Verzuz Battle, Derek Chauvin Trial, Sheryl Underwood, Carla's Reality Update and more.

Published Apr 1, 2021, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Let's get ready for Billy Ray Valentine by way of Steve Harvey! The Chief Love Officer got a situation that is approaching the seven year mark of a marriage. Two questions that stand out. Is Trump being sued? Will Gorilla Glue girl be having a baby? Derek Chauvin's counsel cross examined a witness and attempted to label him as "angry" and we have a piece right here for you. Steve is making some friendly suggestions on how to make the Verzuz battle between EWF and The Isley Brothers the best visual experience EVER! Our girl from The Talk is here to share with us more about her bond with Junior. Today Reality Update focuses on the OWN. Happy hour is back today at 4pm/EST on Facebook Live. Join Shirley and Carla for some Q&A. Today Uncle Steve wraps up the show with a bucket of fried chicken and divorce.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know, y'all a sun giving them like the million things in the true good it listening to mother, Please, I don't join joining You got turning? You are you gotta turn to turn them out? Turn you got to turn them out to turn the water the water go. Come come on your thing. Huh, I shall will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come off DIGI now wanting only Steve Harvey Man got a radio show? Wow man, how good has God been to me? You know? Today? Let me get right to it because I'm I'm kind of feeling this today, and I'm pretty sure that's just quite a few of you who go through the same things today. Today was just a little tough morning from me because I didn't want to leave home yesterday. You know, I wanted to stay home a little. I just gotten home, you know, I gotta go again. And sometimes, you know, just the weight of all that you have to do just gets on you sometimes and sometimes you don't feel like doing it today. Huh. You know, I'm just talking to those who feel this way every now and then, and I'm assuming that would be everybody, because I don't know nobody who can just ply through this thing without having those days. Well, what do you do when it gets hard to stay up? What do you do when it gets hard to be positive? What do you do when it seems like things aren't happening for you fast enough or in the time frame that you thought it was going. What do you do? And the reason that I guess I chose to speak about this this morning is because I'm having one of those days. Because I had one of those days yesterday. It's just a tough day. I really can't explain. It's nothing really in particular bad happened. It's just I think the weight of all that's going on started to feel heavy to me. And so what do you do when when you have days like that, when it's hard to be positive, when it's hard to stay up? Okay, here's what I had to start doing this morning. Now I haven't completed it. Can I just be real? I haven't completed it, but I am processing it out because I know what to do. You know, been there, done that, I didn't had that pain before. I know what to do. You know, if I sprain my finger, I know what to do. Now you know the first sprain I had, O Lord, I thought it was broke. I thought I got me handac half. But now if I spray my finger, I know what to do. So since I've been in this position, in this hole so many times before, and God has always gotten me through it, I decided I've got to start the process today. Want to hear are some things Now I'm gonna get to the big one last. And one of the things I do is I remember the plan, sit down, and I consciously think about the goals I've set. I go over them. See, I've gotten mine down on an iPad so I can pull them out anywhere I am and pull them up. And I've got two lists that I've made. I've got a list of things that I know I can accomplish if I just keep working and hard, and if some couple of things just fall into place that I can see. Then I got a list of things that I'm planning on accomplishing. And then I have a second list, And the heading of this list is called only God can help me now. And on this list it's things that I'm aspiring for or things that I'm hoping to that in order for them to happen. I absolutely have to have God's help. That's my favorite list. It's the list that I have of the things that I don't see no way it can happen. I'm just operating on faith and the hope that God hear me, and so sometimes, man, when you gotta when I have this list of who only God can help me, now that list is stuff that I cannot see. I'm just operating on faith that God is so much bigger than me, that he's much more capable than I am, that I can actually acquire some things in my life, as he's proven to me time and time again up to this point, that He's willing to do for me if I'm willing to just give him some of my life. That's the only why I can't explain my existence today. You know, I began the conversation with my wife, how do I write a book that becomes so wildly successful? That would be God. That's only God, Because if you can plan to sit down and write a wildly successful book, I'd have Benden sat down and did it, and so would you, so that would be God. How it got purchased to become a movie when that was not my intent when I wrote the book at all. Again, that would be God right, there has to be, because if I can't explain it and it is by no doing of my own, then who did it? So when I get down in days like this, I remember the goal. I remember the plan. I remember the journey. I think about of all the things God has bought me to how did I even get to this point. Yeah. I might be having a little bummer of a day. Yeah I was a little down yesterday. Yeah, my bio rhythms is off, whatever they want to call it. Yeah, I'm just having one of those days. I feel a little bit heavy. I need a vacation real bad. I need some time off to just go and regenerate. But right now, man, I ain't got that. So guess what I do. I gotta start remembering the plan. I gotta start remembering the goals. I gotta start thinking about all the things that God has done for me and how He has bought me this far and the blessings that I have instead of what I don't have. And that's what I'm in the process of doing this morning. And on the commercial breaks, I'm gonna pull out my iPad and I'm gonna go over my two lists, and I'm gonna read my little list of what I think I can accomplish, and I'm gonna really read that only God can Help Me Now list, because that's the list that's big. That's the part where I've been telling y'all. I said, quit telling God how big your problems are. Start telling your problems how big your God is. See. And that's why I got to sit down and do this morning. And then sometimes, man, you got to stay still. That's the other part. You got to stay still. You gotta quit moving for a second, because sometimes it feel like you're running on a treadmill and you really ain't you going somewhere, but it feel like you're running on a treadmill. Well, when when you get that feeling, sometimes you gotta stay still. And then when you stay