Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve starts off with a story about his fraternity brethren Lucky Love. Right here you will get the things you say to your neighbors under your breath when you are not fond of them. Jodeci's 5th member gives his reasons why he truly wants to be related to Steve. Do you know the signs that your neighborhood is changing? Fool #2 has a new book that is called Sometimes Your Kinfolk Ain't Worth A Damn. Steve explains why men are unable to outargue women. If you ever need reasons why you shouldn't look someone in the eye, then get them right here. "Women don't lie, men don't listen." Do you remember the food that was served to you when you were sick as a kid? Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog talks about the difference between getting everything he wanted VS everything he needed.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things in a shove me good mother to please, I don't join jo. You gotta turn hur you, you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you haven't got to turn them out? Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your thing, huh I show where a good morning? Everybody you're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harley got a radio show. I need everybody today, everybody that's listening. I need you to catch fire today. I want you to catch fire today. You want to phrase it another way, I want you to catch on fire today, but I need you to catch fire today. I need today to be today that you stop complaining and you do something. Do you know why a lot of people can't move forward in their life because they complaining about their past? They always complaining, man about something? Is that explains the reason why they are. Let me help you with this right here. If you are steady complaining about the reason you are, you know, if I hadn't met this man, if I hadn't been involved with this woman, if I hadn't had this baby, if I had to never went down there, if I hadn't got arrested, if I hadn't it this, if I hadn't it if I had a just finished school, if I hadn't a hey, hey, hey, stop stop all that stuff that you're complaining about, everything that you keep allowing to resonate with you as a reason to justify and explain you not being successful. Can I share something with you about all of that? Guess what it is. You didn't got past all of it. You didn't had the baby, you got arrested, they didn't kill you, You didn't finish school, but you're still standing. You met that man, he gone, He involved with two other women. Right now, I got three other kids. Guess what. You still here and the baby's here. You got over all the injustices that were done to you. You got something happened to you when you as a kid. You're an adult now. Somebody did something to you when you was a little boy. Guess what you're man now. Some things happened to you that you haven't found closure on. The person that you're looking for closure from has moved on. Can I tell you that everything that has happened to you? Do you know you've gotten past it? So why are you steady complaining about what has happened to you that has caused you to be in this position? But do you understand that it's prohibiting you from moving forward? Stop complaining today, catch fire, Let your pass be your pass. I've told us to you a hundred times on this radio, but I'm gonna say it again. Bishop Jake's told me something man that helped me so greatly. You can't drive your car if you're gonna keep looking in the rearview mirror. That's why the windshield is huge. The windshield is huge. The rearview mirror is this tiny thing that sits up there. Now all is far. It's so you can see stuff that's coming up on you. All the review mirror for is so you can assure yourself or listen to this. The review mirror is impt there to assure you that you've cleared something. See. That's what the review mirrors for. So when you pass it corn you want to switch lanes, you can glance upding and it says, okay, you're clear. Now you passed it. You can switch lanes. That's how all the review mirrors for it ain't for you to stare at and dictate your life with what you're tripping for. Man, catch fire today today, Man quick complaining about everything that had happened to you? Life is ten percent. What happens to you is ninety percent. What you do about what happens to you? What are you going to do about it? So what I got all this? Look, man, your story ain't no deeper than nobody else's. I can tell you I was homeless for three years. It's people been homeless for thirty years. How long I'm gonna ride that out? Man? You know I can ain't gona do nothing right now. I fell on hard times and I lost my place to stay. Why are you staying now? See the majority of people are staying somewhere right now. I was out there. I didn't have nowhere to go. I'm in a shelter. Now. You was under the bridge a week ago. You're in the shelter. Now, why are you still crying about the bridge? You in the shelter now? Man? You know how you find your purpose? You get in touch with who created you. Because when God made you, he had a purpose in mind. Now we've ignored it and we haven't tapped into it. But we all had a purpose. You don't, and it's sometimes it take people longer to discover the purpose. Colonel Sanders was frying chicken with a recipe that he was telling people was the best chicken in the world. Ain't nobody believe him till he turned seventy? Why you think the dude that's only Kentucky fried chicken signs is old. That dude ain't twenty up there he oh, he oh, But you know what, he had been frying that chicken for forty some years. They just found out about it when he was seventy. But he didn't give up his purpose in life. This dude was just frying chicken. See, people keep looking for their gifts in all kinds of places when it's right there in you. You ain't got to go to school to find your gift. You're born with the gift to God God for you. You'll go to school to tack it on to something else. But your gift was already given to you. You were born with that. You don't have to go to college to know your guilt. Your college allows you to enhance it, to find something to attach it to and hopefully you get a degree that attaches your gift to a vehicle where it can work. The problem with college is we go to college and we attach it to what we like or what we might be passionate about, and we ignore the gift we have. You know how many people and graduating from college ain't doing nothing they went to college for. Come on, man, you know why, because you're discovering life, your guilt. You discover what you was born to do. I wasn't bought you know what I mean. You know what my major was in college? It was advertising. I can't be in no death, drawing, no picture for nobody. But now guess what I can wake up every day and guess what I can tell you. I advertise. I've been advertising my career. Come see me live. Come see me live at Madison Square Garden, Come see me live at Philips Arena. Come see me live at Joker's Comedy Club. Come see me live at Percy's. Come see me live at Ellis's Tavern. Come see me live. Come. I've been advertising the whole time, but I had a different purpose in mine because I went and I talked to God. And this is how you do it. You go talk to God and say, hey God, look, okay, this is the deal. I've been struggling here. I'm over forty. I still haven't