Weekend Review, Church Complaints, Anthony Hamilton MTH and more.

Published May 18, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Happy Birthday Nephew Tommy! Shirley is back and so is Fool #1, "Watch out there now!" Steve did some commencement speeches for The Class of 2020. The members of The Jackpot Joint of Jerusalem forgot that Sunday School is closed during COVID-19. The CLO addresses safety issues during the pandemic. Grammy Award winner Anthony Hamilton got new music with Rick James. What happened with Nelly and Luda? Fool #2 murders another one. Dan Rather figures something out and tweets about it. Junior has discovered online shopping. Today in Closing Remarks, Uncle Steve replayed J. Anthony Brown's MTH and also reflects on the equalizing effects of COVID-19.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know, y'all a suit looking back to back down, giving them just like theming bus things and it's not good. Steve to mother, don't join Jo. You gotta turn. You got to turn to turn them out, got to turn them out, to turn the water the water. Come come on your back. Uh huh. I show will good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on, deeed me now, one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show, I said every day because God been good to me. God has done some things in my life that's truly been just amazing. It really amazing. Ain't even really the word. They don't really have a word for what He's done for me. I'm just out of superlatives. That's why I say it every day. Steve Harvey got a radio show because God is in a blessing business. Yeah it is. God. God can help you turn your life around. Did you hear me? God can help you turn your life around. Whatever you're going through. God has an answer for it. See But it's the going through that gets us though, ain't it. Because I was having a moment yesterday and I set my wife down. I said, baby, I just need to talk to him, going through a little bit right now. I just wanted to share what I'm a little down right now. My wife reminded me. She reminded me to see this what a man. That's what a good mate does. A good mate reminds you just of things that sometimes you forget when you get off track. Because you know, I consider myself a motivational type person. I try to listen to people and then give them something I've learned along the way on this journey I've been on. I try to give a person a takeaway. But even being that person, sometimes I get off track myself. I get a little a little low. Sometimes, you know, I get a little down. Sometimes I sometimes I forget some of the stuff I say. And ain't that I forget it. I guess I just get caught up in the grind of doing it. And sometimes I get a little off course and I forget some of the things that my wife or a mate can be good for you to remind you. And she just says, Steve, God got us. She said, have you ever known, oldest that every time you get in a spot And she say, and I know how you must feel, because you're out here working and and then you keep turning around and and and and old stuff keep popping up, and you get a call from your accounting and hit this then went wrong, and not then when you steady trying to fix it, but you steady going wild? Man, what does this she say? But you ever noticed He always always, no matter what, provide a way. And he ain't never too late, or you might be going the deadline is approaching. The deadline can come and pass, but then they have a grace period for you. And then sometimes man, it's just you go down now after the grace period and they take the payment anywhere and you're good anyway. But see, ain't that God bringing you through it. It may not be when you want it, but he right on time. Jazz before you get put out, jazz before they turn. Maybe they cut the lights off, but you get it back on. Jess Folk company, come or just before the weekend, get here. See he always comes through for you. And she had to remind me of that what you're going through is necessary. Look, circumstance and hardships and pitfalls are always untimely. If you keep the law of attraction and play. If you keep believing that, that's that He gonna see you through this, just like he do when you don't believe it. That's what the old part is though, ain't it. Ain't God brought you through even when you didn't really had a faith to say he was gonna bring you through. But because of grace and mercy he brought you through anyway. But because you forgot to thank him, or you didn't pay attention through to come through, you just was telling people, oh, man, of you to see me. It was so jacked up. Man, I was so turned up. I ain't know what I was donna do. I almost got put out. I was gonna see keyword almost. You forgot that part right there, and then I was look like I won, man, and that, and seemed like every month I go through this same thing. And then yeah, yeah, then somebody ought to just say, did you pay it? Yeah? I paid it? Did you get put out? Now? I'm cool? See somebody See you need somebody on your shoulder to say that to you, And then you need somebody to come right behind him and go, man, ain't God good? Really? Man? That's how this works. See you you keep getting in situations, but He keep getting you out. Now if you jump, look, listen to me. Hold on. Let's say you in the frying pan and the skillet and all is up and you and that frying and you uncomfortable being fried God somehow. Or let's just say you managed to get out of the hot grease in the frying pan, and you standing that next to the skillet, looking at the fire, continue to heat the grease, you get out, and then for some unexplainable reason, you dives right on back in there. Ain't that how we usually do it? I'm just asking you, God, get you away from the man you've been asking to get away from. Then you go right back over there and start seeing him again. It's amazing how many times God get us out the fire and we walks right back in there. Ain't it amazing? Man? I mean, really, man, see this high break life down for me so I don't get over here stuck on, stupid with myself, and then get to doing something ignorant like blaming God, when really, man, God has given us, as human beings, the power of decision, and we all make decisions. How many times? Man? See, sometimes it's a blessing and getting locked up. You can ask a lot of cats I know, man to tell you it was a blessing for me, man, because I was just headed the wrong way, steady, but he locked me up. Setting me down made me miss my family, miss being out here being a free man, made me realize that my family was important, made me. Man, really see this girl for what she was. When I get out, Man, I'm on a straight and narrow Well then when you get out, though, See you can't be talking about no. Oh man, I can't find no job. Now I'm gonna go and do what I gotta do. No, no, no no, no, no, partner, you got to do now what you're supposed to do. See that don't do what you gotta do got you in trouble in the first place. See everybody, see see the hood got a lot of ignorant rules. We didn't create it. I gotta do what I gotta do. I gotta feed my family. Well, the only reason you gotta do what you gotta do is because you didn't do what you were supposed to do. See if you just went on to school like your mama kept telling you. Oh man, I was watching forty eight hours yesterday and the dude named Nesto was on there, and Nesto Latino Do said, Man, my mother told me quit hanging with these guys. They were going nothing but trouble. I should have listened to her. He doing thirty years right now. You can't blame God. That's why I talk to myself this way, so I don't get stupid and start shifting to blame the wrong way when it's really on me. How many times has God got you out of something and you walk right back into it? Man, why don't you take these blessings God give you and going about your business? That be the best way to do it. Don't you think That's what I think? So I thank God my wife for reminding me that God got us anyway, that God gonna pull you through anyway that. Have you noticed, Steve, we ain't lost a beat. Oh. I know it's hard out here, but really you ain't lost a beat. You're still moving forward, You're still dressing nice, you still look good when you come into that job. Everybody don't got to know you. Your house is in bad shaping. All that God got you, man, If you just hold your head up, man, quit complaining all the time about what you ain't got, and as in words of my daddy, Slick Harvey, stop talking about what you ain't got and take a good look at what you do. God, that's improper grammar, but that always stuck with me and maybe it'll stick with you. Quit talking about and look at at what you ain't got, to take a good look at what you do. God, you're listening. Show, ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, it is time for us together as we do every morning, and start to acting a damn food It's a Steve Harvey markin show. All the crack it for all of you. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show Home. That's it. I ain't got nothing to go with it because yeah I didn't. I didn't think it out, you know, I didn't think it all the way out, and so I just didn't have nothing to match it up with Shirley Strawberry. Hey, good morning Steve. How you doing one time in the build it? Yeah, go ahead, started the show. Yeah, that was exciting for me too. Went nowhere, but it was an exciting It's had promise and then it just ain't. No exits on freeway foods. That's the marriage I've had. Yeah, I feel you, Steve. I feel you ain't no exits the freeway of foolishness, and it ain't no where to get off. Ladies and gentlemen calling for real. Good morning, what's up Steve? What's up? Krill? Welcome back? And a girl about that damn during your boy morning? Everybody, welcome back, shirt, thank you? We got what's up? Food? Stevens. Feel like I just left y'all twenty minutes ago. I swear to god, it feels like I got just I don't know why I do, because you don't come here with a few times and that's you can complaining about that all you want. Well, you know, and really, man, I've discovered that's all we could take. So that's all you know that both sides. Yeah, you gotta have igness, got to come in, doc Yeah you got you can't take it all one day. Yeah, it's doces. So you know, I've learned to accept it. Man. Every day. Well I'm like a Sunday. Yeah, man, it's just not a lot of not a lot of difference in these days. You know. They just listen and the nephew's off today it's his birthday. Yes, it is happy birthday. Happy birthday. Nehew, Okay, I have a joke and I'm not gonna do it. Go ahead, we want to hear. No, no, know how y'all do. When I'm not here, we laugh, y'all tell him about the joke. So no, all right, I ain't gonna tell him about the joke. What is it. I'm gonna set it up and see if Steve can get the joke. What kind of cake is he celebrating? Shout Kate. No, I didn't. I didn't tell him. It wasn't no, it wasn't me. It don't take me long. I could put it together, man, But dog, it couldn't have been no better if you to text me down man say it. No has to taste at it. And I'm telling you where you are, man, little tiny strawberries, only strawberry. Okay, stop, really that's funny, that's perfect right. That was down the court. That was a no look pass right there, boy. But the moment you said, let me see if you can get it my ears perk. Alright, coming up with thirty two minutes after the hour, We're gonna talk to Steve about his two virtual graduation speeches over the weekend, and we'll see if you can maybe squeeze in Steve and ask the CLO question right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. Well, first, over the weekend, Steve, you delivered two very inspirational and motivational speeches to the graduates of twenty twenty. So congratulations on that. First of all, I mean, that's awesome. You're always giving back always. I just appreciate him asking me, you know, and how did how did you do? How did it make you feel? I know you were I mean I don't know, you know, you know the thing you're doing a room by yourself. I'm like a talking head. I'm used to talking in front of what is and so being a talking head is a little bit different from me. So I've gotten some feedback, not much. You know, some people enjoyed it, really appreciate it. That's all I really know. You know, it'd be different if they were there in front of me. I could tell how I did. But you know, just talking to the computer was a little challenging for me. President Obama getting really well, yeah, yeah, I think he's used to that. I was sitting hey man, the whole time I was looking at camera. I kept looking like I was looking for somebody because you're used to speaking eye to eye. Yeah, yeah, and getting and then I spoken my my high school, my old high school. Yeah. On Instagram, on social media, I am Steve Harvey TV. That was so cool. How you surprised the kids? That was Yeah? And I just happened to have one of my high school T shirts. Yeah, you were rocking it too, so I put it on you know. Yeah. Now it wasn't one I had back then. Somebody had sent me one a few years ago. That one wouldn't have got over my head. Well, congratulations. As always, we just appreciate the fact that kids love to give back, and that's what you're all about, Steve. Always you mentor you give back, you do those things. Well, now you ray continue helping people as a clo. Yeah, this one, Steve is from Earl. I know you love that name. Earl. Earl Earl from Gainesville, Georgia. Earl says. My wife's mom has three grown kids living with her and they're all trifling, won't wear masks, and have not been practicing social distancing. My wife and I agreed they could not come over to our house, and last week, my wife's youngest sister tested positive for COVID nineteen, and we're not surprised. My wife wanted to go check on her. I told her if she did, don't come back home. She left anyway, and while she was gone, I packed up a few of her things and set them outside and set them outside. Really, I won't let her back in our house. I have asthma and no health insurance right now because I got laid off. I can't afford to get sick. Was I wrong to put her out? No, but I think she was wrong to go. I didn't you know, here's a deal. People that have pre existing conditions have to be very careful. Your wife, how do you go visit somebody with COVID nineteen who does that? They're supposed to be quarantine. So now it's not just her mother with the three grown kids that's ignorant. Your wife then went to see her sister that has the virus. You're not supposed to go see them. You have to quarantine yourself. Now, if she comes back and brings it back to the house, even if she doesn't show signs, it's dangerous and your wife should have known that true. I mean, I mean, how much TV you gotta watch. It's everywhere. These rules are very simple. No one can say I didn't know, well I didn't think. No, you have to assume that they have it. And you just said they don't wear masks, and they've tested one of them tested positive. Well, okay, cool, so he wasn't wrong. He has asthma and no health insurance. I think your wife has to quarantine herself if she's gonna go visit her sister. When she leaves her sister, she has to go into quarantine for two weeks. This is major though, that that is really a problem. All right, Steve, We're moving on. Lexie, who is an iHeartRadio Apple listener, says, I've been dating a great guy for a year and he's a sex maniac. Of sex every day and it can go on for hours. We have a good time outside of the bedroom, too, and his daughter and I have a great relationship. But I've never met his mom or his child's mom. His daughter's birthday party is coming up and I got all excited about going since I helped to plant. He told me it's not a good time for me to meet his family, and he said, we have plenty of time for that. I've ignored his calls for days, and he says, I'm being childish. I need to know what he's hiding. Well, is what he's hiding is at the house because you can't come over there, horse over there. No, but you've been dating for you and all y'all having is grade six for hours because he got to keep you occupied. You restaurant, started looking around, ask a question every day for hours? Who is Oh my god, I'm telling you something right now. I've enjoyed at being physically active throughout my life, but I don't feel like it every day for hours hours. I just you know, the game on. Come on, man, you ain't even thinking about it no moment. I mean no, I'm just trying to you know. I gotta go to work. Need another check, Yeah, I need another check. So I don't know what's he hiding. Whatever he hiding is over that house. You can't go over there. That's why he'd be just on you for hours. Come on, come on down, stay focus, stay focused. We look at me right here. I watch him. Come on, I'm doing I'm I'm doing what you need. I'm doing what you need. Let me see thirty five forty five, He would go our fifteen here would go? I got time. Stop talking. Quit asking me questions. I ain't got time for that. No, don't how your mamma them? I ain't got no mama. Come on, everybody got a mama. I didn't a child. Yes, all right, so this was from Chica and Nashville Chicken says, hey, Steve, I've been married for fourteen years, and I married the same man twice. We got a divorce because he cheated, and then he ran back to me crying and begging, so I remarried him. Now he's got another girlfriend and he's a different person. He no longer tries to hide it, and he says I can leave if I don't like it. We have three sons, sons, and that's easier said than done. I can't take another bad divorce or splitting our family up again. Am I