jr. Spate, Um, Charlotte Strawberry Time, good morning. What's happened? What's happened? Okay, I want to say this first of all, A lot of people I've been hearing that Tommy has been promoting the play, but nobody is saying who's starring in the play, and it is Eugene Antoine Fergus. Okay, that's what needs to be known and it needs to be said. Okay, there can be but one true diva and it's me in the show hits you Mama's boy. You do not want to miss me, so out of my fans want to see me. I'm wondering if you heard that. Steve yes me and underneath me is robbing him and yeah, Johnny Timmy anyway, but OK, maybe great is anyway clutch those pearls. Anyway, when I want to tell you, tell you all about this. Wendsy is nursery Rhyme Day. So this is where we go around the room. And I know Steven don't like for me to go around the room. But anyway, um, what is your favorite nursery rhyme? This is nursery Rhyme Day. We're gonna start with Carla. I don't know, Um did have sent you? Now? I'm just thinking that's a long time ago, nurse yea, what y'all think you? Brett nursery rhyme? Heard him? I'm broom man alright here my name on TV and I want to say congratulations, proud of you. You know, when I see your name, I'll be telling people I used to bust his black heads on this. Yeah, that is my friend. That is my friend him. Why do you know why are you getting that? Because I used to get the half his back's back your Harry blacks for him and when we get when he get around everybody else, he don't know me. You don't even make you think I ain't noticed why you look at me. We used to top. Hey, listen, when we come back from the break at thirty four after the hour, we're gonna do something called. All I said was we'll be back. You're listening to the Steven Show. All right, it's time as promised for All I said was it's very simple if you if you're in a relationship or been in a relationship, there's things that you have said, just a little statements. Next thing you know, you're a full blown argument, just just out of nowhere. Like all I said was all I said, Well, what would I do with the money if I want to loe of it? Mm hmm, And I said, you know I said this, I said that. Then all of a sudden, I'm we're in an argument. We're having a full argument or make believe money. You know what I'm saying. That's what I'm going on. You know, I'm ting you've been there, Junior, Yeah, been there? Still in there? Something that you know. All I said was, you know, if I ever meet Beyonce? Right, well, she knew the rest of the statement. I mean it, that's if I met Beyonce. Hey, you know she allowed me to date hus That's all I said. Tell me, you got what you want to know? What I said, Joe? All I said, would my girlfriend husband be tripping? Said Jane, my girlfriend husband trip? That's all I see? All right. I was on the phone the other day just you know, my girlfriend just talking. All I said was because it was just the two of us. Yeah, I didn't know Nest was in the house. All I said was Morgan Freeman could get it. You know I even talk like that. That was when my girls, you know, we're just talking and oh man, the argument that has. I'm sorry, you know I didn't say it so much. Just pick one up. See you know all I said one time one you know, she made me something. I just said. You know, when my mama baked it, she baked it a different got to do it. Yeah. Yeah. And when you talk about cooking and stuff like that, you look over here at me. Okay that everybody glance everybody whenever's food, we always look at you. I don't know why. I mean a little simple things and started, you know, like all I said was if we weren't together, x y Z one of your girlfriends, who did I get with? You know, that's all I say, we're not together? If we were together, I get well, you know you're dead, you're hit. And we weren't together. You're a dead man. You can't really say nothing about their body. I didn't want I did. I said something one time. I said, why her dressed so tight? He was on my damn? Okay, okay, all I said, if she pregnant, it's a possibility. You know, I'm just if she sprangnant? This wow, I tell you when it maybe it made had to give my car key the statement you may. I walked in the room one time, she laying down on the bed trying to put the pants on. I said, that's how we got to do it now. Yeah, yeah, we walked. We walked into this restaurant one time. All I said, me and my exes to come here all the time, and then helped it the guys that Mr Brown you back again. I can't nobody, I can't right, I'll send up talking. I said, so what side you were now? Because I just so to what side you weren't take much? I got one. I didn't really say anything. I just saw lorn state on Power, Shirley, and I ain't really say anything. Yeah, it's looking at power. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after the hour, we'll have today strawberry letter. But right now, come on, nephew, what is your prank phone? Call for it? Today? You bouncing checks at the church? Wow, y'all know who you are that's bouncing checks at the church. Is that your Christian voice? Oh? You're bouncing checks? Money? Okay? He Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach your Monica system. Monica. Please, this is brother de Seawan. I'm calling actually I'm a member of Greater Commissionary Baptist Church. How can I help you? Calling you actually about the offering? Now? Did you? I know you paid your ties Sunday? Okay? Now you paid a love offering as well? Right? Yes, okay, now this past Sunday. Um, I'm looking at a check that you left us with the bank, right right, I sure did. I wrote a check Sunday. Okay. Now the check ma'am, was two hundred and fifty? Am? I correct? Right? Right? I wrote two checks for my ties and the Love Offering. Right, I wrote one for two fifty for the Love