This morning, we start off with an apology to Monday because today is Tuesday y'all! We have some of the craziest wedding stories and moments. Is the next 007 female? Lil' Nas X maybe collaborating with Mariah Carey. R. Kelly's girlfriends confirm that they are ok. Donald Trump gets a response via news conference. Inside Comedy Roulette, we have the things men say when they are not sure the baby is theirs. Blue Bell ice cream goes viral. Find out what the crew each retained in J's "What Have We Learned Today."
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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know. Y'all back all suit looking back to back down, giving them move like the milking buck things and its cubs, y'all to me, true good it. Steve har listening to movie together for stum Please momy, I don't join joined me to be doing me. Honey. You gotta turn you, you gotta turn to turn them out, turning, got to turn them out to turn turn the water the water go. Come come on your baby daddy, Uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now? Wanting on its Steve Harvin Man old man, got a radio show. Yeah, Jue, God so big to me, mad, I just have to tell you about it. I can't help it. It's rather obvious to me how big, how good God is. He's absolutely tremendous. He's off the chain, you know, Man, I want to share something with you today. You know, if you're out there start your mission today, why don't we all decide together better yet, let's just kill that because you don't that just individually. Look you listening, everybody's got something that's that's on the table that they haven't yet attacked yet. What are you waiting for? Start your mission today? Stop the procrastination now. And if you and if you allow practical excuse me, you allow procrastination to set in, then that allows then, which is a weakness, you know, but that allows the devil then to just really do his thing. Because an idle mind is the devil's playground. So if you ain't working on your goal's dreams, aspirations or visions, and you just waking up seeing how today gonna go, or the devil he got plenty for it for you to do. See. But if you get your mind right on your goal and your focus and your purpose, then you can go on about your business. Then when the distraction comes, you can catch yourself. Now, that don't mean you ain't gonna fall privy or fall prey to some of your distractions, because you will, but you will have a goal in mind, an aspiration that makes you go hold on, man, I got to stay focused here, because what I really want while I'm really trying to go, the thing that I'm really after, this new little thing that's being introduced, this don't fit into the equation. Man. Let me keep it moving, or you may step off off the line for a little while. You know, like I said yesterday, the thing about God is he's so forgiven that if you get out of line, he'll hold your place. See that's the real cool thing. A lot of people to do that for you too. Like I said, if you're the movie theater, or you're at the amusement park and you're in the line and you forget something, if you politely ask the person behind you, hey, man, I gotta run to my car left something, would you hold my place? Most people say, fine, you gotta go ahead, and when you come back, they don't have a problem. See your problem is is you want to get out the line, go do something, then come back and just get up in the line further up than you were, or cut somebody. Now you got a problem because see everybody looking at you now, like hey, wall partner, where you come from? You know the line start back here? But see the thing with God is God don't do that. God don't say the line start back here. God holds your place. When you make a mistake and you fall off the line, God holds your place. But if you ain't got no dreams aspiration, if you ain't got no place what he holding for you. See, I mean, he got a place for you, but you gotta come to it. See, some people if well, here's what I'm saying. If you got a goal or aspiration to dream and you fall off track momentarily, you can get back to that because God knows where you're left off. Now you may have to accomplish a few more things since you stop for a long period of time, but God know where you left off, you can get back on track. I look, man, this dream of being on TV since I was a kid, and it got off track. Now it got off track. I just kept it as one of the dreams. And in some real dog moments when it looked like it wasn't gonna happen, all I was hanging on to was just a hope that one day it could. But that's what faith is really about. Faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. But faith gives you the confidence to keep hoping. Man, Sometimes it just keep hope alive. Sometimes you heard Jesse Jackson said, just keep hope alive sometimes, and it's just the hope. I was hanging on the hope. And I'm talking about when it got real ugly and funky out there for me when it looked like I wasn't gonna ever make it, and all of the facts was in and everything pointed in the direction you're not gonna make it. You didn't really messed up this time. Then I sat there and I just hung on to the hope. But man, that's what I'm saying. If you got a dream on aspiration of vision or something, when you fall off track and you want to go get back in line, God holds your place. He knew I was off tracking how the line, but he said, okay, here's where we stopped. You want to be on TV that when you get it together and you quit tripping and you come in your turn to me, I'm gonna hold your place, put your back in line. Then we're gonna finish your journey. That took me a lot longer to get here than I wanted to, but then it was necessary because I needed all of the mishaps to happen to me along the way. So when I got on the radio one day, which I didn't I see coming. Steve Harvey got a radio show, y'all. That's why I say it every day. See, because of this radio show that I didn't see coming. Now I have stories to tell, and I can tell you about me better than I can tell you about anybody. And I haven't been through enough whereas relatable, where enough people can go. Man, that happened to me. Appreciate you saying that that's what it was for. See, I get it now. See at the time, though I didn't like what was happening to me. At the time, I was really in total disagreement with God on a lot of stuff he was pulling off on me. But in essence I was really pulling it off on myself. But through his grace and mercy, he kept me through all of my mistakes, all my bad decisions, all my miscalculations, all my misfires, all the times I knowingly stepped out there indeed wrong. He forgave me, He said, because man, if you ever come to me, I have a plan for you that it's going to be far and above. It will supersede everything you've ever dreamed of. That's what I did. I just got sick of me, good and sick of me, and I turned it over to God. And then God started working And here I am today now as He threw it me. Yet nope, Have I arrived yet? Nope? But guess what the journey is cool? And then you know what I found out. That's kind of what it's like in life. If you don't walked off the cliff in life and you ain't got no God in your life, it's like not having a parachute. You step off the cliff and you just free falling. We all now that fall gets you closer to the grave, right see, were all heading to the grave from the moment we're born. But the cool thing about a relationship with God is when you step off the cliff and you got God here a parachute. You're still going down, but it's a nice ride. You guide and you're glad, and you're softly, you enjoying your look around, smiling. You're meeting other people along the way. You're floating over here to skale a little while. You over there at the beach for a little while, you mess around over here, you get to go out the country a little bit on your parachuting all and God just helps your your descent appear more like a rise and then more like a euphoric fall. Instead of not having no God in your life and you just walking off that cliff every day, free falling. Ain't got no cored you, steady pulling, you, hauling the whole way because you to mess around with yourself and ain't let God come into your life and provide a parachute for you. I would rather have a parachute since I got to jump every day, than to not have one. God has been like a parachute from me. Ask me why where that came from? I can't tell you, But like I always say, most good things that happened in my life that I can't explain, it's usually him. You're listening right, everybody. You're about to listen to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I am jam Fanny Brown. But before we start to show, what I want you to do right now is apologize. Apologize till Monday, because the day is Tuesday. Ain't that right, shut of Strawberry? That's right? Jay, Hey, Tuesday, Monday. We sa ari read sorry for everything we