supposed to sit around while he has a chick on the side? All right, Steve, we should take a pause here because we only have a few seconds. You can respond. Can I come back and respond to that? All right? All right, that's what we'll do because I won't too. Now you do more CLLO question and the response to the CLO question coming up right after this. You're listening show, all right, ready, everybody? Twenty minutes after the hour, R and B singer we love him, He's family to us. Anthony Hamilton will be our special guest. The reverend and the deacons are here. But first, Steve, we had a question, a cello question. We needed the answer. This is from Chica of Nashville. She was married for fourteen years. She married the same man twice. She divorced him, and then he came back to her crying and begging, so she remarried him. Now he has a girlfriend. He's a different person, she says. Now he doesn't want to hide his girlfriend, and he tells her she can leave if she doesn't like it. She said, Am I supposed to sit around while he has a chick on the side. I'm not understanding. She doesn't want what the letter is about. You have a man that you've married twice who obviously hasn't changed. That's for starters. Secondly, he's got another girlfriend. He ain't trying to hide her, and hedn't told you what if you don't like it, you can leave? You sitting up in here, saying, now you're sitting up in here saying that you don't want to go through another bad divorce. Every time you get a divorce is with him what you keep marying him fault? Yeah, See, every time you get a bad divorce, it's the same damn dude for the same damn thing. So Chica, really, come on now, let's stop this marriage round that's not working for you. Let him go? Yeah what, Yeah, she's got to let him go. She's got to. You're asking, I don't want another bad divorce. It's the same one, and she's got a three sons. She doesn't want to split up the family. Y'all don't even have to listen to me when you go to court. You don't even have to. You don't even you don't need a new witnesses. You get had the same same trial y'all had the first time. The only thing you have to change, only thing different is a name, right right, that's all. Yeah, she's got to get out of it, you're right, yeah, right, all right? Time for the reverend church complaints. Change hats real quick, Steve, we going to try to get through this as quickly as possible. Deacon is out or fishing now or the nasally sleepy, slow talking Reverend Adnoid will be is he doing church complaints or as I'm complaining about him, I'll be doing both. Okay, Well, boy, here, didn't any haven't told you the whole good body, how you do it? Good booted, I say, the boating, fine, good good, trying to speed this up a little bit. Well that that's not gonna happen. Okay, then it's not gonna happen. Okay, just so you know that it has come to our attention. It has come to our attention. We're getting this is a complaint that the shouters who normally shout at church are not being allowed to shout on the zoom viral. They like, if you could sent some time aside for them while you preach, so they can shine, that's all they're asking. We're not having that because shouting don't translate good on video, or most of the shouters have entirely too much ass to have on camel because it just covers the entire screen. Now, all of a sudden, as you just got fabric on the screen shifting, and it's not a good look for the rest of the church, because now I look like service over somebody cloth the curtain let me mark that down as a note that I love it new Could you please explain to our members that not only is school closed, but Sunday School is closed to it's still dropping kids off. Had not the genitors showed up over there to find all these babies sitting in the lobby. Could you please speak to these people who are dropping up their kids from Sunday School. There is no Suda school because we are unable to conduct or any type of educational facilitations during the time of the COVID nineteen. So or everybody that don't know the Lord, hold off. Now if you get the virus, you're gonna need the Lord and you can learn all you need to nobody near. But until then the schools is closed of all consent. That means all schools Bible schools, no Bible study, nah all that. Oh, don't let me up. The only thing open is offering. That's a that's another no hold on the markets down All right, here we go. It has come to our attention that doing the zoom and your Minister, that some of these people are not really there. What they've done is posted a picture of themselves on the computer, and they somewhere doing whatever the hell they excuse me, whatever they want to do. It's just a picture. We need to find out who's doing this and how can we stop it? Okay, well we are all We've not concerned ourselves with that because posting pictures is twenty five dollars anyway, so long as you make your contribution. But you ain't got to be here for the sermon. Once we got your twenty five, you click out. Well, they need to be concer certing about their soul, but the twenty five certainly go for forward for the soul, praise him in the High House in the hour in the House of the Lord. Since a lot of our members are older members, as you is, as I is, as we all are, as we all are, they the older members are complaining that they can't really enjoy the service on the flip phones, and they would like to know would you would you be willing to buy them some updated phones. They have jitterbugs that have flip phones in the only if they can trade in and accept them for trade ins down that Apple stove. And since they can't go to the malls right now, this whole conversation is new and voided. M But that's another yeah, a lot, a lot of Deacon Richard Howard, Remember Richard Hollar would like the note if he zooms in George meeting, is he zooms in in the service while he's in the tube, could you baptize him? That's what he would like to know. If if he just comes online while he's in the tube of cold, now baptize him. Baptisms Viral baptisms is one hundred dollars. All right, thinks I can combine and do the baptisms in people's bathtubs, but that's two fifty. Okay, comebine. You must provide gloves and man, I'm not We're gonna get out of here. Thank you, Reverend Lowtown and Reverend and your mask must stay old when you submerge. Soon as the mass pop off, I'm out. The rule coming up in the top of the hour. We'll have some entertainment and national news right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up in twenty minutes. Get ready because Anthony Hamilton will be our very special guest. We can't wait for that. I can't wait to hear his song. All of that, yes, but right now, in today's trending entertainment news it very owned Steve Harvey, Lebron, James Kevin Hart, and at President Barack Obama both They all delivered inspiring speeches to the class of twenty twenty and to HBCU graduates. Acknowledging that the graduates were faced with some unusual circumstances with this COVID nineteen pandemic, President Obama reminded us what a president should sound like, and he urged, finally we have forgotten. He urged people to be selfless, to work together to help those in need, and to reject divisiveness, and he also talked about the inadequacies of America's current leadership. Take a listen, please, You're being asked to find your way in a world in the middle of a devastating pandemic and a terrible recession. The timing is not ideal, and let's be honest. A disease like this just spotlights the underlying inequalities and extra burdens that black communities have historically had to deal within this country. We see it in the disproportionate impact of COVID nineteen on our communities, just as we see it when a black man goes for a jog, and some folks feel like they can stop and question and shoot him if he doesn't submit to their questioning injustice like this isn't new. What is new is that so much of your generation has woken up to the fact that the status quo needs fixing. More than anything, this pandemic is fully, finally torn back the curtain on the idea that so many of the folks in charge know what they're doing. A lot of them aren't even pretending to be in charge. Wow, come back, And he didn't call your name, so oh no, no, no, no, he responded immediately. Trump had a heart attack when you said that. But he don't have to say his name because my daddy always said, if you throw a rock in a pack of dogs, the one that halla is the one you hit. Ye. And now I was about how yeah yeah uh. President Trump meanwhile dismissed President Obama's President Obama's words and called him grossly incompetent. What you got a lot of know you're talking about yourself, you know, you know, and Jackson bleached you know some light saw maybe you know, right, Junie, he talks somebody in competent, grossly