Wakanda Forever, Chadwick Boseman, Assisted Living, Monica Verzuz Brandy and more.

Published Aug 31, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! The entire show is present and accounted for and they are on fiya! The Chief Love Officer helps a married woman deal with her trash talking husband. Is the return of Magic Shave right for The Jackpot Joint of Jerusalem or nah? The world mourns the passing of Black Panther star Chadwick Boseman. Congratulations to our very own J. Anthony Brown who will be in 'Tyler Perry's Assisted Living' that premieres on September 2. We go back a few years when Steve interviewed Chadwick Boseman on his show as they discussed his iconic movie roles. Lebron James honored Chadwick Boseman by taking a knee and gesturing Wakanda Forever before the National Anthem. There will be another battle between Monica Verzuz Brandy tonight at Tyler Perry Studios. The ballistics report from the Breonna Taylor case is in. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve is happy with The Black Lives Matter Movement and more specifically the reaction to the "why" and he explains it right here.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things in it to me, good to mother for I don't join Jo. You gotta turn hur, you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn, got to turn them out. Then turn the water, the water go. Come, come on your thing. Uh h, I sure will. Good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now wanting only Steve Harvey Man old man, got a radio show. Yeah, I do. God so big to me, man, I just have to tell you about it. I can't help it. It's rather obvious to me how big, how good God is. He's absolutely tremendous. He's off the chain. He owned one, he'd be clowning, he'd be just showing out. Man. I'm just over here, just on receiving it. You know, if you're out there, start your mission today, Start your mission today? What are you waiting for? Why do we as people delay what we want or delay the process to begin what we want our hopes, our dreams, our desires. Why won't you start your mission today? Why don't we all decide together that just individually look, you're listening. You got something that you've been dreaming about. You got an ambition of yours that's not yet fulfilled. You got goals you haven't accomplished yet. Everybody has them, everybody's got on them. Everybody's got something that's that's on the table that they haven't yet attacked yet. What are you waiting for? Start your mission today? Stop the procrastination. Now, the procrastination is only hurting you yourself. If you got a goal or aspiration, a dream and you fall off track momentarily, you can get back to that because God knows where you're left off. Now. You may have to accomplish a few more things since you stop for a long period of time, but God know where you left off, you can get back on track. I look, man, this dream of being on TV since I was a kid, and it got off track. Now it got off track. I just kept it as one of the dreams, and in some real dog moments when it looked like it wasn't gonna happen, all I was hanging on too was just the hope that one day it could. But that's what faith is really about. Faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. But faith gives you the confidence to keep hoping. Man, sometime it just keep hope alive. Sometimes, you heard Jesse Jackson said, just keep hope alive. Sometimes, Man, it's just the hope. I was hanging on the hope. And I'm talking about when it got real ugly and funky out there for me, when it looked like I wasn't gonna ever make it, and all of the facts was in and everything pointed in the direction you're not gonna make it. You didn't really messed up this time. Then I sat there and I just hung on to the hope. But man, that's what I'm saying. If you got a dream on aspiration of vision or something, when you fall off track and you want to go get back in line, God holds your place. See he held on to that fum me. He knew I was off tracking how the line, but he said, okay, here's where we stopped. You want to be on TV that when you get it together and you quit tripping and you come in your turn to me, I'm gonna hold your place, put you back in line, then we're gonna finish your journey. That took me a lot longer to get here than I wanted to. But then it was necessary because I needed all of the mishaps to happen to me along the way. So when I got on the radio one day, which I did not see coming, Steve Harvey got a radio show, y'all. That's why I say it every day. See, because of this radio show that I didn't see coming. Na, I have stories to tell. I got experiences to share, and I can tell you about me better than I can tell you about anybody. And I don't been through enough where it's relatable where enough people can and go. Man, that happened to me. Appreciate you saying that that's what it was for. See, I get it now. See at the time, though I didn't like what was happening to me. At the time, I was really in total disagreement with God on a lot of stuff he was pulling off on me, But in essence I was really pulling it off on myself. But through his grace and mercy, he kept me through all of my mistakes, all my bad decisions, all my miscalculations, all my misfires, all the times I knowingly stepped out there and died wrong. He forgave me, He said, Cause, man, if you ever come to me, I have a plan for you that it is going to be far and above. It will supersede everything you've ever dreamed of. That's what I did. I just got sick of me, good and sick of me, and I turned it over to God. And then God started working and here I am today now as he threw it me. Yet Nope, have I arrived ob ject Nope? But guess what the journey is cool? You know, It's like I was talking to this young brother the other day about comedy and he's a really good stand up. You know, this young dude is really good. He said, Man, what is this I feel every night before I go on stage. I don't know what it is. I just wanted off me, I said, sir, listen to me, you young dude. This thing that climbs on my back every night before I go on stage. I don't know what it is. It's got something to do with pressure, It's got something to do with anticipation. It's got a whole lot to do with the fear of falling. He said, what you mean by that? I said, every night I walk out on stage, it's like I'm about to go and step off a cliff. I said, it's a sickening feeling. He said, man, but you do so well. I said, that's because the parachute opens. I say, but I want you to understand something. When I first walk out there, it's just stepping off the cliff. Now, these provide a parachute which slows my descent when I jump off the cliff, and I turned it into a glide. And then I take the audience this way and I swing them back over that way. We might swing out to the Colorado Rockies. We may go down to Miami with this joke. We may take it on out to LA and I just swing back and forth till I land softly. The crowd cheers. The night is over with, I said, but it's been too many nights though. When I walked off that cliff and I pulled the cord in, the parachute didn't open. I said, Now I'm just free falling out there for thirty minutes. Ain't no jokes working. Ain't the parachute didn't open. I said, So see, that's what it's like for me. And then you know what I found out. If you don't walked off the cliff, in life, and you ain't got no God in your life. It's like not having a parachute. You step off the cliff and you just free falling. Now see we all now that fall gets you closer to the grave, right see, were all head into the grave from the moment we're born. But the cool thing about a relationship with God is when you step off the cliff and you got God here a parachute. You're still going down, but it's a nice ride, and God just helps your your descent appear more like a rise and then more like a euphoric fall. Instead of not having no God in your life and you just walking off that cliff every day, free falling. Ain't got no core, You steady pulling, you houling the whole way because you've messed around with yourself, and ain't let God come into your life and provide a parachute for you. I would rather have a parachute since I got to jump every day, than to not have one. God has been like a parachute from me. Ask me why where that came from. I can't tell you. But like I always say, most good things that happened in my life that I can't explain it's usually him. You're listening, got it? Oh my mind. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We're up in the morning either five or six a m. Can on where you live. We all right now, we all yeah, Hello, Steve Harvey Moreing Show. Shirley Strawberry, Good morning, Steve. I ain't got no rhyme of reason. Hell would I'd be doing Carlin Farrell with your singing self. Good day, morning, Dawn, junior morning, half morning, everybody the makeup of hottle that are more folk? Come on, boy getting moaning, ladies and gentlemen king pranks. Never you tom top top top of the Monday moaning. You could have played a little undembeaten jack. I didn't know. I didn't know. I don't I'm sorry, man, I didn't know. It don't sound like the movie sounded that. I didn't. I didn't want to find step On sounded. Was that the movie with the dog and It? Yea, yeah, Tommy, who came to play in that movie? Oh? The boy? Um oh, I know that, boy, I know that. Thinking nobody grown you would have played You would have played the boy of the husband. Either one, no, the boy, the boy, little boy on top and he could have played both part. Talented, Yeah, but he might be that time to me, he ain't that tall. Here we go, Oh man, he shooting in a green screen. You won't even know. What's your favorite movie of all time? Oh my god, that's such a hard one car car. What's your favorite It is hard hard love movie? Man? I love just had one, just one favorite movie, favorite of all time? Jay, what's your favorite movie? Sweatiest movie of all times? The absolutely sweatiest movie of all times? A Time to Kill? Oh yes, Samuel Damn movie. Man, I read that book, Tommy. Favorite movies, I'm going to color purple? What's your Oh yeah, that's right, it's gonna be man, the whole damn movie classic. That's so hard. The watch that a hundred times. It's hard to pick, all right. Coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour get Ready for Steve segment, asked the CLO. It's coming up right after this. You're listening to show time for Steve Harvey to help someone As the CLO, the Chief Love Officer, the klo is Tommy calls him. Uh yeah, if you have a question for our CLO, Please submit your questions to Steve RFM dot com. Are you ready, selo ye, come on, Chief Love Officer. This one is from Jasmine. Jasmine is an online listener. She says, I'm a thirty nine year old married woman and I have been married three years. When my husband gets on the phone or around other people, I find out things he doesn't like about me. He told his brother that he can't get a decent breakfast to save his life. Everything is overcooked, he chuckled, as if he were joking. Then he was on the phone with his best friend and said that I snore like a bear, so it's like sleeping with one. He chuckled after saying that too. I asked him why does he do this? And he said I'm too sensitive. Do you think that it's how he really feels? Or are they just jokes? Okay, well they could be jokes. Will be here an order for a joke to be affected, it's gotta have ninety percent truth in it. For me. Now, let's just go to find us. You can't cook. You cannot cook, he probably man, probably can't get a decent brackness. You know everything is over cook. You probably know that though, and so you know that's something you could fix now snowing. You might have to go see about that, but you probably snow it too, you know. But then see, he ain't perfect. So what you need to do is let him over here. You on the phone. You ain't got to be on the phone with nobody. Just when you see him come and just hold your phone up your ear and go down the list of complaints and see how he liked it. Then if he don't like you talking to him, talking you talking about him, he may stop talking about you, or he just too sensitive, like he accused her. Hello, he probably is two sisters. M all right, thank you, Cello. Chastity and Oklahoma says. I'm in my late twenties and I'm active on social media because i'm a personal trainer. I've been in a decent relationship for close to a year, and I've managed to keep my love life and professional life separate. My boyfriend feels like I should post pictures of us working out together or celebrating my birthday or holidays together. He posts pictures of us all the time, and that's fine, but I use my social media to promote my business. Maybe if we get married, I will post us, but not now. He said, he feels like I have something to hide. I told him he's insecure. That did not go over. Well, how can we come to some kind of agreement on this, Well, it's nothing to have an agreement about it. If you're using your social media for business, he should understand that. It would be different if you was posting other social things on it and not him. But you just use it for business. Now. If you're putting other stuff on that did he has a gripe or real complaint. But if you're only doing it for training businesses, to promote your workouts and all like that, you ain't gotta put you in him on that. You know he'll be all right. It's just for business. And I don't know if you're gonna be around no high That's why I ain't putting you on here. We get married, Yeah, putting you on here blocking no action on my hair coming my way if you trim, because it sound like you're trying to get out right now. Yeah, I mean, he says he thinks she has something to hide. She said, well, you're in you. She don't want nobody know nothing about Chow. You want her to beat Jesse yours put a ring on it other than that dog? What you're talking about? All right, all right, we're moving on. Steve Anonymous in Saint Louis says, I've been with my love, with the love of my life for eighteen years, and we have three children. Our lives got busy when we started having children, and a wedding wasn't a priority. Now it's eighteen years later and I want a wedding. Last year I got an engagement ring to keep me quiet. I keep pressing him to set a date, but he's not very motivated to do so. I can't blame him for not making me a priority now because I've accepted it for years. I have a happy home life and we're married in every way except legally. Should I let it go? No, you want to be married, you should get married. Period. It's simple, y'all living together, y'all got a house in the home. It's just a date. You can go to the courthouse. You got three kids, y'all, a family, gonna get married. He ain't going away. You ain't going away, right, And if something happened, she's I just had a pastor there tomorrow. Even when he come in from where y'all you're gonna get married right there, she can set the date. Don't wait on him and just set it. Okay, you're marrying this day right. Oh yeah, you already got to read. Yeah mmmm eighteen years? Wow? What come on, bitter man? What I've been riding to this moon? That's your bitter man response. Listen to the clo. Okay, I wonder why, all of a sudden she wants a wedding after eighteen years, she's gone all of a sudden shell she's always wonder Well, no, she said, initially a wedding wasn't a priority. Okay, but now after eighteen years, she wants a wedding. All right, Steve, so tell me as a question. All right, all right, this this is for everybody. Put these four in the cage who come out alive. Lion, bab gorilla and python. Oh lion. Yeah, I'm a leo. I'm going with the lion, the lion, king of the jungle dog. I'm going on. You don't think that gorilla can hand hail. No, I'm going for the lion all day. I think that gorilla called I'm going to I'm going to Lorilla. Now I'm gonna go with that line. I don't think y'all understand. Why do you understand why they called him King of the Jong. He the king, but gorilla, you don't. They're don't cross prayer. That's why gorillas. Let go ahead on that. I'm telling you you must ain't hurt signifying monkey. Yeah, all right, coming up Church Complaints with Reverend Motown and dickon Depth Jam. Right after this, you're listening to Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Hannah's here with today's National News, and she's going to give us a recap on the march on Washington twenty twenty as thousands gathered at the National Mall and the Lincoln Memorial as protesters marched this past Friday, Day four Change. Also in Entertainment News, this is a sad, sad, sad story right here. We are all shocked and just devastated by the passing of Chadwick Boseman, our very own superhero. It was due to colon cancer. He was forty three years old. We'll talk more about these stories at the top of the hour, but