Welcome Back Steve, Jay-Z, NFL, Montenegro and more.

Published Aug 19, 2019, 2:00 PM

Welcome to the ride!  Steve is back and mo black!  The vacation discussion begins.  Church Complaints is here and Pastor Motown is back to address the rumors.  Is Montenegro good for black folks?  Jay-Z's partnership with the NFL has got controversy written all over it and the crew share their thoughts.  Steve talks about his trip and we somehow hear about bootleg merchandise and more.  Helmetgate still has Junior upset and now his uncle adds his two cents.  Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog talks about how God changed him, better yet, his motivation.  Have a great weekend!  It's Monday.

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know. Y'all back a suit on the back down, giving them move like the milking buck bus things in the cubbles. Y'all good it, sEH. Listen to movie together for stun Please, Moby, I don't join join me in doing me. Honey, you gotta turn you, you gotta turn the turnour got to turn out, turn the water the water go. Come come on your back at h huh, I sure will. Good morning, everybody. Are you listening to the voice? Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, I got something for you today. I'm gonna have a conversation this morning about my understanding of grace now that I've gotten older and I've come in to a better understanding of a lot of things I didn't know about when I was younger. This is just my interpretation of grace. Now once again, y'all listen to me. I ain't nobody's pastor, I ain't nobody's minister. So you know, I'm pretty sure you can go to church and get a far more extensive definition of one I'm giving you. I'm just talking to people, you know, Grace is this thing that that God provides for us. And grace it's just things that you get that's really undeserving, you know. I mean, I look at my life as it is today. You know. Look, I work hard and I have faith in God that I do so things are going to happen in my life. But the way my life is now, I don't. I don't. I don't deserve all of this. I don't don't. I don't look at it that way. I have been the beneficiary of God's grace. I have aligned myself in a position to accept whatever grace God has for me, and it will be far abundant and exceedingly in anything you could think of. His grace supersedes anything you could possibly imagine. You know, the goals that I set and the aspirations that I shoot for, and the things that I have on my dream board. I have the faith that God will give it to me. But what He does with grace, he gives you far more than that. He gives you what He has for you, not what you can see. You can't see all He has for you. It's impossible. Who are you? How can you possibly imagine what he can imagine? How can you possibly think how he can think? How? How can you possibly do what he can do? How can it be that isn't a single mind living or a collection of minds that could have thought of earth? What in your wildest imagination could have made you think of Earth? The stars, the heavens, the oceans, the galaxy, the constellations. What in your mind? What in any man's mind. We can point at it and analyze it, but we show it couldn't have thought of it. So come on now, I'm talking about lining yourself up with God's grace, which he will give to you if you if you want some of it now. But now, his thing about grace, it can't be bought. If it could, if it could be bought, I'm telling you I would pour all the money I have and dump it into grace, because, after discovering what it is, it's this goodness that God shines on you simply as a reward of some type for his love for you and for you attempting for you attempting to do right, not because you get it right. Because if He judged us purely on how we are the right and wrong of it, we would all be doomed, all of us, Every last one of us would be doomed because we all fall short, we all make mistakes, we all sin, we all get it wrong from time to time. Nobody's perfect. Man. Now I understand what my mother was saying about cleaning the house. All I want is a little more grace. All I need is a little more grace when the last time you ask God for some grace. Now I'm not talking to you like I know everything. If you just benefit from His grace, which you already have, but if you're not aware of it, you don't know what's going on. Become aware of grace, Get aware of the fact that God does things for you simply because He loves you. He does things for you that you don't even deserve. Somehow, you just wonder how you just got over when you didn't even do the things to get over. Sometimes you don't even know how you got that job you got when you ain't even really do the things to get to job. How you end up where you are all education you thought you went and got and had, how you end up where you are today in a much better position than your education could have ever gotten you. That's grace. How I get every place I am today. I didn't plan this. Man, If I could have planned my life the way it is, don't you know how to have done it when I was living in that car? If I knew how to do it. No, I benefited from his grace. I'm just a beneficiary of his grace, of his goodness and his mercy. God's goodness is better than your goodness. God's goodness is better than your mother's goodness. It's better than your wife's or your husband or your booze goodness. God's goodness is different. His goodness Man covers some stuff you can't even imagine. So why are you trying to put your life together when the last time you asked him for just a little bit of grace. When have you thought of your life in terms of the grace that it has already benefited from? Have you ever done that? Man? Just thought about you know? You hear songs like my soul looked back and wonder how I got over. That's grace. That's all I can call it. Now. Like I said, you can go to church or somewherever you want to, and ministers that the wind at school to teach this thing way better than me. I'm just giving you from a layman standpoint, Man, have you thought about his grace? Would you not bewailed to be a beneficiary of his grace? Would it not? Certain? Now check this out. The better you try to do, the more grace he'll give to you. And that grace can't be bought. Like I said, it's free. You can't purchase grace. But the better you try to become the more the more grace he gets to put your way. So man, just try why don't you just try to do better? Look, man, quick tip. Mind, I'm gonna start next week. I'm gonna start at the new year. Now you now, you do that every year, you know the ems at the new year. I'm eat better at the new year. I'm gonna I'm gonna gonna get in here and the new year. If you're gonna do it, you're gonna do it now. Man, You're gonna do not stop trying to do something, do it, stop talking about it, do it now. The best way to benefit from his grace is starting action now in old w now right now today. What you're waiting on. All you're doing is delaying his opportunity to bless you. You know, man, you know, do you know how many times we do that, we delay his opportunity to bless us by not starting now. If you're gonna get healthy, why don't you start now? Now you're gonna trip a little bit called the holidays coming. But you ain't got to eat bad all the time. You could start eating correct today you could, you could, and then guess what that could be? Some grace on the end of that. I'm just giving you a little cheap analogy. But do you feel what I'm saying to you? Start thinking in terms of grace? What He has done for you and provided for you that you ain't even see coming. That you know, you keep calling them blessings And I got that a lot of it, and now it's all it is. But man, have you thought about the stuff that didn't happen to you? You can't account for I. For me, that's been grace and I'm beneficiary of it. And that's available to everybody that won't sull Next time you're talking to him, just check in with grace. See what that is. That's that's better than money. You're listening. May have your attention, please, May I have your undivided attention? Please? Now the long awaited return is hill. He back, he rested, he back back in mow Black, I got some rest. I found new level of hignorance. Oh, I'm I'm fronted. I'm overjoyed. What is this? What is this that I feel inside? Hey? That keeps said in my soul to fire you? Hey, Steve, be back on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Before