Will Smith 2022 Oscars Prime Time Call Out White or Black and more

Published Mar 28, 2022, 6:45 PM
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things, and it's tough, true good of the listening to the other. Please, I don't join jo. You gotta turn you, you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you got to turn them out to turn the water. The water got me come come on your bah, I show will a good morning everybody. Y'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now. But it only Steve Harvey got a radio show man. Instead of trying to be about the business to y'all, I'm I'm I'm doing all I can. But you know what's crazy in the efforts that I make. I can do more. You know, my father used to tell me something when I was growing up. He says, son, when you've done your best and you've done all you can, sit still for a second and just do a little bit more. Always remember that, he said, When you've done the best you can and you can done all you can think of, he say, sit still for a minute and do some more. And you know what I've discovered in my life, always have a little more. I ain't ever just out, out, out complete. I can't take another step. There ain't another breath in me, There ain't there ain't another thought I can produce. I'm never completely out, man. Just take a rest for a minute, man, and then just do a little bit more and that that. I can't tell you how many times that's helped me get over the top. You know, I was watching a documentary about people climbing Mount Everest and how difficult climbing Mount Everest was, and how they have on the hill something called like a death zone or killing zone, where the majority of people run out of oxygen and they have to turn back. Well, what's crazy is it's right in view of the summit. You can actually see the top of Mount Everest from there. But it's but it's that little bit that's left that's this most difficult. Now, I forgot all the reasons why they said most people don't make it from there, and more people have lost their lives in that area. I don't know what it is, but the people that make it to the top of Mount efforts. They all had to go through that same zone or that same area, but they had a little bit more that allowed them to get to the top. You know a lot of people have had accidents up there trying that, so I'm not even really sure if Mount Everest analogy is a good one. But let's just break it down a little bit more. Let's just talk about life. There's a poem I learned back when the host pledge, and it's called don't Quit. It goes like this, if I make a mistake, I'm just trying to drum it up, So here we go. It says when things go wrong, as they sometimes will, when the road you're trudging seems all uphill, when your funds are low and your debts are high, when you want to smile, but you have to sigh when cares are pressing you down a bit, rest if you must, but don't quit. For life is queer with its twisting turns, as every one of us must sometimes learn, And many a fellow has turned about when he might have won had he stuck it out. So don't give up. Though the pace seems slow, you may succeed with another blow. Often the gold is nearer than it seems to a faint and a faltering man. And often the struggler has given up when he might have captured the victor's cup, and he learns too late, when the night came down, how close he was to the golden crown. Success is failure turned inside out. It's your silver tint of your clouds of doubt, and you never can tell how close you are. It may be kneel when it seems afar, so stick to the fight when your hardest hit. It's when things seem worse that you mustn't quit. I remember it because I had a special method of helping you remember stuff back then. But I remembered that at that point. My dad has kept me. You know, we often talk about scripture and everything, and then I don't see how I could live without it. But every now and then, man, somebody has a writing. God puts a writing on somebody's hard that delivers a message. Man, that can help people. I use every motivational tool that I possibly can to climb this letter of success or try to be the best fall and the best husband I can be. I've done a lot of changing over the years, and so have you. But change is necessary in order to grow. If you don't make changes, folks, you can't grow. I was a young man on my set. I kept looking at him, and a sharp little young dude just on my set, and he had these dreads and I mean they were they were super long, man, they will well below the middle of his back, I mean images long. And he kept talking to me, and he kept talking to me and talking to me. So your man kept talking to him, and I said, hey, man, you know you do you're a huge self, a favor in the business you're in. If you got a haircut, you would do yourself a huge favor. I said, your images everything, man, I said, you keep stopping me in the hallway to try to tell me what you're doing, what you are, but all I see is your hair. I keep trying to figure out what you're doing with all that hair. Man, Now you can feel how you want to feel. But I'm like an employer. I employed people. So when I'm walking through the hallway and I try to think of you traveling with me and you sitting in a meeting with me, I try to imagine you in your suit sitting there talking business with me. And so, just like other employers are, I'm just having a real story with you. So I said, man, you'll to consider cutting your hair. He said, Man, mister Harvey, I've been growing his hair side a little boy. I said, how old are you now? He said twenty eight? I said, well, how long you want to hang on to what you was when you was a little boy? You know, if you started growing your hair when you're a teenager. I mean, you're twenty eight now. And I said, so, let me help you understand something. Let me let me ask you something. What does it do for you? Hey? Man, it's just who I am. It's I said, so you your have He said no, no, but it's a part of me. I say, that part of you that you're hanging on to. What does it do for you? I just like it? Well, dog, I like ice cream, but I feed that. But if I hang on the ice cream and eat ice cream every single day, my body gonna reflect that. What is it that you hanging on to that you don't want to let go of? That's prohibiting you from being what all you can be? See, it's hard to be what all you can be if you want to keep being all you was? Don't that make sense to you? So I can't tell you how many times I've had to change. Change is necessary to grow. You can't be all you can be if you want to keep hanging on to all you was. That don't make no sense. How do you go forward? If you keep going backwards? You can't stay here and go there? Do you understand that if you want to go over there, you must remove yourself from right here? Oh? I got right Here is comfortable, I got right here is safe. But over there's where the shade is. Over, There's where the fruit is. Over there is where the opportunity is. Over there is where the mountain of goal is. So why are you stuck on here? You got to leave here to go over there. You can't be all you can be if you want to stay stuck on who you was. Change this growth is necessary. All let's go. You're listening to, ladies and gentlemen. We are here another great morning. This morning is a little different than other mornings. Don't because normally I open up with well, I ain't gonna stop. I'm opening up with gratitude. I'm glad I'm here, Grateful I made it, Glad I wasn't at the oscar last night. So many things I'm grateful. I'm gonna tell you right now, to you, okay, okay, now old what we're doing, lady and Jentleman Sherley Strawberry collif for Real, the Mouth of the South, Mississippi, Monica, Junior to wonder Boy kill Space and nephew, Tommy and myself. We are here. Oh, I'll normally would go, Junior, what's on your mind? But I already know what's on that mind because it's on everybody's mind this morning. Yes, yes, that was unbelievable. Hey, let me tell you how crazy it is. I'm not even in the country. Huh yeah, listen to me, man, I'm in the Middle East. All they talking about, dog, they all they're talking about. You know. First of all, you gotta understand Will Smith is an international star. Yes, so most people know who he is. Those who don't are trying to figure it out over him. But the number one question is why did he do that on television? Number one? We're all trying to figure that out. That's a worldwide question. We don't know if he could take that one back. That was not good, man. I mean, in his speech, he sounded like he felt justified. Though in his acceptance speech, he also won Best Actor for his performance in King