said? Come around. You want to apologize to Monday? Okay? My bad? Monday? My bad? My bad? What's up? Good morning? Everybody? Hate Good morning everybody? It's Tuesday, Junior. You want to apologize? Man? No, I'm in what I said about Monday morning, but can't go back, can't go back and last but night least it is the king of pranks. Time it what's going on? Man? Morning, morning, baby, time of the morning. It is Tuesday. And I ain't nothing wrong when Monday or Tuesday. If you if you niked it all right with May Wow, naked, Monday, naked Tuesday, nick with we just got here these the naked y'all just put them clothes on. So let's quit acting like y'all. We not in a shower and your naked for a long time because you don't know what you're gonna wear the work, so you just shit that naked, just be in the closet, just ripping wash. Okay, let me let me say this shake. If I cannot go to bed without knowing what I'm gonna put on the next day, I can. I can. I'm with you. I'm with you, that schoolboy mentality. Everything you lay it out, Yeah it's laid out. Well, yeah most times I laid out. But if I don't lay it out, it's laid out in my mind. I can go right to it and grab it. Yes, and you don't have to do it hunt up. Yeah, I have to know what I'm gonna wear the next day. That's my niggest issue in getting ready for anything. What am I gonna wear? No, it's not my hair, my makeup, the SOPs in the shoes. I got the draws balled up in the other pair of shoes. Yeah what what? What? Why? Why the draws balled up? Though? I want to know my drawers at that's one thing you can't be searching. At least they don't have to be ball holding. Well you when they ball up time, you take them and you pop them to the winds and then you put them on. You don't have to have a wrinkle underwear. You really don't. But here's a little tip about putting on your underwear. I've reached the age now and maybe you guys have I don't know. Well now, I remember back in the day when you was like in a rush, you to just jump in your draws. Man, I better sit. Ain't no more standing jas man. Tell you know what that's like. That's like that's like tying your shoes. You know, if you tie your shoes up too fast, you guys can have a handache. Yes, have so much to look forward. Let me just tell you y'all got the point you start holding your breath to tie your shoe. No, but I do know this guy that that his shoe strings are on the inside of his shoes, like where his instep is. They're they're They're not in the middle, they're on the side because that's how he had to tie him, because he can barely get that leg up to that meat. All right, guys, coming up at thirty two after the hour, the worst things people have seen at weddings. Oh, Jay, that's coming up right after this you're listening to al Right, guys, it's time for something funny. And while weddings are generally happy occasions for most of us on this show, hut, Yeah, what are you in it for? A time? A team j I'm team timing. I'm with Jake, all right. So, while weddings are generally happy occasions, like I said, from most of us on the show, not every affair goes off without a hitch. In fact, sometimes some pretty shocking things happen when people are about to say I do. And now people are sharing a new Reddit thread or survey that has people sharing the worst things they've seen happen at a wedding I'll give you an example. Bride and groom at the all true, the minister said, we're in the presence of family and friends who are all here to give this union their blessing, to which the groom's mother stood up and said, nope, not everyone. I can not give this my blessing. Yeah the groom's mom, Yeah, wow. Anything crazy jay happened, yeah, lot. I can give you three examples of something happening crazy at three times. One the very first wedding, I said I do, the second wedding I said I do, and the third wedding I said I do. Those were three of the craziest things. But let me tell you. On my third wedding, my daughter said to me, because she kind of sensed that this one's gonna work out, she said, Dad, we can leave right now and have a party and don't worry about a damn thing. To her advice. All right, here's another crazy moment that happened at a wedding. When the father of the groom stood up to make the toast, he asked his wife in front of everyone to confirm that he was not the father of the groom didn't tell, but he asked his wife his wife didn't utter a word. She did not let people know that everybody. Yet she was people. He wanted to say that. Yet you told me we're gonna, we're gonna get this out today. Now we all got nice clothes. I don't tell them. Hey, let me tell y'all something. This is something I saw at a wedding. I saw this for myself. I was at a lion brother of mine got married. I mean, we're in Austin, Texas, my lion brother getting married, and we are we are at the reception. Now, all of us have been in church before where something happens and you just can't quit laughing. Right, someh having church and you just can't quit laughing. So you know, you know the ceremonies, great man, we are at the reception. They got candles lit where the buffet food is and you're coming down the aisle. You know, you're a single file line. You're getting your food. You're getting your food. This late lean over to get some food and h half. And you saw for yourself. I'm talking about I'm talking my it's little, it's with father, but it's five people beating her head trying to put the fire. Terrible, but you know they fought. They got the fire. Not a whole reception place smell like burnt half. Wow, I was all the flow I was in. I was in my twenties, you know, I'm something funny. I'm just gone, wow boy. And all you heard was she had a lot of hair spray. Huh. It must spend something that ignited then when I do have one, though I do, I haven't talked about my mom with My mom got married the second time. He got married out in the yard. Okay we over yeah, well no, we're in the front yard. But she had the walk. We don't have rolls of chairs. People just put up a chair wherever they wanted. So her walk to the altar was going through people just around in the yard. Ain't no rolls, none of that. She just came out the front door of the house like we didn't know she was in that. And then they next to the railroad tracks. So we're in the neighborhood. So soon as the minna said we had gathered here today for this, and then the trade came and the trade was ten minutes, so we got to wait. Then other cars are pulling up waiting for trade to pass. Now you got cars, motorcycle, all this stuff happening in the yard. That was the longest served. The trade backed up. Naw, it's coming back, said she ain't. I'll never get this way. It was in the yard man, cools, light bottles everywhere, fun like bottles everywhere. Man, we just I can't, I said, just my mom, divide, Ask me who gives whole away? I didn't say nothing. I was a shaked, but just trying to get up there to the tree. Nobody moving out the man. She taking her time, yall front yard, you have a big front yard. It was. It was overad his house, at my dad's house, so he had you know, he had a side yall the fact she come out to the house and got a slide to the left. Somebody didn't buy the part. Now she weaving back right. It's all ain't got no roll, no no. He came out to tell you. Now you that the screen don't just pop out, come behind right out the house. The music, the music, Yeah till me pish cup. All right. Listen coming up next, run that prank back with the nephew. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Entertainment news James bond Is the movie is more Woke. We'll tell you about that. We have a new seven, it seems. But first, the nephew in the building with run that prank back what you got for his nap? You didn't fall and you ain't getting no money? Yeah, na fall, you ain't no money? Nah out un fall and you ain't getting no money. Let's go catch hell. I'm trying to reach a Glinda and place. How you doing. My name is Brad. I'm actually with the A and C Department Accidents and Conditions. Wanted to give you a call and see how you're doing this morning? Great? Great? Now, I am the h the Accident and Condition coordinated, the last person that it goes to before actually issuing out of check and just wanted to give you a call and see how everything is going going. Have you Have you been to the doctor on your fall and just just wanted to do a follow up with you and make sure everything is okay. Yeah? Have you needed to do any any rehabilitation work or anything like that. This is just a random procedure of all the notes that I have to write down, and like I said, this is the final step of of getting you out of check. Now, the last heard you were offered two thousand dollars? Is that correct? If you were there, you go a supervised you would know how that if you worked there. Okay, Well, I'm just looking at the file that I have. Man, I don't have everything. You go ro down, that's