I get started, I want to thank my incredible Crewe for holding it down ladies, and the shutting Strawberry Calin for real, Junior Nephew, Dermit and my main man Jamon and Brown. Welcome back, Stave for damnself, yourself for your damn jack. Welcome back to Steve. You were missed, my Duve, but we were checking you out on the Graham Baby living your best life. I love to tell y'all that I missed. Y'all, you're gonna be ing. You ain't got to lie, no, but let's just hold that for a later dinner. Well, how was it, Steve Man? I can't even I don't even know where to talk so much, it's so much. First of all, I'm gonna talk about Africa tomorrow. I can't talk about Africa to day because I don't want to I don't want to come back with that story first day back, so let's just talk about all the joy your stuff, even though Africa means more to me now than it's ever meant to me. But we'll get into that. But let's just talk about it because I was so overjoyed but overwhelmed in Africa. I don't want to get into the overwhelmedness to day, so let's just talk about the other part. Ask me anything, Okay, Okay, I got I got the questions year How hard was you balling? Yeah, that's it. Let's go show us how to do it. Ask this question, how hard can the ball get? The level was made out of concrete? You batn ask Brod. I thought I was far of got it. You're missing it. Tell your tea for whow. I'm just glad you're raising. I always love you. Back up front vacation because yeah, yeah, he's on another end. So listen. I don't know what y'all got playing for the show, but this is what we're gonna do. Come back. Y'all can ask me questions about what I happened, what I did, anything, but be specific so I can answer questions, all right, questions all morning? Steve. This is called Stevens Back money. All right, you heard it from the man yourself. We will be back with Steven's back Monday at thirty two after the hour right after this. You're listening Steven Show. All right, it's Monday. Steve Harvey is back. Halleluh. Yeah, Steve Harvey is back on them all and in show. Hu with so much to tell, all the places he I got somewhere he didn't told it scene, lots of twirls. Steve Harvard and messed around on the other side of the world. All right, Tommy, you have a question. Yeah, that was great. Let's get to it, all right, big dog, What did you do? That's so baller that I wish I could do everything the whole trip? Okay, all right, okay, okay, okay, all right, let me start it for you. We landed for the first time in Venice. I've never gone to me. So when you leave the airport, they pick you up in a boat. So you board the boat and now you head across the bay or whatever it is. I did not know this, I promise you I didn't and I'm not making it up. I did not know that that are no streets in Venice, I didn't know that there are no streets for car traffic. Gondola it's you water taxis and gondolas gondolas, so that's how you get around. So what I'm trying to tell you is, if you gotta take a boat to get somewhere, you need to know where Craig House had. You need to know exactly where Craig House hat. Don't go over there looking to for rivera dirty's house and you ain't shown because if it's on the other side, Partner, you can't like cut through the alley or turn down this corner and double back down. You in a boat, a skinny boat, you can't make you terms. So that was for starters man. That was Venice. And my wife's dream was to ride on a gondola, so her dream did it the first we got there, So that was pretty amazing. Did the people know you in Venice? It? Yeah? Yeah, what happened Steve. But it started with some black people from New York. That's how I started. I was doing fine where from I was trying to lead black people from New York saw and it started with no, it ain't, no, it ain't. I then I heard oh hey, that's the one. All I heard was oh hey, no, and that was it. You turn around, Yes, the blanket and blanket. I've been blake, blake. I'll say, what's up, bro. I told y'all that was it. And then some other people started noticing, and then it was only cracking. Man. It was wow, regular, regular day, first day. How many seagulls did you smoke on this trip? Here? Oh, let me see? Oh a lot? He was balling, he was ba Yeah, did you go over your limit for the year? Yeah? Yeah, I might have to go to the docket to get checked gold leaves, y go ahead. I might have to just go to Cuba and make sure everybody is rested from But it was like amazing, man, and Venice was amazing. Then we loft Venice and we went to hu Poola, Croatia, and Croatia I've never been and we wanted to try something new, and so we did that. And so we're going down the coastline of Croatia, man, and it's like breathtakingly beautiful. I've never seen a land a shoreline like that in my life. Man. It was just God was all over the place. And then we stopped in the port where they filmed Game a Throne. Yeah, yeah, hey saw the castle who had the dragon burnt down at the end where the queen was standing in the tower. Hey man, Margie went up there and took pictures on all go to Margie's instagram. Well she had it on her story. I don't even know how to work there, but she took all the pictures. She was on top of the wall. You could see the entire city, the castle how they shot it. Uh you know, you could see, uh, you just saw the hallways, the walkways to look and the stone in that city is the original stone that's always been there. I'm talking about now, you know Game of Thrones, even though it's fictional, you know what I mean. Those the city that is shot in has the original stone in it when it was first laid. The most beautiful stone you've ever seen on the sidewalk. Wow, it was. And then you could go up the steps where they shot scenes of game and throw you could see it. And uh, you know, I bought me some Game of Throne shirts and you know, a couple and then I bought me some Game of Throne wine. So I was drinking my red wine on the boat out of Game of Throne. Mood. That's how hard I was balling. I was drinking my wine out out of Game of Throne goblets. Yeah, man, go back, how Father back up? Captain Father away with you? Man, that's crazy. Okay, so that was crazy man. Croatia. After Croatia, I went for the first time to a place called Montenegro. Montenegro got a brand newport that is owned and bought by Dubai. Okay, I'm learning, No, what do listen to? You gotta be hold that story, Steve. We have more from Steve's incredible vacation, uh coming up right after this. Also, Reverend Motown is back. Didn't know that Reverend Motown is back in Deacon def jam church complaints and we'll talk about all that coming up right after this, you're list coming up at the top of the hour, Steve is going to tell us about his Montenegro stop on his European excursion vacation this year. Bawling, he fell, and then he got up and balled some more. All right, but right now it is Monday, and of course it is time for church complaints. And guess who's back. Not only is Deacon def Jam in the building. But Reverend Motown has been out, but he's back today, the same day as Steve amazing right. I can't with you church complaints. What's up? He passed here? Deacon here four emma, oh, we want to first of all, thanks Sister Sherlette or Sister Carlin, oh junior, Deacon junior, Oh, oh, Real Madden, or of course or you or d for holding down the J P j J while I was awake. Man, it's been a different now, I beg your pardon. It has been a difficult situation, and I get to it when we get to the complaints, but it has been very different. Well, here we are, and let us begin with church complaints. And no that's not deacon photo complaints start. Ain't in the mood for it. You just got back first day. First of all, I will say, well I come back past. I will say that, but let me go ahead and be completely that's with you. There are rumors that we didn't know what was going on. We didn't know if you was inconcerrated. From my understanding, their hearing that you was preaching at various churches around the world, and the members are been upset about your absence. Now from from what we understand, you hadn't been the Kanye's church and then spoke there is this truth whoa first of all, don't welcome me back and did not really mean the welcome she a welcome back follows with oh, how I missed you? Maybe a selection from Harold Melvin and the Blue Note Quartet things of that. Oh did he break up Misshoe? But you, on the other hand, questioning