Weekend Review, What People Did, Earl of Ottingham, Comedy Roulette and more.

Published Jan 21, 2020, 3:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! The entire crew is present and accounted for and it just went from serious to stooooopid in one flat. Steve discusses Bloomberg's Black Economic Progress program. "We ride together, we die together, Bad Boys for Life!" Fool #2 tells us what folks really did with their 3 day weekend. Superbowl 54 is set and we get Juniors thoughts. Uncle Steve aka His Flyness is trending because of his walk in a viral video. Comedy Roulette covers the things that men say when they get caught red-handed. The illegitimate child of Charles gives us a royal update. Today in Closing Remarks, the focal point is about bridging the gap between Africans and African-Americans, plus much more.

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know, y'all bat all suit looking back to back down, giving them move like the milking buck bus things. And it's y'all true good it. Steve listening to movie together for Stu Barn Please, Mommy, I don't joy by joining me. You gotta gotta turn hur, you gotta turn to turn out, got to turn them out, to turn turn the water the water. Come come on your fab it, I sure will. Come morning, everybody, y'all listening to the voice, Come on dig me now wanted only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeah, man boy, God has been good to me. Man, I can't really count at all. You can't either, you know. It's all in perspective. You really can't count all that God has done for you if you look at every little thing. It's unbelievable the things He's done for us. How many times you know we got through something without even talking to him about it. He just he just blessed us with it. How many you know? It's just it's so much that the fact that you wake up in the morning, the fact that you still have a place to stay, the fact that you know may be struggling out here. But guess what, you still going to work. You you know, you live in check the check, but but you're making it all. You got all the plates spinning. You know it's hard. You got a lot of plates spinning, but you keep him up there somewhere. Every now I near one break, but he put two more back up there to look a little bit better. And you got to get to spending them so it all works. And then you got a lot of people who just can't seem to mentally put it together as to you know, why their life isn't in a position that they wanted to be. We talked about this oftentimes, but I want to try another angle with you today. You know, maybe it's you. Have you ever thought about that? Maybe it's you. Maybe it's no external force that's at fault, like you keep making the excuse to be. You know, so many people I hear, well, if this hadn't have done this, if he hadn't have done that, if she hadn't have done that, I would have been further along. I wasted all my time, my years with this man, and he did this, and I could have been here, and I could have been there, and this woman she did this to me. If she hadn't have done that, I could have been here and I could have been there. Maybe it's you. Maybe it's not really that external force that you keep making it out to be. See, I've done this to myself before. Once again, I'm talking to you about something I know about. I've done this to myself before. I've had the reason I wasn't where I wanted to be. I had it figured out as some external force. I had worked it out in my mind. Clearly it wasn't me. Because if so and so or if this hadn't happened, and if they hadn't have done this, I would have been further along up the road. That's what I was saying. But WOLDO hold on that or learned a valuable lesson? Man, See, if you don't ever let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go. If you don't ever let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go. I was listening to Bishop td Jake's one day, and I heard him say, you can't drive your car if you're gonna keep looking in the rearview mirror. You go outside and try that, try to drive your car. But keep your eye in the rearview mirror. All you looking at is where you're being. All you looking at in that rear view mirrors where you're passed or should have passed, something you should have moved on from. All you're doing is looking in that rearview mirror at what happened back there. If you don't stop looking in the rearview mirror, you're gonna crash your car over and over and over again. All you got to slow it down so bad in order for you to keep looking in that rear view mirror. If you don't learn to let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go forward because you keep reviewing the past. The past is the past, and I know it's hard. Man. I watched a show and this lady said, well, I just can't ever forgive them for that, or guess what. Guess what God may have already forgiven that person. That person may be extremely remorseful, could have gone to God and God and forgiveness for it years ago. But you you sit here and you keep hanging on to the back. I can't ever forgive that. Then I heard Bishop Jakes come on the show one time and say something that really really struck on. You keep drinking the poison, waiting on your enemy to die. He said that. I just shook my head and went, wow, you drinking the poison waiting on your enemy to die. Revenge is poor to you. You know, if hatred is poison to you. Unforgivingness when you won't forgive a person, that person could be going on with their life, made the right with God. Don't know how you're feeling. They're skipping through life now. You make adjustments every time you see them, and it takes energy. Man, it takes so much energy to hate. It takes so much energy not to forgive too that they come in the room. You got to avoid them. Stay over here, Oh here they come. Now, you got to make a situation over here. They come into the house. It's family reunion. Oh here they come. And where they're gonna be in the basement. I'm going up on the third floor. I want to go outead and get some barbecue. She out there at the barbecue, staying, oh lord, I don't want a barbecue. I just eat to take the salad. People man take themselves all out of position, trying to make adjustments, when if you it would simplify your life if you would let just let it go. Maybe you ain't where you need to be because of them external forces altogether. Maybe you're not where you need to be cause of you. Because you won't let it go, you won't move forward. Look at this, ladies. Let's say you've been in a situation with a man for years. It didn't work out for whatever the reason, it just didn't work out. I got I got what you say he did. I got what he did. I got all of that. YadA YadA YadA. When you get through, did not God get you through it? Did not he allow you to survive it? I got you, got some cuts on you, I got you been a little bit bruised. But did he not get you through it? So, now that he's freed you from it, now he didn't went on. He got a whole other family over that somewhere. He now he trying to make it right because maybe he learned the mistake he made and now he trying to be a better man. He just trying to get it right now. But you're sitting there holding onto it. You're drinking the poison, waiting on your enemy to die. So now instead of you enjoying the blessing of finally being free from a situation that was not healthy for you. You create an even more unhealthy situation in your mind by hating, by having revengeful thoughts, by hoping he fall on his face. Maybe you're even doing something to the other situation to make sure they struggle. Oh man, you're drinking the poison, waiting on your enemy to die. Maybe you ain't where you ought to be in life, not because of your external forces, but maybe it's you. If you don't let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go. You can't keep driving your car looking in the rear view mirror. Come on, man, Forgiveness is not for the other person. Forgiveness is for you to show. Ladies and gentlemen, have it, meet it wanting. What am I talking about, Steve? What are you talking about? I'm talking about attention, undivided attention yours and everybody you know, because right now to Steve Harvan Morning Show is on a cracking baby. Good