Top of week, welcome to the ride. Is Naked and Afraid Radio possible? Weekend Update is here and someone finally leaves the house. Complaints has Deacon Junior speaking in his MLK voice, Uber and more. Jeffrey Epstein was found dead from an apparent suicide and Cuba Gooding Jr. will be going to trial in his case. Serena Williams withdraws from Roger Cup Finals due to back injury. Vanessa Bell Calloway calls the show to speak about Saints and Sinners Season 4. Mississippi ICE detains over 680 illegal immigrants and Trump's companies have been called into question as well. We also have the most overworked US cities and why. Apparently passes are not the only things being thrown (hands) in the WNBA. Today in Closing Remarks, The CEO explains why you should not go looking for happiness in the same spot you lost it and more.
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them like a million bucks things, and its cubbing me true good it Steve listening to the movie to other steam Please don't join join me. You're doing me. You gotta turning to you, gotta turn to turn them out, turning, got to turn out. Then turn the water the water. Come come on your baby it uh huh I show will good Mart and everybody you're listening to the voice, come on dig me now one it all. It's Steve Harvey got a radio show. Well all right, I've learned something and it sharing time. And I am ever appreciated. I do appreciate God for all that he allows me to learn in my life. One of the best lessons I've learned is that hardship teaches you some great lessons. Challenges brings about some of my best results. I think what I'm trying to say is in every challenge and hardship, every setback, I've learned something so so valuable. So here's what I've You know, I've known this, but I've just learned it at a different angle. Appreciation and gratitude is the key to having more. Now, I don't know how that sound to you, but I can't tell you how true it is. God being fair and just as he really is. He really is. He's a fair and a just God. What's most beneficial to us is he happens to be full of mercy and grace. And I'm telling you something, man, I've probably benefited from his grace and mercy more than anything else. I mean, really, man, if it wasn't for him just forgiving me and then for him just touch in my life the way he has. I mean, I'm not hearing this position today. I'm just not. But a funny thing has happened along the way, even to you. If you look at it, is it your genuine appreciation and gratitude has been the key to you having more for your continued blessings and for making room for having to open up and pour out blessings that you don't have room enough to receive. If you look at it, see God being a fair and just God, which he is, why would he put more on you than you can bad? If you've noticed everything that's happened in your life, if you're still here, you've made it, you know, forget how rough it was, got that, but you made it. Forget what it sent you through when it hide made you feel you made it. Now, what makes people give up and you hear about people committing suicide, is they leave the God out of their life and they start allowing that other voice to control. And if it's really true that God never puts more on you than you can bear, as long as you stay connected to God, you can get through anything. But you lose that connection, you lose that communication, you lose that relationship with him. If you're not having a relationship with God, then who you're having a relationship with now? And it ain't but two forces at work at all time. It's good and evil, it's positive and negative. It's God's satan. Now, this is at work all the time. So if you're not being positive about everything, you leave room for negativity to stay up in. If you're not trying to be righteous in your way, then you allow evil to step in. If you don't work on your relationship with God, come on, now, look who you're letting step in. So now I'm asking you to understand that God never puts more on you than you can bear. Okay, now that we got that clear, that's a fact. Okay. Now with that fact in mind, let's go over this right here. Why would God, being as just and merciful as he is, put more on you than you can bear? Example, if God has given you blessings and all you're doing is complaining about him, you're never showing any appreciation of gratitude about it. Why would he give you some more stuff to be ungrateful for? Why would he give you some more stuff to complain about? Why would he give you some more stuff that you would not show any more appreciation for? I mean, this thing is real simple, man, ain't it if you think about it? So? A lot of times, man, when I was going through my positions of not having it and wondering at all like here, I ended up checking myself and going, man, I'm not even showing any gratitude or appreciation for the things He has done for me. Start showing some appreciation and gratitude, because it's the key to having more. It's the key to continued blessings. It's the key to the wonders of heaven opening up and pouring out a blessing that you won't have room enough to receive. It's the appreciation and gratitude of what you already have, as minimal as it may appear to be right now for you, it is still what you have. But if you've shown no gratual, no gratitude for the minimal, why would he give you the maximum. I mean, I'm just really just trying to put it real, real, simple, so I can keep understanding this thing right here. So let me give you an example. In my life, I had gotten so busy at one point that I had begun to complain about how busy I was. This is true because I am busy, but it ain't the busy part because I asked to be busy, you know, I asked God to give me opportunities and to make a way for me. Well, in that you got to do something, and you got to get busy. But I began to complain about the business and how busy I was, and I noticed that a couple of things slowed up for me. So I had got to the point where I wasn't showing real gratitude for it. Well, I looked up and a couple of things started slowing down, and then I had to catch myself and I went Wow, man, you have got to start embracing the fact that you are this busy, embrace the act what all comes along with it. Because to whom much is given, much is required. You got to start embracing the requirement part if you want to continue with the giving part. So I changed my attitude. I caught myself and I started thinking him and showing real gratitude for how busy I was, instead of complaining about how busy I was. And then guess what. It opened up the windows of heaven and some more blessings got poured out. It just works that way all the time, for everybody, for me, for you, for everybody. So listen, y'all again. Your appreciation and gratitude is the key to having more. Your appreciation and gratitude is the key to continued blessings. And your appreciation and gratitude it's the only way that you can get those windows of heaven to open up and pour out to these blessings that you won't have room enough to receive. You got to act like you're glad for what you got in order to get more. You feel me, let's go sw This is it. This is the Steve Harvid Morning Show. Yes, this is the best voice talking is me. Thomas smiles And nephew, Tommy, how's everybody doing this morning? It's a great Monday morning. And you know why I'm laughing and grinning and skinning because this is the week that my kids go back to school. Lord that they're going back this week. I get to have a house to myself. When my wife praising, what are they doing? Tell the strawberry, how are you doing this morning? Hey, good morning, nephew, I'm good. Happy Monday. Top tip callin Ferrell, how ald you this morning? Hello, nephew Timmy, I got two more weeks before back to Sagulations to yours. Come on over to private school, come on over here. They leave, they get them out there early. Julian boy, what did you do? Baby? Morning? Everybody? I know you gotta get your kids off the time. Back to quiet in the house. Quiet in the house. That's just back to walk around and where you want to walk around? In your case, that means naked. Just say it's wrong with that. It's nothing, But it always comes back to that. Why why do you run from naked? Why? Why? Why does naked bother you so much? It's just it's always about nakedness with you that it's not always about naked, it's just naked. This is a great thing, and y'all, no, it's always about it. But y'all, do you know how many times you mentioned it on this here show? Right here? Okay, yeah, why don't we come to work naked tomorrow? Let's let's start. Let's join in there? See right there? You can't share, you like I can't be in here. Why don't we do it? I'm not gonna do it. We can't be a radio show that's naked and a frame and do naked radio. And ato he can't beat both of us in this room, just too much naked radio. I liked it, you don't like it. It's funny though, Yeah, he loves that. Though he is in love with nake. I know. I hain't never heard nobody saying naked that much as much as he does. And he says he doesn't