Women always win arguments because they have what men don't have. Having a three party affair may have something to do with income. The CEO and the crew have a Q & A session. Tommy is a fan of his fellow man. We get to see how the ladies on the show would act if they suspected their husbands of cheating. Today Big Dog gives us sound advice in Closing Remarks on why we need God on our side and more!
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all ball soon all looking back to back down giving them just like amazing buck bus things and it's Toby True good at Harty want to move to chather for Stu bar quick, Hobby, don't you join? Yeah? Well Hobby joining me. Said you got to turn to go, yeah, don't very close. You gotta turn to turn about the turn you lovely got to turn out to turn water the watery. Come come on your thing at it. Uh huh, I shall will good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now. One and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeah man, one more time. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Why because God, God is in the blessing business. If you go get in line, he has something for you. If you go get in line, he has something for you. God is amazing the plan he actually has for you. It's so far greater than you can possibly imagine. It's really mind blowing. And as I look back on where He's brought me from and what he's currently doing for me, all I can do is tell you is God, That's all I can tell you, because I tell you right now, I didn't foresee it. You know. It oftentimes amazes me when I listened to celebrities when they interview how they say. You know, I always always thought that this would happen for me and not just you know, it could be true, but for me, it's not that way at all. I didn't imagine it this way. I had a dream of becoming famous one day, but I had no idea it would it would ever get to this. It was a very very simple desire for fame. I just simply wanted to become one of the premier stand ups in the country, one of them, not the but just one of them. Because you know, humor is um you know, it's I don't know the right word, but it's an opinion. Some people, no matter how funny you are, think somebody else is funnier than you. I get that. That's I don't have a problem with that. It's some people that did not like Richard Pryde. He just didn't. They didn't find his brand of humor to be funny at all, because it doesn't it didn't tickle their funny bone. So, Milly, what I wanted in the beginning was to become one of the premier stand ups in the country. There is no way I could have seen all this. There is no way I am telling you this is. This has been nothing for me but the grace of God. And all the times I failed, every time I had fallen, he picked me up, he dusted me off, and he kept me moving. It has been an amazing thing to watch God do what he do. As I look back on my history and you sometimes look back on your history, you've got to see, Man, wow, what God has done for you and what He's brought you through to enable you to be where you are. It is amazing because really, I mean really real talk. Now, had he allowed all of the decisions I had made to play all the way out, I can assure you I wouldn't be here today. But God, through this grace and mercy, who had a plan for me, who was just waiting on me to come get in line, and then he was gonna start empty and now he was gonna start shipping out all the boxes in heaven with my name on it. And man, and what a great God he is, What a great God he is, And you have boxes of blessings with your name on it, that he is waiting to ship. But he needs you to go down there and get in line. That's what it is. It is not that he has more boxes for other people than he do you. He got boxes with your name on it who have never been shipped. Because you will not get in line to go get him, you will not ask God for him, you will not do the things necessary to attain them. We stop our own blessings. Man, I have been the biggest top of my blessings than anybody else. I can't really get mad at nobody. I got nobody to blame for my existence but me. But then at the same time, I can't take credit for this, I really really can't. I kid you not, I cannot take credit for And if you ever see me taking credit forward, tap me on the shoulder, say Steve, pull up. You Remember you said this ain't about you. If you catch me taking too much credit, you have my permission to stop me. Now Here is the deal, though, and and this is what I want to get through today, moving forward while under attack new level new devil. You know, every time you go somewhere, every time you try to progress, every time you make a decision to be better, to do better, that's gonna be a confrontation you're going to have because it is the enemy's job to not see you go forward, do better? Won't more, behave yourself. There is a force that is operative out there that has people working on his behalf seven. I mean, just do dirt all day long. You got a computer, go go read a blog. Just go read a blog. They're busy man, not knowing, but just saying evil stuff constantly. That's the job. Well, here's here's what happens. I you. We have to always keep moving forward while we're under attack because the attack it's going to always come. If you allow the attackers to stop you, you will lose that particular battle. And you cannot afford this. You know. My father used to say, be careful when you're trying to kick somebody off the latter because you got to take your foot off too, and you might slip. And so when people are taking their feet off the ladder, most something more, the majority, the main nam up own a ladder. They just at the bottom throwing stuff up at you. They are just shaking your ladder. They ain't even they ain't even on your level. Really tell you the truth, they're really not. You have moved on far beyond them, spiritually, physically, everything, but they are still shaking your ladder and attacking. You. Keep moving forward while under attack, because the attacks are going to come. If you take the time to stop and address it, you are impeding your own progress. This is very important to understand. Go on about your business and remember Steve Harvey and remember those of you out there. There is a Bible verse that helps me out every time. And I don't know why. I got it on six different plaques sitting all around my offices. Everywhere I go, I can read it Isaiah fifty seventeen, No weapon formed against Michel Prosper that because this is that he will put me under his wings of protection. And this is my inheritance as a servant of the Lord period. I'm his boy, he my man, so so dig so so when you're coming for me, I have to just rest on that Lord right there, that he got it, that no weapon formed against Michel Prosper. I'm just like you. Sometimes, you know we know better, but sometimes we don't do better. Man. Let them say what they're gonna say when they get through saying it. When they get through right now, when they get through talking about you. When they get through line about you, guess what they're gonna have to do. They're gonna have to step back and watch your rise. They're gonna have to kick back and watch what God got for you. Because nothing God got for you. Can't nobody stop it. I don't care what they do. Keep moving forward while under attack. You of somebody tell you something. Minister Lewis faircan taught me something very important one day, he says, Steve, remember this. He said. It is a common thing for a dog to balk up at the moon. But if the moon box back at the dog, the dog becomes famous. You feel me, the moon was talking to you. What did you? How did the moon stop and talk to you? Don't give them that. Let the dog bark up at the moon. Don't you be up there? You go where God got you going. Don't bark back at this dog because the dog come famous, because they ain't gonna be able to get to you. But the dog is famous. Now they want to interview the dog, not a dog. Guess what he's gonna do more bark and guess what about you? Man? Going about your business? Y'all? God is in the blessing business all day long man, Go get in line, get you something, Get them packages and boxes ship to you. They got your name on it, waiting on you. Steve Morning Show. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, gavel come up Brown Hill. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show, the greatest show on Earth on trapeze. Please welcome Shally st Rawberry. Good morning, Steve Lion tame all call of Farron Well, Good morning, Steve Hay Crew, the man who handles all contusions with the hot pite voice. Junior morning. Everybody in the clown he got the second the little one that jumps out the votchwagon. Nephew, Tommy, are you're gonna be excited like everybody else with you? What good mone And I'm coming out the boats waking good morning. Well you know as since you lost the race, the girls pretty much go along with anything I say. If you are in love with the circuit. This blanketed blanket lost? Where is my money? Time? And the words are calling for real? This blanketed blank the lost blanket. I'm on team Tommy, ain't Tommy man? One other person and the mouth of the soft miss a sipp and monocle. Hey bous how you feel, Steve, sounds like you're in a great mood today. I'm in a great mood. A little under the weather, but that ain't got nothing to do with it. But you're still at work though. Hey, you know what, I often know what excuses I accept. No, have you taken a day off? I mean, I know you've taken a day off when you because you don't take days off when you're sick. Well. See, first of all, let me give him the record because he don't understand, because hey, you he took it down. Eight seasons of Family Few two hundred episodes. Never missed the show since the talk show was going to Chicago, five years and one year out here in l A. Never missed the show The Steve Harvey Show. Steve Harvey said you they entertained, Windy of Kale. Terry Vaughn missed one show due to my passing of my mother. One show in my stand up career. I have missed my call twice Knoxville, ash Knox Ashville, Tennessee, North Carolina, Asheville, North Carolina, and Birmingham, Alabama due to a thunderstorm. I just couldn't get there. And Steve Harvey Radio Show what about this show? Right, No one's missed more days than you. Coming up something funny at thirty two after the hour you're listening Steve Show. All right, here we go with something funny. So Steve, now what is this? Women always beat men at arguments. We know this, but they do because they do things that men don't do and are incapable of doing. Here's some reason that you'll never win an argument. How about the first one you need to understand? And above all else. They don't forget what nothing? They don't forget A dog gone, you let it go? She said, I'll forgive you what she banked all that information. Women have the biggest hard drive in their brain created. Ibm ain't got nothing on a woman's hard drive, baby with sports. Yeah, you can't erase their hard drive. It's locked in forever. Remember your nine When I got that note, it was kind of a member that your member, it was another You know what we do? We delete information? Right? Yeah? You deleted? Then get it off our phone, compute everything. They don't. They don't delete. Why do we do that? That's stupid. It's called evidence. Baby. I'll tell you another thing they got. They got a picture or ever even if they ain't a photograph, it's a mental image they got you. You know, women come out and don't say here's another and don't say you didn't say something. You're right, you didn't say it, but your text and guess what you're dumb? Mass forgot here? It is right here? I got it. I say. Here's another reason women always win, because women don't care if you answer or pick up their phone. You don't. They don't. You know, they don't. You know why because all you're gonna find it's pictures of shoes, recipes, baby pictures and hairstyles. You're right with me, no ever did no look at it? Three seven six five code. Here's all the reason you can't win an argument because they can see who you call it on your phone for my mile way? Can? I don't give them what kind of protective screen you got on that? The black one that you can't see from the side. She can see, so who is she scary? Here's another reason you can't remember. You can't win an argument why because they remember exactly dates, exact dates with the details. What's your head? I don't what you was eating? Yeah, what car you was in? Where you were sitting I can't breathe it out, Jay, breathe it out. There's another reason you can't win an argument with a woman. You're ready without even setting it up. They laugh for each of year. They don't do none of that. Caller, where was I yesterday? At my house? Immediately we have to we're watching the Atlanta Housewise, I gotta call Jake un I was with you and I got to say something. And here's the other reason you can't win it up, because they have one put down that no man has ever been able to top. Here's to put down they use. Stop acting like some little old girls, except they don't use girl. She just called me after that. You're shaking to the core. You can't come back, not right now. You just stuck on that. Stop acting like some little old girls. But they don't say girls. But they don't say girls. Now you're up in here. All you hear is that we went again that argument. You ain't got no more points. Actually you was winning the arguing. We know how to shut it down. Many why because they don't come back. You got no comeback. But let me tell you something, ladies, Yes you should never say that to your man. I've never been because because words cut really deep. And once you cut a man so deep, how do you fix that? And I know women who have used that on their man a lot, and I'm telling you it's hard to come back for that, because men I come back for that is well, okay, I'll tell you what I know. Somebody don't think I'm a little third yeah, because what that that's that's the ultimate in soul for man. You've got something little low man can't come back from that. And when you do that to a man, you family what you say to all right? Coming up right after this, nephew, Timmy's run that brank back, run it back. Everybody's been asking me since I'm from Cleveland, Steve, how you feel about Lebron Leven Cleveland. Well, Lebron gave everything to the city when he went to the finals four years in a row. You can't ask for no more than that. And he bought a title to a city they had one in fifty two years. I've been there a whole time. I wish Lebron the best. He's with the purple and goal now that's good, and least two colors is good. He's a Laker now he got a big shoulder, got big shoulders. He gotta live up to a lot. But he Lebron James. Where we gonna do now? I'm not I'm pulling for the Lakers. Now the cow We won't be back in the championship for another fifty two years, but I live in that l a So I ain't go Lakers. Let's go. Come on with bra Let's make some money together to pimp Cleveland boys out here. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning show, nephew and the prank phone call. Come on that. Well, that's right here. That's all the fellas that go to the barbershop. When the barber is cutting your hair and his he is private be pushing the chair. It's an awkward feeling most me and nobody. This is the bar What do you know what I'm talking about? Yes, I know exactly what you're talking about. Man, You got to you gotta sit in the barbershop with your arms folded. That's almost in your lap. But is that because his hands are occupied in your head? Yeah? So he rotates the chair with his waists, with his waist, man, and that's the people. You can't stand that. I can't stand that. That's crazy. It is, Brady. How are you doing? Man? My name, my name is Dennis Man. I got a hair cut from you a couple of weeks ago. Yeah. Hey, listen, um, I wanted to get an appointment with you, man. Uh Like I said, I was there a couple of weeks ago. Man, my first time getting hair cut from you. Did real, real good jobs. I want to say thank you for that. All right, Okay, do you have any um any time available on Thursday? Yeah? Yeah, for sure. What what's what's your name here, bro? Dennis Man? Dennis? Okay, Dennis? Why Dennis? About three o'clock man, something of that nature. I mean, you know I'm on the work of appointments. You know, three o'clock you'll be there. Ye okay, Hey. I got a little bit of situation though, man. That happened last time I was there. I kind of wanted to talk to you bout it, man, because it kind of called me off guard. So I want to do how I let you, man and see if we could read to find the problem for I came back up there. What happened? Somebody disrespect your something? I mean, what else to do? What? What? Um? It really wasn't somebody man, it was it. It was it was actually you whoa, here's deal man, when you was cutting my hair, when it when it was time to turn the chair, you didn't turn the chair with with with with with your hand man. See, Brady, man, you you turned the chair with your with your private part. Oh, come on safe. I mean I'm a professional man. I've been doing the fifteen years right right. I don't think it's anything deliberate. Man. I think you just do it unconsciously man, because you know you'd be leaning over on the chair cutting and I think you don't realize you know, you'd be turning the chair with your private part instead of doing it with your hand man. And see, my hand got caught out there and I saw it out the corner my eyes. I saw your private part coming towards my hand. I moved it just in time. You understand, but not not see then I'm not understanding something. But because I