Will Smith Apology, Herschel Walker, Mike Tyson, New QB and more.

Published Mar 29, 2022, 11:27 AM
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things in it to me through good often to other, Please I don't join me? You got turning? You are you gotta turn to turn them out? Turn you lon't got to turn out? Then turn the water the water go? Come come on your baby, uh huh, I show will good morning everybody, y'all listen to the VARs, come on dig me now one and on it. Steve Harvey got a radio show, Man on Man on man. Grateful for it comes with a huge amount of responsibility. I didn't really know I was gonna have to be this responsible, you know, Um, can I share something with y'all? I started out to Finally I had gotten on track and was able to see a way to even pursue my dream. It has been a long, a long trip that I've been on, and I've gone through so many phases of it. It is rewarding along the way to accomplish your dreams. What I'm saying is this, let me let me put it together, because I got so much running through my head right now. You know, it's it's one thing to accomplish your dream, but there's joy in the process of achieving it. See, some people are so caught up in the goal, the final goal, that they find no joy, no enjoyment in the process. If you have found what it is you want to do and you strike out on that journey, please understand you are far more blessed than the average person to know what it is you really want to do. To find your work in life, your purpose, to find out what direction you want to go in is such a blessing. The average person, if you sit down and talk to them, oftentimes don't have their life on track. And it'd be some people that you're looking at you think God it going on because of their appearance, their swagger, or they walk like it, they talk like it, they look like it. But if you sit down and talk to the average person, the average hearsing man does not know what their purpose is, has not discovered what they want to do, and have no idea how to get that. If you are on the other side of that, if you understand your purpose, if you have an idea of what you want to be, and you are on your way there, you are truly blessed. And in that blessing. You must recognize it as a blessing. You must recognize the fact that you are on the right side, and that there should be a sense of accomplishment and a feeling of pride in you that you are on track to accomplish your goal. See what used to happen was sometimes I used to keep my nose so on the grindstone that I wouldn't even look up and realize. Man, hey, man, I know you're trying to get here, but steve hold on, man, can't you see what you've done so far? Can't you find just some joy in the process. See, a lot of us lose the joy of the blessings God has given us because we're looking at the end. Tomot, I ain't there yet. You on your way. I'm gonna give you an example. I had a friend who told me that they wanted to be a million now, and they asked me some questions and I told him, so they started the process, and I am telling you, this dude works extremely hard. So about a year later we were talking. He had found this business, he had set his goal, and he was working towards him. Then about two years later I ran up into him again. We were talking about it and everything. It's a man. Really really appreciate the advice. He said, Man, but this is all jacked up, man, because I still ain't made that million I was talking about. I said, well, hey, man, just just keep at it. It's coming. He's a man. Keep at it. Man. You know how long I've been doing this? Been two years now. And I didn't say that to him, but I said to myself, yeah, two years. He said, Man, I've been grinding so long. Man, it's just it ain't having it from me. I said, wait a minute, man, hold on, hold on. I said, about how much you're making right now a year? Man, about two hundred and fifty thousand. I quit breathing. I said, well, my man, two years ago you didn't have a clue. Two years later, you're making a quarter of a million dollars. I said, man, do you understand how blessed you are? I said, man, your family was about to get put out two years ago. You don't bought a house? Yeah, man, but this ain't the house. I really won't. Ohoa Pardner, whoa, I got that. I got that house. You really won't make Mike call five eight million. I don't know, but Man, y'all got the house, you're making the payments, you drive it. You ain't out no more. I said, holder, Man, you got to stop. I said, you got to stop. I said, man, because right now, man, you you coming across as real ungrateful to me. And so he said, man, why are you tripping like that? Man? Man, you act like don't nobody want to have nothing but you? I said, whoa man, where are you going with this conversation? I said, Oh, I didn't come to you. I just came to you and ask you how you doing. And I'm trying to point out to you that the journey that you started on, that you are on your weight, and you are in the process of accomplishing your goals. And can you not feel some joy and some pleasure in your accomplishment. Quit tripping on the fact that you ain't made the million yet. You on your way. You don't went from your He thought, this dude was making fifteen thousand dollars a year. You making quarter of a million dollars in two years. May come on, man, can't you see? Can't you see? So he said eventually a man, I kind of see what you're saying. But that ain't about nothing to me because I ran up into him a year and a half later. How you're doing, man, Man, I showed, wish I'd appreciate it my life when I had it like that? I said, what you mean, had it like that? Man? Just fell on some hard times. Man, I'm right back why I was. And then we talked. I said, hey, man, don't worry about it. I said, Once you know how to accomplish something, I said, you just reapply the same principles and start on over again. Man, you know how hard it is to be to start over. Okay, my man, Hold up, partner, you can't do yourself like this again. First you wasn't grateful for what you had. Now you're looking at the fact that you might have to start over, and you know how hard it is to start over. Maybe God said, okay, you ain't happy with this. Okay, didn't handle it your way? You obviously ain't happy with the way I'm bringing it into your life. You want to handle it your weight, Go ahead and handle it because he will let you have it your way. Can I tell you that he will let you do it exactly the way you want to it because He gives us all the power of choice. So then maybe he said, Okay, you don't appreciate the way I'm doing it, don't like the favor I'm showing you. You think it's taken too long. I'm gonna let you do it your way. I'm not gonna turn my back on you. I'm just gonna let you do it your way. Just just say. Maybe he said that, and now he right back where it was. So what I try to get the young cat to understand was, man, appreciate your life for what it is. Because like life, Jenny's got that song that he got out off this album. Still I still believe it could have been worse. And now that it is worse, what's on your mind now, folks, If you are on that side of life where you have figured out what you want to do, you know how you're gonna get that, and you know your purpose. You're accomplishing what the majority of people never ever do. So be grateful for your process. Don't tumble yourself, don't throw yourself off to cliff. It's gonna be all right. Success takes a measure of time. It is not easy. If success were easy, everybody would be successful. You're listening show, ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, it's mourning time. Steve Harving, Marty show us here, man, I'm so glad about it again? Or look at God? Ain't he something else? Just keeps on over and over and over and over and over, and just keep on blessing us, all of us, keep giving us life and health and strengthen and opportunity and chance and renewal and forgiveness and grace and mercy and favor. You know what I've decided, man, And I don't know how you feel about You can feel the same way too. But I'm actually one of his favorites. And I've just decided to call myself that. You ever have people that go, um, you know that I'm I'm I'm I'm her best friend. I'm his best friend. I'm his best friend. Just tell it like that. You really can't check on it to nothing, so I y'all can't check on it and nothing. So I'm just I'm just one of his favorites. He has a ton of them. Yeah, but we kind of knew it though. Yeah, they're science, they're science. No argument from you, nephew, no argument. He's speaking the truth from Thomas. Oh yeah, yeah, Tha to go somewhere I wasn't looking for. Let me introduce everybody, everybody, Everybody, everybody, Sherley Strawberry, everybody, call it real, everybody, Mouth of the South, Mississippi, Monica, everybody, Junior Kills Spakes, everybody, Nephew, Timmy, everybody in yours truly, Junior. What's