Will Packer Interview, Ketanji Brown Jackon, JAB Last Supper, Storm Talk and more.

Published Mar 25, 2022, 1:00 PM

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things. And it's to not me, tu good to mother. I don't join join me. You gotta use that turning you are you gotta turn to turn them out? Turn You haven't got to turn them out. Turn the water. The water got me. Come come on your baby, Uh huh, I shall will. Good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey's man got a radio show, man, Yeah, I do. Steve Harvey got a radio show because I can't tell it to you any other way because God has been so so very amazing to me. But the same God, and there is but one that same God is. It can and will be amazing in your life if you just allow it to happen. You know. I was somewhere, you know, and I was driving on the freeway somewhere, and I saw bill board and it was a guy in a field on his knees. And on this billboard it said something to the fact, when when you've run out of answers, try prayer. I was, I was going somewhere and I don't even remember I go so much. Man. I was just going somewhere and I saw this billboard and I thought about that, And man, I cannot tell you how true of a statement that is. When you've run out of answers, when you don't know what to do, when you feel weak, when you are at a low point, when things just seem to keep happening to you, and you don't understand why. Prayer is an amazing weapon. Prayer is available to all of us. Here's a deal. You don't have to go through the all of that you're going through alone. See, I'm talking to men, women, boys, girls, students, leaders, bosses, employees. I don't care what's happening. I don't care what your situation is. I don't care if your relationship is all jacked up. I don't care if your kids and your relationship is jacked up. I don't care if your relationship at work is shot. Your coworkers seem to always make you the buddy end of the joke. You always somebody always talking about you behind your back. You're finding it more and more necessary to try to hold your head up and walk past these people when some days you can't even get your chin up off your chest. If you're a woman out there and you've been alone by yourself for so long and you're just tired of being alone. You really want a relationship, you really want to be have a mate, you want to meet your soul mate, whatever it is, whatever it is, prayer is the answer. You are listening to a guy who is a direct recipient of prayer. I can't tell you anything that I've gotten out of that I didn't pray about. Oh, now, there are a lot of things. Hold on, let me backtrack a little bit. There are a lot of things that have happened in my life that I've gotten past without praying, because I think my mama was praying for me. And then there's this thing that God has called grace and mercy that he just somehow keeps us all waking up every day without foot on some form or solid ground because He's just waiting on us to come to him. But y'all, if you can implement prayer into your day every single day, and I'm talking about put it in there at the top of your day, put it in there in the middle of your day, put it in there when you close your day. Out when you're sitting at your desk and ain't nobody bothering you. That's a good time. Now, Look, you don't have to make no scene. You ain't got to let everybody know, Oh I'm spiritual, I love God looking me, or I'm down or you ain't gotta do none of that. Matter of fact, don't do it for that reason, because if that's your reason for doing it, that's gonna be your reward. If you want somebody to just say, oh, they pray every you know, they pray at lunch and they had a Bible on their desk and they have a bunch of highlights in it. If you're sitting it out there so people can see that that's what you do, then that's gonna be your reward. Please, no, you, that's gonna be your reward. What I want you to do, it's pray. Ask God for the things the desires of your heart, have a faith, believe in them. But pray earnestly. Man. I mean, actually go at it with saying, hey, God, listen to me. I can't do this without you. I need your help. Listen, man, I know a lot of people that pray. I know a lot of it. If I told you the rich and famous that I talk to that pray constantly. It would amaze you. Go talk to God about it. Man. Matter of fact, you have already got yourself into trouble. Go talk to God about it. You can't see no way out. You're in a situation. You're thinking about doing something straight crazy. Pump your brake's partner. Slow down a little bit, my man, Slow down, don't don't. All you're gonna do is make a situation worse. Go over there today and talk to God. Talk to God for real. Just and look, man, you know what. Man, Sometimes I've gone to God and I've just said, Hey, God, I don't have a clue. Matter of fact, I'm so jacked up right now. God, I don't even really know what to ask you for. I just need some help. I'm so deep is some mess right now. Not only can I not see the way out, I can't see my way round. There's a there's a poem calling Victus, and the opening line says, out of the night that covers me black as a pit from pole to pole, I thank God for whatever be from my unconquerable soul. That this line is so deep. It starts off saying, I am in deep trouble. I'm in a pit, black as a pit, from pole to pole. I'm talking about man. From over there to over there, it's pitch black and and and man, that's man. You've been in that situation before, y'all, because I have. I'm talking about black as a pit from pole to pole. God is there, God is available. God is always standing by. He just wants you to come to him. See, he's been coming to you a whole lot of times. He's presented himself. I can't tell you how many times he's shown you how good a god he is. He's given us all grace and mercy without us asking for He's gotten you through some things. And you look at him. Whoo, Man, I don't know how to hell. Okay, that's cool. I'm cool. No no, no, no, no, that wasn't cool. That was God. Pray man. When you out of answers and you don't know what to do, Pray. If you see some trouble coming, Pray if you already got into it. Pray if you don't know the answers, Pray if you can't see no way out, pray. Pray man, talk to God. Don't make a scene. Just talk to God, all right, very important. You're listening show, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the ride. Just Steve Harder, listen to me. I want to forewarn you about what's gonna happen today, but I can't because I don't know what it is that's gonna happen. But whatever it is, it's got to be funking. Make it fun, Make it fun, and make it fun. Can't come. Yeah, that's what it is. Sirley Strabery calling for real. Missip Monica Junior kills space. J Anthony Brown nephew Tom Junior, what's on your mind this morning? You know, I feel some type of way because you know, like I ain't the only sick person on the show. I'm not, you know, And I just feel some type of way because I feel like you would do more for Jenny Brown than you would for me. I really feel you. I feel that way because y'all been friend that long. But the same sick, not the same sick, is the same sick. I deserve the same trip. Jay. Well, if you, if you just said yourself, did you feel as though I would do most simply because I've known him longer? Then you have your answer, you're not ying it. What do you want me to say? I would say that you wouldn't go visit Jay and all that like you like you told me, no, he's not gonna visit you. No, he's not gonna visit you. Okay, So what I talk to him longer? Okay, because you know you be moaning this stuff. When you be talking, I'm not fitting to do that. Like what, Steve, what do you mean more? Hey, Julia, how you doing? Man? How you doing? I'm you know good, I'm fine. You can't Jay? How Jayson? When you talk to him? Well, at least when I called Jay, I know I'm talking a bitter man because I called him when he was in the hospital. He answered the phone blinking it blake. What That's how I called him in the hospital and the star with an M blanking it blake. What I said? It ain't just about he was. I called your sick ass. You're in the hospital. Now, I got to be all types of yeah everything I call. So then right away you know you being in the hospital. If you cuss me, I'm bigging that's what much you must need to make you feel better? So here I gonna and I let him have it. Yeah, we caused, then we laughed a little bit. Yeah. When I hung