We're Back and It's Cyber Monday! - 11.27.17

Published Nov 28, 2017, 6:56 PM

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all ball looking back to back dog giving them moo, just like the milking buck bus things. And it's tough, y'all to be true good. It was the hot listening to me to each other for stoo to handle hobby. Why don't you join? Yeah, webby joining me? Honey said, don you go turn? Yeah, you're going to hell. You gotta turn, you to turn turn you love it got to turn out to turn water wan go comy, Come on your thing? Uh huh, I shall will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on, dig me now what and only Steve Harley got a radio show today. It's real simple for everybody that's trying to become successful on any level in any arena in the genre. I don't care what it is. If you're trying to be successful, this message is for you. Let me help you understand something real clear. You ain't gonna make it the way you want to, and you're not going to make it to the heights that's fully out there and available for you without God. And I'm just killing keep it real, simpling clean for you today. You're not going to make it the way you want to, and you're not going to get to the heights that's available to you without God. You have to get this through your head. Now, listen to me. You can try it if you want to, because I did. I'm here to tell you I am talking purely from experience. Here. You can try it without God, and you can see how far you can get. Now when you have some measures of success, of course you will. Will it feel like days like you might make it? Of course you will, without a doubt. But let me ask you a question, though, What you're gonna do about them days when you feel like you ain't gonna make it. What you're gonna do about them, days when you feel like giving up. When you're gonna do about them, days where it feels like there are no answers to your questions. What you're gonna do about them days? What you're gonna do about them days when everybody laughing at you, turn against you. What you're gonna do about them, days when you just don't see no way through it? What you're gonna do about them days? See? I got there, I got the sunshine, you know, sunshine cool? Everybody got friends. When it's Sunday outside. You want some friends hit the lotto, You want to get rid of them, friends, go ask for some help. Man, I'm talking, my man. They scattered like roaches when lights come on. I'm trying to tell you, so now here, here we go again, and you can do this without God now because I've done it, and you can have yourself some measure success. Let me even hip you to a little bit closer though, Let me tell you why you are doing it without God and having some measure of success. Can I tell you why? Because of God's grace and mercy to us, Because of His grace and mercy trying to keep us in spite of ourselves, for the real mission that He really got for us. See, that's the truth of the matter now, now what we're talking about nasty See. So yeah, yeah, you can do it without God, and you can have some measure success without God. And yeah you know, you know, yeah you got your little degree and everything. Yeah you completed the program, got all that, YadA, YadA YadA. But don't you know something. It's because of God's grace and mercy that he helps us anyway when even when we ain't asking for help, when he bails us out anyway when we don't even ask him to be bailed out. You know why, because He loves us that much that he would allow was to exist until we get our mind together where he could take us where really trying to take us. But now let me tell you something though. Let's get this real straight and clear today. You can do this without God if you want to. But I am telling you to get to where you really want to be and to be all that God has for you. You got to have. God is no ifs ands but about it. And let me tell you this here. I don't really care what nobody then told you. Are you listening to me? I don't care what they say. Don't get this thing twisted. They got these people out here talking about their luminatis and all listen, man, don't listen to me. Don't get caught in this mess. Don't get caught in no foolishness. You were created by God. God created you and your soul. We were all created in His image, all of us. Don't get to talk about you, Finn to cut a deal with it with the devil and all you ain't got no deal with no body man. The devil don't do deals. He one sided. I'm taking you to hell. You're going to hell, You're burning hell. That's his deal. I want your soul. I want you to lose hope. I want you to take your life. I want you to take some other people's lives. I want you to feel hopeless. I want you to realize that it ain't no God. That's his whole deal. His whole deal is negative. Oh, he can talk you into dealing drugs if you want to. But let me tell you something about this. I watched these shows all the time, drug ink and all this here, cocaine mafia. Everybody on now go to jail and get killed. Our prisons is filled the day with our young boys because they thought they could outslick the system. They thought they had a way. They thought they said them been here and they failed. For the old cliche, man, I gotta do what I gotta do, I gotta get this money. Well, the only reason you gotta do what you gotta do is because, like I said all the time, you didn't do what you were supposed to do. Had you just done some of the things you were supposed to do, had you just stayed in that school when it didn't look right. Well, if you had just formed a relationship with God and gotten rid of that, I ain't gonna make it that I'm hopelessness feeling, you wouldn't have found yourself doing something so far out the box got you out here being in the spirit that don't even belong to you. God ain't created you to be no dope dealer, or no such a thing, or nothing even close to that. See, let's get your mind right and understand what's going on here. You know That's what I need everybody. I need everybody to get me clearly about this. This is not going to happen without a relationship with God. It will not happen for you in any shape, form or fashion. Now, one more time, for those of you that think you're making it without Him, I want you to understand something clearly. It is but because of His grace and mercy that we exist. And God has just taken care of you, looking out for you, got some angels encamped around you until you get your mind right so he can get you where you're going. But now I want you to understand something. There as a cause and a consequence and a penalty for everything we do. This outside the will of God. That's for all of us. All of us have consequences, penalties, and everything that we got to deal with outside of the will of God. Understand that, clearly, don't get this thing twisted sideways. You understand me. You know. I heard a young man tell me one day. He said, Steve, you know, man, I just don't see how God looking out for me, if he would allow all these things to happen to me. I'm having such a hard time in my life. I really don't see how there's a God looking out for me. I live the young man, I said, the man, it's just something. Man, you're still breathing. He said, yeah, I'm standing here talking to you. I said, you're still free. He said what you mean? I said, you ain't locked up, are you? So? No, I'm standing here talking to you. I said, where you get them clothes from? I bought him? I said, when you bought him with what? I bought him with? Money? I sai, where you get the money from? You suck? Got a job, Mr h I got a job. I said, well, well where you live though? He's our our apartment. I said, where your department, Mr Harve, I'm working. I got an apartment, I got a job. I was, okay, okay, so now this this God ain't looking out for you? Thinkin finished telling me what you're telling me. We'll see. Man, I'm having it real hard right now. I said, hey, hey, man, are you are you hungry? You have you had lunch yet? He said yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, already had lunch yet. I said, okay, okay, so gone finish telling me about this how God ain't looking out for you? He said, oh. And you know, man, every every time I try to do something, it seemed like it go wrong for me. I said, but let let me match something, man, I said, every time I go wrong for y'all say, somehow you survive it. He said, yeah, yeah, I survive it some kind of way. But it's still be all messed up for me. I said, but but you still got through it though, he said yeah. I said, okay, Man, gonna finish telling me how God ain't looking out for you? And he stopped. He said, him is Harvey? He said, how come every time I tell you something that's going wrong, you keep telling me God looking out for me? I said, because you're still here, man, I said, See, you don't understand it. I say, you seem to think that you're supposed to just supposed to skate through life. That's all supposed to go how you want it, any kind of way. I said, Man, Jesus, the test of your faith, I said, God looking out for you the whole time. I said, every time you tell me something going wrong, are you seem to turn around and tell me how you survived? And you keep telling me what ain't going right? But you keep telling me all these things you have. I said, man, so what you gotta do is you gotta stop looking at what you ain't got, column and start focusing on what you do have. Column. But if you ain't happy with nothing he hadn't done for you, you you wanted to keep piling stuff on. I said, you fail in the test, young