Will Packer talks to the crew about "Girls Trip" - 07.14.17

Published Jul 17, 2017, 12:00 PM

Will “Power” Packer Talks His Latest Movie, “Girl’s Trip” Yesterday we had Regina Hall who is starring in “Girl’s Trip” that is hitting theaters next Friday, July 21st – but today we had the man behind the movie, Will Packer! He promises that “Girl’s Trip” is for the ladies – yes, the men can go take in some laughs but this is for the women to enjoy.

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Y'all know what time is, y'all don't know. Y'all back all, suit all looking back to back down, giving the ball, just like theming buck bus things. And it's touby do me true good to Steve Hardy listening to me together for stoo bar Quay. Why don't you joy yea yeah by joining me? Honey said you got to turn out, Yeah you do, y'all. You gotta turn to turn about turn lovey. Got to turn out to turn the water the water. Y'all, comey, come on your thack at it? Uh huh, I sure will come on. And everybody you are listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only. Steve Harvey, Oh yeah, man, got a radio show. Do you understand that I'm telling you God been big in my life. I'm not gonna kid you. I'm telling you in here do the same thing for you. God. God is a gentleman. You know. I wanna I want to point that out to you. God is an absolute gentleman. He will not come in unless he's invited. He don't just barge into your life. He gives us the power of choice. You know, if you say you got it, I don't need you, He lets you have it. If you say I need you, come see about me. He right there. It's just a real simple thing, man. So I always say to people this, if you've gotten yourself into something, and please you know I have I man see that. That's why I'm so adamant about it, because I've gotten myself in some circumstances and positions in my life. And boy, let me tell you something. I've had some low moments. Man, I've had some moments where I did not know what to do. I didn't know what was next. I didn't know how to go about it. I didn't have no more ideas. I was stuck. I thought a couple of times, well might not make it past this one. But then if I don't make it past it, what's gonna happen? And then I held on to this little thing that my mother kept talking to me about. She said, sometimes some when you ain't got nothing else in you, just hope, she said, just hope it will be all right, you know. And what I've learned in my life is that hope. It's the beginning of faith. I hope. It's just is there a possibility out there for me? I sure hope something happened. See hope, Hope it's okay, man, Because like I said, for me, the way I've lived my life, hope was the beginning of faith. It was just the idea. It's just the thought that something could change from me, that something could be a little bit different from me, that maybe, man, just maybe for some reason, I could be saved, I could be rescued. Things could turn around, it could head in the other direction. Maybe I could quit messing up. Maybe somebody will forgive me, Maybe somebody will will just say all right. I don't know, but I can't count the times I've been in that position. But then once I hope a little bit, and then I remember. Also my mother, because she was a Sunday school teacher, she taught me the most valuable lesson I've ever learned in my life. Nothing has been greater in my life than my faith. She taught me to pray. Mom used to say, when you get real dog for your son, prayer changes things. She said, When you seem like you lost and you can't find your way, stop and pray, she said, because pray changes things. You know, when you get a point in your life when you've done all you can do and you can't do no more, and you just don't know what to do next. She said, stop, suh, pray and combine that prayer with that hope that you got, she said, because that hope is the beginning of faith. She said. If you pray just hoping, she's saying that God come through for you. That will give you confidence that he can do it again. And then after a while you quit hoping, she's saying, you start believing. She said. That's when you're on to something. If you can turn that hope into belief, that hope into faith, the ability to believe in something that you can't see. But the key though the faith is you're believing in something that you can't see. See hoping a little bit different from me, I'm pretty sure. Like I say oftentimes to tell a lot of people who can explain this thing a lot better than I can to you. But just from my side of it, being as real as I can be, rich see, hope helps. Man. If you ain't strong enough to have faith, have hope, and then if you pray with some hope and God answers your prayer, then that hope gains a little confidence. And after a while that confidence becomes faith. Now ain't just hoping, but I'm believing. I'm believing in something that I cannot see. Faith has been the key to my entire existence, even when I didn't have any It was faith, as I look back on it, that has gotten me here, and not just faith of my faith. See, you will only get to where you're going in your life based on your faith. See. A lot of people get the word faith confused, like what's your faith? Uh? And then they started going down this whole list of all these different religions out here. But really an essence, man, when I talk to people about faith, I'm talking to you about your your belief. How much do you believe in the unseen? How much do you believe in the things you can't see? How much do you believe in the impossible? How much do you believe? See? Because faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. Faith is the core of all that is happening to me today. It is the faith that I have in my relationship with God that enables me to just oftentimes times, if I stay on the right course and believe a certain way and act a certain way, his blessings just poor. They just come and it comes in a lot of little ways too. I've started to notice, See it ain't just a lot of people think blessings is money, and now, man, that ain't it. It's coverage. It's every time my plane lands safe. It's every time they predict bad weather, not get up in the sky and it don't be no bad weather. You know, this is this is favor. These are blessings that get poured out to me. Somebody called me and offer me something, not money, but an opportunity, you know, something. Somebody say, hey, man, I don't know, but I sent this to you. I thought you might be interested in it. Somebody has sent me a scripture, or somebody will send me something that's favor, and it always comes at a time when I need it the most. That's favor, that's pouring out blessings. Now I'm also the recipient of a lot of other blessings too. You know, I've been blessed with health. That's amazing blessing. Man. I've been blessed with a spirit of not quitting. I've been blessed with the ability to shoulder huge amounts of responsibility. See, blessings come a lot of ways. But once you tie into God, Once you tie in and you start doing the best you can do, and you start asking for him to make you a better person, to help shape and mold you into the kind of man or person that he wants you to be. You be amazed what God can do with you. Man, if you just invite me in and allow him to be a part of your life. I mean, what you got to lose out there? Come on, if you're sitting in the cell this morning, why why would you not change? I watched the he shows about me and locked up all the time. Who waiting? They getting their farties, and they decide, Man, I'm tired of this. I live most of my life behind these bars. When I get out this time, man, I'm gonna get it right. Why you gotta wait till your farty? I mean, when you're farty, it's cool. Get yourself together whenever it happened. But man, do you know that you are not created to live behind bars? God didn't make you that way. But if you've gotten yourself into that position, though, see now you gotta do the best you can. But they don't need to look at it God being mad at it, we'd have made all of our decisions got us to where we at today. You have a chance to turn your life around with a relationship with God. What you're waiting on? Are you gonna just keep doing it like that? Huh? Really? Come on, man, why would you do that to yourself? Why would you not allow God to be a part of your life so you can get the way He wants you to be. God got some big plans for you. If he didn't, you wouldn't keep waking up. It's Friday, I'm saying again, it'day day. Frideo. This has got to be probably everybody's favorite day of the week right now, and I know it's mine. Yes, that's great, man. Nobody's ever angry at a Friday. Let me say good Friday to everybody. Shearlotte Carlo Junior and Jay Anthony Brown. Good Friday. Good, good Friday to year Friday. It's Friday. Ain't nothing like fish fried Friday, man, Yes, fish with mustard. Mustard. We've put munchard on fishing. We put kids up. Heard that you've been crazy long time. Put mustard on fish in the South, that's what they do with my best friend that she's from Kentucky. Oh, she puts mustard on her frieda mustard. My folks are from the South, they never I'm from catch up and not sauce. I don't like catch up at all. Uh, you don't like. I don't like you can't catch up. I don't like somebody's snipe head. She got to be just I just fries. Don't catch up? Right? So what do you put? You? Just eat your fried? No just riggling. You know what I'm saying. On your frids, salt fish. You just you dip it into some mustard. No, not fries, no fries. Put on fries again. Okay, I've that like a long time I've heard her. Sure you heard of what's been fries? Yeah? Like restaurant the British you're British? Yeah? Did you just quote me jays British? Now you want to know you're from England, Sir, you would end on