Richard. Yeah, it puts a blemish on that. I'm sorry it puts a blemish on a big one. It was the iconic moment in TV history that Chris Rock said a joke and you got up from your seat and walked on steam and assault. Yeah. See, here's here's the history I know behind it. First of all, knowing Chris Rock the way I do, Chris Rock is not a mean spirited guy, and he definitely don't do stuff about people's family, you know, wives and stuff. What happens is into my understanding, this is what the insiders are telling me. Jada's hair is that left because she has some type of problem and her daughter, her daughter had cut off her head to support her in it. Yes, so, and I guess it bugs Jada, which I can understand. When Chris Rock made the joke, I don't think it was about that. It was simply about out the lower hair cut her resembling Demi Moore when Demi Moore did g I Joe Jane Jane. And I think that the joke was looking forward to g I Joe Jane and that was Joe Jane too, right, And that was a joke. And I don't think it was like cracking on her condition or anything, because we don't laughed at it at first, we don't laugh. Then when he saw his wife, he went up there. When we come back, we're talking about this this morning. I'm gonna give you my opinion after I hear from the crew. I'm gonna let the crew share that moment. Okay, coming up at the top of the hour. We thought last night, we'll talk about it when we come back right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve so Um. We all saw it last night at the Oscars when Will Smith walked up on stage and smacked Chris Rock in the mouth for telling what we all thought was a harmless joke, which can Adians dude all the time. At the Oscars. Will laughed at first about the joke. Jada didn't like it, And here we are. I don't think that Chris knowing Chris was talking about a condition in her hair. I don't even think he's aware of it. I don't. I'm just I'm just talking about the g I Jane joke being she cut her hair off like Demi Moore. Will Smith laughed at it at first, Yes he did, and then he went up on stage and slapped his dude. Now, kudos to Rock for being professional. Yes, sir, he's a g to me. Ch is glad, yeah, glad. He took the slap like it was like from a third class. He didn't buckle or nothing. He just went bo and then he said, damn man, we're just slapped the sugar honey iced tea out of me. Joke, man, it was a joke. Okay. What you all thoughts well? Okay? Initially, Steve, I thought it was a bit it. I honestly I did. I believe too. I did not believe that Will Smith walked up on stage like that without an explanation and just smacked Chris Rock in the mount. I just didn't. I could not believe that, not on this night, you know, not on this night. Everybody said Will was the favorite to win the Oscar, all of it. It was Will's night. Why would you do this? I think he blemished his whole night. I think he blemished his Oscar. This was the most unclassy thing I have ever seen this guy do ever, man ever, Yeah, y'all know me? Oh right? Dot com Oh my god, Will I had a beat hill as I think for me, the issue it was so much going on, Like I thought it was comedy too, I thought it was a scared I thought it was a comedy bit. When once I realized what was really happened happening, I was I was mad. I was mad that it happened. It was such an iconic night, well produced by a black man, Beyonce performing opening up. Uh, just how big the night was, and for it to be where you go on stage and assaulted a man for a joke. I just thought he overreacted. You're assaulted Chris rock Will, Yeah, this is us, this is our community. That's what kind of hurt me the most. I'm so surprised he was able to stay there and not be escorted out because of his violent act. You know, it was more than Kanye did at the Grammys with Taylor Swift. I mean, it was just beyond Kanye. Yeah, it was way beyond that, you know. And we talked about Kanye. We're still talking about it, you know when it comes up. But this right here, I couldn't believe it. No, I thought it was a skit. I did. I've been doing skits all night long, So okay, did he go another one? And we had Will over the shop and he said we got some surprises. I was like, yeah, just tay me one of the packer. Yeah, he junior. Have you been crying all night over about the whole thing because your voice, man, did just send you to tears, because you like you've been up all night weeping. But here's another thing. Like we said earlier, Will Smith won the Academy Award for Best Packer for his performance in King Richard. He apologized in his acceptance speech to the Academy, but not to Chris Rock. This was your moment to humble yourself and just say, hey, man, you know I overreacted. Brother, I'm sorry, you know whatever, I apologize for real. Whenever, yeah, whenever. Y'all want my opinion, let me know. But let me just say this as a comedy, I'm telling you right now, slap one of the kings. Yeah, we gonna have to immediately go to commercial break. I'm talking about to have one of them show ain't slapping Saint Louis. You ain't slapping Chicago, the late great Bernie Mack. You damn show ain't slapping Cleveland. So I don't know what you're find to do, dog, and you ain't gonna slap Compton. So I'm trying to figure out but you know, Chris, Chris smaller, you know what I mean. Yeah, I could not believe he did it. I have an opinion, but I need some minutes, though you haven't in some minutes show. Okay, here's a deal. First of all, I was a bit torn because I didn't see it actually because I'm out of the country. So I saw just a piece of the tape. Then I watched what is said, Then I watched his acceptance speech, and I watched it all up. So I'm torn between a man defending his wife's honor, and then I'm torn between dignity, and then I'm torn between the joke. The joke was not a vile joke. Man. If he said, you know your wife can do this to me and do that to me, down, down, down, down, I'm coming up there and putting my foot on it. But that joke he told was not a mean spirit of joke, and I don't think he did it with the intent of knowing that Jada has a problem with her hair, because Chris Rock ain't that type of dude. Secondly, so I can understand the defense of your wife, but the way he should have did it was after the show. He could have stepped to him and said, hey man, and he could have slapped the taste out of Chris rock mouth and then they could have worked it out. But I thought it was a real punk ass move to go up there on national TV where you know you can slap this brother. See this how you know it was? It was some It was some Hollywood ass mess. He slapped a dude and turned his back and walked off. You know good in hair wail in real life? Man, do you slap? If you slap a black man in real life and try to turn your back and walk off, it ain't no way you can do that. Will Smith knew what he was doing, He know the moment and everything. But he blew it. He absolutely one blew it. And he put Rock in a place where Rock had to do the only dignified thing he could do was standing in took the slap black a man. I got MODI say, oh, all right, we'll be back with more of Steve's commentary on last night and Will Smith slapping Chris Rock We'll get into that right after this. You're listening show, all right, we all thought last night, We've been talking about it all morning, everybody around the world Steve. You say it's talking about it. You're halfway around the world and they're talking about it over there. It was Smith's International. It was early morning over here, you know. Man. But like I said, here's here's the thing of it. I understand the defending the honor of your wife. I'm that dude, But you're gonna have to do something for that. He didn't do that. That joke was not worthy of the reaction. If he was gonna have a reaction, I think that Will should have done. The man thing was stepped to him afterwards in that press room, and if he wanted to slap Chris, then he could have slapped Chris in the press room and seeing high wind. But see, he laughed at the joke till he saw Jada's reaction. Now Will's But now let me tell you something. That's a Hollywood move. Now to go up there on national TV slap another black man, turn around your back and walk off, because you know he can't do nothing. See I know this, I know he noticed because we all been in Hollywood long enough. So now to turn your back and walk off, you're gonna slap the dude and then turn around and walk off. You know in real life that the day age the way that's gonna go. You already and and and and and and and Rock is a Jersey boy, so now so, And I didn't think the moment was that. And I think he overreacted, like Carlin said, he paid too much into