morning everybody. You welcome to the ride Incredible ride radio. Don't nobody do it like us? Shirley Strawberry, That is so true, Steve, Good morning to you and calor food real, good morning, Steve. What's up crew, ladies and gentlemen, batman head, Robin Green horned head, Kato, we got junior boy morning everybody, sho, I am ladies a gentleman. Look Whols and building. Get your mind all right, Jane Ford Brown, what up? Steve Harvey? What's going on with you? Watch out that now boy and the fool nephew Tommy, Good morning everyone. I had to you got you gotta go way back in your throat. What's happening top of the morning, everybody, Good morning, good morning of the morning. We are. We are now post mL K day. We post that's what we are. But it was a good it was a good day. Yeah, Foo, By any chance, did any of you see Michael Bloomberg speech? No, no, no, I think you saw it, because yeah, y'all saw it. Saw it from a mayor of New York, demo president, a Democratic presidential candidate. Yeah, they were actually talking about it over here in Africa. That's what made me go wild. And some people asking me, say, Steve, who is this man who wants to help black people? How could he do this? And so I got a link and he has a plan to introduce a plan of seventy billion dollars to help African Americans, in so many words, recover from the effects and the institution of slavery. In so many words, that's the effect of it. And I gotta tell you something, I've never ever heard anybody say what he said. I've never heard so it was interesting, man. I think it's something we had to start looking at because we approached these elections. You know, we've got to get somebody see right here, this was this is a serious conversation, and Steve, try to enlighten the people, and see, introduce the fool. You didn't introduce him as fool. Yeah, but I thought I was gonna get a mute. That's what I'm thinking getting see this one days off this, I mean and his damn support team. Tom, we're trying to get Trump beat and we're trying to have and who is not talking about legitimate question? Can you get mused? You think we didn't want holding minute back for coming up with thirty two minutes after the hour. I guess we'll find out. We're going to get her mule, not to the hour right after you're listening to morning show, all right, guys. So yesterday, of course we celebrated the Doctor King Holiday. Yes, it was the weekend. And yeah, I mean you know a lot of those teams speech say you got the teams. I don't feel like saying to damn speech. I don't feel like saying say the damn speaking working on it all, damn week say speech. Ka before before we were talking Michael Michael Bloomberg's uh speech, did anyone of us hear it? And basically was said no, But you were saying, he has a seventy billion dollars platform um that he wants to introduce to help black people. Right, that's what I say that to breaking, you know, just looking up for yourself. Listen to it. A cha. You can't go back and this with them, you know what, can I just say something? Yeah, we won't. That's because you're selling that money. Not he will lock out votes in I mean, just do it right now. You have to be president. Yeah, he be president. He got I vote sentiment. I've never heard of anybody have a plan. And what I was listening about the plan because you know, he was the mayor of New York, right, so he's done a lot of things. You know, prisonment for him, he reduced crime, He reduced the number of young black men in prison. A lot of black people got out of rikers in the system like that because he was stopping a lot of those mandatory sentencing rules. And so I think he made sense. As we're getting close to this election, we as to voters, we're gonna have to vote for somebody. You know, we're gonna have to vote for somebody. Right now, the two leading contendersis who Bernie and Biden? Bernie Sanders and Bite. You think this guy is different? You think this is somebody that was step in and guys. I I mean, I know he's capable, you know, I mean he's got the money. He may not have the support because he's not as well known because he hasn't been in the race long enough long like Bernie or Warren or you know, of course Biden has name recognition. But yeah, yeah, I mean he's a billionaire, he was a former mayor. And you know, surely there is an article that I see this as Bloomberg Pitchers program to boost black economic progress. So you know, Steve, you're absolutely right. He wants to invest seventy billion dollars in low income neighborhoods throughout the country, increase the number of black homeowners, and double the number of African American owned businesses if he's elected president. Yeah, we just got to start doing something towards moving this needle forward because this election is coming up and y'all we got to really get out to vote. Look, I don't I'm not telling you who to vote for, right, I just happened to be looking at what the landscape is look at and so far, ain't nobody said nothing to us about again, Yeah, because they take our votes for granted. They assume they just take us for granted that we're going to vote democratic and for the leading contender. That's what that's all about it and it has been for years. And you're right, they really need to work for our vote. They absolutely do. It's important. So and here's someone with a plan and time all right invited ten here we go. Say that a good time. I'm just saying, on a more serious note, you know we're not gonna do the forty acres in the mute. We could at least do you know flat screens? You know our iPhones flat screens? Yeah, just something you know, we know the reason they stopped giving out female payments right the flat screen statement right there, that's why. How about a set of new tires even if you don't have a car, you see right there. I like that, Jay, I think that Speaking of flat screens, remember Black Friday and you all see that post that they had on I think it was The Graham because you know how people bum rush the stories when they have those big Black Friday sales to get TVs people. The thing the post on the Graham was what happened to the TV you got last year? Isn't that still working? Every year you gotta get you gotta get a new TV. I really want to have a good time. If you really want to have a good time, everybody can do this. Go to best Buy around Christmas time and watch people buy big ass TVs and try to put it in a little last car. I mean, you get a chip, got up and watch the fun. I mean it didn't have to be Christmas. I saw that over the WEEKI come back, come back, come back, come back, come back, come back. Go Okay, turn your you know what, we're gonna have to take it out to box. We're gonna take it out. I didn't know the dilemma people have when they go to costco. Uh huh. You could get a basket or you can get that big flat bed. Yeah, yeah, yeah, because you have to buy in bulk when you go there. Yea Costco forces you to buy stuff you really don't Damn gallons of mayonnaise packet. That's a lot of may thousand rows and gallon jump of cheerios. When the hell you go? Boomerang years ago when we was working out together, boom marine ball, fifteen pound bag of frozen fruit cocktail, ten pound bag cocktail, the dumbest bot. All right, guys, coming up next right after this, at the top of the hour, miss Anne will be here with our National News plus an Entertainment News three day weekend box office report Bad Boys, Bad Boys for Life number one. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to show. Coming up at the top of the hour, miss Anne is going to be standing by with today's National News plus an Entertainment News three day Box Office weekend report, Bad Boys for Live number one movie in America. Go ahead, Will Smith and Martin Lawrence. Yes, plus a supermodel you know her, Steve, She's a friend. Ashley Graham is a new mommy. We'll talk about we'll talk about all these stories at the top of the hour. Right now, the nephew is in the building with run that prank back. What you got for us? Nap. Raymond in the closet, I said, rainmand in the closet, All time favorite man of all of them. Classic, it is baby Raymond in the closet. Let's go Hello, Hello, helly, who the can you hear me? Yeah? Bad? Who's there? This Raymond? Speak up? I can't hear you. Who this this Raymond? Man? Speak up? I can't hear you. Who is this Raymond? Raymond? Raymond? Roond is my sister brother? Yes? What's up? What's up? Man? What's up? Somebody then broke in the house, taking the house right now. I'm in there. Hello, hollo, man, I'm damn. I'm bad. What you're saying, somebody the work, somebody them broken house. I don't want to hear you're whispering, because they're in the house right now. I'm wait a minute, wait a minute, you're saying somebody they're broken the hold and they steal in there. Somebody. I'm broke in the house. I'm getting the house now. Hold on. Wait a minute. You're saying, somebody that broken to your damn house and they steal in there. Yes, what you're doing? See nothing there? Why you don't call the police. I'm in the closet. I'm in the closet and I'm trying to get somebody to hold on, hold on, Well, I don't know what to do. Man. You're saying, somebody in the house, in your damn house. White Now just okay, wait where you live at? Where you live at? I'm out thirty six straight, because I'm at thirty two and a half. You know what. Hold on, I'm to call the lords. Wait wait, wait, wait waiting, man, you know what what Wait a minute. Don't go the police. You see your in the hold. Somebody for no up here gonna kill you. And you're talking about you don't want them arrested. We got some illegal stuff. Don't call nobody. Don't wait a minute? Wait way, nah, you're saying hold on, you're saying, don't call the damn loss. You have to right in the house. Don't call them because week they got it. That's a nickels in the hould o doing? Man, what you got? Man? You know what is bad? Doc? You know what you're seeing your up in there, that's problem while they're in the house. Now you have set you up in the house, got you in there there, that's I guarantee you that what you what you got in there? And you know what, man, let gonna tell you something. I'm gonna tell you the best thing to do, even though the people in your house right now you meet the jumpers, let me call them. Man, you need to let me call the damn Lows. I'm gona tell you right down you can't get don't do that. Don't don't. I'm gonna put you know what, Man, I'm gonna tell you, don't call them. You'll say that now. I'm gonna tell you. Now I get called the Low, I'm gonna calling Low. Hold on, I can get my wife the call right now. Don't call the police. Don't call them because it's too much liga my wife. Don't go. Man. But I'm gonna tell you something, Man, honest, I can't do it. Thank you. Don't for to go down there. Now, I'm gonna tell you something. I could cut this food. Then tell me don't even call the damn Low. You know what, man, looking he can be honest with you I'm I ain't gonna go down there. I'm gonna tell you right there now, you know what. The first thing I'm gonna tell you down now, I ain't gonna take my down there first of us. They may be tapped in my damn lying and I ain't got to do with this. You're gonna get don't listen, man, Look, I could call no one one hold, they didn't. Look, go ahead and call them, but you know what, you're gonna get your kill down there, and they don't know who you are. Man, you know what. And I ain't gonna stare on the phone with you so they can find out, you know what, don't It's like call the lot. I ain't getting that. I ain't, man, you must get the damn fool ain't gonna get an out one. So I'm gonna tell you what you can do. Got I call the law if they had my wife. Right now, you know what. You may not like it now, but you appreciate me later, because you know when you're to get your monk heads. Wait a minute, wait a minute, just west, but I think, damn SI, I think, man, you know this is some crazy got you to set your nothing. I'm gonna try to shoot up for one, don't get sitting up my calling. Damn low, damn fool. You better keep your month haads in that closet. I'm gonna tell you right now you're a damn fool. You walk out because I gonna tell you not. They show gonna tell your stupid man. You know what. I ain't gonna lie to you. Man. The only thing I can tell you, damn I'm called a law. You're gonna go down, and I'm gonna tell you not. I ain't going down with I don't know why you really even call me unless you want some help, because I'm gonna tell you right now, I ain't for the jumping eyes myself nor my damn family over your rights. I think I could do. I can help you out in one way. I'm called a law. Now. My wife got a cellphone. What you want me to do when you can get me? You must be a damn boot. I'm not ain't going down, but I ain't going you know what. Man. Look look, I can't get in there, and my wife did out to count the police comma till you right now? They could have come, can't you can you can you hear me? You can hear you your damn mouth shut up, shut? Can you shut your damn mouth right now? Can you hear me? Shut out? I don't know when the height that's why they shoot the shut and don't peek out that damn dope. Can I say something, man, you need to shut your damn mouse. This is Nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning showing you know what you just got pranked by. Man. Y'all, y'all sock dirty? I do dare well, man, dog, you just got pranked by your boy wind. Man. I'm sweating like hey, sent up in this damn house with drawns oh. Man, you sit up here. I want to play with man. Look at here, boy, I'm sweating like here. Why are you sweeting? It was from the dock because I damn sling wants you to come down to the house. That's for show. I know you weren't coming to the I heard it in your voice. I say, okay, you know what. He ain't coming to get me. Man, I'm gonna be here right now. Man, I might need to take on the work board here. Hey, let me ask you something, man, what is the baddest radio show in the land? Can't be nobody but the Steve Harvey's Morning Show with that other that nephew Thommy with It's crazy ramming in the closet off, I said right there, huh. I can't do nothing for you. All I can do is calling law I called off. What you want? Ron's that bit man a golden a gold place. Shoot up, man, damn it, You're gonna get your working ass killed. Steve Love is right, man, go ahead, I'm listening. I can't come back. Hey, Comedy Lion Fast is coming your way. We are on our way to Oh my God, Cleveland, Ohio, Cincinnati, Ohio, and Memphis, Tennessee. That is Valentine's Weekend fourteen fifteen sixteen. It is me. It is said to entertain a deal hugly, it is Dion Cole Earthquake and hosted by yours truly nephew Timmy. Tickets own sale red now coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment and national news right after this you're listening morning show. In today's entertainment news, Will Smith and Martin Lawrence Bad Boys for Life movie was number one at the weekend box office, seventeen years after the last bass Boy. Bad Boy installment in their franchise hit the big screen. Really, it's been that long seventeen years? Yeah, really yeah, maybe the first one since the first one. Yeah, maybe since the first one. Yeah. Anyway, it's zoom to a third one, right, yes, okay, sixty eight million dollars wow, point one. Yeah, that's a lot, boys, that's a lot. Yeah. I loved it. I saw it a Negro Round, so it was talking all through the Negro realm around. I mean, they make an announcement, welcome to Negro Round. We would like for you to talk in time and a lot of phone you see. Oh my god, I'm at the movie. What's key state of that? I don't think. Ain't nobody talking in this movie. It's not just on the screen because we's talking, all right. Well, it be a lot of what they say what they say. And I like it because you bring the kids too, you know, they like to enjoy a good movie to an already movie. Yeah, fitting out. It beat out to Robert Downey Junior. Everybody thought this was going to be the weekend box office winner. Do Little Wait what Jay? You saw do Little too? Yes? I did. There's one scene in the movie where the animal I think it's the elephant says, How the hell can I get out this movie? That's what he says. Wait, wait is it bad? Man? To be honest with me, is it bad? Yeah, it's really bad. It's really bad. Jada say that. That means go to movies as soon as they cover entertain Guy, I won't see Bad Boys for another Yeah, when you see boys too, to