Voter Suppression, One Has To Go, MTH, Comedy Roulette and more.

Published Jul 17, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! J. Anthony Brown has a little game for all of us. One's got to go!! The Chief Love Officer has a situation between family members and a racy past, plus more. Tory Lanez allegedly shot Megan Thee Stallion. Kanye is still in the 2020 Presidential Election. Fool #2 murders another one in the spirit of The Fresh Prince. Nick Cannon is taking time away from his radio show to regroup. In Comedy Roulette we have the things people who do not believe the coronavirus is not real say. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve understands the voter suppression tactics and continues to encourage The Steve Harvey Nation to get registered and vote no matter what, plus more.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all all suit giving them like the million bucks things in the stuffings not me through good it steening to mother for st Please, I don't join jo. You gotta turn you go, you are you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you got to turn them out to turn turn the water the water got come. Come on your baby now. Uh huh, I shall will good morning everybody you are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show, man, o man o man? How many times I got to say that before I get tired of it. I think it's gonna be a minute, folks. I gotta be real with you, because, boy, that Steve Harvey got a radio show man, clear indication of how God can do some unexpected, wonderful things for you, how he leads your life in directions that you never ever saw coming. You know. I was talking with somebody the other day and they were talking about how man, they were young and they were doing things, and they never knew that the things that they were doing as a youngster would come and helped form who they were today as an adult. This guy's fifty years old, and you know, the same thing for you, If you look back on your life and all of the things that you've done, it helps shape you into who you are now. This is provided now that you take the positive approach. Now when I say look back at your life and see what you've done, that doesn't mean dwell on the misfortunate moments, because the misfortunate moments were necessary. I know it. It's hard to see that when it's happening to you, but the unfortunate moments are necessary. You know, what really makes you appreciate summer vacation is winter work. What really makes you appreciate a walk on the beach, it's when it's cold, it is raining outside. What really makes you appreciate when you're up, it's because you've been down. See if you are up all the time. Just the nature of us as human beings, we would lose our appreciation for because it becomes case urah, whatever it is, well, it is what it is. I'm just what what what you take it for? Granted, it becomes expected. But what happens in life, say, is it has so many twisting turns and then you learn how to deal with those twisting turns, which makes you now a more experienced person. And then when the sunny days come, man, you go wild. It's really nice outside. You really want to appreciate how warm weather. Just stay in a bunch of cold weather all the time. I'm you know what I'm saying. I'm just this is really really simple and now analogies, but it helps you along the way. Now here's what I came to say today to everybody out there. And this has helped me in my life. I can't tell you what it's done for me, but a lot of people are struggling with moving forward with their future, their future plans, their future goals, their future aspirations, their future hopes, their future dreams. Just simply that your future wants a lot of people trying to have a hard time mapping out their future. Even what I'm gonna do, what I'm gonna be, what I'm gonna make harm or go about it? What do I do next? I want to share something with you that I had to come to terms with the quickest way to lose focus on your future is to keep focusing on your past. You know, It's like I said at the beginning. You know when I say it's wonderful to look at your life and review it, because if you look at it, it'll tell you it really helps shape inform you today as the person you are now. If you look at it in a positive sense. But if you dwell in harp on the negative that's happened to you, then that keeps you from seeing the good in the incident, every bad thing that's happened to you, that was a silver lining behind it. I know people who were on drugs who finally, man just got sent to prison for stealing because of a habit. I know Cat Soul Dope. Well, he went to prison. He told me one time. He said, Steve, it's man, this is the best thing ever happened to me to save my life. Now, most people would think, how in the world is going to prison helpful for you? The brother said, it saved my life. First of all, it got me clean. He said, I've been cleaned for five years from sitting in him. That's for starters. I'm cleaned. I ain't still in no more. I ain't putting myself in jeopard and I ain't jeopardizing nobody else. He said. Now, man, I don't went to college. Iudn't got a college degree while I met him. Then he was released from prison, and the brother's life was completely turned around. He married, he got a family, he got a great job. He'd go to work every day. He's a productive citizen. I mean. So he looks back on his incarceration, even his drug abuse, and it taught him how to appreciate the things in life that he had for granted and was missing because he said, man, my life was just in a blur. I didn't even know what was going on. He said, Now I appreciate every day I wake up. That's what I mean. Even in your missteps in life, there is a purpose for the missteps. Every time you fail, there was a reason for the failure. See what I had to do was I had to learn that all of my failures taught me how to get back up. So I became a very strong and tough person in getting back up. And then I was down and out so long that it taught me how to really appreciate the up. And so I've taken all of that and used it those experiences that happened to me, and I became a more experienced person. So next time when people talk about me who don't know me, it don't shake me because everybody not gonna like you. Man, you might as well gonna get on this train right now. And so what I'm saying to you out there is the quickest way to lose focus on your future is to keep focusing on your path. Let it go. Yeah yeah, yeah, he left. Sometimes the breakup is the blessing. I know it's hard to break up because now you're loaning you by yourself. But man, but when you're in misery, When you was in that, weren't you in complete misery in that? Now you kept asking God to fix it. But it takes two people to fix a relationship. It don't just take one. It takes two to make a thing go right. It takes two to make it out of sight. You really do have to have two people wanting a relationship to work. It can't just be one person wanting relationship. So you can pray about the relationship all you want. If the other person don't want you no more and ain't gonna act right, you can't make him do that or you can't make her do that. But you steady asking God for a new relationship. But you are yet to be grateful that you are in a position to have a relation, relationship, and you keep harping on the pass. You don't think he hear that. I'm just a dude with a show, and I hear it all the time. Let it go, go forward. It's over. You made it, He bought you through it, You conquered, you survived it. Why are you dwelling on it and making it the cross around your neck when clearly he had removed it for you. Now, all you got to do is come on. So if you're sitting behind him walls, brothers and sisters, I'm talking directly to you sometimes. Man, you just got to get it right. All this repeat offending the business that's for? Who is that for? How ignorant can you be to keep giving your life back to the penal system? Be free, man, walk the streets, do the right thing. Ask God to help connect you. He could do anything. You think he can't give you a job? Are you serious? Man? Put some faith on it. Let's move forward, y'all. Let it go. Let's move you're listening, ladies, gentlemen, let me have your undivided attention. Please. It is now time to commence with the baddest radio show on Earth in the free world, all communist countries included, and anybody that practices any form of ignorance in that country, including United States. Welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Shirley Strawbaby, Good morning, Happy Friday, Steve calling for Red. Good morning. What's up, Crue. It's Friday, Joe after the bro what's