still, sometimes you gotta fight to stay positive. Sometimes you gotta fight not to let the devil win. You're in a fight, mam. I told you this. Now, you're in a fight now, So trying to get you to get on that positive train so he can get you off the faith train. So God's delivery package that's coming to you built on your faith that you can He can shake your faith and get you to thinking negative, and then he wins. See, so when you start feeling negative, just know that that's the other force trying to throw you off track. And when you get through it all that he is the key, the big one. You want me tell it to you. You gots to pray, man, You got to pray. You gotta take it to God. You gotta say, hey, God, look I'm having one of these days. I need your help. I got business to take care of. You got blessings in front of me. You got stuff you to ship to me. You got blessings and packages that's on the way. I need to be sitting on Faith streets so I can receive the delivery when you get there. What I don't want to do is be it on be on doubted Way or or Lack of Understanding Parkway, or Pity Parkway or some street like that, and the package keep going by. I need to be standing and sitting on Faith Street so when you drop that package down to me, I can go on and get it. You feel me. You got to pray. You got to stay still, you gotta fight to stay positive. You gotta remember the plan. You gotta go over the goals. Come on, man, God and brought you too far? Come on, pick yourself up today. I'm talking to Steve Harvey this morning. Hope y'all didn't mind you're listening to ladies and gentlemen. Good morning. How are you? Hope you are well? Hope you're safe, healthy and happy. No matter what your measure of health. If you can hear my voice, you have enough to be grateful. Ain't that the truth? Yeah? So what I'm about to do now is just gonna get it started, y'a all ready? One? Two? When you think of love, gotta get it on your mind. You, when you think of love, gotta get it on't your mind? When you think of it love, goda get it on your mind. Ain't nothing but ready boy. Oh that's all it is. Oh man, Well, Charley Strawberry, Hey see you got your outfit together now I'm not checked. Got her off. Fifteen things laid out. If they scream, ainything, they got streams and tassels hair. I wouldn't talk. If I let me tell you something. I know I can't fit it. But if I had that outfit on that I would to see her win in and seventy five. What's side? What's side five? Seventy five? Oh, dog, I wore about a thirty waist, God, thirty waist and the needed that belt on pipe seventy five? Dog, I was wearing about one forty eight. Well, I'm picked up a couple of pounds about one forty nine, probably thirty thirty. Way I get to thirty waste right now, man, y'all gonna look at me and start praying, Steve, you are right, ste see. Yeah, that's what I could get the thirty if i'd really tried. Yeah, the last one. I'm in thirty. I'm in thirty four. I take a minute, shout as you is. I'm surprised you ain't at thirty now. I've seen them a little bit of thirty four with thirty four ways, but with a high ass. No, I don't know, oh Steve, I'm listening. When I read Peloton bikes, they have been asked to do research as to watch short people can't bikes. They don't make. Don't you have a pelotic? I got my ball. My wife is coming from saying I've been saying it was a wife. Yeah. He don't want to try because he don't want the kids to see him getting up. Only they got to do research. Danny, why don't you sit on the seat? Shut him, get out of him? All right? Coming up at thirty two minutes This on call, coming coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour as the CLO Chief Love Officers Steve Harvey in the building. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It is time now, ladies and gentlemen to ask the CLO. The Chief Love Officer is Steve Harvey and he is ready to go. This one from Yeah the close CLO. Hello. This one is from Khalil in Ohio. Khalil says, I'm forty seven years old and I've been married for close to six years. I got a new job in a different state and we're staying in temporary housing until we find a house. My wife can work from home, so she was able to keep her job. Over the weekend, we plan to look at a few houses, and my wife told me that I should look at apartments because she was moving back to our old city. She said she missed her mom and her friends and her old life. I'm her husband and she should be with me. Am I right or wrong? Yeah? Yeah, wow, you right around that though. Yeah, she should be with you. But now let's deal with what's happening though. She moving back to her old city with her mom and her friend. Oh life and her old life, you know kind of Hey, let me just let me just give her a s a suggestion. Don't start that. Let's go back to this old life business, because you know I had one too. Oh you know, I don't know what you thought I was for. I got married. They've been married for six years. Steve's that seven years? Itch, Yes, what it is? See she want to go back and leave you down there with that apartment, all right, definitely, Yeah, you got to be real careful. Yeah, separation ain't good sometimes once we put these beads in this highand if you think you lonely, now come on Bobby to tonight. Girl. See, I gotta be careful. Yeah, all right, all right? And that being that cartment just playing all the old hids turn off. So he's right in that she should you want to be with him? Yeah, definitely. Sir Khalil Jericho in DeSoto, Texas says, I'm twenty eight and I'm dating a man that has a three year old daughter that is a brat. She was at my boyfriend's house recently and I cooked dinner for the three of us. It was baked chicken, sweet potatoes in broccoli. This three year old child announced that she wasn't eating my food because it looked nasty. She asked for chicken nuggets and her dad took her to get some. She stuck out her tongue at me before they left. I don't play with children, and she needs to know that. Can I discipline her myself? Or should he? Lord? Well, I mean right now he should, but you know it's not right to disrespect you. But now, on the other hand, there's some things you can do when ain't nobody around. You know, I've done it to a lot of people kids like what what do you mean? What's done? You know, just just writing? They are just what you do. Just put it right over against the age I said, don't get your ass whipped, don't hit them, just say it. She is a brad at three. She like, he'll cooking and he wouldn't. Got her some nuggets? Now, can we put a bunch of mustard on that? On the nuggets? When she turned her head, can we load? Can we what else? Can we do it just really like put it right up under the skin. You know, it's a little space between the nugget and the skin. Like get a little needle and just put a little tabasco in each one. Yeah, these hot, daddy, that's called day fresh. Elaine and Detroit says, I've been a widow for two years and I have a thirty seven year old son that comes by once a week to have coffee with me. Well, I didn't take that into consideration