of course today is Monday, and we're going to try and make you smile right now with Reben Motown and Deacon def Jam and today's church complaints. All right now, come yeah, well, introduced us a ribbon Motown and I am Deacon def Jam. We are here on behalf of the jp JG. That's the jack pot joint of jerus alone ching ching bluey for the papers on this or bless side you Monday morning. We take a time out to refer toudicate and and and go over or I said that right, we come over here to refertudicate in the junction need the problem made or the congregate in other words, the churches complaining. Come on, deacon, all right here, we're gonna start this out. The women with facial hair. Uh, the members would like to know if it would be okay for them to just put a happy face instead of zooming in the service. The women with they're getting tired to see in the latest with the facial hair pathor yok, No, I've or decided to or have a solution for that. I'm bringing back magic shave. No, it's just thinking, really well, we zooming, you ain't gonna be able to smell it. Problem solved, thank you, ain't gone a good time? All right? Magic shaved all the latest. I thanks to this right off the top of my head. No if you recognize him or Karma Cito the comic cuto skill set. Come on, doctor. They're saying that some of your sermons are starting to be repetitive, meaning you're preaching the same thing, whether it's old or the New Testament. They saying they already heard it. Would it be okay to just send the money and skip the zoom since they didn't hear it? Oh no, the Bible said faith comes from hearing, not from having heard. The fact that you already heard it, obviously you needed to hear it again. So here I is miss But they would like to get some new sermons. Stuff, ain't no new sermons when you going to Hell? What you want me to change? The neighbor Hell purgatory? All right? The White House? Come on, prefre kep Yeah, they come on to you, all right. They say, yeah, you keep asking for money, but we don't know how much you're taking up since we're not at the church counting the money as it comes in, and we don't get receipts. So we want to change this operation. We'd like to know how much money you're taking so far that ain't in the Bible. Your job is to give thine tent sin Na, I didn't ask you what your tempera c it was. You can't ask me what it is that you get to me. But as members of the change, we have it right now. Money. Well, I have a right to know what we all should have right now. What you what your temperac it was? Did we do what Joe timperc it was? Did we digging that? Joe timperc it did week digging. I'm just a message, na, like I said, until we all wants to share the information. What is you up over here for? Okay, all right, all right, I'm the one. I got to spend a whole day company and all. By the way, let me tell you something. Don't take a whole day. I'm through counting money. In five minutes, you count can the one and all quit sitting in all these systs, cans and a moving this move Okay, Now here's one for you paths. I don't know how you're gonna feel about this. President Trump wants to speak at the church this coming start. Bring his ass down, young not speaking at this church? Right nothing j p JJ doctor Jack Pott. We got laughing him up in here. We ain't can shoe shine black folk. He used to going around. We're not doing that all the black studio just dance when he over stage. Trump did nothing for us, right, But I want to let you know he did say he was gonna bless the congregation within a hundred thousand dollars. Donature. He can go to the parking. You're a mass. You come to parking, you can get out the limold, open up sun loo, stand on the seat, say what you gotta says. But we're gonna need a hundred for your seeds. Thousand? Have you coming here with a millionaillar? He can wear my robe? You could? You should a seat? Uh? Moving along past the gospel magazine Holy Rollers wants to do a story on you. They asked, do you mind discussing when you got out your nice cars and big house, and supposedly you've been seen shopping for a plane, and the congregation just now hearing about a plane. You want to explain how you paying for these as. I want to clear this hole right now. I'm not shopping for a plane. I'm falling in the footsteps or Minister Dollar. I'm asking each one of my congregation members worldwide to donate a thousand dollars. I'm asking all of my congregation members worldwide to donate a thousand dollars. You act rabbit, I don't know, I'm play. We're going to be charting for a while. Church complaints coming up at the tip of the hour, entertainment and national news right after this. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. All of us continue to mourn the shocking passing of forty three year old Chadwick Boseman. On this past Friday, chad Chadwickman's family released a statement saying it is with immeasurable grief that we confirmed the tragic loss the passing of Chadwick Boseman. Chadwick was diagnosed with stage three colon cancer back in twenty sixteen and battled with it these last four years as it progressed to stage four. The statement went on to say it was the honor of his career to bring King to Challa to life in Black Panther. He died in his home surrounded by his wife and family. They were by his side. Other historical and iconic roles that Chadwick played included James Brown, fantastic as James Brown, Jackie Robinson, of course, yes, outstanding. Yeah, that's a good one. And we also know that Chadwick was a proud graduate of Howard University. H celebrities and athletes from Denzel Washington, who actually paid for Chadwick to go to school. He paid for I mean at the behest of Felicia Richard. Yeah, and he didn't even know at the ten Felicia was shot. He didn't even know at the time. Chadwick got a chance to thank him. I think it was at the New York premiere of A Black Panther, and he called him the dopest actor on the planet. He said that about his mentor Denzel, and I mean Kevin Hart had nice things to say. Samuel L. Jackson, Viola Davis, Angela Bassett, who was in the movie, played his mom in Black Panther, Jamie Fox, Ryan Coogler, who was the director of Black Panther, and of course Steve Harvey. I mean, everyone is just heartbroken over this. Talk about gone too soon. Denzel described Chadwick as a general soul and he also said that when he was at the premier for A Black Panther, he actually went to get his money, get his money back. Yeah. Yeah, you have made a bunch of hits, dog, But you know here he was impactful. I mean, way too short of a career, but the stuff he did was incredibly impactful. So sad man, But it's just like, I mean, we gotta get Look, man, these colon noster piece are important in our community. They're moving the age. It's time for me to go back and get another one, you know, because I got nine probably seven years ago. You need to get him. Every five might have got it eight. I don't even know. But I gotta go back now, man, And you know we got you looked man. These are yeah, man, just gotta stay on top of it. Man, what a great dude. But you dc, you're not even supposed to go get him checked until you fifty. So he didn't even he didn't even got to the colonoster be age. Yeah right. So by the time when they discovered it, it was stage three, you know. So it's not like he was neglecting his health anything, because they don't even recommend you going to you fifty. But they said they were going to move the date up. But if he'd been battling it for he probably had it when he was thirty nine. You know, he was doing movies between Going to Get Keimo and all Us Bad Man. Yeah, he was awesome. I mean, talk about a fighter and a real superhero. Um. Last night, ABC honored Chadwick by airing The Black Panther commercial free, and then it was followed by an ABC News special Chadwick Boldsman, A tribute for a king, A homeboy. Let me South Carolina. Yeah right, Jay, that's right. All right, Steve. Time for the latest on today's headlines. All right, ladies and gentlemen, Miss Anne Trip, thank you very much, everybody, Good morning. A homicide investigation is underway in Portland, Oregon, after a man was shot and killed Saturday night during clashes between anti racism protesters and a pro Trump pro police group. The victim not identified yet no arrest has been made. However, photos showed that the guy was wearing a thin blue line patch on his shorts and a hat from a local right wing group calling itself Patriot Prayer, a group that has been coming to Portland, I would say to demonstrate and a leisurely engage in violence. Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler says he's tired of the violence, especially though the person he says is responsible for it. President Trump, it's you who have created the hate in the division. It's you who have not found a way to say the names of black people killed by police officers, even as people in law enforcement have. And it's you who claimed that white supremacists are good people. You've tried to divide us more than any other figure in modern history. And now you want me to stop the violence that you helped create. That was the mayor of Portland ten and wheel And meanwhile, the streets of Kenosha, Wisconsin were calm for a fifth straight night last night, where protesters chanted job Jacob Blake, the name of the young black man shot by a policeman seven times in the back, paralyzed and still fighting for life. President Trump, by the way, promising to visit Kenosha this week. However, the mayor there, John Antoamian, tells MPR that any presidential visit is fine, but just not right now. By the way, the local police chief is insisting that his officers did nothing wrong in being friendly to the seventeen year old white man who came to Kenosha armed and who then allegedly shot three anti racist protesters, two of them fatally. Kyle Rittenhouse is charged with first degree intentional homicide. Congessional Democrats say they're outraged by the Trump administration's decision not to provide face to face intelligence briefings to legislators about how foreign powers are trying to once against subvert our democracy. The National Head of Intelligence, John Ratcliffe says from now on he'll only provide written reports. Democrats say this is a violation of the administration's constitutional responsibility to keep the Congress in form and Chelison officials already announced that Russia is already working to harm Joe Biden's presidential bid. Finally, and so sadly, mister Jackie Robinson, mister Black Panther, mister James Brown, and others has left us too soon after Chadwick Aaron Bozeman died from Anderson, South Carolina died Friday after losing a four year battle against colon cancer. Among his great roles, get on up, Marshall and black Panther, I am not the king of old people. I am king of a combat actor. Chadwick Boseman was forty three years old. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning show. You're listening to the sty show. We have to say, Steve, congratulations to our very own Jay Anthony Brown. You've been talking about it for a while. You are one of the stars Tyler Perry's brand new TV show. It's called Tyler Perry's Assistant Living. And JA, what a blessing to have that part, you know, in the way I got it knowing. They thank you, thank you, thank you so much. The show called Assistant Living. The premise of the show is My Wife Dies. I played Denny. I played the part of Denny. My wife Dies leaves me some money to give to my grandson, who's played by Naheim, Lynn David and Kamlamanna on the show, Courtney Nichols, Hallebuck and Alex Henderson. He passes away. I'm supposed to give the money to my grandson when he shows up. I bought this old rundown retirement home. Blew the money. He don't get. None of the money he don't get. That's called you sent your grand success. Spend it all and to offset my income. I'm growing weed in the backyard. You ain't even seen it in It's funny Rights. We know you comes on this Wednesday night. Also I have a fake hook and to get more money from disability. And you could see that this hand is not a real hook, Candid, and it's a lot of then it is my character I'm playing. I played any grandpa and it's just it was a lot of fun to work with David Man on this show and everybody else many getting into it with mister Brown oh all constantly, it's non stop. It's I'm his honest, That's who I am, none stop. But when you see that hook like that is not a real up with the with the idea for mister mister Perry came up with the idea of to do this show. You know, it was just a great concert. And the stuff you can say that he put he was, Steve, you've been on these shows with they're giving you lines to say, and mister Parry would give you these lines and I'm like, I can say that, okay, all right, lot of ad living, a lot of One line I did was about to Kurt Freklant. I said, Kurt Freklant was God Lives Christian and mister Perry had never heard me say that before. Stays so small you can win around your neck. He said, we're leaving it in. We're leaving it in, y'all. Check it out on b ET. Check it out. Tyler Terry's assistant Living Wednesday, September two, at nine shows, eight Central one b ET. All right, thank you Jay so much. We're gonna switch gears. Talk more about the loss of the great Chadwick Bozeman and colon cancer in the African American community. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, So Steve, earlier we talked about how we are still mourning the loss of Chadwick Bowlsman. Of course, a few years back, Um, you had a chance to interview Chadwick about some of his iconic movie role. Take a listen, what's in life? Seeing everybody's reaction to the comic contrailer, it was like I imagine a Michael Jackson concert. Was like that. People were crying, people were they were laughing. Uncle lost complete control. Even I was crying. But it literally, it literally it was like a concert experience. This new film, marshal Man, explain what it is exactly, Well, it's like a superhero origin film of Thurgood Marshall. Because he hasn't he hasn't gotten to do the things you know he will do. Yeah, and so he's the Marshall play on the word Marshall coming into town to implement justice. So it's like a Western Who Done It slash Buddy cop film and it's a feel good experience at the same time. Yeah, that's a fight scene in the movie. Right, and you square up like a boxer. Man, are you a boxing fan? Did you take lessons? I love boxing practice, see myself, you know that's me that the Mayweather fight recently, Jamie Fox nys Um puff I love. Did you see the reaction you got from those guys from Jamie from from Yeah, yeah, it's amazing. Man. I don't know if you understand how a lot of people feel about you. Wow man, right man, Steve, Yeah, what the comic cun and when he came out, It's unbelievable the way they reacted to that character. Man, It's just it's unbelievable. He's right. It's bigger than a microld, bigger, you know, special du Yeah that was good for him, man, good for his family. What a shock, such a shocker, right, um? And uh wow, he lost his private battle. Um. Chadwick Boseman did to colon cancer. And did you all know that, I think we've talked about this earlier to Steve, that colon cancer is the third deadliest cancer among men and women in the US. It's after lung cancer and men and breast cancer and women. Wow, they won't go Black men need to go to the doctor. And African Americans of course, are at greater risk of colon cancer. And the American Cancer Society recommends regular screening of colon cancer at the age of forty five forty five, right, go ahead, Malloyd up, it used to go to forty man. Well, I mean, you know the hurt, right, it's really really rare. The insurance, you know, I mean, I mean it's really really rare. But it doesn't mean it can't happen. But you know, I mean doctors don't even recommend that you get a colonoscopy in now until your forty five. It was fifty years ago. And now that that cancer society, American Cancer Society, said they were going to move it up to forty five. But he died from it at forty three. Been battling it for four years, so he obviously had it at thirty nine. And I mean, who would ever think it. It's not something that's very normal at all. You know, it could be family history. You don't you know from this family. You don't, you don't know. I mean, I've had two colonoscar pies. I had to. I had one my mid forties and I had one at fifty. Steve you had one, I have one. Shirley's had one. You called me when you got ready to do yours. We talked about it, how important it was. I need to go, get going, just for the weight loss. It flushes you. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you have to drink. Yeah. Tell you you have a kid you oh yeah, Oh, I tell you no, no, no, no, no. He does his own prostate checks and you know all of that. Okay, I'm saying that commercial. No no, but we I mean, we're trying to bring awareness at the same time and cancer many Yeah, so can. The American Cancer Society again recommends regular screening for colon cancer at the age of forty five. Yeah. We lost a great woman in Chadwick. He will always be our king. He will Yeah, rest in peace. Chadwick Boseman, Waconda Forever coming up next again. We'll try to laugh a little bit. Nephew will be here with today's prank phone call right after this you're listening to coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today strawberry letter. My subject, please don't bring any food to the cookout. Wait a minute, is this to me? Should be? It should be? Maybe you do know that you don't bring any food to the cook Okay, well we'll find out that's for sure. You bring and cook Right now, it is the nephews turn to give us today's praying phone call. What you got, nef, I need a reference. I need a refer I'll give you one and tell him to call me. Okay, I'm calling for a reference. Let's go. Cat, don't watched it. Hello, Yeah, I'm trying to I'm trying to read Scotty please. Yeah, Yeah, what's up, Scotty? How are you doing? Man? I'm trying to actually get a reference for for Monica. Monica. You talk about Monica my ex wife. Yeah, I'm trying to get a reference on her if possible. Oh okay, he said west Hell applying for a job. He trying to go to work now, Uh no, this reference is actually for like a relationship, a relationship says a whole whole of ow boy, Wayne relationship with you. You're talking about a job relationship. No, no, no, no. See what this here is is that I'm finna actually start dating Monica on the regular, and I'm calling you for a reference. Who woad wold? Whoa whole way? Man? Who did you say this is? And how do you get my name? Philip? Man? My name Philip? I got your number the Monica phone check this I fail. You don't need to call me with whatever you and Monica got going on. Y'all need to go on and deal with that. No no, no, no no no, I got that, brother, But hey, y'all throw hear me out. What I'm trying to say is is that I figured if I get a reference and figure out what kind of person she yills and get to get a you know, kind of get a background so you can kind of tell me what kind of person her good points, a bad qualities the whole night, it might save me sometime from being in a long relationship if I know what to look for. Was good Man say, say, boy boy, I know I know I'm not listening to this. I was mad. Well, you ain't nobody to give me no rest, So don't call me asking for no like that. If you got number for Monica, you and Monica need to forget my okay for holda hola bro Like I say, man, I'm just trying to figure out hold up. I'm trying to figure out the good qualities in bad white like you know, do she want to cook? You know? Is she good in the bed room? You know what I'm saying. I'm trying to know. I'm trying to just know what to look for. Dogus all man, I ain't trying to come an you main look oh, but I just can't believe calling enough about some I don't have a no more. The only thing I have to deal with is my child, you know what I'm saying. And you most definitely don't need to be a robber out say, dude, I got to go okay, okay, okay, can you give me a good reference owner? That's all I'm trying to get the references. Don't die number ever again. And when I talked to Monica being heard, but hey, you ain't gonna have to worry about the relationship with Monaca. You know what I'm saying. Ok Okay, okay, older man, let me gonna break this to you. First of all, me and Bonica then dated for the lands year off and on we just finn again. Hold on, hold up, dude, the last year. Man, this woman just got divorce a few months ago. I don't so you that who must have messed up? I ain't look look, I ain't call nothing the reason why y'all broke up. I don't have nothing to do with that. I don't look here. Oh so you that slick? Say mate, why don't you slide your a little slick back under that rock that you slipped from under a dog? I can slide right on back under the rock you're talking about. But what I'm trying to ask you is just right here. Man, Hey, doc, can you just give her brothers some references? Man, somebody can look out for some signs. That strip reference I'm gonna give you is when you don't have enough money, when she want that twelve hundred dollars bag, don't call me for that. When she needs some more money for this? Oh well, baby, I just gave you my check. What don't mean nothing? Or you pull up your finger account, ain't no money and that's the reference ship needs. Ain't so I need to hear from you, especially if you who was around with my woy? Why why we was married? Talking about married? Hold up the reference here, I'm gonna find you. I'm gonna call Monica and I'm gonna track down. Then yeah, in you a reference? Then yeah, yeah, I get your reference? Then face to face. Ain't trying to have no oblication with you? Man? Oh well you must have been trying to have something you die in my Okay, dog, let me okay, one more question, man, and then I'm gonna be out your how I just like I said, I just wanted a few things to know, some background on him. Man. You you out of questions on boy? You out of questions? Okay, but this this, I just need to know this because I want everything a man. I want everything to run smooth dog, and I want us to have a good understanding. Do you have a problem, man, with with your little girl calling me daddy? What did you just say? You asked me about Morty? Hay, calmed down, dude. Come, I'm coming. I'm gonna pete. You asked about money? This about mine? Hey, I'm just asking her. Here you are around me time, I will come in. Oh boy, look I'm gonna find because you're bad. You missed the bad you dog number. Not only you got that, but man, you're talking about time. I'm just asking, do you manic? She called me? Boy? Look here, man at child there then cannot come out your mouth. You know what I'm saying. Say Man, Man, I don't. I don't have time. But I'm gonna call that Monica and I'm gonna get your Yeah, I'm gonna get you. I'm out of here. You want Why are you calling me back, Scotty, Scotty gotty, I'm going Man, you're looking. Why are you not just handing? Man? How you something? Homeboy? You don't have nothing to kill me home? I want to say to Scott Scotty, look just look to me, man, I want to say this. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your brother Brian got me the plank phone call you. Hey, man, it's who Scotty Scotty. This is Tommy Man left you Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your brother Brian got me the plank phone. Call you say, man, Man, Oh, I'm about to go. Man, hey dude, I'm about to go. But listen over here, Man, Hey, Brian, got one coming dough. Oh Man, you all right? Man? Yeah, yeah, say man Man, Tommy Man. Well, hey, I'm glad you were playing man because talk about my little girl. Oh boy, Brian, No, it's it's gonna be on in his world. Man drank got you, Man, he got you good dog. Hey Man, One more thing, Man, what is the Addison? I mean, the baddest radio show in the land Man and Steve Harvey more itself. Come on, Man, give me something. I didn't answer question, Jay. I didn't get the reference. Call daddy. It was too much something. From the moment he picked up the phone. He was not the he was not the dude to call nothing. Dog. He didn't want to know if it's okay, said, I'm about to about Yeah, like where you are there? No, no, no, no, ladies, ladies. He got another level, right, that dude right there. As soon as he find out where you at, he got a whole nother level because there's some stuff on him. Yeah. Everything took him up to a different level, every level, level level. At least when you capped it off, you talk about his daughter, your little girl called me, But thank you. That was a good one. Coming up next my Strawberry letter. Please don't bring any food to the cook out, sir, but I am a fair begging you don't bring nothing. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to show sixty three days until the November third election. Please go right now to register to vote at vote dot org. It's easier and it's even better. Okay. You can get your dates as to when you can vote early in your state. So please go to vote dot org. It's simple, it's clean. Vote dot org. Sixty three days all right, time now for my Strawberry letter and listen. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on pubmit live on the air, just like we're gonna do this one right here, right now. Bugle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it is Strawberry letter. Thank you, nephew. Subject, please don't bring any food to the cook out. Sure sure, right, Dear Stephen Shirley, Except Carla, I'm a thirty three year old entrepreneur and I need your advice because Labor Day is coming soon. I live in a nice, big neighborhood and I'm friends with everyone on my block. We're a close knit community, and each year we have a community outing for Labor Day at the neighborhood clubhouse. Last year, I took two big watermelons, some ice, and two cases of soda. Since I'm a bachelor, I'm not expected to do much more than that. We send around a checklist annually so we'll know who's bringing what to the party. My next door neighbors always bring the cups, plastic ware, and paper towels each year, but this year they signed up to bring the potato salad and homemade coleslaw. First of all, everyone in the neighborhood knows they have the nastiest house on the block. They have three dogs that have free rain in the house. Their carpet is disgusting, and I would never eat anything they cooked. When I go over to I have a drink with the man of the house. We either sit in the garage or out back. I haven't been able to sit in their house for any period of time because of the pets. Everyone feels the same as I do, but we are all afraid to tell the couple. I told the wife that it's probably going to be too hot for the salads to stay outside, and she said she plans to keep them in the cooler covered up. If we avoid eating their salads, it will be noticeable, and we don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. I feel bad about talking about them behind their backs, but this could be a bad situation for us and for them. For them, Labor Day is always a memorable weekend and I can't have barbecue without potato salad. I need advice on how to tell them before it becomes a big mess. Is it best to come right out and say it? Please advise. Sounds like it's already a big mess. Okay, And yeah, it's best to come right out and say it. But you just gotta be nice about it. I mean, I just say, if the nasty neighbors bring the food, do not eat the food. You can't eat this food, the nastiest house in the block. No, you can't do it. That's it, period. Don't eat the food. I suggest you bring your own since you can't eat barbecue, you say, without potato salad. Do you have someone in your family or friend or something that can make good clean house potato salad. I think you need to contact them and just bring the stuff, ask them to do you a salad, take it with you, and eat it with your meal. If they ask you, just tell them your friend made it. No other explanation necessary. This is not a major issue to me. I think you can handle this potato salad situation. I understand you don't want to hurt their feelings or anything, but you don't want to eat their their potato salad and their homemade coleslaw either. So that's the choice you have to make. I just say, have somebody else to make it and just act like, you know whatever, it's been there all the time or something. You can handle this. Steve, we all at some point in my life have dealt with this. This ain't the time to be neighboring. It's time to be real. They live in a nice, big neighborhood. He friends with everybody on the block. Close knit community, got block watch everything, They got houses associated, everybody cool. They have a community outing on Labor Day at the neighborhood club house. Oh I know this community well. Last year I took two big watermelons, ice and two cases solder these as black people. Oh yeah, because potato seller has to be right. Did you hear that? No, that ain't fly because the single dude showed up with two damn watermelons, two cases of soda, and some ice, and they let him get away with that because black people know this all you post the brain, sweetie, you you can't cook. See that's how I analyzed this right here. So now we so we do a checklist, so we know who's bringing everything. Now, normally their next door neighbors just bring the plastic were paper tiles. But this ship they signed up the brain, the potato salad, that homemade cold slaw, and everybody's neighborhood. No, they got the nastiest house in the block. All right, let's put the brakes on this right here. You must release this information. Someone has already made the potato salad. Damn it. I know it's August, but someone has all read it made the potatoes salad for Labor Day even though it's still August. Oh huh, okay, the potatoes salad and cold slaw is already made. It's been handled. Someone has committed to this. But Joe Nastas can't brain. No food everything you brain got to be wrapped up, folks, nas no cold on Steve. We'll have part two of Steve's res and twenty three minutes after the hour, Subject, please don't bring any food to the cook out. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to show, all right, come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter and see it wasn't about me after all. Subject, please don't bring any food to the only reason it ain't you surely called they nasty. Oh yeah, although now here we go the close knit community. Little single dude go down every year taking a couple of watermelons iced couples case so here, bastlord Genterm, I expect him to do no boating there. And they sit around the checklist everybody want everybody gonna bring to the park. Then his neighbor's nasty and they always bring paperwear, plastic were, paper, tiles, cups, stuff that's wrapped. This year, they signed up the brain for tato salad and the homemade cold slow everybody neighborhood. No, they got the nasta's house on the block. They got three dogs, got free reid. They carpet is disgusting. I would never eat anything they cook. Then why is y'all letting them bring homemade potato salad and cold slow? Too many damn things can go in now. It's just too many damn things. You know, dogs in there, You could drop stuff in there. Too many egretis in there. You know you don't know what you're eating? You know you you and and this is and I see y'all these yearly events. We can't under risk or somebody messing up a yearly event. That's why you're on Golden People house. It can't cook the Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving comes once a year. Yeah, go over to nobody's house, taking chances, trying nothing out. Oh, I made I made a new sweet potato dish and it ain't yams. What you know? I made a new sweet potato dish and it ain't yams? What is what? Damn? It is Thanksgiving? What ain't yam? I've been waiting all year on this here? What is you talking about? Yeah? I do them. I just cut them up in quarters. You are to see it. It's so pretty. You cut the sweet potatoes up in quarters? What ball them? Okay? I can't tell y'all, Wait till you see this everybody feels the same as he does, but they are afraid to tell the couple. Then what he tried to do is he tried to tell a nasty lady, probably gonna be too hot for the salast to stay outside. She said, we're gonna keep him in the cooler. Cover it up. So now that's why you ain't got to eat no, because they're gonna be in the cooler. Cover it up, Jeff. Let everybody know what cooler they are. That's it, you know. I didn't even see these you know, and let him take it on back. It's gonna be noticeable. And we don't want to hurt anybody's feeling. Look, you got to hurt people. You have to hurt It ain't the time to you got to hurt these people. Somebody got to take a spoon over and go, what the hell? Hell no? Why is that hell? That ain't no damn potato satade. See, you got to hurt some people, and then I feel bad talking about them behind their back. But this could be a bad situation for us, saying Neil, mostly for y'all. They're gonna eat it because they ain't gonna know it's bad. See, nasty people don't really know they nasty. If you ever go on somebody's house that got a lot of dogs and you smell their dogs, they don't smell they dogs. Labor Day is always a memorable weekend. It's gonna be even more memorable because you're, first of all, let me explain something, y'all about this neighbor that you're gonna mess with. Other braining is bad as potato salling cold. Slow down here, that we already coming down here, Mike, get covid. Oh lord, as think we're gonna get food poison into and and let me tell you something. COVID got the