up Steve, Hobby watched out there now, Nephew Tom Friday Morning, Uncle Steve. Let's get it, baby, Let's do it. Get it. Get it well, Jake, Yes, I understand you have some interesting question that you'd like to propose early on and maybe throughout the show. If it's good enough. Okay, here we go, real quick, real quick. You're gonna go with one's got to go. One has got to go, everybody, one has got to go. Name it. The bid is one guy, Tina, Marie Whitney Houston, Um shar Day, Anita Baker. One has whoa whoa Tina Ree just to you. Yeah that quartet right there, Yeah, yeah, not going anywhere anywhere. You No, no, no, no, no no, you can't touch me the Baker. All right, all right, give you a mom, give you a more al Green, Oh God, don it hath a way loot the van dras hell, no not fitting, ain't going name again. Yes, now I love all of them for various reasons, but let me explain it from the top down. Take Luther off all lists anywhere. Greatest male vocalists ever live anywhere, lu Luca not going nowhere? So you got Luca al Green, how he's not going? And then who else? And Marvin Yes, definitely not. It's gotta be Donny, It's gotta be done. That's got and no disrespect to Donnie's that's the hardest one yet one mode. Okay, some rice and gravy. Stop right there, right there. Them two ain't going nowhere, now, go ahead, go ahead. Bread color greens, which one one got to go green at almost slopping? Then you didn't took out corn bread. Ain't almos slopping for you? Hey man, hey, hey hey, your ass is out the family. It's like those color greens. All right. That was fun. That was fun. Keep your God coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, we're gonna do a little bit of asked the clo. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Morning show time now for asked the clo this one have ja do? Two mo? Okay, one gotta go too mo, one gotta go. Okay, okay, you ready any subject? You wan't? Okay, Here we go, Here we go, oh oh on the show. Yeah here you're ready. Just groups the Commodoors, Commodor Earth Winning five. Hell no, wait a minute, hell no, the Commodoors Earth Winning five. The Gap Band CAMEO for me, CAMEO love them, but yeah, I love one, cameoll cameo, got to go for me because it's just too many hits in their mother up. But before they go, I need them to sing hanging downtown one more. I got one more in vo Supremes s w V paddle the bell in the blue Bells, I will fight you Overpreme. The Supremes made all of these, Yes, yeah, Wilson, No, they made all of this so they may InVogue and yeah. So you have to understand that that was invoked some singles good Lord and good Lord Jesus, and they just got beat out of time the Lord. But be clear that anywhere all right, here we go, all right, Steve, this one is from Steve and Macon. Uh. I'm a fifty seven year old man. My wife is fifty five. We've been married for five years. I met her at an after hours club and my nephew introduced us, but he told me that I shouldn't marry her After five years. I finally asked him why. He said he could show me better than he could tell me, and he came over to my house with a bag of videos. We went to the basement and watched the first All of the tapes were porn videos of my wife from thirty years ago. I asked my wife about them, and she told me that she was young and broke at the time. She's not wild in the bedroom with me at all. So I'm feeling a little slighted here. As far as I'm concerned. We're done. My nephew says, I'm wrong for that. What do you think? Wow, I think your nephew is wrong, so that I think you would you was having what you was having, liking what you was liking. I don't know why, you little punk ass nephew came over there some bag of damn videos. Anyway, man, you know. But now y'all met at an after hours joint, and nobody on this show been to one of them in years. A matter of fact that nobody on this show been to one but me and me and Jay the only one in this gut right here into an after hour club. And I'm telling you right now, when you go up in there, you know what's happening. Okay, it's not like an after party party after difference. After the club. Everything in that illegal. Yeah, all the liquor illegal, the gambling illegal, The activities is illegal. All illegal people come there to continue illegal after after activities. After the club is it don't open to the club? Close? Who old at two am? Yeah, that's but trouble every room trouble. You need to knock before you go in there. Here's the deal with this letter though, I mean with this question. He's mad because she's not wild in the bedroom with him. He feels slighted. So he said we done. He tripping on the on the pictures too. Yeah, but you know that that ain't know. You know, she told you what's happening. Bro. You can let bigsty that was thirty years ago. I think your nephew is a little punk. Yeah. And a couple of them videos though, just so we can see what you really talk. Anonymous in Maryland, sends us the next question, Steve, I am thirty seven year old woman and I recently got engaged to a man I've been with for three years. I have a great job as a department head, and he started his own company a year ago. It is taken off and is doing well, but in twenty nineteen he only made twenty thousand dollars. I helped him with his finances along the way, so I was shocked to receive a prenuptial agreement from his attorney a few days after he proposed. I asked my fiance why, and he said he wants to be sure his assets are protected in case of divorce. Wouldn't they be our assets once we are married? Am I looking at this wrong? Well? You know, it's just some people believe in prenupts and some people don't. Now, you helped him get to where he had. Now he think he fitting to be flat and he want to make sure that if something happened, you don't get a piece of the flat. But you help till along the way. You know, hey, what you ought to do is you ought to have him sounded pretty enough. He don't want only got twenty thousand dollars here. That's the poverty level right there. The hell you sign it a paper ful? He don't want, ain't got a damn thing, And if you take his name off to lease his asses out, he ain't got credit and nothing with twenty thousand, So bye. No, I wouldn't have signed a damn thing you signed here, signed mine? Yeah, that's kind of crazy, all right. Anita in Chicago writes, I am a twenty eight year old female and I live in a nice building with the worst neighbors above me. Since the quarantine, they exercise constantly, doing jumping jacks, jumping robes, lifting weights and dropping them. It's a young couple with the toddler, and as soon as the baby wakes up, she runs across the floor all day. I work from home and they're at home all day too. I finally went up to talk to them, and the lady of the house called me a Karen. I'm black, so I can't be a Karen. I wasn't trying to harasp them, but it's not fair for them to disturb me all of the time. How can I handle this without getting into a fight. No, now you're gonna have to move because it don't sound like you. Nobody asks in that house. Jumping Jackson, exercising from the time they wake up, and the damn baby acting now just sound like an ask for him. You keep knocking on this, don't know you've already told you already called you canning run there and get that canned type ask with now, because the end that lifting weights and jumping jackson, exercise, the baby, running the damn baby, and shape everybody up there and ship and you don't waddle your ass up there after taking it for damn near the whole quarantine. You gotta stay your ass in that house and start looking for someplace else to live, because you run back up there one more damn time, I'll be wearing one of them waits, thank you, thank you, thank you. See oh yeah, coming out next. Have you tell me in the building to run that prank back right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anne, we'll be here with our national news. And in today's entertainment news, Kanye West filed more presidential candidacy paperwork yesterday, and uh Tory Lane's allegedly, Steve, you were right about this when allegedly shot Megan the Stallion. We'll talk about the story you said it believe you first forty eight. Yeah, we'll talk about these stories at the top of the hour. Right now, nephew is here to run that prank back. What you got for us, Nap, I got Leicster Tuckle, That's what I got. I got less. Fuck, I paid her, I paid up, I paid the building. This trader Tucker, let's go cat. Yes, I'm trying to reach a Leicster Tucker. This is Lester Tucker. All right, miss Tuck? How you doing? This? Is our Curtis Walking soul brother number nine. I'm with the BP of A and H the BP of A Black People of