White House, Trump Rally WV, Nicki Minaj, Are You Smarter Than Tommy, Steve VS Tommy, Sheryl Underwood, Reality Update, ESPN, Closing Remarks and more.

Published Aug 23, 2018, 2:45 PM

Show opens today and Steve is wondering what is really going on in the White House. Trump has a rally in West Virginia. Nicki Minaj still at the center of controversy regarding Harriet Tubman. Are You Smarter Than Tommy? Steve VS Tommy. Sheryl Underwood stops by. Miss Carla's Reality Update is back and she talks about Real Housewives of Potomac Reunion Show. ESPN and the National Anthem are another trending topic. Closing Remarks today talks about being careful where you plant seeds (metaphorically speaking) and more.

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all bag all song looking back to back down, giving them mong just like the moking buck bus things and the tubs, y'all do me foul good to Steve Harty listening to me toach other for sto bar handle quickly down to Moby. Don't you join yeah, webby join me into being me? Honey said you got to turn, Yeah, you gotta turn the Turnhow the time do you ain't love? You got to turn out to turn the water the water? Comey, come on your back, Uh, I sure will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now. One and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show, Oh man, Steve Harvey got a radio show because God. Because God is simply amazing, because God is off the chain, because God is over the top, because God is all that in a bag of chips. God is amazing. Man. God will take you places that you never ever thought you would go, or you know what. It's sometimes it amazes me when I'm watching people talk about themselves and their careers and where they're adding life and things and they and and I hear people say you know, always dreamed of being him. You know, I can understand when a person says that I've I've always dreamed that of something like this would happen to me. But I want you to think about that for a second. Did you really see it just like that? Though? Did you really really see it just like that? Did you really know that God was gonna bring you through all he bought you through to get you to this place? Did you know that, in spite of the losses along the way that would crumbled the average person, that somehow He kept you through it all and that's how you got here? Did did you think of you know? I mean, you know, you know? I mean, since you're so busy talking about yourself now, have you forgotten all the times He was bringing you through when you didn't see no way that you was gonna get through? Do you remember that? So when you sit there and you say, I dreamed of this, this is what I always saw happening, I don't really think. So, I don't really think. If you take inventory, a real close inventory of your life, and you look back on it all, stop looking at the moment right now, remember where you come from. See, that's what gets me emotional. Sometimes that's what makes me tear up, because when something is happening to me in the moment, it ain't the moment. For me, it's the memory of how I got there. It's the recollection of all the things, all the nights, all the days in that car, all the times by myself when I felt like I wasn't gonna make it. But somehow I'm standing somewhere and somebody passing out on the ward to me or somebody calling my name, that's that. Did you really think you was gonna make it? Then? So so so, since you're talking about this is what I always dreamed of, did you really think in those moments right there that you would even be standing here today? That's why I try to I try to give people to understand, you know, and and and and and this is kind of for young people today, Um what I'm about to say. But then guess what, Sometimes I have to remind myself of it, So I guess it's still kinder for everybody, you know, because I work with a lot of young people, and and and and so many times, man, young people just don't understand what all it takes. And I know, and if you're a full grown adult. If you're forty, you you really understanding where I'm coming from, because you know, you know it's listen to me. Young people or anybody that don't understand this, that you got to do some things that you don't want to do in order to do what you want to do. You have to understand this principle of success or else you are not going to become successful. I got what you want to do. I got your ultimate goal? Is this, that, and the other? I got all of that. But in the meantime, though, there are some necessary steps that you have to take in order to become successful, and you cannot skip these steps. You can't jump over these steps just because you want to be rich Friday, I got that. I got that. Everybody got that. But if you want this, whatever you're talking about, whether it's money or success or fame or climbing the corporate letter or this is the position or you all, that's fine and then it. Please hold onto your dreams. Dreams come true. But in the meantime, let me remind you of something that you gotta do some things you don't want to do in order to do what you want to do. You must get this in your head. There are some survival things that you have to master in order to do what you wanna do. Let's take it down. Let's say you want to be rich and famous. Let's just say that's it for you. That's it as a lot of other ways of being successful. Please don't think that's the only one. But I'm just saying, let's just say yours is rich and famous. And let's say some miraculous way God made you rich and famous. Next for y'all, you're rich and you're famous. Next Friday, can I share something with you? This is not going to last for you. You know why because you have not done the things necessary. You have not done the things that you have to do in order to do the things you want. So now you're rich and famous, How you gonna know how to budget money? How are you gonna know how to get up and keep clawing towards the top when you fall off your pedestal? How are you gonna know how to reinvent yourself if you didn't even invent yourself in the first place. See, it's so many things you got to know about something, and you think, because it's what you want right now, it's supposed to happen just now. It's a process. When you ask God for something. Please No, God know the process. He know the necessary steps to take you through. Don't lose your patience with God because your dreams ain't coming true right now? Man, You know you know I think the best way y'all is is for me. I just used myself as an example. I really do understand why God has given me the life he's given me so far. I understand that being home this part. Now, I get the not being successful when I wanted to part. Now I get it. I got the delayed entry into the field of choice for myself. I got it now. I've been wanting to be on TV and a little comedian since I was nine years old. But guess what, I didn't get there until I was twenty eight. But see, I didn't get it then I was mad at God. You know what, I won't not sending here here. I got exactly what you want. But I got this process. I want you to go through to get here too, because see, I'm fenn to take you somewhere. You don't know nothing, but one day you're gonna have a radio show with You're a little stupid behind you don't know this year, I'm gonna bless you with a radio show. You don't even know it. That's why I said, every morning, Steve Harvey got a radio show. Because see I didn't I didn't see this one coming. But see God had a plan for me. It was in the blueprint of my life. So God said, what I'm gonna do is, I'm gonna make your life a little rough for you. I'm gonna toss you up a little bit. I'm I'm gonna let you make some of these stupid decisions you wanna make it. I'm gonna make you learn from him. I'm I'm I'm gonna let you be homeless for a little while. I'm I'm gonna let you not get into your field of choice until your twenty eight. I'm gonna have people talk about if we had only seen him when he was younger. I ain't gonna let you get your first call your name to your third y eight. I'm gonna make you go through some things because one day I'm gonna put a microphone in front of your mouth, and I want you to honor me. I want you to talk about me. I want you to tell people what I bought you through. I want you to give people inspirational moments where they can see that your life was jacked up for a minute and I turned your life around for you. That's God dealing with me. See so now I finally understand why I went through the life I went through, so I can have something to say. See, I ain't over here telling you about what I think happen. I'm telling you what I know can happen. That God does make dreams come true, but sometime it take a minute. Sometimes you're gonna have to do some things you don't want to do in order to do what you wanna do. Yeah, I finally got on TV, but I had to learn some things along the way. See maybe He waited for me to get some of these messages for He gave me this gift that I want so I would appreciate it more. See when you don't get into comedy, when you to you twenty eight and you've been wanting it since you nine, Now when you get into it, you appreciate it more. Then. Guess what I've been through so many struggles and a divorce, and life had turned me around. So when I became homeless, I still didn't give up because I had appreciated the fact that it took me so long to get here that nothing was gonna deter me, and he gave me the fortitude and the strength to hang on in there. Just don't leave him out the mix, okay, because you're trying and do this by yourself. It ain't working for you. All right, I'll that you. I'm gonna be tripping it down show. All right, let me have your attention to everybody. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. The voice you're listening to belongs to Steve Harvey, but Steve Harvey shows a compilation, a collaboration, an altercation of communication with several byproducts. Ladies and gentlemen. Shirley Strawberry, Hello, Steve, callin for real. Good morning crew. What's that damn Junior? Morning up? And ladies and gentlemen, nothing but the food you ain't in the building. Top of the morning Ladies. Yeah, it's going down, y'all. Congratulations. Welcome to the United States of America when we have a president to teach about everything. You're just joining us. I've never seen more hell going on in the White House ever. And the White House what the what I love about this administration is they're trying to downplay everything. This is hell broke loose for acting like this is regular. Quit trying to blame everybody else. And damn collusion. Somebody going to jail boy, And I want to thank the Lord that it ain't me. I am so glad that I don't know that type of financial knowledge that them big boys know that money. Frall shifted money, money put in all the accounts. Then because bore when they come for you, looking for you. This is the number one reason, guys, that Donald Trump cannot show you his tax returns because you are going to discover that Donald Trump has not paid any taxes. And the way he's not paid taxes is with companies that he puts together that he claims losses in while he lives an extravagant life. You'll never see his tax phones. But we've never ever seen But Steve, we knew this before he was elected. I mean, you know, and he got elected anyway, Why did he do this? Run for president? Has been Tommy one of his great regrets in life. I can show you absolutely, but like yeah, but like we said yesterday, though, Steve, you're you're right, he didn't know he didn't think he was gonna win. I definitely don't believe that. But once he got the job, that power, you know, that's so intoxicating. He forgot The main thing is that he has a boss. Now normally he's the boss, but now the people are the boss. He has to answer to the American people and to Congress. And he actually thought, now they controlled the House and the Senate, but he actually thought, and his family thought, his sons and everybody, he's the president. We're gonna be building Trump properties all around the where I am. I We're gonna be cutting deals. But what they found out was the president is not a lot to do any of that. So now what they're doing is they're actually planning on him leaving and what that will mean for him, as it does for so many presidents with speaking engagements and everything. But he's going to go really big into the business of the hotels. But I think his brand will be so damaged. And when we come back, can we talk about the two black people that they had behind him? Can I talk about the difference in the two black people that they had standing there? Okay, come back, Yeah, that's about We'll talk about the rally in West Virginia right after this. We'll be back at thirty two after you're listening to show. All right, Steve, So, before we left for break, you were saying you wanted to talk about the president's rally in West Virginia and the two black people. I want to talk about the two black dudes that were standing behind. I want to talk about the pay the dude. It was the dude in the black shirt, the younger dude with the chain on, with the black T shirt that was vocal the entire night, cheering for everything. It was the other black dude where you couldn't really read his hat and the blue shirt and the blue shirt on the dog skiing brother. That was really my dude, because I could tell you why somebody gave him five hunted to stand now. He didn't give them what Trump said looking at his phone, Man, howe they tell me to stand here? I've never seen a person stand behind the president and have the look of I could care less on his face. He was my favorite dude. That's why I watched the speech because of him. Oh that dude. I couldn't take my eyes. I said, Man, does he know we see him? Don't he do? The people around him just be clapping. He's sitting there like, man, what how long did they find who got the five hundred? Do you really think they get paid? Yeah, they have to. I can't say for sure that they get paid. But they are strategically placed, Yes, are strategically placed. Yeah. They want to show women, they want to show young they want you know, they want to show multicultural. So they find it too black. Now, ain't no more blacks in the building. They might work that. They might just like Donald Trump famously said in front of his airplane one time, that goes my African American. Yeah. Yeah, But to get behind Trump, you know how early you got to be at that? Really secret servants gotta check. They handpick who stands behind. Got with that they handpick. You can't just go stand back there. You gotta make sure you got a hat on, a sign, a T shirt. You know you got They're gonna ask you a couple of questions. Now a black dude in a blue shirt, We just need another black, just one more. He he really works security. How they get him sick? He works security. He was checking people in. They said, so we're gonna lead you a pop. I don't nothing about that. Then I'll tell you what, Shirley, you approached me. I'm the black dude you approached me to try to get me to come up there. Excuse me, sir, sir you, sir in the blue shirt? Hi, how are you? How are you doing? Oh good? My name is Shirley. I work for you. Hi, how are you, sir? I worked for by yourself. Well, no, Sarah, I'm representing the President, Donald Trump, and we were wondering, um if we could uh well, if we could use you for a couple of hours. Well, sir, we need your presence. Um we have already ain't about nobody nothing in a long time. I bought the keys from prison. No presence, sir. We need your body to be placed, uh strategically behind the president when he gives his rally speech here in like, oh, you misunderstanding, I ain't I'm security to watch you. Oh no, sir, that's fine, that's fine. You'll you'll do just fine. All we need is the fact that you're a black man, that you're a black, and we already have one for his black. Yeah, your left side. We need a black. We need a black for the right side, and you would be perfect sir, could you put yes? Yes, sir, Yeah, we we need your presence. What you're talking to me for? Well, because you're a black and clearly you see all these white people we need. So we we want to show a microcosm of every race and ethnicity who support Donald Trump. That's what we want. I don't know Michael Cars So, oh you mean Michael Cohen. You said you want to show a Michael Cars. I don't know Michael Card. We'll just say we want to show a variety of races of people who support the president. And hold on, yes, sir, Oh see you got me twisted. Well, no, you're you're a black. No, I didn't vote for president I was. I work at the dope. Well yeah, that's okay standing at that dope, sir. Look we we we have one black one. I can't do and leave my job. Go up here standing behind him. Man, make it look like I'm here fun. Oh, sir, we'll make it plenty worth your while for sure. Well, how does five dollars sound today? Yes, yes, sir, just to stand behind President the Trump for a couple of hours. Wait you mean you wait? Wait, wait wait wait, you're gonna give me five dollar today to stay in oil. Yeah right, you see that missing space. We haven't show me where? Show me show me what you want me for? The right up there, right behind the president on his right, we have a black already on the left. Like I said, we need one more black and that will complete. I know him, you, oh you know him. I know that all the black women you got up there? Uh huh okay, yeah that's baker Field grand sold I know him. Oh okay, all right, well well could you do you think you could do that for five dollars for for who gonna give me the money? Well, I'll be responsible for for making sure you get the money, sir. When well, if you would come with me, come with me, because want if you would come with me right through these doors and I'll give you the money right here. I don't have the money on me, but I will get the money. You're gonna give me the money now or after it over? Well, I have to give it to you after I hop up this to fifty now and then after the rallies over, I'll give you the balance. Okay, okay, cooling the right quick? Now? Where is you gonna be? Sound like, where's you gonna be? When? There's I'm gonna need that other to fi. Don't worry, sir, I'll find you. Okay. Then when I stand there, what you want me to do? Well? Um, can you act like you're interested in what the president is saying? That's another fact. All Right, we gotta go, Steve. We're gonna come back, and we got the prank phone called coming up. Run that prank back with the nephew right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, the nephew is here, the king of pranks. What you got enough? Let's get married? Sound pretty simple. Let's get married. Watch that's getting married today. Hey, how you doing? My name is Virgil. I was reaching out to you trying to uh, well, I'm trying to get married, and I wanted to know what it took to get married at your church. Excuse me, ver, quick question? Where'd you get my personal number? I'm not I don't know where I got to number. I mean, never mind, we'll deal with it. What's your question? Well, what I'm what I'm trying to get at is I'm trying to get uh, I'm trying to get married. I really like your church. I've been there. Several times, and I'm really interested about you know, what will it take to get married in there? And I really I'm probably may be calling at the last minute. Man, I want to get married at the end of February. Well, being in the here, I we'll have to go through counseling first, maybe four to six weeks and uh we can take it from there. Uh you have to keep a call back on that. But tell me a little bit about just a little well, well, what it is that we which you know, we're trying to get married for a long time. We've had a lot of difficulties with it and never really really found the right church that we thought would be a good place to get married. You know. I think it's it's you got to feel it in your heart that this is the best place to get married, you know what I mean. So, uh, you know, like I said, we've been in your church uh quite a few times, maybe about four or five times, and and we have you know, both agreed that this would be the perfect place for us to get married. Uh. You know remember at Mount No sir, No, sir, I'm not like I said, I visited you know, we've visited four or five times we really liked it, and we just were sold on trying to get married at the church. We'll go through the count four to six weeks once a week and uh we can talk about the rest of it at another time, Okay, okay, And after that then you're saying we'll be prepared to get married, then I would think, so, yeah, yeah, no problem. How soon were you talking about Well, like I said, we were trying to do it in the February. Let me ask you this here now after going through counseling. But we really have you be the person to to actually perform the ceremony because that's what I know. That's I know, that's what I want for you to actually to