count it. No, I'm not. I mean, I'm not why why count it? Just if you were to count it be about a bazillion times though, I'm just saying, let's be naked. How was y'all weekend? Jab a naked weekend? No? None, this week in the Yeah, that's the only thing y'all be like, y'all, Yeah, can you sleep naked? You sleep naked? Why wouldn't I? You know what I'm saying. I get crazy, I get cold. Yeah, don't you what you said? You were flannel? Flannel, pa, even in the summer, sexy, even in the sum fair so sexy. I'm not no, can he offca? Hey, I don't have a pajama outfit? You come over there? You getting the white beat in short, calling you PJ Cole. No, Well, that leaves a lot what y'all win? Necklaces you try to say? Did you try to say? Because when he said that, I immediately touched my necklace. Oh all right. Look, coming up on today's show, we'll do our weekend review. Of course we'll we'll also tell you about the apparent suicide of financier and sexual abuser Jeffrey Epstein. W NBA ejected six players for fighting, and we're gonna have church complaints and announcements, all right, Coming up at thirty two after the hour, we'll tell you what we did over the weekend. That's coming up right after this. You're listening to show, all right, guys, it is Monday. Let's find out what we did over the weekend. Let's see mine wasn't that exciting. I didn't do too much. A friend of mine had a birthday, went over there, gave her her gift. Weak from Chicago. Oh, they left one they loved on Friday. They've been there all summer summer. Yeah, they left on Friday. You got somebody stay with you that long. Look. I love company. Okay, I love company company yesterday company. I to know when they when they've been long. You don't. You don't look up halfway through the summer. So I'm still here. That's just not normal. Gonna get no fights to nothing, nothing. So y'all playing this. Yes, she didn't just come for a weekend and then say I'm gona say a little. She knew when she came, she was gonna say. She even came, had to do something back in Chicago. So she left, went back to Chicago and came back. It's another adult, yeah, grown person. Yeah, yeah, I'm just saying, you know, grown people don't do this year. Yeah, grown people do the summer with each other. You have to stay with somebody has the third day, had a great time job, ok I have a job. She has a job she do she's a teacher. Oh she all falls. Yes, well she should have picked up some some classes to teach where you living. We have fun. We have plenty of stuff to do. We had a great time. I have fun A whole summert pretty much. Yeah, put your did you call it this something? I mean, that's that's just something. This weekend clearly got me called up. You guys asked the question. Nobody's staying. I can't turn the corner every time because you guys don't like company. I like company. My husband is big enough. I'm on one side, she's on the other. We have fun. Your husband don't get tired of seeing this one. He might. You ain't answer that. I got to be some bad room pop right there. That's talking. She gonna be here. She bought no ticket yet we have fun, fun, all right? Your weekend? Call it? I was like, y'all finished? Yeah, we finished when she left Friday? Go ahead, where are you mad about? Mike? Cother? We are mad? Ja? Oh my goodness, Jay's off today? All right? Sell? What did I do this weekend? A lot of mommy stuff, A lot of mommy stuff. I had three girls at my house. Sleepover there you go sleepover in the summer stuff. These kids wanted to do pool party, the whole nine. That's my that's at me every weekend. Though. You have kids at your house every weekend. Oh god, there we go every weekend. Somebody's at my house kids. Yeah, oh man. I stayed and watched movies. I seen house, watched movies on TV. Would you watch I Hate You? Kia was so good? Really it was. It was good. I was mad all weekend. I was mad. I can't go out in public. I was mad. I've been chasing down police office. I don't like movies that make me mad or make me cry. But was done so well. Yeah, it was so good. So well. I haven't seen it, watched it. It was very It was good that you hate you give man, you ain't mad. I wanted him the father excellent Maverick Carter, that well mister Hornsby that played Mack Carter. I actually wanted him to be my father. Really, yes, he is that good in the movie Man, that's a father in that movie. That's like Morgan Freeman and Lean on Me. I wanted him to be my teacher. You said you wanted him to be your dad, right, Yeah, after watching the movie. Okay, I wanted Morgan to be my principal Joe Clark. Yeah, but every time I up a movie, you always go back to Morgan's movie. He's an actor. He's not in the Hate You. He's not in there. I know that he's in Lean On Me. Yeah, comment was he was good? Yea Norgan Freeman. Morgan was in it. And I don't think they asked him. I don't know that. I didn't have that for sure. They didn't need God in his agent. I need a role for God in this one. All right, let's get to it. What did you do, Nephew? Over the weekend? I closed out my second season? Are ready to love? Oh man? Congratulation? Finished filming, finished filming everything? Uh today this morning when we get off the air, me and Will Packer got some you know, promotional things to record. But you know it, you name you and will you boy. Yeah, we were doing a little soft Okay, you can say, I head go do some promos. Yes, Tommy, Tommy, Yes, you dropped something. Yeah, okay, I don't have big names like that all the time. Will Packer, I worked for Will I know, tell us about the second season. Oh my god, y'all are not ready for this. When this was you know, ten ladies, ten ten guys, twenty singles out of Atlanta looking for love, and man, it hits the fan, you know you? Oh it's good. It's juicy week one week, one week, one day one, we eliminate day one. Yeah really? Oh yeah? So it just keeps going. So you guys have got to see it. I'll let you know. I let you let you know when it's you know, when the premier day is and we're gonna we're gonna get it crack and we're gonna interview you on Yes, Yes, I could be a guest on this show. Yeah, excited about this. You know what would make Ready to Love really good? Morgan Freeman where I wish I had love right now? Somebody sent me um a text that said they're convinced that Morgan Freeman and a woman I won't say who it is, we're Adam and Eve were the original Adam. It's really bad. They always try to bring me down when they send me those Morgan things, but it just makes me love him more. I see the Haye fan teksaga when everybody was doing the old Yes yes, I mentioned that. Yeah, the day you were out. Yes, I was not pleased. I talked about it all. Morgan All, Morgan Carlo. Coming up next, Deacon def Jam and Deacon Junior are in the building with church complaints and announcements. Right after this you're listening to. Coming up at the top of the hour entertainment news. We'll also tell you about the apparent suicide of financier and sexual abuser Jeffrey Epstein. Uh yeah, that was really shocking news. Also, actor Cuba Gutting Junior is going to trial. And then the weekend box office report Hobbs and Shaw did it again. But right now it is Monday and it's time for church complaints and announcements with Deacon death Jam and Deacon Junior. Oh boy, good morning everyone. This is the j p j J being jack Pot joined Jerusalem King che Holly Louis. Yeah, listen to that. Cag got a mighty yeah. I am Deacon death Jam and sitting in along with me this morning is the one and only Deacon Junior. I want to thank your death Jam for having me this morning. Wow, like Martin, you have do you have a dream? All right? Well, anyway, I will have some church complaints, and I think Deacon Junior will have some announcement. I right around, Yes, so I have announcements this morning going on. I'm not sure I'm on March what I'm feeling March coming out, but here we go. The school clothes drive was out gets past Saturday. Some of the adults were at the drive taking the clothes using them for work clothes. Listen, you need to bring the clothes back. This is sad. The clothes were for the kids for the clothing drive, not for you to come and find you something to read the work in the morning. All right, wow, yeah, I'm an issue with that. A lot of kids didn't get closed because adults came by picking up clothes wearing them to work. So we have an issue with that. We're picking all adults or some big kids, one or the other. Yeah, go ahead, Junior. This is really bothering us at the church this morning. There's a complaint that ladies who put too many bullerets in the baby's head have been asked to stop baby swinging. Bullrets everywhere. Bullerets in the pool pit, bullrets in the choir, it's bullets in the in the baptistical pool. We just need these bowlrets to come down now burnt. All right, all right, here we are the church will be starting Ubertides uber Tide. When I was, when someone does not make it to church, we would send a uber tithing car by the house to pick up the tithe and there is a fifteen dollars search charge on that. So we want you all to know