The Steve Harvey Morning Show discuss gun control, their most embarrassing moments, the Kardashians on Celebrity Family Feud and more.
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Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all bag I have a long looking back the back don't giving them just like the Milan buck bus things. And it's tub y'all fuel good to be the hardy listening to me together for stoo bar to handle money. Why don't you join? Yeah, wellby joining me, honey, I'm a little fraid to turn. Yeah you go do you? You gotta turn you to turn, turn to love. You got to turn out to turn the water water go? Come come on your back, Uh, I shall will. Good morning everybody you are listening to the voice? Come on dig me now? Want and only Steve Harvey got a radio show? Uh huh, one more time, man, Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man, ain't God been good to me? Wow? But then again, ain't He been good to you too? Though? I mean really, man, think of all the blessings God has given you. Think of all the things He's done for you, things that you ask for, things that you didn't ask for, things that you was expecting. Being all about all of the unexpected blessings. Man, he just keep coming with it, don't it. You know what? That's some good news today, though, y'all. You know, in the in the in the face of the economy being the way it is, in the face of all the world being the way it is, the the evilness that's out there, it just it just seems like that's all that's on the news sometimes. You know, we got we got news of parents and really standing up being parents. We've got news stories of children turning on their parents. You got, you got everything the economy, You've got places you thought you should be beautiful places to go. Now they've got travel allerged. It's it's just it's all little. It's it's it's all over. But the good news is there's something that you can have in this relationship with God that gives you a way to deal with it all. And I'm not saying that it will it will protect you from every single thing out that is happening, because some things are going to happen to you. You're going to be in an accident from time to time. You're going to make a mistake and fall down from time to time. But man, wouldn't it be incredible to you for you if you understood that you had some insurance in all of this that no matter what happened to you. You know you will cover it. You know, look, insurance companies as good as they are, you know, like o in to Stay Farm or any other insurance company. You know they do, they do some amazing things. Insurance is a really really good thing to happen in the event that something happens to you. You know, you may not want to pay the premium, but guess what in the event that something happens to you, that insurance is absolutely critical. Well, but guess what they cover certain things. You could get life insurance, you can get auto insurance, you can get accident insurance, you can get health insurance. There is nothing that you can buy to safeguard you against life's decisions. You know, if you make a mistake, if you cheat, if you lie, if you if you fall down and you can't seem to get it together, and you make a crazy decision about how you're gonna go about securing an income, that there are there are no policies you can buy for that. You can't buy a policy if you stop being the man you're supposed to be, and and and and give up on your children. You can't buy a policy. If something happens as a mother, and all of a sudden, you're not the mother you're supposed to be. But there is some insurance coverage out there for you. And that relationship that you form with God, that friendship that you form with him, that that alliance that you that that partnership, that that prayer that you put in all the time, there is an insurance policy that you have taken out when you form a relationship with your heavenly Father, when you form a friendship, when you form a bond that protects you, that protects you when these things happen in the event that they happen. Now here's a great thing about prayer. Prayer can head off some stuff from happen. It really really can. Prayer can prevent some things from happen. You know, I'll give you an example in my life. Okay, here we go, because sex, this is the best way for me to do it. Because see, what I don't like to do is is talk to people without letting them know, Hey, look I'm in this hole with you. I feel where yet? Okay, here we go. I was making some decisions a few years ago because what I thought I was doing was counterbalancing something that was happening in my life. You know, I thought that since I wasn't happy or well, for whatever the reason I thought I wasn't happy, if if I, as wrong as I am, wanted to blame somebody else from my unhappiness, that that's that's really if If if I make a bad decision because I'm thinking I'm unhappy with somebody, hold a part. Two wrongs don't make it right. And I make a decision to do something wrong, and now the consequences come when I do something wrong. See then that I already know, as an intelligent thinking and as most of you are, that when you do something wrong, that you know there is a consequence for that. I teach that to my sons. When you do something wrong, there as a consequence. So as an adult, I fully understood the consequence. And so what I was doing was I was making some decisions that was causing some consequences in my life that was delaying my happiness, delaying my progress, causing my business not to go the way it could go, so forth and so on. Well, what I started doing was I took out this insurance policy called prayer, and I started putting it in my mix on a daily basis, and then I started putting it in my mix, you know, two three times a day. And then I found myself using it all the time. And then I really started putting it in when when I didn't need any help, when I wasn't in trouble, I started putting insurance and I started making deposits into the bank. I started paying my premiums down. And prayer is like a premium, you just pay into it. Then when situation started coming up, now it's that prayer that I had put in that in those premiums I had paid, it started preventing me from making the decisions I was making in the past. Thus I didn't have to the suffer the consequences. Thus my businesses didn't have to be delayed in this progress because I had put some payments on some premiums, I had taken out an insurance policy with my life, my real life. I'm talking about your life where you make your day to day decisions in I'm not talking about see life. Insurance is only good if you die. God has a policy that's avasable, that's available for you. Why are you living? See in order foreign insurance policy to pay Something bad got to happen when you take out the policy with your with your heavenly father, when you pay the premiums of prayer, and that's all it costs. Man, It ain't you ain't gotta have no money for this part us I put into the policy. It pays me dividends and benefits for living. Ain't nothing got to go wrong for me to cash in on this policy. I use this policy for good things. Steve Harvey long away from being perfect. I never claimed perfection it as a matter of fact. You know, it's kind of funny man, how people do. That's that's why I'm I used to be so afraid to even, you know, bring up God in my relationship and what I was trying to do, because just the other day I gotta email in the email back, I'm just telling you how people were. It didn't stop me, it didn't shake me. I just don't want you to understand that people are. See people sit up and listen to you. And then they used that for a point they got to make Mr Harvey. Since you say you better now and God is making you better and you a change person, why do you treat Eugene the way you do Eugene is obviously and then She used to three letter word for Eugene that we've never used on the show about Eugene. Eugene is nobody never said that. We're just doing the show over here. But see that, don't bother me no more, because all I want to lady, notice this is just to show everybody this is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It's nothing more, it's nothing less. You know, a lot of people know who Eugene is, a lot of people know what Eugene do. Some people do, some people don't. But people would take information they hear you about your walk and try to throw it in your way and in a subtle way, in a subtle way, you ain't what you say you are. You ain't walking like you said you're gonna walk. Man, listen to me, y'all, make the decisions to pay your premiums in prayer, talk to your heavenly father, get you some insurance in your life. And when you have little things like that, keep on stepping. Man. God loves you. Man. Man, I shall hope you talk to God to day because guess what his show would like to hear from you. That's for shows you're listening, ladies and gentlemen, My name is Steve Harvey. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. This show would be nothing without the following people. Ladies and gentlemen. Shirley Strawberry, Thank you, Steve. Good morning, call for Real, Good Morning Crew. Cure Spakes, better known as Junior Morning Jay, Anthony Brown, better known as bitter Man, what Man, Ladies and Gentlemen. Thomas W. Miles, better known as the Fool a K eight Nephew, Tommy slash lot Man, Good morning everybody, and the little man is just for aggravation purposes. He's really not that small. We know we know how to push each other's buttons. Though we've worked together. Everybody knows everybody, but were worked together for so long. Yeah, we don't have a button. We found it yet. Oh you have a button? Yeah, yes, it's what Oh his button is called marriage? Marriage? Right, you bring it up? He started, Oh the last time I brought it up, he snapped at me, Remember, went in, Oh, and I know another button, but I'll only use it if you piss me off. Well, because you know you've known him to lock it. Yeah, but you got some. He got another, but he's being red if the one's same side as we all sitting on Trump there. It's nuclear man, you're just talking about you know what it is? Then? Yeah, yeah, we've been together a long time. Being my boy right there. Boy was the best thing. Putting him on this show man kind of gave me like a balance point, you know, you know when you see how I talked to me when I come into work that yeah, no, but do you all have history? Man? Oh, he talked to me so crazy when I come to work. If we didn't know, we would yeah, we would think you hated each other the way you talked to each other. That's just us. I don't do it on the other job. But that's love though. That that's that's junior. He lied right now? What did he say when he doesn't do it anywhere else? He comes in there on the day, then on the air he come in there and give us a gift. Wow, it's munty. Yeah, we don't get it. And the Olympics are over you that curling won the gold Take seven. Have to be in shape, the wind, you got a dope, the Russian tea dope curl Steve, come on, holler, I love it back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, Steve, So I have to tell you congratulations because I never even knew what curling was or it, never even paid attention to it or anything until you brought it up on the show. You thought, yeah, it was a hair contest sports what. Yeah, but exactly it's like brunor Brunner Brother's hair show. So anyway, yes, Steve, the US men's curling team won the gold for the men, but um during the medal ceremony, they were accidentally given the women's gold medal, but the mistakes were quickly corrected. Let's go. Yeah, I didn't know that was a different goal though I didn't different didn't Are the men's medals bigger song? I have no idea. But they were very emotional, these guys though they were They were crying and you know, wow, yeah, but I all I can think of was you, Steve, because you telling you about because they were talking about because it is gold medal. How how the curling is going to increase in the country now there are twenty two thousand registered curlers. Who knows that? Well, they do tell you. I'll be paying attention, man, They say that they give you the stats, don't I'll be paying attention. Man, i'd be listen. I'm telling you. Curd of means something to me that I'm trying to because it seems so slick to me. Man, I've done it once before too, But I don't want to do nothing else. They was trying to teach me how to sweep. I want, I just want. I'm the dude throw the stone, But I'm not sweeping. People have done enough sweeping. The only black out here. Now. What I'm not going to be doing is sweeping. But it requires more skill than athleticism, right, I mean, I mean, you know it isn't that. It's it's a little athletic move. You know, if you don't have the right form, you're not gonna be able to curl. It's a sport, you know, it requires athleticism. You gotta stay on your feet and sweep. That's where you fall, man, you bush your tail on that ice, you know. But I mean, you know it's not anywhere near as physical as any of the other sports. Snowboarding, nothing, nothing, because once you slide the rest of his holly yelling vocals together. Now, I won't do that. But what are they saying? Again? Hard? Hard? She wasn't and then some of us left, left and right because that sweeping helps us don't go faster or slower. Oh. See, the harder they sweep, they're polishing the ice. Oh. If they don't, they're slowing the stone down. And if they brush it harder to one side is making it spin less because that little handle on top. It's how they control the curvature of the stone because they can put English on it like a pool ball and throw it where to go and when it gets to a certain area to start curling in. That's why they call it curling. It's amazing English. English. English is like poolball, you know, like when you're shooting pool, which I can do here. The connection so English is how you control where the Q ball goes after it strikes the object ball. If you hit it on top of the ball, you're making the Q ball follow behind the ball after it hits. If you hit it in the middle of the ball and just below, you're making the que ball stop when it hits. If you hit it on the bottom of the que ball with the Q stick, you're making their back up. You're making a que ball come back. If you hit it on the hot top right side and you hit the ball. You're putting a left spin on the object ball, so when it hits the rail, it a spin left harder and correct to the opposite one to three seven. It's about nine pieces of English you can put on the Q ball and lose your damn money. Messing with me. I think I think you should go to the Olympics as an expert. Next. You know, I could only go to Olympics if they put pool shooting in it, right then? Yeah? I love that and ping pong m m oh, I can't play that. So, Steve Sureley, did you hear about Lindsay Vaughan at the winter What about her? She spread her grandfather's ashes. Oh yeah, because he just in the way down the slope. Did you see that? I didn't see it, but I knew he passed away. I didn't know what she did. Yeah, she wanted to win it for him. He fought in the Korean and Korean, so Korea meant a lot to him and he wanted to go with her to Korea to watch her go for gold. But he passed away. Okay, So she spread his ashes on a rock near the mountain whether downhill racist? She used to check that dated Tiger Yeah, yeah, Tiger Woods, after the whole, after all the women, there was a lull period. Then he dated Lindsey Vaughan. Yeah. I don't forgot why they broke the women. She said there was a low period. I said low you know where he wasn't a man stop seeing women? Well in the public Steve, No, no, no, we didn't. We found out about that. A man stops seeing women. Okay, we got to go to prison for that. The proper well, it wasn't in the public eye and didn't gonna try to go on an like Lindsey Vaughan and the rest of it wouldn't have been in public eye either. Yeah, he got caught, had found down phone. Yeah, but his name when my wife's making calls, raise your phone, all right, Uh, it is Monday, so you know what that means. Get ready for Reverend Motown Deacon deaf Jam. They're up next with church complaints. Right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, we're gonna talk more about the Winter Olympics. Miss Anna's here with today's national news. But right now it is time for Reverend Motown and Deacon deaf jam with today's church complaints. H ah lord, I forgot hello, let me get my voice, taking time passed the proper voice. Hold on, Yeah, you gained so many voices. You are right. I'm a game show coming my better juice. All right, we we we heal for this wratchetness of complaintress and confused anality from a congregation that is unbothetically. And I say that humbly as recently heard Hussey ladies and gentlemen, the most ungrateful congregation of all time. Head it up by what used to be my main man, Deacon Jim. You falling off with these complaints. Go ahead, Deacon, I thought I was still your main man. You're the only deacon I got age church. We tried to bring in ad Nord, but can't. Nobody staying his voice. It's the breathing, it's not the varge. He's so damn aggravating. It's just like him though he's well when you know, a matter of fact, I'm gonna talk to that Nord a little later on and discuss some things with Go ahead, all right, that's out here. We have rather jabber. Gil Jenkins got his last tooth removed last week. He's asking as the church by him a blender and a life supply of straws. As you know, three years ago he was caught with brother Lena good Wine's wife and lost all his teeth except one that one just got removed a couple of weeks ago. So blender and lifetime supply of straws is what he's asking. We're not gonna be able to do that, Brother jabber Joe. Had he kept his jabbl in his past, we wouldn't have this situation. All right, I'm moving right along now that weed has become legal in some states past that we now have a group that wants to develop a weed ministry. They called themselves High Hopes. Ah. They want you to approve the ministring, give them four range to turn the basement into a greenhouse. Yeah, we're not an allowing need in dis basement of the lord's house. The industry is making a lot of money that so you know, well, I understand that now we do have a