compets grossly, grossly in competent. I don't think so they really do ye up all over? Wow, well, uh, we're moving on because we're just moving on. Thank you, President Obama and Steve and Lebron and everyone who stepped up for the graduates. We appreciate all of that. All right, Carlos here with some music news. What you got Carla, Well, you know, it was another battle over the weekend, Shirley Nellie versus Luda. Yeah. Now, Nellie he had some technical issues. There were a lot of severe thunderstorms in Saint Louis area, so it took a minute for Nellie to get his WiFi together. But Nellie came back. He did his thing hot in year dilemma air Force ones and then Luda stand up. What's no fantasy throat and bows? Yes, so that hospitality, Yes, so that's cool. I love it. It's cool. It's cool, all right, So lu I'm enjoying the battles. Yeah. Well, uh wow, time to get caught up on today's headline, Steve, we're moving let's go, ladies and gentlemen. Miss Anne Trimp, thank you very much, and here's the news on this Monday morning. Everybody The House of Representatives is awaiting action this week on yet another coronavirus stimulus package, a three trillion dollar bill passed last week. However, the measure is not expected to pass the GOP control Senate, as there were two sides to the argument in the House one expects, one expressed by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, the other by Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Instead of going big, it seems you went crazy. This is a political messaging bill that has no chance of becoming law. This is a very strategically planned piece of legislation that is tailored strictly to meet the needs of the American people arting the coronavirus pandemic. This new measure directs funding to state and local governments, frontline workers, and families. Senate Republicans expected to push a batch of right wing judge ships through instead and then go into recess for the Memorial Day weekend. President Trump has fired the State Department's Inspected General. The White House says Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recommended it. This latest firing of federal watchdog has prompted both the House and Foreign Affairs and the ranking member of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, both Democrats to launch investigations into Trump's firing of State Department Inspector Steve Lennock, but Lennox's dismissal has even met with skepticism from some Republican lawmakers, like I was Chuck Grassley, who says Trump has to provide details to Congress as to why Lenoch was removed. The viral video of the shooting of unarmed Georgia Jagar Ahmad Aarbury apparently was first leaked to the press at the request of the father now accused of his murder because he thought it would make him and his son look better. Believe it or not, the young mister Arbery was when he was chased and confronted by two white men. An ensuing struggle, he was shot to death. The attorney represent the alleged gunman, Travis McMichael, is Jason Sheffield, who wants people to suspend judgment until all the facts are in. Travis has a presumption of innocence. That presumption of innocence follows him from now throughout the course of this trial. Well, of course, Amed Aubrey's family finds that that statement is sadly absurd since their attorney says, we only wish that his client had provide the same presumption of innocence to Ahmed Aubrey before chasing him down and killing him. By the way, the families lawyers giving new details about that surveillance video showing Aubrey inside of a house under construction. You see him like running in and running out. They say the homeowner has verified that Ahmah did not take anything. He only drank some water from a sink before continuing on his run. Now, there's been announced that the architect Rock and Roll a Little Richard to be buried on the campus of Oakwood University and the historically black University in Huntsville, Alabama. Services to take place on Wednesday, and they will be private. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening show, Hey, listen up. Everybody has promised we got our special guests this morning. He's a Grammy Award winning sing a song right to Produce an author. I didn't even know this man. This is a huge figure. This man has sold over fifty million albums. What yes you hear me? And he's back and he's got a new single out. I've heard it. Oh my god, it's called back Together. Everybody, you're gonna hear the song right here. This morning, we're gonna find out what else is going on. So, ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, please welcome to Steve Harvey morning to show our very own family member, the one and only Anthony Hamilton. Welcome, Welcome, Welcome, welcome. Aw y'all doing yeah? Good, good, hey man. So how are you handling the pandemic and everything? Staying out the way? That's smart? You know. I got my three boys, dear man, and you know, cooking and cleaning and online school stuff, and that keeps me pretty busy, staying healthy, plenty of herbs and vitamins and good fruit and stuff like that. We take nice bike ride pretty much every lease about five times a week. Oh yeah, for like an hour and change. Yeah, okay, good man. That keeps me from jumping on him. So, Anthony, are you helping out with the school work? Man? I got to yeah, you know, in the beginning of the first week, it was like, oh boy, that left side of the brand or right that, whichever one I had been using in a while. I had to I had to dust it off. I ain't got nothing to dust talk you come over here, want some damn less like I did. Man, it was it was challenging in the beginning, but I learned a lot, you know, a lot of patients through this whole thing, and I ain't had to whoop nobody. I had to jack him up a little bit. Yeah, a little bit of material. You put all that, you put all the shirt fabric under their chin form. Yeah, you're just gathered it. Gather up. Let me let me talk to you a little close. You know, I'm trying to make one of them church fans out of here, you know, the one that hey, man, listen, we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna bring you back in just a minute. But right, but but but we're gonna talk about it for just a second. Back together as your first single in two years, man, and it features the late great Rick James. Tell us about that, man well, being a big fan of Rick James, Super Freak, Fire and Desire and uh Ebony Eyes, just all those great songs. Man Knife Wonder was playing with this music and I heard Rick James boys, and I was like, we have to use this. It just felt good. It felt good to me. It felt like like the continuation of the best of me. I wrote it in a way to where Rick jameson sing along with me, me and Hitty Kane. Okay, we'll listen to this when we come back. We're gonna hear it right here on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Back Together Everybody with Anthony Hamilton's and Rick James. Right after this, don't go no where, I call your Mama and them. You're listening show all right, y'all, We're back now. Special guest this morning is Grammy Award winning songwriter producer sing the one and only Anthony Hamilton's and today, Man, we're gonna be featuring his new single call back Together with Rick James. So Anthony, warn't you set the song up? Man, Harvey Nation. This is Anthony Hamilton and I'm back to the new single Back Together featuring and Rick Jane. It was a new You never get so much for giving you my hearties. We promise we never grow apart. I knew you never was good. So much love in you, so hard we go through things anyway, it makes it hard for you to get Why keet it off? Just change? But can we just get back again? Why can't and we to loves together, Lovely last forever? Can we just get back? Yeah, lonely nights forever, but a lonely night about love and last forever to it all, it was love from the start, so much love. You promised me you be. I know you've been loving him so long, so long, so slowly night he made you cry. You restrain to me, but I knew you never deph. Can't you read it again? Lovely nights together, Lovely nights we share? Lester got just the word scrapping or dancings MoES? Which you want? You let you do? You're looking at him together? Why can't you read I'm not gonna Why somebody man don't ask me to get in on one of these? That's hot man, waiting on you? Yeah, yeah, that's what it was. I was just busy. This is the single that you could get right now back together? Yes, and the album, So this is gonna come out in an album. I take it soon, man. I got some fire. I got one called white Hennessy. You already got going back to the first like almost like coming from one first raw. And I have one called Pillows where I buried my secret. I'd have told a lot of secrets on some pillars, and I've regretted damn every last one of them. I should have kept my damn mouth shot. Oh my god. Hey, Steve Harvey Nation, listen, this is Anthony Hamilton. The new song is called Back Together featuring Rick James. It's one of them grooves, man, that's for lovers and cool people. You know what I'm saying. Downloaded for Apple Music, it's nothing. It's called Back Together. As Anthony Hamilton, Steve Harvey Nation on quarantine. We don't ran some records up to chart. Let's run this one up to the top. Just download Anthony Hamilt's Back Together. Anthony. We appreciate you man. Thank y'all, boy, we got you. Take care of you man. Y'all be good. Love y'all, y'all give it up for Anthony Hamilton and the Bill. Yeah you're listening. Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. Subject he has two wives in two separate lives. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's exhaust I know. And he lived and tell us both ways. He's tired. He's tired in both ways right right now, today's the nephew's birthday. Happy birthday nephews. Thay, yeah, there you go, so he has a day off. Junior, of course, is in for the nephew with today's prank phone call what you got for its Junior? Well today, Shirley. The title of the prank today is that ain't my brother's baby? That ain't my brother's baby? Come on, cat, Frank to me, whose baby is it? Don't worry about It's something I need to take care. I talked to man, I speak to Terry. My name is Darrel. Damon is my brother. I don't live in Dallas where y'all live. That I'm the one that live out of town. But we didn't have a family meeting and talked about it. And uh, I know Travis is your son. He eight years old. But the problem is the reason why i'm calling you, Terry is called we didn't found out that Travis ain't none of Damon's child. Travis ain't none of damon child when he'd been paying you child support here for the last eight hold on, you said your name was who I'm Darrel, I'm damon brother, and who gave you this information? We all have found the information out. We actually gonna go down there to the courthouse and get all this stuff rectified. But we didn't found out that Travis ain't ain't none of Damon's child, and he've been sitting up here sending you money seven to eight hundred dollars a month and this child ain't even here. Now, I hate for Travis to find this out, and he gonna have to find it out, but he ain't fified that. Why are you calling me? Look, the family didn't had a meeting, and I'm the one that they decided to make the phone call and tell you what's going on now, don't you You You don't have a damn thing to do with this. You You ain't nobody daddy over here. So I'm not sure what you're calling for. Who God made you key or wanted you to be head in charge to call but that it's not gonna work out. But let me why why are you doing this to my brother? That's what I'm saying. For eight years, the man been sitting you seven hundred seven dollars a month and and this ain't even his child. Well, you know, why why am I even talking to you? I'm not really sure. Your brother need to call me if he has any problems of questions. You have a good day. Hello, you don't hang No, damn phone up on me. Damon told me the last was hard headed anyway. Now, look, you know what you got the wrong one, baby, Like I'm trying to not lose all my religion today, but you're about to make me lose it on your You don't know who you know it over here. So like I said before, my fund your nephew that you're trying not to claim over there. I don't know why you came from wherever the here. You said you came from the Dallas to try to I came from California down here to Dallas, and I'm telling you need to take your bath. I'm back to California because down here if you don't know me like that, No, I don't know you, but I'm fending know you and Travis beend to know that my brother ain't his daddy. No, I don't know you know, you need to talk to your brother again. That's what you need to do. And you don't need to be talking to me. You've been to send us all the money and my brother didn't set y'all. I and when I do. Look when I said, when I sent all that eight years worth of money, you're gonna sit every dime back because it belonged to my brother. That ain't my brother. Child. Now we ain't got time to be going on. No Maury pover showing nothing to find out who you know what? Like I said, you picked the wrong one. It'd be your best been not to call me anymore. You actually it is a good thing that you call because if you can't knocking on my bell, you to got y'all with to day. No you go, that's my second thing I'm thing to do if we can't rectified over the foul. I don't have a problem coming over there, knocking down some dos and getting some questions answered, because dammon, this ain't Damon's baby. Obviously you must wish it was yours. So you're taking so much entry. No, it ain't mine, but but it ain't Damon's either, And we got to my head any and looking for from But I'm sorry this was taking over here and Damon, where we continue to play? When you owe, Damon, don't open that's a fall with your brother's night. I want to play. I'm sorry, he's gonna continue to play and you can call wherever you want to come, do whatever you want to do. So go back and tell your mama and everybody else who's waiting for this meeting, to let them know it ain't having me. Look, my mama ain't got nothing to do with it. Mama been, but your mama. You said, your mamma, law, y'all got to get us. She the same like that. I'll see where you get it from. You're just like her. Mamma knows that y'all from nosing people money, y'all damn business. That's a g man. That ain't. My mama said it from the get go, that it wasn't hunting, that it wasn't day when him. I mean your mama the two faced lock, because you're all with your mamma said, you ain't been to sit here and bring my mama up in this well. If you know so much, then you back, come back on my ball, comeack on my bare if you want to. We didn't done. The man seven hundred and fifty dollars times twelve then times eight is seventy two thousand dollars. That's how much money. And my brother didn't send you and that's how much we want back. And I need you to get the working on this money. Nah, okay, why don't you come over here and get it? Don't get your woop today, Terry, come on over here. You don't see you on your things? If you you in Dallas when I don't care nothingbody but I'm in no Dallas. You ain't Joanna for you? So what I don't even know what they're here. I don't even gonna away for my time talking to you. Like I said, your brother is a week if he got to call you, y'all had I'm eating and you got to be the one to call. I'm not really understanding. Look, I got one more thing I need to say to you. As you listening to me, you know you know my damn nerves. That's what you're doing. You respect me? Are you listening to me? What that's this? Nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got Oh you just got pranked by your sister Tanya. Baby what she said talk to her about her baby daddy and that baby. Yeah, I don't play with the child. Oh my god, I'm so inbar. All right, let me ask you this what is the baddest I'm talking about, the baddest radio show in the land. Is my birthday? Come on, pull it out, all of you. All. Praise to you, sir. Thank you, the greatest prey I've never heard. Wow. How do you do it? You're the king in his day after day? How hey, president of Team Tommy, come on out. He's not here and he delivers greatness. Who you better be on Team Timmy? He's not here. Man looking Jay up there blowing his list out? What man? What? Yeah? But that joke you told at the beginning, though I did not joke. I asked the question, and the cake is celebrate it is Tommy's birthdake birthday? Yea question? What type of cake would he be celebrating with? Come on, s and I'm talking about Without hegitation, it was wasn't the second and a half beat, I jumped in and said, shout cake, Yes you did a mask. Okay, does that mean I told a joke of Steve told me joke? Because I haven't. Don't try to get out of it. Team Tommy. We're gonna tell it. We're gonna tell you. The EO of Team Tommy. Speaking of Team Tommy, tell us about what you guys, y'all please check our team Tommy usually Jens Brown and Thomas Mind stay home comedy shows, Sinnisi videos. If we like them, we put them up. It's very funny. Show Coming up will be Show seven doing Real Good SYNISI videos to stay Home Comedy show gmail dot com. You wear a different hat, come on, tell us about it a different because I ain't going nowhere. That's the thing. I'm not going nowhere. I'm not you know what does it feel so bad that you just know you ain't going No, damn well nowhere. I've gotten used to it. I know I'm no longer wake up with any form of anticipation, expectations. I initially, Steve, we were like, hold this time off, we're