Good morning and welcome to the ride! It's Friday and Steve channels his inner O'Jays. The Chief Love officer advises a woman who is having issues with her childish daddy. President Biden announces that he will run for another term. Krispy Kreme is giving away free donuts. Fool #2 murders another one just for those who are waiting for their $timi check. Inside Sports Talk with Junior, we find out about a special VIP section in Miami. Republicans in Georgia passed a new bill that forces new voting restrictions. The discussion of Black folks waiting on things gets sparked by what took place in Georgia and it ends up closing the show.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things and the stuffing me good Steve to mother for st Please, I don't join jo. You gotta turn you are you gotta turn to turn them out? Turn you got to turn out, turn the water to the water. Go. Come come on your thing. Ah huh, I sure will. Good morning, everybody. Are you are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, I got something for you today. I'm gonna have a conversation this morning about my understanding of grace now that I've gotten older and I've come in to a better understanding of a lot of things I didn't know about when I was younger. This is just my interpretation of grace. Now once again, y'all listen to me. I ain't nobody's pastor, I ain't nobody's minister. So you know, I'm pretty sure you can go to church and get a far more extensive definition of one I'm giving you. I'm just talking to people. You know. Grace is this thing that that God provides for us and Grace's just things that you get that's really undeserving, you know. I mean, I look at my life as it is today. You know. Look, I work hard and I have faith in God that I do so things are going to happen in my life. But the way my life is now, I don't. I don't. I don't deserve all of this. I don't don't. I don't look at it that way. I have been the beneficiary of God's grace. I have aligned myself in a position to accept whatever grace God has for me, and it will be far abundant and exceedingly in anything you could think of. His grace supersedes anything you could possibly imagine. You know, the goals that I set and the aspirations that I shoot for, and the things that I have on my dream board. I have the faith that God give it to me. But what He does with grace, he gives you far more than that. He gives you what He has for you, not what you can see. You can't see all He has for you. It's impossible. Who are you? How can you possibly imagine what he can imagine? How can you possibly think? How he can think? How how can you possibly do what he can do. How can it be that isn't a single mind living or a collection of minds that could have thought of earth? What in your wildest imagination could have made you think of earth? The stars, the heavens, the oceans, the galaxy, the constellations? What in your mind? What in any man's mind? We can point at it and analyze it, but we show it couldn't have thought of it. So come on now, I'm talking about lining yourself up with God's grace, which he will give to you if you if you want some of it now. But now, his thing about grace, it can't be bought. If it could, if it could be bought, I'm telling you I would pour all the money I have and dump it into grace, because, after discovering what it is, it's this goodness that God shines on you simply as a reward of some type for his love for you and for you attempting for you, attempting to do right, not because you get it right. Because if He judged us purely on how we are the right and wrong of it, we would all be doomed, all of us, every last one of us would be doomed, because we all fall short, we all make mistakes, we all sin, we all get it wrong from time to time. Nobody's perfect. Man. Now I understand what my mother was saying about cleaning the house. All I want is a little more grace. All I need is a little more grace when the last time you ask God for some grace. Now, I'm not talking to you like I know everything. If you just benefit from His grace, which you already have, but if you're not aware of it, you don't know what's going on. Become aware of grace, Get aware of the fact that God does things for you simply because He loves you. He does things for you that you don't even deserve. Somehow, you just wonder how you just got over when you didn't even do the things to get over. Sometimes you don't even know how you got that job you got when you ain't even really do the things to get the job. How you end up where you are all education you thought you went and got and had, How you end up where you are today in a much better position than your education could have ever gotten you. That's grace. How I get every place I am today. I didn't plan this, man. If I could have planned my life, the way it is. Don't you know how to have have done it? When I was living in that car? If I knew how to do it, No, I benefited from his grace. I'm just a beneficiary of his grace, of his goodness and his mercy. God's goodness is better than your goodness. God's goodness is better than your mother's goodness. It's better than your wife's or your husband or your booze goodness. God's goodness is different. His goodness man covers some stuff you can't even imagine. So why are you trying to put your life together when the last time you asked him for just a little bit of grace? When have you thought of your life in terms of the grace that it has already benefited from? Have you ever done that? Man? Just thought about you know? You hear songs like my soul look back and wonder how I got over. That's grace. That's all I can call it. Now. Like I say, you can go at church or somewhere ever you want to and ministers that the wind at school to teach this thing way better than me. I'm just giving you from a layman standpoint. Man, have you thought about his grace? Would you not bewailed to be a beneficiary of his grace? Would it not say? Now, check this out. The better you try to do, the more grace he'll give to you. And that grace can't be bought, Like I said, it's free. You can't purchase grace. But the better you try to become, the more the more grace he gets to put your way. So man, just try, why don't you just try to do better? Look, man, quick tip. Mind, I'm gonna start next week. I'm gonna start at the new year. Now you now you do that every year, you know the ems at the new year, we eat better at the new year. I'm gonna I'm gonna gonna get in here and the new year. If you're gonna do it, you're gonna do it now. Man, you're gonna do not stop trying to do something, do it, stop talking about it, do it now. The best way to benefit from his grace is starting action now in old w now, right now today. What you're waiting on. All you're doing is delaying his opportunity to bless you. You know, man, you know, do you know how many times we do that? We delay his opportunity to bless us by not starting now. If you're gonna get healthy, why don't you start now? Now? You're gonna trip a little bit called the holidays coming, But you ain't got to eat bad all the time. You could start eating correct today you could. You could and then guess what that could be? Some grace on the end of that. I'm just giving you a little cheap analogy. But do you feel what I'm saying to you? Start thinking in terms of grace? What He has done for you and provided for you that you ain't even see coming. That you know, you keep calling them blessings and I got that a lot of it and us all it is. But man, have you thought about the stuff that didn't happen to you? You can't account for I. For me, that's been grace and I'm beneficiary of it. And that's available to everybody that won'ts. So next time you're talking to him, just check in with grace. See what that is. That's that's better than money. You're listening tow ladies and gentlemen, let me have it your undivided attention. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show on this very very blessed Friday morning. Friday y'all, that's what it is. Belab believe a little bit, Belie I hear is Friday. I just got paid. You might see me on the east side the west side, say that I'm coming across the bridge. Y'all have the weekend, ladies and gentlemen. It is the weekend. That was a very old song by the Old Jays and all. This whole week of next week will be dedicated to the Damn Versus Osling Brothers and Earth winning fire. Oh Lord, get your mama, y'all. I teach your grandmama's name. Stuff set up, sco be only cracking. I may have a special announcement to make Monday morning, ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Shelley straw Dady. It's the weekend. Happy Friday, Steve Harvey. Whoa you'll y'all y'all calling Pharrell. Good morning, Happy Friday. Never mad on Friday. What's up Junior morning? Everybody morning, I'm here this Frinday, King of Prank's nephew Tommy top top top top, Well, well, well, well I ain't good this morning, y'all. What's wrong with you? I didn't took this liquid cleans and picking up for three days. Should have took the powder one, should have taken to herbs. Yeah, man, why are you always show with liquid queens? But you didn't dream now, I got the herbs is on the way. I got that coming, but I did another one. Can't do both? Why can't you do both? His cleans don't need no help, no, not at all. And you can eat on his clou on the derb full body clans. You can't eat nothing on this one him. Yeah. See, well, well now that liquid is eating your stomach de earb full body cleans. I've told you for years. Man, who's in the liquid time? What do you know? Like beets and carrots and it's just all liquid? You know? You can actually eat beats and eat on the earth full body right, whale? You can chew. You can eat kale. Yeah, one thing though, you can show get tired of kale. I'm here to tell you that I ate so much kale one time kale eating a ram and with hell, hell, I hed kale for who? Hey man, hey, I'll be right back, y'all. Where are you going? I'm not good? Just just come just comes that stupid ass liquid cleans de herbs hasn't cleans that work? Well, you're not having any next week. He don't need you to do both dot com dot com man quick being quick going, he ain't gonna make it. Coming up next we're gonna do a little ass the CLO with the Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show time. Now for ask the clo. Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey is in the building. This one CLO is from Felicia in Philly. Felicia says, I'm twenty eight years old and my father is only fifteen years old older than me, and that's a problem. My mother is the same age as he, but she asks her age. My father is everywhere I go, dating women my age and still getting in fights in the club. He's childish and ghetto, so I try to steer clear of him in public. He got arrested last week for public intoxication and I went to pick him up from jail and he smelled like weed. Is there any way to make him grow up? Oh? That jail usually does it. Jail quick jail, Lisa asked, whooping thanks like this? So I don't really know that there's anything that you can do, per se, because this is some stuff that's lacking in him, and I don't think that you can provide it for him as a twenty eight year old female. The only suggestion I have is to go to him and have a heart to heart and say, you're my dad. I love you. Your an embarrassment to me, and I wish you would be act more like a father than try to act like a peer. I don't want to see you in the club. I don't want you embarrassing me. Would you focus on being my father before you ruin our relationship. That's the only thing I could say. You might contrive, all right, selo, thank you? Oh all right. Spears in New Orleans says, I'm in my mid thirties and I'm balding early, so I need your advice. I'm a fairly large man, and I wear a lot of hats to hide my thinning hair. I'm not secure enough in my looks to go ahead and cut off all my hair. Steve, I know you, Tommy and Jay are all bald and you have nice shaped heads. If I cut off my hair, I will look like mister potato head. What inspired you to go bald? How can I get that kind of confidence? Well, first of all, Spears, let me help you out with. So you're thirty, you're not comfortable with where you look, and you've got a little overweight. So now use the big fat ball head ugly ass man. Where does that say that? It's in the letter and it's hidden. You have to know how to do this. Now, I'm been fairly large man, fairly large. That's fat age. When when a man saying I'm fairly large, what we're saying an interpretation for a man is my ass is fat. I'm a fact. There's nothing wrong with that. It's how we are as men. You can't solve problems unless you admit you have one. Now, he's not attractive. He didn't say that. What what reading Readok? There you go right there? What that means, Shirley, I'm not secure? What that's ugly? That's what that is. See. I know what he's going through because I did it. Listen to me, Spears, I was not secure in my looks cause I was. I was. I was ugly. I still am technically, but I have fixed myself at the bank. I have fixed myself where I'm perfectly comfortable with my fat, ugly age. Now listen to me before this ball spot start doing some things you don't want it to do. Spears, let it go, don't fight it. Don't fight this. Am I right, Jake, You're not going to win this fight. That bald is undefeated. Okay, they have never lost. The matter ball has never lost. Baldness has no cure even buy rogue. Ain't all you want to You ain't been due. Have a little fuzz in the top of your head. Dog, shave your head, suck your stomach, get your first of all dolphin. Get in the gym. You could do something about that. Get in the gym. Watch what you eat. You a eighty twenty died man, eighty percent healthy, twenty percent do like you want to. One hundred and fifty minutes of cardio a week. One hundred and fifty minutes of cardio a week. That's thirty minutes, five days a week. You could do that. Spirit easy. Yeah, don't matter how much you exercise, and you're gonna be unattracted at least at least man be cut and unattracted. Yeah, that'll get you somebody. Okay, fine, hopefully that'll boost your confidence spirits? And can I add one more thing? Yeah, if you have enough money. We don't know what your money thing is right now? Don't nobody care how much hair you got? Okay, trust you on that. That's all right. So Jason, since you're since you brought that up, why don't you go ahead? I know you have a question for the clo you know, I do you know how to do? How do you break loose from a lady who's paying for every damn thing everything you own, but you just don't like the relationship. How do you break away? There's an old say yeah, and I want you every man to listen to this. Okay, you can't snatch your head out the lines mouth? What does that mean? That down? You can't don't don't snatch your head out the lines money. If your head is in the line's mouth, you got to ease it out. Don't jerk cause it bite down. Yeah, is in trouble. You can't. You cannot snatch your head out the lions mouth. So you got to ease out hand for everything. You got to slowly start miss you got you got to slowly form another relationship. You got you gotta eat. You can't let her detect it because if she does that sound Steven? All right, Cello, thank you as always for your great advice, your fat, your ball hited, and your cut up coming up next enough you Tommy's run that frank back right after this you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anna standing by with today's national news, and the nephew is here as well with today's run that frank back. What you got for us? Now? My bones all week? Yeah, my bones are weak and when they get weak? What happens when your bones get weak? The word is weak. Yeah, there's a lot of extra if they get weak. You could make sandwiches with what my bone all week? Come on, okay, Hello, Hello, I'm trying to uh, I'm trying to speak to Ron. Ron. Hey, Ron, how are you doing? It's folly man. How are your brother? I'm doing folly? Hey. Hey. I wanted to congratulate you man on the on the baby man. I wasn't able to make it to the baby shower man, but I want to congratulate you on the baby man and all of that. Man. Much success to you man, you and the wife, Thank you, thank you, You You appreciate that fully. Yeah, well you're fully man. I didn't get to you know, my my wife, Denita, she came to the to the to the baby shower, man, so you know, uh, she was telling me how how how how nice it was, how successful it was. Man. So I just you want, you know, I wanted to give you big ups. And I heard the baby came and everything, and I wanted to just a little girl, a little girl. Y'all had a little girl. Yeah yeah, all right, Well congratulations man, congratulations ron. I wanted to definitely call and congratulate man. And um baby real quick? What um? What baby shower? Was your wife there? Because we had two, We had one from my side of the family and the one from my wife's side because you know, they lived different places and stuff. Man, So which one do you think she was at? Um? Probably on your wife's side, you know. Okay, okay, she