Krayvon (Nephew Tommy) needs a cut because he got a date with JLO and Jay goes to far talking about Janet Jackson.
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Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all bag at all, suit all looking back to back down, giving them just like themaking buck bus things. And it's touble y'all. Do me true good to tea Steve har guy listening to me toach other for Steve barn quick money. I don't join, Yeah, yeah, well by joining with me same way. You gotta use that turn. Yeah. You you got to turn to turn turn Lovey, got to turn out to turn Wanter, comey, come on your thing, dad, I sure will A good morning everybody you're listening to the voice, Come on dig me NW one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show, got going for you today. I got going for you today. O kid, You're not because this is coming purely from self experience, purely, and it just happened to me. You know, I was going through something that I've been going through for a long long time and just weary of it all. And I was I've been talking to God about it, and I mean for for years though, for years, and I've been saying, Okay, enough is enough. You know God, I'm really I'm really tired and so but you but you know what ah after it was over. You know, I kind of laid in it for a little while. You know, how you've been going through something for so long, and then even if it's over appears to be over you you still kind of laying it a little bit, and you know, you have a a while. Man, I can't believe I've been dealing with this this long, even though even though it's over, or you threw with it for that particular day or what or whatever it is you threw with it, it's over with for that day of that period of time, you know, but it's over for whatever. But I I found myself going you know, man, I can't leave its lasted this long. I was just talking to myself and I had to catch myself yesterday. And maybe you've been doing the same thing to yourself, But man, I had to take an inventory yesterday. I really did, and it really tripped me out, and I said, I'm gonna share that with everybody today. You know, have you ever counted how many times you made it? This is really good for me. I don't know how you do it, but this was so good for you for me. Have you ever counted, Steve Harvey, how many times you made it. And so that's what I started doing yesterday, and that's what I did this morning when I woke up, was getting ready, I was actually taking an inventory account of how many times I made it. How many times, man, I didn't have it rent and somehow I came up with it. How many times I didn't have my house payment and somehow I came up with it. How many times I was out of money, did not have enough, didn't didn't see no way, but somehow I came up with it. How many times I got sick? I thought, well, man, this one right here. I don't know what I'm gonna do, but somehow I got my health back. How many situations I have found myself in, That was I thought at the time, detrimental and diabolical and man so sinister times. But look at me, somehow I made it. I look at all the accidents I've been in, but he kept me. I made it. I think about even the simplest times of like stepping off a curve and almost got hit, but I made it. I was just tripping the other day. I was I was thinking about the times that I've been hit by a car, and it could have been worse. But it wasn't. And I made it through that too. I was thinking about, man, when they count you out? Do you know how many times I've been counted out? He's done, He ain't gonna be nothing, He ain't nobody see what I told y'all, look at over that they counsel this. He offered that he out of here. He ain't gonna make it. He didn't got fired. Man. You know how many times I've been counting out? You know how many times they didn't wrote me off? How many times have you been written off? Man? But here you still stand? You know you have a tripped on it? Taking inventory y'all of how many times? Count the times you've made it sound? Get a pin through like I did. I just started jotting stuff down. What about the times? Man? When nobody was there to encourage you? But you still here though you have a tripped on that? Ain't Nobody called you and told you good day. No nobody called you and told you recently thank you. No one's called you and told you how much you meant to them, how much you've done for them? A man that you can make it? Never give up. Keep your head up, man, keep grinding. But you still here even when nobody. Have you counted the times man, that you made it anyway? You counted the times that you felt like quitting. How about that one you felt like giving up you kept going? How about the time this is a good one right here? How about the times man, when when when when everybody was standing around saying, ain't no way, ain't no way, Steve Man, I can't tell how any times I've heard it ain't no way, and then somehow there is a way. You know why, because he makes away you understand? You know how many you know how many times I've heard this one right here? Steve, Listen to me, Man, nobody ever before has done that. You can't do that. How many times you've heard no? You wan when you know anybody didn't done that? You can't do that. No one has ever done that. I made it anyway? You know, they don't normally or we don't normally allow this, but in this case, for you, we're gonna make an exception. How many times have you heard that, Oh, I think I'm on to something. How many times have you heard in your lifetime? We don't normally or they don't normally allow this, but we're gonna make this exception in your case? How many times you've didn't heard that? Have you ever counted the times that you made it? You know everybody out accept me? How how can that be? You know you're the only one that got through this? Congratulations? Wow? Man, I don't I don't hardly see this too many times. But do you realize that normally this is what happened to people? But man, y'all don't know how your name came up. But here you are. Wow, it never happens like that. You have accounted those times. I was doing it yesterday, I was doing it this morning. I was just taking an inventory of everybody of how many times I've made it. So what I learned yesterday was when God gets you through something, when he pulled you out on the other side, no matter how difficult or how long it took. When he gets you out on the other side, why don't you get up, dust yourself off, and start trotting what you laying there for? Man, wallowing in it, going over it, recycling it in your mind. So many people can't move forward because we keep recycling stuff in our minds when clearly it's time to move on. It's time to let go. It's time to go and see what God has for you. Stop looking at what you lost. What you lost was probably not yours to have in the first in the first place. Do you know the things I've lost? I'm not talking about losing the love of one or mother or father, nothing like that. I'm talking about innate objects or situation. Do you know the things I've lost? Man, I look back on it. I wasn't supposed to have them in the first place, or they was doing me no good. I it wasn't even what wasn't mine to lose, but I claimed I lost it. Come on, man, take an inventory, everybody. Start looking at the things man, that God has brought you through. Start looking at how many times He allowed you to make it. And get glad about waking up in the morning. Man, get glad about your life. Start feeling something positive about your situation. You cannot expect God to continue to bless you if you're not grateful for the things that you have. Come on, man, have you ever counted how many times you made it? I started yesterday ended up this morning. When I go on break, I got some most stuff to throw on the list. I can't count how many times God didn't got me through something. But when he gets you through it, you and get up and get on about your business. Don't lay that in it. It's over, it's done, you made it, you survived it. Let's go, let's go. You're listening, that's what they want. Twenty one minutes after the hour, Steve Aping Morty show baby, best in the world, steady growing, always flowing, forever showing bo bo boy. Now you know it's just mic up a little bit. I don't know how right. Let's see what you throw up. The throat is fine. Tell me you're the one. You know, you do one to have well, your throat on't always be fine though, Really I'm good. You don't do as much talking. So that was a low blower. All your blows is low. You shock. I can't do a high blower. Yeah it was. Miss. How's everybody doing to day? Everybody in a good mood, good good day, hump day. Everybody should be humping today and ship with or without someone. Get it in, get it in, crack the life, get it in. Just because you don't have nobody, don't let the hump they go away? Stupid? What's up? And then? How you doing today? I'm standing uncle, come in. I'm healthy. I ain't in there. Yeah, I count my day, Shirley, How's how's life? Life is great, Steve, thank you for asking. It is? How about you? You know what, it's all good right now, it's all cool. It's all good. Got Chicago. It's cold. Oh they didn't get a spring memo. Yeah, just don man that memo. You know, I remember when I was a kid, I would be in Chicago. It's a Memorial Day, and it's called and maybe snow, maybe snow Chicago. Make you dress like your third gradeer with nothing match. Just put it you, just put everything. Yeah, layer up. I think you'd have a break by man. You know, it's a different it's a different animal. Great city man, great people, great restaurants, great city man. These are the the tour what are they called, the two or two riverboats up and running and they go by the window all the time here NBC. And I'll see people, yes, say, it's pretty empty though pretty pretty empty. That Yeah, I don't know what you're sitting on this boat phone looking at. But it's it's a little chilly yesterday, a couple of couple of warm days last week. I saw a lot of people on them. I recommend that to people too, because I don't see a lot of us on these boats. Man, come downtown, take your kids downtown and put them on one of those tours and look at the architectural tours on the river. It's always kind of nice. We got a great show, a fool. What y'all fing to do? Quickly? We're all our way to the barbershop. That's what we on our way to. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, introduce this new bit. It's called something funny. But what else, ladies and gentlemen, A new bit. The crew is very talented. Ladies and gentlemen. I think it's time for you to take a trip down to the bobby shop and we'll introduce the bobby Shop as we go along. Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to the bobby Shop. I mean, we can't talk street in the barbershop, then will can we talk street? We can't talk street the world? You know, this ain't nothing but healthy conversation. Yeah, that's what it is. You know. Look a here now, Welcome, Welcome, Welcome to Cut Moles, barber Shop, Cut Moles and the world real world recognizing and going on establishment. Well, we've been around here since oh just just been around and we have all types of people coming through the barbershop. Just have a good time. We're going on felling good man, everything's going on. Man, man ain't a good damn So what what on your mind today? Down here? Cut moves when First of all, let me say this right here, man, I need to get a cut. I got a date on on. I got a date this Friday that you're not gonna believe you fellas, ain't gonna believe who I'm going out with this Friday. You're not gonna believe. Man. Yeah, but you know it's Sinker the Mayo and me and j Low going out. You feel what I'm saying, y'all? Hell well, you me and j Lo going dancing. We're doing the Fandango dance all Friday night. Baby, you're buying tickets, y'all. Y'all playing, y'all playing crave on short. See y'all don't know how crave on. Get down. I'm just trying to tell you I used to date had it Barry for I was dating by will let me do you might well get on back to fame dangle because I'll be now, don't don't sit there and let him talk to me like that. You know, I just want to say, man, you know what. First of all, I ain't had a haircut since nineteen eighty nine, but this is the place I come to release all the energy, just to have and sit among men and talk. I mean, my I'm completely left bald. I don't even have I don't even have eyebrows. But you know, I'm just here to have a good time, and that cuts is the play for me. Man, It's for me. I love it. I love it, I love love it a little. My hairline been receiving since birth. So I've been coming to cutting molds, just getting a five minute cut since I was What was that? What was that? Then? How old was I when I first I've been, I've been, I've been. I've been cutting your hair since you and you know, and I've been giving you and you since your hairline and been going back. I've been giving you what I call the Benjamin Butch special. Maybe back there. Don't talk about my lying. Man. What I really like about cut moses that you could get stuff here that you can't get no place of you can get you can get cassette tapes here they today mixed tapes here today you get. You can get loose meat. You gotta meet place in the back meat man. I love it here, I love it. I mean everything you need is right here. Car part we got car right here. Man, I love him cut man, carbread, the alternato, spark plug, wiring, ex man, fold bufflers, and and that that being. You gotta get loose peanuts. Man, thank you so much for having that. Man, you just reach your hand. I don't know who hand been in there. I don't know what in the hands been, but them loose them loose nuts is the bomb. You don't you get it out on a cut mo man. You've got a tailor shop in the back. Right. I want to make a knowledge. They don't want to tell y'all something feeling that I'm starting. I got a sandwich lady gonna start coming back. Sandwich lady, Sandwich lady go hell full full, five different kinds sandwiches. Is she fine? It don't matter. Look, first of all, let me just say something. If you make a real good sandwich, a real fine woman can't make a sandwich not really fine. She got to be funny shape to make a night sending. She gotta actually look like a sandwich. She got to look like sandwich. How are you gonna be a fine sandwich woman? You didn't even sandwich. You gotta you gonna somebody got teddy sandwiches. Yeah, I don't understandwich woman. I want you. I want to stand one where you don't know what her hips start. That that what I thought. All I gonna say. I want a saving. Whatever she put a breast in the april, that means she's been making saying with you for a while. You know what I'm talking about. I want to save a woman when she stand up, she's standing on the side of hers shoes. Man, both shoes ain'tle all out? Ain't that's a good as right there. And let me tell you something. I had a girl that wolves on nikes and you stand on the side or the niket and the kniket. Didn't he say nake no more say ignorant. Yeah, that's why I come to exactly where I'm coming. Man, to be right to food went on? You know what that like? When you got here? The main thing, the most important thing you got hit is bad sheets and baby milk. You got it right, here, baby milk, baby milking. Cutting You can't you you can't find powdered baby milk anywhere? Man, No, you can't keep it. Actually, got a cow in the back. Now, can we can we get breast milk here too? Can you get the sandwad? Lady will give it to you. Man, like a good shot of breast milk. You know what I'm gonna do, he is, I'm gonna head is gonna read you a little bit more regularly, you know what the let us you know there'll be able to come on and come something like that. Slam. I like that. You know what I'm saying. So you can thank y'all for coming. You know, we see y'all when y'all coming back in the cutting move, I ain't going home. I'm onna steak. We see you all, lady then to cut mold all right, yeah, alright, new segments being petty, because sometimes you're being petty it's serious to you, or you're just being petty, or you're just being pretty. And I don't necessarily consider myself a petty person, but I go there, I go there the petty. It's the petty. For instance, I walk into work this morning, Jay is already sitting at his seat. Now is he trying to show me up or what? Okay, so you want to know? Am I Am I just being early? Are you just being petty? Yeah? Because so I opened the door and I kind of bumped his chair real hard? Am I being petty? Your chairs in the doorway and just petty? Every everybody worked though the last person I am got out to the side. Yeah I do. And I'm just yeah, I'm I'm like days for when I am late, I can subtract that. Yeah, that's that's what I'm being petty? Petty? Let me that's going on in my house? Uh huh? Am I being petty? If I won't love making three times every third day, I won't love men. And I'm not getting that. I found out it is turned that once. It been fifteen days and this is sending me through something. So am I being petty wounded every third day? Can I have it? Yeah? Lady, the lady, the lady, yes? No? Do who right there? Being petty? Right? All the man asking for it's some loving three times? That's a lot. Now you're being petty. I can't watch my shows going on. I mean, you know what fault get my hair done. A sure, proud to be told. I'm not gonna take up a lot of your time. This, this is really really you ain't gonna miss that much of your shot minute power. I asked on the draw you you can be VR and catch up photo show, go off a problem. You're not being petty. You're not You're not being petty. You leaving your head off your bed. You're being petty. You're not being petty? What Jake? Okay, here it is. So I'm driving on four or five. This lady cuts me off, gives me the finger, not just the finger through the roof finger, you know, through the sunroof finger. So I followed her. That's a strong Now, that's the strongest finger you can give somebody, the one that's through the roof, through the sunroof. She stood up and gave me as she drove. I followed her right to her job, and I was parked the long way as she pulled into her slot. Now was I being petty? That's what you get though, when you come through that sunroof on me. You know, the sunroof thing is the worst