the moment his acceptance speech, that was raggedy apologizing to the Academy. But but here's what I think is gonna happen when this go down and wake up the right way. That's gonna be some type of banning from the Oscars of Will Smith. Because look, they took Kanye off the Grammys for saying, um, Trevor, no, he took They took him off the Grammars, the Oscars. It's all Hollywood is about. It's the biggest moment. And for you to do that on the biggest moment, yes, violence, they all told him, right, Yeah, in your biggest moment, it's when the devil comes for you. Yeah, you should have handled that totally different. Man. He owes locking apology, but you know, a public apology, just like I was waiting for that during his speech last night. I was waiting for him. Let me tell you what I think this is. I apologize all this stuff that built up about him and his wife and and and and their marriage. That stuff has been brewing so long. You guys have been putting yourself out there for so long. Now you on front page, and now if anybody says anything, you're ready to attack, because but you put this out there. Y'all have been putting this out there for months for mother else would we know it if they didn't tell us. We don't know what's going on in their bedroom or anywhere anything about their marriage. We just loved Will and Jada. That was it. Now all this stuff just come out. Let me let me repeat what Chris Rock said, Steve, Chris Rock said, Jada, I love you, g I Jane too, can't wait to see it. That's all he said. That's what he said, right, That's that's not a slap you in the mouth moment. And don't I know Chris Rock, Chris Rock would never do that to a person's wife. I'm look man. Me and Chris Rock have had personal moments about this because somebody said something about my wife one time and Chris Rock called me about it. He's not that type of guy. He's not. And I heard the joke. And it didn't call for all of that. Will Smith did a Hollywood slap. He showed his ass on national TV when he knew where. He knew it wasn't gonna repercussion. Listen, man, we black men. You know how this go? You slap a black man, don't anywhere but there. Just slap any black dude. And see how I go slap a dude that drive PEPSI truck. See how go you slapping dude down at seventy eleven? See hi, go slap a black dude in and it's not gonna it's not gonna be what we all think. Let me explain something to you. I wish you would slap me. I wish you would let me tell you something. I might not be able to whip you, but we damn show find out we got we got and see I can get whipped. I know I can't. I ain't what I used to be, but I tell you what I still am though I'm that one. Yeah that I ain't to turn the other cheek. Dude, I ain't never been here. I just think we all did that Hollywood moment, man, and I think that's gonna have to be some repercussions. They're going to they got to do something, as this is the biggest night in Hollywood. You can't do this to this man, this man you him to come and be a presenter. He wrote a joke which committe he was invited, Yes, he was invited to be a presenter. You let somebody walk up on that stage and slap a presenter on national TV. Then you give him. He can keep the oscar. You ain't gotta take the oscar. All that. I don't care about all that, because he did a great job in the movie. From what I understand, they ain't what I'm talking about. But he knew who he was slapping and where he was slapping him out right. I just hated to see you because this is Will Packer's big night. Yes, he did an excellent job. Man, it was flawless up until that point, up until the slap. It was flawless. In my opinion that that Will Smith and I mean Will Packer and Shayla Cowen did an excellent job on the on the Oscars, excellent job. It was flawless up until then. Really, Okay, listen to this, listen to this. Okay, I have the official statement from the LAPD. Come on. Yes, we have a LAPD. Investigative entities are aware of an incident between two individuals during the Academy World program. The incident involved one individual slapping another. The individual involved has declined to file a police report. If they involved party desires a police report at a later date, LAPD would be available to complete an investigative report. Let me explay something to you. Even the NFL, with all the players they got, they have conduct clauses. What's gonna happen to Deshaun Washington is simply because of the accusations, they're gonna suspend. Hell, they'll suspend you for the behavior now for your talking about. I want to be an ambassador of that kind of love and care and concern. I want to apologize to the Academy. I want to apologize to all of my fellow nominees. Yo, Dog Dog Rock, that's you should have apologized. I don't think Will Smith understands the ramifications of all of this. He will forever be remembered for this moment right here. Yeah, it's going to turnish him in a lot of ways. Um, And it's sad because the dude's career is stella. You know, they can't take that big Willie about his acting. He's a bad boy. Can't take nothing from him from his men, And I get it. But like Tommy said, this is all build up from all this public scrutiny they've been under. But they was more on a red table talking about it. Yes, we didn't know about the entanglement. How do we know? I don't know, august Alsina, how do we know this? You are the wrong person? Right right? But see now he didn't get slapped. Yeah that's all. I'm all right, Yeah, all right? Are we talking about this more about I think I are coming up at the top of the hour. We'll talk more about this incident at the Oscars last night. Right after this, you're listening to the Steven Show. All right, So Steve in a nutshell last night at the ninety fourth Annual Academy Awards, produced by Will Packer and his partner Shayla Cohen. It was one of the most iconic moments in history. We all saw it. We saw Chris Rock walk on stage do jokes about acknowledging the mostly masked free audience before making a reference to Jada Pinkett Smith and saying I love you Jada, I can't wait to see g I Jane too. Take a listen, Jada, I love you g I Jane two. Can't wait to see it. All right, that was that was a nice one. Okay about here, oh Richard, Oh and yeah it happened then, yeah, oh wow wow. Will Smith just smacked it out of me. Name wow, dude, Yeah, it was a g I Jane Joe my name. I'm going to okay, I can oh, okay, that was greatest night in the history of television. But see nothing I see to see. The moment for it was what you're calling the most iconic moment should have been the fact that we had a black producer for The Great Kid and a black female assistant producer of the Grammys, that Beyonce, for the first time in five years, has come back to do an award show that black women, two black women, and a third woman, Amy Schumer hosting the Grammys. That there were I mean, I mean oscars, That there were black people out on the red carpet. See that that that Will Packer set up a night that should be the iconic moment of this show. Now we've lost all of that. We've lost all of that Now see damn diversity. Some black people was allowed for the first season to participate in a way that we've never participated for diversity. That's some damn black people finally getting to participate in the biggest a ward show of the night. Now for it to be marred with this, that's the mistake and the thing of it is Will Smith. No, he know, he knows the moment, He knows the grander of moments. He has been there before. This dude is holly Wood. Will Smith ain't ain't no he no rapper, he from the grid. Will Smith is Holly Wood. Why Hollywood, why do we always destroy us? Why do we can't have nothing? We do that to ourselves. Many we can't blame the white man for this, can't blame the man nothing. This is us. We do this to us. Yeah, it was, it was. See here's a sad part. Here's the sad part. We are the only race that's responsible for the actions of one another. See. We shouldn't even have to say why do we do this to us? Because what that does is that keeps them doing it to us, because now we do it to ourselves. See, we we've got to understand what's really at play here the moment. Yeah, big Willie is smart enough to know what this moment is. Now, that's got what you trying to say about God got me defending you know, my family. Oh dog, but just ain't just what necessary? See, don't put God in it and then walk up there and do something on God anyway. It's not it's not. It's not he's not a gangster. That's not what you do, Will, It's not what you do. I think, Kanye think this was stupid. Know what I'm saying. I think And yeah, that's pretty bad. Yeah, that's saying a lot