America. What the okay? Listen, we are we're doing a survey today. We're calling a lot of white households and we're trying to figure out have y'all been using the N word in your house? And if you have, how many times are you using the N word on a daily basis in your house? The N word? What come of? Svey is said, I don't use the N word in my house. I got youngest, We don't do that around my house. Have you been using the N word at your job? Aheall know what kind of survey is it? Oh? No, back to hell? Up? What did you just say? You got what at your job? I got black? Look? Why is this rs? If I use the N word, I paid the rent in this trailer the word? Hey? Hold on, hold wait a minute, brother, Now look minute you called me? Hey hey, Let me explain some something to you. Sir. We're we're doing. All we're doing is a survey. Now, I will tell you this. We do have surveillances at your place, and we will be trying to figure out if you and my trailer. We will be taking dictating. We will be trying to figure out if you're using the N word. Let me say if I won't say the N word, I say words I don't want to say. If I find some surveyors to my trailer, I will come and keep kill Black People's Association. Didn't hear me? You know who? You? Uh? Just you lust the tuck? Ain't you you got right? I'm lust the tucker. Do you want to know how many times I said say the N word? We're trying to get a survey on it, sir. That's what we're trying to you just trying to start some I'm with. I'm Curtis Walking with Black people of America. The hell I'm giving who you are? Curtis Walking, Sir? Why are you calling my house? Sir? I'm just here to ask have you been using it? And have you been using it at your job? Why did I tell you I don't use to my house because I got kids. I don't use at the job because I got black people to work for me. I don't want to run them off my calling them names. Okay, Well, when you go down to the love by yourself, are you guys in there using it? Look? Come on, now, be honest with me. Are you guys in there using it? Man? Let me tell you something. I don't know what about. But it's not me like you. Look, I got black neighbors, all right, I ain't. I ain't like that. I ain't like that. Okay, Well, let me ask you this when you just when it's just you and them, them good old boys, when it's just y'all, are you using that in word? Well, let me ask you this when it's just you and you're and you're hoodling a little buddy, do you? I mean, what, what the hell do you call white people, you use it. I am not used the words, sir. I want to get like, I tell you who the hell you are, sir. I'm doing the time, I'm doing the survey here, I'm you don't survey? All right, but why will white people of America? How about that say we can't have her own association? Oh? Hell no, calling me up, call me, ask me question. Okay, I just got one more thing to tell you. Are you familiar Williams? Yeah, he works for me. Well, this nephew timing from the Stee harv In Morning Show. You just got pranked by william You all right, man, you got kind of ribbed up. Man. Well, man, you you worked out to see that brother. He told me, he said, he said, this white guy is gonna go off. He said, trust me, he does not use the N word, but just act like he's been using it and he's gonna go to hell off. That man tells me money anyway. Hell all right, let's the call. I gotta ask you, man, what's the baddest radio show in the land. Let me tell you if the Steve Harvey Morning Show? And you know how I know some black guys work for me. Have that and now you have it one lest night. Let's still talking. Hey, jay Yo, you got any more one got to go? Oh? Yeah, I got I got one right here? I got one? Okay, the Mac? What are these movies? These movies? He's black Movie, the Mac, super Fly, the Mac super I know what y'all gonna say, Man, super Fly hallom nights. Drum line, drum line, damn n't get forgot about damn reviewer about to go. I don't mean to cook. Nick Candy, Okay, Black TV Show, Here we go, Black TV Show, Samford and Son, Jefferson's that's my mama. M that's my mama. Women, hold on, come on, go ahead, hold on, it is though. You're right though, Steve or the Steve Harvey Show. That's my damn mama. Now you getting mad? That's hey, hey, I gotta go with your game. Hold on, hold on, man, hold on, let's go around in the room. Come on calling. What one got to go? Oh? Anything but the Steve Harber Shop. You know that's my mama. Yeah, that's my mama. Whatever what she said. You know, I'm a TV guy now hesitating, Yeah, that's my mama. But that's my mama. Was good though, Davis, Right, yeah, Clifton and Boat, Yeah, I just got it. Are you kidding me? That's my mama? What the hell are you talking about? I'm I don't care who is mama Wold, that's my mama. That's my mom. Everybody got a mama, everybody, but that's my mama. Got to do one more? Okay, one more? Okay, snacks. We're gonna go to snacks. Pop corn, watermelon, hell no, hold on, hold on, he take the path hell no, or ice cream? One called watermelon in there. Y'all done as much this black lives matter. We're keeping watermelon, watermelon, fruit, water cotton. Didn't black lives matter? And you throw a rock through the wind and bust the watermelons, You're gonna have to deal with me. I'm coming for you. Watch your rocks, protest your busting watermelon windows. Just do the windows, all right? Thank you, guys. That was fun Jay's coming up at the top of the hour. We'll have some entertainment in National News right after this. You're listening to show well. Tory Lane's allegedly opened fire on Megan the Stallion early Sunday morning after arguing with her and her friend Steve Harvard. You were right. What can we say? Yes, you said it yesterday. Yeah you did. Megan Stallion? And where was he in the car with Megan the Stallion Yeah he d no, Yeah, this is according to it, it was a chauffeur driven car, so go ahead, sir. According to TMZ, the argument started after they left the Hollywood Hills party together in a chauffeur driven se V guys, and at some point Megan and her friend Kelsey Nicole wanted out of the vehicle. Uh, they say, Tory opened fire from inside the car and allegedly hit Meg in the in the foot. He hit her in the fifth podcast open fire in a car on some women. That's that's that's cold. I don't know. She's okay, right, yeah, yeah, she had to have surgery on her foot though, I mean to remove the bullets. Damn shut my baby like that? Damn it. Who's your baby, Megan? Meg? In the sound, I'm worried. Man shooting crazy all right, Yeah, that's recovery for real. Who is he? Yeah? Pop artists, a rapper, composer, singer and all that. But he's gonna say it was an accident, I'm sure. Yeah, investigation, but she was trying to protect him too. Sounds like yeah, they're saying the witnesses aren't cooperating. This a lot to it, So I don't know. All right, man is here. Yeah, we're moving on, Kanye, I'll promise you that damn driver see to say swerving? Yeah right, yeah, yeah, I'm sure. All right, we're moving on now. Kanye West is still in the twenty twenty presidential race. He just filed a second set of documents on Thursday. No, no, he's in, he's in. He's back. Yeah. Uh. He filed a second set of documents on Thursday with the Federal Election Commission. Kanye's latest filing is called a statement of candidacy. Kanye list his party as bt Y. You know that stands for the birthday party for this man. Yeah. Yeah, seriously, we don't have time for this, Kanye. We do not. And who's going to vote for him? A lot of people will. There's some plus. There's some plus is about Tanye. I mean, yeah, you want to hear him, you want to hear Okay. Number one, Kanye has a great smile. We have to admit that he's got a fantastic man. Yeah, he has the ability to speak to the people of all races. I mean, we don't always know what he's saying, but he can speak to him. Okay, if he wins, we will definitely have a brand new national anthem. That would be funky. I mean, the Aeration Party gonna be off. The Chaine jay Z Megan the Stadion when she gets gonna be great. He wears T shirts so the common man can relate to him. You know what I'm talking about. He's only had one wife. He's been the church. Huh, he's been to church. Yes he is. He's now he really is a self made millionaire Kanye. And here's the good part about Kanye. He's the good people do when they say there is a big ass in the White House. We won't be talking about Trump. I absolutely hate you. Make sure you vote in November. Please absolutely to me. Oh my goodness, the birthday party. Okay, all right, come on, Steve. Time for today's headline. Ladies and gentlemen, miss A and trimp. Okay, thank you very much. This is a trip with the news well with people of