We Celebrate The Life of Aretha Franklin Tribute Show

Published Aug 17, 2018, 2:45 PM

Queen. Trailblazer. Icon. National Treasure. Aretha Franklin is the Queen of Soul. 18 Grammy Awards. She has sold over 75 million records worldwide. She paved the way for many of today's greats. So many fans and artists called in to share their fondest memories of Aretha Franklin. On the show today we had Keith Sweat, Rev. Al Sharpton, Marla Gibbs, Maxwell, Tyler Perry, Charlie Wilson, Yolanda Adams, Judge Mathis, Lonnie Love and Anthony Hamilton speak about the legend. In Closing Remarks, Steve points out why she is so special and loved. Today we show you why she is and forever will be "The Queen of Soul."

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Y'all know what time if y'all don't know, y'all back a suit on looking back to back down, giving the mo like amazing buck things in it's cobles me true good to Steve hoy listening to move to other for stolen Bobby, I don't join Yeah, yeah by joining me, honey. Same way do you turn yeah you wall You gotta turns to turn turn to you lovely got to turn out to turn water. Want of y'all come come on your back at it? Uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, come on dig me now one and only Steve Harvey Man got a radio show, borl borl boy. I can't even tell you man um. I've been doing some thinking and you know, just coming off vacation, I was really had some time to sit out and and you know, just recharge myself and and just think about a lot of things and and and really spend some time with my wife and her and I, you know, just recommitted ourselves and and and just went over a lot of things. Just had a lot of long talks. You know. Communication is the key, you know. And I'm a guy and I suffered with that as to do a lot of guys. I think a lot of women, uh say that they have a communication problem with the men. I'm no different. You know, I can write a book all day, but I still I am a man. I'm wired a certain way. It's not making excuses, it's just it's certain things that we have to pay attention to, especially when it comes to women, because of the way we're wired. And we were just sitting out there talking and having some conversations, and one of the things that I wanted to mention today to you as one of the principles of success being grateful at all times. It's difficult to do. Being grateful at all times. It's very difficult to do. I I find that to be true with myself. Now there are others that might be able to do it, but just just from talking and listening and and and and living and learning, being grateful at all times is difficult to do. But it's necessary because us. It's it's it's such an act of faith in knowing that no matter what's going on, it's going to be all right. And it's hard to see that when things are not going in your favor, when things have turned so dramatically the other way, and it seems as though you're the only one in the situation where you're involved with other people, or someone got an accusation against you falsely, or somebody trying to do something to you unjustifiably, whatever the case may be. When it's happening to you, it does appear to you that, oh, my goodness, man, this is horribly one sided. So it is difficult. It's hard to do to be grateful at all times, but it's so necessary and I just I just want to point out a couple of things to you. First of all, the difficulty in being grateful in the hard times is that number one, the present circumstances. Oftentimes it's just so pressing and so overwhelming that a lot of your energy is devoted to trying to come up with the solution for that, or trying to muster the strength to whether the storm, or trying to just brace yourself to try to get through it, and in doing that, you don't It's hard to be grateful. It's hard to be grateful in pain, and I know it is. But but here is the trick for me, this is what I've had to learn how to do, and I I guess it takes practice to get here. It's not nothing you can just start doing right away. You got to practice it in small increments to really get it. What I've always had to say to myself and what I've learned to say to myself is this is happening to me because God is working me through something. This is happening to me because there's some form of tests that I have to pass in order to graduate to the next grade, and that in order to be allowed to move to the next level. This is happening to me because there's something I need to purge my life, of my body, of my spirit, of something's purging in me. And when you purge something, it's it's painful. You know, it's like a person getting off drugs. The withdrawal is agonizing. I've been told and every documentary I've ever watched it it's an agonizing process to go cold turkey, to withdraw, to pull away after you've been doing something so long. And so I know that this process is tough when you're going through some pain, But when you're purging your system, when you when you're when you're having to pass a test, when you're about to make when when you're being made ready for the next level, that moment right in there, in realizing that that's what's happening, that's where you find the gratitude. That's where I found the gratitude. I hope I'm explaining this correctly. I'm gonna keep trying until I get it. But that's where you find the gratitude. The second part of it is is that God has never left me and all the things I've done, in all the mistakes I've made, all the lies I've told, all the situations I've gotten myself into from being greedy and wanting too much for me at the expense sometimes of other people, not doing it deliberately or in a vindictive way, because I've never had that spirit. I'm not a vindictive or mean person, but sometimes in my life, in wanting to do what I wanted to do, I didn't totally weigh out the cause and effect of the other person. I mean, can't just be real with you with that. I mean, how many times we had all done that. Look, don't don't make you a bad person. You know, good people do bad things all the time. I just happened to have come to the realization that unknowingly and and and not and not with malice intent towards a person. I've I've heard people looking at something I wanted to do without really looking at what the cause and effect would be on the other person. So in doing some of these things, I've created situations for myself. But God, through his grace and mercy, has allowed me to even get beyond that. So what I'm saying that God has never left me in spite of myself. He's always gotten me through. So that's the other part of it, to see that no matter what you're going through, you've got to understand that God has always gotten you through it, now, hasn't it. Now that may not be the way you wanted or the way you liked, But guess what, you can't do wrong and not pay for that. Now that that's not how this works, that's never going to be the case. But the great thing about God is he fires warning shots at us all the time. He gives us an opportunity to stop. You know, He don't fully punish us right away every time we do something wrong. Now does it? You know eventually you're going to get caught doing whatever it is you're doing you do understand that, don't you. But the first time, that close call, that was a warning shot for you to stop. Look, I know you're not perfect. I know we all sent us down here, so I know you're gonna make mistakes. One time. I know you was looking at her when you wasn't supposed to. I know you said something to him when you wasn't supposed you. I know you got with her when you know you wasn't supposed to. And I know you got with him when you know you wasn't supposed to. So I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm a fire warning shot, and maybe you'll slow your roll this time. But we keep on, don't see. See See that's what happens. See we just keep on and then the