man. The test is are you grateful for where you are right now? So I could give you more so we can move forward? He said, am I never even looked at like that. I said, well, why don't you take your blessed cell phone somewhere and sit down? He said, I think I'm going over here and let you finish talking. I said, thank you. So sometimes you just gotta look at what you do got, folks, that's all it is. Okay, you can't make it without God, y'all you got me today. All right, let's be clear, let's go. You're listening to Morning Show. Welcome to the ride, the Ultimate ride, the ultimate ride. What you just did the ultimate ride? What happened? What happened? You just did something? The ultimate Yeah, I don't touch that, the ultimate Rad Harvid Morning Show is not hold it down by myself. I have wonderful people ride this morning. You have to see who we are dedicating. It showed right there when you dedicate the show. This is to all of the people who put a little bit of that dressing on that plate, that that dressing that you just did not want, but you went on and just put it on there just to make them feel good. This goes out to all of y'all that fruit that fruitcake cocktail plate, that thing right there just with their Martin is in at that right there, the old that got that. Yeah yeah, top of the morn Yeah what now now they can ride? That's what it is. What's everybody? Top of the morning people, morning, good morning is when the turkey gets good. We are officially in the Christmas season. Now, yeah, everything and everybody says the same thing every year. I'm not it doesn't feel like Christmas, Halloween, Christmas. I feel like though I always feel it. I like, I love love it's my favorite. It was so much fun. Time I was in Vegas. It was great. I was with my grandkids. We had a ball man. We had the best time ever. Did you see your favorite? The favorite didn't make it this time, but you know, I kind of hung with the rest of them. They were okay, but I didn't miss the favorite. They know where they stand. Mean, it's no secret, don't Doesn't that make them feel badly or hurt the feeling? It is what it is. That's what I tell him. It is what it is. Have they ever asked you? Why am I not the favorite? Always asked me that. I'm like, here we go again, break this down. It's not you. I remember one time I asked my mom why was my brother the favorite? O? What? Yeah? And um, I said, well, why is he? She said? Look? I thought she was kind of really deep and you know, make me feel bad. She said, my parents had favorites. Was it though? I don't think I was with my sister was the favorite? She was really my sister was the smartest. The smartest is always the favorite. Smartest, Well in your case, maybe not for sure. I had my sisters speak. Yeah, you can't when you were kids. She spoke kids when you were kids. Feeling with your personality. You can walk in and beading Japanese newspapers. She just did a cod But you had a good Thanksgiving, nephew had a good when I flew home for one day to hang out with the family and flew right back. You're working, speaking of working, my uncle bus working last Yeah, we'll talk about it when we come back. We'll have more when we come back at thirty two after the hour. Okay, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it is time for something funny. Okay, Jay and Tommy have come up with a list of things, twenty things that that you can make with your leftover Thanksgiving because this is when it gets good. Oh yeah, the season. And since it's said in right and tell me they're a great cook. It's open to the refrigerator. You got all that going in there. In there you turkey smells and bacon, soda, all that's going in your turkey early Chay, Alright, twenty things you can make it out of left over Thanksgiving turkey twenty at least? Go alright, you're ready, all right? How about this time? Are you ready? On? All right? How about turkey sandwiches? Is that great? Every Yeah? Ain't nobody roll that thing over to the dessert word turkey yellow? You can really make turkey yellow. A little turkey in there. Yeah, you know how they had that fruit in a yellow something. A little drop drop the turkey in there. That's gonna ate that that those good with your turkey salad? What? Okay? When the kids getting up and wearing you because it's the holiday and ain't gonna go to school. Yeah, turkeis cirri. I like turkeys t put t. Put that milk in there. Cut that turkey up there with you're eating without the milk, then it gives it the crunch. Give your little yeah turkey squeeze, Now, everybody with turk squeezes. That's when you take your turkey slice about four or five pis you squeeze it in your hand. Can you eat it all day? Let's take your squeeze like that's doing that? Stay up, okay, okay, you don't have to you don't have to wait till Tuesday night at Jay's clip. Get turkey taco the night Man. That actually sounds pretty good. Now get tacos pie. Okay, yeah, yeah, that's pretty good. Yeah, Carla, you're an American one. I like my pies. Sweet. The only reason I didn't like turkey pop pies or chicken Popeyes is because it's turn too long to cook. It took like hours for them because that crust had to be just right on that turkey pop pie turkey cheese deal. Oh yeah, I like to. In fact, you take your turkey squeeze and I gotta do it. I gotta do We don't done now you finishing that? Are you done? Nehew? No, No, I got to go on that ready. I was leaving. Get some of that out there for you know we we've been, we've been head to Christmas. You know I have Christmas New Year. We're gonna have some chidless. Now if you get that turkey and freeze, you can drop that turkey and them chilling. They have turkey chilling. They're gonna cut that. I'm telling this is gonna be good. You never had it, you Cola Now one of the two favorite things that they live. They like turkey. They like turkey, right, and sweet potato pie. Take you some jumps of turkey. Put that on top of your sleep potato pie. Heat that up so the turkey sinks down in there. Oh my god, that's good eating sweep potato turkey. Alamo, I screamed, Yes, you are really making me sick. Now here's what we can do, Joe. We still got these kids, and they want something sweet turkey nine like turkey nine. Like the kids gonna love turn. They're getting their pros. Oh, I gotta do one down sugar, really really really good. What's the one thing that just sits on the table. We get it, but nobody bury something eats it. It's the cranberry sauce. Al Right, you hollow that out. So it's about maybe stuff that with turkey. Yeah, so every time you slice it, you get tranberry sauce. Boy, I like that because I love cranberry sauce. Okay, okay, I like that name. Carla Cranberry Row, cranber Row. You remember how we used to put a pickle with a peppermin in uh huh. Put that turkey down in there with the peppermin will stick that down in there. You got pickle turkey. It makes you meet twining, right whatever, you don't know what the twin hits your cheeks. You had have to say is, don't you guys ever talk about my cooking? Okay, you got to try. Someone got another one? Come on, Roman, you're like Roman, Roman, Roman, Ram. Got some chumps of turkey up in that ramanue. Oh that's mighty good eating right, Okay, now I could go mad. Didn't eat mad like chicken noodle soup turkey. Let me tell yeah, I like noodles. This might take a minute because you got a later. Saturate Okay, saturate. Get you one of them jaws. It's got all them pig feet. Yes, drop that turkey down in there, picked turkey, pig feet. Shake that up. Let it sit for about an hour. You talking about yummy, yum, yummy pocked turkey pig. I hate you. I tell you what. I got another one, come on, so you know about maybe twenty minutes. Devil eggs. They're not good anymore. On the egg part is good, but the scool part it's kind of scoop that out. Throw that away. Get you some chunks of turkey. Put that up real fine. Some mayonnaise up in there. Maonnaise people in the South Nord, I'm talking about some Duke's maonnaise. Mix that up and that on top of the eggs. Man, you got it's my last one. Get that spam, kid, they won't with the key on it. Roll that back. Get that spam out of there. Cut that spam up real good, Cut that turkey up with it. Get you an egg scramble it in there, and you've got a turkey spam omelet denver Ain't got what? What? Ain't that? All right? We gotta go take a pound cake? How about that? All right? Listen, it's Monday, you guys know that. Um, we gotta get out of here. Turkey horror stories when we come about. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, Miss and will be here to update us on today's national news and headlines. Don't forget we have a brand new Miss Universe. Steve Harvey hosted that show last night. No Jack, we would have talked about that way earlier than now. Up. Yeah, the Soul Train Awards were last hosted by the incomparable Erica. But yes, she did always. Uh. They had a tribute to Tony Braxton. We'll talk about all of that, but right now it is Monday, the Monday after Thanksgiving. We got a lot to talk about it. I know everybody's Thanksgiving didn't go as smoothly as planned. So we have some good and bad Thanksgiving stories, some horror stories. Huh, what I hung out with my brand kids. Okay, that's not horrifying. It is Morgan Corey and my hockey. So we went bowling. You have to be the funnest granddad, and so not to make these kids feel bad, I threw several gutter balls just I just just just to make them feel better, just to make them feel good. I just do it right in the gutter, just boom, because you can't. You're saying you threw gutter balls intentionally. Intentionally. What he's saying, car at all, that's what he's saying. Read between the lanes. When I played with and I had a reil up, I got the bump up. I'm hitting something so bad. What time I threw the ball and was so in the air soul, said Grandpa that Paul had some It was a long time. We had the best time. But I could not beat them like they wanted to beat than. Well, we went. We went to Vegas. We drove with some other friends of ours, good friends of ours. We get there, you know we had already planned this out. We get there, they get into the biggest fight ever ever ever. We get a call. We have shows planned, dinner planned, all that. I get a call. We're not going. We're flying home tonight. They got to be biggest plan ever Thanks Thanksgiving. They told us they were not going. They were flying home only reason like the fight about that? Yeah? What was the fight about Black Friday shopping? What they overdid it? One spent too much? Oh in Vegas lost her mind, She lost the entire Repris was happy when they went on a lot of carry Yeah, but but but happy ending though, we managed to talk about it and say, remember, guys, you guys are in luck. We can't out here to have fun friends. Oh my god, you can't pitch side, you know, freaking awkward color it is. Yeah, but they made up and it's all good. Yeah, I remember that time. Vegas will laugh about this. We'll laugh. That might start the argument. You gotta be careful. It was the horror. It sent three full time. Oh yes, Thanksgiving was good. I cooked, Yeah, I cooked. I was exhausted, but I cooked everything, dressing, the all the sides, greens, sweet potatoes, all of that. So some goodie. We watched Detroit. We're watching football game. You know, I gotta watch my nephew, you play for the Lions. I was rooting for him. Yeah, coming back, they were coming back, but they lost the game. And then we went hung out with some cousins and played cards the usual. Yeah. And then but sadly, we did have to go out of town. We had to go to a funeral. Yeah, my husband had a we lost his aunts. Yeah, so what about you for to hear that car? Yeah? Yeah, he had a good Thanksgiving. Jetted home. I was in Detroit. I jetted home, hung out with the family, and then on the way, you know, the very next morning, I got to get back because I'm paranoid by flying on the same day as a show. Right now, I hate that. That's scary because anything can happen. Right. So I'm on the plane Friday morning and I'm sitting there for clan. I'm comfortable, and my stomach say, well, Lulu, really really really one more time, I was like you gotta be kidding. The flight by two twenty by two hours of twenty, I was another hour. God, oh man, I'm not this kind of person going there because you know, you know, you know, I'm just you know, I'm just health. I'm this health guy. I'm a German, folks. Like, here's what you don't know about me. If I go to the bathroom, I'm going to the shower immediately afterwards. That's just the kind of guy. I'm German, folks. So, by god, so then go he gets going that laborator and going to the laboratory, but he has a trip on then we hit some turbots. Tommy, anymore. The plane dropped. I dropped. I got both hands on books. I'm trying to hold on. Ain't no seatbelting nothing. When you hear that lady say everyone please take your seat, experience a few turt I'm not going on the door. I'm in here. Break the microphone. Oh my god, that is my best Yeah yeah, that's my biggest. Let me. Can I tell you the best one you can you cannot the best one you can have on the plane's wait, you gotta do this. Wait until lady elderly, it's got to be elderly. Wait comes out, you go in and you come right back down. Oh my god, what good? Oh? I couldn't take it. What did you do? What you why did you? Et? Terrible Tommy? I feel free time, I really do. Surely. When I get off the plane, yeah, you know, the first thing on my mind is I have got to get to my hotel. The first person I see is Tory Tories getting on the plane. My best friend call his best friend. She going back to Houston, and she and she just talking and talking like holding me up. What's wait, the guys. That explains it because she said I saw getting on the plane I was getting off. Act like he didn't. Note of funny right now, Well, when you get the third one, that's it. You got to get somewhere like that happens on the plane. I ate very little when I have to fly and drink very little. Yeah, alright, alright. Coming up at the top of the hour, we have the Miss Universe highlights and more highlights from the Soul Train Award. All that. Miss Ann will be here with our National News. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Miss Anna's coming up with our national news. Before we get to that, you guys know that Steve has the day off today, but last night, last night, it was big night for him. As you guys know, he hosted the Miss Universe pageant from Planet Hollywood, Las Vegas, and he did Miss up. Yeah, that's what the headlines, That's what the headlines are saying. Uh. The Beauty Queen crowned Miss Universe as host Steve Harvey redeems himself for naming the wrong winner two years ago. Hey let it go, okay, Miss Columbia was in the top three. You kind of skied me. Yeah, Miss South Africa is the new Miss Universe. Twenty two year old Dimmi Lee Nell Peters was awarded the crown at last night's pageant in Vegas, beating out ninety one other women from around the world. Miss Columbia and Mr Maka Tommy were named first and second runner ups. Boy that Mr makeup Man oh man, she was so Take a listen to Steve Crown's Miss Universe. The new Miss Universe is so Africa. How many and look and look and yet it makes your face. Mr Jamaica though, come on, damn on that smell. I wanted to win I want to right, Mr Jamaican. Steve Anson said he was thankful to the Oscars this Thanksgiving. Here's why I take a listen. I'll tell you what I'm grateful falling this Thanksgiving weekend. I'm grateful for the Oscars because they let me off the hook. So you can sit here and act like you didn't see what Warren Brady and Fate Dunaway did, but it got me off the hook. So let me explain something to you. Moonlight don't sound nothing like La La Land nothing. It wasn't but two movies to pick for him, and they got it wrong. My mistake at least involved any other countries, testified Steve. Yeah, megawork, Mega work, all right. So the Soul Train Awards were also last night by Rikava Do Yeah. She pulled three pete as hope she compared herself. She declared herself, I should say, as the Lebron James of the Soul Train Awards, I love that instead of her usual elaborate musical number, which I did miss. She did take a knee in solidarity with Colin Kaepernick, saying we appreciate you giving up your life, your dream because you believe in us um, yeah, so we'll have more highlights from the soul training work all morning long. Yeah. Yes, the tank take your shirt yeah yeah, yeah, he always takes a shirt off because I love that jam when we gym take games. Aw, what did jameson her? To gym haters? He looks good, you haters. You know, people are yelling playing on put it off? Really guys, blimp take to blimp. But yeah, he got up, He got up from the piano. He took his shock it off, then he took his shirt off and saying to the lates, okay, all right, come on, come on Tom, and here she is with BASSI lose the one and only miss, saying trip sexual misconduct allegations, which he denies. The eight year old representative admits to settling with a woman who claims she was fired for refusing his advances. However, Kanye's points out that the agreement made no mention of any alleged House Ethics Committee is investigating. However, Conyus is just the latest politician to come under fire for alleged sexual misconduct on the Republican side. Alabama Senator candidate Roy Moore accused of sexually assaulting underage high school students, Republican Texas Congressman Joe Barton refusing to step down after nude photos of him surfaced. Meanwhile, Democratic Senator Al frank Is accused of groping four women and faces an ethics probe of his own. However, some three dozen women who worked with Franken when he was on Saturday Night Live had put out an open letter saying to quote, in our experience, we know alas a devoted, a dedicated family man, a wonderful comedic performer, and an honorable public servant. The letters signed by thirty six female members of Saturday Night Lives cast and crew, and the signers include the original cast members Jane Curtain and Lorraine Newman. People all over the country outrage over the case in Nashville of the African American child sex slave who was sentenced to life in prison for killing a forty three year old man who used her, came out and travel The Centuria Brown had been continually physically, sexually and verbally abused, was often with gun pointed at her as she was dragged, hit and choked by her pimp. Sintnia was only sixteen years old when she killed the forty three year old man who picked her up for sex. She's already served close to thirteen years behind bars. Her life sentenced me she'll only be eligible for parole after serving fifty one years behind bars. Because Cintoya's case, the lawyers Tennessee has been changed, but it doesn't affect her case, so there are several groups trying to free her. Her lawyer, Charles bonetell CNN where the case is now. The case will be heard in the Six Circuit Court of Appeals h sometime in Also, we are in the process of asking the Board of Pardons in Paroles and the Governor