found my purpose in life. Okay, but so I can quit wasting any more time, would you help direct me and guide me to my purpose? I know you created me to do something. I just haven't found what it is. And the reason I haven't found what it is because I've been doing things my way. I ain't been checking what you confirmed with you on anything. I ain't locked in or tried to settle it up with you. I've been just doing my thing. Well, my thing has gotten me as far as it can get me. How about you takeover and do your thing now? Can you direct me in my path? I'm an open book. Treat me like a piece of clay. I'm telling you, man, if you go to God, he'll give it to you. But see you have not because you asked not. How many times have you asked God for it? This ain't no magic trick, y'all. This is the deal. You got to catch fire today. Catch fire today, I am. I'm excited about today. I've got a lot to do. You're listening, ladies and gentleman, bards and girls. Man, have you undivided attention? Pa, this is Steve Harvey Morty Show. Let's stop all that extra who I'm trying to be, no doubt, just be yourself. Yeah, stop all this acting. Yes, that's who we want you. Back off your bills here. Well, first of all, I want to thank the Lord that I'm alive and I survived the weekend. Boy, thank you God. Yeah, you had a little retreat. Yeah, I meant it wasn't a retreat. It was all forward. Now retreat us when you pull back. Okay, this was all forward man, a great time. Yeah. I'm gonna post some more exciting stuff soon. Just now now okay. Shirley Strawberry, Hey, good morning, Steve. Welcome back at one Pace. Yeah, Colin Pharrell, Happy Monday. What's up Steve and crew? This is the original crew. Nephew, Tommy, ya ya, welcome back. Baby's Monday. Let's get a big dogger. You just got the word. Tell us one story, one good story, give us something, give us a little so yeah, but you always have a story for us. I'm trying to get about what I could say though. All right, I was hanging out this weekend and an old frat brother mine stopped by his name, Lucky Love. I want to thank God for Lucky Love. One of the most brilliant brothers I know. He was a chemist major in college. Genius. Now the thing with genius people is is something wrong with him? You do understand that, don't you? You're you're one of we know. Wow. So he came and he's making his own beverages. Now we're just calling beverages, okay. And he bought this apple side of you know, with the like a gallant apple side of jig with the little hook on it where you cared with your fingering that little hook. But it's all glass, ain't no writing on it. And it was brown, and there was mushrooms in the bottom that stayed at the bottom. And he bought it for everybody to drink. Nobody touched it, and he didn't understand why if you just saw what this drink looked like. I said, look, you expect us to drink it? I absolutely do. I said, well, I gotta go to work Monday, and I want to be able to recall who I am on Monday. He said, well, don't drink this to Tuesday. Then that's the only story I can tell. Y'all. Man, you have more, I'm sure all right. We got coming up in thirty two. After the hour, we'll have more from Steve. He'll think of more on the break. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to show, Well, it's time for something funny and Jay. This is about stuff you say to your neighbors under your breath. Please explain. This has to do what we see our neighbors all the time. We're not that fond of them sometime, so we speak. But under our breath was saying little things, little little insulting things like hey, hider cane, y'all keep Jack, keeping it, keeping it one hundred, You got one Jack? Jay? H how you doing? Are you? My man? You need some curtains? How you doing? Franklin's good to see it. Hope the boy stay home this time. It takes vacations. Let's see us. Come on, nephew, Perkins, how are you good? Good? You should do something with that damn restrict I done. It's Kennedy, Hey, I done? Will cross just street us? He damn kill How you guys doing the jake too? Stupid ass kid? Yeah, stuff we say to our neighbors under gotta be sick. Come on, Smith's good to see it all right now, I wouldn't be pushing my mama dead. She got to do something. Three, Hey, Bob, how are you good? Good? She can stop your fat ass wife from swimming naked on probably out my dog money. Mister Anderson, are you going? Yeah? How you got folk claws on block? And don't none more? Four cards? Yard is a mask. Stuff we say to our neighbors under our breath. Come on, ski well us, old boy, I see you have a good of the day. So glad that he cut my grass. He killed my flowers. He spoke to me and cut my grass. Wow, that's bad. That's dragon right hey Johnson, it's good to see y'all. All right now, man, no, now, we could we could think right now. I know a baby when to eat paper. That baby eat paper. You gotta tell me no more. I know that baby eats piper. Baby he's smarting. Now you gotta bring up now we good stuff we say to our neighbors under our breath. Tommy go Leonard, Hey, nice day to day, good good good last night. Damn policic know you said you called them stuff We say to our neighbors under our breath, Herman, how y'all doing so? Tell y'all put y'all mommy in a hole that. Yeah, black people don't do that. Hey, mister mint, jell, what's going on? Yeah? I'm good. You don't see that dog doing your yard? You just don't see stuff. We say to our neighbors under our breath. We stop, Curtis, Hey, cation's going on? All right now? Ain't the wind that damn? He ain't killing that way too much? No, I don't even know how they touched both they stomach. All right, now, I'm good man, Come on, nephew. Stuff. We say to our neighbors under our breath, Kindly, kindly, y'all looking good, looking, real good. You come up with this lying though, you come over, I'm telling you now, you know what, damn? You know what? You know, my son, you know your damn That properly line means something invisible, but it means something. You know what that line man, that's my line. All right, I think we have time for two more jay and then Steve close it out. Stuff. We say to our neighbors under our breath. Let's go, hey, hey, what's going Yeah, I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm who that night he got into a fun Yeah, okay, yeah, come on, Steve, close it out. Stuff we say to right right out, Sydney. Hey, I could invite me over to the Little Stinks barbe and everything. I know. I know you ran out of room. I can't. All right, guys, thank you. That was good. All right, We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after you're listening Steven Show. All right, here we go, junior year up. Hey, more than everybody. Man. Let me just tell the truth right now. And I'm just meaning I don't mean this dispect nobody in there. I love all y'all now, I really do. But I just want to let y'all know something, man, truth be told. I won't be related to Steve for real? What's wrong? No? Because I ain't got no money in my family. You don't I need somebody else beside me that's got money. And I just found out on a vacation uncle Steve. Boy, do you be looking, Tommy? Do you know how much your uncle worth? How much? I'm not gonna throw the number that but I actually no, no, I don't know this yeah, but we've been working with him every day. Y'all are so disrespectful. Man. Did I go on him? What that man? We supposed to treat