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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all bag all sung looking back the black dog giving them more just like theming buck things and it's touble y'all to be true. Good at Steve hy listening to me when together for Stu Barnley. Why don't you join yeah by joint beer. You go with me? Honey said you gotta turn yet, you gotta turn the turnow turn you love it got to turn out to turn water wan go, comey, come on your back now. Uh huh, I show well a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. This one is really good today because this one it took me years and years and years to understand it. I mean to really get my mind around it. What took me years and years and years to fully understand. You can get your mind wrapped around this really, man, if you really focus within three days, if if you if you're a little slow, it might take you a couple of weeks. Okay, but now listen to me. What what I'm gonna share with you took me years and years and years to really understand it. But if you can wrap your mind around it, you can grasp this concept and and master it in three days. Like you said, if you're a little slow, if any little extra convincing is what I mean by that, then probably a couple of weeks and then the rest of you just won't get this at all. And I understand that there's a scripture that says the poor will always be amongst us, And you know why, I think. I don't know this for a fact, but I think he covered all the grounds in the Bible. And I think one of the reasons he put that in there bege because he knew in a lot of people's shortcomings and the way they were gonna think that that they weren't gonna buy into the belief system, That they weren't gonna buy into the fact that if he came, he came to give you life more abundantly. That they weren't gonna buy into the fact that miracles can happen for them too. They're not gonna buy into the fact that if that, if that these people with these wonderful lives, that that can apply to them. I think God knew that. I'm not saying I know that, but I think that scripture and there at the poor will always be amongst us. It's because I just I don't know. Man, Maybe he knew all of us wasn't gonna believe, all of us wasn't gonna receive, and all of us wasn't gonna think it was possible. So maybe it's sitting there for that. But he covers everything. Now here's Here's the thing that took me a long time to wrap my mind around. It is the concept of gratitude. All right, let me tell you what, what what? What? What? I come to came to the understanding, so you can begin the process today. Gratitude and the lack of it. Okay, you're listening. Gratitude and the lack of it. It's one of the biggest blessing blockers that is. Man, did you do you listen to me? It took me year is and years and years to come to this realization. I'm gonna give it to you. And if you're smart, you can really wrap your mind around this thing in a matter of days if you focus on it, and in two weeks you can have this thing mastered. But gratitude and the lack of it is one of the biggest blessing blockers there is. Now, gratitude is just what it is. It's being thankful or grateful for something or someone and and and some events and occurrence in your life. It's just having the overall attitude of gratefulness, thankfulness, thankfulness, gratitude for what you have. If you can become extremely grateful and thankful for what you have, you then open up the lanes for you to receive more. But your lack of gratitude sometimes and our lack of gratitude, causes the blessings that could flow our way to be blocked. Here's how you block your blessings. This the cold part man, Here the part that I didn't get. If you are not thankful for what you have, if you are not grateful for what you have, why let sen me this is this common sense? Now? Why would God give you some more stuff for you then not to be grateful, thankful and appreciative of Why would he do that? What? It does not make any sense. It goes against him, It goes against the law of attraction, It goes against everything that makes sense. You cannot push away something and attracted it don't work. You're either pushing or you pulling. You're either giving or you're receiving. What what? What? Which one? You're doing here? You're either running your mouth or you quiet hummed? Hummed counts as humming, doesn't count as quiet. When I closed my mouth and our hum that don't count as quiet. See, so stop looking for the loopholes. The lack of gratitude is one of the biggest blessing blockers that there is. Man, Why with God give you some more stuff to not be grateful for? Have you ever just looked at it that a way? Maybe you don't have any more than you have because you're not really really thankful and appreciative or show gratitude for what you have had or what you do have. Now you're sitting out there saying, okay, well, how do you do that, Steve, when you don't have all you want? How do you show gratitude when you don't have all you want? This is very simple. You show the gratitude, the appreciation and the thankfulness not for what you want, for what you have. Then, if you really master the concept, when you ask God for something, you thank him in advance for sending it to you. So you can sit over here and have a cold ability to receive. Man, this thing is not a magic trick. It's a mental adjustment that we have to make in order to get where we want. Look, man, the lack of gratitude is one of the biggest blessing blockers that is. That is, Think about it for a second. Think about if you don't have all you want, when the last time you thanked him for all you have, I mean, really took inventory of your life and really thanked him for the ability to speak, your mind, walking healing, for friendship, for your family, for keeping angels camped around you, for watching over your children, for your parents still being here man, for even having the parents, even if you lost him, for the things they taught you, For being able to see the sun every day it's cats locked away, Man, don't even get to see the sun. You ain't you ain't even grateful for that. But then if you locked away, ain't you grateful that you still here? Come on, man, everybody got something be grateful for. Because all the dirt I did, I should be in the worst position than I am. But even if you locked up all you did, you could be worse off. Now, think about it. Everybody got something to be grateful for But if you and that old old woe is me mindset the old Lord. I just can't seem to get it together. And these bills keep coming. Yeah, they keep coming because you keep attracting them. Lord, Lord, I'm so sick of his debt. Lord, help me get out of debt. Well, you're just attracted some more debt to get out of. You keep speaking stuff out into space in the universe, and you keep speaking stuff into existence in your life. I can't ever seem to find all men his dogs. Well, here come another one. I can't find nobody to treat me right. Here come another one. I ain't gonna treat you right when you're gonna change the way you think? When you when't, will we change the way we put out what we put out into space? Man, the lack of gratitude is one of the biggest blessing blockers that there is. Man, You've got to show gratitude for every little thing you have, Man of the homeless man under the bridge got to be thankful if he get a box to shield him from the wind sometimes, but if not there you'll stay. I'm sorry, Man, this ain't steve you know coming over on. This is why you over here. You are why you where you are because you thought yourself there. You thought yourself there, you attracted things to you. You didn't listen. We don't listen to God. Man. I'm gonna tell you right now, I could be further along in my life and career had I listened earlier. I'm just gonna tell you real man. So guess what where he gonna take me, Lord her Mercy. I can't wait to see what he got from me because I'm tuning in my mind right. You gotta get your mind right, man. Gratitude, the lack of gratitude is one of the biggest blessing blockers there is. Stop blocking your blessings, man, Be grateful for every little thing you have. You open up the windows for more to come in. You're listening, he said. We are eighteen minutes after the hour. Eighteen minutes all mighty owl, Steve harb and morning showing tripping, all right, tripping all ready in the words of