The Steve Harvey Morning Show discuss the latest updates with the Winter Olympics, what they have given up for lent and Michael Blackson's response to Snoop Dogg. Also, find out why there's talk that Isaiah Thomas has "No Love" for LeBron Jams and the latest with The Real Housewives of Atlanta.
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all all soon looking back to back down, giving them mong just like the Melican buck bus things and the cubs to me true good to tea, the horde to move to other for sto hand quick hobby. Why don't you join yeah by radio joint? You go with me? Honey, you got a job turn yeah, don't go to you. You gotta turn't the turn of love? Turn you love? You got to turn out to turn the water the water go. Comey, come on your face. Uh huh, I sure will I good mining everybody y'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now of one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. I got a radio show and got something to say to man. I thank God for I thank God for my life. I thank God for her in the midst of storms, he calms me. You know, I was going through another trial in my life. You know which is life is going to always be that? You know, it's a it's a I think the things that I say on the radio, I want you to all understand that I do. So have to put him into practice all the time. And uh, I was going through something yesterday and I don't know how long I'll be going through it, but I'll be fine however long it takes, because I have something, man, I'm gonna share it with you. A lot of you got it, but I don't. I don't think sometimes we're appreciate it until we have to use it. And and the thing that we got is prayer. Prayers available to every single person. Prayer is so important, man, it's so important. I'm not afraid to say it though. It's so so important to you because it's such a comfort, it's such an island that you can go to. I was going through something yesterday and somebody close to me knew about it, and they sent me something in the middle of it, and it said simply that God does not guarantee us a life free from trouble, but he does promise to be our refuge in the midst of the storm. See. And that was so cool for me, because you know, oftentimes I'm on the radio and I'm talking, and I know you all think I'm talking to you, but like I said, oftentimes because I'm just talking to myself, man, because I'm just like you, I'm just a human being trying to get through. I happened to come under attack, as does everybody else. I got trials and tribulations just like everybody else. So when I'm talking, I'm talking to myself a lot of time, and all of us are faced with things. But the beautiful thing. And one of the things I've always said that on your way to success, that's going to be our position. I've always said that the road to success is always under construction. I have always said these things, but I also have to hear these things. And I, even whoever I am, and all of us have to apply these things. And see what I was sitting there going through it. Man, somebody Texas to me to just simply said that God does not guarantee us a life free from trouble, but he does promise to be our refuge in the midst of the storm. And you know, man, what prayer enables you to do is have just a little closer relationship with God. It allows you to form a barricade when necessary. It allows you to have a place to go when necessary. It provides you a place of shelter when it gets real, real windy and real real funky for you when the bullets and arrows is flying, there's a place that you can tuck yourself. I always like to refer to it as under his wings. I like to get tucked under his wings when the bullets and arrows is flying. You know, I do realize Man through my life. And I've been taught this over and over and over. Isaiah forty three one and two. That's someone to the effect that you can walk through the fire and you will not get burned. Normal kindling set upon your clothing. And what I learned from that scripture, y'all, what simply is that if you do have this relationship with God, if you are making an attempt to be righteous, trying to live your life to the best of you, ain't stepping on nobody, trying to hurt nobody. You're giving God some glory. You're talking with him. You know you're making some mistakes alone the way, But you know what I'm saying, You ain't. You ain't just mailing it in. You are consciously trying to be a righteous person. Then there's a promise that He gives to you that he would be there for you. Now here's the promise. The promise says something just like this, that you will be able to walk through the fire and not get burned. Normal kindling set upon your clothing. Now what that means to me, my interpretation of it real simple. Some things are going to happen to you, and when they happen to you, it's not his doing. When when you come under attack, when you when when when the haters come from you, it's never his doing. But he gonna walk with you though and allow you to walk through the fire, and you will not get burned. That's amazing, man, because I got a little fire going on right now. But guess what, they can't consume me with it, because in their attempts to do what they do to you, to me, to anybody is trying to go somewhere, mind your business, in their attempts to do what they're setting out to do. Here's a problem with that. Now, if you got God, if you use this little weapon of prayer that he gives you, he'll provide you a refuge, but he'll let you walk through the fine you will not get burned. Now a part where it talks about won't know kindling set upon your clothing. That's kind of like if if you've been in the house that's been on fire before you know, you can walk in and sit on the walls. It's a smell in the air. You can see the damage. I mean a house that's been on fire until the repairs come, the restoration, you can walk in there and know that there's been a fire. Weeks later, after the house has been on fire, you can walk in because you can smell it, you can see the seinge marks. But here's difference houses. You know, I'm talking about just structural buildings that they don't have ongoing relationship with God's I ain't talking about your temple at church and nothing, so please don't go there. I'm just telling you a fact. A house does not possess a soul. A person possesses a soul. So your relationship with God is it's where your refugees. So now here we go. When you have a little walk with God, when you got some faith in him. Hear what happens to you, y'all when they come for you when they attack you. The part that it says you won't get burned, but the no kindling that means when it's over, no kindling was set upon you that are being there won't be no sit on you. There won't be no seinge marks on you. You won't smell like you've been on fire. You won't even look like you've been nowhere near a fire. But the whole time the fire was raging all around on you. But there's a place that you can go when your life is on fire, when you come under attack. There's a spot. There's a spot if you know God, if you if you're just trying to be righteous, if you just go over there and get over that buying just a little bit, y'all, if you just send up some earnest prayers and and pray it and mean what you say, there's a spot you can go that you can tuck under His wings, and you will walk through the fire and you won't get burned. Now here is the parto. I want you to feel me. Now. It did not say in there that it would not get unggodly hot. That's the cold partner. Come on, y'all, because what did I tell you that to do or text me the thing? What did I just tell you? I just simply said that God does not guarantee us a life free from trouble, but he does promise to be our refuge in the midst of the storm. Now I'm in one right now. But I what you to understand, so when you come for me, you don't come from somebody that's standing over that by himself. I have a relationship with him, and um I use continually on a daily basis, more than three times a day, that beautiful little gift, that weapon of prayer that he's given to me. So while a storm is raging, I want everybody to know I'm just fine. I'm now, I'm uncomfortable. I don't like it. I do not like what happens to me, no more than you like what happens to you. But I got news for you though I'm so covered, and I stand there in that place of refuge, man, and I drank that up and man, today I'm telling you, man, God's promises are true, that he'll be with you in the midst of a storm, that he'll hold your hand. God promises are true. All you gotta do is lean on him. You feel me. Check it out, ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls. This to Steve Harvey Morning Show. This is radio unlike any other. This is not planned, rehearsed, and oftentimes not even wanted. This real radio. What y'all doing today? So Shirley, Hey, Steve, how are you? I'm pretty good? Call Um good morning? Was up? Crowe, it's up, Julian morning. Uh, fold was happy with you after the moning after you know what you've been bought lately? Let me hear something nothing really really well and junior body thing lately. Yeah, I bought a few SUPs you Yeah, it went up. Used to be one I'm in. Then give me that one and that one? Yeah yeah, yeah, at one for Friday and sing. Come on boy, come up and out. I can't tell you what I'm trying to get next though, what's that? It's going to be interesting to us and our audience or just you guys. This is helicopter? Yeah? What right? And just landing where I want to land, you know, skip all the traffic. Okay, let me ask you a question, go ahead? How much how much you got for this helicopter that? Do you know what type you want? Well? I've been looking, okay, what's the number on it? You know? You know numbers on