Offering. Okay, now what is this call regarding? Why are you calling me? What I wanted to tell you is that I hate to be a very bad news, but you your check that you wrote for two fifty actually has bounced. And wait a minute, you said my check bounce for your check bounce. So what I'm doing is calling you about recouping the two fifths as well as you know you you cost us thirty dollars uh in bank fees. Now I wrote two checks. I wrote a check for a hundred dollars. Did that one bounce? I don't see to it that that that one bounced. All I know is the one that the Love Offering has bounced. Did you put them in at the same time? Because I wrote him at the same time. They all go in on Monday, ma'am. Now, I didn't put them in at the same time. I've been putting them in for the last two or three years. The problem is why would people right there, brother Shaun was I don't think it matters and when I was there. Man, the problem is that I didn't put these checks in and I don't understand why y'all write these checks to the check knowing that they're gonna bound. There's a lot of people right well not well with one clear? Why the other one didn't clear? Maybe you didn't have enough money for both of them to clear. What What did you just say? Maybe you didn't have enough money in the bank for both of them to clear. I don't understand why people right in the bank and all my checks clear. I don't write no checks. Well you wrote one on Sunday, and that's the problem. How are you gonna try to give a look? Wait a minute, I think you got me confused with somebody else. I don't write no bad checks. You didn't wrote that. I'm trying to be nice to you. When can we expect the two fifty plus the thirty dollars? So that's the bank fees, ma'am for the doll gonna check bouncing. My check didn't bounce. I don't check my bank. And if my check clear, you're gonna pay me thirty dollars for calling me harassing me about a two hundred and fifty dollar check bounce. I don't write Why would you write check? What you want to sit up in the church and write these big number checks when you know you ain't got it in the bank? I said, why would you write these checks when the money ain't in? Now, let me tell you one ain't. I don't write no bad check. And you got a lot of nerves calling me telling me my check bounce, y'all. Check is the one that has bound. And you tell you what you do since my check bounce, you paid them, since you got all the money, and don't call me with this again. Hello, don't you hang up on me no more? When when don't we gonna get this two fifty and this thirty dollars? Somebody from the church, to my eye wrote a bad check? Right check? I didn't write no bad Why are you calling me? Why the treaser don't call me at church? The tras is business. I ain't never know. The deacon called nobody about no bad check? Your sulle, thank you you got the money I ain't got. Who is that in the background? Who is that for mine? Who it is? We're both going to the same church and you're gonna call me to my I wrote a bad check. You don't you call me no more? And if the check bads, you paid? Okay? Passed to know you like this? Pas, No, you're calling me that. Look, when are we gonna get this? Two eighty dollars is what we're looking for from You wrote a check for two fifties and not get to eight. You you put two fifty in there. It bounced. Thirty dollars cost us on bank fees. That's to eighty waking the church expect their money never not no to eight. You will never get to eight. You're gonna make me come by your and my check in what I'm gonna do? What You're gonna make me come by your house and get this money? Bring it, bring it, bring it? What is the address on this check? Check? I got it off the check. I bet you you'll be limping back and I'm watching you. You bet not be spending no money nowhere. You bet not spend nothing until I get this two fifty plus thirty whatever. I want to know you and you know what I am. And you don't call me no more with this because my check did not bounce. I don't see how one check went through and the other bound. Let me say this to you. We cannot accept you back into the House of the Lord no more until you are not. Don't you come in and Sunday until we get in the Sunday, and I'm gonna make sure I find you because you the person I want to see you. And you know what, I'm gonna call the pastor right now and asked him because I don't believe my check bounce you fully? What? Let me say this? Before you called pastor I got No, I'm a called pastor. No, you should have talked with pastor before you call me with this information. I got one more thing I need to say. You ain't got nothing to say to me. You don't upset me with this I'm talking about I bounced a check. You should have went to pastor before you call me with you. I tall pastor one I got, But I got one more thing to say before I leave that you're listening. What are you about to say to me? What do you have to say now that you're gonna pay the check? This is Nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Martin Show. You just got pragged by your girlfriend. What did you say, baby? This? What did you say? I'd say this? Is nephew, Tommy baby brother Steve Harvey Morning. Until your girlfriend has pranked you. She just left her. She didn't let me ask you one more thing though, baby, what is the baddest radio show in the land, the Steve Harvey Morning? Now cut that out. Now, you don't bounce checks at the church. You know how to quit the church? Check clear? Now? Do you know they clear on Sunday night? They be in there. Take card? I didn't know. Oh yeah, everything that cash on we had none of that. No, we had no. You couldn't write a check. Nothing that my check. You can do. You can write a check cash pash. Embarrassing at the church. And ladies, do you have another