next thing, you know, we get caught. Now, old Lord, have mercy, I won't out of this. Yeah, well see you didn't dug this hole pretty deep, and he gonna get you out. But there's some things that's got to go down now because you didn't pay attention to the warning shot. See, had you stopped the first time, you felt bad about it and said you wasn't gonna do it no more. The situation wouldn't be as critical, but because we don't stop, and we go again. But God always for gils. He always allows us to get back up again. He always gives us mercy. He always gives us his grace. He always does that. I love music. I just take to it like conductor Water. I love music. Ladies and gentlemen, uh, I have your attention. Please. Today we are paying tribute to the Queen, the Queen of Soul, the Great Aretha Franklin. Today we're gonna play her music. Today, we will be celebrating her life, her legacy, what she was, what she meant to so many. Um, this is gonna be a great thing. You know, it's not gonna be a lot of sadness here. You know, this is a celebration of her life or what she was to so many. So today it's gonna be a great show today, Ladies, y'all on board with that? Oh? Absolutely? You know. We love the queen. We loved her, We absolutely loved her, and she deserves the best tribute anyone can give her because she gave us so much with her she did. Today, as mentioned, we're celebrating the Queen, the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin. We'll be back right after this. She is one of the greatest female singers to ever live. She's a legend in her own right. She's been through so much and now I think it's about times she finally gets a new darling. Shandy Darling, You shandy darling, You shandy Hones you do Honey, you do, Hony, you do well? You thro on me jolly? You feel me, baby? You you feel me honest? Honeish you do Moneish and Bircht. Don't clive that youah chip up Sam, I'm don't many. Please take me up? You see me die? You send me? Now? Are you shil me? Hon? If you do honest? You did? You know? You did you do? You do? Not see me? You send me? Sy you seen? Yeah? Yes, sah yeah yeah. Good baby. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. Well today people, our hearts are heavy as we lost the Queen of soul, Aretha Franklin. Miss Franklin, of course, was born in Memphis, Tennessee, back in nineteen forty two. She began singing in church before recording her first gospel album at the age of just fourteen years Yeah. After ten modestly successful albums, She shifted to R and B and became the Queen of soul. Yes. Her six R and B chart toppers included the nineteen sixty seven pop number one hit respect R E s P E c T. Find Out what It means to Me? That's right. She had the top twenty on the pop chart two dozen times. Areta one eighteen count them eighteen grammys over her career, plus two honorary Grammys. She was the first female solo artist that was ever inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. She performed, Yes, She performed at the presidential inaugurations of Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and of course Barack Obama. That yes, that You'll never forget that that had Remember when Ellen wore the hat on her show the following day. That was funny. Yes, Mrs Areta was married and divorced twice. She was survived by four sons. And all morning long, we're going to play Aretha Franklin songs. And boy did she have some hits. Man Steve, and she had some hits. What's your favorite? Uh huh? I ain't because you love them all? Yeah, it was so many. It was no freeway of love. Yeah. I was later in her career, remember daydreaming, daydreaming, you know what? Saw my mom's jump to it? Oh yeah, remember loved what about call Me? I Love You? She had so many hits. I mean she she truly earned her title and wore her title as the Queen. Well her voice don't yeah greatest, I agree, because she could sing anything, any thing, opera, gospel, country, rock, soul, of course, goes on and on. Yeah wow, And she loves she loved you, Steve Harvey. She did. She was such a fan. Yeah read yeah, all right, we're going back right now. Just let's hit it, girl, you know, let me tell him Carlo Carlo's favorite song. Put this song on right here, and Carla Ferrell loses her mind. Rock steady baby, That's exactly what it is. Who sings lyrics like that, genius the Queen. Baby. We're gonna go to the phone, Okay, I'm gonna let you tell us what the Queen of Soul meant to you? All your favorite read the Franklin song memory Anything call us eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve. That's so, let's move your hi stops and take her off while you moving us right Saturday, Let's call this one last. What is my shap come seting fu sha God saith with the people from side side. Just just slip down in your car and take right right, said it right, staid, Let's saw the song that backer was. It's a fucking old and it's after its about to do. It's be rush blush, stay sucking about it for the last life. Ut in out about to suck. All good? All right, y'all, Uh here we go. Hey, who is this Hi? This is calf Um? What are you calling from? Los Angeles? All right, look, we're celebrating the life of the Queen of Soul. We're gonna let you do it on you and y'all tell us, tell us what Queen meant to you? Um. My dad introduced me to the Queen and one of the first albums we listened to I was probably ten years old, and he said, this is what music is supposed to sound like. She makes you feel something. That's how my dad and I bonded was over music. And so he was right. She made me feel lots of things and she was with me through the good in the past. All right, we are celebrating the life, the music, and the legacy of the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to Steve Hardy Morning Show. If you guys are just waking up, our hearts are heavy this morning. Um, we lost the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin. Uh So, all morning long, we're going to do a tribute to her music and her legacy because it will live forever, and it will live here on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We all loved Aretha, all loved her. Her first number one hit on the pop chart back in n was Respect. Today we are paying tribute to the Queen, Queen of soul. What you what you need? Just just just a little bit wrong, Oh my mask, just a little bit blame, just a little bit a hole, just a little death, just a little bit. I'm not to give it, oh my money and get turned hun it to give me my promise. When you gotta tell Lester, just a j just a joint, just a little day, just a little and oh you kissing? Guess what who asked not lot me? Me asked the easy taj just to live. Everyone knows respect. I don't care if you weren't born back then. You weren't born yet everyone knows what respect is and who sang it Junior, Yeah, I'm talking to you. Respect is a song that will become her signature tune uh and over the next six years, she cracked the top twenty two dozen times with songs as diverse as a sultry Chain of Fools and the Churry Chain, Church Baby, Yeah, Come Chain a Fool, or and the Powerful Ballot Natural Woman looking out all the Morning Rain. I used to feel so and inspired, and when I knew I had to face another day God and dame to feel so tired before the day. I'm mad you, I'm for so unkind. You are the key to my piece of man was you make you feel like a nancal woman. When my show was in the Lost and Found, you came along to claim it. I didn't know just what was wrong with me until your kids helped me name it. Now I'm no long adoun fall with what I'm leaving for and he is my making happy. I don't need to do for because you that did you. You may feel like anachal woe one woman, Oh baby, what you've done to me? What you've done to me. You make me feel so good in hide, cut inside and just wanna be walla close to you. You make me feel so loud you like you ain't make me you have