Wanna Be On, Unheard Messages, Kelly Rowland, Under The Bus and more.

Published Mar 22, 2022, 1:00 PM

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all have a suit giving them like the million bucks things in the stubs. Good listen to mother for stay. I don't join by joining me. You gotta turn, hur you go. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn. You haven't got to turn them out to turn the water to the water. Go. Come, come on your thing. Uh huh, I shore will a good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice? Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man o man o man? How good is God to me? And part of the mission and the reason that I have a radio show is to become a share of more and more of a share of you know. I used to hear my mother say it to me all the time. But God blesses you to become a blessing. And I think the more you understand that about yourself, I think the more blessings will flow your way. I think that once you understand the principle that you know. But it's kind of tied together with some other scriptures, and I'm not too knowledgeable about them, of course, as usual, but I do know what I've heard you know, and you know if you look at something simple as do unto others as you would have them do unto you, wouldn't you want somebody to help you you needed help. I just know how to get it down there to where I've been able to understand it. If there's a scripture similar that it says do unto others as you would have them do unto you, or if that's you know, in a prayer, would not you want somebody to help you if you needed help? You've heard you reap what you sow. Do you understand that if you so discord, that discord is gonna come your way. That if you hate, hate gonna come your way. If you blog nothing but negative comments about people, your life will be filled with negativity. If all you do is talk about people, then guess what somebody got to turn that gun around and talk about you. See, it just stands to reasons. So what I've learned in my life and through all the trials and tribulations that I've had, is to take those lessons and share them with people in case you ain't heard it from somebody else. See sometimes and the reason it seems like I'm redundant at times, is what I am is because I'm always trying to find a different way to say the same thing. Because it's a funny thing. Man, you got to hear it a certain way for it to click with you. How many times have I heard a saying and then I heard it a different way that it clicked with me? You know, I've heard of this saying right here, Remember this now, everybody's not happy for you. We've all heard that, right, everybody's not happy for you. Well, that's very simple that I don't need no explanation. That simply means of all the people you know or do not know, when something happens to you and you celebrate, everybody's not going to join in on the celebration. That's all that is. But then you take it one step further. My father used to say something to me all the time. He says, son, everybody come with you, can't go with you. I didn't get that when I was fifteen. Everybody come with you can't go with you. He said, you're gonna lose some of these friends you got along the way. But I don't care where you get in life. No, this right here, everybody can't go with you. If you are constantly trying to improve yourself, you constantly have to take assessment of the people around you. Because if you are going to continue to go and continue to grow, then guess what you got to have people that's on the goal and willing to grow, or else, guess what you're gonna learn the valuable lesson. You know, the late boxing promoter Butch Lewis. I was talking with Butch Lewis one time, and man with a good brother man, he say, every successful man is doing what I call he got rope work to do. He got rope work to do. He got to put in work on rope. And I'm sitting there listening to Butch Lewis and all the money he had made and all the people's lives he had changed, and all of the moves he was made, and his incredible skills as a negotiator on behalf of some very very wealthy people. He was just an amazing man with no education. But he read everything. He Butch Lewis read all that, all the papers, all the periodicals. That brother knew everything. He said, you got to put in rope. And I was sitting there listening. He said here's the analogy, little brother. He said, you are on rope. There's a thick rope. You have on no shirt, you have on some tattered clothes. You have on no shoes. Your shorts is cut off just below the knee, and they tattered, and you got dirt on you and you're sweating. There's this huge, huge raw rope over your shoulder that's burn marks on all of your shoulder. Connected to that rope is a wagon. That wagon has all your weight on it, all your responsibilities, all the people you're responsible for, all your children, your wife, your family members, your employees, your coworkers, your friends. They all on that wagon. Man, they're just sitting there. He's saying, what you gotta do is you gotta pull that wagon up the heel. Now, only thing with it is, can't nobody help you pull your wagon? You pull your wagon alone. He saying, Now, what you can do along the way of pulling your wagon, as you can find yourself a good wife, a good woman. He's saying that what that woman does is she get down off the wagon. She fan you while you pull it. She put water on you while you pull it. She puts stuff in your mouth while you pull it. She kicked rocks out the way while you pull it. But she but she pull it for you. But she is equally as important as you are on the pull of the rope. He said, you hear me clearly now, young soldier. He said, NA get this hell, he says, people on your wagon that you're responsible for. But you want the people on your wagon to help you get your wagon to the top. So what you hope is that they got their foot hanging over the side pushing, They got one leg over the back, or maybe both legs over the back pushing. They got they might have their butt on the wagon, but they push you with both legs. They're back facing your back, maybe some of them facing you when one of them got left leg hanging over trying to push. And you hope that all the people on the wagon you pullings back there at least trying to help the wagon get to the top of the hill. Here goes your problem. Though everybody ain't pushing, everybody ain't pull it, ain't bar everybody ain't pulling, Everybody ain't kicking rocks out the way. You got some people on your wagon that's just laying on the wagon drinking lemonade, looking at you, talking about how long it's taking you to get your wagon up to the top, looking at you, telling my whitest wagon, so slow. Then when you start picking up picking up speed, they want you to pull harder, you to pull faster, you to pull mole. Then they want you to throw what you then earned on the way up the hill backed on the wagon so they can have mo. But guess what, they ain't helping you get more, but they got a sense of entitlement that since you got mold, they should have more. Everybody come with you can't go with you. Sometimes you gotta kick the people off the wagon that ain't pushing and pull it and say, hey man, I'm sorry. I thought I could do this with you, and I thought you was going with me. But it's clear to me you ain't nothing but dead weight. And it ain't my responsibility to carry dead weight anymore. I have carried you as long as I have to carry you. You are no longer my responsibility. I'm responsible for my family, my wife, my children. I'm not responsible for you. You got to get off my wagon because I'm a man on rope. I'm on a mission, baby, I'm pulling you're listening Morning show, ladies and gentlemen to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Us alive and well live h just alive and well you know, it's just trying to come out. Thank you, Thank you Lord, Thank you Lord for today. Thank you my life, love and liberty. Come on, thank you for kindness, great and mercy. Thank you for readjuve name my speed. Thank you'll ladies and gentlemen. Surely Strawberry, thank you call him five real. Thank you mona hey, yia faces e k the legend. Can't all pew take your side and excuse me for it? Door fled myself. Come on me the junior. Yeah, let me let me ask just up. Man. You know, we was at the barbershop talking man Mama boy talking about one