perform to proceed. Yes, yes, that's okay, Well listen. Uh, like I said, let me apologize. I don't know I had your personal number. I do apologize for that. I do have uh my soon to be spouse on the phone, and they would like to ask you a couple of questions too, if that's all right. Yeah, it's okay, it's okay. I can speak with her, okay. Uh uh Alfred Alfred, Yes, yes, hi, pastor, how are you doing go ahead of Africa? Hey, Hey, how pass My name is Alfred and uh I wanted to have a couple questions myself. I just wanted to know how what it's the capacity of your church because we got quite a few few friends and family members that we're gonna attend. So was one thing I ain't wanted to know about. Uh, Vergin, that's that's that's that sounds good. Well, that's what that's what we wanted. We wanted to make sure it was enough enough wrong with our friends and we're probably gonna invite about three hundred friends, so that should be fine. Pastor, when can we get when can we get counselor started? We? Oh, uh, Afrid, you're you're getting married? You have ALFREDA. I'm sorry, Alfreda's who married Pastor Alfrida and I'm trying to get manybody into severywhere, So when can we actually excuse me? I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I was talking to Virgil now Virgil. Yeah, Oh, Alfred is on the phone with me. ALFREDA is is who I'm getting married to. So we want to know when can whoa whoa whoa whoa? Excuse us? So Pastor win can when when can we start casseling church. We who who is we? Yes? When when can we start? Excuse me? We we can't start. No, damn counsel My church not a tress. Fatim about counseling. You need to come to Bible study. Was he talking about what needs to be the problem? Excuse me? What seems to be the problem? What is the problem that we can't get married at your church? The problem is the institute of marriage is between a man and a woman. God did not put Adam in Eve to be Adam in Steve. You just said we go through counseling for four to six weeks. Everything would be fun. Hell counseling. You're on another level. Now. I don't believe in same sex marriage, bro, but people are the same sex are getting married all over the country. So what seems to be the problem? Pass right and long if that matters to me what people are doing around the country. And now we're sticking by the bill. The Bible says that the institute of marriage is between a man and a woman. I don't find you too to do that. I really, I'm really not to push it to of the phone call now being in soulted, don't excuse me, you know I can't married, but can you? Can you make an exception? I can't make an exception. But we love each other exactly, thank you, Alfred. Yes we do. I'm glad you do. I'm happy for you, but we don't know. We don't really like that. Bro, You're gonna be ashamed of yourself. I already absolutely no. I'm not a man and a woman. My fird lose the mother and father and keys until his wife. You don't see the problem here. I really don't have anything else. I really don't have anything else to say. Okay, but oh you go. Can I say something else to you? Hey? You man as love? You already insulted me. We got your number from Reverend Chapman. Reverend Chapman, the assistant past the Reverend Chapman is the one thing Woman Chapman, he gave you. No no, no, no, no, man. I really don't have much more time. I need to talk to chat. Okay, okay, okay. But Reverend Chapman said you wouldn't have a problem marrying up. Reverend Chapman said I wouldn't have a problem. Reverend Chapman said I wouldn't have a problem marrying you. I really don't have much stile for you. Okay, well, let me go ahead and say this pastor, I just don't know of the assistant pastor. I'm nephew Tommy from the Steve Harbin Morning Show. When you've just been pranked. Wait wait helloa vit uh? I need to wait a minute. Chap was Hey, if Chapman, they got nothing better to do, we really need I can guarantee you one saying he won't be listening to the radio. I gotta ask you this, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the lane? I have to say, Okay, we're back now. I'm the black dude that was standing behind Donnie Trump after rally and I was just trying to straighten out who's gonna pay me to this five? That's you, lady, Yes, sir, that would be me. Okay, that's what we're talking about before Now I can find you for the fire un Yes, and don't worry, we will find you. But I don't know what's your name? My name is Shirley Strawberry, Sir, Sirlett Strawberry. Yes, and when I and I'm gonna have another two fifty as soon as this over with. That is correct, sir. Now I'm gonna change. I'm wearing a blue shirt and I've got a black hat with willing Bobby Q on it. Yeah, that's what I think will make a miracle. Great, that's fine. Where you after the show with the two fifty? Yes, sir? All right? Coming up next is entertainment news. Nicki Minaj has slammed over here. Don't forget the truth fictor wha. I know you're used to people in this administration lying, but that is the truth. We will pay you, but not be lying about entertainment news. Coming up next, you're listening to the Steve Harby Morning Show. Coming up in twenty minutes. We're gonna see, yet again if Uncle Steve is smarter than nephew Tommy. Man, you know, I'm starting to get tired of this game. Now why you're doing so well, Steve? But give Tommy a chance. You guys tied the other day yesterday. I tried to let him we need yesterday. What was it not? Nine? Yeah? Nineteen? So we'll see how it goes. Today. We're gonna play are you smarter than nephew Tommy? Or is Uncle Steve really this smart. I'm yeah, yeah, yeah, So we're gonna see, We're gonna see when we play the game. Right now, it is time for today's entertainment news. Now TMZ is reporting that Queen of Soul Aretha Franklin did not have a will at the time of her death. The site claims court documents state that the Queen of Soul passed into state, meaning she will. She had no will at the time of death, and this means, according to Michigan law, that her estate will be divided equally between her four children. She had four sons, as you recall, um and yeah, as we previously told you are Wretha Franklin's funeral is set for next week, with an open viewing for the public taking place in August twenty nine, and a private service for just family and friends set for August thirty one. R I p rest in Peace, Queen of Soul and Entertainment News Nicki Minaj is not backing down despite the dragging she's received for claiming she's the new Harriet Tubman. To review, Nikki compared herself to Harriet Tubman for fighting for for streaming service numbers to count toward Billboard chart placement. In case you missed it, Nikki called out Spotify and the fact that her album debuted at number two. She tweeted, all the queens I know shook blank up, shook sugar, honey, iced tea up. Queen of the week may go to Harriet Tubman. Had she just sat there and ate her rice you in words, history would have been a lot less triumphant. Well. Twitter went in on me for that one. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, she said a mouthful, didn't she. Uh. One of the best quotes was um from someone who said to Nicki, comparing your album sales to Harriet Tubman's Fight for Freedom is the most stupid commentary on slavery in two thousand eighteen, and that includes Kanye sings slavery was a choice. We thought that was no matter of fact. Kanye tweeted, what the hell of the episode? No, Kanye's tweet worlds thank you Jule off the hook. Now, Yeah, finally, I don't understand. You know, I've never met Nicki Minaj or anything, but you know that that's just a little bit. Yeah, that's that's a lot. You know, that's too much and just it's right up there with her asks. Too much it's just too much. Really, tell me what it's you go too far, too far when she got that as telling about talking about you saying it though, tom And we're talking about what she said about Harry Tubman do with and she went too fun not stop. Yeah, I'm not on the well anyway. Finally, uh, well, we're gonna move on to Tommy. Word has it that Tony Braxon recently shared why she put her wedding to Birdman on hold. And no, no, before you start hating and all of that, there is no trouble in paradise. Apparently these two cannot settle on a date. It's as simple as that they got engaged back in February. And yeah, and originally, originally, originally they planned to jump the broom on eighteen. You can go to Steve Harvey FM dot com for more entertainment news in too Common if you like. Okay, all right, Steve, let's get caught up on today's headlines. Please introduced, Ladies and gentlemen. Here she is miss and Trip. Thank you very much everybody, and good morning. This is and Trip with the news. It just par for the course. President Trump took to Twitter in the wake of the felony convictions of both his one time campaign chairman and his personal lawyer. This week, Trump tweeting that Paul Manaford is a quote brave man for not, as he put it, making up stories to cut a deal with prosecutors and press. Folkswoman Sarah Sarah Huckaby Sanders when asked if that meant that Trump might issue a presidential pardon in Manafort's case, she answered like this, The Manport case doesn't have anything to do with the President, doesn't have anything to do with his campaign, that doesn't have anything to do with the White House. However, word is now that Trump is going to tell Fox News Today this morning that he is thinking about pardoning Manafort. Manifold was convicted of eight counts of bank and tax flority faces another trial on those and other charges later this year. However, the President's other close associated, his personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, implicated the president as he pled guilty to the felony sees was charged with, including campaign finites violations, and Mr Trump's got nothing nice to say about him. Some progressives are calling a Trump's for his impeachment over the fact that two of his close buds are now convicted felons. Sentiment Aarity leader Chuck Schumer says this week's developments really show the need to delay the confirmation hearings for Trump's Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Is unseemly for the President of the United States to be picking a Supreme Court justice who could soon be effectively a juror in a case involving the President himself. HUM has been expressing concerns about kavanaughs reported unwillingness to indict a sitting president or subpoena president to testify. By the way, the Republicans