Good morning and welcome to the ride! Today's show is dedicated to the grateful. We are back in Dallas baby! Uncle Steve has a black gold story. The Jackpot Joint of Jerusalem has an impeachment hearing for Pastor Motown. We have the highlights of the AMA's and talk about Frozen 2 in Entertainment News. Today we kick off The Steve Harvey Morning Show Turkey Giveaway. The giving is countrywide with our affiliates. Have your ever heard irrelevant Thanksgiving conversations? Turkey Day is the biggest overeating holiday and we have a list of the necessary side dishes. The NFL fined Mason Rudolph for fighting with Cleveland. Is it smart to beef with your significant other on social media over strippers and escorts or nah? Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks about God's unmerited favor and so much more.
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Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all back all suit on, looking back to back down, giving the move like theming buck bus things in the cub me true good Steve ha listen to mo together for ste Barby, I don't join joined me to be with me. You gotta turn hur you gotta turn to turn them out, turn got to turn out to turn the water the water got me? Come come on your back at it? Uh huh, i's your will. Good morning, everybody, y'all listening to the voice. Come on dig me now one it only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Hey man, back in business too, Man Man? How good is God? I mean, really, if you think about it in spite of all that's going down in your life, first of all, it could be worse. But secondly, sometimes you have to remember. And I've just had to have this conversation with myself this morning. That's how I'm fresh on this one right here. When a challenge faces you, are you going through a difficult moment, or you didn't hit a bump in the road in the middle of that, If you could manage to be grateful, it would take you a long way Gratitude is a powerful resource if you can be grateful in the middle of it. Gratitude is a powerful resource when it's dim for you. An I got a little bumpy on the road, and he ran into some obstacles, and you didn't ran up into some detooled signs, and your journey ain't smooth as it was last week or last year. You gotta be grateful for the things that are going right and that have gone right, and for the thing that's wrong right now to get right? Man? Can I share that with you? Man? Is that a tough one to learn? It is for me. It has been one of my toughest challenges is to learn how to be grateful because it's a powerful resource, but how to be grateful in moments of despair when it ain't going right. See here's a mistake I would make. See when something go wrong, I want to focus on the wrong so much in an attempt to fix it. But even then the focus ain't always in to fix it. The focus becomes, Man, this is bad. Man, I can't believe this is happening. Why just keep going down? That doesn't fix anything, you know, mealing over it, going over what's wrong explaining it, sharing it with your friends, you know, making it sound worse than it is, tell the story for pity from other people. All of that, right there, has nothing to do with the fix. Sometimes you're just mulling over it. You're just making it worse. You're just making it a bigger problem. You're manifesting it into your atmosphere, You're putting it out there in your spirit. Now all of a sudden, it consumes your day. Next thing, you know, you're having a bad day. If you're having a bad day, it's because you've been having some bad thoughts. So what I've had to learn how to do, and what I'm working on this morning is I'm working on the situation that's been cropped up. I was going kind of smooth here for a minute, and now I didn't got real bumpy in the road, you know, and all this here. So what I'm thinking about now, though, is even though I've hit a bump in the road, and even though i'd and ran into a detour, and even though I've hit this luve, I'm going down into a valley, I ain't up on the peak. Can I not still be grateful for all the things that God has given me, for all the things he's done for me, for all the things he's brought me through, and realizing that even this that's happening to me again is going to pass too. He gonna get me through that attitude. Come on, man, God is a good god. Man. It's a lot to be grateful for. So while I'm tripping on this bumping the road out and here, what I gotta remember is all the things He's done for me. And like I say, my saying is joy and depression cannot reside in the same place. So instead of being down about this new bumping the road, if I'm constantly filling my mind with the thoughts of how good He's been to me, of what all he's done for me, of all the things he's brought me through, of all the blessings he's presented me with, when I go down that list, I really don't have a lot of time to mull over the situation. Now. Do I have to fix this bump in the road. Of course I do. Are There's some things I'm going to have to do to straighten it out, of course it is. But Steve just going to get the business of doing it and straighten it out what you mulling over and wearing about it for you know, old people. I heard old people say something I was growing up in the church. They say, if you're gonna pray about it, don't worry about it. But if you're gonna worry about it, don't pray about it. That's an amazing thing. And prayer just happens to be my weapon of choice. Now, it ain't always been that way. I want you to understand that my first weapon of choice was you do it to me, I do it to you. You call me out, I call you out, you say something bad about me, I've tried to find you and say something bad about you. That was my weapon in the past. How did that work out for you, Steve? Not so good? Because you know what, I spent a lot of time fight back, kicking back, swinging back, when I could have spent all that time climbing. See, all you're trying to do at the end of the day, folks, is have a better life than the one you got. All you're trying to do is to improve your position in life. You know, it's not my business to make sure you don't get where you're going. Ain't got no time for that it's not my job to assure that you ain't as high as me. I ain't got no time for that. Your real mission and purpose is to have the best life that you can have, to ascend to the highest plateau that you can get to, to make your family as comfortable as you can, to provide as much as you can for your family. But legally, see, those of us are sitting up here trying to come up with sideways. You can ask a couple million men sitting in prison today how they wish they hadn't have done that, and they'll tell you, Oh, man, I wish I never had did it. I knew not to go down there. Something told me not to go down there. Man. If I could change things, I would. But they're sitting somewhere doing some time that had they made another decision, they wouldn't have to do. Now. I don't make them throw away people, na man, because everybody make mistakes, and God is in the forgiving business. And some of us have done some things that really broke the law, and a whole lot of other things and deserve to do some time. But through the grace of God, we didn't. But now we set up here and we passed judgment on people who got to do something. Man, I don't care. I don't care what you've done. God can't forgive anything, but our position, our motivation in life is to try to have the best life we can have and provide for those around us and make it comfortable. If that's your ambition, you don't have time to worry about or concern yourself with another person. And I wasted time doing that, and that's not the way to get it done. It's simply mind to your business, taking care of you and getting yourself right and tight. It's twenty four seven, so that's a full time job. So what I had to learn was and what I the reason I've chosen prayer as as my weapon of choice now is that now prayer helps me that I don't have to fight back. Now, if I get cornered, I'm gonna fight you. I ain't even gonna lie to you. And now I'm still working on some things that trigger me. You know, you know, you know, and and and and so I'm I'm slowly getting better at that. But I've learned that my weapon of choice is