to consider an action would commute her sentence and allow her to serve a much lighter sentence. Further, we'd hope that the legislature of Tennessee would take some action that would be of some help to her. We'll see how that turns out. Sad news in the world of sports. Former NBA All Star and broadcast with Steve Snapper Jones has died. Snapper Jones was a Portland Trailblazer. He was a three time a b A All Star. He later became a TV analyst for just about every network that carried NBA game Snapper Jones was seventy five years old. And now we've had Black Friday, we've had Small Business Saturday. Today, the most big, biggest online shopping day of the year's Cyber Monday, which for me means Italian shoes, love Italian shooes. E in the Butterfly coming up twenty minutes after the Yeah, let's stay tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Great job last night in the Miss Universe pageant, Steve. Yeah, gonna well deserved day off today. All right, now listen very carefully. Tommy. I'm gonna need your attention on this one. Okay. I need you to do something. I need you, as Tommy, to introduce Ja so j can introduce the butter Fly. Eugene. I have to get all of these intros. Everybody else just do they bid? Why you can't just do this? Yeah, come on you ladies and gentlemen, Jay Anthony, do you know about because I do I do? Good morning everyone. See I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I said Steves here, Shirley Carl, I'm Tommy and Jay Anthony Brown the person of I have to introduce someone when they're doing something. Good morning. Um So listen, I'm transitioning, transitioning, really, I'm transitioning. I'm going from Thanksgiving to Christmas. What did you think I was trying? Don't don't be concerned. I would. I'm transitioning. We're here for you. What you go, sport. So here's what's going on. I'm having to change my apartment because it's been all Thanksgiving decorated completely straight from Halloween to Christmas Christmas. Now no, no, no, no no. Now. So when I have done, like when people come up to the house, we come as Indians and I'm sorry Native Americans and plums. You have to dress up. Yes, that's why we have Yeah, that's why we have our thanks Giving them like I had on the knickerbockers, you know this stuff. You know what I'm saying. That's the way, you know, that's the way we do. We get together, everybody whole kinds of musket not my friend, but Andre was did you have I have the big baco in the white sox. Yeah, we're pegrams and then we have something that the Native Americans stop. My whole out of that, my whole fireplaces is decorated like it's plumber Rock Fireplace. It's plumber Rock and the Horn of Plenty. Did you have that? Excuse me, what are you saying the morning you have that on the table. Yeah, yeah, we have we have look that Google it. So now we're transitioning from getting the house ready for Christmas. Okay, So we're gonna be a lot of als, a lot of santez and you know that's what's That's what I'm going on, deer, reindeers and stuff like that. So my little dog, you don't have a Yorkie, it's gonna we're gonna put antlers on. The dog's gonna be a little stop Shirley. It's gonna be a little reindeer. It's gonna be really really nice. All right, Janthony Brown, thank you? Better flies coming up next to murder another n We'll be back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright. In case you missed it, last night, miss Erica bad Do was the host of a Soul Trained Music Awards with performances by Tamar Braxton one Well, Yes she it one twelve did two hunts in a minute for them, Yes, yeah, they did good slam everybody. They were really really good. A Shirtless Tank performed Yes, oh yes, yes, and Kurt Franklin and Kirt Franklin we love you. Tank ignored them. Uh. Tony Braxton also received the Don Cornelius Legend Awards. She performed and she was great. Yeah, she was in the tribute to her was really great. S w B, s w V. Was it with the Lady of Soul Award? They were great. Yeah and they yeah, they said in their career that was the first time they had ever won anything anything. I was sh yeah, but congratulations to them. And did you see Kirt Franklin. He was with let us see in a bunch of new and yeah, upcoming performers. They did wake up everybody. Christians a little bits. Christians so small you can win Hi around your neck. But anyway, it was a great show hosted again by Erica Badou, who did a splendid job. She just was just phenomenal. I just love her hosting that show. She's so funny. She's one of the producers and writers on that show as well. Well, you can put him on your DA Well it's time Jay for you to step up to the mic and murder another hit and it would be an honor to do one of Kurt Franklin's songs Christian who I affectionately call him. And this is because I've always had this thing with Kurt. He doesn't really sing at all. He's a producer. He's producing, he's directly. He has to stand on the box so they can see him, and he directs that it's my friend too. Yeah, we all love Kirk. Yeah, but I'm not gonna stop these jokes. I'm here for hate anyways. I'm going down at the Jay's Butt tomorrow night headline a Taco Tuesday. Usually Janty Brown will be there, along with the lovely Ms Sherry Shepherd Los Los Angeles, California. Go to there, bright and get your tickets. The week after that, George Wallace, yea boy, Mama jokes will be flying ho allright, we go Franklin song. He ain't even singing, y'all check this out. Come on, come on, all right, everybody can see. All right, come onybody jam where the ones that you listen to sing the harmonies and versus to do in the hell my name he's trying of and like Cheeta for help cool, he's not I can make the least money he does his dances. You're doing around shot, what does he do? Carry shine? Ain't right to tell me. I'm not sure for watching breaking zing. Shut up, my little man getting and studio is gonna be getting in. Don't show other sex at keep it running around, jumping up and down. Every song that's a chopping, every changing out it out. He owes it all, but he can not sin. You don't get ships getting lasting? Break it down? Man, are you a song? No? Ma, come on, I want to play it again. Coming up next, nephew, tell me as a prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right, coming coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. Get ready for today's strawberry letter. And it is a crazy one. Let me just warn you right now. You don't want to miss that. But right now it is the nephew with today's prank phone call. What you got now, sir, let's time for like to tea spoons are stupid? Two nice tea spoons are stupid. You've been measuring over the hole. I rationalized my stupid I balanced it. It's to tea spoons and stupid. Right here is the refrigerator delivery. The refrigerator delivery. A couple of tea spoons are stupid. Hello, I'm trying to reach you, Mr. Please, This is Jackson. I'm the driver, man, I'm actually the delivery guy that's bringing you refrigerator over the day. Okay, what's going on? Okay, listen, I know we had a wonder that was from eight to twelve. This morning's just leving thirty now. So we're running a little bit behind schedule. Man. We have some problems at the yard getting everything loaded up. Man, come on, man, you're killing me. I can't y'all y'all running behind. Were a little bit behind schedule. Man, we're gonna have we we'll beat up somewhere between twelve and four. Come on, man, you do better that now. I understand, sir, I understand that. Actually it's actually I got on man. I got my food in here and and uh coolers and stuff. Man, I got it where I mean. So, I mean, what's what? What's what's going on? Is you ain't got the refrigerator. I'm trying to figure out. No, No, we loaded up. You know, we just had some problems. I think one of the forklifts went out, and you know, it kind of pushes back, so that four when that we have from eight to twelve, man just got ruined and now we're pushing things from our twelve to four. So between twelve and four, Man, we would definitely be there. Man. I spoke to me yesterday. Actually the warehouse supervisor, he's actually out to day. He's not here, so he's not Yeah, Man, yeah, I work every one. You said, y'all not gonna be he until in between twelve and four. I'm gonna be work here. We want to clock. I understand, Man, I greatly apologize. Man, this rarely happens, and it just so happened this morning and forklift was down and we a lot of stuff to load up. You know, we got I got ten refrigerators on this truck, man, and one of them is definitely yours, sir. So I'm definitely gonna be getting into you as soon as I can. So, Man, I'm pushing it. I'm supposed to be at work, and you know I scheduled everything yes around this because I'm supposed to. You know, I gotta have a refrigerator. I got on my food and stuff in in in the kitchen and whatnot the refrigerator went out? Did the refrigerator went out? Is that what happened? Yeah, it's very so dear. I mean I haven't had it for quite some times, which you know, so it's just amount of time for we'll go out. So I try to even get the newes. You know. That's why. Well, now I scared you. I'll scared you next week sometime if you want me to. I mean, I can't. I can't afford that we're gonna pave this food because I got to hear all over the clothes. Let me let me get the huskler man, see if I can move as quick as I can. But twelve four is the window. Man. Like I said, I apologize, Mr. But we'll be that man. We're gonna we're gonna we're gonna be that what you refrigerated