knows my wife. Well, now I see see Denia is actually friends with uh with Kendrad Now you know Kendra, right, Oh yeah, I know Kendra. Yeah yeah, that's good thing. Okay, she was she was with Kendra. Okay, yeah, she comes they played uh you know, okay, okay, yeah, she she was with Kendred Man, and um, she was just telling me how successful man, how nice it was, and you know, laid out baby shower. I wasn't able to make it. Man, I've been a little under the weather, bro, you know. And uh, you know, with with God's help, man, I'll be able to get back on my feet, you know what I'm saying. That's all right, hey man, I just you know, congratulations again, man. You know, a beautiful baby girl. I man, that's a beautiful thing. Yeah, thank you, thank you. Um, I'm sorry, man, brother her, I just I can't Foley, I'm trying to remember you and trying to place you in I just I can't do it. Have we met no, no, no, no, no no, no, my bad man. I'm sorry. Dob nah me and you we haven't. We haven't met at all. Um. Like I said, you know, my wife knows Kendrew and they hang out, and um, I guess she's she's dabbled a couple of times and been around. You know, your wife is your wife is Maryland? Right? Yeah, that's no wife, Okay, Yeah, I guess she's been been in the presence of Maryland, man. And so you know, you know, I kind of got your number from uh, from my wife, man Um, and she got it from Kendrew. So I kind of wanted to holight you, you know what you want to hard of me? Actually, man, Like I said, Man, I've been I've been down for a minute, you know, and I uh actually you know, came from doctor yesterday and and my my bones, man, they my bones are deteriorating. You know. Uh, that's that's kind of what I'm what I've been going through, man um. And if I don't uh get the proper medication that I need, man, then we you know it within the next three months here, dog, it could it could get pretty bad. You know what I'm saying. Well, and I'm sorry to hear that, bro Um. It's you know, all I can do is man. And you know, well, Man, I di the doctor told me that if the doctor told me man that you know, if I get the right medication, man, that you know, I could get back up to seventy five eighty percent healthy again, you know what I'm saying. So you know, it's just a rare type of thing that I need to try and get and I think that you might be I think you can't help me, well, strong man, be strong, just man, Sit down strong. It's gonna be all right. But it's gonna be all right. God is with you. I pray for you. I do all I can. You know, I don't know well actually actually uh the doctor told me, man that if for six months, if I drunk breast milk, it would it would it would put enough calcium and stuff back into my bones that would get me back up to seventy to eighty five percent healthy breast milk. Yeah, I ain't got no breast. But you know it's not. It's not you wrong. You you don't you know, but you know your your wife does thought. Whoa, you're talking about my wife's breast. Man, I'm not not directly man, I'm just saying that chickens, you know. I mean, if I had her breast milk for like six months straight, man, I could get back hold again. Man. Oh go, you'll talk about a man's wife or her breast now, I could gotta. I just gotta. I'm just just all I'm asking for my wife breast milk. Man. Man, I'm just asking y'all to share it for six wee breast milk with you. Man. You got the wrong one. Man. The wrong one, and you said your name was is wrong. Man, it's wrong. I'm wrong. No, we're just talking about six months of breast milk. Man, six months my wife breast milk. We're going that's no best. No, I understand best, little man. I understand that. Man. But we're talking about you saving a life. Man, a life I ain't the one. Okay, let me ask you this. One of y'all would have had twins. Man, y'all would have been prested in two babies. Just look at it as if we're twins. The man, I'm getting them up this phone because I don't know who you are. You need to chill, man, you need to go get on your knees, trade that your bones get healed or whatever. You got the rod number. Man. Listen, Man, all I'm saying is I got one more thing I want to say, and then I I just want to get off the phone called Kendra and find out what give you my number? Because that's how you got Can I say one more saying? Man, go ahead, go ahead? Can I say it? Damn? Man, this is nephew taught me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Kendra and your wife Maryland got me to prank phone call you Hello ro Ron, Yeah, man, y'all are good? Man? Whoa man? My white man? Man? Did I get you? Man? Yeah, y'all got it. Man, y'all got me. I got them too. They don't started something? Hey, one more thing. What's the baddest radio station in the land? Man? Man? It is the Steve Harvey Morning Show? Man? Wow, man, brother, just need a look, cows, that's all. I'm trying to do, some brother, trying to stay alive. That's all. That's All's breast smel He was gonna pray for you for a minute though, but then that that went out the window. Yeah, pay for a second, Ready to love. That's a week from today. You do not want to miss it, once again, hosted by yours truly nine eight Central on own. You do not want to miss it. Can't wait? What is it? All right? Ain't good at hints? All right, We'll be back with entertainment and national news right after this. Thank you, nephew. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. In trending political news, President Joe Biden announced yesterday that he is running for president again in twenty twenty four, with Vice President Kamala Harris by his side. President Biden wants to be a two term president, unlike his predecessor Donald Trump. Yeah, his first press conference, that's what the some of the reporters were asking him. And of course what is he going to say. But of course I'm going to run again, at least for gostability for eight years. That's right, that's right. I'd love to see him do eight me too. Yes, we cannot have this foolishness back in the White House. Let's talk about Donald Trump running again. It's the most idiotic thing this country could do. I know, absolutely fall back into that ignorance facts. Yea, he took us so far back to the sixties. Really he did. He made America great again for him and the white supremacist groups. H he did. He did m and we don't want that anymore. No, all right, we're moving on. In other entertainment news, this Saturday night is the fifty second annual n Double ACP Image Awards on b ET. We have to say congratulations yet again too are very unfearless leader Steve Harvey. Congratulations against Steve for winning Best Game Show and Best Game Show Host for Celebrity Family Feud. Good answer surveys. As a matter of fact, I'm out in LA right now. You ready to take the new season? Oh wow, look at you. You're excited. You're ready. You know, got some new clothes. Oh yeah, okay, I don't know who. None of the families are, I mean, none of the celebrities are yet. It's gonna be different because of COVID. Right, the whole setup. Well, we have a small audience been tested. Yeah, they have a small all tested audience. And then everybody The COVID protocol for Family Feud was the gold standard. When when Family Feud started their protocol, every other show copied. There's oh good. We did it in season at Family Feud in Tyler Perry Studios and not one single case case of COVID. Wow, that is amazing. You don't play over the no, Thyma's not playing come up in protocols. All right, Well, congratulations Steve, certainly you deserve it. Other winners previously announced include Jamie Foxx for animated movie Soul, Trevor Noah for the Daily Show, and the fifty second Annual and Double ACP Image Awards will be hosted by Anthony Anderson this Saturday, night at APM versus also one versus, and you brought up versus because what Steve stripping boy, who Easter Sunday? You're gonna shut the internet down? You know? Yeah, I may make an announcement Monday. Okay, okay, oh really yeah, And I for one look forward to you hosting it, Steve, or being a part of it because you have the best or being a part of it. I didn't say that sure, or possibly being a part of it, or maybe being a part of it because you have the best stories. Anyway, we're moving on, or just leaked the whole damn thing. I didn't even know, is that the announcement? No no, no, no, Shirley, no no no. If that really hasn't been made, well I didn't know. All right. Time now for today's headlines, ladies and gentlemen, miss Anne Tripp, thank you very much, and good morning everyone. On this Friday morning. Tornadoes