Where is the Nephew and Nick Cannon Stops By - 08.07.17

Published Aug 7, 2017, 5:02 PM

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Y'all know what time if y'all don't know, y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving a mother just like themazing buck bus things and it's cub y'all do me true good it Steve listening to me to each other for still far quick please listen, Moby, why don't you join? Yeah? Yeah, Bobby joining me. Honey said you gotta use turn ye you you got to turn turn turn lobby, got to turn out to turn turn wanter go come come on your back now that uh huh I show. Well a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on digging now, one and only Steve Harley got a radio show. You got a good for you today. I was thinking about on the way in. You know, yesterday was a really, really trying day for me. There's a lot of work yesterday and I was up. I've gotten so tired at one point man that But you know, I mean, I mean I had no one to to to explain it to. You know, mom. The fellas that travel with me, they just go, they just go. You know, they know where I gotta be. They get me in place, you know, blah blah blah. But you know, you know, right about when I'm about to complain about it out loud, I also find all of the incredible reasons that I have to be grateful, and it kind of slows down to complain it a little bit. Now, I'm not saying that our days. Man, why I don't verbalize my fatigue or I don't verbalize my man I wish I didn't have to work so harder. Man, But but but but but yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. But when I get through with that, I have so many reasons to be grateful that it does slow it down, you know, And sometimes it might the majority terms just flat out stops it because I end up laughing at myself because you know, it's so many things are happening to me beyond my belief, beyond what I asked God for. So there's just some extreme blessings going on in my life. But man, man o, man o, man have I paid? And that that's the part I want to talk to you about today. You know, see a lot of people look at other people and they see what they think is the finished product. They don't realize that all of us, no matter who we are, are still a work in progress. That I have many flaws that I have many problems and have many situations that come up, you know, just like anybody else. You know, I'm no different from that, you know. You know, life happens for me just like it happens for you. It may happen in different ways, but just like you know, if it's something comes up at an inconvenient time for you, it pops up for me. You know, if something happens for me that seems unfair, I know that it's happening to somebody else unfairly. But you know, um, I find myself being grateful the majority of the time. I can't say all the time because I'm a human being, and sometimes I find myself complaining about it all, you know, But but I try, for the most part to stay grateful, to stay focused, and it allows me to keep the wheels churning. But now I wanna I want to share something with you about your road to success. You know you've heard me say this probably a hundred times now. The road to success is always under construction, it really is. So here's here's what I want you to expect on your way to changing, on your way to becoming successful, on your way to achieving your goals on your way to getting better. I want you to expect many difficulties. Once again, the road to the road to success is always under construction. I want you to expect many difficulties. But here is the deal between successful people and non successful people. It's how they deal with the difficulties. That's the only difference. It's how you deal with the difficulties, how you handle the setbacks, how well you get up after you've been knocked down. That's happening to all of us, none of us, none of us are exempt from that. You're going to fall, You're going to be pushed, you're going to be run over, You're going to be tackled, you are going to be lied about. You are going to have setbacks. That's a part of the journey. But how do you handle them? How well do you do you handle everything? See, I want you to understand something. When you set out to be successful, he is difficult. Pet Pablo, who I have probably people? What is it about to quote Pete Pablo. He had a u A wrap album out called Diary of a Cinner, and it was really, man my favorite rap album of all time because he said some things about his life that I could so relate to. I can't think of the name of the song right now, but there is a lyric a Stands in one of his songs that says, I had a half a tank of gas, two cigarettes, scraping up change in an ash tray, and a voice said, it's only a test of my faith. It said, I had a half a tank of gas, two cigarettes, scraping up change in an ash tray, but a voice said it was only a test of my faith. It's a deal your faith, which is the belief in things that you cannot see. When you say I'm going to make it, I'm going to be successful at it. I'm going to finish college. I'm going to achieve my goal. I'm going to be a better husband. I'm going to be a better father. I'm going to be a better wife. I'm going to be a better mother. I'm going to be a better student. I'm going to be rich. I'm going to start are doing more for other people. I'm going to help the less fortunate. Whatever you say when you're sending that prayer up, when you declare that faith, the devil hears your prayer to Now A sad thing about the devil is he's busy seven and he has people that works for him. It's some imps out there that ain't up to no good. You all know them. You've all run across them. They always putting shade on somebody. They always barking at somebody, and they always knocking somebody down. These people that they just busy for Satan. What you gotta be careful of is that occasionally you don't become one of those people. See so when these people, when when the devil hears is prayer that you sent up or what you're gonna be successful at, then you're faith is going to be tested. He got people man to come in there and try to knock you off that course. So you can get on back to this old woe is me. I ain't gonna ever be nothing. The uh man seemed like every time I try to get back up by getting knocked right back. Now, once he gets you saying that enough times, then he can start implementing some other programs. Come on, man, let's sell this dope. We can't get no job now here you go. You're off track. You're going you other way. Now, he got you, he got you tied up. Now to the point where he can get you locked up, or he can get you killed and lose your soul. So now he had worked busy he all day. What you got to be mindful of is that your faith will be tested, that it's going to be difficult to get to where you are, and you got to stay in prayer all the time, talking to your creator about strengthening you for the journey. You have to be strengthened for the journey. That's all you're asking for, because the journey is the journey. You can stop asking God to remove all these problems in these situations because it ain't gonna happen these out of test of our faith. This determines how bad you want it. What I'm saying to you this morning is stay focused, stay prayerful, stay on point, get ready for him. Understand that it's just to test to your faith, that your faith will be tested. But you got to stay the course. Man, You got to stay the course. It's all right, you will be fine in due time, but you gotta give some of this stuff a chance to play itself out. Because nothing lasts forever. Ain't no pain forever. All right. I'm just trying to help you with that, because boy, I'm dealing with it all the time. Stay prayerful, God got help for you. All right, let's go. You're listening to good morning, Good morning to all of you. This show today it's being dedicated anybody who has captured or has possession of a tiger. Yea to all of you who have captured, rastle or on a tiger, congratulations. This will show you is dedicated to y'all. We are we always dedicate our show to the forgotten ones. You know what I'm saying, Just just hoping this up a little bit. Yeah, what's up? Shirley, Hey Steve, how are you doing? What is that sound? Now? This is a dog love making animals sound? They're the same thing. One of them is just sick. Morning morning. Everybody was happening food number two? What is going on? Everybody? Watch out there now, watch you'all there now? Yeah, well yeah, ok, we're watching it. Ain't never let you do that over not that minute, because that's ay, that's enough enough it is. But I'm one more because I'm making drink me and him. I'm good. Last one. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. But you know there's a different plantation which means you're as still gotta pick cotton. Yeah, you're gonna You're gonna do your share over here. Don't think that you've been so you're gonna be laid up under a tree and not doing to him. Also, I want to dedicate the show in an a Tommy. Oh yeah, in a Tommy your nephew. Why yeah, uh, you know, for little people. And I'm not talking about tiny Timmy, Tiny Timmy and tigers. Didn't he have a company called t NT Tomas. Oh man, this show is Are you sure? Oh? I'm so happy here being a little bit later today. But you know one thing about this show, it goes on, man, because we got stars on this show. Baby, we got real stars on it. Again, That's what this is. No one says it's quite like you camp Ship CAMPI and k Man. Anyway, don't be ignorant to me. I think. So it's Friday, it always is. All right, coming up, Tyler Perry is Drake. Have you guys heard about this story? All right, we'll talk about it and something funny when we come back at thirty or four after you're listening to the Steven show. All right, now, this is something funny. Steve your buddy family to the show We Love Him. Tyler Perry is a dead ringer for Drake Drake, the Riper Drake people mistaken. Okay, listen, check this out. At least when you know he's taking pictures with foreign fans that don't have a clue. Apparently, while here in l A, two ladies, one of whom was French we just left Paris, remember, asked Tyler for a picture. They kind of sort of knew he was famous, but they didn't really kind of grasp who he was not really, So Tyler played along and just told the ladies he was Drake and they believed. They believe. Yeah, yeah, Tyler crazy. So I mean, I know you have a bunch of funny fans stories, but that's Tyler's funny fans story that the fans thought. Hold on, hold on, I'm in I'm in Memphis. One day, I'm performing at this club. Yeah, I get on the elevator with Boomerang and Wong with my boy wants six folds six six. Everybody three fifty butt me. We're on the elevator. White guy gets on the elevator, pushes the button I'm standing behind and waning boom so he don't see me. He turns around to him and he goes, why elevator shears crowded, So they didn't say nothing, he said, And we're riding down. He said, guys are all for quiet. Wan said that's cause we ain't talking to you. Juan said, that's called we're not talking. Okay, wow. So he turns back around. The door opens and a group of people see us, but it just looks full. It's pretty wrong behind one, but it just looked full. So the dose shut. He goes, and the white guy went, why sure, could he used a little company? He got, you're laughing behind? Can we get down to the bottom? And the door opens and they split and I come between them. He goes, oh my god, how in the world were you pass down? Let you go? He goes, oh my god, Mr Pryor please have your art. And I went Priors did yeah, Richard Pryor, He's gone, and he said Mr Pryor please, So I said, hey, man, look, I'm not Richard Prior. Listen, I'm not gonna tell anybody they signed the paper for me. I said, man, listen, I'm not Richard Prime. Funny, You're not really talk just signed it from me, and I wrote Richard Pride on the paper. He went, man, thank you so much. God him money. But that happens a lotta stay lock in their mind. Who you are you? Richard just signed it. That explains Tyler, Perry and Drake. And I cannot tell you how many times I've been mistaken for Shell Underwood. It is unlegable. I'm taking pictures any different thing. Yeah, Wood, no problem, girl, you are hired. What is wrong with you? Oh my god, oh my god, he's shadowing. Ain't shaved or nothing. Tommy got that same thing, man, I'll tell you, Tommy boy. I was with Time one time and do with a little man. Little man. Didn't mistake it for little man. And they said again, I like that move by little Man. Oh my god, I'm Man's man. They do they hit you with it. You know, you know what I get stake for. I was in vague was that the hood is. The group of white women ran up to me and said, oh my god, is Wayne Brave? I standing a man was waiting, but you know it wasn't helping. Why was I waiting for my luggage under Wayne Brady pitch? They was over the snapping neighbor hints off. I said, I'm not white, but then one was fine. I just went to singing Bess I could, yes, I am, I will. Who cares about you? Man noting on you? Oh my god? But but that is that is that Rich Briant just signed. So you had hair this time though? Ye yeah yeah yeah. So you know what another funny story, Steve. This doesn't have to do with a mistaken identity, but the story with you on the elevator and the little girl. Remember that animal kingdom and you know it's just families. So I'm coming out of the sweet. No, I'm getting ready to go to the Sweet. And we get downstairs and down at the bottom is where the pool is. And I just got through eating the jinkos, so the pool is down there. So I get on elevator, the door shutting. This guy runs and holds the door so his family could get on. So I said, okay, cool, So I'm standing there. So a guy gets on, a couple and they got a little girl. This little girl got on. Ah, this is crazy. A little like a sundress, sheer like sundressed, like a cover up a beach cover like a little cloud cover up. The little girl, but just stood in front of me and put her head all the way in her book and was just big. And I'm talking about man. She was just showing her whole little backs out, her whole bottom is out. And I'm sitting there looking at her daddy, like, hey, man, girl something. She was just big and just opening in and just scratching it. And I was sitting there. It was I was mortified. Why it's your little girl, and why won't you stop scared? All right? Coming up next, the nephews run that prank back. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to the show, all right, let's go. Time for nephews. Run that prank back. We're running the brank back. This one right here is Musty soon. That's terrible. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach the Vanessa. Please I Vanessa. My name is Robert. I'm the one of the owners. You know, my wife Michelle. We owned there. Yes, yes, yes, can I help you? Okay we've been uh I think we've had your son, Malik, probably close to a year now. I'm all right, yes you have is everything okay? So everything is fine, Everything is fine. I don't think we have a problem. That we can't clear up. Um, I have a question for you. Have you been noticing anything different about Malik? Um, like concerning hygiene at all? Hygiene, No, not that I can be called. What are you talking about? Okay? How old is Malik's Okay, well, we soon have come across a little glitch here that we're gonna try to take care of here at the at the daycare. Actually my wife didn't. I told her I would make the phone call and leave her out of it. I know you see her every day once. What are you talking about? What? What is this glitch? Glitch? What is this glitch that you want to talk about? I'm confused. Okay, Well, actually what we're having is it seems like every day here lately for the last two months, Malik has been you know, very musty. You know, he hasn't been really sweaty, but just real musty. Okay, you clearly have the wrong child, because I give my son a bath every night, and most morning is before he leaves to school, I give him another bath again. So yeah, I'm pretty positive you have the wrong child. Oh ma'am. Your son is Malik, right, and he's two years old. You guys have been here with us right close to a year now, correct, yes, and okay, and he's cute, a little kid with the curly hair. I know exactly which one he is. So what I'm what I'm saying to you is that we are having problems. He's just he's just reaching, you know, he's real must Okay, you know what. My son does not reak. I don't know what child you're talking about, but you're not talking about my child. I just told you. And make sure that he gets a bath every night, so that's not my child. My child is very clean. Okay, Well, we'll hang on. But that's what I'm trying to get you to understand, is I'm trying to This is why my wife didn't want to call. Okay, and I'm glad I'm actually the one that made the call. What we need to do. This is what I'm gonna do. I'm just gonna try a little experiment for the next month or so. Experiment. I'm sorry, Well, what do you mean experiment? What kind of experiment? Well, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put some male deodorant on him for the next well just for the next month, and we'll see how it plays out. No, no, no, you're not. You're not gonna put anything on my child. That's not gonna happen. Okay, Well, ma'am, I'm trying to. I'm trying to fix the problem here. I just wanted to call it doesn't have a problem. I'm already told you that my son is clean. You're not gonna put any coment on him, and if you do, it's going to be a problem. Do you understand me? Okay, man, I'm not trying to have an argument with you. What I want you to know is I'm not trying to, but you're trying. You talked about putting the dent. I'll my chell you he's the You can't do that. I'm not gonna have to happen in Please don't make me have to come not to that school for you and your wife. Okay, Now listen, we're gonna have to do something about your child. Your child is musty, okay, And you're sitting here getting an attitude with me, and I'm trying to let you know your child is nonsense. Maybe you're the one that is musty. Maybe you and your wife or musty. My child is not musty. I keep telling you that I bathed him every night. Which part of that don't you understand? I understand everything that you're saying. Maybe it's the soap. Maybe something is not taking effect. I'm not sure. Okay, maybe you doesn't smell because I don't know what cheld you're not smelling? Child? You're not using that much? Child? Do I need to come down there for you with the comps and suit your entire establishment. You don't want that to happen staying away from my child? Are you crazy? You know? Matter fact? Great? My son? Man, you're satisfied your son is in there with the rest of the kids. They're playing. You know, today is the first day I sprayed a little bit of melkyodor and how that works? You look, Cheryl, can you come for me for a couple of minutes. I'm gonna right now. I'll be there within the hour because you must be crazy. I mean, he sprayed my son smell. I just sprayed a little bit of the older and honor, just to see if we can get the commission to do