color still the hardest hit by the coronavirus. The Republican Governor of Georgia Bryant Kemp has issued an executive order that forbids local governments from mandating the use of face mask and he says he's ready to sue. However, Atlanta Democratic Mayor Kesha Lance Bottoms, who recently tested positive for the virus herself, did just that. She ordered folks in her city, Atlanta, to cover their faces, just like the mayor of Savannah, and at least a dozen other cities in Georgia have in hopes of slowing the COVID nineteen infections. Flotter is recording a record single day COVID related deaths one hundred and fifty six with fourteen thousand new infections in that state. Texas has recorded ten thousand new infections about that anyway, for each of the last three days, and Houston is the hardest hit. So Governor Andrew Cuomo says he's helping out. Unfortunately, we learned these lessons in New York the hard way. We had to go through it. Why we have to repeat the mistake across the country. I have no idea. Cuomo has sent two dozen healthcare workers and supplies to that city to health also set up a couple of testing centers we'll get this. Only days after President Trump retweeted a contention about COVID nineteen by Chuck Willery, the former game show host. Twitter accounts has been taken down and is word that Chuck Willery's son has the coronavirus. Willery, who claims his career has been ruined because he's a staunch Trump supporter, went on Twitter to say, quote, the most out rageous lives are the ones about COVID nineteen. Everybody is lying, the CDC media, Democrats are doctors that we are told to trust. I think that's all about the election and keeping the economy from coming back, which is the about the election, And I'm sick of it. That's what he said. Now his twittercount again down in his own son now infected with coronavirus, like I said, reports to Willie, his own son diagnosed. How Speaker Nancy Pelosi meanwhile urging Republican control senators and President Trump, who passed the next coronavirus relief package. The legislation contains another round of direct payments and currently stalled in Congress. The US, UK and Canada claim Russia is trying to steal information on a possible coronavirus vaccine all three nations, alleging a certain hacking group called APT twenty nine is part of the Russian intelligence Service and that's what they're doing. CBSTV has signed a multi year agreement with the NAACP to create content for broadcast, cable and streaming platforms. Kanye West made the presidential ballot, they say in Oklahoma. That's what they say, only today's national wig out damning with a long beautiful hair. Yeah, wig outdud. What you gotta do but register the vote. Now, back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Jay Anthony Brown here to murder another hit. What's you guy? For us? Jay? What's your guy? Oh my god, I don't know. We might have some friends over this one. We always do, you know? Are you? The question is? Are you and Will really tight? That's that's a Steve Harder. We're cool. We don't cool, We don't talk or nothing, but we're cool when we see each other. I'm fan off. We love well. You don't want to see her after this song, I'm assuming it had to be sung. This had to be sucked than writing. Thank you Ralph Hawkins Junior for helping me. It just had to be. So let's hear it. He it is hit it NA. I know you probably hurt. But now my wife got turned up side down by a dude named August and it ain't fair. Man. That is how you treat the Prince of bel Air from the street to New Orleans, born and raised in the hospital where he spend most of his day. Now he was really sick. So I played the fool while he was writing music. But nagked in my fool and he was banging my wife. He was giving a wood people's on hanging in my neighborhood. He keeps imaging my wife because I wasn't there. He said, I'm on the red table eggs I've been near. I rolled up through the house around four or five, and you can smell the sex going on from way outside all of my kingdom. Yes, I called him in there. Now, that ain't no way to treat the Prince of bel Air. I'm making all the money, I mean all the money. Bad boys, one, two, and three. You wasn't independent until I did. Independence day didn't set it out. You can't be living off that money. Money j Anthony Brown. Oh you are we your only friends? I think we all as now show? Oh I gotta close my mom? You r and Ralph Hawkers Junior? Did that? Man? Play it again? Man, run it back? Hit rewind. No, I'm gonna call the call. Please, don't think we out of time. Look at Steve play the last thirty seconds. I ain't gonna have no damn friends already. Don't hang Oh my god, you murdered that hit? Though you did that? I mean, what's beyond what's beyond murdered? What's wow? All right? Well, thank you, thank you? Yeah, all right, listen coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour. Nick Cannon is taking a break from his radio show, and Fox has released a statement about the Mass Singer. We'll talk about it right after that. You're listening to show. Well, Nick Cannon says he's taking a break from his radio show. He posted a statement on social media saying, in part, I'm taking some time away from our radio show so I can commit myself to a deeper, more thorough reflection and education and quote. Also, according to TMZ now Fox Network, you know that's the home of the Mass Singer. Uh, well, they're saying that they've been in talks with Nick regarding the podcast and felt he was clear and remorseful that his words were wrong and lacked both understanding and context and inadvertently promoted hate. The network said, based on that conversation, it would move forward with Nick. Nick also vowed that he is committed to strengthening the bond between black and Jewish culture going forward, and he has taken down the Professor Griff episode of his podcast. I mean, I hope he does, man, I hope Nick Nick can get cleared from this, man, I really do, because look, man, we all, we all make mistakes, and I just think it was a guy who co signed some information not understanding the true facts of it for what he was saying, of what he was saying, and then when Griff said what he said, well that was it. And Professor Griff is also the same guy that was in public Enemy right, and Chuck d Neil asked him to tone that down and he wouldn't. So they said, OK, yeah, so can we do drumline too? If he's got the time. It's not right now. You can't be asking is it always about what you need? I mean, the schedules clear what this, dude, everybody doing nothing? Jake, you didn't like anybody busy, said Jack Grab y'all man, let's go. I did like the movie Drumline. Your character's name Jay in that movie. Huh? What was your character's name, mister Wade? Mister Nick's busy? You just do the own thing to your ear. He's a comedian, right, he's a comedian. Comedian, Steve, get your boy, Get your boy, Steve. Who's a comedian, Joe? Nick Cannon is Nick Cannon is a comedian. He's a comedian. Nick started out being a comedy. Yeah, he started. No, he started out acting doing doing Nickelodeon. But he was the youngest comedy right, the staff writer on that on that network, the youngest. Yeah. He's done in the game a long time, he is. I hope he come back. Yeah, all right, do we have time for h one? Got to go? What do we have time for? One? Got to go? You want to do it against? Yeah? One more? Yeah? We got time? Okay? Um scary movie, let's go scared movies? Scared? Okay? Um amity did a horror get Out? Get Out? Take that Out, Get Out the Exorcist? Whoa, that's ok. I'm scared what I could watch him when I was that was a scary That's that's no, it was exercis didn't scared me that much because I would wake up in three and that's when stuff started happen. What boy, my sixteen year old ass was looking at that man, I was so scared. That's scared as I've ever been in my damn lie you devil was in the other room right when your boys went to the movie and we're dog together. We was a seat apart, like dudes posted were sixteen seventeen. When the movie was over, we were all in two seats. Five, he was all in two seats. I'm talking about cuddly you all. We was wiping tears off each other's that movie was telling you all right, listen coming up next and if you tell me with today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject I hate to break up with my girlfriend's children. But first, nephew Tommy is here with today's prank phone call. Yeah, I let that marinate for a minute. Huh, what's today's prank phone call? What you got? Now? My dog Apollo? What? My dog Apollo? Let's go kick? Hello? Hello? Uh? Is this apartment? A teen? C? Yeah? This this ATC? Hey? Man, my name