killed at least five people yesterday in Alabama, and at least fourteen thousand people are without power this morning, all of them in Calhoun County that's just a little south of Birmingham. There may be more twistra activity, according to forecasts in the area anywhere from Mississippi to Georgia to Tennessee in Kentucky. So everybody in that area on pins and needles this morning, and we certainly pray for them. President Biden held his first news conference yesterday since becoming commander in chief. Entity announced a newer any even the more ambitious of COVID vaccination goal, two hundred million Americans inoculated by the conclusion of his first one hundred days in office. Mister Biden's first day to Goo, you may remember, was to have one hundred million people given at least one shot within a hundred days, but that feat was accomplished early. The President also says he intends to attack the problems of climate change, gun control, immigration reform, and the crumbling or inadequate infrastructure we've got in this country, which he says directly affects the ability and the availability of good paying jobs, which he plans to address later today. By the way, in Pittsburgh, what's the first thing the business asked, what's the close access to the Interstate Highway? How far am I from freight rail? There's enough water available for me to conduct my business. All the things that relate to infrastructure that's right, and mister Biden reacted strongly by the Way over word that the Republican dominated Georgia legislature had passed extremely restrictive voting laws and how many other state lawmakers are planning to do the same thing. He called it all sick. It's sick. It's sick. Deciding in some states that you cannot bring water to people standing in line waiting to vote, Deciding that you're going to end voting at five o'clock when working people are just getting off work, Deciding that there will be no absentee ballots under the most rigid circumstances. The Republican voters I know find this despicable. Republican voters. I'm not talking about the elected officials. I'm talking about voters. This makes Jim Crowe look like Jim eagle Man. This is gigantic what they're trying to do, and it cannot be sustained well. Officials for the Centers for Disease Controlled by the Way say they have now identified and gotten rid of a lot of guidance documents that were released by the Trump administration that scientists say, we're not really based in science. An internal review by the CDC sites three reports issued by Donald Trump's Whitehouse that had to go part of the agency's pledge to restore public's trust in the CDC. Finally, the City of Boston scheduled to pay tribute today to the late actor Lenda Nemo. Yeah, that one, mister Spock. Lend Nimoy was born in Beantown March twenty sixth, nineteen thirty one. He died in twenty fifteen. Not back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve, introduce your bestie. He is here, lady and gentleman. He's not my bestie, my boy, my dog, my Homer, my way back, lady, gentleman Danthony Brown. All right, I have written a song that's dedicated everybody. Now, I'm not shut up. I've written the song who dedicated to people who are waiting. That's what this song is about, for those who are just waiting. Hit it dad. Hello, Chanthony Brown's not here. I understand. I don't know where he is. How can I help you? Yeah? Well, look I heard he was in a hospital. Yes, he was having his meat rotgency. He was born with his left foot on the right side and the right foot on the left side, and so this is a look at operation. So I don't know when he'll be back, but I haven't walked the money down there. When they get it, you gotta go with my bike, tucking all the phone calls that I get, he'll collectors bugging me. We're not side for the mailman. It's been my routine for weeks, thought about how stuff getting home, and I don't get any pay. I'm gonna tell you, Joel, I can't take it no more. And I need my own name. I need to eat and I'm running low weed. What names are your arm? What the hell's taking so long? I really need my stamnless? What the hell's taking so long? Tell me what the rains I are? I'm really standless. I can't get doing us wrong. Damn about to cut out my phone, reless fight a jam so stupid brings knee damn lissen hit it seem singing. I know you want to sing it, sing it. I really smile stupeless. Somebody starting my pain waiting bother millbox to day? Am I healing? Yeesmatly listen. Yeah, stupid is what we do. Stupid is what we do here every day. You think you think we're the best static guys. Girl, All right, listen, yeah, coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, we'll talk about Krispy Kreme Donuts right after this. You're listening to show. So we've all heard about Krispy Kreme Donuts. They're giving away free donuts if you get a COVID nineteen vaccine. Well, uh, Stephen, the guys are here with more companies who could give away free stuff just like krispy KREMEE take it away, guys. You know, Krispy Kreme es is given away like Shirley said, oh, a donut to anybody to show up with the COVID vaccination, you know, to give you that call, right And yeah, I thought this was nice. But we need some other companies to fall along. We need some other folks to get in so we can get more motivation for vaccine people. And everybody can't get to a Chrispy Kree. But if Crown Royal will sign up for this program, everybody get a vaccine card, give them one of them free purple bags. They glod and purple bags. We keep changing it. I'm traveled with it, will keep my socks in it when I'm playing Domino. Yeah, you gotta do some stuff. I think another company that old black people, a lot of churches, Chicken need to get involved with this hill. Everybody show up with a vaccine car. You get a half of wing cheches. That's a big ass wing, so that everybody just a half of wing. Some people just like the drum at, some people like the flats. It'll workout. Also, ladies, you're not familiar with this, but at the gas stations they sell sexual sexual enhancement peels for men, and the big peel is called the Rhino peel. I think rhino as many brothers. I haven't seen at the gas station. And they wasn't even buying them Scratch scratching win cards either. If you buy one, you get too rhino peels free. Got your COVID vaccine. Yeah. Also, I tell you somebody else to benefit it from black people to Paddy La Belle, padded pies. Come on, Padded do what you need to do. Here's a company make it all kind of money on black folk. Nike, damn it, just do it. I'm mad at that. Johnson and Johnson need to chip in with a vaccination program. All that baby all they selling, They sell them a little bit of travel baby AARs. Give one of them away. Yeah, everybody like baby ards. Some people just use it for feet, and I'm telling you is other purposes. Trojan Trojan condoms need to help out. We're trying to get people vascinated. Get vascinated. You get one condom free, and if you do, I help with your cutting down on the disease too, because if you wear the condom, you'd be less people here to get the damn COVID. I've been thinking about it. Yeah, got just one last one. I think the folks that are ky jelly are to get involved in what happened. Suggestion just ky jelly. Yeah, I've never known anybody and use a whole batt of k y really have anywhere you're then you always spill something on you end and you lead the top off and it didn't go bad, then it ain't ky jelly no more. It's just kya. If you need it top off, it go bad. They ain't ky jelly no more k y because every time you touch you gonna call this is card. Don't ask me how I know. None of this is waven included them into the vascination program. Company company, I think all for they ounces should get involved in Yeah, or e slitch coach. All y'all need to get involved. And if you bring it, if you bring it a vaccination card and you buy or forty, you get one can of it free to yea because coach still come in a can. Yeah, Nicky's all that good. Companies one Last One or AMC movie theaters need to get involved. You have you COVID vaccination card, you get it half a box of popcorn, free affle box popcorn expense. All right, thank you, Steve. Coming up next, it is a nephew with today's prank phone call. Right after this, thank him. You're crazy. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. All right, guys. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today. The subject praise and a raise. Praise and a raise. We'll get into that, won't he doing bony will We'll get into that in just a minute. But right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Neff A wedding and a funeral that's too much a wedding and a who try one on? Hey, hey, wedding. But I like the way he gave he had to call he got because he didn't had win all in the fact his throat play it. Man, Let's go cat though, I'm not gonna see it again. Hello, Ryan, Ali, I'm trying to start Ryan, Ryan, how you doing, Hey, I'm good. Second, this is Josh Josh over at see. I'm want to be officials at the church where you guys are getting married tomorrow? Yeah, yeah, how you doing? Man? They want to thank y'all for that too, Man, we'll appreciate it. Sure. Yeah, well, we definitely hope to make you a member here soon or later since you guys are getting married. You know, hey, man, you know I'm trying to get this worst schedule change up. You know what I'm saying. They got me working on Sundays now, Man, So soon as I tweaked at the mood that around a little bit, I'll be there. Okay, listen, we have a bit of a situation that has come up. We had some problems and miscommunication and it's definitely been on the outside. They had your name Ryan down here with your phone number as well as you're soon to be wife Sonya. They had her name here, but we didn't want to call her with this. We wanted to just reach out and talk to you and see it. Just make you ware of what was going on. Okay, What's what's going on? Man? There's been a mix up on on scheduling. I don't know if you know such the Older make she passed away a week ago and you're not You're not a member of the church, so you wouldn't know it. But she's one of the one of the oldest members here at the church. Such the Older may passed away. And what's going on? Is you all's wedding is tomorrow at twelve o'clock, right, but the actual funeral is at three o'clock here at the church. Okay, uh, but Shae begin brother with Josh Josh. Okay, look here, brother Josh, um hey man, we we we already got this thing in motion. Man, we didn't stand out. Dad. Are two the limitations, man, I mean, blessed old man and and and I understand that, but but but I mean, you know, she's there's no way we could have moved it around. Now. The biggest problem, the funeral home is bringing the casket first thing in the morning. So what I want, what I wanted to make you aware of, and I didn't want you to tell your wife this, but the actual casket will be in the saint uary, but we will have it. Hold of man, are you serious? Now? Look at the y'all need to move this round. I don't know what y'all gonna do. Y'all have a fellowship hall in the back or something like that. Ryan. The only place we can actually put the casket, and if we didn't put it there is in the actual room that you'll you'll soon to be wife would be changing in. That's the only place my wife infortually changing the room with the dead body. So you're telling me what it was, and you know what, I understood that. That's the first thing I thought of. I thought. I said, let's just put the casket way it goes for the fun of them, and we're gonna cover it up and see. Basically, you actually get in. But I can't even believe you call on me with man, look at and excuse my french man. Yeah, I knew I need to get back in the church. I really do. But right now, Dug this ain't going down like this man, we didn't already pay the money. And first first, first of all, first of all, you know she shouldn't. I don't even feel like she may had to pay, you know, to hold no wedding over a hut hurt where she paid times at. That's that's the first thing. You know. I ain't like that from the jumping. But I wouldn't hear when women because she want her pasta to marry us. And now you got to nerd to tell me that y'all will arrange something that for funeral gonna happen the same day as my wedding and my wife's got to get dressed in the room with a dead body. Well, no, we're not gonna put it in that room. Was like I said, I'm putting that body first thing in the morning. I'm gonna put that body in the right there in front of the fullpit, and we're gonna cover it. Now, what you're getting out of is you get more flowers, because there's gonna be flowers from the fuel. So I'm thinking that's probably gonna be a little bit of a pert point. I just wanted you to be one's probably gonna be more people than you think, because some of the people that's gonna be as your wedding, it's really for the funeral. Hey, hold on, man, are you serious? Frighten? Ow? I mean looking at doctor. I didn't paid for the wedding happened at this church, man, Okay, ain't And no disrespect to the lady that has passed called blessed so family. I ain't planning to not putting no dead body having a funeral at my wedding. Man, that's crazy. Down on the church too, sir. She's a member of the church too. Hey, I don't give it. I don't being no member of the church. Man. I didn't paid for this weid and it's gonna happen tomorrow. Man, you my six and putting new dead body if my wedding ran I mean, no disrespect, but the woman has passed. She is not gonna get up. I mean, what what is the problem. The problem is your called me with this man the day before my wed and we didn't schedule there six months ago. I got to spend twenty five thirty thousand dollars on this wed Okay, And are you're gonna tell me that we got to share? I will win with a funeral, but the Hillers won't with you. Man, do you want to have you're winning as this church? I'll pay for them. And what you meant, I'm having the wind? Okay, I'll tell you what lift the boy the BP in the morning I wrote in the right out to the street playing. Y'all just say things in front and and and throw flowers like throwing rice. But we're gonna have a win inside the same yere tomorrow. I promise you that I care. I care, assure you that it won't be I have no other place to put the body. Okay, well I'll bet y'all find someone to put it. If I get that to mark. It's about it there. It's gonna be a couple of about it in the name. You got two choices to move that funeral or to reimburse me back to thirty thousand dollars out of an hour to spend those only two choices. I want to hear about it. Meet me at the front door to night with a thirty thousand dollars cash shar check. All we said to have this winding up in that to morrow morning. You heard me, I ain't playing. I ain't playing at all. No jokes. That's wrong with y'all. Man, you can do something else. I understand that nothing. I don't want to hear from you. Man. All I'm saying is it's gonna be a win at this church tomorrow without saying dead about it. That's all I'm saying. Push it to the band. Man. There's there's one more, a bit of an issue that I need to tell you. Also, what can be worse than the dead about it? What issue can be worse dead? By that way? The man the issue, sir, that it is worse than the dead body is. This is nephew comment from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your best man, Jeff got me the prank phone? Call you what you know what? The man the bitch man about to get the best bloop but he can possibly get man playing then God lead the day. It is to get the best beat down possible. Band. I'm telling you, hey, one more question. What's the baddest radio show in the land? Ryan, the Steve Harby Morning Show? Bad that is in the funeral? Come on, wait where my fan fail? Where about it? Hold up? Hold up, y'all, I don't I don't understand. I thought the thing was praise and a raise. That's coming up. You're supposed to be queshipping my prank right now. Okay, come on, come on, I need some claps, I need some hugs. Come on. That's home wrong, We're gonna does I'm gonna have this wed right here while this body here. I took a cleanse. I just shy. Yeah, no good, no tell us about it. Yeah. April April second. Get ready, that's a week from to day. Ready to Love. The season four is coming your way. You do not want to miss it. Ready to Love on own night an eighth Central. Check out you boy, I'm back again. I thank the Lord for four seasons. Thank you, thank you, Thank you a man, and I think you're gonna love it. I think thank you. It's Tommy. It is really hard to be on TV four years many, nephew, a lady. Five of the TV shows never make it to season two. Wow, And it's really a great show. That's what I love about it. Yeah, it's good. Thank you. I love all right, nephew, Well, thank you. Coming up next, it is the Strawberry Letter for today. The subject is Praise and a Raise. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. It is time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air just like this right here, right now. Yeah, buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it is. I'm clean, hideous strawberry look. Thank you, nephew. Subject praise and a raise. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a thirty one year old married woman and my marriage is basically over. A year ago, a twenty four year old female called me and said she's been sleeping with my husband and sent me a picture of him in her bed. Right after that, I had to be quarantined with this man, so I made the best of it. By December, I had started having virtual counseling sessions with my pastor. He was one of the first to be vaccinated in our community, so he encouraged me to do face to face sessions. He told me to get myself together and tap into my inner beauty and my great physique. He really helped me change my mindset from victim to conqueror. He tell me that he could show me how I should be loved, and I went with it. At that point, I would have done whatever he told me to do because he had me under his spell. He started making passionate love to me once a week, and it really helped my self esteem. His love making gave me you heard me. His love making gave me the courage to file for divorce and ask for a raise at work. I never used my femininity to my advantage. I dressed sexy for my boss and asked him for the raise. He asked me to show him why I deserved a raise, and by the look on his face, I knew exactly what to show him. He saw what he needed to see and even got to rub it and bam, I got a twenty percent raise. I know I sound trifling af and that's fine. But men do what they do all of the time, so why is it wrong if I enjoy the game a little bit with them. The pastor is married, but he is such a great lover. I still see him occasionally for sex. He jokes that he's created a monster, but I'm just glad. I got my mojo back. I don't plan to keep this up forever, but if I do, what's the worst that can happen? Isn't this how the world works now? Just curious? Well for starters, the worst that could happen is that you could get killed and go to hell if his wife caught you guys then decided to get revenge. You could get killed Hell is for continually breaking the lord's commandment to not commit adultree Or how about you could just get a disease or something. I mean, there are a lot of bad things that could happen to you. There are a lot of bad things that could happen to you. You're talking about what's the worst that could happen? So casually, so cavalier with your attitude about this. Why don't you why don't you stop now that you've gotten, as you say, your mojo back, since that's what you were trying to do. Yeah, leave the married pastor alone. I mean, you certainly didn't like it when your husband was cheating on you, now, did you? And the thing is with your boss, you probably could have gotten a raise anyway without exposing yourself to your boss. I mean, you don't have to do that. Huh what I didn't hear you, Steve. I'm no, oh not twenty percent. Well, anyway, you say the pastor's love making gave you the courage to file for divorce and ask for a raise at work, Okay, well, keep the courage part of it, Keep the empowerment stuff you have going on. All of that you could do all you could still do all of that. But you know you don't have to give yourself away like this. You know you could be strong, you could be empowered, and you don't have to do it this way. I still believe you could have gotten the raise anyway, twenty percent or whatever you want it. You know, if, if, if you're the right kind of employee, you would have gotten it. Believe more in yourself. You say you got your mojo back. Make sure that you have your self esteem and don't go out here and let people use you, all right, don't do that, Steve, I see so much this lady she tripping, She thirty one year old married woman. Twenty four year old Lady Colin said she would to sleep with her sent a picture to her, so now her marriage is over it, but she had to quarantine with the man. So she made the best of it. By December, she started having virtual counseling sessions with her pastor. Then she jumps and says, he was one of the first to be vaccinated in our community, so he encouraged me to do face to face sessions. Where did he get the vaccine? I mean this was by December. I started having virtual counseling session with the pastor. He was one of the first to be vaccinated in our community, so he encouraged me to do face to face sessions. When did he get the vascine? Certainly this wasn't available back in December. Nobody knew it but him. I'm just thinking maybe she had been counseling for a while and then he suggested to do face to face. He told me to get myself together and tap into my inner beauty and my great physique. What kind of counseling is this? Yeah, who in the counseling meeting tells you to tap into your inner beauty? Got that and your great physique? Damn past He really helped me change my mindset from victim to conqueror. Then she said, at that point, I do whatever he told me. He started making passionate love to me once a week, what women hold over? He told me that he could show me how it could be loved. And I went with it and and it changed me, and it helped me because he had me on. He started making passionate out to me once week and it helped my self esteem. Helped your self esteem? No, he helped himself. His love making gave me the courage to file for divorce and ask for a raid. What did he do to you? And those two things don't go together? He did you so good you went in there, got a divorce and ask for a raise. I want to know what did pastor do to you to make you jump? I'm on a damn divorce and damn it, give me a raise too. Past hold that thought, Steve. We'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's Strawberry Letters subject praise and a raise. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letters. Subject praise and a raise, Praise and raise. Here's the third one year old woman, Mary, twenty four year old woman sends her a picture of her husband in bed with him. This starts the demise of the marriage. Of course, their quarantine last year and she hated it, but she started doing virtual counseling with her pastor in December. He was the first one to get fascinated, so he encouraged her to do face to face sessions. I guess after a while he really did. He told me to get myself together, tap into my inner beauty and my great physique. What pastor does this? So this is Reverend Trickey. Reverend Tricky told her that, and then he said he really helped me change my mindset from victim mc conqueror. He told me that he could show me how I should be loved, and I went with it. At that point I had done whatever he did because he had me on this spell. Okay, he really helped you change your mindset. You don't see him helping himself, all right. He started making passionate love to me once a week, and it really helped my self esteem. Really, it would help everybody's self esteem. I bet it did a lot for the past and self esteem too. I guess his counseling rage must have went through the roof his love making gave me the courage to file for divorce and ask for a raise at work. What did this pastor do to you that was so outstanding? I want to divorce Ana damn raised. Then she says, I never used my femininity to my advantage. I dressed sexy for my boss and I asked him for the raise. He asked me to show him why I deserved the raise, and by the look on his face, I knew exactly what to show him. He saw what he needed to see and he even got to rub it and then bam, I got a twenty raised, sister, the pastor did all this for you. All of this goes back to the pastor raising yourself esteem or did he raise something else in you? Because he seems to have brought out a devious side of you has nothing to do with self esteem, So I need I think you need to think about that, because you even said, I know I sound trifling, Alfie, and that's fine. But men do what they do all the time, So why is it wrong if I enjoy the game a little bit with them? You wrote us, we didn't even know nothing about this. We didn't even know. We didn't know you was doing none of this. See, so now you you know this is wrong because you said, I know I sound trifling al and that's fine. But men do what they do all the time. So why is it wrong if I end joy the game a little bit with them? Well, me and Sherley don't know you, so we didn't know you was trifle. You just told us you was trifling. Now we agree with you, But this is all based on what you said. The past is married. You think that's smart, But he is such a great lover. I still