prayer now. So when it happens ugly for me, I pray about it. When it get tight and dismal for me, I pray about it. And the thing about prayer, man, is prayer changes things. Yes, it does. Now read about it and try it. That's the deal. Okay, come on, prayer as a wonderful weapon. You're listening. Hey, ladies and gentlemen, look here, let me have your tips please. Uh. It is the week of Thanksgiving week, and so we're kicking this show off. This show is dedicated to everybody. Now you should have you should be grateful every day. Let's just be honest with them. If you ain't known Thanksgiving to be grateful, something's wrong with you. But today's show is dedicated to the grateful, not the group the grateful dead. We're talking about just the grate This. Young people don't even know what I'm talking about. No, some of you have no idea. Yeah, the grateful dead though, boyd, that was yeah, Truley Strawberry. So much. Should be grateful for Steve, Good morning, Carlin for rel very grateful Good morning Steve. What's up crew, Ladies and gentleman, Julian boy morning, uncle, I'm so grateful. You can't you can't stand The next intro if somebody that's probably most grateful, the most Oh yeah, chemo free, chemo free streets up in the streets. Boy, you know what up? What up? What up? Something? Man? Yeah? Man, oh now you're off chemo of chemo baby, But let me ask this. Are you still bitter? Oh yeah, Cancer don't kill bitterness. I mean no, it just don't. I can't die. No, no, oh, I don't let nothing go all that's still inside the chemo cameo. Chemo is a strong you know, it's very strong. He killed cancer, but he can't touch bitterness. Bitterness. Relater just been like, Keimo, bring your ass on up in here, so we got some play. I know how to bring it out. Yes, yes, you're welcome, Thank you. Ain't I'm in here with one On baby. One On just paved to my side. We call him one gun, Steve, one gun. He's one one gun. It's his responsibility, Steve to carve the turkey. Yes, thanks, I'm gonna cut this. It ain't gonna be in it ain't gonna be sliced, real nice jag. You don't need somebody to hold it while you cut it, Timmy, because you ain't gonna slip away if you just got attacking. The family has a new nickname for Tommy. What what is it, Steve? It's called one Short? Why Short? Got to be in it that way, everybody know who we're talking about. One sure, why Short? All day? Love? Well, Well let's get it started today. Yeah, it's gonna be fun. I mean, you know, the holidays are here. I love them, just love them. Yeah, me too, me too? Yeah, all right, coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, we'll do our weekend review. We'll find out what we did over the weekend. That's coming up right after this. You're listening to show well before we get to weekend review, guys, we're so excited. We gotta say this to be on the air. Back on the air in Dallas, Texas. All right, thank you, Dallas, Welcome back to our home station. Yeah krn B FM, smooth R and B one oh five point seven in Dallas. Yes, Soda as the leader of the bunch. Yeah, I'm not surprised, Steve, I'm just not surprised. Uh huh, take us off for what? WHOA so you want? So you want to try something? I think it's good. Now, listen to me. I think it's good to experience things because it makes you more appreciative. Now we love Dallas. Let me tell you how special Dallas is to me. Man, Come on, Dallas started me on a path that no other city gave me the opportunity. When I started in the late eighties at a nightclub owned by a dude named Alvin Scott. The name of the club was Vookoo Ray. I went Dad and I said, I convinced a guy to give me a one nighter at Vookoo Ray. Now all I had to say who I was was that was a blurb of me in Jet magazine with a head shot. That head you know, they used to do something something quote of the week and they put one of my quotes in that. That was my only claim to fame. I wasn't on Showtime. It did Apollo, Yet none of that opened up one nighter. It started off really slow, it started gathering momentum. After a while, you could not get in Vookouray in Dallas. After that, I opened up my own club called the Steve Harvey Comedy House on Camp Wisdom Road. Steve Harvey Camp Steve Harvey Comedy House started the direction I'm in. I became the host of Showtime and the Apollo from that building right there. And I got my first TV show, Me and the Boys, in that building right there. Dallas, Texas is my home. I used to live there. I still got a house there. It's owning cracking. Now we're back, come home. Yes, we love Dallas. Yeah, we didn't leave you, Dallas. You know what's the wind. I went to all in places, all in places, man, all of them live in Dallas. Man, Dallas is nice, boy. But we talked about your club. Yeah. Friend of mine said he used to start at your club. He said, you told him one night, you will never see another comedy club like this. I didn't know you had a dance flowing them. No, dog, I had to make money, ain't Yeah, everything you used to the right. Erica Badude used to take tickets and then I made her my assistant, and she convinced me to be the stage manager. Little did I know, she just wanted to set the mic up so she could sing in it. So I believe dinner. And I got a keyboard and I used to play a little few chords on the keyboard, and men and you could ask Erica Badu. We recorded an album into Steve Harvey Comedy House, and the name of the album was Section eight and all our songs was about being Poland we wrote eight songs about being Poe Erica Badu has become a major star from that. What now, now, let me share this with you, my weekend review. I'm still in Ghana, the nation of Ghana. They're very good to me. I love Ghana. I'm still here. That's where I'm recording from this morning in Ghana. Uh And so I've been here. A friend of mine owns a company called Springfield Energy, and I met him a couple of years ago in Abu Dhabi. We became friends. He was in an oil drilling business and just recently, over ten days ago, he's no longer in the oil drilling business. He struck oil. He is the first African or Black person to own an oil weale in deep water. Wow. And his oil wheel, his oil, his history making his oil welle is a large one. And they will start They've tapped it, They've capped the whale and everything. I've been out on the oil rig with him, and they're gonna start pulling up barrels and this spoil right here will be one of the richest men in Ghana, and he's your best friend of the whole white world. Yes, wild money comedy. Wait wait, okay, let me help you out. It's no, no, no, see it's still in comedy. It's still j Anthony Brown and sentiment. It's still money though. From childhood my best friend Ricardo Proof, man of Calhoun, Butcherman of Ale Brown, John Money, Tommy Camera. But later on in life my best friend became the legendary Biggie Wig and my college friend. It's all from Marvels to Spade, Toko Cheek, all them, but in mind the game of life. Vin. Yeah, and I'm staying at his house. He's a gail to your open, a nobody's house. Yeah, well, just look at different house. This is a little what Steve, don't just say house, it's a palace. I have come and Marjorie was here, Marjorie left. Marjorie had to go home take care of some business for the family. So I'm here alone and I'll meet her in Abu Dhabi later this week for the Formula one race. I'll be joining my wife again and abud So and Kevin is gonna come to Abudabi with me. But that's why I met him, And this is not a house. Don't don't don't don't don't call this a house. This house. I'm in the house myself. He ain't here. Coming up, We gotta we gotta move on. But coming up next, it's Reverend Motown Deacon deaf Jam with church complaints right after this you're listening. Coming up at the top of the hour, and entertainment news. We're gonna talk about last night's American Music Awards and Frozen two is the number one movie in the country people. Also Miss Anna's standing by, Yeah, miss Anna standing by with today's national news. All of that at the top of the hour. But right now it is Monday, and Reverend Motown and Deacon def Jam are here with what else but church complaints on this Monday. We oh, oh gracious, bought niferous and can for donnamy, but that we are here in this place makes it sound so real. Giving you more graphic two