Virgil? Uh? Who who is this right here? Who is who is it you're speaking to? Marcus? What's going on? Okay? Marcus, let me ask you something. Man. Y'all, y'all, y'all didn't messed up. Y'all, y'all didn't got a polo arrested last night on some trumped up charges. Man, hold on, I'm lost here? What what what is this you're talking about? You got a polo arrested last night on some trumped up charges? Who bla bla bloa? Whoa whoa? Sure you got it right now? Man? No? Man, y'all? You and you and you and a U and a tenC ah? Yeah, okay this ATC? No? Tim? Now? Now what is this about? Apolo? Who is Apollo? I don't I don't know what you're talking about. You got, y'all, got a polo arrested last night on some trumped up charges. You know? Now he down town and and and and and there is somebody pressing charges. So now I got to figure out how we're gonna I'm gonna get a Polo out of jail. Hold on you, I need to call to go down town. Ain't going in, so Apolo can come on. Fuck the braids. Boss. See what you're saying now? You calling me about somebody that I don't even know. I ain't even I don't know, no Apolo. You know you're I apologize for your home boy and and and theirthing that's going down. But I don't know nobody name Apollo. I really don't know. I don't know what you're talking about. So you know, y'all, y'all, y'all ain't called the police last night. Ain't nobody calling no police? You you ain't called You're gonna sit here in a line to me and tell me you ain't called no police last night. Let's take this back now. Now what's your name? Man? My name is Virgil. And now now how you come about getting my number? Hook? Don't wonder about how I got you? Know? My guy? Are you the one? I know? You? The one got Apollo A wrest on? These trump charges don't hold? How do you know? How do you know where I live? Because I live a boy of you. I live in nineteen six, nineteen six, So or you're the one that got the loud barking dog. All I was, it's a low My dog gives a polo, My god, Apollo. Man, you got me thinking that you're talking about some human being. You sitting here calling me about something animal something all arrested my dog last living man. First of all, I'm charged, na ever denly you press in charge. Hey, listen to my dog out of jail, man, every DNA you need to listen to what you're talking about. Man, you calling me about some animal. Listen, we called the front desks people about disturbance. Every time we look around, we hear your dog. So you might need to take it over with whoever that's in charge with the apartment complex, because that's who we inform about your loud dog. Now you know you calling me. How you got my numb I don't know, but you need to check this out and talk with the people that's in charge of the apartment complex. I'm taking it up with the person that the father complaint and got my dog arrested last night. Now my dog down there or some trump really charge really really ain't even read. We didn't even read aparto his rights or nothing like that. Really, you really talking to this Listen to what you're saying dogs, man, and it's all let's call to you. Man, I think you need to huh you need some counseling in something box because you're talking about a dog. How can a dog get arrested? You need to Uh, this is crazy. Listen. I don't think we got anything else to talk about, man, because we got we got to talk about a polo. Man, how you gonna go down and then get him out of jail? And you need to have him here back to body this evening. I ain't even to go through this without my dog being here. This man sounds crazyly Maybe this man calling me about a dog being arrested, this is the dog that be walking as a polo man, apolo is as a family member, and you haven't got him arrested. Man for what? And man, why would you do something like that? Man? How about this you and that dog. Don't be calling me no more talking to me about some dog that I ain't got no control over. You need to take this over with the police or whoever called. Ain't nobody calling no police did you just say for Polo, man, listen, did you just say that you heard what I said? Okay? Okay, hey man, I'm not trying to argue. Okay, look, look, let's let's just let's just do this here. Is it any way you could just come down there with me this evening and drop the charge. Come down, well, come to the police station. Man, Well, Polo at dog. He doesn't listen, Listen, Okay, I'm not trying to hollow he down there on some trump up charge. You came. Pick him out in a lineup if you want follow clean they got no man. Uh listen, man, do you really hear what you're saying? Now? I know they say man, best friend is a dog, But you're taking this a little bit too far now. You need to really listen to what you're talking about. You didn't have all this. What you got a problem with with the at the front desk and the police if they you got your dog just really don't make any sense right now to me. Now, I apologize once again about your dog, but I think we have our business finished, right man, because I tell you something. Let me tell you something. I'm gonna tell you this right here. Okay, monkers. Right yeah, okay, let me tell you this here you're trying to testify against trying to testify against against the polo and see what happens. But in the way you listen, man, I'm gonna tell you like this, you Apollo, anything else that you got to say about this situation? Right here? You found my number, You found you know where I live. You just come to see me? You really want that. I'm about to be through with this phone call. Man, I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what. Let me say this right here. I'm gonna say this right here to you try to try to try to get on the stand and testify against Apolo, And I promise you, dog, you're gonna have some problems on your hands. You listen, you really talk to them some nonsense right now? Do you really hear what you're saying to me? Apolo is a dog? I know he a dog? He my dog. You know what I tell you? What? Hey? Man, how did how did pretty little wife for you is doing when it be at home while you're gonna work all day? What did you say to me? How he is that pretty little wife for you that be gone, that be at home when you're gonna what's your what's your name? Who told you my main version? Take this nineteen? See where you at right? Please please believe that's what we're about to meet right now, because not a nare's going to come up here talking to me about my wife. So if it's any other dog you got up in the place, please believe that dog is gonna get right along with your Okay, well, I got I got one more talun you need to say to me because you ain't took it a little too far around with me and a doll. Now you're trying to talk about what's going on in my household and my wife. Please believe nineteenthe is were you about to find me? Let me tell you who else up here in nineteen seat is waiting on me? All I'm bucket? Who else is all up in nineteen? Okay, let me tell you who else is here? You want to know who else in here? Man, I'm gonna tell you this here nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show is up in here in nineteenth safe. What the hell nephew, this nephew Timmy, God man, you got me cousin and my mom gonna be listening to this station. Your neighbor, Gerald got thank you about the neighbor towns man. Hey, man, you gotta tell me this baby, what's the baddest radio station in the lane? The Steve Harvard Morning Show and Nephew time is crazy. I can't believe it. Crazy, you know it's how charge you start up just like this, Wow about a dog, about Apolo, the man and his dog. You don't fool with a man and the dog, don't you don't, best friend? And these charges they were not real. They were trumped up so familiar. Wow, you're having your pranks though you really are. Thank you, thank you so if it was a higher than king, we give that to you. But come on, team, tell me look at you what I do? What I do? And about to have more time? How to run your song back again? If Carlin would let me? Thank you man, absolutely not. You want to do some more. One got to go, Steve, you got another one? Joy? Yeah, let's see. Um this is uh. One has got to go, one has got to go. Here we go box. Oh, I got one for the ladies. We got thirty seconds one oh, okay, one for the ladies. Go ahead, yeah, okay, ladies. One got to go, okay, Denzel Washington, Nope, No, one not going anywhere at all. The rock, I dress Elba stay, wish she would, I wish you would. Will Smith? Who I got, y'all? One got to go when we come back, ladies, you're on the clock when we come back, all right? Coming up next Strawberry letter. We'll get into the subject. I hate to break up with my girlfriend's children