what they offer. Okay, Well listen, here's what we're doing. Um. I've also been brought some other records. Is this the first time you've actually had an incident like this? What is this the first time you've had an incident of actually falling? Yeah? Yeah, my first time. Okay, Well, actually, what we're doing, uh looking over the records here, I've got some actual incidents that it seems like you've actually fallen several times in other places. And uh, what what I'm having to do here, ma'am is let you know that I am not going to sign off on this at all. So the money that has been offered to you, I am no longer going to be. Uh, I'm not going to confirm this check to go out to you. I don't think that there's anything wrong with you you. I don't think that you have a problem. I think that there's something that you deliberately did in one of our stores. I could care less about what you think what happened was that was on the floor. I fail. I'm gonna they don't have to pay for the claim either way. Go No, we're not gonna actually, man, what I'm gonna have to do is get you to come down and sign uh an agreement nowhere. Yes, I'm gonna need you to come down and sign an agreement that you actually made this whole thing up, and I need that in wrong, I'm not coming nowhere. Look, man, I don't care if you come down or I have to come down and haul your ten because I'm not signing over a check to you for somebody that deliberately laid down in the floor and act like something was wrong with them. Good line, deliberately done it, how exactly it was. Witnesses, you need to talk to them. I've spoken to every witness and you know what, man, everyone witness because my friend was there, you haven't spoken to her. There's a lot of people that assume that you're lying. Well, I don't kill what they are, man, let me explain something. We can take this thing further. I even have you on video actually deliberately lay down in the middle of the floor as if you have no. No, I am not man. We're not gonna give you two We're not going to give you two dollars. What's your name? My name is Brad with the anc department. Well you want to be him the job? Too much going on because you're a food No, no, I'm not a fool. I want to make sure that you understand. I want to make sure that you understand. You understand that this is not something that you can do or continue to do. Now. I want to hear it out of your mouth. You tell me, did you lay down on that floor deliberately? If you you think I'm being to sit of here and tell you I deliberately laid down in a floor? Am I crazy? Am I crazy for you to sitting here and tell me the tale that it as all? No, deliberately laid down on that floor and you're delivered trying to get two thousand dollars worth the money that does not belong to you. What you just review the damn tape, Dan and uh you will see what happened. Would you like for me to get authorities to come over, ma'am and bring you in because what we who you get get whether you want to get it. If I need to send authorities down there, you send them over here. I'm scared of them either. I don't think I'm not. I'm not. They're gonna bring you in and you're gonna sign this form I have that tiperately laid down on that floor. You a fool, the nerve of you black people. I'm not coming in. I'm not signing nothing. Now what utah man, I don't know. I ain't ever heard this uteh man. Now. I want you to bring your little narrow black behind in here so we can get this stuff rectified. Is what I want done. Are you crazy or dasta? You ain't the sharpest pool and the share that tell you that I am not coming in, I don't know what I would have to come in. Fuck. I want you to sign the form that you deliberately laid down in this floor, and it was all fictitiously, no wonderful would I do something like that and then go to jail. Why would you lay down in the floor in the in the first place, and when you knew nothing. I told you I didn't do that. Yes she did, Yes she did. It's in front of you. I can look you in your eyes and tell when you're lying. I'm told you. I told you what Hellen said. That's all back, Hey, can I say? Let me say one more Hello? Call her right back. Hello. Well, I don't want to continue to go back and forth. You look, look you're really pissed. Look, I told you what happened. I'm not going to keep on telling you that. I don't know why you keep calling me. Let me speak to your damn supervis. Let me say, well, first of all, man, First of all, I am the supervisor. This is what I want. I think we can get this car. Look what I'm gonna come in time. That's what I want you to if you come down and sell it off together. You think I'm going to come and sign some papers saying laid on them flute, It ain't none of that true? Was on the floe I fare that's it. That's out. Now what the are you talking about? Have you been drinking? Have you been drinking? You've been drinking. I want to rinking, got to do it anything when I doing my own personal time? Is my bus drinking? Don't keep calling me with that. Okay, I'm gonna say one more thing that's still hurt. Are you talking like you ain't gonna give me no money you pay, no, damn gonna get some money. They should hate that step flow. Then I'm gonna be having to go through none of this. You have I been drinking, Glenda. I'm gonna say one more thing to you and then I'm gonna let you go. What this is nephew timing from Steve Harvey Moran. You just got preak by your brother Jake Tay James, James, Baby James, I don't Yeah, James, I'm gonna get him when he gets home. This is nephew Tommy. How are you doing? Baby? You stand your ground, Baby, stand your ground, Baby, stand you are I'm fine, I'm fine. My press was going up a little bit, but now I'm fine. Now everybody here to Steve Harvey Morning Show. We love you, Glenda, okay, all right? Never thank you. It's always oh my God, coming up at the top of the hour Entertainment news. Right after this, you're listening to Steven Show. All right, So the next James Bond movie is more woke than ever now. This is according to Steve Harvey. F M. British actress Lashawna Lynch will be handed the title of the new Double O seven. Yeah, now she'll have the number. She'll have the number. They haven't officially officially named to James Bond just yet because we're still hoping for indurs Elba. But this is a great start. A black woman as Double O seven in this movie coming up with Daniel Craig. Yeah, her name is Leshawna Lynch, Lishawna Lynch, remember that number, she's that name. She's a britishtress. Yeah, she has avengers or something. Yeah, but anyway, um, yeah, he's a British actress. So um I'm excited about that. Yeah, I am the new James Bond should be Lavelle Crawford. I don't know why. Well, he's getting his weight down for it too. Yeah, I know they got me. I'm on a mission right now. I got you know, yeah and be jac But they ain't got no waffle. I don't understand why my first Missionnat. Oh yeah, we get scattered, smothered and covered, dropped on the floor and brought back to the play. Well Bond is still gonna like that, said play by Daniel Craig. We love Daniel Craig too, but he's being replaced as double as seven by a stunning woman, and we can't wait. Bond twenty five is said to me. I've seen him all too, I've seen him all. Oh my god, he's still James Bond. Yeah, but he wants to retire. Yeah. John Connery is to me is essential. Yeah, yeah to me. But I love Daniel Craig though I am not mad Janiel Craig at all. Yeah. I love Daniel Corner, the one before Connery. Who was that, Roger Moore, Roger Connery was the first b he was George last, George something, George Lansbury. He used to play in a I don't know but Lorraine Hansbury bru Okay anyway, yeah, all right, anyway. Bond twenty five, as I said, is said to be released in theaters April twentieth, April eighth, twenty twenty. So get ready for ready, you got to get somebody out of jail. But this is great, this is yeah, he is yeah, all right. Well. In other entertainment news, Little nas X's Old Town Road featuring Billy Ray Cyrus has been number one now for fourteen weeks. Congratulations to him to them, and now he's giving fans a new reason to listen to the song. Uh, Little nas X just released a new remix, and that's not all. He's already has his sight set on another star for another remix of the song. He tweeted out, Okay, Mariah Kerry, let's get this remix in, and while she didn't say yes, she did playfully tweet out a picture of herself in a cowboy hat with the caption one sweet town road. That would be cute. Yeah, I like that definitely would be cute. Yeah. Yeah, and audience, all the kids love it. And yeah, man, that song was a hit. Ohs been number one fourteen weeks. All right, listen, Jay, it's time for the news. Please, right, everybody, It's time for the news with Missus Antrip. Thanks Jay, Good morning, everybody. This is a trip is the news. President Trump assists he's not a racist, although he's currently