We on Some Jerry Springer Ish - 09.18.17

Published Sep 18, 2017, 8:41 PM

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all bag at all, suit long looking back to back down, giving the mong like theming buck bus things, and it's y'all to me true good to Steve. H Yeah, listening to me together for Stu Barn to listen money, don't you joy? Yeah? Yeah? Well Hobby joining me said dot turn hur go, yeah you gotta turn, won't the turn at the time Lobby got to turn out to turn the water? The water go? Comey, come on your back at it. Uh huh, I shall will come onrning everybody y'are listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show man. Oh man, oh man? How many times I got to say that before I get tired of it? M I think it's gonna be a minute, folks. I gotta be real with you, because, boy, that Steve Harvey got a radio show man. Clear indication of how God can do some unexpected wonderful things for you, How he leads your life in directions that you never ever saw coming. You know. I was talking with somebody the other day and they were talking about how man they were young and they were doing things, and they never knew that the things that they were doing as a youngster would come and and he helped form who they were today as an adult. This guy's fifty years old, and uh, you know the same thing for you. If you look back on your life and all of the things that you've done, it helps shape you into who you are now. This is provided now that you take the positive approach. Now when I say look back at your life and see what you've done, that doesn't mean dull on the misfortunate moments, because the misfortunate moments were necessary. I know it. It's hard to see that when it's happening to you, But the unfortunate moments are necessary. You know, what really makes you appreciate summer vacation is winter work. What really makes you appreciate a walk on the beach, it's when it's cold as raining outside. What really makes you appreciate when you're up, it's because you've been down. See if you are up all the time. Just the nature of us as human beings, we would lose our appreciation for because it becomes case surah, whatever it is, well, it is what it is. I'm just what what what you take it for granted, it becomes expected. But what happens in life's is it has so many twisting turns, and then you learn how to deal with those twisting turns, which makes you now a more experienced person. And then when the sunny days come, man, you go wild. It's really nice outside. You really want to appreciate how warm weather just stay in a bunch of cold weather all the time. I'm you know, you know what I'm saying. I'm just this is really really simple and now analogies, but it helps you along the way. Now here's what I came to say today to everybody out there. And this has helped me in my life. I can't tell you what it's done for me. But a lot of people are struggling with moving forward with their future, their future plans, their future goals, their future aspirations, their future hopes, their future dreams, just simply your future wants. A lot of people trying to have a hard time mapping out their future. Even what I'm gonna do, what I'm gonna be, what I'm gonna make, how or go about it? What do I do next? I want to share something with you that I had to come to terms with the quickest way to lose focus on your future is to keep focusing on your past. You know, it's like I said at the beginning. You know when I say it's it's wonderful to look at your life and review it, because if you look at it, it'll tell you, uh it. It really helps shape inform you today as the person you are now if you look at it in a positive sense. But if you dwell in harp on the negative that's happened to you, then that keeps you from seeing the good in the incident. Every bad thing that's happened to you, there was a silver lining behind it. I know people who were on drugs who finally, man just got sent to prison for still in because of their habit. I know cats so dope. Well, he went to prison. He told me one time. He said, Steve, it's a man. It's the best thing ever happened to me to save my life. Now, most people would think, how in the world is going to prison helpful for you? The brother said, it saved my life. First of all, it got me clean. He saw, I've been cleaned for five years from sitting in here. That's for starters. I'm cleaned, I ain't stilling no more. I ain't putting myself in jeopardy, and I ain't jeopardizing nobody else. He said. Now, man, I don't went to college. I didn't got a college degree while I met here. Then he was released from prison, and the brother's life was completely turned around. He married, he got a family, he got a great job. He got to work every day. He's a productive citizen. I mean. So he looks back on his incarceration, even his drug abuse, and it taught him how to appreciate the things in life that he had taken for granted and was missing because he said, Man, my life was just in a blur. I didn't even know what was going on. He said, Now I appreciate every day I wake up. That's what I mean. Even in your missteps in life, there is a purpose for the missteps. Every time you fail, there was a reason for the failure. See what I had to do was I had to learn that all of my failures taught me how to get back up. So I became a very strong and tough person in getting back up. And then I was down and out so long that it taught me how to really appreciate the up. And so I've taken all of that and used it those experiences that happened to me, and I became a more experienced person. So next time when people talk about me who don't know me, it don't shake me. Because everybody's not gonna like you. Man, you might as well gonna get on this train right now. And so what I'm saying to you out there is the quickest way to lose who's focused on your future is to keep focusing on your path. Let it go, man, go forward. It's over. You made it, you got through it, You're beyond it. Yeah yeah, yeah he left. But like I told us lady on my TV show the other day, sometimes the breakup is the blessing. I know it's hard to break up because now you're loaning you by yourself. But man, but when you in misery, when you was in that, weren't you in complete misery in that? Now you kept asking God to fix it. But it takes two people to fix a relationship. It don't just take one. It takes two to make a thing go right. It takes two to make it out of sight. Say you know that's that's that's a song. But man, that's so true. You really do have to have two people wanting a relationship to work. It can't just be one person, one relationship. So you can pray about the relationship all you want. If the other person don't want you no more and ain't gonna act right, you can't make him do that or you ain't make her do that. So, man, the relationship, the breakup sometimes it's a blessing. It's over. Let it go go forward. Quit looking at how much time you wasted. Man, that's that kills people from getting the next if you're constantly dwelling on how much time I gave him and how much time I gave her, and now here I am lost in alone. Oh, you ain't wasting no time. Some of the times was good, a lot of them was bad. So what you're gonna do now? You You ain't gonna have no future because you're gonna keep focusing on your past. Are you serious? So now you're asking God to give you another relationship when you don't even have enough sense to appreciate the fact that you are now available for another relationship. But you steady asking God for a new relationship, but you are yet to be grateful that you are in a position to have a relationship. And you keep harping on the past. You don't think you hear that. I'm just a dude with a show, and I hear it all the time. Let it go go forward. It's over. You made it, He bought you through it, you conquered, you survived it. Why are you dwelling on it and making it the cross around your neck when clearly he had removed it for you. Now, all you got to do is come on. So if you're sitting behind them walls, brothers and sisters, I'm talking directly to you sometimes. Man, you just got to get it right. All this repeat offender business, that's for. Who is that for? How ignorant can you be to keep giving your life back to the penal system? Be free, man, walk the streets, do the right thing. Ask God to help connect you. He could do anything. You think he can't give you a job? Are you serious? Man? Put some faith on it. Let's move forward, y'all. Let it go. Let's move to ladies and gentlemen, boys and girl people listen from around the world. You are listening to the baddest morning showing the land. Today's show is dedicated to those of you who still eat chitlings. A lot of them dedicated to those of you who still eat chitlings. And the reason I'm dedicating this show to you, it's cause you ain't got long. Oh that's my uncle Jack. He loves them people and they will use the phrase why you ask me and my cooking chitlings? Because I smell them. Because if you're there for a long time, you get used to it. I think, God, everybody, good morning, what's going out? Steve? What's a CRUI? Hey girl? Chiens? Oh yeah, Steve. I had to cook him. They clean him to junior morning. You had chiding who number one? Chip lens baby every new year, dag number two? If you do try chilens hotter than the mofile hot sauce? Baby? What was that? A shameless what? Excusely? But you didn't ask me? I know way too. You ain't never had no chilen wan somebody anyway. No, but my mom cooked him. My mom did cook him, but you never tried him. You never tasted it. Yeah, I tasted him, but it wasn't for me. Yeah, I wasn't forward to it. Everything Christmas, really I look forward to it when it was just hard because they smell so bad. Get