your front. So yeah, the you're here the morning and more and more here a couple of days. And you've never seen Janet Brown over at the condiments. We've eaten out several times and you're right it gives us. So have no burger, fries, no catchup? What you do? Tader songs. Ja, yeahder sounds just cool. Yeah, Okay, he's coming back now, he's coming back back. I don't I can't imagine. Yeah, everything I like catching definitely okay together and how we break up and to get back. That's what families do. Jay, we're dysfunctional. But Mustard, you got to sit at the kids table with that. Alright. Uh, we'll be back with something funny. You're listening to Stow, all right, it is time for something funny. All right, Temmy has to get something off his chest. You know, he always he's a thesbian on the show. He has something to say always about black movies. But yeah, black movies with relationship issues. What is all I said was all black movies basically just relationships gone bad. That's really when you look at Yeah. You can take last sound round. You can take any black movie and show us how it's about. Jay. I don't care which one you pick. I don't care. Holly money, Junior money, all right, Junior pick one. I don't care what you pick. Okay, pick something good, Junior coming Okay, the West, great movie, great wist you do say the wide Okay, okay, okay, you think you think you think you can throw a curve ball, don't. Okay? The weird lit weird okay, Dorothy? Yeah, all right? Bottom line Dorothy was seeing somebody, yes, because look, if she was seeing somebody, she would have never left home? Am I right? A wrong? And obviously obviously Toto wants hearing. Nobody give me any character in the west? Okay, okay, I got one. The tin man? Okay, okay, okay, right there, Tim man? What was his problem? He ain't had no heart? Then? Then had no heart? How do a man had no heart? You know how because a woman and snitched it from Yeah, that's what? Ever? What man you know without a heart, ain't got it taken from a woman? You're man? You know? And he said, oh he just he too rough? He too you know what is his hearts been taken? Call? He's heartless, heartless blooded? All the people on there we're going through relationship problems. What about the lion with relationship? Is here? The lion the king not not not out of that relationship he went through. I kind of have to agree with him on this. He with the relationship. You don't know what he'd been through, but you m what you're sawing scared of everything where I tell you your boot. He's scared. You wouldn't let you see lion, just scared of everything you think. You know. It had to be a woman that told you think you the lion? You think you run stuff around? If you say that to a man, what what do you do to a man when you say that every day? Your task? Confidence down? All relationships old lyon, I don't understand. Yeah, um, Tommy saw that one with him? You agree, I kind of have to agree with him on what I'm gonna give him one. I'm gonna give one, give one. Always agree with you. Okay, okay, let scare crow, let's este on now. Really, yeah, he ain't have no brain here. Y'all tell me every day what y'all say. I'm stupid. Yeah, but I don't listen. I don't listen to all that stuff y'all tell me. But not a scarecrow. On the other all right, he was weak. You see them saying people weak. He was weak and he couldn't take it. See women called him stupid. Next thing, you know, the man that got on the pole, all of that, just laying the pole up his back and just standing in there stupid. Last one time we can't the last one time and the last one the wizard, the wizard himself, Yeah, but what what what would you what do you think you didn't You didn't do a curry bunking nobody else? Yea, yeah, okay, okay, the Weirz himself, the wind what was the wiz though? He was hiding from a crazy woman. You know when people are hiding from crazy women, and you don't think you were from a crazy woman. Just standing back there, just saying, I kind of rapping up. I wouldn't be seen in green, I wouldn't get caught dead in red back then. And they was all dancing to it. He was adding, from the crazy woman, woman of you in blue. I have to agree with him. He makes makes makes sense. Bring everything you're payroll, it makes sense. He makes sense. Relationship even the munchkins didn't have nobody, nobody the wicked the wicked witch to eat nobody. The relationship you get her man ship flying around like that. But about the good witch. You have somebody tell about little hard little hand. After with the baby and with the star round, there ain't no woman way up in space, nobody. Do you know what a man's gonna put up with that know what you have heard it all from you in the last few days. Kind of broke it down. He did not, kind of break nothing down, kind of just a little bit no him giving him. He did it. The man put the work my relationships. Now, come on, I know that's my area. I know that's my area. I get it. But no strawberry letter from all these characters. Ten man right in with no heart, I have no heart for the woman and snatched it out of Wow, Tommy, where do you come up with this stuff? Does? He? Thanks? And you just don't want to risk You're right, it's me. Well, I don't know what to say after this. The whiz is about relationship, all right. The ignorance, you know it never stops, and don't expect it to. Temmy's run that prank back coming up next. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Miss Anna's coming up with our national news and headlines in just a minute. But before we get to that, it's time for the nephew to run that prank back. What you got, neff, I'm dropping one of my jewels on y'all. This right here is Condom Clean Us. Condom Clean Us I don't know what you think. It sounds like stupid. This one right here feeling jay perky, heels up, boy, you ain't ready for this clean us? Uh I want I say perk, no point intended? No, no. Hello Hello, I'm trying to reach to Mika Jamica. How you're doing. I'm I'm Brad from Quality Cleaners. I'm the manager over here. Huh listen, Um, did you bring some clothes in this morning? No? I didn't bring anything into you this morning. Okay, well listen, we we got an order that was dropped off this morning here. Uh, it's a couple of suits, some business shirts and a few other things. But there's actually been some articles actually left in the clothing. So down, okay, he this morning. It was dropped off like around seven this morning, but we got it's got let's work. It's like about a hundred bucks cash in the pocket. There's a couple of business cards. Uh, there's there's a cup link here. I looked all over, as only one cup link and then there's two condoms in here. So I wanted to see if you guys wanted me to put this in a plastic bag or something. Didn't have it? Have it can you repeat what was left in there? Again? Well, like I said, we gotta Uh, it's like right out of Hunter maybe hunting five bucks of cash. Uh, there's a business card from an insurance company. There's another business card for um, what is this? This is? Uh? What else was left right right? I'm trying to tell you about all the business cards. I don't I'm not interested in the business card because you said something else. Okay, No, there's a couple link that we can't and we can't find the other couplingk if it's here. We're looking all over the bag to see if we can find it, but we don't see that either. What else was in his pocket? Like I said, you gotta you gotta hunted dollars in here? There's some No, no, no, no, you had said something to me. Yes, there's business cards. There's an insurance card, business cards. You said something else, a couple link. Now there's a couple link in here that we can out. Now, Oh, okay, what the last there's two condoms in here? Hello? What did did you say? Uh? Like I said, there's a hundred dollars in the year. Did you say did you say there was some condoms in there there's two, there's two extra large condoms in here. Hello, I'm here. I'm just trying to dodge this all the stuff that you had just said that that was in my husband's pocket. Now you sure that this is my husband, Chris Chris? Uh? Well it has I mean maybe you know the items man, this is there's a there's a gray suit. There's also a solid blue suit that that sounds from that sounds familiar, but I'm not understanding what that condoms. The phone number that the phone number that I called, the number that attached to this actual order. So I mean, this is the number we have on file. Just is this his number or your home number? Or was your say what the number is this? This is our house number. I just don't believe you know what what you're telling me because we just celebrated our our anniversary last week? Is this is? What? What? What? What? What? I mean? What's what's wrong? Man? What's wrong? What? First about we marry and we never use condoms? And then you look that called to me talking about he got condoms left in his supercoat pocket. I'm not on this. I'm oh, I know he ain't cheating on me? Well not not. I mean not necessarily. I mean, you know, if they could have been there, why he was in his pocket? That just don't make any damn sense. If we marry and we don't use condos, want of what do you have kindos in his pocket? I don't know, ma'am. You'd have to talk to Chris about that one. Now. I guess my main reason is it you want me to well, wait a minute, I wanted to know did you did you clean anything? Yeah? Did you clean this? No? We haven't cleaned it. I just I just started. I'm starting stuffing on you. I don't want you. I don't want you to clean them thing and all those articles that that you said. I want you to put it. I want you to I want you to put everything, including the damn condors. I want you to put it in the bag. I want you to put it in the