up, he text me back, Man, I really appreciate you checking on. Yeah, you have that kind of report. Yeah, and we've been there when you see Junior, you ain't developed a report me and Jacobs, So I ain't gonna I'm gonna treat you different when you sick. Yeah, I can tell you. Yeah, but you but you hear that you're still working. So yeah, still working. I didn't fire you causing your wheels all right, coming up thirty, but I'm gonna look into it. We have the nephew and run that prank back right after this. You're you're listening to show. All right, guys, it's time for the nephew to run that prank back. What you got for us? Nap the titles. Can you hear me now, Deacon Catdog, if you would hello, I'm trying to speak to Sister Lauren, please segan, Sister Lauren. This is Brother Davids from the church. I don't know if you know me. You might know me when you see me, but I don't know if you just know me because we don't really interact that much at the church, but I wanted to give you a call. We got a bit of a problem going on. Okay, okay, you got you get you have a minute to talk, all right? Now? How long have you been doing uh the sign you in the you know you in the ministry when you do the sign language for the church? And um, you know I noticed you up there at least two Sundays out of a out of the month. You've been doing it quite a while, am I right? So yes, I've been doing it for over ten years. But I'm really confused as to why they're calling about this time. I'm just really be confused. I don't know who you are. You say that, I see your faith. I may know you, But what does this have to do with anything? Is how long I've been doing language? I know? Okay, I've been doing it for years. So how how men help you with this? Do you want? Okay? So no, no, I'm not trying to learn any sign langue. Do you do you know miss everybody call her Miss Murder? Do you know Miss Murdle? Oh? Yeah, sure you okay, so Miss Murder, that's that's that's that's that's one of my aunties right there, Miss Murder. Is okay right, and she gave you my number to call me. I'm what what do you need for me? Did she get? No, that's what I'm getting that. So, so you know, miss you know my you know my honors is deaf. You know she's hearing it, you know that, right? Okay? Yeah, okay, So so here's a problem. Ain't Murderles is telling us that you're not doing the sign language right, doing the service and like you're missing some things in the scripture or something. No, no, no, that's incorrect. I've been doing this for a very long time and I know what I'm doing. So how you So she told you for me to tell what I mean, but I'm not doing it silence correctly. Let me say, let me say this to you. I don't want us to get off on the wrong foot. Let me just say this to you. Once my once my Ain't Murder told us what was going on. You know. We then went to one of the deacons and asked him, you know, is that way we can uh have a meeting, you know, with with with Sister Lawrence so we can try to get this taken care of and talk about it. He said, well, won't you just won't you just call and y'all can just work it out. And that's how I'm calling you now. I hope you don't know if you're at work or whatever. I apologize, but I'm just trying to get to the bottom of Now let me go. Don't say this. If my ain't murders say that you ain't signing right, then my ain't he ain't lying. That means your excuse me, that means you ain't signing right. Really, so the pastor couldn't come to me but he but you figured you would just call me and tell me that your auntie says that I'm doing it incorrectly. That doesn't make sense to me. How did she tell you that? Did she sign it to you? She signed language to her daughter. Listen, you ain't got to worry about who she's signing too. What you need to worry about is getting your getting your stuff together all right and learning how to do this the correct way so that my aintie can get You know, my antie needs to be getting the word like everybody else getting the word, but she not getting it because you the words getting lost in your hands. All I'm hearing is your voice is getting very loud and you need to match my tone, young man. Okay, let's start with that. Which I mean? Man? Young man? What is that? Match my tone? Because you're getting very loud and I can't hear through all of that. All right, okay, okay, I am sad situation. You called my phone. Correct, you have a problem that you're discussing with me, but you're getting more anger anything else. How am I going to resolve this problem? I am trying to be where you resolve this problem? Is carr yours back to sign school so you can learn what you need to so my anie can get the word. My aintie can't get out the gospel because you messing it up. God anointed me to do style language at that church, and I've been doing this for a long time and I will continue to do so. So don't call my phone telling me that I'm not doing something right? You know? But do God know that you're not doing it right? Do God know that? Does God know that mine ain't myrtle not getting the word because of you? Named young man? Jesus, please give me the strength to continue on with this conversation. But you know what, Lord, I'm gonna be right back. Little let me tell you something. Don't you ever call my mother freaking phone telling that I ain't doing something? Man, if I see you in the street, this can't I have? Is gonna go upside your goddamn ad? Did I make my stuff clear? I cannot believe you talking to me like this? Oh now you want to be calm? Now you're calm? Now you ask my phone. I can't believe you just got through talking to me like that. Are we done here? So you think it's cool for you to tell the Lord be right back? Thank you, Lord? I needed a moment. You right. We've been on the stone this Lord evening at me. I told you to match my tone. Match my tone. I am matching your tone. Now can I say? Can I? Can I give you something else in this tone? Do you mind? If I say something in this tone? You're gonna hear a click in the dog quiet. I just want to tell you in this tone that your friend Vonda Taylor got me to prank phone call you. I am nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. In your tone? Who does oh Lord have mercy? Bonda Bonda Taylor. Bonda Taylor, tell me you bet I put this on the radio, on the radio, in Jesus name, Amen Radio. I'm not playing any game tim me. I think it's funny, but this thinks this is my job here listen everything. Think it's fine. Are you havn't doing me? I had to tell Jesus give me a minute because you was about to be my pressure up. Lord, have mercy. I don't even want to hear it, but I will be calling bonded because I have some mercy. Oh Lord, Lord, Lord Father, please forgive me. Okay, you gotta you gotta do this for me in my tone, in my tone, tell me in your tone, what is the baddest radio show in the land? In your tone, Steve Harvey, Mary shown that by myself, by my ignorant self. I did that. Brilliant, brilliant. Thank you brother. All right? Coming up next, thanking nephew, It is asked the CLO with our Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building, ready for your love questions. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. The ninety fourth Annual Academy Awards. Is this Sunday in Hollywood, And guess what guys, this year's producer of the Oscars is a black man, a super producer and nephew Tommy's other boss. That's right, is the one and only Will Packer, and he's joining us. Our special guest to David. Right now it is time for us to ask the CLO Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey. This one's from LaToya in Fairburn, LaToya Rights. I'm a forty four year old married woman and I want my husband to be a little more romantic like he used to be. He's more of a get to it and go to sleep kind of personnel. I want to wear lingerie for him and do some role playing, but he's not with it. Is it possible to change him back into a romantic after fourteen years? Yes? You can. Okay, always remember this, ladies, and I'm not gonna say it like I've said it before. I would be it more of an uncle, Steve. Okay, you can train a man how to treat you just like me, and train you how to accept our behavior. You have more power to train a man how to treat you, and the way you do it is simple. When you stop accepting behavior that's unacceptable to you, he has no choice than to do it another way or there will be consequences. That's simple. Men respond to pain, reward and