We extended our Paris Stay! - 07.24.17

Published Jul 26, 2017, 3:06 PM

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all all soon looking back to back down, giving them back just like themaging buck bus things and it's stubbings. Do me true good to the hung guy listening to move together for stout, say why don't you joy? Yeah? Joy in being sad? You got to turn yeah running you are you gotta turn't to turn love? Turn to you love. You got to turn out to turn to yall. Comy, come on your thing nat uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now wanted only Steve Hardy got a radio show man. I got something I want to share with you today. I was. I was in the gym this morning and trainer Lee haney Son sent him a text, and he sent him a text this morning of him, dude in the gym lifting up huge weights, dumb bails doing a bench press like you know, you're just huge dumbells. You know stuff I ain't doing you no hunted sometimes and that really she was huge. I've never seen dumbells this big. And the man was pressing him and Lee's son took a picture of him and he sent this to his father This morning's father shared it with me. I wanted to share with y'all because, man, I can't tell you highs explain so much of your life. And when he showed the man lifting this successive weight in the gym, he said, wow, Pop, look at this dude right here, And he says. The caption he put under it was, don't pray for it to be easier, pray to be stronger. Don't pray for it to be easier, Pray for you to be stronger. Ain't that cold? See? I was thinking about that. As soon as he said it, I said, man, I gotta go on radio. I gotta tell everybody what I see now. Don't pray for it to be easier, pray for you to be stronger. Okay, let me tell you how important that is now. I just heard it that way today, and I'm sharing what you immediately because you know what that has it. It's gonna help me a lot, because oftentimes I've done it indirectly, and then sometimes I've done it all the wrong. Sometimes I've actually prayed for it to be stronger, but I've also prayed sometimes for it to be easier. I have done that and been guilty of it myself. But from now on, after hearing that, I'm changing my prayer because, see, you can't have it both ways. You can ain't be strong and weak at the same time. You're either gonna be strong or you're gonna be weak. Now, if you keep asking God to make it easier, what you are not asking for is for you to be able to handle whatever happens. So the next thing that comes along that you ain't worked your muscles on to prepare you for, that's gonna thank you two. So what I learned by that is sometimes I even I got to change my prayer too. Now I do most of the time, but I'm a human being and sometimes I just wanted to go away. But now what I really need to pray for is the strength all the time to deal with whatever besets me, whatever comes in my way, because to become successful, and we've talked about this how many times, it's hard. So since knowing is gonna be hard, why not asked for the strength to handle that? See, stop praying for weaker moments, Stop praying for it to be easier, Stop asking God to make your way playing and easy. Okay, now what you ain't worked your muscles out to learn how to handle nothing. I was at it this morning. I put a little more weight on at least said wow, man, you up any of this morning? In order to grow, I got to change. And you can't change if you're gonna stay the same. You can't keep picking up the same for the pound. Dumb bails. And you want some more results, you're gonna keep getting it. If you keep doing what you've been doing, you're gonna keep getting what you've been getting. You cannot grow without the change. So when we're talking to God and we're asking God to make it easy for us, why the growth at Why to change at? No, you got to ask God to make you stronger, not to make the situation weaker. I'm changing my prayers. Man, I'm going at him now with just just make me strong enough to handle whatever happened, whatever come my way. Give me the strip to handle it. And now whatever I see in front of me that I'm trying to go after, that's gonna require more, Give me the strip to do that too. Help me be a stronger man, Help me be a strong a person, Help me be a stronger woman, a stronger boy, a stronger girl, a stronger student, a stronger boss, a stronger employee, a stronger leader, a stronger follower. Give me that, give me stripped to do that. Stop asking for it to be simple and easy and paved the way what you want, man, The road to success is always under construction. Always. It ain't ever paved and smooth and easy. Look here, man, go out there to days try to be successful. See what you're gonna run into Man's orange barrels is workers, is detools. It's got craters in the road with no warring signs on it. That's how hard it is to be successful. The road to success is always under construction. It ain't fit to smooth out for you. You got to ask God for strip be what you're supposed to be. Not Let's look at hill. When you make a mistake and you're gonna make them, we all do. We fall down, but we get up. A saint is just a sinner who failed down, but he didn't stay there. That's all A saint is all these Christians running their mouth with you about how how fired up and save their are on all this. It got all that but them people. Then people make mistakes all the time, all the time and see the moment we as Christian people start telling people the truth about being a Christian, more people can get interest interested in it. But if you're gonna tell everybody this lie that you're over here living this perfect life and everything and ever since you came to God, your life being smooth, and you don't have no and he didn't took all your pains? And wait what what? What? Who are you? Where? That? Where that life at you're talking about having? Now? Ain't you? But I heard you had to die to go there? So what you're really talking about? Come on, man, I'm talking to the cat that's in some real pain right now, that's in some real trouble right now. The dude is at the cross road right and the dude has been struggling and dealing with it for a long time. I'm talking to the captives out there, been trying to figure out what's wrong man, Why I can't seem to get it right? That's who I'm talking to. I'm saying, come over here and give God to try. Come over here with your imperfect self, with your imperfect ways, and watch him change some things about you, watch him give you the strength. See what he did for me. Let me okay, See, best of all I can do is just tell you what happened to me. See what it did for me? Was It ain't so much. He just he just took me and took how I war was and made me better with it. I'm still an aggressive man. I'm probably not gonna ever stop being aggressive, but he took that aggression and he started shaping it. Now for the first twentilve minutes and the morning, be aggressive about me. Be aggressive about the feelings you got towards me. Your your father, you'll leader, your God, your savior. Be aggressive, man, Tell people how you made it aggressively since you want to, since you're aggressive, and I and I and you've been aggressive. I made you be aggressive with that. Now, since you like to tell it like it is, Steve, then tell the truth of how it really is. How I do for you, what I've done for you. Tell everybody you know what I've done for you in a plain, simple way so they can feel you See, he ain't changed me. He just made me better with it. When you get loud, hey man, every now, I didn't get liued for me. You know you want to tell some jokes, you're real funny. Tell something funny, but let it be so more people can hear. See, that's that's what he did for me. So for all you casts out there, they're scared to come on over here because you're scared it's gonna change you, turn you into some little punk or you got to get sisted up or something like that. And please, before you start emailing me, that's not an anti gay remark. I'm talking about. It's a lot of dudes out there that just don't want to punk up and sisty up because they're scared that what it's gonna do. You got to come over here and beat this little meek lamb laid off the slaughter every Sunday. That ain't what it is over here. God looking for me, God looking for for for real soldiers out here. See, everybody I talked to don't want to hear about Christianity. So I ain't got nothing for him. Then how about that? How about that? I'm cool with that. See every Christian ain't turning the other cheek. I ain't there. You slap me, man, Hey, mad I'm sorry. I don't I don't know. I ain't there yet. But see I'm a work in progress. He ain't through with me yet. I might get to the point where I in turn other cheek. I doubt it. I ain't. I ain't looking for I ain't praying for that one. I'm I don't for real about you, man. I'll be praying for most tramps. So when I when you do slap me, when I come back ground, I'll come back nice slap me. You won't slap me twice. I can promise you that. Where am I going with this? Steve? Huh, I'm sorry, y'all. Just remember what I told you. You're listening shill Yeah, man, second week in a roll. He's back full time, full for Steve Harvey Morning Show. Then time crew is here, all vacations is over. We are now in full unadmitigated referential diversified food. Well, where are we go? We are still ain't coming back your visit. That's how good a time we have? How to get no pushback? When I said, y'all want to stay a couple extra