are not going for that. Silence Sam no longer stands on the campus of the University of North Carolina and Chapel Hill. Silent Sam's the nickname given to the statue of a Confederate soldier placed on the college grounds more than one years ago. It has long been considered a continuing symbol of racism and white supremacy. Silence Sam's the subject of protests and vandalism for decades, but this week about three hundred demonstrators pulled that darn thing down. Some leaders in the state legislature and official some of the university releasing statements condemning that and asking the police to investigate. Meanwhile, North Carolina's Historical Commission is deciding whether to remove three other Confederate statutes from the capital grounds. Just so you know, there are more than a hundred pro Confederate monuments in the tar Hill state, according to court documents. Yes, Aretha Franklin died in test day. That means no will our four children will will share. But you also could get a posthumous award, a big one, A bipartisan billsman introducing the Congress to bestow a Congressional Gold Medal on the Queener's soul. And that's the highest honor that Washington lawmakers can give. Finally, today's International Day designate to remember the slave trade and its abolition. On the lighter side, is also Hug your Sweetheart Day. All right, how about that? Ears up Steve Harvey Nation find out if Uncle Steve is smart then his nephew. We'll be back in twenty minutes after the hour and Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Steve Harvey Show, It is time now to play. Are you smart of the nephew Tommy or Uncle Steve is kicking that behind Tommy, Tommy, you you go first to day. I'm gonna read the questions and you both answer at the same time. All right, well let's go in wait, wait, no, you just stop doing that because he came was a tie, Junior, and then you don't get to say your famous line, Junior. Come on, let's go. Today is your day. Today is your day. Let's go day. Here we go, guys, Come on? How many teeth should an adult human has? How many days does it take for the Earth to orbit the sun? On the Fresh Prince of bel Air? What was Will Smith's girlfriend's name the character she was in? What n Martin Martin Lawrence? What is the real name of former NFL player Refrigerator Perry Way? In the nursery rhyme, Little Red Riding Hood? Where was the Little Girl Going? Which legendary comedian named one of his stand up specials Raw Murphy, Tagi p Henson, Octovia spent, Octavia Spencer and Janelle Money stars mathematician. A komodo dragon is a member of what reptile family? What rep duo? Start in the House party movies? Nick Camon, Christina Million and Steve Harvey start in what two thousand three movie. What's your I mean, did you give up? What position? Did NFL great Tony Dorsett play? There you are? What undergarment has an underwire in this? In? What city would you find the Royal Residents Kensington Palace, US London. You can do it. We can help is an old slogan of what big name retail store. Hold on, I got it, you can do it. We can help home Land to day and home deep. What is that you can do? Tom, Helen, Lionel and Jenny were Okay, what type of business would you go to for an acrylic overlay or a fill in nail? And the Three Little Bears nursery rhyme? And the Three Little Bears nursery rhyme? What is the little girls? Okay? What is the red plant that is mostly used during the Christmas holidays? Okay, alright, guys, that's it. That's around. What was the three What I didn't heshed? I was trying to shut up and let you say something. All right, guys, we're gonna find out who's smarter when we come at third the more. After you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, Steve, you know we're telling that the answers while we tally up we're playing. Are you smarter than nephew? Tell me while we're taller up? Am I smart? Well? So much talking? You guys, stop stop? And he stopped too. I was wondering what happened there? Yeah, Tommy stopped too. He didn't he didn't stop. She just didn't know. Oh, there's a difference, just the quickness her mind. Do you guys realize that this is a game? Okay, you know big brother family feud over there? He pretty much now to answer, all right, here we go. You don't ask question. Survey says, here we go. How many teeth should an adult human have? Thirty two? Got that one? Yes, you did. How many days does it take for the Earth to orbit the Sun? Three? Steve on the Fresh Prince of bel Air? What was Will Smith's Girlfriend's name, Lisa? And Lisa said she Yeah, you said Sheila. That was wrong the character she wasn't what nineties sitcom? Martin? Tommy got that one right now. Let me tell you something. Actually, I said Martin first. I actually said Martin first, but I said Martin. Luther King then came back and I actually Martin came out of my mouth first that no one heard that, Steve, were giving that one to Tommy? What is the real name? But what is the connection with and Martin Luther King? I trying to with the name of the show Martin and I just said too much. Well, we gave that one to Tommy. Okay, what is the real name of former NFL player Refrigerator Perry? Steve, you got this right, William Perry In the nursery rhyme Little Red riding Hood? Where was the little girl going to the grandma? Yeah? You got that question. We're go here? Which legend Which legendary comedian named one of his stand up specials raw Eddie Murphy? Tommy got that right? To pH I got that. Tommy didn't. Tommy got said it faster. Both of y'all got it? Said it? Yes, well he said it, y'all not. We don't have to live for we are playing this game no more. This is zick Okay to rag Phnson, Octovia Spencer, Octavia Spencer and Janelle Money Stars mathematicians and what moment I guess he got that? Did he get? Didn't? Figure? Steve? You got that Top three favorite movies of all time? Yeah? I love the history lesson there. Steve got that one right. A Komodo dragon is a member of what reptile family? Lizard? Steve, you got that one. Didn't even Comodo? What rep duo started starting the high party movies? Kid in Play? Steve, you got that one. Nick Cannon, Christina Million and Steve Harvey started in what two thousand three movie? I hope you would get this one. Yeah, but you finally got it. Love, don't caust the thing? What position did NFL Great Tony Dorset play? Running back? Tommy, you got that one right. This is where I started giving him to him because I felt bad. What undergarment as underwire in it? A bra? Tommy got that right, even though he said a slip first? And in what city would you find the Royal Residents Kensington Palace, London, England? Stea, Steve, you can do it. We can help as an old slogan of what big name retail store the home Depot. Tommy got it right, Yes, Tom Hell and Lionel and Jenny you can do it. We can help. Tom Helen, Lionel and Jenny were characters and what seventies sitcom The Jefferson's Tommy got that one right. What type of business would you go to for in acrylic overlay or a phil uh nail salon? Tommy got that one right. Okay, Temmy, here's the question. You didn't hear the whole thing and the three Little bears nursery rhyme? What is a little girl's name Goldilocks? Steve got that right before I could even get the question out. What is the red plant that is mostly used during the Christmas holidays? Points set is? Uh? Steve got it right, and the movie read A two weeks I just didn't see. Oh that's right. All right, Tommy, you got seven, Steve you got eleven? So are you smarter than nephew Tommy? Yes, yes, you are. All right. We'll be back with the praying phone call right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after it is today's Strawberry letter subject I think my husband wants my sister. Won't you stop that? Come on, we're bringing around me. Nephew Tommy is here with today's praying phone called what do you have? Sir? My aunties bike? Huh my aunties bike? Okay, Okay, Auntie on a bike. I don't know, don't, don't, don't say nothing by my auntie, my aunties bike here it is hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a bond. And then this this this K dub Man. Listen, dud do you know somebody to live on? Yeah, my mama, My mama stayed on. Who is this? Hey? This this K dub Man. My auntie, missed Tinsley, she live on. Now, my auntie say you came over here and stole a bicycle and some other stuff out of her garage. Okay, hold first of all with you, man, I stole a bike at somebody garage. Who is this? Who is Kate? I don't know know? Kay? Does this is? This is kay? Double man? My auntie Miss Tinsley little down the street from your mama and my anti just got telling me you're the one came and when I took a bike in a tool box of somebody that garage. Man, First of all, I don't even know, no, damn, Miss Tinsley. And second round, I don't steal your your auntie, Miss Tinsley, say I stole somebody. Put a point on the phone, man, put your amy on the phone. I ain't stole nothing from nowhere. I ain't got she can't talk any can't talk to you. Why she ain't talk? She said, I sold so no my ain't my auntie death. She signed lang with me and told me that you don't want to stold stole the bike your auntie death. And she told you she signing with you and said, I stole a bike. Why do you get my noble hold on? Okay? She said, quit all that damn line. You know, damn well, you're the one that stole the bike. A man holding so your auntie. It's cussing me. I threw you in side language. You're telling me that I just stole the damn bike. Say, man, first of all, I help you even get my number? Man? I got, asked him from miss ain't your mama? Mrs yeah, mrs my mama. Okay, okay, well look man, the people down the street up but then the New York number. I told them I needed to talk to you soon them I ain't He told me that that you was the one that showed the bike out to grow. Now, look, I ain't trying to Can you can't kick that? Can you sil with back to your ain't it. Yeah, it was back to hu. Tell har that I said it. I ain't stole no mike. How about that? Tell you ain't I ain't stole no damn right now, man, grown man, I'm trying to tell her right now, Wait a minute, Okay, hold on, she's saying something. She said, you're black lying and you know that well you got that. They look hire man, you ain'ty street, but no on that street. It felt for my vama. I'm a grown man. So I gotta still a bike for so deaf. She must be dumb too, she's deaf fan dog. She's like, I sold so y'all don't I don't even know y'all all, you ain't deafitely dumb dude. Okay, my