thing that ever, It is the absolute worst finger. Yet it's almost like insulting my mother. Really, it's right up there with I wasn't being petty. Let me ask off. I'm being petted. You know, my my sister just got home from jail, and her first request was she wanted some glasses that cost two and fifty dollars because the ones that gave it in jail don't match none of her outfits. I told her to put the jail outfit back home. You're not being petty. I mean they don't just get them glasses out to nobody. I mean you did something to get them, and if they're not matching, no regular clothes, so I'll fit back home. It's just scrubs out here. Wanted to coordinate. But had she not done what she did, you wouldn't have gotten jail glasses. The brown horn realm glasses. She got them. Hugs, you're not being patty. I thought you got one. Well, I was just gonna ask this quickly. This won't take much time. I'm in the store yesterday. So I get a phone call for my husband, right so he says, um, do they have picnic baskets in there? And I was like, I don't know picnic baskets. I don't I don't even know what they look like. Now, so he says, well, look around. If they have a picnic basket, I want you to get one because I'd love to take you on a picnic. Pause long picnic he said, yeah. I said, um, honey, I'm not really a picnic kind of girl. Um, I don't do yes, yeah, but I don't do bugs. I don't know. So I was and we know you ain't cooked the food for the pic Okay, I'm sorry, Steve, Yes, sir, yes, the man going on a picnic, you know it won't be there. Want hello now? He being petty when you walk up on. So I'm being petted now because I wanted to go on to pick nick and you do so eyeball, huh, always doing this pick nicking like but wow, you knowing your gun? We are just pick nicking. That's how he wind up with the sandwich later from the bottom, shaking on your gun. I'm just saying, right, all right, okay one to come on, come on, yeah, Steve, you know I got a lot of cousins. You're always talking about me and my family, got a lot of cousins and Jack and they always have it get together. They want me to come big. Oh like going over there because they their TVs too small that they got from the flash. You know, if you are used to a flat screen, a big back throws you off. You cannot You can enjoy television the same way you watch if you use your flat screen. And what I'm saying you switched up on a big back, don't. Okay, So I'm not turn at the channel. A turn you're not too, Get out of your safe about your seat and pick up some what a remote? H I got a part? Yeah? No, I'm being petty. Oh he invite me over his house and standing in the apartment we're talking about coming out on the balcony. List to you. He got a will agree all out and two cheers, And you can't turn in my control what we got. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right, right before we get to Miss Anne and our national news and headlines. I don't know if you guys saw this, but former President Obama gave big props to Jimmy Kimmel for speaking up for affordable healthcare when he shared the story of his infant son's heart surgery. Did just see this? I mean yeah, it was very touching. Steve, You've been on Jimmy Kimmel's show a lot well. Jimmy Kimmel opened up about his newborn son's health issues. Jimmy's son, Billy, started to turn purple about three hours after he was born. The baby was born with a heart defect and had to be rushed to emergency heart surgery. On his show, during Jimmy's monologue, Jimmy talked about healthcare and pre existing conditions. Take a listen, if your baby is going to die and it doesn't have to, it shouldn't matter how much money you make. I think that's something now, whether you're Republican or Democrat or something else, we all agree on that, right, I mean we do. Yeah. It was very touching, and you know, he was tearing up as he was telling the story. But this is his son. You know. They showed the picture of his baby with all these tubes coming out of and everything. But the good news is that he's much better. The baby is now. Jimmy Kimmel is it shouldn't matter how much money you make. So imagine somebody who isn't as financially fortunate as Jimmy Kimmel. Which is the point the man was making Yeah, somebody is faced with the dilemma that their child could die. And so now that that that, they're almost putting out there that you can't get affordable health care if you have a pre existing you can't get health if you have a pre existing condition, which is one of the major things of Obamacare. Well the man was saying, come on, man, if you've got money or not, a person should have the right to live. The counter to them is they keep saying that every state can repeal it to get those prices down, because some of the Obamacare prices are high. But they'll leave it up to the state. You know, good in heal Well, the state they're taken on this cause, yeah, they cut this out, which is going to get it to repeal. The basic deal is they don't think that they should have to pay for other people's healthcare. We're the only industrialized nation that doesn't do that. So sad Canada, You're going to get any any anything you need done health wise immediately. I don't care what it is, you get it done. It's in Canada. We're may CoA man, the richest country in the world, most powerful country in the world. All Right, Jimmy Kimmel is off the rest of the week and some of his celebrity friends are filling in for him as co host. So our prayers are with Jimmy Kimmel and his family, especially his baby son, who's going to be all right. They say, uh, Steve, you want to introduce miss hand ladies in gentlemen, your fabulous miss and trials. Yes, h morning, everybody, Good morning everyone, this is oh yeah, you know, I fell off the chair. Oh, I fell off the chair, now, I was, I was. I thought I was bringing a tear towards me and I ended up on the floor. I know. That's very embarrassing. I'm sorry. Some of my back hurts if you get my drift. Okay, sorry about that, alright, alright, so let's let's go. I'm sorry. This is a troop with the news, everybody. You know. Lawmakers are now taking a closer look at the airlines and how they treat the traveling public in the wake of the recent incident on United Airlines where a passenger was bumped from his seat on an overbook flight and literally dragged off the plane you remember that one, and left with some significant injuries as a result. Representatives of United, Alaska, Alaska, American, and Southwest Airlines were all summoned to Capitol Hill yesterday to answer some questions. United CEO oscar when Is repeatedly apologized for the way things were handled by his air carrier as CEO. At the end of the day, that is on me, and this has to be a turning point for the eight seven thousand people and professionals here are United. The airline CEO promises to restore the highest levels of service as well as a quote deeper sense of respect and dignity. Some Transportation Committee members seemed skeptical air threatening to legislate better customer service protections for airline passioners. Most the airlines say okay, we're not gonna be overbooking any more flights, and then others say, well we're not. We may overbook, what, we're not going to make anybody get off once they have their seat. Okay, this is a sad story. I told you about this yesterday. But now the now, uh the now. Former South Carolina police officer Micro Slayer has pled guilty to a federal civil rights charge and the murder of a fifty year old, unarmed black man named Walter Scott may remember that thereby avoiding his scheduled retrial on murder, which would have carried a penalty of life in prison if he were convicted. Slager is a white. He was working for the North Charleston Police Department in April when he pulled Mr Scott over for a broken tail light. At one point, Mrs Scott runs out of the car, Slager shoots him five times in the back. He claimed that he killed Walter Scott because Scott was coming toward him and had taken his taser. But someone took video of it and it showed that the that Mr Scott was running away from him. So Slag has been dismissed, and so much for that. So so so so let me ask you dismissing what did he plead too? Because I was trying to get that this morning on TV. Did he did? Did he take a plea deal? He? Yeah, he's taking a plea deal. Okay, So what's it? Has anybody saying what he's gotten yet? Uh? No, he hasn't been sentenced officially yet, but part of the plea deal will obviously not be life in prison, you know. And then we have, of course, Steve We have that suburban Dallas cop who shot an innocent black teenager in the head with a shotgun. His name is Roy Oliver. He was one of the officers call to a location. Jordan Edwards was only fifteen. He had a straight a student. He and his friends are trying to drive away from a rowdy gathering to get out of the way. For some reason, this guy all of a shoots at the car. Fifteen year old Jordan's ends up with his head shot with a with a shotgun point. They say his head was on fire. And this guy, this cop, has been dismissed from the force, but he can appeal. It's been not such a not such a wonderful week for all of