that. And I keep telling you, I said, there's nothing wrong with my child, and you took it up on here cho to go and spray my child. And you weren't subout to do that. You think I'm gonna right now? Okay? Well, what are you coming here for? The boy is you're the son of the leak? Is fine? Why are you coming here? He's clemly not fine? If you've got around spread, how don't you space? Because clearly you're smelling and freaking and funky as hell. I didn't give you no child that I promise you. I promise you. I'm a y'all because you crazy. Okay, let me sell you this man. Your son is musty, he's been king. Must you know what? I didn't even try to hear you because you're you're you're clearly crazy. How don't you got a spraying people's kids? What's my child? Did you smell the other kids? You know what? I'm about to get in my car, come on there for you because you must be crazy? Hello? Hello, Hello? Why did you hang up on me? I'm trying to fix the problem, ma'am. When I told you that I'm coming down there, I'll be there and telling one but I needed to let you know one more thing that's going on here? Could you possibly let me know? Because I'm on my waist right now Where are you now? Are you in your car? Where are you? I am heading to my car, not to get in my car to come down differently, because you must be crazy spraining my chop before you get to your car. I need, I need to tell you one more thing about your side. Okay, please, you possibly have to tell me. I want to tell you. That is listen to me. This is nephew telling me to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your girlfriend girl got me to prank for call you master. I'm standing here in the parking lot about them come down. That's exactly what I was about. I'm gonna get up. I get it because I'm thinking, I know my child musty. I know my child is clean and he don't smell. I havena get up. I just talked to right here in Aki cause you gotta call her right now. I said, okay, just chill out that we'll call it Wenna. Get You don't know, is Malik nice and clean? Malik is always nice and clean and smelling right, So I don't know what the hell you were talking about. I was like, not my child. You got the wrong child. You're about to get it. You don't even know. Oh Man vansa you gotta tell me one more thing. But what's the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the lane, the one and only Steve Running and Show. All right, Yeah, that was pretty good. You can catch Tommy down in Tampa at the Sun, don't Yeah, he'll be down there with Mays, Kelly Price and Tank. That's right down at the Sun. Don't listen. Tommy will be introducing Kelly Price and Tank. Yeah. What about you bable to just come out, Frank just come out. Do you understand that he realizes he thinks that he's going to come presenting it to us. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Frank you Bailey want that stage cleared when he Yeah, actually Tommy is presenting it like Mays is. You know, it's the opening act and Tommy it's the headline. Sure. About about five years ago, no, no, no, about seven years ago I opened up for Frankie Beaverly May's on New Year's even New Orleans, and I didn't introduce Frankie be a matter of fact, I just said, you know, you know what time the and just jumped off the front of the sting up so I could get rid of you. Jumped off. You don't get to introduced Frank bad. I don't think the nephew is clear. You don't know when you get that one person has introduced me? And who is that? Are you looking at it? Steve Harvey, you're the only one? Wow? All right, Well, we'll be back at the top of the hour, miss Anne. We'll be here with our Friday headlines when we come back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, uh, miss Anne's coming in with our Friday headlines before we get to that. Uh, you don't want to miss Jay Anthony Brown's Murder the hit today. You don't want to miss it today. Yeah, but but check this out before we get to Jay Anthony Brown's Murder the head if you must say, okay, well t is t MZ has learned that Sugar Knight made a death threat against uh straight out of Compton director f Gary Gray. We all know him. Um. The l a County grand jury which indicted Sugar on felony criminal threats. Sugar allegedly made the threat during the filming of the movie, but months before he killed a man involved in the production by driving over him in a Compton parking lot. We remember this, We saw this on tv TMZ has obtained a copy of the grand jury indictment, which reads, in part on or about August eight, two thousand fourteen, Suge Knight threatened to commit a crime which would result in death and great bodily injury to Felix. That's what the F stands for Felix Gary Gray. Sug was extremely unhappy with his portrayal in the movie, and he sent the threat by text. Sources connected with Sugar claimed the murder charge against him is calling apart and they believe law enforcement is simple simply out to get him. Get it. It's a strange story. Yeah him, Yeah, he's in right, He's still in there. Right. They got him for driving over that gay. Yeah. I mean I saw the video, man, it was absolutely whole. It was absolutely horrible. I had forgotten a part about straight out of Compton, the movie and all of this though. Let me just tell you during the time it happened. What should I form it as a question? Yeah, if you think, if you're asking yourself, then question to the question. Hey, let me ask you a question. Okay, when black people run over people with cars on video, do they traditionally get away with that? Is that a question on the table, just throwing it out there. Yeah, I'm just as I'm gonna have to go with. No. So do you think do you think that's another question right here? Do you think they're in a likelihood? Yeah? If they was out to get you, this tape would be helpfully worrying him. Can I just say this good question, Steve, Yeah, brilliant, don't you think so? Yeah? Do you think so? Junior? But the answer it again is no, No, No, I mean no, no, I mean don't you think, oh, yeah, seeing this tape of him doing this, yeah, is a good way for them to get him? Oh? Absolutely, yes, absolutely, yeah, Yeah, I misunderstood the questions. Brilliant. Yeah. Do you also think it's a likelihood that his ass is never gonna get out of jail? I think in our lifetime, and I like them, we won't see it. Tell you what they took it there? Didn't mean you remember incident when sug Knight got knocked out by the ball move that do you think this threat is valid? No? And that information than you really just start to deal with the problem that had right now, knowing that there's a small time in bomber knocked you out, do you really feel free and where he is. Yes, you got that right. Wow. I don't see it happening in a life time, you know. Yeah, Well, ladies and gentlemen, I believe she's here. Yeah, she is the one that only missed a trip. Thanks, Thanks Steve, Thanks everybody. This is and trip with the news. Okay, Special Counsel Robert Mueller is your portly impaneling a brand new grand jury to look into Russian meddling in the election and possible ties to the Trumpet campaign. Of course, you know he's been investigating that. However, the President's lawyers say they have no reason to believe that Donald Trump himself is under investigation, and that the White House does favor anything That quote accelerates the conclusion of Mulla's work fairly, and the White House is committed to fully cooperating with Mr neior leslie quote that the White House has sent out. President Trump. Meanwhile, by the way, spoke last night at a campaign style rally in West Virginia, and he called the current Russia campaign probe just the Democrats being sore losers. The reason why Democrats only talk about the totally made up Russia story, it's because they have no message, no agenda, and no vision. According to recent polls, Trump is still strongly supported in West Virginia due to his status support of the coal industry and Trump overwhelming one West Virginia in the election, garnering six of the vote there By the way, now West Virginia's governor, Jim Justice, has switched parties again. Justice, a former Republican who became a Conservative Democrat, is now switching back to the g O p okay. Turning General Jeff Session is moving to punish so called sanctuary cities, threatening with whole federal crime fighting resources to those municipalities unless they step up their effort, he says, to detain people living in this country illegally. The Justice Department sent led us to for city so far Baltimore, Albuquerque, Stockton, and San Bernardino, letting their officials know that they will be ineligible for the government's crime program unless they give immigration officers access to their jails and provide advanced notice about anybody they intend prosecuting for something who happens to be wanted on immigration violations. Okay. L L cool J has been named the Kennedy Center's first Hip Hop Honoree that's right. The rapper and actor became hip hop's first sex symbol and first solo star thirty years ago in l cou j became you know, really read sexy and all that kind of stuff. Anyway, now, l L whose government name is James Todd Smith, is to be inducted into the prestigious Arts Group with the class of twenty seventeen, which includes singers Gloria Estefan Lionel Richie is one of the people that's going to be inducted with him choreographer and dancer The Lovely Carmen The Lavalade, and also TV show producer A Norman Lear who did so many things like All in the Family back in the day at the Kennedy Center as well. This year's awards ceremony, by