It's a new day and The CEO has new things in the works. Have you ever been caught red handed doing something weird or nah? Comedy Roulette is back! There are certain things that you see in church when it is Easter. Fool #2 murders another one just in time for Easter. Grown people can do some annoying things to you when you are driving them around. We have the things that millennials will finally say when they grow up. Some people are just scary and J. Anthony Brown has list of those specific types that scare him. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog speaks about the reality of sacrifices and more. Have a great weekend!
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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving the move like Themking Buck bus things and its cubs. Do me true good of tea. Steve Hart listening to move together for Steve. Please, Bobby, I don't joy by join me to be doing men. You gotta use turn hing the you gotta turn to turn, got to turn out to the water the water. Come, come on your baby at it. Huh, I shall will Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show, yoh man. God is in the blessing business all day every day. God got hundreds of millions of blessings that he passes out every day. All I want to do is be the recipient that I'm the recipient of what He has for me. That's all I want. I just want God's favor, and I go. I want God's blessings. You know, of course I need his mercy and his grace, but I just want his blessings and his favor. I want. I want that in my life because it does things for me that I'm absolutely incapable of doing for myself. And I've been a recipient of many of those, and you can be the recipient of them too. You already are, really, really, you already are. If you're getting up every morning, that's a blessed. If you're getting one day closer to anything you're trying to accomplish, that's a blessing. But now let me talk to you about this part right here, folks, because this is the part that messes people up a great deal. What happens when you get off track? What is that? What does that mean? When you get off track? See, I've been off track. I can't tell you how many times, and it happens in so many aspects of your life. But but what is it that makes getting off track so debilitating to some people? You know, there are some people who want to stay off track, They off course, they off the dream, they own to something else. And you cannot allow the fact that you've gotten off track to stop. You can't tell you something. Everybody gets off track. Nobody does a diet exactly, meal per meal, calorie by calorie exactly. Everybody makes mistakes. But somehow, that are people who have made a success of themselves. That are people who are living their life's dreams. That are people who lose weight in spite of getting off track. See what happens when you get off track. Here's the simple thing to do. The simple thing is just to get back on track. Now that's that's but that's easier said than done, ain't it, Steve Yeah? Because see people, when you get off track. Here's some of the things that happen. See you get the here come to they sayers, some of them from the outside, some of them internally. Here's what gets said when you get off track. See I told you, I told you. You know you You start hearing that it's not for you. Okay, this is all just because you got off track. It's not for you. Okay. Here's another one. It ain't meant to be. You can hear it all you could said, Well, I guess it's just not meant to be. These are all things that people say to themselves once they get off track. You can't do it, well, I don't guess I can do it. Here's another one. I thought you said that you was gonna make it. You know, I was showed hoping I could have made it. It comes external or internal. But these are just some of the things. That's that I thought you said you was gonna lose weight. Well, you know I had tried to lose some weight. I'm just going down the list of some of the things that goes through a person's mind when they get off track. But let me ask you a question, though, who made the rule that when you get off track you can't get back on? Who made that rule? Where has that written that once you get off track you can't get back on? See, because I'm gonna tell you something, folks, there's no such rule. As a matter of fact, it's quite the opposite. See, everybody in pursuit of a dream, a goal, and aspiration or a mission, it's going to get off track. Sometimes you're going to get derailed. They are going to be days where you're not going to get it right. That are going to be days where you feel like giving up. There's going to be days when you're just gonna flat out get it wrong. That's the journey. But let me tell you something. Every successful person that I know ever met, talked to, set out and chopped it up with, have shared one thing in common. We all get off track. We all get it wrong along the way. I don't care who the person is. The president got it wrong along the way. Your pastor got it wrong along the way. Qui Director Gui got it wrong along the way. The principle at your school got it wrong along the way. The valor victoria of your class got it wrong along the way. The star of the team got it wrong along the way. They've all been off track. Your boss down at your job, he got it wrong along the way. Your immediate supervisor got it wrong along the way. Everybody I know that has any measure of success in every level that you call success, however you want to label it, has gotten off track. As a matter of fact, it's impossible. Listen to me, it is impossible not to get off track in pursuit of your dreams, goals, visions, aspirations. It is impossible. Don't you let nobody tell you that they got through life unscathed, that they made it because they was just so determined and I would let nothing turn me back. Yeah, you might not have let nothing turn you back because you hear all but you thought about it. Oh, you thought about it on days when you was off track. But see, people don't like to tell the whole story. They just want you to think as much as you can about them. So when they tell you the story, they leave out the stuff alone, the way it was just hard work and determination that got me here. No it wasn't, No, it wasn't. It was the fact that you got off track and the grace and mercy of God allowed you to get back on. His forgiveness allowed you to get back on because you would not believe what some of the people have done. So when you get off track, don't allow the naysayers outside and the big naysayer inside, because let me tell you something, the biggest naysayer of them all comes from inside. See, it don't matter what other people say out there. It takes some time for you to learn this. And I understand because it took me some time to learn it. See, I have a lot of naysayers out there, but I ain't operating for them, operating function for the ones that love me, for the ones that get me, for the ones that understand what I'm really trying to do. And so don't you be the one that doesn't allow yourself to get back on track when you get off track, Because, like I said, who made the rule up that you can't get back on track. There's no such rule out there. Stop stop yourself from getting it right. So what you started to diet at the beginning of the year, and you already off, start another one, start over, try it again, don't ever stop trying. If you stop trying, you can't make it. But if you never give up the effort, if you never give up and say it's over, it ain't over. You heard just saying it ain't over to the fat ladies, saying I never invite her. She's not invited. It ain't over to the fat ladies, saying I don't know where the fat ladies stay. I am not sending her an invitation to none of my events. She's not welcome here. She didn't ask me a couple of times. How come I never get invited? Because you're gonna start saying it and I ain't got time for that. All right, stop inviting the fat lady to all your events. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen and everybody else. Man, I have your attention. Please, this is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Make no mistake about it. Here it is ain't nothing else to this. Good morning, Shirley, Good morning Steve, Calling for real Good morning Steve, Hey crew junior. Morning up Tom Tom big dog it dog sitting up in here trying to be about it. Yes, sir, hustling flour, that's it. Yeah, how are you feeling, Steve? You know, I'm actually really really good, excited. It's a new day. Yeah, I woke up. I'm greatful. I got some plans. Yeah, I got some o dreams and stuff that I want to accomplish, visions. Yeah, I got the stuff written down. I've been reworking everything. Now I write some most stuff down this week. Man like you, who has so much and who has been blessed so wonderfully and beautifully, what else do you dream about? For the people? You know? I got some bigger stuff, you know, I want to I want to do some things to change some other people's lives. Giving Tommy, you know we are too shit. Thank you, Thank you. See actually been on the list. You don't have to worry about getting on there. I'm available for anybody. Won't do something big, man, you know, anybody want to do something big. I'm looking to grow my company h as an international businessman. Okay, that's the thing that I've laid claimed to. Well, you know why I asked you that though, why because people people need to know, you know, you can still dream, never stop dreaming, and never stop you know, believing in yourself. And you know, just matter how big, yeah, no matter how big you are, you have a lot. But there's God. Our God is big and you know he can do over and above. You know, there's a scripture that says, um, a man without a dream or vision shall perish. So you can't stop dreaming and you can't stop having visions because I mean, if you don't dream of nothing, if you if you don't want nothing else, what what what's what's the waking up for? Yeah? Then go ahead and just go on right, yeah, man, because you've got to Yeah man, you know, you know, I mean you have to press and and I suggest that people aim extremely high. I think people should. You should want stuff that's in your imagination, go way over there. If it's in your imagination, if you've ever imagined it, won't it won't it. That's that's where your real life is at. It's in your imagination. So all the things that you have now that you currently have, you you've dreamt about them at some point in time, at one point in time, even when I even even though some of this stuff I didn't even know existed, That's what I was going. Some of its just show up other things. Can I tell you, okay, when we come back, can I share with you what that really is? Yeah? Yeah, And I have a great story for you too, Steve. Okay, all right, will we come back, I'll tell you what that is. We'll be right back at thirty two. After the hours you're listening. It is time for something funny now, Steve. I wanted to ask you and the guys as well, what's the weirdest or the craziest thing you were caught doing red handed? Something you know you weren't supposed to do, but it was crazy though. Maybe it was something you were looking up online, or maybe it was an embarrassing moment in the bathroom you told us about when you were a chess at your girlfriend's house one time and you had a real bad explosion. Uh, sell anything something that happened during you know, on the job. On one I'm done anything, I mean, which one you want? Hand bust? You want the risk? Everybody down. I've heard all these statements in my life. Right there, put your chats, you hands up, yeah, I've had all which one. You want something funny? She won? None of the funny. Getting busted just ain't funny. Right, Have you been caught but Nike, have you been caught? Button nick? No, I ain't been caught button niked. That's our story, tom h Well you know I want it. Well, I'll tell you what I will. You know, but I wanted to get caught. I was at the girl's house one time. She was at work, and I told her I was gonna cook for when she came in. So I got over to the house and set it all up and I cooked everything. I cooked pretty good. You know, I was young as our young dude then. So she had a duplex town house. The kitchen, living room downstairs, two bedrooms was upstairs, and uh I decided to go on upstairs and wait for you know, I hadn't done all this cooking all that thenon, and uh so I just had a trail of clothes all the way up the steps. I'm under the cover, nicked, okay, looking like new money shower. Yeah, I got so much baby all on me. This was before I knew how to handle a baby. All. I had so much baby all on me. I don't ruin us sheets. Yeah, all in my hell, I had excess, man, baby, I didn't know what I was doing then, and uh, she was picking up the clothes coming up step, laughing, you're so crazy. Oh you're so you know. I had, you know, one sock, then another sock, you know, belt, you know, drawls, you know, sure, just hap all that placed up the steps. The last thing was a drawl. Yeah. She got up there and I snatched the covers off. I'm butt naked, but I got so much all on me. All she said was, oh my god, look at my sheets. I said, your ship. You talking about your sheath, but you need to wear about rhyme with sheets. But that's just I don't know what you're talking about. Look at all the sheet. She was so mad because I had baby all on the sheet. She missed the point. Yeah, the whole damn point. Oh manpening, not a damn thing. She mad real attitude too about her sheet. Some sheets. So I got up you know, no hell no, just reglass cotton sheets. Now I'm going down. I gotta collect all my stuff all the way back down the damn Still, I ain't this about nothing. I'm putting stuff on on the stairways. So when I got to the bottom, I was fully dressed because I took the stuff off strategically, so I just put it back on the same way. I got my draws, yeah yeah, some parts shut. Yeah, my socks, my shoe. By the time I got to the bottom, I just got on dress on, got my car with on. Hell yeah, what I want? You're nothing to do is be mad at me all this damn time. What happened to the meal and the spaghetti and the salad in the frigerator? Got an attitude? No, you got you put on your clothes and got in your car and went home. What happened the next day? Not even ain't doing talk for a while, Okay, then she called me. She said, so I ain't heard from you. You ain't heard from you, now you know? She called my apartment. I ain't heard from you, because you know, I hate to tell y'all this what no cell phone back? I ain't heard from you? I said, way, what what you want to hear from me? I spent all that time cooking you a meal, and all you complained about it. I'm sorry, Nah here, I'm sorry. Nothing. I see how you are? See your ass crazy. I ain't gonna get involved with you. So that was it? Yeah, yeah, it never went nowhere? Did you buy her some new sh about her? She rush them? Hey what number baby one? Yeah, it was to get at that dog if they bad sheets. But you complain you missed the point. Skip, thank you for cooking the meal. All this hit none of that, you know. She laughing up the steps at the clothes. But get up there and now she she hit a switch so hard she just that damn man about this baby all on these sheet. I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what I ain't gonna stop doing. I ain't gonna stop using baby Ard. I promise I'll check you that. I might be a little crew or a little rookie at the knock because I'm twenty one, but I tell you what I'm loving how to work? Yeah, well that sixty one. I am a baby all specially I'm a boss baby or be old ass baby baby all special? Something about you in baby Ard? He just he did I tell you about the time called I had to come get him. He didn't slip them fails? He butt naked? Baby? Wait what no, you didn't tell her? Oh my god, Steve, you didn't mention this at all. Tell him bout the time I had to come get you. You You didn't call because you failed and you said you in a pudd little baby ll but Nick, tell him about that part so you saw him butt naked? Tell me I didn't call him. I haullowed out. We gotta go, okay, an't nobody call him? He came over coming up coming up NeXT's running up frank back more ignorance from this ignorant show. Right after this, you're listening right now, the nephew is here with today's frank phone call. What you got nat? Fixed to teen? Oh? Lord, fix to teen? Yeah, gotta be aggressive with it. I watch this right here. Hello, hello's trying to speak your Latrenda? Please, this is Latrenda. Who is this? Hey? You work at the term with Sea? Yes? I do? Who is this? Okay? Was you there? Did you work last Wednesday? Like from six to I guess six to close? Yeah? I work every Wednesday? Yeah? Who who is this? Hey? My name is Ralph, and I basically, uh, you know, looked around to try and get your phone numb. I got a bit of a complaint right wait wait wait wait wait you calling me? With a complaint on my cell phone. Who gave you my number? I've done the research to get your number, man, And what I'm calling you about is, while I was in there getting a sandwich and eating, I'm realizing that you came out of the bathroom without washing your hands. And which First of all, you need to be calling the corporate headquarters if you got a complaint, or you call that eight hundred number on the back of your receipt. Don't be calling my cell phone. Whoever gave your gat you myself on I'm a whoop day. Hey, listen, listen. The problem is is that you're coming out not washing your hands. No, No, the problem I don't never come out and not wash my hands. First of all, I'm working I've been working out for three years. Okay, I'll be coming to me with no books that I ain't came out and I washed my hand. I guess you ain't been washing your hands for no three years and you you're coming out, you know, unsanitizing this way you're treating people. Don't First of all, don't be calling my phone talking behind it. I ain't washed my hands, like I said, I've been there three years. I've been employer of the month six times. Don't be coming to me with a none of different book. I don't like how you employ the money. You must be the nasty employer of the month because you're coming out you're not washing your hand. I saw you scratch your head and you ain't putting on always look gloves on my hand. You ain't my blues. We don't know who the hell you think you are. But don't be calling my phone with this. You need to be calling headquarters if you got a complaint. I tell you what. I'm gonna call headquarters. I'm coming at a mon to see if you're gonna be up in there with some gloves on, or you're gonna come out there out of the bathroom again