consequences. That's what we respond to pain. We respond to pain, resk reward, We respond and consequences. That's how we respond. Now you want to think it's another way, go ahead and try it. So that's my suggestion. Yes, you can. You know, he just want to. He want to do it and get to it. Well, ain't no more of that. We're not doing it and getting to it right. She wants to wear a beautiful lingerie for him. All. I want you to put it on and with some heels, come on out that bathroom, tippy toeing girl and bring that baby all which, come on? All right? Moving on to Octavia in Kansas City. Octavia. Right, So, I'm a personal chef. I was hired to cook for one of my parents friends who happens to be married. The dinner is for him and another woman, though I'm supposed to cook at the lady's house, and I'm conflicted about this. Should I tell him no? Look, you're the personal chef. You're not a marriage counselor. Now, if you want to get into marriage counselor business didn't get in. You're a personal chef. Do your damn job now if you what ain't your business? Your business is cooking food. See, guys, what's wrong with people? You always want to do? What you do is somebody else don't do what they do. I gotta do with you. You're the personal shell and you got the job because you mama know the lady. Now going over there and cook? Heale, stupid ass. Always it's somebody damn business. You're gonna miss your money. He's gonna hire somebody else. M M all right, all right, Clo. Miss Joe and Virginia says, I'm a principal at a middle school and one of my teachers had sex with me. He seduced me, and I told him it could only happen once. Now he's trying to blackmail me if I don't let him do it again. I'm in a leadership role. How do I control him? Well, you're in a leadership role here, in a subservient role. What's the blackmail? Both of us ain't gonna be working. Yeah, both of us ain't gonna be working. But hold on, sister, though you got a trump card, you can play. What's that Steve clo m. You know you was in your right mind when it happened. Oh that ain't right, that ain't right. But see but but see, but see, bru, once you come with that blackmail game, Oh, this is what we're doing. Okay, blackmail, I'm pressing charges. Not now what you're gonna do. Wow. See see what you can't do is you can't threaten the sister with the I'm a blackmail. You cost you your job? Okay, cool? Not guess what I'm pressing charges. See, you can't do the woman dirty and then and then not expect no dirt come back to you. That's fact. If if you're gonna if you're gonna try to trip trip me up, then the trip we are we playing trips now, Okay, I'm gonna go worse than the other. Yeah, yeah, yeah, all right, Marlena and Salem as we move on, says, my husband came home the other night and said he had been to a sip and paint with the fellas. Now I google this and it's actually that ladies and couples do something that ladies, it's activity that ladies and couples do. He said they went so his single friends could meet some ladies. And if I go to a single uh, if I go to a cigar bar to see single men, he just died. How do I get him to see he's wrong? What you need help in helping him see he wrong? M M that's what that's what she wants. I don't even I don't even know why he used that he lay damn dog, I went to a sip in paint. What group of men goes goes to a damn sipping paint? Oh, it's a bunch of them. That's what they do. Now, Yeah, what's what's back? So single guys can meet single people can meet other singles. So they're sipping and in paintings. What's the painting fault? You got to do something? What the hell happened to happy hour? That's happening to get painted? Happy hour? What if we painting fault? Men ain't interested in painting? If women are there, if beautiful women paint is the new lady's name, that's what it is, really it is. See but y'all let us tell you anything. It down. Paint were down here, we wax, we rush strokes were down here and us stroke that damn sure ain't done paint, go ahead and shout, well, I mean that's really it. That's the that's the last one. So she wants to know if she goes to a cigar bird to see single men, you know he'd have a problem. So how does she get him to see that he's wrong? Go to the single go go to the cigar bart Ain't don't done nothing work better than reverse in it? M. Yeah. Yeah. Whenever I've done something that my wife didn't care for. I'm not talking about it infidelity because we don't have that problem. But whenever I do something my wife don't care for, she reverse it on me. She says, Steve, suppose I said that to you. Ye wait, she said, okay, cool, exactly. Whenever she reverses it, I get it, M because oh you didn't get it before. Well, you know, I didn't quite understand her point, but it it becomes very understandable when the point is yours. Yeah. See that. That's that's the beauty of an argument. If you don't understand their point, let them make it your point. I bet your ass gets to understand. Okay, all right, all right, thank you Cello. Coming up at the top of the hour, super producer will Packer will be our special guest right after this. You're listening to show everybody welcome back. As promised, we got a special guest on the show. Superproducer got too many number one box office hits the name, so why bother? But now it's about to add another hit to the repertoire. You know what this dude, his ass doesn't you know? You know see how we're gonna get an Oscar interview he hasn't gotten before, Ladies and gentlemen. You want to talk about from the bottom to the top. You want to talk about from trying to convince him to being able to walk away, Well, you want to talk about somebody who knows the whole route. I got him on this interview today. He is now the producer of the Oscars. Hold on rephrase that he is now the producer or the damn Oscars edition. He's joining us to tell it, to tell us what it's like for him, what we can expect to see this Sunday night on the ninety fourth Oscar Awards. Ladies and gentlemen, put your damn hands together, any other body part that you have that makes a smacking sound, put it all together and show your love for family, The one and only mister Will that damn packle moning. Hey Will, Will, I got a new name for you. When I see you, I'm call you walk Will Will Oscar Packle. There we go. Okay, I got. I got confused, Shirley. I thought, I know what you thought. I know what you Arrius. Well, I was nervous. Well, he said, you see one of the people to start clapping all the body parts, you know in Atlanta that get confused, because that's how to do it. Yeah, he appreciate you. Man. Amn, congratulations. Man. Got When I heard that, I said, oh hell no, we we broke in now doing what it takes an Okay, Look, so this is the ninety four Oscars and Sunday on ABC. It's gonna broadcast worldwide March twenty seven, yea eight pm, five pm. Uh specific time you got wander Sights Regina hall Amy Shoe as the host. Hey man, what how when you got the call? Man? How did you feel? Where were you when you got the call? And how did you react? Man? That's the perfect question. This is the biggest job I have ever had, Steve, and you know y'all been rocking with me for a very long time. You Timmy, Shirley Carller, Junior, Monica Janty like y'all been rolling with your boy for a while. But when I got this call, I remember I was in Atlanta. Shout out to the atl I was in Atlanta. I was at home with my amazing wife, Heather. They called me and they said, this is what we want you to do. And it's not just that. It's me, Me and my longtime partner Rider dashe La Cowin Steve. We are the first all black producing team to ever produce the Oscars in ninety four years, the first all black producers seem So, how did you feel, will We're amazing? Well, you know, I ain't gonna Steve, I got nervous. I got nervous because I said, I said, you know, this is first of all, it's it's it's such a big job. But you know, the Oscars, it hadn't really connected with somebody, with a lot of people, me included, for a while. So I said, you know, I don't If I'm gonna do the Ostars, I gotta do it different. I'm not gonna do it like everybody else did the Oscars. I'm gonna do the Oscars. I gotta take some risks, I gotta take some swings, and I gotta make this thing have some real flavor. I'm not coming in here just to tiptoe and do it the same way and keep the status quo. If I come in here, I want to do this show and I want to blow it out the box. I want people who have