that I was preaching around the world. That's what we Croatia needs saving. Two, I understand the larger donations than us overheard, what did you bring money back for the churchs Hello, m the expenses of world travel is great? What type of expenses are we talking about that? You go you pretty pasta shrimps and muscle and even thinks that that we don't normally eat, testing testing out things egg plant, parmesan, chicken, parmaguidill that okay, money there was no money bought back, but the donation did help to make a greater trip. I see, okay, didn't bring money back for the church. Listen. I have been here struggling it with this characters, and I have done everything I can to try to keep this church afloat um as it right now. Just to let you know what I have done. The less side of the sanctuary is the only spot that has air conditions. They wanted they on ac they have to get there early. That's what I have done. I have been cutting back here at this congregation because you have been gone, well you struggling call you ain't meat but to amen, okay, no, no, no, no kind of man. Wait it the way trying to figure yeah, yeah you heard it. But it was like a question. You you can't say you can't here. Amen. Let somebody say amen, Amen, Amen, amen, amen, no, no, this is a amen type of moment. You're cutting back because you don't know how to ask. Scripture says you have not caught your ass. No, you started running out of money, you started cutting off air conditions. Ain't nobody asked you to cut off the air condition but you didn't ask to keep the air conditional on that. You're saying man amen, man, no, not a man, no, no, not a amen, trying you're putting the negative on top of polgi. Amen is an agreement term. You can't say a man, but I'm not agreeing. That's a double constellation. That's a double constellation a constellations in each other, so you needn't know your ea. Oh my goodness, that's the I want to let you know right now that the congregation has uh, there's a situation going on right now. There are now there's now a pastorial election because we didn't know if he was coming back. Right now, there's twenty three people up for this position. And yeah, you might want to start a campaigning as soon as pop is. That's something you would like to say to the congregation to keep you at this job. Of course. Of course, I don't know that you're not voting me out because I'm not stepping up. Yeah, your vote is for no reason because I'm back. I ain't going nowhere. I take them other twenty democratical congregational candidates and pack them up all in the Democratic side of your crack. If you won't, it's nothing of Shatoya wanted to move for this. I'll come back now all sudden, y'all trying to Donald Trump me that ain't ain't no impeachment playing going on up in here to jack Pot join the drue. I started this trade. Not true. I'm not run out of my church by no fool here like like you saw where you're gonna find yourself playing off from the trade. That's what you do. Well, who the candidates you got? Look at you got an old Bishop Biden eating had already been in under the under Cardinal Obama got. Then you got the other candidate, Deaconcenders don't make a full turn got. Then you got first Lady Elizabeth Warren over Hill May she gonna had to do something. Now she's gonna be taking pictures. All well, at the top of the hour, Entertainment and national news right after this, you're listening, Steven. All right, Steve, first day back, fresh off vacations. Uh, you know you've told us where you started. You started in Venice, then you went on up to Croatia. Then you were telling us about Montenegro. Now tell us about Montena Venice and I went down the coast of Croatia. Okay, down next. If you look on my instagram, in Croatia, I stopped at a muscle farm and an orchard farm, and about muscles and orchards and washed them myself and talk trash. So after that went to the first time ever to this place called Montenegro. And um, you gotta be careful as a black person cast you know they being at black and you know you be you don't be paying one a little tight. They be saying that real fast and you'd be walking. It's in the nego that go another negro? What you go another Negro, but didn't be saying welcome to Monte Nigo and then you know, so you have to be careful. But anyway, Uh, Dubai owns this port. It's two ports in Montenegro. It's where the cruise ships docked. And then there's some more upscale port on the other side of the bay. So you go around the corner. It's more some great food over there. Lots of shops, lots of souvenir shops. Uh they had, but they had a Louis Verton bags on potato chip racks. Huh were they real? They had real ever time bags on potato chip racks. You know how you clip potato chips on you just scratch. You can shop for a Louis Vertime bag like that, and it was seventy five percent off what we didn't have ever I've seen Louis Vaton on sale. Dog Dog, that wasn't real the case to them though, Dog I could have flipped them when you got back. Then they had a ap watch, a Rolex and and a huge blow in the window, all of them in the same box. But then they had a fake Gucci and New York Yankee had combined. I said, what, So we go around the corner to this other port and Dubai owns it and it is completely different. It's one of my favorite places now. It was stunningly clean, very very nice to see. The views were exquisite, and the places was just real, real, real nice. And it's not even completely built up yet, but it's gonna be one of the hot spots people are gonna go to Montenegro and so uh, it was just it was a really, really wonderful place to go. All the Croatia food was good. Yeah, that's wonderful food. What you eat seafood, I mean, look you the water, seafood is gonna be fresh. And it was just it was just an incredible, incredible trip. And so that was that was that for Croatia. And after that it just became more. I mean, how you want to do it? I got more of you need more? I just we need to stop here so everybody could catch their breath did go here? Yeah right, all right, Steve so introduced miss Anne. Please, ladies and gentlemen, here she is the one and only miss Anne Trip. Thank you, Steve, Welcome back. This is an trip with the News. In Portland, Oregon, yesterday, a few hundred Races showed up for their threatened rally. However, they were met by a much larger group of anti fascists, so they only stayed about thirty minutes before they were safely escorted away by local police and then happily marched and enchanted away across a bridge that had been closed off to the city's residence. Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler says he understands why his city's targeted by white supremacists. Portland, being a very progressive community, is always going to be at or near ground zero when it comes to this battle. That's just the reality. Thirteen people were arrested. Now. The Proud Boys have since issued a news release promising to continue coming to Portland if the mayor there does not quote remove that's the word they are using the anti racist and anti fascist group Antifa from the city. By the way, the Proud Boys have been labeled a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, and the Portland Police Bureau has been criticized recently for siding with and sometimes maintaining friendly relationships with some far right extremists. The Islamic State claiming responsibility for a horrible bombing a bombing of a wedding and cobble on Saturday held by the Minardi Shia ethnic group. They killed at least sixty three people, fourteen in one family, and they left one hundred and eighty two others injured. Actor Peter Fonda has died. His family says that the Oscar nominated actor and writer died as a result of lung cancer. Peter Fonda was, of course the son of actor Henry Fonda, the brother of Jane Fonda. One of his memorable roles was that of the surfer dude Surfer Dude in the movie Escaped from La That was Peter Fandi done much much more work than that, but probably that's the one that people remember most recently. Peter Fonda was seventy nine years old. Patrick Pizzella a lobbyist and government official who has reportedly spent years fighting against workplace regulations and organized labor, especially the federal minimum wage. He's now the Trump administration's acting labor Secretary. In other words, Pisella now is supposed to protect workers' rights. According to The New York Times, many in the White House have been pushing hard to undermine the union's ability to bark in collectively and raise dues and exert political power. At the weekend box office was Universal's new movie Good Boys, which has become the first original R rated comedy in three years to top the box office charts. It's also only the second original film of any kind to open at number one this year. Good Boys, by the way, brought in twenty one million dollars. Finally, with this past weekend be the fiftieth anniversary of the famous Woodstock concert and upstate New York, the Steve Harvey Morning Show remembers that this is also the fiftieth anniversary of the Harlem Cultural Festival where Sly and Family, Stone, Nina Simone, Stevie Wonder among the stars who put on the show nicknamed Blackwoodstock. Some others who performed that day in Harlem the late Great Maheya Jackson, BB King, Gladys Knight and the Pips, and the Fifth Dimension. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the String Show, all right, Steve, So you've been on vacation. I don't know how much news you got a chance to watch, but this is a story that's been trending on social media. As we all know, jay Z and Rock Nation have teamed up with the NFL for music, entertainment and social justice initiatives. However, jay Z has received a lot of I mean a lot, Steve, a lot of backlash for his partnership with the NFL. It was also reported on Saturday that jay Z will have a significant ownership interest in an NFL team, But some are saying that jay Z turned his back on Colin Kaepernick. That's where this whole thing is about. Really. Here's a sound bite of jay Z and Roger Goodell talking about the deal. Take a listen. I think we passed reeling. I think everyone knows what the issue is and we're done with that. You know why we're knowing? You know the issue? Yeah, you know the issue. Yes, we all know the issue. Now what we're moving on next? And I'm not again, so to be clear, I'm not minimizing that part of it, because that has to happen. That's a necessary part of the process. Everyone's saying, how are you going forward? And Kat doesn't have a job. This wasn't about him having a job. Point, we listened to our place, we understood what our players we're saying, and we created a platform in which to help drive change in communities. Let me say this with no disrespect intended to anybody's viewpoint, because in this world we live in, irregardless as of how you feel about it, people are going to express their viewpoints, whether they agree, disagree our understanding of the situation or well versed on facts. We've gotten into a point in our world where the only thing that counts is eyeballs on your site, clicks, and so people do anything to make that happen. Here's my take on the jay Z situation. I think that people have to look at this from a broader sense. Jay Z has gotten himself to a level where he can bring about change in ways that can aid in protest because sometimes after the protest is over, which it is over in the NFL, you have to now find an alternative way, and sitting at the table is one way to do it. And I think him taking this position I think we all have to kind of look at it. Okay, so now we got somebody who is of us sitting at the table. I don't see it there's anything against Colin Kaepernick, because, first of all, let's look at all of the NFL players, because we understand what it was about. But the president and the system turned the narrative around to make it against the flag and the military, when that's not what the protest was about at all. Here's what I'm saying. If jay Z comes out and he's signing a deal to handle music, entertainment and social injustices, see, there's ways to do it because entertainment bridges gaps. So now you have a face that has always been for us at the table to talk about the type of entertainment, the type of music, and to always really really raise the issues of social injustice. All right, Steve hold that thought. I hate to interrupt you because this is good, but we'll talk about this more at thirty four after I will take a short break and be right back right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve. You were saying about the jay Z NFL merger. What were you saying about that? So so, but let me just say this to everybody, especially for us. We are oftentimes very quick to forget a person's track record. And you know what I heard Bishop Jake say the other day on video while I was on vacation. He was doing this conference Z called intentionality. It was called intentionality. He said. People judge you by your actions. God judges you by your intent. And oftentimes we do things in a well meaning way, but the way we did it, people take it and it's open to subjective opinion and they ridicule the way when the intent can be totally clean and pure. I just want to run many times and so on behalf of jay Z. I think of all the many things he's done that's been so socially relevant, so important. How he spoke off for so many inconcerated young men, how he got fathers out on bail for Fathers Day. I look at all of the whales and water he didn't put over in Africa. I look at all of the situation how he helped these young rappers out of attack situations to get their money right and straighten their life out. I look at all the philanthropic money that him and his wife have poured into the black community. See all of that right there, can't get swept under the rum. And sometimes we oftentimes we forget a person's track racket and we take what Bishop Jakes was talking about intentionality, how man judges you by your actions, but God judges you by your intent. And so as jay Z moves forward, I think we have to be conscious that way because his heart is good. Man. I've talked with this cat many times. Just dude is solid. He's always been solid, and so I think we have to understand and let him get in and make some changes, you know, instead of just we're so fast to just knock somebody down when they try to do something. Man, First of all, ain't no black person had no relationship with the NFA that I recallpecially from the hip hop community. Are you kidding me? From the hip hop community? Man, they ain't let her r and be saying in that. Yeah, this brother then wield his position and power with rock Nation and signed enough stars where they now know he got weight. So now he can get in there and he can make a change. And I think that's what we had to be aware of. That's just thinking about, yeah, moving forward. What Colin Kaepernick did was good in that time, in that time period. Now here's jay Z to move us forward to move is gonna be a black NFL owners Hope it sounds good. That'll be down by time. That's what it sound like. Time Ya and y'all want to know how strong of a circle that is. We had a black president of the United States, where we had a black football team owner. Yeah, you don't think that's a tough circle to crack, folks, Please understand. Please understand. They kept Rush Limbaugh from getting the team, and that boy got all kinds of money. I can go down the list. Yeah, it was a tough circle to get in, man, But somebody got to have a machete in their hand, man. And I'm glad jay Z got a machete in his hand on this one because he can pave the way for other owners, for other African American voices and people of color Latino voices to get in there and speak up. Yeah, that's a positive way to look at it. You're right, Welcome back, Steve Harvey. Steve. I'm just trying to talk about my all right, Steve, more stories from Steve. Steve is back, ladies and gentlemen. He's taking us on a journey of his vacation and his ball off vacation. We'll have more when we come back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today and Steve is back. The subject is my husband's friend can't stay here. But right now, nephew in the building with today's prank phone call what you got for us? Truck try? What's that to truck driver? Yes? Here it is truck driving running can Man, they didn't blew out the whole electrical system in the old Hello. Hello, I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying to find Candy. Who is this? It's scanning man? Okay? You you are you the guy with the told truck? You're you're the told truck driver? And ask me trucking. Okay, Hey, man, you just started my girl's car three days ago and blew the old electrical system out. Man, I did hold on, hold on, let me get