us, folks. And I'm sorry, very very Our children are dying. Our children are dying. You're listening to the String show. Well it is day after all. Coming up, Yeah, that's it's good to Jake do it again. Coming up next, we got the butterfly, Um and Oatmeal. They're both standing by. They're both standing by. Then get ready at thirty four after the hour, because Jay, you will be up with your murder the hits. You have another hit to you know, keep and your President is tweeting again. We have all that coming up. Oh boy, that's a lot. That's a lot. Good morning, Stephen Tommy. I'm Shirley called Ju and you're j Anthony Brown. Good morning to everyone on the pad on that morning. Good morning, good morning. Okay, So, first of all, I'm feeling really related left out. You guys did um you know, am I being petty? And you guys did not allow me to be in that that particularly second you did it earlier and to being petty and I wanted to be a partisan to me, You're not in that bit what I wanted to do. I know what you're not, but you're not. But don't come on here complaining about your time when I don't want you here. Okay? Can I can I ask you about some things? If I'm being patty? Can I do that? Can I at least well you can ask. Yes, you didn't. Haven't even hurried me out yet you and I want to hear from my peers, from Shirley Carlin Jr. And J two because you you just something anyway, So listen to me. Am I being petty? If when I got to the bathroom, I I only want to use wet whites instead of this shirt. Far is that petty something that? Okay, I guess that. Okay, So like before I go out on stage and if I if I pencil in my um my eyebrows, is that being to petty your eyebrows? Well, I do it every day, So I don't know. I don't think. Yeah, I don't think. I'm okay. Here's one that's really bothered me because it's like my Stephen. Hey, here's what that's bothered me. Okay, So my choir members are tripping with me, like they get upset, Like what I think they've done a great job singing and I packed them on the behind. They get upset? Aren't they being petty? I'm just saying good job? No, no, in your choir as a girl, Why do you say that, stude? Because it's true, the only one and last, wee last. It's not gonna it's just it's nothing to get offended by. If I just pat you on your behind and say good job. They do it on the basketball court out of time, so like they're like when you do a good joke, Stephen, if I pat you on your be hand, it's a good job. Steve, What do you think I happened to you. It's just a little pet. One time. I'm gonna show you what happened to joke. I'm gonna patch you on your pads. You're listening to Steve Morning Show back, Mama, I was mad at this story. Baltimore Orioles outfielder Adam Jones had a bag of peanuts and some racial slurs thrown at him on Monday. The Boston Red Sox, among others, have since issued statements of apologies to Jones. Yet it appears that his experience might be might not be a rare one, at least not when it comes to Fenway Park and Boston. Yeah. New York Yankees picture c c uh Sabathia had to say on the subject that it's talked about among black Major leaguers. He says, they know there's sixty two of us. We all know we go to Boston. Hey, just expect it, okay. Yeah. The list of other players with similar stories continues to grow. David Price, who currently pitches for the Red Sox, says he has heard racist taunts from the Fenway attendees. Former Red Sox outfielder Carl Crawford went through a similar experience except it was a police officer who was fired after a racial slur directed him. And these are I mean, they're actually calling him the N words, you know. You know the player for the Baltimore Orioles Uh that he got report talked about it, and they did a story on it. The next day when he came up to the plate the Boston Fenway Park gave him a standard ovation yeah, and really tried to make him feel like, hey man, we're not at all like that because it don't take much. Man, it just takes a couple of butt holes to mess it up for some others. You know, that's happening out there at Fenway, especially go out on that outfield, you know what I mean, they got a group out there that's all that that does that kind of stuff. And you know, but you know what I like, I always say, your punk ass are always up in the stairs, Bring your ass down on that field with that same pack of penuts and hand him to me and then see what happened to them peanuts and that pack key word is pack yeah yeah, And then he goes there right. Yeah. You know, I tried to be you know, you know, you did it great, you know I did a story. But then I'm still black. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, I'm gonna be mad at you now. So what they're gonna say when he down at the hospital, uncle, What they're gonna say when they open him up? Sir? What how did you get that? I just get this pack of peanuts in the center of your anus this way, so far, so far up in there. Wow? And then as something else here he's already shoelaces. All right, there's a bat up in there. How did you get that? Still get in You're supposed to be murdering when it's time for you, all right? Uh, this is half of my murders. When I did the song by the Weekend, he had the weekend, it was the weekend eating ded He since dropped the eat out of his name. I don't know why I hate, but anyway, I didn't like the song then, and I don't like you know what I'm just saying, Well, you know, hey, hey, you know I'm bitter. When you brought me over here, you call me bitter man. So now I'm listening. I gotta be happy. Just listen to the song, the song, the song by the Weekend. And I don't know what it's talking about the words made me do, but it leaves a couple hundred times ago, I had a song every day every day? Why is it so bad? I was? I can send the song, so I sing it. I can't send the songles I hate it. I don't love it, but I sing is the song by the weekend? That a head wind bloom? I don't know what he is talking about, the words making you stupid. We're gonna hear the whole song when we come back, but you're stupid. All right here, here's Jake murdering another hit. Let's go, Jake, come on a right here to the song by the Weekend and a hand wind in the bloom. I don't know what it's talking by. The words make needle them, but it leans a couple hundred times. I know. I heard the song every day every day. Why is it so fine about it? It's lack of blood in it, kid, even though I can't get out, I was shy now his voice. Oh, I can't send the songles I hated, but it fa so I sing it. I can't stand the songles I hate it. I don't love it when I sing it. Oh, never song by the Weekend that a head when it comes. I don't know what he's talking by the words may keep them on the radio and make so much I hearing in my Yeah, so I say, just ad it, yeah, just add it the weekend that hate us? Can I can? I keep stupid moving right after? That's stupid. Just go with some most stupid can get back those too. Come on your baby going back to preak. Hey, yes, I'm trying to reach Mrs Thomas. Please m Thomas. My name is Mr Stapleton. I'm actually the principal over at elementary school. You're I'm looking at my records indicating that your son, Thomas is going to be starting his first grade. Ready right, listen, Ms Thomas, Um, I've been going through actually all of the children's records that will be starting school, and I'm looking at your son's grades from his kindergarten. Well, no, not exactly. I mean there's been a few Uh. I actually spoke with the teacher and who he was under in kindergarten, and it seems like he just really wasn't up to par as the rest of the children. Now his conduct now, he talked, but he gets his work. So what else is she saying? On that that ain't right. Well, what what's what it seems to be, ma'am, is that his grades weren't up to par as the rest of the other children. She did tell me he a disobedient child. No, he disabeed into talking two different things. Come on, okay, well man, listen. What we've decided here is we're gonna let a little actually do another year of kindergarten. No, y'all ain't gonna let him do another year of kindergarten. No, sun man, that's that's the only choice I have. After uh No, we got our letter in the mail with our report card the week after school started, and it said on the back promoted. And if I got to get about this cotch and go get it, I'm gonna be because I'm telling you right now we will be in the first grade kindergarten when that hard. I'm not sure what they told you about him, but it must be the wrong. Well, if I understanding, he's he doesn't color as well as the rest of kids. He's all he's out of lines when he call it. He doesn't know his numbers completely. And that's kind of what we need when you first come into into the first grade, when I can show you on this paper he did satisfactory all the way through. Now you're about to me after I'm already sick calling me with some about my son blank and cander guard and he that kind of does not color well, man, and color ain't gonna do with the dad kindergarden. He is going to the first grade. And I'll be down there on August four, Mom, I will not be able to allow you to get in the school on August when Mr I'm sorry, uh, and