that Ubertide is now in full effect. If you don't make it the church and we see that you have not been here for to Sundays, then the Ubertide vehicle will be coming bother a man. All right, man um, this is just in Also, the women who like a whole lot of purple and would like to learn to accessorize, please meet the meeting room number five. We ain't too much purple, all this barty going on in here? Sent all that purple with something with some cream in it. Something with some cream in here we go. Brother Travis Collins, Brother Travis Collins has a pologize for accusing his wife but cheating on him. He thought he saw another man driving there called late last night. He didn't realize that was sister Kayla Collins with her wig outgies for calling members of the trade trying to get her put out. All right, they have agreed that the wig must now always stay on. The wig must stay on. Wow o the man he thought was actually his own wife. All right. We also have another announcement this morning. Women who eyelashes that go past their nose or getting complaints from the people who sit in front of them hitting the next asking you to stop. We know you can. We can fill the lashes. We just need y'all to cut a down or something. Cut them down, cut them down. What kind of length you want on these? Last at least two quarter, that's it. We don't need five and six inch last two to a quarter like brooms in here now, Sister Shirley has big out, lads, and you don't know that she's one of the people who asked about all right, some of our ex strippers are shouting doing the service, and we are glad that you are feeling the spirit. The problem to me is bending over and touching the flow and looking back is causing a ruckus. Okay, yes, yes, yes, she did all right. In the church. That's saying, these strippers that are shouting and feeling the spirit, that's all right to do that. But when you bend over and touch the flow and look back, we're gonna have to shut that down, all right, all right, but when you did it, I'm not gonna lie. I did say. Ain't man man, man, ain't man, ain't man. Got to all right, go ahead, Jr. We were gonna have a fitting in room number four ft T S A s. We need all of them come in. We're gonna have a fitting wenna. We got tight suits and ankle showing. We need all y'all show up and get these suits. Let out. It's way too much ankle in here. And lotion is available in every restaurant. T A yes, having a fitting, letting suits out. Let give him some room, Let them pants come down. Something my my, my tight suits and ankles showing. H all right, ts s alright, members, This is a complete no no. Even if your medication is prescribed, getting your weed delivered to the church doing service is a disrespect to the church, all right, Getting yo, sister Loretta, callawey, Sister Loretta, callawe yo. Weed will now will not be returned. And it is locked up in the path and steady. And you need to know that, man, Amen, amen, man al right, not gonna get your weed. Your dying bags and quarterbacks dropped off. You're not gonna get No, you're not. It's because it's legal, don't mean you're gonna drop it off here a man, a man, and here's another delivery notice too, not just your weed, but your weed will also not be delivered up he y'all get y'all have putt here up here in the in the sanctuary. We don't have time for that. It's too much that this is a church. This is not a beautiful that's right, a man, Take your silfton, yakking number four and go back down. Now, which one is sick? Yak number four? Go down there to be the shop and let him put it in. I'm not doing it here to j p j J. No you're not not at the JPJ No you're not. Let me see. I think I've got one more here. The one hundred The one hundred Black Motorcycle Sisters are riding across country. Finish. The one hundred Black Motorcycle Sisters a riding cross country to save souls for six months. We have three sisters who are members of the group. The problem is they have mop heads and they saying they're not gonna be able to keep up with the rest of the group, and they need some help from the church to get them moved from mop heads to motorcycles. But everybody who can pitch and help out from mop heads to motorcycles, all right, that's for the one hundred black motorcycles. All right, yes, it is. Thank you, all right, well, thank you Deacon and Deacon for those church announcements today. Coming up at the top of the hour, entertainment and national news. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Jeffrey Epstein, the financier accused of sex trafficking, was not under suicide watch at the Manhattan jail at the time of his death. Mister Epscene hanged himself and was found at around six thirty am sad today at the Metropolitan Correctional Center. This is according to officials. Now, officials want to know that since last month, after being denied bail on federal sex trafficking charges, why wasn't Jeffrey Epstein not being more closely monitored. Epstein's suicide death has angered his accusers, who said they had hoped to have his crimes aired in open court. Attorney General William Barr, who technically held the ultimate responsibility for Epstein's well being, promised to investigate while here's something wrong. Yeah, why why wasn't he being more closely monitored. It's almost like, you know, they wanted something like this to happen, you know. So now they can't put a dead man on trial, you know, right, but so many many people with big names are involved in this whole situation. Yeah, m yeah, I'm thinking about yeah, yeah, yeah, some of the associates. Yeah, very high up the food chain too. Yeah, yeah, this has been associated. Yeah, and they still don't know how he made his fortune, right, I mean their speculation, but they still don't know exactly how he made how he made his money. Yeah, So now all those people that were connected, is this just goes away? Now? Well, I mean they're they're gonna have to put something together. He didn't do it by himself, so I guess they have to keep digging, keep investigating, you know, some of the victims. Yeah, the victims are going to come for it, right junior. Yeah, so we'll we'll see what happens. I mean that what that exposed some of these names that we're talking about Uh, yeah, yeah, we can. Only they've been exposed before, you know, when the story when he first got arrested. So the name, some of those names are already out there, like the president's name has been a yeah, yeah, the secretary, but the labor resigned because of his leniency and his original case Florida. Yeah yeah, yeah, this story, this is yeah, just only the beginning. UM and other entertainment news. Cuba Gooding Junior is going on trial and misdemeanor charges of forcible touching and third degree sexual assault. Cuba claims that the woman has various mental issues and that no crime was committed. The judge disagreed, and Cuba Gooding's trial starts on September third. As we told you before, Cuba was in a bar when a woman claimed that he put his hand on her breast and squeezed. He's denying it. Cuba's denying this, So his trial starts on September third. Um, I guess the judge apparently felt there was enough evidence to bring this to trial. Yeah. I saw some of some type of footage, but I didn't see that happening in the footage. Now, I think I saw his hand on her thigh at one point, you know, in one of the tapes. But again he's denying it, and we'll see. We'll be watching that case as well. Finally, weekend box office report Hobbs and Shaw. Hobbs and Shaw number one movie again twenty five point four million dollars, followed by Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. Oh that looks scary bring in twenty point eight million. Number three, The Lion King twenty million. Number four movie Dora the Explorer The City, The Lost City of Gold, bringing in about seventeen million dollars. I know, I know, I know. Yeah, all right, so we're gonna move on. What a weekend. Six people wounded in Chicago over the weekend when one person started shooting at a party. Let's get the latest done. Today's headlines Tommy all right, um, the one and Only Miss Anne Trip with National News. Tommy, Good morning, everybody. This is Andrews a new The FBI and the Justice Department's Inspector General now investigating the registered sex offender Jeffrey Epstein's apparent suicide and a federal lock up in Manhattan on Saturday. Questions of being asked about how Epstein died while in custody. He was found hanging one day after documents unsealed in federal court revealed that accusations were that he also trafficked mind miners to be sexually abused by other rich men, not just for himself. According to NBC, Epstein tried to commit suicide a few weeks ago. He underwent psychiatric evaluation. After that, he was taken off suicide watch and returned to his cell without a cell mate. The New York Times reports that Epstein was alone at the time, not checked on every thirty minutes by a guard. Medical examiner has completed the autopsy but says the cause of death is pending further information. Meanwhile, New York City's mayor and