day? Okay? Okay, So so when you when you on your way, how about I want you to call me and let me know that you on your way so I know what's going on. We don't know. We don't know him to call when we're on our way. We just come on in and get things set up. What do you mean you don't call you just called me just now. Yeah, like I said, the problem is on us. Man, I'll give you a call when we're around. Okay, I appreciate this. Now you said you said between twelven four. Now, yes, sir, twe twelve and four. We definitely be there. We got your on the truck man. Okay, I don't want miss man. No, no, we got you. We got you. We'll see you in a minute. Man, they care he Mr, this is Jackson Agatt, the delivery guy man with refrigerator. Well listen, Mr bout Man, we run into a few more problems here. Man, it looks like we're probably not gonna get that refrigerator out till tomorrow. Sometimes you you said what we run into a few more problems, Man, it looks like we're probably not gonna get that refrigerator to tomorrow in a few more problems, a few more problems. Like so, we got some problems with some uh some more delivers we got just with all the delivers we got it, just don't see we're gonna make it on your side of town to be to get this thing. Take it on my by the town. What is that you say? You decide you want to take my money when I paid for, when I paid for, But you're gonna tell me you don't and you ain't gonna make it on my side of town. Well, well we you definitely get out there tomorrow. Man, we definitely can get out there. The I can't. I can't have them out this way here to morrow. I got chicken and beef and uh and man briscuited all over here in my float and you're going to him. You can't make it in here just a mar what is that? Uh? You you ain't got no answers for me on that understand No, No, no, I don't. I don't think you understand. So because I got sitting, I got food and ice and city in here and coolers all over the floor of my kitchen, you don't tell me that I did. Just you can't make it in here to the morrow with my with my with my frigat here because because you you you you're yelling on the back ram yesterday the word that was I know you're spoke about. I told him yesterday I had to have my work at one o'clock. I told him that I've seen that you gotta refrigerated your own time because I gotta grass work. Well, I don't comfort Unimore. Like I said, I not working today, he's not, he's not in the day. Well, actually the lady name one that's actually in charge when Larry Lee's But I don't even know if I saw mom. But but you you what do y'all doing over there? We're gonna have it there. I took out my job, but y'all had a refrigerator. I'm here at home and now you called me back, and all I can tell you is we're gonna be there tomorrow. Okay, I'm not gonna go back and forth. Don't you know? You know what you refrigerator? Sorry, y'all, you take the refrigerator, you stick there infigerator. I don't want to. No, I gonna this s food in my neighbor refrigerator, and I'm gonna go give me another from somewhere else because you playing around. I ain't got time for your men, sir. I don't know if I don't know if that's refundable. You know what you mean? You know that you got time. You're gonna take my money and you're gonna tell me that I can't have my money back. You can't get my friger on your time, sir, listen, there's one more thing I need to something because okay, but I have one more thing I need to tell you. Okay, are you listening? This will probably help everything. This is Nephew Timmy from the Steve Harby Morning to show you just got pranked by your wife. You know what I'm gonna fix up. So when that's what I want to know, they show they can put it you. I think that, Yeah, that was a record amount of beeps on any prank. That's that's what two drops are. Stupid, stupid. Look like that right there. Don't hold back, don't hold back. Well, you know, you know everything I try to drop, but I love him at the end. What you stick that? The whole refrigerator, Youngstown, Ohio. Tomorrow Night, Mama's Boy, Grace's the stays. The nephew is in the building, Johnny gil in the building. You can measure the applause yourself. The nephew is doing the dog on thing. Mama's Boy Baby, get your tickets. They don't sail right now, Youngstown, Ohio. Y'all on deck, y'all tomorrow night, coming up. Okay, all right, listen, coming up, at the top of the hour. It is Cyber Monday. Guys. You know what that means, go online, big big deals. Plus we're gonna have it. Today's Strawberry Letter that is on deck. Okay, we'll talk about Cyber Monday and the Strawberry Letter. Strawberry Letter today, the subject brotherly love. Wait till you hear this letter. Yeah, it's not what you think. It's even worse, not even it's crazy. They've been playing something to the Eagles. Have that girl or you not love sports? But she has no no idea or care. I don't care. Okay, wait a bit. What happened with Crabtree with about the fight? Yeah, the Broncos and change change that on the court, not the court, the field anyway, they usually form the pads and all that. And I guess it looks sexy when you scope, you know what I'm saying. When this Strawberry Letter coming up next, subject brotherly love. Lord, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go. The Strawberry Letter is up next, and it is unbelievable, as they all are, the subject of brotherly love. But first, you know, Steve has the day off. He's not in today because he hosted the Miss Universe pageant Planet Hollywood in Vegas last night. Nod he did good and he looked really Oh he looked fantastically good. Yeah what do Yeah. So congratulations to Miss South Africa. She is the brand new Miss Universe. She's twenty two years old. Her name is Demi Lee Nell Peters. She was awarded the annual Crown last night. She beat out ninety one other young women from around the world. Miss Columbia, which Tommy was nervous about because she was She was in the finals, Miss Columbia and then Miss Jamaica beautiful. Miss Jamaica was Yeah, they were They were worst face for the winner. It had to Miss Jamaica. Hey, hey, hey, Jamaica, she thought, use though she was gorgeous when her big brother she was gorgeous. She was. They were named first and second runners up. Take a listen as Steve Crown's Miss Universe for new Miss Universe is so how many times you think Steve check that car was just his eyes went back to her right, Great job, Steve. Huh, this was a funny moment though, real quickly did you see Steve's face? You know how when he asked the questions and they had to translator to the side. Yes, way looks at those translators when you're translating the question. Yeah, it was like you got all of that out of that. Yeah, so a great job done by all. Steve of course, was phenomenal again. He looked great. Yeah, he'll be back tomorrow because you know, they had a lot of behind the scenes stories. Junior was there with them because he's a writer, and yeah, what is he talking about? What is he saying? Who is who is this high bitch guy? What do your money anything? They loved being in the Philippines last year because Junior was tall all over there. Yeah, but they'll be back tomorrow. Yeah in Vegas, they're just normal. He's back to being back to But yeah, it was a great job. I love that green velvet that Steve wore. That tuxedo. Yeah, very nice, very very nice. He should wear of that to work tomorrow. Was that leprec green? It was like a forest kind of a green. I think he will, he probably will. He should wear that to work tomorrow. Give it away to somebody who would win to work. I thought it was green. It wasn't green on my TV it registered green, which one is wrong? I'm stay big back baby, I'm big back TV baby. Yeah. Yeah, man, they kind you have to get up and change it remote. If not only you get television, you get heat. Also they're coming back. Ja you do know that they're coming back and bring those back big back. But yeah, a great time. But Tommy, you said you were nervous tithing about MS Columbia. I was real nervous because I was like this, this country's been looking at you for yeah, slid down in the middle of it. Been today you ought to call huddy. Ain't no matter what. I don't care. I'll make that make that country happy. Let's go. Yeah ready, m hm, hold on tight, We got it for you here. It is subject as promised. Brotherly love, Dear Stephen Shirley. I've been having an affair with a married man and I am deeply in love with him. His brother has been allowing us to visit his apartment or should I say our love nest, to see each other. My man gives gives his brother one dollars and the brother takes off for about an hour or so, leaving us alone in the apartment. This has been going on for about a year and a half. Now, as time goes on, I become more and more impatient with my man, hoping that he will eventually leave his wife. He has a very stressful job, so I am trying not to put extra pressure on him right now. Meanwhile, his brother says that he cannot have a stable relationship with other women because I am always at his house. I don't want to pet my own back, but I am beautiful. I spend more time with a brother than I do with my man because I have to keep him as close as a friend so I can keep tabs on my man. The brother and I talk on the phone every day and he usually will tell me what my man and his wife have planned for the week. I honestly think that the brother is also attracted to me, or maybe he's just infatuated. What do you think? Well, first of all, this is what I think. He's not your man, so stop calling him