right there. Well, well let me ask you, Tommy. Do you think it was stupid? This was outstandingly ignorant right here right here he tried to get fancy with the residential the residential expert. Yeah, yeah, yeah, this was disrespectful man. Yeah, Steve, I want to go back to what you were saying. You were saying, Will knows Hollywood. Will, it's Hollywood. Will is an international star. To me, isn't that all the more reason for him not to do this, for him not to mess up a moment? Surely that was the exact reason why he shouldn't have done it. That's what I'm saying. Then at the same time, this was the reason he did it. He knew he could walk up here, slap this man and turn around and walk off and what nothing gonna happen. Look, man, we all from down the way, you know how this really go. You walk up and slap a black dude. No matter what happened he got there got to be something for that. We all knew that. But the enormity of the moment, which was the mistake he made. And like Denzel told him, in your highest moments, it's when the devil come for you. So now you can't put this off on God talking on God has called me. God didn't send you up there. You never do that. Bishop Kenneth Oma taught me one thing, God's voice has no sin in it. So when you say God called me to do something, and then you walk up there, man, no dog dog dog, Come on, man, slow down, apologize to Chris. Will you apologize to me? But I'm gonna slap you back though, Yeah, yeah, I love I love Amy. Okay, all right, we'll have more about the oscars right after this. You're list sew all right, we've been talking about it again all morning. I mean, how could we not. It was such an iconic moment last night at the Oscars when Will Smith walked up on stage and slapped Chris Rock for a joke Chris Rock made about Jada Pinkett Smith being in g I Jane Too, the movie Jada I Love You Can't Wait for g I Jane Too? Is what Chris Rock said? That was? It was it? Yeah, and enough, you know, we still wouldn't know who wore this documentary. And you know, I'm so just. I really thought it was a joke. I really thought it was a skit we all did in the beginning. Yeah, I just could not believe that Will Smith did that. I could on live TV. I could not believe that that he did it. And active matter is the class we thought we all had. I still say Chris Rock is a g He was a professional. He handled the moment, stayed on stage, did the Oscar winner, presented the Oscar to uh the roots. It was for summer soul. He was a soul. Yeah, let me tell you something. Chris rockslove man to me. You know what? And speaking of Chris Rock, you know he's going on tour with Kevin Hart. I wonder if he'll put this incident right. If everybody hates about it, you think write about it, let me explain something to you. Yeah, he will respect and not mentioned Jada because that's not what the joke was about anyway. But Will Smith, don't he can buggle out. There's gonna be some brilliant, brilliantly funny stuff coming out of this. Yeah, you know, I'm just sort of really sort of torn with this whole thing. Man. I'm just so I'm not like really disappointed in Will because I don't really know him like that. I just know of him like that. But the part that I hate the most of it is he did it in a way where he knew he could get away with it. I'm telling y'all, man, So that's come on, man, he walk nobody else, slapp nobody else. We're like that, dude, Man, you ain't been slapping. Damn. That's a damn moment. Don't You don't have any reason to slap somebody now, but a violent moment. I don't know. It's not making any sense to me with it. Man. Oh and by the way, um Steve the LAPD released a statement about the assault, and as of now, Chris Rock has not pressed any charges. No, Chris ain't gonna press charges because we guessed that dude. No, no, that was assault. Yeah yeah, I'll tell you right now though you heard that old you heard it. It ain't over. But hold but let me tell you something. You don't have to you know you don't. I don't have to press charges. Yeah yeah yeah, oh in a district attorney can look at all right. We'll be back with more of a Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Five. Recent surveys have indicated strong support for President Joe Biden's decision to nominate Judge Katanji Brown Jackson for the Supreme Court seat that retired Justice Stephen Bryer is vacating. According to an average of five polls, about fifty three percent of Americans supported Jackson's confirmation, with about twenty six percent of Americans opposed. If Jackson's ratings hold up through her likely confirmation, she would be the most popular nominee to be confirmed since John Roberts into five. So here's what's next for Judge Katanji Brown Jackson. Democrats hope to consider Jackson's nomination as soon as today, March twenty eighth, but object from any one committee member could lead to a nomination being held over for a week. And it's a safe bet there will be Republican objections. Okay, Jackson's nomination will head next to a vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee that slated to take place on Monday, April fourth, and she could be confirmed as early as April eighth. And that's what we want to hear. That is good news. Yes, yes, yes, class act she is and she truly smart, smart, smart, brilliant. You get in there that we got to want her back class. You know, he ain't good round black women don't know its class sick? Or is he hiding? What do you think? Well? I think he's out of hockeys out now? Yeah, yeah, I think not she case. Yeah, women ain't afraid of nothing, nothing and nothing. Don't think you do? Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure knew? Yeah, come on, what do you say, Steve, even if he didn't know, what are he gonna do? Exactly? You're saying he should resign or being well, see you know where she holding that. You've seen that family picture where they got the doll. I haven't seen that. What about it? You ain't seen that picture? The dog is closer than he is. He looked real secondary to that dog. Oh that ain't a good sign. Class. Well, at least he's out of the hospital. He had an infection or whatever. At least he's out. Yeah. I don't want nobody. I don't wish no bad on nobody. Physically, I don't. I don't mean. You know right, if your wife got something to do with this insurrection, yes, she needs to do her time. Yes, yeah, you had something like everyone else, treason and all that. Can't control that white woman? Why no control? What did she climbed that wall? Because she climbed that wall. She went to the rally. Yeah, did she left? Yeah, she said she left because it was cold, which is a lie. She left because she got caught store. She wants to check her trap, make sure everything was in place. Then she laughed. Yeah, she gave us. He gave her speech. We want you on that wall, We need you on that wall. You can't handle the truth, all right, But again, you know we're just sporting and Judge Katanji Brown Jackson right now, you know, looking for them and making know what about her. I was listening to these whole things that they're doing. She's more qualified and in over half the judges that are in the position, and she's more qualified than the people that are questioning her. Exactly right, exactly the Poe Dunk senators that's questioning her. They can't hold a candle to this woman. No what they talking to her angry about? Oh that fool. And then Ted Crews holding up the little book. Are you saying by this book that children are racist? Yes, if your funky mammy and daddy is racist and have taught you the end word, and you in junior in elementary school, you're damn right, your baby racist, mister, youlling roll the fool, your oldest racist. We got to stop you from using mammy though, We're gonna have to stop you from us it. Please all right, coming up next to nephew with the prank phone call for today right after this, you're listening morning show coming up in four minutes after the hour, Today's strawberry letter. Okay, and the subject is they want equal treatment. But right now it is time for the nephew and today's prank phone call, NEF, what you got for us? Oh, I don't know. I don't know if I could be stupid this morning, I don't. I don't know, y'all. Oh you can, you can. Don't doubt yourself, believe in yourself. No no no, no, no, no no no doubt no no no, no no no, just keep talking, go ahead. I don't know. I don't know. You know, there's always a you know that you could be in a stupid depression, you know, And I'm in a I'm in a stupid time all time load right now. Oh yeah, I'm just I'm just not feeling STUPI but today you know you are though you are are, Yeah, involuntary muscle. It just happened