helicopters the same way you know I'm on plane? No okay, no, I don't know. Okay, how much was it? Let me ask you that who point three me? That sounds reason, Yeah, that sounds reason. But what I'm trying to figure out is, come on, come on, boy, come on, what is you gonna do with damn near two and a half million dollar helicopter? Where are you going? See? Where you got to go? Require more than that? Okay, well let me ask you this. Hire a helicopter, boy, you know what A many times you got to land to gas up? We'll see. That's what I don't know. I don't know nothing about the game, but it first though I ain't bought it. I haven't bought it. But Tommy, where would you keep the helicopter? Thank you? In my backyard? Where my backyard? How are you gonna land a helicopter in your backyard? With your wives back there? Man? You stay out in the out y'all ain't got in ground cable. Your stuff is on poles. And why all that money and all these drones playing around? Oh so you're saying that's a problem. I'm saying it's a problem. You can't just right there on the h oh do you what is this? How a laying here right here helicopter? When we come back, I got all right, and we all still want to find out how you guys Valentine's Day went yesterday? I pulled it off. All right, we'll be back at thirty two after the hour you're listening to show. Yeah, we're talking about helicopter before we love lasted food. So Tom at two point three, what type of engine did you get? Yeah? Yeah? This U this the most important question. Okay, yes, Sherley. It's a lot of people out there wondering why this food even looking at a two and a half million dollar dog call h m I thirty eight medium transport helicopter. Medium transport helicopter. Yeah, how many seats in it? It's by six seats in there? How many? How many engines? Two inches? So it's a twin engine, yes, sir. Which is the only helicopter I'll get on. I will not get on a helicopter don't have twin inches called the one go out. I need this other one that at least set us down so that you need to learn stuff because nobody care. Steve, listen to me, Yes you do, the ladies. My father taught me a valuable lesson when I was going up. He says, son, listen to everybody when they're talking even a food. Listen to a food because knowing what not to do is just as important as knowing what to do. This conversation is a what not to do moment for everybody listening. We know that we know not to buy all to him, all his cars is used, but he gonna go buy damn Helen. What's wrong with that, Tommy, that's like having That's like having a Bentley and you live in the apartment with no garage, just a car poort. Yeah, the priorities is a little bit out of place. M because if you haven't bought a two hundred and fifty thou dollar cars, you most certainly should have bought a two house. Who is a nice hole? Mhm. That don't make no sense to you. I just wanted a helicopter, that's all. I didn't see no problem with me parking my helicopter back yard on the age, which means here, that's what your parking at right here, So you better hope the wind don't blow at all, so you can just go straight up. Can we move on? Please, let's move on. What happened last night, that's what we want to hear about. Yeah, I Valentine, Okay, I'm first, Yeah, let me tell you, boy, your boy laid it out you hear me. Let me tell you something. I did do something I could not the middleman for Valentine. That's what I did. What do you mean by that? Okay, so like this. You know the restaurant, Houston's. Yeah, went to Houston's. Picked up the spinach dip, that's what they're known for. Got that, put that in the car. Went to the Olive guarden. Got that salad, you understand, put that in the car. That's what he said. I got the salad, went by Real Life. That got them biscuits, y'all know them biscuits. Good. Got that, went by Papa Dolls, got the crawfish biscue. You know what I'm saying. I'm gonna lay it out for but I'm putting all that in the car. Went by Papa. I got the red beans, and right, y'all got my sides saying, went to McDonald's. Used to listen to him, and now went to McDonald's. Got me foe. How the apple turnovers, you understand, you know they're two four dollars. Got for them, threw them in the car. Cool. Now picked up some fish, picked up some catfish went in there and fried that thing like rings from the from the grocery store, O fat food that had that, And then how they as passed you back? They ain't hot no more. But I didn laid it out at the house now and put it on the places like I made him myself. You see what I'm saying now. I I messed around and forgot some candle, but we had I didn't have no candle. We had some birthday candles there from the kids. Laid them around the house, burnt them, set them on fire. You understand now, check no, no, no, my son got some clay too. I stuck it in there. I had this thing playing. I watched this now music. My surround sound wasn't working, so I opened the door to the garage, turned on the car and let the let the radio roar. And boy, let me tell you something had that music seeping through that garage. Though you're talking about romantic boy, I laid it out for my baby. Ever, my baby had the music from the garage on the car. Yeah leave that, leave that dope. Now that breeze coming through something jump this morning? Yeah? Did the house burned down with all those candles? The breeze. I had to keep lighting them though, because the breeze from the garage kept coming through. But let me tell you some time their condition kicked on. But you you don't have an Alexa Amazon Echo. You don't have that in your house. I hadn't lost the Alexa cord, so the battery down on it. He got election, but election quit talking to us. Too much stuff going on, your stupid My baby held a Valentinel. I don't care what y'all say, loser Valencie, and I put that. I put that red rising them in the mic. Wait, let me tell you something. You should have seen my baby around with all the damn dishes on this girl play She did ain't from Popeye McDonald. Windy stomach goes back popping frosty. And then he got a hand to nerd to give us some bis something creamy. Did you get us some peto business man? Let him tell you something. I cut that middle man out and brought all that stuff home. Man, my baby and jawed hust Did you get some ice cream for the apple pies? Girl? Yeah, we already have blue bell in there. But it was the little smile was that the kids had one of the birthday party. They look up with that wooden small. Yeah, I'm almost a beast to tell y'all. Mind, you can't tap one. I didn't do this. You will not be outdone. Tom. This was this was love. You have the best worst Valentine's ever ever. All right, listen, coming out more from the nephew and run that prankback right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, and Mrs Ann will be here with today's national news. But right now it is time to go to the cheapest person. I know the nephew would run that prank back. Litt what I'm giving your wife up for? Let this? Yeah yesterday, Wednesday? Yeah, yeah, yeah, we hit it. Now I'm getting your wife up for lint. But soon it lit. Oh, you're gonna get us all kills. Run it. Hello. Hey, I'm trying to reach Dorsey. Yeah this cliff Man. I work at the post office with your wife. How you doing, bro, I'm doing alright? Everything cool? Yeah, everything good man? Everything good. Um. Like I said, my name is cliff Man. I wanted to reach out and holt you about a couple of things. If you if you got a minute, You got a minute? Yeah? Everything all right? My wife? Is something wrong or something? No? No, no, no, no, no, no, your wife good? Man, your wife good. I wanted to hit you up. Man. We've been working the post office quite a while. We've probably been in the same room a few times. Man. I don't know if you you remember meeting me or not, but but what I wanted to say, man, is trying to do better with my life, dog, and you know, just just trying to do better, you know what I'm saying. So you know, for for Lint, Man, I gave up a few things. You know what I'm saying. I just thought that would be a good thing, man, to try to do the things that matter the most, uh, that you addicted to, you know, you want to get rid of, you know what I'm saying, at least for Lent is what I'm trying to do. You feel me? Okay, I'm kind of confused. But what they got to do with me, well, basically, man, I'm I'm I'm giving up for Lynn. You know, I decided to give up uh, messing around with your wife, you know, because because who hold on? Man, hold on, Man, I'm at work. I don't know what you're coming back, But back up and rephrase everything you just said. Well, like I say, Man, for Lynn, I'm trying to I'm trying to give up stuff that I'm that I'm addicted to, you know. And I just said what they got to do with me and my wife though and you. But that's what I'm trying to tell you. Man, I'm trying to give up messing around with your wife for Lynn. I mean, that's what I help giving up. I've given up messing around with your wife for Lynn. Man, we're talking about man, messing around with my wife. Man, got no time for no games right now? Who this man? What's what's your name? Again? This is Cliff Man I actually worked with for the last ten and twelve years. But but what I wanted to really let you know was, you know, her schedule probably gonna Tchraine because what we used to be doing we ain't doing. So she's probably gonna be coming home a little bit earlier, things like that. But I don't I don't want you getting addicted to it because you know, after Lynn is over, then you know we'll be back what we used to do. Man, What is you talking about? Man? Howld On is my wife's going to be home in a minute. We're gonna talk about all this yip with me. Man, I'm about to go hold on, what what are