that he is not your man. Okay. And as you say, you are beautiful, but you're not smart? Okay, you are not smart? Okay? Why not being a relationship? You know, imagine this if you will, uh, why not be in a relationship with a man who will truly appreciate your beauty and your time. Okay, how about that? All right? Uh yeah, how about that? What what's you're headed for now is being the family pass around chick. Okay, that's what you're headed for now. Uh. This this man is not going to leave his wife. Okay for what? When when you allow him access to you and your so called beauty on a silver platter for a bargain of one dollars per hour? Who wouldn't take that deal? Who wouldn't take that deal? Okay? Wake up and stay woke? Okay, stay woke? Uh where's your self esteem? Uh? Forget him? If you cared anything about yourself and how you're being treated, you would stop this foolishness with this married man immediately. All right, nephew or or j you go first the money. That's a good deal. I mean what a hundred dollars for an hour or so? They woke? They woke'll pass up Christmas time? Okay, that's your answer to the letter part of what's the other part? Crazy man? If the brother like you, then you ain't gotta go nowhere? Brother brotherly love, that's what my brotherly love? All right? What's wrong with it? That's you're ridiculous. Okay, thank you. You know what, this is gonna help us later on, because later on this hour, we're gonna talk to the side pieces. I'm gonna come back and answer this later on. You got something for the side pieces, Right, Yeah, we're gonna we're gonna talking to all Right, we're gonna have part two of Tommy's response at twenty three after the hour when we come back. You guys suck. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go with part two of today's crazy st Very letter. Yes, another one. The subject of this one is brotherly love. Before we get to the nephews profound answer. Uh, let's recap, shall we h? This was written by a young lady who's having an affair with a married man who she's deeply in love with. Um. His brother has been allowing them. Uh, the man who she's having the affair with, his brother has been allowing them to use his apartment as their love nest. The brother gives his other brother a hundred dollars and he uh leaves for about an hour or so that so they can, you know, do what people that are having an affair, do all right? Yeah? Okay, this has been going on for about a year and a half now. As time goes on, the woman has become more and more impatient with her man. She wants him to leave his wife, but she says he has a very stressful job, so she tries not to put any extra pressure on him right now. Meanwhile, his brother, the one who's house there in the love nest owner, says that he can't have normal relationship because she's always over there. And she said, look, making no mistake. She is beautiful. Okay, she's beautiful, and she spends more time with the brother than she does with her actual man. She thinks that the brother is in love with her as as well as the married man. She's singing, got it? Are you following it? And she wants to know what we think? Is he just infatuated? But what we think about the whole letter? Uh? Jay says, A hundred dollars what a bargain? Yeah? I say, she's beautiful, but of course not smart because she's in a relationship with a married man. Why not in a relationship with a man who will appreciate your beauty any time? And want to have to pay you a hundred dollars for anyway. We haven't heard from the nephew. Nephew, you have to say, I don't get why don't you all see a say when it's in front of you. You don't see this. You don't see a buy one, get one free on Cyber Monday. It's cyber money. You don't see double your money fast. You don't see that. You got one man that you know, and and then y'all pass through. Now you got the brother. This ain't this ain't nothing but a blue Lights special right here. You ain't a Blue Lights specially. It's a new Booty special, but it's a special. You got a special. Looking at you in the face, I thought women saw all special. This is a special for you. This is a one day only type of SI. You know, not the blessing God has sent you. That's racist. Don't have stuff like this. You have to love next what you think you're supposed to be doing loving. I'm really more upset with the brother that y'all ain't already done it. Really he didn't made by fault. Brother. They ought to be somewhite vacation on this money, the money the brothers put in alone can you get broke out? You are to be getting from the other brother what that brother making and my right around what I'm saying, make some money off of this. But you're a side piece that don't understand. Side. You're brilliant, you are, You're brilliant, brilliant, still brilliant. I'm brilliant. Sure, bro bro brillon, bro bro brillion. Okay, look at look what what have mo? Black friend? People just be standing up there waiting for the doors, and they bust in there. Don't she got to that you have to do at the house. Bust up in there? You got everything you want? Number one? Number two? What are we talking about? What this shopping has to do with this letter? Shopping? Right after the shopping at the Lovenest girl and said it in the song Brother Brother, he said, it's too many of us what crying? You understand that hate this letter? Now listen a little later on this I well you're gonna hate on some mode because a little later we're talking to all sides. Because there's some things, there's some things you don't do doing this holiday that peace. Don't they don't listen, these are don't they don't listen, But these are just don't. Hence these letters, they don't listen. They listen because we're about to open up the Side University and had Claire. God, this is horrible. Yeah, I mean, why not just tell her to leave? This man is not going to leave. His wife's brilliant. And what we are we trying to get some eat a wife. You have got time to go down to the courthouse and do all it so you can feel comfortable in what we're doing this, do you He's not going to be with her, he's not. He's paying for her a hundred dollars per If we're not worried about the side peace comfort level, we're gonna about that, bro getting all into that part of it. Bro, Bro, he's stupid Jay And now she's thinking about doing his brother. Surely if it's not working with him, she's not getting all she needs from him, because that's what family is for. He stepped up for his brother, So she's just gonna be the family just passed around. That's now, that's what you guys. Don't says around is leaving one location going to the other. It's right there. So I don't like the labels that you're putting out there. You make it look mad. You know, don't say ropes breaks. It's the label you're putting on. This raid is nicer than ropes. Right, it's lights it don't get the phone out. It's bro bro bro b he's stupid. No, he's not. I'm just saying. I'm just saying. And the brother is a snitch. He's telling on his brother when he and his wife are going out all that. Bro bro bro brillious. Thank you man, Shirley. What the brother is he doing? Is he establishing that's a relationships so she knows that they can trust one another. We got email us or Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's Strawberry letter At my girl, Shirley, You guys are stupid. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Shown. All right, this is where we're gonna do. We haven't done this in a long time, guy, so listen up. Nephew, Tommy is bringing back weekend confession with a twist. Yeah, but this is Thanksgiving weekend confession, so it's more it's longer. Yeah, yes, yes, bro, So listen call us, call us because Tommy wants to hear about eight seven seven twenty nine Steve. Because what, nephew, I'm not here to help you. I just want to hear what you're going through. This ain't here for help, not but we're trying to help people on this show. I don't want that in the sauce. But not so. Neview wants to hear your weekend confessions, your Thanksgiving weekend confessions. Call us eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve also coming up. This kind of goes together. Side piece don't side piece don't. Yeah, these are just don't. Yeah, So get on the phone and call us. Let us know what you thank you, let us know what happened during your Thanksgiving weekend, and don't forget last night it was Erica b I Do hosting the Soul Trained Music Awards for two thousand seventeen. What an outstanding job she did, s w V. If you guys missed the opening, you missed s w V. They kicked the show off performing all their jams. B B D presented Coco, Lely and Taje with the Lady of Soul Awards. Yeah, and it was so wonderful because Coco said they had never won anything all the years they've been in the business, been nominated but never won ever won anything, and I say's dress? Yes, yes, what was okay? Okay? Yeah, yeah, yeah, alright yeah. Coco said we're not no, Tag said we're not old. She said that yeah yeah. So other performances included one twelve. They were great. They were really yeah yeah yeah. Tank sexy as usual as always of course shirt off. But he did he did. He like what he what he's talking about? And that's my new that's that's good. Most good in a video? What about tarriage most crying in the video. Did he win? No, No, he didn't win. That shock our girl Sha Call performed. Tony Braxton got the Don Cornelius Legend Award and then she performed, and boy was she great? She always he was an did you see um? What's his name? Hey? Baby? All right? Tony was honored with her sister. Yeah yeah yeah. Tony was honored with the tributes that she took to the stage and performed many of her songs. Like I said, as she did an outstanding job. Take a listen to some of Tony's acceptance speech. I have to thank l A. N. Baby Face for making my dreams come true. I want to thank Darryl Simmons. I want to thank the Face Records. Everybody at the Face Records. Oh, I have to thank Andrew Logan, thank you so much. I gotta thank i Davis Aris To Records. Everybody. There's the records. I'd like to take my new label Universal Deaf Chan Special thanks to Steve Barnolds. I love you, Rodney Sheel you already know, um Jack everybody, um my managers, I love you, tregbaum Garden, I love you, Kid Career, I love you that he's on my boys right here and we love you too. Well. Tony ain't said there and they thank me. I know, dog going away, Tony Brent got up on that stay last night. Anything really we can't speak loud when she wants to, all right, he looked, She really looked beautiful. They are performed too as well. Yeah, she did her single Blonde rather Blind. Yeah, she performed from the heart. You could tell Tamar was giving it to the people. She was doing really good. And then did you see the site for the soul Yeah with Fantasion me to I love yeah music. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah. So it was good. It was good. Yeah, absolutely, it was good, especially Eric. If I do I think she had the best time of all because she's so funny. She's so funny. Oh my goodness, oh god, she's hilarious. All right, come on, guys, we gotta go to the phones for Nephew Tommies Thanksgiving weekend confessions. They are calling Nephew. Let's go to line one and talk to Nini. Nini before we go to the phone. You know, he's got to talk about the side sad piece. I gotta talk to all right, Okay, she's trying to definitely. Yeah, let me tell y'all something that side pieces. Turn it up loud. Okay, so y'all can hear, because I need to hide this. Side pieces don't for the holiday. These are not cus and don't these are just don't. Just don't here. Number one, don't buy nothing from Victory's Secret. Why because I'm not gonna see that. I'm not gonna see that to feel maybe the sick probably okay, weekend when I'm gonna don't even get it. You know, since you're getting that, this is gonna be getting them getting the reindeer panting what you're saying. He's telling, don't know, I ain't get holidays. It's the holiday. I can't get over that. I can't leave his family. Here's another thing I don't want y'all doing. Don't be going on Instagram because you're gonna see me and my family. Grid. I don't want you on Facebook, none of that. Don't don't. Don't come to no qualms apart. I ain't never been a man, but I might go this. Don't go. Yeah, I'm might have to go to one. All right, ain't no sing we're both being in there. Don't fix me a plate. If you're fixing me a Christmas plate and I get by it in January? What about her holiday? Man? And last, but not least, don't have your kids talking about calling me, talking about they missed me. I don't need that kind of pressure, all right, I ain't they Dad. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's been a minute, but we've run it back just for this special occasion, nephews. Thanksgiving weekend Confessions. Okay, we want you to call us and let us know what you did. Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, because what nephew, I'm not here to help you. I just want to hear what you're going through. Eight seven seven Thanksgiving Weekend fashions. What happened over the weekend? I didn't go. Yeah, let's go to line you're ready, You're ready enough, I'm ready. Let's get all right, let's take off. Let's go to line four and talk to Stacy out of North Carolina. Hey, how are you doing? I'm good baby, Talk to me, talk to the nephew. What happened this weekend? Confessed to me. The guy I'm having us there with white invited us over for things, skimming dinner. Oh oh, talk to me about this dinner table. It went well. I played my side peace role and it went well. Thank you, not not not now you married? Yes? So you and your husband went today house to eat? No? No, no, no no, no no, just me and my son went. How do how do? Um? The wife knows me as old military buddy of her husband. So would your husband with his side piece? No? No, he was with his family. Okay, that's what I don't care, but happen. Yeah, get to that point sometime, y'all. Don't understand you get to y'all. Did y'all touch hands anywhere? Like any kind of play my part? I stayed there. I ate dinner and respect. Thank you. That's how you how you do from now, that's how you sud should be done. Did you did you bring something to dinner? Yes? I did? Um. I baked the cake for them. You get the side piece of the year award Time Magazine. What's your name? What's your name name? Yeah? And Stacy, what kind of cake would probably was a soca temic come out sad down cake? Chocolate? Yeah? Yeah? Yeah? Were you nervous? Well, you nervous at all? No, I've met her before. Oh you met that, you met him before? So y'all, y'all talked to y'all, chick, you had a lot. Okay. Was he nervous because I know he was nervous. No, he wasn't nervous. He knows that I know how to play my role smartly out ahead on three pail draws. I need all that. And the last one is the dopinion. I have the six depens right now because I'm because I'm pan, I J so so so Stacy. One more thing, one more thing? So, like after dinner, did y'all like hang out, have some drinks, play games? You know what happened after dinner? After dinner? Everybody, because it was about thirty of us there all of a sudden drunk and have fun playing music. It was nothing like you wouldn't know unless you was in on the joke. You would, you know, when you get a little tipsy, you know, you know, you kind of kind you get a little looser, you know. Was there anybody else there that knew about the situation? No, only me and him, so out of all thirtys ain't God, goody, thank you, Stacy. I love that. In the woods of Junior. Hey, you're going so deep into let you know. Let's go to line um, let's go to line four. I think and talk to Justin out of Alabama. Justin. Good morning, Good morning, top of the morning. Man. I'm in the booth this morning. Man. This it is same for Thanksgiving weekend confession, So talk to me. What happens? Okay on you know tender's real popular that days. You know, I messing met a girl and I want to go see and found that she ain't got number one eye one glass on one real line and end up having the threeson with hand her best friend on Thanksgiving night. The real thing. You didn't see that coming, didn't I didn't see it comes because I walked in the house and she was passed out drunk, and I walked in and she had one eye closed and one out open. So I was I was kind of scared. Oh it's the glass eye. She can't close the lead over, she came, she can close, but now with your sleep, it's just just open. You got to know that you might have a glass I one day girl. But wait a minute, he said. But I was real thankful though, Okay, get to the three because I'm only here two people. How to get me to the third person? You know, I walked in the house and you know, I gave it to the girl praise, and then she got on skape talking about, hey, look who here, my friend here and on my way over there know how many eyes she got you? I don't even know who I can see in the room. When she said you you were on your way over and she say I'm keeping the eye for you. I went to I know I always go to fun. Yeah, excuse my p and that's sure if I Washington. Now this is ignorant. I love it. So so you had the three something? What you left for that with one eye opened? No, actually I may a lot of eyes. Man. Say that again. I made her get on the couch and she went't down on the couch and me and her friend slipping the bed because you didn't want to wake up. And that I look at it. I'm I like the fact that him and need women see out the ashes. That's what I like. You know what I'm saying? Thank you, justin keep you on. Everything done? Right? Oh, I see, I got it now miss my weekend confess Right, I think we have time for one more catargy. We oh nah, let's well, we'll come back. All right, Let's let's go to line three and talk to Jerry. But we'll come back. Jerry's from Alabama, Jerry, Jerry, We'll come back, Jerry. Yeah, alright, more weekend Confessions. We come back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right, ju and your we're gonna do. We're gonna do just that. Okay, we are back on this. This Thanksgiving Weekend Confessions has started something yeah crazy yeah, sure A side went on. Got something? Have you ever done? Set at the table? So the last break, the last color Stacy, She says, she went well, her her her, the man she's having an affair with his wife invited her to Thanksgiving dinner and she didn't. She went and he didn't County but the wife didn't know. In her defense, the year you've been Stacy, she did a bad piece of the year he was there. He would win say friend, trust me on black friend, black friend, black friends. So you guys wanna nothing nett you hear more confessions call us eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve, all right, because Temmy, what is your situation with you? You already know me. I'm not here to help you. I just want to hear what you can see. Stacy wanted to get that off. Hut. See Justin who was with the lady with who and I and and then her. Yeah. See, Justin just wanted us to see what he saw. You see what I'm saying, That's