don't, I don't. We don't operate like that, mind, yes, because you know I don't make mistakes like that. But I mean, you know I don't know you You're sure you're talking to the right person, man, Yeah, I mean, ain't you the third chair on the right when you walk into door. Yeah, that's correct, Okay, that one. I'm time, my man, and you cut me two weeks ago, and like I said, I really like my hair cut. So I want to call back and rectify this problem. But you know you're gonna turn the chair with your hand and not your pride part if now we're gonna have a problem. Okay, bro, Now I feel it, and I understand your complaint and everything. I mean, I'm not understanding what you're saying, but but I don't do that, you know, But I mean we we will be glad to you know what I'm thinking. You know, the clutter or whatever. You understand men, you know, but I don't move nobody no round with my problems. Man, that's just not okay. I understand what you're saying, but I want you to hear what I'm saying. If you put your private on there at all when I come in there Thursday, then I promise you're gonna jump up and we're gonna have a problem. Whoa, whoa what let's see now now now right there? And I'm not I'm not feeling that jump up having a problem because you know, you don't really know me. Like that. But you know what I mean. I'm trying to be professional here and and and solve your little issue that you got your understanding. But I was jumping up and stuff you're talking about doing. I don't know. I'm trying to come in and get a nice hair cut and walk out with a nice hair cut. What I don't want to do. It's come down there. You're leaning over put your private part. Well, I got my arms in my hands and I got help you. Now that's what I don't you're starting. You're touching the wrong, talking about what you're talking about. Don't touching you wrong. You touch me wrong two weeks ago when you put your private on my hand, Man, I don't know how to touch it. Say what I don't know? You know, dog all I'm trying to say. You're the brother trying to come in and get his hair cut and walk out feeling like a man, and not walk out feeling violated man, because you didn't turn the chair with your problem, have a part all up against my hand in my elbow and stuff. Man, you know what I'm saying. I'm you know, I'm I'm trying to talk to you. But let you don't run me wrong. I ain't no punk sign here, and you understand it. But the ain't no punk flying that. Then keep it off my hand. Ye, let me tell you something well said. Oh here you bring your stupid so he I'm gonna tell you right now. You understanding and look quickly? Oh here's father shop. I hear what you're saying. But let me explain something. You were you using your hips in your private section like a pining ball machine. And I'm gonna tell you right now put something on you. You're coming, understand me, dude. I'm just trying to come and get a hack cut. I'm trying to get a hair cut and walk out of there like a man. Feel it like a man. Open you. I'm gonna open you up. Boy, do you want to stare? Now? Watch you? Now? Come on here? You know something to your what's you want to be? This is a barber shop? Good? You understand what I'm not saying. Dame on, I got somebody have a could running. I ain't got til you're running drunk back You're gonna come over here to stay. I bet you didn't do it. I don't do it. You feel you know what I want? Is you man? You'll come up. Yeah, come on up, can recognize yourself and you come up to you can put your name. Okay, okay, I'm gonna putting my real name on my shirt. Then you want to know what my real name is. That's what's up. That's what's up. Okay. Then you might want to you want you want to know what name gonna be on the shirt? I want to know what? Right then, the name on the shirt is nephew Timmy from the Steve Hobby and Morning show Man. Say, I got one more thing to ask you, man, what is what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land? Watch your pelvis? Man? Why you moving all you bob is out there? Come on in the chair with your hand show me JR. Let me see maybe cutting, you know, maybe in your head. But when they rotate, wait wait, listen video they're cutting. Then all of a sudden he's a hold off for the rotate and they tied to win like that and your hand be right there. Ten times of that her hat cut man, We got props? Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, oh come on, Hula who me? I love female? This is how I know I had a bad hair cut one time. Okay, how was that a white club and a guy? Y'allo who cut your hair? You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay. Research by the dating lifestyle app threesommer uh finds that richer individuals richer individuals Steve, are more likely to engage in threesomes than those with lower incomes. People in New York are the most likely to engage in threesomes. Top ten richest states for threesomes. We'll go. I'm just telling you what the research says. It's the lifestyle happen pretty much, alright. Number ten is Florida. Number nine is Michigan. Number eight Georgia, Ohio is number seven, Pennsylvania number six, number five, Illinois, number four, Texas. Number three, surprisingly is California. Number two, New Jersey. Number one is New your like I said, okay, well I can see. Well that's the trash state area. Yeah. Now, we had discussed this with Steve j already. He told us about his three He didn't go well, and it's not what I do. It's clearly confusing. It was a waste of my damn time. And there's I'm pretty sure they were beyond disappointed. And I do understand that. I know good in here aware they would disappoint it, so you know you were exhausted. I didn't know what to do. I didn't I didn't understand the rules. Anybody told me to rule, so I don't know. I don't want him. Yes, but the other person was so mad and they were so left out, just like just sitting there like I forgot there was another person. I'm gonna have to catch you up later because I'm finished over here. I know we're playing. I understand all that, but what I did here, I didn't save any for their you got, yeah, I wish don't look hey, don't look at me like that. Do not look at me like that. I'm sorry at it. If I had not put so much over here, I would be able to be over there and do that. But there's nothing that I went because that went so strong, right, like whoa what I didn't it? Girl? I know what I said. Could you just take some cash and holid today because check check. Yeah, And I know you're looking at me like some of that, Well it's not it's not gonna happen. I've I've actually enjoyed it every time. The only bad thing there was one time where I just got completely wedged out. They told me we got it from here. I said, wait a minute, no, no, we got you can't. I got too excited in the first ten minutes and it was a little wait for me. We got it from here. You just get out. We got this yet. We know you're young, but no assurances are limited. But no, you heard the story. You said that the richest o. I ain't got no money to be asking for no three seson. Okay, I just stayed in two of the ten states and I have not had it yet. You. I mean, I've asked for the three sing but I know I wasn't gonna get it because I got out the passage aside of a car. So if you ain't driving, you can't ask why didn't you just have about the past decide? Yeah, but that ain't the point. The point is so I don't have no money, but I'm just glad the one something I'm having. All Right, it's time for missing Steve. Why is that a surprise? And trimp? Thank you very much. Yeah, it's not a surprise to me though. This is an twerp. Everybody with the news and and here we go in Thailand. Have you range could complicate efforts to rest kew that soccer team stuck in an underground cave for two weeks. Twelve boys and their coach became trapped inside a partially flooded cave in northern Thailand. Bad news is that's in rainy season, so the water was getting higher and higher. They were exploring it. Apparently they've now been joined though by some Thai Navy seals who were down there to get them out. Some of the youngsters can't swim, they'll have to use scuba diving equipment, so the Navy seals are showing them how to use that. In more than a few cities and towns across the country yesterday, the weather had more effect on how people celebrate the fourth than the fact that it fell in the middle of the week. Cities across western US, for instance, canceled fireworks shows due to the hot and dry conditions, which up the risk of wildfires, especially in mountain towns and towns in Colorado, California. Arizona actually commissioned drone light shows instead of fireworks. In Houston, heavy rains put a serious damper on Independence Day festivities there, with the mayor so best to turn and regretfully changing plans. I regret we had to cancel all of the events. With