card? Just keep it low. You ain't got to see that loud everybody, you have another card? Now, bless me. Famous line of our church was, you know, the Lord said we didn't give enough this go around. Now they're gonna to play background. Yea, lord said we we didn't give enough. It's five more, five more. Hut in here. Our trade went around three times. Well, it passed me three damn times. It went back three times. They used to count the money right there, remember that, Yeah, and locked the doors. We counted the money right there, and then that's when the preacher came up ask for more. Yes, we're gonna have to close this for next time. Y'all gonn in a way to come to man. Yeah, you know, if you got you gotta go down week service, tell me not on slowing doing the week. They still have devotion. They have testimonies at our church, Faithful Central Bible Church. I gotta slapped. One time when I was a little boy, this lady stood up next to me. I was sitting next to my mama. She said, I just want to thank the Lord. I was driving on the freeway and a cop passed me on the left and one passed me on the right. Thank you Jesus. And she said, down our hog for my mama. Back hand me so you don't laugh at thank you, I said, my mama, why why she got thank the Lord? Her co pass on one passed on the left and right. Well, what what that means? That means you're driving? All right, we'll be back coming up the Strawberry Letter. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up next Today's Strawberry Letter. You do not want to miss that, But listen to this now. This is according to ABC News, don't expect the federal government to hit you in the face with information on signing up for Obamacare this fall. President Trump plans to cut the ad budget for Affordable Healthcare Act enrollment from one hundred million in two thousand and sixteen to just ten million dollars. The White House also plans to the White House also plans to cut web based navigator programs that help with enrollment and managing coverage once you were signed up, because what he wants to do is he wants to show that it's in effect. It's very effective in a lot of places. Some places have problems because they didn't want it in the first place, so they didn't pass to other laws to go with it. So when they when they try to keep control of it, it's messed up. You know, it's got some problems to it. It needs some tinkering, but to get rid of it, they don't have a plan to replace. Turning out to be the absolute mean. So this guy right here will just say, I'll watch it fail. So not to help it failed is let's cut the budget for promoting it and the unless people will know it. That's crazy, Yeah, man, that's that's that's that's being downright not understanding. It's so many people that Obamacare helps. Yeah, each state's program budget will be based on how close to its enrollment goals it was last year. So if your state hit seventy of its goal, the Navigator program will get just seventy percent of the money it got in two thousand and sixteen. Democrats say Trump is simply trying to kill Obamacare like we've been talking about after failing to pass repeal legislation. Huh, and that fewer people will have coverage in two thousand eighteen as a result. But the White House insists it is simply streamlining expenditures. Okay, okay, but that the expenditure that your stream right right, here's the problem any thing that helps the common man. They some people, some people in the Conservative Party have a problem with because they live by this theory of pull yourself up by your bootstraps. But just like I was speaking on Dr Ben Carson's radio show, Armstrong Williams Radio Show with Dr Ben Carson and Dr Ben Carson made the statement, the America is a country where we are to pull yourself up by the bootstrap. I said, Okay, cool, not trying to fend nobody here, but let me say this to you. If you don't have bootstraps, if you don't have boots. See, that's the problem with the Conservative Party. Sometimes they act as though because you're an American you are born with boots and bootstraps. That's not the case. That's just not the case with a lot of Americans. And a lot of Americans happen to come from impoverished neighborhoods, rule and urban so not what you because they are more white people on welfare and black people. So what you're talking about is when you just come from rule and urban areas that don't get the funding that these suburban areas get because they don't have the income. Because you your tax basis is based on what your zip code pays in taxes. You come from poor place, you get less funding, and the and the beat goes on, pull yourself up by your bootstep. Now we ain't got none. We don't have none, man. Yeah, that's the sad situation it is. And and my Trump been riched his whole life, so he doesn't understand you define this. And that's the majority of them that run that division, that party. They ain't never been without what you know? All right, we got to move on. Now tell me come on, introduce the letter. It's their time. Buckle up, hold on tights, y'all. Letter twenty three. All right, this one is not necessarily for kids. Do I want to point that out? Subject secrets, I keep your Shirley and Steve. I've been keeping a secret from my man and I need your advice. I joined a local swingers club a little over two years ago, and my sexual appetite desires being with more than one My sexual appetite desires being with more than just one man. I've been with my boyfriend now for six months. I really want to tell him about my other life, but I don't know how. I've hinted around at the idea of us going to the parties as a couple, and the idea of us becoming swingers and for play. He will say yes, but on the night of the party, he doesn't want to go, so I have to make up a