on your mind? Yeah? I like to pick up what Tommy just less all, Like, how do you know you wanted his favorites? How you just know? Because I know? You know, because I am a recipient of his unmerited grace and faithful. Unmerited mean I have not earned it that I've done, not nothing to deserve all that He's given to me, And I know it it's unmerited. You can't earn favor. When God give you grace, it's nothing. He just gives it freely. And all of us have been a recipient of him. It's just sometimes we don't recognize what it is, you know, Like, have you ever had something that could have happened to you but it didn't happen to you? The time? All the time? That was grace. If something could have happened to you but it didn't happen to you, but you know it should have happened to you. Oh and it didn't happen to you, Yes, sir, Yeah, I call that grace. Have you ever wanted something and you really didn't do everything you needed to do and it popped off anywhere and you went all right, Now, Yes, that's favor. That's favor, man. It's almost like in just layman turns, hey man, could you do me a favor? Sometimes he just give your favor. You don't even ask for it. Yeah, just like we do our own kids. Same way. Yeah, faivul Yeah, grace and favor. That's how I think I'm one of his favorites, Junior, because I feel on the receiving the end of a bunch of them. Yeah, I show to appreciate all the forgiveness more than anything. We love a guy we serve. All right, thank you, um. Coming up with thirty two minutes after the hour, we're gonna start the show off with Nephew. Tommy's run that crank back. That's right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Nephew, time to start us off with the prank. What you got, run that prank back? I feel stupid this moment, feeling it yeah, yeah, yeah, yes, yeah, because yesterday I would look down yesterday, but today I feel like being stupid. I have it in my bones in Can I give you another compliment that I don't want you to take offense to come on? Come on, come on? You know, I mean you know, because we don't zoom uh huh. You look like I look like what it's said, please fair, please that you look like you're gonna be stupid. It's the look, Steve. It's a look. Yeah yeah, if it looks you know how pregnant women have a glow. Yes, yes, yes, that's what he got. Huh. It's radiant, that's what it is. Shine radiant rightly. Yeah, let you old stupid Shane. That's what I want to say. All right, we're gonna we're gonna take time right now and go to the stupid book. That ain't my brother's baby. That ain't my brother's baby, cat dog. If you would don't worry about it's something I need to take care. I talked to man, I speak to Terry. My name is Darrel, Damon is my brother. I don't live in Dallas where y'all live at I'm the one that live out of town. But we didn't have a family meeting and talked about it. And uh, I know Travis is your son. He eight years old. But the problem is the reason why I'm calling you, Terry is called. We didn't found out that Travis ain't none of Damon's child. Travis ain't none of Damon child. He'd been paying you child support here for the last eight hold on, you said your name, I'm Darrel, I'm Damon brother, and who gave this We are to found the information out. We are gonna go down there to the courthouse and get all this stuff rectified. But we didn't find out that Travis ain't no, ain't none of dames child. And he've been sitting up here sending you money seven to eight hundred dollars a month, and this child ain't even here. Now. I hate for Travis to find this out, and he gonna have to find it out, but he ain't fortified. But why are you calling me? Look, the family then't had a meeting, and I'm the one that they decided to make the phone call and tell you what's going on. Now, don't you you you don't have a damn thing to do with this. You. You ain't nobody daddy over here, So I'm not sure what you're calling for. Who God made you key or wanted you to be head in charge to call but that it's not gonna work out. But let me why why are you doing this to my brother? That's what I'm saying. For eight years, the man been sitting you seven hundred seven dollars a month and and this ain't even his child. Well you know, why why am I even talking to you? I'm not really sure your brother need to call me if he has any problem of questions. You have a good day. Hello, you don't ring no damn phone up on me. Damon told me the lass was hardheaded anyway. Now, look, you know what you got the wrong one baby like you, I'm trying to not lose all my religion today, but you're about to make me lose it on ya. You don't know who you know it over here. So, like I said before, my fun your nephew that you're trying not to claim over there. I don't know why you came from wherever the hell you said you came from the Dallas to try to I came from California down here to Dallas, and I'm telling you need to take your bath back to California because down here if you don't know me like that, No, I don't know you, but I'm fend to know you. And Travis been to know that my brother ain't his daddy. No, I don't know. You know you need to talk to your brother again. That's what you need to do. And you don't need to be talking to me. You've been to send us all the money and my brother didn't sent, y'all. I and when I do, look and I sent when I sent all that eight years worth of money back, you're gonna send it every dying back because it belonged to my brother. That ain't my brother, y'all. Now, we ain't got time to be going on on ma repover showing nothing to find out who you know what? Like I said, you picked the wrong one. It'd be your best been not to call me anymore. You actually it is a good thing that you call because if you can't knocking on my bell, you to got you all with today? No, you go, that's my second thing I've been to do. If we can't rectified over the fall, I don't have a problem coming over there, knocking down some does and getting some questions answered, because damn it, this ain't Damon's baby. Obviously you must wish it was yours, so you're taking so much entry. No, it ain't mine, but but it ain't Damon's either, and we got to had any and looking for from. But I'm sorry this was taken over here and Damon, where we continue to play? When you owe Damon, don't open. That's what far with your brother's No I want to play. I'm sorry. He's gonna continue to play and you can call wherever you want to come, do whatever you want to do. So go back and tell your mama and everybody else who's waiting for this meeting to let them know it ain't having me. Look, my mama ain't got nothing to do with it. Mama been your mamma. You said your mama. I got to Gallas. She the same way, like I'll see where you get it from. You're just like her. Mama knows it y'all from nosing people money, y'all. Damn business, that's a wrong man. That ain't. My mama said it from the get go that it wasn't hunting, that it wasn't damon chime. No, I mean your mama's the two faced lock because you're all with your mama said, you ain't been to sit here and bring my mama up in this well. If you know so much, then you back, come back on my ball. I'm not on my ball. If you want to. We didn't done the man seven hundred and fifty dollars times twelve then times eight is seventy two thousand dollars. That's how much money. And my brother didn't send you, and that's how much we want back. And I need you to get the working on this money. Nah, okay, why don't you come over here and get it. Don't get your whoop today, Terry, come on over here. You don't see you get if you you in Dallas when I don't care nothingbody but I'm in no Dallas. This ain't Cana for you. So what I don't even know what they're here. I don't why. I'm don't even go one way for my time talking to you. Like I said, your brother is a week. If he about to call, I'm eating and you got to be the one to call. I'm not really understanding. Look, I got one more thing. I need to say to you as you listening to me, you know you don't know my dam nerves. That's what you're doing. You respect me. Are you listening to me? What that's this? Nephew? Timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got prank. Oh, you just got pranked by your sister Tanya. Baby. Know what she said? Talk to her about her baby, daddy and that baby. Yeah, I don't play with the chill. Oh my god, I'll let me ask you this. What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Show. That's it, all right, nephew, Yeah, thanks, I won't coming up, Chief Love Officers. Steve Harvey in the building right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. And entertainment news. Check out our favorite news show. We want to remind you, Judge Steve is on tonight eight seventh inral on ABC. And oh, lou, that's right, that's right, Judge, save baby. Oh we're watching all right, America is watching. And in other trending entertainment news, it's still in the news. Will Smith has apologized to Chris Rock. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now it is time to ask the cloo or chief love officer. Yeah, all right. This was smurb Shoe and Irvine Shoe writes. Last month, my husband went out with the fellas, and it's not unusual for him to stay with his best friend if he's had too many drinks. I drove his car yesterday and saw our receipt from a breakfast spot on the other side of town with two two entrees and lots of drinks. Am I to tr uh? I to trust him or question him about this receipt? Come one, sorry for a breakfast spot. M right for a receipt and two a whole bunch of drinks, A whole bunch of drinks out of breakfast spot. Yeah, that's the other side of town. But my body's here with you. We got the other side of time. Yes, Uh, him and his friend could have woke up and went to breakfast You believe that? Yea, what unless unless you can prove different. That's what I'm going with. I'm with it, okay, Yeah, but I don't know where where the drinks. When she said a bunch of drinks I'm thinking about. Yeah, who buying that me? And don't order emotion. I'm just gonna take hate fell a dog. You're having him emotion? Yea, give me one? Two? That questionable? Okay, she shouldn't question him trust him unless she has proof. Well, you can question him if you want to. But I mean what you thank you for to tell you though? Right? I mean, come on, now you can question him, but what what? Okay? Ask me? All right? So I found this receiver um with two entrees for a restaurant across town. Two entrees and a whole bunch of drinks. Were you with your boy? I thought you? Is this with your boy? Yeah? Due the receipt hair Raymond on that? Uh uh no, and you know that because that's who I was eating with, right, Yeah, I love to set up one he goes that. Yeah, they don't. I'm just telling you that receipt is for me and Raymond. Okay, Well that was cool. I asked you for a quick lie. Okay, all right. Moving on to Trevanda in Jacksonville. Trevanda says, I'm married to a man and he has a big dog that I'm afraid of. We met online and that's the one thing I compromised on. I asked him to keep the dog in the yard. But I've come home several times and the dog is lying in the middle of my kitchen. Shouldn't my husband respect my wishes? Or am I wrong? Wow? Women? Wait, huh, y'all met online, met online? Y'all married already? M And you didn't know about the dog. Yeah, she said she compromised on the dog. She knew about it. She let it go. Listen to me. I don't know where you're from, but people don't do their dogs like Ville, Jacksonville. You can't just leave your dog in the damn yard no moment. Well, she came home in the house where he gonna be. That's where he smelled the food he lay in the bathroom. Well, she's afraid of the dog. Okay, But lady, look, I don't know what to tell you. Dad said he wasn't giving up the dogs. So now the dog stay there, ain't gonna be run, He ain't gonna be around much longer, just hanging there. Huh, what's waiting on the dog to die? That just had to wait him out, you know, let me time for a dog. Yeah, big dogs all that weight, over feed him, feed him a lot, and then what put him outside? When you no, then you're gonna just put a lot of weight on him, put some pressure on the daughters. Yeah, as he sucks. Yeah, all right, we'll chat and Lafayette, maybe we can come back after you think about it. All right, kat and Lafiette says, my parents, what she really ought to do is build a relationship with your dog. They're great protectors. Can't nobody come in the house without a dog? Can you got the best alarm system in the world. Build a relationship with your dog. Yeah, she's just afraid of the dog. Well, damn it, he stayed at now she knew that. Yeah, all right, kat And Lafayette says, my parents are getting older and I want to move closer to them in Texas. But I just got a promotion at work and my husband doesn't want to move to the big city, as he calls it. I can work from home if I move, and I can get a small place for myself or stay with my parents. Would I be selfish to split my time in Texas? Wow, you married your husband, you said some violes. You want to help your parents. That's a tough one m Margie goes to visit her parents often. Just go visit them often. You can't move in and help them though, I mean, unless that's what y'all's arrangement is. You know, I don't know. I wouldn't let nothing happen to my parents. But you know, if they're not like you know, real and real bad shape, you just want to be close to them, then just go visit them often. But if they're in bad shape, you know, health wise, you gotta do something to help them. You know, I don't really know when you move them to Texas, move them where they are. Yeah, you know you're gonna you're gonna do like you want. Your man told you don't move up. You move up there and get your little place if you want to. All right, go ahead, right now, come back home? He visitor, female visitors not to move who I'm supposed to do? All right? Moving on to Josette in Southfield? Is that right? So I'm a choreographer at a dance studio and one of my students is twenty four years old and he's a hip hop dancer in need of some help. He's cute as he can be, and he's a flirt but I'm old enough to be his mother. He grabbed me in places that he shouldn't and it makes me blush? Should I just ask him? What's up? You know what you just said? What are you doing? Cute as hell? He didn't grabbed you in inappropriate places and you flirt? You're gonna ask him what's up? You know what's up? He needs some help. He need to stay sugar mama couger. He find moving your old ass house. You're gonna have to tell your friends who he is? Who? What's she gonna say? Who is a little bar? This is take? This is this is take my brother, sir? All right, we gotta move on. Clo Coming up at the top of the hour, Will Smith apologizes to Chris Rock. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show. All right, So Will Smith has finally apologized to Chris Rock. He did it yesterday and said that slapping Chris was unacceptable and inexcusable. As we all know, Will did not apologize to Chris Sunday night during his Best Actor acceptance speech, but now he is acknowledging that violence in all of its forms is poisonous and destructive. Here is a full apology that will post it on his Instagram page. He says, violence and all of its forms, it's poisonous and destructive. My behavior at last night's Academy Awards was unacceptable and then inexcusable. Jokes at my expense are part of the job, but a joke about Jada's medical condition was way too much for me to bear, and I reacted emotionally. I would like to publicly apologize to you, Chris. I was out of line and I was wrong. I'm embarrassed and my actions are not indicative of the man I want to be. There is no place for violence in a world of love and kindness. I would also like to apologize to the Academy, the producers of the show, all the attendees, and everyone watching around the world. I would like to apologize to the Williams family and my King Richard family. I deeply regret my behavior has stained what has been an otherwise gorgeous journey for all of us be and that sincere to Well, I can't speak for him. Tell me to answer your question. I wish the apology had come Sunday night, when he apologized to the Academy and everyone else on Sunday night. That's when I wish he had made this apology. I mean, I'm glad he finally you made an apology to Chris Rock, but I wish it comes Yeah, yeah, I wish it was more of like I don't have to know about it, but verbally took Chris, like a phone call to Chris. Yeah. Yeah, this is a step, So I'm not upset about it. This is a step. Yeah. I think he should have done it publicly, because he slapped him publicly, publicly and then went in part yeah, well see that's the thing. You gave the apology to the academy, then you know the incident happened. You apologize to the Academy and your peers. You didn't apologize to Chris, didn't your party. You're doing too much to slap me. You're doing way too much slap Yes, he did not realize the magnitude of it until after the fact. I've made some very very public mistakes and you don't really know the magnitude and after until after the public gets a hold to it. The problem that I have with this, see I understand the apology. I also understand what it's coming from, because I look into the words everybody said talking about my wife's I'm cool with jokes and jokes about me, blah blah blah, but when you talk about my wife's medical condition, that ain't what the man said though. See there was no mention of a disease or anything like that. I don't even think. I don't I really don't even think Chris knew anything about the medical condition. It was about her wearing her hair short and her looking like Demi Moore that and and said, because all it was was about the g I Jane joke. It wasn't about no, you