Who Likes Who on the Show - 11.15.17

Published Nov 15, 2017, 7:17 PM

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all all soon looking back to back down, giving them back, just like amazing buck bus things. And it's tough, y'all, do me true good. It set hardy this one to move to each other for stubby. Why don't you joy yeah by joining me. Honey. You gotta use that turn. Yeah, you gotta turn you to turn love, to turn my love. You got to turn out to turn turn water the water. Y'all, comey, come on your things. Uh huh, I sure will. A good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, Come on, dig me now, one and only Steve Harley got a radio show. We got a good for you today. I was thinking about on the way in. You know, yesterday was a really, really trying day for me. There's a lot of work yesterday and I was up. I've gotten so tired at one point man that But you know, I mean, I mean, I had no one to to to explain it to. You know, mom. The fellas that travel with me, they just go, they just go. You know, they know where I gotta be. They get me in place, you know, blah blah blah. But you know, you know, right about when I'm about to complain about it out loud, I also find all of the incredible reasons that I have to be grateful, and it kind of slows down to complain it a little bit. Now, I'm not saying that our days. Man, why I don't verbalize my fatigue or I don't verbalize my man I wish I didn't have to work so hard, or man, but but but but but yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. But when I get through with that, I have so many reasons to be grateful that it does slow it down, you know, And sometimes it might the majority terms just flat out stops it because I end up laughing at myself because, you know, it's so many things are happening to me beyond my belief, beyond what I asked God for. So there's just some extreme blessings going on in my life. But man, man o, man o, man have I paid? And that that's the part I want to talk to you about today. You know, see a lot of people look at other people and they see what they think is the finished product. They don't realize that all of us, no matter who we are, are still a work in progress. That I have many flaws, that I have many problems and have many situations that come up, you know, just like anybody else. You know, I'm no different from that, you know. You know, life happens for me just like it happens for you. It may happen in different ways, but just like you know, if it's something comes up at an inconvenient time for you, it pops up for me. You know, if something happens for me that seems unfair, I know that it's happening to somebody else unfairly. But you know, um, I find myself being grateful the majority of the time. I can't say all the time because I'm a human being, and sometimes I find myself complaining about it all, you know, But but I try, for the most part to stay grateful, to stay focused, and it allows me to keep the wheels churning. But now I wanna I want to share something with you about your road to success. You know you've heard me say this probably a hundred times now. The road to success is always under construction, it really is. So here's here's what I want you to expect on your way to changing, on your way to becoming successful, on your way to achieving your goals on your way to getting better. I want you to expect many difficulties. Once again, the road to con the road to success is always under construction. I want you to expect many difficulties. But here is the deal between successful people and non successful people. It's how they deal with the difficulties. That's the only difference. It's how you deal with the difficulties, how you handle the setbacks, how well you get up after you've been knocked down. That's happening to all of us, none of us, none of us are exempt from that. You're going to fall, You're going to be pushed, you're going to be run over, You're going to be tackled, you are going to be lied about. You are going to have setbacks. That's a part of the journey. But how do you handle them? How well do you do you handle everything? See? I want you to understand something. When you set out to be successful, he is difficult. Pet Pablo, who have probably people? What is he about to quote? Pete Pablo? He had a uh a rap album out called Diary of a Cinner, and it was really, man my favorite rap album of all time because he said some things about his life that I could so relate to. I can't think of the name of the song right now, but there is a lyric a stands in one of his songs that says, I had a half a tank of gas, two cigarettes, scraping up change in an ash tray, and a voice said, it's only a test of my faith. It said, I had a half a tank of gas, two cigarettes, scraping up change in an ash tray, but a voice said it was only a test of my faith. Here's a deal your faith, which is the belief in things that you cannot see. When you say I'm going to make it, I'm going to be successful at it. I'm going to finish college. I'm going to achieve my goal. I'm going to be a better husband. I'm going to be a better father. I'm going to be a better wife. I'm going to be a better mother. I'm going to be a better student. I'm going to be rich. I'm going to start do and more for other people. I'm going to help the less fortunate. Whatever you say when you're sending that prayer up, when you declare that faith, the devil hears your prayer to Now a sad thing about the devil is. He's busy seven and he has people that works for him. It's some imps out there that ain't up to no good. You all know them. You've all run across them. They always putting shade on somebody. They always barking at somebody. They always knocking somebody down. These people that they just busy for Satan. What you gotta be careful of is that occasionally you don't become one of those people. See so when these people, when when the devil hears is prayer that you set up or what you're gonna be successful at, then your faith is going to be tested. He got people man to come in there and try to knock you off that course. So you can get on back to this old woe is me. I ain't gonna ever be nothing. The uh man seemed like every time I try to get back up, I getting knocked right back. Now, once he gets you saying that enough times, then he can start implementing some other programs. Come on, man, let's sell this dope. We can't get no job. Now here you go. You're off track. You're going you other way. Now he got you, He got you tied up. Now to the port where he can get you locked up, or he can get your killed and lose your soul. So now he had worked busy he all day. What you got to be mindful of is that your faith will be tested, that it's going to be difficult to get to where you are, and you got to stay in prayer all the time, talking to your creator about strengthening you for the journey. You have to be strengthened for the journey. That's all you're asking for, because the journey is the journey. You can stop asking God to remove all these problems in these situations because it ain't gonna happen these out of test of our faith. This determines how bad you want it. What I'm saying to you this morning is stay focused, stay prayerful, stay on point, get ready for him. Understand that it's just to test to your faith. That your faith will be tested. But you got to stay the course. Man, You got to stay the course. It's all right, you will be fine in due time, but you gotta give some of this stuff a chance to play itself out. Because nothing lasts forever. Ain't no pain forever, all right. I'm just trying to help you with that, because boy, I'm dealing with it all the time. Stay prayerful. God got help for you. All right, let's go to ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, people all around the world, please gather yourselves around the radio, because things are about to, in the words of them, pop off. We would like to have your undivided attention as we partake on the rather scrupulous journey of rhetoric. A foolish schnish laughtery and harbachery. Oh, I think the word is delbauchery. But when you heard ready, either one of them will suffice. Ladies and gentlemen. Mr Steve Harvard Morning Show, you invited to come along. I'm Steve, this Shirley, Hey, just call them. Hey, Junior, everybody visit the food. We're about to pop to pop to pop out. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What's going on, everybody. I'm feeling pretty good today. You sound good? Why not? Because it's the last day of my detok all right, so take us through the day. What do you do today? Well, it's been no carbs for a week, preparing my body for my final detox treatment. It has slowed my brain down quite a bit. I'm not as sharp as I normally am. But supposedly, after this, I'm supposed to be and Tommy, you're gonna have to get on this therapy. After this, I should be a little bit more attractive. What what does a s But that was pretty sharp. You're there, you're there, tell me you're on it now. I did a week. I'm suggesting to you a month now. So you ain't ugly nor more. I ain't saying it ain't ugly nor more. I'm gonna be a little more attractive. We're never gonna be fine in this family. I just need you to come along and get on board. People like saying you look good. I'm saying you. Have you taken a look at these selfish you'd be sending up. It's the same, just the exact same. Nobody hates my facial facial and that's the polls that he thinks cute. Yeah, yeah, looking dead down at him. No, Tommy, nobody just never told it to you. I happen to have heard it you, sir, for some ungodly reason. I think the fact that you shot a lot of people want to hurt you no more. They figured because I was tall I could take You're gonna crush him. Steve he's not. He's not gonna crush me today. I'm not gonna let it happen. So Steve, you're just gonna start the show crushing. Yeah, I'm not going to do this at the gate with it because he taking up he take an unattractive attractive therapy about to be Yeah, yeah, Actually he's trying to help you tell me if you really look at it. So you're saying I'm unattractive exactly right, No, I want to hear. Oh, you're cute as a button. You're cute as a button. You didn't need a jab in there. But button was a jail, right, take the oi and all so, so anyway that you you'll have to tell us what you're gonna eat and stuff anyway, Um, alright, it's time. Something funny is coming up as we prepare for Thanksgiving and the stress of the holidays and all of that. Uh, family gatherings can lead to some tense moments. We'll talk about that when we come back, uh at thirty two after the hour with something funny. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Thanksgiving next week? Wow? Did it come fast this year? Here we're all gathering around the Thanksgiving table dinner conversations. It can be a little tent you know. So we just want you guys to prepare with some phrases that you should avoid at holiday dinners so we can just you know, all have a good time with our family and friends. Okay, Like for instance, yeah, okay, for instance, Steve Um, when you start a sentence with you should have you should have? You know, the words should you know can make a person feel judged or disappointed. You see where I'm going with that? You should have left somebody else fire? Yeah, yeah, that's hurtful. Yeah, yeah, you should have you should have left the marshmallows acting YAMG, that's like that. I'm with you. I'm with you on that hurt over. How about this? I know it's pot look, but you should have just came there ain't no luck in your Yeah, stuff like that, Steve, you got it? Or you know saying that? Yeah, avoid saying this, you know, because this is definitely this could start one right here. Um, can you believe what your president just did? You can't start? Yeah? Yeah, it can lead to an argument and a fight, you know, politics. Everybody in agreement on my family, My family all good with that. That's gonna get the party popping right there. Okay, alright, you're not gonna avoid saying it. Oh no, no, no. You can talk politics at my house. Everybody at my house in the same political mindset. We don't have, you know, because you are Republican at the table, you need to keep it to you. You won't be Okay, let's get back to my daddy's house. Uh huh, let's get back to the food for a minute. How about this one. You know, the best turkey I ever had was say it again, the best turkey I ever had was my mom. You can't say that. Yeah, that'll set it off. You don't have to always tell the truth though, No, no, no, no, she wants again. Y'all need to make up y'all, man, did you all want us to be Trump? Or you won't? These last were good with lying on Thanksgiving, it's a good time to ask that question. Yeah, you know, like, uh, if you start a sentence with what are you going to learn how to cook? Don't do that when you're gonna finally let him go. Okay, that's the one. Because you don't want to make anyone feel defensive or put anyone on the spot or anything like family is when is you gonna stop using drugs? Really? Yeah? What's gonna come out? I don't know why we see a bag like ain't I don't know what's wrong with you. I want to go to your house, but just come out in fifteen minutes, be able to take You're lying If it starts off with that, yeah, I believe you was walking the dope. When is you gonna stop using? You show up every you're looking like this? How about this right? How about this right here? Say somewhere where I can see where you going? Bathroom? Ain't that way? Ain't no bathroom that way? And you know, trying not to open up a conversation or start a sentence with when are you going to? Don't do that one? Or remember the time you see my uncle Everett, thanks having used to go he was drunk and time geo bowl ain't nobody won't dear bust out laughing, everybody laughing. But wait a minute, wait a minute, up, did you hear about Don't start it with that one, because that could mean yeah, you gossiping about you know somebody exactly what what did you hear about your husband? Oh? That's gonna get it started right there in the back room with Coral Cora. Not Cora Cora. Yeah, those are just conversation starters. You don't do that. Yeah, Oh that's gonna happen Thanksgiving, Thirsty, trust me, that's gonna happen. Well, I'll admit this. None of that happens at my house because I have no one at my house on Thanksgiving. As big as you create, nobody create no drama. Not in my house. Okay, I thought you were saying you had no one at your house. I was like, as big as your family is, Steve, Oh, the house gonna be packed. Yeah. I don't do drama. Yeah, not at the house. Everybody know. Don't ask me to play. I don't do that. You know, the game night, I might come in there for a couple of minutes, but that's it. Y'all know what I'm doing. I'm gonna eat and I'm sitting in front of this TV. I'm staring at it. Sometimes you're gonna come in there and the TV gonna be staying at me. Just walk back out. Don't come in here. Just in the heat I wanted this. Won't keep leeping. The five places on, don't cut it all so you don't mind them being in your house. A lot of people just don't bother you. Let you have your space. Yeah both. Marjorie's really good at that too, because she tells him this Steve that Steve all don't bring your friends, and your friends won't pitch us. Yeah, yeah, that ain't happen. Meanwhile, at our house, all they want to talk about is you. Yes, Steve, come on, Yeah, I just hate when they want me to tell Steve something for the plays, tell him give them. Can you just give us to Steve for me? Just the best seller? Right, we just get it to Steve. I'm not going to get the one kill me. Okay, I got this book, a man, I want you to read. I didn't read before I wrote. Ain't coming up coming up at the top of the hour, Miss san is gonna be here with today's national news and headlines. But up next it's the nephew with run that prank back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, nephew, let's go. What you got time for running? Oh? I got one for you? You ever had this? Read this book? It had change your life? It ain't did nothing? Yeah, you got a matter of fact, that same swater you won't last. I'm trying to figure out what the change has been in that's the same car you had six Thanksgiving six. Huh, what's the change now? Isn't my driveway leaking all? I asked the relative one time to move They call. I said, why, because you're leaking all in the driveway. I hate you all up and there. You can't hand on all in your driveway? No, no, I don't want know ail in my don't just park out on the sidewalk. Yeah, walking all the way back up here if you want, Yeah, if you agree, you will. I even did this one year I got had valet. Yeah, lay at your house, come over, just pull up, pull up in front of house, get your kids out, and get your family out in valley. Just take your car and put it on the street somewhere. That's how I did it. That that stopped a lot of problems. Who wants oil in their driveway? It's hard to get people come over the house in pimp pong like cross the dough it Hello, Hello, trying to uh, I'm trying to read Wilson. Yeah, this will you you you you're on the cleaner though, wrong. Right, Yeah, that's me. I'm a happy. I long y'all have been over there? How many? How many years y'all been over there? On? Man, we've been here for two minute? My fifteen years. Man, I've been a long time. Yeah, I'm a happy. Uh. Now you you're the only My name is Donnie. Man, I'm sorry my name you are? You've always been the owner there? Man, I thought the saying was about fifteen years ago. Got all my own equipment, everything, we do everything in the house, and you ain't got where am I going? Nowhere? You drop the clothes off here? I may show we take everything right here in the house. Man. Okay, okay, let's let's listen. Man, you want to call see I've been. I've been. I actually been bringing my clothes at you for about a year now. My name is Donnie. Oh yeah, I don't I don't remember. I know I would be coming here. I know your face. Thought you probably know me when you see me. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're probably you probably know when you But listen, Uh, when I had a problem and I came in, but last week sometimes I came in. I think the last third I came in to get my clothes I dropped off and uh no, No, I had brought some clothes, probably about three weeks befow that. Uh huh. And and when I got home three you know, like I said, three weeks. When I got on with that, with them clothes, I realized I was missing a shot. And uh. And I was like, I don't I don't know where my shirt that I come fast. So now just last week when I came back to pick up some clothes, and uh and that's what what what you know? I don't want to raising don't do having in your in your stoe with nothing, but what what I looked and I looked at you. You was actually putting that took my money and gave him, gave him a clothes. But when I when I look closer at you, I realized you you actually had on my shirt? What you had it? I had gone on and count the tea and I went on out to my car and I said, I'm not gonna wait and calm down, but you're actually standing there give me my clothes. But you had on my shirt too, Now, you bro, you could have got the twenty Yeah you ain't see me in your shirt? I mean or what what? What have your clothes. He left your clothes up here a long with the thirty day. Okay, wait wait wait wait wait, hold on, hold on, hold on wait wait what what did you say if if people leave their stuff long and thirty day you start way now now, hold on, hold on, I ain't won't no bouy the shirtd mine on. Hold on the line about you. You ain't won't know about the shirt, because listen, let me tell you something. I mean, I work every day, I work hard and I buy my buy my own shirt. I mean, I ain't gotta worry nobody that shirt. As a matter of fact, I was just saying