story about where I'm going for the evening. I've tried to stop going, but I simply can't. I'm stuck between my fantasy and the real world. I'm not sure if I want to stop if I need to stop. I like the swingers lifestyle. It's very addictive and very satisfying. I can be who I want, when I want without any redding, um, reddy fuel or negative feedback. It's a world of complete bliss and fulfillment. However, I do enjoy my man in bed and we are, and we are a very passionate couple. It's just that I need more than what he's giving me. I have a very insatiable appetite and I don't believe any one man can satisfy me at this time in my life. I do appreciate the idea of being with just one man, and I do care about his feelings, but I haven't been completely honest about my other sex life. Surely should I be honest with him or just leave things the way they are? Even if you don't, even if you do not read this letter on the air, can you please give me some advice via email? Thanks Shirley, Thanks Steve, Sincerely, A dear A, you know what, if this is your lifestyle and you're so cool with it and all, I think you really need to be honest with your man. I think your man needs to know what type of person that he's dealing with, because you know, you say that you really are into this lifestyle and you really like it, uh and you know it gives you fulfillment and complete bliss and all of that. You know, I'm not one that believes in telling everything about your past and everything, but if it were the other way around, you know, you would want to know this about your man um, you know. But here's the deal, though, I really don't think he's gonna stay around if you tell him. I really don't think that although he says he will go to these parties, he never goes um you know when he says he will. So so here are your choices, as far as I'm concerned. Your choices are to tell him be free, you know, living complete bliss and have your life fulfilled and all of that, because that's where you are in your life right now, or and probably lose your man of six months. You're probably gonna lose him, or find someone you know who can fit into your swinging lifestyle. Maybe somebody you know they're at the swinging parties. You do, I need to hook up there part to go down there and be there, and that I need to hook up. Then I'll be swinging so hard you'll be di your man. I really feel in this girls, so you know, I say, be honest with him, but he's not gonna he's not gonna stay around. I got a pardner listening to this radio show right now. That's all. I'll be surprised when we get through if he don't call me right now and ask for her email. You need to email at just though. Hey you can you be that? And all you have a won't it? Email us for your comments at Strawberry Letters coming so hard. He pushed you and then you push you. Gonta say Strawberry Letter dot com, Steve Harvey dot com click on the Strawberry Letter twelve minutes after Code Cracker coming up, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve with your response to today's Strawberry Letter. Part two. Dear Shirley and Steve, I've been keeping a secret from my man, and I need your advice. I joined the local swingers club a little over two years ago, and my sexual appetite desires being with more than just one man. Oh, and my sexual appetite desires being with more than just one man. I've been with my boyfriend now for six months. I really want to tell him about mother life, but I don't know how. I have hinted around at the idea of us going to the parties as a couple, and the idea of us becoming swingers and for play. He would say yes, but on the night of the party he doesn't want to go, so I have to make up a story about where I'm going for the evening. I've tried to stop going, but I simply can't. I'm stuck between my fantasy and the real world. I'm not sure if I want to stop, if I need to stop. I like the swingers lifestyle is very addictive and very satisfying. I could be who I won't when I won't without any ridicular negative feedback. It's a world of complete bliss and fulfillment. However, I do enjoy my man in bed, and we are very passionate couple. It's just said, I need more than what he's given me. I have instational appetite, and I don't believe only one man can satisfy me at this time in my life. I do appreciate the idea of being just one man. I do appreciate the idea of being with just one man, and I do care about his feelings, but I haven't been completely honest about my other sex life. Shirley. Should I be honest with him or just leave things the way they are? Even if you do not read this on there, can you please give me some advice via email? Thanks Shirley, Thanks Steve, sincerely. A. The key word in this letter is A, and a's proper pronunciation is uh. Okay, oh lady, you are what Let's go over this here we're dealing with all who see. First of all, there's no mention of love in this letter. You don't love your boyfriend. You ain't in love with your boyfriend, You ain't in love with yourself. You obviously don't love yourself. So love is out the window. So now I'm asking you what is the letter for you ask your boy to be a swing and he jokingly said, yeah, you ask him go to parties and swings? Dude, he said, yeah, they're no night of he don't want to go. Then you gotta make up a reason for you to lead a house and now you go do it yourself. Uh. I don't know what to say about you. Lady, except you just off. Let me ask you this question. What is the boyfriend about? I mean, what is that about? He's not satisfying to you. It's not what you want. Why don't you let him go? Because there are plenty women out there who would love a man of down. You obviously don't want a man of your own. You want to be this little brothel type babe for all these other men and women. That's