when I had a little too much wine with my new boyfriend and he ended up spending the night with me. My son popped up at my house for coffee early the next morning, and I was still in bed with my boyfriend. My son got angry and told the man to leave. I told him he didn't have to leave. My son said, it's too soon for me to date. How how soon it's too soon? Well, obviously it ain't too soon. It's right because you had to naked ten years. It's been hollow two years. Yeah, two years, I said, dog, it's too too soon for you. Your mama ready, she and that clothes off everything, Mama, Mama read it's two years. Two years is enough time, though, talking about two years, two years new boyfriend. I mean, man, you know, sorry you lost your father. I mean, but you know, you know, life goes on, man, and you know, man, you should really man, you should be happy for your mother. I know you're not, but I wouldn't be either. I put his ass out to tell you, yeah, hey, yeah, you're gonna get about it. Here my dad, you're leaving him. Nick wow. I remember when at Tommy's dad's funeral he said exactly that, telling men that we're in the audience not to come around his mom. Don't don't, don't come around my mama. Huh, I don't want to hear that. My dad. To fix your lamo. If you ain't got your lawmo back. Yeah what that's old. You don't get that loan. It's our come around my mama. Haw acting like you're looking for a lama. I know what to hear you looking for. Let me tell you right now, it's a rap. It's not happening, all right, Cello, We're moving on. This one's from Anonymous in Georgia. Anonymous says, I'm in my mid thirties and recently divorced. I got to keep the house and he gets to pay the mortgage. There's one big problem though. His mother lives in the basement in the studio apartment we built for her three years ago. She's not willing to move out, so the judge said she could keep the apartment in my basement. I don't want her down there period. What if I sold the house to get rid of her? Would that be too low down? I mean, you could sell the house if you got it, but he paying the mortgage. I mean, you know, look y'all, y'all got a divorce. You know you keep the house, but you got to keep mama too, because Mama in the bad in your apart I don't I don't know what to tell you. I'm stumped on never. I know you don't want to end there for the judge say she can stay, so you know, Yeah, all you can do is make it rough to be down there, cut the water of or you can just get a leak right up right up above to flow. We gotta go, Seelo, thank you for your advice. As always, coming up next to the nephew and run that prank back right right after this. Yeah right, you're listening Stry Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anna stand by with today's weather and national news, plus an under trending news Capital riot police officers sue Trump, and New York votes to legalize marijuana. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour. But today is the day it say for fools Day, and nephew Tommy is here doing what he does running the point back your day, baby, this is your day. Here we go hook it up at the daycare. Hooking up at the daycare. N Hello, Hello, I'm trying to I'm trying to reach freedom. This is freedom and cool? Is this? You don't know me? My name is Lynnie Lannie. I know I wanted to call you. I've been looking for trying to get your phone number actually for like about the last about two weeks nine. What do you need my number before? Baby? Can you get on weeded because I'm on lunch back. I'm trying here and meet me lunch and I need you to come on with Okay, it's your husband? Is uh? What's your name again? My name is Linn. Okay, and you asking about my husband? Now? What about Yes, that's my husband. See. The problem I'm having, Miss Freedom is that I looked through my wife cell phone about two three weeks ago. And I have found out that this actual phone number below to your husband named and he been text messaging her stop stop stop stop because but see let me finish. Though he's been text messaging her different uh text message and stuff about he want to meet up with her, and and how she looked the other day and stuff like this hill. But then, but then even worse than this hill, is he you know done send some some some pictures of himself some some naked pictures on the on the on the cell phone. No, no, sir, not, I know not because if anything, if he texting anybody needs to be an employer about a jaw. I know you're not saying to me, whole body, who is your wife? What's your name again? What's your name here? My name is Linnie and my my my wife name is my wife name is Denise, Denise, Denise Denise. That ain't registering with me. I don't. We pretty much have an opera relationship where we kind of communicate and M I don't. I don't know about Denise together. Okay, dude, do your husband's last fold digits on his phone in sixty eight twenty two? Yeah, that would be last digit. Okay, see that what I'm saying, man, I'm not trying to call you, you know. I mean, I'm I'm disappointed in my wife because of these text messes and in these pictures and stuff. You know, I'm I'm the one. That's why I say, Okay, I need to call this man wife right here and see what you know? Do she even know it? I need you to wady to meet it back up and required for me to look here. Okay, Denise, it's your lineing. Okay, where they supposed to have mad ed? What what you know? Because we used to go everywhere again when we're going to first of all, the don't work, let's let's go there. He does not work. I don't know where it is when he got when he generally when he leaves the house, we're together. So where did they meet with? How did how did they meet two weeks ago? You say, because oh I'm listening to you now, you got I don't. I don't know if they meant two weeks ago. I'm just I just found him in the cell phone two weeks ago. That's what I'm saying. Now, you say, if you're saying he don't work, then evidently it must be doing the day while you go or something I don't do. I mean you you say you on your lunch break right now? Yeah? Uh huh? And where's your wife right now? Wait a minute? Do you know where your wife feels right now? Uh? When she's bothered to be at work right now? And you know what I just counted. He told me he was gonna get in the true up and when I called back, it's taken along, he used it. It's okay, it's yeah, okay, if I ain't have to go back in this hospital, baby baby baby. See, yeah, where's your wife? I need you to get to We need to start your wife field. We'll see my wife works at a at a Wait a minute, do y'all have do y'all have kids? Yeah? Yeah, we got kids. And that's my problem. That's why I'm so I'm upset. I'm working all day. I get up and fow in the morning to make sure I got everything prepared for the whole day. Try to get the kids or we have three kids? One, two, and three? Yeah, okay, okay, is he the one? Because he I do he because my wife works at a at a daycare? Do he drop him off at a daycare. Don't start you. Your baby is getting deeper if I get to this, what daycare does your wife