of the worst dates he had met this chicken he went out with him, but her mama came and ate thirty. So I was just asking, up, what's one of the worst dates you've ever been on? And you knew I'm gonna be the last time you saw her. Well, that time that I finally got that creole girl to date me in college, Oh love. She was fun and I'd never had creole food before she went to a creole restaurant off campus and had all that spicy ass food, and she liked spicy food, so I just went with him. But it was cutting me, cut me up pretty bad. I felt like a box cutter was going across my stomach. And I went into her house and I had to go to bathroom. I was trying to make it back to the dorm, and she said, come on in, my mama, need him. Ain't in time. Oh yeah, I couldn't pass it up, but I knew I should have went home. Became my mama taught me, whenever you got to go to bath food and sit on that toilet, you come home. You don't need to let this go at nobody's house. And I went right an. I didn't have no matches, couldn't keep this, couldn't keep that soft for smell in the air, and Lord him, when I got through sitting there, I had put most stuff in the bold and I had ever done in mind tire like wow, when I flushed it, Yeah, it was not enough water in that boat. Okay, seriously, that's just the beginning of the worst date. I could tell you the whole story, but we ain't got Thank God, Thank god, I never got better and broke up. All right, thank you, Junior and Steve coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, we're gonna start to show off with the nephew and run that prank back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, it is time to start our morning off with the nephew and run that prank back. Nephew, What kind of foolishness do you have for us today? This ride is called give me my arm back of me that dog? If you would Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Philip. Yeah, that's this is Philip. Hey, how you doing? Who is this are you? Philip? Up? Is that who you are? Yes? This is Philip? Okay, there is there is There is your son, dude, dude, you know what there is? Okay, Calm down, Yes, okay, there is my son. Calm down. First of all, is your son? Is he there at the house right now? Okay? That okay, that's not the issue. What the issue is? What what do you what do you need? Sir? My name is Burns okay, and I lived two streets old from y'all. Do your son play with a boy? Named Timm timmis. Yes, they grew up together. They play ball together. That that's where they are now. They playing ball right now? What they playing balling right now? Sting up down there at the park. The play ball and don't they always as the part. That's what I need to know. I need to know where they are. Let me tell you something. Hold on saying hold on, I'm saying what you need to know where they are for and what you're gonna do. What is the problem my dead boys there is and Pim come they they were walking up my street today and came over here. I have a prosthetic arm. My right arm is prosthetic, and they know the hold hold hold on saying you say you got a prosthetic arm, Yes, I do. My right arm is a prosthetic arm. And then boys came over what they got to do with my son, Joe Boy and that boy Pim came over here and pulled my arm off of me and ran down the street with it. The old saying hold on, I'm saying old, I'm saying, you try to tell me that that that you lost your arm to my son and his friend and they ran off with your arm. They played basketball is that what you're telling me? So I'm telling you I don't know what. I didn't know nothing about no basketball. They didn't came and took my prosthetic arm off of me. I'm I'm saying. Hold I'm saying, you tell you something that doesn't sound like what something my son would do. Okay, exactly what they do, what they gonna on it all times, and that's not something that they would do. I'm sick complayer talking about what they kid we will do it, won't do. You don't know what they do when they with y'all. I'm glad you told me that, say at the part, because I'm gonna go right over here to this fark now and when I found him, I'm a woman, can't get money back. Okay, hold on, hold on, hold on saying hold on, just hold everything, Okay, hold on saging now because you don't say that you won't go do something that I know you don't really mean. All right, say what I mean exactly what I'm saying. They got my all. How you thinking feels that somebody trying to take your arm? Sir? Okay, look, let's try to keep disrespectful, all right. All Right, you say they got your arm, right, how about this, you're going to go get my boys? Okay? First of all, I will meet you at the park, all right, I will meet you at the park, and we're gonna talk to talk about the situation like like, gentlemen, okayin't know, ain't don't need for me to go down there and start messing with youngsters. Okay, all right, that's what we're gonna do. Y're still good. They got my all. Third, with all due respect, okay, you're talking about my son, and I know what he is capable of doing and what he's not gonna do, and he don't disrespect older people like that, especially with somebody with it with an impairment of disablement or whatever you got. I'm sorry about your heart. I'm I'm on the hill. I'm I'm trying. I'm an if you, of course, do you not think taking somebody all is disrespectful? That's disrespectful to take off the old man's all and run down the street with sir disrespectful? But what what is not? What is not disrespectful? Also, is you telling me you're gonna go up there and what my son and that's not gonna happen. Okay, that's what I'm gonna do. I'm hung up as soon as I get over his head off. Okay, all second, sir, he's gonna do what to my son? I'm a son up as soon as I get to this part and the ain't pitment that's with it because they took my home and they know they did. I'm gonna okay, let let me tell you something. You don't call me up, disrespecting me and threatening my son. Do you know what you're talking to I'll tell you what you do. Say you what you comp to that part and just breathe on my son wrong? Okay, say his name wrong? Okay, say it, and then I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna take your other arm and I'm gonna beat you here. Let me tell you something. Let me tell you something I don't think. Don't think, okay't who who who wing on because I'm there, I whoop. You ain't your son because going on, I promise you that. Okay, come on, family, you ain't gonna know what to do with your life because you can't find your arm. You ain't got no sense, and you over here with the wrong people's family all right. You don't know. You don't know what happened in my a. You don't know I lost my arm. Don't know what happened? You quiet? You know you know I know what happened to my arm? Why is you quiet? We ask you something, mister sencident? What the problem? You know? You know what? You don't know how I lost the arm. You don't know how I lost it. I don't know how you've lost your arm. I really I don't give my just I don't know who got your arm? My son and got your arm? No, you're so you do he don't. He don't have my arm. Tommy Tommy got my arm? Who got your arm? Tell me got it? Tommy Tommy got it? Tell me the one got to arm? Joe who Tommy Man? Tommy Man nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Man, your son Dary is fifteen year old? Got me the frank phone? Call you? Oh yo, man, yo yo. He called you and told you that don't he gonna punish me? I knew he wasn't gonna do. No, you don't punishment double time. I'm not? Oh man, you are y'all something else? Oh man? A man? I gotta ask you, man, what's the what's the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the lands, the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You already know that. All you gotta do start talking about somebody's child or what you're gonna do today child, and trust you, that's all you need. Right are you crying? Crying before? You ain't crying? All right? Thank you? If you coming up next, it is asked the Cello Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey in the building. Right after this, you're listening Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour and trending headlines CNNs will former CNNs Chris Cuomo threw his friend Don Lemon under the bus and he is playing no Games and other entertainment news another cancelation of a daytime talk show. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now it is time to ask our Chief Love Officer, the Cello, Steve Harvey, ready for your love questions. Kennedy and Raleigh says, I'm twenty seven years old and both of my parents are cheaters. I'm friends with my dad's girlfriend because we used to work together and she's only five years older than me. My mother found out that I'm friendly with her, and she stopped talking to me. I'm stuck in the middle. How do I make things right with my mom? Well, you was friends with your dad is girlfriend. Now you say both your parents is cheating? Who your mama cheating her boyfriend? See what you need to do is introduced your daddy girlfriend to your mama boyfriend, and so we all be friends. Why can't we be friends? Yeah? I like that, but you know you can't. You can't. Oh, Okay, she started seeing her daddy and she found out about it. She said, well, she's still my girl sleeping with my daddy, but my mama tricking too though, She said, both my parents just cheatas so if we're worried about it, yeah, yeah, that's a mess. All she could do this or she could become friendly with her mother's boyfriend. And now you friend your friends with both the girlfriend and the boyfriend. You gotta take a lot of pressure. Yeah, and then both parents will just be mad at her. Then all she got do and say, well, you want me to tell another one? Oh? She blackmail her parents at Yeah? All right, moving on to put the old ass on Facebook, oh you know, m all right. Moving on to Cassandra and Dennison, she says, my husband and I have five children, and it's hard for us to have quality time together. Now he sees quality times. He sees quality time as sex and then cuddling. I want to go on a date and get all dressed up. He told me to go out with my girlfriends, but it's not the same. Should I be grateful for the sex and stop nagging him? No, you have every right to want to go out with your husband. Yeah, you know he should, He should onto that. You know, five kids. I want to get out the house. Yeah, get away from that dope. Nerves, bad nerves. You know, you got live, you have five kids? You got what is you not? What? You knock again? Knock again? Yeah? Yeah, this is a lot too lesson you have. Yeah yeah, all right. So yeah, you're saying she has every right to want to go on on the day. Absolutely absolutely, and she's not knacking him, all right, and then we'll have sex when we get back. He just got yea and cutlets let's do it before we go out. I can relax a lot better, all right, Mary Lee and Edgewater says, I've been married for five years, and lately I've noticed that my husband doesn't shower daily. He has been doing a lot of washing up. It's a blessing that I don't smell him, but I am curious as to why he doesn't want to have running water on his body daily. Should I confront him or mind my business? Ena just reverted back to his boyhood days. It's just two damn time consuming you know, going here and get this bird, baffy. You don't out of here, But I'm gonna tell you right now, you gotta get in that damn water. Dog. Water finds this way into places that you forget. Water goes into crevices, cracks, and I don't know if you like you real buffed in shape or not, but either way increases. Yeah, everybody got one crease. Yeah, everybody got one crease for damn show. You got to wash that care to be more specific? Please? Yeah? Well you ever you ever been laying down naked and you know how you lay on your stomach and you pull your knee up by your chest to watch TV but you ain't washed? WHOA I bet you get your ass im getting that shower. E if you absolutely have an answer for everyone. Let me tell you something, because don't act like it's people know what I'm talking about. Lay on your stomach, on the bed neck and then lift one of your knees up by your chest and lay that bottom minute about a minute if you got to wash it's coming. It takes about a minute though, because because it's some slow moving, real heavy ass for it like it come up cross your ass. It's kind of like dry ice come up stepp It's invisible. It's invisible, and roll up and it stay right on your ass and it comes right up on your waist and over your elbow and next thing, you know, and then when it hits you it ain't light. It jump on your face like you know, like that green stuff good. Just suck on your face, your ass or something. All right, all right. List in Oakland says, I'm a thirty thirty year old FEV. That's another thing to woman, and we're trying to help lives in Oakland. She's a thirty year old divorced female trying to get back in the dating game. She says it's hard to find a tall man. She says she's five ten and she loves to wear her heels. Her ex six six, and that's rare to find. Do you think it's weird to see a woman taller than her man? That's her question. No, I have him all the time. You know, before before my nephew got married, he was dating and he didn't have no restriction. Every time I turn around, I'm going he we you know, just in here just dating tall women. Just you know, everybody looked like Kansas Park. You know, you know, not to me, but to him. And you know. But I'll tell you one thing though, there's an advantage to short men because if they're sleeping in the bed naked and he put his knee up by his chest, it take a lot longer for that funk, that dry ice on roller to come across his little ass and a jump on his face forward getting your face because he shot it and you will never smell it. And that's another advantage of shot asked men everything, get on them faster. Well, you got the shower. I'll bring it back up again. Next question, that's it. You watch March Madness, Yeah, I'm watching March Madness. Has if you lay on your stomach naked in the bed and you're trying to look like you marching and you raise that leg up by your chest and that hot ice fun come out the crack of your butt and run back up down. It's on your ass again. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, We'll have some entertainment news for you right after this. You're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show. All right. So former CNN anchor Chris Cuomo threw his friends CNN anchor Don Lemon under the bus recently. This was in a lawsuit to get millions from CNN. Cuomo specifically cited how, in November of twenty twenty one, Empire actor Jesse Smallett testified that Don Lemon personally warned Jesse that Chicago police didn't believe his false accusations of a hate crime. Lemon's consulting with Smallette constituted a flagrant breach of journalistic ethics. Cuomo's team wrote, intervening in the ongoing investigation by texting Smallett was an inexcusable breach of ethics, the filing argued, yet CNN did nothing, Lemon was not disciplined in any way. Chris Cuomo's team went on to say that Cuomo had his journalistic integrity on sufiably smeared, making it difficult, if not impossible, for Cuomo to find a similar work in the future, and damaging him in a mount succeeding one hundred and twenty five million dollars, which includes not only the remaining salary ode under the agreement, but future wages lost as a result of CNN's efforts to destroy its reputation in violation of the agreement. Wow, so the question becomes huh, what would you say? Well, well, the question becomes just like Chris threw Don under the bus, Chris Cuomo threw Don Lemon under So I gotta ask the guys if your co worker, if your friend threw you under the bus, would you end that friendship? Because remember how at the end of Chris Cuomo's show, Don Lemon would come on and they would talk about how much they loved I love you love that. Yeah, yeah, all of that. All that's gone. Well, you know, you have to be what you are mean? What does that mean? Break that down? Oh, the true measure of man cannot be judged in moments of comfort and convenience, but in term al and strife. Then and only then will you know the true measure of a man. So Chris Cromo was cool until we got to term al and strife. Yeah, no, all that. Hey, brother, brother, brother, buddy, buddy, buddy, love, love love. I want my money. Yeah, lay your ass down because I'm going to bag this bust up over you. And we're talking one hundred twenty five million. So damn my friendship with my brother Don. You didn't even have to use Don as an example, right, right, because he and Anderson Cooper, Anderson Cooper comes on before him. They don't do all