him different? Yes? No, because hell we ain't broke people you treat better than him? No? No, oh, no, I gotta ain't it. I sweat. I never talked to you the same. No, no, not long as I know. I'm Steve. Ain't hill if you don't get your broke ass away from me. No, No, I'm tired. I'm tired all the broke people. I got to be nice to a hid on Steven. We treat him like he ain't worth nothing. This man here could change our generation. We treat him regularly, treat him. I don't want to treat him. Reg I love you now. If you see me problem, I'll tell you what. He worked more than a hunting me. Did you know that? I know that I did you know he was the highest paid? Well, I wasn't saying that, dude, I was winning when he was working one hundred dollars to get that. I was him through it. I knew him when he wasn't was nothing but but but now he didn't pass everybody. You're not tripping on you. You don't want to sound like you. I didn't know he was just rich. Ye oh my god, do you need your shoes because you know you're gonna be on teeth? Sign we know not. We're not doing this for him. We're not listen and make it work forget that. Regular folks got thirty dollars hour that regular folk? All right? That this? Okay, y'all quit this. Regular folk, seventeen regular people? If may I take your r that reg people? Okay? Two hundred million. Yeah, it's a look different. But let me tell you something. People with two hundred men, you still have to tell you gotta tell her to see you something? Do that? You do this regular time? He don't do nothing? You do? No, he don't. Okay, So how you regular? You have to sit in a regular chair? You don't, man, that's by it. Stop it, that's it. You're gonna try to call you dry? No, Tommy, keep bauling, Tommy. Drive God said you can say it. Stop? Just what how did I get called up in this? I won't be up now if I can go ahead, just start getting paperwork done today. Change to be a Harvard. No, you're not getting in this family. No, day. Stop, stop you've been You're not getting it. I'm getting my lips in size today. I'm getting my out today. Every day college. I'm a whole lot of different. Back the buff, your living. I'm about I'm throwing my mustache shot and I'm cutting all my hell and I'm about to bend my knee some more. I'll be mobo legged. I look just like everybody need a minime, everybody need a mini me. I can see that lift thing going wrong, and then you're gonna look ridiculous. I'm bleaching myself to get You're gonna send your right in the south. I'm telling you, okay, when you're healthy and you still ain't there, and that's the seat. I just see one side of that mustage, taking just one side, just on one side. Watch me, watch me be just like Steve bout tomorrow. Y'all, y'all get on out here with this. It's man worth money, just man, junior. After you do all of that, that don't make that, don't make you worth money. I see the closest image I got. I see the bottom lift, real thick in the top lift thing. Yeah, you're gonna miss itself. Okay, Look there's my key, you ain't gonna cheer me. I don't see nobody said I want to be like j nobody ship. I ain't hurried down. I used to want to be funny as jaydo. I ain't gonna lie to you, no, Ja, he was my goal. He was my whole girl. I wanted to be that funny on stage. I really did. I wanted to be that funny on stage. Do you want the funniest dudes I ever met? Oh? Yeah, ain't on stage? Dog? When when the boy ain't gonna go to bathroom? He ain tell you something? He ass out there. You're gonna make your pay what you get. Nervous. I'm nervous for the show I got to do this weekend and Augustin already already day. I know with ya, Julia can't tell you something about me, Junior? What's that up? I'm mean, my this is going on day? Let me see. Yeah, this is two weeks of not shaving. I haven't shaved in two weeks. James Harden comes to mind. What you know it? I know it's full, but it's it's not thicky. I need about two more weeks, but you know about two more weeks coming in can you know, I mean about two more weeks. Yeah, George Wallace's mama has the same look. When I saw you, I'm like, oh, oh, Steve, I thought it was he is. Yes, y'all, don't fight about this now. Just I'm telling the truth. I'm not lying lies. When you loun somebody, then fu his mother's day. I gave his mama lead Whackona said, let me see it? Really, Jay, I hate oh god? Hey alright, alright, that was true. Told you want to be Steve differently. Yeah, I used to fall on the bocuse you need to ride down to the TV show today because I'm going that way. No, no, no, I'll be I'll be on TV in the car if I know a little about two weeks weekend, about two more weeks, I'll be back. Why will you take your car? If he just needed it, you're just giving him all your stuff, you're gonna get around. I don't have to. Oh you go, all right, we gotta go. We'll be back. You're listening show, all right? Here we go with something funny, So Steve, now what is this? Women all ways beat men at arguments. We know this, but they do because they do things that men don't do and are incapable of doing. Here's some reasons that you'll never win an argument. How about the first one. You need to understand and above all else, they don't forget what nothing? They don't forget a dug gonne. You let it go, she said, I forgive you, but she banked all that information. Women have the biggest hard drive in their brains ever creative. Ibm ain't got nothing on a woman's hard drive. Baby with sports. Yeah, you can't erase their hard drive. It's locked in forever. Your nineteen ninety eight when I got that another you know what we do? We delete information? Right? Yeah? Oh you deleted? The men get it off our phone computer everything they don't. They don't delete. That's stupid. It's called evidence, right, baby, I'll tell you another thing they got. They got a picture or ever, even if it ain't a photograph, it's a mental image they got you. You know, women come off it and don't say. Here's another one, and don't say you didn't say something. You're right, you didn't say it, but your text and guess what you'll doubs forgot here it is right here, I got it. I say this. Here's another reason women always win because women don't care if you answer or pick up their phone. You don't they know, they don't. You know why because all you're gonna find its pictures of shoes, recipes, baby pictures and half stocks. You're right with me, exact no ever did on the damn no look at it three seven six five, I don't have any Here's the other reason you can't win an argument. Because they can see who you call it on your phone from a mile away. They can. I don't give damn what kind of protective screen you got on there? The black one that you can't see from the side. Chic see so who is she? Ye? Scary? Here's another reason you can't remember. You can't win an argument why because they remember exact dates, exact dates, with the details, with your head. What you was eating, yeah, what car you was in? Yeah? Where you was sitting? Un can't win. Breathe it out, Jay, breathe it out. There is another reason you can't win an argument with a woman. You're ready without even setting it up. They lie for each of chie. They don't have to set it none of that carlor, Where was I yesterday? At my house? Immediately you have to make the well watching the Atlanta housewise, I gotta call Jay punk. I was with you. I got to say something. And here's the