it then most would adulation lives a man a deacon with the pontificty church. Well, I passed that I hate to bring this up be the bearer of bad news, but we will not be doing church complaints this morning. All right. It has been brought to our attention of the Jack Pott Joint of Jerusalem from the Board of Directors. It has been brought to our attention that we need to hold a hearing or impeachment on our pastor Reverend at nor Is here as well as Deacon Junior. And we have some questions that we were like we have right here right now. The impeachment hearing has now started. We're gonna start with I'm bull officers. Yeah, well, just just answer the questions. You ready, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead. You have to recognize them. Yeah, well, I recognize no time you take the floor, you control it, all right, all right? I would you recognize you know who the people's is passed? All the days were dripping everything. Don't worry about that. Just answered. It's been brought to eye tension path that that the Praise dancers and twenty fifteen they raised two thousand and seven hundred and fifty dollars. You brother, person that collected the money and you gave them a hundred dollars. That's why they're still in the nasty white performing clothes. What happened to that money? What happened to that that Bunny donated to the Ukraine government to help hopis amen, Pastor, We're with you, pastor. We went our pastor. Yes, that's right, yeah, thank you, Pastor. There was a phone call on July sixteenth, twenty fourteen, with Deacon Adrian Dugas. Did you tell him as this church did you do that? Did you do? Pastor? Would never my pastor. I said, I found it this church, past and I said, if you said I founded the church that started with now I did say, if you, deacon, that's true one out of two. Back, since we have an impeachment here for the pastor, I have a question for you for in the past year. In the past year, you have made seventeen trips to Atlantic City to Atlantic City, seventeen trips, and we like the answer, know who is cooking? Who is cooking? We need it is? Who is Yeah, who is cooking cooking? Is Magic Johnson's wife. That girlfriend name is Stormy, who needed saving and therefore I had to take all this trip called Stormy was going down the beaten path of pornography and I had to save Hull and that was what the trips to Atlantic City was for. Who our pastor does not lie seventeen is the number of completion? Seven word, please, seventeen is the number of completion? Sister Shirley, our bible reference. What is the number for completion? Whatever you say it is, pastor you said it was seventeen, so it is seventeen. Ye, table, nothing to do. Let me ask this be the whistle blows gold on one second. He's a deacon. You called him Tommy, Now you call down, pass him new attention. He's under pressure. That's why he's telling out of time, and if he gets impeached, I will be after. Let me keep giving him. The whistle blower tells us that you own a cabin, a boat, and a G wagon in the Rocket Mountains. How was all that that paid? That's what the whistle has. Has the whistle blower seen this g wagon this boat? Has the whistle blower been to the mountains now? Unless this whistle blower name is Moses, I don't know. Nobody been to the mountain top Moses and Marl Luver King. That's all I know. Do you own a G wagon and cabin in the Rocket Mountain? Answer the question answered the question, of course, our own a g wagon and a cabin in the mountains. They don't let us go to camp David. We got to go somewhere. Amen, Amen, pastor needs Amen, Amen, don't don't. I have uh explained sister Gilmos bra in your office to try why she was the financial person of the church. Why was that in there? What's that? Sister Gilbo's bra had got hung up on a thread in her panis and she had that all under her role. You had to take that up with Sister Gilmo. I found it and hung it on the back of the door case. She needed to come back in and get it. That is going to have to conclude this. Uh no, damn body coming up at the top of the hour entertainment at National News. Right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. We're selling excited. We gotta save this. We are so excited to be back in Dallas. Yes, welcome back. Yeah, welcome back to our home station, Dallas Fair. Oh my god, Dallas Fair is unbelieving. Henry Campbell, what's up? Back your legs and Fried butter Man fin take Yes, stay Fair, big text. All the people that live around it that let you park, and they driveway so and they make a little money. I loved it. Come on, you got you got room and you know what else like about it? You can separate with your people and tell them where to me that meet me at the Big texts. Okay, we got everybody got four whiles. We all meet back at the Big damn take or just meet me at the get lost. But we're shotting out our homestation. Kr N k R N B F M smooth R and B one oh five point seven. Thank you, Dallas, We love you, Dallas in the building. Call him Gary, you know, yeah, but you know, okay, but if he says, hey, that's black as Tommy, you know, I'm defending my friend and he's just Gary. I never called him white Gary. I called him. He don't say hey, big big lip as Steve. All right, So Dallas, it is time now for our Yeah. Today's entertainment news last night was the American Music Awards. It was live from Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles. It was hosted by Our Girls See Era. The performers included Lizzo, Selena Gomez, real life couple Camilla Cabeo, Sean Mendez, Billie Eilish, Tony Braxton, Kesha, and the Queen of Bounce Big frieda Wow. Presenters, Yeah, yes, presenters Tyra Banks, Misty Copeland, Jamie Lee, Curtis, Regina King, Michael Elie, Meg The Stallion, Billy Porter, Constance Who, Taylor Swift. We all know the controversy there. She was honored as the Artist of the Decade. You know, she's been in somewhat of a battle about the rights to her songs, being able to sing her songs on the Awards show. But they own the rights, Scooter Braun does, and anyway, he got a lot of death threats and stuff. So yeah, yeah, so they're trying to come to a meeting. It's really trifling the way they do these artists. Man, you know, these people sing these songs they deserved, They just do. I don't know the particulars of it, but it's sad when you hear about these artists that are the creators and the produce and they sing the songs and then turn them into hits, and then somebody on the background won't give them control of them because they're greedy. I don't know how particularly anything about that's hello, that's true statement because that's true. Yeah, And some people say, hey, it's just business. They own the music. It's there, you know. It's hey, everybody judging like that. But they hide those clauses. Those clauses are hidden, and they're written in a way where you may not and it's just tough how they take advantage of these. Yeah, it is, it is. But Taylor's fans, uh, they're they're coming through for her. And other entertainment news, Frozen two, the movie sequel to the twenty thirteen animated hit, scored big at the box office. I saw it. I saw it, Shelley. That ain't what you said. That ain't what Yeah, I know what you're talking about, Steve. There was a lot of singing in it. Yeah, there was a lot a lot of singing in it. Anyway, it's time for you to take us to the headlines and the stand whatever, miss and thank you very much everybody, and good morning. On the beginning of this Turkey week, this is answered with the news the Secretary of the Navy out of a job. He resigned, although it really wasn't his idea. Basically, Defense Secretary Mark zwer has fired the head of the US Navy, Richard Spencer, over his handling of the case of Navy seal Edward Gallagher now. Gallagher was accused of several war crimes, including the stabbing to death of a young Arab prisoner with a hunting knife. They say he went into the into the stall where the prisoner was helped and just stabbed him to death and then posed with the body. Gallagher was convicted of taking pictures with a dead body, but he was acquitted of other charges. The Navy reduced Gallagher's rank though over his behavior. President Trump, however, ordered that Gallagher would be given back his rank, but then the Navy