bag. Don't clean uphing, because I'm gonna come up there and I'm gonna pick everything out. Okay, I mean I'll be here all day, Like I said, my name is Brad, and I'll be here if you want me to. Um. If you want me to put him to the side, I won't clean them. I just put him to the side, and I leave him in the same laundry bag. Yet when you dropped them all, don't Chris, I don't believe it. I ain't gave this. I'm a good years of my life and he's gonna turn around cheat on me. You make sure you know I'm clean up because I'm a serious. Side on my damn self. You put on that in the bag. I'm gonna call my job and let him know I'm not coming into that. I don't want to slow down. I don't want you to get to hysterical. I mean, you know you're getting a little iry, are you okay? I'm I'm I'm gonna be all right. I am gonna to be all right when I get up there. Who Chris is gonna get? That's all I got to say. You make sure you have all that stuff not clean. I don't want you to clean it. I want you to put all that other that you said that you found in his pocket. You put all that in the bad because christ is I don't know who that you think? Okay, Mr? Would you like for me to call Chris? I don't want you no, no, no, no, Bobby, I don't want you no man. Wait wait, wait, wait, my name is Fred, I'm Brad. I don't give a damn what your name is. So I really don't okay, because Chris is gonna get up. You just put everything in the back side like I had asked you too. I am all my way down there and Chris, no, this ain't going down this way. We've just renewed our vows and man's that don't condoms coming three and you know what they're talking about this That's what I'm not understand that. I know a man. Okay, Chris is gonna get when you get home tonight. Here's here's something else in the pocket too. There's a note in here. Know what is this day? Okay? Man? You know what? This has gotten way way out of hand. I don't want to and you need a quick coming man. Rocket What you made that to me? Not a fact? I want that in the bad too. The more evidence I have the beds is gonna be from me because, uh what did the note say? The note says, this is nephew Timmy from the Steve Hardy Morning Shows. Your husband Chris got me to play all called Shoot what God, Chris was going to die tonight? I was we was gonna have a bribe to in his do you mem do you hear me? Oh my god, Chris is for me, Oh my god. He radio show, this show show me. I don't believe you man. Stupid continued, Stupid continues. It's going down Delaware. Get ready for Southern Pride Comedy. We're coming to town. What's today, Junior boy? July twenty second? I do it? No, you got two seconds? Come on? That's July twenty second, July and twenty ninth. I would be in Huntsville, Alabama at Stand Up Lie July twenty night. Is Stand Up Live. Tickets on sale right now. Thank you all. That's all I need. I just want to get that stupid and stup it is moving around the world. That's what you need to know. Stupid move you play too much. It's wherever you go, wherever you are, they're they're stupid. Hayless comment. I just come around. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show, all right, to take your eating habits and feel better right away. They say, when you look good, you feel good. You've all heard that before. But when you eat good, you feel even better. Okay, that should be when you eat well. When eating it, Yeah, when you eat good. When you eat good, you feel even better. Eating more natural foods helps boost energy and metabolism. We know that, so showing on eats made with limited whole ingredients, with lots of nutrients, good fats and fiber will help us feel good. Eat less meat. Okay, listen to mom and eat your vegetables. Swap. Swap process sweets for natural sugars. Fruit can satisfy a sweet tooth. That is very true, and it's so much better for you than any process cookies. Twinkies. Who silly, it's twinkies. Though I haven't seen a talk we know who ain't had a twinkie on this ship? Yeah? Why are you looking at? It's not nice? I know. Jay turned his back to Junior. Yes he did all the stuff you name. He won't so bad. Okay, all I said, all I have said was process cookies, twinkies and candy. Do you think James had a process cookie the last time? What is kidney was working year? Honeyball? If you had any, I don't. I can't know. I don't do that. You know what, I'm going to seven eleven and I'll touch him. Put what you can't have too much sugar in your system. Yeah, you can have a diabetic rep. I used to make back in Carolina back in the day. Man, Oh, this is a great sandwich. You take two honey buns, two of them. Yeah, I got it. You take some bologney, You put some cheese in between the two honeymuns. You heat that up. Oh my god, your sugar level it is through the roof cheese. Make the cut. Tell you what happens is it's the sweet and the cheese together. It's so good. And and what a glass of kool aid with that cholate most like? What is murk? Wow? J? So now I see how you understand. I get it, okay, but you know how to get It's worth losing the foot j is j ate that whole sale which he said, I feel something loosen my ship. I'll be down and loss of toll. You know we play hard. You're not talking to all diabetics. It will be sickle cell jokes later on, Junior, do you have any eating restrictions? No? Fine? Oh great, honey barn yesterday. That's different. Alright, it's time to get caught up on today's let's go, let's go and only trip. Thank you, Thank you, thank you. Good morning everybody, and this is a trip of the news. Okay, well as promise. Senate Republicans have released the details of their newly reworked healthcare proposal yesterday. But one thing hasn't changed. It still doesn't give any more money to Medicaid than the last bill did, and that was a big stumbling block, you may remember for moderates in the GOP because that part of Obamacare allowed for the treatment of low income and disabled people, which includes a lot of veterans. A lot of veterans are on Medicaid, believe it or not, and a lot of them voted for Donald Trump. Nevertheless, they could be losing that. Meanwhile, Congressional Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is calling for an outside independent commission to investigate the latest revelations about the President's son and his secret meeting with the Russian lawyer who said she had damaging info. Hillary Clinton is turn no, she didn't. Well, because as a congresswoman, Pelosi sees it, this is a big deal. This week we saw cold hard evidence of the Trump campaign. Indeed, the Trump family eagerly intending to include possibly with Russia, a hostile foreign power, to influence American election. However, Donald Trump, but who's in France right now in a state visit, is defending his son. He says his son is a good person, and he adds that to most politicians he thinks would have taken that meeting anyway. The President says that nothing happened anyway, There was no information there all right. It seems that um actor shyl La Buff has been in trouble with the law a lot lately, but his latest run in with the law took place Wednesday in Georgia. The Transformers, a star guy Real Nasty La Buff was arrested in charge of public drunkenness and disorderly conduct after nobody in downtown Savannah would give him a cigarette. He told the black police officer he was going to go to hell because he's black, and he went on from there. The black man who rescued to be a white city to daw, I'm doing I'm sitting three black people who have atte but yeah, that black officer was fingerprinting him anyway. TMZ acquired video of all this. The actor verbally abused the white officers to threatening to blow there you know what up and saying that their wives desired black men, but he didn't say it that nicely. The Buff was released on seven thousand dollars bond as The Guy who Stars and Transformers and other stuff, Shila Buff. City commissioners in Florida have agreed to begin the process of getting rid of streets and street signs in the middle of African American communities named after Confederate generals, like Lee Street after Robert Lee, lee Hood Street after General John Bell Hood, and Forest Street named after the Confederate general and clan leader Nathan Beth Bedford Forest. My girl Venus made it to the finals at Wimbledon this week. This is the tenth time she's made to the finals. She's won the title five times. And today is National Pandemonium Day. Andrew Bottom Steps of Suffoca. After the hour, stay tuned to this Tea Far Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Wait the Butterflap, Wait the batter flap. Eugene, Good morning everyone, Good running to the listeners, morning speaking to us. Good morning to everyone. As I said yesterday, I was gonna be giving you off some new things that I want. Today's blog is out with the old and in with the new that is today's blog, with the out and in with the Neil. Let me tell you see people, you people out there that are riding around. I want you to hear me and hear me, well, there are some people in your life you got to let go. There's some people in your life that you're gonna realize that you're not why y'all, who y'all stop, you'll gather That's what you need to do. You need to make sure that step back a couple of feet and just digest these people that are in your lives. And that's what I have dined. I'm gonna say it again. Out with the old and in with the nail. So yes, I am putting it out there. If there's anyone looking for a blogger that wants them on their radio show, I am a I am available, okay, because I want somebody that loves me, cares me, casting me, respects me. And those that say that they are my friends in my face are truly my friends at all times. But we didn't see that on Tuesday on the TV show. Didn't wait now, we did not. We did not see