you? Are you in the city right now? Can I can I meet with you right now? Cliff? Right? Okay? But what don't what I'm trying to say? Well, like I'm telling me, I'm trying to do better, you know, I gave up trying to do better. That sounds like a bunch of to me. I got something for you and my wife? True? Okay, okay, okay, man, I mean, ain't you feeling me? Don't trying to do better? Though? I ain't feeling the thing you calling me telling me my wife? In fact, we need to meet up and talk about this face to face. Cliff, What you think we talked right now? If you want to have a conversation, No, no, no, you just tell me your address and me and my wife's gond to just come on over there. How about that, and we all said down and have a little power. I don't know who thank you is, man, but me and my wife been together over fifteen years and we ain't never had no problems with no like this like the you're telling me on this phone. It sounds like a bunch of crazy to me. But somebody nick gonna today. If true? So or what you need to do? You need to tell me your name, your number, and I don't know why you came from this block phone number. You hear me, man, I'm hearing you. Man, what I'm saying. The reason for the call was to let you know, you know, don't get used to her schedule because after litt it's gonna be back to the way it used to be. That's all the phone. What's the did you talking about? We'll getting not what what's your what's your what's your what's your last name? Cliff? I'm gonna come find you. I'm gonna come see you. Not Jack. My name is Cliff. Like I said, I work at the Cliff and I work at the post off with So okay, Well, how come you call from a block number? Cliff? What's your phone number? Man? Hey, man, listen, I'm not trying to have no confrontation with you. Man, it's already a confrontation. You can call my phone from a block number. I don't know you, you don't know me, and you're telling me you've been my wife? Are you serious? Did you know she was married? I mean what you mean, did you know he was married? Yes? Or no? I mean yeah, I mean I knew she was married. Okay it is you knew that from the jump. So that means you've been disrespecting me from the jump. So now I got to get in your Now you just ConTroll out on yourself. So I regardless, I'm coming to see you today, Jack Hey, and my name name Jack Man, my name Clill. But you're not. I'm not gonna look here. I don't have no I'm not trying to hand no confrontation. I just wanted you to be aware of the schedule. Yeah, okay, I'm definitely aware of not clip. Who the hell is you? Man? Another thing? Man, I want to like, I know I know your tattoo on your name on her lower back. I've seen that. Uh it's a Dorsey right there. Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa? Hold on, hold on, man, you're telling me you haven't seen the tattoo on up back? Is that what you do? The lower back? Man? Right right right right on above a tail phone. Yeah, I've seen it, Dorsy, your name Dorsey? Right man? Who is this man? What's your real name? Hey? Man, the calm down, man? Are you Are you cool with you called out on? Are you school with the schedule changing? That's what I'm asking. What are you cool with her schedule change? And you see what I'm saying, Her schedu are gonna come back to normal once lit is over with. I gave up messing around with her for but nothing. You man, I'm not cool with the thing. I'm about to be cool in your face in a minute. And now tell me your name, tell me your number and your real address, and we're gonna talk about our lists in person. Okay, all right, what my name? What's your name? My name Tommy Man? Okay, now we're getting somewhere. Tell me what I mean. I mean while you need my last name because I'm gonna to come see you. What you mean why I need your last name? Hold on? Hold on, somebody get in you on the phone. Hey, hold on, don't go nowhere. We're gonna get in on the phone right now, and we're gonna settle this right now. Hold on, you're on the phone, color color for real? Yeah, tell me who what you're scared up? Okay, man, they called me nephew Tommy. Oh who my name? A few Tommy from Steve Harvey Morning Show. What Uh? No, she didn't set me up? Man, Man, your wife got me to prank call you man, she tells youself. I left. I just left the house called him. Now. That's why I say as in the phone, it was over for you. Man. Y'all Come on, man, y'all wrong for this man. This needs to be against the loud man. Man, I gotta ask you, baby, what's the baddest radio show in the land? Man, Steve Harvey Morning Show. I guess y'all with me? Y'all they never gave up now, y'all never gave up a person for a period of time. I know nobody's done that, but you, man, I'm the onlyest one. You ain't never gave up people for lining. You have to give up something for that, right right? Okay? So what what have you all given up? Think? That's what? Forty days from now until Easter? All right? Uh? Coming up at the top of the hour, miss Anne is gonna be here. She's gonna have today's National news and and our Winter Olympics report. You're ready, Steve, you're listening to the Steve Show? Oh? My god. I mean, yeah, it's like this scene just keeps repeating itself. Now, Um, out of Parkland, Florida. Parkland, Florida is right next to Fort Lauderdale. It's near the Miami area in Broward County. Uh, multiple debts in a Florida school shooting there. Um, this is just horrible. It happened about two thirty pm yesterday. Um. The shooting was at Marjorie's Dooneman Douglas High School in Parkland. Like I said, it started about two thirty Eastern time yesterday. Uh. The suspect, Nicholas Cruz, was a former student, former high school student there. He is in custody. We're happy to report that. But he's nineteen years old. He's a former student there. Like I said, he had been expelled and he came Oh okay, he had been Yeah, he had been expelled. He came back to the school with an a R fifteen rifle and assault rifle had multiple magazine so he was there to do some serious damages. Again, if you haven't heard, and I'm sure you have multiple deaths, this is just so sad. This is just so sad. What is it going to stop? I mean, the victims were students and adults and and and as parents as surely everybody, Tommy, all of us were all parents. We're all parents. Can you imagine. It's just it's frightening to send your children to school. And I just you have to pray for families, the victims. Absolutely, the laws, we have to change the laws. Gun control. Yeah, I mean, and they said this kid had uh he was wearing a gas mask, he had smoke grenades. I mean, where did he get all this stuff from? He's nineteen, Where did he? Oh my god, this is just I mean, I just feel so much for the parents and the loved ones of of these kids, because you send your kids off to school to get an education. Who in their wildest dreams would think something like this would happen. A nineteen year old former student just goes up to the school and opens fire, opens fire. I mean, and and God bless our educators and the teachers that were there. Absolutely the students safe. And yeah, Steve and Jesus, you just imagine what's going through. It's absolutely horrible. It's horrific, and you know what, we gotta do something. How many before we do something? Because right now, man reacting to it ain't enough, it's too late. I mean, hats off to the first responders and everything. I'm not talking about that type of reaction. I'm talking about what we gotta keep going through before somebody passing some bills to say, hey man, we're gonna slow this way down. Our damn problem is the Second Amendment that needs amended because we America. I don't understand how we keep doing this. Hold on, man, See, we're so free, we we're so free. We're stupid. We're stupid free. We won country that really really need to pull back on some of the freedoms. Because if you're telling me, if you're telling me, you're trying to tell me that these brave women and women are over here fighting for our freedom. Is the freedom that your ask can walk in the gun and turn around and turn it on a bunch of people. That's what they over there phone, because I think they come home if you told them that's what they was over there phone. You see what I'm saying. This Second Amendment needs adjusting. Yeah, it does, all right, Steve. Miss Anna is here and m I'm sure she has more details as well. Hey folks, listen, we got a special news update. I'm gonna let miss Anne just go into it today. These are the news facts with miss Anne. Thanks Steve, thanks everybody out there. A good morning. And this is Andre put the news and yes it has happened again. There was another tragic school shooting yesterday and this time it took place in a high school just north of Miami, where seventeen people were killed, students as well as adults. Fifteen others have been injured. Several they say, are dealing with life threatening injuries this morning, so that's still a critical situation. Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel says the suspect is a nineteen year old former student and expelled student, Nicholas Cruz was the killer. He is in custody and we've already began to began to dissect his websites and the things that social media that he was on, and some of the things have come to mind are very very disturbing. H Nicholas cruizes to be in court later on this morning. There have now been eighteen count of eighteen school shootings in this country this year, and this is only February. Federal law enforcement investigating the unauthorized attempt of a vehicle to enter the National Security Agency's campus at Fort Mead, Maryland yesterday. It is so far not not believed to have been an act of terrorism, although there was and a discharge of weapons and they think that someone may have been injured. They still kind of figure out why and who these people were. But again that was yesterday also at the NSA campus. The vetting process that Trump White House has come under a greatest scrutiny now with the House Committee on Oversight investigating after the head of the FBI testified that the agency notified why to the House months ago that its background check on former Staff Secretary Robert Porter revealed the history of domestic violence. The Republican chair of the committee, Tree Gaudy tails CNN. The situation is simple. The chronology is not favorable for the White House when you have the head of the FBI saying, we told you three thoms in and once more for good measure. Um that that, I think the really fair questions are what were you told, by whom were you told it? Did you have some reason to question what the Bureau told you? And none of that is true? Why did you keep him off? Meanwhile, President Trump's been under fire for pleading for due process for his accused staff writer instead of focusing on the X wives he allegedly battered. So Trump changed that yesterday made a definitive statement totally opposed to domestic violence of any kind. Everyone knows that, and it almost wouldn't even have to be said. So now you hear it, but you all know it, and that's it. Meanwhile, the sent has promised to pass an immigration bill before the March fifth deadline set by President Trump to the end of the DOCCER program, which has protected the Dreamers people brought here illegally as children from deportation. Later today, Mitt Romney was expected to announce his plans to run for US send It in Utah, but he has postponed it out of respect for the shooting victims in Florida and on a much slide of note, let's get it out of here and this feel a little better around this day after Valentine's Day, today is national dump your significant jerk Day Day and don't you come back no more. We'll be back with more entertainment and today's trending topics at twenty minutes after the hour on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Stow. Well, the NBA All Star Game is this weekend right here in Los Angeles at the Staples Center. But did you guys hear that Isaiah Thomas Steve has no love for Lebron and he felt he talked down to him. Isaiah Thomas and Lebron James both seemed quite relieved that they no longer have to call each other teammates. Recently, on the Undisputed Sports show on Fox Sports, sports analyst Chris Brossard said he was told by a source close to Thomas that Isaiah genuinely, I'm talking genuinely dislikes Lebron. Take a listen. I was talking to somebody yesterday close to eyes there, and they said he has absolutely no love at all for Lebron. Like this is real, Like he doesn't. He felt like Lebron kind of talked down to him when he was there, and so on and so forth. And when Isaiah first got there, they actually were hanging out a little bit and it was cool, but it soured pretty quickly. So this is real. See the problem here is Isaiah left Boston and complained. Isaiah and left Cleveland and complain. At one point in time, you gotta be quiet and play ball because that's what you paid to do. So you just gotta do your job. Yeah, you're not a sports reporter. You ain't nobody paying you to analyze and make h provocative comments. We pay you put the ball in the hole and check some damn body. Now, when he was here in Cleveland, he wasn't doing either. He wasn't putting the ball in the hole and he wasn't checking nobody. But he wasn't checking nobody when he was in Boston. He's a prolific score. It's what the kid is. Yeah, but now he has to he has to understand. Man, you can't go everywhere you go you complain and not just like to do saying it ain't gonna look good for free agent market. All you got to do is play your game. But you didn't. Now you got traded. You were the Lakers. Show us what you got. But one of the main things we're playing with Lebron and the team that they had for him when they bought in great players like Derek Rose and great players like uh Isaiah Thomas. You gotta understand those two guys on the teams they left from they were the go to guy. Derreck Rose was the man when he was in Chicago. I t was the man in Boston. You come to Cleveland, you ain't gonna beat him. Man, You're not finna be it. We got the greatest basketball play in the world. Play with him. Don't be Steph Carrott. Come to Cleveland. He ain't to be the man. Huh really no, he's not gonna be the man. Durant come to Cleveland. He ain't to be the man. Okay, that's it. But you don't want to be the Monique of basket coming coming up, Lebron got three rings. We'll be back at thirty four after you're listening to the Steven Show. All right, um, listen if you're just waking up. Some very very sad news out of Parkland, Florida. Numerous deaths have been reported as a result of a school shooting there in a Parkland, Florida. Now, Parkland, Florida is right next to Fort Lauderdale. It's uh near the Miami area in that Broward County area. UM, a young man, a former student. He was nineteen years old. His name is Nicholas Cruise. He's a former student. He had been expelled from the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland. UM, and he just went to the school and opened fire and just started shooting. Um, you know, such sad news to report. He had an a R fifteen rifle that is an assault rifle. He had multiple magazine so he knew what he was coming to do when he you know, left out with this rifle in his hand. Again, multiple debts have been reported. The suspect is in custody. He was identified again as Nicholas Cruse, a former student who had been expelled. The name of the school is Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Broward County. UH Sheriff Scott Israel UH is giving this report. The suspect was taken into custody about an hour after he left Stoneman Douglas after he committed this horrible, detestable act. Israel said. Federal and local authorities UM said that there was no indication that the gunman had an accomplice or accomplices. UM, just you know awful. It happened about two thirty pm yesterday Eastern time in Florida. And this was on Valentine's Day. Yes, it's horrible. It really really is. I mean, you know what, these these kids, you know now they have that image in their minds what happened on Valentine today, you know. So we're praying for them, we're paying praying for the parents who lost their children. Other um, you know, officials in the schools, counselors, all of it. Yes, um, security people at the school because I think they said that there are some police cars on the campus, the school campus at all times. Um Man. This is just horrible. I mean, as parents, you know, you're all out there listening where parents were sending our kids to school dropping them off today as we speak in our hearts are heavy right now. It's just you know, our children. Gun control. When is it going to stop? When is enough enough? We don't really think about it a lot until something horrific like this happens. Unfortunately, take a little have to be changed. They absolutely do, they absolutely do, but it seems like it always falls on deaf ears. Take a listen to an account of a survivor of yesterday's tragedy. And our door was open, so I run and closed it, and everybody went in the corner and we turned off the lights and everything We didn't. We didn't know it was happening, Like we didn't know if it was real or a drill or something like with blanks. But yeah, we were like the closest room. We started seeing kids running fat and then after that I heard like stick shots, like like wo shots, And then after that I started running with my hunter. We were just running through rads or swamp. On our left there was bush. Wow. Our prayers and condolences go out to the parents and and to the survivors. Yeah, when are we gonna ever deal with this issue? Well? Too soon? It's actually too damn late. See the people are already dead. See for there ain't none of your relatives laying over there at all. See See for there ain't none of your relatives laying over there at all. See it was your mama or your daddy, or your brother or your sister or your child laying over there. How how would you be having this too soon conversation? It's easy, man, when it ain't show ass. That's what killed me about these people, man, It ain't ever they asked, They say, ever been poe, So they don't know how poor people feel. They never been oppressed, so they don't know how pression feel. They don't. They ain't ever been shot for no damn reason, so they can't imagine that they ain't buried day kids, or they ain't got to go visit their kids down. They don't know what that is. They didn't know that. I'm telling you, man, I'm telling you, these people are out of touch. It's too soon to talk about really. You tell them people, tell them it's too so. That's burying they loved ones. Let's make your funeral arrangements right now. Tell them it's too so. Yeah, all right, We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at forty three after the hour. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, our hearts are heavy this morning. Of course, we're in prayer. Our condolence is going out to the families in Florida. But as usual, we know that laughter is one of the best healers around, and we're going to continue with the show. We're going to keep you informed. We have the Strawberry letter coming up. The subject is my husband moved in with his brother. But right now the nephews here with another prank phone called off what you got? Well, since it's uh, wait a minute, okay, We're just wait. Do you hone it that? Yeah? What here? It is? Scaredy booth man? Help you? Hey? Uh this circuit? This stuff I can barely hear. Is this is this a security booth down by the by the gate? Yes, sir, this security booth. Yeah. Listen, man, it's some people, uh next door to me. They keep I'm hearing a bunch of scuffling and stuff going on, but I ain't you know, I ain't really show what's happening. I know, I know I'm hearing this lady scream or something. Man, But I just okay, so you can give us the unit number that you're in. We could have somebody come right over there and check that out. Hello, sir, sir um helloa, okay, yeah, I gotta I gotta sleep in this auto. Man. So I'm honestly, people next door to me, man, they was, I mean, they were sitting there. I heard this lady screen and I just did. I didn't want nobody to, you know, start nothing, because I know they was aging pretty pretty heavily. Then I heard it. I know they must have been fighting because I hear something I understand. Sorry, what what unit are unions. Hello, sir, are you there? Hello? Hello, Hello, Yes, I'm here. Are you okay? You're security guy? Right, Yes, sir, you called us about ten minutes ago, and we've been trying to find out with unit. Well yeah, man, the people up here, man, they are and I'll be I'm hearing more people over that nime and they're fighting. Man. I know I'm here too. It's gotta be too mean and they're fighting this lady over. I hate to interrupt you, but tell me the unit, the unit, sir, give some kids over that to it, Sir. We need to know the unit so that we can come out and investigate. Hello, hello, sir, Hello, Hello, hello sir. Huh hey, hey, look I cannot do this all day. I am trying to work. I cannot be around with you on the phone. If you please give me your unit number. I'm keeping over that they arguing, man. I yes, you have said that they don't argument. I heard you when you said that they will arguing, Sir. If you just give me that unit number that either you're in or the union number you hear the no it's coming from, we could have somebody to come over there and check that out. Immediately. So what the unit number are you in? Again? Sir? Hello, sir? Do you hear them arguments? Let me hear snort. I need the unit number. Let me listen. I'm gonna put the phone up. Do you hear, yes, sir, But I don't hear the unit number. I need the unit number. Without the unit number, we're just having a conversation. Hello, hello, hello, Hello. Are you there? Yoh yeah? Oh ay man, you checked on them people, No, sir, we have not checked on the people because we have not been able to get the unit number from you. M sir. Dude, this fall sleep every time he gets head of telling some fall cell you. You got to see it keeps following the sleep. Hey man, come here, dude, this guy follows sleep on the phone. I think it's unit out of to keep falling asleep. Hello, sir, love sir, sir, Hey man, I don't know what unit he's in. Heep falling asleep every time I asked you something. If he falls asleep. He keeps telling me that over that fight. But I don't n he won't kill me to you, I don't talk. I don't know if you would you wake up up? Hey, I got a guy on the phone, and he says that they get me here some screaming over it hiest unit, but he's fallow asleep. I don't can't get him on getting to tell me with the unit number. Hey, dude, come here, listen. It is listen. Hello, I'm gonna need you to wake up, sir. Sorry, could you please give me the unity? Yeah? I gotta ask you something. How come y'all? All y'all do is just sit on y'all to watch cars come in and out that door and helping people that need help, like you want you shut your housing at me. You need to do your damn job. You read a cop. I'm a read a cop. I'm a red cop. Fall asleep. Would you just give me the you ain't number? Please? I give you the new number? You're ready for the unit number? Are you? Are you listening to me? That isn't sir? Death isn't a few timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got right by your co worker? Yea crazy? Yeah, it's not funny, man, It is not funny. Y'all got me out here walking around conflict looking for people's honor and is screaming and I don't you're sleeping every thirty five seconds. Put it out. Okay, let me let me ask you something, man, what is what is the baddest radio show in the Landry Morning Show? Wow? What do you say that? You know what I'm saying? Minute? Damn me and you ain't getting the same thing against Steve. I blame you. I blame you for what Because you knew him when he was born. You knew him. You could have helped him. No, no, no, no, no, no, you helped him. Yes, I did not know him. This story somebody said this boy on our box. That's how we met. I'm really my sister had been trying to explain this boy to my daddy for years. We found out that he really was my sister's son, though, and then I just always looked at ain't nobody wanted him? That's how I figured how you lead a new baby on the damn part? Then he's stupid to lord him. I'm not gonna do it what you're gonna do. I'm gonna keep pranking people. That's what I do, all right. Coming up at the top of the hour, Today's Strawberry Letter subject my husband lives with my brother. To those who have taken the twenty three and me journey. You've explored your DNA and discovered what makes you you, how your DNA health reports can tell what you're predisposed to for health and wellness like wait, caffeine consumption and sleep quality, and how your ancestry reports share where your DNA is from worldwide. We all have a DNA story. Find yours, order your kit at twenty three and me dot com slash Steed twenty three and me dot com slash Steve. That's twenty three and me dot com slash Steve. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show right now. It is time for today's Valentine's Day Strawberry Letter. We're gonna do one of Tommy's numbers. Valentine's Day was yesterday, but we're doing Valentine's Day Strawberry Letter today. If you're in a situation and you need some advice, all you have to do is go to Steve Harvey f M dot com and submit your Strawberry letter, and Steve and I might read your letter on the air. All right, let's go, Tommy, buggle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is to Strawberry letter alright subject. My husband lives with my brother Pere Stephen Shirley. I have been married for five years, but my husband moved out three years ago and moved in with my brother after he got into a big argument with my son. My son really didn't know my husband that well when we got married, and he thought that my husband was using me, so he didn't like him. My husband tried to come back home twice, and my husband and my son disrespected him both times, so he said he would never come back. Despite our living situation, my husband and I still do everything together. We make love all the time. We um, but we have to go to hotels. My husband says that he loves me very much and I love him as well, but years later, he still refuses to move back in, so I moved closer to my brother's house to make it more convenient for us to see each other. He and my son are doing a little better now. When they see each other, they speak and shake hands, but that's it. One of my husband's female friends told me that he talked about coming home soon. She knows him very well, so I got excited, but he said that another one of his female friends told him if he moves back home, she will never talk to him again. So he says, to avoid conflict, he'll just stay where he is. I pray daily that he will change his mind. What can I do to get my husband back home where he belongs? Stephen Shirley, please help. You've got to be kidding me, right You've got to be kidding me, Temmy, are you pranking us right now? I mean, this is your husband, your house, your son. No one has any control over what's going on in your marriage but your son, who shouldn't even be at your house because if he's young or old enough or grown enough to um to disrespect your your husband and fight him, then he should probably be on his own and out of your house. Now. Your husband, on the other hand, uh, something is going on with him and his so called female friends because he's taking to what they're saying and uh not listening to you, his wife. He'll just stay where he is because one of his female friends will never talk to him again. Okay, so what this is really crazy? So to avoid conflict, he'll just stay where he is. Yeah, he likes staying with your brother because he can come and go and do whatever he wants to do and then have you his wife on the side, convenient whenever he wants you. It's a perfect situation for him. You as his wife, needs to um set some boundaries, some rules you he either comes back or it's over. Why are you making it so easy for him? Why are you allowing him to do these things? It's his son, and it's your son, and it's him. This is your life. What are you gonna do? You need to talk to both of them. Steve, this is crazy. Yeah, this letter right here, I agree with most of what you say and Shirley, but let me say this first of all. The whole problem in this letter the damn boy hell he in charge you? Who stayed well when he ain't paying for nothing? Now, unless your son is real big and your husband is little, ain't no boy running me out, no house unless I took it as an opportunity to get out, which could be the case. As you say, your husband moved out three years ago, moved in with your brother. Now he got in the big argument with your son. M Yeah, you know his son didn't know your husband that way when we got man, he thought my husband were using me, so he didn't like him. How old is this boy? That would help if I knew that my husband tried to come back home twice, my son disrespected him both times. See me and this sun. We're gonna work this out, because what you're gonna stop doing a little boy, is the disrespected me things. That's for. That's the first