days? Huh? Yeah, you would think you know, we'd say, oh, we miss our husbands, we want to go back to her kids. None of that, because I've never said I missed mother. We're at the and Monica ain't ever seen Oh that's cold. She will she will one. Well, you know, mana Monica wifey material. I just gonna be my job this year last year. No, I didn't fail. Hell I had it. Yeah, that's you gonna speak to the fellas so fellas. Yeah, what's what's up? And fix your mike? Fix your mike? Sound crazy? Get I don't know, I don't know. Food number one, Top of the Morning, sir, top food number two. Watch out there now, everybody, Hey, Steve, what's up? Fellast? Hey everyone? Yeah? Much money, y'all. Monica be telling on them. Both of them had to call back to the United States with explanation talking about if your credit card come through, it's me telling about sons. Met ye, both of them. Your Monica be telling on them. Her but was shopping to Monica ain't got nobody to possible. Yeah, they took her dog. You know, man, you know you ain't a good dog on when they take your dog to the dog. Yeah, yeah, Monica, CPS snitches get stitched up inches. You have heard the chop chops? Yeah, pps pet protected shops. They took the dog. Fronica, Monica put the dog, left the dog in the dog bag and said on at the airport traveling his ass came out walkingside her little jack. Yeah he's yaukie. When her yaukie walked, the yaukie's tail and head is even now car used to head and you should dry down a street at an angle. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I drove a car like that for years. Right hand turn with dangerous all right, I have a story for you when we come back stage. You're listening to Steve. Alright, it's time for something funny, Steve. And let me just ask you this. Have you had your coffee yet? You've had your coffee already? Yeah, Well she is at the toy over here, okay, alright, well wake over here. I was exhausted the first week. Well, I just wanted to know because while most folks drink coffee for a little pick me up in the morning, especially, we don't think this is the type of pick me up they were looking for. Coffee company in Texas has been forced to recall their product after finding it contained a viagra like substance. Now this is according to the FDA. It's called Best Herbs Coffee. Best Herbs Coffee, Yeah, best Serbs coffee LLCs contained traces of Smith Phil Smith all uh carbod and now Phil carboda, a phil which acts in a similar fashion to the viagra ingredient. Uh. What is this side of denta Phil? Okay, the coffee wasn't recalled because of what effects it may have in a man Well, Um, it was recalled because of the effects it might have on your manhood. Instead, there was worry it could enter act with prescription drugs containing nitrates, which are usually given to men with diabetes like cholesterol, heart disease, or high blood pressure. So it wasn't It wasn't recalled because of the effects that will have in your manhood. So Um, what I'm asking you is, I have two questions for you. Do you think you'd be willing to drink a cup of coffee that contained a Viagara like substance? Yeah? I need to know where is the ship? Well, the company's out of Texas, Steve Teas. I need somebody find coffee for me. You're looking for Get this? What Tommy, you didn't win all the way over though, Tommy the next year? What do you mean Tommy didn't Tommy don't need to call for Tommy didn't try he said it on radio se time that he tried about Yeah, just for fun, Yeah, he said, wouldn't And why wouldn't I drink the coffee too? What you because? But if you drank the coffee though early in the morning, you can really make the statement we are we are not just ready for work, were ready for whatever matter of fact, but ready to go back to bay tap tip. What you do? I walk in the room. You can't keep that coffee. What's the name of it. It's called Best Herbs Coffee, Best Herbs Coffee in Texas but part of Texas. Well, let me look all this, okay, nephews looking forward? What about Jay? Though? Jay has so quiet with a hard cup of coffee in the morning. But but Ja, they say it's got dangerous side effects. You know that all Let go for a nice God, you'll take your chances. That's what kills me about it? They list the side effect? Do they not know that me? And don't give a damn? Yeah, I don't think they do. Steved And when you die, you're don't have a hard time closing the casket because they say, you know, they give you all that. You may get headaches, blurred vision, temporary blind. Don't I want to go blind? This is gonna produce what you're telling me. Knock my eyes side. I just can't I get it back. That's on CBS. What's CBS. This is big? This is big. But they sent them here. They got they war on you about stuff. If you have an erection lasting more than four hours, call your doctor. That's what viagra says. Doctor. I'm taking selfish, I'm taking time code itselfish. That's one hour, our number two. I'm gonna have it from all ankles and on phrasebook because our three and a half, y'all. How you like me? Now? Because it's not natural. That's why they would want you to call the doctor. Yeah, to be able to function. Yeah, for iurs ain't natural, but neither am I. Matter of fact, you got that right. You're superste you can read four hours. I promise you ain't naturally. It's out of Grand Prairie, Texas. By the way, that's too. Let me take girl Grand Prairies. When KR and B you to be if they still the Gary Sanders, get the coffee and ship it to me. I'm gonna be blind, but I don't need a blind stick. Okay, Now, this story went on to say, Shirley, I'm looking it up for you. CBS News is saying that Best Herbs is notifying customers of the recall and offering a full refund products return by I need a full bag. I need the damn coffee for it. Get back and get fixed. I got it, a man, Please please find find the coffee. Rang you in Texas. Find the coffee. Find the coffee yours all. My Dallas home is get the coffee and take it to my house through. But that is a question. Has anyone returned the coffee? Exactly? Be a hard day at the job, ain't. I'm sorry? You know much coffee? I'll having that field to be I'll be packing it in just barely got water coming. But how does this happen? How does the mistake like this happen? That's how they made Yeah, because you're gonna be up you so, I mean, so you would you would do this just for fun? Have you tried it just for fun? Drinking coffee for municipal purposes? Church complaints coming up next. Reverend Motown is back. Baby. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show, all right? Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have national news with miss Anne, but since of course we're in Paris, France, we'll talk about the winner of yesterday's Tour de France. We saw it yesterday, Yeah it was yeah, right here where we are. But right now, Reverend Motown is back, ladies and gentlemen from a long vacation. Reverend Motown in the building along with Deacon deaf Jam and they're here with church complaints. You welcome back, ver, Thank you. It has been a most partniferous vacation. We have enjoyed ourselves to the highs, to the fullness and to the most. But we are back. Things have been going on down after j P j J. That's the Jack Pott joints allowing change obviously. Oh I'm so sorry. That's all right. How they knew you go ahead? I had forgot that if we had that sound effect, Yeah, I know they still had it, but I went on. I'm back now, and I'm pretty sure that you all have come up with mold than adequate complaints after Jack Pott Joinder Jerusalem, and here to bring forth these complaints is y'alls very own Uncle Tom. Whatever want is, because I ain't gonna be the only one in this show. They're gonna be no auckle tome. I'm not an uncle toime that that that's not the way to come back in here after. We ain't either, but that ain't stopping from calling me one. Just because they calling you one don't mean they count it. Well, she we're gonna spread the funk around on this his show. So if you want to continue in the segment, I suggest you come on with your first complete tested H. Well, I'm sing I've been gone. Uh. The water bill has not been paid in three months. Uh, the water is off. We have thirteen people who are scanty to be baptized this coming Sunday. Uh. Deacon Archie Livingstone has eight big trans can that's been catching rain water for the past two weeks, and he says he wants to dunk them in. Now, I don't think that's a good thing. Path Well, I'm not allowed to mention anything else about water. So my suggestion is what we're gonna do for baptism is we're gonna do a dry powder baptist or dry powder baptism. I've got some extra bottles of gold on powder powder. I saw shack or advertising it on TV. So I went and tried it, and Lord, that's some good power case. Excuse me, now, nothing holy back dampan? What is only if we pray over it before we dust you, we're gonna do. We're gonna drop. We're gonna drive powder baptized. We ain't got no water. It looks like we ain't gonna have the money for the water build because I ain't been here preaching in them all. So collections been down. So we're gonna we're gonna drive powder, baptize you with gold on medicated powder. And it's also a heeling too, there's something wrong with you. Just dusted in good or not? Now for the three dog skinned people that's gonna get baptized, we're gonna have to charge careful you because that's extra powder, or it won't look like nothing was on you. Just throwing that