the way, is to be held on Sunday, December three at the Kennedy Center Opera House, which is in Washington, d C. Finally, today is National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day, National Hooray for Kids Day, and National Beer Day. Everybody says Mr Multi Drunker finger one comes in bottle? Can he do it for me? To me? Was wonderful drinking the horn. Eugene the Butterfly twenty mins after the hour from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. The Butterfly. Eugene has the day off. Yeah, Butterfly, Yeah, he's off today, So no more coling session. No, but seriously, we'll bring the therapist back next well, Steve Junior, Jay, you guys hear about this? Uh, Floyd Mayweather has agreed to lighter gloves. He has agreed to lighter gloves, but Nevada probably won't. Okay. Floyd Mayweather has said it. If the info doesn't come directly from him, then it isn't true. This one comes directly from his Instagram account. Floyd Mayweather reached out to Connor McGregor and said that he'll fight with eight ounce gloves like they do in the m m A. Unfortunately, it's all talk because the officials in Nevada, the gloves and the m m are eight hours. That's that's what it says here. Normally fights with school. He said he'll go down to eight for these. Yeah, he'll go down. But I didn't know mixed Martial Arts was eight houns gloves. I I thought they were lighted in that UH officials in Nevada are highly unlikely to approve anything less than ten outs Gloves the Mayweather versus McGregor fight. As August six, we all know that Floyd is expected to make over three hundred million dollars for the fight. Now, what is the way? Gloves? Pretty much? Fight anybody for three D Absolutely, I'll fight you right now in a studio, but I'll be three come to you. Don't kill me. Yes, I cut the deal, swing and miss get paid. I'll just go ahead and lose the fight. Three My pre fight gonna make your think I'm gonna I'm not in the corner for three D million. I'm talking about No, I'm talking about cold. Really, Steed, you would knock me out. I would take that night. I know when you came to how much you I know you're doing it for me. I know your husband was going to deal with and I deal with him more willing. I got three D Yeah, the deal, y'all just tell him look at don't look man, don't work. Yeah, the deal y'all. Let you were mad, but not too much. I gotta beam. That's something to do. I'm just what what are the what is the weight of the gloves. Why is that an issue? I thought the light of gloves fast, and then I thought was light of it? They got to be light in that because it's almost like a bad glove. I thought, what this is gonna be is a raw I what raw go be? If Floyd box this boy? For real? All right, here we go coming out here, coming up after the break, Jay Anthony Brown, murder another hit. You don't want to miss it. We'll be back at you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go, We're back. Listen up this fool is here's time to murder the hits, the sitting right here. I can't even stop him. All no, you can't, Bobby Valentino. Thing, the role has been set. If you're a singer, you know the rule is set. This is even worse than that because I saw the video. Man. I mean, you're running down the hallway with your trying to block the camera. There's a couple of things wrong with this video. If you just pay me, man. The first thing of leaving well you ain't supposed to be. It's had your keys and ship. That's the first thing we'll talk about. We'll let people know what you're talking about Bobby Valentino, got jammed up, and that's what the song is about Bobby Valentino. And I'm said it once and I'll say it again. If you're singing and you do something stupid, it's gonna be a hit about you. Hey, let me ask you a question, man, what is this song? What is it to? What song? He had a hit song, slow Down, Slow Down, Slow Down. That's probably his biggest head big big yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're gonna like this one too. Yeah. And don't think I forgot you are Kelly, because I ain't because I ain't got around to it. This boy here salis about the mom. Ye think I forgot hit it on the step? How the money? You know, there's a lot of girls out there in l a mel roy or no or not. And when we're talking down on mail roads, I should have known that you didn't sound like the girl. And your hand sized with that firm grip the money that is due I paid pound to you. Now he's don't try to expose me. Put that camera down. There's a lot of my thieves that knows and wind down. You picked upon time to show me. I wanna turn around. I'm gonna walk down the hallway slower and owning. Now right, you got your shoes and you can't you want a bad breast. Somebody talk to tell you the price, Bobby, don't you about this? You don't from here, come here? Hey, now, please don't try to expose me. Put that camera down. There's a lot of my pips then knows me wine down. You picked up on time to show me. I wanna turn around. I gonna walk down the hallway slower there. Now, please don't try to expose me. Put that camera down. There's a lot of my peeps the nose me wind down. You picked upon time to show me. Heyfull, did you say, what's your shoe? Tell us that video? He said that quality, Yeah, that girl, the production quality on this hit always always you murdered. Yeah, you know, and you know what's man. He came out and said, you know it's not true, but this video it's a viral video allegedly showing Bobby Valentino. That's how you know it's violent. I saw yeah. When you say you I don't watch nothing. I don't have time. I'm on the wall trying to get somewhere mad. But I saw this video. Yeah, it's the only person that well, my wife looks more than me, but when I see I want to show her that she ain't gonna believe it. Do you know I do the show yea, even when we were in l A. Yeah, cute. I can't. I can't watch no more paper that person and get him that money. Body said he and his team had no idea that the woman on the video was transgender. And what we're talking about that person money, he said, He ain't what we're talking about. We're talking about paying. All right, Uh, we'll be back. I don't know how you tell that ain't none of my business. But you was in there at one point in time. You was in there, write phone call? Coming up next. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after the hour strawberry letter. Get ready for it today. But up next, it's the nephews praying phone call Uncle this ignorant food. Then came out with another one that his specialty is ignorant. Yeah, must take your hat off. He is the king of pranks. This one is called Muscle Marvin Muscle Marken. Hello, this Marvin I'm trying to breach muscl Marvin. Yeah, this is me. What's praking? Hey? You you you're the guy to do the training up there are at jail. Yeah, what's up? Trying to get one of my classes or something? Okay, what kind of classes you got? Well, let you see, I got a robes martial arts and I got by the building classes or it's really by whatever you want to do you uh, you teach martial arts too. Yeah, I'm third degree black belt, man. You know I've been doing martial loss before I started the body building or whatever. Okay, Okay, no, I ain't. I ain't trying to Okay, listen, uh my, my my wife's actually been coming to that gym for at least two or three years now. Okay. Now, the problem that I'm having, man, is that I want to call and just be a man and call and specifically talk to you. But my wife is telling me that when she come to the gym, that Mussa Marvin is always asking her about personal training, trying to get huh to pay for personal training and being one of your boot camp class. Whoa whoa whoa Hold up home and amen, take this out, man. I don't ask people to train them. People ask me to train them. I got three classes and each thing that I do, Bro, I got too many folks already. Man, I spend most of my time trying to get a break. Man, what are you talking about? I'm asking somebody to train. My life is telling me, man, when she come up to the gym, it's hard for her to work out. Be called mussa. Marvin is you know, always hounding up, you know, flexing you you're taking your shirt off. People ain't supposed be taking their shirt off in the gym. You got your your chef yo yo yo, just jumping from side to side. You know. I don't know what all this about. You know what I'm saying, But I'm calling you as a man to tell you just right here, right here, right here in the stop man. Oh hold on, man, watch the way you're talking to me. Bro. I I already told you, man, I don't be asking nobody to train And it is not a fact. Man. Who is your wife? Just staying this is gym and women come through here every day. Bro, Bro, I don't know who your who is your wife? Specifically? My wife is Corey? Corey all right? And I told you earlier, I'm tasting where the okay? And the problem is is that you running up on my wife man now, I don't know. I don't know if you ain't. I don't know what the deal is you attracted to or what, but you keep running up our arm about taking you know, taking personal training, getting personal training from you. She don't need all that, but she can't coming there man flexing all the day you tripping man out and told you I don't know who your wife is, but you're starting to run the hot Listen, man, I don't know who your wife is. I don't know, no, Corey, I don't even know you coring see all r I n Corn Man Corn, you're telling me, you're calling me like a man. If you want to be a man, bring your up here the way I met name. All you gotta do is come up here and you could talk to me in