with the same thing. Come on up there. I'm gonna be there from sixty close, sixty close, and I bet you if you come up to tomorrow, I'm gonna make it sandwich. You' you're gonna do what I'm gonna make it sandwich? You out shoulder. Who's you think you're talking to? Yo? You said your name was round Rights. Let me come on my phone with this. Hey, let me tell you something. All I'm saying to you. Is this right here? If I come up in there tomorrow and find out you ain't got some gloves, oh you're mes rood, I get whoop ah, You're gonna wo mine. You're gonna want sixty ten. I'm gonna be up there from six to ten. I ain't gonna call nobody. Ain't calling my brothers, my cousin, my uncle or nothing. I'm gonna whooping by myself. Excuse me, you're gonna you You're gonna try to take on them. Man, I'm gonna whoop your by myself. That's what I said. You need to get you a little name. Sit behind in the bathroom, or wash your hands and keep them on your hand, because you donna be coming up there. Some people food like that. Bring your gown up there, see SI ten. You know where I work? Six tit ten and I'm gonna whoop y'all. Who do you think you talking to? I don't even know who you are, but I'm gonna know y'all tomorrow. I'm gonna know you tomorrow. Bring your throwing up there six tit ten and I'm gonna whoop y'all. I'm coming up to tomorrow. Come on, don't I'm not hold up to tomorrow. Matter of fact, I'm gonna tell you how to be sanitize. I'm gonna be what some gloves on? Do you hear me? You're gonna be mine? And you steady talking about woman? That's a little bring you it's up there. We're gonna see who's gonna get paid? Who? What kind of man is you anyways? To be talking about fighting a walk? You are? And you are? What what you calling me? Um se te aank you? I'm coming up to the seeing you tomorrow. Is you gonna? Is you gonna be ready when I get up there? What kind of you anyway? Ya? Car of friends? I'm about you gonna fight female y'all with some hand washing. Bring y'all bricks, and I'm gonna show you what it is. Sixty ten, I'm gonna be here, matter of fact, i'mnna be here at five forty five. Bring your stuff form five o'clock in and I'm gonna whoop yoa who's thirty two to see? I'm gonna I'm gonna talk to Frank Supper for tomorrow. Sixty ten. You're gonna see, You're gonna see what's up? I got one of my friends to see to you for her come up to tomorrow. I don't you got to say, I don't care. I'm gonnahoo yo, say that got I got one more listen to me? Say what do you listen? What? What if you Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Who you you say? Who? Hey, this is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got franked by your co workers. Man, you man, see, man, y'all got me. Man, I's like sixty ten tomorrow. I got something for her. She's gonna have to watch her back every hour, every hour on the hour. I got something. I ain't gonna hurt her, but I'm definitely gonna do an tomorrow. Believe that. Well you read it though. I was hell yeah, I was gonna. Man, you don't even know what you had in store for you. You was like, y'all is gonna pull me off? And that probably wouldn't have been enough either. Hey, I got one more thing to ask you, baby girl. What is the baddest radio station in the land. You already noticed Steve Harvey Morning Show sixty ten babies, Come on down, sixty I'm killed, I'm come on down. I gave you my hours on six p m. Yeah, y'all, and I usually come in five minutes and washed my hand play too much that for you? All right, y'all take it out knocks Bil Civic Auditorium. The next would be nephew would be there alone with my boy, Bruce. Bruce. That's Friday. That's this Friday, y'all. April nineteen is going down. That's good Friday. Good Friday. The nephew would be in the building, and then Virginia Beach Comedy Club May second through the fourth. They're all laying in the cut. I'm on my way now, Uncle Steve. Check this high Texa Counta, Texas, Arkansas right there on the border. Nephew going to the texall Caunta Convention Center. No ump tickets, our own sail up in Texar County. If you you know, you know, we got a lot of older people that don't want to go online and get little tickets. They want to physically go by the air ticket. So picks on sail at the Miracle Closet and I also at GQ Fashion right there, your Miracle closet. Yeah, come on, because after you get it out of there, that's how it's gonna look on like a miracle and the g e Q closet. No GQ fashion, GQ fashion and the miracle closet. I'll be damn what tim me. You ought to go there and get your outfit from GQU and then wear on stage. That'd be great promotion, man, it'll prove that you love the city. So you want to get you out from g Q. Yeah, so go in like the bay before going in and get me something to wear, give me something out of miracle clouds and then give me something else out of GQ fash. Yeah. Yeah, but you've always taught me to have my outfit ready when I get to the city. Yeah, but I want you to now, since they're selling your tickets or GQ head, I want you to go down then buy your your outfit from them and wad all right, thank you enough you you're listening, all right, Steve, It is time for comedy roulette before Yes, it is today, do it? Kay? All right? Coming to Red very serious comedy roulette versus. Take four subjects, put them on a wheel. Spun the wheel. That's right, spun it. Wad stop because we are great at doing this. We're comedians. We'll do the damn thing. Do it all right. Here we go with the subjects. The party was off the chain. In fact, as soon as you left, blank blank happened? Oh blank happened? All right? Number two? When to shut up? Okay? Number three? All guys who live alone would be number four. We're just being nice. The preacher's wife can't sing, all right, cod spin it? Oh, is it gonna be on clingle guys? Single guys who live alone? Preacher's wife up? Yeah, Oh number one. The party was off the chain. In fact, as soon as you left, Oh my black happened? Dude, this was a party. As soon as you left, the preacher's wife's wig got caught the ceiling. Fan man who was going should have been there, dude. It couldn't get that fan man. She was just chasing. Oh my god, man, that party was off the chain. Man. In fact, as soon as you left, uncle Herman got stuck in the bathroom. Dough. We couldn't get the restaurom of that night. He's somebody pushed me. No, oh man, the party was off the change. Let me tell you some as soon as you left, Soon as you left, bout it waste all the whiskey on the float. We mopped it up and rung it out in the picture. Man, let me tell you something, whiskey mop water is the holdest thing. Boy you talking about? You miss something. I'm trying to change. Miske whiskey my water. Lord ha mercy boy, you think that was good? Let party? This party was all to change. This party was as soon as you left. I'm talking about it wasn't five minutes after you walked out the door. Keisha started stripping on top of the watching machine. I'm trying to cut that spear cyclone and was stripping. Come on, Jay, one minute. Man, that was a party. As soon as you left, they had a wheelchair race, right. I didn't stead and got hit my ice cream. He's funny. This party was something to change that fact as you left. Uh since the woman front tooth shot at the herman drake man, he took himself. Now we just away on him to go to the bath. Let me tell you something. That party, the party was so out saying. As soon as you left, man, everybody got hungry. I don't know what made Butcher got the fish out the aquarium and Friday fish true. Oscars had an algae eat. I ain't led to that after eating was good? All right? Closing out, Steve, hermy that party right after you changed, right after you left, Uncle Take came in and had a one woman wet T shirt contact. We got a right, all right, Steve. Listen, lets let's get to today's headlines. Please, ladies and gentlemen, the lovely miss Anne trip. Thank you guys. Oh boy, this is a trip with the news. Well, here we go. Special Counsel Robert Muller is four hundred and forty eight page report four hundred and forty eight pages on the Russian election meddling is now out there for anybody who cares to read it, And even with all its redactions or blocking out, the report still does detail instances in which President Trump apparently directed other people in his administration to try to either influence or curtail the probe. But the report stops just short of accusing Trump of committing an actual crime. It also shows that there were numerous contacts between the Russian government and the Trump campaign. Again, the report concludes, though, that there was not enough evidence to prove any kind of collusion. Now, the question of obstruction of justice, though, remained open and how. Judiciary Committee Chairman Adam Schiff says, there's a message in that those acts of obstruction of justice, whether they are criminal or not, are deeply alarming in the President of the United States, and it's clear that Special Council Mueller wanted the Congress to consider the repercussions and the consequences. It is clear the Special Council believed that no one was above the law, and that includes the President of the United States. Nevertheless, the President of the United States is seeing a lot of vindication in this. He told an audience that he was found innocent and exonerated. It was a wounded warriors event, and now the