Oatmeal, already, yeah, morning, Steve. How's it going, Mr? Top top little big shots back on the air boor We're not gonna lose this moment? Excuse me, what did you say, sir? What the heck, did you just say I want I want everybody to hear this. Okay, let's i'll start over. We'll give Morning Star a little big shots back on the air. How you doing, m You didn't know, huh, I saw it. Excuse me. I saw an advertise, but with you, I couldnot. Man. Yeah, it was on last night, the debut, and it was really really good, Steve. Yes, yeah, I mean just a kid. Yes, it was very good. You were good too, Thank you, Thank y'all. Appreciate appreciate your live. You know, I tried the number one new show on TV. Yeah, it was really good. I missed. You don't know which one it was, and none of that, right, m hmm. I saw advertisement. Well the explosion blew up, Oh yeah, and you screamed like a girl. Yeah, that really did have no that little boy, cause see I don't come to rehearsals, so Quinn explosion, K. They didn't tell me how I was supposed to do it. I leaned over too far and it blew your helmet off. And it blew the helmet off for real. And the little boy was telling me, who I didn't even care for after that, that if the stuff get on you it'll burn. That's so I'm sitting up there going now. I could feel this stuff on my skin. Yeah, I could feel it on my skin because it shot all it just missed me. Man, I didn't get it. Well, he said they didn't. The little kids didn't do it because it wasn't safe. So the adults over that too. That's what the little boys said. You were like other dudes had practiced it somewhere or they are not practiced, but told them how to pull. Didn't do it. I just get the stuff soon as it comes out there because I don't meet none of the kids before the thing, So I did I did? I remember the explosion party, man. Yeah. And then there m there was a little four year old boy who was a praise and worship leader at his church. I remember that little kid. It was something before he could leave the entire church. And he said Papa taught him everything. Yeah, yeah, that's probably cool. I'm not following the folio. And and the young lady from the Philippines boys, she had the voice of an angel, Okay that I do know about whoa that little girl could sing? Well, y'all show getting a lot of in the day. Yeah, And the little girl that knew all the bones in the body. Oh yes, yes, yes, yes, she was four. She was four as well. She was four as well. She kept saying. It's the saying that you don't remember this year. Yeah, it really is it. We was the number one new show in America because you got a check for it. You know, that's that's the same that you don't remember. He's not only the star, he's the executive producer along with Ellen. Yeah, you know, all that's true. The generous surely you said that too. Congratulation a little bit in the world. Man, it doesn't bring it up star I'm talking about Man, I call myself watching it so we could talk about it this morning. I mean, that's that's you know, I remember, Oh, just yourself. Well, you know, like here's a deal, here's a deal. Like I wear a black suit, white shirt, black tie on the show. For two reasons. Number one, I wanted to always just be about the kids. Okay, you don't want to be and yeah yeah yeah, so I just keep it your nice, clean basic. And then the other reason is in case one of the kids, you know, nerves or flip out. You know, they can put the shows together how they want to you know what I mean, check the show, you know in case one couse, I can't tell you how many times because I tell them all the time. You need to let that little boy go to the bathroom. No, no, we're going up in five minutes. Okay, just try and tell you what we do. We didn't got excited, the little boys excited, But all of a sudden it's gonna be too much. I can't even tell you how many times we didn't wit to break so we could dry out clothes. What ever ever would think that? Would? Man? Listen to me. You're dealing with little boys, and you're talking about taping and stuff go wrong, long setups. You know, one of the little kids get sick and throw up. We gotta wait. One little kid might get scared. We gotta go out the orders, get their mama. You know. Now we got extra hold and pat it. Them little boys gonna pee on theirselves. Yeah, your little boy's gonna be on myself. There's too much. I'm excited, I'm practice my routine. I'm ready to go now, I haven't done everything self go to bathroom, but they are so tell wanted, man, where do you guys find these kids? I mean really, I mean, you know, it's getting uh even better for us because now that the show was a hit, you know, it's people finding us, you know. But what we try to do is we try to keep a balance. So it's not just singing and dancing. Yeah, oh no, it's not just singing and dancing. You know. It's to show the kids doing everything. Yeah, and then kids watching from home can be exposed to everything. You know. My son loves this. Yeah, I don't know a kid does. He doesn't. Oh, Jordan loves just man, Jordan. Maybe we had we had to run it back after it was over. Kids love. They can't just watch it one time, you know what I mean? Times I saw lion key yea. All right, Well we'll be back with Steve something Funny and we're coming back at right. Yeah, she's on her way, y'all just talking. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we can do all that as promised. Steve something funny coming up. Uh, Carlo is on her way in, she's out right. Now here we go. Cool? Is he anybody gonna get on call about being late? I'm yeah, I'm okay. Well, Shirley, go ahead, dude, Okay, remember this, Shirley, you said you would. Okay, okay, all right, well we're about to see y'all. Y'all get on me. I'm like, listen all the sun, but I just cool. That's Mary Jack Blise you and me mean you Neil looking hill. Here's my thirties something funny? Okay, Tommy, what movie is this right here? Ain't nobody gonna say nothing? Oh? Come on, Tommy, Ain't nobody gonna think, well, you know what he means? Oh? Ain't no good, it's gonna say nothing. You know what he means it. Don't nobody know nothing? Yeah? Oh yeah? What do you mean? Oh? Nobody know nothing? You knew what he meant? Tommy, I'm looking for the line, right, Okay, But then let's switch it up. Ain't nobody gonna say nothing? Huh? Let me new Jack City dog calling late? Y'all been talking all that smack nashi here? Ain't Tommy talking all that trap? Ain't nobody goes say nothing? They say, Steve, what you shouldn't let say? Oh naw you ain't nobody gonna say nothing? Really? Hold on, Tommy, you said, yeah, I'm gonna say something. Because everybody always get on me when I'm late? Didn't you say that? And didn't you say? Well? Okay, ain't nobody gonna say nothing? Full In the words of Steve Harvey, here me go ahead, Tommy, everybody oversleeps. What's the big? Go ahead? Tom All? Done it? What y'all said? Don't stop, Let's go Tommy. They say, I just say nothing. I said I didn't want to get shot, just like everybody scared of call? Callor what was you keying? Somebody call a lot of car. I'm happily married. No, no, those days allegedly got a car? What I got to do with it? No, I'm happily married. No, I'm good. We're going on thirteen years. Nobody from the past like that. That was the best. Allegedly, you know, calor what happened to your alarm? Didn't go off? Yeah? Girl? You know how you charge your phone? You plug up your phone. But the charger part wasn't in the wall. No, it ain't. Never happened to me. Tell us what I was up in the wall. No, you know that you use that one. You're gonna write that down. Wasn't in the wall? Right, all right, it's Monday. Church complaints coming up. Nobody gonna shut you're listening. Steve al right, coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Hand will be here with our national news. Boy. President Trump at it again. He's accusing President Obama his administration of wire tapping his phone. We'll get to that, but before that, we have office. Yeah, what happened? They don't worry about Jeff Sessions and where about the Russians and all like this? President Obama has tapped my damn phone. Wow. Yeah, yeah, let's get vision. Welcome to the presidency. We don't talk radio all day. That's what I'm gonna do. Hey, that's gonna be my new segment, real off air radio talk. That's gonna call it off air man, I think, but we as old air ah m dough diallytical Reverend Motown and I am the