my face since you're a man, because only cowards talk over the phone. I'm not the coward. I'm gonna tell you this here, Mr Mussel Marvin, you know where I'm missing. Your wife's trained up here. I ain't ask your wife to do nothing now even love show man, Hey, check this out bro, Bro, watch the way you handle me. No, no, you watch the way you're handling me and the way you're runningup on my wife. I'll tell you what here go. Here go your warning mussel Marvin. Let my wife come on one more time telling me you got your jumping all in the middle, got your shirt off, instead of running up on you. I'm coming up there, Jim, and I'm whipping you. I don't give a damn how many muscles you got. You're coming the wall states that name. I'm a right now. Bring your tide. It's up here. Any wife, and anything you got to do with me, we could do right now where you got to wait to the next time for when you can bring your leg up here. Your two dollars five, it's up here right now, and we can take care of this. Gets you right now, bro, because I don't run from nothing. Ain't scaring them. But Jesus, so whatever you're telling about partner, sleeky it cracking, man, you ain't got a way to the mark for what you can do today. I don't care nothing about your martial arts, man. I don't care nothing about no Bruce Lee. I don't care nothing about none of that. I don't give a damn by no, marsha anthis We're gonna go to the hood with this. We're gonna take it today there whatever we gotta take it. But you ain't gonna be running up on my wife, man about your damn by the building man out and told you for the last times that I don't know who your wife is. I deal with women all they loan this, Jim. I don't walk around here with my shirt off. I got on a damn T shirt. So why is my wife telling me you're the one running up on her texting you with all your muscles and all this? Man? Why muscle mussel Marvin, because I flexed when I finished lifting. If you would know what a muscle really look a feel like, you would understand the process of that. But obviously says, I don't never see your twenty two pounds up here. They don't know that are you? Don't you tell me about muscles? I got muscles too, Muscle Marvin. I might not be in the gym flat to them every day, but I got muscles too. You got muscles. You don't know what you're dinner when Paul I'm benching one eighty five. You hear me. You've been to one eighty five. I'm bention one eighty five. I got muscles too. Mr Muffle Marvin. You're gonna quit disrespect and when I'm not at the gym, run up on my wife. Man, you hear me. I disrespect people who disrespect me. You called me with this man. I told you in a very berginning I didn't know who your wife was. Now you steady trying to make me know somebody I don't know. Brook. I don't have time for the I'm gonna hump your slow talking. If you run up on my wife again, I'm gonna get in fire with your ignorant because obviously you a power. J ain't no man, because you just took the outful when I told you to bring your little up here and we could have figured this he hiding person you want to talk fly over the phone, get up off you and come down here and we could take care of this right now. You ain't gonna make no threats over the phone. Brook, bring your little up here the way I'm here. You're hit. I don't feel like that. I got too much to do. Get off the phone, Hey, man, I got something else I need to say to you what you're listening to me, Bro, don't do your stuff like that. It's gonna be a misunderstanding and you adn't prepare to handle it. I got one more thing I need to say to you, is your listening. I'm hell yeah, I'm listening. I'm listening for you to say if you got your hunting eighty five pounds on your way down here to so we could take care of this here. Listen, nephew Tommy from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just got pranked by your home board. But you said, what Hello, man, what did you say? Mussa Marvin muscle? All right? Man, oh man, you're good. You're good at home, You're good, Mussa Marvin. I got you. Man, I'm gonna slept out down one of these start the five pounds up there of what I feeded, man, I mean, y'all trip it man. Yeah, I'm good, man, I'm good. I got one more thing I gotta ask you, man, what is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, Man, Steve Harvey more on this show bad boy. Yeah, he's one of these two days you've got several doses of ignorant on this show. Well, if you're a football fan, the countdown to football season is here. Guys, I know all of you love football. Yes, it's time for me to build my hate up. The first preseason game of the season between the Cowboys, that's the one. Why does everybody either the Cowboys cowboys can't stand them? Yeah, and you hate them too, Steve right or as a child line goes back, I don't hate them anymore? Okay, Well, as I was saying, the first preseason game of the season between the Cowboys and the Cardinals. Don't mean it was last night. But there's some bad news here. Wing prices are on the rise. Now, this is where we need your attention. Chicken wings are going on ye now you have you know how we love you know, we love our wings while watching the game. So what people are eating less red meat, So this means they're eating more more maultry, more wings. To be exactly, black people pronounce the black chicken. That's debatable, not deat you know, my hair goes back and you know whatever, it's wings guys, No, it's not not if you're doing today alright anyway, Strawberry letter coming up next? Who married the You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. Alright, uh, Strawberry letters up next. You don't want to miss that, of course. But first, President Trump uh insists that he never referred to the White House as a real dump. You guys heard about this and has nothing but love for the executive mansion. This isn't an article that will appear in the new issue of Sports. Illutrated members of the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey say the President told them that he had been spending a lot of time there because that White House is a real dump. But President Trump insists the article is what he always says, fake news. He tweeted last night, I love the White House, one of the most beautiful buildings homes I've ever seen, But fake news said I called it a dump. Totally untrue. Steve, what did you say? Let me go ahead. I've been to the Beau's Old. Oh it's scary and I can't name as president included. Maniously, you know it's historical, but I've been there enough times to just tell you I stay in my creb any day. Okay, Well, I mean, honestly, you did say that during the campaign, JA he's Steve said that Donald Trump probably wouldn't spend a lot of time because he's used to ball. The crib's scary. Regretfully, regretfully, I say this regretfully. Okay, you sure you don't want to now, this can't be a coution. Okay, regretfully, I know what Donald Trump plays look like. Oh okay, I see, I understand, refully got it with his only cry. It's decorating. It's what they do. Okay, Okay, now I listen to me. Yeah, because they're so rich, they know how to live. Now, they got it. They got it. Okay, So it's a real The White House is a real step down. The word dump. No, no, it's not a dump by any stretch. To imagine that. It is a step down from how he's been, what he's used to. You better please understand it is. And Milannia, I don't promise you. His wife she went up there and went back and said, I almost stay here. Can tell you something I don't. I don't. I don't say anything disparaging about his wife because I think she's wonderful. I met his daughter. I think his daughter's really really sweet woman. You know, I don't, don't, I don't. I don't mess with nobody's family. And that's good because a lot of people tour up the first lady when Michelle was in office. Michelle, but let me tell you something, and and and and and they're saying a lot of stuff about Donald Trump's wife too. I just think that the wife and kids should be off of limits. That's my belief. You should leave them alone. When they attacked Michelle Obama, it was totally uncalled for. But you attacked one of the most graceful, beautiful, but smart women ever foot in that White House. You better know that that woman right there was more than qualified her attacks. You know, when him heel bill is attacked in West Virginia. Oh yeah, yeahs to me, Well, your bat asses out of work next day. All right, let's let's do that letter. Sorry about that, I mean, excuse me. It's her fat as per forming into a question. Alright, buck up, hold on tight strawberry. Letter subject unsatisfied in the bedroom. Hello, I'm a Midwesterner now currently residing in Memphis, Tennessee. Since living here, I have begun dating this I he's a little older, charming, smart, college educated, good job, no kids, no failed or current marriages, and has been there for me when I've needed him. With all these good qualities, he has one really bad one that is important to me. He's horrible in bed, all caps horrible. I don't think anyone can get the true gist of what I mean when I say he's horrible. He is challenged down there and more often than not has reached his destination before I even knew we were in the car. He also enjoys what I do for him, but does not reciprocate, although I have expressed that I'm a huge fan of it as well. It's just bad all the way around. We have had open and serious discussions about this issue, and I don't know if he's embarrassed or what, but this horrible bedroom performance, in my displeasure, seems to be some sort of sick joke to him, at