been, feel like a man, You roll a woman wom You make me hand like annual a woman? Come on you may yeah, you make me Yes, you make me feel like a knack mamma. You had the background. All right, Hey, listen up, We're gonna go to the phones. Uh, I'm gonna let you tell us what the Queen of Soul meant to you or your favorite read the Franklin song Memory Anything call Us eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve. All right, y'all, Uh, here we go. Hey, who is this? Hi? I just wanted to comments on Aresa Franklin. I have some five Memories of Earth. In six she had a fund raiser for Jesse Jackson and I was working working with the catering company and I was able to go to her house to help serve the food stuff. It was fantasy I started two years ago. She was just amazing person. She asked me some birthday cakes and stuff. It was really nice. I'm really nice I met today, very testy Hill is a lot of more and Jesse Jackson. So that's my five memory of Aretha Franklin. She is the Queen a soul and always will be the Queen of soul. I uh, look, we're celebrating the life of the Queen of soul. We're gonna let you do it on you and y'all tell us, tell us what queen meant to you? Hey, who is this? Send it out my condulecence to the Franklin family. And I love that you guys are doing this tribute miss contribute to her. I grew up listening to Areta as a very young woman in the city at Detroit, and I've always loved Missrea ree and we're truly going to miss her. Tell us what queen meant to you? That's one of the best fingers of all that nobody can imitate her or close to Aretha Franklin. She reminds me, I lost my grandmother. It will be fourteen twelve other married and got to be twelve years um this December, and um she was I right, she was everything to our family. And it just seems like certain people are just not supposed to die Katie Penegrams, Luther's Angel's, Whitney Houston and Aretha Franklin. I was raised on that music. So it's really really sad. Today we're celebrating the music, the life, and the legacy of the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin. We're offering our prayers and our condolences to the entire Franklin family. Steve Harvey Nation, we are all hurting this morning, but we're going to celebrate Aretha Franklin, her life and her legacy. As we mentioned, she was and will always be the Queen of Soul. All Right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, today we have truly, truly, truly lost a great one. Uh. If you're just waking up, we are saddened to say that the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin UM, has passed away. And Steve, can you just tell us. We know that you all had a special bond, So Steve tell us about the time one of the times you met Aretha Um the n A B A. I think it was naturally a b jal Association Black journalists. I think she was performing at one of the events and uh, we were backed. It was sort of funny because Aretha needed when she performed. She liked the adda be off. Oh yeah, and uh it was already a little warm in the in the black journalists was already hot. Riva came in there and said, cut whatever air. They cut that as off brought them siss in the health started reacting and makeup. They was looking good though them sisters were strong. They held it together. Came out there and saying, because this read. As soon as she left, you've seen the black people trying to cut that because there was real respectful wreathing. They let your queen, man, she said. Soon as wreathing got through, saying and saying her tail off too, thought her messument this woman's voice man, And as soon as she got through them people trying to cut that. Man. But she was always kind to me. She always said beautiful stuff to me. I just love you, Steve. You're just doing so much. Oh I watch you on that show Family Few, I'd be sitting up laughing. You know, just remember stuff like that. I like talking about people in positive ways, you know, because you know, I mean look, we're all gonna leave him some sooner, some later. But we're all pulling up out of here. And I just think about my terms and my life in terms of my longevity, man, And you know, I probably I didn't had more time than I got left, that's for sure. I'm not gonna live another sixty years. I'm not gonna be a hundred and twenty. I don't even got to around. I'm gonna do one on phone. Check out. Three more years. I'm gonna gonna punch you out. Kids by the end. Yeah, your grandkids, more grandkids. That's what I'm hoping for. If I could see Winton's grandkids, great grandfather, huh. If I could see Winton's grandkids, you'll be good. I'm gonna push the button. Yeah, Winter is my youngest. So one let's say went to have a kid in ten years and then twenty years later that would be thirty is from now I'll be ninety. I could see his son that I go on in. Okay, I just want to see it, that little boy at Yeah, that's how I'm gonna do it. You gotta worked out. I'm just that's what I'm going to the Lord with. Okay, alright, so um, more stars and more celebrities. Thank you for that, Steve. We're all talking about what Aretha Franklin means to them. We'll talk about it as well. We'll continue talking about it this morning. Sho minnicame. I'm too young to let you know just where I'm from from. Oh, but you will see. It's just a man. My love is shore. I make him man. Get everybody around safe some time I'm not it's wrong side my money. I love the can't with me? Here's loving wasting? Oh yeah, people get stay. I'm giving it here, don't know, give some sort of here. Yes, I am man, intellection of blow so much love, see so much for my tear dream and the only lay in my dream? Why so I wrote the sunny room moments. Do country tell me what it needs? I want to go man ever better around, sleep some time? Nothing wrong? All right? I like the cans of ways is love? Always want you to have a bag my love. I want you. Hello, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey, listen up, welcome back. Today. We are paying tribute to the Queen, the Queen of Soul. We're gonna go to the phone I'm gonna let you tell us what the Queen of Soul meant to you or your favorite h read the Franklin song memory anything call us eight seven seven nine, Steve eight seven seven nine Steve. All right, y'all, Uh, here we go. Hey, who is this? What's up? Steve? Man? This is Uncle Charlie. Say. Man. I woke up yesterday morning to some awful news man that the Queen Retha Franklin, Queen of Soul passed on. Man it is and had me. I was open so discombobulated man all the morning. Man, it's just at all right now. And I'm just gonna miss her a lot, not only just the vocals. You know, she taught us all how to sing, you know. And if she's the best that ever touched the microphone, hands down, female, male, doesn't matter. She's just he's the greatest man. She could do anything with a voice. And I gonna miss her a lot. I'm gonna miss singing at the birthday parties. And I'm gonna miss comparing diamond rings or whether you know you couldn't go around her with a ring that she thought it was bigger than hers. So you know, we used to laugh about that. So if if she knew I was gonna have a ring that was bigger, she would bring it. She would wear I think the ring. So but it was she you couldn't outdo her periods. Just so I was like, I'm gonna miss that, man, just she's just an awesome woman. She asked me to do a record for her, and so the guys that I had working on the record sounded like, um, what was that movie? Uh, Sparkle? It sounded like Sparkle. Because I was just so upset, and I didn't send a record because, you know, searching for a record for for a record for her, just like she had done every kind of sound, every kind of vibe, every kind of flavor that's known to her vocals. It just whatever you came up with it, it's just gonna sound like something she had already had not already done before. And so I just