tester for all Deacon death Jam. We run this joint to J P J J. That is that Jack Pott joined jar Us outlying. Surely had a problem with that lead when we first named it. She said she did not want to be a part of it. You is a member, won't do or not Monday morning? Whatnot? I pastor, we have a problem. Deacon Thornton you know he's an that's a real deacon. Yeah, Deacon Thornton, he's struggling past. Uh we need an intervention immediately. Deacon Thornton is missing two toes due to his sugar and uh he wants to be a praise dancer, but he can't spend. Last week he failed trying to spind and all into the band and broke the the dramas drums. Yeah, we don't do total replacement. I understand that. You can tell Deacon thought, No, he can pay for them, damn drums do. It's what he can do because little Pouki, who's been our drummers since he was nine, has been using the same sticks. Yeah, and uh, them sticks is so old. James Cleveland autographed him. James autographed one, and then he flew to Baltimore and had Sister Sherley autograph from last year after she came out with the rap hit beach Greens Tomatoes your name trying. So he gonna have to pay for that, especially and I heard Poogi looking for him because he cracked or Sister sult Siege of drumstick go ahead, Ah, here's another sentiation, Sister Greta Jane Lockhart, who you know has a pretty much a beard, is asking that we set the kids down and talk to them because they keep calling her beacon and lockhard Um. But she has a full beard pants and you've been known, she's been he's been going through the church here for twenty some years. Sister Greta Jane lockhard Um want us to sit the kids down and talk to him because they keep calling that. Now we we'll pray for or hair removal or laser surgery, all right, now let her know that, Yeah, we will do that, because it has confused me several turns. Yeah, I said, why is she collecting offer when clearly Deacon Logan should be doing that. And another thing, we got to get that facial hair off cause doing communion, when she SIPs the blood out of her cup, it drips into her beard and she never wipes it off. And I'm not gonna keep preaching. And you got the blood in your bid, Yeah, nothing but the blood. I don't think you want to hear that. Hackers all in a bed to Yeah, he's got the way for the Just when did you how long is your community? Ah? I still I want you to hear this. Now, she takes her communion home. Go ahead, Deacon, all right, there's a complaint passer. That's sister mer Lena to see. Watson thinks that Pastor Motown, which is you, is tapping her land line. She don't have any evidence, but she knows this you because she stays. She here here, they're breathing on the other. Wow, Pastor's going there. Pastor, well, Mr Merilyna touche Watson, you know who she am. I know jack with who she is? She defined are you doing? I've been trying to huld are you doing heavy breathing? Have you count? And she won't will I don't wish? Oh h spoot it out, Pastor, Oh, come clean, now conclude she look, I'm just tapping the phone COSI true, but so sorry. Oh go ahead next completely all right, past Brother Sammy bowsman Ah has been suspected of selling twenty of the pews in the church. And I don't know if you realized the path, but this past Sunday the whole left side of the church was standing. I because you probably thought it was because you was preaching and they was into the service. They didn't have nowhere to sit. They think that Brother Sammy Bowseman has sold twenty of the pews on the left side of the churn. Uh, Sammy, is that the boy that just come out to prison ministry? Yeah, he did an eight year stretch path. Yes, that's him right. Um, obviously he didn't got out and then tried to make up for the eight years that he was off drugs. Oh, he said, and everything that ain't nailed down. Um, how much can you get for appeals Bath? I mean I don't I don't know how much different Troy of prayer caps because them was missing to me? And how much do you get for six offering trees because day was missing too. When you're all crack, crack makes you make your count system off. It throws you in the stuff. They're just stealing stuff that ain't gonna help him at all, said, two communion cups missing. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Come on the Cold Proof Prison, Michael Whitney, Lutheran, Maurice sugar Foot, God do yeah, this goes damn tramatics. Well she's here, Steve. Yeah, yes, thank God. I know you're emotional. Thank you's. And some people are saying Obama's going you know okay, hey, The FBI is asking the Justice Department to officially deny that the agency tapped President Trump's phones at the request of President Obama. Saturday, Mr Trump, in a series of tweets, claimed without any evidence, that the President had personally ordered wire tap surveillance on his phone during the twenties election cycle, and that the phone President was quote bad or sick guy spoken for. The ex president says it neither Mr Obama or any White House official ever ordered any surveillance of Trump on any citizen. In fact, Josh Ernest tells ABC's This Week that that's not even how the process works. This may come as some surprise of the current occupant of the Oval office, but the president of the United States does not have the authority to unilaterally order the wire tapping of an American citizen. If the FBI decided to use their wire tapping authority, it would require FBI investigators going to a federal judge and making a case and demonstrating probable cause to use that authority to conduct the investigation. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Junia says, nevertheless, his committee will make inquiries into the President's allegations. A former journalist who lost his job for making up quotes and other details and some of his stories and police custody charges making several bomb threats, eight of them against Jewish institutions. Pascut say one Thompson was a copycat. Yeah who Apparently he was mad at his girlfriend who quit him and he was trying to frame her for doing that. A real intelligent one. Tops of the box office this weekend. X Men spent off low eighty five million dollars with you, Jack Wolverine, I'm gonna get me some clause, and last week's number one, get Out only dropped a peg the second place. Apparently a whole bunch of brothers did miss it and get some. But it's cool. You're not scared of this man, did you see? No, Brother Chris was just telling me how he felt much more comfortable with my being perfect. Brought another twenty six million dollars. But once again, y'all, when I asked if you were to president prompts phones last year, President Obama said, and I sort of quote, no, no, really, here we go. Yes, Tomin Paris sent me that with his ignit hey missaying, can I ask you a question? Yes? What ever happened to the Tea Party? Mm hmm. They have They still have a party, and they still run candidates. Actually they're not called Tea Party, but they do. They do have candidates that they support and they have a party that they do run, So they haven't. It seemed to me like they were created just for President Barack Obama. That's what's been said, Yes, that that was the reaction to a black president. Absolutely, that's what's been said about them. They will deny that, however, and they will say that that has nothing to do with anything, that he was somehow an incompetent president, and that he ran the country into ruin. But there are others who feel that it had nothing to do with anything but his race. And that is what people voted for Donald Trump because Donald Trump said he was going to make America great again. Supposing that President Obama had somehow made it less great. Well, I think if you compare that is to one d days, I think a lot of people have to start to realize President Obama's real place in history because that stimulus package save this country from a disastrous recession. It was clearly headed there, and that stimulus package alone has helped so many. Even in the fight to replace and repeal Obamacare. What the Republicans are finding is it's much more difficult to do today than than they thought. They can't come to terms on how to do it because what they want to do is try to destroy his legacy by completely replacing it and repealing it. But you can't because it's had too many good components to it. Yeah. All along, when people were asked, you know, are you in favor of