which I don't find funny in the least bit. So I'm writing you to ask what should I do because I really like the man, but oh my goodness, his sex is the worst. Please give advice quick fast, Thank you? Horrible Wow. I really I really am at a loss as to what to tell you. I don't know you know, you've tried working with him, You've tried open and serious discussions about it's still nothing. You know, you say he doesn't take it serious. My question is, why are you still doing it? Why are you still there with him? You know, if it's that bad, if he's good, his charm and all that doesn't outweigh the bad, you know, I mean, they have all kinds of enhancement products. But but if he's not interested, you know, maybe it's a medical issue or something. I don't know. Steve, come on just ahead, unsatisfied in the bed room. Listen to this right here. He's a little older, charming, smart, college educated, good job, no kids, no failed or current marriages. Then later on it says, with all these good qualities, he has one really bad. That's important. He's horrible and bad. I don't think you get the true just to what I mean when I say he's horrible. Well, guess what, lady, That explains the first half of your letter. He's horrible in bad. That explains the no kids, the no failed or current marriages. Ain't nobody having kids because he ain't that long enough to make kids. Ain't nobody married him be cause ain't nobody signing up for a lifetime of this miserable He has no current or failed marriages, because who you know the hell gonna say? I do to this hill mess every day. That's why he's older. No kids, no marriages, no nothing. See, and then you says he has no kids, and and then you're gonna to say he's horrible. He's challenged down now, he's challenged down there once again. That explains no key, it's no failed or karringent marriages. But then you say, and he has been there for me when I needed him, lady, that's cost don't nobody else won't him. He has time to be there. He'll be there for you forever because he's not in popular demand. He's sitting at the house right now, waiting on you to come home. I ain't gonna be a player. Player is a person who repetitively does something with persons of the opposite sex. He ain't never been back twice except with you, because you're the only one dumb enough to understand that you don't get it. He ain't fit to get good in the bed right here, you know? And then you want to know, You want to know that he always enjoys what I do for him that does not reciprocate it, although I expect that I'm a huge fan. Well, hell, start doing here and what he's doing to you nothing you're listening. Coming up at forty one after our Nick Cannon is going to be our special guests, we'll see what's going on with him. But right now, come on, Steve, finish your part two of your response to today's Strawberry Letters. All right, there's nothing you can do for a man that's doing this, So here's depart. Now. She's been having serious discussion with this guy about his bedroom thing and such a displeasure that it seems to be some sick joke to him, at which I don't find funny in the least bit. So I'm ready to you to ask what should I do? Because I really liked the man, but oh my goodness, his sex is the worst. Well, then you know, since he liked telling jokes, you've wrote the right person. I think you should develop some nicknames for him and start calling him nicknames since he won't think it's all funny, and then that might get his attention. Like, for example, you could like call him like rash Rash, What does that mean then when he asked you just say, because you feel like a little itch, what are you calling blinky blink that as soon as you back your eyes, it's over. You can call him Pebbles. It's Jeff little Rocks. How about Mighty mouse Mouse. Yeah, he's mighty because he takes care of bills in the house. But when he makes love is like making love to a little houst. I'm just throwing some How about flicker, Yeah, because when you're loving him, he goes in and he out. He go in and he out like that's a flicker. Call him t I that's it. Call him snapshot, Steve Snapshot. As soon as you press this button, it's over. I got one for you. I got one. Go ahead, call him Kanye so he can apologize. I got I got one. I like that he called him kindergartener. Why because he makes love like he's five. Hurt him like he hurting you. Yeah, it seems like she's gonna stay. Huh. How about Cheetah. You could call him cheetah because that's what he do to you every night. He cheatah. All right, See, we have to go, you know, we have to go. We're running out of Time email or Instagram us your thoughts on today's strawberry letter at my girl Shirley, Okay, switching gears. Uh, well but Ja, this really nice? Uh Stuvenir in Paris. Don't show it to him yet. Don't show it to j Jack, Ja, don't say nothing. He cry? He crying, he cried, Jay, give it that to it? Hey here, yeah, Jay bought you that from past. Oh my god, your hand out. This is so nice. Oh my god, Yes, it's okay. Let me see what it is. It's a look, it's half of a white woman's butt in a bikini. That's just parish bottom open. No, I'm not gonna use just the open bottles at all. I'm gonna use it's just so nice. I always wanted the top part. I told you to give the top two woman bottom is nice bottle. No, I'm not using for that, Steve. You're thinking out the bob don't know you show me well, I'm rubbing it, rubbing the white ladies behind. Yeah, what is got a ceramics? Yeah? Jay used it as a fidget spinners. They spin, they spinished. This shows you, guys, care, that's what this shows. Ignorant have brought me back the lighter, back out and beat the hell out of both of y'all. This is what I want. Thank you. Love it and the words of Bruno Mars that's what I like. And I love how he feels perfectly comfortable than I have marriage in this room women and now they got a little money they did all right? That's white He is so serious. Look at Steve. He loves black women. He does, my boy, Yes, I really do. Married a couple. Great to be exactly. Hey, who's counting? Oh now we're counting? Are you going to do it again? You have a thinking you got serious? First of all, why would you insult me like that? I mean, what the insults? I'm happy? Oh my god, I'm so happy. Well what is it about marriage that you don't like? H I think I was clear. I think it's that part where you say I do that part right there. You're just like being on your own, being your own ball, not having to answer to anyone checking what are you about? Single? For a while? What are white Wind? Again? It's gonna go. I can't answer that question about white Wind. You said it right there. White just what just white? I'm not nothing him? And time of doing right now, yeah, so I answered this questions how me didn't even say it? What do you like about white women? What's that like? Do you like them over black women? Happy birthday? Hey you, thank you guys. Alright, switching gears Nick, and then we'll be our special guest at forty one after the hour, we'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. All right, Steve. Earlier this week, you know, Nick Cannon called in to talk to us about his brand new movie. It's called King of the Dance Hall. Nephew taught me and all of us here at the morning crew had a chance to talk to Nick about the movie King of the Dance Hall, showing now on YouTube. Read here we go. All right, coming up, our special guest as a comedian, television host, actor, and produce a he's hugely successful show is Wilding Out. We all have some tough skin out from and you have to be very talented to be on that show very quick. In addition to that, he's got a new movie that he wrote, produce and he's starting in It's the King of the Dance Hall. King of the Dance Hall. He's joined us this one and to tell us all about it. Put your hands together, the One the Only. Mr Nick Cannon. Nick, Good morning Nick. We watched them grow up on TV. Man. Yeah, everything, what's going on? Family, How y'all doing? Good Man? Tell us about the man. King of the Dance Hall can be seen on YouTube. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. I mean it's it's dropping at the perfect time because you know, we just had Emancipation Day in Jamaica and it's actually this weekend is the Independence of Jamaica. So like, really, I made this film because I wanted to share the culture of Kingston and dance hall and how it originated. Because we see so many influences from Beyonce to Rihanna dancing in their videos to breaking Justin Beaver borrowing from the culture to make their music, but we never really heard the story in the mainstream way. And you know, if you love Dirty Dancing and Saturday Night Faver and all of those dance films, I felt like it was an ample opportunity to display is a similar love story through the dance culture of Jamaica. I like that. Yeah, yeah, they got y Yeah what is the whole thing? Shot? The whole thing shot in Jamaica. Yeah, we shot the entire thing in Kingston. I mean my character is actually from Brooklyn, so that the movie opens up in Brooklyn, but then from there, you know, we take that plane ride and for the rest of the film we in Kingston, Jamaica. I can't wait. Yeah, it's good. It's a it's a great cast too. I mean, Whoopi Goldberg plays my mother, Lucasa jrs. Uh that yeah. But Buster Rhymes is in the film and everybody dance, Yeah, dance. Our coaches from Beanie Man to Kamani Marley to all of these people are in the film. So it's that. It's that. Yeah, very powerful film with a great cast. Nick this one person, I've asked God in here, you say it was in