back to my truck, you said, I did what man? You do jump people's vehicles when they when they got to stall vehicle, don't you that's what I do. I jumped vehicles? Yes, okay, so you actually did my girl's car about three days ago. Man, you just started her car. But now when you you over jumped it, it's what you did, okay. You didn't blow out the the whole electrical system in the whole car to dad board. Everything is just completely out. And they tell about this's gonna be by fifteen hundred dollars to get this thing. I'm sorry, now, what was this thing? My name Kenneth Man, But you murder of ceiler? Man? You jump thoughted, you over jumped hard car. Well just wait, wait a minute, cannady. There's no such thing as over jumping a car. You can't over jump a car, man. Man, let me tell you a car now. I whoever told you that? That's just now, that's just hey. Let me tell you something. Man, You overjump my girl's car, okay, and you blew out can't jump a car? What do you mean you can? That's what you did. Man. You didn't blew out the entire electrical system, the entire dad's board. It's completely dead. The people at the dealership saying it's gonna take fifteen hundred dollars to get this thing backed up and run it. Well, you may want to take a coming there, so they're trying to rip you off. There's no such there ain't no such thing is overjumping a car and blow And if she drove off that day, then she should be fine. I've jumped plenty of cars. I jumped car is all day long. People always need to jump I never was I've never overjumped it. Look, you overjumped this car, okay, and that's the reason why it's completely shut down. All the fuses have blown out, everything is completely dead. You overjumped the car. And now it's the fifteen hundred dollars. And the reason why I'm calling you is you should be the person paying for this. No, no, hell no, no, now that's sure ain't gonna happen. I'm not gonna pay for something I didn't do. You did it? You do the one overjumped it? Man, You overjumped the car. I don't over jumped cars. Now that and now wait a minute, now, wait just one man. Now, I'm not gonna argue with you that jump cars all the time, and you mean to tell me I overjumped your You you're a you know what you're gonna get you. Well, if I don't get this fifteen hundred dollars, I'm sorry you said what You're gonna get your swoop If I don't get this fifteen hundred dollars to take care of this whole car and the whole electrical system. Well, I tell you what. I'm over here on Martin Luther King right now. Then you're talking about whooping somebody, you bring it tone over here Now, I don't overd jumping cars. And I'm gonna hold you know money is you only fifteen hundred dollars? You cut your son of the you on me hold you? So, let me tell you something. You'll be in for a long day. I will take this toe truck and ramman straight up your and I'm not playing with you now, I don't. I well, don't doctor people like this, and I should have held don't appreciate it when someone talks to me like that, whooping. You gotta let it. I don't know what You're gonna mess around and get your little cold truck told off something. That's what's gonna do? What? And you're gonna get you whoop in the mix to all of this. Man, let me tell you something I need this fifteen hundred dollars today off formorrow so I can get my girl Costecuse I don't owe you whether that I jumped this car off and because that's exactly where I'll meet yad you you jump my girl call off at her job. She was downtown at her job. What street? Because I'm down there a lot, I don't know what street there, but she see word downtown. See that's your tob them. You're such a dumb she don't even know what street its tone And you know I don't owe you fifteen hundred dollars. You are crazy and let me I'm fifteen hundred. I'm gonna get this fifteen hundred out you. Now you're gonna make a decision on which one you want to do. If you're gonna bring me the fifteen hundreds today or tomorrow, how you'll whoop? You got your five o'clock tomorrow, son, you ain't gotta wait on tomorrow. I made my decision right now. I ain't gonna happen. I ain't ever gonna happen. I don't owe you, And if you can get it out of my son, you can have it. But I met you this what you bet it back of lunch. It's gonna be a lone mine for you, buddy. I don't care how long it's gonna be. You're gonna get a fifteen hundred dollars whopan, that's what you're gonna get, Candy or candy Man. You're gonna play. You're gonna play the fifteen hundred dollars. You call me what you want to call me, son, but I tell you that after you you'll call me something else. You country. Listen, Son, I've got to go. I got work to do. I've got somebody outside rate waiting on me right now to hook up the car. I ain't got time to be arguing with you, son, all right now, if you really want to find me, you really want to find candy Man, everybody out there knows how to find me, understand me. So if you really want that fifteen hundred dollars, Son, you come and get it. But I ain't got time to be sitting here arguing with you all today. I got work to do. I gotta get back out of this truck. I got one more thing I need to tell you, and I want you to put this in your mind. Good and strong? Are you living I'm listening to your son long with you ain't gonna say about me giving you fifteen hundred dollars. I'll tell you what I want to tell you this. This is Nephew tom Me from the Steve Harby Morning to show you just got franked by another record driver named you know what, that senile. That's so you know what, you're listening to this because I owe you a fifteen hundred dollars. That's that, nephew. Case you forgot, case you forgot that. That's still what I do. Now. I ain't been there, you know, out of gas guarding you. I've been gone for a while, you know, tummy, even though I've been gone for a while. Yeah, you know, oh oh they ain't. Stupidity, Yeah, stupidity is always as shocking as it is. Thank you used to that, you know, you know, like like I ain't got a shot of stupidity in a long time. And I just want you to know something, man, as a person that provides it in large doses, it's still that shocking stupid you really are. Maybe they don't have that. And month month when you're winning the money, money, money, they ain't got none of the heck, rul We ain't got that there butte while you were gone, though, it was that perhaps its highest level ever because he ain't had nobody rain anyware between him Jay at all and Junior boy. Oh my goodness, did he clown? I talked? I talked, Junior something, tell me if I'm telling the truth. Ain't it the right way to do the wrong thing? Ain't it up? What exact? Isn't it a right way to do the wrong thing? You don't want to do the wrong thing wrong, You want to do the wrong thing right. Wow. Ye, you know this is gonna surprise y'all. See. But he's absolutely right. I told y'all. I told y'allus, you know, as a man, Yeah, just as a man. I must admit I've had shuffle conversations with many people about the right way to Yes. Yes, and I'm so ashamed. And I asked my father God for forgiveness all the time when I look back on my checkered pain, all the things he's bought me. Well, yeah, come on, my soul screams out, hallelujah. Yes, ain't God for saving me? Yeah? Amen? But I thought I was was lost, but now I'm fine. Yes, I was blind. But nah, see yes, sometimes being blind ain't that bad at all. All right, Well, thank you guys, thank you for that sermon. Up next Strawberry Letters, subject my husband's friend can't stay here. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice and relationships, work, sex, parenting, dating, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and klick submit Strawberry Letter. Steve is back, Tommy Less, Go buggle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter subject my husband's friend cannot stay here. Dear Stephen Shirley. I am a very happily married woman in my early fifties and I have an issue with my husband's longtime friend and fraternity brother. My husband's friend lives in another state for work, but he loves to come visit all his buddies in the city that my husband and I live in. When he comes to town, he would take turns staying at different friends houses. His first visit to our new home was earlier this year, and he stayed the entire weekend, and that was okay as a one time deal. Since then, he started alerting my husband that he would be in town and would need a place to crash. We're all a tight knit group of friends, and I know he wore out as welcome at another couple's home, so he set his sights on our house. I told my husband that I am totally against him thinking our home is his week end getaway. This put me and my husband at extreme odds, and my husband told me that he feels like it's not his home because I make the rules. My husband claims he's making up excuses whenever his friend mentions he's coming to town. I think that my husband is being absolutely ridiculous. We're adults in a nice new home, not a frat house. His friend can easily afford a hotel room every month, but he is too cheap to pay for it. He'd rather stay with his fraternity brothers than save his money. I don't mind if he comes by the house to visit while he's in town, but I do not want his company at my house every other weekend. I love my husband and I don't want to continue to fight over this, but I am very firm on my beliefs. Am I being selfish? Please advise? No, no, no, you're not being selfish, not at all. And that's coming from a person who absolutely loves company. You guys know how much I love company. But no, you're not being selfish. Nothing you have said is wrong. No, your husband, your house is not a weekend get away. And yes, your husband is being ridiculous. Your nice new home is in a frat house. That's crazy. I mean, what do your husband and his frat brother not understand about this? I don't get it. If frat can afford a hotel room, then frat should get a hotel room. If he can't afford that, then he needs to stay at home. He's already worn out his welcome with another couple that's in this tight knit group with you guys. As far as you and your husband and all this fighting and everything, your husband husband should be happy that you're being very hospitable to his frat. You're welcoming him into your home. You just don't want him to stay there and make your home the weekend get away. I don't understand what the problem is. Your husband needs to grow up. He is now no longer in the fraternity. You guys are in your early fifties. Come on, Steve, Lord, Lord, Lord, welcome back. Ain't this one to come back? Yeah? Well on behalf of Tommy and myself. We show hoping this ain't a Q capital, but it damn shows sound like somebody I know, Lord cheese, Father, God, Please don't let this be a que I didn't say it on behalf of Tommy. Lord, don't let it be a new leave, but this show sound like one of them to me. Let me dig into this letter. One of my friend brothers is listening. Will tag your answers in. Oh, I'm a happily married woman in my early fifties and I got an issue with my husband's longtime friend and fraternity brothers. See all of the fracts that end in side Cappa, Alpha, Si and omega. Side fire that rhymes with si and fi also rhymes with to the Day I Die, Ka, side to the day I dow Mega, side fire to the day I die. So now we fifty, we become the town. Yes, he takes turns, staying at different friends houses. First visit I knew home was earlier this year. He stayed the entire weekend and that was okay, but it was a one time deal. Well, since then, he started telling his husband that he gonna be in town and he needed a place to crash. Now, you say, we all a tight nick group of friends, but he didn't wore out his welcome out the other couple's house. See, they're tired of his ass. Ye see, they're sick and tired of his ass because it's different now. So now he just said his house. I'm gonna get into why it's different than a minute. I got some funny stuff about this gill. But let me tell you. See, now he'd have said his house on set his sights on your house. The problem she having is she just said our new home. They had just moved in and they've been working, saving their money like good folks, got themselves together and got themselfs a new house. That hit his ass. Comes now he want to call him and he want to stay over there, and he'd got ran out to other people's house. Now, now I told my husband, I'm totally gives him thinking our home is a weekend and get away. Now you and your husband's at the odds. And he told me that he feels like it's not his home because I make the rules. What dog it ain't. It's her house too, though, and if she make a rule in the house, we can't break the rule. My husband claims he's been making excuses whenever his friends mentioned he's coming to town, as you should. I think my husband being ridiculous. Damn it he is that here's apart. We're adults in a nice new home. Correction, y'all ain't adults, y'all fifty huh, that's different You adults When you thirty hold on, Steve, hold on, and you fifty, you fifty, stop saying you an adult holds. Damn you're dead. Well. That party two coming up at twenty three after the hours. Subjects of today's Strawberry Letter. My husband's friend can't stay here. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to this Stave Harvey Morning Show. Three things people think about life insurance. You don't need it? Where do I get it? How much is it? If something happened? Would the ones you love be protected? Globe Life provides whole life and turn life insurance coverage to millions. Call one eight hundred two five one fifty four hundred or go to Globelife Radio dot com. With Globe Life, you buy direct no medical exam, a simple application coverage that fits any budget, rate starting at three dollars and forty nine cents a month. Protect your family knowing their future is protected. Checkout Globe Life Radio dot Com or call one eight hundred two five one fifty four hundred. That's one eight hundred two five one fifty four hundred. Good covered today. All right, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters. Subject My husband's friend can't stay here. Here's this fifty year old couple that bought theyself a nice new house. Then dude got a frat brother that don't like spending his money, so he stayed and everybody's house, all the frat brothers when he comes to town. Now there's one couple and got sick of his ass and told him he ain't coming over there no more. So now he just set his sights on y'all house. Now, the problem is this couple and just bought the house because it got a new house. So now that she's just setting up her now and now hear his ass car frat bro. But this is different though. She says that the husband is upset and said that he feels like it's not his home because I make the rules. But dog, it is her house. She get to make the rules, just like you get to make some rules. But if y'all's rules conflict, the person to make the rule win. That's just how I go. Man, Marjorie say, I can't eat in the bed. Now it's my house. I make all the payments around him. But her rule is you can't eat in the bed. So guess what. I can't bring no food in there. I bring it in there. If I want to whole whole lot, won't be happy, don't bring it in there. I bring it in there. If I won't do Yeah, that's what you tell us. Yeah yeah, yeah, Not only will you not be eating in the bed, you're gonna be doing damn thing else. Yeah. Okay, So my husband claims he's been making up excuse when it friends mentioned that he's coming. I think my husband is being ridiculous, and he yah, because we're adults in a nice new home, not a flat house. His friend can easily afford the hotel room every moment, but he too cheap to pay for it. He rather stayed his flat brothers and say the money. Now. I don't mind if he comes to the house to visit when he in town, but I don't want to come to my house every other weekend. And you are absolutely correct, lady. I love my husband. I don't want to continue to fight over this, but I'm very firm on my beliefs Am I being selfish? No, you're not your husband is now. I'm in a frat that we swear by or make us out fire to the day out that. But you can't stay at my house. Come on, can't no frat brother come and stay at my house. Don't ask me feel how you want to fee ah team dog team Dog team. Not at my house. We not do. I'm sixty two, you're an adult. See I'm not in the dunk. I'm sixty two. I'm well pass a doghood. See you got you got young adults, You got young adults. Yeah, you got grown ass people. Yes, you got senior citizens and you got old ass people. That's how you break it down. Sick. I'm fighting it, but I'm damn near one of them. Last. I'm damn they're grown ass people, senior citizens, old people. So now let's just be real. You can't stay in my house. And you want to know why you can't stay