something of the Affordable Care Act? They would say yeah. But they asked the same people, are you in favor of obamacam? They would say no, because of it was it was a great political ploy, but not a political ploy. Doesn't have let They got to fix the pricing of it. But that's it. Fix it, don't destroy it. It's too many. You're listening the butterflies in the building waiting in the wings with his butterfly blog that is up next. Ah oh, it needs some mohar sinking. I'm great for the shoogo Huh. Nothing is in gentlemen, you Gene. Good morning, Stephen, Shirley, Carla Junior, Timmy, good morning to the entire crew. It's a beautiful Monday, Monday morning, good money to a well hey butterfly flutter flutter, very very good. Um, you know what we're gonna touch on the subject today. This is Kyled Promoter School. If you are a promoter and you want to promote plays, who want to promote comedy, showers and things of that nature, know what you're doing. Are you listening clearly? Okay? Thank you know what you're doing? Okay. First and foremost here it is find out what else is going on in the market. Are you listening? Promoters one in particular, are you listening very good? Because I'm trying to help my boy Timmy, y'all listen to me clearly. If there is something else going on in the market, you need to make sure that you think you can sell the amount of tickets that you need to sell. Are you listening? Because I'm sorry and me and time he had a show and Lake Charles, Louisiana on Saturday. And first of all, think all the people that came out to Lake Charles. It was a beautiful, beautiful thing. We had a great show. Loved me something like Charles. But for the promoter time, you can't bucking a few timey and oh James is across the street. Do that makes sense to you? Do it make sense to you? The mighty mighty O Jays is across the street. You booked af your time me across the other side of the street, Lake Charles, ain't that big promoter? Hello? Hello? Then you want to say we ain't Doe too good at the doubt? I don't worked the dout you're listening. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I under got high and body go ahead and say, m h. I have talked to Tommy about this. Yeah, more than one occasion. I have offered my advice on this subject, on far more than one Okay, I even bought it to his attention, on this tool right here, the pitfalls of it. Why is not anybody listening to this? Yere now with Stephen, and I'm gonna tell you this. I'm gonna tell you tell you clearly, somebody Kyle to purchase timey services. He sold his service, he said, Okay, I do like Chiles, having none like Charles in eight eight plus years, he didn't know anything about the O j Yeah, understand, I'm saying he solved his services. Nothing wrong with that. It's a promote the promoters. You know what he's selling to you. Understand, I'm saying no. What you have to get him to understand is his relationship with a promoter is not selling services. His relationship with his promoter is a partnership because as he go, they go, and as they go, he go. Y'all gonna say it like, hey, like tom Ain's sitting there is thank you, Butterfly. That sounded like a coming up. Next, we're gonna play highlights from this season, the opening of a little Big Shots. It premiered last night and we got to check it out. We'll be you're listening to, all right, the show on this show is what goes on behind the scenes. Let me just tell you. You know, it's a known fact that I'm not tech savvy at all, and it becomes increasingly oh a parent, oh, as I get more and more long in my life. The littlest thing stumped me. My son told me that called him. I had a computer promps or summer he set up. Dad, hit the refresh button. I said, okay, where is that at? He said? For real? He said, Dad, the refresh button on your computer. So now I'm looking at these keys trying to find out how to and missed refresh because I didn't see it. He said, Dad, it's not a key. It's on your screen. Now I'm at the top doing iTunes, file edit, movie view controls, account window help. I said, is it under help? He said, oh my god, because I just didn't see refresh old Hill. Do you want me to type it out? We'll play some clips from Little Big Shots when we come back. Wait, wait, all right. Last night it was the second season of Little Big Shots premier starring Steve Harvey Um The little minister he was called. His name was Caleb. He was four years old. He got the crowd stirred up with this one. Take a listen to little Caleb. Everybody, let's stand up and join it alone. Down Cattle, Mercy, walk it up, Walk it up, Mercy. He was such an incredible little four year old. It was so cute. I'm talking to that little dude. I was just going, Okay, cool, because I like talking to kids like that. Yeah, because I'll see the hell they thank you. Huh, what you think I'd tell you that right now? He told him his papa. He told you his papa try taught him everything he knew. And then there was and then I mean you had so many incredible kids. But little Ella from the Philippines talk about the voice of an angel, Steve good tomorrow, it doesn't it. That was c a chandelier that Bluttle girl as well. I loved when she said she was old because all the other kids were like four or five. She said, yeah, I'm twelve, I'm old, and we're gonna play short Eclipse. Then that next time's let's go to break. We'll be back. We're gonna short need damn clips up this test too. We'll be back with the prank phone call coming up at eight AFC. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour Strawberry letter time, subject I'm married a sex addict. Subject I married a sex addict. But before we get to that, coming up next, the nephew and his praying phone calls, what you got next? Job? Awful? Reasonable? Ms? Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a William William Please, Yeah, this is William I will you My name is Daniel Done with Fluman Agency. Oh yes, how's it going? Okay, I'm pretty good. You You actually came in a couple of weeks and filled out some forms. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I did. I did. You're you're seeking plumber, right, okay, okay, well listen, I got a few things here i'd like to go over if you don't, if you have the time, I'd like to get a couple of questions from you. I think I actually have something I could send you out on on Monday if you actually fit the criterias. Okay, okay, hold on, let me grab a pin ref fan Okay, alright, go ahead, I'm ready. All right. Are you used to physical labor at all? Yes? Yes, okay, so that's the problem health wise or physical You're you're able to handle that kind of stuff? Yes? Okay? About how tall are you? Will you? Um? About five eight? Eight? Okay? And um? How much you okay, all right, let's do this now. Um. Have you done any singing at all? Uh? Not? Not. I can sing a little bit, not and I'm not a singer. Singer, but you know I could. I could, I could blow a little bit, but not not not professionally. But you know you're pretty good at holding a note at least though, right, Yeah, I can. Okay, not bad, not bad at all. Are you good working out in the eat? Is that Okay, yeah, yeah. At this point, man, I'm I'm willing to take anything. Yeah, I'm I'm cool with that. Okay, how long you've been out of work? Uh? Man, about a good about a year and a half now, okay, well then we're gonna try to fix that for you. I know, uh, the way economy is, you know, I know how people can be out of work and not be able to find what they're looking for. But I think we've got something upro alley. Now let me ask you this question. Are you good working barefooted? Barefooted? Yeah? Without without shoes on it? All right? Well, I mean I get it the job in quieted, and I mean, yeah, I can do that. Okay. Now we're gonna start Monday morning, right at sunrise, so we're talking about five thirty six o'clock here. We're gonna need you, uh to report to the field to actually get ready. Okay, what kind of I mean what you're gonna be doing, William, is you gonna What you're gonna be doing is actually picking cotton, and we want you to do it barefooted, and we we'd like for you to actually sing while you're doing it. Well, you gotta be kidding and I'm that serious to John as uh ten bucks an hour. You know, we're to get you some good hours out there. You known, man, I mean without the respect man, I mean that. I mean you're talking about picking cotton and bare feet and in