gonna do this, and we're gonna do that, and you know, get into this and get into that. Nothing nothing from our bedroom to the living room. Wou'd you say, Junior? I started a journal. That's something that's really what's up there? Can't you give us a hand? Listen? It was just like yesterday, every day, every day, just like this, all right, thanks guys, coming up. Max Strawberry letters subject. He has two wives and two separate lives. We'll get into it right after this you're listening to coming up in forty six minutes after the hour, Jay Anthony Brown will be in the building to what murder another hit? It's been a minute since Jay murdered a hit and you don't want to miss it. Okay, time now for today's Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need advice on anything on relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Now, you know, the nephew is out today. It is his birthday. He is celebrating somewhere. Yes, he's celebrating, So Junior's in for the nephew. Junior, all right, ladies, and Dan's time for the strawberry later. My good friend Shirley Stronger. Thank you, Junior. Subject he has two wives and two separate lives. Dear Stephen, Shirley, I am twenty two years old and I recently graduated from college, so I'm quarantine at my parents' house. They have been married for thirty seven years and the marriage has been rocky since I was a little girl, but they are still together. My father works out of the country for two months every year, so that gives my mother a break from him. In late March, I found out that my father was not only working while he was overseas, he had started a whole new life. I overheard my dad on the phone saying he was miserable at home and he was only staying in the marriage until after he walks me down the aisle. My wedding is planned for December, and my dad is supposed to give me away. Well, not anymore. All of that has changed. I told my dad I heard his phone call and he told me it was a male friend. I got his phone and I called the last number he dialed. It ended up being a woman that lives in Brazil, and she told me that she's heard all about me and she knows that my parents are still married. Wow. She told me that she is also married to my father and that they got married two years ago, but she's being patient with my father while he prepares to divorce my mom and then moved to Brazil. I told my father that I talked to his second wife, and he got white as a ghost. I threatened to tell my mom if he didn't tell her. He apologized, and he told me this was grown folks business, and I need to stay in my place. I told him he is not welcome to come to my wedding and I want nothing else to do with him. He told me it is complicated, but he respects my wishes. We are quarantine with a big secret, and my mom does not have a clue that her marriage is over. My father simply does not care anymore anymore. What can I do? Wow, well, man, this is big. I mean, you ask what can you do? I don't know that there's a lot you can do. I don't know that that there's a whole lot you can do, because you know it's your father who's mess things up. But anyway, let me just say this. Your father was right about one thing. Okay, he was right about this. This is very much grown folks business, very much. They're grown, your mom and dad. But guess what, you're grown too. You're twenty two years old. You're grown. This is your business too, This is family business. These are your parents. I think he owes it to you, and he owes it to your mom, his wife of thirty seven years. He owes you guys an explanation. What he did doesn't just affect him, Okay, it affects the entire family. This is a family matter now. That means Mama, daddy, you, everybody. Your mom shouldn't be kept in the dark on this. She really shouldn't. Whether the marriage has been rocky since you since you were a little kid or what, and it's still rocky, that doesn't matter. This is going to devastate her. This news is going to devastate her. By the way, having two wives is illegal in the US. I don't know about Brazil ill, but I definitely know it's illegal in the US. And it's so sad because you want your dad to walk you down the aisle on your wedding day, and that's usually what dads do. But you've asked him out of the wedding, so it's already affected more than just him, it's affected you. You don't want to have anything to do with him anymore. Like you say, you're quarantine in the house with this big old secret going on now between you and your dad, the other wife, and the mother who knows nothing. She's clueless somebody's gonna have to break it to her. And if your dad doesn't step up and be a man and tell your mother, his wife of thirty seven years, what's going on? You know, I say you would have to do it if you were a girlfriend or a neighbor. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, because I would say that, because I don't think her mom should be in the dark on this one. Somebody has to tell her that her husband has a whole other life in a whole other country. She's got to find out. And if he doesn't tell her, you step up and do it. That is my advice. Now, I know Steve is going to disagree with me on that because he doesn't believe in telling. But this is a family situation going on right here, and you're involved, all right, Steve. Well, this is a very very difficult letter. This is very very difficult because, Okay, here's a twenty two year old that's graduated. She's in quarantine with her parents of thirty seven years marriage and they've had a rocky, you know, relationship every since, and so but she found out that her father not only works overseas, that he has a whole new life over there. She overheard her dad on the phone, saying that he was miserable at home and he was only staying in the marriage until after he walks me down the aisle. My wedding is for December, and my dad is supposed to give me away. Well not any more. Wow. Now, I guess I would want to say, what does walking you down the aisle have to do with any of this? But then I guess I can understand. You're a young girl, a young woman, You hurt for your mother, you found out some information. But when we come back, I'm gonna tell you what I really think is going on with your dad, all right, being a little bit different home, Hold on to that. We'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Subject for today he has two wives and two separate lives. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to show, all right, Steve, Come on, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters. Subject he has two wives and two separate lives. All right. This twenty two year old young woman has graduated from college in Quarantine with her parents, has been married for thirty seven years. They've always had a rocket relationship. She overheard her father talking on the phone the other day to someone claiming that he felt that he was miserable and he was only standing in the marriage until after he walks the lady down. The twenty two year old is writing the letter. She says that her wedding is in December and her dad is supposed to give me away, and then she says, well not anymore. Well quite naturally, I would want to go what does that have to do with anything? Because you're mad at your dad because you found out a secret about him. But then let me follow let me show you how this secret work. You told your dad that you heard his phone call. He told you was a male friend. You got your dad's phone. You would have never got that phone from me. You got your dad's phone, and you die the last number back. It ended up being a woman that lives in Brazil. She told this girl on the lady that wrote the letter that she's heard all about me, and she knows about my parents being still married. She told me that she was also married to your father and then they got married two years ago. But she's being patient with my father while he prepares to divorce my mom. And then moved to Brazil. I told my father that I talked to his second wife. He got white as a ghost. I threatened to tell my mom if he didn't tell her. He apologized to me, but then he told you that this was grown folks business and I needed to stay in my place. I told him he wasn't welcome. You can't come to the way now, and I want nothing else to do with me. He told me it's complicated, but he respects my wishes. Now with quarantine, with this big secret, and my mom don't have ancluded. Her marriage is over. My father simply does not care anymore. What can I do, well, you can't do anything. Surely got this part of it right. It is their business. But now that you found out it's yours because you're in the family and it's your mom, should you tell your mom? Absolutely not, Absolutely not. I think that has to be your father and only your father. That's the way it has to come. If he created the mess, then