other reason you can't win, because they have one put down that no man has ever been able to top. Here is to put down their use stop acting like some little old girl, except they don't use girl. She just called me after that. You're shaken to the core. You can't come back like right now. You just stuck on that. Yeah, stopped acting like some little old girl. But they don't say girls. But they don't say girl. Now you up in here. All you hear is that we went again that argument. You ain't got no more points. Actually, you was winning the arts. We know how to shut it down. Wow, man, Yeah, because there's no comeback. You got no comeback. But let me tell you something, ladies, Yes, you should never say that to your man. I would say that to my husband. I've never been because because words cut really deep. And once you cut a man so deep, how do you fix that? And I know women who have used that on their man a lot. And I'm telling you it's hard to come back for that. Because men I come back for that is well, okay, I'll tell you what I know, somebody don't think I'm a little old girl. Yeah, because what that that's that's the ultimate insult for man. You're just a little old girl. Man. You can't come back from then. And when you do that to a man, you damage what you say, tom ouch ouch? Yeah that one. H right. This is how you woman really feel about what's bad is when you see a guy get done in public like, oh no, that is I don't you see his lady do that to women like that hurt women that women women don't like. Yeah, man, all right, more of this crazy ignorant show. Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this, you're listening to Steve Show. Well, Jay is here. We're so happy when you're here with us. Jay, that means you're healthy and good. Uh and and Jay, I don't know where you find the time, but apparently you've written another book. What is this your ape? That well that by eleven I got level eleven. But this is this is my newest book. This is my newest book. The name of the book is it's very catchy. You catch on this sometimes kin folks ain't work for damn or you can use the S word. That's the title. Of one more time. Sometimes kin folks ain't worth for damn or you can use the S word. So that's that's the title of the book. And it's several chapters in there that everybody who has kin folks can relate to. In the my new book calls sometimes kin folks were damn or you can use the for chapter one, just because you got a big house, they can show up and stay for free. That's chapter one. I can, oh man that that that little chapter two kind of get into some personal stuff that they think your house is storage. Let me put something in your garage for a couple of days. I mean it's been in there, ain't much now, it ain't move, you know. Old. I don't even know what it is myself. I didn't lift it up. I don't know the chapter three, okay, this is if you have a big house. Uh, ken folks get confused in a new book. Sometimes ken folking for damn and you can use the S word. They think they think you're the daddy. What they don't understand is you're the granddaddy, not the daddy. Daddy. Yeah, some of those problems, just the personal some of those problems need to go to the daddy, not the granddaddy. Okay, you need to go right to the daddy. Okay, Oh, this is the chapter. If you my book, my new book call Sometimes kN Folks don't go for damn or you can't use the S word, then think you're a bad guy. If you don't babysit. I don't baby sit. Okay, I smoke things. I do things that around kids. And when you come back, he gonna have a whole different attitude if you lead him here. Okay. If hen he gonna be a little he gonna be hungry, it's gonna be sleepy. Yeah, you're gonna come pick up a little atte in my new book. In my new book. Sometimes can with a damn, or you can use the ass word. They think you a finance coming in. That's my book. That's my book. Several chapters and then be out soon. Uh, sometimes can't damn. You can use the check it out in my new book. Yeah, and I was gonna be a bestseller. It's gonna be. It's gonna be all right. Come up thirty four after the hour, Thank you, Jay, all right, more of this crazy ignorant show. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. This is how you know your neighborhood. It's about to change. Yea like if you hit a song right here, they come moving in. I got one for you. You got one. It ain't just that neighborhood, no, No, white neighborhood has changed too. Yeah. Yeah, Now if you're in a white neighborhood, it ain't bad. No, they're turning the white neighborhood. And you hear this, it's changing. Get out the way, get out of the way, Get out the way out. Yeah yeah, better get the package that was us moving to the summer. J All right, you got another one. Here's another one. It's a mixed neighborhood. But it's just black and white. It's just black and white, comfortable, black, cool. You've learned to live with. What's there? Black? Black, the white t white like the black all of us sudden you hear this, Slaven Minthem, Ben Simon can get us in Slavios best, some Domo Travis Slaven Minthem, Ben Summon can get us and Tito Slavios best some Domo Travis sa Come on, what somebody here? I got warm for? Watch how I do this? Watch How Watch How I Stay out of trouble on watch this right here, This song right here is if you're in your neighborhood, this is a good way to tell that you got to be open minded now, because a closed mind is an ignorant mind. True, true, that's true. A closed mind is an ignorant mind. I have become a type of person where I'm open to all my brothers assists. But let's say church services over right, everybody comfortable. Now you have to have the quiet and let out everybody's out out the quid director it out is out of church. He in his own element, and you hit this. Come on, I'm coming come churches all I want to know the choir and let out on the quiet directors high, come on, sis wrong Chris Rowan is three about to happen to your neighborhood. We'll be back. You're listening Stave Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after. It's my Strawberry letter for today's subject my little ugly boyfriend. But right now, nephew Tommy is here with today's frank phone call what you guy for his nev queen in the church, Van Jesus Queen in the church in one more time when in the church. Rain is what I got. That's it. Let's run it weed in the church. Come on, Hello, I'm trying to read Dan. Brother brother Dan. Hello, Hello him, because I'll see that I'm trying to brother Dare brother Dan. Oh? Okay, Yeah, this brother Scott from the church from Belt to Baptist. Hello, bro, Yeah, I call you. I'm trying to get a little information about the church band. What's what's your schedule? Uh? Will you drive the church? Right? What's what's your schedule? I drive it Wednesday, Fridays and Sundays. Okay, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, now Sunday? What what is that schedule? O? Sunday. I usually start about eight o'clock in the morning, probably a little earlier, depending on some of the elderly people that I have to go pick up and bring to the church. Make sure they get there okay, and get situated and make sure they're on time for the service and whatnot. Okay, and then you take them back home after service is over. Yes. I try to get all of them back home, unless they got family members or something that come up there and meet