working? Baby? Because I see, don't start me. Yeah he dropping them okay, uh huh. If you tell me the baby, just tell me if our plum I swept lyning. No, Now she's been at this place called children's academen. You lie, you bet not tell me this non working. It's they're supposed to be watching our kids. See see see I'm already and see but see I'm already upset and been upset about this years before. The lad I've been holding it for the lands two weeks I've been holding it. Ain't said nothing tift the need. Why are you holding it? Yeah you should the big called me with them I because when he get it. Let me tell you something. I get up at full every morning and I go, I have to be the work for six thirty every morning. I get to that damn houspital i slave they did come on in slave for him. Try to make sure he feels good as a man although he's not working. You know, it wasn't a farty y'all laid out. But hey, I want him to feel good. I'll go now, because you know y'all don't feel too good when you're not work. So I wanted him to feel good. I tell the kids, you know it's gonna be okay. But I bet you this got that's my wife. Don't be she's my wife. No, wait a minute, not for wait a minute. See, I told you it was ignoricancy. You should have been called me long ago. Let me tell y'all you egnant to see she's a bust of all because she said she too. She said he raised that out. I say, I'm not a player game and with my us and he's sending our neked pitchers. He ain't got to be showing up. No, trust me, it ain't worse on. I was just with him because he was a good man. I guess mine, she's dumb too. Oh. I was gonna ask shoot this hill because he don't add What do you want to add? What came you ask me? You just taught me this to here. It's with your wife some name Denise. Yes, that's what I said, and this is the that's watching the twins. Maybe we had twins? Do you hear me? Can I say something else to you? I don't need you to say. Can I say one more thing? What do you need to say? This is nephew timent from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your husband, Gerald. Let me tell you something got to be to be pranking me. He needs to be kind about it. Joe. This is I'm going ahead when I get home. Kiss not working, I ain't cooking the nice Let me tell you all. The thing that saved the situation is because, first of all, I'm a woman, so I want more information. But the special thing is we need the job. Don't work. I couldn't leave you work. I gotta answer something. Baby. What's the baddest radio show in the lane? Definitely the Speech Harby? All right, thank you, nephew. Coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment and national news. Right after this, you're listening to the morning show. Two US Capitol police officers are suing former President Trump for what they argue was his role in inciting the January sixth riot at the Capitol. Officers James A. Blessing Game and Sydney Hemby, are suing over physical and emotional injuries they suffered during the riot and accused Trump of aiding and abetting the attackers. They're each seeking at least seventy five thousand dollars in damages and are the first officers to sue seventy five thousand? Uh huh in damages? Yeah, what were you thinking? It should be millions? Thousands? How did they come up with that random number? That low ass number was fresh only you know. But we're gonna see how this goes. Since they they since they was the ones, not the police officer, but Donald trumping his supporters, was blue lives matter? Well let's find out. Well, um, all right, Well anyway, both officers suffered cuts and bruises to their heads, to their faces, arms and backs. Trump has not as of yet commented on the lawsuit, but his defense team has previously argued that he did nothing to incite the riot. He sent him down the street. He's not gonna he's not gonna say anything. But I mean, I don't know who's the lawyer they went and got ask him for seventy five thousand dollars. They could pay them off, and that's nothing to him, right right? Hally gat a palm star, huntred and thirty police get back that. Yeah, she didn't get jumped on? Who No, I mean really, if you get jumped on, you take your ass whipping down at it at the Capitol Building doing your job in the line of duty. I think that's more important. Yeah, that's, of course, because you're putting life on the line. Yeah, well, what do you think is a fair price or a decent price? They should have been a couple of million, don't one time? About seventy five thousand? Yeah, okay, matter? They settled for twenty five What you got? Yeah? Who wants you get beat up for twenty five thousand dollars? Bam Mason all in the face for twenty five grand. Now, I got some partners to take that whole candid poet and over ice and sip. I got some partners twenty five thousand. Take that. Bam Mason. Weale every day spread on their clothes. They be walking around like it's cologne. Just sick. Tyson didn't fight holy Field for twenty five million? Own though, yeah back owned now yeah, yeah, somebody somebody didn't have any glasses on that contract came all right. In the other trending entertainment news, gorilla girl, gorilla glue girl, excuse me, Tessica Brown's pregnant and expecting a child with her fiance. This will be her sixth child. She already has five children. Big, she may be a Yeah. She good and grown. Yeah, she's good and grown. He has four children her fiance and she has five and no team. That's that's good. That's cool. Good. Yeah, they must all be glued together. How many? Uh? This is a real blended family right here. Yeah, this is a stuck family. She's got five children and he've got four. Let's cool. They're pregnant, all right, all right, So so Steve, we gotta get to this. Finally an entertainment news you we'll talk about it. Coming up you in the versus battle you will be judging. All right. Time for today's national news. Let's go, ladies and gentlemen. Miss Anne Tripp, thank you, thank you, Good morning everyone. Here we go. Yesterday, on the third day at the Derek Chauvin George Floyd murder trial, the quote was shown video of mister Floyd in that convenience store just minutes before he was killed, and he was being very friendly, jed, laughing and joking, pleasant talking everybody. And then there was another video, a truly disturbing part seeing George Floyd begging Derek Chauvin to get off his neck. I'm just wanting you people, this is hard to listen to. I didn't breathe need man does want to deal with it under rest, right now, come on out on the ground. As you hear him say, forgery, forgery for what? On the stand, the George sCOD the histor clerk who said that the twenty dollar bill that Floyd bought a piece of food in a pack of cigarettes with was fake. He testified that he felt very guilty, very horrible about what happened because he doesn't think George Floyd actually knew the bill he had was phony. And you know there are a lot of phony bills out there, and I had phony bill one time. I didn't know it. I got it from the bank. By the way, the jury consists of six whites, four blacks, and two