let me get Let's tell you what. Let me go and get my pens and pen because I don't live that far from this school. And if y'all an't read it down there causing some comflict, I need to get up and go down there because I'm not telling my baby when he come home the day that he ain't going to the day come first. Man. I hate to say it, but I'm gonna have to refuse education from him. You know what, I just went back and put him in public school. I know that was a stake in the first place. Food which you're talking about some coloring. Give me your name again, sir Stapleton. Man, and what's that number down there? The number here is actually area code women. I got the number in the mind. I pulled up this report card. I got the number in your name on the back of this paper. I'll tell you what August twenty four will be coming in there, going to school, and I might make a trip around that this evening when I come from the doctor the bottom. I'm not want to hear that. Colin ain't got no to do with nothing else. It's not only color. Here's a rhythmetickets back. Are you working with him at home or you're doing anything at home? What you're trying to say, I'm an incompetent parent. I'm just asking as a parent, are you working with your child? Working with my child every day? He can read better than you. Probably, no, he can't read. Don't read better than you, because obviously you read that role on that paper that he's supposed to be going back to kindergarten, when I know the paper saying from it going to the first grade. And I'm not listening to no more this about him going backwards. Now, if you've got a problem with your paper work, maybe you need to go talk to your secretary of somebody in there that wrote my baby name down well. Your son's name Thomas, ma'am, No, it ain't him, baby, I know it ain't him. You're not gonna sit up and tell me my son is blocking kindergarden. He is not going back to that kindergarten. Don't bring yourself on downhill office, do you hear me? I call you on be ready to me and my husband, but we will be down that that pack shoes, uniform everything you hear me? I will not be able to allow him in education right now. I would come down there right now and make that correction on that paper for your baby is not going back to No, can't it gone for no coloring? Can you bring him down here and let him color from me? So I can you tell my color in the rim and taking on the show? No? Uh no, I'm sorry. Uh. We will be down that August two and four. I would have this poor card in my head that says you have been promoted to the first brother. He's gonna have a mile on this face, and so are you. I got one more thing I need to tell you. Are you listening to me? I'm listening. You ain't saying nothing. Yeah, you better say something that sounds like the first glade because I'm not playing. I would go down to this dad on the administrative office and I had fine because my son would be in that first glade. Are you raising your voice? Who are you raising your voice? You're talking to me? I'm crasy, it is what. I'm a blind woman. I don't need to gless friends to you. Why I'm trying to did you graduate? Honey? I am a college degree person. I have a great job. My husband and I do well by ourselves and for our children. And that's why we're not You're not even if you're not even at work right now. Man, That's what I'm say. I told you that when you call here right on the doctor to call me now, partner missing my phone call? Can you color? Because your son can't color? God? Question is that? Ask me? Can I color? What? Are you white and black? Yes? Miss less me on my color? No, I ask you can you color? Like some racist lines? And that can you color? No? My coloring and me be color. Ain't got nothing to do with none of this, just a race thing. No, trying to make sure you send him back. No, I'm not trying to send him back. I want to send him back to color to get his coloring together. You what that ain't got nothing to do with nothing. And if you're the head person down there, now, you aren't competent and you aren't in a literate call me and tell me that my son has to back to the first grad. I got one more thing. I'll tell you what I'm through with this guy comes through with this guy. I'm gonna say one more thing, and I'm gonna be out here. Are you listening. That's his nephew, Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your girlfriend. F L Shaw. I'm obla, I am going to hu. You're about to get to play. I mean, I'm right now everything, I'm gonna everything. I'm gonna beat huh because you know I don't play when it comes to back. That's all right, all right, but one more question. Now, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. That's Steve Harvey Morning Show. Baby, just trying to boil. Just just back though to stupid. You did that. You did that in color. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Let's get it. Buckle up and hold on tied. We got it. Four years Strawberry letter and it's a short one nephew subject of family affair, Dear Steve and Shirley. I have been in a committed relationship with my boyfriend for three years and it is great, but I am starting to get extremely bored in the bedroom. So a couple of months ago, I poured my heart out to my boyfriend's sister and she truly understood what I was going through. That night, I began to have more than just friendly feelings for her. Since then, we've set it off in quotations three times. I'm afraid to tell my boyfriend that I cheated on him with his sister because I don't want to lose what we have. I don't want her to tell either. I want to continue messing with them both. So how do I remain loyal to my boyfriend? What should I do? Well, first of all, you can't remain loyal to your boyfriend because you've already betrayed his trust. I mean, you did that the first time you got with his sister. You said you've been with her three times and you don't want to stop. So you know, as far as being loyal to him, that's pretty much out of the window, and is that all it takes for you to cheat is for someone to listen and really understand what you're what you're saying. Uh, the way I see it, you're you're not bored. You're you're not bored in the bedroom. You're just bisexual. That's what you are. Your bisexual. You want your man and you want his sister. You want them both. You said it in your letter. You don't want to lose them. You want to continue to to mess with them both. So don't blame your man because you're not trying to fix what's wrong in your relationship after three years. I mean a lot of times, you know, relationships after a period of time needs some refreshing, some reboot, some you know, more romanticism into the relationship. I don't think it's him at all. I think it's you, Steve Well. The subject is a family of fail that's the subject, Just Steven Shirley. I've been in a committed relationship with my boyfriend for three years. While the commitment is over, which is no longer a committed relationship. You're just in a relationship with your boyfriend for three years, and it is great. That was the next statement. But then she says, but I'm starting to get extremely bored in the bedroom. What ain't trying nothing new? Same old, same old, same time limits. You know when it's what's going on? You know winners ain't going on? You haven't got a time. You got a entry time and exit time. What's what's wrong? What's wrong? Ain't when it ain't? No, ain't nobody spanking it, rubbing it's flipping it? What's wrong? What is it? What is it? Ain't y'all ain't got no video cameras at the house nowhere. You ain't got no little people can come over and film this for you. You never thought about having a little Housewives of Atlanta come over film it for you. Stand on the dressing as a cheerleading squad. I'm just trying. What's wrong? So a couple of months ago you decided to talk it over with your boyfriend's sister. She really really understood what she was going through that night. After one talk that night, I began to have more than just friendly feelings for her. That night. That night, you ain't looked at hard at the barbecue, bending over unwrapping gilts at the Christmas tree. You ain't saying nothing to it Thanksgiving, just that particular night here it came. Now here's a key word, and this whole lot of folks since then, we've set it all three times? The hell is that? Hm? What is set it off? You know? Set means to put it down? Mm hmm, to play something back? Who it come from? Set that there right there? Down? Now? Set to put back? M hmm. Next work it now? What it are you referring to? I'm thinking it's the cookie? So you didn't put that cookie right back where it be long? And then all somebody take it off again? Somebody back down? Somebody took cookie back off. I better they're boring, no moing now. But now here's the other part. This is where women start to throw us off as men. I am afraid to tell my boyfriend that I cheated on him with his sister. Why is it that women y'all all feel the need to tell M M what are you telling? I'm afraid to tell my boyfriend and I cheated on him with his sister. Okay, don't tell it. What is this outcry from y'all to tell shut your damn mouth. You