lot that's empty behind the chick that I strongly suggest we go out there and fits in and provide a deacon to watch it as soon as the Validine Boys find out. If we downhill here they come. So I suggest that they weed ministry use the the lot bit right behind the church. Alright, I would let everyone in high hopes that behind I got it. I passed that Kirk Franklin and Fred Hammond have a movie coming out called Big Spirit Let a spirit Um. They will be uh, they would like to feel some of the scenes here at the church. It's scared the hit Netflix October eighteen. Uh. Side note, they got ten million a piece for the picture. Well, we're gonna need a piece of that ten million in film. Hell. Oh, we're gonna need and full, full reciprocity for that all shot. If you expect a donation or reciprocity, but we're gonna expect the donation from little Kirk and big Fred some kind for that. How much you think we could get, Deacon, they're getting ten in a piece. I mean, if we get ten from each one of them, path, we're looking pretty good. That daddy, daddy, daddy, that's tied. Yeah. Now we can charge them for using the church. That's that's two million dollars if you totally that's right, that's right. Well, ain't coming here. They used the church. They had a check you church, your way crossing choir, roll offer trained communion job. All let's go then I won't have complaints next week. What are we complaining? Thro Yeah, that's right, And they give a two million. I'm gonna get y'all temple s y'all know to I ain't even got to be the pastoral more. What what about your calling? What about your calling? Pastor? I've been, I've been you just like you get called to, you get called out, and I know I get called about it. Here I get my hands on one point. I know I saved them longer I can see the sign that decide that's a sign for me to get out and move my life in other ways to serve and spread the gospel. Ok yeah, I think after I get one point, they'd be just time for me to spray. You can't get the whole one point eight, can't just go take you pass. I just told you that I would give you all the church ten percent to me a million. Now that two hundred thousands. But they don't excuse me. Between me and you, the other people ain't really been working him doing that. He thinks, well, I don't know you to temple, Okay, how do you do it? He thinks he should get half pastor who should get hair? Thinking to get have half million? Oh you ain't nobody but the deacon. That's like getting the same money as the fight happen. It's like, let's not you're just the same. It's what you're saying is I'm the pilot and you're the flight attended, trying to make the same money. I would be the cop. No she no, no, no she, what chill you just to strip them? I'm the strip club. I'm gonna get the same money. You pick all that money upon flo but you you pick up all that rain? What thing we need to no no, no, no, no, no no no, no one more thing we need to clear up? All right, No, we'll go ahead. Well, I have something important. The black panther wants to join our church. But he is asking that all the susters cut their hair and remove their weeds and looked like more of the people from what kind of pastor? But that? And I think we should start with these two. Right, We're not going to do that, cause we got some women. Ain't gonna look without him. All right, listen, we gotta girl. Everybody have a body to go with that. You can't cut your hair over and't have nothing new? All right? Come hap at the top of the hour. Shouldn't have been here with a church full of Sulu Mrs Anna's coming up. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, You've been saying this over and over on the show. It's about money and power with this gun controlled situation and the n r A. Okay. Companies have scrambled to cut ties with the National Rifle Association over the past couple of days, and the list grew over the weekend. Check this out. Delta Airlines announced Saturday morning that it's ending discounted rates for n r A members. We will be requesting that the n r A remove our information from their website. That is what the company said in a tweet giving them discounts exactly. United Airlines followed a short time later, saying the company will no longer offer discounts on flights to the n r A annual meeting. Enterprise rent a Car, which runs Alamo and National Car Runtal Groups, announced that it will end the discount deal it has with the n r A on March. Also, you can add Avis and Budget rent a Card to that list. Allied and North American Moving van Lines. Now, who knew all these companies had an association with the n n r A, right, and they've been getting discounts jr uh. They've all still cut ties with the n r A and will not offer benefits to their members. Insurance Giant check this out. Met Life is ending discounts on home and auto insurance for n r A members. Wyndham Hotel Group has announced their ending partnership with the n r A. None of these companies gave details about why or when they decided to cut ties with the n r A, but the news Yes, okay, let me help you understand what I've been saying. This has happened because they are such huge lobbyists. Politicians on behalf of the n r A goals to all these corporations saying, hey, let's set up a discount for these guys for this. Yeah, this is all this is. Yeah, this is the n r A making their membership. Because if you can take these somewhat regular average people who just want to carry guns are really not even that much into the middle class upper middle class, and throw them some discount bonuses flying to the meetings and stuff hotel's rental cars to come to me. That's another benefit for being in in Are you attract more members to the n i A who pay more of the feet See, you don't get an n i A for free. I don't think. I'm pretty sure that may be. Or they attract enough members where they can sell add space on their website because they have X amount of viewers. It's tied to money. Yeah. When I heard the story in the news, it stopped me in my tracks. I was like, oh my god, I use all this stuff Loubi's it's you're not gonna stop eating that ain't nobody's tough. This is crazy, But don't this boycott makes sense? Thank you. Well, it's going to start. It will only make a if these companies have made contributions to the n i A, and I bet they have. That's what you're gonna have to dig into the find out. But the trickle down effect is going to start making everybody have to pull out because if you remain, these kids going boycotting. I didn't notice either though, No, I didn't either. This. Yeah, the big national meeting, big n R he when is that meet? Well, they just have one. Yeah, Conservatives and CPA is pretty much a lot of their members of the Yeah, well that's where President um Trump spoke. That's where the President Wayne Lapierre spoke. He's the one that Yeah, he's the one that ended his speech with didn't get out of the big big people. They don't really want to be associated with him, and they like kind of laying on a low low because they got a lot of elections coming up. Oh yeah, this year, this year. All right, we gotta move on and go to myth. Ladies and gentlemen, she's here the loveliness and trip. Thank you very much. This is a trip with the news everybody. And yes, Congress returns to work today after attend a break. Lawmakers are under pressure to do something, something, something about the country's escalating school violence. Uh. The I'm going to name also some other companies and some other things that we can find out about these that we're getting perks all this time. Uh. First, National Bank of Omaha Republic Banks say they will no longer issue an n r A visa car. The cybersecurity company Semitech has halted its nur A discount program. MetLife Insurance has ended US nur A discount programs. Chubb Insurance also says there'll no longer underwrite insurance for n r A gun owners. Wyndham Worldwide, parent company of Travel log That's Howard Johnson, Romata, and days In say their hotels are no longer affiliated with the nr n r A neither is. Best Western United, and Delta Airlines say they're out. They're gonna not get discounts and perks any more. Enterprise Holdings, which operates three vehicle rental companies Alamo Enterprise and National says also ending its n r A member discount program, AVIS and Budget Rent of Car also doing that. However, Hurts is still reportedly an n r A partner, and fed X is also reportedly ignoring calls to severed ties with the powerful gun lobby thought to Governor Rick Scott proposing changes to his state's gun laws mean lo. Scott says he and the GOP law Vegas supporting a measure that would raise the age at which someone can purchase a firearm. Will require all individuals purchasing firearms to be twenty one or older. There will be exceptions for active duty and reserve military and spouses, National Guard members, and law enforcement and Governor Scott also wants law enforcement officers at every public school in the Sunshine State. The National Wife Association meanwhile fighting off mounting criticism aimed at the gun club lately in the wake of the shootings. NRA spokesman Dan Alesh was on ABC's This