them up there and want to take them to dinner on Sunday afterwards, but I usually get everybody back home. Okay, okay, lad This class Sunday, which is part of the reason why I'm calling you. Uh. They saying that, um, some of the church uh numbers that was on the vand this Sunday. Uh they are complaining, saying that, um that the church van was smelling like weed when they got on there. Excuse me, they say the church van was smelling like weed when they got on there, and you are the person that was driving them. No, no no, no, no, no no, no no no, not not the van that that I'm driving. I'm I don't no, I don't. I ain't smoke weed, and no van, do you smoke weed? No? I don't smoke weed. I mean not Carl. I mean I have before, but I don't smoke weed now and I wouldn't smoke weed before. Picking Some people look to go to now where you from? Who told you this? Well? All I knew is what what? What's come down? The pipeline is? They saying that that a couple of the nimbers came complaining. See this just happened last week about this pipeline. I want to know who the pipeline is, because just last week they came at me talking about that I was using the van to go places that I wanted to go to on my personal time. Now I don't do that. I don't do stuff like that. And now I have had a path, I haven't had a history, but I don't do stuff like that. And I wasn't smoking no church van. So are you seriously talking about what? What? What? What? We're trying to We're trying to get to the bottom of it and see what's going on with you. Elderly person said, do you know which one? I don't They loved me every Sunday, didn't people tell me they loved me? Uh? They say I'm one of the most respectful young gentlemen they've ever met in their life. And so I really find it hard to believe that you you you getting these type of complaints about me. What I'm saying there, like who we I don't know what that means or nothing like that. Look, brothers, I don't know you too well, and I know you don't know leave. But I've been driving this van as as a point to try to change my life and where I come from. So this was something that I wanted to volunteer even though I'm getting paid to give my time to do this for the church. And now this is like the second instance where y'all and came at me on some stuff about like I'm trying to do something with this van. Now, why I would I disrespect the church van by smoking weed in it and then letting the weeds stay in there so other people could smell it. Okay, so let me tell you what we're gonna do. We're gonna go out here to the church man to say we're gonna go out here today and open it up. Now, if we see any seeds or anything around the driver's seat, then then then we're gonna We're gonna definitely, uh point, gonna open the van up. Man. I was raising that church. Man. My mama go to that church, my grandma. See you go to that church. See the reason we even all let that church. And you think I'm gonna mess up they ain't by driving around in the band full of elderly people smoking weed. Blood. Dad, I don't know how to the bad smell like weed, man, Now I don't. I don't got the answers to these questions. I'm just trying to tell you that it was me. Did you have some weed in your part? I can admitted with your smell it, I ain't had no weed on me. Stop trying to say like I had weed on me and you ain't gonna get me nothing that I ain't had no and we ain't had no weed on me. Okay, Now, you ain't gonna mess up my name or my family's name in this church and disrespect us like this. Now, We've been helping this church for years and I'm trying to tell you that I ain't riding around and no fans smoking no weed with no elderly people. Did you ask any of the elderly people if they had any weed on them? No? We did, no, No, I didn't think about it. No elderly people having no weed. So you just assume it's me. What one of them? Guy got coma or something? What? What? What you know? What? You know? Who? I think? What? Did you know? Who I think the weed belonged to? Oh? Oh, I think I think the weed belong And if you time from the Steve Harvey show, what man, damn, you just got a preak. Oh my god, you just got to put his name is brother, brother Lawrence, Lawrence ros Lawrence. Oh my, Larry called Larry, but tell Larry, tell Larry in trouble with me? But the van man, I got one more thing that I got one more thing to ask you, man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Man Steve Harvey morning man going on risch Man going on the chill out the rest of the day outside, Man, I know I ain't gonna smoke no weed, queen band. You blame me, charity people. It's in just for your uh it's weeded, tell said Jay. He said weed, it's weed. He's absolutely right. Got a team Tommy, gonna change team. No, ain't gonna happen. No, they ain't. They ain't got do with him doing the team Tommy. That's the dude to heavy usage. That's what friend. I ain't got a damn thing do it being a team tom after this long weekend. That's how he says it. Right here, man, yea, I brought him over here and for a week he didn't know it. Oh Jay, all right, nephew, thank you. Coming up next, it's the Strawberry letter subject my lord, ugly boyfriend. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the String Show alright. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice in relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. Okay, we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. That's for you, Jay, buckle up, hold on tight, We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter. I love this title, my little Ugly Boyfriend. Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm a thirty one year old single woman and I met the man of my dreams two years ago on a dating website. He lives in Tampa and I live in Philadelphia. A few months after we met online, he came to visit me. I immediately noticed that he lied about his height. He's short. He is an inch or two shorter than me, and I like tall men. I had hoped he looked a little better than his pictures online, but he looks exactly the same in person. He's not handsome at all. I overlooked his height and the fact that he's not cute because we have a lot in common. He's a hard worker and a great single father. He is very kind, and he loves the Lord. All of those things make up for the fact that he is not exactly my type. He's been back to visit me every other month, and I have been to his home in Tampa. I met his family and they are all supportive of our relationship. So here's my dilemma. I have met his family, but he still has not met mine. I've been making excuses whenever he asked to meet them, and I made him think they're all weird and crazy. But the truth is they are very judgmental and they will talk about his looks and his height. My mom's facial expressions are priceless, and I know she won't be able to hide her reaction if she meets him. I have told my family about him and how good we are together, and they already make jokes about me and my little ugly boyfriend. They may be right, So I need your advice. Should I be proud of this good man even if he is ugly and short, or should I call it quits now and stop wasting my time in this relationship? Well, I don't see how you call yourself wasting your time. I mean, you've been with him for two years. You said that you guys have a lot in common. Maybe he's not exactly your type, but he's very kind, he loves the