over it, a damn. I just couldn't do it. Yeah, yeah, I haven't had chidlings in years. No, no, no, no, no, pots. You didn't get him, get him pre clean, frozen. They all say pre clean. I don't know. I would like to say that. Yeah, every house I had chickling and had a window unit in it. Last time I had chidlings, my mama was living. That was really it. This girl made some one time and did not understand the concept of it and walked in her house and oh my god, it was horrid in that And then she opened up the pot. I said, you don't have to understand how. She said, I've been scooping this stuff off every now. I said, anything you're supposed to clean. Yeah, yeah, and that's stuff you're scooping, that's not stuffy stuff. Right. So I went home. I thought you were staying for Thanksgiving. Well you know your thought wrong, mhm, because everybody in here going. And also I watched the Canelo Triple G fight. I missed it. I was pulling for Canelo because I know way more about Mexico and got more Mexican friends than I do somebody from Kazastan, So that immediately made me pull for Cannello. But I love it dude from Triple G because he's the same country that ball rat is from. Oh yeah, he sounds just like it too. But he was talking. I thought that was bo. But I'll tell you about the fight when we come back. You're listening, all right, Uh, we want to hear about this fight still. Well, now let me tell you something. It was. It was it was a draw. It was a great fight. It was a great No. Well, in the professional ranks, Triple G one to fight. What's the difference. Well, you know, he out punched it. He got more strikes. But in amateurs, you know, in pros, we don't care about that tip tip tat tat punch, that little punch where you tap him on that jab right there, unless it's a really banging jab, we don't don't count. They don't care about that in the pros because putting Cannelo through he threw from hal you know, I'm stopped popped. He was body shotting this guy. But he got out boxed in the middle rounds because Canelo did look like he tired. And I thought Triple G one all those middle rounds and I think the last three rounds went to Cannelo, which saved the fight, which gave him a draw, which is good for boxing because this is Cannelo to Cannelo too. Oh that's coming. And then he kept his belts, you know, and so I think, you know, it'll be a sacrifice. It'll be for a lot more money everybody. Technically, yes, technically, and and Canelo would have had to do a lot more to beat him because you can't take the man to bout. You can't take his belt with that type of you gotta whoop the champ. Yeah, that's not amateur boxing. You gotta whoop the champ to take the belt. So if you don't whip the champ, you're gonna get a draw. They had some nice shots on him, but but the scoring, this lady, uh, the lady judge. Oh there was a lady judge. Yeah, there's a lot of ladies and they're very very good, they're very very good. But this lady scored it one eight team to one team. Canelo, he must watching another another guy gave it one four team. One of them gave it one fourteen one twelve triple g this lady gave it one eight team one team Canelo, and then the other guy won four team won four teen to him was to draw. There was her score that made the difference. Hers was mostly lopsided more than anybody else. And that that was not the same nobody's watching stuff. This dude could not have one that from she shouldn't. Well, you know, Joe, just do it. Can't say she didn't. You're gonna sound like the dude, Yeah, what's the ball? The ball dude that said she's a female jail she shouldn't be, you know, having removed from the game, So we're not gonna get removed from the today talking about she should And then I gotta send some love about to my girl over the ESPN Jamal Jamal, Yes, send her some love and I want ESPN to keep her on board. The White House is calling calling for her job, but that's the huckab chick. She's calling for her job. She called Donald Trump white supremacist, but it was on her personal Twitter page and on ESPN. She did not do it on ESPN, So she should not lose her job. And that you are what you act like sometimes from sending a lot of love and prayers and you know, the White House. You all have many more other things to concern yourself with than what the female sportscaster said, hello, and all that stuff you've said, Come on, I mean, really, man, seriously, your grabby woman's pease, none of it. Yeah, you gotta commit you So, you know they need this, they need to hope this. All prayers go out there, you know. Think but let me say this again, at running the risk of having some more fire come my way, Well, maybe you should ask a question. Let me ask a question. Let me ask the question, ask it. Would it be smart of all of us to be mindful based on the climate that we are in today? Do you think it's a good idea that we go about, uh, pointing out the flaws of the White House and the president in other ways Because if you come with the straightforward attack, they come right back, and they come back with the fervor and people are listening to them. So do you think that we as broadcasters and people who have a status out here have to be a bit mindful of how we're saying it? Yeah? In this climate, I think I think so. If they're calling for Jamale Hill's job and she didn't even say it on ESPN, like you said, Yeah, I think so. I mean it's unfortunate, you know, but yeah, because like you know, when I made the statement about Snoop and bow Wow, I wanted them brothers to be careful because I care about them. I took a lot of flak for that, are you uncle Ton not? No, I'm not. But right after that, Cathy Griffith, Snoop had the video where he had the clown looked like he was shooting the president, you know, which wasn't as vile as chopping the man's head off with blood statement, right, she lost her job. I'm just saying, I'm asking, Yeah, we have got to be mindful, y'all. And it's so crazy because he says whatever he wants to say. This is a double standard, absolutely is. And we have a White House who watches social media, which has never been done before. You could say anything you wanted to say about President Obama. He didn't open his mouth because he was tending to the business of being president. But the president that we have now used the social media. The Press Secretary is talking about tweets, talking about social media. This is ridiculous. This is really this is crazy because they called him for your job. Fiercely man, the White House is calling for a sportscaster's job. That did not make the statement on the Sports State, but on her personal Twitter. You can't talk about sports no mode because of what she's saying on her personal Twitter exactly exactly why should she lose her job because of that? Now, what they really need to do is get down here to St. Louis and try to find out how this dude keep going free. You gotta go down and ask why all these dudes keep going free, because do black lives matter? Obviously not? Yeah, and they have a tape that was a question do black lives matter? Obviously not? All Right, we have to go to break. Steve. You bring up some interesting points. We'll be back. Um, it's Monday. Reverend Motown, Deacon deaf Jammer here with church complaints, will be back right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show alright. Coming up at the top of the hour, Carla Zammi Highlights and Winners Plus will update you on national news. Okay, it is Monday, and you know what that means. That means it is time for Reverend Motown and deacon deaf jam with today's a church a complaint, Good Lord, creator, Motivator's right, that's right, redeemed a messiah? Yeah, save you? Oh it all awful? Oh magel, that's right, that's right, Supper, what excuse me that it's supposed to be the beginning in the end will make it sapphire years the end of it all? I think you know that you're being a member of the peppermint group. Let us let her. Let us move on for this turn into something you already mad at the producer. They don't need your turning this on me because it ain't gonna go good your head, we'll go hold. Let us move on with church complaints headed up by the head of the complaint council, our very own d del jail. What is it now? So I passed that we have brother Krandam Mosely. You know he's a truck driver and he's only at home one week out of a month. Apparently he came home and found a size thirteen men shoes under his bed. Sister Shrita Mosely says he the white says he has no idea who they are. He wants to have a shoe fitting tomorrow with all the male members to see who fits the shoe. It's your call, though passed it's a size. Well, I don't see that as a good idea. De You can tell him that we won't have a shoe fitting tomorrow because this ain't Cinderella. Yeah, and this ain't a glass slipper, lots of meyers Worth thirteen. He can't with everybody has down here at the jackpot because they got a thirteen. We thir team. That's how I know we're not gonna have this true? Is it? The Bruno Magley? Bruno Magley could be lone o g If you don't, I don't feel it. You know, maybe she would out dare and visit him for the weekend. He had the shoe in the cell, everything then within the troup. How the hell he getting done? Who I'm cool? We did Dode, Come on out old just see you can stay your ways out of this time be playing golf with white folks. I can tell you that better whole our cowns than picked up golf put on playground. Maybe gonna go ahead cold So sorry, brother, I'm sorry. Listen here the reminderling of the church is finished. Past we officially have our first outside business. The backup the church is now a service station and the grand opening is next week. The problem paster, brother Tightest