because you said that that you felt like I held your shirt. I ain't want nobody shirt. But okay, got it coming there? Him come out missing as if it's betting here thirty day. We don't, I mean, we we ain't taking nobody clothes. But listen, I got a fee and he brought his stuff over there too, and he tells me he has some pads missing, and he coming then one thing and swell, he think you have he playing something? Who is it? He lied? Let Let me tell holder, I mean I don't know. I mean, I don't know you who you are, man, I'll fit out that close. You got my shirt only his pass. So this is ridiculous, man, as you as you creating your own wardrobe with people stuff, look hold to limit. Tell you something, man, I didn't talk you. I don't want nobody that share. Don't calm me and something my integrated come. I don't wrote somebody else shave. I don't have to win your shirt. I don't want to clean that you've got, man, that you clean people stuff, but then you wear it around the cleaners. I don't have to wait think and nobody's around no cleanings. I got my old you have you You You must not been up here yourself. Do you see the uniform we were here? That's how you know it ain't say Wilson on my uniform. Man, I know it's say Wilson on it. But why you ain't leave me where and other people stuff? Mr Wilson? Look at man, look at I'm a Christian bro. Listen, I'm trying to do the right thing. I don't appreciate nobody calling me. And you can tell you, you can inquire and we can get this fix, you know, figure it out, But you don't call here saying that you've seen me waying. I'm gonna go shirt. I'm gonna let the shirt go him. I'm gonna let the shirt here. What's the wrong doing now now, Mrs Will, That's what I'm gonna do. But if I come in there, if I come in there one more time, it's see you quit one of my shirts song, Then guess what I'm gonna tell off for you. Don't beat you, set your stove, just sell you what you bring your back down here, Come on down here. It ain't a danging a drumster. Don't kill you quicken our wheel about coming here trying to bother me about a shirt. When you quick where people stop seeing? Why no, but that's what you're doing, you know. But then you got on my shirt and got my playing. So I tell you what. Let me tell you something before I open this clean us. I'm from the penetect And when you try, when you call somebody a line, you better ready to back it up. Come up in there. This ain't well you look you keep wearing everybody close in there. Let me tell you something. I'm tell you what, Gola man, I'm telling the truth. If you come up here with them, you need to call your MoMA. No, No, it's gonna be from snop slaying the flower, because just like that shirt you say you're missing, you're gonna be missing to you came up here, brother, me about the dirt you're don't get your bird beat if I keep finding out you wearing people. Stop looking at what else? Don't don't get your bood beat up. You hear me, I'll tell you what you need to get off my phone for this baby. Just tell me about I'm wearing his shirt. You know I was wearing my shirts and you're wearing my friends playing. Man you look, bro, look Donny mc cluck. I don't done it. Whoever you I don't know who Donny you are. But don't call here no more. Man, I don't even want your business. Man, you don't have to. Don't bring your shirt. I matter of fact, what's your lie? I'm gonna look your spell up anything. Any money you'll fee, I'm gonna get a tactics. I don't need your money either. Man, I don't need to. I got one more thing to say to you. What you're listening to me? What you ain't gotta thing to say to me? I do have somebody need to say to you your thieving show. When I do have somebody need to say to you? What you lifting? What this is? Mift you Tommy from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just got pranked by your body who? Hey, Mr Wills, this is Nephew Timing from the Steve Harby Morning Show. Your boy got me to prank phone call you? What say? Bro? You can't you can't tell nobody I do like that? Man? Why y'all's the food man? Tell me this? What is the baddest radio show in the land. You already know The Steve Harby Morning is your baby, baby king of pranks. You are the king to stay on fire. That's I'll just stay on fire. Yeah, we're gonna on fire. Mama's boy. Huh girl? Have you been here? Yes? From you? What I ain't heard? Story? All right, hey, listen, coming out at the top of the hour, Stovetop has the perfect solution for those of you who stuff yourselves on Thanksgiving. Plus, Miss Anne is going to be here with our national news and headlines. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, stove top stuffing. We all have heard about it for our entire lives. Well, anyway, Stovetop Stuffing is now selling the perfect pair of cants for your Thanksgiving meal. This is crazy. Stove Yeah, stove tops Thanksgiving dinner pans. They make pans now they have a stretchy pouch that fits over the belly. I guess you can uh liken it to maternity wear for women. Okay, uh, it's a stretchy pouch. It fits over the belly. Although these pants are decorated in a festive stuffing pattern, you may want to get them for the man in your life. You may want two ladies if he's one of those guys who likes you know how guys like to unbutton their belts sometime after dinner. My grandfather come over there already went on, Tommy, you got to get a patty because yours. You're around stove top pans at Thanksgiving. When you eat too much food, you you ain't gonna unbutton your pants. And then when you when you get back down, you just wam back or you can put that you're doing too much today. Man. Multi purpose. They come in all sizes, all sizes, and they only cost get this, they only cost less than twenty And you know you like that. That's about the same prices your airline ticket. Stop. I'm trying. I'm not wearing those stove tope stuff and paints. I'm not. It don't make no sense for you not to have on some stove top dressing past. It's got a pouch in the front, but when you eat too much, your stomach can sit in it comfortable, and then after your stomach go down, you can win them backwards and put that high as yours in it. I'm not but what is you doing? SI? What you do? If you're like that's me, that would be still be perfect for your time. I think you're right. That's nice. Man. You also worked it out for you to do a purpose. Will you turn the pants around and cover their what? Go ahead? Come out to get bad. Nothing to do this with y'all, man, you ain't got to I'm not love Tommy. Don't look well, didn't get them same pants on the other way. You look at the pockets in the front. Go ahead, boy, coordinate, coordinate. You're all some fun. Go ahead. I'm not laughing. Can we bring up ms A and please can we just murder? Murder murd you same time to turn them down. I'm not laughing, I promise you Tom what you call what you're doing? Then he bust your room belt? Comes is wearing those stones your pants? Tell me the only nineteen. I'll buy something for them to foods. How about that we get the jacket, the bad get for them. You can get a paddle man and then Jordan can use them too because he can take him to school for showing. What is he gonna say? You mean to tell me you and Jordan in the pandruse? Ok, come with see we gotta stop this very own talented personal fact. No fake news here there saying trip and no stovetop pants either. Thanks everybody, good working everybody. This is Ander with the news. Okay, let as get serious. There's been another shooting, this time in northern California. Took place yesterday. Authar say that five people were killed yesterday, including the shooter, and that ten others were wounded. After that, gunman went on a shooting rampage that involved an elementary school. Officials say the gunman was armed with a semi automatic rifle in a rural community about a hundred fifty miles northwest of Sacramento. They say he opened fire at seven different locations, shooting randomly at neighbors passers by into homes, but the local sheriff says his deputy's got him. I'm personally grateful to those men for engaging such a terrible a mass murder. Really, that's what he is. Sheriff Phil Johnson says that the gunman, who now is identified as Kevin Jansen Neil, stole and crashed a neighbor's vehicle, whom he killed. Apparently killed the neighbor and his wife that he had been feuding with them for years. Then he opened fire on a local elementary school, but the teachers jumped in and closed all the doors so he couldn't get in. He also stole a second vehicle before deputies caught up with him. National Republicans calls for about My Judge Roy Moore to get out of the U. S. Senate race getting louder and louder, their accusations now from at least five women claiming that he's sexually assaulted them when they were only teenagers. How Speaker Paul Ryan says More should step down because accusations of him are really credible, and gop sent lely to Mitch McConnell says More simply not worthy of the position. Roy Moore should step aside. The women who come forward are entirely incredible. He's obviously not fit to be in the United States Center, and McConnell says he's looking at ways to keep that from happening, just in case he's elected. By the way, the Republican National Committees now pull its financial support from Roy Moore's campaign. Associated Press reports that Donald Trump and co. Have been nominating white men to serve on the nation's federal courts at a rate not seen in almost thirty years. A P says, so far Trump's fifty eight nominees are men, three out of four white. In fact, so far, Donald Trump has nominated the highest percentage of white judges in his first year since Ronald Reagan, and if his trend continues, Donald Trump will be the first republic Can Sense Herbert Hoover to name fewer women and minorities to the courts than his GOP predecessor. Our Landmarks Preservation Group wants to see the Emmett Tills Chicago home given