out there. Go ahead, all right, let's see him. Now this is a situation passing. You're gonna have to figure out what you're gonna do. Sister Risling Dixon and brother Titus Calhoun got caught in a motel cheating. Unfortunately, uh they are now both deceased after someone caught them together the funeral home said that they tint. Yeah, they the funeral homes says they can't pull the bodies apart. They're gonna have to have a funeral together, but the families won't cooperate on having the funerals together. Path, but they're gonna be stuck together. In the casket, her name wasting up and sister Rising Dixon Dixon and brother Titus Calhoun she r d uh huh. Combined with t she leads to v D and brother who killed. I said, r D, you're ced. Addiction was messing with TC Titus Calhoun, which led to v D, and that in this case is a veneral death. Yea, yeah, that's a new It's a suffer when two really old lass people get v D and past it's called venari death, lock up like dogs in the street and can't get them loose. Now we're gonna have to add in funeral together. Yeah. But what I'm gonna do since we're gonna do the funeral at the jackpot, Yeah, I'm gonna charge for two funerals. I'm gonna have to say two people names. We're just gonna use one cash. But we fought we're charging for two casts. So we're going to put the extension on it. The family is not gonna go for that. You know, what you don't know is on top each that said, we're gonna have to flip it when it's time to view the back. Well, I'm telling you now, I don't know that they're on top each other while I'm go ahead to stack the lead to be on it up, so it's gonna be a thicker casket. And what I'm talking about Rescindo Dixon. We're talking and then when we start talking about titles can when we flip them, we're gonna need to paul Barons to do double duty. That's just wrong. All we can all we can prop them up, put them on the road tistry and they're that's where you can just shield going around like a chicken at Whole Food. Put them over sticking problem up and get a turn and just let him turn the whole time. We'll come backpack. Yeah, listen, we got a situation pass that that is a dog under the church that house. Every time Sister Rachel Baptiste sings her solo, I'm coming up on the rough side of the mountain, she wants it to stop because the congregation is laughing at her doing her up. Well, you know Deacon Presscott done in Memphis that had been doing the routine about stopping while the dog was under the house. We're gonna fly him in for next week's service. Can he stomped the dog out path? He'll stomped the dog and whatever position he needs your crazy okay, go ahead, all right, let me see last, but not leave past the wig band that has struck again. He pulled four wigs during altarhow and sits mode during the benediction. Rumor hands that he's trying to sew them all together and make a flow rug for his how. Never the last past that we got ten ball headed women that wants announcer. I have explained to the women in this church that we have a wig band has not yet been apprehended. And y'all don't need to start pressing your hell wigs, so leave they get slat. You be looking be shop making the little piglet platt working out losing nimbus. All right, you're listening to Steve Show. All right, it is here, it was here, it's over now, talking about of course the tour to miss Anason deck with today's national news. But of course we're in Paris for the tour of Friends part of it. Anyway, we were watching it yesterday and yeah, congratulate. I knew we knew you were watching it so fast. Listen to me, man, it ain't no regular bike rack. My bike ain't never been that fast. My bike has never traveled at that speed. Remember we was kids. You should grab hold to the car and let the car pull you down the street. No, we didn't do that as girls. No, pous he almost died. You held onto a cart, a car handle. When they go by, you pull your bike out and grabbed the handle and go. He listen to your nephew, what the truck you grab a battle Yeah, and you grab a back and pick up row. No we uh my mother here like uh Now they catch you on their car, gonna be a problem. Oh yeah, right, and do and make you fall. Pips open the door. But the kid daddy here on the card and he slam on the break. What did Junior say? You? What Junior? When they see you on the back of their car, you gotta bustle right, go and bustle right. Congratulations to Chris Froom. He claimed his fourth to the front title. Yeah, yesterday. The thing about the Two of the Friends riders, their legs are like massive muscles. Yeah. Defined they upper body look like y'all. Ain't no shoulder caps, ain't no pass ups, and it ain't nothing because they burned up so much energy. They have no body fat and they end up burning their muscle to maintain the energy level. So they eats at their muscles and their upper body. They have no picks, no traps, they don't have nothing. They just being that she can't come in anyway, what were you saying? Anyway? He elevated himself to a fresh legendary status. He wrote in a bright yellow bike to match his shiny leaders jersey, he was the defending champions of congratulations in her the yellow jersey means first place. Yeah, that's what That's what I was wondering. Outfit, who are leading in the Two of the Friends wears the yellow jersey stage the defending yellow jersey. We like that. Yeah, okay, I watched it every year. We're here one stages of bike riding twenty one days. That's like a day off there somewhere. I think it's maybe one or two days off out of the one. Maybe I'm not sure the number of days off, but it's twenty one days of rioting. Each stage is a different distance. Each stage you can win either the mountain, you can win the sprints, or you can win the stage. There's a certain part of the race that it's a sprint. First one to that checkpoint wins the sprint part portion of it. Whoever crossed the finish line at the end of the whole stage wins the stage. Whoever wins the stage and it's in first place has to don the yellow jersey. Whoever wins the mountain has to where the polka dot jersey with the red polka dot and whoever is the best sprinter, whereas the green jersey. I watched this every year. I watched every and to see it live was absolutely amazing. See the whole thing. But just when they came back, triple good learning. This is Antwerp for the News. Okay. Police in Texas are investigating what appears to be a human trafficking case after at least nine people were found dead this weekend inside of a sweltering tractor trailer in a Walmart parking lot in San Anton. Authorities say that some thirty other people have been hospitalized. Police have arrest of the truck's driver. Lawmakers in both a House and Senator reached an agreement on a package of new sanctions against Russia, Iran, and North Korea. The next question is where the President is going to sign the measure into law. The House schedule to vote on the measure UH sometime tomorrow. Meant to send a message about Russian interference in the twenty sixteen presidential election. The Trunk White House has a new spokesperson, Sean Spicer, resigned after a rather tense and testy six months in the press briefing movement, as well as being a recurring target on Saturday Night Live. In is Anthony Scaramucci, who wishes his predecessor all the bad. Sean is a true American patriot. He's a military serviceman, He's got a great family, uh, and he's son an amazing job. This is obviously a difficult situation to be in. I hope he goes on to make a tremendous amount of money. Interestingly, Scaramucci, who now says he loves Donald Trump, supported Governor Scott Walker and later Jeff Bush back in calling candidate Trump quote a big mouth who inherited his money and whom he said would only become president of the Queen's County Bullies Association anyway. Scott Mucci now says he loves the Donald. A Minneapolis police chief has quit less than a week after one of her officers shot and kill an Australian woman will call nine one one over a suspected sexual assault. Of course, this is not the first time that someone who called police for help ended up being killed by them. It's just that those victims were buying large black or brown people, and the cops involved were usually white and later acquitted of any crime. Long time Washington d C TV news anchor Jim Vance has died of cancer over the weekend at age seventy five. The veteran African American journalist was the DC area's longest serving newscaster, anchoring NBCTV six pm and eleven PM newscast since nineteen eighty nine. He will be missed tops of the box office over the weekend. The World War two epic Dunker as a went on the speech where are we going, dun Kirk, We have a job to do. You can practically see it from here. Dun Kirk made over fifty million dollars, but the Girls Trip it made a strong second place showing around the Girl. Today is National Pioneer Day, National Tunnel Joke Day, and National Tequila Day. So everybody say, yeah, we'll be back with Eugene the Butterfly twenty minutes after the hours. Stay tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's that time, Jay, why don't you do Yeah? Why still drinking that? Why don't you do the honors? Jay? And introduced the Butterfly? And here we go it time for Gene. There you guys, thank you so much, Thank you, thank you. J Anthony Brown, good morning to everyone. Steven't say something, you guys, Okay, say what you got to say? No, I just said it. Go ahead, it's all about you. What