couldn't come up with it. I was, you know, anyway, man, I'm gonna miss her a lot. I'm gonna miss her coming to the shows. You know, she always would pop up every time I'm in Detroit. She would always, uh come to the shows. Man, I love you. Read the Franklin I'm gonna, truly, truly miss you and God bless the family. I love you all. I gotta go, man, I'm too emotional. Detroit and the rest of the country, all morning long, we are saluting the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin, the greatest singer of all time. We'll be back at thirty four after the hour you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well today, people, our hearts are heavy as we lost the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin. Miss Franklin, of course, was born in Memphis, Tennessee, back in nineteen forty two. She began singing in church before recording her first gospel album at the age of just fourteen years Uh yeah. After ten modestly successful albums, she shifted to R and B and became the Queen of Soul. Yes. Her six R and B chart toppers included the nineteen sixty seven pop number one hit respect our sp e c t fin know what it means to me? That's right. She hit the top twenty on the pop chart two dozen times, Areta one eighteen grammys over her career, plus two honorary Grammys. She was the first female solo artist that was ever inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. She performed, Yes, she performed at the presidential inaugurations of Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and of course Barack Obama. That hat, Yes, that You'll never forget that hat. That hat. Remember when Ellen wore the hat on her show the following day. That was funny. Yes, Mr Areta was married and divorced twice. She was survived by four sons. And all morning long, we're going to play Aretha Franklin songs. And boy did she have some hints sweet guy. And I'm away and speaking thing and I'll say, say listen, I do and I said away out and game a little too to be all I'm just missing man, baby get so they just say, day you bitten to the Uh listen up, We're gonna go to the phones. Uh Collins eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve eight seven seven All right cha? Who is this? Hi, Steve? This is Marla gif. I was in Detroit at the same time Areta was, but I didn't really get to know her, which I'm so sorry about. But I did get to meet her later out here in Los Angeles, and of course she's a phenomenal artist and phenomenal person. I mean you immediately know areto the moment you hear her voice. We don't have to make that transition. I'm sorry she made her at this time, but perhaps it was time. And of course she's never gone because her music will live forever with all of us. We will always know a reata when you have that kind of gift and last forever. So thank you for doing a little tribute to A. But I appreciate it, and I love you. Every time I've seen you, You've been so gracious to me. I love you, and one day I'll be on your show talking to you. Honey. Anyway, have a blessed to day and a blessed life. Keep doing what you're doing because you're doing great. Thank you, Bye bye. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Our hearts are heavy this morning. We lost the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin. Uh So, all morning long, we're going to do a tribute to her music and her legacy because it will live forever, and it will live here on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We all loved Aretha, all loved her. We're gonna go to the phones. Good morning, Steve, this is revenew Shops and and I wanted to share with you as we all celebrate the life of Aretha Franklin, that h Aretha Franklin was not only the ultimate UH singa and vocalist of all times, she was a real civil rights activist. She used to tell me about how her father, Reverend Cel Franklin, who was the preeminent preacher of his generation, was the partners with Dr King and Martin Luther King Market in Detroit. And first did that I have a dream speech in Detroit in June nineteen sixty three before going to Washington doing it at the nineteen sixty three March on Washington. And she telled me ramal and sixty seven. Dr King last year, Uh, he couldn't make payroll a lot because a lot of donors had stopped giving money to his organization because he had come out against the war in Vietnam. And I went on the road and did eleven cities with Hart Bellafonte to raise money to cover Dr King's payroll when I was a young artist. And then from there all the way through her career. He was the Mandela Free Mandela movement. Stevie wanted to getting the doctor King holiday. She would always mend a presence. And then when I started becoming known. She knew me when I was a boy preacher. She was about thirteen fourteen years older me, but her father's come freach at the church. So as I grew she said, you know, I know who you are, and I'm gonna help you. And she would she come to my events. She would send us check. I remember one time she uh sent me a check to NASHNAS network and I saw, if you want to say that, I said, you know, miss Franklin, I was so uh taken aback that you send me the check. I framed it. She's a boy even put there in the bank for I moved all the money out that account. She said, you have a copy of the check, framed the copy. I mean she was like that. But legacy was that she never was disconnected from her community. She was never one that lost her authenticity no start and made her too big for her not to stay grounded. You could be the tallest tree in the music forest as long as you were connected to your roots. That besides your height. And I learned that from her she'd liked to cook, and she'd laughed and talked. I would always go to birthday part She was all the way real and regal at the same time. She was real and she was regal, and she appreciated people that never forgot their roots and would take a stand when she had sel Franklin's daughter took a stand and started singing R and B. Some of the trick folks criticized then in the Rhythm and Bruce where they criticized because she'd always put a gospel song in her show. She never uh in any way wavered. She had this internal strength that she would do things because you felt it was right. So we've lost the greatest female vocals of all time, but also a great freedom fighter. And I've lost a dear friend. The world will never have another Reatha Franklin. And I know she stood for what's right. And let me say this, Steve, there's a lot of that in you. Uh here we go, Hey, who is this? Hey, Steves Keith Sweat? Uh My condoles is definitely goes out to the family of Mississia Franklin. She was definitely a pioneer open doors for so many people, I mean musically, and just really was. It was definitely a class that. I mean, I remember readA back in the day with I used to walk down it, you know, being from Harlem, I used to walk down the streets for Harleman look on the power sign and it would say I read the Franklin performance tonight. Huh and uh Ily the line all the way around the corner, you know, seventh Favenue landing that you know, it would go as far back as that. So for me, I know, we've lost someone that you know, it has been a inspiration too, and and and someone who has opened many doors for people like Mary J. Blige to be honestly of the world, and just the list goes on and on and on, and she would be truly truly missed. Uh. She was definitely one who said standards for so many people today in this R and B game and this music game period. And you know that was at the time whether the pop music was R and B music. So I mean, just her legacy expands from generations upon generations, so you know, she would be truly truly mess man. I just remember um one time when I met her, I was working at w g C I in Chicago. Yes, and she she she gave a concert and the radio show radio station hosted the concert, and