the reception of the fireworks for Freedom of Texas and as much as eight inches of rain fell in certain parts of Houston. More rain ex forecasts in Houston over the next few days, just in time for Independence Day and New Gallipole, shows that national pride is in a historic low. The results of the survey REAC released by Business Insider. They show that only forty percent of US residents asked were extremely proud to be Americans. That's down from twenty seventeen and well below the peak percentage of seventy percent back in two thousand three. Broken down politically and otherwise, seventy percent of Republicans say they're extremely proud, compared to only thirty of Democrats, and the biggest drops in American pride were seen among women, non whites, younger Americans, and those with college educations. Speaking of college, looks like Donald Trump's now set his sights on ending affirmative action. The Trump administration says the government will no longer encourage schools to use race as a factor in the missions process, which thereby ends Obama era guidelines designed to promote diversity. It has changed now gives colleges and the university the government's blessing to leave race out of admissions and enrollment decisions. Finally, guys, something the guys want to know. This is National Bikini Day. You yeah, I know, you guys are happy. We'll be back with more entertainment. Today's turning topics. Twenty minutes after the Hour and the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Steve Harvey Show. All right, um, Jane, now, what is this? Is it just or? Out of comics have used the phrase is it just me to start their comedy routines. These are just a couple of is it just me? That's all. It is nothing big, Okay. For instance, we were just talking about it is it just me? Or our girl Scout cook is getting smaller? What have you noticed that you saw? No, they're not no, they're not no, no disrespect to getting a little bigger. But oh my, yeah, I haven't noticed. Really. All right, what do one? Yeah, I'll tell you one. I've got this phone call. But it's scarce things. It's just just me. But the person in the family that causes all the trouble When they call you and say, guess what you really don't want to know. It's not just you know, yeah I didn't think so, I didn't think, so, I just got has the preview's gotten longer at the movie thing? Oh my god? Yeah, but the movie don't start till by full far. I love trailer man. Let me ask you this. When you lost you and your car lost, did you turn down the radio so you can see? Brother had nothing to do with me? But you have to see though. Everybody got to shut up. Hush, I'm just clutch that fuss. I can't concentrate. Is it me? Is it just me? I'm starting up? Is it just me? No matter how many orders of fries you by by time you get home, they're gonnas you're gonna eat. It's not just you. Yeah, you can't buy them Frisch fries and not eat them on the way. I'm saying, I'll tell you what. Is it just me? But when you break a hunt, it don't it disappear? I had six right? So true? That's so true. You try to hold on to the casino. I just okay, I got Is it just me? But when you hear the water running for about ten fifteen. Do you have to peet right? Upta go you gotta do it, you gotta go. It's not just you. Okay, Okay, thanks guys. Anthony Brown is going to murder another hit friends with this one, about to lose another friend right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, Steve, it's your boys time he's here. Time to slay another one, murder another one. Well, you know what somebody told me family feud. I don't know where you got that man from. I'll be weighing on these songs. So what's the list? The list will probably get longer today. We're gonna put the Kirk Franklin's name on the list. Oh my god. The song is called Happy and my song is called Nappy. You know, her chemicals can hurt children, her chemicals can change it change. What will her chemicals stud you? Come on now, come on, now, come on now. I'll just let it be now, just let it be right now. I want to kill people. Say if they are not to pay, my hair is not meant to let right now, keep the hot com up, phone Stone, so I like it. Nappy's got some on your hand. You won't hurt your fingers when you run through her head. Take it up. If it's not, just try a change sur fried and let it beat it beat on the way. You should know you now said Jesus, Jesus, Jus, go as well. Looks so nice and you just want to be if you want to be, let it be, Let it be nappy, right nothing, don't you want to be and all that it's Christian and all that it's gonna Let it be never right now, come out. I just want to be annoyed. I'm not gonna keep on getting in a car and we's with They send the front the freaking broken talking, be nappy, happy to be happy? Nap that's a grease robs you through my head to your head. If it's not, don't you that's what you're gonna bring it down right now. Don't do what I say. You shouldn't know what I'm talking about. Say take down class, let it break it down, break it down. If you're gonna be the dug out too, let it be nothing. Don't let it be not happy, Let it be and dot thing. Let's right, and don't think I just want to be that food say take that hot ass weird Yes, home run jay that it sounds like, yeah, fund just lit her. Come on, come on, take a comb. Come that is what is God's little is Christian? All right? We got some frank phone call. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up next. The King is in the building, a prank phone called what you got? Man? All right? You in my house? Now? My grandma used to say, as far as you in my house, yeah, we will serve the Lord that ain't got nothing with this him? Tyler is here? Is you in my house? I let you have. I am the prank phone call from what they say got him? Hey, this is uh this Preston. What y'all? Where did y'all lead a kid at? I'm about two hours out? You got throng on Bro? Call him back? Yeah? Is this Troy? Yeah? They this is this. I'm Preston Man. Listen, I'm on my way to the house. I'm about two hours out. Where y'all lead a kid at? Man? Oh? Wait, you let me get up. You on your way to what? How? I'm on my way? There? Are you you at the house? I'm at my house? Yeah? What do you? What do you say? Your name was? This is Preston. Uh okay, okay, hold on, man, I don't understand. Okay, I'm on my way to the house. Uh what does my question? What has he come out? Okay? You are us six and Woods Drive. Yeah, that's my house. Okay, okay, I understand that. All right, So listen, I'm about two hours out, man. I got two U haul trucks were en route there. We'll be there about two hours. But but I thought y'all were out of the house by now. I'm I'm kind of see where the key at. How the hot was? I don't hold on? Get up? What you now? Hold on? What? What? What do you say? You you you got to you hold trucks? What what you got? What you got? Tom? Was? It was that now I'm moving into the house. I bought the house. You're you're moving in the white Okay? How do you don't know? I bought the house? Man? What the house you talking about? You want bullets dry? That's I bought this house from kids there? Yeah, yeah, ti TI, yeah yeah, yeah, tire, that's that's what. That's what we that's what we got the house from. What when you say you about the house? Okay, wait a minute. You leased the house from kids there, right, Yeah, yeah, we're right right, we were still out about another year lesson our least, we we we at this house for another year. I mean, and we're supposed to renew that. Okay, okay, we got a problem. Let me let me try to Okay, I'm let me get my wife on, get my wife on the phone. Well, hold on, hold on, hold on a minute. Okay, So now till they're tell me that y'all supposed to be at the house. And I'm calling because he said y'all gonna lead a key in a certain places, not live till that ain't told, you know, Like I mean, let me get kicked there on the phone. Such because because how we gonna hear heins man. We don't hear nothing about no selling to no house or no nothing like that. Okay, Well I didn't, I didn't bog the house from tills there. And I'm I'm like I said, I'm I'm two hours out. I might get there a little quicker. How soon do you think y'all gonna get the stuff? Get y'all stuff out the house? Yeah, what stuff out? Want house? Y'all going happy to get y'all stuff out the house, get what study a lot of that you think we're gonna get we we we we look like I said, man, we we need to get Tis there on the phone and get cleared up. You're a month think. I'll tell you what you bring up. You all trucks as you want to. Y'all be to take you back where you come from. I tell you that after you that. But listen, man, listen the mistake. First of all, okay, you you're arguing with me by my house. That's my house. No, no, no, now see you now I'm at to see now you're pissing the