of that. I love you Anderson, Oh, I love you too. They never did any of that. It was definitely friendship that yeah, between and Chris Chris Alma and promoting each other's show. But you genuinely believe that they were friends. At least I did too. I did too. I would well, maybe Don and uh Chris Chris Chris can't do it because I know Don is married? Is uh Anderson married? Chris? No, he's a father, I don't think. Yeah, he had a little boy, but I don't think he's married. Now, I said, you know, both of them being married might have something to do with that too, Oh okay, never know. So yeah, anyway, what would you what would you guys do? Would you end the friendship? Would you cut it? You know? Cancel? Man got to ask me that the grudgeholder, I know, I bet eat pizza or nothing like that. I'm gonna walk over and knock your monkey ass out. Dog. We supposed to be boys too. Yeah. Have you ever had a friend do that though? Have you guys? Yeah? Betrayal? Yeah, yes, we all been through. Oh yes, sir. And it wasn't pretty because I ain't see it coming right. You never do you never. Somebody told me about it and said, man, you know your boy Paul did this? Paul said you did that? Paul? No, man, you got your Boyfaul? Yeah, Man, show you talking about Paul? Dog got dog got man, get up out of him. A whole week went by. Somebody else came into and said, hey, man, sorry about what happened between you and Paul. Do what you mean what happened between me and Paul? Yeah? Oh oh when he when he when he told everybody? By what by what happened? Dog? You're the second person told me Paul told what? And you have your clueless you have no clue what's going on? Dog? I'm done? Yeah? And then I was heading over Paul's house and I went by the house, and my brother say, hanging that, little bro, you know, just just stay strong with him, man, try not to do nothing to it. And that's when I knew when my brother said that to me, I knew he said it then, because my brother, he don't even know nothing about no gostle. M right. And you trust your brother for sean, yeah, your blood brother. Yeah. Before that, we got to what Paul asked him. You got out of that Tommy, oh dog Doug, I was in college, got on my bike, rolled over all Ashbury, didn't ask no questions, got off the bike, let it crack, put the kickstand. We're gonna probably knocked the bike over in the damn Wait. So let me just go on in here and get started, and we will Paul's ask could fight. All right, We're coming up in twenty minutes after the hour. Do you want to be on Judge Steve, Well, if you do, we'll tell you how right after this. You're listening, attention Steve Harvey Nation, Steve's hit show. Judge Steve is looking for cases for season two. If you have an issue with your sister with your friend co worker, anyone, and you want to be on Judge Steve. You want Judge Steve to settle the matter, Well, all you have to do is apply at Judge Steve Harveycasting dot Com, Judge Steve Harvey Casting dot Com, and Judge Steve will see you in court. How simple is that? Okay, man, these are real cases. It's not fake. So if you've got real issues that could be dealt with in small claims court, come on, family member, friends, relatives, co workers, neighbors. You want to take them to court. You want me to make the decision for you, Go to Steve Harvey. Go to George Judge Steve Harvey Casting dot Com. That's what she said, Steve Harvey Casting dot Com. Go to George Steve Harvey Casting dot com. Yeah, that what I said. Not baby's you know, go there, even if you don't want to. Congratulations on season two of Judge Steves. That's great, Steve. Congratulations. People are loving the show. God congrats. Yeah your role. Season release came out in January. Show numbers were so high, number one show of the night, number one new show on ABC, number one on ABC and across all networks, tied with CBS. The show called FBI, which has been on twelve seasons, and it's in the last year we tied with them and we whooped everybody else. Look at God, we do it nice to get up there right there, We'll check it out. I can't do it to check out what else God has done for Steve that it's Judge Steve. New episode of Judge Steve tonight Tuesday at eight p m. Seventh Central on ABC and Lose Steve. But you know what I think. I asked you this yesterday. Have people in the legal community, like attorneys, like judges, have they stepped to you about the fact that you're not you haven't been to law school and all that. Oh a woman can to me offended? Are you even a lawyer? I said, no? Have you even taken the bar? No? And how can you call yourself a judge? I said, well, I said, judge Steve hard How can you say that? I said, listen to me, I said, he say, Steve Harvey right soon as you can, I say, just put judge in front of it. That's how you do it. What made you think you could be a judge? I said? It called Donald Trump with President coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, We're gonna check Steve's voicemail right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. It is time now to check out Steve's voicemail. If you want to leave Steve a voicemail, call him eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve, Let's go to the bone, Steve. This color is um about Africa. Good morning Steed and the Morning Show. I'm calling to ask Steed, what part of Africa does you go to? Because I wanted to travel to Africa here and I wanted to see which city country I wanted to travel to. Which one do you recommend see? Thank you. I'm Diana from New Orman. Well, I've gone to quite a few, but I highly recommend that you go to Ghana because you have to go to the slave castles. You have to go and see what was done to us to enable us to get on the ships. It was one of the most emotional, heart wrenching things I've ever seen. Wow, And I'm telling you, man, what they did to us as Africans, It's unthinkable. And then they had the nerves on top of the slave castles to be on churches and cut holes in the floor so the Africans that were enslaved, a thousand slaves in an area that's big enough for two hundred people. Pack a thousand people in there with no running water, no bathroom facilities. So they could hear them saying about Christ, and then they had the nerve to try to walk me in that church upstairs. I wouldn't even go in there. This ain't no church, This ain't no house of worship. This ain't where God at. I'm not going in here. Who y'all think y'all talking to the God I know was not in that church? Oh man, it's a called So anyway, long story short, go to Ghana because it's beautiful. That people in Okera are wonderful, that they have trips out to the castles, and it's just an amazing experience to see where it all started from. You got to do that first, and then I recommend you go to Johannesburg so you can see what we've become. And then Cape Town, Derby, South Africa is wonderful. I strongly suggest going to Kenya. Kenya's beautiful. If you can go to Rwanda, it's the most pristine city you've ever seen. You've never seen a city like Rwanda. They ain't they ain't They ain't a leaf on the ground over there, man. And then Botswana. Gotta see Botswana. You gotta go to Okavarna Delta. So if I went to a trip, I would do it two way. I would go to Ghana and then me personally, I would go to Botswanna. But you gotta want to see the cities that we've built. Johannesburg Town. Okay, all right, all right, Steve. We have a caller who's just relocated to LA from Virginia. She's looking for love. Good even Steve Harvey show. Um, I am a sixty year old black female. I'm a licensed nurse and I have four children but never been married. I am looking for my maid. I have just moved back to LA, sold my house in Virginia, moved back to LA. So I'm starting over. But I'm only attracting forty year old Um. Can you give me some advice? Men in their sixties do not realize that I am in my sixties and there's not much to work with. So can you give me an advice to just find out where can I go to meet the man if it's more closer to my age and we have more in common. Okay, my name is Carol, and thank you very much. Well, Carol. First of all, the reason you can't attract men in your age group is because you look you'all, because you need to kill yourself and you're fine. The second reason is you got real sexy voice, Carrol, and that's working for you too. Because Junior wanted to highlight you and Jesse his name. Junior