see him occasionally for sex. He jokes that he created a monster. This funny to the past man. I still okay, But I'm glad I got my mojo back. You got what back. You was fine before that. You had the same body before that. You just didn't have this stupid attitude you got. That's doing a lot of stuff that ain't gonna benefit you. I don't plan to keep this up forever. When you're gonna stop. See, once you start down the dark path and it gets you what you want. How you know how many dudes I know that we're selling drugs, talking about as soon as I buy this, I'm gonna stop. But if I do. What's the worst that can happen? Isn't this how the world works? Now? Just curious? Yeah, this is how the falling works now exactly. The falling world works exactly like this. But that don't mean you have to be a participant. Now, what's the worst thing can happen to you? Disease? What's the the worst thing? You get your ass? Will? Ye? Who's gonna whip your ass? The boss's wife, the pastor's wife. You can end up in hell? See what your departure you're missing? The pastor used you and deceived you to get what he wanted. Now the part where he created a master. Now you're doing what you want to do to get what you want. Ain't that how the world work? Well? Okay, well yeah, that's how the world work. Up. The world also climbs the wall at the Capitol Building January six, The world walks into a supermarket and kills ten people in Boulder, Colorado. The world goes into movie theaters and shoot people. The world does a lot of things, But why would you get involved with it? Just because you can do something don't mean you should do something. That's right, young lady, you better get some morality in your life and really get some self esteem about yourself and stop just passing yourself out like it's popcorn. Because let me tell you something about popcorn. All popcorn, even with the metal top own, it gets stale after while. Come on, big dog, once she opened popcorn, it gets stale. That's rights hit popcorn, even if it's garrets. All right, Steve, thank you. Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up at forty six minutes after the hour. Our good friend Junior will be doing sports in Sports Talk with Junior right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Junior is here with Sports Talk. What you got for us today, Junior? Okay, this is this crazy? This is different. I'll just say that it's different. The Miami Heat are played in the open two sections at American Airlines Arena for fans who are fully vaccinated. Now they are really redefining the VIP section. It's now called the Vaccinated Important People's Section. It's still VIP. Yeah, you still have to wear a mask, but the social distance rules have been a little more relaxed and in those sections the floor seats. Wow, so all you have to do with your show proof of your CDC vaccinated car and you would give vaccinated wrist bands and then you have a seat in the lower level. Now, if you want to sit on the floor in the vaccinated fans section, you will still have to take a rapid COVID test on site since you so close to the teams. But it's only two sections, that's it. It's not like, I mean, how big is two sections? What were talking about? Two hundred people? People? You know? Well, I mean you know some people that take that, you know, just to get back in the game, see something lives. They started slowly opening this thing up. Yeah, they need to have something down there for them people that was at the beach, is what I'm saying. Focus on the people, bring break is all I'm saying. Well, we need to get that vaccinated. That's super spread of event. Yeah yeah, yeah, but I think it's a good thing for the Miami Heat though. I think it's good for basketball. We gotta slowly over the backup. You're right, man, because I would love to go to a game right now too. Man, You would, I really would but if you're if you're in the VIP section and you call one time, I thought that I thought it was to out. You gotta go. Just your throat. If you clear to Yale for the team, Jake, let's go heat, you're out. Try to cover that. You try to cover that with the here. Yeah, you gotta go. You gotta get money over here. We're not falling for that. That is not what we're doing. So when things do open up, what's the first thing. Where's the first place you're gonna go? I mean, is it gonna be to a sports game, Junior? Or I want to live? What about you, Steve, I'm gonna I want to go to the restaurant Helpton with my wife m right man, and we got to get this thing back. Oh yeah, get back. That's the only thing I missed going out to dinner. I don't go to the live shows. Hell, I've been the live show for Yeah, you were for us the majority of your life. You're still the show. I got ve shows. Yeah, see a movie. Yeah, that's what I want to do. All right? Coming up at the top of the hours, Stay woke, Georgia voting rights are under attack. We'll talk about it. Right after this, you're listening to the Stay Harvey Morning Show. Well the Dirty South for real? Okay, yesterday, Republicans in Georgia passed a bill forcing new voting restrictions. The bill passed in the Georgia Senate thirty four to twenty, and Governor Bryant Kemp signed it. According to CNN, the law imposes new voter identification requirements for absentee ballots, empowers state officials to take over local election boards, limits the use of ballot drop boxes, and makes it a crime to approach voters in line and give them food or water. The Georgia goops are calling it the Election Integrity Act. What do you guys think about that Election Integrity Act? It's just blatant open voter suppression. And these folks man will do anything and see now, so what they're gonna do now is they're gonna limit the amount of voting boxes. Right. So, now that's gonna mean they're gonna condense the voting poles down to smaller locations, which means longer lines. So now, if you can't bring anybody food to water, that discourages some people to vote. You understand they're looking at all they trying to do is find a way to get twenty thousand disgrunted voters so they can turn to Georgia state right back red like it was. And this is how you just this is how you create twenty thousand disgruntable. Not to mention the proof that you got to have to vote in all this stuff that they're talking about. They're finding the way to come up with the twenty thousand votes so they can win. Man, this is like craziness, man, and that's nothing, no good control laws. But they Russian to do this, Steve, I'm talking about right now. But I don't see how. There's got to be something. It's there. The bill is going to require a photo ID to vote absentee by mail. So is the bill passed? Yeah, it's it's in. Yeah, I believe it is. Yeah, it's the new bill. It is Steve yes yesterday and the governor signed it. It's going to require photo ID to vote absentee by mail, cut the time period voters have to request an absentee ballot, and then limit where ballot drop boxes can be placed and when they can be accessed. So I mean this is really yeah yeah, yeah, um so we're gonna have to put water and food and snacks and our purses. I look at it like this. What what they don't realize is black folks been standing in line for a long damn time. We used to standing in line waiting on something, so we don't really have a problem. I mean, it's wrong, but we're not gonna have a problem trying to vote your ass out. You gotta come better than that. If that's all you got is to make us wait. Hell, we've been waiting a long damn time, and we will wait ten hours, thirteen hours to vote your ass out, So you gotta do better than that. Instead of them trying to bring more people to that party, they want to stop the people who are against that party to vote that. I don't think that's gonna work. It's work, because it's not gonna work. We are going to prepare our people, Yes we are. We're going to prepare our voters. We're going to over educate them. We got we we got photo ID, Yes, we got water, we got all of us got that. You ain't gonna give us no water a dog. We're gonna bring coolers down there. We could. What you're not going to do next, you're not getting this power back. We've waited four hundred years to just be treated equal. We got eight hours to get your ass out. Yep, all facts upon anybody who's ever wrote the bus don't mind waiting, damn it, So bring it. That's all you got. If that's all you got, come on, it's not gonna work. We're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna fight back, gonna backfire because yeah, we're going to vote