not watched the Oscars in years to say, I got to tune in to see what they're gonna do. Because Will Damn Packer is behind the scenes this year what he gonna do, and that's exactly what I said I do. We are will Ain't well damn Packer. It walk if we all Oscar Packer. Come on now, come on now, now, Monica, can we get the T shirts? I need T shirts with that big. I don't want to confuse nobody need to be big? Why need ol b hey man? So okay, now, now, will you say you're gonna do some things different? It's Beyonce gonna do it. Let me tell you something. For the first time in five years, listen to me, y'all. I need y'all to get ready Sunday at eight o'clock. It's been five years since the Queen Bee has performed on an award show. We have not seen her lot. This is going to be the first time she ever performs the song be a live from the King Richard soundtrack. I got Beyonce on the show this Sunday night. You do not want to miss this, and she is bringing all kinds of fire. This is beyond I got And by the way, I got all my performance. I got Beyonce, I got Billy Eilis, I got the Bastard y'all t I got rivera mac and tire. Amazing, amazing. We're gonna do you know the song we Don't Talk About Bruno that all the kids they play seven million times and make you want to blow up the stereo. Ye I am doing the first live performance of we Don't Talk About Bruno. It's a lot of first on this show. But going back to your question, the answer is yes, Beyonce this Sunday Night to the Queen man. I like that a lot because she knows the importance and the significance of moments. Hey, y'all, a stick around real man. We don't talk to you some more. We got Will packing everybody. We're talking about the ninety fourth Oscar and Big Whapper is on it. Now. You're gonna be right back with the Whap himself, Will Oscar packing. You're listening, all right, y'all, we're back. Oh, We're back with Steve Harvey Morning Show especial guests this morning. It is the first African American producer of the ninety four oscars. He bought in his long time compadre and partner who has been with him all these years. Shila has been with him for almost two decades. Shayla is gonna be making history as the first black female producer. But you know, man, I go, I gotta take my hat off to the bill because you understand the significance of moments. Also just like Beyonce does. Beyonce is doing this because you're hosting the show and she understands significance. But for you to make sure that Shayla had an opportunity, it's also groundbreaking. So we're gonna mess around again. Queen is back for the after five years of War show. We got Shayla coming in as a first black female producer, and u Jakanji Brown Jackson she find to get confirmed that's first Black Supreme Court. Come on, yeah, I don't don't. Yeah, see I want it. I want to talk for her on the hearing right now with that, Yes, so Will, hey Man, So what was your thought when you were approaching these people? You got Beyonce, Billy Eilish, Reba McIntyre, people like that. What was your thoughts on it? You know what? I wanted to make the show entertaining. I feel like for the past few years the show has felt too inside Hollywood. It hadn't felt like something that real people could tune in and have a good time watching the show. We got a lot of amazing Oscar nominated films, but whether you saw any of those films or not, if you love the movies, I want you to watch the show. So we gave it a very different approach this year. This year, you're gonna see people on the show presenting performing that aren't just the movie people. Gonna see people from sports, from pop culture, from music. I got surprises. I got stuff that you're gonna see. You go, wow, Packer went there on the Oscar stage. That's good Man. But you know, Will, that's a good idea, man, because I don't watch a lot of movies. Best supporting Actress and damn the crime though the falling film about eating sushi and you're gonna who what so? Man? I think I think that's a really really smart idea. Man. So This Sunday night, March twenty seven, the ninety four Oscars will air live on ABC at eight pm easton five pm Central Time, and it is produced by none, none other than our boy, the one and only what Will Oscar Pacar Will he will? Congratulations man, Thank you family, Everybody tune in. I can't wait to hear what y'all think. We're going hard. We're gonna represent. This show, gonna represent for us more than any other show on office history that much, I promise you. I love y'all. Thank you so much, Las gentlemen, will pack Yeah. Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour. The confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justice hopeful Katanji Brown Jackson wrapped up yesterday. We'll discuss what's next right after this. You're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show. Well. The confirmation hearings wrapped up yesterday for Judge Katanji Brown Jackson, with testimony from the American Bar Association and outside witnesses. Jackson will be the first black woman to serve as a Supreme Court justice if she is confirmed. Senate Democrats are hoping to move swiftly to a nomination vote by the full Senate. The white Republican men's questions were harsh, we know that, but Katanji remained dignified and poised all week. Natammy, you were just dying to say something during this whole thing. So okay, now's your time. What did you want to say? Well, what's going on here now, Shirley, is me and my constituents the Senate, which is actually Junior and Jay Anthony Brown. We are the constituals, they are my constitutions. We are the Senate, and right now we're thinking about letting Judge Steve see if he can actually become one of the members of the Supreme Court. But of course there's questions that have to be asked to Judge Steve. You understand, all right, So yeah, we're having a political moment right here, ladies and gentlemen. My first question Ryan here is gonna be this to you, mister Judge Steve, do you plan on talking about my spouse or anybody else's spouse. Granted you get this position in the Supreme Court. Yeah, I pretty much open to talk about anybody, you know, spouses, grouses, whatever I feel like, you know, if it's necessary to get justice bought. Yeah, I'm planning on talking about anybody. It's your wife, Ted Crew's wife. He took it anyway, you know, so yelle, you know. Okay, okay, mister Harvey. We've we've check your record. It's goes it goes back for years and years and years, so years and okay, just years. My question to you, my question to you is in a bag of jelly beans, do you have any objection to removing the black jelly beans out the bag? Do you have any objection? Absolutely so, so you know absolutely I have a problem with that because since you're checking records and every thing you check, my brunnit, I'm always a matter of fact, I'm gonna put the black jelly beans any bad I bring, I bring, I bring pocket full of black jellybeans, and I put the black jellybeans in there, just to piss of white jelly beans. All yes, yes, okay, mister Harvey. Listen, you your world renowned, real renowned entertainer. You do stand up. We know that for that for thirty years. And we know you. You do for one of the Kings, one of the Kings, and you've done talk shows. But your education, let's get to that. It seems out of nowhere. You just became judge Steve. What qualifies you for the Supreme Court? And you just where did you got to law school? We haven't heard anything. I'm sorry, sir, I went to school, okay, law sto all them years you try to tell me that ain't that elementary, junior high, all the years you told all that that's education all the O was there the whole time? All right, let me ask this question. I want to up and had a GPA or folk point two? Nah? All right? I told him my GPA TIF eleven in twelfth grade and I had a four point two. All right, mister Harvey, we want to know this. We got Clarence Thomas where we want him. We want to make sure you're gonna cooperate and be on the same page at Clarence is on if we put you on this Supreme Court, or you gonna be the same kind of guy you might want to send me on the other side of the bitch because I'm gonna knock his ass out on the fuck on the bitch b E n H. That's what I say. If I wanted it to be some confusion, I'm putting me on the other side of that bitch. Well, thank you for your very dignified responses. You held it together, Judge Stephen. We're coming up next. It is the nephew and the prank phone call. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at about four minutes after the hour. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject is your place or mine. Will get to that in just a bit, Your place or mine? Right now, the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Next? Larunda is my girl? Did you hear what I say? I'm not gonna say it again. Yeah, I am gonna say it again. Lunda is my girl. I'm gonna say it again. Larrnda is my girl. I shouldn't have say it no more? Shut them? Did I have to say it anymore? Maybe one more time? Larnda is my girl? Everybody clear a Rondo Larda is my girl, cat dog, Get you for it. Hello. This call will be recorded and monitoring. I have a collect call from Ronny and inmates. If you would like to accept this and future collect calls, please press for Hello. Hello yo yo, Hello. I'm trying this Ryny Ronnie. I'm trying to reach uh Larronda. Yeah Nda? Do I round them? No? You you got the right number? Man, that's my wife. Who is this? Okay? Okay, okay, hold up, Noah, this Ronnie right here. I'm calling for Larndo. Who who you know? That was my girl for I got locked up. I'm trying to hold on, hold on, man. Uh, we've been married for about two years. Man, I don't I don't know what you're talking about. Man, you might have the wrong number. Okay, hold up then wait a minute, Wait a minute, wait wait wait wait wait wait a minute. I know then I ain't man, I know them. It's like what say, man? Hold up? Man, Wait a minute. Launda Larunda is married. Yeah, man, just in case you to hear me, Laurunda is married. We got a sixteen month old child. Man, all right, and we've been man for two years. I don't know who you calling. I'm calling for La Ronda. I've been to get up about this is six weeks. I've been all I've been. I've been writing letters and all kinds of stuff, sending them to our mama house. We're trying to tell me, you trying to see what you've been sending to her mama house. I've been sending letters. I've been sending letters since the day I got locked down. Mean when you've been saying, how long has been since you've been sending letters? Man, I've been locked down for five years? Five yell, and I've been sending letters. I don't miss one week. What I send is something to the rock, all right. What's her mama name? Then? Ain't her mama name? Miss? Hold on? Man, you've been sending letters to my girls mama for for five years? Five years? I'm fasy to get out in six weeks. I've been locked down right in five years? No, man, she ain't got no letters from you. Man, you she ain't got no letters. Uh. We've been together for two years. Man, I'm sorry to break your heart. Hey, hold up, hold up, hold up. Let me ask you this hill man, what hold look? Because you got me y'all this right here? Now, let me ask you this right here? How I know her mama name? How I know I'll let's hill man, what what I'm trying to explain to you? I got to write personally. I just I'm just blown away by you trying to tell me y'all married now, yeah, we're married now, happily married. Hey, man, hey, you need to take your back to the hill man for hold up, come first about what your wife is do. Just come at me round now, that's what ain't fensy to happen. Now. Now, I got a whole lot on my mind and a whole lot of stress. Now I'm gonna tell you this right here, just to let you know how this fens to go. I don't go. I'm fishing to be up out of here six weeks. And when I do get out, I am coming to see Laurent know that I'm fensied to come out there. Brother man, Look, hey, you up here calling me with this ignorant stuff. Man, that's what probably got your tell in jail. Anyway, y'all, hey man, listen, you come up here, you're gonna wind up getting both put up in the penitentiary, man, because I ain't playing about my wife. Man. Brother, you just need to go and chill out after you get out of brother sick somewhere. Man, don't bring man. Look, man, all I'm trying to do is I don't care what you're trying to do. Trying to keep your That's all I'm trying to tell you to do so we don't both end up in the penitentiary man, or you might be in You're gonna end up in a grave if you keep testing me. Man, I'm telling you, don't bring you here. Bro, just stay there, relax, breathe and Jordan yah. Man. All right, that's all I'm saying. All right, man, that's it. Hey, what your wife fensy to do is trying to threaten me for somm you're up here, keep your man, don't bring you you're looking for no runner, because I will put two up in you. I'm coming to see my girl. That's my girl. Women man for two. I'm trying to tell you you better take your all like you well, we're gonna shut this down. Oh you thank you talking? Oh you thank you talking to listen, ju don't drop tuck your black. Look man, I fished to come home in six weeks and I'm coming to see Lronda, whether you're like it or not. And I'm going to see her mama. Miss. What you ain't gonna do is get in the way of me and my girl. Somebody I've been loving and writing letters to all this damn time I've been on lockdown. Man, bring you up. I will say it slow to you. Bring you and I swear to God I will put you in the grave. That's why I'm gonna put you, hommy. Bring you better stay in the penitential. I'm coming down there and see my girl, see her mama, and get my girl back. My girl leaving with me. You know, the only thing you're gonna be seeing is a basket because I'm putting you in there. Man, I'm telling you you bring your I swear to God. Man, you knock on my door if you want to. I'm telling you, man, go to mama house. I'm putting your down, Homie. I'm not playing with you, man, all ain't that's my girl. Man, that is my girl. I want you. Ain't gonna do nothing to me. You ain't gonna do number but release my girl over to me. That's what you fens to do. That's it. No, I'm a release a rousing your you come to this, So that's what I'm gonna do. I'm telling you, man, boy, whoa you keep around? Man? I don't be waiting on here. In six weeks, I'm gonna tell you that I don't be waiting on you. In six weeks. Bring you to my door. You won't be going nowhere else. I'm telling you that you're talking to all this bad stuff on the phone. You ain't gonna do a thing when I get there. But give me my girl back. That's it. You ain't talking you, You ain't listen. I got one more thing I need to say to you, so I go back to myself. Is you listening, I'm listening. This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy Devin? What hold on? Dog? Listen? This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy Devin. Man, y'all almost got him. I'm telling you, I'm about to hit the jail night man. Oh man, oh man, I'm telling you I was gonna go down. I'm going down in flame. Who let me? I need to breathe out there? Go get you a drunk man. Yeah, I need to give me some up in me bro. I'm about to calm down him. Six weeks on this, nephew, don't you love it? You can tell when black people like whoa okay that we can who can't we get but rubbing his thighs. It's on the way. Man, don't where to go after this step? Get up in there. I'm gonna get up in there. I'm gonna get up in Nashville, Tennessee. That's April Fool's weekend. Who Friday? Who's Saturday? Who's Sunday? Friday? Soul Out? Saturday soul Out? First show on Sunday soul O. Nephew added another one Sunday night. I'm talking with Nashville, Tennessee. Zanis coming club. I'm gonna put in now to be off on Monday because I'm doing two on Sunday. I ain't no where I see me coming back up in oh I don't see it. Why mother called it years ago. I've never done that. You ain't never been the shows. Hello, Hello, understand what I'm saying, or you don't know how hard it me and Tommy? You ain't never been a Tommy? All right? Thank you enough you Coming up next Today's Strawberry Letter, The subject your place or mine, will get into it right after this. You're listening to the morning show. It is time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and if you need advice on relationships, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to see HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one. Yeah, that's for you, Jay, this one right here, right now. You never know it could be yours yet can be yours. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it Strawberry letta thanking if your subject your place or mine. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm fifty seven and my boyfriend is sixty two. His grown children live with him, and my father lives with me. We can't catch a break when it's time to be intimate. I've tried to sneak out to the garage late at night and have my boyfriend meet me there, but if my dad hears the alarm chime, he's up and adam trying to see what's going on. I snuck my man into my bedroom one night, and the next morning, my dad burst into the door to tell me that he had cooked breakfast. I can't put him out because my mom did. I don't want to hurt his feelings because I've always been a daddy's girl. But at my age, it's time for him to cut me loose so I can have some fun. I was married for ever, and after my divorce, he became overprotective of me. This drives my boyfriend crazy because he wants to be mister wonderful in my life. He and my dad have talked about my dad stepping back, and my dad told him if he stepped up and asked me to marry him, then that would solve everything. My dad knows that neither of us wants to be married again, and we're content in our relationship. My boyfriend's children are thirty and twenty eight years old, and they've both moved back home because they're still trying to find employment and they blame COVID for not working. I can't spend time over at his house because his daughter doesn't keep a clean house, and quite frankly, the kids don't want me over there. So here we are, and there's always the question your place or mine when we want to be together. He tells me to talk to my dad, and I tell him to talk to his grown children. Please help us settle this, because I love my dad and he loves his sorry grown children. Why is he letting his children come between us like this? All right? Two grown people ages fifty seven and sixty two can't have company in their own homes. I mean they're grown. Okay, this is a major problem. Your house guests are running your houses. I just think they're not supposed to be setting the rules for your house. Unless you guys can't afford or to go to a motel or a hotel on a regular basis. Something's got to give at this point. I mean, I just you know, I guess you're so called boyfriend hasn't figured this out. Maybe he's not as into you as you think, because I would think a man would find some kind of way to see you, some kind of way, and it wouldn't be sneaking around in the garage late at night. I mean, I don't know why he doesn't just tell his grown kids chill and clean up the house because he's having a guest over. Unless he isn't trying to do all of that, that's just what it seems to me he doesn't want to do all of that with you. Your father already told him to marry you, step it up and marry you, and he hasn't. That just doesn't sound like a mister wonderful to me. I think you need to figure that out and maybe break up with this guy, because if he wanted you, I think he find a way to have you. Steve, Oh, this letter to me reeks with ignorance. Let me start with the ages of the people in the letter. You got a sixty two year old man and you got a fifty seven year old woman. If you told let up, that's one hundred and nineteen years of living. Damn d Now, my wife and I if you told o age a matter of fact, let me look at that you're looking at y'all got one hundred and nineteen years of living experience. Me and my wife got a total of one hundred and twenty two years of living experience. You are, as surely said, are too old to be having to have company. I just don't understand this. Too old ass people asking permission yea, can they have company? So you two old fools have reverted into your life. Now I know as we get older, some things go back to the way they used to be. You used to pee on yourself as a little boy. You pee on yourself as an old man. I see it happening. You ain't got that much hair when you're a baby. Your hair go away. When your ass get out. Somebody got to help you up and down the steps when you're a baby, somebody got to help you up down the steps. When your answer is oh so, I got that part. But you should own more in your older age than you do in your younger age. See, you can't be living at your mama house as a baby and then be living at your mama house as a grown ass maid. You can't be. I guess you can be a daddy's girl your whole life. Because this woman claims that she's a daddy's girl, you're actually or daddy's an old woman. That's actually what you are. You're not daddy's girl no more. Your daddy is an old woman girl. So when I come back, we'll get into the particulars of this conversation about these two old ass people. This sixty two year old man that has his grown kids living with him and the fifty seven year old woman has got her old ass daddy living with her, and found out the old ass daddy has got to live with her because the mamma put him out. Why she put him out? And your ass take him in. We'll be back with all of them, Yes we will. Steve. Coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour, we'll have part two of your response today's strawberry letters, your place are mine. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter, the subject your place or mine? All right, here we go. Now, we got a fifty seven year old woman that's got a boyfriend to sixty two. Both of them are divorced. His grown children live with him, and the lady's father lives with her. She fifty seven, got her daddy living with her. He's sixty two, got his two grown kids, and they can't catch a break when it's time to be intimate. That's what this whole damn thing it's about. She said. I tried to sneak out to the garage late at night, and I had my boyfriend and had my boyfriend meet me there. I don't know who in the sixties like to be in the garage. It don't sound that attractive to me. You know, I'm not gonna be able to hold you up on the car like I used to. If you slide off, you're probably gonna hit the ground. And I just had this car wax Now we got some problems. We got we are just got this car waxing. You can't keep no more like I used to. If I was knew you wasn't coming out of head and rubbed out and put some prime on it, if I knew he was gonna be out here, and we need to get up on this car anyway. Uh. And I tried to sneak out into the garage, but if my dad hears the alarm chime, he's up in that trying to go see what's going on. So this woman, this old ass woman, then snug her boyfriend into her bedroom one night, and the next morning, your daddy busts through the door to tell me that he had cooked breakfast. So daddy walk in and see daddy. Girl didn't help in that, being a grown ass woman. So now I can't put him out because my mom did. Let's stop right here, So now we found out where her daddy lived with her because her mama put him out. So your daddy did something at sixty two to get put out. Most people don't put sixty old people out. Most people trying to find somewhere for sixty old people to stay. So what did your old ass daddy do? The restaurant? I get his ass and put out in sixty two down something dumb like he was twitter two. Yeah, I can't put him out because my mom did. I don't want to hurt his feelings because I've always been a daddy's girl. Once again, if you damn this, sixty you can call yourself a daddy's girl if you want to, but you really daddy's an old woman. But in my age, it's time for him to cut me loose so I can have some fun. See, it's not him that's hanging on to you. It seems to me like it's you that's hanging on to him. You didn't have to put him in your house. He can go back over there and beg his way back up on your mama. I was married forever, and after my divorce he became overprotective of me. This drives my boyfriend crazy. Because he wants to be mister wonderful in my life now here my dad. I've talked about my dad stepping back, and my dad told him if he stepped up and asked me to marry him that I would solve everything. See, you can't be mister wonderful, but you don't want to act wonderful. That's what the old school player is saying. My dad knows that neither of us wants to be married again. Why that is, I don't know, and we're content in our relationship. My boyfriend's children are thirty and twenty eight, and they both moved back home because they're still trying to find employment, and they blame COVID for not working. I can't spend time over his house because his daughter doesn't keep a clean house, and quite frankly, the kids don't want me over there. That's because you ain't they mama. But they two damn old to be using that as an excuse because you ain't they mamma. You ain't. That is side piece, and they know that, and they're probably blaming you for