the movie. Have y'all found SHOPA didn't make the movie that hilarious? I just want to know, did your fans Shopper looking looking for I'm gonna be hones with you. We actually did reach out the shopper and Shopper got so much money. Shopper good pretty here from the Okay, his money, it's just ugly as he won't to be just sitting over there just rich, even think about being keep trying to get no make over, nothing, sit your lass over there with all this one can be rich. But you know what I love about you, Nick, there's so many layers to you every time, on and on and on with your talent, keep revealing everything, you know, that's what we love about you. And as we mentioned earlier, we've watched you grow on TV and too the men you are today, and we you know, we can't do anything but respect that and respect your talent. Thank you so much. And I mean, you know, I learned from you know, mentors like Steve and know there's Yeah, I've just watched to be able to display myself as an artist on many different forms, whether it's film, television, the stage, music, all of that stuff. So I've been blessed enough to you know, wake up and be creative each day. So I just I take you. I take you as as a gift from God. So you know, however I can display it, that's what I'm gonna do. Yeah, and what's up with the turbans, Nick, Yeah, my crown, my sovereignty, that's what to speak on spirituality for a second. I mean a lot of people thought it was mainly a fashion statement, but it was definitely me uh, doing a lot of spiritual understanding in the world of seek is m and my Morrish background and mentality of just understanding who we are as the Native people and just we we from kings, you know. And a lot of times I feel like you have to change and shift that narrative because we glorify so many things in our community and we want to point blame. But until we understand who we truly are as a people, uh that we won't have growth. So I feel like if I could be a representation of something different, something unique, and if it stands firm and people ask the question about my turban on my spiritual beliefs, I have the opportunity to share that. Nick, I like the turban I just don't know where to get them at. They ain't that Mason. I don't know where you boy, I'm start a little turban line. We'll tell you what you put me on while or not. I put one on, two turbans on that King of the King of the Dance Hall. When does it drop? Nick? It's out now. You can catch it on YouTube. Read it's available for everybody all around the world. Google Play all of that stuff. So you know that's the reason why I released it. This way so everybody can have access to it. All right, we can't wait to see it. We can't wait to see it. Man, thanks for calling brother, no doubt. Thanks for having w W W want to you're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. All right. There's a new app called Calm the A L. L. Calm brand new app. It's a bedtime story reader to help adults go to sleep. So if you have problems going to sleep at night. I don't know if any of us on this show has that issue because we have to get up so early, but anyway, it's an app that features bedtime stories written just for adult grown people. The tales are meant to help us transition from our hectic daily lives to the relaxing night. Uh. Instead of stimulating our brains like TV and scrolling through social media, do column is here to power down your mind. The stories are like many audio books with soothing voices to lull you to dreamland. Why should work on this story that once spun the time there was a famous R and B singer who got trapped in the room with the transvest state that he didn't pay the transvestate with various state here he had to leave and not pay the transvestate the transvest that end of story. That hang story. Like I was when R. Kelly was doing the Trapped in the Close, I couldn't wait a version. Now, well, I thought it was a gies. It came about the clothe the dog. It was absolutely brilliant. It was you were trying to figure out what was going to happen next, who was going to come out of the closet, what was going on in the closet, all of that. Yeah, hey, this it would just be a good app for Little Timey stores. I did asked him, would it be a good app Junior? That is the most brilliant thing you've ever said on the show. Today you lay down in the bed, Nantha. Hello, boys and girl, that'd be perfect. I think it's time for another Loud Times story. You know what what I think we should try one right now. That's go for it. We're boys and girls. It is okay. Once upon a time, Once upon a time, Yes, that was a boy name you know who ties and he became a big Loud timing. He got a job on the Steve Harvey Morning shown he could put him to work. Everything was going good. It was he was making money hand over fist enough to buy him a shot too. He bought houses, gates and calls on Instagram and miles and Rode. Yes, he bought everything. Little Tommy was bouling. Did he have a stylist to help him pick out his clothes? Uncle Steve one soup Like most rich people, his stylish only picked out one who then it was good, so he felt so. Anyway, Yes, timing was just bawling and balling and bawling. And then he bought all his bawling to his uncle's attention, and that what happened happened, Well, his uncle happened to be really balling morning, timming way molding time to the point where time is bawling. It was actually marvelous. His ball had turned into a marvel. No, not a marvel, just a little black marvel with an orange cat. Uncle really was show dear. And the more he realized how hard his uncle was balling, unless he thought of himself. So one day on the radio they were having a conversation. Okay, oh, it was about a very simple thing. What his uncle one day was trying to find someone to stretch him because he's working out again. So he asked a girl on the show with the crazy voice, Mississippi Monica, can you please tell me a way that people could send in suggestions for a great stretcher in l A. You mean the one that got bumped by the car. Yeah. Yeah, we call her the amount of the self shade. He's a very attractive young lady. Cute is a button. Can't cross the street through because they can't see her. Did she have big boobies? You must have the wrong that's her head. I'm sorry we distracted you, Uncle Steve. So anyway, people was trying to figure out how they can help Uncle Steve find a stretching. Yeah. Yeah, so right while I was waiting on Monica to tell me how they could call in, little nephew was not paying attention because he doesn't listen to hear. He listens for an opening way he can respond. So he just fired off. She already told you one more time? He responded, told you so, you know, Uncle being Uncle the big ball, and Uncle shut his fingers in the casket real hall. He slammed him down and caught his little raccoon hands in that casket. Every minded him that the reason you're trying to get this information out of order. It's the same way you sell your monk hands and that right down, Oh lord, through little Timmy into depression. He realized right there once again, what that that that he had? The disease call has that disease call has stands He ain't, Sugar Steve, there's no such dissease called heads, Oh yesterday? Did you just make that up? He he ain't. And that was the end of Tommy story. The reason we can tell it because he's outsick, he's outside. We gotta go. It could come out of nowhere. Show. Oh man, you're listening to Steven show. So when we all love she's a friend to the show, we love her, especially you, Steve. The one and only, the legend Miss Pattie LaBelle. As Pattie LaBelle story about her. She's letting everyone know that she is not a diva. A lot of people call her a diva because she's so talented, not because of anything negative, but just because of her career and and you know, her singing ability and all of that. Her talent. She explained, if I do daytime divas, which I did, and if I did Diva's the concert, of course I'm gonna be in it. But I'm not saying I'm a diva. So she's saying she's done. Yeah, she she's done. You know, diva's the concert. But she's not a diva. She's one of the nicest people. I mean, several times, he is such an I don't really think that diva should be considered a negative connotation because you want what you want. Let me tell you something. Diana Ross the diva of all divas, but one of the nicest people that yes, is a real sweetheart. She was cold. She's my favorite, hands down, shut its down. She's the truth because she's the real. Oh you saw, yeah, I did not know that. That was the talk of the entire essence. How Diana Ross came in and just wrecked it. Diana Ross, she's such a nice lady. I mean, and I worked for it. I worked with the diatons down the Ross, Paddy La Belle and Aretha Franklin. They just want what they want. They're really nice people. I've never had any problems and they should get what they want. You pay to do. They are the reason Whitney exists, Mariah Curry exists, beyond Jenny Jackson, Beyonce Alicia, Mary Jabad Scott. Let us see. You can go don Tony, you can go down the list of all of the and we listed some great singers. We did. We did. All of them are because of Diana Ross, Paddle, La Bell Bay, Gladys Knight, Gladdus Knight. It's one of the coolest people, I'm telling you. But they know how to do it. I need a breaker know how to do it. Them girls performed. Man, they're not clowning. Shaka Khan come to work. That powerhouse of a voice listened to me. But because of those women, the ones we listed exist. But most of them women they knew that be honestly, will