you need to say. Mr Steve Harvy Morning Show. And everybody now then whetting except you. Now I know who shall it is? Okay, We'll go ahead, man, Yeah, and I always is if you be quiet, because I was. Anyway, it's your jeans, Monday morning medicine. What we're gonna do is we're gonna have a movie recap because Oh my god, if you miss ground strip, you missed a one. Let me tell you something. Jay to pick It did a great job. Queen Latifa did a very very good job. In Regina Hall was great as well. I want to take my hat off to Lord. This girl style the show. Tiffany had us as out the chain. Oh my god, Felix and lorenz Ow and Sebastian, we was just, oh my god, were beating each other. My friends Felix and Lorenzo, we were sitting there going crazy because this girl Tiffany had was giving it to the people. And then raft Angel from Queen Sugar. Let me tell you what he is down for me. I am i am Benna, start my workouts up today. I'm Benna gonna get my six pack. I am listen my first spin, my first from the gym boy. My first spin class is today. I've been do a spin class and I am sinning. You can get a six plack spinning, you can you can get a six pack spinning anyway. I'm also gonna throw in every day I'm making this is what I'm doing. I'm claiming this. Three hundred crunches per day, That's what I'm gonna do because I'm having my shut up South. So let's see what it is today. It's the end of July. South Bye. I bet you by the middle stemp temer. I'm gonna have four of my six back. How on the bed I've been to him? Any kind of money? You didn't trust me when you did put your head to something? Work out here? What kind of if you dream? Put his what to what? Let's move on, shall we? If you dream put his head or something water, We're moving on. When you're did his man something? Nothing can stop me question. I'm gonna look like the rock. I'm just one solid boulder. Hey man, what the hell was this segment called Monday Morning Medicine? Because you damn thing? Because I got you thistical medicinal or nothing else? You know? You know what, Steve, I'd be wanting to tell you welcome back, but but you know what, I'm about three seconds from whopping you like it's I realized ain't got no six. When we come back, you're listening to Steve Hardy Morning Show us and gentlemen, I'm most proud of this selection, this addition to the Morning Show, this collaboration that took years to develop, I've asked Tommy. Tommy agreed, Kill agreed, Sheley call all agree. Even Mississippi Monica agreed that this addition would do nothing but help further the calls of foolery and ignorance in the Morning Ladies and German Fool number two. Jay Anthony Brown, Alright, alright, first of all, it's all going down this weekend Augustin Georgia Bell out of Urum, the O g s of Comedy, George Wallace, Don d c Curb myself and whole flood and Rudy Rushed. I'm gonna get into the song. Here's the problem I have a working on this show. It's hard to make fun of a lot of people on the show because a lot the people are friends of the show. You know what I'm saying. You can't make fun because so many people are friends of the show, you know. And I'm and I'm how do I say I'm cheating people out of these jokes? You know what I'm saying. I'm kind of I'm locked up with jokes inside about friends of the show. It's burning me up. So I'm gonna just play the song. I'm not gonna say who it's back because it brands me to call people's names for the show. The song is Snoop Dogg song Sexual Seduction. That's not my song. That's not my name. Yeah, you have to say it. That Snoop Dogg song Sexual Seduction. Yeah, that song about to hear. You ain't gonna hear that. You ain't hear that at all? What are we gonna hear? Jay? You don't hear about because so many people, my friends love this show, we cain't say it. Damn then, and it's burning me up. So here's my song. Hit it. I'm Steve hud Mancha hit it again. Made a mistakens time, I don win to the stone that all that's come dumb. I'm three man. It burns when I'm goa caught a sexual warning that she and that s the doctor calling sexual wann infection that because he didn't caught a sexual walling that shell and that shom burning that a sexual wall infection alone alone. See, he was all in the club up feeling love toon and joke said the grown folks rolling into ja spot. She was right at the stage with a bat friend even hot ways he could tell she was way hot. Shot skirt, no draws long hair, light brown eyes, looking like Miss Hope. Let a player know she was not a different but the big old hips a freak fancist gonna be so he uh, the chick with the real pretty face, big on ass and eat bad ways. She's look kind of thirsty, so we ordered her drink. Gil A man's a friend. He ain't nothing to play with. See his game as I played, just got a backstage and made sex faceist itself good like no protection kind of broke. He caught a damn infection sexual all infection infection. That doctor Golden sexual all infection has he eating kind of sexual all infection and I'm burning mad of sexual all infection. You hired him nobody, I'm behind behind you. Did you did it? Right now? But stupid either? Yeah, you know if you're throw a rock what they're saying jokes lockdod and I'm fans. I love it. Shout out to us here this morning too. By the way, why are you all in your have with me? Yeah? It was actually Steve. I'm gonna say that right now. He's gonna say the trust me. You're gonna say not the rest of the break, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today's Strawberry Letters. Subject is my friend a hater? It's my friend a hater if you got to ask. H huh. But I'm as nephew tell me, is praying phone called nephew. My roommate Benny. Huh, my roommate Benny. That's it. That's it right there, my roommate Benny. Okay, old tight nu Hello, must be the Devin. Yeah to see Okay, Hey man, this is Chris a little above you. I ain't ever met you before, but you you you have. You've been calling the leasing office about complaining on me about I'm making too much noise away. Yeah, man, I'm not bad. Bro I was trying to catch you. Man. I could never h I could never catch you at home. Man. It's like you know, Brian, I work a knife, I work at night. Yeah. Yeah, you're saying. I say I work in a day, but I can't sleep at night. Broke. And I'm I don't know what's going on your part. And I'm saying I ain't trying to be in your business. I'm not trying to be in your business. Claire, I just can't get sleeping night, man, because it'll be a lot of noise, a lot of noise, a lot of talking. And what you do is your business. Bro. I'm just saying, please, man, but you ain't have to go to the leasing office. Man, Oh you have Do you know what's halder at me? You ain't? You know? They got me written up, like you know what, one more complaint on me, They're gonna put me out of something. Well. Yeah, like I said, though, I was trying to get I was trying to find you. You know what I'm saying. But we I guess we miss each other because you you work at night. I work in the day. So you know when you're going, I'm coming, and when I'm coming, you going, I'm saying, Brian trying starting. I'm just trying to, you know, go to work and pay my pay my bills. Man, that I'll be at work at night. Man. You know what I'm saying. I'm trying to get my hustlel on like you're trying to get yours on. Dola hala hala hol on. Okay, okay, let's make it my sense, bro, if you at work at night, somebody in your somebody in your apartment, howking loud in them keeping me up square. I'm betting it. Okay, you've got a roommate us on nobody. I ain't got no roommates, man, Benny, somebody in the talking loud, holding the conversation. It's like two people in there talking loud every night, and spy man Beatty be talking. Okay, you said you ain't got no roommates. Who who is Benny? Who is Bennypenny? Is my bird? My parents? That's been to be talking like man, I want me to listen. Mind why why wait a minute, you're trying to tell me um bird does you don't it? Man? I don't have pity two years that's my bird. Bird don't even live that long. So so now I'm sucking night. I'm at the work cause cause a bird. That's what you want that that's what you called me to tell me. I'll call you to tell you. You ain't gonna be putting these complaints on me. Man, But I'm that I'm gone. And that's been in talking. Man, I bit it in YO, don't know Penny. Wait a minute, hey, look, I'm telling you, now do something with the bird then or that's gonna be some conse questions and repercussions. I'm talking about some fried chicken around it. And man, Penny is like a family member to me. Birds too, can sound the chicken on the car, flake box, can tuck your chickens, just bride. Hey, man, you don't tell me nothing better about my bird? Okay, brother, you know what, even me? You need to square of from front of each other because you don't. You don't disrespect Betty. Man, all right, all right, you're taking some alright, alright, I bet that be on my table when I get home. If it's a bird, then I bet that be all my Try the table, man and man, then you ain't gonna sit disrespect me and try to tell me what you're gonna do to my bird. But you ain't gonna do nothing stupid to Betty. Tell you what I tell you what so you can date you a hund right now. What you're gonna work tonight? I bet you beat it. I'll be at that tomorrow. I bet you will. These fingers looking good tomorrow. Man, ain't hold on a minute, man, wait a minute, joh, what you play due and start talking about what you're gonna do to my bird