Week. She makes the organization's usual argument, which is it's not about gun control. That firearm did not walk itself into the school. An individual who is allowed to go unchecked by the Broward County Sheriff's Office allowed that firearm to go into school. This is not the fault, nor are five million innocent, law abiding Americans culpable for this. Danda Lesh blames to shootings on the guvernment and on failures by the FBI in the Broward County Sheriff's Office. First World Trade Center bombing took place twenty five years ago. Today a bomb desnated in a rental truck underground, killing six people. And at the weekend box office is all about Waconda Country runs around and a bulletproof Canston black panther made another one hundred and eight million dollars. You're listening to show, all right, Steve. According to CNN Money, it seems like bad publicity is the reason why the gun industry is suffering from weak sales. Really yeah, okay, it seems like this is according to CNN Money Now, it seems like bad publicity is the reason why the gun industry is suffering from weak sales. Didn't know that either. Uh. Sturm and Roger is one of the nation's leading manufacturers of rugged reliable firearms for the commercial sporting market, reported double digit decline in sales and earnings last week. Is that what hunting guns or something for commercial sporting? Bad publicity? They're saying something? Can I say something? This is just for a little while, y'all? Yeah, until we forget go buying guns, trust me, machine guns, these guns shows where you can buy anything you want, ammunition, all of that. Okay, Uh? Where was that? Okay? Uh? Sturm and Roger is one of the nation's leading manufacturers of rugged reliable firearms for the commercial sporting market. They reported a double digit decline in sales and earnings last week and said it cut seven hundred jobs over the last year. Remington, another major makers, said yeah, yeah, said Sturman Roger is one of the nation's leading manufacturers. Remington is another major gun manufacturer. They said last week it's preparing to file for Chapter eleven bankruptcy protection. If you recall, the threat of eminent gun control measures helped boost sales during the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton's campaign, but that threat has faded considerably now that Republicans control both the White House and Congress. And don't forget, this is an election year too, so all this is happening during the Yeah, yeah, yeah, Rubio out, if kids water ahead, look to the stomach, head, I just take my mike, just take it off and walk nothing. He got talking that little boys said, sir, you'll be out of work in a couple of years because as soon as I can vote, I don't know how Rubio. Yeah, these kids won't forget. We might forget that. Kids won't forget six years old. I didn't feel sorry at all. A crowd that was a rough crowd, man. Oh yeah, yeah. They were serious though, But I mean, look at what they've gone through, and then the classes are going to start back this week, so yeah, I think that's what it's been shot already. The lady from the n r A had a rough crowd. Yeah care, how fine? She will Yeah, yeah, all right. J Anthony Brown, as you can hear, is here and he's gonna be with us to murder another hit right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, Jay's here. You boy introduced him so he can do what he does. Get around. I want to think everybody came out last night do Chase Lounge, baby too sold out shows. I want to do it, baby, don't ask him to go back, go back. Oh, we're not gonna fast. Don't say that anymore. Netflix should be looking at that. No, we can say that. I don't want to think everybody who came out to do Chase Lounge Houston, Texas sold out, showing your boy did the damn thing. Plus that James Bond was sold out this weekend. What wanted doing? All a brother? All a brother? Call me? How much would you take? Jack? Five'll take two fitting there, Jack, it's just sitting. I take fitted. I can't work with that. I can do something. Yeah, don't say all right, back up to two fittings. All right, here we go with my first murdered hit on my brand new job to Steve Hobbing Morning Show. Going back into archives, y'all check it out, hater. I'm with Steve. That's right, I'm moving and you can't that jumps back for me. It's little boy, you hales, what's happening now? I'm not shirless and Junior, we don't the play and don't get my girl Colla. You're gonna hear your boy every day. Hit. I can't be stopped at Lord brings the new. You're gonna laugh. So I'm gonna give a t straight and truth. Damn dam I'm a popular man with a in my pockets. Step on my bantis appointed. Didn't hit me talking when they walk up and work out. Don't be sad to be glad because I'm coming back and trade up now you hit it back. Didn't think the happy back soon. I'm with Steep. I made the move. Everyone's playing that. Jay's back on me. I see laid a gator or what I said. Now, I'm growing with RAFFI we jamming. We're gonna murder hits every week. That'd be so much. You gotta watch you said, and I'll be talking to the people in the street. My dont comes quick, gonna be talking. I got a whole lot of commented bins smoke a little something mirror now on. There snoop doggs, so I can't hold it in. I'm a popular man with in my poslage down on my bed. Just point it didn't hit me talking with the walk up and don't be sad to be bad because I'm coming back it up, man, Now you hit it happy. I'm with Steve. I made the move. Everyone's plat that Jay's back on me. I see lad gaor or what's talking? Now? That's my favorite. More, that's my favorite. Shouts out to Ralph and his family Bard, his mom U a producer. But Steve, I gotta tell you, man, I was at the funeral right and I'm sitting in the church, arms back, you know, just listening, and the lady tapped me on the shoulder and had me some lotion. She said, yeah, your hands are very very church like. Put your face, you put your hand on the back of the chick. So you've just been driving up in here with your hands after. We're not gonna let you be asked you, my brother, We're not gonna do it. What did you say? That's a side effect of diabetes, Subjay? It is, but all this is not diabetes. Some of us called trifling trying to give you a pass Jay, that's called trifling miss with diabetes. That's got to do with Jay. Alright, alright, coming up the nephews here, he has a prank for you. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, about four minutes after. It's today's Strawberry Letter. The subject sexy Seventy's all right now, sexy seventies. But right now the nephew is here with another prank. Phone call what you got? Got it for you? And then when I when we get through with this, I got a proposition for my uncle. So it's gonna be a good one, y'all. But the name of the prank is you sent my wife some pictures. You sent my wife some pictures. Here you go, I speak to trouble. Hey man, you've been sending pictures of uh, your damn stomach to my wife phone? Hey man, have y'all been sending pictures of your muscles on your stomach to my wife phone? What is this calling me? With this this fish right here, this fisher man, My name is Fisher, but they call me fish. What I want to know from you? Have you been sending pictures of your stomach to my wife phone? I don't know there you telling my playboy? I don't tell me with this, ain't you? It is my business? That's my wife. And you say this, you boy, you must ain't got you must ain't ripped up like me or something you were read about them sending piss something. Hey, man, get some fitness. Don't call my system. I got some business. My business is my wife. Man, Let me tell you something. I'm gonna tell you right now. I want. I want to find you. If the same muscles that's on her phone is up underneath your shirt, I'm whooping your I ain't hard to find, play boy, you can find me. And if I am sending pistons to your wife, she must like it. Play No, you're being disrespectful, is what you're doing. You understand you've been calling me on the phone. You're better check somebody else about this here before I had your wife rusting on my stomach. Hey, man, who you hate? See who you calling on? Man? Who do you think? Hey? Hey, who you think you talk? Let me tell you something? Okay, tell us that time on my phone about them at you? Because them? If I find out them your muscles on what Obviously you found my phone number, so I guess you can find me on boy? About this here? Where are you? Let's get im as your wife where I'm where she is? My wife is at work right now, you say, so, how do you say she got some pictures on? Boy? Hey man, I'll tell you what when I find when I find you a little diffrespectful where I'm at way calling the music over. Oh yes there, you must not be ripped up like me. Hey man, Hey, I got I got muscles on my stomach. I got the see them right now to get these get this summer right for your wife? How about this here? I know who your wife feels not I know where too. Okay, well, and I'll be calling her. I'm calling her letting her know what's going on this out. She like my summer too? Yeah? Yeah, you like that? No, No, I'll tell you what. I