give credit to them girls. They know what they do. They do them women right there was about it because if you're a true artist, if you do study the greats, and let me tell you something, all them women we name they ask could blow greatness, flat out blow. Mcdear knows how to blow. I just was trying to put some fun in. It's all a tad. Okay, Yeah, let's just go ahead and go uh okay you again again. May I remind you you hired him and said yeah, but we'll deal with you during the break, sir, we'll be back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Now. This is according to Business Journal, this is a new survey that finds that a lot of employees would rather have more vacation rather than a pay raise. Yeah. If given the choice of people would actually rather have more paid vacation time than a paid raise. While we're always, yeah, we're always hearing about us employees not using up all their paid vacation each year, it seems like a lot of folks really do want more time off. In fact, a new survey find that have given the choice of the people, would actually rather have more paid vacations than a paid race. I can't say that enough. Do you think you'd rather have more vacation time or a paid raise? Yeah. I'm kind of on the fence with this one because I don't take a lot of vacations, which is crazy. If you give me sick days, I'm taking them one. I don't take a lot of vacation, I really don't. I don't hand it ain't an option. You got to tell me about a six days YEA, you'll say no, I'm all, yeah, I guarantee I'm taking my sick days. I guess I would be I've got to pay raise. I guess i'd be that that person. Yeah, instead of vacation days, because I barely rarely take the ones that I have. I'm right now. I love you a lot, but something is really really wrong with you. It is it is? Am I a workaholic? Well one? I laugh? I think I think your I think your bus bushings borderlines and tips off into stupid you calling me to you, and if your bush nous is overrunning you and it tips over into stupidity, because why your ass won't take your vacation supposed to be on vacation? Now take it. You put in for it, and I put in for it, and I'm here. Can I have your days? Let me tell you something, Okay, told me Steve, you can take off from now all of your jobs and we'll just send you the check. Oh yeah, who wouldn't sign up for that? My asses go? Yeah, oh I'm doing that. I'm gone. Okay, let me ask you this question. Whatever your salary is, if somebody gave you three years of your salary and gave it to you at one time, would you quit your job? No? Hell? Now I got to be in here and running the board. Move over. I like I like having a purpose. Yeah, I think that's what I like. Having a purpose. Definitely, I have something to do. I like this. So so let me ask you your salary, your salary for three years, would you quit all of your straight out of here? Yeah, well it's a little different and would not note home and Aryl Marjorie and she'd be all right with that decision. What we're gonna do, you can live off of it. I'm sure what we're gonna do. Now, listen to me. We're gonna slow down. I'm gonna slow down. We buy a couple of things, and we're gonna lock it down. Then I'm gonna go back and get another a show right now, right now, trip, we slow down. All right, we'll be back right after this to close out the show with just one more thing? Or should I say thank thank Hey, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we're back. This is it, man, this is it? Well, just one more thing. Las Alonzo was our special guest earlier this week the other day and the movie Detroit, which Jay and I have both seen. This good. It's in theaters right now. It's so good. Please make it part of your weekend. So you're getting baby, Yeah, it's it's part that and then part of the story about the beginning of the Dramatics, the singing group from Most Town. So what we want you to do right now is we've seen you out. Check out our interview with Las. Good morning, welcome, welcome you boy. Oh man, I'm so happy to be here on your show. You know, I love coming on here and sharing, you know, sharing a little bit of love with y'all. Man, We're glad to have you. Let me tell you something, Lass. The girls have seen Detroit. Okay, I mean Detroit already. Everyone has to see this movie. Everyone in the world has so good Now, Las, you played Congressman John Conyers in the movie. The movie is good. I saw it here in l A. It's so powerful. Let's talk about it. Well. You know, the movie takes place in nineteen sixty seven, and I think that the most important part about this film is, you know, a lot of people call it the riot. You know, We've chosen to call it a rebellion because a rebellion is what happens when people who feel like they are not being seen and they are not being heard. Finally have enough and stay end up and demand to be heard. And that's really what the political climate was back in nineteen sixty seven. Another thing is that this is just one story of three hundred. There were over three hundred of these that were going on all over the country in that decade alone, in the sixties alone, you know, so, knowing that as a backdrop kind of sets the tone for it just Buzzn't one incident where we have just happened to have police violence happened in Detroit and black people decided to burn the city down, No, this was happening over three hundred times all over the country, you know. So, so knowing that when we go into this film, it kind of helps remind us of where we were back then in a weird way. Surely it connects us to where we are now as well. Absolutely, the Absolutely, that's what I was thinking when I saw the film. This happened fifty years ago, but it's still happening today with police brutality and how they handle it, and these police who maybe are brought up on these charges, but somehow miraculously they that off unscathed, you know. Yeah, and yeah, and that that's the sad part. You're absolutely right. They also told the story about how the dramatics got started. Right, that's one of Steve's last He's about favorite groups of all times. Right, Yeah, it was a lot. It was a lot of cocko doodle dooring was when the dramatics came. Come on, come on boy, stop that last man. I was listening to you, Steve, and I was like, man, y'all reminded me when I caught my cocko dorough the dormoudn't been there too. I heard a couple of loos in my in my handhouse. Last you, no one would ever think that about you, because you're tall and fine and rich and sexy and all those things. Right. The farm is a farm. But you know what I think this movie does. It helps us be able to emphathize with what's going on. You know, a lot of times. Right now, we see the cell phone camera footage. We see it played five thousand times in the news. You know, we see a five second clip and then we see a mug shot and a criminal history, you know. And in this film, you actually get to see families, you know, you get to see loved ones, You get to see people that kick you in the morning, you know, and wish your safe returns, daughters, mothers, you know, family members. It helps you see the full story on both sides. Actually, it's it's really interesting how she shot. You know, Katherin Bigelow usually does war film, Yes she does. She didn't. You feel like, you know, yes, there are thirty her Locker and you feel like you are in a war when you're watching this film and it and it really was. You know that that's really important lives that you said that, because a lot of times you don't know how these things get started. You don't and sometimes it's just so innocent and people are just so tired of being treated a certain way, and it takes one person to do something and then you know, all hell breaks loose. I'm actual le right now at the African American uh African American Museum here in d C. Taking a toll with my family. So I'm over on the side during this call. But the interesting thing was during in one of the displays, it shows how African Americans had to have, you know, like underground clubs and underground bars just to be able to have a business in an area that did not give black people moan absolutely, you know. So so that's where our story begins. You know, you had a guy who came home from the Vietnam War at this place called the Blind Pig in Detroit, you know, a little underground bar. Police came and broke it up, and they just went overboard and people were people have had enough. Yeah, that's what it was. It just took that one one time they had enough and and it just went from there. Detroit such a powerful, powerful, powerful movie. I encourage everyone to see it. Uh your role was important in the movie. Uh lads, of course, young Algae Smith. You guys will remember him. He played uh Rab tres vand in the New Edition story and uh such a he's the one that played the leader of the dramatics at the time. Yeah. Yeah, it was really such a great movie. Anthony Mackie's in it. But you guys have to see it. It's an important story just to look at what happened fifty years ago. And now, hey, we're gonna get out to a laws Listen, man, I appreciate your calling it. Get on back to your family, man, and join the museum up there. I gotta get up out of heard some great things about it. Yeah, I've been up to a laws man. We love you, man, Thank you. I love you too, brother. You know I support you all the time. And lows over did what she didn't find you. That's not a kind of familiar Yeah, how would have work? What it hurt? Alright, boy, we appreciate you. Alright, let's have a great weekend. Everybody, you're listening to the same Harvey Morning Show.