Democratic presidential hopeful Bill Deblasio says Epstein's death does not end his case, by the way, nor does it end the investigations into any other people who may have been involved in that sex trafficking case. A lot of us want to know is what did he know? How many other millionaires and billionaires were part of the illegal activities that he was engaged in. Well, that information didn't all die with Jeffrey Epstein, and prosecuts have vowed to investigate and say that the trafficking case against Epstein will move forward despite his death. Bill Cosby's lawyer's schedule to be in a Harrisburg, Pennsylvania courtroom today hoping to get him a new trial. The attorneys say Cosby was denied a fair trial. One example, they say, is a juror number eleven was quoted as telling other members of the jury, we can just go home. He's guilty. They say that that juror should have been removed but was not. You were sent up. Minarity leader A Chuck Schumer says that's because so many massed shooters where body armor. He plans to introduce legislation requiring civilians to obtain FBI permission before they get that equipment. Sad news, an early morning blaze at an Erie, Pennsylvania daycare center yesterday morning killed five children, four siblings, and the homeowner's child. A total of eight people were in the home when the fire broke out early Sunday morning. The debt children range in age from eight months to roughly eight years of age. Mourners began saying their final goodbye to the victims of last week's two mass shootings. The victims were funeralized over the weekend, three of them. More funerals are scheduled for this week. Investigation El Paso, Texas say the gunmen opened fire at a Walmart on August third, targeting Mexicans and killing twenty two people. Less than twenty four hours later, another white shooter killed nine people in Dayton, Ohio. Of the nine, six were black. Finally, the action my movie Yes Hobson Shaw was tops at the box office for a second weekend in a row. I'm Black Superman, pretty crazy, damn Superman, and we really are The Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show coming up in fourteen minutes our girl actress Vanessa Bell Calloway. Yes, we'll be our special guest. She's going to tell us about her hit show Saints and Sinners right now and trending tennis news. Bianca Andreescu and Rescue. The nineteen year old Canadian tennis star claimed the championship title over Serena Williams in the twenty nineteen Rogers Cup Finals. This is after Serena had to withdraw from the match due to back spasms. She was having injuries. Yeah, this is according to ESPN, she'd injured her back. After Serena was forced to end the match due to injuries, Serena was just crying. She was so sad. She was just crying. She was upset, and she has emotions. That's what I love about Serena. You know, she leaves it all out there on the tennis court. Bianca walked over very graciously to her opponent Serena to comfort her, and you can hear Bianca telling Serena, I've watched your whole career. I've watched you your whole career. You are an effing beast. Take a listen your whole injuries. I've been just this, sus I know everything else. Wow, that's love. Respect, that love, it is it is. Someone brought up the question should Serena consider retiring now, you know, but I don't think so. I mean, but she can, yeah, if she can still do it, I mean you're still playing that. Yeah, many people do. Look at tiger Wood. Tiger Wood, well, he had to pull out this weekend too, Yeah he did. But I mean he did come back and he had serious injuries and operations and all of that. Right, Okay, Yes, she was not out in the first round. Within the championship. Thank you. Yeah, I think she keep playing Junior. Remind him she is the goat. Yes, oh yes, yes, yes, yes she was. Serena is the goat. And we just had a babywood last year. Come on, come on, and and that's that's what she wanted to prove that you could do that. You could have a baby, you could come back, you could play tennis, you could still be a great athlete, you could still do what you love. You can still be a mommy, you can still be a wife, you know. So yeah, exactly. I mean it's a lot, so we'll see what happens. But you're right. She was in the championship Okay, in the championship championship, and her opponent respected her and loved her so much. She had a she walked over to console her when Serena was crying, you know, I mean visibly upset because of her back injury. And she had to pull out. So that says a lot about after this match, we will be hosted a trophy, Okay, hoisting a trophy. She still got a second yeah, yeah, yeah, she pulled out and still got a chick figure y. Yeah, it's still it's still a guy's chick. I like Junior, I like it. Coming up next to thirty four after the hour, actress Vanessa Bell Calloway will be our special guests. We love her. Right after this means pay. Three days you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, Ladies and gentlemen, we have a very very special guest for you. This woman is an accomplished actress with too many blockbuster movies and TV shows to name. Okay, yes, blockbuster. She is currently starring as Mayor Ella Johnson and Bounce TV's hit show Saints and Sinners. Season four of Saints and Sinners is underway now, and the drama at Greater Hope Baptist Church in Cypress, Georgia is hotter than ever. Please put your hands together. Welcome to the show once again. As nephew Tommy would say, Miss Vanessa Bell Callaway, I know her, I know we know her. She's family. Good morning' Let me say this. I love you, guys, Teck, Junior and Timmy, y'all be cracking me. I love you and aborded. Thank you. Vanessa. We love you too. We love you too. You've given us so many memorable performances and all we can do is say thank you for that thrill. We compliment, I really appreciate that. You're welcome. It comes through, and we got to say congrats on season four of Saints and Centners. Lord Hammer, nobody saint on this show. They all going to hell. They be Jesus, they do the first one in line. My character is the first one Jesus Hell. You can catch an encore episode of Saints and Centers tonight Monday Night. So Vanessa, please tell us about the show. Tell us about your character, Mayor Ella, and then what can we expect this season? If you haven't seen seasons one, two, three, you can go on Sula Stead and we have two more shows left for our season four. It's coming suddenly and the last Sunday is the twenty fifth August, So if you haven't seen it, pleeds catch up and then you bear to see season four as well, and the last two shows. You don't want him as Lady Ella has always been a hot mess, but she is even a hotter mess of season four. As we just said, she died Jesus. She's gonna get her to just do and people come up twenty in the street and go, lady all our cringe I think they go hit me, I get nervous. That means you're doing your job, girl, That's what that means. Very convincing. She uses school ever and whatever she has to do to get ahead. And now you know, if you watch the show, she's trying to under the senator. She looks marry enough now to trying to be a sinner. The first lady one enough that she came, man, I'm marrying enough that you want to be senator, I said, the shows go to seasons six, I might get presidents. Were vote, you would definitely have a for sure. So I want to tell you guys about something that I'm doing that's really important. Um. I have a web series in the Company and Friends that I created in my two thousand and six and was actually a special on TV one, and I rebranded it about five six years ago and did a dinner party show that had Sally Riches in with Phil and Dondrey with Phil and Robbie Read and then a comfix and you know, Landon's this whole bunch of people and as Williams Whinney right there, Robinson Yard Girl, and then I've rebranded it again and now I'm doing it in conjunction with Susan G. Coleman, and it's in the Company Friends All Things Healthy, and it's promoting breast health and just everything else because you know, I'm a ten year breast cancer survivor, so all right, yes, hollylum last week, I'm free and clear. All right, Yeah, I'm doing. They're like little talk shows with not only industry professionals, you know in these business and cancer and we talk about aids, but also to the celebrit regular people, regular people with surviving with cancer, different kinds of chances. It's gonna premiere next Monday, August nineteenth, and you'll maybe catches in the Susan G. Coleman website, my website, and the Company and Friends dot tv, and it will be on YouTube as well. And I really I'm gonna be pushing it. I really want everybody to tune in because it is going to be so good and so many people have benefited from just sitting around and talking openly about you know, diabetes, cancer, just how to live healthy, what to do. And I feel it's my responsibility being a bird Camper survivor too. You reach out and try to help other people deal with it, face it and just no ben in our black community. We've got to be more healthy, We've got to talk