tell you what she don't like it. When I get to hug I'm gonna let your wife know what's going on around here. Man. You don't know nothing about my wife. Me, my wife and your wife might be rubbing the call at home. You don't know nothing about hey man. You ain't gonna be disrespectful to me. Man, I haven't told you once. Don't see me on what I will see you. I already asked you once. Where are you? I'm gonna raise up my shirt so you can see this ripped up six fact that's your wife like yeah, all right, okay, okay, it's just a matter of time. Then you better go check your wife and don't be called across man. Okay, yeah, Well, I'll tell you what. I'm gonna call a Yanna. That's that's what I'm going to call a Yanna baby. Yeah yeah, and then slowed you down night. Yeah, I'm calling your wife. Care we can get it on the three ways and then we got and then I'll call your wife and get on my way. Yeah, okay, I'm gonna tell you this here right now. What I need to tell me what you want to tell me, I'm telling you right now, pump where you ask I'm pulling forward, home boy, that's where I'm at. Now you got my wife name. I want to know your name. They call your fish or kicking a well, they call you. You can meet me wherever you won't do, homeboy, and we can said it ain't no deal. To me, I deal with punk chops like everything. Okay, okay, not a problem, not a problem. I'll be right. How long are you're gonna be that? I'm gonna be that to your Okay, you look at I want you to take my name, my name down so you don't know who you're waiting on. You got your You said your name was chicken or something like. Do you have a pen? I don't need no pump? Okay you do? Do you want to know who this is? You gonna tell me who you was? Homeboy? I ain't told you my full name Trump. I don't need to know you name. You got my number? Calling me about the chat too? Something? It's muscles, it's muscles of your stomach. On my wife, did you look at the other puls? How many sit ups do you be doing? Did you look at the other pictures? What other? Okay? Hey man, man, hey man, I'm not gonna be playing with you by my wife. Man, I ain't playing with you. I'm paying your wife. Okay, Okay, I'm gonna tell you something about your wife. I'm gonna tell you something about your wife that you don't know. If I don't know it, don't nobody else know it. Oh, I know it me and I know it. I just got off the phone with her. You want to know you want me tell you what your wife told me. I'm gonna say this right here. I'm gonna say this. Punk. This is Nephew Timming from the Steve Harvey Morning. Your your wife or Yanna got me to pray phone Your ignorant man? How stupid are you? Hello? This is Nephew Timming, man from the Steve Harvey Mornings. Your your wife got me to pray phone call you? Do you? Damn you? You are more ignorant than me. Help with it? Lord, Yeah, yeah, I got Oh, hey, trouble. I got to ask you this man, answer this question for me? What is what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, the only one with you that? Oh man, I ain't trailed. Man, you'd be easy, man, go light on a y'all? All right, I'm tell Steve Harbor, I say the beast. You got to be careful. It's some pictures. Let me tell you some sure you know much stuff up there in the clown in the clown cloud, stuff in that ie cloud. If it ever rained out that cloud trust her. I've been thank can buy it? Okay, And I'm thinking all of us here on the show can come together and do this. I just want you all know this is the first time he's damn their march. Okay, this is proposition that this is a proposition I think we all can benefit on. I think we all buckle down, get you ready, and we go to Netflix and get you twin and me and you break us all off and everybody. Oh man, man, what is the most amazing? First of all, what you think? Come on? You would have to find out after they've offered rock and everybody forty million? Would I do it for twenty? So you have to ask me that first. Okay, just I'm not gonna let you. That's why he can't go in. I'm just would you do it? Would you do it for the twenty that they offer? Hell you? Thank you? I'm in. Yeah, let's not hold up. Wait a minute, y'all, y'all, y'all moving to fast with him. I mean, you know how many of us it is now? Yeah, I'm gonna be happy with my five. Don't say five. You didn't win shown you ever want to walk away with? We can all of us walk away with a me absolutely not. D Well, how much hell do you get a million? Fall? That's what? What did I just say? We fend the work and get it all together. All you gotta do is show up. We're gonna have you. You mean weend the work. We're gonna do. The girls gonna work, the girls gonna work on the design in this set. We're gonna have that. R No, No, that's what they do. You don't know that. We don't make it kind Okay, we gotta go to break. We'll talk about this a little later. We got a break right now. Uh. Coming up at the top of the hour, it's today's Strawberry Letter. You don't want to miss it. Subject Sexy seventies. We'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show this time for today's Strawberry Letter. Now, remember if you have issues, if you have a problem, please write to us Steve and I and we could write, we could read your letter on the air. All you have to do is go to Steve Harvey FM dot com and submit your letter today. Okay, wow, this letter is crazy. Come on, nephew, let's go buggle up. Hold on tight. Here it is the Strawberry letter thank you, subject sexy seventies. Here Stephen Shirley. My husband is seventy one years old and he loves to watch porn. I sometimes watch it with him, just to please him. Recently, things have gotten out of hand. I came home one day and logged into our computer and a website popped up that has naked women on it that you can talk to. Right then and there, I was furious. I've been with this man for thirty eight years, and although we have not had the best marriage, I stayed with him. When we first got married, he had an affair with a nineteen year old girl he with thirty one. I forgave him for that, but over the years he has had several other affairs. I am a nice looking sixty nine year old woman, and I am tired of his indiscretions. I have not had any affairs, although I've thought about it. We are supposed to be truthful to one another. I am tired of being made a fool of If is this just a phase he's going through, what should I do to make him see that this is hurting me? Please help? Well? No, I don't think it's a phase. I'll start right there, because he's been doing it for quite some time, and you were doing it with him. Don't forget you said just to please him. But I say, if you're really tired of it, you will have to do something about it. And at seventy one, same age as the president, Uh, he's probably not going to change. Okay, I don't know why you think you should still take this after thirty eight years. You guys have been married thirty eight years. Uh he did it the first time when he was thirty one, what forty something years ago, and uh you forgave him and took him back then. And since then, he has cheated on you. Affair after affair, you say, and you keep taking him back. I mean after his affairs, you've allowed him to, you know, given him permission more or less to cheat. Uh, probably lie to because you know, cheating and lying they go together. Okay, they do go together. And uh, you've allowed him to do whatever he wanted to do. He can disrespect you, he can disrespect the marriage, all of that, and you'll take him back. That's what he's seen over these thirty eight years that you guys have been married. So, like I said, if you're really tired and you're sixty nine, you said, and you're nice looking. Uh, you need to decide if you're going to stay with him, and it continued to allow him to cheat on you. Your decision, your move. Now, what are you gonna do, Steve? Well, here's a deal, ma'am. I hate to tell you this, and I don't need two parts to tell you this. I just can't get this all done on this section and we can go onto some jokes after this. You've you've tolerated all of this, all of this, You've not only tolerated it, you've participated. You got this since UK beat him. Join them mentality now started off a long time ago when he had an affair with the nineteen year old. You forgave it, but then he had several affairs after that and you stayed with y. So now at seventy one and you're sixty nine and a nice looking lady, you sit up and you watch poorn with him to please him. You've tolerated everything and participated. You've resigned yourself to that. If you can't beat them, join them now you're sitting up watching poorn with him. Now. You then came home one day, looked on the computer. Now you see some neck and women pop up that you can talk right to. What's the surprise He's had several fans, you stay with him through all. At least this affair is just on the computer. Now if you'd took all the rest of the fans, now you've got a problem with this one. You've allowed all of this to happen. Now he's seventy one, I'm sixty one. I'm trying to imagine ten years from now, me sitting up with a computer talking to some nick get women own it. I don't. I don't see that, not at this