President is pushing for an investigation into the investigation. In other words, how the Muller investigation got started. Natural Security Advisor John Bolton says that the US is going to start restricting the amount of money that Cubans can send to relatives on the island, and Bolton says that the new rules will also restrict non family travel to Cuba. Also, he says US courts are going to now be able to consider lawsuits against foreign companies doing business on properties that castro sees from Americans. After that nineteen fifty nine Cuban Revolution. The polisher of a small Alabama newspaper being talked about all over the internet, a good Low Sudden, as a polisher of something called The Democrat Porter, based in southwestern part of that state. He wrote in editorial calling full and white supremacists to quote go on night rides, again, saying that quote, if we could get the clan to go up there and clean out DC, we'd all be better off. We'll get the hemp rotes out, loop them over a tall limb and hang all of them. This guy claims that the clan only killed a few people, and they were only violent when they needed to be, and then went on to compare the clan to the oldest terrorists organization in the US, to the NAACP, saying they're the same. The University of Mississippi's now removed Goodlow Sutton from his place in the school's communications Hall of Fame. US Justice Department extremely critical of conditions of Alabama's prisons, Ice Cubs three on three basketball league quarterly signing a deal to air its games on CBS this summer. Further in the entertainer and MovieMaker's efforts to become a sports industry mogul, and Today's National Humor Day. I guess that's what they mean by good riddance to bad rubbish. I guess you what they mean when they say into each lives the lugli must fall. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening show, all right, So Steve is here, of course with things you'll see on Easter Sunday. I've been going to church a lot of years on Easter, and it's the most fascinating time for me because you see stuff at the church that you really shouldn't see, like people in lime green should not be in lime green for I mean, it's shocking. A lot of a little bit of lime goes a long way. Yeah, just a little bit. You've got that little baby, beautiful black baby walking around with that day glow lemon yellow dress. On day You're gonna see colors that you did not know existence. I mean, you just what is that air polition? What is that air polish? Yeah, that's when you been going what is that? That's a ranger tang, a Ranger tan. You just don't know what's going on. You're gonna see little boys with nicker's own because their mama thought it was cute. Yea little boy can't go around the rest of them boys. What you appeal grim, here's some mess you're gonna see, way way too many barrettes in this baby's It's just way too many damn barrettes in this baby. Head. Baby walk around just clacking her head heavy. She cried. Here's something you're gonna see if somebody's house. What that's just too much damn pineapple on that head. The hell man, you can't see the hell trying to disguise this dry ass hand. You're gonna see Easter Bunny in street shoes because you know in the hood, you don't have the money for the feet to you don't have the bunny for the entire He's just up in here with some black tomber Can street shoes. He got some flown flown street shoes. Flows. You're gonna see a fat man h with a too small jack at home and a little man with a two big I always see that, all right. Coming up at thirty four after the hour, Jamthony Brown is here to murder another hit. You're listening show, all right, Steve, he's here, Please introduce Jay Anthony Brown to Anthony Brown, come on, say all right, you can check me out. Chased by a Comedy Club on Tuesday, two shows, Friday, two shows Saturday, and keeping with the vein of Easter on Steve that you have, why not do it? Easter song that's gonna set it off, that's gonna say it all because it's the day we go crazy with what we have to with. Hit it. Wait till they see me in this shoot that at the bottom you shut the fund of your super You're ready, You're gonna kill him. He skins a Sunday. I can't believe those foul suits that see the colors do y'all y'allow ride and can't breath the blas guy, you old brain, one jacket and way too long. But didn't you know you're wrong? Where you get that plan from? You got on heart and south? But your suit is blood? Why the leader has the day the lea. You must be blooding at you, man, I didn't know see low head of stone, which listen sitting the pitch to me, real soup, ugly Jesus, you must be blinded, man, I didn't know se had a soul when you damns today in that ugly easter. Su must be blind. And you know that any laid it out the night before, kill him, just gonna hurt him on. Boy. I remember one year, man, I got me a white suit. My mama told me, boy that I don't want you to get no white suit. I had paper out. I give me. I'm getting the white white suit. I only had one pair of shoe they was black, so I wanted a black shirt. I couldn't find a black shirt. Bought a white shirt at a box of Rick Die and died it. I died the shirt in church, got hot to die, bleed out the shirt in tarn suit. Your mother told you, I'm sint been here man, with this cheap as shirt. I got sweating. It's leaking to die, is leaking on to the suit. My hand. I was so hurt. Now my suit got these great blotches on it. Man, you know this is way folk camouflage. I could not play at all. It's all going down easter. You're absolutely right, man, I don't know in jeans it's crown you work. I wear jeans on Eastern man. Anybody else where. Yeah, I try to go to the earliest service. They got ye y'all know. Look, look, Shirley, don't ask surprise you know hr he tried to ask you central human resources? Have rich? Oh what I got to do? What I mean? Why are you that I wear jeans on church? You know a lot of people? Yeah, a lot of people were back in Cleveland, Kate. Yeah, but just by the way I was raised. It's hard to do that. Still, you didn't change what you know, let's change. I can't church. Yeah, it's hard. I mean, it's better than people can come to church day, but it ain't increase. It ain't increased traffic at church. You think it's more people going to church now than then? With Trump in the White House? Ye? All right, the nephew the prank phone call coming up right after the you're listening morning show? Coming up next? The King is in the building, a prank phone called what you got man? All right? You in my house now? My grandma used to say, as far as you in my house. Yeah, we will serve the Lord that ain't got nothing with this tilt is here? Is you in my house? I let you have. I am the prank phone called king for what they say? You think that stupid? Wait till February February seven, Febry Avi say it with me? Called my grandmama said. If you make it through jan let's go. You can march on through the A. You're gonna remember this. You make it through jany A and febr A, you can march on through the April. Baker got him. Hey, this is uh this Presston? What y'all? Where did y'all lead a kia? I'm about two hours out? You got th wrong? On Bro? Call him back? Yeah? Is this Troy? Yeah, this's Troy? Who there? Day? This is this? I'm Preston. Man. Listen, I'm on my way to the house. I'm about two hours out. Where did y'all lead a kid at? Man? Oh? On? Way? You let him get up? On your way to what? Hell? I'm on my way there? Are you at? You at the house? I'm at my house? Yeah? What what did you say? Your name was? This is Preston? I uh okay, okay, hold on, man, I don't understand. Okay, I'm on my way to the house. What house? Does my question? What has he coming out? Okay? You are you at six and Woods Drive? Yeah? That's my house? Okay, Okay, I don't understand that, all right, So listen, I'm I'm about two hours out, man, I got two U haul trucks were in route there. We'll be there about two hours. But but I thought y'all was out of the house by now. I'm I'm kind of see where the key at? How the hot it was? I don't know what you know? What you had? What you say you you you got to you hall trust what what you got? What you got? Tim was it was that now I'm moving into the house. I bought the house. You you're moving in the white Okay, how you don't know? I bought the house? Man? Wait what the house you talking about? You on Woods Drive? That's I bought this house from kids there? Yeah yeah, Ti Tith Yeah yeah yeah, Tith there. That's that's what. That's where we that's where we got the house from. What you say you about the house? Okay, wait a minute, you leased the house from kids there? Right? Yeah, yeah, we're right right. We we stood out about another year lesson our least. We we we at this house for another year, I mean, and we supposed to renew that. Okay, Okay, we got a problem. Let me let me try to Okay, we bought. I'm let me give my wife on them. I need to get my wife on the phone. Oh well, hold on, hold on, hold on a minute. Okay, So now tis they'll tell me that y'all supposed to be at the house and I'm calling. He said, y'all gonna leave the key in a certain places till ain't tell you know, like I mean, let me get kicked deal on the phone. Such because because how we how do you he ain't, man, we ain't here nothing about no selling, no, no house or no nothing like that. Okay, Well I