that. We stopped some people skinning and grinning and endowing the South. But no one's saying, oh, I feel so uncomfortable because Eugene is not here. I feel so bad we did not free him with that. No one said that, aren't you happy for us? He's out damn about you, because get't not about to give a hoot about me. I'm say it one more time, out with the old and in with the nail. If it took if it took us five to get on, you should get on in ten years, I mean, and we'll be happy. Yeah, I'm not feeling quat on the five years ago down there. We'll forget that when you leaving. You know what, Junior of all people, don't start crying. No, no, no, I'm not no, no, no, I'm not gonna give him the privilege of my tears rolling over him. I'm not gonna give it to you. But I have bust too many black heads on your back. You have gone through too many things. I have gotten all the extra half your back. I have been there when you needed me, when you needed makeup to go out on stage. When we were touring together, you were in the same dressing room. I took care of you. But you get with your friends, and that's what you're tasty. You did a tasty You sat there and you you just you, you charmed the people, You did all of that, but you cared nothing about your friend Eugene and Fergus side, did you? I was saying, and I was saying, now they're clear with the old and in with the comma. Say this before we go. If I can't anyone of y'all know the elevator, I'm a saloney. Coming up after the break, Jay Anthony Brown is gonna murder another hit. We'll be back after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show all this that time. My man is here, the one and only Jay Anthony Brown getting ready to murder another hit. All right, here we go. I'm doing a little something different today, Shirley, something different something. Have you heard or have you seen the Boys to Men commercial on television pharmacy? A lot of people haven't heard, so check it out. Let's play. We'll play your Boys to Man. You make anything sound good. It's what you do. You're gonna have dizzy, no and sweaty and then see cases So Gussie girls next. So with that being said, yeah, but that being said, Ralph Hawkins and myself we figured that you could take that style of music and pretty much say anything. Say that something you want to say to your boy, your homeboy, y'all take but you don't know how to tell him. You could say it with that style of music, like listen to this, check it out. Now you know your buddy, homie, you're best friend for life. I don't know how to him. Tell you he's smashing your wife's hitting it right, he's tearing it up. Yes, okay, okay, okay, it's just using that style. Yeah, just that style you could take and you can say it. Say your boss wants to say something, all right, hit it, you know right, hit it? No, listen, I'm calling from your job. They told me to say, yes, you've been fired, so I'll get shirt and pay it's pro rad Yes, that was very good man. When that's fine, he just got fired fired. Say you got somebody in school like they're doing bad. You want to talk to him. To take the style of music and you say it to him, hit it Olson, Now I just got your grazos have didn't go away. I'm gonna be that asn't the in the day night night Maybe Joe Jackson style. Yes, they walk out. Oh my god, I love my jo I absolutely not my job. He's hitting right back. Play I played the lesson again? What the wife? The wife? Play the wife the first, play the first to play the first one? First. Now you know your buddy homey, you're best friend for life. I don't know how to tell you he's slatting your wife and he's hitting it right and when okay, I didn't want to hear the boys to man again, Play the boys play the first, the very first one again. If your boys to man you make anything sound good. It's what you do. You're gonna have dinnyes no and sweaty and then silvery cases, cranny flatulence. So gussie girl, so cass. Next I mean they're all right, Yeah, they're okay. They's saying it. You're doing what I'm doing. That's brilliant, Jake, I love it. Thank you, rab about harmony, jaw you could say anything when you like that, by homie your bedfriend life. I don't know how to tell you he's smashing you. He's hitting it right, he's tearing it up to man, I wouldn't even be mad. It me so good, good times. We don't know how to tell people stuff. We don't know how to say it. So this is a great way to man. You could have told me he was mashing my wife. Maybe we tell we want to be on the family feud. You can tell him that way. All right, we'll be back with the prank phone call from Tommy and right, okay, okay, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after the hour, Get ready for today's Strawberry letter. And yes it is another crazy one. Subject my man and his wife are being petty. What it must be cancered it happens, they must be cancer Larry and I'm a cancer. Okay, get ready for today's Strawberry letter subject my man and his wife are being petty. But up next it is the nephew once again in his very own words, with the prank phone call. What you got next? No, I love her to deal. This was one of your mother's faith Oh yeah, this with Georgia Power. Yes, she loves this one. Georgia Power. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a Quincy. This is Hey, how are you? My name is Maurice. Maurice calling you from the power company. How are you doing today? I'm all right, what's up? Well? Listen, we're doing some testing in your neighborhood. We're trying to make sure we don't have to actually shut the power down out there. And uh, we're calling around to quite a few people in your neighborhood, running some tests on individual homes and making sure the electricity is running correctly. Um, can I get you to do a few things warming and the quicker we get through with this, sir, and as possibility want to have to turn your power off at all. I know you don't want us to have to come out and turn power off. And you've got stuff in the refrigerator that can spoil and things like that. So we want to try to get this done and hopefully the power with the with the test that we run, it'll it'll it'll run correctly and we won't have to do anything. Okay, I don't know, I know electricity. Do you know what I'm saying? So no, no, no, I understand that. Don't worry about that. Here's what I need you to do. Now. How big is your house? What do you many bedrooms? You got four bedrooms? Now you have upstairs downstairs? It's too sore. Okay, all right, so here's what we need to do. Um, if you can't gonna take loan though, right, I gotta ease. I'm in the hurry. Then ain't gonna have a lot of time. No, no, no, this this this, this, this won't take long at all. So can I get you to take your breaker and shut down everything upstairs and we're gonna run a test on the stuff downstairs right now. It'll be real quick, all right, just shut just shut everything off. I want you to keep the downstairs open and keep that to the weekend so we can run our test on this thing. All right, everything shut, everything's down. Okay, you you turned off everything. I just turned off all the switch. Okay, here's what I need you to do. I need you to turn on your television and then turn it off downstairs downstairs. How many TVs you got downstairs? I got two TVs downstairs. Let's turn them both on, you know, just turn them on. Just turn them on. You got them on? I got one on. Let's try to turn out other one on. All right, they both on? Okay. Now you got a microwave in your kitchen? Yeah, microwave? Okay, turn out on it's already on, man, I can see the lights. One, it's got the clock on it, that's got that double h on thing that's going through there, and it's a whole different type of current. I just want to mount on them about what you're talking about. But I gotta get to work, man. So the micro waves I on this running. No, No, I want you to actually turn it on. I want you to actually push like a minute or two on that thing with anything. Man, Come on, now, let me what do you gotta do? No, this is a test. So what I don't want to have to do is come out there and turn your power off. And I don't want to do that. You've got a lot of food in your fridge. I'm sure, right, all right, all right, he's look, it's on, microwaves on TV's on. Okay, now open your man, electricity works downstairs. Okay, but listen, I know. But what we gotta do is we gotta make sure that this stuff isn't overpower. Now. Can you open your refrigerator? Yea, yeah? Man, do you see the button that actually has you can turn? You can push it in the lighter go out. You know what I'm talking about? Come on, man, you ain't got nobody to just be able to check something outside. Man, I mean I'm in the fridge. I understand. But push that button five times for him and see what it does. What the light button? Yeah, push that light button five times? Come on, man, that did it go off and on? Every day? It's open? On? Man? Actually they ain't it rolling the refricuate refrigerated plug then? Man, okay, now here's what I want you to do. Right there, and if you're in the kitchen, turn your slink on for me. Sink on. What they gotta do with electricity? Then? I think that's a nitro current. That's a nitrol current. You wouldn't understand that, But I need you to turn that on for me too. Just turn it on full blast. Got it on, I got it on. Okay, Now go in your master bedroom. I can set it off. Now let that water run. Go on your master bedroom and go on the bath for me. I appreciate you helping me out on this, man. Come on, man, Quincy, I appreciated worry, I mean empathy, it's everything. I'm in the I'm in the bath. What's up? Plush that toilet for me? Quincy? See what plush that toilet for me. Plush the toilet, yeah, flush that toilet. It's even electrical? What it is? It's a it's a it's an