not and told you you file for going to the leasten office calling me out, and now you're on the phone. I'm trying to work this out with you, and now you ain't trying to work right now fastop you you called me and tell me that it's a bird holding a conversation with itself. I'm I'm a stupid right now, I'm I'm honest, even continue this conversation wh skiping me? I find a night? Are you serious, man? Or something like? Man? Listen, bro listen, whatever it is, this is a bird or recording whatever, if you gotta do stuff to wait, never a bird, man, I'm gonna be sotard salt. And if this is a bird, I'm gonna really it's a bird. It's spinning, man, it's spinning you. All you here to do was come to me and we could have had a list like me. Hola, hola, Okay, okay, okay, We're gonna have it like me. And the first off leasing office wouldn't give me a name. What's your nine? My name? Chris? Okay, Chris, I'm deaf. There we go, there we go. Listen, doal I ain't for the past three months, you know, what I'm saying, I ain't really been getting no sleep because of this bird. You say it's a bird. I don't believe that. But a bird a bird? Come on, dog, that's for you. We'll take to work with it is. I don't care. Figures something out, but whatever going on up there with you and your bird needs to come to an a me to get out, or it's gonna be something. Now. Hey man, hey man, what you couldn't do is threatened me by what's going on in my house. Hole man, look here, you ain't been it's Benny, Lenny whatever the nine meals. You need to do something with that or it's gonna be some reader show man. Why not going back and forth with you about this? You keep telling me something about as a bird. What's the problem with it? What's the problem? I understanding that people have pet birds? Say man, I don't give if you have a pet bird, But really this how all night long? How do you? How do you? How do you live with this thing? Come? I'll never shut up. I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what Benny told me to tell you, though, God'll tell you what been a told Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait waite, Chris, wait, waite, bro I don't want to hear what I'm bird told you to tell me? Can I tell you what? Being it told me to tell you what? What? What? The then they told me to tell you this that. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harby Martin Show. You took your ain't by your boys, Sean the things? Did I get your? Man? Got me? Do you got it? Man? That's guy. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get this. I'm gonna have to have to wait to this dude, get arms out and talk to him. I and talk tobouch about some posing bird. I don't know what's the staff man. I'll be up our night and I'm saying I'm missing I'm missing my sleep, I'm missing now. I'm saying I'm missing y'alls in the morning cause I'm rousing hitting the sloothe But I got one more thing to ask you, what is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the lane man, Steve harden More in the show we never sing I love the black Information. Don't even live that. You just pull that out this conversation, don't even live black fact. He let me say on behalf of a Southern Friday comedy. We want to thank Delaware for coming out to see us this past week. Did me tuning, all our boys, got a soul our crowd, and did the dog and of course your Gene did his thing too. I gotta give him this problems he did. He'll never give you yours. I know it. I know it. I know it. And if it's how you deal with him, don't I know? I try not to. I just really don't have conversations with him. I just let him loose on stage. Hunts Bill, Alabama. We're on our waite baby stand up live. The Nephew is coming. Y'all got a brand new comedy club there. I would be there this Friday and Saturday with all the people in my head. So get your tickets. They don't say written there The Nephew comings veal Alabama. Do they have a golf play a little golf for where? They got a golf course everywhere? You can't go, though? Do you mean what's up with that? I just told him he can't go, But is it your golf course? Ain't got nothing to do with it? What do you mean he can't go. Good luck. Let me know how to work out for you something that happened. Tell me, won't you do it? That's asking a question like you've been doing here. Later Okay, well, let me ask you a question. Have you ever heard of a golf course that black people can't play at? Sure, we're back in the day especial. I mean, I mean, like, don't they have them in like Los Angeles? Yeah? Yeah, he Isn't there a golf course in in l A where no blacks can play, no Jews can play, and no entertainers can play. Isn't a golf course like that? Is that I'm asking? Just a question? Is there? I don't know exists? I ain't been asked, You haven't been invited, you to entertained at a shot? Wow? Alright? Coming up the Strawberry letter, subject is my friend a hater? We'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morn Show. It's that time. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you, straw Berry. Thank you, nephew. Subject is my friend a hater? Dear Stephen Shirley, My dear friend has been married for over twenty years. I've been married and I'm divorced. She was a great supporter throughout my whole mess. When I started dating again, she made sure she knew I was She made sure she knew who I was going out with and where I was going, just so I was safe on my dates. She is really a good friend. Now that I've been in an exclusive relationship for the past five years, she has started telling me that I can do better. Her main issues are that he has not mentioned marrying me, we don't live together, we don't go out on dates, and we are very private. Oh and uh, there is a twenty year age difference. I'm forty, he's sixty. I'm fine without meeting Okay, all right, okay, that's all right, thank you. I'm fine without needing to be married, and he fulfills my needs. When I tell her I'm good and happy, she hits me with negative comments like he needs to claim me, he needs to get me a better car, he needs to buy me a house, and the fact that his children don't like me. Her negativity is adding on my nerves. But in the back of my mind, I wonder if she's right. I know our relationship is good, but we have absolutely no drama. What could possibly be better than this? Is my friend trying to encourage me? Or is she hating well, I don't think she's a hater at all. I I really don't think she's a hater. I mean, what could she possibly be hating on? Uh, she's been in a secure relationship will marriage with her husband for over twenty years. I think she's being a good friend because that's what you said at the beginning of the letter. She's being a good friend. I don't think she's hating on you at all. I really don't learn the difference between someone being a good friend and trying to encourage you as you mentioned in the letter, and being a hater. She doesn't want you as your friend to settle with this guy and and being a go nowhere relationship with him. She thinks, you know, you need a payoff after five years. That's what she's thinking. You need something to show for five years of of of the emotional investment that that you've put into this relationship. If I were you, I would listen to your good friend who actually cares about you. She cares about your well being and uh, you are even wondering in the back of your mind if she's right, you know you don't want to stay in the house all the time and not go out on dates with this guy's you know you don't want to do that. You want to be out there, You want him to claim you and all of that. Come on, now, listen to what she's saying. You're feeling some kind of way anyway, and she's just making you think she's hating on you. She's not a hater, she's your friend. Steve, uh, I disagree with the whole Damn letto. What's wrong is my friend to hate it? Yes, yes, she's a hater and there's some other things going on too. Let's talk about this. My dear friend has been married for twenty years. Shirley says she's in a secure relationship. Well, where do you see that in this letter? I don't see secure relationship in hire. She just been married twenty years now. She don't like your relationship because sometime misery love company. I ain't happy. How to hell you're gonna be happy now? When you started you you you you, you got a divorce. She was with you through the whole mess. When I started dating again, she made sure she knew who I was going out with and where I was going, just so i'd be safe on the day. That just sounds like to me, like she knows it where you're going, Who are you going with? She ain't with you? How she gonna stop it? If the ass wouldn't break out? How is she gonna get to the restaurant in time? See that's safe? Come bodyguard me. I got a bodyguard and some breakout with me. He right over there? She back at the house. Well, I knew you was down there getting your ass, but I couldn't make it down because I was watching scandal. I'm just telling you, you gotta look at this letter the right way. Then she says she was really a good friend. Now that I've been in an exclusive relationship for the past five years, she has started telling me that I can do better. Okay, well, maybe let's review it. Her main issue is that he has not mentioned marrying me. Now, if you foughty and you're dating a man for five years, marriage ain't came up. It's because marriage ain't fitting to come up, right right. Secondly, we don't live together and