under fire for tweeting that progressive Democrat congresswoman should go back where they came from. The ones he seems to referring to are black, Hispanic, and Arabic, and yesterday, Trump doubled down on his tweets, saying that he doesn't mind if racist like what he's saying, and Congress from an ilhan Omar clap back. Many people agree with me and all I'm saying they want to leave, They can leave now. It doesn't say leave forever. Every single statement that we make is from a place of extreme love for every single person in this country. It is part of the mandate of why we ran for office and why we got elected. By the way, ilhan Omar was born in Somalia, but was made a citizen when she was a teenager. The other three women were born in America. In the US, some people are calling Trump racist in chief on social media. Immigrant activists me while say they're going to suit a block a new Trump administration rule that would get rid of a silent protection from most migrants who arrive in the US via the Mexico border. The new rules take effect to day. Under it, most migrants who passed through another country on their way to the US would be ineligible for asylum, and that it would effectively put an end to asylent protection from migrants safe from Central America because they have to stop, you know, at the border in Mexico as they make their trek here, so they're saying you would have to stop there and get asylum, and you can't go any further. The ACU plans to challenge is, saying it's extreme and patently unlawful. Protesters gathered in washing DC yesterday tried push for the US Department of Justice to file charges against the Staten Island, New York cop responsible for Eric Garner's death. Tomorrow the deadline for the federal government to open a case over mister Garner's death, which the medical examiner did rule a homicide. Eric Garner, a grandfather, was suspected of selling loose cigarettes on the street that was it and was surrounded and arrested by these four cops, with a fifth, Daniel Pandalio, putting him in an illegal chokehold while other cops jumped on top of him even as he kept saying I can't breathe. Staaten Island jury declined to indict Pantalao, but he awaits a decision from a departmental trial. Hawk Knewsom, the president of Black Lives Matter, says if no charges are followed by today, quote we'll shut down the city. Knewsom tells ABC that every Democratic politician is running around talking about immigration. He says, we care about immigration, but they forgot about black lives matter. The House meanwhile, votes on whether to officially condemn the President Trump Obase leaves the country, remarks by the way. Later on R Kelly doing a federal court in Chicago. Today, sad news from the world to boxing. Purnell Whittaker has been run over and killed at age fifty five. Authority sayt Pernell Sweepee Whittaker hit by a vehicle on a corner Virginia Beach on Sunday night. Pronounced dead at the scene. He won four world titles and four world division titles, and he also had a gold medal at the nineteen eighty four Olympics. Today National Guinea Pig Jay. They like to do lots of things. Not back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show Well. R Kelly's girlfriends or alleged sex slaves did a video from his condo and they say they are fine. Joycelyn Savage and Asrielle Clary set the record straight on where they've been since R Kelly was arrested, and they say nothing has changed. They even give a glimpse of the view from the high rise apart meant showing off the Chicago skyline. Take a listen to this. We actually just read an article saying that, um, we were evicted from the Trump and um saying that you know, we were under emergency living and all kinds of stuff like that. We just wanted to let you guys know that that is not true. We are here. We are at the Trump um and UM. You know, Joyce parents are all over social media. Yeah, they know where I'm at. Yeah, we've been here at the Trump. You know, we've been here for years. Um. We move freely, We come and go freely. We actually just left out this morning and nobody said anything to us. You know, no one stopped us, no one you know, harass us or anything like that. So, UM, we just wanted to clear that up and let you guys know that that is fake news. And do not believe everything that you hear. I make a prediction. What about everything we see? Yeah, yeah, I hope y'all looking for boxes because y'all ain't gonna be that long to you. Wow, you mean in that department, that apartment? Then not don't be loane. Well, I mean the tape shows that they're okay and you know where they are. Yeah, you know they're not hiding as to where they are. You know, her parents, Miss Savage parents were all on social media. Where is my daughter? There? She is right now a Trump now own video and there the Trump that's what they trump. Yeah, that's what it is, all right, So I'm saying, yeah, it really is. And R. Kelly was arrested last Thursday. We all remember that on new federal charges including racketeering and sex trafficking and obstruction of justice. Of course that's on top of the state charges he's already facing in Cook County in Chicago. So um, he's got a lot of a lot of charges. And like we were saying yesterday, and people continue to say, if he's convicted, he's going to see some prison time. I should yeah, yeah, absolutely, one hundred person, This is so sad to say. Girls, Yeah call it that documentary is what really very just surviving R Kelly? Yeah yeah, put this on Front Street. People didn't know, and we were fans of his music saying yeah yeah. And did they refute did they say anything, um about the suicide pact they supposedly had in this new interview that we heard, They didn't say anything in that. Yeah, because we heard about that yesterday where the girl said, if if anything happens to our Kelly, they had a suicide pact, which was crazy and sad and unelievable. Didn't believe it in the other set of parents did. So, yeah, we have to anyway, all right, we're gonna move on. Yeah, they do. The victims. Coming up next at thirty four after the hour Trending Political News, the four Democratic congresswoman respond to Donald Trump's racially charged tweets. We'll get into it right after this your listow In Trending Political News, we told you about the President's racially charged tweet telling four congresswomen of color to go back to where they came from. Yesterday, the four Democratic congressman held a news conference at the Capitol to respond to the president. Congresswoman Alexandria Okazio Cortez from New York, elan or Ihan o Omar from Minnesota, and Rashida Talib from Michigan. Also Ayana Presley from Massachusetts all responded. Presley said, I encourage the Americans people, and all of us in this room and beyond to not take this bait. Omar said the president's agenda is the agenda of white nationalists. Ok Okazio Cortez had a message for American children, No matter what the president says, this country belongs to you and it belongs to everyone. Representative Talib said the president's attacks are simply a continuation of his race this and xenophobic playbook. Wow. Yeah. And a lot of people are saying this is a distraction because of what's going on at the border as well. You know, I don't all the other stuff everything, yeah, everything, it's a distraction for all of that, and it's bad. This is this is bad. Yeah, well this is horrible. Okazi or Cortez is from Brooklyn, right, yeah, so so three of them are from the United States except one was born out of this country. But the problem is no, not not one. Republican has said nobody born in Somalia. And she became a citizen when she was a teen. Ye right, yeah, she's a citizens. Yeah, this is scandal for real. The TV show This is scandal for real. Keep one scandal in House of Cards, right, only ten times worth? And racism this is oh yeah, it's definitely raced back to where you come from. Yeah. Yeah, people heard that back in the day, and you know, that's what they were saying to all the blacks back in the day, and everybody always should go back the way. But I mean, you know, it's one thing. It's yeah, and it's one thing, Jay that he said it. But the fact that he's comfortable in saying stuff like that, like it's okay for these things to come out of his mouth. What are other Republicans saying about this? Nothing? But like we just said there saying, have you heard? Are you surprised? No? I mean Graham used to have a set, but he launched his I don't know what happened to him. Man. You know, as much as Trump has talked about his best friend, May he rest in peace, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, ain't said not nothing, no, not one, wouldn't say anything about He didn't even stand up for his boy on you know that. I mean, that's what I'm saying. You're right, your friend, yeah, your dead friend. I mean, come on, you and your best they were best they were