about it. It's okay, we all have something to deal with. That's right. Well, thank you for sharing, Vanessa, Thank you, and don't forget to catch Saints and Centers Sunday nights at nine pm Eastern and Bounced TV coming up a Nephew Tommy in the building to make us laugh with today's prank phone call that's coming up right after this you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. Subject, Oh boy, my parents are freaks. Okay, they just put it out. This sound good. A lot of times the titles don't reflect what's in the letter. This one kind of does. Okay, This one kind of does. Yeah, I gotta keep it one hundred. This one kind of does. Subject my parents are freaks. Right now, Nephew in the building to give us today's praying phone call. What you got for us? Now? She Leon? Why do you say it like that? Like that? Do I sound like Leon? What is that leon? What is it to say? It's Leon? Leon? Not Leon boy Leon Leon, Leon Shay Leon that's all right. I try. Ladies and gentlemen, race yourself for Shane Leon. Please Hello, thank you for calling me. Hello, I'm trying to reach the call. Please. This is she How you doing? Listen? My name is sh Leon and I was calling you to see if you had any boot frontal in the salon that you're working. I'm sorry I didn'tet your name. What's your name again, Shay shy Leon. I mean my real name is Leon, but my artistic name is shy Leon. Say Leon is what they call me Leon? Okay? Um, Actually I do have faith for another person to come in at work. Um. I am in a sweet Um. It's rather small in here, but if you are interested in coming in working, I would really like to have someone come in and work with me. That would be nice. Can I ask you a questions? Go ahead? What's your background? What do you do? Actually? Well, actually I've just moved here to DC. I was actually living in the Los Angeles area, and you know I'm and doing hair there for the last probably fifteen twenty years. I've been doing hair definitely licensed. You know, I just moved here, but I've been doing hare for quite a long time. I specialized and only doing females hair and you know, just looking to get into DC and get back to work. And Okay, I really want to find a place where I can do some hair. And you know it's going to take me a minute to get some client tail built up, but you know, I know my work is good. Okay, Well, I am in a high traffic area and I think this would be a great area for you just coming in from another state, especially California. Right, Um, is it possible you can come in and take a look and see what you can You know, I'd love I'd love to come in and take a look and see what I don't want in the type of work environment you have. And so I'm understanding that a lot of people that do hair and have different rooms. Is that how this setup is, Yes, that's how it's set up. However, I did you actually have you actually have a sweet? I do have a sweet into double Sweet, So there is room for another technique. But you know, with it being such close quarters, you know, you gotta got to kind of get a feel for the person that's going to come in and work for you. So yeah, right right, Rik's gonna be working real close to each other. I understand. You know, if we kind of meet each other, you know, we can get a feel for each other and see feature working. Let me ask you something. Have you have you had a PHS? Have you worked around a PHS person before? I'm sorry, who a PHS? Have you worked around? I mean that's that's pretty much what I do. Have you worked around a PHS? I'm not I'm not familiar with that term. Is that a California term? I don't with pH PHS is? Uh? Private hair specialists? Have you worked with a private hair specialist before? Um? Well, I would consider myself private being so I'm in a suite, but where you would be working out and open with myself. So I don't know how private you would be. Oh no, no, no, no, no, you're not. You don't understand where it's coming from. I'm a PHS. Okay, private hair specialists, and what that is is I do women's private hair, like if they want removal from under their arm or their chin or you know. But most of my work actually resides in the bikini line. Uh. You know, I'm an artist, so I've known to put your name there. I can diet a different color of mohawk landing strip. You know, let me let me, let me let me stop you right there. Um, you did call and say you were hairstylenced, and the last time I check a hairstyles, they be style here the hair on top of the head, Leon does hair, It doesn't doesn't necessarily have to be the hair on the head. I'm just saying, I style, well here, Pierre Leon, Sri Lanka. What's what's your name again? I'm sorry, she Leon. You cannot continue to get this wrong. Shay Leon Okay, I'm sorry. What was the name your mom gave you? Because my government name is Leon. But Le Okay, Leon, Leon, Leon. Again, this is a suite and you will be working in the open with myself and my clients who are a customed to having a professional setting. Um, and I don't think it would be appropriate for you to have someone come in and have a landing strip, airport, a plane, their baby daddy's name. I don't, I don't out or whatever you do. That's not where we're about here. Are you trying to say that you're not open for new ideas. I'm sorry. If you consider that a new idea, then I'm giving you phone number to someone else because this. We're not going to do that here. I haven't We're not. Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me. You called Mathalon. Where did you even get my number from? Why? What made you think that you could call my shop and then this is what we do and you could come here and you could do that. Well, I'm thinking that you would be open for something new. Why would you think that I'll be open for that? Who told you that? I mean, you came all the way from California and you called me. You're not coming to my falan to call your name, anybody else's name, and you have a landing strip any type of initials. Okay, this is a professional palan and we found hair the hair on the head I'm doing I'm starting. Did you have here part of the head that I'm said Shane style? Here, that's what Shalle does. Look you, I'm sick of you. I'm sick of you already. So you know what. This is not even gonna work. This is not even gonna work again. We're not doing that here in my shop. I'm sorry. I hope you can call someone else and maybe they'll accept your crad. I'm sorry that your career would not a be successful as as you would like it to be, because you're not open for new ideas. Very successful, thank you. You know what. I'm gonna come over the past our flo in front of your shop, letting them know about shal Leon and letting them know also that you are not who you really are. When are you coming? Are you coming today? Don't worry about when I'm coming. I don't know where you are. I'm here right now. Can you come today? Please come, I'm coming to day. Please come over here because I'm gonna be that outside waiting for your bring up overhead. Bring it because you're not about to stand outside from the Salon's great Mafalon. What you're not gonna do is denying Shaley Yon. You're not gonna deny. Please come over here because you will catch the funding smoking back to California. You bring your over here. I know one more thing you need to say to you say to me one more thing he needs to say. Are you listening to Shane Leon? What is it? That's his nephew Tommy from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just gotta pret by your girlfriend, miss Sean what hello? Oh my god, I'm gonna keep you and hers. I don't nobody do everybody? I got one more thing. I know what else you got to say? What is the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Show? Oh my god, come on, I gotta give me, y'all gotta give me something. H Excuse me? Is that a California term? Because I'm not familiar with what's your mama's government? Luckily looking at Leon? Did you see Era Leon? Good? Crazy? August started, the thirty first is going down. The Fool will be in town back by popular demand. I will be at Bethesda Blues and Jazz Supper Club, two shows Friday, two shows Saturday. Get to take us there on sale right now. Jump off your Labor Day weekend, take a little break from your barbecue, and come hang out with the Nephew August thirty and thirty first, and then Saturday, September of the seventh, Greenville, North Carolina at the Greenville Convention Center. The Nephew is coming to town Greenville. Nor All right, you alight, all right? Thank you? Up Next today's Strawberry Letters subject my parents are freaks. We'll get into it right after. Yeah, that's what he said, she said, whoever my parents are freaks. Wow, we'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steven Show Time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice and relationships, dating, work, thanks, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Okay, thank you, Yeah, all right, buckle up and hold on tight. We got it boy, you hear it is the Strawberry Letter, all right. Subject My parents are freaks. Okay, Dear Stephen Shirley. I am