remember to refresh you. Yeah, that's what I tell me. That did y'all hear that? Wait? Stop stop? I said to Steve you needed to see Bad Boys too so you can refresh you. You know the characters and remember what's going on. He said, No, tell him what you said. See, No, I wont see it. I'm gonna see Bad Boys too. Then on see the new one. So you haven't seen Bad Boys too? It's what you too, that's my reaction. You ain't seen Bad Boys too, and we're talking to see harm. Hey, guess what you made it? Sorry, but you know we know what stopped though. We're gonna quit with this whole. You trying to make it, You've made it, Okay, We're gonna quit this. Daddy. You're trying to get somewhere and you falling when Bad Boys two came out. Okay, how many years should have seen the excuse me, seventeen years you were sitting on Talk twenty five thousand square feet. No, no, sir, two thousand and three. I'm already know what you're gonna do. You get a huge All right, it's time to get to today's headlines. Please, ladies and gentlemen, miss and tript everybody. Good morning, here's the news. Okay, here we are. Today's Tuesday. This is the day President of Trump's impeachment trial begins in the US Senate. Trump's legal team file their brief yesterday, which your porters say used the required legal lees, peppered with some typical Trump is ms like colining the process rigged and a brazenly political act. On top of that, the president's lawyers claimed that Trump didn't do anything wrong anyway when he asked Ukrainian President Zelenski to investigate the bidens His lawyers assert that abuse of power isn't a crime because it's too vague and doesn't rise to a high crime or misdemeanor as indicated in the Constitution. Now, Democratic Senator Corey Booker on ABC's This Week disagrees, but GOP Congressman Leezelden sees things differently. First, Booker, what are we going to do when our democracies under threat tolerate this behavior or do something to stop it and hold that person accountable? Leezelden, I'm pretty confident going into this trial, having seen all the facts in the House and just hearing from enough of the senators that the president is going to be acquitted. Zelden on the John Katsimatids radio show. He's also Trump's legal team. Yesterday's gun rights rally and Richmond, Virginia came and went, and while the governor down there declared a state of emergency and anticipation of violence, Luckily, cops say things were mostly calm. There were concerns that white racists we're gonna start trouble. However, things were political, with a lot of pro Trump signs all over the crowd. And now the Trump administration, by the way, is looking to undo an initiative put in place by Missus Barack Obama take another step towards dismantling Michelle Obama school nutrition guidelines, and Trump's people are now proposing a new rule get this that will allow school lunch men used to feature more pizza and fries and fewer fruits and vegetables. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Purdue claims that the changes are needed to give schools more flexibility. However, child nutrition advocates are horrified. They call the Trump administration changes quote shameless, embarrassing and embarrassing capitulation to lobbyists at the expense of American children and their well being. They're just just too much for them. Start ending with sad news. The Grammy nominated jazz saxophonist and composer Jimmy Heath has died at age ninety three. The great Jimmy Heath was mentored by Dizzy Gillespie, He idolized Charlie Byrd, eventually be called a little Bird because his style was so similar. He performed with the likes of Miles Davis, John Coltrane many others before he formed the Heath Brothers with Percy Heath on bass and Tutti Heath on drums. In two thousand and three, Jimmy Heath was named Jazz Master by the National Endowment for the Arts, and his survivors include his son, none other than wbls Is James M. Twomey of the Open Line. That's right, that's one of his children as his son and coursed to. M. Twomey is a Grammy winning of composer and the author of Juicy, as well as the music conductor from the show New York Undercover. But Jimmy Heath has died. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show, all right, guys, So j Anthony Brown is here to tell us some of the ways he heard his friends celebrated the three day weekend. What well, here's what happened. Everybody knows that yesterday was doctor Martin Luther King's was a birthday of birthday, and a lot of people went to speeches, parade and stuff like that and honor of King, which is what you should do. But I know us and all of us didn't do it that way. Some of us did other stuff. Some people just went to a straight barbe q, ate pork and honor of doctor King. Some people called in sick, not even knowing it was off. Ain't it a made in damn sick people off? Oh I'm well, I'm still sick, but I was coming. Or I just want you to know how dedicated a some people to see and doctor King, because Doc King would have wanted me to go see bad boys. I would see bad boys, so I wouldn't see bad boys and do King. This is look what we did, Steve. I'm not making this up. Some people had look washed, just making little extra money. Happy King Day, call white right in the park, and I just try to make a little get your hands out the whole that sign up. I don't want to sign up. Get out there that damn sign up. You're stupid. Hold sign up house hole. People can see the damn sign and Doctor King. Some people pour a little bit on the ground for the homies who ain't here, and Docte King, Oh god. Some people went to some place day supposed to be doing going and they say, you know, I'm gonna make a rain and on Docty King bag. I didn't say stip club. I did not say stip club. Did you didn't? You didn't? Last but not least somebody just played the Stephen won the song Happy Birthday two or three times and call of today half Birthday. Dot can pay three times, doesn't make play three dam times? All right? So coming up next, the super Bowl is set guys, we'll talk about it right after this. Who you're listening morning show? All right? Junior said, the Super Bowl fifty four is set? What's going on with set? Junior? You say anything? Okay? I want you all to know the pain that I'm in. I have not seen a playoff game. You cannot get a playoff game? Why we we We've tried stealing it illegal link. I called Steven day Smith to ask the tech boys at the ESPN could I watch it? No? Not go ahead, and Junior, you can't do none of that over that. You can't get the game. He stuck out. He don't even know who playing in the Super Bowl. Let's bring him up to speed. And they planned the Kansas City Chiefs in Miami on February second. Wait a minute, shout out to Dave. Shout out to every fan. Yes that's right. No, no, no, no, no, no me and Dave. When you are Cleveland Brown fan, no, who ever makes it to the Super Bowl from the AFC, you is, yeah, what about the Patriots last year? Ain't been watching the game? Oh you weren't a fan of that? No, no, no one, no, no Cleveland okay, Oh everything up there thanks to a yeah, Well, the Super Bowl had the Chiefs the favor to win. Uncle, what you think you think? Do you think they got it? Yeah? Forty nine, No, forty nine has got a great defense. Everybody's talking about it. I like forty nine. It's uniform best uniforms in the NFL. YadA, YadA, YadA, YadA YadA. Patrick Mahole, it's there. And this time he got in. He lost to Kansas City, I mean to New England last year. Yeah, he did well. They got over that hook. They're gonna be hard to beat. Man, They're gonna be hard to beat. Oh, I think it's gonna be a great super Bowl. Though. Who you think gonna win it? Oh? The Chiefs. I'm going with the Chiefs. I'm going with the Chiefs. Man, it ain't gonna Oh they got too much speed. It's gonna this's gonna be fresh call. This defense is gonna beat the man's side of Kansas. This defense is gold man hey cold, Yeah that's all. You don't have all that stats, the timing guy, anybody you got time to learn all that. Let me see what you that's it. Let me look at that. Yeah that's nice. I will see this game. So I'll be back. Yeah. Yeah, you're gonna be NFL NFL hot. Yeah, yeah, that's gonna be nice. Live on you excited, Steve. That's that's big. You're gonna see Tom Brady. Oh yeah this y'all get to meet Tom Brady because he ain't in it. Gonna say it what you gonna say? Sound nice? Love him. He's really a cool guy. Though, don't don't don't be nice. But I'm trying to do rub it in is what I'm saying. Rub it in thirteen in a row. You don't tell me what to do in tom Brady, but he can't wait. He had thirteen gay winning streak against the Cleveland brown Man. Please, but you want to have fun, Steve, you always do at the NFL. Yeah, off mic is better? Oh oh dog, they leave my mic. Oh I've been saying stuff I really want to say. When you're hosting real quick NFL honors? Are the athletes? Are they kind of stuffy? You know how you know off camera they better? But on't camera, you know you're looking at a group of people that's been cheered for their entire line. Yeah, they're not the clappingest group you've ever been in front of they all know how to clap it. Okay, some of them have never clapped in their life like that guy. Okay, all right. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's today's Strawberry letter, the subject keep your nasty hands off me, m all right, and we'll also have a prank phone call from the nephew. That's all coming up right after this you're listening morning show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today, this subject keep your nasty hands off me? All right, That is the subject right now, nephew in the building with today's prank phone call. What you got for is nev Queen in the church, Rain, Jesus queen in the church? In one more time? Who in the church? Rain? And this is what I got. That's it, let's run it Weed in the church. Man, Come on, Hello, I'm trying to read Dan, brother brother Dan Dan. Hello, Hello him, because let's see you that I'm trying to read brother Dan, Brother Dan. Oh, okay, yeah, this brother Scott from the church from the Baptist Hello, bro, Yeah, I call you. I'm trying to get a little information about the church band. What's what's your schedule? Uh? Will you drive the church man? And what's what's your schedule? I drive it Wednesday, Fridays and Sundays. Okay, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, last Sunday. What what is that schedule? O Sunday. I usually start about eight o'clock in the morning, probably a little earlier, depending on some of the elderly people that I had to go pick up and bring to the church. Make sure they get there okay, and get situated and make sure they are on time for the service and whatnot. Okay, and then you take them back home after service is over. Yes, I try to get all of them back home, unless they got family members or something that come up there and meet them up there and want to take them to Jena or sun afterwards. But I usually get about it back home okay. Okay. Yeah, this class Sunday, which is part of the reason why I'm calling you. Uh. They saying that, um, some of the church uh members that was on the band this Sunday. Uh. They are complaining saying that, um that the church vand was smelling like weed when they got on there. Excuse me, they say, the church van was smelling like weed when they got on there, and you are the person that was driving them. No, no, no, no, no, no no no, not not the van that that I'm driving. I'm I don't no, I don't. I ain't smoke weed, and no van. Do you smoke weed? No? I don't smoke weed. I mean not carry I mean I have before, but I don't smoke weed now and I wouldn't smoke weed before. Picking some people look to go to Now where you from? Who told you this? Well? All I know is what what? What's coming down the pipeline? Is they saying that that a couple of the members came complaining Nazi. This just happened last week about this pipeline. I want to know who the pipeline is because just last week they came and me talking about that I was using the van to go places that I wanted to go to on my personal time. Now I don't do that. I don't do stuff like that. And now i'd have had a path. I haven't had a history, but I don't do stuff like that, and I wouldn't smoking no church van. So are you seriously talking? What? What? What? What We're trying to We're trying to get to the bottom of it and see what's going on with you. Elderly person said, do you know which one? Don't they loved me? Every Sunday? Didn't people tell me they loved me? Uh? They say, I'm one of the most respectful young gentlemen they've ever met in their life. And so I really find it hard to believe that you you you getting these type of complaints about me. What I'm saying like, oh, we I don't know what that means or nothing like that. Look, brothers, I don't know you too well, and I know you don't know me. But I've been driving this van as as as a point to try to change my life and where I come from. So this was with some and that I want to volunteer even though I'm getting paid to give my time to do this for the church. And now this is like the second instance where y'all and came at me on some stuff about like I'm trying to do something with this van. Now, why would I disrespect the church van by smoking weed in it and then letting the weeds stay in there so other people could smell it? Okay, so let me tell you what we're gonna do. We're gonna go out here to the church. Then to say we're gonna go out here today and open it up. Now, if we see any seeds or anything around the driver's seat, then then then we're gonna we're gonna definitely, uh point, gonna open the van up. Man. I was raised in that church. Man, My mamma go to that church, my grandma, see go to that church. See the reason we even all left that church. And you think I'm gonna mess up they ain't by driving around in the band full of elderly people smoking and we need blood. Dad, I don't know how to the bad smell like weed, man, Now I don't. I don't got the answer to these questions. I'm just trying to tell you that it wasn't me. Did you have some weed in your part? I can admitted with your smell it. I ain't had no weed on me. Stop trying to say like I had weed on me and you ain't gonna get me nothing. I ain't had no and we ain't had no weed on me. Okay, Now, you ain't gonna mess up my name or my family's name in this church and disrespect us like this Now, We've been helping this church for years, and I'm trying to tell you that I ain't riding around and no fans smoking no weed with no elderly people. Did you ask any of the elderly people if they had any weed on them? Uh? No, we didn't. No, No, I didn't think about it. No elderly people having no weed. So you just assume it's me what one of them? Guy got coma or something? What? What? What you know? What? You know? Who? I think? What? Did you know? Who I think the weed belonged to? Oh? Oh, I think I think the weed belonged and nephew Till from the Steve Harvey Show. What the damn You just got a preak. Oh my god, you just got place to put name. His name is brother brother Lawrence, Lawrence Ross Lawrence. Oh my, Larry called Larry. But tell Larry, tell Larry in trouble with me? Van Man, I got one more thing. I got one more thing to ask you, man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land? Man Steve Harvey Morning? So man going no wrist man going on the chill out the rest of the day outside Man I know I ain't gonna smoke no weed, Queen rand you blaze the charity people. It's just for your Uh it's weed, I said, said Jake. He said weed, it's weird. He's absolutely right. A Team Tommy change team No, ain't gonna happen. No, they ain't. Ain't got no do with him being a Team Tommy. That's dude to heavy usage. That's what friends. He ain't got a damn thing do with being team tim after this long weekend, that's how he says it. Right here, man, Yeah, I bought him over here, and for a week he didn't know it. Oh, Jay, So tell us where all right? I got the Comedy Laugh Fence. The Comedy Laugh Fest is going down February fourteen, fifteenth, and sixteen, that is Valentine's weekend. We would jump it off in Cleveland, Ohio. That's on the fourteenth, and fifteenth would be in Cincinnati, Ohio, and the sixteenth would be in Memphis, Tennessee. That's me, that's Cedric to entertain. It's d O Hugley, that's Dion Cole and the one and only earthquake in the building. He gonna be shaking it up and it's all all of us. It's the comedy laugh fest. You don't