Lord. He's a great single father, he's a hard worker. He has so many qualities that you like. You've met his family, they're all supportive. This sounds like a nice good man to me. I mean, and he's with you. He's not with your family. If you guys continue this and get married, he's marrying you, not your family. You said he's the man of your dreams. That's what you said. I mean, you guys have have been together for two years already, and you know about his height. You're no different, um, you know, from any other women women. All the women I know just about like tall men. A lot of men like tall women, so that's nothing unusual. But he is one or two inches shorter than you, and he's not handsome at all. Those are facts. You put those in the letter. But even with all that, you're still with him and meeting his family. You're visiting each other's homes long distance and stuff. You've met his family, This sounds pretty serious to me. You're just scared for him to meet your family because you don't know how they're going to react to him, if they're, you know, going to make him feel some sort of way. Listen, if you like this man and you want to be with this man, this is your man, I mean, your your family, So what are they going to say it to his face? So what if they don't like him, You like him and he treats you well and you seem happy, you've been with him for two years. Don't let your family, you know, make you miss out on a good man. That's what I say. Steve Well unattractive and short. Yeah, I must admit I thought the letter was about somebody else. You know who the hell he talking about? When you throw a rock, I'm the hell with that. Y'all know who you're talking about? Sicking and rock. And then we didn't hit this dog too many day time. Y'all know what we're talking about, the only thing in this ladder that through it all. He lives in Tampa and I live it up to that, and thereafter I was sending him mad. I couldn't haul it swallow. You're not laughing, team, tell me A few months ago we met online, came to visit me. I immediately noticed that he lied about his height. Hello, Hello, Hello, How many times he lied by his hands? Wait? Treated against it. A few months after we met online, he came to visit me. I immediately noticed that he lied about his life. He shot good, Lord of Mighty. He is an interest. Too shorter than me, and I like tall men. Hell, he do too prod. I hoped he looked a little bit better than his picture on lad but he looked exactly like the same person. Then y'all ain't telling me why overlooked his fight. I overlooked his height and the fact that he ain't cute because we got a lot incoming, hard work, great single father, he's very kind, he loves your Lord. All these things make up for the fact that he's not my type. He's been back to visit me every other month. I've been to his home in Tampa. I met his family. They all supportive of the relationship. Here's the dilemma she got now she hadn't met his family, but he ain't met head. She'd been making all types of excuses why they don't need to meet him. Because the truth is the family that she in his judgmental they're gonna talk about his looks and his height. Hold that thought, Steve, Hold that thought. You can look up one day and this boy be on TV. Someone. We'll response coming up between three after the hour, subject my little ugly boyfriend. We'll be back right after this. You're listening morning show? All right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's Strawberry letters. Subject my little ugly boyfriend. Boy, I'm going to the bathroom. No, I'm going to the bathroom. Go together? Women? Do we need on this case? We need to leave. We don't need to hear this. That ain't a good look. Fellas, don't go together. This lady's been met this man online. They've actually been dating now for two years. She'd have met his family, that went down to temple. He ain't met hers. He comes by, it comes up there every other moment. He's god fearing, hard working, he's a wonderful single parent, saying all the right things. I ain't heard nobody mentioned love in this, but I'm assuming you know, it's got to be some feelings. Hell. Problem she got is he's a little shorter than he promised, and he's ugly. So I think we get need to get down to this. When you say, my little ugly boyfriend, how ugly were talking about? See, this is what we gotta get into. Okay, it's my little ugly boyfrield Are you saying he all ugly? Is he shockingly ugly? She would have said that is he? Good lord? Ugly? Is he? I'd be damned? Ugly? Is Is he that type? Ugly? Is he just sound effect? Ugly? Sound effect? Ugly is different kind of ugly? Like when you see him and you go, ah, here's another sound effect ugly. Mm hmm, that's it. That's you got another sound another sound effect ugly. I'm gonna go with that one. See who doggy? Get one? I got one face sound? Yeah? Here going one right here? I see you what see? So we need to determine do that one again? I see your b and when your mouth gave wid wow, I see your boy who Now, if he's really ugly? We have a couple of situations because we have to think this through. Because he's thirty one, so you're young. Here's the danger is not meeting your family. Here's the danger. This could turn into marriage and some kids. Yeah, I know it now even though lady, you you know where near ugly? Oh but he is, so there's a chance that the baby it's gonna have some of him. Only now, Once again, it depends on how ugly he is. Do you want to do this to the baby? That's the question? Oh yeah, do you want to do this to the baby? Anybody? If I've seen it up close, you don't know what the glo gonna do it? Girl, you can look up being a mansion somewhere. Girl, you better recognize it. Don't don't don't stare his gift horse in the mouth, and don't take advantage of Timmy. You want to say anything, I ain't What the hell? Why are you asking? Tommy? I got a shoulder knight gonna do right now? I don't know me ask him a comment on intable? So cool? Put you up to do with me? I know? I know a dog. I'm not. It ain't about you, but you might. Couldn't help Paul. I can't help nobody. I'm too tall. I wait, Tommy, what what did your girlfriend say when they took you home to good It's a handsome young man that you brought it, a very handsome young man. If you brought home dollar. Okay, all right, we gotta go. Please post your comments. Tommy, when you went over Horrendou's house, remember when you said her mama busted out laughing. It wouldn't stop. I want to as soon. That's what I because I what I had on, not my height. It ain't hadn't do my height or me being ugly, but they wouldn't for that. All right, I gotta break in here. Guy, your head, you have my shirt on that time. Please post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and please check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up at forty six after the hour. We'll come right back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the show. All right, guys, it is time for comedy roulette. Let's go, guys. It's very simple. You take three sepjects. You put those three sebjects on a wheel, spun the wheel where it stop. We'll make it funny because that's what we do. Put it all right here we go. Things you say when your baby mama calls asking for money again? Number two excuses people make not to chip in on gas money when you're on a road trip. Here's the last one. All right, reasons