ten an hour. Man, I don't, don't, don't forget. I do need your singing. It's gonna be a Do you know any Negro spirituals? No, I don't and I don't. I don't. I don't think. Uh, who's this again? Uh? Like I said, I'm Daniel. I wanted the employees here. I work at employment agency. You know, I pulled up your file and saw how long you've been out of work, and you know, I've got something that I think you'll be perfect for. Okay, but what I mean, what is this job really about? I mean you're talking, you're talking about picking cotton. Well, you know, basically, it's kind of like you're getting paid. You know, the ten bucks an hour, you're probably gonna get about ten hours in a day, so so you know you're gonna make a hunter bucks to day. It's it's it's a it's it's kind of like slavery, but it's not. It's hold on hold up, brother, Hold up, uh, man, I didn't sign on for nothing like this, man. I mean, I'm I'm thinking you guys are supposed to be helping me with the up today job. I mean, slavery don't even exist no more. Man. I mean, I mean we are going to pay you, you understand, but we do want you barefooted telling me I gotta I gotta sing and walk barefooted picking cotton, singing some slavery songs. Bro, I don't do don'tything like that. Man, I'm voting Tuesday. Man, this this that slavery is with Man, what then are you talking about? I can't what What did your say? Man? I'm thinking that you guys are gonna be finding me a job, a job, job that's regardless of how you like it. It's a job. Now. I need you to report the morning out in the field with no shoes and ready to sing. Man, I am not reporting no damn where at five o'clock in the morning, at no damn field. Brother, I mean, I don't know a lot of why you're even calling me with this matter of fact. Matter of fact, you know what, go ahead and send my dog because I go over there and talk to these people in the beginning, because y'all need to be reported. Like I said, five o'clock in the morning. Report you know what if you can wear your shoes. Man, listen, fuck fuck listen to no not my name and matter fact, what's your name? Because you know what. I will be at this tomorrow just to meet you. Because this don't make no sense. Man, You calling my phone talking about some slavery work. Man, you must be out of your mind talking this. Are you looking for work or you're not looking for work? Now, I'm not looking for that kind of work, dude. I mean you're calling my phone telling me about some flame works work. You're a matter of fact, what what is your name? What is your name? You can kiss my Okay, this is my I don't want to go. I'm not doing no type like that. Matter. He can lose my information. You're gonna get your black I mean, hang on, you're gonna get your put out there and you're gonna do with you get my black? Well, you know what. I will be there and put my Now, can I can I say one more thing? What what the else you gotta say? Man? You didn't say the monthful already? I gotta say this. This is nephew Tommy from Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your wife Katrine has gotten me to prank phone call you. What the who will you? This is nephew Tommy, Man from the Steve Harvey Morning I can't believe she didn't this and like that, man, And and she know I'm looking for Yeah, man, I think you want to be saying that when the bill come in next month. Hey man, I'm five for eight. I heard it and get the pos. But when I'm ready to getting your I'm gonna get all up in you. I mean, and she know that. You know that. I mean, I got one more thing I gotta ask you, man, what is what is the baddest and I mean the badest radio show in the land? Oh man, the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, the Mars On My Heart Awards. All right, buggle up, hold on type. We gotta full you here in Strawberry lettle alright, subject, I'm married a sex addict. Um. I think we need a disclaimer here. Parents, if you have small children listening to the radio, please uh don't let them listen to this. Dear Stephen Shirley I'm newly married and my husband is bisexual. He is a loving, supporting, supportive, hard working family man, and a great father. So here's my problem. He is constantly stressing me over sex. We have great sex. He's an awesome lover, but he wants sex all the time, and not just with me, but with other women and men. I know about this. I knew about this before we got married, but I thought I could handle it. Lately, he is constantly pressuring me to engage with other people. We have participated in the swingers lifestyle before, and it caused heated arguments. I feel that sex is going to be our downfall. I know, I don't know what to do, but um, I can't give him what he wants. I feel like I made a huge mistake by marrying him because our sexual desires aren't the same. Should we seek counseling? What should I do? I need help? Wow? Uh? One of the most telling Yeah, one of the most telling lines in this letter is you said you went into this relationship eyes open, meaning you knew all about his sexual preferences. You know all about um, you know a lot about what he wanted. I mean he may have changed and and got more into it, uh, since the marriage. But you did go in eyes open. You said that you said you thought you could handle it, but then it became too much for you. And and this obviously isn't you anymore. And um, what he needs is to realize that people change, and uh, that you're not with all the freakiness and all the swinging and all that now and guess what, it's okay and perfectly fine to come to your senses if you want to call it that, and to change your mind. Your husband to me, sounds like a sex addict if you if you want to stay married. Yes, I definitely think you guys need counseling like yesterday, but you know you may not be on the same page with this, just like you're not on the same page with the sex stuff. Um, but I think your man needs counseling too for his sex addition addiction. Uh. There are you know places out there where you can go to to do to to help with things like this, I'll say, addiction to sex. And you for sure, um, you don't have to do anything that makes you uncomfortable inside of a marriage, outside of a marriage or or or whatever. You can stop this at any time. And I want you to know that. But um, first of all, you need to tell him you're not with it anymore. You've changed and depending on how that conversation goes, will probably determine whether or not you're going to stay married. Steve, Okay, this, this is ridiculous. Just don't make no damn sense. First of all, lady, you went in knowing so I don't even know what to let about. You even participated in the swang of lifestyle. Now ain't what you won't know? More what what? We can't help you? You wrote this letter for nothing. You went in knowing that your husband is bisexual. You went in knowing that, but he wanted all the time with che him them what So now what you want me to sureley tell you hanging that get counsel and I don't think counseling gonna help. And I don't recommend counseling, y'all to y'all asked neither damn divorce because the swinging lifestyle and created heated arguments. What you arguing fault demand bisexual? He told you that. I don't know if you notice this or not, but you probably are too, hm hm, because once you're in that swing room everything swain. Yeah, just one person in that swing and everybody in the room swing. So now what you're talking about, I don't even know what the letter is. Fall lady, listen to me. Counseling ain't gonna help you because in his mind ain't nothing wrong with him, and he pressuring you to do it with other people, and you haven't done it before because you didn't went to the swing club. Now you want to change, Well, guess what he ain't changing. So now where we at. You're married to a sex attict. That's why you're married him. You thought it'd be cool to do that all the time. What do you do for a living? How much money he makes? What y'all savings look like? What's what you'r? Y'all got kids involved in this? What's happening? All that was left out h going about your business and lett him going boy because he's busy. He don't won't you, He won't everybody? Why would you sign up in a relationship with a man and he didn't told you he don't just want you? What do you think? Man just supposed to be It's a contract between two people. That's what it's supposed to be. Now you didn't edit into a contract where