secretary order Gallagher to at least give up his Navy seal pen again. The President apparently disagreed, so the peary defense said he fired him. In Alabama, authorities say that a well liked black police sheriff was fatally shot in the head by a young white man in Lounge County on Saturday night. They say the sheriff, John Williams, was killed after walking over to a vehicle outside a convenience store and asking the alleged suspect, eighteen year old William Chase Johnson, to turn the music down. Johnson's being held without Bill Kennedy. They say he's shot Chriff Williams point blank in the head a white cop in Tucson, Arizona. Get this is under investigation for brutally attacking a fifteen year old black teenager who has no arms or legs. And it was all caught on video. Yeah, the Democratic primary field has officially grown. Former New York City a mayor of Michael Bloomberg has finally thrown his hat into the ring for president yesterday. And it's done more and more, you know, these days by video. And that's how he did it, dropping more than thirty seven million dollars on a TV ad campaign Jobs Creator, Leader, Problem Solver, Mike Bloomberg for President. I'm Bloomberg and I approved this message. Bloomberg, one of the richest men in the world, is setting himself up to skip the first four primaries in New Hampshire, South Carolina, Iowa, Nevada, and to compete on the upcoming Super Tuesday primaries which take place on March third. Since leaving office in the Big Apple, you know, Bloomberg has been spending a lot of time and effort trying to fight for a climate change legislation to worry about that, and also he's been trying to get guns out of the hands of a lot of US citizens. Republicans in the US Senate have block legislation that would provide funding for staces to show up election security and create more transparity pants parency around online ads. No real surprise at the weekend box office, Frozen two leftist competition Cold with a jaw dropping one twenty seven million in this country, three hundred and fifty million elsewhere. Chadwick Boseman's twenty one Bridges came in number four with a little over nine million dollars. Now step back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to morning show time now for tell me something good. Here's some good news today, Steve. Today we kick off the Steve Harvey Morning Show Turkey giveaway all right today in Atlanta. Yeah, that is big today in Atlanta our home station in Magic one oh seven five ninety seven five. They're teaming up with the City of Refuge and tomorrow the giving continues all over the country from La KJLH working with local food banks in Washington, DC, wh u R. We have partnered with the Rainbow Community Development Center and Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority in New York City with one oh seven point five w BLS. We're working with the new Greater Bethel Ministries of Queens Village in Philly. Our one oh five point three w Das family is partnering with Dare to Imagine Church. We have more cities and organizations to tell you about later in the show. Carlo, you're gonna be in Birmingham. Yes, I will be in Birmingham this week for the Steve Harvey Morning Show Annual Turkey Giveaway with our home station in the Ham hot Ham hot one oh seven seven seven. So I can't wait to go and hang out in Burnham. What was that? Who's doing that? You know who it is? Either Shirley or Jade right right, Well it was time because I can't. I can't talk and do turkey sounds about turkeys. Can I just say a little quick yes? Commercial on television with its turkey, it's trying. Have you seen it? Have you seen? I'm just putting this at the after Thanksgiving. We don't need to see this damn turkey. Okay, this just need to be go. Okay, don't look like he's doing turkey. He just killed man. He got his own flades. He driving of those commercials. D Yob. Yeah, this is a big week for giving back, Steve, And all we can say, like we do every year, is thank you for being so generous, you know, from a Yeah, all of us, Steve Harvey morning, all of us part of this, Yeah, Hu, all of us. Absolutely, it's a family affair. Yeah, And it makes a difference people who are not doing anything to go down and help them give out food to the homeless and give out the tricks. They always need extra help. So that is really it makes you feel good about yourself, It really does giving back. And you can yeah, and you can volunteer with like we said, some of these organizations that our radio stations are partnering with, they always could use volunteer. That's why I'm going to Birmham help out volunteer, right Jack, All right, well, coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, we're gonna have some meanly meaningless Thanksgiving conversation. You'll see what we mean when we come back right after this, just meaningless go nowhere conversation at all. Right after this, you're listening, all right, everybody? This Thanksgiving time, you at your mama's house, you at your friend's house, you just gathered around you in the living room, kitchen or this, and you're having these conversations. Two things, you don't have all the information and the other one is they don't make no damn sense at all. But what you're talking they sound something like this. Now, last year we was over at um that see, we was at Um. Who's house was at last? It was Charlotte that we was at Kenneth Wayne house last Kenneth Wayne, Kenneth Wayne, Kennethwayne. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Kennewayne. Because what happened was we were trying to watch the game and it had the small as they had a small t Zeno was, yeah, yeah, you're talking about Kenneth Wayne. That's marriage but missing his ring finger. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. Y'all think y'all think Ricky gonna get out and then be able to make it connext years Thanksgiving. I don't know, miss he's missed seven now, I don't know, I don't I don't know the call he goes off of parole every year. I heard this girl Carlicia is gonna bring just bring the turkey and addressing, but you know what about the prison. When I heard about her, she had seen somebody else and they would take her to the prison to see him. Why in the car she sees somebody she'd had two babies, Why Ricky in now to stick to baby. Why y'all keep back like y'all don't know this. But why she named that second baby? Why nay? The baby daddy name is Rickett. And she told though Ricky she would have had a slow pregnancy and the baby is his. She said the whole two years head in there that those was his babies child and he believed it and he believed it. Now the baby don't look like Rickett. The baby looked like little Richet. Ain't rich That's what I've seen. Got the hair cutting, everything got him looked just like just like and his first words were shut up, shut us. The baby that I don't know what that was, but I whi baba. Yeah, it's amazing. At three years old he was a babba. Yeah. But why strange is the baby looked like but have you seen the daddy. The daddy looked, yes, like Chucky. That's crazy, That is really crazy because I saw him at the walmart with him and I thought it was Miles Davis. Really like, oh you know who that is. That's not him. That's the grandmama that looked like Miles Davis. I remember, Patty. It was Hattie, Remember Hattie, just like Miles Davis. Yeah, yeah, what she Just listen. I don't want to worry y'all with that, Mama. Okay, I go ahead. We didn't ran out of cran beer or sauce. I'm just telling ya, we didn't ran out of cranberry. Well that's not the sauce though, that's the actual berries. And don't know nobody like that. Yeah, something, what is anybody? Anybody's ask me? Hungry? Guess that's why we're all here here. You're ready to ate one time? I just you know it ought to be time for uh, you know, for backing folks. Yes, we got to pray again. Who's gonna say the prayer this time? No? No, we don't, No, we don't. Don't. Don't you let me lose his memory? Still bless its still your blest amen, you don't bless it twice? Bless yes, ma'am. Somebody Herbert to get his hands after potato salad, Herbert his hands to say, you here, just lean it anywhere you have this, Thanks go nowhere. Thanksgiving convos coming up. It is the nephew would run that prank back right