afterwards we got a chance to go up and meet a Aretha Franklin. Oh my god, you up. You had to walk up these stairs, You had to wait. You talk about waiting in line here at the Gucci store, Steve off the air, You talked about that, but we I didn't care about. I didn't care how long the line was to wait to see Aretha. And when when when it finally came to be my turn, they opened the door. I took a deep breath and there she was sitting there like the queen that she is, And it was really like meeting the Queen. I mean really, I felt I did everything but Curtsey, I did everything. I did everything but that. We're gonna go to the phone. Good morning, Steve. Anthony Hamilton's yeah, man, Aretha was a big injoint on my music, just her delivery and the passion she had. I remember one time I was supposed to had done us a tribute to her, singing her song, and she requested that not only I sing, but that I sing my own music. She wanted me to sing Charlene, you can't let go, and Uh, I was like, wow, here it is for her, but she understands the importance of an artist being an artists and delivering their own songs. So it was really touching to know that she wanted that. And uh, you know, back when I was like really young, about seven and eight, I'm so used to hearing just gospel, and my family was playing this music that felt like gospel. But I heard the lyrics you make me feel like a natural woman, and I was blown away. I was just like, how could it not be gospel if it makes me feel like that? And from then on, I was just really drawn to learn more, to feel more, and they experienced more of that sound and Areta had it consistently. It's a big miss, but Hers, I can see a live on through my kids and the legendary Aretha Franklin will always be around. Coming up. We are celebrating the life, the music, and the legacy of the Queen of soul, Aretha Franklin. Let's go back, Let's go back, and let's go on the way back when but didn't even know you. You couldn't have been too much Montange just tip that you ain't not be tuk in the great, but they don't change too much. Time to see what you're gonna be and not a thing say think about what you're trying to do to be a think think that you're being that to sadly agree with seeing read up, read, read up, reading, think back, interview. What's gonna change? I'm bad if you keep doing things. I don't think about much time do you're listening to the Steve Show today, we're celebrating the music, the life, and the legacy of the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin. We're offering our prayers and our condolences to the entire Franklin family. Steve Harvey Nation. We are all hurting this morning, but we're going to celebrate Aretha Franklin, her life and her legacy. As we mentioned, she was and will always be the Queen of Soul. We're going to play all of your favorite to read the Franklin song she had so many, and we're going to talk to the people this morning, play our favorite interview moments from the Queen. You you deal vision and why I got your parents? Don't know what you're doing? What you must be living? Right? Yeah, we got some places to see. I'm a lady, shut me in. It ain't saying jeker riding out my shame. Ain't see the traffic moving away you slew chop lad go go free love these games back. We are on a real way from love and think. Can't we feel way? Love gets a bag on a free way? No, I think you'll be money every side we've got not some time. We can't quit two we get to us side a h ah, your fails. We keep from one who lose a fine do think of my gay you the tradics mo ween, the show go on. Now our feet we're going running on the feeling love my pink hat and that We're going running on the feel feel love pink. Here we go. So drop the top, baby, screwise on him to it. It's spending over street. Listen up, We're gonna go to the phone. Call us eight seven seven twenty nine Steve A seven seven Who is this? Stay stevens Maslo? How are you? Good morning? It's a tragic loss, one of the eighth wonders of the world, which her voice is um. Former President Obama stated in his message about her, I've been following her for a while. I got to meet her at the Borgata in and eight she came to see me perform. Almost lost my mind. I couldn't believe that in the audience, you know, she was she was like four rows. And I actually said in the audience, I mean, I want to get really X rated, guys, but you know, Miss Franklin's in the audience, and she was like, go ahead, so do what you got to do. She was like going ahead, you know. She her hands were up and she was like, just say say what you want, you know, and we got a chance to talk backstage, we took photos. She was like, baby, your eyes are tired of you, okay, And I mean it's just for me. It was the beginning of a friendship and a connection that I never thought would ever come my way. I mean, I've been listening to her because I was born. I know pretty much every song. So it's three days ago when everyone got news about you know that that she was. She was kind of in a critical state. You know. All I did was player records over and over again, each prayer, for every meal. She was always there and you know, to wake up today. It's crazy because I really I actually have her phone number frames when she gave it to me. You know, she wrote re Re, which was definitely was her nickname, and it's hanging about. The first black and white photo I've ever gotten. I was gifted by my manager and best friend, John D. Was the grandson of John D. Hammond, who signed her to Columbia and also signed Billie Holiday. So that's like the first piece of art I've ever had, photographic that's on a frame. Everything. It's in the studio. And when I got the news, I walked in and up in at that photo. Right next to that photo was her signature and her phone number, you know, and it was like written on a envelope. I'm hard figured it out, you know what I mean, Like this is like precious thing and it's just you know, the last time I saw her was I saw her last performance at Elton John's fiftieth anniversary for his Foundation for HIV, and I watched him play the piano and sing like there would no tomorrow. And who would have known that a few months later that that would be the case. So, I mean, we all would be so lucky to even do one fourth or one twelfth of what she's done for the world through her voice and through her music. And he was grateful that God gave me the opportunity to actually need her and to celebrate her and to tell her just just what an impact she has not only on me, but on everyone that's her song. Thank you for letting me calling today to be part of this tribute to her it and uh you know, of course, you know Steve Harvey and when he's a mass and done to keep the tradition of soul music going and encouragement and self esteeming all people that he always brings. It's just great to get a chance to with him about saying through him, you know, so, thank you guys for having me. And I'm wishing that you know, we keep her alive. We keep her alive through her songs, all the things that she did to make this world so beautiful with her music. We miss you. All right, We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. Many of the Atlantic artists, Ruth Brown and Laverne Baker, the Drifters, the Clover's, Benny King, uh you name it, they want Atlantic and particularly Ruth Brown, some of the artists I think that personified night a certain style of music yesterday and carried it on to its present. Me. All right, Steve, as you know, a lot of stars, celebrities and singers love and of course respect the Queen of Soul. Here's Smoky Robinson telling us about the first time he heard a Wreatha Franklin sing. The first time I heard to read the thing. She was probably about six years old. Her brother, Cecil, was one of my closest friends, and he had taken me to their house for the first time when they moved into the