mad twenty seven year old college graduate, and I recently moved back in with my mother to say some money and get my own place. My parents were high school sweethearts, but they never got married. For over thirty years, they've been hooking up whenever they were single. They go on dates, vacations, and they had ten family gatherings, but they refused to get married. I've asked my dad why he won't marry my mom, and he said, son, a house is much better than an apartment, whatever that means. My dad comes over to my mom's house all the time, and watching the two of them is like watching softcore porn. My dad grabs my mom's but when she walks by him, and I've seen him pause a football game just so he could watch my mom bending over while she was mopping the floor. My dad was in a car accident recently and had to stay in the hospital overnight. My mom and I went to visit, and while I was sitting there, my dad whispered to my mom and then he lifted his gown to show my mom that he was ready, and they put me out of the room. Is so embarrassing. And the final straw was when I got when I caught them in the garage doing the do in my dad's truck. I would traumatize Mama, but they thought I was traumatize but they both thought it was funny. I wish they'd stop acting like two horny teenagers. I feel like I'm in their way, but I have nowhere to go. I'm afraid to invite my girlfriend over if my dad is around, because there's no telling what they'll do. How can I get them to stop it or at least respect me if I am around them? It's disgusting. Please help. Well, I can tell you my answer won't be very long. First of all, you you, oh, no one and I mean no one wants to see their parents getting busy like this. They do not. I don't care where it is, if it's in the house and he's touching your mom's but kids don't want to see that. I mean, yeah, you would be a little you would think you'd be a little discreet and they'd be a little mindful of you, But no, they're not. They just do it wherever, whenever the spirit hits them or the mood hits them, even in the hospital, the spirit or the mood, yeah, or the mood. Anyway, The best advice I can I can give you right now, mister twenty seven year old who just graduated, is a hurry up and get your coins together so you can move out of your mom's house because it's her house. Things aren't going to change. I think you know they were respecting you when they went to the garage and did it in the car, okay, because they could have done it right there in the house like they've been doing it all this time. So yeah, just hurry up, you know, let them know that you're saving and you're you'll be getting out soon so they can have at it. But yeah, that's my best advice to you is to go ahead and get those coins together. When your dad said, son, a house is much better than an apartment, I don't exactly know what he means. Maybe he's saying he prefers to stay at his house. I don't know. I don't know, to have his own. Then when you're in an apartment, you're under someone else's rules, perhaps, right, Yeah, I mean, you know, I don't know. I'm trying to make sense of it. But anyway, maybe he just likes the fact that he owns his own home and if he comes to your mom's home, it'll be like being in an apartment because he'll have to abide by her rules or something. I don't know. But anyway, save your coin so you if you do want to watch softcore porn or whatever, it won't be your parents. It'll be in the comfort of your own home. But yeah, you gotta get out of there because they're not making any any excuses for what they're doing just because you're there. And yeah, I wouldn't advise you necessarily. Well, maybe if you brought your girlfriend over. They might stop in front of her, but you don't want to take that chance, now, do you? All right? Junior? What you got? Oh man, I'll tell him this, yo, Daddy my hero. Come on, boy, I want your daddy when I get old. All the time, he said, it was like watching the softcore point. You want some advice. When you see your daddy truck, you better get your car keys because here gone, it's about to go down. I bet your dadd in life to talk soft to your mama and unbutton his shirt. Don't even care if you're sitting down the cock. I'm about to do this right now. If you ever seeing your mama and your daddy, you need to go ahead and just got if they if they are putting you out of hospital rooms. I wish I had a six cellar christ get son in the hospital. I wish I get sick, I actually get sick, go to the hospital and get that is a dream about that gown. I've raised that gown up to use the bathroom. That's about all I've raised by gow. Okay, that's it. I still I wish your daddy is by hero. He's in the hospital, medical equipment everywhere, and he is plugged up to a heart monster. He got everything going on, blood pressure getting checked, and it's some other pressure. Let's get jack. I want to be your daddy. I want him to be my hero. That is the best thing in the world. Can you imagine that? Get some tilling? No, I can't get something. I can't imagine you can my parents? No? No, I want to be now. I've seen my parents before, and it is traumatized. My daddy said what you want, but he didn't stop doing nothing. I caught my room and cried, and my mama came in and said, what's wrong, said, y'all en up doing that nasty stuff. And this stuff is in my mind. Why do I see the bottom of your feet, Mama, I've never seen the bottom of your feet. What is going on in here? Why? Why is daddy hurting you? I'm calling police. I'm called I'm telling you it is traumatized. Yes, it is. No one wants to see this. I want to be your daddy when I want. All right, and we'll have part two of the Strawberry Letter coming up at twenty three after the hour subject my parents or freaks will hear from the nephew when we come back right after this. You're listening to the show. All right, guys, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters. Subject my parents are for freaks. Twenty seven year old college student recently moved back at home with his mom. He wants to save some money so he can get his own place. His parents were high school sweethearts. They never got married, so over the past thirty years, they've been hooking up whenever they were single, which implies they've been married. They've been in relationships before, but whenever they're single or between relationships or marriages or whatever, they hook up. They go on dates, they go on vacations, they attend family gatherings together, but they still refuse to get married. The son said. He asked his dad why won't he marry his mom, and the dad said, son, a house is much better than an apartment, whatever that means. He says. His dad comes over to his mom's house all the time, and he says watching them together is like watching soft porn. He says, my dad grabs my mom's but when she walks by him, she says she's seen him pause a football game just so he could watch his mom bend over while she was mopping the floor. Oh my goodness. He said, my dad was in a car accident. He was in the hospital. He lifted up his gown and let his mom know that he was ready. They put the son out of the hospital and he goes on and on. He caught him in the garage and the dad's truck. I mean, this is just a bit much for this son. Like I said, no one wants to see their parents doing this. He says he wishes they would stop acting like two horny teenagers. He's afraid to bring his girlfriend over because he never knows what's going to happen if his dad is there. He just thinks it's disgusting and he doesn't think that his parents respect them. I don't think it's that. I just think they think that they're grown and it's their house and they can do whatever they want to do, and whoever's there, you know, gets the benefit of that. So um, anyway, I think you know, you should save your coins and move out. Tummy. Ain't nobody gotta respect you at day house. This day house. Ain't nobody gotta respect you at their own house. Okay, So when you see me, Nick, and don't ask me what I'm doing. Why is me and your mamma in the fireplace because we're put the woman up up in here. That's what we do. Okay. Why me and your mom in the deep freezer, because that's what we do. We got it on ice ice, baby, we're putting it down. And I'm gonna be just like your daddy when you ask me, boy, ain't a steak knife. Ain't got nothing on the butter knife. You get me, boy? Yeah, I'm gonna tell you something real stupid, Like he said, a house is much better than a pigeon. Can't touch a chicken. You don't want to pinch, don't mean no, damn I will by ain't track, can't touch your album? You know what I'm saying. You got to say stupid stuff. They are trying to sex you out of their house. Yeah they are. That's that's clear. That's why I can put it. They're trying to sex you out. Everybody wants you gone. You just don't seed it. Yeah, okay. You What you don't realize is they've been all over that house. If I was you, I wouldn't even sit on that couch. Why I wouldn't even be on that couch? About you. They didn't been on that stove. They hadn't been in that oven. They have