Bolow, has been filling up him and his wife's car without paying, but saying he just making sure that it's working right. We need you to get with brother bollow. Well that's okay because door the service station is being set up for the release of o J and the service station is called the o j Okay Service Station. And anybody that don't pay to stay hell, tell him to continue to fill up. If he won't to fill up, Gonna get your stuck up right now, passing. We have a youngster. He wants to speak with you. Little LaMarcus Wettaker, who is nine, wants to meet with you. The boy wants to know when do you really go to be with the Lord? He say, his mother Glentonia Wittaker goes in the back room at the house with brother Ernest Jollivett, and that's on every Wednesday, and she screams Jesus, I'm coming for two hours, but never goes to be with him. Well, you tell little Lamarrcus that every time his mama goes in that back room going in put on pebble pig. What is that past some video kids supposed to What he needs to do is stay his as wearing the door called Jesus ain't in there, that's for sure, al right. Path that moving right along, h the bad back manistry is asking that the churchs put cushions on the queues where they lean their back up against the it's just wood right now, then they want cushions. It's fifteen hundred dollars. I know it's your car. But sister Pearl and Corruls, who has a hunchback, is leading this request. Well, here's another one that comes from the old J Back to Society found Ja saying that ol J wants to start making pillows to go with his NFL pitcher. Ol J is gonna be making pillows. So that's the new old J back to beside It program. And Old Jun will make all the pillars for the bad back minute. We're gonna have his face. No, no, they won't, No they won't, no, they won't. Okay, but if you lean back far enough, alright, you need to rethinking, well, old J will be making the pillar go ahead, all right, that's the once again, that's the Old J returned to Society Foundation. Go here, he's gonna make a killing on the pillars. What I like that? Come on all right? Past the the that Simmey's twins de Shane and Dwayne uh last night the shame passed Dwayne, but they Dwayne is asking can't his brother's fun to be without a casket because he don't want to lay down. He said he would just stand there and people can just pass by and get a respect. But if you'll come, well, once again, this just came in from the o J returned to Society O jill right off for him for on it and he can sit on the front row and washing funeral with the rest of the family. O J is winning to come and cut him right off. Should cleave? That's too much. O J says he has the knife in the trash can at the airport with the clothes found him in statue them Tam, you got a quick one now now that was in it. Well you want to thank you all the day and already remember if you have any ideas a contribution. Could Old J return to Society Foundation because he is coming out next and he's gonna be looking for work. He's gonna be looking for work and white Girl two things. He gonna be on the hunt. Folk. Just be aware, young ladies. Things happen all right. People often go back for the same thing. At the top of the hour you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Last night was the sixty ninth annual Primetime Emmy Awards. It was hosted by late night show hosts Stephen Colbert. It was the small screens biggest night. Some of the presenters were Alec Baldwin, Dave Chappelle. You just saw him at the Deaf Jam taping for the anniversary. Steve Oprah was there and a Saturday Night Live led the night with twenty two, count them, twenty two nominations. Did you see the stars on the red carpet looking good? Yeah? I was working, me too. Who was on the carpet? Y'all was working. I didn't get a chance to see it. Got invited? Oh you got invited? You didn't get y Yeah? I got to rundown right now. How did Blackish do? By the way, because I know they were nominated, I know, right, Blackish and everybody was mad about Game of Thrones didn't get nominated, but they missed the window because they came into late. Yeah, but it was really good though. Let's go Carlin, Shirley. You mentioned Saturday Night Live. Saturday Night Live capped off its big season with a big night at the Emmy's. The show won four awards, including Best Variety Sketch Series and Best Support Actor in a Comedy Series for Alec Baldwin's Trump impersonation. Yeah, We're kind of salty. Blackish didn't win. My daughter Tasha was devastated. We love that show. Shout out to Tracy Ellis Ross and Anthony Anderson. Blackish is a fantastic family show. However, we have to say congratulations. Huge congratulations are in order for Childish Gambino. Mr Donald Glover himself made history as the first African American to win for Best Comedy Director, plus Donald one for Best Comedy Actor for his hit show Atlanta on f X. My husband and I we love that show. That show is truly art. But the women won big last night. Big Little Lies lead with five wins and shout out to Reese Witherspoon. She was executive producer and she also starred in the series, and in her speech she said it was an incredible year for women in television, women getting to tell their own stories, and opening minologue for Stephen Colbert, Oh my goodness, he was so funny. But the big surprise guest former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer Spicy maid an appearance at last night's Emmy Awards, and finally Sterling K. Brown he won for Best Drama Actor in a Series. You know that show This is Us, that is a hit show on NBC. While they cut off Sterling Brown's speech, Uh take a listen. I want to think my cast, my old Mandy, justin Chrissy. You are the best white TV family that a brother has ever had, better than Mr Drummond, better than the white folks that raised Webster. I love you, Susan, collect you Watson. It is my pleasure to rep black love with your sister. Let's keep doing it like Martin and Gina ron sepas Jones. You just have to show up and the work is already there. Brother. Thank you so much for embodying the presence, which is nothing options. I love you our writers, you are life's blood. You can you can black, you can plack. How didn't get that love? Nobody got that? Lou Writers I love you. You are life's blood directors. I love you now. They cut off my man sterling speech, but letting Nicole Kidman talk forever. I mean, really really. That's it for the Emmy's update and for more Emmy winners. I want you to check out Steve Harvey FM dot com or you can follow me on Lips of Our Carlo on a Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. All right, back to you, Steve. She's here the very very articulate and informative this and trip. Thank you, Steve. Thank good morning, Good morning, everybody. This is awed with the news. Okay. They're demonstrations all weekend in St. Louis, Missouri. After this time, a white x cop was acquitted of killing a young black man. At least twenty three protests arrested ten police officers said to be injured. Outrage members of the community marched to the home of the mayor, at one point breaking a window and splattering red paint on the building. Twenty four year old father Anthony Lamar Smith was shot and killed by then St. Louis cop Jason Stockley in Stockley resigned from the force in and was charged last year with first degree murder and armed criminal action now. Prosecutors argue that Stockley is heard on dash camp videos saying I'm gonna kill this mother effer and seen on video furiously digging in his bag for something after he shoots the shuse Lamar Smith. Anyway, the government said he planned the gun on the victim. However, Stockley opted for a judge rather than a jury trial. He insisted to the St. Louis Post Dispatch that it was all self defense trial and homicide on the day off. It wasn't imminent for tomorrowfe Stockley says, though he understand asked how the video may look local and double a CP is asking the Justice Department to review this case. People in southern California and southern Florida rather bracing for possibility being hit by yet another storm. That's why Tropical Storm Maria has now achieved hurricane status maximum sustained wins of semi five miles per hour. There were three demonstrations in the nation's capital on Friday first. There was one called the Mother of All Rallies, that was in support of President Trump. There was another demonstration against Trump's policies, in particular demanding that his administration takes stronger action against Russia for meddling in the presidential election. And then there were the Juggal Loose outside Lincoln Memorial. The Juggal Los or fans of the rap group in Saint Clown Posse. They held a concert and rally demand that the FBI stopped listening to them as a gang. They say they're fans. Tops of the weekend box office, the adaptation of Stephen King's novel it for the second weekend in a row. It brought in sixty million bucks. It's all Connected by the Seers and that live. It made one D twenty three million on his first week last week and also at the Emmy's Last Night, Sterling Kay Brown of This Is Us became the first black man to win Best Actor in a Drama nineteen years. He paid homage to the first black drama win Andre Brow of Homicide. Is my supreme honor to follow in your footsteps. And then they were the Emmy jokes, most of them anti Trump, most of them saying things like, well, you know, we go according to the popular vote. I thought you people loved morally compromised anti heroes. You like Walter White, He's just Walter much wider. I suppose I should say, at long last, Mr President, here is your twenty minutes after the hour, you look for Eugene, the Butterfly, and