best friends. Yeah. So that's but I really hope that is up for re election and as a young man in South Carolina that's running against him, and I really hope he beats his pants off, and he is. I think his last name is Alan, I'm not sure, but that's my homestead. I really hope he beats the dogments out of Lindsay Graham and get him out of there because he needs to go. He really needs to go. Agreed. Agreed. Well, um, I mean you know the cure to that. The answer for that people we have to vote. Vote. We have to register and then we have to vote. If we're not registered, if we've moved, if we've changed our addresses, all of that, we have to register again, and then we have to vote. I don't know how you can sit back and watch this and not vote when this time, if you sat back and watch this last three years, surely you're gonna be trying to vote, motivate it. You should be running. You should be open. You know how to tickets to a concert? Call yeah, or like when you getting some Jordan's yeah, uh yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm gonna need you. All right. Well, I did find one Republican representative, Fred Upston of Michigan. He was among those who said he was appalled by the president's tweets. There's no excuse, so that's yeah, that's good. That's all right. If you're as mad as we are, please keep the comments coming on all social media at Steve Harvey f M. Switching Gear's nephew up next with a prank phone call for today coming up right after this you're listening to all right, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, subject there's no way you can meet my family right now though the nephew is up. That's wrong with today's prank phone call? Or I'm gonna let you know, Jay nephew's here with today's prank phone call. What you got nev Well, Shirley, You know that comes a time when you know you're gonna pass away. But the church has this thing called make a Wish Ministry, and you can call the church and sometimes they will try to feel that boy, they will feel that wish that you have. They will grant you that wish. This is make a wish Ministry. Come on, kay, Baptist, this is Terrence Man. I help you please, Brother Terence. Yeah, how you doing? Got your your number? You you with the over the church? You went to make a witch ministry? Yes, I am I'm gonna help him. Well, listen, I'm I'm I'm actually uh, I'm I'm terminally ill. Brothers brother Terence, and I don't you know, as far as what the doctors tell me, it could be six months, another year, But I know my time here is definitely limited. You know. Well, I'm sorry to hear that, but we're definitely here to help you out with whatever you need or whatever we can help you with. So what can we do for you? Well, you know, I truly believe that sometimes people have you know, I've seen one of the mold movies they got with it got a bucket list or whatever they called it. You know, people trying to do things before they leave here. I guess I'm just sitting around trying to figure out what I could do and what I wanted to do before I left this world and went on to what he asked for me. Nixt. You know, I don't believe in doing anything unless it's prayed on first. Oh yeah, if you don't mind, maybe you can. You know, before I can tell you my wish, we prayed that the wish would come true. You you you're not doing anything like that. Oh, no, I don't mind praying that's what we're here for. Bow your head with him. Yes, Yr sir, is your head, boy, your sir, your sir. O the God. We come to you in the umeless way. We know how Lord, we ask you to touch this young man and every which way he hurt, and then we ask you to deliver him for whatever is going on with him and let him know that we the church is here to help him with whatever his needs is in his last days. And Jesus's name, I prayed, say Amen with him a man, it's gonna do it here. Now you a member of the church here of New Well. I was a member. I still consider myself a member. It's just been quite something time, probably over a year and a half, two years, as I've been able to come, you know, through to my my illness. But definitely I will remember that. Well, that's all right. We're not worried about all that. We just here to take care of your last and final wish. That's what our minister is for, you know. We helps people with with with anything they need. You know, like what what all I mean when when people call them won't say what all of you you are? What all of y'all helped them with Well, we've helped them with the rent. Uh, take them to the store, help them with a utility bill, come out and cut the grass, anything like that they just can't do. Take them to the doctor's appointment. Anything we'd like to help them with, we do exactly. Then Okay, well I pretty much got those things taken care of. I think what I'd like to do between you and and myself botherding that I've never told anyone what I'm about to tell you. I've never been with a with with a woman to call I'm you know, I'm thirty eight, but I've never been with a woman. Well, I guess that might be a blessing. You might you might be PERI that's a good thing. Well, you know, but sometimes you know, I give before I leave. I guess that's a desire that I have. And and and uh, what I wanted to ask you was there is a lady there at the church and before I leave, I think that's the woman that I would actually like to be with. Well, I don't know if Make a Wish Ministry can support that kind of stuff, but uh, go ahead, let me hear. Okay that the lady that I'm actually interested in Actually, uh she works at the church too. Oh well, I see she's doneim at all. When she's about five nine and she's probably about a size eight, beautiful long leagues man and and and sandy type of hair, sandy color for sandy brown man and I mean she looked like careman. Hold on a minute, what's her name? I think her name Linda? Now hold on, that's my wife? What you mean go ahead and see? Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait Linda your wife? Yeah, that's my wife? You sorvince? What do you mean? Listen, y'all are ministry now. Now, if y'all supposed to be taking care of people, don't make a wish and and taking care of what they want before they leave this world. If that's my wish, what is the problem listening here? You didn't cross every line there was about this man, So I don't give a damn about it. I'm you're talking about sleeping with my Like if I see y'all gonna do something to you, they ain't gonna even be able to recognize you. So what the you talking about? Missing with my wife? Son of am? I called miss Linda myself and see it, you know, I have a problem. Wasn't helping me make my wish come true? And calling you won't call no nobody else that it be the last called you make. I thought y'all were here to relieve people so they can enjoy themselves before they leave this world. You talk about sleeping with my wife? Are you crazy? But but if I'm going to leave here, ain't nobody gonna know? But you want hut? I don't care if you die. I don't care. You ain't sleeping with my wife and your food with her. You probably gonna go ahead and die quicker than you need to. I thought this was a ministry. I don't feel you now you won't. They're telling me about God. Y'all supposed to be a ministry that helps people before they leave a word or what it is. But you talk about sleeping with my wife. You got an illness? But something must be wrong with your brain talking about missing with man? Whe ain't nobody don't even know? I've been what your wife wants. I'm gonna there, ain't gonna beople the tool y'all. At least you would have helped me before I left. Now I can't help you with nothing, and let me tell you something. I'm not the preacher, I'm not the past, I'm not the deacon, I'm not none of them. But if you mentioned my wife, you're gonna know who I am. I'm gonna be the undertaker. Do you understand? I don't hear what you say? But I got one more thing I need to tell you about who I ain't who asked you? Isn't it the go ahead? Let me? This is nephew talk me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your wife, y'all me the phrase sho no y'all tell me to play out you roll y ain't recording. This is man's recorded, every last bit of hammler. Last thing gonna hear? This is Oh god, I got one more thing. What is the baddest and I mean the boo radio show in the land, Steve Harving Morning Show. That might have been a little too far, too much. The man's wife, the man's wife. Well you know it could come a time though, Julian, when't you making a way? I mean, Julia, the man gonna pass away? Ain't nobody gonna know? Some people are so selfish? Please, I just don't understand selfishness. Let somebody have something that's yours. If they ain't gonna be here. They from the league didn't have no words, speechless. You can't go around saying that hurt you. The man is dead calling some woman from the pass away. Okay, call it later, fen the pass away ain't