ain't you don't never lie? And if Mrs Tindsley says that that that somebody took some that dog she's telling the truth. My ain't it gonna be lying? And just to be lying? Why she just gonna lie on you? Whych she gonna get you out? And you know what, I don't know what's going on, But I ain't got no reason to steal no bike. Now, I got a car that ain't paid for. I got I'm a grown man. I'm trying to get cuts in my son. So I'm gonna coming to somebody Garroad. Instill Mike as you pray, you're crazy this he is may get out of my line with that. Hold on, hold on, hold on, my Ain't you talk man, I'm trying to see what she's saying. You said that black No damn well, he took that bike and he better bring that damn looking man, I don't know what you stood on my line. Man, I ain't took no bike. Dumb ain't his line? Do easy even start to tell you something? You're gonna respect my ami? Hey man, you canna respect me. You called my phone with them. I mean you're trying to get my together. You calling someone who? Aren't you? What are you? I don't know this is. I don't know who I'm man. I'm k dub everybody, No ka dub. I ain't never heard or no k dub on in my life. My mom has been staying on for sixteen years. I never heard no okay dug, I heard no miss Tensly, I heard a by no deaf ladies. I ain't seen no bike. Get off my line, man, See you're gonna make me go down and steal something out of miss house. If you don't bring that, then I'm bike back. You got me bring somebody to my my bass if you want to tell about my way over, there'll fin somebody come by my house. My family is gonna be old for you. That just dumb. Ain't you got well down? That gave you my nomvel? Everybody got me? We'll go this up. I'll betch true. Do you come by my mama's house? You're back now stepping my mama. Where you come by my mama? Play you work? You got me up? You're gonna tell me to the thought side. Come on my way right now. I don't know how we get on the phone. Wait a minute, Wait a minute, Wait a minute. What you're saying, ain't I ain't say't nobody scared of your o crazy? Say hey, yo deaf, I ain't need to bring up outside. And I'll bet you she heard them nicks. I'm gonna be putting on your you know I'll be so she's gonna be undeaf today. I bet she get cureed when you see me whipping your man. He literally, I ain't coming by myself only commy gonna be there with me, Tommy gonna help me. Whop your way? Who it's time to tell me Tommy. Man a few times from the Steve Harvey Morning Show, you just got pranked by your mama MS bureau. Uh right there, man, uh my, my mama. No, I don't like nobody with a man God, your mama, your mom my son loved me to dell. He don't let nothing. He take care of me. He don't let nothing go wrong with me. I don't let nobody to mess with me. He said, all you got to do that like you're gonna do something to his mama. Man. Well, I don't see anything. I don't see him because like I did many, I'm in the mirror sleep. I'm man for read y'all did this? Man? I just want to go I with myself. Oh year till my mama she wrong for that? To dude. What's up? Whatever you do? You have to change, boy. You have to change you just like me before you love your mama. Ain't man. Hey, I gotta ask you, man, one more thing. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land man, without a doubt, Man, Steve Harvey Morning show Man, you timing man without hey man tells. I said, Hey, all right, I go. I was gonna go drop off the little to it wanted. You want to play games, my auntie bit man, And I'm proud of you. Man. I'm going to Nashville, y'all in the in the September the neph You're gonna be in Nashville that September twenty night. That's Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Get your tickets day on sale. I'll be at the comedy club Zanies and kind of help you a little bit to Yes, sir, folks, he's coming to do what he's good at. What your stand up foolery and ignorance, he will not be. And I repeat, answering any questions from the fort, I'm just telling him what he's gonna do and don't need all the stuff out from the crowd asking him no damn question. But Steve he needs to so he can brush up. He needs s fast man. But that's how you were when Steve wasn't here. They were nervous and then they stay on one thing trying to get it instead of passing. So h no, he got me. So are you smarter than a few time, and you're nervous playing against your uncle. Is that what you're saying? No, he just faster. I ain't nervous. Wait forever. Everybody's smarter and faster than you. What's saying it was the race wattest words, smarter and fast. I'm not on to me. I have a feeling you're gonna win. You're gonna wear what I just said it. I don't know what. I don't know what or when. I just know that one day maybe winning period. Yeah, he's gonna win something. All right, thank you, nephew. Coming up next Today's Strawberry Letters subject I think my husband wants my sister. We'll have it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, it's time for today's Strawberry Letter. If you don't gonna do the Strawberry Letter, but I won't say something, what what are you gonna say? I want to be able to tell the jokes and say the things I want to say without having to water down and feel to what I got to say. So you know what, I've decided, I'm gonna do what quit run for president? Hey, Steve, guess what we'll all vote for you. We will all vote for you. Can say anything he wants to say, me too. Don't say nothing to him. Dog gonna white folks. Don't say nothing to him. You will win. All right. As I was saying, Steve, thank you for that announcement. Time for today's Strawberry Letter. If you do need advice, we could be reading your letter on the air, just like we're gonna do this one. Come on, nephew, muggle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. It is a Strawberry letter, all right. Subject. I think my husband wants my sister. Dear Stephen Shirley. I've been with my husband for nineteen years. Recently, my younger sister spent the night at my house when she was in town. I usually only invite my sister to stay over when my husband is away on military duty. She always sleeps in my fifteen year old daughter's room when she's visiting. So this was the first night that my husband was home when my sister was visiting. We were having a typical Friday night, watching movies, eating and talking. My husband was drinking alcohol and I got so irritated with him that I went to bed early and left my husband, my sister, and my daughter watching TV. Later that night, I woke up, but my husband was still not in bed, so I figured he fell asleep on the couch. The next morning, my husband was asleep next to me. I want to check on my sister and my daughter. My sister was not in my daughter's room. She was asleep on the couch. I thought this was strange. I shook her and she woke up startled because she no she was not supposed to be sleep on my couch. So my wheels started turning. I have never fully trusted my husband around my sister, especially if he's been drinking. My sister left my house later that morning, and I asked my daughter what time she went to bed. She said she fell asleep on the couch and my husband told her to go to bed, so she did. She said her dad and my sister was still watching TV when she went to bed. Now I'm really suspect. Yeah, I'm about to lose it because I can't help but wonder if something indecent happened. I would not dare ask my sister. But I feel like I'm going to explode on my husband. What should I do? Please help me well, why wouldn't you ask your sister? I mean she was there. You think she was involved? She is, your sister, asked her? You can ask her. I mean she might lie if it really happened, which it sounds like it did, but you can certainly ask her. And guess what else you can do? You can explode on your husband to ask him figure, you know, figure out what's going on. Ask both of them, get both of them together. Uh, they sent your daughter to bed, so it sounds like so they could kick it on the couch. And that sounds like what's happened. You don't know because you went to bed because you were irritated with your husband. And Uh, if you really wanted to know or you know, find out what was going on, that you shouldn't have done. But it looks like the damage has been done. It looks like they did it. You don't have any proof, but if you feel that, it could very well be. But I would say, definitely ask your sister and ask your husband. Steve, I disagree with one shee you know something happen, you feel something something happened. They did it, they did what? There's nothing here? There's nothing here. It starts with the subject of the letter. I think my husband wants my sister. It sain't nothing. You got to think, Well, let's just go over your little evidence. Come on, you've been with your husband for nineteen years. The younger sister spent the night at your house when she was in town. He was only invite my sister to stay over when my husband was well on military duty. She always sleeps in my fifteen year old daughter's room when she's visiting. So this is the first night that my husband was home when my sister was visiting. Okay, Now I'm a little curious that you only invite your sister when your husband is a way of military dudy. Okay, but maybe I understand that day way. You don't interfere with nothing he got going on, and she don't feel like it's invasion of privacy. Maybe that's it. But okay, I'm just making a no them. This was the first night that my husband was home with my sister was visiting. We've been having a typical Friday night, watching movies, eating, talking to my husband, was drinking alcohol. I got so irritated with him that I went to bed early. Now you got so irritated with your husband. You didn't say why, but you went to bed early and left your husband, your sister and daughter watch the TV. Later that night, I woke up and my husband was still not in bed, so I figured he fell asleep on the couch. You didn't care, so you left him down there on the couch. You ain't think nothing of it. You cool. Right next morning, my husband was asleep next to me. I went to check on my sister and my daughter. My sister was not in my daughter's room. She was asleep on the couch. I thought this was strange. I shook her. She walked up, startled because she no, she's not closed to sleep on my couch. What you think that's where she walking? Stone? If you think they were downstairs doing something, you think she will starting because she ain't posted to sleep on your couch. Then ask you a question, how