and get them out of office. It don't matter what you say, We're going to vote. All right, we'll have more of today's trending stories at twenty minutes after the hour, right after this. You're listening to show. All right. When we left off, we were talking about this new Georgia law trying to suppress our votes. Basically, that's what it is. You guys were saying, we've waited and we'll continue to wait. Used to wait, We used to any lady. Black people don't know about waiting. Any lady that's been to any beauty shop head get their head done. No wait, look, and I don't care what time your appointment is. You are waiting, Okay, Yeah, that Republic I'm gonna tell you another place to be waiting. A black people have been waiting for so long. I'm gonna tell you we've been waiting for the family to show up for the funeral so we can go in the church. Do you know it is the limo here? Are they hearing? Yeah, y'all don't know the stuff we didn't had to wait on. If you hadn't ever been to a blues concert, you know how long you haven't had to wait on? BB King and a little mil the verses battle. This ain't no, This ain't no waiting, We ain't nothing. Black people were regation. We don't wait. Have you ever been to a Thanksgiving? Done it? I don't live what time they tell you to be that, it ain't gonna be ready. If you ever we been to peak his hot dog, older brown, that's a wait. That's all wait for your baby. Yes, coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I'm thirty three minutes after right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve, introduce your bestie. He is here, lady, gentleman, He's not my bestie. If you're beating my boy, my dog, my homing my way back, Lady, gentleman j Anthony Brown. All right, I have written a song that's dedicated everybody. Now, I'm not shut up. I've written a song Who's Dead, dedicated to people who are waiting. That's what the song is about, for those who are just waiting. Get it, daddy, Hello, champion. He Brown's not here. I understand. I don't know where it is. How can I help you? Yeah, we look. I heard he was in the hospital. Yes, he was having his meat rotgency. He was born with his left foot on the right side and the right foot on the left side, and so this is a delicate operation. So I don't know when he gonna be back. But I haven't walked the money down there. When you get it, you gotta go with my bike, tucking all the phone calls that I get. He'll collect us bugging me. We're not side for the mailman. It's been my routine for weeks, all about the home stuff, getting home, and I don't get any pay. I'm gonna tell you, Joe, I can't take it no more. And I need eat, mamal me. I need to eat, and I'm running low weed. What names are your own? What the hell's taking so long? I really need my stamnless. What the hell's taking so long? Tell me what the reason you I really need my stanless. I ain't get doing us wrong. Stem about to cut out my phone, I don't really hers fight your damn your soul. Coming up, it'll be our last break of the day, our last break of the week. On it is Friday, day last, I'm working a full week and this is a less freak of the day. What a hard week of work I've had. Boom And then coming up at forty nine minutes after the hour, it is closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey. Right after this, you're listening to morning show. Here we are our last break of the day, guys on this Friday. Yeah, what a week. Yeah yeah, And we are praying for everyone in the southeast, by the way, in Birmingham, Alabama specifically, Yeah, they were devastated, devastated jay by yesterday's large tornado. It touched down in that a touchdown in that area, major damages. It caused, homes leveled and widespread power outages. More storms are on the way, so please be safe and careful if you're in that area. Don't touch down wires. Please, don't touch down wires. Don't Yeah yeah yeah, this mother nature is not playing yep, yeah yeah yeah all right, Steve, so it's on you. Congratulations once again before we get out of here on your NAACP Image Award win for Best Game Show and Best Game Show Host for a Celebrity family Field. Yeah. Thanks. Uh we've been talking about this voting rights thing that happened to jog back at it, and thank you gonna stop us by causing us to wait. We're going to educate our people. We're gonna be prepared, but the waiting, you can stop that. We we Yeah, you're the things we've waited on. Black You have no idea of what we've waited on. Yeah, how long we have steward in line to get our tags at the DMV, Like, thank you thinking, and that was just so we could drive you think so we can leave free. We're gonna say, yeah, yeah, wait right, if you get your new place, you get your brand new place, you think you ain't gonna wait for the cableman to show up your damn Yeah, I don't care what under dawn? When did he say he coming? You gonna wait you're waiting. We used to waiting. What you know? They don't really realize how long we had to wait? Jay, Did you realize how long black people had to wait for an answer from God? Do you understand where you think hold on came from? Just hold on? We think we got that. You think you're talking to? Come on? You have any god how long hold people have had to wait on their all ass of and to heat up to fol Man, take take a whole more? All right, You y'all don't know nothing about waiting. You sitting at the counter, You got some kid jelly and some troll and you got to wait on the price check. Do you know how long that's gonna take before somebody come up there and tell you to break? We know about waiting whatever. Now, let me tell you. Let me tell you something that's crazy, but it's absolutely true. You know how long we had to wait for help during Hurricane Katrina? Do you remember how long that wait was? But how long that waight? Yeah? St st st still, we can't have to wait. You have any idea how long we have had to wait for that damn turkey to thaw out for Thanksgiving? You got to stock on that damn thing out on Tuesday. Yeah, we didn't tell you about waiting. Men me, I'm talking to the men. You in the bed, ready, you read it? Read it? You read that. You know how long we have to wait for her to come out the bathroom to do whatever it is she doing. I don't know what it is she doing in there. Yeah, tell us about damn waiting? You how to wait? He gotta wait? Jake, know how long we had to wait to find out that this boy ain't mine? You gotta find out at long we had to wait for that? He in college? He in college? Now, why a y'all talking about waiting? Why are we talking about We're talking about way? Yeah, the Republicans thing we can't wait? Ahead, Steve, tell him about wait, we can't wait. They're gonna try to vote suppress us by causing us to wait in lines and then then showing I D and all like that. You have any idea how long we've had to wait at the Jiffy Lube? Ten minutes, that minutes? And now you know how long you've ever had the way talking about waiting? We usually you ever have your parents take some money from you and they tell you they're gonna pay you back when you was a small show. You know how long you had to wait to get that damn get that damn five I back? She took that your grandmama grave. You we know about waiting that ain't come on? Let me let me just tell you this happened to me personally. I made an IF on my report card one time. Do you know the weight I had to have for my dad that came on my as That weight was Oh, I was scared the whole time. I didn't know if it's gonna be three thirty four thirty? Who we some patient people on? Yeah? You know how long I sat on my front porch steps one time waiting on my junk. Can't ask cousin to come pick me up to take me to work? Hey man, I'm gonna stop, but I give you ride to work, Steve, How long I said on that damn front port? Just a half a damn shift. You tell you about when you ever got drunken cut you ever? You know you ever got drunken cut your mustache off because you just thought it would look cool. You ever notice how long you got to wait for that mustache to grow back? Talk about making us wait you got. You know who we are. You know long we'd have waited in line to buy paw ball ticket. Man man out here with that man, Hey man, y'all have a great weekend. Enjoy yourself. Man, listen, y'all. Talk to God this weekend. He'd love to hear from you. Don't if you ain't talked to him in a while. He's always accepting of your call. Okay, talk to God, love to hear from me. I'll have a great weekend now, long we had to wait for a weekend. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.