same symptoms as as a bad potatoes, your stomach, diarrheal stuff in head because when you eat bad food, your head clog. Now you're gonna be coughing, choking. The whole damn, the whole damn neighborhood gonna think they got COVID. And it's all because y'all let the nasty ask people bring them tato stat it up in here. Don't do it. Don't do it now, listen to me. I need advice on how to tell them before it comes a big mass. Just going over there and say, hey, look man, ain't nobody saying nothing to y'all. I'm gonna bring it to y'all's attention. They really really enjoyed the plastic cups and stuff. I enjoy that you always. Man. Look, everybody's been saying, Man, if they don't bring the ones they bring, we don't even the way to get them. We don't even know whether y'all bring them this plastic folks. And for you to deny us that, you know, everybody got to everybody don't repetato sating cold slaw, but everybody use y'all plastic. Well, why would y'all do this? Tell us and a lot of neighbors. That's hurt because you all are also taken away an opportunity because miss Sylvia wanted to make the uh cold slaw and you don't even notice, but she got, you know what, she got a pre existing conditions. She might not be here next labor. Let her make this potato salad stuff because it could be her last water. All right, Steve, and do this in Jesus money, Strawberry letter and Steve Barbie FM on Instagram and babybook. Uh and don't forget to check out the part of the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now ring up in forty six minutes after the hour Junior Sports Talk. Yes, yes, we are here for it. Right after this you're listening String show all right, time for Sports Talk with Junior. Yeah, NBA play off basketball. We're getting into the second round. But first, man, you know, it was honorable from Lebron James on a Chadwick Boseman on Saturday night when he took the knee before the national anthem and did the wakondam flat of a side as respect Chadwick Boseman. Man, you know the great thing about working television with Steves you get to meet so many people, man, and just is not even going there and talk to him. Yeah, we talked to me and went back to him. It didn't help y'all to tell us not to go down there, because we was going anyway. We was going down there. We knew he was gonna be on the shop saying I told y'all not to go. I didn't say, you didn't tell that. We never told us. Don't bother Chadwick. He's gonna be in the building today. Well, me and Jay went ain't down there and ball the chat. Who told y'all that who told y'all that I don't worry about it. They all go BC going through. But man, it was such an honored man to meet him. Man, and you know that, you know this shows the impact he had. Man. I walked right in the dressing room and threw my arms over my chests. He did it right back, Chadwick hugging right. Yeah, Man, I mean man kind of signed to and he did it right back. Man. I mean he was just that over dude. Man. He was just a really great spirit and man, that just you know, we had a lot of fun. Man, It was just a lot of fun. Yeah. We just were our heartbroken. Yeah, we kinda forever man. Yeah. And you know what Jay Today is National South Carolina Day. Did you know that? Yeah? The flags are playing it has is it half man half month for him? Yeah? For him? Man, Man, Benjamin, if they were flying at half mad, everybody to have them, sup, Yeah you might. What I was saying was they're gonna they're trying to have a petition for a statue for that would be great, That would be that would be wonderful, Hill Billie, they have statues or riding them horses cross the that was fighting for slave Okay, st you're gonna bring it right yeah, South Carolina. Yeah yeah, so man, we're gonna miss miss Man five blood. That's the last one I saw was five that this movie was what was in store for him, what was next for him? You know what I mean? That will never great? Nuts, I mean might he might have wanted can We don't know about Jack? You might have one. Yeah. I got such an impact on kids. Yeah, yeah, yeah, So everyone will miss you cover forever, forever. That's it. It is all right, Junior, Thank you so much. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some music news from Carla right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Carloges Music Ben go with through may Sen youen you you come that you me Now, I can't I can't do my voice like Luther, but I can do my lips like that. Yeah you can. Uh. Time now for Carlos music news. Guys. All right, So tonight it is going down nineties R and B divas versus Battle, Monica versus Brandy. Wow, Brandy Yeah, really yeah, really really Brandy. Yeah. And it's it's hard, yeah, it's yeah. They're both just great, you know, There was always rumors that there was some kind of beef between Brandy and Monica, especially when they dropped the collabo that they did to do. What the boy's mind back in nineteen was yeah, yeah, So these two R and B powerhouse singers. Timberland Swiss Beat said it's time. It's time for Monica and Brandy to battle. It's going down, Steve at Tyler Perry's studio, going down to the thrills tonight. Uh huh, So who you got night? Some of y'all said Brandy, Some of y'all said Monica. Brandy. All right, Jake got Brandy. So Brandy, I want to be down baby, best friends sitting up in my room. Have you ever? All right? Monica? Some of the hits, some of the hits, Monica don't take it personal, so gone gone. I think Brandy had more hits, right, but Monica's voice, Oh my god, like Brandy. Both of them bad. It's so hard one. But Monica could mean back and tell your mouthile sometimes. Yes, yeah, I love you angel Monica, before you walk out of my life. They got some hits. These women have some questions on both of them, so I don't care. Yeah, I'm with you. I could be rejected by both of them women. Yeah, I got turned out. Yeah yeah tonight Versus TV or Apple TV, and everybody's gonna talk about it on social media. A PM, how do you go about doing the challenge? You just put it out there and well, you know, this is Timberland and Swiss Speed. It's their things, so they kind of come up with the suggestions and they may throw it out to their followers music fans. Who would you like to see? Because you know they threw out not too long ago, see Anita Baker and shot Tech. Oh yeah, that would have been frightening. Yes, WHOA I would have been in the crime. That was crazy? That ain't well Anita Baker though that Yeah, you'll be sitting there holding yourself. Yeah boy, let me take you somebody up in that crime your tomb? Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, So that's how it goes down. Jay, They throw it out there, and because I want to, I want to make a challenge. I want to challenge weird Out. I want him. I've been trying it though, Jay, I got something too, I know you. I got my money on Jay Mom weird As Yankovich ass get his hand J Jay I'm your damn DJ I'm in the back, I'm your jazzy jail got to and dog, and we're gonna talk trails and tell jokes. I don't get out of here. Just eat this. Think I'm gonna challenge chuck it. Coming up more of today's trending stories in the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We'll be back at about twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this you're listening to show the Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron said he received the FBI ballistics report from the fatal shooting of Brianna Taylor. Cameron tweeted, there is still additional analysis that must take place. You guys will recall that Kentucky's ag said that he needed that ballistics report before deciding if he would bring charges against the playing close Louisville Copps, who shot and killed Brianna Taylor. Daniel said also said that on face the nation, the report is not the end all to be all, and there was still some witness testimony and interviews that have to be conducted. He spoke at the publican national confusion with him thirty three years old, young black guy. He made me sick and let me explain something too. All you got to do is take every bullet that's in the wall and remove the bullets from the body. You take it. You take all the guns that was there that night. You look at the shells that were found at the scene. You file those same police officers guns into the water tank, and you match the bullets up. The bullets that's in the wall and in the body. They have a score on it that comes out of the chamber