alone should tell you that you can't get on bismen within a little chat and so, and without even seeing a picture of y'all can tell you got yourself together and everything like that. I would go on an older dating site. I would try online dating and make sure that you have an age record West and you should be looking for a man fifty and up. And because a fifty year old man like he already, it's equivalent me and age hearder than women anyway. So if you get a fifty ye old man to ask Mike Luke sixty SI nobody on this show, all right, thank you if you want. If you want to leave Steve a voicemail, call him age seven seven twenty nine. Steve coming up next. The nephew is here with today's Frank phone call right after this you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my Strawberry letter for today. The subject is my daughter is married to a hobo. We'll get into that wall in just a few but right now, huh. I was gonna say. We were talking on that last break when we had that call. It it called in says she was sixty years old, yes, and that she was having trouble because only man we're talking to her as forty year old, because they don't know if she's sixty. And I complimented on her voice and the way she must take care of herself. She looks you, and I got ready to say, because we don't have that problem on this show. I was telling that she could get a fifty year old guy and then you know, he'll he'll look sixty. But we don't have on on our show. All these men on our show, even Tommy, who is in his fifties, don't really look like he and his fifties no good to serve. And you know what, Steve, I think that's because we laugh so much. Laughter so good for soul. It keeps you young. At her I promise you that's it. I'll do her voice Steve, you do Joy, go ahead, helloj hey you go get your daddy, little boy day and we have a problem. All right, all right, come on you, all right, this is right here. This is insurance insurance, Junior. You should get that voice insured. This is insurance insure that thing cap down if you would, Let's call it insurances. Joseph, How can I help you? Uh? Yeah, Joseph? How are you doing? Man? I got you, um your number? Uh well, so I give me your card. Told me you have an insurance coming you might be there. Help me. Absolutely, We'll love to help you. We'll love to help you. Okay, listen, I'm um, I'm seeking some insurance. I'm what all insurance do you guys had? What what all of you all cover? We have Automo building in Charance. You're a home insurance. We have life insurance, fire flood. We're pretty much, uh, we have everything exactly what happy challenge you're looking for? Okay, we'll see. I need I have my own business, my own company. I like that. Okay. What I what I'm want? What I'm trying to do, man, is I'm trying to make sure I have insurance for the people underneath me. Oh, okay, your employees. Yeah, exactly exactly. I want to I want my employees to be ensured. Okay, you know, like if something happens to them, they can get they can get workingman's comp you know what I mean. I want to be able to accommodate them that way. Is that? And are you able to help me while I with something like that? Yeah? I am able to help you. I just need to ask you a few questions. How many how many employees to ask right now? I have? I got six? Well, I got four that's working full time. I got two that that worked predominantly on the weekends. Okay, so I got let me think real quickly. I got sent thelement, I got ice Jasmine, I got thunder. I'm sorry, sir, Um, Sir Tim hand agains H Smith Okay, okay, um um what type of fancy yea, sir? Uh? Well, I'm I'm I'm more of a um. I'm a I'm a PC and um I'm sorry DC. Oh personal consulting. No, no, no, no, I'm I'm pretty close up, pretty close. That's that's that's pretty close. I'm I'm I'm a pleasure consultant and and what it is mean? I got, um, you know, I got I'm sorry, did you say pleasure consulting? Right right? What what that is? Man? Is you know I pleasurized people that want to be pleasurized, Like I have girls that may dance for you. H some may come by and uh do other things for you, p private parties, that kind of thing. Are you trying to Are you trying to ensure strippers or call girl? Well, I mean, I mean I'm trying to ensure what I'm trying to enhoore. I mean, I give all my girl ten ninety nine at the end of the year. I don't I don't know what this is an insurance company, This is a repertable company. We don't sure call girls stupers, Sir. I'm trying to ensure my product. I mean the way it kind of me is right now, everybody got to look out for themselves, but I got to ensure what I need to ensure so in case things go bad. Man, I can bounce back on that. I understand that, sir, And how I do an I mean, I'm a businessman just like you are, sir, But we don't ensure called up strippers. So so hold on, I got your car. Man, you're trying to tell me that now you can't give me no insurance. We can't ensure call girls are strippers. Okay, okay, okay, tell me what type of duties today perform? Well, I mean, what do you mean what kind of doing? I mean they think I have to on the application, I have to put down what type of duties we're gonna put down? Always down exiotic dance, you know, uh, and see since they are there for people that like, uh need to have some personal attention. Man, you know we just put something else down, like you know, counseling. You know, he's postages. You want to ensure costaite. I'm not saying that, man, I'm not stop saying that. Don't say that normal. That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that's what that's what they are. Well, why don't you put own PC man? Why don't you Why don't you put down pleasure consultant for man consulting. So we don't do that here. Um, I don't know how to help you, sir. We don't do that here. You can't ensure a prostitute, then I tell you don't say that no more. I told you this right here is a PC. It's a pleasure consultant. That's somebody that gave me this business card and told me that you'll be able to take care of me. And now here you he is coming back saying you can't see this one is starting to be some the smitty name. Uh sir, you don't have to refrain from using that language. No, no, no no. They're telling me that you are able to ensure me. Man, you don't want coming back with some bogus right. We don't ensure any type of ghetto mass prostitute call girls. Um, that's some street jok that we don't do here. Hey, man, listen, I was told you can ensure me, and guess what you go insure me? I'm gonna go back and forth. What you dog? I'm gonna come down that to your office and I want to I want these papers filled out so I can sign them. So I came out of my office. Look, man, we don't ensure no prostitutes or no are no steppers. Okay, so we don't do that, and and you're not gonna come down to my office with this get on mess. We don't do that. Who do you think you holling that? Man? You you don't know who you with? Now, don't let this corporate over the phone corporate voice fool you because I can get gangster. Hey man, I don't know who you? Thank you. I look now, we don't do that here. Hey man, look, let me tell you so, I'm on my way down there. Okay, do not come to this office. You come to this office. I'm coming to the office. You're gonna ensure my girls for me? If somebody that gave me your card and told me you can take care of me on the low, and that's what you're gonna do. Now. I need my damn insure for my girls. Dog. That's all I'm trying to get. Don't you bring you to man steppers with because we don't do it and I will not. And if you bring something, you're gonna get you. What mean? I got one? Who are getting talking to? I'm talking to you now, trying to be nice and I try to be professional. Question, don't you ap to my office? Oh? Gonna keep you? You ain't sending them in fland? Hey man, I got one more things I need to say to you. You listening? Yes? What you got to sell to me, Joe, I do not in short perssitute. Okay, what do you have to tell me? I got to tell you. This bess is nephew Tommy from the Steve Horby Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy. Oh I'm kill that boy? Ya. I can't I believe this? Who hell y'all got me? I am one? Oh asking this here? Man? Let me ask you this hire. What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, the Steve Harvey Morning All right, thank you, the nephew. Really, somebody just asked me the other day. Tommy ever gets scared to go outside? All right? Coming up next it is a strawberry letter, the subject my daughter is married to a hobo. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Right here, and you never know. Hop, hop it could be yours, It could be yours. Muckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Strawberry letter, Thank you nephew. Subject my daughter is married to a hobo. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm concerned. I'm a concerned parent, and I know you're going to tell me to mind my business, but I can't this time. I have a twenty nine year old daughter that is in love with a trifling man. I know you can't relate because you're a hard working man like my husband. My daughter has lived a sheltered life with her father and I giving her every opportunity available. She graduated from a prestigious school in the top of her class, and she makes six figures. The fact that she's in love with a hobo is puzzling to her father and I. This man won't take a nine to five job because he doesn't want a boss. He wants to be one. He's had several failed business ventures, and I know my daughter is funding all of them. She's told us that we're old school and the new generation of married couples believes in one another's dreams and nothing is impossible. We're not that old, and we know that money makes a world go round. I have stopped paying her credit card bill after I saw that she charged a bunch of printing equipment on her amex so he could start up a T shirt business. They live in our old home, which she has done some nice upgrades in. They drive her car, which her father got for her as a gift after her husband totaled her other one because he ran a red light. It's one thing after the other, and I don't know if she's pretending to be in love to spite us, or if she wants out and she doesn't know how to tell us. I want this hobo to get it together and be the man that my daughter needs. My husband send him a few job leads in the insurance field, and he said he can't work from home because he's a free spirit. He's not free spirited. He's a hobo. And she can do better. Is there anything we can do to reach her? This sounds like a just a case of much was given to your daughter and nothing was required. I mean, first of all, you gotta stop calling him a hobo. He's a loser this and a user. And he saw an opportunity and your daughter and he took it. You and your husband have done a great job with educating your daughter and giving her the tools to make it in this world, and she's done that. But I think enough is enough. Now. You've got to stop giving her things. You're still spoiling her at twenty nine. I mean, how will her man ever step up and start providing for her if you guys are always there. Not that he would do that anyway, because every time you present him with an opportunity, he has an excuse of why he shouldn't do it or can't do it. He knows you're going to do for her. There's no urgency for him to do anything for her. It has nothing to do with being old school or new school. He's just trifling and irresponsible. Like you said, we see it, she just doesn't see it. The thing is he'll never be the man she needs. Doesn't sound like he's built for it, and anyway, he's not doing it now at all. So how many failed businesses and business ventures will it take before he understands that he needs to go to work until he can figure it out. The best thing you can do right now is to try to make sure your daughter is saving and investing at least some of her money, so she won't give it all to this loser. Then you got to stay out of it, you know, and maybe somehow, someway she'll see that he's not the man for her. He's never gonna do anything. He is the true definition of a loser, Steve. Hobo is an interesting word. My daughter is married to a hobo. I wouldn't describe him as that. He's in it. She's enabling this guy who doesn't somebody he hasn't been around, the same thing that your daughter grew up looking at a man and a woman worked together, and a man providing. She didn't understand that that's what it was. She's taken on this role of a nurturer and she's gonna pay for it in the long run. Now, your parents and your daughter twenty nine, and you know she lived a shelter life, and her father and I given her every opportunity available, graduated from shes school and top of a class, she makes six figures, and that she's in love with a hobo that won't take a nine to five because he doesn't want a boss. He wants to be one. He's had several fair business ventures, and you know your daughter's funded him. She told us that y'all old school and the new generation of married couples believes that want another's dreams nothing is impossible. Well, that's true, that you can believe in one another's dreams, and nothing is impossible if you're not the right person for the job. Though, we have a problem, and it just strikes me from the letter, and I know you and your husband have noticed this. He doesn't seem to show up anywhere in any way doing anything positive. So it's to carry over affect, y'all. If you're nothing in one area of your life and you don't work on it, you will be nothing in other areas until finally you've mastered the art of being nothing nowhere and everywhere. Now y'all and gave the girl everything in her life. Gave her AMAX card. He didn't put a bunch of printing equipment on it so he can start a T shirt business? Boy, you're putting how much of my American Express because you're gonna start or what a printing business? Where you live in her house? That y'all gave her, she didn't have fixed it up here and there. And here's the funny part. Your husband has given him several leads for insurance, y'all. He said he can't work from home because he a free spirit. He's not free spirit, he's the whole boy. And she could do better. Is that anything we could do to reach her? When I come back, I'm gonna answer that question, and then we're gonna do a reenactment of me making up excuses why I can't take a job. You know, all right, Steve, hang on, we'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's Strawberry letter subject is my daughter is married to a hobo. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Come on, Steve, Let's recap today's Strawberry letter. The subject my daughter is married to a hobo. Well, yeah, you got kind of a problem. Let's go to that ludical. She's twenty nine. She's married to a guy that won't work. Your husband had offered to give him jobs insurance business. He said he can't work for nobody because he's a boss himself. Let me give you the exact words, and he can't work for anybody because he's a free spirit. Oh, being free costs money. Being captured costs money. You know. She told that you all an old school and this is how the new school families are doing it. Let me just get on down here to the end of the letter. He's not a free spirit, that he's homeborn. She can do better. Is that anything we could do to reach her? Here's what I have to say. You can do some things to reach her, but it'd be a whole lot easier to reach him because he ain't at work. Me and Tommy had a company we started a few years ago called ride down that dot Com and we created a website if you just wanted us to ride down now on somebody. And this looks like a perfect job for ride down that dot Com because he just needed are right, she can do better? Is there anything we can do to reach her or him? Because you want, you want a man to make an adjustment? All you got to do. He doesn't want to work from home because he's a free spirit. And she said he's not a free spirit, he's a hobo and she can do better? Is there anything we could do to reach her? Sometimes you gotta reach him and the father needs to slide around the daughter and put some words and some wisdom up in his head away from the daughter. Now, when the daughter find out, she gonna be mad because he gonna tell her because he's a little punk dude, so he gonna tell her. But be ready for that. But sometimes you got to help your daughter out. Look, cause he the husband, y'all ain't in love with him. And what's the problem that your daughter got is she in love with so she missing a lot of stuff, y'all looking upside his head because y'all ain't in love with him. So you gotta ease up on him and just put something on his head. So now that's the answer to that. How