landmark status. It's a red brick two story building at the hazeled youngster and his mother were living in in nine Finally, Today is National Clean out your Refrigerator Day and it's also nationale make your mom lunch Day. Ma, Ma, maybe she doesn't be quiet. You know how to make lunch. Twenty minutes after the hour comes Eugene the Butterfly. Stay tuned the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, come on, introduced the Butterfly, and do it nicely so he can really have his time and do a segment. Well, please, ladies and gentlemen without further ado, something that I know you're going to try to enjoy, but you probably won't. Eugene, Good morning every one. Stephen Tommy Shirley College Junior, Good morning to everyone. It is a beautiful, beautiful Wednesday. Just want to say, hey, everyone's speaking your step you Stephen very well. Um yeah, but you didn't speak, but it's okay. UM. Here's what I want to ask you all. I'm thinking about and I'm thinking about writing my first book, Stephen, and I want you to, um yeah, I want you to help me pick out the title I've come up with this Um, the Man behind the Man. Okay, um, but sitting on that's not a man, that's the butterfly. Um, I just need some ideas because I want to I really want to write my life story. Well, Steve can really help you with this. You's written four books. That's the purpose of asking him. Helped me with my book, and I'm not I'm not. I don't need I just want to help with the title. I'm gonna do first title? Are you a autie or any What are we talking about? Navals? What are we talking about? We're just coming up and catchy book? T Okay, continue, I don't I don't like that one. Um pek and happy? How is that? Pink and happy? The pink journey, the pink journey. So it's my journey, you know, because it is my life story. I don't think you should use pink because it represents too many other things as powerful. There's a powerful pink movement with breast cancer that color heads. Yeah, you shouldn't use pink. Give us another color, well, pro fellow, that's purple and yellow? Does that work? How about fruit loops? That's that's underwear. Why would I want to do droughts through to the loom You're talking about, not fruit loops. That's fruit loops. Underwear, the cereal all loops, a plethora of colors. Yeah, it's a rainbow man. Okay, Steve, Um, try harder. Okay, I mean, come on, you can, but with a catchy title. You had a very nice act, like a lady thing like I'm in That was good. Um, Butterfly, you want to use that title? I'm sorry. I'm sorry, God, no, I did not want to use that title. I need something away. All right, listen, Butterfly permission. We'll work on that. Maybe we'll come up with something for you when we come back from the break at thirty four after the hour. Uh something on emotional cheating. I think we've we we all want to hear what this is about. This is interesting emotional cheating. What is that? No, I didn't done that. Oh yeah, because you've done the physical you're listening to Steve Morday Morning Show. All right, Steve, here we go. This is interesting. Listen to this question. Is it emotional cheating to get butterflies around someone who isn't your significant other? Have you ever had an encounter with someone, for instance, who you were really attracted to physically and after a few minutes of talking with them, or like hanging out, you started to get those like, you know, a little crush, butterflies and your tummy in the past all the time, several times a week. Really back in the past. Yeah, of course it was in the past. We're all happily married now. Uh what, that's all they had to say? Oh my god, you're so much tallerant person. Oh my god, I love all your facial features. I love your tent poles. You do girl, I'm kill everything. My heart is changing. I got butterflies? Is this just human nature for someone? Uh? You know, if you like someone emotionally, something that you just can't help And is it only wrong if you act on it? So? Is it natural? Absolutely, it's only wrong if you act on it. I think you know, people are human. You know, I'm good. I'm pretty sure that it's some men that my wife's saying. She goes, wow, he's handsome, attractive, you know, But she can say that to her damn self. Yeah, and to her girlfriend. O. Women have much stronger conversations than me and do Oh don't lie, y'all be saying some but y'all have saying some stuff on this show. Out loud Ladies about Indris elbow and about Denzel Washington that cannot be misunderstood by anybody. And Morgan Freeman, thank you know nobody, girls, you guys, you guys are right. We don't see it. What's sexy about him? I like his voice? What you like about but I've never met him. But anyway, what were you gonna say, Steve? Know about what I think you were saying. What I was saying that Steve is talking about celebrities, what we have said on the air about celebrities, celebrities. I think the emotional cheating question is for anybody, you know, anybody, for anybody the grocery show, how me and I'm cheating emotionally and physically? Okay, thanksgiving us next week. Okay, right here, ladies on this show, this is just a hypothetical question. Everybody on this show. Where is Monica? Get Monica over there? Bout Okay, she's there, Monica, you have a mic? Yes, Okay, listen to me. I'm gonna go around the room. This is a hypothetical question. Everybody is singlet and you have to be in a full blown relationship. All of us had to be involved with someone. Junior, who you're gonna be involved I'm going right to Monica and that we ain't got to be hypothetical. We got to really be hypothetical. We just j out loud and quick, very loud, some good catfish. So wait a minute, so are you asking do we like someone on the show or just period? Now? Just this is the show hypothetical. I think we need to carry this over. Y'all need to think about this because Junior just blurted out. Everybody, Monica bone right on over and it ain't got to be hypathetical. Man, Wow, Okay, well, oh well, let me see Tommy now. I want to go after him. I want to hear what they got. No, just answer the question. Okay, look at the time, surely we got to go to break Now we don't. We almost do. Now we got ju over here. We kicked back like he got both his hands behind. I'm sick. He's just waiting for Monica to stay the world. What you said? When we go back around, she needs to say you yeah? Alright? Coming up next, Wow, we'll find out about these crushes. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it's time for today's Strawberry letter. But first, all right, let's get back into it Tommy. Oh, it's all Monica. Well no, no, he asked you after Junior. We're talking about crushes right now, and we're all single in the room. We're all single in the room. If we hypothetically speaking, ladies and gentlemen. We went to Junior. Steve went to Junior. Junior said out the gate, Monica Barnes, what's happening? Yeah, okay, So Tim, who you want to be next? Tom I'm going with color because I'm gonna eat, you gonna cook. I've been in Mexico with him, casually silent, So we did something right, go ahead? All single? We're all single. I just make a mess of it. So all three? Yeah, yea three, but didn't find out about each other? Yeah, and we don't share, knowing it would probably be too late by then. All right, if I had to just pick one, you know, I know I wouldn't want I regret this because I don't like to be corrected all the time. But it probably had to be Shirley. Well, thanks, I'm the only one left. Thanks, you're home, You're gonna be home. Oh that's right, I forgot I'm sorry. I don't you had a nice outfits though at the restaurant. Whatever. Okay, when we come back with this, the ladies turn. Okay, here's the prank. You hit my mama tree. Classy, here you hit my mama tree. Hello, Hello, man, I speak to Lord Lord t whom just tearing. I'm about ten minutes from the yard picked all. This ain't no tear. Look man, it's this lord that worked for Yes. Listen, you just came down Clayton Street and hit and tow all the limbs off my mama maple tree that's hanging over the street. And now she got limbs hanging all in the street. We got to cut this whole tree down because you didn't messed it up. And you were the one that just drove through here, Sir, I ain't been down Clayton Street today, sir, say what. I ain't been down Clayton Street today. I ain't even been in a residential neighborhood today. You just came down Clayton Street a couple of hours ago and then told all the limbs off my mama tree. My mama that tree been and I founded twenty five years and I just came down the street and just tow it all apart. Sir, I ain't been down Playing Road today. How did you get this number? By the way, don't worry about how I got your number. Somebody got to pay for my mama treat. I ain't been down Clayton Road today. I'm sorry. Call it call him back down? Hello, lord? Did you just hang up on me? Yes, sir, I told you I didn't been down on Playing Road today. Now you know what. Look I told you. You just came down Clayton Road and just and just told my mama tree up and down residential neighborhood today. Man, quit calling my phone that lot, my grandmama, planet that treat. Now you don't gonna do planet it. Move to my ben. Cut the branches out, the sun and the branches. It's clear enough you're not supposed to be driving them at will trucks down this residential area like this here. Man, I was making delivery. Guy. If I had to come down that tree, I would have. But I told you once I ain't came down on Clayton Street today. You just said you had to make it deliver. Now you're saying you ain't been down Clayton couldn't live down there, I would have came down that tree. You have to come down now you've been on Clayton Street today. Now that part I do know. And what you got the wrong? No no, no, no, no no no, I got the right drive and what I do No ill, you didn't tell my mama tree up. We got to cut this on tree out. And you know