the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go. Steve introduced JA so j u uh happier though, Steve, come on, do you know? But you know fly goes one more time? Do you know the fl goes? Dude? Say you're like you meet it? Do you know the bla fly like? Dude? Oh my god? That right there? Oh my god? What I mean? White? More? Can't I start as I think we say it too fast? You want to slow it down? Too slow? Yeah? I can slow down more one more time? Slow you no, No, but fla field surely I think when you hit harmon that's to bleed. I wasn't trying to be right, got a word harmonious? Yeah that was great. That sounded great again. Let me try it against you? Okay the fly? Do you I think we had something right right that? Let we had something money again? Directed? Steve will follow you. You do the high note? You do? Do you know the bodle fly hounds? Good director? Director to the top this is do you know go Bodo flyaude? What do you know? Boo fly? Close? That was almost it was good. Hey, what is our name gonna be? Do we have a group game? Wait? We only got thirty sexons, ladies and gentlemen. Eugene, oh, Stephen, No, no, go ahead, No, I don't have time to go ahead. Ain't about to run out the seconds y'all sat here in here bro heard So what I mean? What two seconds? Eugene im s to do that mean? Didn't take it? I didn't say nine five? Damn time is We'll be back. When we come back up, y'all can go to Hey, I don't y'all your listen Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, everybody, Uh, we're all about love here on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We can say that honestly. Yeah, except for the times when we hate each other. H as long as Eugenia shout out to Alicia Keys by the way, last week, she said a really sweet birthday message and took a moment to show her appreciation to her husband Swiss speeds. Uh, please introduce Jay to murder another hit, Steve, Please, ladies and gentlemen without further Duke friendship record, We will have no friends. After this show was over, I just want to do a club for my website, my brand new website, jays By Comedy dot com. Go check it out. A lot of stuff there. Now. This song was done a while bat for Alicia Keys. I'm glad you brought that subject up. Pretty much anybody you bring up on this show. I did this song that's so scary. A name an't so this is what songs. This is brand. That's not my song at all. Check it out on the Steve Harder Morning Show. It's been a while going on almost three is you are surprised, but put away those saying sweet tears. They I used to tell her that she shouldn't look at with me, But I ain't mad. The Swiss beat is with the leash keys. Can't be mad mad. The Swiss beat is with the leash Keys. His face is light, unneedle, and his nose is kind of strange. Older ir is back two million and some change. He was even married. But every girl has her needs. Why you made the Swiss beans with the leash cheese. She's got the long, long legs in her head, but when she walks in the room, She plied aside, have you looked at her, bully, have you checked down her bags? Don't be surprised. I'm not surprised. You know, she could be with the Bone, or she could be with someone known learned from Carnashans how to break up happy homes who don't even sponsor in this badded kind of me, I made Swiss pa is with the leash Keys white. I wish the people because see them together, and when they got together, people gave them bad press. Who wouldn't want to be with Alicia Keys? That's all I was sinking, And I mean, so you felt the need to do this, to pick this. I want to be because me and Twish Peach is cool. So we're still cool. You're still cool with that because I hold no, I didn't I didn't offend and I'm trying to get him on the ship talk show now this is around. All my songs will be to help you. Thank you. I man, listen business with Alicia Keys. I supported it. Yeah, it's great and they got great couple. Man, they're still together, they're still in love. Wicked with that arc. He's help so many young artists, man. Yeah, and Alicia just a sweetheart, always been. I'm not man Alicia Key, and I'm glad that they're still be talking to me. I'm so glad then I'm still working for Steve. And if you want to know who's saying, it was Jay. It can't be on you all right, coming up next to nephew in the building, he has a prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minut it's after It's today's Strawberry Letter. You do not want to miss it. But right now it's time for the nephew. What do you have, nephew for the Your son Pete in the pool? Pete in the pool? Huh? Your son Pete in the pool. It's yellow down. It's like you swim across the warm park. That was a little different. Certainly got in the pool. Here is hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach it. Can you hear me? Yes, I'm trying to reach Anastasia. This is she. How are you doing? Listen? I'm Glee and the lifeguard over here at the pool here in the apartment complex. Yes, sir, do you have a you have a son? Named, Yes, sir, is everything all high? You know? Yeah? Everything is fun? I mean a quick want you man, we got a situation here with what we're not We're not gonna be allowed to uh let him swim here at the pool and the complex anymore. What we got him for me? Your son, I mean he swims there pretty much every every every other day. You know, I'm always here seeing him swim. But items like is you know, we've been trying to figure out who it is you'll your fun keep peeing in the pool, Pola. I don't want to get into it with you your son. We finally narrowed it down. Your son is the one that's pining in the pool every day, and you know it's really a bad thing. Uh. We can't continue to keep letting them come over here. We gotta ban him from the pool, my son. We ain't nash like this. Did you check that he's gonna say it's my son and then the pool? Well, your son is the one to be making faces and stuff, and I know that's what he's doing here and there, pin your son is the one that's pining, making facing. He'd be making faces, so I know he in their peace. I got to do with we should be making faces pool. Oh and something that you're gonna save in the pool because he's making safe I'm not gonna go back lasting like that. I teach my kids better than that. He ain't been a pool lady. I'm not gonna All I'm saying is he can't come over here and swim anymore. He's banned from the pool until we rectify this problem, not paying. When he's gonna be in the pool and we all pool, we're gonna be there. And that's a mind made of fact. I'm sinking I'm kids to the pool. No, we're don't a man, I'm not gonna city and go back and forth with you all. I'm trying to tell you it was just right here. Your son has been peeing in the pool. My boss wants me to bed. If he's not the one, then we will allow him to come back later. But right now with singling people out and your sons, you know, it just seems like he's the one that's doing it. What's your name was? My name is Glen. I'm glean in the lifeguard. That's who I am. What's your red? I ain't ben what cause that I was supposed to be calling you ain't gotta been this calling my don't talking about myself? Know how you neverthing to get I'm not at liberty to give my last name. The bottom line is we can't call in the bottom what but you're like me to come, but you can't give me your all? Nay, okay, listen, I'm not. All I'm supposed to do is call you gonna let you know that we're banned in your son from getting in the pool. What you're talking about, you can't bann my father, dread life board. Get a real job, summer job? Do you got a job? It calling my found you said you know what you ain't got and you can't stop. Nobody's come next fool and we're gonna be damn though tomorrow again. And if you did you do your job to clean it. Man, let me say this to you. If your son comes to the pool tomorrow and get in the pool, I'm snatching your son out of the pool. I'm less you running. I wish you were because you don't need like gonna trying out the pool. I wish you would. What time the problem open at till o'clock? We're gonna be there nine. Start today. You got me up talking about you're gonna snatch my swing out the pool? You know mine? Everybody be pool? Yea mine? Like the problem is what ever has been singled out all the other kids, appointing us and saying he's the one that's doing it. Your son is the one that's being He's clear and whatever whatever. For right now, all I'm asking is is keep your son away from the pool for the next two weeks. If we found out that it's not him, will allow him to come back? Okay, ain't me. He ain't staying away from pool for two weeks. And if you do, he's gonna come back and do For most fool, I'm gonna telling the whole two weeks and go back to that talking about my son to cool. You can tell you about his face. You said, what are you said? You life? You watch now the pool? You I like, you must not know what you're talking to. I will be there and that's a model. Me and I don't fight my kids and you don't fool too. Don't do a little kid and go with that getting them in the pool. Let me tell you something. Don't you bring them kids over there and bring them in the pool. No, none of your children. I don't give it. And what you say you do, I'll run life, God get rid of down. Lady. Listen, lady, I'm not gonna go continue to go back and forth. I got one more thing that I need to say to you. What I'm done. I'm gay. One more thing that I'm done. You ain't got to say to me. I do I want to saying. I do need to say to you what you have to say to me. I need to say this. This is left you Tommy from the Steve All the Morning Show. You just got Frank from your home board. You hello, kid, look an look at us time of doctor man. You want to get