all this see is they want to give you something you got anybody else right now? Yeah, I mean before we went to break, we were talking to UH line three, Jerry out of Alabama. Let's see what he has to say. Jerry, Hey, how are you doing what? I'm good, brother? How you doing? Not too happy right now? Not too happy? Okay? Talked to the nephew. I'm in the booth, baby Tillman, this tying to confess it's all right. Yeah, I just want to say we had a pretty good trying to offer Thanksgiving. I got a big family, and my wife invited some of our friends over, and Marcole kept asking who in the bathroom? Who in the bathroom? And I noticed my wife had went in there, so you know, she's got the high blood pressure. So I couldn't get the dog, and so I went around and grab the chair and peeping the window and saw her and the girl she invited in there making out. Um, she don't know what. I looked through the window and saw her, but I don't know what the bus around or or or what to do? You know, I'm just wait a minute, boy, this ain't nothing but a gift. Don't don't take it slow about huh? Well he was making out with it like about like yoga about. Now you got problems with her weight? That's not right. Yeah, the wife in the back. This wasn't one of those lucky things. It was here what the white makes Okay, So how you player? You know, you know not been mad. I know you've been married, um ten years. She's a white girl. Yeah, okay, my friends. I could tell me that I don't white girls do that, but I wasn't for sure. No, I don't know what is the bell? Yeah, we got we got a white bear on black bear. Certainly got a bear we got we gotta see what we're working with. Man, Okay, but I don't see as as her husband. Why why are you questioning whether you should say something to her or not? Well, I mean I kind of did in a dirty way, kind of you know, snooping. You know, what did you say? Hold on? Hold on phone, hold on, hold on to help? You know? I know, I'm sorry there I go. All right, Jerry, hang on, we're gonna I guess we're not going to try to hang looking in that window. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Uh, this is really caught on these Thanksgiving weekend confessions and never Yeah, you've started something man oh Man eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, because the nephew what saying. I'm not here to help you. I just want to hear what you're going through now. Before we left, we heard Jerry on the last look through the bad room and called his wife with another woman, his Caucasian wife with a sister white carca. I don't know automobiles. Let's go, Let's go to line three, Back to line three. Jerry's still on ya. All right, man, So what you're playing on doing though? I don't know, Man, I'm at a lost word. I don't know if I should jump out and say hi, you are or or or I really just don't like I say that. I've been I I'm just strong. I don't know what to play, you know. Okay, let me answer. This year when they got through in the bath room and came out back to the to the I guess whatever was going on in the house. You just walked around and looked at him the rest of the day. Yeah, Yeah, I just I kind of I want the little store and got me a pout of anything, and they don't watch the game. Yeah, out of help, out of hip, out of hip the hand in a moment like that, that's a hen moment. I feel, y'all. We got we got nine, got you some white wine, hold on, hold on, hold on, you got nine kids? Yeah, nine, you've been mad teinu y'all. Y'all had a baby area you Yeah, well she had one before I met her. I counted you though. Okay, so it's nice. Yeah, so y'all don the had y'all don had eight babies together with that. Okay, So Jeffy, you you can't leave. Don't get that out of your head now. Yeah, I don't have no check. Yeah, how was Thanksgiving? Let's get to that bar. Did y'all have enough food? Man? To hell with? What's going on in their bathrooms? What happened in the kitchen? Could you feed all of you people that just he just wanted to be with somebody that wasn't don't get up breaking that's all that hanging there, baby, you got it off your chest. Keep bringing here. Wow, Okay, let's go to line. Uh for it, talk to it? Said I with my husband. I'll be mine for Emmanuel's on the line out of Kentucky, Tommy, Emmanuel, what's going on? What's going on? Man? You talked to me? Time to confess, man. The booth is open alright, man. So we had a little family gathering, right. You know, I have a drinking problem. So I don't supposed to be drinking. Well, I supposed to, but I'll be sneaking stuff into a flask. I had a couple of push and down, you know, so I wanted to laugh punch, so I'll pull it in the cook and walked off for a little bit and come back. My great us drinking there, and she was lit by the end of the night and the family still you don't know what got into it. You spiked the punch and got your great aunt ain't Auntie drunk? And matter of fact, I kind of helped it along because she really reserved. But she was having a good time that night and she just kept back. Come back to the puet. I guess you're trying to look for the moto. I just hold a little more. Alrighty Manuel, you know better. We gotta go. We'll be back to close out the show with just one more thing. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, listen, this is the last break of the morning. Just one more thing before we get out of here about people going to Thanksgiving learned nothing, disgusted by it, to learn how to do things right? Go here and see you jail. Well. Listen, this is according to the Daily Mail. This is a new survey. It finds that Thanksgiving this kind of goes in line with the Thanksgiving weekend Confessions and nephew it finds. A new survey finds that Thanksgiving is the most popular time for people to conceive a child. Who knew what? Who knew that? Yeah, seventeen point seven percent of Americans say they conceive their child on or around thanks Giving Day. Yes, Giving it a slight edge over over what you over what you think would be more popular. But you would think it would be Valentine's Day, right, the day of love, the holiday for love and all of that. No, it's not. It's it's Thanksgiving. Yeah, you know, keep going back to refrigerating to get in the room to do but do it. Yeah, but you're at someone's house over the holidays, or someone's over your you have guests. You don't do it any y'all. Don't do it at other people? Never laws, Yes, coming doing it at your husband, mama? Damn? How what's wrong with that? Yeah? What if they hear you? That's what you wanted to do? You want now you ain't got the holllight every time you do it? Now you can get it over were quick without holly? I like to that's most of the fun. Hollerand gn't holler just normally just you know, your In most cases, Tommy hollerand calls you a little exture and I'm not a sugar that I'm gonna splendid say. That's so sexy, Jay, Oh, that's so sexy. So yeah, plenty of people you know you're doing it? Yeah, I mean even if they're at someone else's doing it. Yeah, that's according to the survey, they're getting it in. Uh so have you guys apparently? Yeah? Yeah, while visiting or what if someone's at your house and you hear them, he doesn't bother you. You're giggling, Jay? Are you well right now? You know? And that's when you're knock on the dope when y'all get through and that we're coming in what they're doing. So if you're at someone else's house, you don't worry about getting caught in anything? Are you serious? Well, what if you do get caught? I like, getting cold really ups the doors open? Oh I'm sorry, yeah, mama, really guy, Mama call Yeah? Wow? So who knew that Thanksgiving with one of those big get it in days? Yeah, and today is a really big day if you shop over the internet, today is Yeah. Black Friday was when people actually went in the stores in the brick and mortar buildings. But yeah, this is Cyber Monday. A lot of us shopped on Black Friday. Today. People will be getting out their computers, going online, your phones, your mobile devices. What check and while you're online, right and buy tickets to see Sherry Shepherd at the day Spot tomorrow night in eighty one West Manchester Avenue, Los Angeles, California. This Taco Tuesday, you don't want to miss the Monday. They're very good. Michael Clad had the best Jill. You say, when you get them, they're good. Takes a long they are good. But anyway, so people will be going to their computers, their mobile devices to snacks, Cyber Monday deals and there are a lot of them out there. This is actually the slowest work day for people who work because they're on Yeah. Yeah, so so what y'all trying to buy online? Issue everything? Yeah? Bags? Yeah, yeah, you're holiday shopping again. I'm sorry. I mean we do this every years about giving because it's the day we celebrate Christ's birthday. People forget about that what Christmas really is all about. You know what if Christ was allowed today, he gets a good sale. How much these crosses? Can you believe it. Sence, keep keep Okay, we're done. We're done me right. But anyway, it's Cyber Monday, so shop away for those big deals. If if you're planning on giving a lot this holiday season, Yeah, what's your what's your best? If you've ever received JA for my kids or from anyone your wives, anyone you don't say divorce from your wives. Do not say that. Sign here and it's over. I'm here and here here and it's over. What I have? You take us home? Please hurry And the words of my uncle, I have a good week, were lazing. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.