old is your sister? See this ain't the letter. Now you woke up? She started because she no, she ain't post to sleep on my couch. So my wheels start turning. Here we go, and where the insecurity starts kicking in full blasts in this letter. The security has already set in in the letter. But now that your insecurity to set in because your little sister, fine, little sister, fine, you ain't what you was. Oh, it's all in the letter, you know, you know he got drunk. Irritated me. I went to bed because you're tied. And while you're tied, because you ain't what you want, you left everybody down there on the couch watch the TV because you're so irritated. Now you know what I'm saying. He in bed next to you. You're gonna check on her. She down on the couch, You shake and wake up you. She started because she knows she but started because you woke up, because she ain't both be on the county. So my wheels started turning. I've never fully trusted my husband around my sister. Why why why have you not trusted your husband and your sister because you know your sister fun because you know all the men and be looking at a little things. When she comes through the room and her husband ain't a drunk, but he was drinking. He serves in the military. You don't talk about military people on this show. They got drunk. Thank you for your service. Was drunk. They drinking alcohol to deal with the commandity in chief. And she got irritated. Now, if he was in the military, you'll be drinking. This is your Dame President, you know, boss, I'm telling when asked for me to go to work, Yeah, really go back. I'll give you the rest of the letter. All right, Part two of Steve's response coming up at three after you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, come on, let's recap the letter for today. I think my husband wants my sister. That is the subject. The reason you think your husband won't your sister, or because you know everybody else do. She sure didn't say that in the letter. It's in now. I think my husband won't my sister. She never invites her sister over to the house unless he's on military. Dude, she decided he's drinking and got on her nerves. She went upstairs go to sleep because she owed he gets out of line when he drinks. Obviously, So now he just says something said exactly exactly a little big lags. You didn't ground. I know you''t finished crossing big leg watching movies. So what do the drunker asks? Dude be saying to get his ass introbleh, boy, I see something looking but more got more bud on it than popcorn. Honey, would you stop? I'm trying. Yeah, you don't want to invite over here while I ain't. Don't do this while I'm I'm drinking because the president just forget it. I'm going to bed night night. Are you coming? Yeah, I'll be up to have a while. You go ahead on so let's get back. Okay. I'm never really trusting my husband around my sister, especially if he's been drinking. All right, well, he was drinking. My sister left my house later that morning, and I asked my daughter what time she went to bed. She said, she fell asleep on the couch and my husband told her to go to bed. You posted in your daughter to bed, so she did. She said her dad and my sister was still watching TV when she went to bed. They don't there watching TV. The baby just told you what they would do. They would watching TV. Now I'm really suspect what you suspect fault. I'm about to lose it because I can't help, but wonder if something indecent happened. You can't help, But wonder why you wondered? Because you were insecure. I would not dare ask my sister. But I feel like I'm going to explode on my husband? What should I do? Please? Help me explode? For what? Over some insecure feelings you got? So you're gonna go to your husband with it? You think how much you think he'd been drinking? Where he gonna say when we did something? Drink that much? If you thought someone was happening happen, you should have stayed your ass. I agree with you on that, asked the warden and kept your ain't nobody everybody else? Come on, baby, we're going to bed. Were going into the bed. She shouldn't have left. Well, come out here, a little sister. You're sleeping with me tonight something. But she has no proof nothing happened. You're insecure, and you're gonna come across as a very insecure. The reason you won't dare say nothing to your sister, it's because you know there's a possibility that you could be dead wrong And why would you insult your system so surely with this ridiculous ask her and your husband together? Are you kidding me together? I want to ask you something. What do you think they're gonna say? Oh no, they're not gonna tell the truth. I'm the husband. You asked me question, Well, honey, um, what time did you come to bed? Yeah? I know it was like because I woke up during the night and you weren't there. Where were you watching tv? Oh? What what time did you stop watching TV? Does in and out? You know? Where was where? Where was Ellen? Where Ellen? Keisha? Where was Keisha? Drunk or sober and sober? You know who Kish is? My sister, you know, my younger sister watching a movie. Why why do you have to get so drunk and drink all the time? Why you know that irritates me? That's why do you want to I'm your wife of nineteen years? Why would you want to hear? Take me? That's why you drink? Trying to get and this helped me motor? What did you asking? So? Do you do you like my sister? You find her attractive? You know of your sisters were family? Yeah, I know we're family. I know we're family. But you stayed down there a long time and I think you're kind of attracted to my sister and nobody look here, look I think you are. I st you looking at her. How we're gonna talk? You don't want one off? Standing with the bed now you left down here by myself. Nobody talked to I'm dying here talking to your sister. I don't like it when you drink. I got upset. You don't like the drinking. Why are you drunk now? You sound drunk because we've been married for nineteen years, and what's wrong with that? You're still death? You know that, right? That's a the vows said. You heard me, till death do us part? You know the vows? We just part already. Gosh, I hate you don't have me nothing else about your baby's sister, but we just family, and I stayed down here to talk with him. I thought you guys were watching TV. Were you watching TV? Or were you talking? We were talking about the movie. Oh well, how are you gonna talk about the movie and watch the movie at the same She don't know how to be knowing all it was a military movie. It was shooting, and she was laking. What kind of good stuff it? What movie was it? Ex Metal Jacket? There's no such movie. You guys were watching a love story. I think, why ain't nobody in here? Lord? Right, I gotta go. I don't want to talk to you, and I'm so upset with you being upset. You all all right, we gotta go drunk. I'm divorcing you email exactly. Okay, that proves my part. You guys did it. I knew it. I knew it. Email at your Instagram. That's your thoughts on today, Strawberry letter. Coming up in ten minutes from the Talk, it will be our girl Cheryl Underwood. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Carla will spill spill the tea inside of Carlo's reality update. But right now, Steve, our girl from the Talk, is here, please introduce. Hey, Steve Harvey, listen to me. I know, okay, I got a lot of things out of my mind. But the first night they dropping dimes on for they were like, look, I was told to pay the money, and I paid the money and I took it out of the campaign fund. They got him. And let me tell you what they're gonna have to do, because you know, I go to the Republican meetings. You know what I'm saying. What they're gonna have to do is I think they circling the wagons. They always say follow the money. They said that in Watergate. They said that every time you want to bring somebody down, you follow the money, and they followed the money. Cohen give him up. Mataphor. It shocked like a mug. You'll see the look on metaphor face when they say guilty eight counts. So now they may be hoping for a prop pardon, but I hate the President's lawyers are saying, don't pardon neither one of them. But if you don't pardon them, they're gonna tell everything, which means to Congress could bring an indictment of impeachment. That's why we have got to get get everybody registered the boat for the mid term. You gotta flip the House and the Senate, and you got a scary Republicans. Let me tell you what's scaring the Republicans right now. The visitor of our country who's involved in the death of that girl. Where did he work at? GOP? Dude? That own that's he's GOP. Now, this is the way I heard. This is his farm that's right there right. I've t is hypocritical. That's why all these rich boys that's restaurants building, they build hotels, that's own golf courses, and they in the farming industry. He worked there because he hired him. That that's right, that's right, and and I want to be clear, and I want to be clear for the Steve Harvey Morning Show family listeners all over the world. Immigrants, the migrants do not commit more crimes than you as born people. What I'm saying right now is it's it's it's it's that's what you're right. Steve is saying what you said. Because the young man worked at the farm and it's a leading Iowa GOP family, they're taking a bad I love the fact that Cohen say he refuses, his lawyers say refused to accept a partner because I think times are changing and they're about to drop the dime. That's what everybody's gonna start talking now. And they know they was in collusion because man was with the Ukrainian. Cohen's lawyer Davis, not Danny Davis, the congressman. Davis say he will he refuses to take accept a pardon from President Trump. Refuses and see that that's that's that's that's bs. You think he won't do it, You think you'll do it. You think you think for one moment that this man would not accept a pardon that would keep him from going to prison. Are you kidding me out? And if he's mad at Trump enough and if you know, he gonna come out and he could be richer for it, and he gets revenge. I know people say vineance his mind, say at the low War, but a lot of people like to get revenge when they feel like they've been done wrong. You know they're gonna courage themselves, they want to purge themselves. But look, we're gonna keep you posted on all of this, all information we find. I would bring it first to the Steve Every Morning show because I be at the meeting. But what I'm gonna