do we reach her? You might not be able to, but you damn sh'll reach him and just say little stuff in his ear, like leave or die. Horrible movie out, I see your punk ass like he ball hited, Like walk up behind you, daddy, and just lick his head, and when he turned around, be staying at him with your head tilted. Yeah, head, I'm trying to tell you how to get it started. Okay, So that would scare him, I think so. I think that would scare him. Though, when you think because his problem is he don't want to do nothing. So ask me any questions about going to get a job or anything. Watch watch what he doing? Well? Have looked for anything? Have you filled out any applications today? Oh? I feel like applications every day? Yeah? Well, any prospects, any callbacks? Oh? No? Anybody car? You know it's a pandemic. Most companies don't even have somebody at the front answer phones. Well you can work from home. I can't do that. I'm too free spirited. Yeah, I got to be out there end of the streets. You know, you do you know you do not have a car. You're driving my daughter's car. Get your own car. Oh, I'm sorry, man. We married yea to each his own and own. It is each He quotes scriptures that ain't even ben about since calling. When are you going to contribute to this household? You know that's a cool song because it can't you know when you say we, that's what they may me think of. That was Jim. Did you like that song? Yeah? Leave in Vogue out of this. I want to know when you're gonna contribute to this household and not have it all the burden on my daughter. That's my question to you, Oh but see you you acted like it's a burden on her. It is, it's fifty fifty. Well what Hi, it's a burden if you got fifty Oh, he's sorry. Do you understand I've canceled her credit cards because she I noticed that she paid money to get your printing equipment for your You cancel who credit card her? Amax? What is we gonna do without the credit card? Miss? I thought, get a job? Yeah, I think you need to work from home. M h man. See that's why a black man can't hand nothing. I got nothing to do with race card. I pulled a card on all the black people. We all black, you know you know it. Surely don't look like you and get out of my house. We bought this house for her, not for you. Yeah right now, lady, you ain't really hurt my feelings. We see. Thank you. Steve. Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve HARBFM on Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand and coming up to forty six minutes after the hour, you know what it is, it's time for junior and sports talk. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show time now for Junior and Sports Talk Junior. What you got? You know, I just gotta say this, congratulations to the Cleveland Browns. Uh they got de Shaun Watson. And I said yesterday, I know, I know because I know he gonna bring it up up and see what he tried to do. He tried to control the native and get in ahead of it. Or that ain't gonna work with me. Don't because we don't need ragged ass Texas do it. Congratulate about it. I tell all of us about the Shann Watter. Go ahead, Okay, Lebron James became the second leader scorer in the NBA. Congratulates Lebron James. Yeah, man, pass car alone. He only trails Kareem Induljiba Hess calm alone. Yes he did. Harm alone is from Louisiana. The Saints is in Louisiana. Huh, which they wanted? The Sean watch the lost? He only clear, So you tell around. Oh that's hot work, baby, he got you do want? Man? He did, he brought he got two hundred and thirty million. Gary. We don't damn about the cases. Come on, y'all, don't care. Cases not the dog pound. Now, don't listen to me. Everybody in the dog pound got cases. Jesus fact, party percent of the dog pound in Cleveland is on their second strike. They got no moment. Don't judge men. I'm to hand no problem. Civil, yes, civil, Wait a minute, you cleared of all criminal challenges? Yeah? Oh, man, give me this damn probation and let's go. What can he do with two hundred and thirty million in Cleveland? Like? How he? How he gonna be balling? Nothing? Nothing held? Can you do it? I'm gonna tell you something, though. Man, we even got some fun. He got a girl, girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend. In the words of Boomerangs, Grandmama, I don't care how fine a woman is. There's a man somewhere seeking tie. He no buddy even rolled it out with him too. Yeah, any Jackson had it been all right? Junior? Thank you for bringing that up again a million though, I'm a sergeant for two hundred million. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll talk about the power of forgiveness and jumping. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harpy Morning show singer and actress Kelly Rowland, along with her father Christopher Lovett did an interview with Hodakapi on The Today Show. Kelly said she went to jay Z for advice when she was deciding whether or not to reach out to her father after not seeing him for thirty years. Kelly was raised by her mother, Miss Doris Roland Garrison for most of her childhood after her dad left because he wasn't ready for parenthood. However, after Kelly's mother passed away and now that Kelly is a mother too, she felt like it was time to reach out to her dad. Kelly asked jay Z if she was ready to take the risk when she was deciding whether to meet her father. This is what jay Z told her. Jay Z said, love is all about risk. You gotta decide if you're gonna jump, you're gonna jump. Kelly said she talked to her husband, Tim, who was very protective of her, and he told her to forgive and she jumped. So, I mean, what a great story, right, And Steve, you talk about jumping and forgiveness and the power of forgiveness all the time. What say you, Well, you know just jay Z said it best. Yeah, we all know where he got there, from him, from him, That's where you be trying to get credit. That's why you try to steal credit like you thought of something. He's absolutely correct, you know, and so you know she did it. I mean, you know. And then you gotta understand what forgiveness truly is. Now it ain't for the other person. Forgiveness is really for you, So you can move on and quit driving your car looking in the rearview mirror. It's for you. It might be a helpful thing. And you know what I mean, why not? And if you got a child, you know, maybe it's what he needs. You know, there are a lot of men who get it right after they get it wrong. Sad to say, but you were in this life when it was wrong. But you can also be in his life when he get it right too. A lot of people make mistakes when they're young. Man. You got to give people some grace and mercy, right, that's how you get your experience making mistakes, learning from those mistakes. You know, I should be what happened? Let's say what now? Oh, it's just back. I had regrets too far inside voice again. Now I ain't always come out. I just didn't want to say it out loud like that. But you know, there is a difference you do inside and outside the voice. Yeah, And I don't really know how to whisper. You don't, don't you don't, I really don't. You mean, ain't nobody gonna hear he's good as you? Well? Why would I wait whistles? Exactly? But I love that. I love that I saw her dad. They were she was crying on TV. Kelly was crying and her dad and he said he used to hurt him because people would come up to him. And so I saw your daughter. I saw her on TV and he couldn't see her. So, like you said, Steve, that that power of forgiveness that was for Kelly, because Kelly was dealing with the pain too, you know. Yeah. And the good thing is now he gets to see his grandson, his kid, his grandkids, you know. Yeah. Yeah, she has two boys. Yeah, she got a good husband too. Man. That's a solid ass dude. Would you say Kelly's husband solid ass dude? Him? Yeah, he said he's very protective of her and he's the one that told her to forgive ultimately, So get off, m tell me what you think about that. You're awfully quiet. You I've forgiven? Tell me that stole Christmas. You can move his aster Easter. That's what Tommy. You have forgiven me better. I have forgiven, but I will leave you alone, though you really pretend with I will forgive and leave you alone. I will, all right, all right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Carla is here with music news coming in hot Carla. Let's all right, thank you, Charlotte Girl. Major Awards show Alert. The I Heart Radio Awards are tonight, hosted by L L. Coo j as Hard as Anybody, That's it. Nephew ll el is hosting tonight. Performance include Jennifer Lopez, Jenny from the Blocks, Stallion, The Hotties, Hot Girl, Summers Going Down, John Legend All Tonight eight seventh Central on Fox. Also nominated for Best Lyrics Leave the Door Open Anderson Pack, Bruno, Mars Silk Sonic. You know we love love Steve. We love that song open Open. You know what you don't call I'm so glad you like your souse. As another hit I wrote, I'm Roscoe Wallah Roscoe wait a minute you telling me you wrote leave the door open order. How are we going do when you can't clothe it through? I'm a leader, doe, oh boys singing, I'm gonna leave, I'm gonna leave. I'm gonna lead a whole do wide. Don't might catch your frangle in the doe. Coming up at thirty three minutes after, we'll do a round of would you rather? Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show time out for would you rather? Would you rather give up your cell phone for a month or would you rather give up bathing for a month? Hello, babe, I'm Benna put together some funky deals. I can't make no money because I just phone. I'm gone. I'm gonna just carr my laptop. I see my son FaceTime on his computing everything. I because let me explain something to you. If you're laying in the bed naked and you raise your knee up by your chests, that dry ice cloud comes out your crack yesses up over the hump of your booty and slides along your waist time roll up over your elbow and come down behind your shoulders. It look like dry ice steppings invisible, but that white dry ice smoke, and then it come around your face and it just lock on your face. You can't get it off. I'd rather not, so you're going to bathe I got to man. Ain't no way in the world that that dog that third day, then you got twenty seventh boat. Yeah, yeah, you might not even have to raise your leg back to two weeks. You need to stop walking. If you walking in flies just buzzing round, your just following you, just buzzing. You're looking like pig peeing on Charlotte Brown. All right? Would you rather never age physically? Never age physically, or would you rather never age mentally? I could stay right here. I'm sorry, right here. I got enough to make it. Only if I think like this at one hundred, I'll be cool. Yeah, so physically whole, physically, stay right here. Yeah. Would you rather never think about this on the show? You know, you know, you know we're pretty good. Look at morning show when you look at you know, Yes, Tommy and Junior can still run. Yeah. I can trot for distances. We were probably mobile. M trot for shot distances. If I do an outburst, it's got to be about four five steps. I gotta shut it. Down. I immediately got to pull up because I have heard about to come right after that. Don't hurt nothing, don't pull anything. Um and Junior, what about you? Would you rather never age physically or mentally? No? Mentally, I want to be mentally. Physically, it ain't working for me. Now I'm just in there. I'm ending him, but it ain't. Ain't nothing happening in there, Tommy quickly physically okay, okay, all right, well thank you. That's our round developing physically. Well, he's been done. The plow me back with our last break of the day and clothing from nine minutes after. Right after you're listening to show. All right, guys, here we are, last break up the day. What a day on this Tuesday. It's been fun. Yeah, good time. Learn a lot, learned a lot today, didn't we Yeah, on your stomach up, bring it up too much. You ain't washed you if you neck it and raise your knee up by your chest while you on your stomach. Imagine invisible white cloud or dry coming out your crack, rolling up over your booty and coming down your entire body, and it go behind you and come over your shoulder so you can't see and it latches on to your ass, spider Man. Like Spider Man, just we don't want to hear this anymore. To take a shower every day, wash some soap, and several things you've got to be leary of from you out here in this world. Like what like people always want me to do clothing, mar Come on, Steve, give us something, and you know I try to, but you know what, some days I just want to go. You know what, what if you don't care that you ain't successful, I don't either. I don't. Man, Well, wait a minute, and if you if you don't want to take this advice, why am I continually giving? But so many people love your clothing? I know, and I believe that surely. Yeah, But for the few that don't that dropped little negative comments in the comments section. He thinks he knows everything. Why he always trying to be serious? We come to him for jokes When I'm moting jokes. What's wrong with you too? I'm being who they said I was in the twelfth grade difficult. So if you have decided and made the conscious decision in your life not to be a damn thing, I want you to know that from now on I'm gonna support you everything. No forgiveness right now, listen to me. Listen to me. If you don't want it for yourself, I can't want it for you, right Okay, I'm wasting my energy. You know. You know how old people say, you can lead a horse to the water, but you can't make him drink That's right, I'm telling you. If you ever see you not from the country, you don't know how true that is. If you take a water a horse all the way down to the water trough, you cannot make a horse drink water. That's not a command you can give him. He don't even know what you're talking about. And it's nothing you could do. And I found that a lot of people is like leading a horse down to water. You can lead them down there, but if they don't want nothing, Man, what you're doing dr sand has taught me one of the most valuable lessons in my life. He say, man, quit throwing life rafts to people swimming away from the boat. That's I've seen you do it too many time, he say, man, stop it. Man. Do you know how much that helped me in my in my walk? Yeah, And so my closing remarks today, I normally try to be encouraging, but I just wanted y'all to know that don't want nothing, that Steve Harvest supports you not want nothing. And the way I choose to do it is to pay just play this out from now on, because all the rest of my closing remarks ain't going to be uplifting, motivational. People looking for something all my back. That's what it's about, because that's what God made me fall. But the human side of me just wanted to have this one little break in the action and let you know that. For the remainder of twenty twenty two, as I encourage, uplift, inspire, and try to motivate people to greatness, for those of you to do, drop stuff in the comments section like he thinks he knows everything. We just come for the jokes. We don't want to hear all that I'm an atheist. This is for you are no longer do I give a damn damn all, man. I promise you I don't, man, And then you know I'm working on my Christianity level. But right now, well you know, surely praying for your enemies, I've done it a couple of times, yes, and loving them treating them as you want to be treated all. I did it a couple of times. Surely be honest with may me a little sick? Why are we praying for any of it? Now? You know this one here is gonna be with it just made me a little sick, Siller, I couldn't finish the prayer. I had to come out. Yes, um, can we just can I just assign a couple of names to this closing for me? Yes? No, no, no, no, oldis. If you're listening, please hit this advice James, James, I got one for you. Yeah, my cousin Carl. Yeah, you know you ain't been nothing since we was kids. Yeah, he ain't been nothing since we was kids. Why would he suddenly want to be something? He's sixty seven, Thank you. I just want no, no, no, he ain't ever wanted to be nothing and done done a hell of a job of it. Praying for cousin Carl, Carlin want to be nothing? We're gonna we're gonna take it to the alten pray. I have other things while I'm I'm answering God for a whole lot of show. Call you is off the prayer list. Work clothing remarks ever, thank you. Y'all have a great thing, man, God willing, We'll see y'all the mall. Man, we'll have a great clothing remark for you. Just wanted to get that out of my chick call you playing off the prayer list. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void we're prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.