did it three times? Now, first time you could have said I got caught up. But second time, the second time you said it, you said it back. Quad was and you know what it is we're talking about. And she went right in there and took it off again. So y'all just set it off three times, h because I don't want to lose what we have. Did you hear this line. I'm afraid to tell my boyfriend I cheated on him with his sister because I don't want to lose what we had. What y'all ain't got much of nothing. You've been with the boy in three years. You ain't engage, you ain't gonna get mad. You extremely bored in the bed room. It's something that came in with an understanding ill and then then when it is should have got just fake. Nick. You got your foot all up that body lamp. You're knocked off the water on the way you're the foot at but it's exciting in that. Now. I really don't have no mo on this letter. But we come back. Help mo on this left everything he subject to a family affair. We will be back with part two of Steve's response. You're listening to Steve har all right, Steve, back to this letter A family affair? You know, it's really over with, you know, let's just go and get rid of this right now. I don't want to lose what we have. You ain't got nothing. You and the man ain't obviously ain't happy. I don't want her to tell her brother either. I don't know what sister gonna go in there and go I'm sleeping with your date. I don't know how to ask gonna work. I want to continue messing with them both, So here's let's let's just get I want to continue messing with them both. So how do I remain loyal to my boyfriend? M hmm, I want to continue messing both. How do I remain loyal to my boyfriend? Let's get rid of all these words in this sentence. Loyal You ain't boyfriend, he's not remain and you've been sleeping around. You can't remain something that you ain't. You ain't loyal, So why would you try to remain loyal if this is your idea of loyalty. Didn't keep doing what you're doing, because that's you got the wrong interpretation of love. It's no problem you like both people you like? She said you bisexuals not going and do you? But I do think people that are bisexuals should tell their partners who don't know they bisexual. I go both way so they can make a decision. But then that's like most people that cheat. Most people that cheat ain't gonna go and tell the person I'm a Cheatah No, ain't nobody gonna do that. I don't know what else to tell you. Let's go to what else we got to do today? Okay, all right, all right, all right, another day, another shocking video taking on board a commercial flight. Did you guys see this? Japanese and a flight from Tokyo to Los Angeles was preparing to leave the gate when two passengers began throwing punches at each other. I in the red Hawaiian shirt. Passengers watched in horror, and the baby can be heard screaming his flight attendant to try to break up the fight. The combatant in the red Hawaiian shirt he started it was said to be drunk when he started fighting with the other passenger of the passenger other passenger had on the black shirt. He was eventually let off the plane and arrested for assault. The flight eventually departed almost almost get this two hours late? Two hours late? Well, when you got on Hawaiian shirt on across country flight. That's that's problems right there. You didn't been to another country with a Hawaiian shirt on that and then he goes You think I'm crazy? What about the government that was lost? Yeah he did that other guy was swinging. Who was he fighting? A passioner? Just another the passenger, but then the dude was was dropping them over. It's it's a lot of pressure up there in these airplanes, and it's a lot of fighting going on lately. Fighting that they were both white, two white guys fight. Yeah, yeah, I see. Nobody goes to jail when that happens. You know, No, you went to jail, even jail over in Tokyo. No, Tommy, you're going to jail black, white or purple. Yeah, you started fighting on the plane, You're not going. Yeah, they're gonna they't be waiting on you when you're land. You're right. Wow. Well, anyway, so you think I'm crazy, What about the government. What does that have to do with you fighting up? So you just snatched stuff out. That's not going to do a good defist in Cord Yeah, what about your Gavin Man? Well, sir, government work, that's the first time, you know, you lose it. He's saying, you up, what if I runs? The saving had nothing to do with nothing man. And now under our tweeting, President uh, this is just way too much. President Trump tweeted President Andrew Jackson. This is what he tweeted. Um yesterday or day before. I think he tweeted this. President Andrew Jackson saw it coming and was angry. He would have never let this happen talking about the Civil War. Uh, Um, Andrew Jackson. President Andrew Jackson was a Yeah, he was a slave owner and he had died sixteen years before the Civil War started. But Donald Trump tweeted that he saw it coming and was dead for sixteen years. But Trump and Clinton are still still going at it. That's another story, right. Uh. Clinton resurfaced yesterday at the Women for Women International charity lunchon and address what she believed was the reason she lost the election. While she blamed her campaign and herself, she also pointed to FBI director James called me a lot of a lot of people blamed him as well for reopening the closed investigation into her emails ten days before the election. That was enough to set off Trump, who went on one of his typical Twitter tirades. He said FBI director called me was the best thing, uh that ever happened to his campaign. So um, yeah, just stopped tweeting and run the heating history. You don't just watch the History channel. Maybe you're up late tweeting and stuff. Yeah, FBI director comey was the best thing that ever happened in Hillary Clinton in that he gave her a free pass for many bad ds. That's what he said. Well, he don't know history for sure, now he does, he did, he was but sixteen years But the man, the same man that said Frederick Duglas is doing a great job. When you when somebody did a shout out and the same guy, I mean, he's doing wonderful work right now. That's what y'all voted for. And if you didn't vote that, yeah, yeah, if you didn't vote, you're right, Carl, you that was a vote for trum. Yeah. And you know that that everybody you know that. That's why I'm not gonna do it on this show. Just preach four years of doom and gloom. That's why I'm not gonna do it, because I mean, everybody's doing it. It's just doing what is we well, you know, like you said, if you didn't vote, you voted for it, you know, and this is but I don't, but I don't. We really need to just go head on because guess what, we already know what it's gonna be like. Yeah, so we just go on and just go on and just handle it like we've been handling it. Really ain't no surprise for us, not to us right now, there's really no surprises in it for us. We can just go hered because for us as business as usual. We've been through this before. People that surprised all other people. We already know what this is. We already know been there. Haven't seen a bunch of PRIs before. Yeah. Yeah, So doesn't Obama look good though and sod and rested the best after president? Yeah he does, he does because he's still young, still young. Yeah, well, I just love the way it looks that, huh. You know he's bawling in everything, just doing whatever. Yeah, gets your four hundred dollars, you're speaking, hang out with you, smoke a couple of cigars, chill with it. You're listening to Steve Harvey Show. All right, Steve, come on, this is gonna be interesting. Streets are talking, The streets are talking. I take to the streets, Steve, see what the people are talking about. Checking out everybody's truly, Jas Browns and Steve Harpy Morning Show. Who is the biggest liar in your familyself? Who's the biggest liar in your family? My dad? Who's the biggest liar in your family? My family? You know we're a godly family. We gotta have one. We have adulterous thank you very much. Who's the biggest liar in your family? Man got to be the pops man. Never come get you when he said he you're gonna gonna get you. Never give you the gift he say he's gonna give you. That rangs the top of the list. Still holding onto that pain? Huh Man? Who's the biggest liar in your family? Show my mom? Your mom is a big liar? Some of the lies your mom is told? Who my father was? Whoa The question of the day is, who is the biggest liar in your family? My uncle and my mom, brother, my unct, my mom's sister, and I got a cousin. Ain't little father lie lie for no reason? Who is the biggest liar in your family? Who's the biggest liar in your family? What does he lie about? And who's the biggest liar in your family? Husband? Your husband lies a lot. What's the last lie he told? I don't even know where he is right now. Thank y'all so much, real quick, what's the right this morning show in the world, Steve Harvey Morning Show, Thank you so much. She said, we're a Christian family. We have a Yeah that's last actually than man, Thank you man. And uh my daddy. Yeah, it's going to be a good bit on the