right after this. You're listening. But I know y'all don't think y'all offten ladies, what question quickly? Uh? One got to go. It's what we've been doing all day. One got to go, ladies. Denzel Washington, h Idris Elbow, No, Will Smith, the rock, Ladies. One got to go. God, you know what, I'm gonna go with the rock. I'm gonna go with the rock. Yeah, I'm going with the rock. Well, Will, it's just and we've been through enough. Well, you ain't gonna like my answer. You ain't gonna like my answer. We all got to go. You know, not to do this understanding though exactly, man, you ought to do one. You ought to do one for women too. The ladies put together, listen, ask the fell Okay, okay, all right, all right, Halle Berry, that's all from him. Uh maga, Stallion, you stop running in Kim Kardashian and Jennifer Lopez by Stallion, Bye bye, Stallion, far about your foot by. Yeah, I'm gonna have to go with your stallion simply because I don't really know her. Yeah, but Halle jlo Jo Kim Kardashian, Kim Kardashian, I mean I love the STALLI she got bad over. Let's pull the Stallion out and put beyond Halle beyond who Jo, Kim Kardashian. That's who. That was my list, and you substituted the stallion got to go to go? Are you well? Because JJ gonna show up. I know that. I know you don't want any angle man. You're just trying to stay with the least amount of problem. If you try to stay out of the situation, you leave. Oh man, Okay, well it ain't it ain't ain't Hally ain't leaving at all. Well, because I know Halle Halle had to go, you know him? Yeah, I know him? Oh so you okay, Well, I know one thing. Jn Sell and Dress aren't going anywhere ever in life. Get d of when they die and come back yet in the list Still now, I'm not, I'm not. I didn't pick them costs of flyness, h I just because I know Halle And for anybody thinking and I don't know like that, but I just know him. Okay, you know I don't know one thing at all. All right, Well, time now we're going to switch gears here. Time now for the Strawberry Letter. If you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here, right now. Buggle up, mold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the straw Babery Letter. All right, thank you, nephews. Subject I hate to break up with my girlfriend's children. Dear Stephen Shirley. About six years ago, I wrote in to get some advice about a woman I was messing with. You may not recall my letter, but I'm married and I was having an affair with the lady and it was getting out of control. I was very connected with this woman and I had started paying her bills and helping her take care of her children. The children had grown fond of me and had no idea that I was married and had a whole other life with my wife. Things got crazy with me and the other woman, and I came over on two separate occasions and caught her in the bed with another man. She told me I can't control what she does when I'm not around. Each time she told me I need to call her before I pop up at her house. Well, I have a key and I pay the bills, so that's not going to happen. There is no excuse for me cheating on my wife for the past seven years. But I'm definitely leading a double life between my wife and girlfriend. We argue, break up, and make up like a normal couple. So here is my problem, Here is your prob Okay, I've found out that she started messing with the same guy I call her with years ago, and he's been spending the night at her house. She admitted to sleeping with him, and she was upset that I found out. I broke up with her for good. This time, she's been calling me and crying, begging for me to work things out with her. She had the children call and leave a message saying they love me and miss me. My wife and I don't have our own kids, so I do love my girlfriend's three children as my own. But this relationship is worth fighting for. It's not worth fighting for anymore. I know it's time for me to focus on my wife more. So should I explain to her children what's been going on for years? Or should I walk away and let her deal with the children? Well, I mean, I don't think you should be the one explaining anything. This is up to their mom, because, like you say, you've broken up with her for good. But I still can't believe that you didn't mention that there was a problem until the middle of the letter. All this stuff has been going on. You've been cheating on your wife for seven years. You were taking care of her and her kids. You had a key to the house, paying her bills. Dude, you were living a double life, A serious double life. How did you get away with this? Cheating? Lyne? Just to everyone, the kids, the grown people, everybody, this is just a mess. And the woman you're cheating with is way too much. What is she doing? You called her twice in the bed with other guys. I mean, why would you go back with her after you found that out? Anyway, I think she's right, of course that she can sleep with whoever she wants to. But aren't you scared that something could come back to your wife? I mean, this is a situation and you need to leave this situation alone. Wow, Steve, we'll get to you. Yeah, I'm strain up. Yeah all right, Uh wow, that's crazy. We'll be back with part two and part one. Actually if Steve's response at twenty three minutes after the hour subject of today's strawberry letter, I hate to break up with my girlfriend's children. Right after this you're listening to show? All right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's strawberry letter. I hate to break up with my girlfriend's children. You know what this letter? It's not good on so many levels, just the subject I hate to break up with my girlfriend's children. This is a letter from a guy who's trying to make himself look good in the middle of something all wrong. Here we go. You wrote in for some advice about a woman you was messing with. You may not recall my letter. I do. I'm married at having an affair. It then got out of control, but I was very connected to this woman. I started paying her bills and helping her take care of her children. Children had grown fond of me and had no idea I was married and had another life with my wife, and things got crazy for me another woman. I came over on two sip of thecase and caught her in bed with another man. She told me I can't control what she does when I'm not around, Okay, but then you got mad at that. Wait, you who go home and sleep with your wife? Then told this woman you're sleeping with, and you're paying the bills, you don't want her to sleep with nobody else. Come on, man, well I got a key and I pay the bills, so that's not going to happen. What's not going to happen? Brother? You ain't You ain't. You ain't holding the right cards here, or you might be paying the bills in the rent, but and have a key and have a key. But if she tell your wife, how you think that's gonna go? Partner? Hey, man, you can't. You can't threaten people when you ain't got the upper hand, and you do not have the upper hand. There's no excuse for me cheating on my wife for the past seven years. Seven years though, Hey, man, why are you writing us? What do you want me or Shirley to say to you? You've been cheating on your girl for seven years now. You don't got yourself in a situation where your girl sleeping with another dude, which she got every right too, but she wronged. She wronged for sleeping with you. She can do what she want to do with these other men, but it's you. So now you say, but I'm definitely leading a double life between my wife and the girlfrid. We are to break up, makeup like normal couple. So here's my problem. I found out listen to this. I found out that she started messing with the same guy I caught her with years ago, and he's been spending the night at her house. And when you walked in and caught them in bed, what what did you think they were doing? But you thought they were taking a nap. I think he came over for lunch and just wanted to get a little shut out for he going and put it in the last faux for the day. Are you kidding me? Man? She admitted to sleeping with him. Ye, you caught them in bad together. Why does she have to admit to sleep. But they was in bad together. Bro. Bro, you're talking to me like I'm stupid. Man. That's what I don't like. Man. And then, yeah, she was upset I found out. I broke up with her for good this time. I ain't gonna see you no more. She been calling me, crying, begging me to work things out with her. She even had the children call and leave a message saying they love me and missed me. My wife and I don't have my own kids, so I do love my girlfriend's two children as my own, but this relationship is worth fighting for any more. I know it's time for me to focus