awkward book and heard you need to get somebody up. Okay, I'm gonna plush the toilet. It ain't no electrical plus in that in this area, man, right. I understand that you don't say what it is. This is an awkward book of current that flows through that water. Plush that thing for me one time. Yeah, yeah, that's it. Okay, all right, toilet worse. Man, we ain't got nobody in the area that could come out here and just check it down. Man, Quincy, I'm trying my best not to come out and and and and and and turn your power off. And I know you got someone to go turn my power off. Man, you're supposed to be making sure the power stay on, right, I understand that. Now, do you have couesse, Do you have a blender? Yeah? I gotta blender, man, I gotta blender. I got a TV, I gotta refrigerator, and they all work. The toilet works, everything worse, all right. What I don't want you to do is this blender. And we'll just show you a few cubes of eyes and something there and turn that thing on for him. Come on, man, we're almost done. I got to get to work. Man. This work women was comprecated. Man, it's just the builder. Come on, man, some food, I said, I have to match the current walking. Man, you need to check the niche house. You don't have no problems with no smoothies or nothing in that thing. Do you see? Man? What the hell they got to do anything? Man? I got get to work. I understand a minute. Minute's going too far. Come out here or do this because I need to get to my job. And I understand that I can just call and have people go through the damn house playing scavenger. I gotta get to work. Okay, Now listen to Quincy with one last thing. Are you able to shut that breaker? Put that breaker back on and then shut off downstairs and then go upstairs and check some stuff on me? Shut up? What shut off the breaker downstairs? Go ahead and turn I'm not shutting up no breaker downstairs. I shut off the one upstairs. We didn't turn on every damn thing down here. You didn't have I got the blender. I didn't turn on the microwave to frigate cool man pushing and told us I gotta get to work. Push it. I need you to lose this attitude you got. I need you to get somebody down here to do this. My electricity in my house worked. It worked for you called a lone thing ain't work. It's my ain't at work because I'm here doing this book. Play off and all. Get somebody in here first, I don't piss me off and make me turn it all the way off work and when I get back to work with this should be on. I got one more thing I need to say to you, queen. It's better be the last thing. That's his nephew timming from the Steve Hobby Morning Show. You just got pricked by your sister gal skill better being a witness protection program. Man. Uh, let me turn it, man, hey man, let me ask this man. What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. That's got to be a Steve Rvy Morning show and Tommy, Uh you call me again, They're gonna be the show used to have Tommy on. What y'all think I should have had him to do like a couple of more things or something I always wonder what makes people stay on the phone. I don't have time for this match. I would have hung up for Tommy. That's why he's the kids. The King is up to something else that jumps off. In September in Atlanta, g A. It is the stage play Mama's Boy. You do not want to miss it. Johnny Gil Robin Gibbons, The Nephews, Jack Harry, Anthony Brown, Shirley Murdock, Gary Little Little Gi Jenkins, Don Robinson. The list goes on. If you're looking for an incredible stage play, come check me, y'all to Thomas Miles dot com. Thomas Miles dot com, hit my website, click on Mama's Boy and get your tickets because I promise you I am coming to a city near you. You do not want to miss it. From September to d Smmer The Nephew Um on the road again. Yes, I get to perform again. Yes, and I'm playing two people. Yes, that means me and the guy that don't like me. We're both in the show. I just want to let you know that your gene is in the show. Okay, Tyler Perry, I'm doing what you do. Come watch me, Tyler come watch me. Just give me a shot. That's a movie, Tyler, think about it, and just think about it, Tyler. This thing. I can't bring no money to the table top. You bring all the money. I bring two three characters. That's all I'm saying, Tyler, Tyler call me. Was that a good way of approaching Tyler? What you and he? Mr Perry? Mr? Oh god, I missed it off. Mr Perry cratch All, you want to do it? All right? Strawberry letter coming up next, Thank you, nephew. Strawberry letter up next. My man and his wife are being patty. We'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it is Strawberry letter. Subject my man and his wife are being petty right there, right there, right there? Uh huh do Stephen Shirley. I loved my boyfriend. I am twenty one and he is sixty two. Why you gotta wait numbers out? I don't know, because you know what numbers numbers. Just read the letter and he and we have been together touchy, and we have been together for two years. He is an amazing man and he treated me like a queen. We want on lots of amazing dates, and he even paid for my best friend and I to go on vacation. Here's a problem. A few months ago, I told him that I want to have a baby with him, and he told me absolutely not. He said he doesn't want to have a child outside of his marriage. I knew he was married, but I also knew he wasn't happy. Well, a few months ago, I stopped taking my birth control and I forgot to tell him. Shortly after that, I found out I was pregnant. When I told him I was pregnant, he got angry and told me not to ever contact him again. Then I did something I knew was wrong. I called his wife and told her that I was sleeping with her husband and that I am pregnant by him. She called me every name in the book and told me that her husband will never be in my child's life. So how can I get them to stop being petty and that our baby is a blessing? My baby doesn't deserve this. What should I do? Please help me? Well, now, yeah, this is now. You want help. You're twenty one, you're practically a baby. I know you're legally grown. But you're dealing with a sixty two year old man, a man who's old enough to be your grandfather. Come on, now, you've been together for two years. Yeah, he's an amazing man. He treated you like a queen. The one and only thing I agree with you in this letter is that you are right. The baby doesn't deserve this. You're so right. This innocent, beautiful blessing of a baby has been born into a ratchet mess. You have been ratchet. You're you're horrible, deceitful person. Here. I don't I don't like you. I don't like what you did. You have ruined several people's lives. This man told you absolutely not, absolutely not. Then you said you forgot to take your birth control. Come on, and then you forgot to tell him that's a trap right there. You don't do this, and then you pick up the phone and call his wife. Come on, you can't do this, young woman. You know, I'm just so disappointed in everything that you've done. And you don't see I guess because you're so young, you don't see where you've made all these several mistakes. And yes, now your baby is going to have to suffer without a father. Because of these mistakes that you've made. Um, what should you do? You're gonna have to be a better person, grow up and take care of your baby. And you know, if you want help for you baby, you're gonna have to take this man to court and get child support. I mean, that's what you're gonna have to do. The baby is the utmost importance of the utmost importance right now. So think about the baby and and get yourself together. You're young, and you have your whole life ahead of you, but you have ruined several people's lives because of this. You were selfish, this one very I'm like, it's I'm not glad the guy is gone, because you do need two people to raise. But look at the life that you don't have, that you don't have had this man stayed around, you'd have to get a double stroller and push both of them in it, you know what I mean, the baby and him, because he's he's almost at that age. Wait, well, just down the line, he's gonna need tending to. You know, you're gonna have to buy double panthers, the smaller ones and the hefty ones. You know, you don't have to breastfeed more for me. You know, we we need we need changing now, Hugh, can you come change. Think of the life you don't have by messing with this older man. Okay, you on one, he told you want no kids. Yeah, he told you that, and you knew he was married. You already knew he was married. So come on, now, your life you don't have. You know, you've been a big guy in the stroller in the front holding the baby. How that look you all in the mall pushing the brown as man holding a baby? Granddad, it's dad, But I'm just saying she's pushing dad. Wait, I know she's a young girl. Count your blessings. Count you blessed. She's my step A lot of lives he changing. Oh man, this is this is a mess. This is this is a ratchet tree right here. Come on, nephew, you the baby don't need to be seeing this. I'm just gonna tell you now, you know what, You're not even a number two because number two don't do that. We talked about number two a couple days though. You're not. You're you're number three. You're trifling and what what what up sets me about about you? You're so young, you're so naive the man sixty two. You ain't even done the mouth to realize in eighteen he gonna be eighty. He ain't gonna even make graduations for the child. Do you realize this? What's the life expectancy of the black man today? Seventy one, seventy three, seventy four, don't they about to know? Seventies sixty sixty something and he sixing something? He sixty, so he won't he make third grade graduation? You following it? You're gonna make none of this. The baby don't