talk. And my mom lied to me about that too. That's a whole different story. But we're talking about that another time. About who my daddy will Yeah, yeah, the pain is still there, but I'm talking that was never an issue. Itt out you slick man was the boss? Was never an issue? Who was the boss? Now my mama was the boss. But yeah, oh okay, yeah, what what was the story you told the time, Steve, when you were in the bathtub or something and your dad came in the Daddy came in and used the bathroom while I was taking the bath. I was not huh came in, well I got to go, and he started undressing and I was sitting there in the bathtubs, a little boats and stuff in him starting to get concerned. Well he ain't, my daddy, asked Nick, And just hanging the clothes up on the back of the dough. You know that's where I got it from. I go to bath when you're really feel to go. Well, you miss a lot of freedom. Use everything for the for the traction. I understand it. Yeah, keep your shoot, all that stuff up on the wall. And he just started, man, and I couldn't take it. I was trying to get lower and lower down in the water. Water starting to cool off here, and they're just reading and grunting and and it started getting fouling there. So I tried to go down lower and keep the bubbles around my nose to block it. Then the bubbles got in my nose and I was actually drowning in six inches of water. It was a horrible day for me, and my brothers was laughing. They asked, of course, I know Daddy ain't sitting up in there man using the bathroom, Stephen, that damn water. Daddy can't win it that day, didn't he? Men? He brought it, brought it brought the pain. Taught me a lot, though, once up. After that, I locked the bath room doing act like I can't hear because there was only one bath one bathroom, one bathroom, one bath yeah yeah, but it and you took a bathroom by yourself. Man, y'all have money. I was just visualizing him and the top. Well I was a tall boy, so wasn't who else is gonna get in there? Well, I mean and my cousin. We had to take a bath together and then saved that water. Don't you think water? Don't you pull? We had to do that to stand the second. But that's what. But then what my mom and then would do would put some bubbles in there and switch it around. I couldn't see it was cloudy. Remember that film with the on the top stead That ain't never bothered me though, yeah I didn't. Film didn't bother me in the cloudy water and the cloudy water and your daddy. And then that was another thing. And don't know, I learned to when they told me to stay out of his old spice, and I got into that old spice and neckid one day it was flash it on my hands and got some on my little jewels, yeah, on my little chesting them chesting the spice on and I didn't know what it was, so I was bad from me. It started off with a with a slight whimper like that, and then it gets into it, and then it then it started too and then after a while it was I had old spots on my jewels, old spice on the jewels. You're listening, ste all right, Janet Jackson is back in the news. Yeah, we heard from her most recently when she was of course, she gave birth to her baby boy. Then she announced her divorce. Well now she just got real and confirmed that her divorce is in the courts and it's in God's hands now. Then she and now she's coming uh on tour. She's going back on tour. She's continuing her State of a World tour. Here it is. Take a listen. Hey, you guys, it's me jan just a cause you don't recognize me because I have put on quite a few since I had the baby. But I thank God. I thank God for him, you guys. He's so healthy, so beautiful, so sweet, so loving, such a happy baby. This message was supposed to be about something else, but I'll get to that in a minute. I just want to keep it real with you guys for a second. Yes, I separated from my husband. We are in court and the rest is in God's hands. I'm continuing my tour as I promised. I'm so excited to you guys, so excited. She's just put on a couple of pounds. Jake control over here? Do we have to add Janet now to the list? See Mary j Blige, John Legend. You ain't just add none of my friends on this show. You ain't gonna have no friends in a minute. Yeah no, that ain't. Word's gonna happen. What's gonna happen? Somebody that's gonna be back over there than you? Are? You always defending? Oh no, no, no too foods. But what you ain't been doing? Write a song about this? Now? I'm just saying she's not in control. Here we go, stupid man coming just the widest. Jackson did not just tell y'all, y'all go sit them and and courage each other. You don't come if we're telling us to stop stop Jake only and I'm dating the big screen Jay slew tolet No, I'm not Steve sure. You said only on big screens. You said that the stall in four D. We had to add an extra D. I'm not going there with Jay. You heard Steve the leader of this nine days then you right, I'm sorry. I'm sorry you have to because I know what it feels like to be out of work. I'm sorry. Don't do too Just do one more, just one moment you watch by weight watching I can't believe all right, he asked, added Janet Jackson to the list of celebrities that hate us now thanks to Jay all right. In addition to the show's postponed when when her pregnancy was announced last year, uh, the fifty six dates include several newly added locations. Tickets held for several for previous Unbreakable Tour events that are now rescheduled will be honored at the new dates. So that's good. Yeah, So she was on tour many bad King l everyone, Tommy jet one, get one man, the boss have spoken. That's our free Yes, you just got here, damn thing. But that so her tour starts seven September seven in Lafayette, Louisiana, So get ready for that. She's excited, man, that taste the freeze. Okay, I'm done with this story. It's gonna be September seven and Lafayette. It starts, It says, the fun begins that Ham and cheese. I hate him. Gumbo gumbo. Okay, alright, so it's Celo again. The list of celebrities who hate us, Mary j Blige, John Legend just at it this morning, the weekend and now Jenny. No, they're not gonna they're gonna hate j Yeah, he's murdering a hit right now as we speak. Okay, the next you know, Yeah, remember that Shirley tell me bout to take us to the tour. He didn't get to see Janney. Remember Houston show, and that's September nine, Tommy, and they don't want to give your money back. They was tripping because she's coming back. She's coming back my money and bought something to eat with it. Now you money. I hope Jane sit on you. Tom shut up. Jane did not get sex to you. I was Jane s jo. I'm sorry it was too much. I'm sorry. I cannot with you guys. Paris Jackson, Janet's niece, Michael's daughter. Paris is set to make her feature film debut. She's acting uh in an unto title thriller from Amazon studio. She'll start opposite David Yellow o um and some other people. Charlie's there on. She's been a movie with Janet, not just a different movie. Yeah. Yeah, she's just doing her thing now she's acting. Yeah, that's pretty big. I can't believe you said that. I mean for Paris to be an actress. Jay, Charlie A big plus. That hurt, she said big. He's actually pointing his finger at me right now? Am I being petty? Yes? Steve is so mad? Right, comedian, We're moving on to the to the met ball all uh, pick up to La La, who's going through a lot. But she looked fantastic. Oh my god, damn you dress? Yeah? The hell would you dress? Yes? She did? I just wanted to get that out there. Yeah, she really looked beautiful. She did. And Jaden Smith cut off his dreads and he brought them with him. He had him in his hand. Close. Yeah all right, I know you've been working though, but have you been watching the playoffs? Ya? All? That's all I got to say. Hey, wait on, everybody the state, whoever come on rockets, come on rockets Houston. You see we did to say Antonio Maze saw that all right, you're listening. Well, well, well you've heard about La La and Carmelo getting a divorce. Yeah, they're on the outs, even though there are some reports now they're saying he's begging her back. I wouldn't be surprised if she went back, wouldn't. Well, Carmelo, Yeah, stranger things have happened. Definitely, I mean, it definitely has happened. Um, but Kobe and here's ye that yeah and Carmelo Yeah yeah, yeah, that's that's a that's a big change the baby. I agree, I agree. Carmelo is allegedly planning to get out of New York City altogether. He wants to clear his head and get away from the drama surrounding the scene. Clear my head. That's he's Layne, he said, at large criminal or junior right about that? Man, he's in a bad spot with this one. No, this is not good. Yeah, this is just good. And let me ask you that because I don't really keep up with this type of All of this is true though. What about the stripper and there? Yeah, I mean yeah, as far as we know, I mean, I'll tell you this. It was on TMZ okay once it's on TMZ's entertainment Bible. Yeah, that's like our jet back in the day. I remember if it was in the jet, it was true. Yeah. So um, anyway, guess where he's planning to come though, he's leaving New York. Guess where he wants to go? L A, l A. You know it l as some of the