in my house because old people different than young guests. Old guests is different from young guests. Do you see young people? They go out at night. You gotta give him a key to get back in. Somebody gotta be up. They're gonna rain the doughben. They wear your asks when they come to the house. Don't know who is that downstairs? Baby, that's Pooky back. He got to get in. It's three o'clock. Old people stay there. Old people. Old people watch TV with you. Old people want to change your channel. Old people need pajamas. The side my feet cold. You got sized girl. You got an extra T shirt out down? You got a fresh shirt out can well? Now you gotta luxury. Young people eat a lot of food. Yeah, young people just be in there. Eat eat anything. You want to get pizza all that. Old people different. Old people got dietary restriction. Clean stuff out to frigeration. They allergic to nuts. Can't serve no dairy. God ain't got gas because they laptose intolerant your ass. You got dairy and everything. They don't to whip potatoes. No, get in there. Were you put cream in there? Now he just in there? Fine all I eat a laxative. Now he needs some monium a D to stop to die real. You just all too much old people, Oh, young people come to your house down here? What temperature is? Old people want to be over that message with the thermometer too walls in the hill. It's too cold in here? What temper y'all keep it at Old people ask questions, what y'all light beal? Stupid tonitician y'all? You y'all ain't got no double plot. I keep breaking through this single plot. Ain't ain't you in the hotel the same Steve Email email us your thoughts cut to Steve Harvey FM, or check out the Strawberry Letter on the podcast on demand. Okay, coming up at forty six after the hour, Steve's back in case you haven't noticed, you're listening Steve Harvey morning. A right, Steve, you're back. You had a few more thoughts on today's Strawberry Letters, talking about the Strawberry Letter and the different this old frat bro keep coming over his house and the lady don't want it. You don't want old people at your house, like I was telling you phone, old people different, Like Tom said something on the commercial break. Old people get up really yeah, oh yeah, yeah, yeah? What are you doing? Yo? Room tea? Y'all got sweeten low, sweet low. Don't tell nobody you sweeten load anymore. That's all I using sweeten low, sweet and low. Ain't you hit about to cancel with no rat? Dog? I ain't no rat. I'm a dog. Bro bro Brook, quick quick, barking head. Yeah. Grandkids is upstairs and they scared. You come home. He's an old lass sitting up there. He don't know how to work the thermit stack that he got it hot his head in the house. You come in the house. He's sitting there there watching TV. He ain't got no shirts you got and he's sitting up in there with no shut your wife, come out to kitchen. Is he in hot? Man? I don't know what happened that thermitstack. He's scaring the grandkids. Dog you quit ball, make it stun, make it stuck man. Yeah, you all here, Tommy, Tommy, boys all up in the ain't man, You ain't got no kings around here where we can do. That's when I break something in my house and body. When they throw the can they drop it. Yeah, I've got kids. Man, come on, no, wow, I love you, but don't come in here. I love it. I'm not with that everything he got to love. Yeah, kid, you got some sweet loaf. You ain't on the standing dog the dog. But is this every time every time he addresses you stick it's the bark dog. It could be it could be too much. Just in my house, it's Steve me do it will set out a hot like a man hot. No more, Oh my god, don't t that sweeten load would never get on my nerves. Got man, I've been through all the cabines. Y'all got none them all right, Steve, got you sweeten load. We gotta get out of here more in your vacation when we come back right after this. You're listening to show, all right, Steve. So let's get back into this vacation. Now, this journey we're going on your living your best life vacation. We've gone to Venice, down to Croatia, Montenegro. Yeah. I wasn't going to discuss my vacation, but I decided, like I said at the top of my vacation, that I wanted to share just some things with people on my Instagram and Facebook and Twitter, just to expose people who want to see other parts of the world. It's just people who aspired to travel to some places outside of America sometimes just to see. And I decided not to let Hayda stop me because they got the wrong viewpoint on it. I'm not showing off. It's just the life that God then gave me. But it also is the life that God can provide for anybody who has a difference. Have to go to Montenegro. You can go see Colorado Springs, you can go see the Smoky Mountains. You can go see the Grand Canyon, you can go see Niagara Falls. You don't have to come this far you to see how wonderful God is. God is everywhere. It's a beautiful place you haven't seen. So I'm just trying to expire and inspire people with some of my posts. I mentioned God quite often in a lot of my posts. Post yeah stop After Montenegro was Greece. The beautiful thing about Greece. We were on the western coast of Greece. He was a beautiful thing about it. A friend of mine who is not famous, who you all don't know, was on a yacht with his family and he was texting and he said, man, I know you said you were gonna be out here. Where are you And at the time I was still in Croatia. He told me where it was, and but it was too far away, and I said, man, don't look like we're gonna be able to see each other because we're too far away. On water is not as simple as driving, because you got to think of a boat going fifteen to seventeen knots, which is a round about the same in terms of miles per hour. Look that up for me. So if you're you're on a boat going fifteen knots, let's say the average speed is fifteen knots on a big boat. You got you know, in terms of miles per hour, that's a little bit different. So we decided we were too far away, and then he ran into some bad weather where he was excuse me, Steve, this is fifteen knatzas seventeen miles part. Yeah, yeah, that's it, that's what he said, exactly right, Okay, so fifth, so we just looked it up. Fifteen knatzas about seventeen miles per hour. So traveling on water is very slow compared to land. You know, if you were driving a car seventeen miles per hour, you would be sick. You'd never get any faster. Yeah, yeah, in a boat. That is between traveling on boat and on water. It's a straight line. You ain't got to go around no curves, and ain't no lights, and there is no traffic jam, so it's just a steady ride. So we couldn't see each other. Then he ran up into some bad weather and a captain took his family out of the weather and guided him around it, and so we ended up meeting up after I left Montenegro on the western coast of Africa, and a little to my surprise, we pull into port at the exact same time. I'm thinking as him and his family on board, we laughing, talking, waving at each other. They pull up, He's got a wonderful boat. We boath sitting there realizing and up on deck, I realized it's not his son, but it's my boy, Jerome Bettis, whoa Pittsburgh Stealers. He was a guest on this other guy's boat. And man, better say what's up? Man? Hell no? And man it was crazy. So the wives got together. We got together. Man, we had dinner on the boats and Greece. We had a wonderful time. Then we went together to Abate. They did some water sports and stuff. They did not me, they did, all right, I put my foot in on the back of that. All right. Coming up, more stories from Steve's incredible vacation trip and more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to show Well Junior a little bit more on helmet gate, the Raiders wide receiver Antonio Brown helmet and gate gets weirder. What's happening? Yeah, you ain't heard about this? Oh man, Oh my god, Antonio Brown, I can't keep talking about this. What helmet do you want? Making twenty something million dollars year? What mold do you want? Okay? So Antonio Brown seven for the Oakland Raiders. He filed agreements to where his old helmet that was denied by the NFL earlier last week. Then Antonio found an updated version of the helmet, and he thought he was good, but now he would not be permitted to wear that helmet after it failed the NFL's safety testing. So what damn helmet do you want? Pick one? They'll make it. Start going on, get anything, get