this? Look at this? Yeah, I played too much. Yeah, I know you got to play too much. Little quation for nothing. I'm walking towards me now. I thought you was coming to the pool tomorrow. I was coming to the office today. They stay. It was open the poecat. I'll to tell me. I don't come fog by myself in the pool. I was for the coming. Now, take care of the kids, baby. I got one more thing I got to ask you. What is the baddest radio show in the land. The Steves are so that is everybody got one of the Mama went off. Yes, all right, Tommy, keep you gotta do good one tell you on tour right now, you ain't nervous or nothing. I know all these people coming out to see you. And let me say this big up. Last night we was in St. Louis, Missouri. Even though the situation he was going through, people came out to the Fox Theater. Man. We did a three o'clock Maddene's show in the seventh thirty evening show. The place was packed. So thank you St. Louis for coming out seeing Mama's Boy. Yeah, you're right, they are going through it right now. Tomorrow night Rochester, New York. Wednesday, Philade Chester, Yeah, Thursday, Hartford, Connecticut. And Friday through Sunday. Mama's Boy is in Baltimore, Maryland. All ticket Master outlet, what's what I'm gonna need tickets for Rochester? I got some friends a man. Anytime you think I get two tickets to Rochester. You know this is the guy that didn't believe you that Janet came. I wouldn't give my damn. I wouldn't give my IOU wasn't give him my damn. Everyone. He's the one worry about that. I remember elephants don't forget, don't remember, Yeah, don't get him damn thing. Oh but now you want ticket? J Junior Yard, Juli Yard working out that damn jay over there. But I can't believe he says that elephant. I'm old, but you ain't getting no tickets? Elephants don't kid man, Steve, let me hit the high Boys asking a ticket. Hey, Thomas got just gives me ticket. All I want, just come ticket to this show, saying Junior, because I don't believe you said like that. Hey, I'm just thinking that's how it is. Can't get some tin't you can't tell who to damn to damn ticket. I ain't too, damn damn thing. Got your old. I'm but you ain't going mamma's board. Get your tickets right now, all ticket Master outlets Mama's board. He this ignorant show, right, Steve, you were dead on all right, you're listening to the Steve Harvey show. Up next, we have a strawberry letter. But first, e s p N is dealing with a small crisis over there. Uh yeah, we say it's a crisis. ESPN host Jamal Hill tweeted anti Trump message recently. She said Donald Trump is a white supremacist who has surrounded himself with other white supremacists. That's what she wrote. She called him the most ignorant, offensive president in her lifetime. She also called Trump a bigot and unqualified and unfit to be president. President Trump demanded an apology from the network. ESPN stated that Jamal has a right to her personal opinions, but not to publicly share them on a platform that implies that she was in any way speaking on behalf of ESPN. That's according to the network um. Jamal has acknowledged that she that her tweets crossed the line and has apologized for doing so. We accept her apology. Several prominent liberal commentators decided to send out tweets echoing hills original statement. She has received a lot of support. Yes she has. Yes she has, Yes, yes she has. She does have a right to her opinion as we all do. Yeah, and just as the president does. They asked to other people to sit in on the show for her. The ladies are not going to have that. We're not going to do it. Yeah, you can't just put another black person up to him think nobody that ain't gonna work. Right. They dealt with it the right way. You know, they said what they had to say. She apologized and let's move on. Just like when President Trump says what he says, he wants to move on and never apologize for one thing. He doubles down. Yes, he talked about people all the time from the President, Yes and tweets. Yeah. Yeah. The story just came out what late last week that he um, he called Jeff Sessions an idiot? He was just called he did he call him an idiot? Yeah? And they say his outbursts of anger all the time. So you know he called that from Korea a rocket calling rocket manh yeah, rocket man yeah, um, Kim John m karaoke guy, he's a rocky man. Man and my bads a lesson night. I'm gonna be a hy's a kid bang. It's a rocky man, Steve something a rocket man. I used the man what's his name? K him my bad lesson? He said, guy, we have to move on. Time. We got it for you. It is strawberry subject. Do I stay for the finances and the kids? Question Mark, Good Morning, Steve Harvey Morning Show. I'm a married woman in my late thirties. I've been married for fifteen years with three beautiful children. My husband and I have been together since we were in high school. Our marriage, for the most part, has been drama free. We have had the average issues of a young couple growing up together into adulthood while raising a young family. I considered my husband my best friend. The last couple of years, my husband has had his hands and several different ventures ventures to better our financial status. I have allowed my husband full reign over our finances and supported him so that he could better our financial situation. Now. My husband has always made more money than me. It has never been an issue for us. But now that he has brought some real estate, property, etcetera, he has become a little cocky. I've been bringing it to his attention that he has started discarding my opinion in our financial decisions and has started he and up had started treating me like one of our kids. It seems that he is short with me and snaps hit me like the kids. It's like he forgot I am his counterpart and how supportive I was as he raised us to the top, and my frustration. I made a really bad choice. I turned to another man who seemed to appreciate me. He's a single, divorced, older man that has enjoyed his bachelor life fully over those past years. He shared with me how he has played the field to the fullest. He is now looking for a wife. I think he is fascinated with me because my mindset as a wife to let my man lead while I support him. This guy feels I can make him a better man. This guy does make me feel like I'm the greatest thing that has ever happened to him. And while my husband makes me feel that any failure in his life was because we married young and he didn't fulfill his destiny. This situation turned so ugly that I asked my husband to move out, and he did. This older guy is not as financially disciplined as my husband. The problem is that um I have become accustomed to living a certain way. My husband forgave me for the affair, and it's changed since he realized someone else wanted me. He claims he realized that he really does love me, took me for granted. I have my guards up because I gave him my all and he didn't appreciate it. I feel like he's he thinks it's cheaper to keep me. I let him move back in, and I thought that I could forget about the other man. I still love my husband, but I am not in love with him anymore. I prayed on it and asked God to remove the other man from my heart. It worked for a short time, but I seem to be right back at the same cross roads. The other man has made it clear that he wanted me as his wife and that he will do the best he can to take care of me. My issue is that I've been married since I was twenty three years old, and I don't know if I want to turn around and marry this man. Although I have no desire to date anyone else, but I can't afford to be on my own and live the way I've been accustomed to living. What am I um? What if I'm making a grave mistake and lose my husband in the process. Should I stay with my husband, even though he doesn't make my heart flutter anymore? Should I take a chance with this other man, even though I will have to start all over and might not uh and might have to struggle with him. Plus my kids could be devastated by the whole situation. Do I stay for the finances and the kids? Confused? You're confused? Yeah, you really really are confused. Uh yeah, your kids will be devastated by this situation. Um. Uh, this letter is crazy. You know what your Your whole marriage is messed up because of you. Uh, it's just a hot mess. I got a question for you. This is how you work on your marriage by turn learning to another man. I don't know, maybe you left something out, but I never got to the part in your letter. You know where you guys tried to work this thing out before you turn to another man. And we've set many many times in this show. You cannot go outside to work on what's wrong with your marriage inside. Okay, you were right about one thing that you made a bad choice. Okay, you're human. Uh. The key to it is to stop making these bad choices. Um. This is something phenomenal that happened here. To me, her husband forgave her for sleeping with another man. To me, that's phenomenal because men don't usually do that women yet, but men know they don't. They usually don't forgive that sort of thing. But he wants you back. He's told you how much he loved you, all that sort of thing. Go back to your husband, leave this other man alone, and please get your priorities together. All you talk about is money, money, money, money. That's phenomenal that her husband took her back. We'll be back with a coke cracker, you're to say, all right, Come on, Steve, let's go to part two of today's Strawberry Letter. Woman been with her man for a long time, had a great life. They've been together so long. They raised kids, just the typical problems in the family. Um. Then she allowed her husband take over all the finances. He became cocky. One thing