neighborhood. We go in and I hear somebody in the next room playing the piano and singing. And I know it's a kid singing because I can tell by the way the boy sounds. But the kid is singing, singing, And I go in there and its Areatha. She's playing the piano and singing. And the only difference in what she was doing and what she does know is that she was smaller. That's it. Also country music star Faith Hill love the Queen of Soul. A couple of years later, back at the Grammys, just came off of my performance. I'm in my dressing room changing and my tour manager comes in. He goes, hey, come to the door and there's somebody I want you to meet, and she standing there at the door. I started crying. I couldn't stop touching her. It was the weird she was talking to me as if she were my child I was. I was just rubbing her face, and I was rubbing her shoulder, and I was crying, and it was totally out of control. Um. Here's Shaka Khan on Aretha Franklin. Take a listen. If it weren't for Aretha, none of us should be happening, you know what I mean. In a way, she liberated black women to speak their minds. Donnie McClerkin loved the Queen of Soul. He talked about the Aretha Franklin's influence on the church. I feel that soul music, or so artists like Aretha Franklin and Donnie Hathaway to be in particular the reason why there's music sounded the way it is because of that influence. I believe that's really all that I am. It's really all that I know. My adult life kind of is the paint, you know, the finishing touches, But most of the house and the foundation is is church period. Now here's something unlikely legendary group The Beach Boys. Yeah, the Beach Boys, Mike Love. Mike Love, The Beach Boys said Aretha Franklin was the greatest singer of all times. It's one of the greatest of all time. She's like classic and she deserves all the respect she can get. She's got a great set of pipes. There's no question about it. Let me tell you, it's the same music. The Beach Boys knew Aretha Franklin, just like they knew you know, Chicago, any other group, any Beetles. Yeah, they knew Yo lovers friend feeling friend? Fair? So you lovers friend, who are feeling free? Boy? They remade that temptation jam Well, Steve, Yeah, that was great. Say looking for you? Oh my, I wake up, amaka make up selling pred for you. I'm comb in my hand now in one bit. One has to win when I say a little pred for you, whatever whatever you say in my heart, and I will love you forever and I never whichever one or how I'm coming to go again. Sent the spend to l where I just would on let me I breakball, b I'm for the bust. What why? Alright? It up? Thinking if you ever got just stick time and from my call me bread time break just say bread for you, however I ever be the same my heart and I will love you forever. I never we have re bot or how I love him? Took out and look out again that how it was fair to live when I you would only mean heart break for me. Believe whatever I bade this day my heart and I will love it forever. Never would never born or hour I love it. Took outa get to gotta get us how it was fed to live where I just would only mean heart break for me, my daughter, Believe me me me, there is no please love me you I'm in love with. It's my friend. It's my friend. Of thing, that's my friend. Say you love me too, AND's my friend. That's my prod. That's my friend. Whoever saying I will love him forever and whatever wept or how I love it together together get my power my spad to live when I wouldn't let me, I'd break for me. By me, I'm gonna believe me, believe me for me there is now. This is my friend. It's my friend. That's all goods. That's my band. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Today, we're celebrating the music, the life, and the legacy of the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin. We're offering our prayers and our condolences to the entire Franklin family. Steve Harvey Nation, we are all hurting this morning, but we're going to celebrate Aretha Franklin, her life and her legacy. As we mentioned, she was and will always be the Queen of Soul. We're going to play all of your favorite to reread the Franklin song she had so many, and we're going to talk to the people this morning place in our favorite interview moments from the don't trouble the water. I won't git along? Why don't you? Why don't you let it be steal water? Runde yes, And I know that, Oh yeah, if you want any when your water, when you're street, when he even f s confort a b and war, We'll been done. Is d love you love does all travel water to a wall? Water? I will leave me sill soon say love. Your time is cone to shine all to your room. Low see very look right up a love trouble water. We have let now a breve trow over water. A la chan cha cha ch cha cha cha cha change ain't cha cha't sa chain't cha chaboo? Bye bye you. I thought you are the lame by. I'll have to link in the chain. Getty, where you wold me? I ain't nothing but your food cat treating with me, treating me frugl chach ain't cha cha cha cha boo. Yeah, I's got to leave to my being chap the stream. You're to me eating my father saying come on, my doctor said, take it eat how much even much too strong? I'm at it too. You'll change change change changing chan chan changing, change change it chanchange chan, change your shame? What what time the ta? Today we are paying tribute to the Queen of soul. Tell us what the Queen of Soul meant to you or your favorite read the Franklin song memory anything call us? Eight seven nine Steve, uh, here we go? Hey? Who is this? Hey? Brother? Steve A Landa Yilanda Adams. I know you know who I am, and I am overwhelmed number one. Um. I've been trying to find the words to describe how I feel right now, knowing that we won't have the beautiful Miss Areta Franklin with us, uh any longer. To me, she was a great mentor. She taught me so many things about the business, what to do, what not to do, and she was one of the most giving women I know. You know, she always would send flowers just on g P. You know, I told somebody that already. You know, you get home from a trip or whatever, and you see these beautiful flowers, and you know it has to be from one of two people, Tyler Perry or read the Franklin. And you know, she was just to me, she's just the epitome of a queen. And that is why she's called the Queen of soul. And I know you have a whole lot more people to talk to, but she embodied to me the excellence of combining all music genres. She could sing gospel, she could sing R and B, she could sing pop, she can sing opera, country and western, you name it, she could do it. And so we're really gonna miss her. I loved her so much, still love her. We've been praying for the family, been in touch with the family, and uh it's pretty hard on them right now, So keep them in your prayers. Okay. I love you all so much you're listening. You couldn Steve Harvey Morning Show shop shoot shot mint same. I'm too young to let you know just where I'm come from. Oh but you will see. There's just a man. My love is shot when I make him made everybody around safe some time I'm not. It's wrong side my blame money. I like the count away we have app Here's what I've wi sen Yeah, people get up to stand. I'm giving it here. Let him know he so Sun, Hi, Yes, I am there intruction below so much love us sit so much for a tear dream? Are they all day in my dream? Why? So? I wrote the Sun's Buddy roll and things do? Country can tell me what I do? I want to go back. Everybody around sleep so nothing. Ang's all right. I like the counts of ways we have. Our phone is loving always my own and long love. Keep understand stop. I should want you to have a bab love my love. I want you to love alone. Yeah, yeah, I love. I gave you. What's you really need something? Yeah? You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well today people, our hearts are heavy as we