been all over the place. Yeah, Shary, if you ain't never done at you all the track with it on or on it on two fifty and hold that dough, lay a blank across that dough, and lay on that dough, and let me tell you something. You got some of the best love making you've never had in your life. And put some biscuits on at the same time, and got that biscuit smell coming through that up. And why are you laying there? Ye? Doing what you do? And then your son pass. Do them tell them something? Boy? If turtle there ain't got nothing wife beating? What does steman don't mary about? Just random d just just random random. But the dad did say a house is much better than apartment? And what does that mean? Fride? To make it around to me, we're trying to sex you out of here. You don't understand what we'd be doing. You ain't here. That's why we be in the garage. Were always in the garage that we're doing in there a lot. We being my car, he called my trunk, back of the bed of the trunk. Yeah, if you ain't never done it in a trunk. I feel sorry. You ain't live yeah, oh wow, in the attic where it's kind of hot up there. Or you got to be careful and step on the right board. You don't want to slip a fall. You'll come through the roof. You understanding, go up being dangerous, that's that dangerous love. Yeah, it's dangerous, but you won't. I want to be careful. I don't want to die. And then you don't ever any going your kids room while they at school. You ever been in a bunk bad You ain't been in a bunk back on the top. Yeah, yeah, and that, but but but but the rocks so much that the lodder them fail. And that's terrible. Now, y'all just two butt naked people stranded in the and it's close to the kid. Yeah, it's two thirty five. That bus coming three fifteen. You don't understand what you're dealing with. Now, we got to decide which one's gonna jump, who's gonna jump and put the lodder back up. Y'all ain't done this. If they coming in and catch it this in boy a prayer, ain't got nothing on the net, ain't nothing like being on the porch at night when everybody in the you know, the neighborhood kind of sleeping and the lights of down out there on your front porch. K nikked y'all doing it out there on the front porch. Why not? Why what you want to do it in the back, back porch, front porch? Go out, go out in the yard some time. And why you can't walk around what you paid for? He says he wishes that his parents were stop acting like two and they wish hey would move. This is what we want to do the rest of our life. We want to do it without you. I'll tell you what. Bring your girl girlfriend when I educate a real question. All right, listen, we gotta get out of here. Email us or instagram us your thoughts on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six after the hour, we're gonna talk about the heartbreaking ice raids in Mississippi, Oh boy, and why ice raids haven't targeted President Trump companies. Right after this, you're listening to this Stave Harvey Morning Show. Well, in a video that drew online attention, and has gone viral. We all saw that eleven year old little girl who made a tearful plea to ICE. Of course, that's the Immigration and Customs enforcement after the ICE raids in Mississippi. ICE detained some six hundred and eighty undocumented immigrants last week and said the operation was about enforcing US immigration laws that may get illegal for immigrants to work in the US without authorization. However, take a listen when Jake Tapper of CNN asked the commissioner why President Trump's companies haven't been targeted by the ICE raids, take a listen. I don't understand why it is that the President's companies there's headline after headline after headline about them employing undocumented immigrants, and there's never been a raid. There's never been any sort of law enforcement investigation that we can discern. Well, so you really can't say that for sure, because their investigations going on all the time that you're unaware of, and we shouldn't be aware of those investigations. So those investigations should be done without notifying everyone, because of course it's going to jumpardize an investigation if I come on here and I talk to you about investigation that's going on. Yeah, he didn't answer the question. While appearing to answer the question, that's yeah, wow, he can't talk about it because there's an ongoing investigation into that. Together. We shouldn't know about American people should know, Yeah, we should we know about all the other ones. Yeah, we shouldn't know. And then what about this though? This? You know, the ICE raids the illegal immigrants, and they're saying they're doing this to clean up that these illegal immigrants can work without authorization. Well, what about the people that's hiring them? What has to them? The CEO? Yeah, you hiring them? Do do they get arrested to They probably get rewarded in this system we're currently in, they probably get rewarded some kind of way. But absolutely, yeah, it's just the immigrants. They get arrested. And that poor little girl. Ye did y'all see that? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, and she plead that her dad, you know, he's not a criminal. You know, they're just over here trying to illegal man. Yeah, I mean, I agree, something should be done, of course, but not this now. I don't know what the answer is, but just not this way. This is too horrible. When the kids are involved, like this, Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, all right. You can go to Steve Harvey FM dot com to post your comments about this situation. You know, let us know how you feel. Coming up at the top of the hour, today's office topic, we'll tell you where are the most overworked cities in the country. Right after this, you're listening to show. All right, guys, time now for today's office topic. A lot of us probably feel like we're working all the time. And while that might be true, yeah, for a lot of people. A new study reveals which cities really have the most overworked workforce. A study by the mobile technology company Kis reveals that most overworked cities the most overworked cities in the US, looking at twenty different fact actors, including things like how many hours people working week, they're commute times, vacation days taken, paid family leave offered him more. Number five is Chicago my hometown? Yeah? Yeah? Number four Seattle, Washington, Number three Atlanta. These are overworks are overworked cities in the US. UM Number two Houston, guys, Houston, that's your hometown. Yeah, daddy contributed today. I just finished. I just finished trimming on the hedges and taking out the plants. Trees and the most you guys want to guess or try to guess, what's the number one overworked city in America? Close? It is in the East, Oh, Philly, No, DC? Wow? Yes? DC? Yeah? Wow? The most Well, yeah, it's working in parts of DC. Ain't no work, Just some foolishness going on, just a lot of tweeting. Is that considered work? On Pennsylvania Avenue? He go on his vacation at that golf course. Every makes it fla laptop. Ain't been off those thumbs maybe a little though the laptop. Yeah, all right. Now you might be curious as to where the most city at the city where the most people have the best work life balance. Okay, okay? Number five New York. Yeah, yeah, they have a balance. I know, I know. But when you go there, you do see a lot of fans, families, You see families together, you know all of that. You see the whole family going to a restaurant. That's what you say. Number four Minneapolis, Minnesota. Number three, a little prince in it. Yeah, these are cities that have the best work life balance. Number three San Francisco. Okay, yeah, I believe that it was just there. This what June huh. Yes, I cannot go and not go there. Yeah. Yeah, I took my daughter. She truly enjoyed. Number two Portland, Oregon. Oh yeah, High Seattle, overworked and right below the is Portland. Yeah okay, yeah, yeah, they're living their best life. Sounds like Number one. Anybody want to guess, I'll say, not Florida at all. Nothing state, no, no, no, no, okay, not Miami something like that. That's Paul Beach or something. A lot of people retiring floor. So yeah, I get where you're coming from. And the weather is nice. Yeah, the weather is also nice. Weather's also nice in California. Yes, I like San Diego is beautiful. Baby, uh huh yeah. Then we all live in LA where we say we're over I'm well, okay, well we say we're over worked. What do you think we LA is overweeded? Now? Yeah, it's over traffic. Over traffics for sure. Because all that you know is taken into consideration all the time, your travel time, all of that. You know, have you taken any steps to you know, calm it down to you know, have a better life for yourself, moving closer to work perhaps something like that, not at all? Down street, take some more days off, you know, consider that Yeah, on this job, not along that name on that wall. Yeah, we can't be slackers when he works as hard as he does. All right, listen, We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this. You're