look like you know, uh you know, you know now if you say something medical, you know you look like a you know, you know, you look you are posted girl for chemo or something like that. You can't get your ass whoop. I'm in all support or we are walking up on that stage and knocking his ass out because if you do my wife publicly in a negative way, here I come. See I'm with that. Yeah, but but but no, no, let me finish what I'm saying. But that apology with that word in it, and then again to make sure you apologize to the academy. See, the most important thing is that cademy. You know that that deviling back making sure you talking with the academy. When you put those words in there, it's like, this is why I did it. So now you justifying what you did. Now you're gonna come back with the violence thing. But I did it because yeah, it was like he was trying to justify the violence. I apologize, but that's the button. Uh huh. Yeah, but I don't. I don't think. I don't think Steve, you would have like, I don't think I would have. But yeah, I mean, I'm the craziest one on this show, y'all know that. But I'm glad I go. But I got a wife that that's by my side that ain't gonna let me walk up down and do nothing crazy like that. She's gonna be like, you gonna sit your hands down. You can't. I think I would personally be like, I'm gonna go to the back and talk to him. I don't think I would have right tried to go and handle it right there, many million people looking at that. I'm ninety pursuit. Sure that's how I would have done it. But if I'm sitting there and my wife has a medical condition, and you make mention of the medical condition and it breaks her right there. I hope that I got enough sense to get around to the back of that stage. And that's how I think I would handle it. That's how I think I would handle it. But I know right now, But I'll tell you about Marjorie, Marjorie Harvey. She wouldn't gonna grab me. Ain't no way. But stre talking. You're talking like a regular man right now, and what you are, of course, but you're also a comedian, you know what I'm saying. That's and Chris Rock is a comedian and he was just doing his job, Christian. You know what, No, he just did nothing wrong. Yeah, he was just doing his job. You're talking as a regular man sitting there with your wife who had some sort of medical condition. And but you, as a comedian, what would you you know, would how would you have handled that same tonight if I'm the comedian and I'm on stage. Yeah, well, we we'll not gonna turn around because we're up in here. They're gonna have to come in. We got to go. We've been to do like folk commercial breaks in a row because they gotta fixed the stage in. They gotta put the lights back up. They ump up to the lights stage up. What I cannot do? Thank you Chris Rock for being You cannot slap me and walk off. You're gonna be trying to dig this Oscar. I chill the hand because that's the way I didn't put it up. See I ain't didn't ye handling it the right way at that particular moment. I hope I could be that guy at that particular moment. All right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. So this past weekend there was a Trump rally in Commerce, Georgia, and the crowd started channing her show her Shaw meaning herschel Walker of course, uh senate hopeful. Herschel Walker talked about what he is sick and tired of taking Listen. People want to ask me all the time why I'm running. I'm sick and tired. I'm sick and tired and want to teach CTR and in school critical race theory. Can you tell me what that means? We're Americans, we're not black, we're not white, we're married so much too unpacked R. That's yeah, somebody like our medical issue. Yeah, race trading? What is RT critical? Race theory? Ste that's what it is. We're not black, We're not white. We're America's boy. Boy boy. That's the fight we've been having since we got here, and that's the fight that continues. And if you don't think your ass is black, just hold one. He said it. He We're not black, We're not white, We're Americans. What brother, brother, listen to me. That line been drawn in the same long time ago. And you one ass ain't finn change it because that's because you want to get the white vote. That's not Finn to change. I'm gonna vote for you, black ass. But I tell you what. I tell you what I tell you, I tell you where Hershey, you better win half of don't even know what you are. I like that Hershey, boy, I tell you that right now, like the chocolate bar. He has no clue herschel Walker. Man, you're you're in the world that don't exist. Man. I mean it's great. I'm tired of everybody talking me about why are you running? Why are you running? Run? Teach up CTR boy, QUIQUI too much yeah, it really is, it really is. All right, Well, Georgia voters, the Georgia primary is May twenty fourth, Okay, May twenty fourth. Please know that Trump's returned to Georgia this past weekend. It's part of this plan to get back at Georgia. You know, he's out for revenge, of course. And Georgia voters please register to vote. We have to do this. We have to register to vote at when we all vote dot org because we probably stand in full support of Senator Reverend Warnock. Raphael Warnock one mission in Georgia, that is to flip that state back red. They want this to be done. We ain't having it. We've been told y'all one time. Now we're gonna have to show you again. But see what they're gonna try to counter him with herschel. Yeah, the American, not the black man. I guess who black man. Yeah. I'm bringing ant your mama back. I'm bringing ant your mom and uncle being back. I'm getting all these slaves back on the shield. You wait, I'm gonna get it all to gil Gosh. All right, uh, please go vote. Uh coming up with thirty four minutes after we're gonna check Steve's voicemail again right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it is time to check Steve's voicemail at eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, Steve, you're ready to go to the phones. Absolutely. This one is from Atlanta and Atlanta. Caller wants voters to stay woke, Steves, Steven, the man has been trying to teach our people something. What is going on in Atlanta. I looked on the news and they got Hersha Walker leading by four points against Walnut. Wake up Atlanta, Please tell them to wake up, because now we're gonna have our uncle Tom up. And then in Congress the Trump gonna be pull a stream like he Please wake up a Landa. Oh my god, don't don't points listen to me. Don't don't. No, I'm with the caller. It's not We're not letting it happen. That's it. That's done. Yeah, and we're going tolop see it's a deal. We've seen Herschel before many times. We've seen the herschel Walkers many times. We're we're very well versed as to how you come and you dress up the package. Why oh why this is a Republican party all of a sudden endorsing Herschel walk black man? Yeah what what black person? Always they take a close look at the black people that they do go and get. Yeah, it's amazing the ones they do go and get. And we're very conscious of that. If you think that you're going to replace Warnock with with with him, you're sadly mistaken. Watch us. I'm calling dial hugely. I'm calling Ricky Smiley and Steve Harvey, the Frat brothers. We control the airways. It's a done dollar. You're listening to me. We control the airways. Watch what happened? Okay, watch you can get all your people, but I's gonna be there running gets. I was gonna do all I can to get this country back where supposed to be. I mean that means a lot to you. The Herschel. You're dog gone right. We ain't black white masking our agent. We all is Americus. Both got realize that right there, And we're gonna give CPR to everybody here. You see dry. If we don't get out of yards colored people racism, oh wow, they won't if we don't get out of this is what it is. All right. Here we go call her Sheila from Buffalo. Hi, my name is Sheila Smith Wayne from Buffalo, New York. Hello, Steve and the crew. I'd like to give a hand. Trap and Dedication is called to Junior, also known as Jay Brad. We all know what it stands for. Junior's raggedy ass poem. He puts his all into them, so leave them alone. He took a lot of thought in two what he's trying to get across, although he's ridiculed by Steve, his loving boss, Junior. I love your poems. They make me laugh so hard, looking forward to hearing more. All the teasing disregards Junior richly adventurous poems, changing the name because that's a win. So keeps them coming, Jay Rap, I love you the end. Oh wait, I want to stop her poetry speaking ass right now. Don't call us talking to us in poetry. We love Junior and his name. We love Yesterday and all the science like we in kindergarten. You're telling us a damn story or something. Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall. Get off the damn phone, all right, ragget an your VS man, your VS man with Ragge coming up next, and is the nephew with the frank phone call for today. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after. It's my Strawberry letter for today and the subject is my ex children aren't welcome. We'll get into that find out what that's all about about in just a bit, but right now it is the nephew with today's frank phone call. What you got for us, neph what's happening? Let me jump this out there first, Shirley Nashville, Tennessee Zanis Comedy Club. The nephew was coming to Friday to Saturday to Sunday. That is this coming weekend, which is what April fools, we can what thetter food to have in your city to spend April foods with? Okay, who Friday too, Sadday to Sunday Friday soul out, Sad to soul Out. First show Sunday Soulo. I put another one on sale for Sunday evening, so we're gonna go to work. So all right, six shows two Friday too, Saday to Sunday. Laying in the cut is Charlotte, North Carolina. That's right. That is the comedy Zone April eight through ten Ticket Center, like hot cakes. So I appreciate that, Charlotte. I'm coming. I'm gonna be stupid in Nashville first. Then I'm gonna come down there a week later and be stupid down there too. You see what I'm saying. Stupid is moving around the country. That's me. I magnified. I make it bigger than what it is. I'm amazing with it. You gotta watch me do it. It's it's incredible when you see it in person. I'm just I'm just saying. I'm saying that it's the timing. You have been met yet, So see me right now, right now, we're gonna take time to be a little bit more ignorant. This right hill Shirley is no and shoulder. Black people don't eat anchovies on their pick. No, Shobies do not mushrooms. Yes, yes, mushroom pepper runing Italian size. Might do a little bell pepper on you will do that. We don't do ant chovies. I don't even know what the anchoviy is. What is that? Well, you see right there, ain't but you ain't never hearing nobody say the anchovies his biden? Oh who they're pulling them anchovies in Boy Cat Dog. Let's go hello, hey, man? Who who? Who? Who is the person I need to talk to about that? I got a pizza that's been messed up? Who do I need to talk to? Well, you can talk to me. What's going on? What happened to in pizza? He puts some anchovies on my pizzas black people do eat nchobies? Man? Who who? Who? Who would do that? Who would put answer channels? That settled down with the language that Pal, all right, you know if you got answerviies on your pizza, he just must have gotten mixed up with another water. I'll send you another pizza. It ain't a big deal. But I ain't asking anchoviies man, matter fact, let me ask you. So what there is the ant shoby any damn Wait, it's like a sardine. That's what a man shovy is. Okay, Pal, It's like a sardine. Hey, hey, hey, let me tell you something. Man. First of all, what's your name? What is your name? I'm Gino. I'm Gino. So you're the owner of the damn pizza plates. Yeah, I owned the damn pizza place, and I don't need people calling me and cursing at me because there was a mistake and all mistakes happened, pal where things go on in his life. And then you're getting some anchovies on your pizza A right, man? Hey, Okay, so here's the deal. I don't have a bunch of guests coming to mind or all the pizzas and every last one of them got manchobies on them, you know what I'm saying. So I got an issue with it. I have spent over fifty dollars with you with these pizzas, and in the right wrong nobody likes anchovies black people, you know, man trophies. Man. Okay, hold on, I'm I'm almost certain I've served anchovie peaching of black people before. Okay, the black people that I know don't eat and shobies. Okay, Well, then we'll send you some pizzas without any man chovies on him. You know what I don't like your I don't like your attitude. You know what, man, you man, You didn't tell me to so much attitude to start with. You wouldn't get no attitude. Okay, Okay, look at it. Don't get yours what okay, don't get what? What do you talk? You know? What did you just did you just threaten me? I said, don't get show. Why do you think you're talking? Who does do you think you're talking to face? I'm talking to Gino the owner, right, please, the real that's right, that's right. You don't tell me. You then to kick my phone? Okay, pound you know where the picture is? You know you just come down, do you do you? Okay, that's it. I'll tell you what. Man, in the next three to five minutes, open to walk down there and kick your little fine putting hand shobies on here and having a little pump us attitude like you think you can't get joy. You come on down here, okay and we'll see. Do be a favor, go yourself and the once rode in on. Okay, I'm bringing it on down here, all right, we'll take care of it there. Stop staring, man, shobes up, It's all right, poul okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, cool, all right, cool, okay, okay, okay. You'd like to say, okay a lot, do you let your words? Okay? You need to have somebody there, which you when I get there, because I promise you git offen. Yeah, you don't shake it in his boat's pound Me and my aunt chovies. We're sitting here scared out of our minds right now. Okay, dealt with clowns like you life. Please let me tell you to see it? Do you do you know who you're talking to? IM puppet, to some an idiot who don't know how to talk. That's what I'm talking to. No, you're talking to nip him talk from the Steve Harvey more this show, mister Gino, you just got freak. You're telling me I'm throwing F bombs all over the radio. You're topping a bombs all over the radio. Baby, who I want to know who did this to me? Because they're getting some F bomps. Do you have a guy that works for you? He says he works five to close. Andre. You gotta you gotta Drede that works for you. Yeah, I gotta Drede that works for me. And Tred's gonna be spending some time in a walking freezer. Uh. People don't need anchovies. Huh. Black people don't need the anto. Baby. Hey, I gotta ask you this, mister, gino. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Your show, The baddest radio show in the land is the Steve Harvey Show. No, I man, I'll be sad. I'm going to send yourself pizzas. I'm sending that station dozens of pizzas with anti double antrovies and every one of them. There you have it, ladies and gentlemen. No, there you got it. Yeah, you nail that. It comes out by the pizza man. You know you're doing good. Now. I want to beat this exactly. No anchovies. No, what's your what's you? Let me see you call it? Load your pizza? What you got on? Okay, pepperoni? Like you said, mushrooms, Italian sausage. I like. You know what I like on my pizza, Basil. I will do basils, spin, I will do I do the spin. There. Yeah, a couple of onions. That's it. No, somebody on this show actually has a pizza oven at the house. You might be, well, you know it's not me. You know it's not me. She got a regular oven she don't need and I don't use that right, it's not me. I wish I had one am I Land Junior. Does somebody on this show have a pizza oven? No, it's brick. It's nice too. It's nice everything. He pretty much has it his house much nice. Yeah. Pepperoni, onion, double cheese, black olives okay, jalapino Yeah, really, you really want to get strong with it sometimes I do beef okay, onion, black olive, jalapino, pineapp ok Yeah, I love the pineapple. It was an acquired taste though once I moved to La it was an acquired taste. It works, but I like it now. Yeah. And the little peppery sweet. In case you didn't know, he's the one with the pizza oven. Moving on, Moving on, Coming up. At the top of the hour, we got the Strawberry Letter coming up. The subject is my ex children aren't welcome. My ex children aren't welcome. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live I'm the air popup, just like we're going to read this one right here, right now, and you know, ever know, it could be yours. It could be yours. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Never thankn nephew. Subject my ex children aren't welcome. Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm a forty eight year old married man and my wife and I have family. She has one son from her last marriage, and I have two sons and two stepsons from my last marriage. And my new wife is having a hard time accepting my stepsons as part of the blend. I've been in my stepson's live since one of them was nine and the other was eleven. Now they're twenty and twenty two. My new wife is an outstanding mother. She's a great businesswoman, gourmet cook, and the most beautiful girl in the world to me. But it is her attitude that I have a big problem with. We bought a house together after the wedding, and I compromised and told her my sons could share a bedroom when they came. When they come visit. They're preteens and almost six feet tall. But I told her it was fine. Her son is ten and he has his own bedroom because he lives with us full time. There's a bonus room on the third floor of our home, and I suggested that we put a nice sleep or so up there for when my stepsons come to visit. They live out of state, and we spend time together when they're in town. My wife told me that they're my ex and they should stay elsewhere. I'm infuriated by her rudeness when it comes to these boys, just because they're my ex wife's sons and she doesn't like my ex wife. She's taking it out on the boys. One of them has a son, and he considers me the grandfather. But my wife says I'm not the grandfather and I should be focused on her son and my biological sons only. I'm a grown man and I will see these boys and I don't care if it causes a rift in our marriage. How can she call them my ex children? Should I reconsider marriage and make her the ex? Wow? You know what, that's a wrong, strong question right there. You just asked, but you ask it for a reason. It's concerning to you. You have some thoughts about it. You know you're thinking about it. And I'll start by saying, I think you're right and just about everything. I agree with you. Your wife is selfish. Your wife is being mean, and she needs to grow the heck up, she really does. What have these boys done to her? Her not liking their mom, that's no excuse to treat them badly. These are boys, and how are they going to learn to be good men, good good parents, you know, good productive men in society if they don't have a good role model like you. I mean, I think that's what we as women and men talk about a lot. We think about it a lot, especially in our community. Good men, good fathers, and the home husband's, good boyfriends, good sons, etcetera, etcetera. We want our black men to grow up and be good people. And she's a problem, not you or the boys. She can't make a difference between these boys just because you guys have one together and you have you know, biological sons and except sons as you call them. I think it's creating major problems in the family, as you've so, you know, as you've spoken about and written us about, and it's causing problems in your marriage. I don't think she understands the seriousness of all of this. She's in her feelings because she doesn't like the ex wife, and you need to have a real talk with her about her attitude and and uh, you know how she's starting to tear down this marriage. I mean, it's not like the older boys live there permanently. They live out of state. When they come, they're only coming to visit. I think she's wrong, and I think you're right, and I think you need to let her know. Steve, I don't really have a lot to say about this letter. I really don't, because I just don't like it. This woman that you're married to. See, here's a deal for everybody involved. Whenever you get married, remarried, or you married late in life, that person that you marry is gonna come with a history. Nobody's history free. Now it comes with an ex marriage, some step children, as they call him, some stepson. That's the package. Either way you go on the woman's side or the man's side, that's the deal. Because a man marries you, that does not turn off his feelings for everybody in his prior life. The only person he should cut the feelings off for is the ex girlfriend or wife. Now he's done that, You're not having a problem with him because he's continued to see the ex wife. You're having a problem because he still has a relationship with her children, which he met when they were nine and eleven. Yeah, nine and eleven. Now they're twenty and twenty two. But now you want him because they're twenty and twenty two. They live out of state. Now the ho ho holo of world. Now you have Okay. The man has two sons and two stepsons from the last marriage with the woman. Right, the new wife don't like the stepsons from the last marriage. She wants them out. The new wife is an outstanding mother, she's a great businesswoman, gourmet cook, and the most beautiful girl in the world to me. But it's her attitude that I have a big problem with. Well, now we're gonna run up into the problem of what I've learned a long time ago. I don't care how fine a woman is. There's a man somewhere sick and tired of her ass. And now here we go. The beautiful girl in the world got an ugly attitude. And it's about some children who are some young men now, And when I come back, I'm gonna tell you why your relationship. But these men are so important. Okay, that's much all right, Thank you, Steve, Thank you, Steve. We'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's subject my ex children aren't welcome. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Come on, Steve. Let's recap today's strawberry letter. The subject my ex children aren't welcome. Okay, this man is forty eight years old, he's married to his wife. They've got a blended family now. She has one son from her last marriage. The man that writing a letter got two sons and two stepsons from his last marriage, and the new wife is having a hard time accepting the stepsons as part of the blend. The problem is he's been in the stepsons lives when one was nine and one was eleven, and then him and his ax had two children. Now they're twenty and twenty two. And your new wife, as I was standing up a mother, she is businesswoman, gonna make cooking beautiful girl on outside, is having a big problem with the two stepsons from your previous marriage. We bought a house together after the wed and I compromise and told him my sons could share a bedroom when they come to visit. They're past their preteens and almost six feet tall, but I told it was fine. Her son is ten. He's got his own bedroom because he lives full time. There's a bonus room in the third floor of our home, and I suggested that they put a sleeper sofa up there for when his stepsons come to visit. Now, these are the twenty and the twenty two year old dudes. Okay, Now, my wife told me that my ex children, that they your ex children. They should stay elsewhere. I'm infuriated at her rusiness when it come to these boys, just because they're my ex wife's sons. She doesn't like my ex wife. She's taking it out on the boys. One of them has a son, and he considers me the grandfather. But my wife says I'm not the grandfather. I should be focused on her son and my biological sons only. I'm a grown man. I'll see these boys now. I don't care what riffs are costing our marriage. How can she call them my ex children? Should I reconsider marriage and make her the ex Well, here's a deal. She's got to glurn. She's got to learn something him. See what pisses me off when men step up to be men? Yes, yes, and take on the role of somebody else's children. Lady, you you got a son that don't belong to him if he've accepted him, he's got two sons that don't belong to you, and you've accepted him. Now, the fact that he accepted his ex wife's two sons and been in their life since they ninety eleven. See, instead of calling them step fathers, they are to start calling them step up fathers because he didn't stepped up and took the place of some ragged ass man that wouldn't spend no time with the boys. Not the boys then had a son and calling him their grandfather because they got a connection to a man. You want him to break the bond with these boys because it's your ex wife's son. You trifling lady, Come on, come on, But you know it's always the case man, Sometimes not all women, but there are sometimes women always using children as a pond. Now, why would this man give up this relationship with this twenty and his twenty two year old dude that really still need him in their life? Because man, the twenty twenty two boys, you you finish step on some land minds out here and that for the enyear old dude can help them through it. And I think this lady's right now. I don't think you need to make because your ex wife yet, not yet, because she does have some good qualities. She just doesn't understand. But if she could look at what happens in our community and in our culture, from the fact that so many young girls don't have fathers and so many young men don't have fathers, to see a man like yours that steps up and takes on the role and refuses to give up the reins of being a father in some fatherless boys lives. If she don't see that something wrong with her and it don't hurt nothing for him to have relationship. These dudes live out of state and they twenty and twenty two, so they come to visit. What's wrong with that? Need to focus on your own sons. Hell, boys need a big brother. You don't see that now, But you're so busy trying to hate on the ex wife. You keep on you're gonna mess around and be an ex wife calling it this letter, so good luck. Okay, take care, take it easy. Hey, hey, I won't be needing the big sleeper sofa upstairs. We're all moving, right, that's what's gonna happen. Kudos, Bye bye, good man, I mean man. You know what when when you have a man who's caring