house, this little crazy green out here. For I'm married too. It'd be a damn problem of been help. Wouldn't it be a problem at your bug out house? Yeah? Caller? How many people would get killed at your house? How many people see all? This is a problem. Yes, you're tired of being made a fool of You said in your line in your letter, we're supposed to be truthful. He ain't, ever, and at seventy one he not fitting to start. See the reason he okay, we're doing this at seventy one because he got away with this at thirty one, probably forty one fifty one, sixty one, and you steal there with your nice looking self, and you've always said it has not been a good marriage. Now he'd have found a website with neked women on it that you can talk to. We want to look at this site? What send us dot dot dot? Are you crazy? Right now? I'm mya hair Jay Anthony tested? He's already on it. He's awfully quiet right now. What am I supposed to test again? In the corner? What you say your name? They can hear you, so, ma'am. I don't know what to tell you except you have tolerated this and you've made no move about it. Now, what am I gonna tell you? Y'all? Sixty nine is seventy one years old? Yold? It isn't what you want me to tell you. To leave him? You ain't been to go nowhere? All right, here's my suggestion. Let's end a letter. Throw the computer away, take it, take it outside, unplugging, throw it in the tray, and every time he buy computer, throw it away. That's all I got for you. That's a lot of money. There's a lot of money. She's not going nowhere. That's a lot of she's not going anywhere. This lady ain't going nowhere. It's a lot of naked why we're talking about not niked All right, listen. Uh, Steve doesn't want to do a part too. I think you know, yeah, I don't. Okay, So back to the foolishness when we come back at three after you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, Steve is done with this letter, Today's letter with sexy seventies. Uh, you know, we're moving on. Okay, if you want to, if you want to contact us, go to Steve Harvey FM dot com. You can email me or instagram me your thoughts on Today's Strawberry Letter at my Girl Shirley and please don't forget to join me this Thursday at one thirty pm Eastern Time for the Strawberry Letter Live after show on Facebook. Okay, now we're gonna move on. Steve Quincy Jones, who's been in the news quite a lot, lady for open lately, for opening his mouth. He's finally issued an apology. Remember when he was making headlines he's talked about Uh wow, he talked about so much. He accused Michael Jackson of stealing songs. He claimed that Marlon Brando and Richard Pryor slept together. Well, apparently Ques daughters staged and intervention. Find at least someone did, uh, which prompted Quincy to issue a public apology. He did it on Twitter. Part of his apology, it was pretty lengthy to h he said, I'm sorry to anyone, uh, to whom my words offended, and I'm especially sorry to my friends who are still here with me and to those who aren't. He continued, saying, thank you for calling me out when I've clearly made a mistake. So good for him he realized the error of his ways. Yeah. Yeah. His daughters were like, look, daddy, come on now, talking too much? Yeah, too many questions down on our j'all. Yeah yeah, we know you have a lot. Well, we gotta go to work. Yeah you know how you got it? What your dad? Yeah? Yeah? Yeah. Have you ever heard that Steve from me? Your kid? Yeah yeah yeah, yeah, wrong with you, Steve. I didn't tell Steve a damn, oh my god. We get it off with your phone ring at two in the morning, either somebody passed or Steve saying something one of them too, because you know you haven't done anything with your boy, that your uncle. You know, I'm so defensel. I'd be cussing the man when he listened. When he released that memo, I was at the B shop fighting, I'm swinging on and they were, yeah with your boy, yeah don't. They were asking us he write a memo like that to you? You're right, I wish you would. This universe print and all these people calling me to issue an apology, and I said, no, I'm not. I'm not apologizing you all. First of all, you all don't know what the memo is really about. You didn't took it whatever. But I'm not apology. I meant what I said. It's just that I wrote the memo for two people, and then they took it a year after I wrote it, when with me a whole year to set ain't said nothing. Then they found out that they had no job out in l a all. So now we're gonna release it a year later. Time he said this to all of us. I only sent it to two people, but this one black dude. I said, Man, he's blankety blanks. Man want us blankety blanks to act like we just some blanks. And I ain't gonna do this here, Master you call the blankety blanks and tell them I said, blank, damn been hald for me, you and all other blanks. You see. Now keep in mind now I didn't email on the end word to the black dude that I'm writing to, we know, but it went to all the white people. I remember once white dude called me here, Steve, Look, I love you, man, what do you You could not have meant this for me in the world after what he talking, because you just meant all of your email everyone. Yeah, yeah, what's going on that email you sent me? I only have sent one that week, so it had to be that one you got that, you got that email memos and no, man, I learned a valuable missing that I have now will come from someone. Yeah. I'm not directly passing out another order in my life. No more emails from you, No more emails. We were going to Philly one time j after that, and we were all on the bus and Steve was writing the email. He showed it to me. I said, no, sir, and he has no punctuation, so that's why he don't text you back. And then he's like, well, what part do I need to take out? All of it that I can't say that, Steve. You can't say that to the people. All what is we're talking folks? You need to thank God for God. Yeah, and we have to protect protect your brand. Yeah, you have to. Yeah. I'll be thinking major right now. That's why said party. I'll be thinking. I'd be all right, you need people, You need people because everybody just protected the brain. But you know, man, but in writing though, trail on that. But see, Junior, I don't I don't like people to just you know, I think they can just do me any kind of way because they won't to because some people take advantage of well I know he can't say anything, so someone just say this to it. Well that's where you're wrong. That's right. I got something you Oh oh, we're talking to each other crazy, that's what we're doing. Problems. I just didn't know that's what we were doing. You ain't no damn problems all right. Listen. A few months back on the Steve Harvey Daytime talk show, Steve, a lady named Jacqueline was called from your audience to set your stay to your stage, said, I should say to play Harvey hundreds. Uh, well, we'll talk about that when we come back. Okay, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. A few months back on this on your daytime talk show, Steve, lady named Jacqueline. I don't remember know if you remember this, but a lady named Jacqueline was called up from the audience to your stage and to play Harvey hundreds. Do you remember that? Take a listen. Here's the clip when Jacqueline was called for Harvey's hundreds. I'm looking for Jacqueline Clayton. You are stay right there, stay right, take your turn, take your turn. Stay okay, I'm okay, Come on, man, I saw you coming to smoke. Wow. He was a good sport. Can you remember that? Nasty? Did she did she break up? Did she cuts her fall on the way to she hit the floor. You heard the thump could have been hands hitting down. What happened was my station change when she fell and I was like what she just shut up? Stupid showing in the station. What did it go to? You were like, what what happened? She was a good sport. Yeah, she felt really hard. The look on your face. You got out of the way though. I saw her, man, when she was coming up the steps, So I said coming in was yeah, coming in hot, said careful, slow down, baby, slow slow down. But you got too much going in the wrong direction. Yeah. Wow. And when she got up though, the look on your face is priceless. Man, when she was hugging yeah, like you were thanking god she didn't fall yes, or that she was okay, yeah, jacit exactly out of her I know. Uh. If you go to Steve Harvey FM dot com, you can see this video, the one we're talking about with the lady named Jacqueline. It's all over the Graham Steve people. Everybody's been talking about its gram and Facebook. Folks is like, did y'all see this though? Man, this lady right him? Your facial from it hard rice Less hold on trying to catch it. Looked like it looked like he was trying to like he was gonna catch it. Then he thought about it at the n Nah good, sing good. It's the same you say, I think I want some chicken. Nothing, I'm good fish let it go like she slid in the first, base slid in the second, and the throw was late. Show it any more embarrassing moments like that time I fell in New Orleans, remember that in the street Yeah, I have too much vasoline on the bottom of my feet because I