listening, all right, guys, and trending sports news Junior is here. He's gonna tell us what happened with the w NBA six players. Ejective. The ladies, the ladies, The ladies are fighting, they throwing hands. Really they missed all of this. Gosh, okay, so doing the first the last half of the Mercury versus Queen's game. Yeah, everybody, where's Mercury from Phoenix? Yes? Do you all remember Brittany Grinner Bailey? Yeah? Yes, uh she she plays for the Mercury. She threw punches at Dallas rookie Christine. I can't even say her name. I know she went to know to Dame, That's what I would say. Yeah, yeah, she's seven footman and who took our running from Brittany. But I want you they ain't not the president you staying he is? Yeah? Yeah? And then but then Britney chased her down. She ran, ain't got her. Oh you're gonna take these licks. And there's like six other players they all all of them got ejected from the game. So the fight started after Christine and Brittany seemed because the playoff. No, no, it's not playoffs, that's regular season. But the fight started because you know, they were fighting for a rebound. Their arms got tangled up. Oh okay, and so that's what started to fight. And Brittany what happened. But you you she's so much taller than this girl. Brittany dunks. Britney dunks, but she didn't think that hand was gonna reach her that fall. All right, seven foot the person got set foot wingspan if she took all right, morv The Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three after the hour right after this, you're listening to show. Jeffrey Epstein, the financier accused of sex trafficking, was not under suicide watch at the Manhattan Jail at the time of his death. Mister Epstein hanged himself and was found at around six thirty am Saturday at the Metropolitan Correctional Center. This is according to officials. Now officials want to know that since last month, after being denied bail on federal sex trafficking charges, why wasn't Jeffrey Epstein not being more closely monitored? Epstein's suicide death has angered his accusers, who said they had hoped to have his crimes aired in open court. Attorney General William Barr, who technically held the ultimate responsibility for Epstein's well being, promised to investigate, here's something wrong. Yeah, yeah, why why wasn't he being more closely monitored? It's almost like, you know, they wanted something like this to happen, you know, so now they can't put a dead man on trial. You know, so many people with big names are involved in in this whole situation. Yeah you talk about thinking, yeah yeah, associates yeah, very high up the food chain too, yeah yeah yeah, this has been associated. Yeah, and they still don't know how he made his fortune, right, I mean they're speculation, but they still don't know exactly how how he made this money. Yeah. So now all those people that were connected, is this just goes away now? Well, I mean they're gonna have to put something together. He didn't do it by himself, so I guess they have to keep digging, keep investigating, you know the victims. Yeah, the victims are going to come for it, right Junior. Yeah, so we'll we'll see what happens. I mean, well, that exposed some of these names that we're talking about. Yeah, we can only they've been exposed before, you know, when the story when he first got arrested. So the name some of those names are already out there, Like the president's name has been Phil Claton. Yeah, yeah, the secretary, but the labor resigned because of his leniency and his original case Florida. Yeah, yeah, yeah, this story, this is yeah, just only the beginning. And other entertainment news, Cuba Gooding Junior is going on trial and misdemeanor charges of forcible touching and third degree sexual assault. Cuba claims that the woman has various mental issues and that no crime was committed. The judge disagreed, and Cuba Gooding's trial starts on September third. As we told you before, Cuba was in a bar when a woman claimed that he put his hand on her breast and squeezed. He's denying it. Wow, all right, coming up our last break of the day, Our last break of the day, and a treat for you. We're gonna leave you with some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey coming up at forty nine after the hour of right after this you're listening to. All Right, Steve, we are back. It is time to close out of the show, our last break of the day. You have some closing remarks for us. I want to talk about something Tommy sent me the other day, and it caused me to think about how some people get stuck in their life. And I want to say to everybody, you don't have to stay stuck. You don't have to allow a situation to be so daunting that you can't see moving beyond, because you have to. You have to move beyond things in life. I was having a conversation with somebody and I was telling them that it's imperative that you understand the things that you cannot change. Uh, there's a scripture that tells that so eloquently. Of course I don't know it. I can't tell you where it is, as often is the case with me, but I do have it in my heart and I do understand it. But there there's a scripture that talks about moving on and being in a position of accepting the things you cannot change. And you know if if if prayer doesn't change a thing or will not change a thing, even though we all know prayer changes things. It's some things that you don't even have to pray for because God told us he wouldn't change it. For example, time and tide weights on. No man, well that he told you that, So ain't no need of a group of y'all getting together holding hands. Told my Lord stopped the clock at eleven o'clock so we can finish this task in your name heavily, Father, Now stop, he said, Time and tide waits on, no mad So the things that pray ain't gonna change because he told us some things won't won't change like that, you got to accept and move on, and accepting the things that happen in your life are a big part of it. You get stuck when you lose the ability to move on, and staying stuck don't help you at all. And I'll give you an example. What he sent me was this. He said, This plaque says stop looking for happiness in the same place that you lost it. It has moved on. You know, happiness moves on. Every relationship don't stay a healthy relationship. Every situation you win that was happy at one time, it can turn sad. You gonna keep looking for happiness in the same place that you lost it. You have got to move on and stop feeling. Say for yourself, You're not the first person somebody that left You ain't the first person that the lost somebody you love. You're not the first person who someone has disappointed. You're not the first person being cheated on. You're not the first person who has lost faith in another person. You ain't the first person been lied to. You're not You're not the only one I got that things in life are hurt for We've all been hurt before. I think I don't know a person that ain't been hurt. I don't think I know a person ain't been disappointed. I don't know anybody that ain't suffered a setback. I don't know anyone who hasn't found something difficult to get over, including myself. But I tell you right now, like the plaques say, you can stop looking for happiness in the same place you lost it. Sometimes it's gone. He ain't the one for you, but you want him back. He wasn't good for you. When you had him, but I want him back. Why would you want back something that wasn't good for you in the first place? Man, Can we move on? Give God a chance to put something real in your life by stop wanting something that wasn't good in your life. Stop? Man, some people don't even know how to accept a blessing. We block more blessings, wanting something that ain't good or write for us, stopping something that would be good for us. Stop when we're gonna get that through our head. You know how many times I've had to learn this lesson. Stop Stop wanting something that ain't good for you. Stop wanting something back that wasn't right for you. Stop, move on. Give something new a chance in your life. When one door closes in your life, could that possibly mean God got something better for you? Couldn't it possibly be that? Do you think just because the door closes, that that means it's finally over and ain't no more nothing gonna happen for you Because a door shut don't mean your life is done. You didn't die, You suffered a disappointment, you got fied, you got laid off. She texts you and told you she won't you no more. He didn't show up no more. He quick calling. You thought it was good. It wasn't. Stop looking for happiness in the same place you lost it. It's probably time to move on. Those are my clothing remarks, sir, your so, your sir? All good? All right, Steve bush Man, not mad. Sometimes sometimes be talking to myself. Why why you want that back? It's all right, the priest to yourself, and quit asking God for stuff that he not fit to do. We gotta go, all right, take us out a big y'all. Have a good weekend for all. 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