we don't go out on dates. Here is the land that sticks out with me and this whole letter we don't go out on dates. What relationship you in? Y'all don't go no damn And you got there to say that, and we are very private, your damn right, because don't nobody know y'all, Daton. And the reason don't nobody know y'all dating is cause y'all don't go out nowhere, and you can't be seen. Right when a man don't take you nowhere, it's cause y'all can't be seen. Everybody want to go some damn something. You don't want to go see. No movie. You ain't drove by a restaurant that caught your eyes. You ain't heard about Niagara Falls. You don't give a damn about the Grand Can. You don't think you'd like to see a play on broad You can't asimbly I want to go to the fish market and see'all. You don't want to see the Hollywood sign out in l a nothing. You don't want to come over here to Paris and see it, right, Okay, if your woman asked you to go to Paris, you'll ask God to get the parish and you gotta get over here. You gotta like it. But y'all don't go on any dates. With very private. Oh and here it's a twenty year age difference. I'm forty, he's sixty. Now I'm reading this letter at sixty. I'm sixty myself. My sixty is the new thirty five because I'm that fly. Yeah, I'm sixty, full of energy. I love to travel, go places. You crazy, keep something going on, stay on the internet, always getting blogged about. I'm in jay z new rap song. Relevant I am when I'm in a rap song. Yeah, ste Yeah, I don't even talk about me. You always bring it back to you as putting the family few and you wouldn't even mention family if I weren't on it. Come on, that's right, thank you jay Z. Now back to this letter, we come back. I just had to have brief moment about me. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go, Steve with Part two of the Strawberry Letters, subject as my friend I hate. Well, this lady that is married for over twenty years has been advising this woman who went through this divorce. She was a great supporter throughout the whole mess. And when you started dating again, she made sure she knew who she was going out with and where she wants just to make sure she was safe or what she just being Damn knows because in order to make sure somebody safe, you got to be there. Ain't event that something pop off. If he hasn't back in the house watching scandal and she getting sucker punched in the back seat of the car, it ain't really a whole lot you can do about it from your house. So thanks for Carrie. She does care. So then she says she's a really good friend. Well, now this woman has been in the exclusive relationship for the past five years. She started telling me that I can do better. Well, let's find out. Her main issue is is that he has not mentioned marrying me. And if you fought and he's sixty, that probably duety need to come up. But she ain't. He ain't mentioned it, and we don't live together. Well you ain't married, but then we don't go out on dates. That's well we need to start wondering what hell going on? Who you know? Don't want to go now? Damn you know you know Ice cre at going to get it. It's different than I cream at the house that dig it out, just have gallon, different than somebody bringing it to you. So you just don't get some ice cream. You can't go do that. Everybody wants to go to Starbucks. Oh yeah, just go down there, just talk to some people. Yeah, they look at me. Look who I'm dating. Hey, I got somebody. But y'all don't go on any dates, none of that. Now I would quite naturally assume it's because he can't be seen with you. That's the only thing I can come up with, because everybody goes somewhere. How I go places all the time, and I'm six. I don't give damn by social media my wife do? I don't know damn if you know where I am a matter fact, tweet if you won't. Did you want to ask that in question? Can you tweet if you will? Yes, please feel free to tweet. There's a twenty year as difference. I'm fty and he's sixty. Now I'm fine with not needing to be married and he fulfills my needs on Well, what needs you talking about? Because if you need to go out, you ain't gonna know that if you need somebody to know, y'all any relationship. We just found out cause of the Latin. When I tell I'm good and happy, she hits me with negative comments like he needs to claim me. Well, okay, maybe he did. You his his but you hisits what though, see what she said, his title claim is really a title. He needs to get me a better car. But you're trying. You're sleeping with a man, but you you can't get there. You're sleeping with a man, but you can't get over that because you're keep breaking down. You know, they got these new cars now, all the new causes. When you stop at light, it cut off. The first time I was in the car was this week over here in Paris to drive a car cut off. I'm very familiar with car cutting off. Wants to stopped, but that was before I had money. Then out of nowhere, damn car just started back up. He took me back to a place I really didn't want to be here, I said, he didn't ran out of damn car cut off. So you don't have a good car. He needs to buy me in a house where you staying. He needs to buy your house. You got in the car and your car working. What needs is he fulfilling? She could be right. And the fact that his children don't like me. If he's sixty, how old is this kids age? But they ain't kids no more. There's some a ducts that don't like your make kids. There's some other grown folks, and it could be praying something for you, so I'd be careful. Her negativity is getting on my nerves. But in the back of my mind, I wonder if she's right. I know our relationship is good, but we have absolutely no drama. What could possibly be better than this? Is my friend trying to encourage me or she hating but she said, But in the back of my mind, I wonder if she's right. Well, let's if you want more, you should find out if there is more. Okay, that's that's simple as this. If you want this relationship to be more than what it is, you should just find out if that is more to have. Now. If the reason y'all ain't going nowhere, it's because you can't be seen because he got a wife and another family somewhere. You probably need to know that most men that can't take you out got a wife and a family somewhere else that see. No, that's right here. I can't be nowhere with no damn. But let's be clear about that. All the cameras everywhere, I can't sneak around back. I can't coming famous, No, no, no, no, it's them days is old creep nothing. I got to walk right in. How how are you? Is the business meeting? We're at a hotel and going in no other room off to the side and all like this. I ain't got time for that. But none of that now, lady, is your friend a hater? Yes, she's a hater. Yes, she's a hater because how do you know how it happened her marriage? She is a little bit of a hater, but she has a little bit of concern and righteousness, and yeah, I think she's concerned for her friend. I'm starting to be concerned too, because it was this part of your old woman, with this apartment, with this ragged ass, and it's other family kids there, just hating. And this man don't countwhere if he fulfilled one of your needs? Do you have any sisters? Because you ain't got no damn needs, right, You ain't got no nowhere. You don't give a damn what you call like. And you're paying rent. Now, ain't nothing wrong with paying rent, But I'm talking about but your foarty and you're paying rent and your kin ain't no good and you can't go nowhere. She's the hermit, so what needs is he fulfill it? The only one I could think, too is when he swaying through, he really is trying to bacon. That's all I can think. He must be trying to bacon extra crispy, just the way you like it. And that's all I can blame it on. But other than that, you ain't got nothing. And if you're happy with nothing, didn't be happy with nothing. I'll help your game. Very happy with this letter. I'm back all right, we have to go email or instagram us your thoughts on today's Strawberry letter at my Girls. Shirley coming up called tell me with your weekend confessions eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, we'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Surely, yes, Steve, you know we're dealing with more illness, disease, fatigue, and obesi didn't ever before. Yeah, and that's not all, Steve. I mean, diabetes and high blood pressure are at an all time high right now. Well, folks, this is why we recommend now the de Herb's Full Body Cleans from de herbs dot Com. That's right, I have more energy. I always shed pounds and I feel better every time I do it. And listen to this, y'all. If you want to look better, feel better and lose some weight, call eight six six four the letter four D herbs eight six six the letter four D herbs six six the letter the number four D herbs. I'll go to de herbs dot com right now, that's d herbs dot com and J and um kill call this. Diabetes is over here and high blood I don't know what sicker sale is, but you got something. I saw blood in there. Yeah, let's let up diabetes and high blood pressure. Y'all got both of you quite now. Ain't got nothing yet wrong with I don't want to have nothing, don't don't wish that only that old and not have nothing. Well, I tell you what's on me. The damn Internet is usually on me. Yeah, and then my effort. Let's sometimes no reading at all. I just I'm on that. Somebody called me and go dog you all right, I'm fine, man, let me see I got that in thatt