best trippers. That's not a good place for him. Then, yeah, well it's gonna be tough, man, if he doesn't get his family back together, which I always pulled for that, but you know, you can't, you know, and you know, and you know Lala has been a friend and her you know, she worked for me as an intern before, you know, and she's just a great girl. But always like Mellow two though, you know, I never had a problem with either, want on them. So you know, I just wish your family could survive this. But if not, it's an expensive it's an expensive mistake and so many levels. You know, you you what what you know? Look, look man, what no man wants to do. And the answer to that is why you do it did But you don't want to lose your family over nothing. But then that nothing is so huge now and it's just a messed up situation. You gotta owe your ex money. You're gonna ow the the girl the baby money. You know you can keep quit ref earnt her as a strip because she's a woman with a baby. Because there's a new life in the world if that's true. So man, you really you jacked your money up pretty good. Now you can jack your money up pretty because you've got to go now to the wife and the baby. You you're gonna be hurting it out the taxes. Your ay's gonna be hurt six and a hand months pregnant. What it's like a six and a hand? Wow? Yeah? Protection, Yeah, I heard he's the unprotection though. Wow, he wants to join the Clippers becomes too l A. Well, I couldn't hit a shot with the knicks, but he nailed one down there, right, alright, alright, alright, everybody is to James Bond Comedy Clubs, five eighty one West Manchester Avenue. She got show Underwood coming June, the first Mother's Day sell ration, and I will be there personally June tonight on Thursday night, Thursday night, Tomorrow night, Tomorrow night, jam Inces in Los Angeles, in Los Angeles and animate night We're gonna be killing it at Jon. I love that. Come on down, come back, you've been there. I'm coming What the best chicken is the best? Here we go? Bag? Did we? Did we talk about the top five movies this week? I don't know if we got to it or not. Yeah, still in the top five. The Boss Baby. That's a good movie. I movie so much. The Boss Baby is very funny. Yeah, so much. Alec Baldwin. Uh. Number four, The Circle, that's the Tom Hank That's the one I want to see this week. That Circle that that made nine point three million? Uh? What is this movie? Bajo Bally to the conclusion. Number three that's one of those Bollywood movies. Problem, Wow, I haven't even heard of that. I haven't heard of that. Number two This looks really funny. How to Be a Latin Lover? I haven't seen that. Looks funny lover. And then number one movie again, The Fate of the Furious. Yeah. I only saw one of those movies and that was in nineteen point four million dollars. Gonna make another one? Bet? Yeah? I mean when you make that kind of money? Yeah, what are you saying? I don't know. I ain't saying nothing. Him what I'm going to say, you're talking about movies. Oh yeah, that's right, talking about you know, like I've been to a damn movie or something. Damn movie. He doesn't go to movies and he doesn't watch talked to, got on his nerves. Get standing. You know you don't go to movie, Steve, No, no, damn movie. Man, Why not? Why you don't go to movies? Man, let them know. Dog how I'm gonna go to the movie and I'm sitting there and watch a movie, I'm gonna get harassed the whole movie. Everybody got what this guy already got a mustage, my lips. What I'm gonna put on. There's no way you would fake mustache over your mustache, didn't junior junior junior junior mutton chops if you put some mutton chops on the side of you. I don't want to do all that. A man. You know what, let me tell yourself. When I get off, what I like to do is go home. He's still be in my backyard and quit talking. Man, Huh, you don't talk in the movie. You can just go in with your This guy, I can't watch the movie though they go bother me. I can't I can't. I try for you. They do a private screen if you want, but you get the whole movie. Yeah, you get the whole thing, anybody, because that's the way a lot of people relax. You know. All I need now isn't day? Okay? Well then I'm gonna run down to a MC and get the film because you already got a movie theater in the house. I just yeah, yeah, I just ain't coming back over. Everybody today is that he's the worst host ever. J party You think you kicking? Yeah, you're done. Look, I'll tell everybody what's trying. The party over? Party over at one? You know what? What is one on five? What a one five? And y'all still he's actually buil a man. You know, I agree with him on that. I do not like company at all. I can't take it new. I'm with you and that with four seconds, that's what you count down? One second? All right? Uh, last break of the morning. We're out of here straight ignorant the start, thanks mostly in part to you. And you didn't say anything wrong. I didn't your hair, your hair what innocent? I think you're being pettished. You got people tweeting. Come on, I don't know why you're mad. You know what he did for your body over here. I didn't know the bitterness was gonna be against celebrities. Don't. We're gonna talk about celebrities on this show. They gotta have a safe place to come to, songs about them and everything. CeeLo, Mary J. Blige, John Legend, and Justine. We could get past that. I've already talked to her and we got pasted what she says. No, no, yeah, yeah, she's good. Okay, just that this morning though, the weekend whatever. I don't know. Jim Jackson, Yeah, yeah, it wasn't the Jacksons. It was no, no, No Jackson ain't gonna lead Damn Jackson as long on this show. You're gonna leave him lone black casts gonna leave him. Stop. That's what you're gonna do, is leading Damn Jackson. Find somebody else talking about talking about Damn osmate. I mean, but Steve, you have there is a point that the tweeter made you did know, Now, I don't care. It was about before you hired him. He's been you ain't to do Janet And there we got other people tweeting Janet just had a baby. Yes, Vinny tweeted, you knew who Steve was, you knew who Jay was when you bought him over here? Did he missed me? And then Kaela said love the show. But Janet Jackson comments gonna way too far. I think they were too far, too but you didn't know, but now that I think it was too big, too big. Hey, hey, hey, the stupid person you just do dumb and stupid, dumb and dumb. You've never been able to say, all right, here's the story. It says, if you're a guy who makes impulsive decisions, you know, if you do stuff and don't think about it, researchers say you might be able to blame testosterone. Yeah. Interesting how scientists discovered that men with high levels high levels of testosterone are quicker to make snap judgments than people with low tea levels. It seems testosterone either slows down the process of mentally checking your work or increasing increases the gut feeling that you're right. So it depends if you have high I made some very event just today. I made something like a couple of them, like I do I do marriages, which just pick one. You know it's not gonna w when you're standing and I shouldn't be doing. You're standing up one of my things wrong and this is so this is so wrong. What are you having against marriage? Though? Really we don't have that much. We look at the cloud. We don't have much time. No, we got no, we don't. Plenty of times I might do it again, but yeah really yeah, oh yeah, give up a love man. No, I can't. But those other three times did. I'm gonna bet you're going to say three has been molding three. I'm gonna out there. I know what he told you. You've been like the whole time to be someone's had more marriages than him. Ye, hell yeah, I made it. How The first rule of improv is whatever they put out there, go with whatever you say. Come on your family now. No, no, no, I don't need to going over the number, but it's more on up. Okay, easy for again, go ahead. I want to ask and Steve something. Yeah, how long after your first manage did you start looking forward to your second one? I'm just curious, idiot, right o. God, this has to be dumbest, dumbst thing you have ever said on this, and you've said a lot of him just be done by himself. I don't want to be in your dumb group. It's dumb that I don't want to be in your dumb group. Be done by your damn How long helped after your first marriage should you start looking forward to your second? I'm just it's just a question, okay. If you're asking Jay who said he doubted it at the altar? So you don't want Jay's answer, because he could tell you how much time after your first marriage starts to just start looking forward to your second one. That's all. Just got married, Ja, kind of just got married. Just got married. You got the right one, so you don't have to do this. It's ridiculous. I don't want to be no more. I don't blame you. I don't want to be sitting out in your club. Didn't take you long as I got here either, Jake to realize I don't want to be known with him. Let's do it, Ja, listen to me. Have a great weekend. It's Wednesday, okay. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.