want to miss it. Okay, tickets are on sale right now. I go to all the Ticketmaster outlets. I'll go to the box office and get your tickets. But the Nephew's coming to town along with an incredible crew. I feel good, y'all. I think, does that mean we ain't nothing? I mean I'm good at we just did we did we show in Philadelphia, guys, So I guess we wouldn't let this. This is going the wrong way. This is the wrong I didn't need it. I didn't mean. You're listening to morning show time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and if you need advice on relationships, on dating, on work, on sex, on parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air right here, right now, just like we're gonna read this one. Okay, love it? Yeah's been hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is Strawberry Letter, subject, keep your nasty hands off me. Dear Stephen Shirley. I him a thirty year old woman. That's in a dirty situation with my man. I love my man and couldn't have asked for a better partner, but there's one thing about him that ticks me off. He hates to wash his hands. We've been together for six years and we just got engaged. We moved in together last month, and that's when I noticed his nastiness. He works long days at a factory and when he comes home, he changes his clothes and flops down on the bed. At first, I didn't want to say anything and nag him about it, but last week I couldn't hold it any longer. When I questioned him, he asked me why was it? Was it bothering me because they're his hands and his germs. I didn't care to argue with him, so I let it go. Over the weekend, he was in our garage, tinkering around with his car and working on his motorcycle. He came straight into my kitchen and opened the refrigerator to get a beer, and then proceeded to get the bread out of the pan to make a sandwich. There was a visible trail of oil and grime everywhere he touched. I just stood there and watched him so I could go behind him and sanitize the kitchen when he finished. Whenever he's in the bathroom, there's a flush and then the door opens right afterwards. I decided to take the same attitude with him, and I started with holding sex. I told him I didn't want his germs from his hands on me. I told him he would have to fairly wash his hands and clean under his nails daily, or he's cut off from touching me. That caused an instant argument, and he says he can't marry a woman who treats him like a child. I can't believe that he's upset, that he's that upset. I don't want to get an infection from his nasty hands on me. How should I handle this? Please help well? I think you are handling it. I mean you have asked him, You've asked him nicely. You've not nagged him about it. You know, you've told him about the germs, how you don't want to get an infection. You're not treating him like a child. I don't think you're doing that at all. You are expressing how you feel about what he's not doing, and that's simply being clean. I mean, you find out a lot about a person when you move in together. And that's one of the things maybe you didn't notice in the six years you guys have been just dating before you got engaged, So now everything's come to light. You know, it's just a matter of simply being clean and good hygiene. Okay, for me, cleanliness is just a deal breaker. It just is. Anyone who doesn't wash their hands after using the bathroom, come on, now, they're just nasty, just nasty. He's even all in the kitchen, going all in the refrigerator and touching stuff, making sandwiches and stuff. No, you gotta wash your hands. What are you doing? You know, So after you've done everything, including withholding sex, and he still won't wash. I hope his hands is only you didn't mention anything else. But I hope that's that's it. I mean, yeah, it would do more than just tick me off. I'm just telling you, I would be absolutely mad and a paul. What makes I just think? You know, what makes you think he's gonna change after marriage? He's not gonna change. So if you don't get this situation settled before marriage, you're gonna be even more frustrated once you get uh, you know, till death do you part vows involved? So you're gonna have to deal with this, I mean, and he doesn't seem to be wanting to hear anything you have to say, so I don't know. This may not mister Nasty, may not be your man after all, Steve. Surely I agree with everything you've said. So that's a wonderful letter. But we're dealing with something here that is kind of crazy. Now you've been a gather six years and you got engaged, and you move then together last month six years and you just now notice in last month he nasty? What what do you must have been living in the most unobservational six year period enter any relationship. He worked out of factory. He come home, change his clothes, flop down on the bed, right down. When you work in a factory, which I have, you smell like the factory. It's a different air in the factory, man, because it's in a confined space, and the and the oil, the machinery, the combustion, all of that combined. It's just in the air. Every factory has a certain smell to it. You know, you at work, if you blindfolded by the smell, gets in your clothes, it's in your hair now, it's all under his nails. You just now noticing it. Then you questioned him about it, and he asked you why I was bothered him because they're his hands and his head germs. Well, your hands and your JEMs touched me. So you've done what you should have done. You've retracted from having sex. Now he's mad at you. And now he said he don't know if he can get married to a woman that treats him like a child. He had opened up the pantry with the refrigerator. I mean the bread made a sandwich. You got a visible trailer all in grime everywhere he touched. He making sandwiches, reaching down in the bread. And ain't what you often the refrigerator. How many times have you got slept upsideject? You don't come in this house and open this frigerator with washing your hands. Too many ass whippers for that right hand on stage here. Yeah, we'll get part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after the our subject keep your nasty hands off me. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening show, all right, Steve, Come on, let's recap today's strawberry letters, subject keep your nasty hands off me. It's an interesting letter. The woman's been dating this man. She's thirty years old, day this man for six years. They finally got engaged. She moved in and she noticed last month his nastiness. He works in the factory, comes home changing his clothes, flops down on the bed. She mentioned to him that that was bothering her. He didn't understand it. He said, why are you tripping? These is my hands and my jams. She wanted to wash his hand. She want to argue with you man. So then he's outside working on the car and a motorcycle came in the house refrigerator and left a trail of grime. He made a sandwich without washing his head. You can see grime everywhere. Goes in the bathroom, she hears a flush. The next thing, you know, here in the hallway talking. I'm out. I'm just do no wah. So she decided to take the same attitude with him, and the ladies started with holding sex. Told him I didn't want his germs from his hands on me unless he thoroughly washed his hand to clean under his nails daily, or he's cut off from touching me. Instant argument. This fool, mister Nasty says, I can't married a woman to treat me like a child. Well she came man, man that act like a child. So what is your two kids getting mad? Right? It's time to break up. But I think I have a few solutions. There are some things that you might have to try, lady. Obviously, withholding sets, he's not equating that to clinic because now he tripped. I think you gotta do little things to attract his attention. All of this has to do with the kitchen and things you can do to get him to understand the necessity for clinic. Here's a couple of suggestions you might want to try the next time. Y'all sit down and eat the meal. Take your shoes off, put them on top of the table. Don't say nothing. Just keep eating. Don't say anything. Here's another suggestion. You come out the bathroom and while y'all in the living room, while y'all in the kitchen, if