on my wife more after seven years, that's what you come up with. So should I explain to her children what's been going on for years? Or should I walk away and let her deal with the kids? First of all, man, I'm not giving you no help none. You don't need no help. You need all the grief that's coming your way. I'm just gonna let you have it. Dog, Are you kidding me? How is his wife not found out? Seven years? Seven years? She's stupid, but you're sitting up in here. She knows some signs, but she ignored him. This is just stupid person. You can't cheat on the want for seven years like that, not listen to me? Or should I walk away and let her deal with the kids. When you called the kids and you're gonna tell them the truth, Hey, look, I will come back over there. But I'm really married. So you're gonna you're gonna ruin Well, I don't know how these kids are, but you're gonna ruin their image of marriage. You're gonna destroy the image or what they thought a good man was because that's what they thought you was out And now you're gonna ruin these kids by telling them what's really going on? Are you? Oh not? Well, I was gonna tell you stupid but I already know that, so bro, and you didn't wrote in and the letter was years old that he wrote in before. It's it's really sad man for you, bro, but it's really sad for this woman that she can't see herself without you. But you are pretty good, sugar daddy, because you've been paying for written notice and all this here you got a little key, so yeah, but when but you do have some surprises when you turn that key though, Oh you didn't turn the key to that though, and over the whoa they got her first? You gotta call me. I know, I don't. I pay the bills right here, and I got a key show that ain't gonna happen. Well, you're gonna keep on getting surprised, then come on double life. Yeah. And now when you're mad at her because he's the same dude you caught her with before, well you got the same wife for seven years at least, So bro, I can't help you, madam. Sorry, I'm sorry. I don't know what to tell you. Man, all right, thank you. Steve. Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. And and don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up at forty six minutes after the hour quick round of Comedy Roulette right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show all right, time now for Comedy Roulette, guys, So Jay, please set it up quickly. It's very simple. Three comedians on this show right here, bad ones can do it. We put three subjects on the wheel. We spun the wheel where the wheels stop. We make it funny. That's what we do. Okay, all right, all right, well, here are today's categories, guys. Number one things you say when you lose a fight, all right. Number two things you say to people who stand a little bit too close to you. Okay, right now, all right. Number three. Number three things people say who don't believe the coronavirus is real. All right, here we go. Let's spend this thing. I like to standard too close? Okay, it landed a Number three things people say who don't believe the coronavirus is real. Jam. Here's here's what. Here's what they say. They're just making them numbers up them numbers ain't real. Ain't the numbers. It's not real. I've heard that ahead. Look look, look, look as long as we have sex with the mask, come on, we good? Good, you know what I'm saying. We good. Just stopping things people say who don't believe the coronavirus is real. Steve Harvey, what you got? I got something in my eye blowing it from me? Oh that baby who don't believe coronavirus is real. Look, I know the number. I see the number, but I don't know none of them people. So hey, come on, now, I don't know that's terrible. That's cold. Yeah, listen, listen, listen. Um My girl took the tests. He ain't got it, so I ain't no sense in me taking you know what I'm saying. We do stupid logic, right the man? Come on, people say who don't believe the coronavirus is real? Man, you ain't got to cover your mouth. Come on, well that man. But things people say who don't believe the coronavirus is real? Right, These the things people say who don't believe then, Uh, I've been I ain't caught it yet, so what that means? Huh? What that mean? Yeah? All right, see if you've got to close this one out. Things people say who don't believe the coronavirus is real. Man, anybody's sticking a long ass to vote? All right, listen, Thanks guys. Coming up at the top of the hour, it's time again to get serious. A voter registration is down, people, it is down. We got to talk about that right after this. You're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show. Now. According to NPR that's National Public Radio, almost every place where Americans usually registered to vote has been out of reach since March, and it's led to a big drop, a huge drop in new registrations right before a presidential election that was expected to see record turnout. Okay, until the pandemic struck, the twenty twenty presidential election had been on track to see a huge surge in in new voters. As a matter of fact, voter registrations in January and February of this year far outpaced those in two thousand and sixteen. So what can we do? That's the question. What can't we do? We can register to vote right now, go to when we all vote dot org. That's when we all vote dot org. Just yesterday, the Supreme Court refused thursday to allow felons in the state of Florida who completed their sentences vote in a primary without first paying fees, fines, and restitution. There are seven hundred and seventy five thousand felons in Florida who completed their prison sentences. So that's seventy seven hundred and seventy five thousand votes we're looking at right there. As it can't happen. It's always got a problem. It's always Florida, man. Yeah, that's what that's what let me focusing on. Well, in terms of getting people to right. Yeah, it's the episenter for all voter fraud suppression. You know, we've we've got to be keenly aware of what's going on, y'all with voter suppression. I know the voting its down, voter registration is because of COVID. Yes, but I can't help but think that they are very much aware of this now and I would not put it past this president. That's why the focus ain't on COVID, because COVID can sway the election. You know, you don't know, man, I'm telling you, they don't looked at all these numbers. They know about how many people that's how they can predict deaths. They know about how many people they are lose, how many people get really really sick, how many people get required hospitalization. They know pretty much now what percentage of the people of which age troop they're in, and they know who's the most hardest hit. So it ain't no rush before this election to cure this thing. Ain't no rush to get everybody healthy, because if it was, we would have our leadership from the top talking about these masks and everything to do. They don't even mention it. They act like it's all still a big hoax. It's an amazing guy. But I think I would not put it past this White House to let this go on because they know it will affect voter turnout. Yeah. I don't put that past him, man, I really yeah. Yeah. Speaking of masks, Steve the Governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp has uh. I mean, and it's not even funny. This is so crazy. He's suing uh. Mayor the mayor of Atlanta, Keisha Lan's bottoms for making people wear masks? Is that crazy? But safety got and yeah she has COVID And Brian Kemp wears a mask. The governor wears a mask for Donald Trump. Yep, yeah, because yeah, Donald Trump was in town the day before yesterday and Mayor Keisha said that he was breaking the law because he didn't wear a mask, right, so he you know, he's wasted time money people. Yeah, yeah, what what is it? What's a loss of state? Stop caring about people. You can't do damn much. But but let us not get distracted. Please register to vote, Please register to vote again, go to I'm not gonna get off everybody. Yeah, that's it, and we take it. Five people with us. That's right, that's when we all vote. Dot org register and then vote. Okay, you gotta vote because if you don't vote, you'll have a governor like in Georgia trying to sue the mayor of Atlanta. See what you're doing the right thing. We're doing the right thing. Jeez, how backwards is that? Though? Is low? He's seeing a lady with COVID. That's low. I mean, yeah, his own state, in his own state. A logic man, vote, Yeah, we had it. We got a lot of work to do until November third, so let's get to it. Yeah, and if they're if our votes coming up? More music and trending topics and some headlines to twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, we