never been with a man before. Huh. She probably got, you know, a week on her dipping, got a week. She wants to go on experience. She asked for tash. You ain't gonna let that, let her have it, all right, You're just gonna die, all right. Listen, Thank you nephew. Oh God, coming up next? I know right, No, thank you nephew. Coming up next the Strawberry Letters subject there is no way he can meet my family. We'll get into that right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry a letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now today. Okay, let's go, let's go, buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry letter, Thank you nephew. So subject is there's no way he can meet my family. Dear Stephen Shirley. I am a twenty seven year old woman and I've been dating a twenty nine year old man for a year. We met in graduate school and immediately hit it off. He wants to start a business and I'm in the medical field, so we both have big dreams and aspirations. We have talked about a future together and I can see myself with him forever. But there's a big part of my life that I've been keeping from him. It's my ghetto family. I grew up in the hood, and when I went to college, I promised myself that I was going to do better for myself and have a different kind of life. All of my family still lives in the hood and have no goals or plans to leave. My family prefers to have our cookouts in the front yard. Junior and all of our relatives just pull right up and park on our grass. My dad fixes cars in our driveway as a side hustle, and you can always hear the loud music blasting from the car he's working on. My dad is stuck in his Soul Brothers stage, so he's always trying to be cool and it's embarrassing. My mom loves to shop and trendy stories for teenagers, so she always has on an outfit that is not suitable for her body type or her age. I've spent my entire adult life trying to overcome the way I was raised, and I've asked my family to do better, but they think I'm the one with the issues because I don't fit in anymore. My boyfriend asked to go home with me soon to meet my family, and I have run out of excuses. I'm afraid he'll be scared away because he does not want to marry into a family like mine. On the other hand, I may need to give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he can overlook them. Should I warn him first? Do you think he'll run once he sees them? I have tried to talk to my family, but it's pointless. Help me, help, all right? Yeah? If one thing you learn on this show, we tell you all the time you cannot change other people. You can only change yourself, and it looks like you're doing that you're trying to change yourself, break out of you know, your lifestyle, your hood, the ghetto, whatever you're you know, trying to do, and you say, better yourself. So I commend you for that, for trying to better yourself. I'm proud of you, for all of your accomplishments. You're going to grad school, you're in the medical field, and I'm really happy that you found love, especially if you want to spend the rest of your life with this person. Now I have to tell you, you know, okay, so what you came from the hood, you don't have to stay in the hood. You don't have to be ghetto all your life. If you know you don't have to do that, you can. You can go out and make a life for yourself and still love your family and be a part of your family. Just embrace who you are, all of who you are. Do not be ashamed of who you are, where you came from. It's okay, And it's okay to let your your boyfriend meet your family. It's all right. He's not marrying your family, he's marrying you, all right. And you guys have to have these kinds of conversations. But yeah, you know this just because you were raised this way or born this way, just because your family is like that, you could be different. I was different in my family. I mean, you know, we were all the different ones, I'm sure in our family for one reason or another. Just because you don't approve of them, it's okay. It's okay. Let them be, Let them be who they are, and you just be who you are. Don't try to be anything you're not. Just you know, it's okay to improve yourself and that's what you're trying to do. So yeah, bring him over, let him meet the family, and go from there. If he really loves you, then it won't matter who your family is. Like I said, he's not marrying them, He's marrying you, junior. No, don't let him meet the family. I got fit experience in this. No, you were gonna say, you have to. You have to let him meet the family in a confined space, like an event. They cannot be in a natural habitat it. Don't scat his more. They got to meet him at like a funeral or something. You don't don't let them just be at the yard. If they just in the yard doing them, it's gonna be very bad. I have I have this problem. I have a sister I have to tell you about. You know, when you meet me, I tell you gonna meet the favor. I have to warn you that my sister's gonna be there. I got a cousin who don't bathe I got. I got to let you know this upfront because you're gonna ask what is that smell? And he had just walked by, So I have to tell you about this. I do have a cousin that looks at the wall for no reason. I don't know why. He'd been doing it all his life. Don't ask no question. No, he not creating. He just like looking at the wall. We do have a little cousin that's like nine, like to jump at women, laugh and raise up and reach for them. Yes, we call little babyhook, little babyhook, and get your ass that. We have to say this, Yes, get down. You have to know about little babyhook because he's gonna jump in your lab and reach for your breath. He's gonna do that little baby hook. Get down. We have to say this. Yes, Yes, we have an eighty who's gonna set her teeth on the table. Yes, I have one. Don't worry about it. These just these people. So yes, you have to warn him. You cannot let him go and see the foods in a natural habitat. I do have a cousin and like to talk to you in just dark places. Just get he don't like talking in like he liked the Whizard. But these people do exist. You need to know these people you have such an interesting actually exists. When you see him, then you'll be like, that's the one he told me about. So act like I ain't take you haven't been warned. That boy evaded about five years, but when he walked five, your nostrils don't be so far five swell? What was that? It's not the food, it's not. But can I just tell you I love little baby Hooker. Yeah, little baby, look, get down. He's run up and every woman left. Get that this boy can have charges. I just wanted to know. Yes, you got to warm these people exist, all right, Lindon, We're gonna hear from Jay and Tommy at twenty three after the hour when we come back for part two of the Strawberry Letters subject. There's no way he can meet my fans coming up right after this, little baby look and ask your grandmother. You're listening to show. All right, guys, let's recap today's strawberry letter, and the subject is called There's no way he can meet my family. Twenty seven year old young lady called she's dating a twenty nine year old man. They're both upwardly mobile. They're in graduate school. He's planning on starting a business. She's in the medical field. They both have big dreams and aspirations. They like each other a lot and want to have a future together. He wants to meet her family. She's made every excuse possible to see that that doesn't happen, because she says her family is ghetto. They still live in the hood. They have no goals or plans to leave. Her family prefers to have cookouts in the front yard. All the relatives come up, park on the grass. Dad is stuck in soul brother stage, always trying to be cool. It's embarrassing. Mom wears teenage clothes. It's not age appropriate, she says. And she's afraid that if she introduces her um you know, significant other to her family, that he may run. But I think if he really loves her, even if he meets the family, he'll stick around. Junior says, absolutely, warn him. Absolutely, Jay, what do you say? I say just like you were saying, Sheldon Junior. This is a testimonial of your love. He needs to meet these people, and then he needs to meet him without you setting him up of what he's going to see. That way he can ask questions as to what he sees. Who value get that shock value? Like how come your auntie got a mustad? He has to ask yeah question, He has to ask you how come the back of the dog don't have no hell on him? Why he? And then you have to explain this part of your family. He has to asked you how come y'all got to wash it and a dry on the front? Point is that? How y'all got that? How come your aunt that ear range a size twenty two on her ear and she got glitter on her lips? Who is this woman sees? He needs? She needs to explain all these surprised relatives. She needs to find out why you have an uncle who's sits in