after this. You're listening morning show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today's subject. My husband is really feeling himself. But right now the nephew in the building with today's prank phone call? What you got fourth nav go big or go home? Go big or go home, go bigger, go home. Let's go get Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Darnel. Darnel, see, I know how you doing. This is Scott Shame with Bigger, bigger and better, where we make you large and in charge. How are you doing today? Scott? Who Ima? Scot with bigger and better, where we make you large and in charge. I'm good, Scott? What's up? We were actually, uh given a phone call by your wife your wife? Is that correct? Yeah? Okay, well, um you know your wife's um your wife's birthday is coming up pretty soon, is that right? Yeah? Yeah, so a couple of weeks. Yeah, it's coming up. Okay. Have you have you decided on getting or anything or have you purchased anything yet? No? No, I got a couple of days in mind. Um, well, actually, uh, we got a call from from I think we've got something that's gonna that's gonna really help you guys, and and something I think that she wanted to recommend that something that you probably wouldn't wouldn't think about getting. Oh I'm all is okay and racking my brain. So I'm is actually gave us a call. She's actually had an idea, you know, what she would really really like for her birthday present? So what's the name accompany you? Bigger and Better? Um, Like I said, hello, she called you. I'm sorry, she called you to give me a deal on what I should get her for her birthday. Uh. Yeah, well this is this is something that's a little a little different than something that you probably would never in a million years think of. But here at Bigger and Better, where we make you large and in charge, we actually do some things that we definitely know you wouldn't have thought of. So I definitely understand her giving us what's your name against Sam Scott? Scott Scott, get to the point what you're selling? Actually let us know that there's some things that are really really lacking between you guys, and she would very much like for her birthday, where you can be a lot more well endowed. So you know that's what we do here at Bigger and Beat we actually hello, what I could be more wet, more well and doubt sir? So I think really what's going on is Beyonca is really not satisfied right now. She called you to tell you that I'm not what do you meet willing down my junk? So you're you're you're you're you're you're inadequate. You know what I mean? You're you're Uh, I guess maybe maybe very impotent. I'm not sure, but are you kidding me? What's the name of this company in Bigger and Better where we make you larger in charging? Right now, you know you're not You're not larger in charge, and we want to get you to that you're able to come in for a consultation, your consultation. I'll tell you what. I'm gonna call her right now because it usually right now. Okay, I'm gonna call her. We're trying, we're trying to do. Do you not do you not think you need to come in? I don't even think I need even be talking to you, mister Scott about whatever it's going on in my bed room. I'm king so I'm not even. I'm not even. I don't even know what the going on? Whatever can say whatever first for me? That's gonna in the bedroom is the first sign of denial, right, I'm no, I don't have no problems in the bed room. Well you know, I don't even why am I even still on the phone with you? Okay, but sir, I mean you and you don't have to wear about here from she gotta something to kind of account with you. Then you ain't got you go ahead and coose that outcau, mister Burnell. Let me say this. You have a you have a very big ego, sir. What I want to do is is you know but you're not You're not as big as your ego. I want to get you to that point. This is some crazy I've heard some crazy things people staying online. But you're gonna call me talk about my wife called you saying that I'm in adek within the bedroom, sir, you know what? And and and once again, I'm trying. I know you just doing your job, Scott, but I'm gonna have to call her right now. Okay, you don't work number you're in denial. I'm in denial you he love, Sir, I really want to help you as much as I can. Listen, man, listen, I'm trying to get my wife on the phone right now. Okay, I know you you got a job to do, but what I need you to do right now is stop calling me. All right. I'm trying. I'm trying to be nice to you because I'm sure whatever it is she she called you and you're just doing your job. They're trying to get you in here to get a consultation so we can get you further the lung on where you are consultation a consultation. I don't even know consultation. I don't even know sisters from you, Sir, you call me no more? Man, Hey, you're small and I don't want to make you bigger. You want to make me bigger? What? What what is this seeming like? Bigger? Huh? What kind of job is that? How do you even get a job like that? You apply to this job, aniot where you're a high school job trying. I'm trying to stop calling me, man, mister Darnell, I'm still trying to help you get through this situation. Okay, are you willing to come in for a consultation. At least we're coming in for a consultation. We can get you where you are. Are you listening to me? The only consultation we're gonna have is my sister in your place. As you call me again to tell you what. I will come in for a consultation. Give me give me your address and everything like that. All your information, and I will come down for a consultation. You're gonna be there. I'm here, I'm here, I'm here the first eight hours of the day. Sir. What I want to do is get you lined up with get you. Let me do all my wife. I don't need no damn procedures. Give me your info, and you got to work out here from us. No more. Okay, right now I need to get up. Call. I don't want to hang up on you. And understand, we're trying to do your job. You're small. You're small, and I'm trying to make you bigger. Thank you. Hey, sir, you know what I'm trying to help the person that's a little small guy. I'm trying to help you with your problem. Now. If you're not going to be appreciative of it. Then I don't even understand why your wife knows you're having your address? Why and we can have this conversation face to face. You don't know what Why would your wife here? It doesn't matter. If I can get on the line, I can figure out why she calls you because you're coming adequate it many, sir, sir. Here's the problem. You're tiny and you don't want to admit it. I ain't let me get you know me, man, you know to see me. You don't know anything about me. I can't even believe my wife's even called you. But just this is just how you do business. You gonna call me and call me I'm tiny, sir, So I'm playing some to you. I'm not only the president, but I'm also a client, sir. I don't give up what you are? Okay, okay? And there are some other things that let us know as well, what the would that means? She also wanted me to tell you that this is nephew Tommy from Steve Harvey. More than it show your wife just pray for calls you bad. Man's funny man, I'm on here over here looking at us in the mirror. Man, It kind of I thought I was good, but I got a little nervous. I was like, man, what's the baddest radio show in the land. Come on now, you know it's a Steve Harvey radio show. Man, Dad, you have it, go big, big and you in Philadelphia. Now you want big, you better get you some tickets to the Holiday Comedy Jam. It's going down Friday, d some of the twentieth that's Earthquake. That's Jnthy Brown Kill Junior Spates and hosted by yours truly me. That's it. That's we gonna do this. The radio boys coming to town. Boy were coming, I'm ignorance is on the way. Tickets are on sale right now all ticket Master outlet so you can get them at the that's the met Philadelphia Box Off. It's right now. It's the Holiday Comedy Jam. That's Live Nation in w das together putting an event that you putting together, an event that you don't want it. That's another conversation at the table on things. What the boy's name, there's gonna be that at the mat with Stave. Now you don't want to miss the show. You don't want to miss the fooling. She's a soldier like watching our wint in reverse. Watch me take that ran back off that help of finger. We're going to hello quick bank of a comedians comedian. Yeah, he's outstanding. All right, well, thank you, nephew. Coming up next the Strawberry Letter. We're gonna get into its subject my husband is really feeling himself right after this you're listening to All right, Dallas, it's back to your favorite segment, the Strawberry Letter. Uh time now for the Strawberry Letter. So if you need advice Dallas on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please hit us up at submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey f M okay Steve Harvey FM dot com. And all you have to do is click submit Strawberry Letter. It's just that simple. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right now. That's for you. Buggle up, hold on tight, we got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Subject my husband is really feeling himself. So Steve, you let Tommy do it one day, you let Junior do it one day? Are you doing it today? Oh? Let's hear it first? Or should I let Jay do it, you know what, it might be a perfect letter for Jay. Wait till you yes, Jay, focus, because I'm gonna let you do the Strawberry letter today. I comment, if I see y'all going too far ignorant. I can do it, but I'm a hard time focusing, Steve, I really do man, I can do it, but I don't know about that focusing bard. Okay, well let's go. Wait till you hear the letter subject? What hapnut? Now? My husband is really feeling himself, Dear Stephen Early. I am a twenty eight year old wife and mother. My husband is thirty two. We've been together ten years and got married two years ago. I don't have any major complaints about my marriage, but my husband's behavior is kind of strange lately. My husband and I met in college, and we did what college couples do. We had sex every day or as much as we could. Now that I'm older and we have more responsibilities, I'm too tired to have sex every day or as often as i'd like to. Many nights, I'd pass out as soon as I get into bed because I've had a full day of work, cooking, cleaning, and taking care of our child. My husband on the other hand, is always in the mood for sex. If he doesn't get his way, he complains about me denying him the one thing that relaxes him. So he has started taking matters into his own hands. Literally, he will do it right next to me in bed. I feel bad for them. Okay, okay, all right, it's what you think. It is, back to surprise. So he has started taking things with one hand, so he has all right, here we go, guys. So he has started taking matters into his own hands. Literally, he will do it right next to me in the bed. I felt bad for him, and I helped him out the first few times. But now it's getting to be a bit much. I've caught him in the shower doing it, and I've caught him in our family room on the sofa. His new hobby makes me feel like I'm not doing my duty as his wife. I asked him why he does it so much, and he told me that it's normal and it has nothing to do with me. For the past two weeks, I've been coming onto him trying to initiate sex, and he told me to go ahead and get some rest. He's fine and we'll handle it himself. I don't want to keep nagging him, but I'm missing the intimacy that we on tad. At first, I thought he was doing this to get back at me for not being in the mood all of the time. But I think I have a bigger problem here. So should I just chill and let him do him? Or is this not normal and I need to have another talk with him? Please advise? Well, first, you definitely need to have another talk with him, because he should be helping you with the chores around the house and with the kids. Then you wouldn't be so tired all the time, okay, and you can indulge him and indulge yourselves, you know, in some nice, healthy marital sex. Okay. You guys are still young, so I can understand you know, the frequency with which you have sex in your marriage. I get set. You're twenty eight, he's thirty two. Older couples usually slow it down, you know, especially from the everyday escapades. So again, him helping you around the house with the housework and all that, that would relieve some of your stress and you would have time to engage in you know, the things that he says relaxes him and you like it. Too, so it's a win win here. But this is an unusual scenario because he is still doing it even though now you're coming on to him and you want you're you know, you're you're coming outside of your comfort zone and you want to do it with him more. Uh, he's still doing it, doesn't want to do it with you, tells you, oh, go ahead, get some rest. I'm I'm good, I'm good. Yeah, that's that's a little unusual that. I don't think this is necessarily normal because you know, you're his wife, You're willing and able now, you know, I could see when it first started him doing it by himself, you know, but now that you're cool and like, okay, I'll help you out or let's do it together, I want that intimacy, And now he's still saying no, Yeah, there's a problem, and this could lead to a bigger problem in your marriage. So definitely have a discussion with him. Definitely talk about this. If he can tear himself away that is, you know, it may be something deeper than that. Maybe this is what he wanted all along. I don't know, but yeah, you definitely need to have a talk. And if that doesn't work, I would definitely suggest some counseling. Steve, who's gonna turn it? Yeah, well, I'm gonna turn this over, but I have a list. Um, I'm gonna turn it over to Jay. Okay, I'm gonna ask Timmy to stay out of this and Julia to stay out and just let Jay go ahead in his own way. And then once you're done, Jay, I have a list that I want to go over. Okay, Well, listening to the letter about this man taking care of his own problem, I have been able to put my finger on the problem. You understand, because thumbs up to this man, thumbs up to him, what he did, what he was, He got a grip of the situation that he was in. And he's not gonna be He's not gonna be able to shake this. You know what I mean? You know what I mean? You know why is he so stupid? It's in the palm of his hand that he hold it right there, Jay, hold it right there. We're gonna have part We're gonna have. Yeah, we're gonna have part two of James. Jay's response and Steve's list coming up at twenty three after the hour Today's Strawberry Letter. My husband is really feeling himself. We'll be back right after this. You're listening, all right, Uh, let's recap the strawberry letter subject. My husband is really feeling himself. Come on, Steve, and then Jay is going to finish his response, and you have a list when he's done. Tornade, you old woman man to a thirty old man. They met him college, They have sex frequently. They've been married two years. She's exhausted when she comes home. She works, she does all the chores, she takes care kids, and when she hits the bed, she just passes out. Her husband has taken matters into his own hands. Literally. Now she's wondering now has that replaced their intimacy? So now she felt bad from him and helped him out the first couple of times, But then after a while she caught him in the shower, on the sofa, in the kitchen, and just everywhere, and she wants now the intimacy back, but he says, now you're gonna get yourself some rest. I got it. This is where we're at right now. Go ahead, Jack Well, Steve, this is a very risky soup situation that this man is in. This is and what he needs to do is knuckle down. If he could knuckle down, If he can knuckled down on this, he could him and her get along and they could be have fiving each other if he But like I said before, the problem is in the palm of his head, and he can solve this if he won't. Yeah, that's your answer. Toss it out. I can't come on what I have done because there is no solution for this. You have a problem. But now you're saying that he says to you all the time. I got this, and you have said he's taken matters into his own hands and he will not stop. I mean here everywhere. So now I created a short this of things that I don't want him to touch no more. Number one, don't touch the damn dishes. Every nasty. Hands off of the dishes. You got that, I got this. Next thing, keep your hands off the children. Please