thing, all right. So he your husband said he would never ever come back. He said he would never ever come back. So here's here's what the deal is. Your husband says he loves you very much and you love him as well, but years later he still refuses to move back in. So I moved closer to my brother's house. Oh that's the solution. You don't move in your brother's house. You just moved closer to his house. That's smart. That's a marriage to make it more convenient for us to see each other. Now here, my son, they're doing a little bit better. When they see each other. They speak in shake hand. Okay, that's the start. But here's the problem though. When you do see him, you go to hotels. So what the hell did you move closer to him for? And y'all still going to hotels? Why is your son running your life? My next point of contention. Your husband sure got a lot of female friends WHOA and they got pulled to his female friends got more poor than you, and you the wife I have to share something with. Your husband is a bachelor. Your husband is a bachelor should be the title of this left. My husband is a bachelor because he lived by his self with your brother, who I bet you ain't married. And he can come and go like he pleads. And he got female friends. One of them has told him if he she goes back, if he go back to you, she won't talk to him no more. So you know what he decided, Oh, she's not gonna talk to me no more. I gotta stay in this brother's house. Now, when we come back, I'm gonna share another fact with you that no one has thrown out in this letter. Please, ma'am, be sitting down. I'll be right back. We're some more unveiling of the letter. Alright, you hurt Steve Well, we'll have part two of his response coming up at twenty three after the hour you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, get ready, in about twenty minutes, sister O'Dell will be in the building. But right now, come on Steve, let's get your response to part two of the Strawberry Letters. Marriages. Man. This man don't get along with her son. Her son is in charge of her life, in the house and everything. The man leaves every time you try to come back twice to board disrespect him. He leave again because the board think he using So he moves in with your brother. You try to keep the relationship together. You move closer to your brother. But he got female friends telling him not to go back. He says he's coming back, but it's been years now. He still ain't back, and one of his girlfriend told him, if you go back, I'll never speak to you again. So the whole down confusion. He said he's gonna stay a where m hm, his your His female friends have more pool than his wife. The new name of this letter I've re entitled it is your husband. It's a batchel. Okay, now here's something we haven't explored in this letter. I need your undivided attention. Please, I need everybody to take a seat. Your husband. It's seeing your brother. Anybody thought it is right here your husband and your brother. Could they be seeing one another? I do know this, but he showed like staying with your brother more than he liked staying with you. Didn't we have a Strawberry letter like this once upon. I don't know, but I just wanted to throw that out down and put that in the mix. People think those letters up and the words of Bill Withers, who is he and what is he to you? My friends feels they're appointed duty. They keep trying to tell me that I ought to not let you just walk on me. My brother, he set me right down and he talked to me, and I'm sure he meant, well, yeah. But when our talk was through, I said, brother, if you're only knew you'd wish it you in shoes. Oh, you just keep on using me until you use me. Uh now here at your brother's house getting used up for real. Something is a miss in this letter, and I think it's your hug. Alright, Steve, we gotta go. You know that email as your Instagram. That's your thoughts on this Strawberry letter from today at my girl Shirley and please join me today at one p m. Eastern Time on Facebook Live for the Strawberry Letter Live after show. And uh, all right, Steve and Fort Wayne Indiana our brand new affiliate get ready for our girl from the talk. Come on, Steve shell Underwood, Steve having my main man. Now listen of and now hold on, I gotta I gotta do my my my things. Don't forget Black Panther pre screenings right now, right now, right now, whole weekend, all the way through President's Day on tap to go past one hundred and seventy million. But we can put another eighty million on that and make it two hundred and fifty million on the President's Day weekend and make this the fastest growing out selling first weekend movie and make it make history. Well they say it's on tap for that, but I want to go beyond that. I really want to go to two hundred and fifty million in the first weekend. Didn't you buy out the theater in l A. Yes? I did. And thank you to kJ L H l A n p h C and Sigmas at the council and everybody that works with me and for me that we could put together and screening over the promenade for inner city youth can go see it. They can go see it for and they got snacks and they got snacks, and that's gonna be on Saturday. So we thank you for doing that and everybody can still do that. That was amazing. And thank you Steve Harvey for giving me the relationship with kjl H that I can do that in Steve Harvey Morning Show. Also, we'll be going to um uh, North Carolina and t and St. Augustine. You know, we're taping our version of American Band Stand Soultray. Sherylon was house party because we want to bring back the Saturday Morning Dan Show and we want to take it through h B c US. So I thank you for that. But last, but not least, I need you all to pray for me that I go stronger with the Lord. Ready, all right, So I had a problem with my TV. I'm not gonna name the company, but then they were supposed to show up. I was thirty minutes ahead of the time they posed show up, and they didn't show up. Anybody called me, Ain't nothing happening. Then when I get on the phone, I get transferred somewhere and I felt racism and bigotry. And I need you all to lay hands on the ready and pray for me. Are strong with the Lord. And let me tell you what I heard. Let me tell you what I heard. Let me tell you what I heard. Ready. I heard that if you say to somebody, transfer me to someone in America, they have to send you backwards into America to get that customer service. I ain't gonna know the company, so Spectrum, no, no, we ain't boycotting nobody. Steve Lloyd Cotton is the strongest thing we can use when we come to you for a boycott. It's really, really serious. I'm just saying, I stumbled. I felt racism and bigotry, and I'm I'm I stumbled for that, and I don't want to be an unloving person that people use this against me. So what I'm saying is get your customer service together and stop playing games. And when I'm supposed to be there and I'm there and you don't show up, then we got a problem. You know what I'm saying. I took off work. People gotta take off work speak. It's like people who took off work and you give them that window. I don't like the damn window. That's right. I bought refrigerator one time and I had to take off work. They said refer twe and two. It wasn't no damnfrigerated meat. Out here on this table. Yeah, you go get some damnfrigerator. I got to speak. See, we gotta go. Thank you, Cheryl, We love you. We'll we'll see at the movies, all right. Coming up in about ten minutes, Uh, our news director MS and Trip will be here to talk about this horrific Parkland, Florida school shooting. And you know what else we have to talk about. We have to talk about gun control all that coming up in about ten minutes. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Here we go again. Who would think we would be at the same place yet again. I remember President Obama saying this exact same thing. Uh, there's been another school shooting in Florida, this time a high school shooting and Parkland, Florida. That's right next to Fort Lauderdale, near the Miami area in Broward County. Uh. Oh, my goodness, my goodness, my goodness. Has happened yesterday on Valentine's Day, about two thirty pm Eastern time. Um, a young man, a former student who had been expelled nineteen years old, went to the school and uh, just started shooting, just started shooting. I mean, yeah, yeah. His name is Nicholas Cruse. Like I said, he was a former student at the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland. UM. He is in custody right now. He is in custody. That that is a good thing. But we have got to talk about gun control. We have got to get and we can't just talk about it when things happen. We have to talk about it in those off times because we don't want this to keep coming up. We always arrive at the same spot. We've got to talk about gun gun control. We have to do something about this. UM multiple deaths at a Florida high school and Barkland, Florida. Yeah, just yeah, so sad. Suspect Nicholas Cruz, a former student UH is in custody Parkland, Florida. UH near the Fort Lauderdale, Miami area in Broward County. Well, the n r A it's only strong not because of the amount of money they make, but the amount of money that they give to political campaign and lobbyists. They give a tremendous amount of money to them. That way they control what the gun laws are now until these politicians who accept money from this group decides that people's lives and the community is more important than their particular lifestyle or desire to be senate or congressman. It's not going to change. And that, my dear friends, is the sad part of about it, because that's their way to their life and bishion in politics. So they're gonna keep taking this money. I don't see how we can put a stop to this