what you want to be, a little passed around pack. You want to get passed around because see you're a lady, and I'm sorry, I hate to break this. You ain't doing nobody. You're being done. You're just over at the joint getting done. You ain't doing nobody. Let me help you understand about the mindset of man. Let me teach you something about us. You're not doing us when you're in a swing of situation or club situation, you're just getting done. Because see, once we can get in a situation where it ain't nothing but about that, then lord him mercy. You ain't gonna get called no good names. You don't get no flowers, no candy. You don't even get the trappings of get being taken to dinner we're just doing you. So now you're just passing your little self around. Not a confusing part is And this is what throws me. This is why I say, what's two boyfriend about? I like the swingers lifestyle is very addictive and very satisfied. I could be who I want when I want without any ridicular negative feedback. It's a world of complete bliss and fulfillment. Okay, then you have found what the world is searching for. I mean, man talk, I mean really, you found what we all have been looking for. You have found a world that is so satisfying and it's complete bliss and fulfillment. What congratulations. You're the only person I know that has died still living and going to heaven. So now that you've completed that cycle of life, I don't even see what else you got to live for. You're at the Swingers Club. It's the most complete bliss and fulfillment and that ok what why are you waking up? Stay at the club, day at the Swingers club and keep getting done. I don't know how you Oh you are on this letter is not stated in it anywhere, but you know what you you just you're too far out there for me. Baby. I don't know what to tell you. I have a very insatiable appetite and I don't believe only one man can satisfy me at this time in my life. That sounds just like a prostitute to me. I don't know how you I enjoy. I do enjoy my man in bed. You enjoy your man in bed? Oh, man in bed? Day, man in bed, oly man at the bed, anybody standing by the bed, all the people that's looking in at the bed, the people that put the sheets on the bed. I like demand. That made the matchss so it became a bed. I thank you, Steve. You know we have to get out of here. Email us or Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at My Girl Shirley. Um, and don't forget this coming Thursday. Well that is what tomorrow right we did? Yeah, we were off on Monday tomorrow at one pm. Joined me for the Strawberry Letter live after show on Facebook. You can find me at My Girls Shirley or Shirley Strawberry. Okay, we're gonna talk about today's letter or that day's letter, tomorrow's letter. I should say, do my strawberry fresh pick of the weekend trending topics. So please join me. And you know, we've learned that Chuck D and Flavor Flame will still share stage. Yeah, while the public enemy hype man fights for his share of money. He says he's owed. Okay, so they're having a little beef there. Chuck D responded to Flames lawsuits, saying the group's co founder took the wrong approach to dealing with this issue. Chuck D says they'll play together on a future stage and that he's happy to address flaves concerns, but wants to make sure his partner will be woke in rehearsal studio. Uh, and all the members do worldwide. All right, let's go to break. We'll be back. Yeah, BOI, you're listening to the morning show. All right, So I see we have here little mean things. I know it's me. That is all me. This is all this is all me. I have been dubbed the meanest person here. Don't you're not really a mean person? Is hell? Old bitter? This grunt he very good? Take all that. Yeah, this little things that give me enlightenment, A little mean things that I like to do, you actually do? Yeah, like Okay, if I see somebody's dog using like using outside, I like to hunk the horn real loud, and I didn't right in the middle. Try to just make him do that just such and enjoy. Yeah. Like if I see somebody running for the elevator, I'm on the elevator and hold it down. I'm coming. I act like I'm holding the door, but I go through the mode. You can make it. Come on, man, come on, act like you Yeah, I didn't stop pushing that button. And then when that dope close, I love back down to me, right back down. That's fun. If I see somebody in the store, his wife or his girlfriends, oh my god, just so much like when they're not looking for condoms and looting your basket. When they get down, get your friends. Put that chick. See that look on when I see little old ladies crossing the street. When you walk in that we didn't get ready in front of Just hit the ghit, hit that gay your foot on the brake right, get that looking face straight up. I'm that guy. I don't mind taking your party space. I don't mind if I see you waiting, how did I get up in there? Don't you wait? You're gonna work out for you. I love to do this. I love to go to a restaurant in the restaurant I go to in my birthday. Get that check, you know, but you gotta say it low. You know you love diabetic and he's getting take your day. If I'm in church right and you got your baby face to me, I'm gonna make him cry. Parents. Turn around the best one right, you're going in the ladies and ladies stories back in the biggest the big shops, and you switch the sizes right. You put side six on the fourteen, so she thinked she got on the SI. Come down. It's coming out right so much. Just the last one right here on, just the last one, hitchas, Oh my god, that the bets the best because you know they've been out there for a while. You stopped by two blocks up and you had to where you got what come on that way? Didn't you drive your heads just to watch him in the ride? Look, Oh