need to be saying this. And now you got the baby, but do what the baby don't deserve you. The baby deserves something's far much greater than you. You ain't no mama, you're trifling. Twenty one year old girl, little girl. They don't have no business messing with somebody that's grown. And you have messed up this man life and called his wife. That's who you need to watch out for, because she coming to get you. The wife feels because you've messed up a happy home. She she ain't letting him leave. They sixty something, although he's not going nowhere, and she honestly she still has to be a mother for her child. She still has to be there for this innocent child who you know deserves the best out of life. Mama, she still needs her mama. Yeah, but she she's got to be a mom to this baby. All right. Um wow, Junior, we'll hear from you when we can tell people by Walgreen. Yeah, let me just say this, Shirley, I know exactly who this is. Do you know who wrote the letter? Okay, well, Junior knows who wrote the letter. We'll be back. My man and his wife are being petty. We'll be back at after after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show, coming up at forty one after the hour. Guy's nephew, Tommy's who are You mad at? That's his new segment. But right now, we got to finish the response to this part two of today's Strawberry letter, the subject my man and his wife are being petty. Now, if you do have relationship issues, I want to tell you that you can email us at Steve Harvey dot com Steve Harvey dot com and we'll try to help you. Hopefully your letter won't be as crazy as this one today from a twenty year old twenty one year old woman who is with a sixty two year old man. They've been together for two years. The man treated her like a queen. She loved him. He sent her and her girlfriend on vacation. All of this. The man is married this young woman who's twenty one, uh, says the problem is she wanted to have a baby. She told this older gentleman sixty two that she wanted to He said, absolutely not. She had the baby anyway because yeah, she forgot to take her pills, so she said, and didn't tell um. So now she's pregnant. She called her what she called the man's wife. Told the man's wife. The man's wife called her everything but a child of God uh, and told her that the man would be out of her life. He will not be a part of the baby's life. So they're here we are Yeah, Oh you mean because he'll be dead. Gee. So Junior Europe, you said you knew who wrote this letter, you know, the twenty one year old woman. Yeah, and I'm gonna tell you right now the lady who wrote this letter. Uh. Jane Andy Brown's girlfriend has got to stop. Wit wit chase girl? What girl, where are you staying? J Just Chase girl. Jay's girlfriend is twenty one, Jake A little bit. Look who else did he six to y'all didn't see this, don't see Jna, his age, his girlfriends. Just so women, let me get this straight. You're saying that the woman who wrote this letter, the twenty one year old woman, is Jay's girlfriend, and she wrote this about Jay. Yeah this this lication. Don't say that, and I'm taste something you was wrong. That's why Jay divoce. Now he married three times. Yeah, he's not this it. We don't know what happened. And she's a little later now now she's forty two now and the baby is grown. Now this is it. I'm not man, I'm taken. That's why he got mad. When you said, Shirley, don't hit the tape on the number j J. I was wondering why I was won. He know who wrote what's her name? Jake? Wow Ja? The things you learned on this show and you just got here Jack, like the one year old in this letter, which one is you don't have to hesitate on the number share the dihed I can't believe she wrote that damn letter. You knew what this was about. You know how this thing was. Don't go down. The person was disrespectful to me. But wait a minute. The person in the stroller that you were talking about like that thinking about me, I'm sitting in a stroller holding my my son and hand push both of you gonna have on diapers. I didn't look as a playoff. What kind of images there? Who is it Jake pushing me and I'm holding the bay And they said that your friend. Now that my just my son. Damn because I'm in a stroller. When you're in a stroller, people don't listen to you. So thank you, junior. From now, lets you get if you see something like that running by me, let me know right again, six up a But seriously, young lady, you're you're in trouble. You need help with this baby. You cannot trick people like this. You can't do this. The damage is done now the baby is here. You have to concentrate on the well being of your child. Okay, and don't do this. Please don't call people's why what I'm saying, Yeah, that is because baby crying get on my nerves. You already you already don't want my baby. But somebody come get your way. Baby. I know that I don't know Tommy doesn't like company. You still make babies. I'm setting my ways still make babies. Just you never ceased to amaze me. So sixty and up from now on running back, I will twenty one, though, Jake, the young are easily impressed. They don't they don't want what you older women want. You old win. I had shrimp. I don't had shrimp. Were like travel like we're like, we're like houses like more you just saying yes all of that. Yeah that, Jay z c D. Thank you. I don't know alright, email us your Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's Strawberry letter. It'll be at my girls surely, Okay. I just gotta be deep with Joe. That's right, that's right. So really you you really chan huh? I already now I know Jay. I've been knowing Jay a long time. This is perfect for Jake. Yeah. J Melsing was up when he give me about you gotta handle Tate on the numbers. Don't that sixty two? I guess who had sixty two in here? All right? All right, let's switch gears. Guys coming up next. Tommy's just like when who are you mad at? Now? Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve call us eight. We'll be back, she wrote. I hope she didn't call who are you mad at? Right time? You're mad? You're mad at now? Nah? So call nephew Tommy and tell him who are you mad at? Right now? Eight seven seven twenty nine Steve is the number. We'll be back after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, nephew, it is time. It is time for your segment, your new segment. I like the segment. It's called are you mad at? Eight? Seven seven twenty nine? Call the nephew. What's up now? Who you mad at? Nah? Is? And all you do is just give us the call and you just tell us who you mad at? Now? You got about ten seconds to get it off your chest. Every nine then people going through some things at work. You know what I'm saying? Like, yall, okay, the calling who you mad that? I'm gonna tell you I'm mad at Floyd Mayweather for holding up a hundred million dollar check. Did y'all see that during the press conference for the fight? He held up this check for a hundred million dollars. A little bit of the press conference. But I don't know that I'm mad at that. Let me go, get me a hundred dollar check, get the stunt. Yeah, I'm bad at Floyd Money may Weather. Let me roll over to Junior. Junior, who you mad at right now? I'm mad at this furniture company who ain't brought my furniture yet. Hello, I mean Hollong. The ride is long from Georgia out here, but Hollong. I'm on the floor, you know what I mean, laid on the float every night, five nights, sleep on the floor. But here's what you don't know, guys, about Junior. He has had company every single day standing around experience. Hey, we just standing in the middle of the rule. Voted sad rocket. Yeah yeah, I made out of me here today leaning on the counter was hard hips his hard shoulders hurt than you. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know what I'm gonna do with a right here. That's why you won't even recognize I'm mad. I'm mad at these people in Portland, Oregon who somehow got my credit card number and try yes and tried to charge. Yeah. We called him though the fraud department caused them. But love yeah, thank god. But yeah, yeah, I was mad. I was maddened. So then I had to cut up my card. They had to send me another one. So that was two days whout shopping. I had two days I had what I need a break? Dog? You've been go to jopping? Wow, I can't believe that. What are you gonna do? What is what you gonna do? What is I gonna do? Yeah, when I'm in a restaurant and I'm ordering food, I'm not sugar baby, honey doll babies with baby pie, but I don't like them little short names. Sir, can I help you? It's what I want to hear, Darling, huty pie, pumpkinkake, welcome to mcdonaldin. I help you, hunting bun, That's not me. I'm not any of those wafer cakes. What's up wolfer cakes? Chris? Can't that all these sugar items is what got you into the thing. I'm really mad at if I'm with somebody younger, all right, do not assume it's my damn daughter. Okay, from the level, just judge about what you look at and what will your daughter have. Let's get up and get the hell out of here. That's what we're gonna ask. Oh my god, I told you We're gonna go to the poles and find out. And if you're me and you have reached though who you mad at now? Hotline? This is where you get to get it off your chip. And when you leave this message, you give me consent to run it on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. So get ready, because all I want to hear next is who you're mad at? Now? I at my husband. He always telling me there are things that I don't need to know. It's not my business to know. Don't worry about it any don't come home from work, want to roll over and get my personal He wants my stuff. I am so mad at child to put an ls man. They are father, dead beat dad, and not for the mom. I have a six in your son and his father has never