you give to not look a person in the eye, alright, spunnet, spunnet, give me that gas, pipping it on the gas? That reason do you give to not look a person in the eye? Good reason. I can tell you right now why sometimes you can't look at person. Now. You know how people wear them glasses, and they went them tight on their face and to be swept down in the lids. You can't look at that. You can't look it'd be sweat down at the bottom. You can't look at that. We can't do it. It'd be all sweaty in the lids. I can't look down. When I tell you, I'll tell you the reason why you can't look people in the eye. Because it's missing. That's why I can't look you in the eye. Because let's go, what happened? I can't see I don't know why if it's missing. I'll tell you why you can't look somebody in the eye. We just got through having hard, hard, steaming sex. I really can't look at you now, I can't you just what we just did for real, what we just did you can't make no one contact. We're talking about reason why you can't look a person in the eye. Cast a breath, stink. If I'm looking in your eyes, that means my head is up. And this is too much reason. You can't look a person in the eye because for some reason you thought it would be cool to shave off your eyebris and drawing them all up toward your forehead. You're saying, hum, yeah, I think I tell you what he is. Another white can't look people of the eye because when when you're sitting in a corner by yourself and what nobody salt to you. That's because it's a strong body, older coming directors from you. I ain't nobody to look at you. All right, Well, thank you guys for today's version of Comedy Roulette. Coming up, We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. A new study from UM what is the Scriven's Hearing Care Okay, They looked at two thousand adults, okay, two thousand grown people. Research shows that at least seven times a week, men have selective hearing in all. In all men don't hear their spouse three hundred and eighty eight times in the course of a year. Women are two though, that's a lot, right, that's a lot. Three hundred and eighty eight times in the course of a year. That's low. That's losty here yet the average well right now, you're only talking a little over once a date. That's an average of once a date. Okay, okay, so that ain't Yeah, that's not so bad. That's not so bad. No, I tune that way. You got to tune it out the same thing, him, What is y'all talking? Listen? Wait? Wait what man? We just talked about that for fifteen minutes, because two hours you make the same twenty minute point for two hours and wake up the next morning. Were still talking about that? Man? Move on? What man? I'm hearing you, but I ain't listening no more. Man, Did you hear what I said about letting out at the job? Why are we still talking about Linda? I'm sorry, ladies, but that's that thing, right that? That's true? Yeah, we do have selected here. So but it sounds like you guys are responsing to nagging. That's a difference, right is if you is it all the same to you. No, you know, because if you're talking, if you're talking too much. Mh, I'm just saying yeah, which is often ter so it could be about anything just the sound of my voice that you just start too then out after a while that's for you. What are you? Well? You know what? That's okay. You're puffing and puffing about because you're talking about the same thing what I'm asking you about this survey though you're not answering. Uh No, I'm talking about this period. You're talking about the same thing. And then I can tell its body because I look on Facebook. Now you're posting stuff way that is man shared over to social media social media. Now you're getting thousand eightmens on the damn what Yeah, but let it see. I think I think it is a problem, and I think women could admit to this one, because yes, men do have selective hearing, and we've had to developed that over the course of time, because we've and more and more, we've developed more and more selective hearing. Because if there's a slight difference in us, women vent differently than men. And when women around each other talker to their girlfriends, you all have more of a tendency to talk about a subject from every angle. You turn it over. You all can discuss one subject for hours. Men don't do that. We have a debate, somebody wins, loses, We have a strong debate, then we laugh or we fight, and then it's over. You all keep talking about it. And once, once a man has made all the points he can make. Your point is irrelevant. At this point. We've heard it already. We don't agree with it, so we shut you out, and we all every every man trying to do that. Yeah, yeah, we can want to get it into your face and not be hearing nothing you saying, wait what say again? I can look dead in your face and not be hearing nothing you saying, be looking dead at your mouth? Are you listening? Are you listening to me? A girl? Yeah? Did you hear what I just said? Schedule off. We'll schedule of how many times Marjorie to looked at me and said, what Steve? What did I just say? What? Did repeat what I say? That's as you heard? You women are guilty. Team, they don't. I'll be trying to think about what the he's three times? Oh, we do it too. We tune y'all out, all right, coming up music and fun on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We'll be back in twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this you're listening Morning Show. There's another question for you guys, what foods? Now? Think about this one? What foods did your mom make you when you were sick as a kid? All right, there's some foods that always remind us of being sick when we were a kid. And you know, the standard, of course is chicken soup. So is there one food or is there one soup that reminds you of being sick when you were a kid? Or which did your mom make for you? Um that you make for your kids? Now? How about that one? Oh, I can't do that after my kids. What I can't do that. My mama made me a hot tiddy would have shot at Jack bangers in it. I can't do that to my kids. I can't put that in there. I'm with Jim. I couldn't do that. My mama would take that Vick's vapor up and put it in some tea and make you drink that. And it says on the bottom, don't not swallow it said that right on the bottom. They don't give you. Still you didn't have a called anymore, did you still? Wow? We had um castro oil. I had to take cast oil with orange. Yeah, what's the oranges for nothing? Put that BIG's vapor up on your chest, all on your chests when you in my nose? Yeah, yeah, I'll say. You know what the standard was soup And it was always like apple juice. You had to drink like clear clear liquids and ginger. All right, more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening string show. Jay is here. We're so happy when you're here with us. Jay. That means you're healthy and good. Uh and and I don't know where you find the time, but apparently you've written another book, another book. Ye, what is your age? Was that time? What was that? I? Love? That love by eleven? I got eleven. But this is this is my newest book. This is my newest book. The name of the book is it's very catchy. You'll catch on this. Sometimes ken folks ain't work for damn or you can use the S word. That's the title of the One More Time. Sometimes ken folks ain't worth for damn, or you can use the S word. So