he got it. He got to expel it. That's the easy route out if you go in there talking. But now let me tell you something I think your father is actually doing here. First of all, I don't know if the marriage in Brazil is legal. I think he knows that. I think he's also been playing this woman in Brazil, telling how I'm leaving, I'm leaving, I'm leaving, I'm leaving, I'm leaving. But he's giving your mom no England of that. I think the dude went down there, got caught up, guy, had started having his life, started playing, got the playing too hard, had a little crazy little ceremony down there. I think he has no intentions of leaving your mom. I think he's been leading this woman on for two years, because let me tell you something, he ain't no man staying to walk you down the hole. He's still your father. You could be divorced and walk a person down the aisle. What that got to do with it? So I think really that he's been leading his own woman on in Brazil. I think he has no intention of moving to Brazil. I think his old black ass gonna stay right there in Mississippi wherever you are from, because his ass don't speak Portuguese or Spanish. I think him going down to Brazil be a huge ass mistake, and he know it too. But he just had him a little side thing on the side, and he got out of hand and now you didn't found out about it. It is complicated. It is grown folks business. And I think that you should just ask your father to be honest with your mother. But now I want you to know something. Now, you gonna cause a catastrophic chain of events when you force your father to say this. They're quarantine though, Steve, you know something's gonna come out. Well, you know she ain't gonna keep it sick because she a little young and twin two. She mad as here and as her mother and her mother don't know, and women do like to know, and they like to share information, and so that ain't high men do. I don't suggest you tell your mother. I'm against that. If anybody should tell, it is him. But he had all this time. Maybe he wasn't ever gonna tell her because maybe in his mind it ain't nothing to tell her. He having an affair. He really is having an affair. He really does have this woman in Brazil. She's talked to her daughter, knew all about her, and he's just waiting on the divorce to happen. Well, ain't no divorce paper has been filed up here in the US, and with her mama's name on it. She been served or nothing like this, And I don't think the dude is going nowhere said right, huh, he said after the wedding. He was waiting till he was man. He didn't say he'd been married for two years. The wind wasn't two years ago. See he's been he'd been coming up with little reasons why he ain't going to Brazil for two years. I think the dude just got caught up, had a little life down there, got a little fine little Brazil girl. That's all it is. I think he talked about I love you and all this here, let's get married. He knew good and where he could have a little ceremony now now, ain't nobody got to find out in the States, ain't no marriage license. He hadn't done something got in over his head and got busted. Stupid. Yeah, yeah, he's a I don't think his ass going to Brazil country ass with stupid ass. Dude down there, don't even know how the laws we're gonna get. Think that ass over there with a passport and get being some damn Brazil you the prison. After he find out he'd been married up here, he ain't going down and live out here, he go to work in his ass back on that plane after that visa. Sorry, this has happened to you, the young sister, but I don't think you should tell your mom because it's a complicated situation. He had just said that. All right, listen post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook and coming up at forty six minutes after the hour, Janthony Brown has murdered yet another hit. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening Steve Harpy Morning Show. All right, so Jay here we are. It's about time we haven't heard from murdered, hid from you in a minute. Huh what you got? I don't write uplifting songs. I wish I could, I don't. I've tried to Steve, but I just I don't have it in me. I don't know how to be. I'm bitter to the chord. The song is dedicated to the men like this man right here who in the Strawberry Letter, And if you're in a situation similar to that you want to get out, This song is dedicated to you. Hit it larning sometimes for im wide away, feeling my eyes I sweat sweat, sweat, sweat. They never sleeps. She won't let me be. Oh Lord, oh Lord, no, Lord, no, Lord. Why she in the room with me? I thought she had some well Bee, she's in the bathroom when I feed. Lord, I hate this COVID disease. I wish I could fly away and remember. No understands I remember back in the day, she had her old place to stay. Lord, I can't pull her out because she owns half the house. I can't take this another day. So help me. I need to leave my wild life. Why she got why? Why? Why? Why wild? I'm gonna know why? Why? No? Why? Why for me? Why for me? Why why I don't need? Why? So Mary? Why I need to lead? She's in the bathroom when I be. Oh why why we're figuring it out? Jay, I thought you had somewhere to be like Mary Jake Bliger. She was going through You know, she made the best music, and they liked Big Luther rather than Little Luther. We like bitter. Jay. Just stay bitter because you make the best. I've never seen any many other way. Yeah, you may, this is not new, This is not a character. Stay bitter. If everybody coming here happy is over with over. Yeah, don't share, don't change Jay all right? Coming up at the top of the hour, CBS News journalists and legendary legendary reporter, news anchor, all of that. Dan Rather tweeted that he finally understands Obama Gate. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to this Steve Harvey Show. Legendary CBS News journalist Dan Rather tweeted that after watching President Obama's graduation address, he finally understands Obama Gate. He said, it's a scandal of having a president being able to speak with empathy, humor, insight, inspiration, and in a complete coherent sentence or complete coherent sentences, which is what he said. I have to agree with them, yea, how can you argue with that? I mean, you know this president man, I don't care who you are. You listen, I don't know what the game that they're playing, the Republicans, senators, the GOP Party, the Trump supporters, this is a very dangerous game that they played because I happen to think that a lot of those people are really really bright and intelligent people. There are a lot of bright and intelligent Trump supporters. There are a lot of bright and intelligent senators in that Senate, But there is something in this game that they have to play where they ignore all of their better judgment and senses, because you have to know that this man is incompetent. You have to know that he's not well spoken. You have to know that this guy just doesn't get it. You have to know that he has no idea of what real leadership is, and you have to know that unless he's reading directly off the paper, he is an absolute loose cannon. And you're talking about yeah, oh my goodness, I mean yeah, listen, he's the president and he talks the way he talks. I could have got anybody, man. I know, dudes that own pizza parlors, that speak more coherently and better and would have better leadership qualities than him. But that's why a lot of people picked him for that very reason, Steve, because he doesn't act like a president or speak like a president. But he was the biggest lie. Fortunately, I'm gonna get up there and drain the swamp. That have never in my lifetime been more convictions of more cabinet members, lawyers and associates of a president going to jail and getting sentenced for crimes than this administration right here. So I'm trying to figure out when he drained the swamp, who did he brain? Who did to drain it? Right? What was the drainage company he used? Because Trump International came up there with some characters. Roger Stone is in jail, going to jail, Michael Flynn, Michael Cohen, Manafort, these are all top people in his They got questions about everybody he brings on board. Man, he even had remember when he had that guy that was running this campaign from the but the dude from the Bart right, what was that? Oh yeah, right, Bart, yeah, Man, that yeah, yeah, that's a right ring racist but Steve. Anybody that questions him within the government, then he fires them when they, you know, say hey hey, hey, hey, wait a minute, this right, this may not be what you're supposed to be doing because you can't speak against him. He sees that as disloyalty, and he does not reward unloyalty if he doesn't get it. And you have to be loyal to a flaw. And now he has everybody understanding that if you're not loyal, I'll come for you. So