multiracial people in all, seven women and five men. A Florida Republican Congressman mad Gaines Gay Gates rather the serject of Justice Department investigation. He's a real stunch Trump supporter. He's accused of having an inappropriate sexual relationship with a seventeen year old girl and paying her to travel with him. That would be in violation of sex traffic and laws. If that's true, he claims he's innocent. Gates actually claims that he and his family are victims of an organized extortion plot, but he doesn't mention what exactly he's being blackmailed. About dozen of the country's most prominent black business people are stepping up to defend voting rights in the wake of Georgia's passage of that bill last week, which appears to specifically aimed at keeping large numbers of black people from voting. Seventy two black business leaders were signed on to an open letter calling on their peers is to stand up for racial justice, especially with the similar vote restrictive measures up for passage in about forty three other states. There are calls for boycotts of everything Georgia, Coca Cola, home Depot, Delta Airlines, to name a few. Spokes of a Delta headquartered in Georgia issued a statement actually praising parts of the new law, and former ESPN announced to Keith open and called for a boycott everything Delta. By the way, according to Nielsen, nostalgia is real big during the pandemic related lockdowns like family matters will improve my coordinations. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening show? All right, Junior, what you got? Okay, this is what I got. Shirley does. Steve Harvey Morning Show and Walmart Family Mobile want to help you pay your bills this tax season. In a for a chance to win a high end smartphone six months of Walmart Family Mobile service plus two thousand, five hundred dollars cash. I'm gonna say it again, two thousand, five hundred dollars cash. All you have to do is enter and get rules at Steve Harvey FM dot Com. All thanks to Walmart Family Mobile. Get forty gigabytes for under forty dollars a month from Walmart Family Mobile powered by T Mobile. Get all the info at Steve Harvey FM dot com. Daddy shirt there we go. Shut alright, Junior, money, big money twenty five hundred. Speaking of big money, all right, Steve, we got to talk about this versus battle. Okay, it's coming up Easter Sunday. It ain't coming up, it's going down. It's going down Sunday. It's going down Easter Sunday. So tell us what about right after day. Yeah, right after we serve and on the Lord am ye, on that blessed day, yes, sir, right after that, right after morning service, and then Easter dinner that evening, Yes, sir, you got to breathe it. What's wrong? Get you? Whoever? You got to get it to get Triller. So you can see this in h D you can, you can stream it up on your television, you can look at it on your computer. But it is gonna be my honor to sit between two legendary groups that made me who I am. Not a partition. All that i'man is girl. I'm gonna be so regular. I'm gonna tell you right now, I'm not gonna be a damn TV show host. I'm telling you that right now. You're not gonna turne it down at all. You're just gonna be on streets at State or seven Cigars, got all of that. All that hats suits. You change. If they change, so you change, You change, if they change it, if they change, we change. No no, no, no no no no no no no no no. Would not be the only one. Oh no, I'm not gonna outdo him. Oh no no no, oh oh no. That ain't wor I'm too respectful for that. Okay, I hear you, but I ain't gonna be trash. All right, we'll check you out Sunday see for the Versus Battle and we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steven Show. Yesterday the Derek Chauvin trial. During the trial, sixty one year old mister Charles McMillan broke down in tears. This was while he was giving his testimony about the day he watched George George Floyd die in the street. The court decided to recess. As mister McMillan collected himself. Another prosecution witness, Donald Lewis break huh yeah yeah. Another prosecution witness, Donald Lewis was not the one as Derek Chauvin's defense lawyer tried to label him as angry. Take a listen, you call him if that's sure. I'm sure, I'm asking you. Did you say that? That's the video recorder? So what I did you call him a bite from viewer? So yes or no, sir? If that's what was hurt in the video? Yes, I did. And at one point, you said that officer Tau pushed you. That's correct. He didn't. He put his hand in my chest, is what I said. And you observed officer Tau pushed someone else, right, or feel like you he pushed someone else. I didn't let him plug anyone else. Do you recall saying, I dare you to touch me like that? I swear I'll slap the both of you. Yeah, I did, I mean too right, So again, sir, it's fair to say that you grew angrier and angrier. I grew professional and professional stayed in my body to be angry. Yes, okay, right here, okay, mister Donna Lewis okay, okay, Now, who who is this guy? He was a witness for the prosecution. And this was what you just heard was his testimony when the attorney for Derek Chauvin examining him and trying to make him out to be angry because he was going off on the police at the time. And that's what he's he's saying. If you heard what I said on the tape, is Apso what I said, and that's what if that's what I said? Yeah, back down from that. He didn't back down and That's when he said, when you grew angry or you're not trying to label him as an angry black man. He said, no, I stayed professional. That's what I said. Yeah. Yeah, it's hard to watch, yea, yea said all that. Yeah he was that. And see we also learned about the story clerk nineteen year old Chris Martin. Chris Martin testified, if I would have just not taken the bill, this could have been avoided. But he didn't want the counterfeit twenty dollar bill to be deducted from his check. So he took the twenty dollar bill from George Floyd and anyway he was he took it. He didn't know it was a bad twenty when he took it, right, he thought it was. He it was. He thought it was a counterfeit twenty. But he didn't want the clerk didn't want to be charged with having him to want it back. He was coming up this check, so his supervisor told him to ask George Floyd to come back in to talk to him, and he went back and that's when he went outside to talk to him in the vehicle. But he sang, it just would have everything if he had just not taken the bill. You know, yeah, this could have been avoided. You know, that's how he feels. If its meaning to me what I got from that two guys, it's just like, here's another person, the store clerk, you know, the girl, the young lady that recorded the video, the witness that you just heard. All these people just felt helpless. I mean yeah, from the firefighters, everyone, yeah, everybody, to be honest with you, the nation, everyone but Derek Chauvin, who is on trial. It's not George Floyd, you know who's on trial. Sometimes you think that, you know, by the way they're trying to twist things and all of that during this trial, you think that they're they're trying to try George Floyd. But no, that's not it. This is about the police officer to be over in justice. No, that's gonna be alone four weeks called. But they got to come back with a guilty verdict because it does. They have to come back with it. You saw it. It's on tape. Um, okay, coming up next, we're gonna switch gears. The nephew is here with today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject we can see you all. But we'll get to that in a little bit. But right now it is April Fool's Day, and on this April Fool's Day, who better to introduce right at this moment in time than the nephew with today's prank phone call. What you get for is nep and Happy April Fools Day to you. Can I claim hey Tom? Yeah? Happy record? Whatever? Can I can I claim your key? Can I claim you're? Yeah? Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach uh Devin, Devin, Yeah, hey Devin. How you doing? Man? My name is Curtis Man, Curtis. I was trying to reach out to you. You um your your your son, Uh he plays a basketball with my nephew. Manum, your son is the one that's on the on the Blazers little league basketball team, right yeah yeah, everything all right, yeah yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah everything good man. You know they got a game Saturday and everything. I've seen you a couple of times man at the game. I don't know if you remember me, man, Uh, light skinned brother about about six foot yeah, I probably met your pays. You know, i'd be so intensive the game. But yeah, what's what's going on? Um? Uh well, actually, man wanted to hole at you about about your son. Man, um you you? Um? Are you? Are you? Are you working right now? Are you currently work? Am I am I working? Like? Yeah? I am working? Actually, I mean I mean I mean I mean you have a yea a steady job is what I'm asking. I mean, yeah, yeah, what you what you get in that though? Like you know, I thought you were calling about the basketball team, like uniforms. I know, we got a game Saturday. You know sometimes they want donation for sneakers and all that, like you know, no, no, no, no, no, no, what I was asking? So so, I mean you you got a regular nine to five job you go to all the time. Yeah, I gotta nine to five. I mean things is kind of crazy, but I was just kind of short. But you know I still I still worked. I mean while I was going on, you need a job or something? No, no, no, I'm just checking. Man. See what I wanted to get at you about, Man, seeing are you gonna are you gonna clean your son on your income tax? Did you hold on? Bro? Now? You said, am I going to clean my son on my taxes this year? I mean, like you know, as a dependent? So you asked some real personal questions. Now you know, like you're the guy that you just that you know me from the basketball team that my son playing on basis you know, and now you doesn't jump from the Blazers to do I clean my son on my taxes? And do I have a steady income? I mean, like you know, yeah, I got I got a steady income and I'm claiming my fun. What I mean, what you're trying to get at, Bro? Well we'll see, man, what I was thinking. You know, I just want to read you seem like cool dude when I saw you at the gym. Man, what I was gonna ask you? Bro? You know see right now, Man, when I get through with my taxes and stuff, I'm gonna have to owe about eight hundred dollars. But now I see if I clean a child as my dependent, man, they're gonna get me by twenty two, twenty three hundred. You see what I'm saying and what I wanted to get at you about, man, is you know you let me clean as my son, you know, so I can gonna get this good money. Bro, Bro, Bro, I mean what do all due respect? Bro, you're talking about you want to clean my son on taxes? Hold on, but I don't even know you. You're talking about you seeing me at my son's basketball game. You might be the police for all I know. Bro, you sound like the police. No, no, no, no, it ain't. It ain't. Ain't nobody gonna come at your sideways like that, man, I ain't. I ain't trying to come like what I'm trying to say. Man, Now they're going to hit me off of this eight hundred. Well, see I can get twenty three hundred. Man, I kick you down two fifty. You understand I'm saying, man, everybody key two simpty. You crazy? Now you sound like a joke, bro, because now you're insult to me. You're telling me you want to claim mom now for somebody with you old money. I don't even know you food so I can make two fifty, Bro, I ain't trying to be on a brother When I claimed my kids. I'm getting the same exact like you getting. I'm getting twenty three honey two, So what of like taking two hundred dollars from I don't know you know what I'm saying. Okay, when I'm the one stuck over here paying the eight hundred. Man, I'm just acting ask you to look out for a brother. Man, you say, yeah, look out. You know my check being cut from forty hours a week to thirteen hours a week, and I still got these little blacks to me for Jordan, Michael Jordan never put us down. That's why I'm trying to hook you up with two fifty. Man. Damn, you don't even see a good thing when it's coming at you. Bro, Bro, I don't know if you're talking about bro, No two to fifty. Bro. When I claim you two little I'm getting twenty three hundred dollars a piece. Bro, what you think I'm gonna take two fifty from you for it? I don't even know you like that? So, man, you ain't got it. Yeah, you ain't got a trip. Man. Then if you was my bro, you're my people, you know, maybe we could do a little something. I can understand that, But Bro, you ain't gonna get me No. Two fifty when I'm getting the same thing they offering you point three hundred. It's complent money, bro, So why did I'm apposed to do. What am I opposed to do? Devin, tell me that. I mean, Bro, what you posted to do is go how you all see? Claim that a little every year and you'll get what I get for these look that I'm seeing in clothing every day. That's what you're gonna have to do. My hours then got cut from forty to fifteen hours a week. I had to go pick me up the little side. I'm staying. You gotta change your ways. You out here trying to get me locked up for government scams. B What I'm trying to do, man, is get this eight hundred off my bad dog. That's all I'm trying. Ain't nobody trying to get no trouble. Man. You're still talking about getting you eight hundred and getting me locked up. Now you've got me. I'm out here working hard to support my kids. Man, But I ain't for the city and go through this with you no more. Man, I ain't for the city and go through this with your No, you're gonna help me with this money or not. Brian helped you with Bro. I need I see you on Saturday. Bro. I'm gonna you up. Bro. I'm trying to shoot brother. I need your son sold to security number right now? That's what I need. Bro. Let me tell you something, Bro. Say what you look like? Bro? You said you's a light skinn and you're gonna stop six foot bro when I see you when I step in that gymnasium. Bro, I'm on your bro. You ain't on that. You ain't on pleasers the Lakers. Bro, you better bring that damn