what you're gonna pay for this saying for a mother tree. That tree, kid, I know you ain't talking about my mama tree. Well guess what. Take your tree and take your mablem and both of y'all go out there and planting another tree. Then we ain't playing no more tree. That tree been in our family for years. You're gonna mess around and get your swept behind this tree. Bring it on, then bring your and bring the tree with you. You're gonna make me whoop with a bridge off that tree. Well, I'll tell you what. If you're that bad, then I'll tell you what if I was on Clayton Street today, I met the street with the tree. You come on over here to Clayton right now, because I'm right out here in the street on the car this phone. You come on outside, my mama sitting up in there crying behind this tree because you didn't told the lives off of it, and we got to cut it down now because you didn't messed it up. Get uh napkin yellow wife five. Then I ain't been down one. I know you ain't sitting here talking about my mama. Not see you tripping not dog and tripping dog. You are ready. Look man, I grew up with this tree in my front yard. I grew up with this tree. Now you got the nerry to drive through hill and driving too fast because if you're the drove slow, you wouldn't have been hitting all them lives like that. Y'all be running down here too fast, do here? Man? Look yeah, and I've told you once man, I ain't been down on Clayton Street, not like I told you. If you want to meet me on Clayton Street, well all right now, I'm sorry about your mom trip. What hell. There ain't nothing I can do about it because I ain't been down on Clayton st. It's one thing you can do about it. You can pay for and that's what you're gonna do. Now. You're gonna either give me some money. I'm gonna get it at you but you're you're gonna you're coming over here. Matter of fact, you can come over him now that big truck around and bring your butt on over here right now. Well I might well don't turn it around, because I ain't paying for no tree right now. That's fine, that's fine, But I tell you when you get here, my cousin here and all my uncles is here sitting up there looking at what you didn't done in this tree. So bring yo, I don't yeah, well look ahead, take that tree and stuffing up you all yo, yo, all right, I ain't in a word with you, and just treat no more because I don't told you one. Let me treat you. Come on right now, because you don't know what this tree mean to me. This tree right here used to be home basic for hide and gold seat. Are you crying? You big? You crying too? Man? Look at dogs. I ain't treat dog, didn't look at Wipe your eyes and to hell with you this tree right I'm turning my you just meet me on Clayton Street, all right. Let me tell you something. This tree used to be first base for Kickbaul. Do you hit me about dude? I don't told you once. I ain't Tree all right? All around this dude, your name Lloyd, but you ain't hell is cool Jay And he would not he would not help come down here and told my mama Tree here is not that kind of person. But you you lord? You crying for? Man? What crying for? Could you didn't mess up my mama treat you saw like a girl. I'm crying because my mama Tree wrote. Let me tell you something ground and bring you down in ten minutes to meet your where's be moding me? My uncles is ill, my cousins hill, all the braiter brunch family. What I'll tell you what there that night it's gonna be hot water in this. Don't make me no difference. They call you l LM. Knock you out and that's what you're find to get that. Come on with it because I'm here all right. We'll let no running cool. Don't make me listen right up. I'm gonna tell you one more thing about this treat. Is you listening to me? I'm is you're listening. I don't told you one I don't give it about that, but if you want to talk about it, go ahead. Let me tell you something. This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy, j J. And what did you guys say? This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy. You got to be kidding me. Man, ain't no treet messed up? And you ain't been on Clayton Street. Joe, Joe? Oh man, your dog? Hey man? What is the baddest radio show in the land. We gotta go to break. Oh, we'll be right back. Oh, y'all off? Who We'll be right back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right here we are? Okay, Well, this question has been going on for the last three breaks here. Uh yeah, we asked the question about emotional cheating. It's turned into this. We're all single on the show, so amongst us, we're trying to figure out who would the ladies pick amongst the guys on the show, and who would the guys pick amongst the ladies. Now, Junior picked Monica, Tommy picked Carla, and uh, I didn't really get picked. I think I got picked by the I was the only one left, so I guess Steve picked me. Thanks a lot. But now now it's the girls time. Yeah, I'm going to regret saying this. Oh god, the turtle. We don't even like him, I know, So it won't be long a break up that we do do I was gonna say Junior, but he won't be But look like you, nobody picked me. Come, we're going, We're going to Cobo. Now I'm stuck with a high. Yeah, I think she lying. We're gonna be balling up. Why do you think I'm lying? Well, because you really pick me? No, I don't eat pig. He picked all three of us. Yeah, no, no, no, See, it ain't trying to be a mat What did you say to him? How many likes may like your facial features? She picked you. She called you a turtle. She said the turtle. She didn't even say timing, She said turtle, ever turt But every woman understands that. Though women understand that, because you have to like who likes you, you gotta go with that. Sometimes. No, I wouldn't have went with that. Didn't you pick Monica? And you said you hope she picked you? Didn't you just yea, Yeah, it's the same thing in the room. Yeah, yeah, sure, I'm picking Steve, he's rich. I mean, come on, really, really, guys, really really? Oh, she goes straight to the boy. Really, guys, really, come on, really, that's not I don't care about its facial features. Now, thank you, Mama, she said, boy, if you dress nice and make enough money, ain't nobody gonna worry about the face. Mama came through for me. She over there, rich, you over here with you because he won't at less. She got picked. Okay, I didn't get picked at least to go to the Viking cooking class. You're rich. You can hire a cook who cares. So what have we learned? That we're all very shallow, that we will lie through, even all the girls will lie in the world called could be happy with the turd. And this is where we have learned that Monica and Junior will probably start a relationship. I think, yeah, yeah, you don't know how to take care that board. You need a lot of medicine. Stay at it. Yeah, you can't see the balls. All right, come on, let's get to this letter. More drama. Buggle up, hold on tight, we got it for you here. It is a Strawberry letter. Thanks Tommy. Subject life interrupted. Good morning, Steve, Tommy and Shirley. I am a thirty six year old, beautiful black woman with three children, a good job, and a nice home. My man of ten years, forty years old in parentheses, has lost his mind. He has brought his forty year old legally blind friend home to live with us. I understand that this is his best friend, but we just took on his sixteen year old son from a previous relationship. I'm okay with the son because he is there every week end and holidays anyway, and uh, I've learned to love him like one of my own. My problem is now this man. He is drunk a lot, not that clean, and can't really see the toilet, so he misses all the time. My man claims he can't do much for himself, but he can make it to the box, but he can make it to the bar. Me and the children end up doing for him while my man works. He also invades our private time, wanting to go hang out or watch sports. I can't even dress the way I want anymore because he makes me uncomfortable. I've expressed my concerns to my man, but it just makes us fight all the time. I've tried everything to help him move on, but he won't. I even helped him get a social security get social security and signed him up for public housing. But he won't go, and my man won't force him. He seems to care more for this man than he does me. Right now, I don't know what to do. I don't want to lose my man. He is good to me and the kids, but his friend has to go. Please help me. Signed Life interrupted, dear life interrupted. Put him out. He definitely needs to go. You cannot have this kind of foolishness in your house, missing the toilet when he uses the restroom. Uh. And you know you're feeling uncomfortable when you get when you get dressed, and he's legally blind to your so called man is allowing this. And here's a question to you after ten years, Um, what are you and this man doing anyway? Um, he's messing up your nice home. And you're right, he has lost his mind. You in no way should have to deal with anything like this. Your man has put his friend and his needs before you and the kids. So right now I disagree with you. He is not being a good man. You say he is. I say he's not. You know, when you help people it's usually for a little while, like a couple of days, you know, a few days, maybe a couple of weeks, something like that. This man has come in and invaded your home, so you and your man need to get together seriously talk about it. Immediately put this man out. I'm sorry, you gotta put him out because he's messing up your home and there's no way you should be uncomfortable in your own home. And if your man doesn't want to put this other man out, then maybe it's time for you and your man to break up as well, and your man go his separate way. Steve, we don't have time. We'll be back, and you've got a lot to say. I got a whole another angle I don't really kill. And for those of you that like emailing because one of my jokes that went too far, get to your