led to another. She felt belittle. She said, she made a bad choice and turned to another man. Now she's fascinated with this new man. Uh, he's all of this and a bag of chips. And then now her husband obviously finds out and forgives her. And well, anyway, before that happened, she's with this man who's not financially together. He's an older guy. Um, treat her like a queen, so she says, blah blah blah blah blah. Um. It got so bad that she asked her husband to move out, which I find ironic. Because was it not? Is it not? You the one who cheated? Right now your hood has been got to get the hell out because you cheated. Now your man leaves the house, he discovered he wants you back. He forgave you for the affair, which I must tell you as surely said, it's absolutely phenomenal because most men. You can't take my cooking and crumble it no where, I don't know where, break it all, pass it out. You can't open the pack up in front of nobody. You got people just oreo cooking going on a whole, all the middle gone. You just cannot do that and then come back up in here. So you've got an interesting man right there. Uh he feeling he realized he was treating you wrong. Now he wants you back. You let him back in the house. Your feelings for him are not the same. You prayed to God to take your lust away for this other man. He worked for a little while. Okay, well, so blise now you don't know if you should go with this man because it changes your financial situation too much? Are you? Ke is to be devastated? Shirley pointed out a great point. The kids are going to be devastated. But now let's really talk about what really cold cracker see some mess in him. I've allowed my husband full rain over our finances and supported him so that he could better our financial situation. A couple of lines go back, A couple of lines go by. Then you say he started discarding my opinion and our financial decision. Did you not just say you gave your man full rein over the financial decisions. Now you say he's starting to disregard my opinion and our fact you didn't have one at the beginning when you gave him full rain. Now that things are going well, is it that you wanted credit too? Is it that you wanted credit too and he wasn't passing it out? Because men will stick their chest out once we've accomplished something I I they will forget. Admittedly, ladies, that it was a Weever, I understand that part of it right Then then she says, it's like he forgot that I'm his counterpart and how I supported him. I was as I raised us to the top. Now, she says, in my frustration, I made a really badchel. I turned to another man who seemed to appreciate me. Here's her description of this man. He's a singer, divorce, older man, and Georgia's bachelor fully bachelor life fully over the past few years. He shared with me how he has played the field to the fullest. He's now looking for a wife. I think he's fascinated with me because of my mind set as a wife to let my man lead while I support him. Well, that's an interesting thing you just said. This is your description of this guy, somebody who's played the field to the fullest. So now you think all the player stuff is washed out. Your husband being a player was not the problem. But now you're stepping into a relationship with a man who has told you what he has been, has been a player, and now you're thinking that that got him all out the situation. But you think you think his fascination with you is your mindset as a wife, that you know how to support your man. Okay, then if I was him, I would be looking at you because your support of your man when you got tired of not being was you turned to another man. If I was this new man, I would be looking at you upside your head because that's what you call total support. You went outside the marriage. See, do you want to make this letter about how he treated you, and I got what he did was not the best way to approach it. The I, I ME me when it should be we we win. We could be guilty of that many times. But hold on them. Let's talk about what really went wrong. You broke the violuce, you gave him full rain of the money. Then he didn't give you enough credit. Now you go outside and you go get homeboy. Now you got a problem with homeboy. See you talk about how good old homeboy is. He's an older man um and that is not as financially disciplined as my hood. You're gonna leave him to You think you fell out with your man. You waited your money, right, you waited. You go down to that bank and got to pay that twin at all or whatever fear is for a non sufficient fund check that get returned all the time because I wore you're fitting to be doing. Now you can get up here and everything is cozy with the dude you just kicking it with. Because y'all don't live together. You ain't got yeah, yeah, yeah, your new man ain't got the problems that your husband got. Y'all ain't got the life You and your husband got y'all, ain't got the problems on the situation. So yeah, I always looked rosy on the other side, but you went over to the other side. Now you don't let your husband back in the house. Now you don't love him any moment. Now you now the man. Guess what won't you back? Now? Guess what? I prayed on it and ask God to remove the other man from my heart. It worked for a short time, but I seem to be right back at the same cross roads. You know what that means to me? That means you're back sleeping with this dude again. Alright, guys, we have to go. Good letter, but we gotta get out of here. You can email us or Instagram what's your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at My Girls Shirtley. Please don't forget to join me this coming Thursday at m Eastern time. That is for Strubberry Letter Live after show on Facebook. You can find me at My Girl Shirley or Shirley Strawberry Okay on Facebook Switching gears now. Last night was the sixty nine Annual Primetime Emmy Awards. It was hosted by Stephen Colbert of The Late Show. It was the small screen's biggest night. That's what they call TV, the small screen, you know. Yeah, So Carlo is here with our Emmy update. Let's go Carlo with that girl. Okay, Shirley, quick update on the Emmys before we run out of time. Blackish didn't win. You mentioned Blackish. It didn't win. My daughter, Tasha, we love that show. It's a great family show. However, congratulations are in order, Childish Gambino baby. Yes. Mr Donald Glover made history as the first African American to win for Best Comedy Director for his hit show Atlanta and the Women won big last night, Big Little Lies and Sterling K. Brown great speech. They cut his speech short. He won for Outstanding Lead Actor the Drama Series for This Is Us. More Emmy winners go to Steve Harvey FM dot com or you can follow your girl, Carla Ferrell at Lips by Carla on Twitter or Instagram. Shirley, we will be back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning show. All right, So Steve Nini was on your show. She's from Fashion Police, of course, and she's going to be in the new season and Housewives of Atlanta. He gave it to the paper. She looks Steve's fabulous. She came, did you need he ain't gonna play with enough? Yeah, she knows what to do on p Yeah, and she she she knows how to be negative and make you watch and make you want to watch her and hear what she wants, hear what she has to say as well. Well, all you can just get on that argue with her, like I don't agree on a damn first on me and Nini want. It was a friendly ument, but it was just what night. He didn't agree with the ninety day rule. I'm just not a ninety day girl saying hell yeah, said grandmother the heir, and what what? What days you talked about? And you got her husband? So you know, come on, you ain't gotta wait ninety days. I think a woman should make a decision quicker than that. You're not third day. You all to know if you were the man and just go in. And then a little young girl started clapping us. Okay, okay, y'all been listening to Christie, listen to Nini clapping. Okay, Nini got a man. Yeah, he's got a man, got money on TV. Your as sitting up here, ain't got knife? Well did she talk about being excited to come back to Atlanta Housewives. No, you know, I didn't talk about I don't know. Yeah, I don't know who owned and nothing. What about Fashion Police because she's also on there, Yeah, she was on there, talked about you even a little sneak pea. Can we play a literally what you guys talking about? Okay, all right, let's take a lift. My girl, Ninnie Leaks. Now she's here to take your questions. This is ni Speaks. Ye Sonny, you read it alright? Where's Dorine? Dorine has a question? Hi? Hi Danny. Hi, See, I'm here to ask about my son. He keeps sagging his pants. He uh sacks his pants at church, he sacks his pant at the grocery store. So to try to get back at him, I try to sack my pants in front of his friends, and I'm brought in here with me. He wears three pair of pants, boxers, shorts, and pants, and it's time to look like a man to get a woman. First of all, I can't get over you sagging your pants. Yea, if that's said, I'm gonna pull my down. That is just too I mean, I'm trying to teach him a lesson. That's not a woman on this earth that goes you know what with his past pulled down like that girl. That's what I want. Look man, at one portant time, you gotta let it go. You get a job, you gotta fall in love. Alright, you were dropping knowledge stuff. He had a beard and everything. Here you sing, he was older. What do you look at? I said, you got a girlfriend? Now sitting there with a full big boy, you had none of it. Why you live in the house with your mama and you saging? What? What? What? What? What's the cutoff? At one point in time? You gotta figure what they ain't working for you. If you