the reason somebody getting blamed for the reason that the man ain't with a mama. It's very confusing. This is all stupid. Let me just tell you what you need to. Please help us settle this. Because I love my dad and he loves his sorry grown ass children. Why is he letting his children come between us like that? Well, the reason he's letting his kids come between y'all like that, it's because you're letting your daddy come between y'all like that. And y'all old and stupid people. So you doing it, I'm doing it. You don't want to get mad. I ain't getting mad. You got some people at your house. We have some people at my house. You want to speak out to the garage. I want to lay in your bed. You see what I'm saying. It's just on it on and on and on. Reason y'all's old ass is divorced and don't want to get mad again because you don't know how to be married. So now you to rote us and you want to stay answer the question that we can't answer for you. Your daddy staying with you because your stupid ass daddy did something to your mama and your mama put him out. He over the asked you, you old stupid, old ass man, And when it had done, some dumb got his ass put out? Who get put out? A sixty two? You get put out when you're in your twenties and thirties, early forties. Once you're in your fifties, it's too late. Did put out your dumbassd Now his kids is thirty and twenty eight coming back home, calls it KOVID, COVID gonna be with us. You lost your job two years ago with COVID. First start show ass out of here, put your mask on and get your ass out. That's got to ask permission so they can have company. What you in that doing? Were in my house? Leave your comments on today Strawberry Letter on Instagram and at Steve Harvey FM, and check out feet Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Up next, it is Sports Talk with Junior at forty six minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it is time now for Junior and Sports Talk. What you got Junior? All right, Shirley, but let me just let the people know what Dallas that I'm still coming seven days away doing it. The April Fools Comedy Jam April first, at the Texas Trust Theaters. Ticketmats dot com Bruce Bruce Bill Building me myself along with Ryan Davis and Sean Taywayans were gonna be in the building. It's the April Fools Comedy Jam. Get your tickets, all right, listen, the biggest thing going on in sports right now. Man, I can't believe this. Move on you over there. You ain't seen this on Sean Wasson going to the round. Okay, that's all he knows right now, because he'll do. Boy, he ain't seen this. But tyreek Hill had been traded to the Miami Dolphins. From the Chiefs to the dot KOs, from the Chiefs to the Dolphins. Man, Cheetah border, Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's go down to the Miami Dolphins for five draft picks. Man. They gave up everything to get Tyrek. Man. They gave up a twenty two the first round pick this year, a second round pick for this year, a fourth and round pick this year, and then next year they gotta give up two of two fourth round pick and a sixth round pick off of this one player. Then they gave him a new contract. Up this boy, beloe, he did hit it. He didn't hit the money. Four years, one hundred and twenty million would send me to million guarantee. God, dog, that's boy. Now, now he's gonna have the stats to match them for four years for how much? One hundred and twenty million, But send me two million of it is guaranteed the rest of his sentence. So he got sent it to million guaranteed. All that. I say, Man, he gonna know it's gonna be a different from who's gonna throw them that ball, because it's gonna be a lot of different from Patrick mahomes down the tour. Uh wasn't a tour to tackle a lot of balls he's been catching. Ain't gonna make it too. It's not gonna it's not gonna get there. You're gonna need it. You're gonna need to use a lot of that cheatah speed damn ball man. Yeah, because they're not gonna be right there. You had to run them down. So man, that's just one of the things that I thought. I thought, just that's crazy. I don't see how you gave him, But hey, he downed in dog. I've never seen nobody give up. So it's an update update. Let me just give an update on Brittany. Guys. She has been contacted by the US Embassy they want to go visit her, and they said that she's in good condition. So she's over in Russia, still held up. We don't know when she getting out. They said she could be looking up to ten years in jail time. Yeah, that man, ten that's Russian. You don't take nothing to Russian. You just don't you go ash, you don't take no kind of all. I think nothing, you don't take no, man, that's just I just hate that happened. But there's some countries that don't do that. I mean, I feel soft for her. I think it's the punishment definitely don't fit the crime. And that sister case that's just over killed. It does not fit. But man, we're praying for him. Conflict. Yeah, yeah, absolutely using all right, junior, thank you. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll look into the mind of your good friend that j Anthony Brown, Steve right after this. You're listening, alright, Steve, please introduced for buddy Jay, Anthony Brown. Ladies and gentlemen, is dark in now, it's demented in now that some bitter places in now here. Yes, hell of a comedy. Okay, okay, everybody, The most recognized Anthony shut show. Damn monk. Okay, okay, here we go, here we go, all right, the most recognized picture in the Bible, the most recognized picture in the Bible would have to be the Last Supper. When you when most people agreeing that would be the last Supper, yes, I would say it's the last supper anyway, in my mind, we were not there. So here's something things that I'm saying. Could have been said at the last Supper. We were not there, nobody was there. Could have been said, here we go, here we go, this joke? Yeah, yeah, yeah, just just listen. I got it. Just listen surround late What did I miss? Could have been said at the last Supper? Could y'all sit back so we can see? Could have been said at the last Supper? Could have been said at the last Supper, Jesus, could you talk louder? We can't hear it out on the end, all right? Could have been said, could have been said, here we go, just seating arrangement better than the round table. I'm just saying, okay, all right, how how long we got to stand still for this damn picture? Okay, here we go. Could have been said at the Last Supper? Make mine to go all right, all right? Could have been said at the last supper? Is that one loaf gonna be enough for everybody? Could have been said? Could have been said, could have been said at the last supper, This is a very nice dinner. But checks would have been better. Checks would have been better. I'm ready to jump in. I'm gonna save you some room, right no, no, no, no, no no no. The check goes to the guy in the middle, the guy and last, last, but not least, Steve. I know you got one. Hold up, hold up, he's not doing any healing today. Let the man and eat in peace. So just hop your ass back over there and sit down. Okay, okay, okay, let me jump in here. Something that could have been said at the last summer, Oh, ain't no more lamb. It could have been said. It's something else that could have been said. Why he always get to sit next to Jesus? I know somebody said that. The last one I want to say is just right here, what yo? Judas don't need to be served, Okay, I mean, ain't no sensing us praying? If he already here, right, we don't need to break because he here. When you got one, yeah, it's gould have been said, I ain't really liked meal. I got come on something that could have been said at the last Snitches get stitches. That's what happens when you go into the mind of j Anthony Brown. You never know what's gonna happen. Yeah, coming up in twenty minutes after the hour, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening to the Say Morning Show. All right, So this week there were more than five thousand reports of tornadoes from Texas in Oklahoma to Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama. According to in OUAA Storm Prediction Center. Authorities are assessing the damage and residents are cleaning up across parts of the South after homes were ripped apart, cars flipped over, and at least two people died. Our prayers are going out to those affected, of course, and the American Red Cross specializes in disaster relief. You can help the Red