you agreed to put more people in it. He went all hell, yeah, mm hmmm, now cool, Now it's more people in it. Now you want all the people out. Problem is he don't. He wants some more people in and he wants you to. Let's get some more people in him. It ain't enough everybody getting him in here with us and her too. I can't do all that, all these people in here. One thing about it. It can only be one man in the room. Let's just be clear about that. And if we're in't here naked rule number one, that can be but one man in't here naked. Yeah, that did just me, And I'm gonna be so damn confused. I ain't gonna be worth for damn in that. No harm now, Tommy, no back into that. I don't mean like to do the mode one woman. Tommy probably had more experience that that than me. Once you let Larry in the room, I'm out. I've just got to be real with harder anybody anybody in there with hands that zip up and down. I don't have no power too for this letter. Don't look for no part too. We can't help you. It's too much craziness going on at your house. Counseling not gonna help you, y'all to need a damn devoce. It's over, Yeah, it's over. It's just too many damn people. Everybody don't want to come to counselor. You gotta get it. Bisexual friends to come on the counseling. Oh, it's too much. After you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we're in the middle of the Strawberry letters subject I married a sex Addict. We'll come back with part two right after this from Steve's favorite group on the planet, Steve, this is your favorite song of all times. No, I just said here and saying every single word, playing every last one of the instruments. I know every note in that song. I know exactly what he's talking. I feel that thing right there. Wow man, thank you cat. Well, back to the craziness we go, subject I married a sex addict. A woman called in. She's been married, she's newly married. Okay, what we don't call about her? I mean I care about yeah, but I didn't mean to say that I care about husband. Just want her to know she could change her mind. But you know, it's crazy what you married him for? He bisex doctor? Y'all do swingers club? You didn't participated in bisexual activity. He constantly wants to bring other people into the bedroom and want you to join. You may what was y'all doing at swingers club? Swinger? No? So now what now? You don't want to? Will he do? Ain't you need to go on the councilor y'all need a divorce. Get out. Y'all need a divorce and he needs to marry some most swangers? Why don't he just own the swinging club and be single? Just sing? He can do. Jim, Tim, she looks you name it. I know you gonna call him. That's all right, Jim. We'll be back at thirty four album. You're listening, Steve Harvey? All right? Uh, I'm so cool. It's we're gonna go into some churrending topics when we come back. Nicki Minaj in the news. What does she wear to Paris Fashion Week? Back? All right, here we go. Nicki Minaj was spotted sitting front row at the Hater Ackerman show during Paris Fashion Week and summer speculating she stole her entire look from Little Kim Manage attended the show rocking shorts and a half sleeve mugler top with most of her goods on display, wearing an Agent Agent Provocateur nipple pasty that was just covering her left breast, that's all. It was just so her rest was out and then she just had a pasty on, you know, her ariola part um. To remind you remember, Little Kim famously wore the same thing at the nineteen This was way back in at the MTV Video Music Awards. Remember she was on stage with Diana Ross, and Diana Ross was like, what is all this? Anyway? Of course, Nikki couldn't stand being compared to Little Kim, which, of course you know they're not exactly best friends. Uh. Instead, she sided a nineteen o seven Pablo Picasso painting as her inspiration. That's what she said. It wasn't Little Kim. Yeah. Meanwhile, I don't know girl for all that. They don't even need to be doing all of this. Come on, I mean, man, if you see this picture, her whole it's out, Her whole breast is it's not covered. Her whole breast is out bottom both sides, top and a piece of black electrical tape. That but Kim did that already. That didn't do that? Man, when she did it, what was it for? That's what Diana Ross wanted to know. Agreed. It's just our young girls, like Tommy was saying, Man, our young girls, they just ain't got nothing righteous to shoot for. Man, it's just like, wow, how much of an exhibition is do you have to be to get thought of as beautiful? I'm telling you, man, from the male standpoint, you are far more beautiful when there's an allure to you, when there's some type of mystery. If you're gonna show everything to everybody, and then you want us to treat you special, you gotta be kidding me. The male species did not operate that way. We can't treat you special if you don't act special. Hello, we're not gonna do it. You're dressing like a garden tool. And then you want me to treat you like a lady. That's not going to happen. It's not but the dog. I can't call you to meet my mama. Sorry. And that's hood dudes, gangster dudes, anyone except for the dude I saw coming out the hotel in the l a a couple of weeks ago, he had a bomber jacket on and he came out with it was early in the morning. I was up early, had to go to work, and you know, he was just they was coming out and what the girls had on and what you put on the six in the morning, you could tell they had it on for the night before. This dude back in his bomber jack. I said, strip club veteran. Wow, but like a military jacket, like you know, World War two veterans. It had stripped club veteran. I just started to go shake his hand, my dog. All right, We'll be back at four eight after the hour. Cover up, NICKI, cover up Steve Live. Guys, this is life up the Crap Live. When we come back. Uh. Part two of this whole Nicki Minaj story goes into Remy Ma and Nicki Minaj story. We'll tell you about that when we come back. Steve. Yeah, Steve, it to Steve. Let me pull my breasts out. That's all struggle, you know what I'm saying. Baby? All right, Hopefully one day we can say this Nicki Minaj Remy Math thing, this beef is over and done with. But um, I don't know if you guys saw this, But Remy Ma appeared on the Wendy Williams Show. She was on Wendy Williams on Friday, and she came on there to break down the real reason she made the Nicki Minaj dis trackt she either and she either and another one she either and another one. Okay, yeah, now this is according to Remy it was the behind the scenes shade, not the subliminal diss is on the records that prompted her to go in on Meek Mills ex Nicki Minaj. She also told Wendy the main factor was Nicky coming for her bag and taking food out of her mouth by telling people not to book her for shows and to keep her from red carpet appearances. So Remy Ma is claiming that beyond the scenes, we don't know this, but Nicki Minaj is telling, uh, you know, people not to book Remy Ma for shows and you know, not put her on the red carpet things like that. And the peak of the pettiness was when Remy purposely wore funeral attire she had on all black on Wendy Show and Remy told Wendy that, um, she came dressed for the services, and concluded the conversation with another shot at Nikki, stating that her grandmother told her never to speak ill of the dead. She said, my grandmother told me never to speak ill of the dead. Yeah, so when't we do this, Shirley. When Chris Brown and Soldier Boy get ready to do their pay per view came, we just throw them on the bill, Nicky. And at the same time, I don't know if Remy's gonna come now, because she she said she's done. That's the last she's gonna say about it. And Chris the Soldier Boy, the fight's not happen. Yeah, yeah, they're not happening, and then called it off. No, somebody got to a Soldier Boy and showed him Chris Brown doing them nine flips on the beach. Was that you, Steve before you get your phone? Asked, this boy's athletic is all out do? Chris Brown did the flips on the beach. You see Soldier Boy and his gym come. It looked like the machine was doing him. Yeah. Yeah, with your wobble pedals. Nobody buys that machine anyway. Yeah pretty bad, pretty bad? Yeah, Yeah, it is that. You know, I want them to um, you know, to be able to get along, you know, and they don't git along. Just put that breast up though, Yeah, that that's a bit much, nicky. Come on to just go out with your