my god, I know people still here when that was the best he got broke down right, and you see it on his faith. You hit that but and up you want lock all his hes up. Nobody going down. Man. My favorite got to be the old lady on that wolf. Come ready, but didn't they turn it crut you off? Because they can't do that. Just Ross, I know you put them condoms in that bad trying to figure out which one of y'all? Right, who this fuss? You got this yourself? You got another one? That one? Come all right, like gonna moved in the right, wait to get crowd. Yeah, we all love movies. In the middle, right in the middle, middle seat, right in middle seat, right the whole movie. Excuse me, coming through? Gotta pe then you go back in there. Excuse me? Come through? Still still head too much soda? Hey, how much time in between you when you leaving? All right? Right right, you gotta peak. I'm just had too much soda. Got a peek. These little things like with a couple of parties and this this dude, fat dude kept getting me. My boy told him say, man, come by one more. Alright, coming up one of our favorite segments, The ignorance does not stop on this show, right or wrong? With the nephew and junior coming up. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, you're in this. This is your segment. You have to judge it's time for right or wrong with the nephew and Junior take it away. Well this week, what's the debate? Well, I mean i've been you know, you know you since Junior over there writing for you now and now he ain't really got time for me, so I had anybody. I don't wonder why he texted me back, you know, just he cussing me out. Be a text. Okay, this is what I texting on. And you tell me what you think. Tell this boy, if you break a mirror with a rabbit's foot, you even ain't no bad little coming down. If you break the mirror with a rabbit's foot, you're even You're not gonna get this seven. Nothing's going to happen to get even, believe it. That's I don't really understand where he's coming from with that. I don't know why he thinks like that. That right there is some ignorant thinking. Ain't a rabbit foot good luck? And then the good little mirror bad luck there's been in years? Right now if you break it with a saying no, no, nobody sees that. Well, the thing about this segment is I agree with that thing. He said, thank you, thank you. He'll go the one he didn't even respond to. I see, if you milt dry ice, you can take a bath and not get with That's that's the stupidest thing. I can't you yourself then listen, Wait, okay, wait, what if you melt dry ice, you can take a bath and not get where? You have to keep explaining it to them. They don't understand you, do you guys? Listen with your eyes Quinn, don't make no okay, because I know it's gonna make sense that you call right there. He he hit me back with a bunch of courtion mark. When I text this one. I see in Rome the paramedics called I VS. Force they forced. They're not I VS. They forced. You See what I'm saying, how don't make sense to him? He's just gonna send me back a bunch of question mall. So I don't I don't get it. I don't four in rong boy, I don't get it. I don't get like I ain't nothing happened to you get not going to be stupid. He's never not going to say that way makes sense to me. You supposed to be saying something here. I'm not only want to understand it. You don't get it. See, I don't even see why you damn about a I V. Phone. Well, you just need to know what to call it. And their fours over there. You don't want to be in wrong saying I V is ain't not gonna know what you're talking about. If you're sicking you in Rome, you need a four. You need to tell him that it was the Romans. But come, okay, okay, we were talking about the greatest we were talking about. Now this we did have conversations. We're talking about the greatest mysteries in the world, the greatest mystery. And he was going through these books and he was talking about these are mysteries and then you know, like uh Bermuda Triangle. He thought these were like great mysteries. I told him, now you're telling me, if I'm right on, there's only two great mysteries that nobody knows about. And I told him, nobody knows how the door on the bus closes after the driver gets off. You know what I'm saying. You know what I'm saying, That great mystery how that door gets closed when the driver gets off and going, And that's a great mystery, not on the body, not on the bus. How no he gets off? Okay, now here's another one that I tell him was a great mystery. Then it ain't got nothing to do with no books and stuff. Like I said, listen, nobody knows how the man who drives the snow plow gets to work? How does he get there? You know what I'm saying, Man, he puts so much start into these. Okay, I'm telling me that. How does the man that dry the snowplow, that plows the streets before people go to work? How does he get to water his hose? He just backing out the drive. Cleveland's in the build that house. Why do you sound like he's getting here? Because I don't. Since you think anything at I can tell you go ahead and time and ask me all of them. Let me just go startable with all of them, and I'll just give you the real answers. Go ahead, Well, I have more, I have some things I want to No, No, I mean, I mean you can go back to the beginning and I give you real answers to it, because I'm sick of it. Okay, Well let's go to this here. If you melt dry ice, you can take a bath and not get wet. But you're gonna burn your gass up. Next question, come out? Tell junor in Rome the paramedic is called I VS are four? That my favorite? But what you're gonna need dough? Then it's just for I V nerves? Go ahead? What else you got? But then it was then it was the mystery. You know, nobody knows how the door on the bus closes after they needed old mom, and then nobody knows what you already said that one. Okay, here'll go the last one one moment, all right, tell him that man evolved from the monkey. Oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait, we gotta go to break. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right? Uh, okay, nephew, going with your last right? A wrong? JUNI can I do the last one? Man? Go ahead? We're talking to me why, I don't know what. I don't know what the problem I want to get? Okay, sure, surely just stay with me. Man evolved from monkey? Right? Uh? Now? From eight? From eight? Am? I? Right? No, just go ahead, stupid, I'm all I told him was if man evolved from monkey, the monkeys that are here now just ain't turned into man yet yeah, to give them time. Well, let me ask you this question. Uh, if man came from monkey, why I still monkeys? That's what I'm talking about. You gotta give them time. They just ain't how much time they need because it's been thousands of years so far. I came here already. Man, I'm not with you. Just done this weekend. Yeah, yeah, this past weekend. I forgot to tell you. Got it? I know that's a professional chef. Was a Whole Food and people bumb rushed the Whole food with signs picketing meat eaters. If you had meat in your grocery cart, they took it out. They had signs like animals want to live too, and they took out all your meat and put it on count They stood in front of the Whole Foods meat counter and they boycotted anybody that was in there eating meat. That's wrong. You know, I stopped eating meat, but I ain't bother. Nobody don't want to eat me but taking But it's not right. It's not right of you to enforce your beliefs or someone else. Look, that's no better than the skinheads and clu klux Klan marching to spread their beliefs and people don't want to hear that. If you don't want to be a vegan, you don't have to be. If you don't want to be a meat either, it's perfectly I have two children that's vegans. You don't have to be a meat either. But you can't come to my house or to the store and take my meat out my counter and put it back because you don't want to eat me. Animals want to live too. But a lot of y'all got on leather shoes, you know them kids. You know a lot of pigskin. Y'all playing football. You've got basketball, that's pigs kid. You know a lot of that. So I don't know. I don't know. Look, man, it's okay that you're vegan and I a port. People who want to be vet. You can't stop me from eating meat because that's not what you want to do. Animals want to be I'm gonna your head. You ain't. I'm gonna tell you right now. If I haven't paid for it, you take it out of my bath. They're up at the register and when you're trying to buy you oh, they were all over this whole food and the shift that I know they told at all of them, and he was going back and forth with him. He sayd Hey, y'all want to be vegans. That's cool, y, I got I gotta buy this meat. Wow, nobody's that's the whole food on the soot walbart and stuff right there at the register. You feel to get your an Wow. Young people in the video, young people mostly, young people, old people everyone. Yeah, I miss a lot of people with signs that they had printed up. You just can't do that. It's wonderful to be a vegan. I support that. All right, we'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, A really few depressing reasons someone will lie on a date, alright, depressing reasons, some good reasons. You want to hear these, and then you give us yours, all right. They don't believe they're good enough, so they'll lie. Make Uh. They think of love, They think of love, of dating and of relationships as a game, so they lie. They don't know any better. They just don't know any better, so they lie. I'm I'm lying. I'm not I'm laying. I'm gonna yeah, and I know you guys have I'm not gonna tell you if I want to be with you. That's just three reasons. Yeah, yeah, yeah, those are the three main ones. They don't believe they're good enough. They think of it as a game, and they just simply do know. It's not that you don't think you good enough. You're just making show you good enough. Yeah, build it up. Oh yeah, no, that it that you don't thank you good enough. Keep just trying to stack the day. How much you make a year found you know, you know, you make forty about you know, I get it. It's a bonus at the end of the year. And then they keep a hopeful of things gonna be. Yeah, I just got this job, so I'm on pace. Yeah, my bonus check at the end of you be three, hunting, sick, and nothing. Because they think it's a game. They just think, you know, dating, love and relationships. They think of it as a game. It's just a game. So well, for guys in the throwback business, it is a game. Some girls into it for game too. They just want to see if they can run their little situation and make it work out, you know. And a lot of women are playing the game now, so a lot of people do think it's a game. It sounds to me like you're justifying all this line that I'm not justifying nothing. But a lot of people think it's a game. Me and the women now treat dating like a game. That's why so many that's why families just broken the every But everything jacked up now because TV show man that Catfish, that's unbelievable to me. Three years online with a person didn't you're going to meet him. But I'm in a damn stranger. Connor cart Man, this little dude, good looking, little black kid, was on Catfish. I went to see this girl when man, you should have seen this girl. Dog. I ain't gonna lie to your dog to do on Catfish. I swear to God out of store because they know what the person looked like. This big girl came to this dope man. It was lying to my She not here, come back later. And the little dude, good looking, little black dude. I couldn't