because these people no good in hell. Well, we need gun laws, they know it, but the n r A wants to keep record arms sales. They make money every time a gun is sold. Every time a gun is traded, somebody gotta come get a new one. They make money like that. So now here they come. Now all these people sitting here man, just making money off the n r A sales of guns. They give them to the politicians. And these people are so gutless and hide behind this hidden money to act like, well, we're just gonna it's America. It's the Second Amendment that you have a right to bear arms. Everybody don't need no damn gun. And the dude in Vaga shouldn't have had nothing. The boys at Columbine shipn't have had one, Sandy Hook shouldn't have had one. Orlando at that Orlando shouldn't have had one. So now while we send up here saying every American got the right, every American don't have the right. You must be crazy man because you don't have to go through any type of psychological uh testament. Yeah, that is nut. With all these damn guns, something wrong with him killed all these people. But we Stale steady sitting up here talking about this amendment we got. See they make amendments when they can't get around it no more. But because the constitution is meant, that don't mean the people's right. Everyone in this country has a negable right to the pursuit of happiness unless you're black driving a car. Come on, So now here we go again. Now we got not who who else got to die? See how many people have to die? Yeah, I mean that's what I'm saying. If not now when no cow was over here and making money off of Hey, jentlemen, she's here and I'm will be quiet for a minute just hear what she has to say, Ladies and gentlemen. Miss A and Trip. This is and Trip with a special report for the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Yes it has happened again, another tragic school shooting yesterday, this time in a high school just north of Miami. Seventeen people were killed, students as well as adults. Fifteen others injured, several with life threatening injuries. And it was, of course a horror. My cut is catastrophic, A little good catastrophic day in Brawle County history and devastating. I'm sick to my stomach. I'm just released. Yes, yes, coming out to the critical. One of my friends who got out the one of the windows when he was running over here to go to his mom from he looked all shaken in seven and he said he did see two dead bodies. This parents spoke to police. She was sending us Texas like saying I love you, I'm sorry and all that, because she didn't think she was gonna make kids. The suspect, identified as Nicholas Cruz, is a former student. He was expelled, they say, from that particular school. They say that he recently had been expelled for disciplinary reasons and was enrolled elsewhere in the district. They say that Cruz was armed with an a R fifteen style semi automatic rifle with multiple magazines in his possession. Cruz was taken into custody. Off campus at about an hour after he committed the horrific, detestable act. Police say they're reviewing social media postings that they described as very disturbing or from cruise. They say that he said things like I'm going to be a professional school shooter on one video site. All of the victims have been identified, but no identities have been made public until the families of all those affected have been notified. There have been now eighteen school shooting so far this year in this country. Again it's happened again, this time in Florida. Meanwhile, law enforcement officials from all over the country are speaking out against a federal bill that would make gun permits like license plates, allowing gun otis to travel from state to state carrying loaded weapons. It's called the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act. It's already passed the House of Representatives. It has about forty co sponsors in the Senate. Of course, the National Rifle Association has been pushing it. Police departments in other cities like Baltimore also against the bill. However, President Trump is said to be in favor of it. This is the country we live in. This has been an trip with a special report from Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Steve Harvey Show. Get ready to get ready to get ready. It's that time. It is reality Update. All right, thank you for me and Callie right Collie yes, smr al Daln my partner right, that's my girl them let's get him already checked this out Sinster Dale. Guys, we're gonna talk about Real Housewives of Atlanta, so it's time to catch up on it so much Shade, you might need to put your sunglasses on. Shirley my name. What is they doing now? Carl? Well? Kenya, your girl, Kenya went to the doctor to get a pregnancy test because she was late with her cycle. And she said that she and her husband they get busy all of the time trying to figure this out. Well, you know when it happens like that, I don't know what's going on. This young girls is so so delicate, you know, as women's is not, you know, so it could be anything. She could be pregnant, she couldn't, maybe she not well, maybe she well the doctor said her tests were inconclusive at that moment. What they got the new things out? Ain't y'all got them? Are pret are stripped were year nate on them, Yes, ma'am, and you can take a blood tests as well, and she took both, so the doctor will So what is she now? Well inconclusive, that's what the doctor said in the episode ended in conclusion. Yes, they have to wait for the lab work to come back on the blood test. You can't get that immediate results right then and there. You have to wait to get that girl back in the day. You knew the next morning if you was gonna be pretty Oh really, the very next morning, you knew it's how you feel if you would dig it in ahead, you see, baby. Okay, well, thank you for that information, sister. Listen, Mama Joyce, she called Porsche for lunch. She wanted Portion and her daughter Candy to squash their beef, and Mama joy she just basically asked Porch, well, you know from last season, all of that drama and all those Yeah, well, Mama Joyce wants Candy and Porsche to be friends. So she asked Porsche, how the co could you believe all that stuff that Padre said, all those lies. The Portion just basically said Padre was an attorney, and she said, if I was one of them, Housewives. That's the one i'd want to be. Who post one? Oh you like Porsche, She's beautiful. Girl. Got something that they won't. I just be in there. I'll have all kinds of houses and cars. Houses. I have houses, cars and Africas. Yeah, Africans. About of your house in a minute. Yeah, they went, they want to stay here, right, okay for the right paperwork. Well, anyway, let's move. You know, dot Trump dot signing the favorite Trump stay him. He needs to write paperwork. Are you quite done? Go ahead, Connie. I wanted to ask the fellows you let it get on your segment. Yeah, I'm here to help. Yeah, she's here. Yeah. Well I want to ask you guys a question. So Cynthia went to this party. You know, I was watching TV on CNN and Cedric got diabetes. He just on the commercial Cedric ain't got diabetes? Do we focus? I just saw the commercial. You all ain't seen Cedric the entertain on the diabetic commercial? Yeah, and he killed that on it cold reality update focused, sister. I'm sorry, go ahead, callin all right. So here's the deal. Cynthia went to this party and she went on a date. Cynthia. Cynthia remember she used to be married to beautiful Cynthia. Beautiful Cynthia's here too, Yeah, and they got a divorce her and her husband, Peter. Peter was the one looked like Tommy. You mean what you're talking about? Will? That's the one that kind of looks like Tommy. I was question. What I'm trying to ask the fellas was that Peter was at this party. Cynthia was upset that her ex husband did not speak to her. He said that she was on a date and he wasn't ready to see his ex wife on the date. So my question to the fella sister, O'Dell if you could go get Steve. The question is that once you're my woman, you're always my woman. Is that a rule with Okay? But I do understand Peter. He wasn't ready to speak to her. She's on the date with a man. What is we over here talking for? He said he still still have feelings for So, Yeah, he did say that now he was in the right for feeling that a way, some kind of way he overheard with this she over here with another main Yeah, at the event. Yeah, he just kept one hundred and and just sold his ex wife. I'm gonna tell you what can happen. Your main can't be disrespectful to me at the party. That no, and that didn't happen. Yeah, I don't think they that did not happen. So I just want to get you guys your opinion on that. And then quickly on this girl's trip situation, Cynthia put together the girls to go, you know, they gotta go on the trip to Barcelona, Spain, and Kim decided not to go because she has health problems and you know, she was sick when she traveled from l A to Atlanta. She actually had a stroke on the flight, so she doesn't want to fly overseas. What the lady had a stroke? So I didn't know that Kim is the white girl. Yes, yes, man, I didn't know that. Yes. So the ladies were kind of mad at her for that, and they were saying that they'd she can't fly that far. If you're getting the stroke from Atlanta to l A, what you want to get on the plane and go to Spain fall right. That's why she wanted her husband to go with her because of her health issues. So the ladies were kind of mad at him for that, and they were saying that they didn't want her to bring her husband. So how do you how do you? What do you think, Sureley, because that's kind of like girls strip, no guys allowed. Do you think were too harsh on? Don't be disrespectful. I think if she