ain't working and you ain't got a girlfriend and you live at your mama's house, three things big sagging, living with your mama, right mama mama was born. I looked at that, dude, I said, little brother. Man. So the show is really good today. The show is picking up fans. Is the numbers Thursday and Friday went way up. So we're starting to climb that ladder. Man, get to where I want to show to be. It's a really really good show. Man. Hey, I have an idea. All right, question, ladies, I'm asking Shirley and Carla. I've already done this. I want to do a segment that features women. Really, Steve, Yeah, but I just want like every day, you know, just like you know, like a shout out, you know, yeah everything Queen Queen four day, something like, But what what would be the best way to feature women? What would be the best way to feature women? Like women who what? Or women who did this? Yes, j you said, you raise your hand because I love you. Pick me. You pick a female who's doing tremendous things across the country in their neighborhood, on their job, at their church, whatever, and in it, and you do you make her feel special. You give her a shout out, you do something special for her, somebody that's never gonna get shouted out across this country. Steve queenfood Day. I love. And then you know what to Steve you can give him. I just came up with that. I just thought about that. That was my idea. Yeah, it was great, It was great, and I just like one of the best ideas I did do that. I just said, you know a little bit special. Yeah, I think Carla was that's great. We have the same idea to give her a spawn, treat meant, get her hair done, her nails done, all of that. I mean, you know, because sometimes we do so much for others as women. What though, I'm trying to get the for what? Oh for like I mean, I want I need specifics, not just something what That's what makes the idea come to life. You mean, like she's done what? Well, if she's like the mother person, how do we get them? How do we find out about them? Oh? Yeah, you can feel saying yeah, they can send in video. We had men nominate these women. I was gonna say that to husbands nominate their wives. If you know a woman, you can you can put it out there. If you know a woman who's special in your life, who has done this, blah blah blah, we want you to nominate her. Send your videotapes. All right, go to go to our email and send a shout this. What's our email, Monica, Steve TV dot com. Go Steve TV dot com. Yeah, that's gonna be right back, coming up next to our special guest, Jerry Springers in the building. We'll be right back. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show, And here we go, folks. If we gotta stress your guests. It's a friend of mine too. I love this dude. Man, he's hosting one of the most engaging TV shows ever. He's hugely possible, hugely popular, successful show it's called Jerry Springer made him a culture icon, y'all. Now, the new season Jerry Springer kicks off today with some outrageous new shows that you really don't want to miss, y'all. Let's find out about the new season. Please walking my buddy, my man, Mr Jerry Springer up there, man, I'm fine. It's always good talking with you, Steve Man. I love this dude. Look, look you're kicking off the twenty seventh season, Jerry Ston mean for taste, but I'll tell you what the money you produce it taste? Okay, No, I volunteer. I don't get paid. Hey, hey, y'all, y'all ready for this the titler Today's show? What sex with a pregnant strip? Come on? Can we expect this sex with a pregnant strip? I have no idea, but um, I am not the father. I'll tell you that. Hey, no, I think honestly, see, um, they put the titles on the show after we take them, so honestly, I have no idea what you're gonna see today. Um, because what we do is I'm not allowed to know what the show is about. So they hand me a card would you see me carrying around? And the card all the card has on this the names of the gifts. And then I'm supposed to ask questions that you would ask sitting and get home watching and then make jokes. But I'm never allowed to know the subject matter. So when people ask me what the show is going to be about, the best I can say it's it's about an hour. But that's I never know, so put it all together after I do the interviews. So man, I like the format that let me ask you something. Man, Yeah, you have some of the strangest situations. People need help. They come on the show some of the most interesting guests by far. Are you flooded with these great stories? I mean, have you ever like run out of stories? Are they just keep coming? They just uh, it's kind of scary, but they actually just keep coming. Um, there's you know, we don't have the kind of show where you could talk someone into being on. So the only people that get on the show people who desperately want to be on. So we get thousands of calls from people around the country who who have stories and the fans of the show or whatever and just want to be on. And uh so we never have to. It's not like the producers have to sit around and come up with ideas. This is just people's real lives and they just want to put it on television. And let's face it, we never deal with really serious issues that it's about dating. Someone's upset because their girlfriends dating another guy or something like that. So I'm not saying they don't get angry, but it's not life changing. Tomorrow they're dating someone else. So you know, that's really, you know, really the way it is. But no, we never have to come up with the stories. You know. I love watching the show because it just lets me know, you know what, Steve, you're okay, Yeah, yeah, absolutely wonderful. Ahead of the game. Well we we knew you were okay ahead of times. To hey, man, I tell you, man, good luck with everything. Man, you're kicking off then, and I want everybody tune in the day. Well, you know, great guy, and you've always been nice to me and I appreciate that. No, man, because you really are a great guy. I met you in that airport that time, and we've just remained friends every since. I think it's solid. I spent that I bought the call you borrowed some money from. Yeah, I was. I can't explain to you what. Let's just head. He was only dude, I know, I said, Mr spring I'm sorry. I got a couple of dollars. Man, I left my way. Our website, I want you to go to you with his website, Jay Springer dot com. Everybody, there's a list of his premiere week shows, as well as information on how to come see a live taping. And if you just want to be on there. Hopefully you're not listening right now, but if you want to be on there, go there. Ladies and gentlemen, you wanted the premier Jay Springer today, go to Jay Springing dot com. See what time it is in your Jay spring I love you, man, I love you, Thank you, man. Appreciate every Gary Dry dry. He's probably so sick of that. Damn man, you got to have something going on like that. You're just out here just shaking it with your stomach. I don't want that visual. It's really big. Now. I got to get somebody that the stupidity of me and is, oh yeah, I could go and do this. They can't behind, So let's go. You don't understand the mindset of the mail man. It's so deep, no matter somewhere like that, sign up and fall in love with the take I'll take her of you and the bike. You don't talk to her like that right after? Tell you after this session right here, could you stop stripping and movie, I'll take care of you, Cinnamon beauty. He had a real last Yeah, I want you to meet my mama, but just don't tell her about the stripping find out on the show. Mama, I don't watch that show. Yes, that lady from her church tale. Have you ever been fascinated with a stripper? Or I mean I'm not the only? Wow, Well, why don't you just tell us what you want to do? Asking if I'm the only one just had feelings for a stripper and song about it. I'm pretty sure you know on this show you are, because I can honestly tell you I've never ever had feelings for a stripper. Yeah, you always said that, doesn't I don't like it, man, I'm not a strip club guy, never have been. Joe Tory took me to my first strip club. Well, no, I performed at my first strip club in Cleveland. Hated it. I felt sorry for all the girls I was trying to help her. My scupid for trying to Why you up there, seriously, man, exeriously, I didn't handle money. I'm twenty nine years old, but I just didn't understand. Why y'all, Why y'all don't do this to yourself? There, tell your jokes last night. All right, we'll be back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Here's the question, guys, I want to ask you, guys, how do you know if you're spending too much time on social media? And that's for everybody when I say, guys, here's some signs you and your phone need to take a break, okay from social media. You're making out landish plans just for the photo op. Okay people, yeah right, yeah, I know a lot of people. Oh yeah, we weren't more. Take my bigs here, the Mississippi Monica. Delete that, Delete all of that, Peggy, all right, that's one. You make all these outlandish plans just to take a selfie or okay, your followers know more about you than your significant other does. Wow. Wow, you're spending a lot of time on social media. Yeah, that's a shame when the people who subscribe to your feeds no more details, what's your life? The person you're dating does? That's crazy? You should consider, Yeah, you should. You should consider a social media break. You won't go anywhere without full hair, full makeup. If you can't run to the cvs because of your social followers, that I'm just staying. If you've got more pictures in your phone of yourself than anybody else, you are very selfish. Yeah, you're You're a