something on your head, a tail, A can't go, get something and get your ass out here and catch this ball. We're sick of time to talking about this damn helmet. And don't even matter what hat you wear. Hey, I'm Steve. Got plenty of halts here. Let you go, but get your ass on. Defend. You make too much money to be compared about the hat. What do you want? You get your marching band hat? Put put that out there, Steve, don't let him get He goes about the second talking about his hat. Juli twenty million. I don't give a damn it. They give me a stock and cat. So wait, Steve Harvey Morning Show. Stevens back, everybody coming up right after this. You're listening show, all right, Steve, first day back fresh off vacation. Uh, you know you've told us where you started. You started in Venice, then you went on up to Croatia. Then you were telling us about Montenegro. Now tell us about Montena. Venice and I went down the coast of Croatia. Okay down next you look on my Instagram. In Croatia, I stopped at a muscle farm and an yster farm and muscle and orschards and washed them myself and talk trash. So after that went to the first time ever to this place called Montenegro, and um, you gotta be careful as a black person, cause you know they're being at that black and you know you'll be you're gonna be paying one a little tight. They'd be saying that real fast, and you'd be walking in its nego that go another Negro, another Negro, but then then be saying welcome to Monte Nigo. And then you know, so you have to be careful. But anyway, Uh, Dubai owns this port. It's two ports in Montenegro. It's where the cruise ships dock. And then it's some more upscale port on the other side of the bay. So you go around the corner. It's more some great food over there. Lots of shops, lots of souvenir shops. Uh they had, but they had a Louis vertime bags on potato chip racks. Huh were they They had realiver time bags on potato chip racks. You know how you clip potato chips on, you just scratch off. You can shop for a Louis vertime bag like that, and it was seventy five percent off what we didn't have seen Louis Vaton on sale. Dog, Dog, then wasn't real a case of them though, Dog, you could have flipped them when you got back. Then they had a ap watch, a Rolex and and a huge blow in the window, all of them in the same box. But then they had a fake Gucci and New York Yankee had combined. I said, what, So we go around the corner to this other port and Dubai owns it and it is completely different. It's one of my favorite places now. It was stunningly clean, very very nice to see. The views were exquisite, and the places was just real, real, real nice. And it's not even completely built up yet, but it's gonna be one of the hot spots. All right, coming up, our last break of the day, and then get some closing remarks from Steve Harvey, back from vacation live and living his best life, coming up at forty nine minutes after the hour, right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve. Here we are our last break of the day, your first day back at work. How you feel it's good to have you back? You sound good? It's really really good to be back. You know. It was amazing this vacation because for the first time in my life, I've started a journal. Was started my journal on the first day that I was out on my vacation on the boat, because it's always been a spiritual experience for me to take my yearly trip on the boat, because I worked so many hours a day and so many different things that I do that when I'm out on the boat, it's a spiritual thing for me. And the reason it's so spiritual is because I discovered something I was sitting on back deck one day, and when you look out on the ocean, there are long stretches of time where you don't even see another boat or and you see no one. So when you don't see people and all you can see is water as far as your eye can see, and sky and clouds and sunlight or cloud cover or rain or rainbows, the only thing out there is God, and so you become very connected to God because the reason there's no devil out there is because there's no people out there that the devil can affect. So it's a very spiritual thing to be out there, and that's why I take this vacation every year. It's a cleansing time for me. It's a replenishing time, it's a repairing time, it's a healing time. But this time was different from all the times. This time I was changed and God changed me. And I'm not afraid to say it. He changed me because he changed my motivation for being successful. You know, there's a scripture and I'm gonna try to remember it. I think it's James four and three. I think it's James four and three. And in this scripture it says something to the effect and I hope I got it right. If not, don't hold it against me. But it says to the fact you ask and you receive, not because you ask a miss. And so of course I had to look up the word or miss because I don't know what it means. And what I found out it meant was when you ask God for something and you keep not receiving it, it's because you ask or miss means you asking it with the wrong motivation. And so what it calls me to do was, and I'm saying this to everybody as a lesson, you might want to consider this. What it caused me to do is everything I was asking God for I wanted to write down the reason why I wanted to acquire it so bad. Now I had some good reasons in there, you know, Like you know, I want to change some people's lives. I want to send more kids' college. I want to you know, change some boys lives. I want to expand my mirror and camp. I want to you know, be more philanthropic. I want to change the way some people drink water they live in Africa. I had a lot of that in there, but sprinkled in there being honest. I also had stuff in there, like I want to prove them wrong. I want to flex on it. I want to show them what God and do. I want to prove all of what they're saying about me to be wrong. I want to shut the haters up. And when I was honest and I wrote this down just being honest, this is just me and God talking. Now. I didn't even know I was gonna share this with y'all, but I'm doing it because I want you to understand the change that I had. Because sometimes you ask and you receive, not because you ask a miss. Sometimes your motivation for wanting it is wrong. And I had to learn by reading the scripture on the boat that what I was asking for, even though I had a lot of good stuff in there, if I was honest about it, some of the stuff was wrong. And the reason he don't give it to you is because of lustful things. And lust don't mean just flesh. Sometimes lust is just things you want. You want to flex on them. I want to prove and wrong. I want to shut them up. That ain't not That should not be your motivation. See you think it's motivation, But you can't get a positive result with a negative put so negatively, I want to shut people up or negative. I want to prove them wrong or negative. I want a flex on them, but I want a positive outcome. So I was delaying my blessings by doing that. Sometimes as blessed as I am, I still was delaying some blessings. So I wrote a new list, and I took all of the lustful, fleshly stuff out, like flexing, proven wrong, shut them haters up. I'll show them. Now you think I ain't this, You ain't thinking that? Now what y'all think? I took all that out and it cleaned up my motivation, And now my motivation purely became. What I'm supposed to do is enlighten, to share, to encourage, to motivate other people. The other stuff I shouldn't even that ain't even in my mix. I don't I don't care. I don't care what you say, what and how you feel and whether you see if I was right or not. I changed my motivation. When you change your motivation, it changes the results. God will open up the windows of heaven like they saying part of blessing that you won't have room enough to receive. And that's exactly what it started happening immediately because God is right now. God. It don't take God all day to bless you. When God waved, his finger is waved, and ain't nothing nobody can do about it. And I just wanted to share that peace with you in case you kind of been like me and that might have been blocking some of your blessings. You feel me. That's my clothing remarks today, And I got plenty more where that comfort. Man, it's on the floe. You better get better, boy. Hey y'all have a great weekend for all. Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.