social security number. I think it's a game. I'm gonna comply them. Okay, Cool, I got one more thing I need to say to you. You're listening to me on my phone, Bro't even talking to this fool. I got one more thing I need to say to you. Man, Is you listening to me? Say your last statement? You want on your tombstone? Bro, this is Nephew tim Me from the Steve Harvey Martin Show. You just got prank baby? Who is this Nephew tim Me? Man? What's up? Devin? What's up? Fool? You got me out here? Crazy? Hey? Man? You got hey? Do you got a boy that you work with? Name? Yes? Crazy? Put me up to this man, Man, I work tomorrow. Man, keep doing what you're doing. We need good daddies in the world. Brother, man, thank you. Brother. Hey, one more thing, man, I gotta ask you. You gotta tell me, man, what is the baddest radio show in the land? Man, Steve Harvy Wanning y'all crazy, man, I'm a beat and then you have it. You have it what you want on your tombstone. As soon as I get in that gym, man, that was crazy. You got to get your little seed. Y'all seed claim take him like well, I'm like, I'm taking y'all these around here and do your part, okay on your day showing out. I'm just trying. Nothing. Had to spend this eight hundred, man, that's all I'm looking at. I just need a little work. Man. Have a brother, he's so concerned with his eight hundred Like this dude ain't got enough fish man, Man, you need to cut my I was a man from four thirty Government scam. It's going down Friday night, Oh my god. Ready to love, y'all Ready to love Friday Night on the own network. Tune in eight nine Central, nine eighth Central. Let me flip that nine eighth Central and watch your boy work. It's the first episode. We got a big surprise for you. It's coming. What is it all? Right, thank you, nephew. Coming up Strawberry letter subject. We can see you all. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, this is for the ladies. Before we get to the Strawberry letter, please check out our Facebook live happy hour going down today at four pm Eastern on the Steve Harvey Morning Show page. That's Steve Harvey FM on Facebook today at four pm. It's me, It's Carla for Seagram's Scapes sip Happiness. It's gonna be fun. Yes, thank you around teddy Mouth file let them have it up. What y'all are to do is y'all are like like you know, just sound like y'all having way more for what's your college? Stop just over doing what people be going? What what I'm trying to keep? You're so crazy, but joined us this afternoon Eastern Seagrams, Sigrum's Escapes, sip Happiness. See that what you're doing just keep saying the spawns over there because they love it sing escapes. I never handed fun in my life. Drink's so crazy. We'll see you this afternoon for me and yes, Steve, I never handed let no All right, thank you, Steve. All right, it's time to switch gears and get into the Strawberry Letter for today. If you need advice on relationships, on sex, dating, work, relationships, parenting, all of that and more, submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one here that right here, right now. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Thank you enough you subject. We can see you all, okay. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a forty four year old married woman and we have new neighbors across the street. They moved in during the pandemic, so we see them in passing, but we haven't formally met them. Just saturdays ago, I was upstairs reading and resting. Our bedroom is on the front of the house, and I had the windows raised so I could feel the breeze. I kept hearing noises like there was a wounded animal close by, so I asked my husband to check the front yard. He said nothing was out there, and then he came up to the bedroom to see if he could hear it too. The noises got louder, so he looked out the window and directly across the street into our neighbor's bedroom. Their windows were up too, and they don't have any curtains or window coverings. All we saw was my neighbors rolling around naked in their bed, and all we heard were shrill noises and grunting. We closed our window after we watched for a few minutes in disbelief, and the next morning my husband raised our bedroom windows for fresh air, and he was surprised to hear our neighbors back at it again. The female was wearing a thong and tassels on her chest. The man had on a pair of leather shorts and tube socks. My husband burst out laughing, and he was very He has a very deep voice and a loud laugh. He got so tickled that he yelled out, we could see you all, and the couple heard him. The man got up and lowered their window, while the lady covered herself in a blanket. My husband and I stood there looking guilty. It would be very awkward when we meet this couple. Do we act like this never happened, or do we apologize for being peeping Tom's. Well, if there's going to be any apologizing going on, I guess it should come from you guys, because they were in their own home, mining their own business, doing what they do in their bedroom. Okay, that night and that morning apparently, But I don't think you have anything to apologize for because you were just enjoying the show. You were just enjoying the show. Especially your husband seems like he was enjoying it a bit too much because he yelled over to them. They never would have even known you guys were watching or even there if he hadn't done that. But even with that, I would act as though it was my first time ever seeing them when you guys are formally introduced to them, and just keep them moving. Okay, stuff happens. Hopefully they will invest in some curtains or some window coverings real soon if they don't enjoy the show. Steve, Well, I don't really know what. I don't see default Hill right there. You fought it for your married woman. Some neighbors moved in across the street, you know, doing the pandemic, so all you do is see him in pass. You can't go over there because we got a social just got to get the mask on. And so uh so you you you, you, you in your room, in your room, and so you opened up the windows so you could get this breeze. But you kept hearing noises like a wounded animal. Clue what stuff like that? I asked your husband check in front yard. He said, wasn't nothing out then, and he came up and see if he could hear too. The noises got louder, so he looked out the window, and directly across the street is your neighbor's bedroom. They up stairs to their windows was up too. They don't have any curtains, all window curves. All we saw was your neighbors rolling around the neck it and we heard shrills and grunting. We closed one after we watched for a few minutes in disreligue, and then the next morning here's where the problem started. I will address this when we come back, because he was fine until the next morning. That's when something happened, and we will talk about it. All right, Steve, hang onto your part two. We'll have that at twenty three minutes after be our today's Strawberry Letters subject. We can see you all. We'll get back into it right after this you're listening morning show. All