has health issues, she should have brought her husband or stayed. Yeah, you think she should been Okay, alright, sister Odell. I don't think you can go to Spain. We're some health fishers where you're gonna land if it go bad up there? You over that water. So you think she should have been allowed to bring her husband as well? What are you gonna do? Is it's time to land and you can't land in the water? Stay you asked at the house. You can't make it to Spain. You've barely made a dead lantel. All right, you can hit me up on lips by Carla. You can respond to my question. I want here from the fellas and the ladies with ladies too harsh and Kim and what do you guys think about her? Peter opened up to his ex wife, will be back at you're listening, Steve Harding show Let's season. Letting season began yesterday and it's gonna end in March thirty one. So I gotta ask you, guys, are you giving up any thing for land? It's forty days? Um, anybody giving up anything? Um? A lot of people give up TVs. I have friends that gave up social media, social media. Yeah. Uh, some people give up meat. They become vegans for forty days, alcohol, sugar, you know. Yeah, I guess I go ahead and give up lyne y I n g lyne Yeah, you get up? Are you gonna give I need to know some people I just don't. I need. I need to tell truth to like who got to get licked. There's no way you guys, your polar opposites on that. There's no way farther straight day. I'm gonna have to I'm just gonna this whole empire chrome. Yeah, I'm gonna doing all because there's people like I said it was cute. I really go ahead to take that back. Why not just say anything? Why do you have to say? Now? They need to know because I said they was cute, So you know I won't hurt they fee now they're moving in closer for kisses and stuff. They leave sit your ugly behind back something I mean come on now, I know what I said before, but this is really I'm just don't give up. Line. I'm not gonna give up on this show. Why won't you give it up? Steve? Just today? Know what the hell I'm telling them all from now until eastern oh day too? Give up? Line, I'm getting I got damn near the call. You gotta be kidding me. That's at the car. Damn, they're all my relationship? Are you lie to Steve Yale? What what's to us about? Tommy? What's the last like you told Tommy last lit? I told Tommy that I wanted the minute. That was the line. Ain't picked up the call and returned. He don't even say anything, Tommy. I won't bring it back to Steve. You're a businessman, you have an empire, like you said earlier. Maybe he wants I really would mentor him. He just don't want it. Ain't called called, he ain't picked up. Somebody's lying right now. Surely we on the radio every single day. Have you heard him ask me anything? No, but I thought it was because he didn't want it to be on the radio anymore. Okay, cool, but have you but have you heard him asked me are we meeting today? Don't forget we got an appointment today. Uh, I have in trouble getting hold of your assistant to get an appointment. Have you heard any of that? No? But on the other hand, I have heard Junior say it several times. And Junior, haven't we met yesterday? Didn't we met the other day? You asked me for some time. I gave it to you. If you don't ask me for some time, I think you don't want he keep his word. Yes, Tommy, I want to hear your side line right now. That's what I'm saying. If that's what jor you ain't gonna Junior, I just gave up. You might have gave it up, but you've been lying with him. I'm not lying. Asked Tommy what your point made. He has scheduled with me, and I told him though ask him, okay? Why can't you ask him? Okay, Tommy, your uncle wants to know what appointment have you scheduled with him? I called, I called the young man I needed to call and told me. He told me Mr h gonna let me know when he gonna get with you. Why don't you just call your uncle directly? And he didn't take the call several times. Somebody's lying and we're gonna get side when we come back. Think it is you're listening to Steve Show. Oh my god, I mean here. Yeah, it's like this scene just keeps repeating itself. Now. Um out of Parkland, Florida. Parkland, Florida's right next to Fort Lauderdale. It's near the Miami area in Broward County. Uh. Multiple debts in a Florida school shooting there. Um, this is just horrible. It happened about two thirty pm yesterday. Um. The shooting was at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland. Like I said, it started about two thirty Eastern time yesterday. Uh. The suspect, Nicholas Cruz, was a former student, former high school student there. He is in custody. We're happy to report that. But he's nineteen years old. He's a former student there. Like I said, he had been expelled and he came Oh okay, he had been Yeah, he had been expelled. He came back to the school with an a R five teen rifle and assault rifle had multiple magazine so he was there to do some serious damages. Again, if you haven't heard, and I'm sure you have multiple deaths. This is just so sad. This is just so sad. What is it going to stop? I mean, the victims were students and adults and and and as parents as surely everybody, Tommy, all of us were all parents. We're all parents. Can you imagine? It's just it's frightening to send your children to school. And I just you have to pray for the families the victims. As the laws, we have to change the laws. Yeah, I mean, and they said this kid had uh he was wearing a gas mask, he had smoke grenades. I mean, where did he get all this stuff from? He's nineteen? Where did he? Oh my god, this is just I mean, I just feel so much for the parents and the loved ones of of these kids, because you send your kids off to school to get an education. Who in their wildest dreams would think something like this would happen. A nineteen year old former student just goes up to the school and opens fire, opens fire. I mean, and and God bless our educators and the teachers that were there, absolutely the students safe and Steve and Jesus, can you just imagine what they're going through? It's absolutely horrible. It's horrific, and you know what, we gotta do something. How many before we do something, because right now, man reacting to it ain't enough. It's too late. I mean, hats off to the first responders and everything. I'm not talking about that type of reaction. I'm talking about what we gotta keep going through before somebody passes some bills to say, hey man, we're gonna slow this way down. Oh damn. Problem is the Second Amendment that needs amending, cause we America. I don't understand how we keep doing this. We're so free, We're stupid. We're stupid free. We one country that we really need to pull back on some of the freedoms. Yeah, yeah, because if you're telling me that these brave women and women that are over here fighting for our freedom, is the freedom that you ask can walk in the gun and turn around and turn it on a bunch of people. That's what they over the phone. Because I think they'll come home if you told them that's what they was over the phone. You see what I'm saying, This This Second Amendment needs adjusting. Yeah, it does, all right. Coming up, Steve Harvey has special closing remarks you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, last break of the day. Uh wow, just one more thing. A lot of things going on today, a lot of things going on in the world. And the gunmen who killed at least so many people. I mean, golly, anyway, I don't even I mean, can you just imagine? You know what those people must have gone through, what they're going through. It's absolutely horrible. It's horrific, and you know what, we gotta do something. How many before we do something? Because right now, man reacting to it ain't enough. It's too late. I mean, hats off to the first responders and everything. I'm not talking about that type of reaction. I'm talking about what we gotta keep going through before somebody passing some bills to say, hey man, we're gonna slow this way down. Our damn problem is the Second Amendment that needs amended. I don't understand how we keep doing this. Hold on, man, see see see, we're so free, We're so free. We're stupid, We're stupid free. We one country that really really need to pull back on some of the freedom. You see what I'm saying this this Second Amendment needs adjusting. Come on, we gotta go. Father, help your children and don't let them fine by the side of the road, and teach them to love one another. The cam in my mind, apace in their heart because jeezesus he's die. He won't let you die. And I know he's like forever in my heart. You got to walk home, walk up through temptation because he and its wisdom to be on hand over to you and in words, will be on salvation in my heart to be fakeful and the jeez he's love. He won't hit you dime. And I know it forever in my heart far far I know m m hm. Wi up everybody, and no more sleeping in bed, No more back to thinking, time for thinking ahead. Worlds chained so very much what it used to be. There's so much agement more in poverty. Oh, we got all teachers and come to teach a way. Maybe then they have listened to what you have to say. They're the ones who lose coming to and the world is in their hands. When you teach that your to jump the very best care. Well won't get all bad if we're just let it be. No, no, no, well won't get all bad. We gotta change it. Just when we got all the doctors make the old people well, they're the ones who something and who catch on the air. They don't have so very long for the just me days. Won't you make them happy? Ifore they pass? Where we build? This time to build un Tony. I know we could do it if we all. Then the hair for all. Steve Harvey Contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.