you eat, just bring some tarlet tissue in there. Set it in the middle of the table. Don't open your damn mouth. Get you a sugar bowl, go outside, put some dirt in it. Put that on the table. And when you make his food, open it and just sprinkle a little dirt around the edge of his plate. Don't say damning, sprinkling around the plate, keeping it all over on his side of the table. If it just it'll make him feel more at home. Don't say nothing. Don't say nothing. From now, when it's time to make his sandwich. I want you to start reusing as much bread as you can. Yeah, you know, just reach out in there, get the end out the trash and it put a little peanut but on it, make a little Dirk Princes and just make a plate with just broken pieces of bread. Reuse bread. Matter of fact, before you make his sandwich with the bread, wipe off the counter with a slice of bread. Make his damn sandwich. Wow you oh you got to do serious to take his draws, prepare his draws. Yeah, just the house with it, wax the furniture, and then hand them to him to tell him have a nice to stay at work with them on. That's how you draw. Yeah, you have to do things to people who are nasty and don't even mention it. Baby, what did you? What did you? Washing the flu and then handing meet the straws. Just weary. I'm don't wear about it. Just John, You're gonna have to do things like that. Fellas. You have any suggestions, Yes, I have something. I have a couple right here. Yeah, but what do you have to lead his underwear, his underwear that he took off the night before, Wrap his sandwich with it, and then wrap that inlluminum fall when he go to work to eat his sandwich. Yeah, yeah, yeah, do that fall. His sandwiches is wrapped in his draw His sandwich is wrapped in his drobes. Yeah, Michael, if he like I got most men like you know, we like bananas, peel the banana, peel it down. Put the banana in his socks. Put that in his fock and know that his banana. Yeah, I gotta. She brought up socks. Jay, have a number. Wash his factory socks in a pot on the stove. I was, but serve it also as socks soup. Yes, but you gotta add to that. Put put some chicken in there. So if he didn't decide to eat around the socks socks soup, chicken chicken chicken, right, socks soup, they gonna need something to drink out. Yeah, they're gonna need something to drink that bad froom. Get that picture, fill it up, same colored lemonade. Yeah, that's another fun all right, we gotta go too much. If you have any suggestions, uh to Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. Also check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six after the hour Steve's viral cool swag walk video. We're gonna talk about that right after this. You're listening to the morning show. All right, So, Steve, you know you were trending yesterday because of your video. You know that video of your really cool walk you did the swag You know that, right? Do you remember that video? I didn't. I didn't even know it because I didn't know what I was being recorded. I had no idea. I ain't seen big dog. What do you do? Go to? Let me see what check him out. He's so cool you to and be clean to. Yeah. The song is a Eric sermon, just like oh yeah, so hold up when you walk. You have your own music got his own. I have a portable speaker, Jack, because I like my music man, and I don't want what they're playing out there in the house for the studio, so I will have my own speakers portable whatever I want to hear. I pick out my walk song for the play list. A lot of people asking for my playlist right now. Do some of your walk to walk through? Remember the time Michael Jackson for me? Another walk song is Michael Jackson's Rock My World. I walked to that, Eric Sermon, Marvin Gaye, just like me music. Do a lot of walking to Roger zapp a lot grape fine if you act now, Steve Hobby's graze walks out. Yeah, a lot a lot of walk tracks to that. Uh, Marvin gay I want you. I like that walk sometimes. Oh man, I got some I play some heaters, man, what about let's get it on the second part of Marvin gay get it on, gonna have to get it on. You like that? It's a good walk on. Yeah, I like it. But I haven't used that one yet. That one, it's a serious line of riches. Uh. I could see that when you walked. Hell yeah, hell yeah. A lot of Michael McDon uh. Oh man, I'll be walking man, And all I was doing was showing him it's a move. Me and Biggie wigg Is only to do it and it's just called a blackout. And me and Biggie Wig when it was trying to leave the club, He'same's black on out and we were tilt back and put our elbows back and just lean forward and walk lean backwards a walk, and we just called it the blackout. I was just telling it to the young people backstage one day. I didn't know my son Jason was coordinate with his ignorant ass. All right, go to Steve Harvey FM or Instagram and Facebook and see Steve's cool walk viral video coming up at the top of the hour. A little bit of comedy roulette for you. Yeah, we'll be right back after this. You're listening to show time now, guys for comedy roulette, Come on Jay and tell us what's It's very simple shit, We've been doing it for quite a while. You take three subjects, put them on a wheel, spun the wheel, wed stop. Because we're that good, we can make it funny. Intoto too, do it do it in the two too. All right, So here are the categories for today, guys. Things you say to people who double dip in the guacamole. We all know something done that. Yeah, that is no no, your chip gonna break. Also, things men say when they get caught red handed. Things men say when they get caught red handed. Let not that, Oh you don't want to do that one out, and then the last one. Things you say when your car won't start. All right, all right, I vote for guacamole. Please. I can't stand that double dipping. I can't fun it, fun it guacamole, double differ. Let's go, baby, get it's the one you didn't want, Tommy. Men say when they get caught red handed. Leg ain't nobody doing this. I'm gonna start it off. I'm gonna start it off. I'm start it off. You got to go straight, and you got to be serious when you say that. I don't know who tom out. I don't know Tomine. Things men say when they get caught red handed. Oh, I'll tell you what. Ask Tommy, Jay and Uncle Stee where ire see if I wasn't get there as no good in hair. Well, I'm not answering to my p thanks men say when you get caught red handed. I did all this because of what you did three years ago. I thought you had when out with Robert. That's the only reason why I did this is. That's why I did. I did what I did and give me one. Oh so you just gonna accuse me? Yeah, yeah, all right, Okay. Things men say when they caught red handed. I thought y'all had stopped speaking. When when you're gonna get listening to huh huh, I thought y'all weren't even talking anymore? Fake out he go. These men say when they get caught red handed in a lot. Okay, you right, you're right. I ain't worth for damn you're right forgetting Things men say when they get caught red handed. I'm naked because we don't never get naked. Okay, that's I'm naked because we don't get naked, all right now, that's the truth. Things men say when they get caught in a lie red handed. Now why would I do that? Why? How? How that sign my mama is a liar? Don't believe damn your mama. That ain't what your mama said. Things been safe when they get called red handed. You know what, I think it's best I leave. See, I think I just need to leave right now. See see this ain't going like I fought again my keys, And I'm just gonna go ahead because you need. Some times men say when they get caught red handed, ain't listen. I know I'm naked, but all this for the baby. You don't this this for the baby? That's yeah, before yeah, yeah, they all have all right, all right, thanks guys. Coming up add more of today's trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We'll be back in twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show. All right, So, Steve, I know you're here, you've been here all morning, but we want to we want to talk to the Earl of Nottingham right now. We got to holler at him about something he need. Yeah, hell yeah, all right on Neil acting, how hello that Noel had you? Thank you for having me shout it. Hey, black