computers and sit down and get ready to that tight The letter is supposed to go to Steve Harvey dot com and click on the Strawberry Letter. We'll be back twelve after you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Come on Steve with your response to part two of today's Strawberry Letter. What you got and You've got enough time for this letter man, that really, because I've discovered a whole lot, but life interrupted. Good mornings to you, Tommy Sherley. I'm a thirty six year old, beautiful black woman with three children, a good job in a nice home. My man of ten years, forty years old has lost his mind. He has bought his forty year old legally blind friend home to live with us. I understand that this is his best friend, but we just took it as six year old something from previous relationship. I'm okay with the some because he is that every weekend and holidays anyway, and I've learned to love him like one of my own. My problem is now this man. He is drunk a lot, not that clean, and Kate really see the tarlet, so he misses all the time. My man claims he can't do much for himself, but he can make it to the ball. Me and the children end up doing for him while my man at work. He also invades our private time, wanting to go hang out or watch sports. I can't even dress the way I want anymore because he makes me uncomfortable. I've expressed my concern to my man, but it just makes us fight all the time. I've tried everything to help him move on, but he won't. I even helped him get so security and sign him up for public housing, but he won't go, and my man won't force him. He seems to care more about this man than he does for me. Right now, I don't know what to do. I don't want to lose my man. He's good to me and the kids, but his friend has to go. Please help me sign life interrupted. First of all, before I say what I really want to say, what you are going to safe take Sherley's advice? Put him out, get on with your life if you're an ultimatum to your man, the man or your family, and don't make you no difference which one he picked. But one of us has got to go, and it ought to be the blind dude that he bought home. Okay, now that we got that out the way, let's go over some stuff. Is you really blind or ain't you blind? See you got to do some blind testing at your house, because see a lot of this stuff don't sound like you're talking about a blind man to me at all. Now he legally blind, I don't know what that means. Illegally or you illegally blind. Can you see or can't you see? I don't know the definition. So for those of you out there that like the type Steve when he's politically incorrect, once again gonna get the type. And because I don't really care on this one. Right here, we're talking about the dude that forty years old then came in this man's house with another for your old friends, and one of the damn friends can't see. Now they ain't fitting to be my problem. You got to work that out with the lord. But once you come in Steve Hoff and say you can't see, there's a couple of things need to quit happening. Though. First of all, he can't really see the toilet, so he missed all the time. Hell, I can see in sometime I miss But one thing my mama used to say, you might not be able to see, but you can hear, can't you Now listen to me. If you don't hear nold water splashing, you ain't in the right spot. You got to then make some type of adjustment left or right. If you never hear water splashes, you're being on the back of that little jacket that's on the I can have told it you're peeing on the third boy. Now that's for startus right there, so any man can miss sometime it's lit. What do you mean to give you that offshoot? Spring be a little piece of lint on you. Then next thing you know, it's just everywhere you're all appearing on the towels and stuff. You know what he means to it? You be trying to do. Sometimes you peeing all up on the medicine. You don't even be you got that little shoot. Sometimes you spray on the shower curtain of towels and the medicine. Yeah, I'm telling you right now, that's what you're way of that You get that lint on you at the wrong place, and you got some problems. Fellas out didn't know what I'm talking about. Please y'all pray for him. I said I was gonna do this when I'm trying not to because the dude is supposed to be blind. Then he say, your man claim he can't do much for herself. We're gonna find out if you can't do nothing for yourself, because when you're man and go to work, this is what you do. Dragon blind ass out on the porch and sit him on the porch until your man come home, and when he don't know where he at because he blind, tell him it's cooling here. We got the help all and breathe, we got to help and all the dose open. We're trying to add out cause you ain't watching your nasty behind, and we ain't watching you no more. It's a couple of things than you and the children end up doing for him while you're man at work. He also invades your private wanting to go hang out or watch sports. I thought you said he was blind. Now if he blind, why is we going to watch sports? Now? If you're watching sports and you blind, one of these things ain't got to happen. Sitting up in here, I got to tell you who got the ball, who just scored? And what color suit they got on? Do Lebron have on the red headband he just got on? Wrist beard? Today? Sitting up and then watching the game with somebody blind have me going through all this? And man, Carmela Show got a nice jump up. That ain't Carmela gonna send up, in arguable your blind behind. We're trying to watch sport. Then you send a bit time like you can't even dress the way you won't do anymore because he makes you uncomfortable. I thought you said he would have blind What is blind? Ass looking at you? Fault. You are to be able to walk in front of him naked and if he really blind, that's the See. That's why I say you got to start conducting some blind tests at your house. Put your pumps on, baby, and walk past him butt naked. And if he go, good, Lord of Mighty, put blind because there ain't nothing blind. See. I think you getting played and you can quit playing and all this hill. Get him down and get that social kid and put him right up in the project. Thank you, Steve. You know we gotta get out of here. Uh. Email or Instagram a's your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at my Girl, Shirley, don't forget tomorrow. Oh that's right tomorrow the Facebook Live after show with the Strawberry Letter Live. That's going to be with me at one thirty p m. Eastern time. Please join me. It's a lot of fun switching gears Now. GQ magazine, you guys heard about this, have announced its People of the Year Colin Kaepernick. That is another year for g Q. On the cover, Gal Gado you know her from um from a wonder Woman movie, and she's like a big feminist right now, Kevin Durant is one of them, and Stephen Colbert, they're gonna share the honors. Each one gets his her own title cover and cover story for the December issue. Now, Colin Kaepernick, uh did the photo shoot, but he didn't do the interview. Coming up next, we're gonna talk about Meek Mill. You guys heard about this case. It's a serious case. We'll talk about when we come back. You're listening to the Steve Show. So, Steve, this has been a big story. I don't know if you've heard about this or not, but supporters of Meek Mill gathered at the Criminal Justice Center in Philadelphia, UH, this past Monday for the Rally for Meek. Now, this is a call talking about rapper Meek Mill. This is a call for justice for Meek and and others. Earlier this month, Meek was sentenced to two to four years in prison for violating his probation. Okay, Now, according to TMZ, Meek Mill may have caught a huge break in this case because the judge that is presiding over the case, her name is Ganice Brinkley Judge Genie Brinkley. She's reportedly being investigated by the FBI UH for possibly having relationships in Philly, including UH with the local music mogul she allegedly asked Meek to sign with, as well as a possible extortionate demand. Meek's lawyer says Judge Brinkley asked Meek to do a remix to a boy's to men's song and to give her a shout out on the song, and that her harsh sentence the result of declining or chuckling at the request. And now it seems like she has a personal vendetta against Mek Mel. Yeah, so you got it. So this can't send this man to jail. First of all, what to violate his probation because he popped a wheelie and he broke up a fight. Yeah, that's violation. So if you're on probation, you you can't be any kind of citizen, not even a good one. So you have to be oatmeal. If you see a fight, you don't go nowhere near because you're on probation. If you you see some kids, you can't entertain him with a wheel stands. You have to be a non existent human being on probation. But since you didn't give me a shout out on this song that I asked you too, now I'm gonna sit you down for two to four years. Are you serious? Yeah? I mean it's so serious. This horrible injustice. It really is. Jay z dr J, Kevin Hart, Rick Ross, Philadelphia seventies Sixers co owner Michael Rubin and many players from the seventies Sixers and the Eagles, Colin Kaepernick. They all, um, you know, have been in support of Meek Mill. And then recently, CNN political commentator Van Jones was on the Wendy Williams Show. He's been on our show. We know Van Jones. This is what he had to say about the issue. Take a listen. It is absolutely outrageous. This is one of the worst things I've seen. I've never heard of the case where a brother is standing before a judge. The prosecutor says, do not put this brother in jail. The probation office says, do not put this brother in jail, and for some reason, the judge says, I'm gonna put him in jail anyway. The judge is supposed to be neutral. Listen to the defense. Let's to the prosecutor and come down in a neutral way. The judge is the only person in the building who wants the brother