paid child sport. Hey tell me I'm mad at my bus driver because look she said, and get to the bus at six fifty five, and this is gonna be pulling up at sixty three and beweathing. How are you gonna tell me to get there at six fifty five? Coming to can't be ready to leave when I got two whole minutes to get to the bus. I am so mad at the Hillsburg County. Sheaf of office, so period, just as judicial sent them in Tampa, Florida, it stopped. And I'm mad at your cousins, Junior, because I've been reaching out to him, trying to make a thing, and he had no respect. Asked me, I am a nice young lady Christian want the mother actor author all that, Junior. My daughter she thirty three years old and still have been made up a damn mind on when she's moving out of my house. And I'm mad at my wife because she brought me a naked little right, that's right. She didn't put me. No, I'm young Brown graving on my rights and I don't play that. I'm mad as hell to d Detroit women. They want it, they want sex, but they don't want to give it. Hell because I drive in transportation and they get on my dance thanking wet nelly early in the morning. Man, I'm mad at on the speed man. See he needed another fool to go and talk to Donald Trump. See what's better than one fool to go talk to Donald Trump. It's two fools. And I think him and Da Anthony Brown would have got something straight up in that room. My co worker thinks that she is the best teacher ever, like she's the head teacher. And I don't like that crap. All females not you ain't back in the day with females used to put a look. So all these needs be there. Listen to the weekend and all that needs some man green and you like some mom and Gate. I'm tired of getting white for my money, repeats it every page. Take. I gotta pay a life. They'll play something to these white people. I will the white people stopped giving my damn money every damn pay there all the people that voted for Trump and all the woes that didn't vote. Man, I'm man, and my baby mom, she'd keeping my son from me. Won't let me see my son. Somebody, Well, ya don't want me, You don't want me? What my baby gotta do? What you skip over? You can't skip over naked rice you We're not gonna discuss that now. Alright. Coming up next, super movie producer Willpower Packer. That's Will Packers. Will Packer is here to tell us about his new film, and the movie of the summer is called Girls Trip. We'll be right back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Oh we got a family member on the phone. Y'all know that, don't y'all? Ain't ready? We need a drum roll right now. Joining us now is the founder of Will Packer Productions. He's a super producer known for too many blockbuster movies to name. He has definitely claimed his position among top producers in the movie business. His newest film is Girls Trip and this is the movie of the summer. So we're gonna talk to the man behind the magic. Put your hands together, the one and only will Power pack Off. Well, I love it. I feel so good every time I come on this show and I get that nephew prid me uh Global leader introductions don't happen to y'all. Y'all. George, congratulations on everything, man, everything you're doing. Everything you touch, boy turned to go. I'm blessed. I listen, I got one with this one, y'all. I'm gonna tell you I made this one. I made it for my ladies. But fellas, if you know, like I know, Next Friday, the lot of twenty person I'm gonna tell you when the women are gonna be you need to roll up in there because they're gonna be having a good time. The ladies are gonna be happy with this one. I made this one for y'all, Carlie, Charlotte, this is y'all movie. All right, Well, yeah, we will be there in our seats, butts in seats to see this movie. Girl's Trip looks like so much fun. I love the trailers. I love the trailers. Tell us about the movie. Listen, we went down to you? So you always had the movies where the guys go and they act the fool, have a good trip, and then they come back and the wives don't know nothing about it, The bosses don't know nothing about it. They get away will Uh, it's the women, it's the sisters. It's the movie about Jada Piggots and Queen Ativa, Regina Hall and Tiffany hat It who was a dame and everybody's don't know. After this movie, they're going the essence fast in New Orleans and act a complete and entire monkey get away with it all and the movie is crazy. It's the funniest movie. I haven't fast. What made you do it? What inspired you will to do? Girls Trips? I actually I met my wife down in Espeno. I love that Yes, I had my wife, my love, the beautiful has of my soul makes better down there, and got engaged to a don Tommy brought me out on the four years later, let me get on one knee and proposed to an asset. So you know, I know all about essence. And what would happen is I would go down there and I would be like, Oh, these women are free. I love it. Ladies wilding out, just wilding out. Come on, girls, Carlin, I can really identify all the ladies in the movie. Okay. Tiffany Hattish, like you say, plays Dina. She is so crazy. This young lady is so funny. She's so funny. She's the wild one. Regina Hall, oh my god, we love her. She's Bryan the Boss, yes, ma'am. Jada Pinkett is Lisa the Mom, and Queen Latifa plays the role of Sasha, who's gossip in all the time she does. It's gossip. So where are you girls fit in here? Where's Collins in Shirley? Which one? Which one are you? I think I would be Regina Hall and Jada. I think Tiffany Hattish wild a little bit because that happens to somebody else. Yeah, because you know how you feel about New Orleans. Love it? Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, Urban Street on the zip line, trying not to peek. I can see that. And you know we love we love zip lining. Will we love it? Yes, yeah, we've done it before, We've done it before. But so yeah, And that's the fun about it. I think when women go to see the movie, when the ladies go, you will be trying to figure out which one are you or you're a compilation of all these women in the movie. Great concept, great movie. Oh, the very fine and sexy Lorenz Tate movie. I got a candy for my ladies. You know that? Then? Yes, the brother Mike Coulter who played Luke Cage, he's in there. Yeah. Yeah. And you know else I got. I got the young brother Kofy, you know from Queen's Sugar, he played Ralph. Yes, I always got to make that. Take care of my ladies. I'm taking care of that sweets. You got us a lot of very and a lot of brother Kofy. I would just say that because Jada is trying to get a groove back via this trip, and she gets a little help from from young Kofe. So I will not get appoint my lady, you know, working in in mediate. Listen, here's the thing. We have had a lot of depictions of black women, but not a lot of diversity, right, so we don't show the complexity of our characters which we are in real life. So sisters on film it's always just a it's either the two maternal too angry over sex. There's only a couple of different you know, serials, and so this movie shows the full range and nuances of who sisters really are. I think black women are really going to appreciate and being powered by this movie and have a damn good time. Like Regina Hall, she is special. She really really is her time. He's done a lot of great you know, uh supporting roles in other films and even some of film, but she really is the anchor. This movie revolves around her, and I think it's time for her to have a role where she's front. All of your films are well put together. You you do an excellent job making sure you have laid it out from the beginning to the end. You do not miss anything, and I commend you on it. I appreciate that. Timmy, thank you man. You know it's hard a lot goes into it and I say, what's interesting is that we're releasing this movie, like I said, next Friday, in the middle of the summer, so you know how it is. We're going against Transformers and Planning of the eight Man, all these big movies. And the studio asked me, are you sure you want to release this in the summer. I said absolutely, absolutely, because this is as important a movie as any other movie out there, and I believe that this audience has not had a chance to see themselves on screen like this. We love the light that you show us in if that makes sense to you. We love that you make us. Yeah, you make us proud to go to the movies and have It's going to be a fun time. We're gonna learned something, We're gonna laugh, we might cry a little bit, but we're going to have a great time when we go to a will Power pack a movie day. Believe that I appreciate that. But anyway, so thank you will No, thank y'all, thanks for the support. I love y'all. Y'all always support my project and that allows me to put more of us than our images on screen. I cannot do it without you, guys. Thank you you're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. All right, Keisha Cole is reportedly being sued. Well, Kisha Cole, She's back in the news for a couple of reason. She's going to join the cast of Love and Hip Hop Hollywood. She's gonna be on that. Yeah, she did with her whole family. Right now, Jay, she's in the news for reportedly being sued for four million dollars. I don't know if you remember this. She used to date Birdman, so now she's being sued for four million dollars by Birdman's alleged side chick. Name is Sabrina uh Mercadal Is that her name? Back in two thousand fourteen, a few years ago, Keisha was dating Birdman. Like I said, She was reportedly arrested for running up on Baby's l a penthouse and attacking Sabrina in a jealous rage. Remember this, We did the story on the show. Now. According to the police reports, Keisha went nuts. She scratched the woman's face all up, She beatd her. She beat her while yelling, who the f are