didn't. I didn't balk the house from Tisdale. And I'm I'm like I said, I'm I'm two hours out. I might get there a little quicker. How soon do you think y'all gonna get the stuff? Get y'all stuff out the house? Yeah? What stuff? I want house? Y'all gonna have to get y'all stuff out the house? Get what stuff? Did you a a lot of that? You think we're gonna get? We? We we look like I said, man, we need to get Tisdale on the phone and get this cleared up. You say, I'll tell you what you bring up. You hall trust as you want to y'all. Bet to take you out back where you come from. I tell you that. After you that, but ain't listen, man, listen the mistake. First of all, Okay, you you arguing with me by my house. That's not house. No no, no, now see and now I'm at see now you pissing the hour. I'mnna tell you. I'm gonna tell you like I like like, I'm gonna tell there ain't none of this ain't going down the way you think it's gonna go down. You know what I'm saying. We signed the leaf being this house for a year. Mean, that's what we're gonna do. We're gonna be in this house for a hope. Yeah, you ain't over. Yeah, so you might get yourself own the house. No more, I owned the house. You got to get your shop. Man. I'm two hours out here. Man, little man, we look, let listen to me. Now listen. We haven't been in this house five years. Okay, we got one year nothing this house. Okay, look, ain't gonna be no moving end the day. We can't. I can't move my man, I got wife, I got kids in man. I look, I'm teeth, I'm teeth. It's like it's like you said, you got we gotta talk Tisdale. But I'm telling you, man, you pull up today and you haul I sweat so a little, I'm gonna I'm gonna whoop your toil. You you you you don't call me with all this, ain't got no notice but nothing gaus. Then what I'm saying, you ain't ain't never we ain't talk, ain't got at one time agree with me saying okay, well that's tween you kids there. But right nah, I'm on my way to my house and you got to get your mind. Oh no, you're on your way to my house. I tell you if you if you no, if you come to my house, you're gonna get your heads a tea. Let me let me say that is your kids, your is your wife and kids there right now? They at church. Where you need to be okay, okay, is in a room. And what's in the garage? In the room in the garage, can you move on? What's the night garage? You're raggedy? Like I just told you, you pull up to my house, I'll get something fun. You're moving and this man getting you. You're getting your black blue and ain't I ain't gonna say when you come make me do it. You come make me do it. Move out of my house today? What's in my garage? Then? What's in yo garade? You tell me that what's in yogade? I'm allow I'm gonna allowing you to do this. Move all your stuff into the garage. I'm gonna allowing you to get your saying what I'm saying. So so I see, I see nae. I see now you won't you up in front of your wife and kids? I see so you gonna with my what you're gonna do. I'll tell you what if you bring them you house, you bring your wife, your kids, your dogs, ain't you bring it about it? I won't call your right in front of It's not your house, it's not I bought. I bought the house from tids. I'm telling a look, I tell you what you need me right in front of y'all. I'mna be right out here standing like I'm gonna who kill into my role and my house shoes? How about that? Donna kill me to move out my house? And I tell you you better call kids because you don't need to told me to tell you what you mean? What you say, do you know what these kids they are told me to tell you. I tell you one that you're gonna tell me whatever kids they're told me about, I tell you what. They ain't moving out my house today. I'm telling you that right now ain't gonna be no moving out here, he said, with the kids they're told you to say, I'm gonna tell you this here. What tids there told me to tell you. Tears there told me to tell you that this is next You till me from the Steve Harvard Morning Show, Troy, your wife and tids there got me the prank phone call you so this one boot some book. Yes, I didn't put my pens on, boots on. I'm waiting. I'm sitting right here in my living room looking at the wait for this. You want to pull up because I showed gonna tear five from your man. I can't go back to sweep now. You don't got me fired up? They sure I gotta ask you for I go, man, what is the baddest and I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvesting? This show? Ain't that about? Come on? Okay, you give me tell me ignorant going you really does, it really does? Is you got you got to be? They can't go down. It's it's got to go level ignorance baby, And it stayed there and it stays up. Coming up next Strawberry Letter. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. Right now, it is time for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting and more, submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letters. That's simple, righte, Steve? You know it? Oh what you keep asking me? Fault? This is the most important announcement I mate, man, send us young Strawberry letter. Buckle up, hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it is the Strawy Letter. Subject I can't get back in bed with him. Subject I can't get back in bed with him. Dear Stephen Shirley, I am dating a man that I consider to be my soul mate. We have a long distance relationship, but we see each other often. He always comes to visit me, and I would always make sure that my house was clean. I would go out of my way to impress him. This past weekend, I went to visit him for the first time. After driving for four hours, I got to his house and I was immediately shocked and disappointed by what I saw. His house was absolutely filthy. Before I could even hug him, I couldn't help but blurt out, I thought you cleaned up. We went back and forth on what he thought was clean and what my interpretation of clean was. I decided to do the cleaning myself, and he agreed to help me. My first priority was to clean the bedroom where I'd be sleeping. I started with the bed to put clean sheets on it. As I pulled back the covers, I discovered a huge piece stain on his mattress. I almost got sick from the sight and smell of it. I called him into the bedroom, and he got defensive, the nerve to say I was doing too much. He said that his sheets were already clean and it was an old stain on the mattress. I could not believe that this fine, handsome, well spoken man wet his bed. I was devastated and turned off. As tired as I was, I got back in my car. All right, listen, guys. As tired as I was, I got back in my car and drove for another four hours back to my own house. We talked on the phone, but I can tell he's still embarrassed. I don't think we can get past this. If it's a medical issue, then I can be supportive and help him through it, but he will not talk about it with me. He's really the best man I've met in years. Please help me? What should I do? Well? How nice of you to drive all that way and just you know, get right and dive right in into cleaning and everything. Oh my god, this would really be a deal breaker for me. I don't think this guy is your soul mate. Um. I think you have to have more in common and let's just start with the basics here. Um, you know you gotta be clean, you gotta have some good hygiene. That is just the basic requirement in a relationship. I mean the question to me though, is this urination situation? Yeah? What's going on here? I mean is this a medical like incontinent problem or is he just lazy and just doesn't get up to go? You didn't make that clear in the letter. Um, he didn't seem to be bothered by it though when you pointed it out. If it is medical, he needs to see a doctor immediately. This can't go on in a grown man wetting the bed. You gotta go see a doctor and get this situation taken care of. I say, um, try and talk to him again about it, you know, not in a nagging kind of way or anything, but in an adult, loving, caring and concerned way. If he still doesn't want to talk to you about it, you might have to walk and leave him alone. And it's unfortunate because you think this guy's your soul mate, and you really like this guy. Steve, I must jump right on this letter. I disagree, Shirley. This could be her seal soul mate. You're soul making have problems and issues. People complete each other. Now, this woman had been dating this man. He's absolutely wonderful. Everything's going perfect. He's always comes to the house. Her house is spotless. She goes to his house, his house trife. I know, that's surprised. I'm filthy, you know, filthy. You know he don't clean, you don't clean up. I don't know. Not every man I know is a germophobic, like you know who. A lot of men are not that neat. You know. I like having a neat clean house, but I have a tendency to throw some stuff down and I let some dishes stack up. It don't bother me. It bothers my wife that dishes and stacked though. It bothered my wife that out and threw something in the flow. Now we don't. We we're not. We haven't got to that yet. That's your style of comedy is a little bit more aggressive and forward. Just allowed to it now. I just want him to allow me to get to it as I don't. I don't be in his punk ass pranks. They punk ass yeah they is now back to the letter. Well, you know, you get his ass out of it. Shirm, Okay, talk to him. I don't