have a little time to kill here, Steve. This game is so hot today that we've been playing one. Got to go. Jay came up with this. I got one, I got try, let me try. Here we go hoopoc Sloop ice Cube jay Z, I mean youpac who Snoopopacop Dogs iq Snoop Doggs not going no damn. We know that for me too. I love Snop. He's not leaving and Monica will kill us all if we take out a cube? Yeah though, yeah, okay, so whoo dog iq Z is how I picked one? Because who could have normally most hang out with There's no way I'm gonna hang out with jay Z. It's no way, no snoop. Possibly it's a good but you guys, Steve, who you got? Who you goes? That's too hard? That one's too hard. That's Pocket is the only one I really didn't know. I know these other others man I met, but in terms of z pockets, pocket was a movement, and so he has to say, Jay, yeah, feel yeah, all right, we can't decide on that one, Tommy, that was too good. All right? More of the Steve Every Morning show coming up and some trending news the thirty three minutes after the hour right after to this You're listening show? All right? Ja, Anthony Brown here to murder another hit? What you guy for us? Jay? What's your guy? Oh my god? I don't know. We might have some friends over this week. We always do you know? Are you The question is are you and Will really tight? That's that's a Steve Hard. We're cool. We don't talk or nothing. But we're cool when we see each other. I'm fan who we love. Well, you don't want to see her after this song. I'm assuming it had to be sung. Just had to be sucked. Thank you right in. Thank you Ralph Hawkins Junior for helping me. It just had to be sung. He it is hit it na. I know you probably hurt by now. My wife got turned up side down by a dude named August. And it ain't fair man Dan, And how you treat the Prince of bel Air from the streets of New Orleans, born and raised in the hospital where he spend most of his day. Now, he was really sick. So I played the fool while he was writing music. But naggd in't my boot. He was banging my wife. He was giving a wood people's on hanging in my neighborhood. He kept smashing my wife because I wasn't there. He said, I'm on the red table eggs, that's being near. I rolled up through the house around four or five, and you can smell the sex going on from way outside all of my kingdom. Yes, I called him in there. Now, that ain't no way to treat the Prince of bell lad. I'm meaning all the money, I mean all the money bad boys one, two, and three. You wasn't independent until I did Independent day didn't said it all. You can't be living off that money, that money, Jay Anthony Brown, Oh you Murry? Are we your only friends? I think we are now show? Oh I gotta close my mom. You ran Ralph Hawkers Junior? Did that? Man? Play it again? Man run it back? Coming up until our last break of the day, he will We got a brand new red table. What are you wanting? What might happen to soul? You want the soul after you murder that hit? Jane? My god, I love it all right. And we also have the one and only Steve Harvey. We the champions hair baby to take us. So with some closing remarks coming up in forty nine minutes after the right after this, you're listening to show. All right? Here we are last break of the day of the week, actually on this Friday. Wow, it's been a crazy week news wise, right man, So much happening, national headlines and entertainment lock going on everything. Yeah, yeah, fun game today, Jay one got to go on. Yea, we have some fun today, Yeah, we did. And from Obama Winton, Oh, that's one got to go the same. Let me see, Tommy, that one so fast, so hard, Tommy, who do you think, because you know what it is, y'all, is this voting thing is so important. It's so critical for us to get out and vote. Now the studies have come out and we did it on the show earlier, that voting is down. Well, of course it's down right now. Voter registration is down. It's what they're saying because of the COVID and that are some states caller pointed out that won't allow you to register to vote online, that you have to go down there to do it. It's all kinds of voter suppression tactics that they're using and will continue to use and come up with over and over and over. Don't let nothing stop you from voting this time. This vote is probably what This vote is just as important as when we put the first African American in office as the president of the United States. This vote is probably more important because what this current administration has done has tried to replace and repeal everything the prior administration, the Obama administration done, So getting this man out of here can preserve some of the things because no matter how hard he's tried to repeal and replace Obamacare. It was really a great program. Now has some holes in it, but it was nothing that had to be worked through. But one of the greatest contributions he made was he made healthcare affordable and available for more people than anybody in any time in our country's history. And Obamacare was working. And he's shut down, turning down people with pre existing conditions. Do you know that they're trying with everything in them to get rid of that. He's already gotten rid of doctor programs. I mean, man, he's already split up immigrant families, little kids from parents. He's also supported in the protest in Charlottesville. He's supported because there's good people on both sides. He constantly takes the wrong side on every issue. He has done nothing with the Black Lives Matter campaign to even try to heal or comfort the oppressed or broken people in that na. He don't give a damn about none of that. So if you don't get out and vote, you are going to allow this man to run rampant for four more years. And let me tell you why we cannot allow this to happen, y'all. The reason we have to get out of vote is because this guy right here, if he's not faced with the threat of reelection, and he don't have to worry about that. If you think he's done some doggish things, now you give him four more years knowing he ain't coming back in you won't believe the people. Hell pardon who pardons Roger Stone after he got caught Lyne. This is the wrong president, you all, and you know it. And don't let Fox twist your mind up. And because they don't talk about what he does wrong, don't mean he don't do nothing wrong. And just because they say to support him, most people are supporting this man for power, position, and money, and that's all to it. You can't tell me that this is who you want your children to emulate. When you tell when you say I want you to be the president of the United States, and this is who I want you to become, be a sad day for me is one of my children turn out to be Donald Trump or anything like him. Listen, we've got to vote because we can't take four more years of this. I am telling you, man, he's gonna pass some laws and press some buttons. Man, it's gonna make it so hard for us because he does not care about us. He don't really care about nobody. Sitting up there the other day standing behind a product line called Goya because they supported him. His daughter, one of the heads of state whatever position, she got, White House counsel whatever, posing with a can of Goya beans. He got Goya all over his desk with the thumbs up because this man support Donald Trump. Well, dog man, ain't this guy Latino? He hasn't heard anything about that wall. He wants to be able to keep people like you out. And you're throwing your money behind your products behind this guy. And you think by allowing him to sit up there in front of a bunch of cans of beans that's sold and mostly to the ethnic sections of the isle of some grocery stores, and you think that's gonna be a cute move to get him put into office, they're already trying to boycott your products. Listen, brothers and sisters, we got to get to these polls and votes. We have to show them that black lives really do matter. And it's gonna not only matter to the police department. We're gonna make y'all understand how much it matters in politics too. Because when we vote, we can change elections. That's the real deal. Get out and vote, y'all. If you need a way to vote and you can't go down there, what's the name of that site? When we all vote whote, when we all vote dot org, go there and register today. Don't wait till the last moment. I will let you know when they will start with early voting, so we can get all that in and we're going to get in line. It's over parting. It's over now. It's over now. Treat me so bad. One got to go. We know which one it is, and we know right November four, you are about to lose your job. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.