entire left breast exposed, with the exception of a little bit of pasty. Come on, now, what do you decide if it's going to be the left one all the right one? Though? How do you make that decision? But where's your girlfriend? And says girl, that's it right there? Where's you know your crew done? No, no, no, we're not fit to do that. Where's your girl that does that? No, no, no, no, we're not doing that. No girl, put your put your girls up, and let's do something else. Come on now, because Nikki is so mainstream right now, she's you know, she's on Ellen, She's on. I mean, come on, come on, stop stop, just stop. Man, look nice though, what what see there? I'm just standing and get your nephew. He can't pick the side. Understand what he's saying. I thought you were outraged. I was not raged, but I didn't I didn't know. I'm outraged too. But but now that we're over that, now that she has done it, yeah, let me compliment it unless you try to find the upside and the silver lining. Yeah, you know, wow, I just don't, man, I I don't know, I don't whatever. It's just it's it sounds like just a desperate cry for a ten shin, That's what it sounds like. It's entirely too much. You know. We've come to that though. Now We've got our young girls thinking that they got to be so revealing to be relevant or revealing to be sexy, and that's not the case. That's not the case everybody. So many are falling into that trap. Yeah. I mean, I don't know if any of them right now now have gone that far. It's just to let their breast hang out at a fashion show. Rocket that's gone. Yeah, it would have been a little more, you know, understanding that the Grammys. You just at a damn fashion show with no check involved, and then don act like you didn't, you know, bite off a little kim back at the MTV Awards. You're going to attribute this to Pablo Picasso and not look him. Come on, listen, yeah, yeah, you kim just smaller version. Yeah, coming up a Weekend Confessions. We're gonna move on, now, what Steve I was just gonna coming up weekend confession doing on celebrity family feud. I'm pressed, first of all, just one like a tars in outfit on just one side of me. Just open call us if you want to confess if your breasts were out this weekend or something. Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, you'll talk to the nephew, because what nephew, I'm not here to help you. I just want to hear what you're going through. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right time? Yeah, a new one for marrying you and me. All right, nephew, you're ready, this is your song. Ready, let's go this weekend confessions. Baby, the nephew was in the booth. I'm not here to help you. I just want to hear what you're going through. Get it off your chest, don't use your real name, cover yourself up, let's go well. Line three. Alicia Hope. That's a changing name out of Georgia. Goodness, my name is Alicia. They just call me spring Flower. How are you alright? Spring Flower? How you doing? I'm good today, I'm better? All right? You want to confess something to me? Yes, I have been being a good girl for the last year. I mean my Uncle Steve's book, Think like a Woman, Act like a I think like a man, Act like a woman, and all of that. All the steps met. This guy really really liked he was cool. We went to Uncle Steve's restaurant, waffle House, and we went and had a couple of drinks. Nice guy never meant to violate me, but I took it too far after a kiss. I'm so disappointed with myself that I fell off. The guy still acts like he likes me, but he's not calling as much. So I totally messed up. And I need to get me another book because I forgot the instructions. So I'm mad because I'm not a lady anymore. Now. I'm just hot stuff who just needed to take care of a little itch. And I should have been on my track with Wait wait, with that waffle house and that drink, what did scot of smother thing covered? I know what you had, Yah, got them drinks and then it all and just all fell apart. This is just I don't know what happened after that. I really don't. It just was nice, yeah, because you got scatter smother than covered again? What happened. I surely did, and and and now I just I just don't know how to get clean no more. I just got to get some more gravy or something. And I don't want to want to be a good girl. Yeah, but if it ain't broke, don't fix your baby segment. I can't get to the segment that I need to get through, right yeah, what you got through with el one. I ain't here to help you. Uh, you have to call another time that you have to send your stuff into the drawbar letter. This right here is just confessing. Now you getting back to getting scattered, smothered in covered, And I thank you for calling, baby, God bless you all. Right spring flywer you keep springing baby. I am so so not wanting to be here right now. Let's go nobody want no waffles right now. I don't want girl need Yeah yeah she did. Let's go to line five. Talk to William out of Virginia. This is confessions. What's up baby? Confessed to the nephew. What's happening with um as? This whole NICKI Minas thing, this thing they're going on for about two weeks. Um you know I recently just you know, my birthday just passed. I'm a little bit older than what I was, and I'm pretty much done with like hip hop altogether. I'm pretty much given up. That's your confession, Uh where you get feel it? Well? Yeah, because I mean it's more true than that. I mean just you know, I have children of my own, you know, And I mean I feel like hip hop with something it was a litt more of a culture thing. So I've always, you know, been a saying of the coach. I've been a saying of you know, the image, but where it's going now with like you know, like Joe solm out with Nicki Minajs walking around with it brushed out, and you know, just last year you were supposedly like trying to be an image for the kids. You're leading the kids in the wrong direction. So you know, I can't really support that. To get down with that, and you call the man William he said that her breast look good. That's this is the show you called. They're just trying to get through. Will understand what you're saying about. The key is I got you on that party. Help out talking to this damn fool William. When you you're gonna have to call, and I really respect what you're saying. Who are you? I just it's William who all? You know what I'm saying? Who are you? I can't help you right now? You see what I'm saying. Okay, Bill, Bill, I can't help you right now. I understand you got cheering and I got cheering too. And um, I understand where you come from. On yeah, that's what I said. And I understand where you're coming from with all this hip Who are you? But listen, this is just confession thing. I need you to confess something you did. Now you gave up? You didn't gave up hip hop? Okay? And and uh, well thank you? Who will you? Thank you? It was all a dream used to read? Where what else you want me to say? I mean, I can, I can. I'm giving him the best day hip hop right now? You know he threw with it? Okay, Lyne to Mohammed, New York, Hey, listen stop listen if y'all trying to give Strawberry letter at the time, for that is he calling from the Stake, New York. Hello, Hey, good morning, Hummed. How are you doing? Man? My profession, my profession? Man. I was living in Chicago. Illinois and my daughter mother out there. And I love this woman. Man. She did the right thing, Bobby, and she was telling me she wanted to move to Texas. So I left, you know what I'm saying, came back home to New York. Man, you know what I'm saying. And I missed this woman. This woman was the best woman. Man. She was better than my ex wife. Man. You know what I'm saying. M hm hm, that's my sucession. You know what I'm saying, Like ago, woman is one of the best woman's. Man, These New York women since I came back here can never compend these women's from Chicago. Women many and we got to Chicago women on the show right here. What you what you was? You locked up? What are you was at? Mohammed? I was in the lower end, you know what I'm saying. I was in the wild hundreds with her. You know what I'm saying. We had a lower house out in Champagne, Illinois. You know. And I sell clothes. Man, this is the same brother that you're talking to about when I went to uh the Nordiation out there in BC. I'm a hustle me from New York City and Chicago. You know what I'm saying. How you lost her? How