say nothing doing them pray. Ain't never interrupted him, ain't never jumped on. Hey me too, say something about me too. That was he don't clean. That's not big of a deal. You can help him clean. You did it yourself. Here the problem you pulled back to covers and it was some pa in the bed. Now here was wrong when you pulled back. You didn't say how old he was. But listen to me. I Pete is different from baby Pete. This p is strong, monia need it, It's got things in it. It's got part lookal in it Penesilla College, green juice, hen essy all listens in there, Yeah, insolent. He could be died better instantly. It's all listens in that urine. Now, if it's been under that quilt and you open it up, it's gonna be shocking. And you can't have a soul mate with a week bladder. Sorry, Now he is the problem. You got back in your car. You drove back to four hours. You was disgusted and hurt that he didn't think enough about you to clean up before you came. He thought he cleaned up, but he didn't forgot. See he's been messy and junkie so long. He forgot. He forgot all about the piece that he thought it was gonna dry, what he thought it'd be dry by. Now I'm just telling you what he thought he figured about time, y'all getting the better to be that And now you ain't gonna notice that he don't know that he dating a blood him. O God, that you're gonna smell it? What is that? So now you got you got a lot backed up on him. This relationship is salvageable. And I will tell you when we come back how you can go about the business of salvaging this relationship, because I don't know that you should throw a good man away, because he has possibly a medical condition that requires the right help. And we can get somebody clean dawn house. Right. She said that she can be supportive and help him through it. All right, we'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour. I can't get back in with him. That's the subject you're listening, all right, Steve, Come on, let's get to part two of your response to today's Strawberry letter. I can't get back in bed with him. And the reason she can't get back in bed with because she didn't went to this man's house. He'd been coming over there all the time. She drove for out. The man house filthy, it's trifling. She helped him clean up, and then she go in the bedroom and pulled back to the sheets. She trying to clean the sheep. But they got a big peace stain on him, and it was strong. Now, she said, the man pee in the bed. The seats was already clean. He said, and that's an old stain. That stain I had peed on that last week. That's not fresh. To tripping fall. She couldn't believe this was fine. Handsome, well spoken man wets the bed. I'm devastated. As tired as I was, I got back in my drove back another four hours back to my own house. Then we talked on the phone, but I can tell he's still in beards. I don't think we can get past this. If it's a medical issue, then I can be supportive and help him get through it, but he will not talk to me about it. With me, he's really the best man I've met in years. Please help me. What should I do? You gotta get through to him. You gotta get him comfortable talking about what's wrong. Look, I love you, I think we have something, and I'm willing to help you and share you share your life. But I need you to be open and honest with me. Tell me what's going on so I can help you with it. Because if you pee on me, see this is the real problem. What she's scared to be laying up there, And then if you pee on her that apple tell you right now, that's gonna cause a break up. They don't like that though. They don't like that. Now, if you got to be in the bed with it depend on that's gonna cut down on the Sexilynna be cutting down. You're all snuggle all of them. You got the dare the applehol because you're I ain't waring for damn. It's just over here with a whole lit it. You're just peeing on people. You just in here, we're just talking. All of a sudden, all of a sudden, the big get warm and we just can't be doing it. We up just watching TV. We got the we're sitting up on the headboard. We're watching TV in the bad We got the bowl of popcorn tween our legs. Now, all of a sudden, you're hot, real popcorn, extra butter. The hell is going on? Hill? Why is your popcorn hot and socker? And why didn't you tell me you were sitting over that peel? He didn't want to talk about it. I could have got up and got out your weight. He doesn't want to talk about it. Sit your ass up in here and just peeing in this bed. The bathroom is right down, she said. Let me get him count east. Where steps in you in the bathroom to sexual ladies? An ass up here and paid again. But you gotta find a way to help him. Now it's a couple of solutions. I don't know how old is. I don't know if they're eighty or the forty, and I don't know if you're eighty. We're gonna have to get a cafit or something on this board so he can just pee onto the pay all that's on the floor. I don't know what it is. I don't know how old they are. But she drove four hours, so she ain't eighty. I don't know no eighty old person can drive for a while without nod. I'm gonna stay for I think you have something there. When you say forties, she's gonna well. She got her own house and he got his own house, so they both accomplished something. She took that long draft. Now we've had a story similar to this, that lady that was going to astronaut lady that put that astronaut shoot on and drove nine hundred stop and just pete on herself in an astronautus got our head on everything but the helmet on. Just driving, driving in peer stopping, getting gas and peeing. Didn't even get out. Give me eight dollars, I can make it. Well, we I think you should say, look I love you. I want to stay with you, but if you don't share with me what's going on, I can't help you. And if you won't allow me to help you, that's gonna cancel our relationship. You're the best man I've met in a long time, and I believe I'm the best woman you've met in a long time. As a matter of fact, I don't think there's another woman living that's gonna crawl up in that field there as bad now, if you're gonna be in that peing on you, that's what I said. They aren't staying. Let me ask you something. This is some kids somewhere that I don't know nothing. She didn't mention kids. Well, I'm just asking because maybe the baby will pete in the baby. But I can tell you right now that ain't baby year that grown man as you. When you peeled back, you smell homely. Yeah, she said she almost got sick from the sight and smell of its stead. That's a strong yellow. Then when she called him to the bathroom, he got defensive. It was his Yeah, I was down at Venice Beach one time years ago, and I was trying to help this homes dude that I saw him rummaging through the waist can. So I bought him two sandwiches and gave him to me. But when he came over to get him from me, that boy was so strong. Good lord, good lord. I gave him two hundred dollars and him if you could back up now, man, it's on you. And then when was coming off the ocean, because we were down at Venice Beach, nothing, Yes, the smell of cotton candor none was high in this hill. Okay, I'm talking about gifted. We really understand you standing. They had the duct tape shoes on too, and they had got hot on that to ask phone, would you please what he had in that grocery car? But it was thinking too. Yeah, the air condition in that wrapped up in the talk. I'm trying to figure out where he was gonna plug his alpack. But lord, no, you can't be standing in front of this as when you cut it on that much. I do know. What you cannot do is blow. You can't plug that air condition up there in that grocery car and stand in front of it and shift that win towards people. We gotta go when you go ahead and go. But I'm just tetching us. That's how I smelled that before, and that's how I know this ain't no baby pe All right, listen, you can email us or instagram us your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter and email us or whatever, but wash first, email us and Steve Harvey FM. Thank you so much Steve for that answer. There, Wow, you're listening. Show all right, Now it's time for something funny. Guys. We're gonna talk about annoying things that grown people do while you're driving. So when you are driving, because these people are in the car with you, riding with you, the passenger, the passenger or that seat of kids are just just you the driver, So you gotta focus, yeah, on road. And it's just little stuff that gets on, Just little things, man, like just that little Steve like you driving right. I can't stand people to point to stuff for me to look at yea, yeah, I'm driving. Look oh look look you missed out, you missed you? Oh you they got tomatoes on sale? Look look yeah see that sad and I'm driving. Ain't where man, I can't stand for people to see that gets on my nerve. Come first of all, you don't know the words to the song I can't stand and you don't sound nothing like nothing like the song the song are you evil? When you just change the station when they're singing Twitter on Talk, I don't talk, Grady, I don't care what they're talking about. We started listening to talk the minute you open your mouth. And amazing and gentlemen, we are here today. Like when we're going Crosstown to my Auntie High, I hadn't been there a thousand times, but my wife want to give me