Duke of Earl's, Black Duke of Altingham. What could I do for you today? Obviously there's something to do with the news conference? Yeah, well, we right, we just wanted an update about Prince Harriet and Megan Markle. You know they're really no longer working members, no longer working members of the royal family. Um. Harry says he has the utmost respect for his grandmother the Queen. He still loves his country, the uk um. So what are the details of the new arrangement they say they're going to be self supporting now, is that it They're going to repay the taxpayers of public funds that they used to renovate their house. That's almost two point four million dollars or something. And we'll go all the details right after the breaking to go along with that outside, I don't have enough time to go and do it, mainly because David's good ten sackerds right, We'll be back with the Earl of Addingham right after this. You're listening to Steve hard Morning Show. All right, here we are back live with the Earl of Addingham. We like to call him the Black Duke of Earl and uh you know he lives in the palace. I'm the other black that was now the fault, Malcolm. I'm the legitimate child of Charles. Oh really, and they asked me to tone it down. I could live there as long as I never mentioned in of course, I think advantage of it. I've never told anyone that I was child, been brought up in the ways. I'm from the hood originally, but I've learned to talk with my lips pulled back to my ass. Yeah. So go ahead, Shelley, let me explain to you what's going on with Harry. All right, the Black Duke of Earl Okay, Well, Prince Harry and Megan marking the Megan Markle they are no longer working members of the royal family. So what is that about. First of all, bring up the horns, please, thank you to have the horns. You say they are no longer working members of That just means simply that Harry don't want to go fill the pump and circumstance anymore, riding carriages, standing saluting the damn dods at the gate and waiting on the DoD. No opening up the back door and letting the dogs run free first, That's simply what that means. He does like the pump and going to the meetings and sitting here that drinking that damn tea dom t. Turns out that miracle likes apple juice and they've never had it at the castle. So I'm moving to Canada, simply calls well. Harry said. He has the utmost respect for his grandmother, the Queen. He still loves the uk uh, but they're no longer going to use their royal titles. I was absolutely made Harry is telling the truth. Absolutely loves the Queen. He absolutely does that the Queen loves him as rather obvious, but he just wanted to be Harry. He started listening to hip hop music and he wants to be referred to as Harry O Harry want to be Prince Harry anymore? Want Harry oh better known as King Choppa that the royal but else? Shelly quickly, Well, they're gonna have to be self supporting now. And the taxpayer money that they used to to remodel their their cottage, they're gonna have to pay that back. That's that's like even white people don't return I've never met a white person ever gave a money back who returns money. We got Black Duke of Earl. Come in anytime you need. We appreciate you so much. We'll be back with our last break. I'm hunting some closing remarks from Steve Harvey right after this at forty nine minutes after you're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, Steve, here we are last break of the day. It's been a good day, good Tuesday. After our long and day. Okay, get on your job. Yeah, like an after Yeah, all right, one more time, take to Ja. Here we are, Steve, our last break of the day. It's been a good day. Break of the day. There we go, There we go. It's been a good day. Good Tuesday, after our long MLK weekend. Yeah, so, Steve, you have some closing remarks. Yeah, you know, I'm working over here. I'm in Johannesburg and we were shooting this time. We're shooting a family feud for the country of Ghana, and I've just been noticing the more time I spend over here, the greater dis similarities that I find. We have got to bridge the gap between Africans and African Americans. We have to. I am finding ways to get it done. I really I love the year year of the Return that they did in Ghana. I love a lot of things that are doing. We're doing some stuff with the tourism board over here. But man, we've got to bridge I can't even tell tell you how how we are the same. It's it's it's it's pleasantly shocking how much we are the same, how much we belong connected, how this is the land of our ancestors. It really, it's no mistaking it. So, I mean, it's how everybody knows that anyway, right. But I think when you come here, I think the shock of it all is what gets me. And I'm still constantly shocked because it's like when I'm looking at the audiences sometimes it looks just like when I was on tour with the Kings of Comedy and the crowd was ninety six percent black, And these audiences look like Detroit, Chicago, DC, Philly and Atlanta, Dallas, New York, Miami, Charlotte, Saint Louis. They look like it, Man, Shreveport, they look like it. At the way, the way we dance, the way we move. I've watched so many African videos over here, music videos, what they've done to stay in touch with us, and how we are so linked through vibration and beats and rhythm and style. I've watched so many gospel shows over here, you know, and they'll be singing gospel songs in another language, and you won't understand exactly what they saying, but you know what they're saying, and you hear them, and their singers sound exactly like us. They're not imitating us. They're doing them They're not imitating American gospel artists. They're doing themselves. It's just that they and us are the same. And that is going to be one of the focal points of me spending more and more time over here. It's to bring us here in large groups, in large numbers, so we can experience our ancestral roots. I think it's so important. Man. I'm not just saying this because I'm doing it now. It's something I've always wanted to do, but I want everybody to experience this. My hope is that African Americans make coming to Africa a mission, just like Muslims do going to the Mecca, or just like going to the Holy or just like whatever any other cultural thing is for people. People go home. Italians go to Italy. They still have great grandfather's that's from there. And they go back to Italy, they go to Poland, they go to France, they go everywhere. They go to their home. They go to Scotland and Ireland. It's all good Saint Patty's Day. They all get together and it's a beautiful thing. Black people should have that outside of just the family reunion, we should have somewhere we can go to experience it, and Africa is it. I don't care if you're Jamaican. I don't care if you're a Caribbean. I don't care if you're Bohamian. I don't care you came from there. I think it's important. I think it's so important, man, and I'm gonna do everything in my power to try to make it available, to make it as affordable as I can for as many people to come and experience this and the the beautiful thing of it all, and the most I think the biggest takeaway for me was the feeling that I have of waking up every day and going to work and driving and stopping and going in stores or going to eat and experiencing my life not as a minority, but for the first time every day I wake up, everywhere I go, I experienced for the first time being in the majority, and on my goodness, it is an overwhelming feeling. And after a while, man, you really take note of it and you go, Wow, this is the way I really enjoy feeling. Because we all have always been the We've all been the only one on the elevator, in the department, on the job, on the bus, We've been the only one at the outing, the only one. We've all experienced that. And you know for a fact that it causes you to be a certain kind of way that's gone when you come here. I want everybody to experience. That's my clothes remarks today. Hey y'all, y'all look here, let's have a great weekend. We just well, let's get back on it again. Have a great weekend for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void ware prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to Stew