of guns. That's just like a fingerprint, and no. Two of the say, and you will know whose guns shot who. Just don't take all the damn moss. They get this done on forty eight hours. In forty eight hours, yes, we'll have more of a Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour right after this. You're listening, all right, So Steve. Earlier we talked about how we are still mourning the loss of Chadwick Bowlsman. Of course, a few years back you had a chance to interview Chadwick about some of his iconic movie roles. Take a listen, what's in life? Seeing everybody's reaction to the comic contrailer, it was like I imagine a Michael Jackson concert was like, but that people were crying, people were they were laughing. Uncle lost complete control. Even I was crying. But it literally, it literally was like a concert experience. This new film, Marshal Man, explain what it is exactly, Well, it's like a superhero origin film of Thurgood Marshall because he hasn't he hasn't gotten to do the things you know he will do. Yeah, and so he's the Marshall play on the word Marshall coming into town to implement justice. So it's like a Western who Done It slash buddy cop film. It's a feel good experience at the same time. Yeah, that's a fight scene in the movie, right, and you square up like a boxer. Man, are you a boxing fan? Did you take lessons? I love boxing practicing myself, you know that's me that the Mayweather fight recently, Jamie Fox n eyes um puff I love. Did you see the reaction you got from those guys from from Jamie from from Yeah, yeah, it's amazing, man. I don't know if you understand how a lot of people feel about you. Wow man, right man? Yeah, what the comic cun and when he came out. It's unbelievable the way they reacted to that character. Man, It's just it's unbelievable. He's right, it's bigger than a micropah bigger, you know, special dude. Yeah, that was good for him, man, good for his family. What a yock's three years old? Such a shocker, right, Um? And uh wow he lost his private battle, Um, Chadwick Boseman did to colon cancer? And did you all know that. I think we talked about this earlier to Steve that colon cancer is the third deadliest cancer among men and women in the US. It's after lung cancer and men and breast cancer and women. Wow, they won't go Black men need to go to the doctor. And African Americans, of course, are at greater risk of colon cancer, and the American Cancer Society recommends regular screening of colon cancer at the age of forty five. Forty five, right, go ahead, it used to go to fordy man. Well, I mean, you know they're gonna hurt, right, It's it's really really coming up. It's our last break of the day. It is the last break of the day. Let me tell you them. If you need toilet paper I'm your man. I go okay. We'll also have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after. Right after this you're listening to show. All right, guys, sixty three days until November third, That is the election day you can register to vote at vote dot org. It's just that simple. We've made it even simpler for you. Vote dot org. Get your dates for early voting in your area, register and be ready. We are going to early vote this year. Go to vote dot org. We have sixty three days left. Steve Harvey, Yes, we do. This is incredible, man. This thing is coming up on us fast. And this new website that we've got this even better. Vote dot org can help every everybody know exactly when everything can happen. What's the last day you can register, what's the first day you can early vote? How you can vote by sending your ballots, and you can mainly in vote, you can early vote, how to vote at the polls, where your polling station will be everything. I am so loving this Black Lives Matter movement. I'm not loving the reason why, but I'm loving the movement. I'm loving the reaction to the why See, we have a president that doesn't address these things right here because he really doesn't care. But we do. And in order for us to really drive the point at home that black lives matter, we have to vote. If black lives matter, then our vote must matter too. See, if we really want them to pass policy to make change in the Black Lives Matter movement, the black lives must show up at the poll in unprecedented numbers to force them to bring about change and policy. See, everybody keep talking about what they're gonna do for black people. You can demand whatever you want when you become a block, a power block at the polls. Don't you understand that you can demand whatever you want when you become a voting power block. Black Lives Matter is the beginning of something really really huge here with all the protests, with all the marching, with all the help from non blacks, with all of the outrage we're seeing around the country and cities that's still protesting, with the statement that sports teams are making listen, all of this can come to a head at the polls because they don't care that we march it. They really don't, man, listen to me. They've seen this before. Now, they've never seen it at this magnitude with the social media behind it, and they haven't seen this magnitude of non blacks behind it. So there is something special going on here. But they will really understand the depth and the breath of it all if we make black lives matter, because our vote matters too. So if you really want your black life to matter, we got to show up at these polls because I'm telling you, man, they don't listen until you hit them in the pocket. They don't listen until you cause them to lose position and power. Position, power and money is to drive having forced behind this country, nothing else, nothing else. That's why so many people are pulling and backing Trump because he represents their power in their position. The sad part of it is is that there's so many Trump supporters. That's the sad part that, as much as I want to say this country is changing, it's disheartening to see all the Trump supporters with the flags and stuff, because I don't I don't that they're not even trying to understand. When you watch Fox News, they make Black lives matter is a Marxist movement to cripple and socialize America that ain't what it's about at all. That's not what it's about. So we got to show him what it's about. And the best way to show him is to do it at the polls. I'm telling y'all, man, we can't play around this time. This has to turn up at the pole with all this marching and all this protesting, and til we get them to change policy, until we forced their hand to get better police training or better process of dealing with the police and the way they handle people from our community, until we forced their hand to get in that position right there, it's gonna continue. They just shot another brother. They shot him in the back. This was during the Black Lives movement. You know, this thing is in full blast, and they managed to shoot this brother in his back seven times in spite of it, not to mention the other ones that have happened since then. They don't listen, man, They don't listen because there ain't no consequences to their actions. Because the President is not pushing Black Lives matter, He's pushing Blue lives matter. He's got through. He's got the backing from the police organizations of New York and from other major cities. He's got the backing of the heads of the police departments because he's talking about blue lives matter. See we think blue lives matter too. But see, black people ain't don't know mission out Black people ain't run around out here trying to kill police. We ain't got no problem with the police. We die nine one one. We want some action, just like you do. The problem we have is the police that you have that brutalize Black people. Them the people we got a problem with, and that's the ones that ain't suffering no consequences. But until we get the right people in power, until we bring about law changes. And the only way to get the right people in power to bring about the laws that would affect us to most is we got to vote the ones that's in that out. And we can start at the top because he's creating more division than any other president in modern day time. Vote dot org. We have got to get to the pole. If you want your black lives to matter, your black life got to vote, period, or else you really don't matter. And they're gonna show you over and over and over again. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show.