album. And I'm telling you I'm gonna tell you like I like like, I'm gonna tell till there ain't. None of this ain't going down the way you think it's gonna go down. You understanding, we're not the least being this house for a year. I mean that's what we're gonna do. We're gonna be in this house for a hope. Yeah, you ain't y so you might get yourself own the house. No, I own the house. You got to get your stop. Man, I'm two hours out here. Man, man, we looked listen to me now listen. We haven't been in this house five years. Okay, we got one year nothing this house. Okay, look, ain't gonna be no moving in to day. We can I can't move my man, I got wife, I got kids, and man, I look, I'm t I'm it's like it's like you said, you got you we gotta talk. Tis there. But I'm telling you, man, you pull up today and you haul I swear so a little. I'm I'm a whoop your continue you and you don't call me with all this. Ain't got no notice or nothing because what I'm saying, you ain't never talk. Ain't got me at one time agree with me? Well that's you and tears there. But right nah, I'm on my way to my house and you got to get your No. You're on your way to my house. And if you if you know no you talk to my house, you're gonna get your hands the tea. Let me let me say that is your kids, your is your wife and kids there right now they at church. Well you need to be okay, okay, is in the room and what's in the garage in the room. In the garage, can you move out your stuff? You're raggedy like I just told you. You pull up to my house, I'll be something fun. If you're moving and this man you getting your black blue and ain't going when you come make me do it? You come make me do it. Move out of my house today. What's in my garage? Then? What's in yogarade? You tell me that what's in yoga? I'm allow I'm gonna allow you to do this. Move all your stuff into the garage. I'm gonna allow you to get your saying what I'm saying. So so I see, I see now, I see now you want your up in front of your wife and kids. I see. So you're gonna with my that what you're gonna do. I'll tell you what if you bring them you halls, you bring your wife, your kids, your dogs, and you bring it about, I won't call your right here in front. It's not your house. It's not I bought. I'm about the house from Tis. I'm telling a look, I tell you what you need me right in front, y'all. I'll be right out here, staid in like I'm gonnahoop you too, my rope and my house shoes. Talk about that. Donna tell me to move out my house. And I tell you you better kids, because you don't need told me to tell you what you do? Mean what you say? Do you know what else? Tears they're told me to tell you. Do you want that? You're gonna tell me whatever? Kids they're told me, But I tell you one, they ain't moving out my now today. I'm telling you that right now ain't gonna be no moving out here. He said, with tears there told you to say. I'm gonna tell you here what tears there told me to tell you. Tear then told me to tell you that this is next you tim me from the Steve Harvard Morning Show, Troy your wife, and tears there got me to prank phone call you. So this one book, just some just some book. Idn't putting my pains on boot. So I'm waiting. I'm sitting right here in my living room looking at the wait for you all to pulled up because I'm gonna tear five from your man. I can't go back to sweep now. You didn't got me fired up, He's try. I gotta ask you for I go, man, what is the baddest And I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the Lane, Steve Harvest Morning this show. Ain't there bad? Come on, you give me tell me ignorant going? You really does it? Really does? Hi? He is the kid pray you got You've got to be can't go down. It's done here, it's got to go level. Ignorance made and it stayed there and it stays there. He eat coming up next, start burying right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it is time for it today strawberry letter. But before we get to it, let me just let you know that if you have an issue, if you need some advice, please write to us at Steve Harvey f M dot com. Right, Steve, that's right, because we take these letters seriously. Yeah, we could be reading your letter live on the air one day, maybe today. This could be you. All right, Steve Harvey, f M dot com. Send all your letters there? All right, all right, nephew, let's go. It's time. Buckle up and hold on. Time. We got the strawberry now subject They don't make them like they used to. Dear Stephen Shirley, I want your honest opinions. I'm young, and I have a great job, my own place and I'm happily single for now. Here's my issue. I don't think a strong, independent woman should stand by a broke man or wait for him to reach his full potential. People always say I should not overlook a man that falls short financially, but I prefer to remain strong because I am not afraid of being alone. So many women go through the emotional struggles of being with a man just to say they have a man. So is it selfish for me to live my own life and continue to pray for the man that God will send to me. I understand that men are natural hunters, so once they see what they want, they will keep pressing for it. How do I know that a man's intentions are genuine and he's not looking for the come up? What if he's a really great guy but he's living check to check. I have been in these types of relationships before, and they each ended up as a waste of time and energy. Don't get me wrong, I've been broke before, so I'm not doubting anyone now that I'm doing much better and I'm able to take care of myself. If it's bad that I don't settle for half a man just to say I have a man. Seems like more men are looking for someone to take care of them. Now. I'm not bashing all men, but what's really going on nowadays? Well, I mean, you know, you're perfectly, of course, within your rights to feel how you feel. You said you're not bashing all men. You're just, you know, talking about the kind of men that you don't want, which is a good thing. I think you know what you do want. Uh. You you say you've been broke before. You're not doubting anyone you want to be with someone you don't want to settle. I think that's perfectly fine. You shouldn't settle. You shouldn't settle. If you're truly praying for the man that God wants to send to you, then that's what you should be open to. Uh. You'll know when it's the man that God sends, God sent for you, because he'll be a godly man. Uh. Yeah, men are natural Hunter Steve used to talk about that on the show all the time. Uh. But I think what you need to stay close to is what you're praying for. Is you're praying for God to send you the man that you want. But just make sure you're everything you know, make sure your whole and uh, you know you're a good person and you're a good woman. You have something to offer the world and a man. Okay, don't just look for a man to come and and make you whole. Already be whole. Okay, It's okay for you to be strong and independent and all of that stuff. Just you know, if you're really praying for God to send you a man, just wait for that, all right, Steve, Well, this is a weird letter because she's saying a couple of things. Uh. First of all, I wish I knew how old she was, because this has a lot to do with it. Now. You know, if you don't think that a strong, independent woman should stand by a broke man or wait for him to reach his full potential, then you feel that way. But let me say tell you something you're saying a broke man. You said you've been in relationships with people who live check to check. Let me say something to you. The majority of people are living check to check. That's a financial fact. Check to check don't mean you're broke. It means you're in a situation where in three checks you could be completely out. Well, most people live that way. Until they pull it together. If you're looking for a man that's already made, what you haven't said directly in this letter, but what appears to me that you've said in this letter that you want somebody that's already made, then get in line, because that line is gonna be long. And if you're young, there are men who are in the building process. It takes men uh some time to pull themselves together. It just does a man that's in their twenties. It's gonna be hard to find a god that has it together in his twenties. It's going to be hard because that's the learning phase of life. So, ma'am, you've said quite a lot in this letter. Now, is it true to some men are looking to be taking care of? Yeah, yep, that's true. They're easy to spot because they're looking to be taken care of. They don't want to pay for the dinners. They don't want to pay to take you out. They ain't looking to sponsor, no trips, they ain't looking at it. Okay, what you know, what are you talking about now? For guys living check? The check and trips ain't really