had on sandals and I slipped right out of my shoe. I'm talking about bust her behind and skipped my knees and legs all up. Yeah, and uh, my shoes fell under this car and I couldn't get them. Yeah, and slide under the car and get my shoe. Yeah. Yeah. I was with the wing and he was shamed. Why my participating in this poem? So everyone has embarrassing moments, sir, I felt at a house party. Oh, I'm talking about slid. I had some shoes on in the kitchen and the floats with slid all the way down the countertop, slee and all. And the girl I was with just walked off. I was not. I went better told and said, hey, you want to get some dinner? She said, which I saw, callum make somebody the fall and whoop their ass in the hallway. I seen still when she hit me first, let me tell you how messy Steve is. He loves mess We were all at work, and you know how you come and put somebody upside their head. When she pushed me a little extra hard, it was a little forced with no no, so I thought she really meant that. I took my headphones off. I got up. I know that. So I'm running. She's running. I'm running after her, Tommy running after me. Steve right, he don get up in gator. But she fell. I was gonna beat her up jail and we're not at work. She got it. She got hit a little harder than she hit called. Let's just say that big time. So we all had to stop. But Steve running, we knocked down on their studio. Yeah, but that Steve, he throwed his headphones off. Comment he loves he loves, Steve loves he. I don't love. Yes, you know you love that love. Miss y'all need to stop saying that about you. Just don't want people to. Don't have people think that I start stop you. You don't. Hey, hey here, you don't that. I'm gonna show you how column. This is how column ran down that girl in the hallway. You all are very familiar with this. Hit it cat. That's you love me, Steve. Alright, listen coming up at the top of the hour, guys, the Kardashians. You heard me. The Kardashians were on celebrity family feud. Yes, in the West. Yeah, alright, and Kylie Jenner shuts down snapchat. We're gonna talk about all that when we come back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, So Steve, uh, you have to tell us about what happened with the taping of the new upcoming season of Celebrity Family Feud. The Kardashians have been on. They've taped Jenner versus the West. Tell us about it. It was a Kardashians versus the West. Chris Jenner, her mom, Chloe Kindle came which was a huge surprise. Oh yeah, the model, the highest paid model in the world. Yeah, but the richest one of them all, isn't any of them the richest one is Yeah, she wasn't there. On the other side was Kim kardash It, I mean Kim West, Kanye West and West family some cousins. Was my dude dropped Rickety Ricky what everybody could that? Ricky ro Ri Rigg knock knock. So that was a fun taping. You're saying, I can't wait to see that. A really good time. Kanye smiled more then I've never ever seen him. So all the security was going O G Man thank man. They call you man. You ain't never smiled as much. Man, He's so happy. They always wanted to play Family Few. They watch it every day. Really, yeah, they watch it every day. Yeah, that's cool. They love you, Steve, That's why they love you. Yeah, I'm really cool with him. You know, I can't give you any other information, okay, because you have to watch it. Yeah. Well I wasn't slowing to secrecy. I just know how to get my d D. Yeah. Yeah, so it's coming up in the future episode of Family Fear. We'll just say that. Okay, stay tuned. We'll let you could radio show go against like Secrist radio show. Oh wouldn't that be fun? Cricket, hush over your room? He sounds like Carl Race with you and Junior time. I don't no that, y'all to advance me. If we came on your talk show, we did not embarrass you and we looked nice, clean p We was trying to get that picture which one didn't embarrass me? Tommy deep what did he do? You know? That's all the time? You know how you were? Yeah, you were a little extra. Yeah, I walked. I thought I was in yours. I did no producing I saw that we had to share addressing change clothes in my car. Yeah, like the food day head, Yeah, I said, I beat Yeah he was. I walked in tom I said, Steve, coming in here, you running eight demons clothed. But Steve, something you did. Oh that was really sweet. I thought you came around to each of our dressing room. Like I said, Carlin, I had to share. Tommy had his own, big, sweet of a dressing room, but you came in but he refused. Yeah, I know, Carlin and I actually were supposed to have the bigger dressing room because it was two of us. Yeah, ladies, but Tommy needed death for his staff, right, the staff. But you came around to check on us. I thought that was really cool. You know, you know us, you see us every day. But you yeah, yeah, you still came around to check on us and see how we were doing, which meant really that you didn't want us to embarrass you. You wanted to see how we were doing. Yeah, that's all that was. We knew what it was. Yeah, okay, don't come out here and embarrass me on national team. In case I need to cancel this set sold, Yes it is, and back to the Netflix question that Tommy asked you earlier in the show. If we go to the Netflix people and you know you get twenty million dollars out the deal, can you know we just want to Yeah, we just want a million million. Don't know what I'm Why are you listening with that kind of an attitude? Listening in angle? That's right, be open minded at least from coming agen it go ahead? Yeah, you're getting on my nerves like talking to your parents right now. Dag Mama, you think I'm listening to angry wait here, don't. I don't even want to put it out there risk. I think the girls would be I know this is not anything that they do, but I think that they would be good at just designing an incredible set laid out just for you. I think that can happen, all right. That's them. They've never they've never done set designed before. Ye say no, house, it's a go ahead, But why go ahead? Okay? So I'm thinking, you know, maybe two nights, three nights a week. You know me, you Jay Jr. We go to Jay Spot and just just work you out, work you out, work you out till you know you got a cold owl and you go get that's what I'm saying. We go get to twenty. Have I ever used any of your jokes before? Tell me, wow, it's disrespect. I've never used your jokes before, you've used some of mine. I've given you material. You've never given me material. When when I was writing for a Big Time You and you, none of my monologue I wrote. They forgot about big time me for you for you Tommy Day, I think I strained my vocal cord on that lab. Okay, uh wow, um, okay, more of this craziness. You know how we do when we back back. Oh my god, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, So I have to tell you congratulations because I never even knew what curling was or it, never even paid attention to it or anything until you brought it up on the show. You Yeah, I thought it was a hair content sports what Yeah, but exactly it's like bran Or Branner Brother's hair show. So anyway, yes, Steve. The US men's curling team won the gold for the men, but um, during the medal ceremony, they were accidentally given the women's gold medal. But the mistakes were quickly corrected, let's go. Yeah, I didn't. I didn't know that was a different goal. I didn't mean different. Are the men's medals bigger songer? I have no idea that show. But they were very emotional, these guys though they were. They were crying and you know, wow, yeah I was emotional. But I all I could think of was you, Steve, because you kept telling in the back. Because they were talking about because it is gold medal, how how the curling is going to increase in the country now there are twenty two thousand registered curlers. Who knows that well? They do tell you, I'll be paying attention, man. They say that they give you the shots, don't I'll be paying attention, man, I'd be listen. I'm telling you kind of means something to me that I'm trying to because it seems so slick to me. Man, I've done it once before too. But I didn't want to do nothing else. They was trying to teach me how to sweep. I I just want I'm the dude throw the stone, but I'm not sweeping. They would have done enough sweeping. The only black out here. What I'm not gonna be doing is sweeping. But it requires more skill than athleticism, right, I mean, I mean you know it'sn't that. It's it's a little athletic move. You know, if you don't have the right form, you're not gonna be able to curl. It's a sport, you know, it requires athleticism. You gotta stay on your feet and sweep. That's where you fall. Man, You brush your tail on that ice, you know. But I mean you know it's not anywhere near as physical as any of the other sports. Snowboarding, nothing, nothing, because once you slide the rest of the holly ing together, now I won't do that. But what are they saying? Again? Hard? Hard? She wasn't And then some of us left, left and right because that sweeping helps the stone go faster or slower. Oh see, the harder they sweep, they're polishing the ice. Pology, they don't. They're slowing the