for you, if you if you think it's damn. I mean, I'm just you know, I'm a little depressed because I don't feel stupid today. I'm going through it. It happens. Trust who you are. Let me just say this to you, Tom answer. Confidence building you've never missed. Yeah, I think I thank you actual absolute stupidest. When you don't thank you all man, that's a boost that right there been the most alarming part to me. Right, thank you? Right there? See how you questioning it as stupid as you've been for you to even question it, that's that's you. Yeah, I se where you're going with that, that's true. Yeah, I just I mean I have I just feel like this morning, I have not seen nothing stupid that really has registered. You know what I haven't. I haven't said are you listening to play Devil's Advocate? You haven't said anything like super intelligent or smart? So yeah, right, so you gotta feel stupid. You have to right now. No time, I got a word from God. You stupid, my child, the Lord. Okay, let's give it a shot. No, not yet. I just it just ain't you know, it ain't quite turned over. But it's all right. I work with it. This right here is that ain't. Are you sleepy? No, I'm not sleep I just I just don't feel stupid. I just don't agree with you. I agree with you, Steve. The more he talks, the more he listens, it comes out. It comes yeah. Facts. Yeah when you say yo, one of your lines is I just I just don't feel stupid. Yeah, that don't that don't say at all to you right now? Everything first, I ain't missing it right here, Just keep talking keep talking to you right now to the fact you're trying to reach the feeling is stupid. Man. All right, let's let's try. We're gonna try with a prank. It's right here. Stop now, stop now, I'm going through this right here. That ain't my brother's baby. Okay, that ain't my brothers All right, let's see if I can be stupid. Don't worry about it. Something I need to take care. I talked to man, I speak to Terry. My name is Daryl. Damon is my brother. I don't live in Dallas where y'all live. That I'm the one that lived out of town. But we didn't have a family meeting and talked about it. And uh, I know Travis your son, he eight years old. But the problem is the reason why I'm calling you TI is called. We didn't found out that Travis ain't none of damons child. Excuse me, Travis ain't none of Damon child. He'd been paying you child support here for the last eight hold on, and you said your name was who I'm dare, I'm Damon brother, and who gave you this information? We all have found the information out. We actually gonna go down there to the courthouse and get all this stuff rectified. But we didn't found out that Travis ain't ain't none of Damon's child. And he's been sitting up here sending you money seven to eight hundred dollars a month and this child ain't even here. Now, I hate for Travis to find this out, and he gonna have to find it out, but he ain't got the fid Why are you calling me? Look, the family didn't had a meeting, and I'm the one that they decided to make the phone call and tell you what's going on now. You you you don't have a damn thing to do with this. You You ain't nobody daddy over here, So I'm not sure what you're calling for. Who God made you? Key wanted you to be head in charge to call but that it's not gonna work out. But let me why why are you doing this to my brother? That's what I'm saying. For eight years, the man been sitting you seven hundred seven dollars a month and and this ain't even his child. You know, why why am I even talking to you? I'm not really sure. Your brother need to call me if he has any problems with questions you have a good day. Hello, you don't hang no damn phone up on me. Damon told me the last was hard headed anyway. Now, look, you know what you got the wrong one, baby, Like I'm trying to not lose all my religion today, but you're about to make me lose it on your You don't know who you over here. So, like I said before, my fund your nephew that you're trying not to claim over there. I don't know why you came from wherever the hell you said you came from the dollars to try to I came from California down here to Dallas, and I'm telling you need to take your bath. I'm back to California because down here, if you don't know me like that, I don't know you, but I'm fend to know you, and Travis fend to know that my brother ain't his daddy. No, I don't know you know what. You need to talk to your brother again. That's what you need to do. And you don't need to be talking to me. You've been to send us all the money and my brother didn't sent y'all. I and when I do, look and I said, when I sent all that eight years worth of money back. You're gonna send every dime back because it belonged to my brother. That ain't my brother child. Now we ain't got time to be going on on ma repover showing nothing to find out who the daddy? You know what? Like I said, you picked the wrong one. It'd be your best friend not to call me anymore. You actually it is a good thing that you call, because if you can't knocking on my dog, you to got y'all with today? No you go, that's my second thing I've been to do. If we can't rectified over the fall, I don't have a problem coming over there knocking down some dos and getting some questions answered, because damn it, this ain't Damon's baby. Obviously you must wish it was yours. So you're taking so much entry. No it ain't mine, but but it ain't game wins either, and we got to sell any and looking for from But I'm sorry this was taken over here and Damon, where we continue to play? When you owe Damon, don't open that's what far with your brother's Marie. I want to play. I'm sorry. He's gonna continue to play and you can call wherever you want. To come do whatever you want to do. So go back and tell your mama and everybody else who's waiting for this meeting to let them know it ain't having me. Look, my mama ain't got nothing to do with it. Mama been. What's your mamma? You said your mamma. Now, y'all got to get us. She's the same way, like, I'll see where you get it from. You're like, just like car, Mama knows that, y'all from knows it. People mone y'all damn business. That's a grown man. That ain't. My mama said it from the get go that it wasn't hunt that it wasn't. Damon chime no, that mean your mama's two faced lock because you're ain't what your mama said. You ain't been to sit here and bring my mama up in this well. If you know so much, then you breck. Come back on my belly. I'm not I'm not there. If you want to. We didn't done the man. Seven hundred and fifty dollars times twelve times eight is seventy two thousand dollars. That's how much money. And my brother didn't sent you, and that's how much we want back. I need you to get to working on this money. Nah, okay, why don't you come over here and get it? Don't get your whoop today, Terry, come on over here. You don't see you one thing. If you in Dallas when I don't care nothing body but I'm in no Dallas. You sain't canni for you. So I don't even know what they don't. I'm I don't even go why away from my time talking to you? Like I said, your brother is a week if he got to call you, y'all had him eating and you got to be the one to call. I'm not really understanding. Look, I got one more thing I need to say to you. As you listening to me, you know you know my damn nerves. That's what you're doing. You respect me? Are you listening to me? What that's his nephew? Timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got prank. Oh, you just got pranked by your sister telling your baby. She say talk to her about her baby, daddy and that baby. Yeah, I don't play sho Oh my god. I'm all right. Let me ask you this. What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land Steyning Show. I feel my stupid coming back. Oh, feel my stupid. It never last, it never left. All right, Thank you, nephew. Coming up next the Strawberry Letter subject they Want Equal Treatment. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com by clicking submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. You never know. It could be yours. Yeah, could be Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is Strawberry Letter, subject they Want Equal Treatment. Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm in my late forties and my sister in law is my best friend. My brother is cheating on her and she found out from their six year old son. I was keeping their son, and we went to visit my mother, his grandmother, while my stupid brother had his girlfriend over there having a fish fry in the backyard. My mother was in the house mad as heck, but my dad was outside with them because the woman has a really nice body. My nephew didn't see the woman, but my mother was so upset that she unleashed a rant and the boy heard it from the other room. He could not wait to tell his mom, and she called me and lit into me about it. I told her that I was clueless, and she didn't believe me. My brother blames me for bringing his son over to our parents' home. My brother ended up moving in with my parents temporarily and continued to date this side chick even though he was trying to work things out with his wife. I am stuck in the middle because he has me counseling the side chick, begging her to be patient while he figures out how to leave his wife. He's not leaving his wife, and I want to tell his side chick that, but that would be even messier the side. The side chick wants equal treatment as his wife. His wife wants it all if he wants to go back home. She wants a new ring and a recommitment ceremony with a big, fancy honeymoon. The side chick said, if she's going to stay with him. She wants a commitment ring and a big vacation to a romantic island to prove he's all hers. I told him he's in way too deep and he needs to get his affairs in order. I've been living with this guilt for almost a year. My therapist said I should come clean and be honest with both women. Should I do this to my brother? Okay? No, no, don't do this to your brother. Okay, But you gotta look at what it's doing to you, and way more importantly, you can't do this to yourself. You just can't. You got to get out of the middle of this. This is a mess, and this has nothing to do with you. You're not cheating on anyone. You innocently took your nephew to see his grandparents, and now you're getting it from all sides. Your brother's mad at you, your bestie's mad at you, and the side chick even has something to say, and she shouldn't have anything to say about any of this. It's amazing to me, though, that a six year old, a six year old little boy couldn't wait to tell his mom about the side chick. I mean, he must be really advanced. Because when we were kids, you know, we constantly heard the phrase stay out of grown folks bid. But his mom probably put him up to it. I don't know. Listen, you've got to start blaming yourself in all of this and stop letting your brother punk you, and his side chick and his wife you're bestie, they're all using you. You got to stand up for yourself. Tell them all to kiss your behind. You can, you had a choice, kiss you're behind, Tell them to work it out and tell them to leave it, leave you out of it. You could tell you could tell them one of those or all of those. All it is is misplaced anger on the wife's part and trying to place blame on the brother's part, and trying to get something out of it on the side chicks part. I mean, your brothers manage you, yet he's the one cheating. Your best friend is manage you, although it's her husband that's a fault here. I mean, I think you should get you some business immediately, because clearly you have none because you're in this. You got to stop feeling guilty and thinking you cause this and get on with your life. I mean, you've been going through this for a whole year now feeling guilty. You're the one that needs to get away. They need to all pay for your trip, not them. They don't need to go anywhere. And as far as your therapist goes, fire him, which are the one that gave you this bad advice about coming clean? Steve excellent response. I think what you said is spot on. I agree one thousand percent with everything you said. I can't really add nothing to this except a very unique perspective because there's some lies being told anyhether and that's where I come in. I love it. Now. This woman that wrote the letters is writing because she's stuck in the middle. Obviously, I'm in my late parties and my sister in law is my best friend. Okay, there you go. My brother's cheating on her, and she found out from the six year old son. So the aunt was keeping her nephew, which is a six year old, went by to visit her mother with her nephew, which is the mother's grandson. Your dumbass brother had his girlfriend over his mom and daddy house, having a fish fry in the backyard. My mother was in the house mad as heck, as most women would be, but my dad was outside with him because the woman had a really nice body. I don't know if that's the reason. I think the daddy was out there, because well, the daddy was just being the daddy. See the problem in this letter is now you say your nephew didn't see the woman, but your mother was upset and was renting, and the boy overheard in the other room and he couldn't wait to go tell his mom, and she called me and lit into you about it, and I told her you was clueless, and she didn't believe me. Well, why would you take the boy, the nephew over to your mother's house if you knew your brother was over there with another woman. There's no way you would have done that because you're not. Aren't You wouldn't have done that to the boy, but your dumb ass brother over there. You know what the problem with your brother is, he got too much support for his bs. That's what's wrong. And when we come back, I'll explain it. All right. We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after be our Thank you Steve, subject of today's Strawberry letter, they want equal treatment. We'll go back into it right after this you're listening show, All right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letter and finish up with your response. The subjects they want equal treatment. Yeah, you know, this is kind of crazy. This woman got a brother that's cheating, and she was keeping the brothers son who is her nephew. Her best friend is her brother's wife, which is her sister in law. She go over to the house. Her brother got a chick over there having a fish fry in a mom and daddy backyard. That's ignorant to begin with. Now the mama in the house madness. Heck, but you say your daddy was outside with him because the woman got a really nice body. My nephew didn't see the woman, but your mama was so upset she unleased the ranch. The little boy heard it. He couldn't wait to go back home and tell his mama. Your girlfriend, who is your best friend, the sister in law to your brother's brother's wife, who is your sister law or your best friend lit into you because she thought you was in on it. You told her you was clueless, and she didn't believe me. I said before, why would you take the boy over to the house? And expose your nephew to some guard. But you had no idea he was over here, and you didn't take the boy in the backyard. He just overheard the grandmother talking. So, now what didn't happen, because it is your brother ended up moving in with your parents because he didn't got put out, and he's continued to date the side chick with the banging body, even though he trying to work things out with his wife. Now you say you're stuck in the middle because he got you counseling the side chick, begging her to be patient while he figured out how to leave his wife. Then you say, he ain't leaving his wife, and I want to tell the side chick that, but that would be even message. Your brother is the one that's a fault in this whole thing, first of all, cheating on his wife. Second of all, he took the side check to his parents' house, having a fish fry in the backyard. Did daddy out there supporting the son, And now he got you counseling the side chick. The best way to do people who bring bs to you is let them lay in. They b s get out of the support system business. You ain't don't ever help nobody do wrong unless you are a man. Unless you're a man, and this is your boy, it is our obligation to help you try whatever. Man different rules if because I got do it for you. Okay, now here with okay, hold on, now, let me help you understand this. If your girl gets in trouble, you're gonna help her because that's your colonel. Now, y'all don't ever talk about that side of it. But y'all comes to each other's rescue because I've heard it. Whatever I have to do with the latter nothing, it's just don't get mad at me when I tell you that the only way you're supposed to get involved in this if y'all was boys, you should stay out of this because your best friend is your sister in law. So you definitely shouldn't be counseling the side and chick because your brother got everybody involved in his BS. Now the side chick wants equal treatment as the wife. Now listen to this. His wife want it all If he wants to go back home, she want a new ring and a recommitment ceremony and a big fancy honeymoon. That ain't just to show commitment. She just really wants some stuff. She just wants some stuff, really, because you're gonna take a man back and that No, this is some things. You're