available right now, maybe once a year. But he's doing everything else he can that men do, then you might have a good prospect that you're passing on because he's not made yet men who have means. Just because a man got money don't make him a good man. Oh true? Oh did I just say that just because a man got the money don't make him a good man. So now you can pass up on these other men who may have better qualities and less funds, and go for the funds and get the less quality man. Also, you said you're asking God to send you a man if that's the case, wants the letter full. See this is how I read letters as Sherley's right about several things. She said it in her comment to you about it. Now, look, you can be by yourself, but who really want to be by the self? I mean, let's just have an honest connor put your hand down. Other than his bit as evil, distraught old ass, don't ran over used and abused guy like that? Other than that, who don't want to be alone? Everybody want somebody. Then you say, how do I know that the man's intentions are genuine and he's not looking for the come up? Like I told you, it's easy. He's gonna want a lot of stuff. What if he's a really great guy but he's living check to check. If I were you, I was signed up for that because that really great guy hard to come back. He ain't gonna always be living check to check. Now, great guys turned it around eventually. Great guys become great men, become great father, has become great husband. Money don't determine no, No, am I preaching to Yes, you are amen? Amen, Amen, and you can preach the more part two of your sermon coming up? Uh at after the hour you're listening to. All right, Steve, come on, let's get to part two of your response to today's Strawberry letter. They don't make them like they used to. You know, I was talking about this young lady who sayings too many contradictory things in her letter about coming up. She's talking about, uh, you know, majority of people living check the check something and I'm looking to be taking care of Uh. I told her that the man that has money don't make him a good man. Uh, You're gonna have to would should out take a man who's living check the check but it has great qualities. Yeah, because he's on the come up. It takes a long time for a man to get it together. And on the break I was reading another line. She said that was quite contradictory. She said, don't get me wrong, I've been broke before, so I'm not downing anyone. Okay, you got that line, showman. Don't get me wrong. I've been broke before, so I'm not down in anyone. Then she said, now that I'm doing much better and I'm able to take care of myself, here's the contradiction. Is it bad if I don't settle for a half a man just to say I have a man? Now? You just said you've been broke me, folco, you're not downing anymore. Now you're telling me because if a man don't have his finances together, that he's half a man. Sister, let me, let me, let me, let me help you understand. You are setting yourself up for contradictory life. A man's money has nothing to do with his level of manhood. Some of the best men I know and have known in my life have far less than I have right now, but I have the utmost respect for them, love and admiration. I am constantly in a quest to become my father. All day I'm just trying to be slick, harder, That's all. I'm trying to be the hardest working man I ever knew. The best husband and the best father I've ever seen. This dude was. He didn't miss a beat. He didn't miss a beat. That's all I'm trying to be. My dad ain't had a tenth of the money I got, but he's the best example of manhood I ever was. So system I think you're wrong, and I think you got to make an attitude adjustment. Now you're saying something in the letter about um, so is it selfish for me to live my own life and continue to pray for the man that God will send to me. Suppose God sends you this really great man who's living checked at you, that the church save that again, because I just can't knock these cats that don't have it financially together. Because I gotta tell you something. I was on that cat. I was that dude. I lived in a car for three years, man. I'm pretty sure man, I met a couple of girls while I lived in the car. They ain't see the potential. I ain't blame him, and she wouldn't have been in there with you for sure. Oh no, man, I ain't asked nobody to come get in this car with me. I knew I wasn't a good catch, but I hung in there. I just kept hanging in there. These men gonna eventually get it together. Good men become good husband's become good father. You gotta miss out on a good husband and a good father because he don't have a good check right now. But if he's working and got a plan and putting it together, that's called potential. And yeah, you should marry potential, and yeah you should hook up with potential because y'all can build something together. Everybody would love to meet Mr rich Man and go on and get their life made right off. But them, them numbers is few. So listen to me, ladies. It's already hard to find a good man. Now you're gonna narrow the search to a good rich man. What why that only five percent? Here's a rate? Can I preach? Yes, sir, go right ahead. Five percent of people make nine of the money in the world. Five percent make of the world. So now you want what you cannot be looking for one of the five percent. You know what kind of options they got? Ter shop? Do you understand me? They shopping? How they want the shop. They got options. Don't put yourself in that position. Find you a good man with some great potential, and y'all going and build a life together. Stop looking for these rich dudes, because you ain't the only one. That line is long, and they take advantage of the long line. They interview a line of people, yes, and they're not that long. Thank you for this Strawberry letter. If you have a letter or condition or situation that you would like some help, we please send it to Steve HARVEYL dot com dot com, Steve Harvey FM dot com. But we could be reading, dissected and helping your life all. We could make a complete marckery of your letter, just like yesterday, Yeah, yesterday, with a market letter today with some serious help right here for women in me. Thank you very much. Those are my remarks of the Strawberry letter. You have a condition and the omen a ligature a cipher natic alport dimmical silas cipher natic. You know what I'm saying or you don't hear it not Today's crazy Comedy segment in about ten minutes at forty one after the hour, and your man, Steve Harvey, do you think you're smarter than my nephew Tommy, you could qualify for listen to this one million dollars. Go to Steve Harvey FM and get the details on how you can play smarter than Nephew Tommy. Here's a deal. If you're smarter than nephew Tommy, you win one hundred dollar gift cards and you have an opportunity to open the safe and win one million dollars. If Tommy wins, you will win a twenty five dollar gift card. Just go to Steve Harvey F film for details. The winning starts this Tuesday at seven a m. Six twenty eight m. You're listening to the ste Harvey Morning Show. We wanted to do ask the CEO. Yeah yeah, yeah, might as well. Man, my voice needs some rest. It just needs rest, y'all. I'm sorry. I've been working. I work. Take what out a little man, take your throat out and run some water. Well, see, tall people can't do that. Well it sight seemed like tall people can't clear it. Well, that's cause there's so much thought. People don't get horse because your your neck ain't that long. People have throats too, thank you. It is throats, all right, Tommy. You have a question for the CEO. Have you have you cleared your throat sufficiently when the says something to you disrespectful? How do you handle that? You know? From my standpoint being the CEO, I say to deal with it, call what you're what you don't want to do and run up in more disrespect? You know? So I just said what you need to do is just get a bigger pair of pannish Tommy, what you hear I'm talking. I'm talking to you. Ain't saying that. Sherley Strobe, Wait what you got? Okay? I ain't got hugged out. And I said, you you if you need to understand how to hell it, you need a bigger pair of penny. I don't how do I responded? I don't say you don't wear a penny. I don't know where panty did? See? If you don't know how to hell it, you need a bigger pal You understand what I'm saying? Is this the way a CEO supposed? Now you're just saying if I say something disrespectful, you then you five back. Now I shold you what happened. If you five back, it gets more disrespect. Don't let me ask you. Let me ask you question. No, Dick Stevien the CEO, right right, Carl like good point, This just me being able to say it in CEO phone. All right, CEO, I have a question for a Describe your so we can be clear. Describe your duties as CEO. What