playing with the babies like you ain't been with you older nast itself. Don't take the babies. Don't keep your hand off the refrigerator. Don't yes, I don't want you hand on that damn refrigerator. Don't no more. Another thing, wear gloves when you're driving the car. Don't touch the stand wheel. I bought you some driving gloves for Christmas, and I want you to wear when you're driving. Do not touch my Bible. Do you understand? Please don't touch my bible. Keep your little nasty hands in your pocket. Keep your hand. I bet not come in out and catch you touching my toothbrush. Don't touch brush. Keep your damn hands off the toothpaste, because I want to make a shot. It's toothpaste. Don't let me catch you pouring. No more pancakes, syrup on nothing. These are the things I don't want you touching no more. Keep your hand off the remote now. I bought some kitchen gloves, the little plastic ones that they wear a subway when they make a sandwich. I bought you some, and I got them all over the house. You get in your car from what your Don't put your hands in the damn candy dish. Please keep your damn man that. Don't put your hand in the package with the rest of the cookies. Hand you the cookie. You tell me how many cookies you want with you. What about the lunch meet up? If you do get that first piece of bread, donna go fumbling through that getting bread in the middle. If you put your hand in the loaf of bread, that whole loaf is yours. You don't write your name on it, you touch nothing else. Miss, I've got it. I'm taking magazine to my old hands. Don't you touch nothing else? Man, you and all your silver were from now own is plastics. You understand me? Oh man, I got it in my own hands. Yes you do. All right, listen, you can post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter. It's Steve Harvey f M on Instagram and Facebook. And don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six after the hour. What is your must have Thanksgiving side dishes? We'll talk about it right after this you're listening to. All right, So Thanksgiving is notorious for over eating. Okay, it is the biggest eating holiday of the year. Uh so we got to talk about your must have of Thanksgiving side dishes. Steve, kick it off please. First of all, just so it's a national known fat. We require a sweet potato path, not punkin. Don't make us punkin path. We is sweet potato path. People, sweet potato path. All the white people listening, sweet potato we eat sweet potato path. We don't want you keep it. It probably taste wonderful, but it ain't sweet potato path. All right, that's the number one. What else? You got to have some greens? Now, greens got to be on somewhere to have a turkey neck, thank you, thank you. Put some in there. Turn up a mustard or but I mixed. I like all collar. I like a mix. Yeah, yeah, I like. I like turnips with turnips in it. Oh, I love Steve. Yes, my mom could cook anything that turkey. Leg got that heaven got that turkey, gotta have it, gonna fight for. We're not an old lady down for that turkey for that. Yeah, got to hev got in Another fact, gravy must have givese ITTs Gibbs in chapter the eg Yes, yes, yes, so so fried or roasted for the turkey, oh man, Yeah, because I like roasted. We fried people now, sure yeah, sure, tommy turkey, I'm still roasted and refused to be black. Don't don't because she's light it, Tommy, Tommy, and she can down all right. Look, pray post your side dish comments at Steve Harvey f Instagram and Spacebook coming up at the top of the hour, NFL finds the Pittsburgh quarterback Mason Rudolph and thirty three NFL players for the Brown and Steelers fight. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to the String show. Well, the NFL find Steelers quarterback Mason Rudolph fifty thousand dollars on Saturday for his involvement in the fight that began when Brown's defensive end Miles Garrett, pulled off Rudolph's helmet and hit him in the head with it. Rudolph avoided suspension for his actions. He tried to remove Garrett's helmet, then charged him before being hit, charged him before being hit, but he was one of the thirty three players fine for their involvement in the altercation. The league penalized twenty nine players three thousand, five and seven dollars a piece for entering the fight area. Garrett was indefinitely suspended by the league for tearing off Rudolph's helmet and using it as a weapon. His appeal was denied this week. When or last week, when you told an appeals officer that Rudolph used the racial slur against him, Rudolph said there was no acceptable excuse for his behavior. He has denied using the racial slur, and the League has found no evidence one was used. The league also find the stealers evidence in the bottom of the damn pack. Well, you know he said it. If you say the N word in the pack, it's somebody else gonna yea yeah, and it's a lot of black players, a lot of black players. Yeah, there's refit of you, hollyhead out right. And when a wife person gets mad enough to call you the N word, it said loudly, okay. And if if you would have said it, both teams will be whooping your n ye would not only that the black referee would coach. You should have said, I don't think he said. You know what, Myles Garrett is is a really really smart guy. Man. I met him on a celebrity family feud and we had long talk out. Boots, I saw him, Man, he's a really intelligent kid and mile man, whatever happened, he was really really mad. Now I saw it. Finally, I'm in Ghana. They don't show no football. Don't give it damn about no football and the NBA over here. Nothing you ain't soccer, cricket, rugby. I don't give a damn over here. Ain't no rugby over here either. But it's it's really um, I saw it if he had if he had it he hit him with the underside of the helmet where the ear part is, because I saw it in slow motion. If that helmet had been turned over and he hit him with the crown, yeah, I probably done some serious concussion that he could have really seriously and see. That was what I said, Steve. It's hard to win an argument when you hit a man within a helmet. It really is. You know, the only thing that right, But the only thing saved the quarterback was the part that struck him was the underside of the helmet where the earpieces are. Right. If that crown of that helmet was turned upside the right way, oh dog, it could have really been really yeah h wow. But yeah, I think he did. Jake. I don't think Miles line the racial slur he did he say he said inward or no, it's not. We don't know what he thinks. Well, I had the blacks didn't. Yeah, yeah, your black ass did anniversal flir get your black ass off of me something like that. If he said that, the white guy says that to you, Tommy, that's that doesn't make you react if a white guy says, get your black behind off me as book. Yeah, yeah, so that's what you may not have him with what he said, no, because that's what he got in trouble for it for hitting him with the helm using its white Yeah. Yeah, the helmet was you got that. The league also find the Steelers and the Browns two hundred and fifty thousand dollars each. The AFC North Rivals play again this Sunday, December first, oh in Pittsburgh. M Well, it's gonna be a no helmet game though, there's our request that. All right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the show. We want ray J and we want his wife, his beautiful wife, Princess Love to stop beefing on social media. Stop it to stop. They really need to stop. Why are they bringing us into all of this with each other? Yes, yes, she's mad at all, right, so this is crazy. Princess called out ray J for partying in Vegas after the Soul Train Awards with strippers and escorts and left her and their daughters stranded and keep in mind, Princess is about eight and a half months pregnant right now with their son to be. Princess took to social media. She told it all. Ray J said he never left his wife, and daughter said he wanted to know why she took their business to social media. Ray J said, the devil is busy, but God is going to work it out. They got this school, Oh I got it. Things you say after you've been with escorts and strippers, I'll take five hundred dollars. No, the devil is busy, but God go to work it out, they said, when you've been with strippers and escort. But