lost the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin, Miss Franklin, of course, was born in Memphis, Tennessee, back in two She began singing in church before recording her first gospel album at the age of just fourteen years Uh yeah. After ten modestly successful albums, she shifted to R and B and became the Queen of soul. Yes. Her six R and B chart toppers included the nineteen sixty seven pop number one hit respect r E s P e c T. Find Out what it means to Me That's right. She had the top twenty on the pop chart two dozen times, a reata one eighteen countum eighteen Grammys over her career, plus two honorary Grammys. She was the first female solo artist that was ever inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. She performed Yes. She performed at the presidential inaugurations of Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and of course Barack Obama. That yes, that You'll never forget that that hat. Remember when Ellen wore the hat on her show the following day. That was funny. Yah h. Mr Aretha was married and divorced twice. She was survived by four sons and all morning long, We're going to play Aretha Franklin songs, and boy did she have some hits, man, Steve, and she had some hits. What's your favorite? Huh? I ain't because you love them all? Yeah, it was so many, it was no freeway of love. Yeah. I was later in her career for daydreaming, daydreaming you know what? Saw my mom's jump to it? Oh yeah, remember that? I loved what about call Me? I Love you? She had so many hits, I mean she she truly earned her title and wore her title as the Queen Well her voice don't Yeah, greatest singer of all I agree for because you can sing anything anything, opera, gospel, country, rock, soul, of course, goes on and on. Yeah. Wow, and she loves she loved you, Steve Harvey, she did. She was such a fan. Yeah read yeah, all right, we're gonna right now. Just let's hit it girl, you know, let me tell him Carlo Carlo's favorite song. Put this song on right here, and Carla Ferrell loses her mind. Rock steady baby, that's called this exactly what it is? Who sings lyrics like that? Genius? The Queen Baby Roster every yes, best, thank you? Who bad? Just what I'm feel that's not songs I can't want. Let's move your hips to the from sad side. Let's just car and take her off while you're moving rusted right Saturday, Let's call this song and sad one from left right? What is I might be? Sha come setting rush, I'm setting with the people from side side st Just slip down in your car and take right right, said it right, steady, Let's star the song that fater on. It's a fucking hold I feelings. It's just about to its full. I started da Rudy blue Ena, sucking about for left life? What it is about? Sucking about? Scaring thing frost? All right, y'all, Uh, here we go. Hey, who is this Hi? This is calf Um. What are you calling from? Los Angeles? All right, look, we're celebrating the life of the Queen of Soul. We're gonna let you do it on you and y'all tell us, tell us what Queen meant to you? Um. My dad introduced me to The Queen and one of the first albums we listened to I was probably ten years old, and he said, this is what music is supposed to sound like. She makes you feel something. That's how my dad and I bonded was over music, and so he was right. She made me feel lots of things, and she was with me through the good in the past. We are celebrating the life, the music, and the legacy of the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Today we are paying tribute to the Queen, the Queen of Soul. All right, Steve, As you know, a lot of stars, celebrities and singers love and of course respect the Queen of Soul. We're gonna go to the phone. I'm gonna let you tell us what the Queen of Soul meant to you. All your favorite read the Franklin song Memory Anything Callinus eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve eight seven seven twenty nine. All right, y'all, Uh, here we go. Hey, who is this? Hey? Steve Tyler Perry here man. I wish I was calling on a better occasion, but you know, just celebrating Areta. I gotta tell you, I was at one of the last performances that she did at the Kennedy Center Islands. I was there honoring Rich Franklin. I was sitting up in the balcony with Barack Obama and Michelle, and he turned to me and he after she finishing in Natural Woman and bringing the house down, he turns to me and said, that's why she's the Queen of soul. And I never forgot that and the reason she's the Queen of souls because not only she had this incredible voice, but she knows that she knew how to use it. She knew how to use it to make us feel good, to have us make abies, to take us to church. I mean, she sung us through assassinations and celebration. So Areta is gonna be miss man. And I posted this thing yesterday. Uh, the Prince, the Princess, the King, and the Queen, Prince, Whitney, Michael, and Areta all gone. So I don't know where music is headed now, man, but but I'm glad they left us with such incredible uh direction, and then such an incredible blueprint on what and how to do. And I'm just hoping that more thingers take a listen to these legends and bring us that kind of music, because that's what we missed. So God bless her and her family. I want to thank her for being a close friend to me, and just every time she saw me. She loved talking. We love talking. She loved talking about the halves and have not sense how much she loved as she loved madea and just I mean it was just really really great. And I got chance to talk to her, you know, when I found out she was ill, and they had her in good spirits, laughing and so on and so forth. So my prayers are with her. God bless you, God, bless you. See from what you're doing, what you want, what you need to do. You know what I got it too, all my basket spoil and hespect we can just a little bit day, baby, just letting that whole just a little bit its up, just a little bit. I ain't gonna do your phone, Why are you gonna? I ain't gonna do wrong, oh my mask. Just a little bit, baby, just a little bit at hoole, just a little bit, just a little bit to get it, oh my getting turned hun it to give me my promise when you get Lester, just jester, just a joint, just a little dad, just let you kissing. And guess what who so gives my pa wants up to give me some where damn baby, when the tom it just get along. Just when he asked me easy tree, but my body meats from me. He has me easy, Trea, drink of j c jy site story. All right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey, listen up, welcome back. Today. We are paying tribute to the Queen, the Queen of Soul. We're gonna go to the phones. Uh, I'm gonna let you tell us what the Queen of Soul meant to you. All your favorite read the Franklin song Memory Anything call Us eight seven seven twenty nine Steve eight seven seven twenty ninety. All right, y'all, Uh, here we go. Hey, who is this? Yes, this is Greg Matthis the judge, And yeah, I'm saddened to hear the loss of my friend Aretha Franklin. I was just in communication with her a couple of weeks ago, and her spirits were up so much so that she wanted to vacation. And I knew that, you know, she could not do so. And she said, let's go on another trip, Greg, And I said sure, Sis three And of course now we know of her demise, but one of the things that many people did not know about is that she played a significant role and continues to in changing America. Um her father raised her in the civil rights movement. In fact, C. L. Franklin a towering figure in the civil rights movement. In fact, she traveled with Dr King Um or Luther King in concerts that benefited the f e l C and the civil rights movement. Indeed, they did a tour of eleven cities to raise money. And also I was praised to work with her in Detroit and the city we're both from. We've worked in the community there together for some twenty years or