on me all right before we got to weekend Confessions with a Nephew, and I got blogas. There's a cure for that, all right, Steve, your boy, Lebron James is well. He was put on blast by his mom's husband, d Real Lambeau. His name is Darrel Lambeau. He's an aspiring rapper. His stepdad anyways, step yeah, I said it right, the real Lambeau rap his stepdad, his stepdad, his mom's husband, stepdad. He's an aspiring rapper. He's good and yeah, listen to me carefully. Duh, duh, Real Lambeau, the real Lamba like a Lamborghini. He's old enough to be Lebron James stepdad. Yeah, yeah, all right, okay, Yeah, he's an aspiring rapper. He took to social media, speaking of social media, to blast Lebron after a certain age, he's not young up and coming, He's just up and coming. How old for up and coming? Or should you just be up and on the way out? We'll find out how old he is? Yeah uh, anyway, he put the Lebron on blast. Lebron and Lambeau haven't been the best of friends. They haven't had the best relationship over the years. Now it seems Lambeau in his relationship with Gloria James, his mom. Lebron's mom is on the Rocks as well. After King James supposedly tried to expose Lambeau's cheating ways, Lambeau clapped back in a video and said, I love my wife. I'm not perfect, So you blankety blankers uh need to stop acting like they're perfect before I go to exposing blankety blanker. Yeah yeah, h m r name trademark bolting little career. Get Yes, you know you ain't on the come up? Okay, all right? Yeah, he's been posting articles of him uh with Lebron and Gloria with a caption, So should I tell the world the truth? You saw me treat your mom like a queen, and I saw you treat your wife like a blank Uh. Don't try to make the world think that Lambeau is blanked up. Let the world know what the real blanked up problem in the family is. You're gonna respect Lambeau. I'm messenger, get to respecting. I want to retract everything I said just now. I'm boy, ain't scared. Sound serious to me? You better respect Lambou. Know, if that's a football field, you better get the respect him because either way both of them is that you either call football field. Hell yeah, I'm sorry and and and and and I'm a Cleveland born lebron My dude, Yeah, but man, Lambo, the real, the real Lambeau's rights with the other Lambeau right, not Lamborghini or not lambeau Field. This is the real Lambeaux. I'm scary. That's where I get your little ass purchased. Alright, It's time now to go to the phones. Get things started with weekend confessions, because what nephew, I'm not here to help you. I just want to hear what you're going through. Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, the booth is open, called the nephew, don't use your real name, and gonna get it off your chests. Whatever you did this weekend, let me hear a body. Okay, always one need help, dough for real. Alright, cat, let's go to line one. Are you ready, Tommy, Let's go one. Steve out of Miami segment. Don't call me a man. Name is Steve? Boy? What's up? What's up? Man? What's your confessionist moment that it's kind of hard to say, you know, I feel bad. That's um. Basically, I hand sets with the first lady of my church yesterday, first Lady of the church. Now we're talking alright, alright, Steve, so Sunday, Yeah, it was a Sunday Sunday. You have to serve. Yeah, you went, you went to Your message wasn't clear? Okay, Steve, you got a hold on as we can get the full story. Man, we gotta go to a song when you got the hold on? Right when we come back, I want the full or fold one one past. I gotta get a break. What what what book did he come from yesterday? Penis. We'll be back right after this. Hang on, Steve, Lord, you're listening to the Steve Hardy Morning Show. Okay. We are live, as you know, from the Hotel Hilton Paris Opera and you beautiful Harris friends. We are here. We're still here. I live here now having all my things shipped over. But anyway, we're in the middle of weekend Confessions with the Nephew and uh tell him, nephew you set it up? What do you need? Well, first of all, Shirley, it's weekend Confessions with the Nephew. I'm not here to help you. I just want to hear what you're going through. You don't know what you've got. Somebody on the whole name. Steve got a real situation. Well, let's jump back to it. Steve let us know that he was with the first lady yesterday and he gonna give us the foe by one on how it all went down. Steve. Yeah, go on, all right, Steve talked to me, Man, take me step by step on how it's just happened, and you wind up hitting the first lady? Thankfully? What it is? I'm an usher in the church, and I'm actually new. I'm actually knew. I just moved that from California. Uh huh so I knew that as us and the pastor asked me to take her home because he has some things to do. Uh So you hushed, yes, sir out what home did he ask you to? Steve? Can you hear Steve? Yes? Yeah. When he said take her home, what home did you think he was talking about? I would assume his home. Okay? Is that where we went down there? Steve? At they High Unfortunately, yes, God, he regrets. So he didn't say he regretted nothing. He sounds like it. Nah, I don't regret. Let me painting no pictures. He sounded like it to me. I was hopefully hoping he did you're gonna do it again? Steve? Oh, not of fact, she's yeah, yeah, I just say yeah, yeah, she liked it. Yeah, she's been calling me NonStop. A lot of holland going on in that house when y'all was in. There was a lot of hot a lot of the lord. Yeah. Uh did she say a scripture? And the thing? What? What? How did it? How did it start when y'all got to the house. So basically, um, she asked me to come look at like a light that was out. I got up there and I looked at the man. Her hands was in places they said, and went there, Yeah, was in the bed room. Now what she playing? Here's a kind walker win it all? What was what kind of no? She? Uh? She asked me to look at the light. And I stood on the bed with my shoes off, and her hands and places and because you know that, let that be light. Huh. So let me ask something. What was you standing on the bed in the master bedroom where they sleeping? The problem was got dogs? Steve. Yeah, I'm not here to jail. I just want you to get it off your chest. But I don't want to say this here. Y'all need to quit putting your paths down in other men's house. I am no, it's late for that, But damn the lady needed her light fix. Okay, you're so damn stupid. Sometimes you gotta fix that switch. Sometimes it's the light help. Steve's not here to help us. Knew Usher took your first lady at home. You hear that sermon on Sunday if you would have called him? Okay, So, so Steve was, it's safe to say you're gonna you're gonna meet up with first lady again. Yes, I was about twenty minutes. Man, where's the pastor? Okay? What time did he did he get when one of them saw Simmons together? Coreg Now, Steve, was you Was you gone by the time past it got to the high? Yeah? Long? Yeah? How how long we think you think you was over there? Steve? God was visiting the sick and shut and I'm stay for another man's how's that long? So so you know, you know, not that I have any any uh skills in but let me ask you some Steve. Did you do it in the front room where you can at la look out the wind and see if somebody pulling up? No, alright, alright, neshew, I can't judge you, but you do. Alright, it's too late. Let's let's go to line too and talk to Alicia out of North Carolina. Alicia, Hey, I got, I got, I got, I got thirty seconds, baby, tell me what happened your confession? Okay, over the weekend, I kind of swept with my cursy. Well, we're gonna be crazy. You slept with who? Well they ever did on this one's gonna be hugly. Your first cousin, give it, Dawn, which one it was. You have a baby with your cousin. That news a study done. You may be gonna qualify for some medical free medical. Don't the baby. Don't get free medical because they need to study stuff like this. They had a baby with this and if you want to, but maybe if thirty six wore you knows Aby six, the baby with your boy cousin? Stupid, everybody stupid in this situation. You the Poe baby everything here judging Steve, this is tommy second baby. Go to school? Man? Oh my god, So Alicia, how y'all related? Baby? Okay? So are great? You're gonna be by a school cold. You're great? One, baby, we had great y'all got the same great grandma. Count don't count that. Balance yourself out down the line. He's gonna be farty with a lunch box. We're animals on it, all right, Lauren, we can confession calls when we car. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. All right. Uh, we're back live from Paris, France at the Hilton Paris Opera. Uh. And we're in the middle of nephew Tommy's weekend confession. What's your name? We just met moussou here Paris Hilton. Really nice brother, and here's all what's your name item where you can't say that, so just go with idom. Okay, we just met the really nice people. They're helping us out up here, wonderful Hotel Hilt in Paris Opera. Yeah, they something in here. You will not. We like it here. I love it here. But we're gonna have to have a meeting about that. But please don't encourage him. He's in French, so you got to be ready because what you think you're gonna might not quite be. So what did you order? I didn't order to go ahead of time. I'm sorry, we get confessions. I'm not here to help you. I just want to hear what you're going through. Did we leave somebody on the phone trailer? We um no, we're clear. We have to let's go. All right, let's go to line four and talk to Luke out of Georgia. Luke, what's going on, nephew? What did do? Big dog? Talk to me? Man? What's the confession the morning? Man? I am actively smashing three of my old ladies, actively smashing three of your old ladies. Cousin friends, are cousins, cousin? This is his woman's not yet. No, they're gonna be empty if something come of this, because the last call ain't that's where you draw the line. Something's gonna be wrong with her baby. So so let's let's talk Luke. Do all three of them no, don't nobody know? Well no, they kind of be plotting up on me. So but out of the three cousins, each three of each individually know that you're messing with double yeah. They kind of like it's game to them. Three yeah. Yeah. I went through a family function and one up. You know, she was looking at me the whole time, and I don't be. I don't be. The aggressis I go you know what I'm saying. If you try me, I'm gonna go yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah try you? Are you cute? Little? No? Damnit vik what they looked like? I want to know why she was looking at him? Well, I mean, I am. You know you didn't say that with a lot of he said, handsome ball ahead a shaking in his voice. But Luke, are you are you? Are you married? Are you married to the your old lady? As you say? I am. We've been married for seven years now, seven year Yeah, that's what that is. Okay, okay, you gotta them two years. Wow, that was not necessarily that was pretty mean doing it doesn't mean what we're in here now. So looke. Hello, Hello, you think you're gonna you're gonna run this game? Man? I'm really huh quick? Hello? Can you run this game? I don't know, man, I mean my my wife, she's a department store man, just so she'd be going a lot. And they called they're smart man, They plot up, Well are you working well? Now? I got the day off today. Okay you fenn hit? You've been hit again today? Yeah, I gotta see one of them the day. Yeah, we're gonna go to a song Luke, you're listening morning show. All right, we're in the middle of weekend confessions. Boy, this is a crazy one today. Nephew, cousins, your cousin, your wife's cousin. That's all crazy over here. Baby, wait, excuse me. See what all these cousins are racing trouble. We need to do is make a couple mode. That ain't he said that? Boy, ain't gonna know he's ABC to thirty six. What a lunch box? All right, you're ready, nephew, I'm ready. Let's go text some All all right, call us if you have a confession to the nephew seven school crying about his lunch box because he won't be Batman on it. You got Superman eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, callus. Let's go to line one and talk to Deborah out of Shreveport. Debra, Hey, girl, what's your confession? God? I wanted before I say anything, I want to say, Hi, deceive my God. I love him. I love him every day and you know, and I just want to say that before I say my confess. I might not never get a chance of saying that. I just speak and it and the family and the radio face him. Okay, good, go ahead. Well I've been gett married, but I'm gonna love this dude, and I'm waiting to do get out of jail this year. I loved him, but to do them weird. I've just been with him for twenty two years and he got you know, we loved loves context between me now, but you know I'm a communicating between me and him. But he got speaking up and I came back. You know, he was there for my ten kids. And but but you know, kids, you got two branches thin kid, are you? I don't think the six next month is that their daddy that's locked up. No, I never saw him before or antim on on the online, and but we had we've been talking on the on the phone for like, does he know you had ten kids, two grandkids? He coming out and go into that so that he coming out too. They might have gave it to go. So when he get out of jail, that's what he coming into. Very two grandkids. You never know what got in place that the law. Don't do that. Uh, don't you drag the law today? You ain't prayed about this, not Nowaday, This is not prayer. Since no, not what prayer is hold on de what do you? What do you locked up for? Babe? For piece went willing? I didn't take me, take me? Now? I did it? Yeah? I did it? Yeah, he Robert trying to he and never trying to take care of everybody. When when did you getting out there? I don't want to get up in februare twenty years stab somebody in January? So he don't get out? What so when he went in he didn't have a sale phone. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we're live from Paris, France. This is our last day. We want to thank some great people here at this hotel to Paris, the Hilton Paris Opera House. Sophia van Deme, who's the general Manager's her name? Okay, now if you don't want me to read these names, didn't read them? Your damn saif not? And told you there, I said van del Ok do anything? Do anyone? Y'all know? We know her and she's been very gracious. She's a general manager here, A nice lady. She she came out of New York. I knew her at the London Really nice lady. Jeffrey Chavelo shallow. No, you don't say that right, shallow. So you know all the you know, all the French people in the hotel c H A I L l O U X. Now once you put an X on the name, what you want me to do? You don't see ox, Jeffrey Shallock, you tell me what what is the X fault? It's like what the name Boodrow X on the end? Boodrop and Pauline Bresson. Okay, that's thank you for getting that correct, and everybody else on the staff and the black dude they bought the soup up today Africa mualo. Yeah, that's that right there. So thank all them people, really really nice. Yeah, and thank you to the hotel. It's been great, the Hotel paris Um Opera right here, yeah, district, we were here, Are we here one more day? This is it. You're gonna change, You're gonna change. Get that kind of money. I got to get that. Well, you can change when you can call the class. It ain't that bigger deal. Now. You can't change your ticketsh timy beginning. What do you mean? You know, you know expedition dot com. But you can't bring a bag, you can't have a carry on and you don't get no playing accordingly before you board. Yeah, ain't no chewing on the plane, chewing the fight, nothing, don't ask us for nothing. They have a little leg room, not that he needs it, but do they have it? He needs footroom because you know his feet sticks straight out. Well you know it sticks straight out because you ain't touching the flow chair yet. But thank you, Steve though, thank you for this amazing trip again in Pas. We've had an amazing time, wonderful time. Hashtags boss every I'm glad y'all have been safe since you've been over there. That's what I'm glad about. Yeah, we're always trying to bring something up. It's fine over here. Hell yeah, we have great They have a lot of secure. Get your shot right there, and joge, you ain't nothing going on. Yeah, you know like when I'm just glad you all over that safe. I didn't need you to be dragging all that into it. Well, it's been a lot happening, that's all. Well, there's a lot happening everywhere. It's gonna be a lot happening back here. If you don't get your toe together when you get back enough, little bit man, just got a little role in the movie with Marling and everything. You think if it be on a manute. They even said, anything, you're in a new movie, tell me a little movie, Oh Manning, y'all missed a joke because that no, Marlon is doing a new movie, a new TV show. Yeah, little man, little man, till Tommy gonna be the baby again? Whatever? What do you do? Look like that dude? That what the baby? Don't look like Tommy knew to play a little man with Molly. He looked like when he had that bonnet on, he looked like put him in your mind. Now, come on, come on your ass sick Jake can't even eat his own hot sauce. I don't nobody eat that the hottest one I got. Hell, nobody can't eat it. Why did you make it? Some people that like it, they're like really really hot. And and then your ignor as sent it down to the boys camp I had sitting the real hot one that I had, the real Howard had to get turned back. I said, lawsuit a little garlic pepper sauce. I thought it was cool. Then I saw hot don a mo fu sit this down, hen boys, because you know they boys, they have hot sauce eating context. Uh, that's what kind of makes you sweat and makes your nose run all of that. Yes, I like my food that hot where I can't enjoy taste. Yeah, I don't even mention Tabasco. That's too hot. Basket takes it to a whole another love Frank's, Frank's, Louisiana Crystals, Texas Crystals, Texas, I love Crystals, Bulls, Trappish Browns. That's your hot sauce is good? Where do you get it? Ja? Where can you get it? What's that? Hospital? Said? Hospitals? But out laugh? So where can you get it? Just popped out? I swear to god, I didn't even mean that. Was it a question? Because you're supposed to be doing a question online. You can go to the website. It's there all you can check in it. It's pretty hot. Yeah, they put it on the apple sauce in the hospital. Give it a little kid, I'll say, all right, he JR. What's up up? Take care something? Glad you moved the l A. Don't hardly ever get cold out there. Yeah, I'm feeling good to us. Thank you, Paris, we love you. I would say, be safe coming back but don't not never. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where a Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to The Steve Harvey Morning Show.