considering taking him back because you want him back, but you want some things with it. Recommitment, bigger ring, fancy honeymoon. Yeah, but now here the problem is the side chick said. If she gonna stay with him, she want a commitment ring, a big vacation to a romantic alive, to prove that he's all hers. I told him he ain't way too deep and to get his infans in order. Let me explain to you what's wrong here. Your brother is telling both women the same thing. That's what's wrong, because if he was telling them the truth, both of them would might not be demanding the same thing. But he's telling both of them, I want to be with you. Give me a minute to work this out. Getting the divorce is difficult. Give me a minute. I'm working this out. I gotta get this check out of my life. She tripping, just what the nothing? This wasn't even about her, right, baby? I want you because here what brok can't do. He don't have the money for an apartment. That's why he had had to move back in with his mom and daddy. Ain't no where in the hell. He got two rains and he damned him. Can't go on two vacations a romantic getaway. So as soon as y'all quick supporting this b s, it's gonna all come to a head. Now. You say you've been living with this guilt for almost a year, that's because he got too much help. Your therapist says I should come clean and be honest with both women. Your therapist is a woman, because the man would never say that. Ain't no way. The only way a man would say that if he wanted to sleep with you. Your sapist is a woman. Yeah, fire them, and this ain't the time for that. Ye all right? Steve hit us up on Instagram at Steve Harvey FM. She's a woman. Stubberry Letter. You can also check out the Strawberry Letter podcast Done to Man coming up next to the Sports Junior right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show Time now for Sports Talk with Junior. What you got Junior? Okay, Shirley, but let me just thank Jackson, Mississippi for coming out to Chuckles and hanging out with your favorite play cousin Man Folk shows two Friday, two Saturday. Thank you, Chuckles Man. Listen, I know you oversee, but you don't even know this, but your board, Dan Sanders, Let's just go ahead give Prime some props. Many on Friday they had Jackson States Pro Day. Right. Prime set up there and called out all the NFL teams who did not come to his pro day. And I'm telling you, Prime is over here. Fight for these HBCU athletes. Man, this is what he said. He said, there's thirty two teams in this Crayola box. Therefore, the Dolphins, the Broncos, the Texans, the Bills, the Buccaneers, the Ravens, the Panthers, and the Browns, the Vikings and the Eagles. Where art thou You could at least showed up a little bit? You could have said somebody. He said, I guarantee you're going to Mississippi State and you're going to Old miss But I guarantee you we're gonna show up there. I understand you saying that you have more talent, but guess what we're coming and when we arrived, you better be here because our students deserve it. I'm proud of Prime for that should have been we should have had, we should have had we should have been there, we should have held we could have we could have got his son. Though. For Baker Mayfield, I'm telling you, man, I'm just saying it's crazy because, Okay, we do know HBCUs don't have all the facilities as a D one school have, like like like Oklahoma Old Miss. We understand that. But these athletes they play over there too. There's some talented casts that deserve It's from Jerry Rice, it's some. But I'm just talking to that I know for real. Doug Williams, Yeah, from an hbc U. Yeah. So there are players men that are us and they just don't get the looks because they look at them as if they don't play against the same type of talent. And that's just not fair. So I'm proud of Prime Man for calling them out. I'm with Timmy man. The Texas should have helped open up the facility. It's sorry. We should have been We should have been in there. They should have been at A Yeah, we need all level. We need to start. We need to start picking them up at middle school because we don't have a quarterback. We ain't got a wide receiver. We don't know nobody on our team. The famous person on the Texas is the mascot, and that's a damn shame. The bull, the bull, the bull, the more favorite player. We got here trying to get trade ye so man, shut out the danset Man. Thank you, pry ye Man, I see pry Yeah, all right, Junior, thank you coming up at the top. Or we'll play a round him comedy Roulette right after this. You're listening, all right? So Steve in a nutshell. Last night at the ninety fourth Annual Academy Awards, produced by Will Packer and his partner Shayla Cohen, it was one of the most iconic moments in history. We all saw it. We saw Chris Rock walk on stage do jokes about acknowledging the mostly mask free audience before making a reference to Jada Pinkett Smith and saying I love you Jada. I can't wait to see g I Jane too. Take a listen, Jada, I love you g I Jane two. Can't wait to see it. All right? That was that was a nice one. Okay, I'm out here, Oh Richard, Oh oh wow wow. Will Smith the smack out of Wow. Dude, it was a gi Janee my wife name. I'm going to okay, I can okay. That was greatest night in the history of television. See see no, no, I'll see see to see the moment for it was what you're calling the most iconic moment. Should have been the fact that we had a black producer for the Grammys and a black female sister producer of the Grammys. That Beyonce, for the first time in five years, has come back to do an award show. That that was black women, two black women, and a third woman, Amy Schumer hosting the Grammys. That that was, I mean, I'm oscars. That there were black people out on the red carpet. See that that that Will Packer set up a night that should be the iconic moment of this show. Now we've lost all of that. We've lost all of that now see damn diversity. Some black people was allowed for the first season to participate in a way that we've never participated for that's some damn black people finally getting to participate in the biggest award show of the night. Now for it to be marred with this, that's the mistake and the thing of it. Is will Smith. Know, he know, he knows the moment, He knows the grandeur of moments. He has been there before. This dude is Hollywood. Will Smith. Ain't ain't no he no rapper, He from the grid. Will Smith is Holly Wood. Why Holly okay? Why do we always destroy us? Why do we can't have nothing? Time? We do that to ourselves? Many we can't blame the white man for this, can't blame the white man nothing. This is us. We do this to us. Yeah it was, it was. But see here's a sad part. Here's the sad part. We are the only race that's responsible for the actions of one another. See, we shouldn't even have to say why do we do this to us? Because what that does is that keeps them doing it to us, because now we do it to ourselves. See we we've got to understand what's really at play here the moment. Yeah, big Willie is smart enough to know what this moment is. Now that's got what you're trying to say about God got me defending you know, my family? Oh oh dog, but just just what necessary sixty don't put God in it and then walk up there and do something on good will it's not a game anyway. It's not. It's not. It's not apologize to Chris Will, I apologize to me, but I'm gonna slap you back though. Yeah, I loved I loved Amy Schumer. Okay, all right, we'll have more about the Oscars right after this. You're listening to show. Last night at the ninety fourth Annual Academy Awards, we saw Chris Rock walk on stage do jokes about acknowledging the mostly mask free audience before making a friends to Jada Pinkett Smith and saying I love you, Jada. I can't wait to see g I Jane too. Steven. I want to go back to where you were saying. You were saying, Will knows Hollywood. Will it is Hollywood. Will is an international star to me, Isn't that all the more reason for him not to do this, for him not to mess up a moment? Surely that was the exact reason why he shouldn't have done it, That's what I'm saying. Being at the same time, this was the reason he did it. He knew he could walk up here, slap this man and turn around and walk off and what nothing gonna happen? Look, man, We all from down the way know why this is really going You walk up and slap a black dude. No matter what happened, he got there got to be something for that. Will knew that. But the enormity of the moment, which was the mistake he made, and like Denzel told him, in your highest moments, it's when the devil come for you. So now you can't put this off on God talking about God has