directions. Thought to go this way, this way, take forty five and then take fifty nine. If you take fifty nine, we'll get there a little quicker. But We've been there several times. I know where I'm going. Come on, Steve, I know I can't damn when people driving they damn call looking over at an accident that they ain't e a about to get us in one over him. Yeah. I can't stand over there. I can't tell you know that window, That window is not to be played with okay down, yes, or women with hot slashes. Yeah. Yeah, I can't stand that. That's why I got win the lot, That's why I got locked. Yeah, he got the lock to winter take the jow off. I'm not not doing it. Not, don't grown un, I'm not gonna do it. You know I can't stand right I getting my car washed and I can't pick up take it somewhere. If you eat in my car and drop me any fact, I don't know when it. When you driving, you always notice somebody dropping something. Yeah, you got chips. I see the chip fall down your shirt to the seat, to my floor. But you can't eat like it ain't down it? Okay, okay, I hate to go there. Come on, I'm driving in my car. I look out the little just look out to the peripheral of my of my of my right side. Are you hicking? Yo? No, wait a minute, where are you? Where are you dusting that? Old man? Where's that going? That's on my floor? Man? Now, bro, bro, when y'all is saying it, you didn't seen it. I used to hate getting there somebody's car and don't nothing work. We ain't got no radio, we ain't got no el. We're just sitting up in here, hot, in silence, and it's starting to smoke. Tower this one. Okay, you gonna have gum in your mouth. Yeah, I don't want to hear you click it I don't want to hear your poppet. Oh yeah, I don't want to see it making bubbles out of it. Damn it just shooting. Okay, just shooting. That's it. That's why they call it shooting. Gum. You know what? I had this problem? Right now, I won't I want to drive, but I don't have one. But right now, stay out my damn glove box. Why are you? Why is you in there? What that hell made you? Click that two buttons and pull it down? And what are you looking for? You got something here? When did you put something there? It's like when you go to someone's house and they go to their medicine cabinet in the bathroom. Okay, this is what bothered me. We pull out the driveway. Yeah, I'm rolling my son in the backseat. He started holling and crime. We can't go. We got to stop. Wait a minute, what's wrong? The Wi Fi ain't work? It onney? I used to hate what. Don't ask me to use my car, please, man, You don't want your feelings hurt. You don't know how I really feel about you. Don't ask me to use my damn car for nothing, for nothing, Go to work, Go to stove. Yeah, he gonna find out what you really in the phrase, it's just sitting there. That's why it's just sitting there, because it's my car, and I ain't right. Well, it's just sitting there. So yeah, so what Yeah, I hate I'm backing out now. And in order to back out, you gotta look back. Why am I looking at you looking back at me? Backing out? It don't take two of us back out. I'm looking. I'll tell you what I can't say. Don't diagnose my car? How you know what's wrong with my car? So you got a bad time? How you know you just got in? Come on, Steve, this got this one, lad one. This got something to do with using my car. This is what a friend did to me one time, called a calf to my house, asked me to use but you should have took that's crazy. All right, more of this crazy ignorant show. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. So did you guys hear about the five year old little boy in Florida who used his grandmother's kindle and ordered a whole bunch of toys. Uh? Yeah, when the grandmother came back from vacation. They were about twenty five boxes at her door. Uh, and Moore kept coming and a little boy said, Grandma, what is that at our front door? He ordered about nine hundred and sixty dollars worth of toys. Um, this is crazy. Now how old he was? Just five? Yeah? Out of Florida. A little boy out of Florida. He's been to school at Nick. We couldn't do. Okay, this almost another yea And Grandma, wats that at your dough that you ain't I don't know one of these boxes that I see a toy in it and I didn't order. Note boy, when they when they find out who name on that thought, yeah, yeah, she's gonna send that all back. Well, um, I kid, that's not the most concerned. Yeah he's still skilled. Yeah technology, But here here go. My favorite grandma was'ts that on the poor Yeah? I love that. Yeah. Well that leads us to uh this hour's comedy segment and which Jay ro Ja explain it please, Well, it has to do with millennials and now a lot of them becoming parents now, so now they have to tell their kids how tough they had it. Yeah, tough they had it when they were coming up, like Zi Yeah, see boy, I didn't have a spaceship. I had to catch you uber everywhere. Spaceship. Yeah, now you got a spaceship. I had what you said, what millennials yeah, yeah, gonna say to their kids when they get them. Hell, I ain't got one dog. I had all this other stuff my parents today, what millennials uh hu will say to their kids. I made it off of fifteen dollars an hour. I made it fifteen Just sit them talk about rough? Do you know? Back in the day, sometime the cable would go out, come on, Tommy boy, let me tell y'all. So y'all, y'all, y'all, y'all don't know nothing, no real singles. See, you don't know nothing about like Drake Boy. Huh Sap called it be Bruto. Ma y'all don't know nohing about. Now that was music. Do you love me? Yeah? Yeah, I'm singing this mess right ahead. Don't nobody nobody kep key, Do you love me? Yeah? These are what millennials are gonna say that their kids. This is what millennials. So you just go. We had the FaceTime back in the Jake all he had was FaceTime. You're gonna sit there pin beam your ass over. Come on, ja, you sit that time that you got it rough. You don't know what rough is. I had to borrow money from my mama and my daddy. Come on, yeah, these are also true. Yeah, both parents? What you complaining for? When I was your age, I was never with my parents, do you hear? Man? When I was your I lived with them. Let me let me let me tell you something. Let me tell you something. I didn't have but one hundred and three shoes when I was your sneakers because I don't know had Boy, you're sitting up in here with four hundred pas shoes. You don't know how you got it? I like, yeah, these are what millennials I'm sitting up in here. You don't even know how hard it was sitting up here here having the email everybody email and sitting all these damn emails out. You're sitting up in here reading my damn mind. Yeah, millennials, was gonna say that the kid let them know they had a tough time. Okay, gas won't fold dollars and fit the ship back in that day. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're paying a hundred dollars. We were straggling. Yeah, you and that damn robot playing with each other. I had real friends, I had real people I had to play with. You got damn robot. You're just gonna play with Well, you don't understand. You don't understand. We had our paying sagging around our by hand when we was coming through. You got them way back below your fine nine. You don't know how good y'all got. They don't know planing all the time, plane and all our his complaint. We had to carry our phones back in the day. Now, you ain't got the down you do your damn e don't know what it was like back then. When we wanted to have a booty, we had to have button plant. Yeah, he was getting silicone it all times and stuff shot. Now all you got to do is sit up here and imagine the Nash and head people just looking at you and you making them see what you want them to see. Millennials, I'm gonna tell you right now, I had no choice. I had to be black. Now, you can sit up Nationals anytime you are now as when you come over here your messican, when you want to be whatever's safets for you, whatever, whatever for you. You just don't mean that. When we had to go through I had to wear glasses. You don't understand it. You got the whole Windshiel puscribe a right steam. Come on closing our season wasn't millennials now, y'all don't want to pray no more? We had damn Donald Trump. That's all you gotta say. That's it. I say it all right. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening Stry Morning Show. Time to have a little fun. Jay is here with a segment called people who Scare Me? Jay? What that list? Steve, Tommy Junior, y'all can comment on. This list is a list I put together. People who just frighten me when you see them. They haven't done anything you, but you see them, they're scared. People who wear gloves for no reason. Car the other day just d you know it's for no reason. I mean, why do you have I mean like inside the building and there's a hundred degrees outside of jacks. Another one that's gimmy men who have turned backpacks. What's in that where you're going? Dog? I got one for you, Jake. People that talk to themselves while they pumping gay make you nervous just talking so thank I can do that. You got the wrong one, now you haven't seen it one. It look like they're talking to two people at one time, back and forth. Yeah. Are you sure they're not on their phone? Nah? They don't have little hidden device on them at all. You know who's scared one? You got one time, I'm telling you scaring me. People that be driving, but got them big shades on it. Didn't they go down the side of the face too, around blue block block. I don't think they posed to be driving. I really don't. They spared me to me. Nervous. People who take a lot of medication just stay, just stay, popping pills every time. They always going on nightstand man, I got one. He got one. People who rocked back and forth while they're sitting down up, Yeah, they get up, back down. People who come on. People who eat their food real slow, right, sh I shall my food. I do not swallow it in hunts I inhale much. People that don't see nothing wrong with Donald Trump, scared nothing very scary? You cool with all that he's grant? I got one. Like people who dri rest they pits up just like them. Oh you stole you go to to get the suit, and then the dog got a suit too. I don't know that's scary right now, you're right, you're right. I got on. Anybody you seeing hugging a box, just hugging it like it's got the string around it, and they hugging it real closer to the ship. Yeah. Yeah. People People who don't don't mind walking outside with no shoes on all the time. That dog the bottom of their feet be so hardn't make you nerve? All right, I got one, Stephen, you close it out. I got one really good people who walk, but when they walk, their arms don't swing back and forth. They're just coming at you like children in the corn and walking over towards me. Ain't swinging at all. Once you got people should scare me. That's been sitting there watching their dog for an hour. Lay on that mat. The dog ain't sleep, He busy, then lick everything he got. Did he get up? He gonna let him lick him in his mouth. Happens every day. You're listening, all right, Steve, it is time for comedy roulette before we get Yes, it is today, do it okay? All right, coming very serious comedy roulette verishers. Take four subjects. Put him on the wheel. Spun the wheel. That's right, spun it wed stopped. Because we are great at doing this with comedians, we'll do the damn thing. All right, Here we go with the subjects. The party was off the chain. In fact, as soon as you left. Blank blank happened? Oh blank happened? All right? Number two? When to shut up? Okay? Number three old guys who live alone? That would be number four. We're just being nice. The preacher's wife can't sing, all right, Come my god, spend it. Oh is it gonna be on chain? Slingle guys? Single guys who live alone? Preacher's wife. Yeah. Oh. Number one, the party was off the chain. In fact, as soon as you left. Oh my blank happened? Dude, this was a party. As soon as you left. The preacher's wife's wig got caught in the ceiling. Fans man who was going around should have been it. Couldn't get that fan man. She was just chasing me. Oh my god, man, that party was off the chain. It back as soon as you left. Uncle Hervey got stuck in the bathroom. Joe, he can't do the restroom that night. Man, he's somebody pushed me. Oh man, the party was off to change. Let me tell you something. As soon as you left. Do soon as you left, somebody waste all the whiskey on the float. We mopped it up and rung it out in the picture. Man, let me tell you something. Whiskey mop water is the holdest thing. Boy you're talking about. You miss something I'm trying to change, miss whiskey mob water, Lord, murty boy, you think that was good party? This party was off to change this part of them. Soon as you left. Oh, it wasn't. Five minutes after you walked out to do Casha started stripping on top of the watching machine. I'm trying to cut that spear cyclone. It was triggering. Water came in there, Come on, jay one minute, and that was a party. As soon as you left, they had a wheelchair race. Right. I didn't speak and lou got hit my ice cream. Many it's funny. This party was something to take that fact you left Sister Warren front tooth shot at the Herman drake man and he took himself. Now we wait on him to go to the bath. Let me tell you something. That party the party was so I to say, as soon as you left minute everybody got hungry. I don't know what made Butcher got the fish be aquarium and Friday true Oscar gotta help to eat. I ain't Latin all right. Closing out, Steve, hurry right after you change. Right after you left, Uncle Take came in and had a one woman wit t shirt conte machine. Right Steve coming up closing remarks right after this you're listening show. Here are our last break of the day. Steve's closing remarks. What you got for Steve? Yeah, you know, uh always hopefully. What these closing remarks are doing a kind of um, you know, just in encouraging people. Really, that's the whole thing. I've got a new thing that I'm going to release. Uh it's called brain drops. I'm releasing a new thing that you can get online called brain drops. And what brain drops are an abbreviated version of my closing remarks. But I'm gonna be releasing them every single day for people just out and about. Sometimes you know, you just you just need a little bit of some type of encouragement, some type of uplift throughout your day. And that's all it's intended to be. So be looking out for brain drops because I'm gonna be releasing those shortly. And so today it's just about success. You know, we talk about it a lot because those are the two things that I know that everybody wants. Everybody wants to be happy, and everybody wants to be successful. Those two things. Most people I know want those things right there. And so with that in mind, you know, I just I want to just share this something really really brief with you about success. Three things I want you to keep in mind on your road to success. There are a lot more, but I pulled out these three poignant things that I want people to really expect when it comes to success, because I think some people go about success the wrong way. They go about success expecting the journey to be successful. That's not the way to go about it. The journey is going to be challenging, The journey is going to have setbacks, The journey is going to have disappointments. The goal is to become successful. But please don't expect the journey to be successful. Understand what the journey is. So let me give you three things. Number one, adversity. The road to success is filled with adversity the entire time. You will be having to deal with adversity the entire time. There will be some smooth days for you, but the bulk of the days will have a challenge of adversity in front of you, hands down, without a doubt, no mistaking it. The second part of success that I want you all to understand is rejection. Rejection is a part of success. See when you go about success with the wrong attitude, thinking that all your steps are going to be successful, it's going to be very disappointing and disheartening for you. And in those disappointments and hardships and setbacks, you'll think, Wow, I'm not successful, when you actually are. It's just the process of becoming successful. So rejection is a huge part of it. You're going to be told no on your way to yes. It's very rare that you just get yes, yes, yes, yes, no. You're going to be told no along the road to your yes. So expect to be rejected no, that it's not going to go your way. Know that everyone's not going to see your point, know that everyone's not going to agree with you, and know that everybody's not gonna give it to you. When you want it or even when you need it. Rejection is a huge part. So we got adversity and we got rejection. The third thing I want you to keep in mind to becoming successful are the sacrifices that are necessary. This is a hard one for a lot of people because sacrificing it's difficult. But in order to get what you want, you're gonna have to give up some things. That is the exchange. Anytime you want something, you're going to have to give something to get it. There is nothing that you can want in life and you just go get without giving something. If you want more people to shake your hand, let's say that's what you want. Guess what you're gonna have to do. You're gonna have to extend your hand to more people in life. You're going to have to give up something to get something. It sacrifices. You've got to be very very aware of the fact that something will always be required of you. You've all heard the scripture to who much is given, much is required. Well, listen to this. The requirements are ongoing. If you want the giving to continue. If you don't want the giving part that God has for you, you're gonna have to give up the requirements because to who much is given, much is required. So you're gonna have to get real comfortable with the requirements because guess what, You've been given so many things. So every time you want something, that's going to be a requirement on your part. Those are the three things I want you to focus on and think about. And I don't want you to take it negatively, but just understand that's on your way to success. That's what it is. That's exactly what it is. Adversity, rejection, sacrifice. If you can get those three things mastered, you'll be successful. Most people are who are successful, they've mastered that. Those are my clothing remarks. Drop it, baby, drop it, drop it, drop it. I like it quiet when I drop, I know I like it something you don't. I promise you I'm going for all Steve Harvey contests No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.