need everybody to do. I'm gonna need you all to get ready to vote. Don't just register yourself, register five ten twenty. Bring him to the polls, make sure we go to the post in the midstterm, flip the House in the Senate, and then see if they've not Listen everybody that loved President Trump, that listen to Steve Harvey, We're not against President Trump. Were just for what is right and my rightsident we are forward is right and this is not our coach. We're running on hustle Man of Ford was with the Ukrainians. That was with the Russians. Now you notice everything on the internet and social media is anti black and white, so you can separate us. That's the Russians manipulating us. Then you got the terraces with the Chinese, and then you got everything that's been going on with the North Koreans. I'm just saying it all looked like collusion, which leads to conspiracy, and conspiracy is the crime, and it helped him win this selection. That's all I'm saying. That's all together together. Now, let me put some mouse together. I love the picture of Lebron Jane with with Kyrie and Kevin Durant. Now y'all need to come on to make the Lake us the bomb now, because so I can start dating basketball players like I did in the Showtime era, like I did with the Bulls. That's the only way they was winning over there, helping people self esteem, Sir, your days dating basketball, No, they're not all. I gotta lose. I gotta all. I gotta lose sixty five pounds. You are going to retirement parties? You mean ice cubes? Three or three leagues you missed you you have for you to start dating basketball players. Yes, you're gonna have to start attending some of these Hall of Fame in Duff. Already got that unlocked six or five pounds. I'll go back to my kiddy cat outfit, my taste, kidding outfits. You play. I can do it. Oh, I'm gonna be at the I'm gonna get to start Dome Hoover in Hoover, Alabama, right outside Burma. I need you out about these tickets. But wait a minute, where they finished where he finished? Ready? Ready, you bet not. Never let Madonna get up and do those Never let me tell you. Let me tell you who should have did it. They should have brought out Christina Aguilaris, they should have brought out with a little girl, Ariana grand As, they should have brought out Mary j But let me tell you who should have kicked it off, Lord Hill. A rose is still a rose? Is the but that these kids remember, and then introduced the vim A audience to Aretha Franklin. How powerful these singers are. We don't have a lot of power singers because black entertainment telling go do it. VMAs, you're wrong, you're wrong, you're wrong. And Madonna don't ever get up and do that no more. Thank you, Cheryl Underwear. We appreciate you. Thank you so much. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this and Carl's Reality Update up next. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Tommy, it's time for reality. Come on, introduce you know what you do? All right, then let's get to it. It's that time. She is here, Carlor with reality updates. All right, thank you, nephew. Here we go. Real Housewives of Potomac the Reunion Show. Yeah, we're gonna talk about that because you know, we didn't get to see Power Steve Sunday night. They didn't show it. Yeah, I know, I've told him. I'll catch up with him later. So we'll talk about ghosts of them next week. But listen to this Real Housewives of Potomac the Reunion Show. So Karen broke down. She walked off on stage. She was crying during the filming of the Reunion Show Part one this week, and she was dealing with a lot of grief. She lost her dad recently and then before that her mom, and so with all the drama on stage, she just cried and walked off set. Then Gizelle went backstage to try to comfort her and told her that she was a very strong woman. So now fast forward to part two. Carry You don't know Petomy, but you know Giselle. You Knowiselle. She said she's getting on your talk show. She used to be married to our pastor, Jamal Bryant. I didn't know. I didn't even know that until after the show. Yeah, after she made an appearance on your show. Yeah she is. I love her. I love her to death. Anyway, So Giselle, uh, you know, she went back and comfort Karen and talked to her, and she just basically came out and told the cast the rest of the cast members that Karen felt alone and that she was dealing with a lot of grief, and that that grief, you know, when we've all been there and when you're just dealing with so much. She just kind of broke down. And uh, it's kind of confusing, though, Shirley, wouldn't you say Giselle and Karen's friendship. I don't really understand their cool one minute, then they beat the next minute, then they're cool so that all the housewife shows it's pretty much but too right here, I scratched my head a lot with them. I don't understand that they're cool. They're not cool. But you're right, Steve, you have a point. All of them seemed like they're the same way with the friendships. But I won't appreciate Gaselle going back there to come. She did go check on her girl, she did do that, but they don't fight on that one, didn't you know, fish fight. It's been some moments on each other too. They do all that almost. It's not like a half as ship and we're fighting and that well somebody comes in and break it up, you know, it's like yeah, So Sterisa Monique, they started arguing about the whole thing with Giselle and her ex boyfriend, and then they brought his ex on the show to try to hurt Giselle. So Giselle, it was back and forth about that, and Gizelle just basically just blaming Monique. Monique feels like Chari's played a part in it too, and so I just don't think it's cool that your friends with someone and then you bring their X around to try to hurt them. So that was just a low blow. That's just girlfriend code. You broke the code on that both of them did. So it was a lot of drama around that the ex boyfriends X his ex woman. They bought her on the show to try to upset Giselle, to say, hey, this is your man. At the time, well, Giselle and her Man was having problems, so they bought his ex woman on the show for appearance. No, she's divorced from him. He was. She was dating a guy named Sherman. Sherman's ex. They bought her on the show. Her name is Kendall. They bought her on the show to try to upset Gizelle, and Gizelle called about on it basically, and I'm just saying that supposed to be girlfriend. Uh, he's pretty. She's a pretty girl. But you know, Jazelle is who you bring on? Ain't his fine? Is me you lose? Yeah? Ja is very confident, so yeah, she she felt like she's all of that in the bag of chips anyway, So it was all good. And then finally Ray he kept this whole tax thing from his wife, caring his whole company being in trouble. They talked about you already said you don't watch you don't watch this particular friend any name. They are in the Potomac area. Yeah, the Maryland, d C. Area. But no, this is not Ray Lewis, the football player. No, okay, yeah. So anyway, so they asked him about his finances and his company having taxed troubles all in the Washington Post and why he kept that from his wife. And he felt like that he could fix his wife so crazy. So anyway, that was that with the whole tax issue, and he got a telephone. Yeah, it was bad. It was bad. He tried to fix it. I guess he thought he was trying to protect his wife and she didn't know. But I don't know. I didn't believe all that. I think she knew. I think she knew what was going on with her husband and issues and the finances, and they were just trying to clean it up and make it look good. That's what I believe. Anyway. Moving on, Keeping up with the Kardashians, Chlaude Kardashian um her and her mom Chris, and Chris feels like that on the show. Now, keep in mind, on the show, Chloe is pregnant on the show, and she's carrying her baby, true, the baby that she has with Tristan. You're talking about the one on the quiet that I'm supposed to be leaving my wife for the very one. Very yes, yes, very real. Yeah, yeah, well maybe you can tell me since you have this relationship with Chris. Basically, Chris was telling Chloe that she felt like she could kind of live a little bit with her pregnancy, because you know, Chloe was always conscious about her weight and she always wants to eat healthy and exercise, and so Chris her mom was telling like, girl, you gotta live a little bit given to your cravings and you know, kind of have fun with your pregnancy. So she was bringing her dozens of Crispy Crean donuts and making posta for her and just trying to get Chloe to gain a little weight. Chloe was like, no, she didn't want to have a big baby because Tristan this big, and she didn't want have problems with her complications. Any inside information you have on that, Steve, since you're real cool with Chris, John, I don't know nothing about that damn family. But I'll tell you this right here. I gained ten pounds on the boat this year. Yeah all right, well that's it. If you want to comment on Real Housewives of Potomac or keeping up with the kardash and she can always be up at lips spark Carla hashtag Carla's reality update and we'll be back at after. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show, all right, listen to the story, Steve, make sure because we definitely want you to comment on this. This is crazy, all right. ESPN will not be broadcasting the national anthem before Monday Night football games this year. President Jimmy Pataro said, we generally have not broadcast at the anthem and I don't think that will change this year. Our plan going into this year is to not broadcast the anthem. ESPN is not a political organization and that it will only cover political topics as they pertain to sports coverage and storytelling telling. While President Trump blasted ESPN's terrible decision to stop broadcasting the national anthem during televised football games during Israeli and West Virginia on Tuesday Night, Trump characterized espn skipping of the national anthem before the NFL games as unpatriotic. Patriotic when you don't pay you taxes, and a lot of patriotic is when you don't let the American public as has all forty four other presidents exposed a tax retterms. He had most stuff to be worried about the NFL. You know, he tried to suit the NFL about three decades ago when he tried to buy a I'm just saying, your former campaign manager is guilty, and your lawyer has played guilty. You talking about the NFL and said you directed him to pay off. I know you can't sleep at night. I don't want football games to hear huh what you say. I don't watch football games to hear the apbem No anyway, right, I don't give a damn about the coin toss, none of that. I will kick off and let's go. Yeah, it just came off this mascot, let's get it. Trump has long attacked NFL players who kneel in protests during the national anthem and demanded demanded NFL owners take action against players who don't stand up for the flag. Trump kicked off his rally by praising his voters as patriots while condemning the NFL. Really, that's a lot to put in to put on that that really, Like I said, he got a lot more stuff to be here. But yeah, yeah, he needed to worry about that black dude that was standing behind him at this West Virginia rally that looked like he was paid to be them. He was so uninterested and what was going on? He got his paper though, Could we hear from him again? Oh? Yeah, you want me to go get him? Yeah? How did it go? Yeah, go get him Steve. Yeah, it will go on Earl girl shop. You know my my second cousin, he owned the paint comp. Okay, how's how's the barbecue business now? Since you were on TV? Oh? Everything that picked up. You know, Willed Barbecue really is slamming. Now. You don't want to thank or the Fox for putting us on. As long as they did. It actually worked out. You're wonderful for us, you know, standing back there, I didn't know really what I was back there fore, but they paid me five hundred so I stood there and it worked out. Can I say this, earle Um? You you um, I'm you know. I'm sure they were happy you were there, but you didn't really act like you were a part of it, like you were interested in what was going on. He can't tell you too. Yes, I ain't know what hell going on? You see, I working it back. I'm in the back right then the white woman came up to me said she had five hundred if I staying right here. So I do it right now. Take my damn head off doing not for winning. You don't know willing barbecue make a miracle great again. I want American needs someone damn barbecue. Thank you, Eli, appreciate you coming by and clearing everything up. We'll have more for you. Know what you sound Jeffy like that, Whitely. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. By Earl in the Blue Shirts. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show right now. It is time for today's entertainment. News Now. T MZ is reporting that Queen of Soul Aretha Franklin, did not have a will at the time of her death. The site claims court documents state that the Queen of Soul passed into state, meaning she will. She had no will at the time of death, and this means, according to Michigan law, that her estate will be divided equally between her four children. She had four sons, as you recall, um, and yeah, as we previously told you are Wretha Franklin's funeral is set for next week, with an open viewing for the public taking place in August twenty nine, and a private service for just family and friends set for August thirty one. R I p rest in Peace, Queen of stul And Entertainment news Nicki Minaj is not backing down despite the dragging she's received for claiming she's the new Harriet Tubman. To review, Nikki compared herself to Harriet Tubman for fighting for for streaming service numbers to count toward Billboard chart placement. In case you missed it, Nikki called out Spotify and the fact that her album debuted at number two. She tweeted, all the queens I know shook blank up, shook sugar, honey, iced tea up. Queen of the week may go to Harriet Tubman. Had she just sat there and ate her rice you in words, history would have been a lot less triumphant. Well. Twitter went in on me for that one. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, she said him outful, didn't she? Uh. One of the best quotes was from someone who said to Nikki, comparing your album sales to Harriet Tubman's fight for freedom is the most stupid commentary on slavery in two thousand eighteen, and that includes Kanye sayings slavery was a choice. Yeah, we thought that was the thing. No matter of fact, Kanye tweeted what the head of episode Kanye's tweet worlds thank you off the hook? Now, Yeah, finally, I don't understand. You know, I've never met Nicki Minaj or anything, but you know that that's just a little bit. That's that's a lot. You know, that's too much and just right up there with her as too much. It's just too much. Really, it's you go too far? Yes? Are you saying it? Though? Tom And we're talking about what she said about Harry Tubman too fun behind now stopped finally, Uh, well, we're gonna move on to Tommy. Word has it that Tony Braxon recently shared why she put her wedding to Birdman on hold. And no, no, before you start hating and all of that, there is no trouble in paradise. Apparently these two cannot settle on a date. It's as simple as that they got engaged back in February. And yeah, and originally, originally, originally they planned to jump the broom on eighteen. You can go to Steve Harvey FM dot com for more entertainment news into common if you like. Okay, alright, coming up, it's Steve Harvey and his closing remarks. You don't want to miss it. At forty nine after the hour, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, here we are, last break of the day. Wow, what a day it was with all the things going on in Washington and oh my goodness, there's so much going on in the world. Um so, Steve, we need you right now, like more than ever, you know, save the world. We need you to save the world, and we need you to run for president like you promised. And thank you for introducing this to Earl. Yeah standing behind, Yes, really did not give a day. Hit us with some closing remarks. You know, I got this uh plaque from a friend of mine and and it again caused me to think of some things that that that I often have to be aware of myself. I think back on my life, and I think of so much wasted time when I was just involved in nothing. I spent so many non productive hours of my life without giving much forethought to my future. I was young you know, I just assumed that the future was coming. Well guess what it came, and guess what. I wasn't really ready when he got here. And so now that the future is here, I constantly have to I constantly have to keep an eye on what I'm really really doing. And I want to share this with you all today and it's it's it's very simple, but that's that's the best way for me to be as a motivational person. Listen to this. Stop planting flowers in people's yards who ain't gonna watering. Stop planting flowers in people's yards who ain't gonna watering. Do you know how many people in your life you invest in who ain't gonna give you all themselves any return? Do you know how many people you have tried to help who ain't really even trying to help themselves. You have any idea of how many hopes and dreams you've put into people believing in them when they won't even believe in themselves. Do you have any idea how many people in your life like that? Do you know how you keep won'ting, hoping and praying for people all the time to get better, do better, be better, try more, be mo won't more, and you just keep planting flowers in their yard and they have no intention of watering them. Listen to me, Take all of that attention and give it to somebody who wants it. Take all of that attention and start giving it to somebody who really needs it. Take all of that attention and give it to somebody who would really really appreciate it, because stop wasting your time planting flowers in people's yards who ain't gonna water him. That's crazy. Do you know how guilty of this I've been. I just pull and pull and pull into people who don't want to be poured into. I remember one time I was with a group of what I thought was friends of mine and I was sitting there. I was in Hollywood, and I was trying to share with them this financial success that I had heard that I had had and how I went about it. And we were all really cool, I thought. And when I got through telling them about what I did and how, because they asked me, now, how did you do that? And this was a long time ago and I wasn't even here now, but I knew something back then and I shared it with him, and when I walked away. You know what I got here? He think he know everything. He always trying to help somebody. We just be chilling and having a good time, and here he come Mr. Motivation And I had walked up on him and heard him talk about them, and I was I just went to get something to bring it to him in this book that I had read that really really helped me turn some things around. And when I was getting ready to walk back in the room, I was standing and I heard him saying it, and I kind of peeked through the door and I looked at the discuss like you get on my nes. I always think you know everything, always trying to detail somebody something. We just want to chill and have a good time. I would, I'll be done, I'll be down. And I'm telling you, from that moment on, I became very conscious about who I poured stuff into it. I became very conscious about where I was playing flowers. But even today I still have to remind myself, Steve, you're tripping, You're talking and they ain't listening. You're giving and they ain't gonna pay it back. They say they want it, but they really don't. This falling on death is hey Steven. Keep it moving, don't don't get down off the wall, brother, keep it pushing. You ain't got time for them. Don't come down off the wall to help them, and they ain't really trying to get up on the wall. Don't do that no more. I have to tell myself that all the time. So I just wanted to remind you all of that. Be very very conscious. Take in. Stop planting flowers in people's yards who ain't got no intentions of watering. Come on, Yeah, that's for me right there. I've been staying up with Tom and giving him questions. Oh nice boy, ain't got not one I send up here for our flash cards. Man working over there blinking, don't know nothing I got. So I thank you. That's helping people. Last night, your last night, that's funny. Can I please remind people to join me today and for the Strawberry Letter live on Facebook at one thirty pm Eastern time. I will be back today. All right, thank you? And when are you going to start campaigning? Since you're running for president? Now? I'm not. I ain't gonna campaign. Are you're not gonna campaign? You just don't much your name on the ballot. I'm gonna get on the ballot, all right, I'll take us off Steve. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.