called me. God didn't send you up there. You never do that. Bishop Kenneth Oma taught me one thing, God's voice has no sin in it. So when you say God called me to do something and then you walk up there, man, no dog dog dog. Come on, man, all right, we'll have more right after this. You're listening to show time now for a game of would you rather? Would you rather think about this one? Guys, would you rather be a middle class white woman or a rich black man? Black man? Be Yeah, he said, I just want to stay me. I want to stay black. I just want to stay me a rich black man. No, the membership has its privileges. Yeah, that's the point of of the of the woods. You rather, Yeah, I ain't got it. You didn't, Okay, would you rather be a middle class white woman, a middle class white woman, or a rich black man, which you already are middle class white woman or rich black man. Why the heir would I want to do privilege anything, say anything they get to do. Okay, I'd be a rich black man and just say it anyway and just suffer the consequence anyway. Yeah, you're gonna stay you, You just stay you, all right. Would you rather eat free at Chili for one year or no eating out for a whole year? Free at Chili's for one year or no eating out for a year? Yeah, I'm eating I'm not. I'm not gonna be Chili for a year. I'm gonna die at that point. I had a lot of experience with that. Two for twenty. I'm going with Chili. I've had a lot of days at this place, Fried Steak, got it all right, Stephen Jake Sizling Plate. Yeah, but I haven't been to Chilies enough times in my life even know so, I mean I haven't been to Chilies. Yeah. So you're gonna as much as you love having dinner out, so you're gonna stay in for a year no eating out. So the choices to eat out only at chilis for a year, or stay in and eat for a year. Yeah, no, I'm gonna stay. You're not any pictures. I'm gonna have to take your chilis about the food. It ain't but two chilis and you Steve coming to night every night. You know where Stevie. Alright, one last one, Let's see if we can get to this one. Tell your mate how you really feel? Would you rather tell your mate how you really feel? Or cry? Or cry when she's mad at you? Still be hell? I could say what I really feel because if I do, she gonna be cry, both of us being all right? Coming up? Thank you guys. That was would you rather for today? Coming up? It is our last break of the day and we'll be back. Oh yes, and we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey right after this. You're listening to stow all right? Here we are, guys, on this last break of the day, on this Monday. We've been talking about it again all morning. I mean, how could we not. It was such an iconic moment last night at the Oscars when Will Smith walked up on stage and slapped Chris Rock for a joke Chris Rock made about Jada Pinkett Smith being in g I Jane Too the movie. That's it. Yeah, and enough. I'm just sort of really sort of torn with this whole thing. Man. I'm just so I'm not like really disappointed in we all because I don't really know him like that. I just know of him like that. But the part that I hate the most of it is he did it in a way where he knew he could get away with it. I'm telling y'all, man, So that's why, come on, man, he walk nobody else slapped nobody else. Well, ain't that dude? Man, you ain't been slapping. Damn, that's a day momentum. You don't had plenty reason to slap somebody. Now. Yeah, I'm closing. You know, I wanted to talk about being motivational and becoming motivated. You know, I spend a lot of time I search Instagram for motivational things to capture my attention. Of course, you gotta you gotta, you gotta weed through them some of the garbage that's on there. But I spend most of my time looking for motivational stuff. And I'm online YouTube looking up motivational speakers and stuff. Because I enjoy hearing other people's takes. My two favorite, two of my favorite people, it's Bishop td Jake's and Joel Oldstein. Those are two of my favorites. But I'm gonna tell you something on that. When I look online and I'm scrolling through Instagram, you know who really really strikes me. It's two people. It's a man and a woman, Coach Stormy. Coach Stormy. I see her on Instagram a lot, and she's a former dancer who has turned her life completely around and really really gotten into the motivational thing and has really helped a lot of people. She does it in a flashy kind of the way, you know what I mean, And I would imagine it's not everybody's cup of tea. But I wanted to take a moment man, to just say to that system that she's really given it a shot. Man. And when you hear her story and where she comes from, see, you have to understand a person's journey to even understand their story. And because their story is not similar to the story you hear from other people is because the journey to where they got to is not that of other people. And a lot of people may not I may not be some people's cup of tea. She may not be your cup of tea, but she's affecting some lives out there, And I just wanted to say that I recognize that. You know, whether you think of Great as a person or not, that's your thing. It's like this, I've learned a lot from former inmates, but people get hung up on the fact that they were an inmate. So Steve, how you listening? Well, because I'm looking at somebody who overcame. I'm looking at somebody who found a way to turn their life around and get it right, you know what I mean. And once again, maybe not your cup of tea. But I don't really look at stuff like that because I've learned in my life not to judge people, because why are you judging and everything? Remember, you got a story too, and you got a history in a past that everybody don't know about. Now, just because everybody don't know your history or your past don't mean you ain't got warm. So why are you snubbed and turning your nose up at somebody's story. Hey, Hey, suppose we knew your whole story. Suppose we knew the truth about you. So I'm Okay, when people expose themselves and become transparent and tell you the way they got them where they are, I'm okay with that. But I just wanted to say that about that sister, man. I think she's effective. I think she's helping a lot of people with her story. Now you know she ain't Oprah. I got that. But then let me ask you a question. Who is she? Ain't Tyler? But who is she? Ain't Michelle Obama? But who is she? One of a kind, just like those people are one of a kind. Also, I want to take my hat off to Eric Thomas. Man, Eric Thomas, the hip hop preacher. That boy right down, man, I'm telling you, man, when I really want to find something, I don't know nobody that's more passionate about being a motivational speaker than Eric Thomas. I ain't. Ain't let me tell you something, man. I listened to everybody. I listened to John Maxwell, I've listened to Tony Robbins, I've listening. I've listened to a lot of speakers, man, I have yet to see the orator that Eric Thomas is. He's passionate. I was reading the commas one time, this lady I could tell who she was. Why is he so angry? That ain't angry, that's passion How can you do that? I get accused of that sometimes, mister Harvey, Why are you so angry? I ain't angry. I'm passionate, but I ain't that dude. As a motivational speaker, Eric Thomas, that dude right there is on point. And I'm saying that to you to say this, instead of spending your time going down to see what's on TMZ, take half of that time and start putting it into motivational speakers and just hearing what people's theories are. I've learned a lot from people, man, by just hearing their little thoughts. I get thoughts starters from people all the time. So take yourself off a TMZ and take yourself off a TikTok trying to get a laugh, and try to pour something into yourself. A lot of these motivational speakers I find many of them coming from straight from biblical principles, which are all most positive motivational speeches are spiritually based. But that's just a suggestion to you man, just try, you know, at the beginning of the week, instead of looking so much at TikTok and TMZ and watching TV. Take some time to pour something into yourself from some of these motivational speakers that can probably just get some some of your thoughts started for you. That's all I wanted to say to you today. And once again, like I always say, if you didn't like that close and remark, just join us tomorrow. Maybe you'll like that one. Okay. And once again, as always, y'all talk to God. He'd love to hear from you today. For all Steve Every Contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FIM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show