the living room in the hospital bed who just wakes up and starts yelling out stuff. Right, he needs to answer all these questions. She needs to ask him, how come y'all got a TV? But there's no TV in there. Y'all put a little flower arrangement on the inside of that. I need to know, you gotta crazy. He needs to know how come y'all got a deep freezer in the living room. I need to know why is it sitting right there in the damn living room? And until she shops this boy and tests her love, she will never, never, never knew if he loved. If he leaves, he ain't in love. But if he stays there and you ask all these questions, that's the one. That's it. That's all right, thank you, jay nephew, you're up. There's no way he can meet my family. That is. I think you gotta prepare this man before he meets the family. But you know, I want you to do it in a timmy way. You're gonna have to act this thing out, Okay, So you got to get up underneath that car. You got to be your daddy first, and you got to you know, your daddy gonna give give me out out, give me out of radio. Ain't out of that. Bring it over here. You know what I thought it was that dry share, But that ain't want it here, That ain't want that ain't want to you know what I put that clutching in. I took that clutch out. But I think that that mataphold, that manaphold, that might be one of it. That ain't boy my cigarette And when I bring my cigaretting back over here? Look at him? Then what we're gonna do. Then, what we're gonna do. We're gonna take the whole gass and out to take the whole gas tank out. All right, I'm a fixed where you can charge it up. You're gonna be better than the Testament when I get through with it. That my baby girl, that's my baby glood. Wait, look at here, baby gub baby girl. Look at this the young blood you time? I what's up? Young blood? Cruel? Look at you? Baby? Yeah? They call me cat daddy. You know what I'm saying. You know how to do? You know? Two different kinds of people in this world, different people with guns and people with butter. You feel you know where I'm coming from. Look, I don't know if you're hungry, but we're gonna have a fish fry right here in the yard. Man. We got some crapping, we got some perching here. We're gonna get it. We're gonna get this enough. You don't want no fit. We're gonna be grilling some turkyn Well, we're grills from turky that ground here. So let me tell you something. The what's up you? Good? God about you? My girl? Baby boy? I look at you? What's your name here? Young blood? What's your name? Young blood? Embarrassed man? What it is? You know? You? You? You you you you you you? You know the rude printed tony you know you look. Yeah, he wants you alway welcome here, you alway when you alway welcoa in the front, y'all. I don't go in the back yard. Back yard. Ain't got damn thing do with you. Don't be in the backyard because we got stuff growing in the backyard. We don't want to get in the backyard. Look at look at my baby, see my baby. Look at the dressing that I got my baby. Enough for you pointed one my baby. Go ahead. If my baby got a jump on, good job. That's gonna have you did everything to say. Try it now when you are under that guy, you blood? All right, all right, all right, listen, you can email us your instagram us your thoughts on today's strawberry letter. You've heard ours, go to Steve Harvey f Emmer. You can check out the Strubberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six after the hour, a little bit of comedy roulette right after this you're listening to. All right, guys, time now for comedy roulette. Take it away. It's very simple. Take three subjects, put them on a wheel, spun the wheel with a wheel. Stop. We'll do the damn thing. Because we's all comedians. Here we go. Excuses you make when you are on a road trip and you know you don't have any money. Things you say when you forget your booze birthday. Things men say when they're not sure if it's their baby okay, yea. And things people whisper when they say you're swirling or dating outside your race. Okay, spinning, let's go, yeah, spun spun out. Who sounds interesting? Oh I was hoping it wouldn't stop on this one, but I'm glad it did. Things big things men say when they're not sure if it's their baby. I'm starting, I'm starting. Okay, I need to know why the baby white. That's what I need to know. I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what I know. He got my head. That's it. I don't see no more men there. That's it. I'm not shocked about this. I'm just gonna I'm just gonna gonna say this right here. If the baby ain't uh playing on the phone making prying phone call? How do you think that baby? Man, this baby don't even go towards the phone. Can't men say when they should? The baby ain't there? Okay, here we go. Now, let me let's just elimination. Let's eliminate it. I ain't got no freckles. You ain't got no freckles, So where the hell of freckles come from? That's what I know. That baby ain't mine. His voice deeper than man ain't nowhere in the world. That's my baby. Good baby, got a fool head of hair, and I'm bad here. I come on here, man, all right, come on, Jake's a mighty small nose to be my damn baby. I'll tell you what what ain't nobody in the family knock kneed but him? How that's my I'm just gonna gonna tell you right now. I changed that baby diaper. And there ain't no way. He ain't no mills, ain't where hell, Oh, it's a boy. Is that what you're trying to say? Look at the heads on my baby, they look like baseball. Miss That ain't my damn baby. Oh here goes one Jay. You know she was seeing me in Calvin at the same time. You know that. Don't those gaps between me and Cavi? It just the nifted by. All right, thank you guys. Okay, DNA all around, DNA all right. Coming up at the top of the hour, trending video, viral news plus Bluebell ice cream liquors. All right, right after this you're listening to and trending video viral news. People are licking Bluebell ice cream so they can go viral, and the police have had enough, they say, last week, what is going on? I'm so last week a video went viral of a young lady licking Bluebell ice cream and putting back, putting it back on the shelf. The authorities have found this young lady in Lufkin, Texas. But now there are copycats. Okay. Enforcement officials from all over the country have warned the public not to lick ice cream and put it back. One officials said it's illegal, it's a health risk to others. We will pursue anyone we see doing this, you will be charged, officials said. Health experts also warn consumers to be cautious because saliva could contain germs and bacteria really okay, as rhinovirus, the flue, hepatitis B and C and bacteria, etc, etc. Etc. Come on now. Since the incident, Bluebell said that they are considering putting another protected seal around the containers they need to. Also just a reminder that tampering with a consumer product can be punished by prison terms of from two to twenty years and up to ten thousand dollars in fines. Hopefully that will stop it. Bluebell shoppers were having a sale on ice cream that's already been lift but you know that I don't want no pre But you know there's going to be someone, some cheap person who wants to save a book or two, a whole health down. Oh sir, it's gonna be a store to say we then't scraped off the top and we got it back clean for you, so y'all can come on and get this hand pre Trust me, you can't lick these prices, man, Love me some Blue Belt ice. You know there's slogan, don't you what is it. We we eat all we we eat all we can and we sell the rest. Oh yeah, yeah they do. Yeah, and it's great ice cream. They actually said a guy to jail who actually purchased the ice cream, but then he decided to go with lick it and get it on video and yeah, just for the challenge. Yeah yeah, yeah, Now that's crazy her. We don't want to go to jail for licking ice cream. That's one thing you in man, Man, I'm you're licking. Okay, let me go down this list of what you can catch again so people can just know. Okay, don't do that. The flu, heppatitis, B, and C, all kinds of bacteria. Then you can get a prison term from two to twenty years and up to ten thousand dollars in fines. Okay, think about that before you go licking ice cream. Nobody want to helpatitis vanella. Now, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. And and vanilla is my favorite flavor, especially blue self homemade vide chip. Yeah, but I think if you can make vanilla, you can make anything anything, anything of Rocky Road, that's my favorite. They do need that protected seal, yeah, they do. Around. They started locking it up they start locking it up yet. Yeah, I heard that as somebody to go back and get the ice cream, right, yeah, security, are you serious? You gotta ice cream? That's like the expensive wine. You know, you gotta unlock it. Tie condoms, making sure id and the ras, Jake and condoms. We need condoms. Okay, really, you