understand it. Man, where you you kid got to have plenty girl friends back in St. Louis. You're gonna caught this playing downhill. It's me that little dude looks on. She finally came clean and said of me, what's what she looked like George Wallace, Mama, it was you don't show called money. It's a room what mama, Joe yourself right now? Wow you wait? No no no wait, no wait no wait, It's time to get out of here and close out the show we have. We'll be back with just one more thing right after these jams. Jesus, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Just one more thing, Steve, we got to start off with ice Cube being your your special guest today on your talk show, Steve Live from Hollywood. Yea, yeah, ice Cube is gonna be greatness. What are you going to make sure? Yeah? Definitely. What are you going to talk about telling you you get nothing? Teaser? Teaser, We're gonna tell it's gonna be okay. Yeah, man, I got a video you need to see you on ice Cube? Your love is okay? All right? Yeah? Could I make you want to do so with your boys? Huh uh? I was just as he got two sons, So come on, tell me answer the question he could do something with these two sons. Why he can't everybody else doing something with two sons? Just like Shade, I just through it. I ain't had nothing in man. I ain't got no joke for it, y'all just already laughing wrong. It's just the way he said it. What you said. You know, maybe he won'ta do something with it too, Okay, Steve, me and my son and we'll do some frank calls. The Miles Boys got a frank seat. You could just go out there and shoot jumpers in tracking block all them on me so much dollar. Yeah, well, I mean, I'm sure I was going to talk about hip hop squares. I'm sure because that's coming back out. I love it. That's a good show. Yes, yes, Michael Blackson, Biba Brown, Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes, I really like Mike Epps is on there. Yeah. Funny, Yeah, he's funny. He is funny. But Michael black Man, did you see the thing you did about Yes, we waited, we played it yeah last week. Yeah, um, you know what he talked about giving and now is the time since it's the last last break of the day. Um. Disasters like Hurricane Harvey. We talked about this on the show All Less. We bring out the best in people, it also brings out crooks and scammers. It brings out the worst in people as well. People who want to do people into thinking they're donating into real charitable organizations. My pastor talked about this on Sunday, so please, our advice is to double check and organization's website. Never give money through a link in an email, Always go directly to a site, and never donate to someone demanding cash or a wire transfer. Okay, a lot of people are just capitalizing, you know, on the on the flood and and the aftermath and everything. So please, you know. UH, In the meantime, if you want to get involved and you're not local, the American Red Cross UH still have their donate online. UH. You can text the word Harvey to nine Z can donate ten dollars there. Also, the FEMA National Flood Insurance Program is going to end on September unless Congress votes to renew it. And of course this is right when thousands of people who lost everything in Hurricane Harvey will be looking to the program for that. MS mean, to get rid of it. Would yeah, yeah, not doing this crisis. I know, I know, I mean you would really think you would think, but how many times have you thought, yeah, I mean he showed up selling hats, so you won't put nothing? There should be a no brainer, Yeah, really absolutely. We heard earlier what he's doing with Obamacare cutting that budget. So anyway, alright, Steve, we'll watch you today on your show. Congratulate hot Man. Need everybody's support on this one. Man. Really appreciate it, y'all always have. So that's good to go. Man. It's a good show though it's very different. The old talk show was gone, new talk show began. Well, I mean, change is good, though, change you gotta be You gotta can't be afraid to reinvent yourself. If you want to stay where you at and you keep doing what you've been doing, you're gonna keep getting what you've been getting. You gotta try something, and I preach it, but you gotta practice what you preach. And one thing you do that you do change, You do reinvent yourself. You do get tired of stuff and try. Yeah, you're never key. That was not me, just a lot that was not Can we talk about Lyne earlier? Yeah, yeah, that's great. Clearly it was you that was not me. Promise you. I don't you don't even see my keys, you know, j ol J got impatient, he ain't got time. I don't never know he's got to go to ride on your TV show, though, So when are you thinking about it? It's a good thing that he's up to ask Steve about it. When we tell people to DVR and record your talk show, do they need to watch it the same day? If you watch it within I think it's pney four hour seven. If you watch it within seventy two hours, I get to get credit. Okay, someone put that out there. Okay, yeah, because a lot of people are at work. Well, if you were watching that night, because this this show is watch that work. Damn, watch that work. You ain't doing that? Yeah, why not? But I know people who tape everything. It's better than it's better than work. Watch it at work, the doctor's office. Change that, but Steve home. Yeah, but if you do, if you do d v ard, it's great to watch late at night. It's gonna be that good. That's cool because you're not happy with your late night selection. Then you can play this at night. Get Steve all right? Well, you guys, go ahead, so you can catch your jobs and write for the show and have yourself a great weekend. It's Wednesday. Wednesday for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to The Steve Harvey Morning Show.