do I run this hill? You're chief executive officer of the company day to day? What do you do cash? I produce as much of it as I can, I do it as excellent as I can, and oh as often as I can. In the middle, create cash and with an excellence as often as you can. That makes me the damn CEO. Now what is you? I think that a lot of question. Okay, listen, CEO. I just want to know, um, we we haven't received like our contract and take work for the next year you plan on? Yeah, talked to white folk about daddy? What talk right folks about that? I don't do pick for it. Next question? All right, I got a question. The next question, name three things three things you could do I could do as our employer to make our lives better. Make mo b mole and say more, that's what you can do to make our lives better? What did I just say? Okay? He didn't answer the question, b mo, act mole and say more. All right, here's a question. How do we get as CEO? How do we get promoted? Like to go to the next level in the company, and we'll see. All I know is CEO? Huh exactly? Anything left under that that you won't cream it. What you want to be Secretary of State, you got it. What you want to be primary officer, you got it. What you wanna be chief operating officer, claim it? You just can't have your job that tighter innovator, I passed out. I passed out tighter like a pass, like a ticktak. I shake it in your hands. But what I'm not too long? You don't come. You're trying to be CEO? What what? What position are you looking at? Ms? Strawberry? Well, I mean you know, eventually I would like to become CEO. Oh well, that's not gonna have him over here? But whatnot? You got some move on the work that you put in the work somewhere else you can put it in all you want them in here. You don't even be something. Oh so you're saying do as I say, not as I do yet? Oh no, no, no, no, I'm saying go do and say your own thing. You come over to you want to be CEO. You can be CEO Strawberry Production in start that you can started. You can be lived Rock call of CEO. You can be T and TC and over. You can be Junior Incorporated CEO. Well you ain't CEO this Okay, this Tylan ain't I'm moving up over here, all right, CEO? Can I ask you this store as well? I've been to some other companies and I saw they have a nice little relaxation area break I just walked in some other companies I saw and they had a nice little break room. They got TVs in there. We don't handling it over here because we possibly have that. See, this is how you do it over here. Scoot your chair back away from the table, and that's your That was a good question. Horrible break room is when you create room to take a break in, slide your chair back way from the table, stretch your legs out. Junior, right now, you and your break about vending machine? What about? Can we get some healthy machines? Ain't healthy for you? Can we get some healthy snacks? I'm not gonna kill my employee with redos and tatter, Chilton ho holes and stuff like that. I'm not gonna do that to you. Ding don't. Yeah, you know what's so? All right? Ding domes a round holes? Ding domes a round holes? You know? Roll up? Okay, it's delicio, but got corn syrup in it. I don't put nothing in vending machine for my people. Got corn syruping. I'm not gonna kill you. Alright, Come come, take somebody water and get yourself together. Thank you, ceo, No, no, thank you. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show right now. Tell me what is this about? You wanting to help men stay out of trouble? You want to share a little in time one of my boys, Yes, sir, one of my boys. Are you talking about this? This wouldn't be from somebody who stays no, he wants to help men out of trouble. Imagine things and you know this. You you, you, you come on nine. There's certain things that can get you in trouble that you need to be aware of, Certain little items that can get you in receipts. You don't keep receipts, burn all your receipts. These are the things that you must know if you're gonna be player player. Damn you get rid of no receipts, receipts for you can you can stuff you can't write off. Okay, nof got to take you gotta take the same faith for the team. All right, watch this and everybody like to keep one or two on their phone pictures. Get rid of them dog gone pictures. That right, it's shrewd ever death that your bud can get caught absolutely now here. Go one from my uncle's book Glitter. Glitter will get every kid. You can't have no glittle on you because you can't see that. Yeah. Back in Linding, what two thousand one morning for two days in a row, Shirley was going, you need to really need to get somebody's glitter. Yes, hold on, you want to work yes, Shirley. Shirley coming and said, Steve, really really all in my hell everywhere, It was everywhere, but you act like all on my neck? Would you come to work out like you ain't did nothing? She understand, Steve, what is this all on you? And you know what? You can take two three showers instead you cannot get the glit off. This one is one junior should know when you have a count you had that package and tear that cone of that little coner. Got to get to the trade that little cone, because they're all no more coners like that that con Hell is it a matter of fact? Don't t tad off and leave it attached to the back. Don't tear it off, don't come out tet off. Percent of been a lot of divorces. Yeah, women are detective. It could just take the little teen ten. Listen to me. Your your woman can't have short hair and you got long hair in the scene. You know what I'm saying. Yeah, you're you're so freaking dad. You're trying to put that on your body. That's for me. You don't have an eyelash in your tooth? Have you have you had that all? Man? They're gonna I had a whole eyelash in the front, ain't you see? Huh? They're just smiling and what's happening? You know we don't miss anything. You know that they do not. Okay, now here's a number what a bobby can break up a relation. I'm just telling you have no reason to have a bobby pin in your house. You're all earring back right. Oh that's yeah, that's a good one. Yeah, that's really small. They leave them, they leave them, Yes they do. Hey, another one too. Her jacket can't be left in your cloth? Yea, yeah you got And if if she do, you got to burn this jacket. She asked, who jacket is this? You didn't know what was in there? What Wait a minute, I know you didn't burn my jack on the pillar? Oh they got to be washed right at makeup any of that on the pillar. Burn that pillar to This is Tommy with his advice to men to stay up black tip off the end of a high heel shoe. That all of that bags from a store that you know dog on, Well, that ain't where you shopping that bag right there? You know how people take a bag folding up when they're gonna use it later. Put it on the count that bag. Get rid of that bag for you. I got elite press on nail. Yeah, yeah, more popular than ever. Empty egg and I got busted with that one one time. I had an empty egg in the trash one time. Oh yeah, I couldn't explain. What did you end up saying? You just just tick that one. I had bought it. I had waves back then, and I had bought one for to make my waves, set night, make a way. Oh that was yeah, that was good. That is quick. He didn't buy it though, but it was a good line. She asked me where the rest of the pen? Well, where'd you throw him away? Because the egg is in the try right right? I threw him out. Yeah, it was a good life, but it didn't work that nowey with some painted holes on trying to prove whole TV off the wall, boy, come on your TV to a whole coming up. It's more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Yahoo is reporting, guys, a new pole that finds fifty of couples say that they um suspected their partner of cheating. If they suspected them, they would discuss the matter with them rather than jumping to conclusions. I'm going to say that again for the latees. Okay, of couples say that if they suspected their partner of cheating, they would discuss the matter with them rather than jumping to conclusions. Okay, let me question Shirley, and let me ask you a question. Just listen to this question. If you suspected your husband of cheating, and it was not on the internet. Nobody knew, none of your co workers, it was not It wasn't made public. If you suspected your husband of cheating, would you bring it up calmly? Would you bring it up with anger? How would you do it? Probably? All of the above for me without the calm though you already nowhere coming bigger? All of that, All of the above for me without the calm anger. If I expected that? Not yet? Not well? I mean, if you had suspicious, you ain't have no proof you ain't, you ain't heard nothing, You ain't got no pictures, ain't no, ain't on internet, and none of that. But Steve, you know we have intuition. You know we have intuition. You