and understanding, he cares about something that ain't really his, but he didn't take it on. Can you not understand that that's your man, That that's the man you have, That that man with that heart is your man. Now, Yeah, because God forbid something happened to you. God forbid something happened to you. You do remember he took on your son from previous marriage to not right? Yeah, since you making him get rid of men, get rid of boys. Suppose something happened to you and then he'd get rid of yours. You see what we had with this Yee, that could happen, but it's not. This is your man. Yeah, this is a good man, and this is how you want to treat him. I don't like women like this. I don't like her. I ain't even at home. Women don't like women like this, just like we don't like bad men. We don't like that. This ain't about bad But I'm just saying we don't like her either. That's all I'm fashing. Stay on the subject with you that it's not all right? Listen, post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM and on Instagram and Facebook, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six minutes after the hour. You know what time it is, It's time for Junior and Sports Talk right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Now it is time for Junior and Sports Talk. What you got mister junior? Okay, Shirley, But let me just remind Dallas Three days away, showtime April Foods, Comedy Jam Bruce Bruce, Earthquake, Bill Bellamy, Ryan, David Chantey, Williams, Texas Trust Theater. Get your tickets at ticketmaster dot com. Three days away. All right, unc, Well, over the weekend. Un. I know you're in Dubidy. You don't know nothing just going on over here. But Deshaun Watson was formally introduced as the Cleveland Traveler. My back, Well, Deshaun Watson was introduced as the Cleveland Browns quarterback. Formally introduced now he had the press sference yeah, formally they had it. They rolled out the car before he sat there. Man, but he in the press company, he was yeah, he was asked about the sexual allegations. He did they need to ask him about it? And then Watson answered with he was shocked, and he still maintains his innocence. He says that he plans not to settle any of the civil cases. So we just go to see he's just gonna maintain his innercy. He's not giving it. Here's here's my opinion of it. If you did something to any woman, you have to pay for that, clear, point blank, no questions asked. Here's the problem with the case that they have right now. They took their strong nine cases in front of the grand jury and they found nothing to charge him with. So now I've heard that the guy who is bringing these charges happens to be the next door neighbor to the owner of the Texans yep. And this came after he said you've demanded a trade. Now I've heard that. Don't know if it's true, but it's a very very strong rumor because the address he is, he is, and he is right next door. So now I'm thinking this ambulance chasing guy that rounded up all these cases easy to find out find twenty two people who who's been a masseuse because it's you know, you find them online and stuff like that. So you got that. But now there are women because Deshaun Watson's lawyer has found women who have given him massages and praising him, talking about how professional he was in a nice guy. And so now in this civil case, even though you don't have to be as proven in a burden to proof as different, it has thrown quite a bit of doubt on it because they took their nine strong cases to the jury and nothing. So now I'm just curious as to what this is really all about. If he's guilty of something, he has to pay, but if he's not, I wish something would happen to people who falsely accused people ruined their reputation and all like that, and then just skip skip the loo down where we didn't get no money, skipped the loop. So that's my opinion. Though. No, well he's dead though, man, so you know he's still he about to be a pre all right, junior, thank you. Coming up at the top of the hour, Will Smith apologizes to Chris Rock Finally, we'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show. All right, So Will Smith has finally apologized to Chris Rock. He did it yesterday and said that slapping Chris was unacceptable and inexcusable. As we all know, Will did not apologize to Chris Sunday night during his Best Actor acceptance speech, but now he is acknowledging that violence in all of its forms is poisonous and destructive. Here's a full apology that Will post it on his Instagram page. He says, violence and all of its forms is poisonous and destructive. My behavior at last night's Academy Awards was unacceptable and then inexcusable. Jokes at my expense are part of the job, but a joke about Jada's medical condition was way too much for me to bear, and I reacted emotionally. I would like to publicly apologize to you, Chris. I was out of line and I was wrong. I'm embarrassed and my actions are not indicative of the man I want to be. There is no place for violence in a world of love and kindness. I would also like to apologize to the Academy the producers of the show, all the attendees, and everyone watching around the world. I would like to apologize to the william family and my King Richard family. I deeply regret my behavior has stained what has been an otherwise gorgeous journey for all of us be and that sincere to it. Well, I can't speak for him. Tell me to answer your question. I wish the apology had come Sunday night, when he apologized to the academy and everyone else on Sunday night, That's when I wish he had made this apology. I mean, I'm glad he finally you made an apology to Chris Rock, but I wish it it comes. Yeah, yeah, I wish it was more of like I don't have to know about it and verbally took Chris like a phone call to Chris. Yeah, yeah, this is a step. So I'm not upset about it. This is a step. Yeah. I think he should have done it publicly, because he slapped them publicly publicly. And then yeah, well see that's the thing. You gave the apology to the academy, then you know the incident happened. You apologize to the academy and your peers, you didn't apologize to Chris then your party. You're doing too much to slap me. You're doing way too much slap. Yes, he did not realize the magnitude of it until after the fact. I've made some very very public mistakes, and you don't really know the magnitude and after until after the public gets a hold to it. The problem that I have with this, See, I understand the apology. I also understand what it's coming from because I look into the words everybody's saying talking about my wife's I'm cool with jokes and jokes about me, blah blah blah, but when you talk about my wife's medical condition, that ain't what the man said though. See, there was no mention of a disease or anything like that. I don't even think. I don't I really don't even think Chris knew anything about the medical condition. It was about her wearing her hair short and her looking like Demi Moore that and and said, because all it was was about the g I Jane joke. It wasn't about no, you look like you know, uh, you know, you know now if you say something medical, you know, you look like a you know, you know, you look you are posted girl for chemo or something like that. You can't get your ass whoop. I'm in all support or we are walking up on that stage and knocking his ass out because if you do my wife publicly in a negative way, here I come. See I'm with that. Yeah, but don't but but no, no, let me finish what I'm saying, but that I don't apology with that word in it. And then again to make sure you apologize to the academy. See, the most important thing is that you know that that doubling back making sure you talking with the academy when you put those words in there's like this is why I did it, So now you justify what you did. Now you won't come back with the violence thing. But I did it because yeah, it was like he was trying to justify the violence. But I apologize. But that's the button. Uh huh. Yeah, But I don't. I don't think. I don't think Steve, you would have like I don't think I would have. But yeah, I mean, I'm the craziest one on the show, y'all know that. But I'm glad I go. But I got a wife that that's by my side that ain't gonna lett me walk up down and do nothing crazy like that. You're gonna be like, you gonna sit your hands down. You can't. I think I would personally be like, I'm gonna go to the back and talk to him. Right all right, We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening the Stave Harvey Morning Show. When we saw this on Instagram, Mike Tyson recently gave his pot or his marijuana plants a pep talk on reaching their highest potential and challenge people to submit their videos to prove they have the best cannabis in California or Nevada. Take a listen to Mike pot pep talk. Are you ready to reach your highest potential? To be a champion? Gotta give