now all of the senators are afraid of him. Yeah, because they know that the election is coming, he'll speak out against him. This is the guy that will cut off his nose despite his face. Absolutely, and so that's a dangerous person in the White House. It's just really astonishing to me, though, the number of Goop Party members who are really bright and good people, wholesome people, really do care about their party and everything, but go along with this guy right here, who is the worst example of everything they're supposed to be standing for. Except for mid Romney. I gotta say, all right, coming up, we'll have more of today's trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after the hour. That's right after this you're listening to. Have you guys been online? It's just like Black Friday? Every every day we're at home. Yeah, I mean we're shopping online. That's a lot of times what we do, right, Junior? What what have you bought? What have you bought? Junior? I bought a tyrant, the rotating automatic tyrant. I bought three of them. I can't even install them three, but I got them though. Wow. Yeah, yeah, you know the thing that cleaned. They got this thing that clean your Yeah. I put a little gun on it, and you put them peroxide and and everything, and and then you put in your ear and then you squeeze. I'm clean. Yeah, bought that. I'm killing Amazon whatever they send me something. But have you bought that? I got that? The raised the little rotating thing. Man, it's automatic. Put the battery in that. Yeah, automatic for your nose. Hands got out of it. Though. What else do I bought a pack of shoehorn back, Yeah, because they came up. They was twenty percent off that day. Who didn't know? I didn't look on that. It's some good stuff on that already on just Amazon passed up. I didn't know that down you got to go on the Amazon line without everybody killing it? About killing it, boy, I can't even you. All right, morn Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending you know a guard that grown the wall got on. I live in an apartment. Thirty three minutes after the hour, we'll be right back. You're listening in today's trending entertainment news. It very on. Steve Harvey, Lebron James, Kevin Hard and a President Obama both they all delivered inspiring speeches to the class of twenty twenty and to HBCU graduates, acknowledging that the graduates were faced with some unusual circumstances with this COVID nineteen pandemic. President Obama reminded us what a president should sound like, and he urged, finally we have forgotten. He urged people to be selfless, to work together to help those in need, and to reject divisiveness, and he also talked about the inadequacies of America's current leadership. Take a listen, please, You're being asked to find your way in a world in the middle of a devastating pandemic and a terrible recession. The timing is not ideal, and let's be honest. A disease like this just spotlights the underlying inequalities and extra burdens that black communities have historically had to deal within this country. We see it in the disproportionate impact of COVID nineteen on our communities, just as we see it when a black man goes for a jog and some folks feel like they can stop and question and shoot him if he doesn't submit to their question. Injustice like this isn't new. What is new is that so much of your generation has woken up to the fact that the status quo needs fixing. More than anything, this pandemic is fully, finally torn back the curtain on the idea that so many of the folks in charge know what they're doing. A lot of them aren't even pretending to be in charge. Wow, and he didn't call your name, so oh no, no, no, no, he responded immediately. Trump had a heart attack when you said that. But he don't have to say his name because my daddy always said, if you throw a rock in a pack of dogs, the one that halla is the one you hit. And now yeah, oh yeah. Uh. President Trump meanwhile dismissed President Obama's President Obama's words and called him grossly incompetent. What you got a lot of nerds talking about yourself, you know, you know, and jack some bleached you know, some law maybe you know, right, June, he talks somebody incompetence, grossly incompetence, gross grossly, grossly incompetent. I don't think so, let it really do ye? Sad part of yeah, wow? Well, all right, coming up our last break of the day. It is the last break of the day. Then we'll have some clothing, remark from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after the hour, right after this, you are crazy, j Anthony Brown. You're listening to show all right. Here we are our last break of the day. It's been a good Monday. Listen, Yes, nephew, Happy birthday again to the nephew. Yeah, I knew murder the head from Jake. Why why? Why? Why? I thought that you would go why why? Yeah? We need you better at all. I'm not again. Yeah, play that for my closing lad and Jim's bitter Man's He wrote a song for all you brothers that struggling in the COVID nineteen in the battle, in the battle, sometimes for a wide away leaps feeling my eye and I swear swear, swear, swear. They never sleeps. She won't let me be o. Lord, No Lord, no Lord, no Lord. Why she in the room with me? I thought she had some wet bee. She's in the bathroom when I feed the Lord. I hate this COVID disease. I wish I could fly away and remember. No understands. I remember back in the day, she had her whole place to stay. Lord. I can't pull her out because she owns half the house. I can't take this another day, So help me. I need to leave my wild life? Why she got? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? I I won't know why? Why? Why? Why? For me? For me? Why? Why? Why? Why? Life? Why me? Why? I don't need? Why? Why I'm man to help me? I don't know why that's my gym because I don't really feel that way for a man you got, I don't won't know why, Junior saying put it on iTunes about pray for me, Pray for me? Whoa please pray for me? On the remix with Steve on the Collaborate Steve Man Dog Jay. I know we've been talking about it, but man, I want you could do it at home and send it down. I'll put something together, man, I'll put something. Give them a track, give them oh man, if you give me a track, oh y dog and letting dog and letting me in my alter ego, Roscoe Wallace, have it gonna happen. I'm you do it as Roscoe. Okay, I'm gonna do Roscoe Wallace and Steve and me and me and Roscoe. We want to hear Steve be great. You can do that is gonna be great. Yeah, it'll be blue Blues, something with the blues, something with the blues. Well, you know, and listen, you know, it's always good to use human love that song he did. But you know what, I've really really taken a positive approach to everything that's happening in this situation that we all find ourselves in. You know, I had a junior come over this weekend, come over to the house out by the pool again, you know, because he don't get here, don't know, nobody, ain't got no he can't hand nobody around him. So everybody in my house quarantine's who he's over. And I was explaining the junior the thing about this COVID thing. This is the first time that everybody I know, no matter where they live in the world, no matter what religion they practice, no matter what color they are, no matter what the economic standing, the poor, the middle class, the rich, the super rich, this is the first time, no matter what your nationality, that we all all have the exact same concern. It has shown me how connected we are as a race of people. This is the first time in my life as a black person that I have felt totally connected to the world because what happens there affects us here. What happens here affects them there. Nobody can escape this conversation about COVID nineteen. No country cannot address it. And you know what, it is created a balance. It is a balance because I don't care who you are. This can strike anyone. And this has affected everyone. You don't have to have control acted COVID nineteen to be affected by it. It has changed the way we live, the way we spend, the way we shop, the way we socialize, the way we travel, the way we move, the way we meet, the way we work. It has affected every aspect of our life. So now listen to this. You can win behind this. You can come out of this on top. You don't. You don't have to let this thing beat you, because I'm telling you this is winnable. You just need God. You just need God, and you can win in this situation. That's all I have to say to you. If you haven't thought about it, please consider that that said for me today, y'all have a great woe man. Have a nice week y'all, because it's here. Happy Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursy, Friday, Saturday Sunday. Because it's the same for all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.