you? What are you doing with my man? Yeah? You, who do you f are you? What are you doing with my man? Sabrina filed the lawsuit Sabrina did. She filed it a while back, but the breakdown of the damages was recently revealed. Check this out. The suit includes one and a half million dollars for pain and suffering, five hundred thousand dollars for emotional distress, two million dollars for the loss for the for the for loss of the use of a body part. Wow, I didn't know. Doesn't say ash is numb? Oh, you know what? You know what I do? Remember what this It was a muscle, some sort of muscle in her arm or something. Yeah, she took the whole muscle out. He should beat the crap. Yeah, you never had the muscle beating out of you at all. Two hundred thousand dollars we're moving on, guys. Two hundred dollars for future medical expenses. Fifty dollars for loss of earnings. Three hundred thousand dollars for future loss of earnings. Wow, she's gonna have to pay this lady something because you can't go on somebody's house and just beat him up. Not that it's crazy because he's just so little too, you know, but she was just in a in a ray. Yeah, superhuman strength at that time. I need to do better. What because Birdman got two people fighting over him. Listen, that's what you right, that's right, got to do better. And he owes allegedly owe somebody some money. That's some rappers suing him, right Wayne, Yeah, Wayne, Yeah, that's an I hope so because we'll never hear the car to five if they don't tattoos? Are you making too? Man? He's seen kiss you in now moved on from I know that, But it seems like she pulls muscles where it is Sabrina is she's also suing Birdman's building. She was doing that, but she decided to drop that lawsuit. That condo from the lawsuits. Sabrina and her lawyer also claimed her relationship with Birdman was strictly platonic, so they were just friends. Were coming in. Yeah, I'm fining get a spider whip on my face. Two women. But I've heard on good authority that he is when he's in a relationship with a woman, he treats her beautifully. That's what Who is Keisha Cole gonna probably get into it with on this show? She going on Mama Frankie Franky Frankie's back. Oh, I'm in, I'm in, I'm in. Her sister never Tati was recently and stopped choking people. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, good news those of us who are in relationships. Couples who drink together stay together. Remember were a little it was it was families who pray together stay together. Yeah apparently, Yeah, yeah, there's a here's an update. Couples who drink together stay together. According to a new study. Uh, if you drink alcohol together, you have a better chance of enjoying happier long term relationships than couples who don't drink together. So to be fair, the researchers also found that couples who abstained from alcohol completely also tend to enjoy happier marriages. Okay, so problems arise when one person. Here's the deal. C When you have one person in the marriage who drinks considerably more than the other, especially if the wife drinks a lot more than the husband, then that's when the problems coming. A man not drinking with his winegl happy, I did drinking people, you went there, make mine. I'm gonna go drink with somebody some of you guys are both drinkers and do it together, and you'll stay longer if you're drunk and you don't go nowhere. That makes sense, It makes sense. But if one person in the drinking people not gonna work, or of neither of you drink, but you know, then that'll work. You'll stay together. But you know you gotta have some one out in here. Yeah, I like bald drinking piece. Again. They don't know they drink. I drink wine, but I can do. I'm one glass of one and then I love everybody. Yeah, I don't know, I don't know what one glass and I love everybody. I'm not drunk. I'm over in the corner, sleep down. The greatest people though, they love everybody. I had to work. I love hello him. You're rather rather white, red, your blood, your blass. I will never go drink builds the latest Barton, not Tommy. I drink white and wine. Oh yeah, you drink peanut green nominally white wine and what else? I sip a little crown, you know that's it? Like and whatever? Yeah, I want more drink. You know you want more drink away from a meeting, you know that, right? Yeah, So I'm kind of pull back and it's just that white now that peanuts. But why do you drink real wine? Yeah? Well if I dream not much of a drinker at all, one glass I'll be drawn. Oh you got to pack to the car. I try to hang up, but yeah, champagne. Yeah, and don't even put her in the front seat. I'm not a drinker. Jack got back. I'm not at all. What's your drink? Wine? That ain't all I know. I know it's some vodka. So well, look at the time, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, last break of the day, boy show by fast. This was fun right there the weekend out there waiting on man, I got to get out there. We talked about this. We talked about this earlier. Tommy, you were talking about Friday when we love to eat some good old fried fish. Fish's always good on Friday. And what do you eat? Mustard? I put mustard on my friend. Don't get that and not Carolina. Don't just like catch up? He started? You know now you won't. Okay, it is I mean, you know, since we're talking about strange things, pizza ice cream is a thing. Now, you guys heard about this ice cream. You can thank Little Babies ice Cream in Philadelphia for Yeah, it's pizza ice cream and has all the ingredients you you'd likely find on a slice of pizza, like, you know, tomatoes, garlic, regan o, salt, crushed red pepper, all that, And while it may sound less than appetizing, fans of the bizarre flavor love it. The ice cream shop has even teamed up with the Pizza Parla next door to create the Frankfurt Avenue Taco. It's a slice of pizza with pizza ice cream on top. Wow, pizza ice cream. You like it? You like you can eat fish? You don't like that. But you know, we have such a weird affection of pizza, like the fen We love pizza. We will eat pizza. We will eat pizza cold like two days old. But if the pizza shows up cold, we got a problem. Absolutely, you got that right over here, Yeah, you got that right. But in the friend Yeah we'll eat it all day. Yeah, see it turned cold. Didn't see this pizza turn cold. But that's the most amazing thing. Man, ice cream. Now, tomato. You don't know when they started putting pineapple on pizza. That's out here. I love it. I love it now? You like it? I love it now? Yeah? Yeah, because it's like the salty sweet thing. Yeah, very thing we were talking about earlier someday when when when my grandma and then used to have watermelon and puts out on it. Yes, stopped doing great fruit and put sugar. Yeah you got the game. Yeah, understand that. Can we not discussed out on the shell sugar? We couldn't discuss. We can't discuss what can we? Can we say? Sea salt is? Does that work for you? No, we can't do No, no salt, you're just blaming. So this pizza ice cream wouldn't do it. No, I don't see how you wouldn't want to Jay you eat mustard on man. I'd like to see j at a family reunion. But but I will put peanut butter and vanilla ice cream in a heartbeat. Man, peanut butter ice cream. They do have peanut butter ice I will never eat that. But he made it ice cream pizza. I will never eat that because those two things don't go to that weird things that that's mine. That's what have you had? I'll ask you this, have you had like fried ice cream and all of that see I can't know they had to stride butter. No, I can't do that. Yeah, that's just too that's just a heart attack waiting to happen. No, that's like weird stuff. I know food because you go to turkey leg sits you right for the whole time you walk it was one and then get a funnel cake with some lemona cakes. You can't j had a funnel cake. You know how we when we talk about TV shows and movie and Steve gets man because we leave him out. Now we talk about sugar. Yeah, ice cream hate you gotta eat taste like, can't take to me. I'm a poison your a. I'm not that person. I'm very basic when it comes to food, Sushi and stuff like that. I can't do can't do it. I know people love it, but I can't. It's just the idea of eating wrong. Yeah I can cook, but that's take her to the sush but that's all she eats is the cook food, the fried just the rice cook sushi though, like a sushi hold just a light you just wanted, right, Oh that's good definitely, no, no, no, no, eel and all that stuff. Yeah, I can eat sushi. What about squid. Oh, I can eat fried calamari. That's squid, right, Yeah, I gotta be called culing out. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what I'm saying. Snails, all that stuff. I eat a lot of quail. That's the bird. I've had that before a long time ago. Yeah. It's hard though, for me to eat stuff like that. It just is mentally. I can't do it. It might taste great. Yeah, you know what I don't do. I don't cook stuff and and give it to people not telling what it is. I have had some people who do that. You know what you're eating? Right? I want to unless you know what it is. Unless I absolutely know what, don't go. Don't like out of this country this stuff over there. Man, you don't know what it is. I don't do that. Yeah, I'm really weird when it comes from. I'm so basic when it comes I don't experiment with me. Chicken, monkey feet important. The Freeman wants to take me out to dinner to some exotic restaurant. Sorry, Morgan, I love you, but I'm not going. I'm going. You're doing what one day? No you did not, No, you did not, Morgan. All right, we gotta go. God. I love you have a great weekend and we'll see you back next week. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, board where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.