it all? You got to depend on what you came to do, but doing it right new leaping, Oh beautiful you champion. Be a champion like you daddy. Yeah, what it takes me to penalty pound chap? I challenge you good. I love you. Keep growing, baby. You know you know he got I don't know if y'all here. You know he got some gummies right edible, It is the shape of it here yeah, yeah, yeah, uh huh like making money bag? Well, steve your thoughts. Yeah, once you started talking to plants, I really don't know what to say to you. Hi, Hi, put it put it down? Maybe yeah you need whatever you're talking to is what you're using. So yeah, yeah, all right, thanks guys. Coming up in thirty three minutes after, we'll play a round of would you rather? Right after this, you're listening to show Time now for a round of would you rather? Would you rather put hot sauce eyedrops in your eyes be or you step on a lego every morning you get out of bed every single morning. We're not putting that pep in my eye. Yeah, I'm not going to leg lego. It don't hurt that much every day though, I don't hurt. We're not putting this tabasco in my heart. That's what we're not going blind your stupid right, then you're gonna end up stepping on legos all the time, any damn? Go to lego? All right, here's what would you rather bite off a piece of your tongue or fall into a pole injuring your private bar? I gotta go with b What Wait, what you're talking about biting off your tongue. Yeah, yeah, just a piece of it, not on your whole tongue, just a piece of your and in comparison and falling off the pole and landed on myself, right, you're falling on a pole and injured your private I'm not doing that. No, I don't give a damn. You're gonna take this tongue off. I'm definitely that. I know. Tommy surprised me with ruined. Ruined, the one thing that giving me mo plasure than any tongue. Let me. He has created some problems to put his ass on punishment many times I can't. I can't put him out of commission. Okay, all right? Would you rather have great sex? Listen to this? Would you rather have great sex with someone who is eighty years old? Or have terrible, I mean terrible, the worst sex ever with someone who is twenty five? Terrible work with I think I can't. I can't. That that aided, that's that's I can't do this. The best sex ever, though, the best sever ever? What is she doing? What is she doesn't matter? It's the best. I don't know, but I'm gonna find ever. That's what I'm I'm gonna find out. Come on, miss had It. Yeah, I miss had I know you're gonna take a while, but miss Hattie. Heah, all right now, don't fall now. My grandmother's name on my father's side, Grandma Hattie. I'm gonna racial blood pressure up today. Yeah, I miss had It. Oh you Oh wait a minutements. You know what, Julian, You've actually changed my mind. You're going, You're going over there. Yeah, I'm with Julian. Man, it's the best sex ever think about I don't know the best. All right, we gotta go, we gotta go. But coming up next to it is our last break of the day at forty nine minutes after some closing from Steve Harvey. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, here we are our last break of the day. And listen. It's been a great Tuesday. It's been wonderful. I'm just glad to be here. I'm just thinking about our last break when we did our would you rather? Would you rather have your best sex ever with someone who's eighty or the worst sex ever with someone who's twenty five? Yeah, two out of three picked eighty. Tommy picked the twenty five year olds. Yeah, that whole, but I was going with Tommy for a minute. But that whole. But I've yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah but that yeah, but the best ever, best sex of ever. Why wouldn't you want the best? Well, Tommy, you know, I do hope to be eighty one day. So it had a lot to do with my ans. We will see, we will see, we will see, we will see. Yeah, we'll see. Hey, my closing before you get to hey, you know what, I wanted to share something that you all, Oh, your friends, Uh, take inventory often with your friends. But then again, you don't have to take inventory with your friends so much, but you do have to take inventory with your associates all the time because everybody associated with you. You have to remember some people are in your life just for a season. Everybody ain't gonna make it all the way to the end with you. Everybody ain't going to the table. Some of your friends are seasonal friends. And it don't make them bad people. It's just this is as far as they can go on the journey. They can't go no higher, especially if you are on the move. If you are on the move and trying to progress and better your life. That everybody not gonna make that trip. Everybody ain't gonna stand the change. Everybody ain't gonna be able to handle the new you because they're gonna want to remind you of who you was, because that new you is leaving them behind. And you got to be careful of that, because jealousy sets in, envy sets in, resentment sets in. You got to be conscious of that. And sometimes when you're a good person, you don't know how to look for those things because you expect everybody to be just like you. Well they're not. They're not. And I'm gonna tell you something, Man, if you got somebody in your life that you're trying to point out an issue too, I want you to learn this that I had to learn the hard way. You can't change someone who doesn't see an issue in their actions. I'm gonna repeat that and I'm gonna explain it to you. You can't change someone who doesn't see an issue in their actions. Have you ever tried to point out something to a person that you thought would help them out or something they was doing and they don't have no problem with what they're doing. They just don't see it. I mean they just don't see it, and to you, it's as obvious as all get out. Everybody around them knows this is a problem and they don't have a problem with it. You can't change that person. You can stop trying, because in order to fix a problem, you must identify a problem, and then once you identified you gotta admit that that's your problem. A person don't do that, you can't change them. It's like it's like trying to get a person to go down to who's an alcoholic and trying to get him to go to get some treatment. If they don't think that they're drinking is an issue, you can talk to, you blew in the face, you can have all the interventions you want. If until they come to the conclusion that I have a problem, that I'm drinking a tirely too much dog, you can't stop nobody. I've had a person in my life really close to me man and I knew they had a drinking problem. Talk to him over and over and over and over, but until they finally said, you know what, man, ain't dog right, I got a problem. Now I need some help. Now he can move forward. But if you're trying to change somebody, then they don't see an issue with their actions. You wasting your time. And I'm saying all this to say this, y'all, just be conscious and it don't make you a bad person. When you got to shed some of the some of the people, it doesn't. It just doesn't make you a bad person. It's just you're taking care of your journey. Everybody, come what you ain't going with you? Everybody start on the trip, ain't gonna finish the trip. All you know this, I'm gonna tell you right now. If you're over thirty years old, you already know what I'm saying. It's true. You already know now. If you're twenty twenty one, you're on you may not understand that. But if you, oh, you're thirty years old, you know what I'm talking about is true. It's taking inventory, just watching be conscious about it, and then just do the things that's necessary to keep your life progressive and don't get held to a whole old energist like you got to keep it real. Most people that's telling you to keep it real wants you to stay right where you are so they can be a part of it. But you're objective in life. Ain't to keep it real. You're objective in life is to keep it moving. Keep it y'all. Keep it moving, y'all, on with and upwards. And anybody that's not trying to aid you, assist you, pull for you, clap for you, cheer for you, pray for you. You don't need that. You do not need that. And sometimes sad to say they are family, and sometimes sad to say they are your so called friends. So check the people in your life and making necessary adjustments. Okay, it'll help you on your journey. And don't feel bad about it when you gotta let people go because they didn't even tell you. They wouldn't witch you no more. You just found out you did. Those are my closing remarks. Hope you enjoyed the day. Hey listen, here's some important information. Y'all. Talk to God today. He would love to hear from me. You feel me, God willing will see y'all. To Mark Holly For all Steve I recontests. No purchase necessary, void wear pro hip Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show,