locked up. That's wrong, that's not that's not supposed to be that way. As long you know what the thing is, you do something in nineteen years old, whoever it was silly, nobody lost their life. You've been on probation for twelve years. You and I couldn't be oprobation for twelve years without doing something that nobody was going to criticize. So, but look at what he actually did. He popped a wheelie. He popped the wheelie trying to entertain kids. Should have done that, but he popped the wheelie. He got his wisdom to teeth, called out and got hooked on percoset, went to rehab, told him where he was going, but they got confused about that, and then he broke up a fight, and the police said that he did the right thing when they looked at the video. So breaking up a fight, popping a wheelie to entertain kids and getting off ter us, that don't make you a villain, that makes you a hero. You should not be in jail. Are you kidding me? What prosecutor says, do not put the man in jail. His job is to prosecute. When they tell you this is wrong, the the fist tells you this is wrong. The police come out and say he did the right thing. Why is he going to jail? Are you kidding me? And for her to have any insinuated ties. Look, I'm not the greatest person anywhere, but please let me throw my hat and our entire morning show had into the wing who is now in total support of meat meal. Now that may not swing the tide one way or the other. Couses some great people already out there, but the Steve Harman Mourning Show is now officially thrown their head in. Now a lot of people listening to this show, that's got to be something. You cannot send this man to prison for that. And now if it's come out that you've had any ties with music related that you asked for a shout out and who is this check? Yeah, a shout out to Judge Brinkley. Yeah, like what at what wraps on that go in? But you were judged though, Yeah, that's why she's been complimentary and a couple of records myself. But we aren't gonna go to jail if you don't, don't. Yeah, well when me get out, she's gonna be in the song. Yeah this that you don't gotta worry about that shot. He's coming. So we'll keep watching this and keep Yeah, don't worry about Meeks Knicks reckon. It's a lot of people looking at this. Yeah, it really is crazy. It really it's crazy. And moving on, moving on. Some good news to report. The U c l A basketball players lo Angelo ball Curty, Cody Riley, and Jalen Hill, the guys who were arrested in China on charges of shoplifting. They have been allowed to return. The U to the U s Okay Pack twelve Commissioner Larry Scott released a statement on Tuesday confirming that the players are on a flight. We're on a flight back to Los Angeles. At the time he made the statement, um he said, Look, the matter has been resolved to the satisfaction of the Chinese authorities. We are all very pleased that these young men have been allowed to return home to their families and university. We are grateful for that, for the role that our Chinese hosts played, and for the courtesy and professionalism of the local authorities. We also want to acknowledge U c l A significant efforts on behalf of their student athletes. Finally, we want to thank the President, the White House, and the U. S. State Department for their efforts toward resolution because you know, uh, President Trump did ask the President there, Yeah, he did, uh to look into the issue while he was in Beijing last week. Um and uh the President Jen Ping of China said he would and uh they would be treated fairly. So there you go. Alright, alright, coming up at the top of the hour, Thank you, Steve. Science says, uh, cussing can lead to a better way of life. Hey, let's let's get to cussing. When we came we get back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, Tommy Jr. And everyone on this show and listening cussing scientists say can make your life better. Uh. Scientists say that studies have shown cussing can actually improve our lives. This is how your life is better with bad words in it. It is the best form of workplace bonding. Forget team building exercises. Research shows that co workers who cussed work more effectively together. Absolutely, Tommy working fine, what cussing has benefited me great. I'm living proved that cussing will make your life better, especially when there's a chick attached to matter. I won't thank HBO, Show Time, all those avenues that created it, j that made cussing absolutely okay to be all right with, and it has gotten me to this point today. Seven television shows, radio shows. Brother, get the cussing. I'm also free. Yeah, I don't have high blood, I ain't got diabetes. I don't suffer from depression because I get it all out. That's it free. You make should try because you got to. I'm not Miss said what about me though? You got to be like Bliss. Your life is absolutely wonderful. After Chiley instructure that when she ain't gonna make a team, I'll tell you what if my baby don't make the team, let me tell you something. What you ain't doing. You ain't gonna make it the work on time you've been to be in therapy. Isn't there something that happened at your at your baby school, at Tessa school with a little boy Steve Junior and Tommy, you're gonna this little boy. I picked Tis up. We were at school and she picking her up from school. She got home and she said, Mommy, this little boy said a bad word at lunch. I said what happened, and she said, well, he opened up his sandwich and he looked down at it the way it was cutting, said the F word. I told this helpful. I didn't wan't no more damn triangles in my lunch box. Down. I got to tell her, damn tri angle, I'm a fox. Cut it in half. That's it. That's all you need. I don't want no triangle. That's crazy. Mom. He looked at that sandwich and opened it up and said the F word, and the teachers came over the air. He said it loud, though, he said, even hold it. Hey, he didn't click the lock on that spot of man lock any waiting on that, waiting on that Hey, I'm saying with you, you're gonna hold it with both hands. But if mama had cut it into them triangles, that a little baden up that lunch box. Is said, say Steve, see tell me. I know I blame Tommy because you know Steve doesn't need but I just did. He'll take a mile. Come on, come on, tom Cat, hit the button. Do what the little boy did. Man's gun me craves just up and here it's just lunch time. High Tish hi tosh are you're great time for lunch boy, but looking forward to this man. I've got my favorite lunch box. I've got my Spider Man lunch box. I gotta ham swich the girls are looking at I'm gonna hold it with both hands and eat it like my big brother does. Open it up, unwrapid here it is? Ah, what the hobby? We cannot cuss on this radio show. There's some sugar on their high team. How many they say? It is so loud that teachers heard. Teachers ran over and they picked him up. And yeah, but he didn't know know they heard him. So he can't understand why these people have gathered around. He was in a zone though. It was all about that, and you know. The scientists also say that custing help prevent helps prevent fights. They say can actually make people likely to be diffict violent. It does because it tempers, It gets a lot of the anger out, and it lets you know that it's about to elevate, and sometimes you can avoid it. Cussing also limits the amount of bud whippers you have to issue your children. It has. Yeah, I can sit down, baby, keep jumping, sit down, I'm gonna sit down. See that's one thing, lacks a whole another trip. Now, dude, let me ask you this. How about culturally do we is it different? You know with different cultures, different races, Steve, really Latino's white and blacks. They all cuss the same amount. It's just the inflections of it as different. And we we do put the word black in their a lots and our cadence, our rhythm. Yeah, a little different. But yeah, it's only been here since she was born. Huh would you say, Junior, you've only been here and custom since she was born, like when I was born. They like, this is the uglass boy right here. We got fatty. Not the first time I heard, that's the first time. Let me let me. Yeah, we used black a lot, get you. Yeah, other cultures don't do that. Yeah, they don't. They don't use color. They don't as as the right. You don't get your little white ass never heard that. I've never heard that. But Junior, what did you hear at birth? I heard it right at birth. This is a little ug glass boy right here, a little fat thing. I sat up, I said, where am I all right? More of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. More of this tomfoolery coming up. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. The TV show Empire. We all watch it, um anyway, It's back after being on hiatus during of course, during the World Series, and one of the stars of the show We love her, Gabaret Sitabe, did not allow did not allow any internet troll to ruin her outing with her girls. Okay, Gabby posted a picture on Instagram of her and her girlfriend's hanging out and using the hashtag black girl Magic. There was one hater, one hater that didn't seem to like the post and decided to comment saying, wow, f all three of you bees. After not getting a response to the troll, posted again saying I'm not mad, uh you boy looking bees? Dang, go on your sides and stop wearing fake hair. Gabby saw this and clapped back in a classy way. I loved how she clapped back, very mature. She said, I'm not sure why you're so mad, and I don't need to know why, Betty. What I do know is that you're clearly suffering, and you're probably reaching out in nastiness. Uh, may you receive this prayer in love, and may God's peace and guidance fall on you and lift and keep you in love. Nice? Huh nice? That ain't tom. That's the high road. She took the high up there with the Lord, didn't she. Yes, she did. Yes, A little bit of May God allow you to ride inhale would be back. If I'm gonna clap back, let's clap matter of fact, let's get around of applause. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it is how hard we've been to clap. Yeah, that's what you really get. Yeah, what's up with the trolls? Though not necessary, the haters out there, man, are like ridiculous. It's like, man, you can't, especially as a celebrity, you just go okay, cool, you took that a little bit too far. Let me just say this to you. I have clapped back this year, and I did it same way. Uh you know, I did it in a classy way, and I told you, you know, she you know, God bless you. Hope you get your life wherever you want to be. They ended up apologizing me for making it because they didn't know because she came on my page. You know, I just posted the picture. My family were just sitting there, beautiful family. God bless you and all this here. You know, it's a shame that you're a Trump supporter. Lady, I'm not a Trump supporter. What you know. The fact that you would go up there and meet with him, what a meeting, don't make you a supporter, lady, right? You know now, I wish I hadn't to went up there, I really do, but I did, trying to call myself doing something mals, but it didn't. It didn't. So it's okay. I'm not a supporter, though I said. But if you listen to the radio show, you wouldn't know who I supported and who I asked everybody to vote for. I say, but because I am, yes, I bless you. You know, do whatever I said that effect. You don't put the end your your ending. Don't never be good, all the good stuff, but you have to have a good ending with it. God bless you. I'm gonna move on with my life. You move on with your and kiss my you know, put your button on them when the first Lady Michelle Obama say when they go, we go. If everybody is therefore, I'm on low road. I don't know. Shot up you got, I don't. I didn't gave you a past many times. But since you're gonna just keep going there, we gotta get out of here. Stovetop has a perfect solution for those who stuffed themselves on Thanksgiving. And more of the show right after this. You're listening to the stow all right, stovetop Stuffing. We all have heard about it for our entire lives. Well anyway, Stovetop Stuffing is now selling the perfect pair of pants for your Thanksgiving meal. This is crazy. Stove Yeah, stovetops Thanksgiving dinner pants. They make pants now. They have a stretchy pouch that fits over the belly. I guess you can uh liken it to maternity wear for women. Okay, it's a stretchy pouch. It fits over the belly. Although these pants are decorated in a festive stuffing pattern, you may want to get them for the man in your life. You may want too, ladies, if he's one of those guys who likes you know how guys like to unbutton their belt sometime after dinner. My grandfather come over there already went on, Tommy, you've got to get a patties I'm pies because you yours, you're around stove top pans at Thanksgiving. When you eat too much food, you you ain't gotta unbutton your pants. And then when you when you get back down right, you just weigh them back or you can put that you're doing too much today. Man, they come in all sizes, all sizes, and they only cost Get this, they only cost less than twenty dollars and you know you like that. That's about the same prices your airline ticket. Stop. Man, I'm trying. I'm not wearing in the stove top stuff and pasts. I'm not would not. It don't make no sense for you not to have on some stove top dressing past. It's got a pouch in the front. But when you eat too much, your stomach can sit in it comfortable, and then after your stomach go down, you can win them backwards and put that high ask yours in it. I'm not laughing, but what did you doing? What did you doing? If you like that's me, that would be would be perfect for your time. I think you're right, that's nice, man, do a purpose? Will you turn the pants around and cover the head? What? Go ahead? Nothing to do this with y'all. You ain't got to look at me. I'm not love Tommy. Don't look well. You have the same pains all the way. Look at the pockets in the front. Go ahead, boy, coordinate, coordinate, help y'all some fun. Go ahead. I'm not laughing. Murder murder you same time to turn them their fast. I'm not laughing. I promise you tell me what you call what you're doing, Benny, bust your room belt, come t me, sad wearing those stones pants. Tell me the only nineteen I'll buy something for them to foods. How about that? We get the jacket to man, get it for them. Get your hat on, man, and then Jordan can use him too, because he can take a the school for showing. What does he say? You mean to tell me? You and Jordan in the pain, Ruth, you're listening to Steve Show. All right, here we go with our last break of the day. Just one more thing. Now, listen to this carefully, especially black people in the world. Alright. Uh. New blood pressure guidelines, Yeah, new blood pressure guidelines are out. That means half of Americans have high blood pressure in a city. Yeah. Well, in just two days, over thirty million more Americans have high blood pressure. Uh No, it wasn't any traumatic event that happened or anything like that. Uh, nothing like that that caused what the president, no pressure. Yeah, but it's a new gut, it's new guideline, Steve, that's what it is. The new guidelines could mean more Americans now have high blood pressure. Heart doctor groups uh, including the American Heart Association, are moving the goal posts for what's considered a risk for hypertension. The idea is to spur millions into changing their diets, exercise routine, and lifestyle choices. The new standard is to get blood pressure down below one thirty over eighty. Now remember it used to be one forty over ninety. Remember that you remember that, right, junior. Well, anyway, now the new guideline is one thirty over eighty. Heart disease, stroke, and other health issues may result from elevated pressure. So there you go. They want you, they want you to of course, and they always say it eat better. Uh, want to be serious, guys, what your diet, what your your size? Okay, you have to make sure you diet and exercise, thank you, and eat right and eat right. Yeah, and you know this high pretension affects. Okay, well, ladies, excuse me, but the comedian wants to know this now that you've said that, who listening? And change where they eat it? Thus we got that. You damn my on Agnes. All you want to there's gonna be some way. She's making crackling as we speak, getting the crackling. But you know what I often wonder. Okay, she's frying fat, have a bowl of it on the table. So they're saying, we gotta give a boxtail. They're just saying, you know, I mean, I like moderation and just change some things. Eat more fruits, eat more veggies, you know, and move more, exercise more. At least thirty that today I think they said at least thirty you know, do something, walk, do something. I mean, look, look you have to. I'm promoting it on my Instagram. Sixty is the new forty. It's amazing the people that's fighting me on that though. You know you ain't gonna be forty. You sixty at sixty and sixty sixty ain't the new forty. You know all that. You know, people always got something to say negative. You know what lady told me on one of my instagrams. I was exercise. You know what the lady said. You know what, why are you showing us all this exercise? When God calls you home, it's your time? I went, wow. So, but you want to go in as a dad betting with your glorified body? Here? Do you want to go in wheezing? Why would I drag my oxygen tank up to the game. Why would I not want to be as healthy as I could be? Why, however, long I got aolut So surely I understand what you're saying. I do. I do understand exactly what you said. Let's see it right, Let's exercise. I mean, that's all they've ever been saying anyway, is to eat right, exercise yea, more fruits, more veggies, you know, especially vegetables, you know, and you know, try to keep the stress level down in your life too. Yeah, yeah, alright from blood pressure? Um to do you have the guts to do this? And the guts the guts yes? And Australian Zoo Steve now has an exhibit where visitors can get in a cage in the midst of a pride of lions. Okay, this is at the Manarto Zoo. In Australia. Australia. Allow Australia. Uh, it's the humans who are in the cages. Yeah, it's yeah, Yeah, it's the Manarto Zoo in Australia. It's the humans who are in the cages. The newest exhibit Lions three sixty, where are the lions at? Okay? Listen? The newest exhibit Lions three sixty has visitors go inside a cage which allows them to walk into the midst of eleven lionesses. Lionesses. Those are female lions. We all know that. Despite climbing all around and even over the cage filled filled with tasty humans, zoo officials say the lioness the lionesses aren't naturally aggressive. Interesting. Uh, they say they're the kings and queens in Africa, so they know they can command the power and attention from all of the other animals. So that's what they are doing here. This is according to the zookeeper and A Bennett. She says, they know they are getting a reaction, everyone reacts, and so they will continue to behave that way. Yeah, until they get hungry they realize they land. Yeah, it just doesn't sense. It doesn't make people are so ignorant. What's the big deal the cage break? Somebody don't shut it though, you get your arm grabbed and they don't let it go. Too many situations. Now you ain't there trying to pull back, and when you finally pull back, you ain't. Y'all no own, they got your own there you go, no idea? He was going to say that working now, pin't gonna do this ship. Yeah, I'm in agreement with you, JR. Yea we even do? We have enough trouble with just a pit bull in a cage? Yeah? He y'all have a great here. It's still you're going that cage. You're gonna love you all for all. Steve Harvey Contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to The Steve Harvey Morning Show.