you lose your I didn't lose her. You she moved to Texas. I didn't want to move to Texas. I sacrifice leaving New York coming to Chicago. You know what I'm saying. I was with her for like seven years. Everything was good, she said, Baby, she didn't want no money. She wanted me. She had a job. I had to hustle. We was getting it. Ain't out them. You know, I was selling clothes. You know what I'm saying. M h You know you don't want to hustle in Texas. Now. I can't do the Texas. Baby, that's too far. Man. You know what I'm saying. Show them was closed. Remember he had the Obama T shirts and stuff. No, I had the magazines. I was selling out this and Timmy, I'm gonn hustle Mnna. Let you know that. Man. I'm hustle from here always to California to Chicago back to New York. Man what I'm saying. And I took care of all my kids doing that. So you're making good money with it, then, yeah, it's good money on the street, hustle and all that. You know what I mean, but I appreciate you think about radio stations. You don't think about flying old girl up so you can tell y'all can visit or something from texting. Well, I'm visiting my daughter. Man. You know, you know her grandmother always let me sear. You know what I'm saying back from Chicago. You know, but I want her back, man. You know she's one of the best women. Her name is Yakima cruz Mann. You get a dog, but you know she knows why. Matt in Halem. That ain't how that work. You want back, dog, You gotta go get up. You want her back. You gotta go get it. Ain't no she know where you at. See a woman, ain't no hustle. You're trying to treat her like a hustle. You know why I'm not, man, I treated like a I treated her like a woman. She treating like a good man. She was a good woman. Bro Okay, cool. Then you got to go get her, dog. See, if you want her, you got to show her you wanted because women like to be like to know that they wanted. And you gotta go get her. You're gonna blow it, man, You gotta let your You gotta go get the best woman to ever have had? You ever had? They don't got serious right here, We'll go get him. Man, you're listening Steve har in the middle of nephew Tommy's weekend confession and ain't really confessions. Kind of going a little sideways for you. Nephew, need help? Are we handing up? You know you never know what's gonna go on in the booth on Monday. You know you're just taking anyway it comes. You're crawling this booth. Man. You want to confess anything to me? Who you do? I want to confess? Yeah, you want to hear it? Right after this, I confess. Take it to me. Okay, weekend confessions. Let's go Line three, La Fait out of Tennessee, Lafay. Hello, hey baby girl, how you doing? Hey tom how are you doing? I'm good, baby. You got a confession for the nephew this morning. Well, this is Nicky, and I told you I was going to cheat on my home. He's going out down on the weekend. I don't know that, nick, but go yeah, go ahead, okay either way. Um, I went out with the best friend and we had a wonderful time and everything is kiding Google. But I came to the conclusion that I'm going to divorce my husband and just free. I know that's right, And you're gonna you're gonna lock in with the with the with the best No, No, I'm being free. What I did with the best friend, it was just revenge was set. I got my revenge and now I'm through. Did y'all go the wiffehouse by any chance? No pancakes man, preface years man, you can't go in there. Dim cooks are turned around. I love I love it, Thank you, Nikki the whole ordered process. Because that's that's a real post statement. Make it again, Junior. I know that who the who the hell? I fake it here? All right? Maybe we have time now to go to line three cat and talk to Lafay out of Tennessee. Hello, Hey, how you doing? Hey baby girl? What you got from this weekend? Me? My friend was together, were having relations in our often called somebody's name. You call somebody's name, Oh my god, talk to the baby, give me a play last name three? Every you know I was over here when the trump next you know whatever, and every since I heard Julia and he was likely sick. I'm gonna look up I've been synesizing about Junior every since. And I opened called Junior bag when we was having relationships? What what do you call him? Junior? My boyfriend? Who did he say? Did he say? Won't he do it? What happened? And I looked though, I looked Jolior up and I was like, he's nice looking. And I had the spray for and he was just like, now you, Lyne, you ain't talking about no Junior, Steve. You're talking about somebody here, Kensee. I said no, I said, for real, man, I shouldn't do it. I said on start, because the day before I had a dream that me and Junior went out on a date. And y'all did y'all go to the Wiffe house were ma'am, ma'am. We need your information. Hold Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, get all the information, get pictures, Facebook, get something. You're listening, harn alright, alright, we're back. Time to get to the back to back Jaim speaking up back to back. But then I guess we're not speaking of man. I try to stay. When we come back, we're gonna have time for just one more thing. Hang on, you're listening, Steve Harvey. Morning, Hey, I was just thinking of a new hit song. I was gonna right for tomorrow show. Maybe Day after Tomorrow. Got a new song because said has inspired me off the TV Land show soul Man. You know he wrote Soul for hire. Spankings ain't just for kids. Inspired to come up with several h several R and B cuts myself, and I think I'm gonna come up with a new song about breaking up. It's called don't throw your Bone Away because it's still got meat on it. Mm hmm, Okay, we'll sing a couple of barns dog stow your away because it's still gotten meat on it. M Yeah, I may change the melody of it, but I think it's a hit. How could it not be? Scared? I jumped out with the melody too fast without thinking about it. I said, day after the mark you made me though, don't you phon a song for dogs because it's still got meat on Who need? No, It's for me and the women about to break up. Yeah, don't throw your bone away, it's still got me on it. Yeah, Tommy, you don't. You don't realize. I thought it was like Brandy or something. I don't know. Yeah, when I found out what Brandy was. I wanted to shoot myself from fireplace in my favorite dungarees, hummed a few balls of a melody and it sounds a sweet to me now that get up, take a look around, but my feet got in the way. Stumbled to the door. She was right on the floor. I could see her face, but how could it be? She ran away from me as friends gone, I'm so all alone. I really missed you, brand and hey saying my answer found out that was about a dog. That's about a dog? No, yeah, yeah, that's about it. Dog. Yeah. I've talked to Eddie about that too. Yeah, I told him. I said, man, that was some bull crap, y'all pool. Why can't they write us about their dogs? Give to him dog, not an alcm not no be song? When country you can write? I love that you can't do you know we've Cleveland, But you didn't write a song about your horse. You didn't know it was for about a dog, did you, Carla? Oh no, I'm not growing up. I had no idea how my mom told me, and I was shocked. Yeah, yeah, I'll tell us. No, I wasn't shocked out was mad. It's stupid. Always yeah, you know, I don't be grooving on stuff like that. I listened to the words real cloth. It ain't nothing in that said though, that's true, that's true. Ah, well, it's been a good day. Let's play something okay. Yeah, yeah, that's my favorite, one of my favorite that girl. Yeah, come on, we'll huh, well what Monday? We can't wait. I can't wait to hear huh where were you saying? Oh? Say it put some stupid on you, some stupid on it. Don't worry about it. No, I want to say, have a good weekend, but I'm not show what show this is? Keep you? It's Monday? Yeah, yeah, I didn't even know Big Shots came on. I was the day after a Little Big Shot. It was good, though, wasn't I can't wait till the next one is very good next Sunday. Well that's all that matter. Y'all saw it? Who are you doing? Gratulated, Steve? Little are you doing when we were watching a little Big Shots? What were you doing? I don't know. I think I'll watching something online. I saw they find it. I've watched his animal attacks for about two hours online. Zebra Drowning dawnline. Yeah bye, y'all have weekend okay. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.