more. And she was a great woman, more than just the greatest vocalist of all times, which she was, but she was also dedicated to her community and help change the world with her efforts and civil rights and social justice. And one of the other things that I think people should know is that she was very cultivated and very intelligent and aware of all current affairs. We sit and talk about the political affairs of the day, we would disagree on many of them, uh, And I found it very impressive that she kept up on many of the issues, very few entertainers might be informed on or might seek to involve themselves. As you know, she introduced one of the greatest or She brought to us one of the greatest performances of any White House inauguration. And we've been blessed and will continue to be blessed for years and with that performance and with the symbolism that goes along with that. And she was just a great woman to a vocalists of all times and a great humanitarian who helped change America, Detroit and the rest of the country. All morning long, we are saluting the Queen of soul, Aretha Franklin. A Steve and everybody, This is a Lonnie Love. Y'all know I'm from Detroit, and you know Aretha Franklin. She was our queen. I know she was everybody's queen, but when it came to the city of Detroit, Aretha was Detroit. Um. I can remember my mom's and everybody listening to her. She's always active in the church and her dad's church. We would go to her dad's church, we would hear her singing and she was just the joy. Um. Even though she's gone, we still have her music, especially her gospel music. And that's the influence that I will always have. That's the vision of her that I will always have. And I just want to say I love you, Aretha, Thank you so much for representing Detroit. He made us proud. Thanks guys. All right, coming up our last break of the day, we're going to close out the show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey. Well, Steve, we've called upon the world and the Steve Harvey Nations. And now we have a special guest. She is Detroit and Philly Radio legend, Miss Frankie Darcel. Good morning, Steve, Carla Shirley, Tommy, Good morning Jr. Um Like Steve, Wow, we were just talking about Aretha the other day and and you know, I found it interesting across my mind when you said the other day that God's will will be done. What a legacy we're all gonna make our transition, Steve. You know, we've got a birthdate and a death date and in that middle there there's that dash. What a life to rehash of Aretha Franklin. You know, she could have lived anywhere on the globe, and she chose to continue to live here in the city of Detroit. And of course our hearts are heavy. We pray for her family. Um. And nothing like losing a parent and to lose you know, your mom. So we pray for her children, uh and her family and extended family. She is the queen of soul. But Steve, you know I would share with you as well that not only was she the Queen of soul, but the work that her father C. L. Franklin did on behalf of not only the citizens of the City of truth, Detroit, but around the world and working with Dr King and others, she too was a part of that civil rights movement. Now that we think about her life to rehash, we think about who a Aretha Franklin really was not only the queen of soul. And I said the other day, Um, she's the Queen of soul to the world, but she's also family um uh to us. You know, she will be missed, but she hasn't left just a huge example of what our young artists should be, how they could tap into her greatness um, and of course her her her legacy that she leaves uh here in the city of Detroit. And you know what, Steve, thank you as well. Everybody's talking about her passing, but just the way that you're doing, um what you're doing and celebrating her life, her loves and her legacy. So you know, on behalf of the city. You know, we just thank you for telling the world what they already knew, but reminding them this morning. Tell y'all something about Aretha Franklin. Man, you know, this is a farewell. Missy Elliott says something really smart she was after she sent her prayers up. She said, refer back to my text, and Miss Elliot had text that we've got to take time out to honor these legends while they live in So to the Queen of Soul who was such a fan of mine and our fan of hers. And you know we've talked many times. And in case you're young and millennial, I don't care, I don't care who you are. You should know who Aretha franklisis. So just let me help you understand treasure, see a national treasure. She is the Queen of Soul, just like James Brown was the Godfather of Soul. Mr Queen of Soul. But do you understand that if it was no Aretha Franklin, there would be no Mary J. Blincke, that there would be no Anita Baker, that there would be no Quitney. Do you know that there would be no error Kaba dude. There would be no Jail Scott. That would be no Vivian Green. That would be no Beyonce, that would be no Layla half Away. There would be no Yolanda Adams. That would not be no Kim Barell. That would be no Shaka Khan. I can go down the list. There would be no emotions. I'm telling you, and all these girls I'm naming to you can't sane. And you know where they got it from from the Queen of soul. Her daddy was all that up in Detroit. You now listen to me. There are other icons in this world still living. Patti LaBelle, still Hill, Gladys Night, still Hill. But do you understand, Dana Ross. Let let me let me, let me just get you to understand what we're really talking about. We're just talking about sheer greatness at the rawest level. Take all the technology out, and all these people I just named, you can still flat out saying now if your name is on this list, I just forgot. There are some names I probably forgotten. You know, some some great female vocals out there, Shot Days and and dog Oh Lord have mercies, you know, Faith Evans. You know it's some girls out here that I left off the list. And it wasn't to show you in disrespect at all. I'm just telling you Fantasia can give her career to reform. But I'll tell you what Fantasier tell you that because they got it. See Eric got it, they got it. Janet Jackson would not exist without Aretha Franklin. I just saw Beyonce live, and Beyonce right now the greatest living female artists in terms of showmanship and singing the whole package. I've never seen a more talented person than Beyonce. Now, now, when you started talking about singing, hold up, now, we got to get on over here, started talking about Aretha frank You gotta get over here. You gotta start talking about what need to Baker. You gotta get over here and talk about later half away and that girl was saying, man, but you got to talk all gladdess and Patty and and and and the diva of all divas, din I got what Missy said, and Missy right, So I just want her family if they're listening up in Detroit. When it come to flat out flat out singing what y'all y'all don't even know. I don't even know. If you understand Skip the technology didn't have You can't reproduce the sound like you know. But they had a simple snare drum, they had real horn section violins. But her voice though, Lord, Lord have mercy, you don't know, asked the emotion. They'll tell you. The emotions are telling. Breatha Frankly, it's one of the greatest artists to have ever lived. Her career spanned over six decades than get out of here. Sixty years. She had made more hits than most of these people on this list and produce soul. I'm just turning you flat out now and to sustain for the length of time. And we're still because nobody all get the title Queen of soul. Nobody nobody ever as us right, and we have to thank our parents too, because they're the ones that made us know who Aretha Franklin was. Yes, Yes, Yes, respect frank for all. Steve Every contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.