stone down. And if they brush it harder to one side is making it spin less because that little handle on top. It's how they control the curvature of the stone because they can put english on it like a pool ball and throw it where to go, and when it gets to a certain area to start curling in that's why they call it curling. That isn't really amazing, amazing that all this that's English. English. English is like poolball. English is how you control where the Q ball goes after it strikes the object ball. Alright, coming up, we're gonna talk about these companies now that are scrambling to pull out of their support for the n r A. We'll talk about that when we come back. You're listening to Steve Show. All right, Steve, you've been saying this over and over on this show. It's about money and power with this gun control situation and the n r A. Okay, companies have scrambled to cut ties with the National Rifle Association over the past couple of days, and the list grew over the weekend. Check this out. Delta Airlines announce Saturday morning that it's ending discounted rates for n r A members. We will be requesting that the n r A remove our information from their website. That is what the company said in a tweet giving them discounts exactly. United Airlines followed a short time later, saying the company will no longer offer discounts on flights to the n r A annual meeting. Enterprise rent A Car, which runs Alamo and National Car Runtal groups, announced that it will end the discount deal it has with the n r A on March. Also, you can add Avis and Budget rent a Card to that list, Allied and North American Moving Van Lines. Now who new all these companies had an association with the n n r A, right and they've been getting discounts. Junior Uh, They've also cut ties with the n r A and will not offer benefits to their members. Insurance Giant check this out. Met Life is ending discounts on home and auto insurance for n r A members. Wyndham Hotel Group has announced their ending partnership with the n r A. None of these companies gave details about why or when they decided to cut ties with the n r A, but the news Yes, okay, let me help you understand what I've been saying. This has happened because they are such huge lobbyists. Politicians on behalf of the nr A goals to all these corporations saying, hey, let's set up a discount for these guys for this. Yeah, this is all this is. Yeah, this is the n r A making their membership. Because if you can take these somewhat regular average people who just were on the carry guns but are really not even that much into the middle class, upper middle class and throw them some discount bonuses flying to the meetings and stuff hotel's rental cars to come to me, that's another benefit for being in in are you attract more members to the n I A who pay more of the feet See, you don't get an n I for free, I don't think. I'm pretty sure that. Or they attract enough members where they can sell add space on their website because they have X amount of viewers. It's tied to money. Yeah, when I heard this story in the news, it stopped me in my tracks. I was like, oh my god, I use all this stuff. Loubi's it. You're not gonna stop eating that? Ain't nobody's tough. This is crazy, But don't this boycott makes sense? Thank you? Well, it's going to start. It will only make a if these companies have made contributions to the n I A. But the trickle down effect is going to start making everybody have to pull out because if you remain, these kids gonna boycott pulled out most of them do though, Jane, you don't have to do. We will be back with this ignorant you're listening to morning show. Hey for my closing remarks that da I choose to keep encouraging people, uplifting people, and enlightening you all to some of the things I've had to learn on my journey. And I'm not claiming to know more than anybody else. So I'm just talking to people from a standpoint of just trying to be an an encouraging person from my own standpoint, my own viewpoint. You don't have to agree with anything I say. You have to right to your own opinion, your own line of thinking. So this is not a forced thing. This is just, you know, words of encouragement at the end of the show. So when you start in your day and you're thinking about your road to success and happiness. I had a lot of challenges along the way that I've had to learn how to overcome, and I've had to find different methods and learn from more successful people than myself how to get it done. One of the major things that I learned, and this is very difficult for me to do because of the most useless emotion in the human spirit, which is guilt. Guilt serves no one. But because of guilt, I found it hard to implement this that I'm about to share with you. You've heard the old saying birds of a feather flock together. You've heard association brings on participation. What that simply means is if you have a goal in mind uh and aspiration somewhere you're trying to get to, to get there better, quicker, faster, more peacefully, you have to surround yourself with like minded people. Now, this is hard to do, and I'm going to tell you why it's hard to do for me because I was held to a certain amount of accountability by people who just didn't want to see me leave them. So as I began to change my life, change my direction, leave Cleveland, move up, try to come up, do more, try to become more. Try not to be the person that I used to be. They have words to hold you to them, like, man, you gotta keep it real. Man, hey man, don't forget where you come from. Now, not forgetting where you come from is important, but they're saying it from the fact of What they really mean is keep it real. Don't forget where you come from. A lot of those people simply means don't leave us, and it's not your obligation to take everybody with you. You've got to understand that. Don't get hell to the emotion of guilt and keep associating with people who don't mean you well. Now, look that goes to something my father told me a long time ago. He says, son, everybody come with you can't go with you. Some people are in your life for certain periods of time, and that's just it. You have to move on from them. Some of your friends you just grew apart from some of your associates. You just can't keep associating with him all the time. Some of your people you can meet him at the gym and play ball, but you can't do nothing else with them. That's okay. Stop thinking that because a person labels you their friend, that you now owe them a right. You don't stop thinking like, I hurt myself so many years hanging onto people, suffering from guilty, what's gonna happen to the family, what's gonna happen today? And ability to get another job? And I've had people used me for years and for years and for years. I finally gotten to the point where I'm done with that I finally gotten to the point. I started learning it a while back, but at sixty one, I'm telling you, I'm so through with that. I'm so through with feeling obligated to people who ain't really obligated to me. And don't y'all all have them people in your circle right now? Oh, you so obligated to them, but are they really obligated to you? You always looking out for their best interests, but do they ever look out for your best interests? Association brings on participation. If you hang with a bunch of people that cuss all the time, eventually you're gonna be cussing. If you hang with a lot of people who do drugs all the time, every time they get together and you just gotta be with them, eventually you're gonna be into drugs. It's just a part of the association brings on participation. If you're somewhere and people playing ping pong every day, you don't think you're gonna pick up the padder one day, at least give it a shot. It's how this works, man. So you owe it to yourself to prune the tree. You owe it to yourself to take inventory. You owe it to yourself, to surround yourself with like minded people, to find people who are going the same direction you're going, who want the same thing, same things you want. It's nothing wrong with that, And I'll tell you something else too. It will show make your life a little bit smoother. Now, that's not gonna make it easier, but it will make it smoother. Wouldn't it be good to have somebody to talk to that wasn't always telling you why it won't work? Y'all can't stand to have an idea and take it to somebody in the first word out their mouth is why it won't work. So then when they come up with howard will work? All of a sudden, now it's they ideal. Man. How many times I've been around people like that, Birds of a feather flock together. If you hang with people who don't do nothing, eventually you're gonna think it's okay not to do nothing. To take inventory, prune the tree, separate yourself, and remember it ain't your job to give nobody a free ride. It is not your job. They will slow your progress down. Those are my clothes remarks, y'all. Keep that works today? All right? All right? Now, I have a great weekend. Everybody, all right, It's just Monday, thank you, and I'll be working new weekends, so I just want For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.