Cross help storm victims by donating today at Redcross dot org. That's red Cross dot Org. A lot of storms. Yeah yeah, New Orleans really did. Yeah, yeah, yeah they really really did. Yeah they didn't need that h M too much. Going on in the world right now. Yeah, but again, if you want to help Redcross dot org Redcross dot Org. Yeah, the storms a man, yeah, warning and it's real, it's real. Yeah. And if they tell you to leave people, go ahead. I don't want to. It's just good to leave. Yeah, don't try to hand and write it out and always those people, I'm gonna write it out. You know. Well, you don't know about a tornado. You have no choice. It's too fast. A hurricane. Yeah, that's a difference. Yeah, you get warnings beforehand. But um yeah, all right, all right, guys, thank you. More of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. We'll play a round off. Would you rather right after this you're listening to show? All right, it is time for a round I would you rather let's jump right in. Would you rather silent treatment from your mate? Or would you rather argue with your mate? Just solve it with an argument? All right? Would you rather silent? You si? Silent treatment? Yeah, give me silent. I knew you won't anyway. Yeah, all right. Would you rather your mate initiate sex every time? Or would you rather skip sex for a year? Your mate initiates sex every time, or you skip sex? What raise up against me? Whatever it takes? Yes, come on, all right, all right? Would you would you rather give an X five hundred thousand dollars boulgether? Okay, all right? Or listen? Would you rather give an X five hundred thousand dollars? Or would you rather sleep with an X just one more time? Hey, nobody want to go back to that? You were so sure though, Steve initial access for a reason. Boy, Hey here, congratulations, buy house getter, McDonald's or whatever you need to do McDonald's. Jay, haven't heard from you. Uh, if we could lower that price, we might have work that man. And if you can come down on that price, that that filing and dowars right now you feeling sleep little? That's what you're leaning towards. I'm just trying to work out a price as reasonable price. Tell you what? Tell you what? Jay? Who? Whatever? How was you out there to consider? Going old back? Boy? That what came through drafted brown in the build? It was nice boiler till So would you rather be kissed on the lips by a complete stranger or would you rather be licked on the lips by a dog. I ain't doing. I don't do dogs. Now you can go and give me that stranger. Just let me pick stranger in COVID. Hey do that doll. They stay dogs mouths. They're cleaner than he who told you that told you that. But I've seen a dog licks some things and if he lick your lips you wake up in the morning, your lips will be on the pillow. Just fall off. All right, thank you. That is our round of would you rather for today? Coming up at forty nine minutes after the hour, it's our last break of the day and we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey right after this. You're listening, stay hard Morning Show. It is our last break of the day of the week on this Friday. It's been a good day, fun day. Earlier, when Jay did the last supper, things that may have been said on the left said, oh my godness, yeah, can you make a little more wine? We didn't ran out, but anyway, yeah, interesting week. Um. I've been watching those Senate confirmation hearings for Katangi Brown Jackson. She's doing she's doing extremely well her confirmations. In The Bad Man, they can fight this all the more. But this, this is she's more qualified. She's she has more qualifications than half of the judges just on the Supreme Court. She's more qualified than anybody asking her to questions. And the Republicans, it's amazing how they take these bar whatever that word is, how they take those damn stances. Democrats too, when they don't want a Republican end, they do the same thing. I'm so sick of this mess. Anyway, I got some great news for you, guys. I want to well, there's nothing not news. I just want to share something with you for my closing remarks because I want to talk to people who are not finding joy and waking up in the morning. I want to talk to people who are not living the life of excitement that they like to live. I'm talking to that person, and it's a lot of them. If you've lost your enthusiasm for life, if you're not waking up excited to wake up, if you just you're just in the dulgeoms, you find yourself in the rut, I have some advice for you, have some good news. You can stop feeling indulgiums the life like your life is indulgiums. You can stop feeling like your life is in a rut. You can stop waking up on the wrong side of the bed. You can stop waking up and not being excited about waking up. Because I want to share something to remember. When you were a kid and Christmas Eve came, you could not sleep Man, in anticipation of what you might get under that tree. I remember when it was time to take a field trip in school the night before, Man, you could not wait to wake up and get down there because you was going on the field trip. I remember, Man, when they moved Jim to first class, I couldn't wait to go to school so I could go to gym. It was the one one class I was guaranteed I was gonna get an end because Gem physical education. So that's because I woke up with the expectation of People have lost that as they've gotten older. People wake up unenthusiastic about waking up. People wake up in the dulgiums. People wake up on the wrong side of the bed. People wake up Man, just like their life is in a rut. I have a solution for you. If you've lost your enthusiasm and you don't look or expect anything. That's the problem. It's just like when you were a kid. So if you've lost your enthusiasm for waking up, it's because when you're waking up, you're not looking for anything. You don't have anything that you're expecting. You think there's nothing on the other side of this daylight called morning. Well, I have a solution for that. Since you used to be so excited that Christmas. Used to be so excited on the field trip, used to be so exciting to go on a date. Used to be so excited man, to go to this class and had this little girl and this little boy in it. So excited when you were about to buy your car, so excited when you was these are things man, your first game, your first sporting event, you played in the first time, your cheer, you were so excited. Here's what you do. You should wake up in the morning to see what God has for you. Are you listening to me? You should wake up in the morning to see what God has for you. See if you if she used to be enthusiastic because you knew what was gonna happen. You thought about what you get for Christmas, You thought about the field trip, You thought about that new bike, you thought about buying a car, you thought about the date. Well, God gives you this gift every day he wakes you up. He gives you a brand new twenty for That's an incredible gift to get every day, y'all. And the reason He gives you that gift when he wakes you up is because He's not through with you yet. I said this a thousand times. So if now, if you can understand this, start looking at it this way that God is not through with you yet. How about this, how about when you wake up, you wake up to see what God has for you. I promise you if you start waking up with the expectation, the enthusiasm to see what God has for you in a change the way you wake up. I do it all the time. I wake up to see what God has for me. I wake up to see what God gonna do for me. And this is for everybody. This ain't for the well off. Are the people who are overly blessed. All of you are blessed if you still here. But you got to change the way you look at this gift. Call tomorrow, this gift, call this morning. Man, you have to wake up to see what God has for you. If you start waking up to see what God has for you, guess what's gonna happen. He gonna show you, He gonna give it to you. But if you don't live your life in expectation that there is nothing to expect. All you got to do is change that man. Wake up to see what God has for you. That'll change your position in life. Those are my clothes with marks. I hope you got something from it. If you didn't, would do another one next week. Can't listen talk to God, everybody, He'd love to hear from you for all. Steve every contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening Harvey Morning. So