disappointing to you, Mr Harvey, I don't know. I'm just trying to see what y'all would do. I don't really And and the word discussion I have a problem with. There will be no discussion. Well, are you gonna just find out on your own first? Like you don't see us? I let me ask you a question. Suppose you discovered that you were one wrong about him and that he wasn't cheating. What happens at that point? Then? I'm apologizing and begging to his forgiveness, begging for his forgiveness and threatening him he better not do it. You see what happens. God in his heart got to do that. Yeah, you apologize for your wrong doing, but you know, make it up to him. You know that. Wow, any more questions, We're here for it. Y'all's answers short and yeah and truthful and and there's no one. There's no one in between, ain't no. You know that's I don't like talking to y'all. Were you expecting something else? I don't know what I expected, but that wasn't me. You've obviously been through this before. I'll tell you what I found out. Though I'm fine out, I ain't fired up to have a discussion. Once they find out, I'll cheat this. It's over your ugland sitting up here. Got the cheat you know you get? Shoot? Don't you know that money changes things? Yeah? How you get the nerves that was before? Look at you now see Tommy saying dang Junior Like you can't believe Junior called himself Tommy, You're ugly. No I am not. I'm not gonna let you stop doing that. You go this eighteen you're not gonna do this. I'm not. I'm gonna tell the truth and truth thousand eighteen. Are you fine? No, I'm not no fine, and I'm not out. But I ain't just been to be ugly though now I'm not doing that. You're not fine and I'm not hug But listen to me. If you're not fine by a long ship? What you think that is coming up? It's more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at thirty three after the hour. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, Steve, it's your boys time he's here. Time to slay another one, murder another one. Well, you know what somebody told me, family feud. I don't know where you got that man from a lot of them. I'll be waiting on these songs. So what's the list? The list will probably get longer today. We're gonna put the Franklin's name on the list. Oh my god, you mean the song is called happy and my song is called nappy? What he get out? You know? Her chemicals can hurt children, chemicals can change change. What will her chemical student? You? Come on now, come on, now, come on now, I'll just let it be now, just let it be right now. I want to kill with people say if they are not to pay my hair is not meant to that right now, keep the hot com up, phone stone the story. So I'm like, get nappy, got some on your hand, that's what you won't hurt your fingers when you run through my head. Take it up. If it's not, try a change, have surprised and let it beating, beat on away. You should know you now said Jesus jalouses as well. Looks so nice and you just want to be if you want to be nowt neither be nappy right nothing, don't you want to be now? And all that it's Christian and all that it's could let it be never right now, cobout. I just wanna be no annoying. I'm not gonna keep on getting a cock and weeds with they send the prom no freaking broken talk and be nappy, happy to be nappy to that's of Greece. Are in you run through her head, never through your hair. If it's now, don't bring it down right now. I don't do what I say. What I'm talking about, let me break down, break it down. If you're going to dug out to let it be nothing, don't be happy, let it and I just want to be the food. Say take that hot as weird? Yes. Coming up Steve's closing remarks at forty nine after the hour, Gather round everyone, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve the closing remarks are back as well, what you have for us? Here we go up. Here's a suggestion. Here's what I came up it for today, A suggestion or something I've learned that has helped me out dramatically in accomplishing my goals and attaining my dreams. I still have things I'm after, still have goals that I have not yet met in dreams that I haven't seen come true yet. But I'm working on them and I know they will, and I know they will because I have mastered one technique of how to do it. I'm gonna share it with you right now. If you are wanting something from God, this is just for spiritual people. If you're not a spiritual person, you can go and do what you wanna do right now. Only this is for people who believe in God. Um, when I want something for God, when I'm trying to reach a certain goal, or fulfill a dream or attain something. I never go about it without his help. You know. The things that I do on my own, I'm just doing them, you know, Like you know, I don't simple stuff, you know, like make sure I got water in my office so I can drink enough. Now I don't I can do that, right. But let's say I have an aspiration or dream that's pretty big, as are most of mine, and as should yours be. You should dream as big as you possibly can. You should let your imagination lead you into the life that God has for you. Not. A way to do that is to, first of all, ask, because the scripture says you have not because you asked not. And then you have to believe. You have to have faith that God can do anything but fail. The third thing you need is a work ethic, and unrelenting work ethic. There is a scripture that says faith without works is day it. So, after you ask for this incredible dream or vision or goal that you have and you put the faith in it, the belief, you gotta work because faith without works is dead. Okay cool? Now, the best way to accomplish your dreams and gifts. First of all, you should tie it to your I mean your goals and gifts. Your goals and dreams you have to tie to your gift. Everything should be tied to your gift. Now, if you want an airplane or go on special trips has nothing to do with your gift. But the route that you're gonna get to this goal and to this dream has to be tied to your gift. Okay. Now, once you do that and you ask God for something that's impossible, be careful who you share it with because sharing things from your imagination is not always in your best interests. Because your imagination is yours and yours alone. Other people can't see it. They don't see no way how. They just start shooting it down. But when you do ask God for this incredible thing, listen to me. The how to is none of your business. Let me repeat that. When you ask God for your visions, your goals, your dreams, your aspirations, and you believe He'll do it, and you're willing to work as hard as you can to accomplish it, that's all that's required of you. The how to is none of your business. Get out of the way. The reason there is no scripture that tells us as people to figure it out. Is because if you're asking God for something so big, you gotta leave it up to him. You gotta let him have it. The how to is not any of your business. The how too is not up to you. It's up to your faith and your belief in a higher power. Stop tripping on the how to. It ain't your business. The reason that how to is not up to you, I have found in my life is for this reason right here, because my ways and my understanding is not enough to get me to where I want to go. Be have and attained to where I want to go be have an attained my ways and my understanding it's not enough because I'm asking God for something so huge that I don't know how to get it, but I know that he does. You can't even fathom his ways. You can quit tripping. You can save yourself a lot of time. You can't google his ways. You don't know the route he's gonna take. You don't know how he's gonna touch certain people's hearts along the way. You don't know how you're gonna move people into position to get you exactly what you need, when you need it, and how you need it. You have no idea what God is going to do and how He's going to do it. So why trouble yourself with the how to? Because it ain't your business. The how to is not up to you. And the reason is not up to you is because when you ask for something so great that you absolutely have to have God's help to get it, your ways and understanding is not enough. You won't be able to accomplish it because you can't even fathom his ways. You have no idea how He's going to go about it. You're clueless. You can't move the pieces the way God can. You can't do it man. As a matter of fact, if you try, you're all in the way. Now you're gonna mess it up. You are now blocking the blessin we're concerning yourself with the how to. The how to is none of your business. You have to ask, believe, and be willing to work your tail off. That's how you accomplish it in life, and how to ain't your business. Those are my closing remarks. Shall have a great weekend like those for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.