do we need to know though, as the public, that they're fighting and they're beefing. Do we need to know that this is going on than their marriage. No, we don't need to. Think. It's really really immature to put your own marriage business out in the streets. I think that's a matter between the husband and the wife. I mean, it doesn't make it's social media that important. Well, you have to air out your marriage. Took them. It's enough that they do to you against your will. All right, Well, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour, right out after this you're listening to show. We're so excited we gotta say this to be back on the air in Dallas, Texas. All right, Dan, thank you Dallas. Welcome back to our home station. Yeah, k R n B FM smooth R and B one oh five point seven in Dallas. Yes, Soda clear as the leader of the bunch. I'm not surprised. What do you mean by that, Steve, I'm just not surprised. Take us all for what? WHOA So you want to trash something? I think it's good. Now listen to me. I think it's good to experience things because it makes you more appreciative. Now, we love Dallas. Let me tell you how special Dallas is to me. Man, Dallas started me on a path that no other city gave me the opportunity. When I started in the late eighties at a nightclub owned by a dude name Alvin Scott. The name of the club was Vookoo Ray. I went there and I said, I convinced a guy to give me a one nighter at Vookoo Ray. Now, all I had to say who I was was that was a blurb of me in Jet magazine with a head shot. That head you know, they used to do something something quote of the week and they put one of my quotes in that. That was my only claim to fame. I wasn't on Showtime ad Apollo yet none of that opened up a one nighter. It started off really slow. It started gathering momentum after a while. You could not get in Vookoo Ray in Dallas. After that, I opened up my own club called Steve Harvey Comedy House on Camp Wisdom Road. Steve Harvey Comedy House started the direction on men. I became the host of Showtime and Apollo from that building right there. And I got my first TV show, Me and the Boys, in that building right there. Dallas, Texas is my home. I used to live there. I still got a house there. It's owning cracking. Now we're back home. Yes, we love Dallas. We talked about your club. Said he used to start at your club. He said, you told him one night, you will never see another comic club like this. Used to the right. Erica Badude used to take tickets. And then I made her my assistant and she convinced me to be the stage manager. Little did I know, she just wanted to set the mic up so she could sing in it. Thank God for that. So I believe dinner and I got a keyboard and I used to play a little a few chords on the keyboard and men and you could ask Erica bad. We recorded an album into Steve harvey Comedy House, and the name of the album was Section eight and all our songs was about being poland coming up our last break of the last break of the day. I love that. And we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey on this Thanksgiving Week right after this at forty nine minutes after you're listening to show. All right, Steve, here we are the first Monday of Thanksgiving Week. It's been a good Monday. Oh, great day, Yeah, on a great day today, Junior, Yeah, today, Junior. What'st when they tell you you were funny today and you get that statement in front of us, that's a big compliment. That's a big compliment. Thank you, thank you. And it's hard to get your funny in with us. Yeah, I know, he said, Yeah, man, I just saw a picture of Ray J without his shirt on. If you're putting my head on ray J. But me and ray J is the same. Damn people, if you take ray j head off, me and ray J got the exact same. But they've added another J to his name, so he's now ray JJ because I do like you too. Man, It's cool, brothers. He let me tell y'all something, okay, Uh my closing remarks today, I'm still in Africa, min Ghana. I leave here and I go to Abu Dhabi. Um, it's it's sort of enough. This is a two part thing. It's a testament to the goodness of God. Because you know, you know, social media had gotten hold to the news that my talk show was gone, that little big shots was gone, and they had they feel day as they wanted to. And you know, sometimes being a human, you go, man, I don't gone and tell them what's really happening and it or I'd to prove them wrong and all like that. And so I didn't do that. I didn't take that angle because of a scripture I read. There's a scripture that says you have not caused your ass not But then right after that, I've never known this until after that happened to me. Another scripture says, you ask and receive, not because you ask a miss And so I didn't know what a mismit. So I looked it up, and a mis means when you when something is done with the wrong motivation. And so when the TV show went away and the little big shots went away, I was so busy working hard to prove everybody wrong that I'm still in good shaping. I still got this and I'm gonna be the first one to do this, and I'm gonna show y'all. And when I read that scripture, I stopped. And I want you to know what Steve, hold up, man, Maybe this would go better for you is if you take that motivation of trying to show people wrong, prove them wrong, and shut up. Tony says, just change your motivation. So I did. I changed my motivation for wanting to accomplish the things in my life because I want to be a bigger light to people. I want to be more transparent with people, to show people that a person like me is much like yourself, that you can fall and get back up, that you can recover from a series of mistakes, that when one door closes, that don't mean that another one don't open. When another door. When one door closes, walk up the hall because there's always another door. And when people close doors, the reason God allows doors to close, it is because He has another one for you to walk through. And in this all that has happened, it turned out to be one of the biggest blessings to come my way. And I just wanted to tell y'all about how good God really is, man, and how merciful and how understanding and all knowing he is, because in your best laid plans you just can't out playing God. You just can't, man. And if you're a person of faith at all, all you got to do is hanging there when them doors close and walk up the hallway. It's more dos. Man, don't control the doors in your life unless you give him control. So when they got rid of this and took that and they thought there was an air, everybody had a little field day. I just went on up the hallway. And what has happened is I traveled so much now, so many other doors have opened for me abroad, even back home. I'm still effective. But man, what God has enabled me to do and see and have the time and the and the wherewithal to travel and to accumulate the things I'm accumulated. I left home October twenty seventh. I'll return December second, and when I get off the plane, I start taping a new show December three. And then when I get through taping and I take Miss Universe on December eighth, I get right back on a plane and I start taping Family Feud in South Africa on December eleventh. I am openly saying that it is not me I am who I am, but it's God's unmerited favor that has rescued me again, just like He's done for you over and over and over. God is good, man, and if you just open up your eyes, you can see the goodness. I would not be as connected as I am. Had he not allowed that door to close, and if he had not strengthened me to walk up the hall, none of this would happen. I'm gonna tell you something, man, and I'm gonna speak on about it a little bit more in detail tomorrow in my closing remarks. Africa is a place that every single African American should try to go to. It's like Muslims may try to make their lifetime pilgrimage took to Mecca. It's a beautiful trip for Muslims to go to Mecca. Every black person in America should find a way to Africa and tomorrow my clothes remarks, I will tell you all about it. But y'all, when the door closes, walk up to hall, because God got mode for you up there Hall. God is good. Yea hells are my clothes were revolved by pipist. Bye for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.