don't have to. Ain't gotta see coming up? More music, more fun, more still Penity from the Hardy Morning Show. We'll be back in twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this. You're listening to show, all right. Before we went to break, we were talking about this. Uh. I'm calling it a scandal because it is a scandal as far as I'm concerned. Uh, there's this viral video that's trending where people are actually licking bluebell ice cream and putting it back on the shelves. All right, this is dangerous, it's nasty. You can get all kinds of bacteria and diseases hepatitis B and see the flu bacteria, and you can get fined up to ten thousand dollars and sent to jail, uh for from two to twenty years. So okay, you know what, I think I got the solution. Yeah, because they're trying to copycat off the girl that did. Here's what we should do. Okay, well we should have ice cream police. I like it. And they have the supermark. They have no guns. And then but they got real long thick belts and you just get your ass what right there? By that start Soon we start looking at ice cream, we're gonna whoop that ass right there and see what happened. Yeah, that's all they have. Our belts and megaphones, that's all they need. That I'm talking about summertime. I'm serious about my ice cream. That is like my favorite food, hands down. Every lick is ten licks on. That's lick lick. Put that on social media. Yeah all right. Uh, we'll be back with more trending news at thirty three after the hour. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We'll be back at thirty three after Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. So the next James Bond movie is more woke than ever. Now, this is according to Steve Harvey f M. British actress Leshawna Lynch will be handed the title of the new Double O seven. Yeah. Now she'll have the number she'll have the number. They haven't officially officially named James Bond just yet because we're still hoping for Indress Elba. But this is a great start. A black woman as double O seven in this movie coming up with Daniel Craig. Yeah, her name is Leshawna Lynch Lishawna Lynch. Remember that number. She's that name. She's a British actress. Yeah, she has avengers or something. Yeah, but anyway, um, yeah, she's a British actress. So um, I'm excited about that. Yeah, I am the new Jane Bond. Should be level Crawford. I don't know why. Well he's getting his weight down for it too. Yeah, got me. I'm on a mission right now. I got you know, yeah, and be a dejacb. But they ain't got a whiffle I don't understand why my first mission they're gonna be you get a whiffleuse. Oh yeah, we get scattered, smothered and covered, dropped on the floor and brought back to the plate. Well, Bond is still gonna be, like I said, plate by Daniel Craig. We love Daniel Craig too, but he's being replaced as double as seven by a stunning woman and we can't wait. Bond twenty five is set. To me, I've seen him all too. I've seen him as oh my god, still James Bond. Yeah, but he wants to retire. Yeah. John Connery is to me is essential. Yeah, yeah to me. But I love Daniel Craig though I am not mad Jai at all. Yeah, I love Daniel the one before Connery. Who was that, Roger Moore. Roger Connery was the first one. He was George last, George something. George Lansbury used to play in a I don't know, but Lorraine Handsbury bro Okay anyway, yeah, all right, anyway, Bond twenty five, as I said, it is said to be released in theaters April twentieth, April eighth, twenty twenty. So get ready for ready means you got to get somebody out of jail. But this is great. This is a yeah she is? Yeah. All right, coming up our last break of the day, and Jay's what have we learned today? Right after this at forty nine minutes after the hour, you're listening, all right, Jay, so it's time to turn it over to you, and what have we learned today? Okay, no, that's it, all right, every day on this show so far. That sacked me. What we've been going over? What have we learned today? So we had a full show today and I'm sure all the people on this show learned something, so one at a time. Shirley, Colin, Junior, Tommy, what did you learn today? Starting with Shirley, what did you learn today? Shirley? Um, honestly, I didn't learn a whole lot today, but the thing that really too much? Yeah, today was kind of time we have those days, you know, don't really learned that. Yeah, I can't tell any time that I heard in you know when you say I wasn't Yeah, yeah, I was a little upset about the bluebell ice cream looking though, Yeah, because ice cream is very near and dear to my heart. So stop it people don't look Yeah, all right, Carl, what you learned today? Well, I learned that the next James Bond movie, Stay Woke, we got a sister playing Double O seven I Love Love, Love Love It, British actress and her name is Lashawna Lynch. You didn't learn something, yeah, yeah, unlike Sherley, who didn't learn anything. All right, Junior, what you learned today? Man. Well, I learned early this morning that a wedding is actually a cool spot to get a pratranityist. Just get a result, go ahead telling people that ain't my boy? Go ahead, you told me nice, just ruin the wedding, man. I love that. Yeah, something you didn't. All right, Tommy, what did you learn today? I have learned that if you licked that ice cream, me and Jay gonna whoop that ass. I like that ten leagues for every league. Yeah, you need your ass. If you licking ice cream in the store, you definitely need that VI and all we need. Yeah, that's all right. Here's what I learned today. All right now, Linda Graham is up for election, and we want our young man out of South Carolina, mister Jamie Harrison, to whoop that behind, just like if you lick that ice cream, whoop that behind, like he's getting that just beat beat that behind. So that's what we want into that. Also, I'd like to give a special shout out to Grammling University. They had a big what's what sware and it swarre They raised a lot of money over at the Jay's bot for me, thank you, and so in honor of that, I like to donate one thousand dollars to grammlin Universe a good job. No no, no, no, no, no no, I would like to. I'm gonna donate five hundred. I cannot, I cannot. Are you serious? It gives us with that every time, every time I must like, I'm must send them one thousand dollars because they could use the money. So why are you doing this? Yeah, I mean it's a great thing. I'm not questioning you. I love the fact that you're doing it because it's an HBCU and you know, it's just all right man, good yea. And to give back, you know. And I went to a trade school, but trade school can help colleges. I mean. So that's what it's about. It's about helping and giving. It's that I'm all about giving. I'm a giver. I'm away I love yeah, yeah, but I'm a hold for a while when you get it, Okay, don't school you're talking to Gramm, don't don't go right to the freely gave them spirit being a giver. Yeah, I wish. I wish my wife was a gilt guild like she used to. It's a non guild like she using timing I haven't made your three nine givers, so I know what you're talking about. Read nine give us and now you're saluried of the whole institution. Yeah, but it's all about giving, so anyway, trying to help out. Yeah, and that's a great thing you're doing. Yeah, shout out to Grambling and all the HBCUs, all the h that's yeah. You know you know what school yea about to preview aint M University? Baby well, Denmark, Texas we're yelling at. We had a football team. We were the fighting so and sos. Are you where? That's a lot that is not that I'm about to say, the fighting It was a trade school. I took Taylor and we were the fighting so and so. That's a bad job. I've been watching this show on Netflix called um oh geez, I can't think of the name of it right now. Uh, it's a it's about drum line shows. Um dang. The name escapes me, but anyway, it reminds me of you all the time. Huh, this big non drums about it's about I saw that. I know what. I can't The name just escapes me, but anyway reminds me of you. Yeah, I'm gonna look it up right now. I'm gonna look it up. Finding in the show? What is it? Warning shots marching Marching Ordering Order. Yeah, that's oh yeah. I had to think of it really quick. Okay, so I'm going to say that again, Jay, I was speaking of bands and all of this stuff. I was. I'm watching the show on Netflix. I watched the first season. It's called Marching Orders, and it reminds me of you in Drumline. Yeah. Before I did that movie, I had no idea how big marching bands. Yeah, yeah, of course, of course when you mentioned Grambling, that's where my mind went to the marching band. Yeah. Yeah, they had the best in the country. I remember, yeah at the time. But anyway, we're out of time, So thank you guys for listening for all Steve, that's no purchasing Terry Voyd where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Streame Harday Morning Show.