that's the title. That's the title of the book. And it's several chapters in there that everybody who has ken folks can relate to. In the my new book calls sometimes can folks ain't worth damn? You can use it for chapter one, just because you got a big house, they they can show up and stay for free. That's chapter one. Oh man, that that daddy. Chapter two, I kind of get into some personal stuff that they think your house is storage. Let me put something in your garage for a couple of days. I mean, it's been in there, ain't much now, it ain't move. You know the old pod. I don't even know what it is myself. I didn't live it up. I don't know the chapter three, Okay, this is if you have a big house. Uh. Can folk get confused in a new book? Sometimes can folk for damn? And you can use the S word. They think they think you're the daddy. What they don't understand is you're the granddaddy, not the daddy. Daddy. Some of those problems, this is personal. Some of those problems need to go to the daddy, not the granddaddy. You need to go right to the daddy. Okay, Oh, this chapter if you my book, my new book called sometimes can, folks, don't for damn or you can use the S word. I don't think you're a bad guy. If you don't babysit, I don't baby sit. Okay, I smoke things. I do things that around kids. And and when you come back, he gonna have a whole different attitude if you leave him here. Okay, if he gonna he gonna be little, he gonna be hungry, gonna be sleepy, big. Yeah, you're gonna come pick up a little at in my new book. In my new book, sometimes can with a damn, or you can use the sword they think you a finance company. That's my book. That's my book, several chapters and then to be out soon. Uh, sometimes can't put them damn or you can use the word check it out in my new book. Yeah, and I will bet it's gonna be gonna all right, Steve, coming up our last break of the day closing remarks. Right after this you're listening to all right, here we are last break of the day. It's been a crazy day as usual. The time we like right, and here's our fearless leader to take us home with closing remarks. You know what again, I like to use things that are happening to me in my life to encourage people that might be going through some of the same things in theirs. It's just a couple of piece of encouragements I got this week. So many people have reached out to me man given me love. It's far ways anything else that's going on in my life. I'm actually surrounded by a lot of love and prayers, and I'm actually actually really not even privy to a lot of the swirl that goes around me. Like I was saying the other day, God's peace keeps me in the center of the hurricane, and I do understand that there's a swirl going on out there, but it's none of my business. I can't stop the swirld, but I cannot participate in the swirld. And by not participating in it nor acknowledging it, it has it has no room with me. If you stay the center of the hurricane and the swirl is going around you, if you're gonna stay, if you don't step out into the swirld, you stay in the center it's peaceful in the eye of hurricane. The problem is when you get caught up in the world. A couple of people sent me something. I'm going to share a couple of them with you. You talk about people in your life that you need to kind of get rid of. Somebody sent this to me, says, sometimes people have to be escorted out of the VIP section in your life and you just have to put them in regular seats. Sometimes people have to be escorted out the VIP section of your life and you just have to put them in some regular seats. Sometimes we place too much importance on people, period and we give so much people so much importance that they now have a say so, they have authority, they got ruled, They get comfortable all of a sudden day in a position and they don't even really mean. There's no good so now here they are they in your life. You then gave them permission to sit in the VIP section. But you know, sometimes you need to escort them out. You say, you know what, you're no longer welcome in the VRP section. You could take a seat right over here. Those are only seats that's available. I got the view. Ain't that good? From over here, But those are the only seats that's available in my arena. As a matter of fact, security, could you escort them out? Please? See what I don't do is I can't stop some people. I just I let people sit up in the stands and say what they want to say, because they're not on my stage in my life. You're not on the same stage I'm on. So why do I allow your insults from in back of the room that I can't hardly nobody here but you and your little fourteen followers. So I've learned that that the credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred with dust, blood, sweat, and tears, not to those cold and timid souls in the stands who know neither victory nor defeat. I lived like that, all right. Next thing I'm gonna share with you, I'm gonna share with you something about somebody told me about trusting in God. And this is what they sent me. And this is really nice, and it says I asked for strength, and God gave me different culties to make me strong. I asked for wisdom, and God gave me problems to solve. I asked for prosperity, and God gave me brain and braun to work. I asked for courage and God gave me danger to overcome. I asked for love and God gave me troubled people to help. I asked for favors and God gave me opportunities. I've received nothing I wanted. I received everything I needed. Trust in God. Do you know how rich those words were to me today that someone sent to me, Because what that's says to me with Steve, you gotta trust the process. Man, I don't care how it looks. What you're asking for. God is working on your behalf. Now. It might not look that good to some people. It might not even look that good to you. I would imagine those on the outside looking in this look kind of crazy. But you have no idea the what God is working. So when you ask God for strifth, and then God give you a bunch of difficulties, guess what to make you stronger? So you ask God for wisdom and God give you problems to solve. You asking for prosperity, God give you a brain and some braun to go to work. I ask for courage and God gave me danger to overcome. I ask for love, and God turn around and gave me troubled people to hell. What is this? I ask for favors and God turn around give me opportunities. I've received nothing I wanted, but I received everything I needed. You got to trust in God, man. You got to trust in the process. Y'all. We are all in the middle of the process. We're being processed. God ain't through with none of us. God ain't through with you yet. Do you know if God was through with you that you wouldn't wake up in the morning. But as long as you're waking up to put a smile on your face, because I mean, He ain't through with us. Man. God is processing us. We all in the process. You got to trust the process that God knows what he's doing. I'm over here grinning because of that. Cool because guess what, I know. He's working on my behalf. You know why, because he processing me. You know why he processing me because He ain't through with me yet. He ain't through with you either. Those are my clothes on remarks. Y'all, have a good weekend. I bet you I will drop it. Man whoever sent for all. Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.