selfie, so selfish, selfie, self pictures of you? You're selfie. Don't you know what you look like now? At everything? There's another one. If you're always on social media when you're hanging out with your friends, you're at dinner, you're at the table, just you know, taking selfie. Yeah, I just I don't give people taking pictures of food. Just people are that. People are into that. People are into it, you know, especially if it's a really good My wife, do you really thought that would be small to say? Why you do it? Any nothing? I've seen people do it in rest. I think I don't understand what it is for. Are you gonna rewind it late and say this is what does that do? Yew? But you put it out there because other people like to see what where you are? People need to carry but to the restaurant that even married Tommy and I know that ain't It wasn't about having trouble understanding that. He says some stupid Hey, I'm not with me scary. Oh I wish we could call her get the real story. No, that's not call you ever thought about what you're gonna say when she walking in the room and say I won't out. Well, he's giving it to what thanks? You know, somebody got to lay it down. Somebody got to go out of the lot. You know how to get there? Well, then you're gonna get killed. Keep it up here. It's just crazy. When you hang out with your friends, when you're doing stuff and you're taking pictures, you know you're not engaged. You're not in the moment. We are so attached to our phone. Yes, I'll go back to get my phone, not my medication. I got to go back and get my phone to say the relationship with that medication, to get that okay, And I got that thing ain't programmed. I can't get forget that medication. I get some medication. Alright, hang on, hang on that picture that dude walking home within that hospital gown with the back out and the socks on. He was just walking home. The capture said, when you've left your telephone at home, he'll got the bed. He just hit get that phone man. All right, we'll be back right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, how how are you you feeling this your second week? Down right? And then you talk to Yeah, you know, it's going really good. It's getting better and better. It's getting better and better. It's so nice. It's so nice over there, facilities and everything to thank you for coming. You came over visit us in the AMA Stacks. Thank you month. We can Junior's house, that's what you're packed fu. Yeah, I imagine the room bigger. You can say. You guys work closely together. We really mean that. Yeah, you guys walk around. One time said, hey, Jay, we had head writing with Junior. It's like it's crazy because because he says something, he laughs at it. Then he walks down the hall and then he comes back and he's still laughing at what he just said, and you're waiting, Okay, well what next? We got more stuff to write about myself? Hold on? Right, so he laughed at he hold on, hold on? Then he't have to go run it by five rod people didn't bring it back there. That's good. We put it in there. But he hadn't read it by five other people to be laughing down. I will laughing he ran by five different people. We gotta hold up. But I'm gonna tell you one thing about it though, as and me being young as I am, and and being has been a lot of respect, I have to give the gent Oh absolutely, because this guy is brilliant and he's teaching me something something. No it's something, No, no, no, no, he's giving you some love right here. You know. That's all I'm saying is he's brilliant. I'm just nervous. He's gonna that middle after he's gonna say hold off, how about that? And kill over. You don't know what it's like this conditions and hard. I'm waiting for crisis to take out. Lord. You know, nervos I am. Every time We'll be right. I see him take a bite of a chip I got to check the peg before anything happens to either one of us. We want to think, man, thank you man. It's both been a lot of pressure. It's hard to work the two sicks all the time. You gotta watch the food they're sitting around for j J let a cool breathe who got down? Okay, let me ask you this. They write for you, how much or do you use all this stuff or how much of their to get the other writers in the room. We get them a lot of creditors, a team effort that we put together, and and then Steve will come in and go not using it, not using it, not using it, not using it now because I know me, I know my voice. I don't want to do the joke. There's nothing like we wrote a funny thing on the new iPhone. Yeah it's very funny because it costs a thousand dollars. Yeah, yeah, it's expensive. You gotta take out loan get this. You gott call on your friends like they told me that. Joe said you calling for him? And how you doing any man? Hey man? Can I'm you're sure you can't? Okay, cool dudnet you hang up and going all right? Nine hundred seventy. All right, hey listen, guys, we'll be back to wrap up the show with just one more thing. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go with just one more thing. It's been a good day, tastic day. I like this man. They made it. You really are watching him. The damn fight was good to Triple guh, that's gonna be a rematch, man, gotta because it's a draw. Now, that fight gonna be worth a lot because day was in bang. That was not no dull moment. They was in there fight. Really, I'm not tay one thing though. Carnello hit him though, if he kept him, I think his ribs is hurting today because he went up on that. Man. Yeah, he would have been there and got it. And and Triple GD was doing nobody work in the beginning. But if they get in that But you know what, man, I think Canello was messing around too much in the beginning, and this corner told him, he said, hey, man, you don't need to experiment with this guy. Stay off the ropes. But because staying on ropes is not good with Triple Middleway, Middleway, middle Way one six. So that's bigger than the third grade. Yeah, that was yeah, fought in the junior Floyd did won fifty. This last fight, Carnello Nemon won sixty. He can't Floyd Floyd out though he good, he ain't got nothing else to prove. And then you can't get back in there with Cannello Neil just forty, get on out party, undefeated, legend, Hall of fame, pound for pounds. You know what they got some chance. You can't teach chim can you know you can't teach you know you have to have a good chance. You know what else had a real storm. K George Wallace is mama, wait, that's all you got. We went through the whole morning without your mentioning. He's gonna get it out. That is Wallace, and here you go at I was actually we're talking about fight, George Wallace. That's all you got. You met from break your hand one day. J all right, she was ready. Let who got a good shop out there today? So he's surprised even you, Steve, that's all you got. That's how you got. All right, I have this one last story. I don't know. I don't know, guys, but bring it all right. Here we go. This is according to TAMZ. Now, oh j e first comedy special was about Steel doing o J joke. This is all doing a trial. I've been doing jokes since. Come on, let's go shop, all right. O J is salivating over getting back into the swing of things after prison because yeah, here, next month he's getting out, and yes, that includes golf, lots of golf, o J tells uh. O J's lawyer tells TMZ that Juice for Starters has narrowed down around five potential residences of where he might live in Florida. Following his prison release. He'll have to submit a parole plan on exactly where he'll live, so he's still mulling it over. One home might be out the window because o J's lawyer said one of the homes got hit hard by Hurricane Irma. Once settled, we're told o J's plans to get back. He plans to get back in shape so he can golf as often as he wants. So he had five places he might live. I think Sharpton is one of the places he might live. Sharpton, Sharpton, Kentucky and Knife in can What did I say wrong? Knife in Illinois. He's going to I'm riped out of He's gonna have all quite a goal because whatever neighborhood he moves into, it's going to be Yeah, you know there's something. There's gonna be some cab you walking the road? Hey, everybody, if he moves anywhere around white people, there's gonna be some pickets. What donna sound like? If you move around black people, it's gonna be real interest. Yeah, ain't nobody going to sleep over there? O? J Like still on? Interesting? What the hell does he keep moving? Black neighborhood? They watching that sleeping over there? Lights on something. We'll be driving, look off from the window and see him dragging. He dragged another body trash? They not. He can't go pick up a roll in the carpet. Nothing, can't come in with a rug, none of that party. Would you get out in shape? Don't everybody get in shape in jail? Did you see him? He wasn't in shape? Surely he actually he has lost weight. He's lost a lot of weight, really, but yeah, he lost a lot of weight. Man. He lost it because he was really swollen when he first went in. He started getting in shape in jail, and he cut his weight weight, cut it on nothing else to do. Yeah, I can't make it to the gym today. And why is that? Mr Simpson? Hey, but would you invite him? I mean, if he moved in, would you invite him over? I'm pretty sure? Oh, J don't want to have nothing do the Joke's night around the golf with him. I don't play golf with people like that, like friendly conversation, heybe, but like doing stuff like you know, like living like well you on the slow end? Would you like for no, this is money. You have yourself a great week here because it's coming. For all Steve Harvey contests No purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.