right, come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter. The subject we can see you all. Let's go. Well, it's lady and her husband got some new neighbors cross street moved in doing the pandemic. They was trying to get the windows open so they could have a breeze, and they kept hearing all these nauses and stuff like wounded out. So I asked my husband and chick front y'all. He said it wasn't not that. So we came up to the bedroom. See if he could hear two well, he could hear all this happened, So the noises got louder. So he looked out in window across the street into the neighbor's bedroom. They had their windows up too, and they didn't have on the curtains or wall covered. All we saw was your neighbors rolling around necking, and hear them shrills and grunting. So they closed the windows. After we watched for a few minutes. You watched for a few minute. Here next morning your husband raised up the wonders for fresh air. He was surprised because the neighbors was back at it again. Now here with the problem. The female was wearing a throng and tassels on her chests. Yeah, hear, what had your your husband? Though the man had on a pair of leather shorts and some tube socks. The husband bust out laugh. Now the reason your husband laughed, it's because the dude is built bad. It's funny. It's that he ain't like no top shape dude or nothing like that. He just a regular dude working down at PEPSI or something, you know, and he off this working the other shift and he just body just ain't what it supposed to be. But the leather shorts and too. So your husband busts out laugh, got a deeps and laugh. He got so tickly. Yell, we see y'all, We can see y'all. All of a sudden the couple heard him. The man got up lord his window, and the lady covered herself in a blanket. Well you still ain't got no damn curtains, though your husband then stood there looking guilty. It would be very awkward when we meet this couple. Do we act like this never happened? To? Do we apologize for being peeping time? Why you got to meet him? So they crossed the street still neighbors. So now you go over there, introduce yourself if you want to. You might might mess around to get invited in. You remember that sling commercial, do you Sling? And that dude said he over there and buttoned his clothes. Y'all gonna mess around over there and be naked. See this was just signed to me. You know, y'all gonna mess around getting invited over if you know, I don't know that I would apologize for being peeping times because why are we peeping? Tom y'all had to wander over. Yeah, yeah, y'all showing y'all exhibitions. Cutea lights out cute, damn lights out. But I can see clearly he got on leather shelt and they do tam socks. Probably had them stripes on them too. Yeah, and the stomach in the front was hanging over the leather shots but they was tight. But they had a little booty showing. That's why your husband was laughing. I'm stuck on the leather short. Oh yeah, yeah, that's what it is. So I don't really know. I wouldn't worry about this, you know, standing there looking guilty. It's very awkward when we meet this covering door. Ain't we got to meet and when you we could just speak, hey, how are you doing it? We stayed cross the street. You know, they ain't got to know it was you tell them you have some people house sitting for you said your brother then was over here. I want to apologize for my brother. And then because I had my brother and his wife over here watching that house, and they said they yelled something to y'all over that. We don't know what was going on, but we apologize for him. That's what I would do. I wouldn't say anything why, I wouldn't need it. But if you won't to Yeah, if they do, say when you look at and when we want to apologize because that wasn't us, Especially if they say, hey, we don't appreciate you looking in our wonder like this. Well, to be honest with you, it wasn't us. My brother was staying in the house. And but didn't have your husband or use his light voice, not to heaven, have your husband you know he can't go in there. No, well here we saw you just said he got a deep voice, and they get seen him. So what you want your husband to do is probably go like wow, you know My brother was here and when he saw you, I was just like, oh my gosh, Scott kidding me? Why would you look at our neighbor's house. We didn't you met these guys yet. It's gonna be terrific. So how are you hey? I mean, use a fake today. Welcome to the neighborhood. You're crazy. No, it's gonna be great, super We love to have you guys play cards. Well, I don't mean cards. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You know I don't mean cards. I know you're thinking what I think I'm thinking, like you're poker. No, it's not what it was. Sorry, it's gonna be okay, I just leave it. Aday, Yeah, don't approach him. No, I agree with you. All right, Thank you, Steve. You can post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six minutes after the hour from the Talk our girl, the One and Only She will be here Sheryl Underwood. Right after this, you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, it's Carla's Reality Update. But right now, Steve please introduce our girls from the talk. Yeah, the long awaited interview Ladies and gentlemen, without further dude, she is here, Sheryl Underwood, Steve Ruby, Hello, Hey, Junior, how are you? Hey? Tommy? Hey, Carla Fair? Okay, aren't you excited? This is me and Junior as a couple. First Resurrection weekends? Girl? What what? What? No? That's right, that's right. Okay. We started with good Friday. Junior, Tell everybody, what is your favorite fish that you liked? Because you supposed to eat fish on Friday, you better know it. And I got the filets ready, I got the zatarand covering for I got the peanut oil over here, Papa, this greed for Julia see a good Friday. And you know I grew up in Chicago. Should describe berry. So I need cochlaw, I need spaghetti and corn bread and my fish. Because me and Junior wit our bond is very very strong, and I feel like Steve Harvard when we are. We're evenly yoked to each other, you know. So we're and it is Resurrection week. It is started on Friday, you know. And we're gonna have a hooting nanny callar for rel you know, I'm still you know, I'm close to God. Oh yeah, I got to have a hoot Nanny. We're gonna listen to blues, listen a lot of Johnny Taylor, and there'll be a lot of Crown Row drunk tonight after fish Fry and every time this Saturday, we gotta get our last fitting for our Sunrise service. Twin our fits. But what you mean listen? Yeah, I go to sermon on the couch, I go to bed side Baptist. But this is a different experience with me, That's right. This is a different experience of me and Junior as a couple or so stepping out on faith. Yes, sir, Yes, sir, woulda twin matching outfits? Yes? Are you and Junior? Yes? Gonna be together for the Verses Earth winning five Ozley Brothers hosted by yours truly Hell Yes, Steve Hard and Steve I'd like to thank you for carrying it all the way through because that means Junior and I will be together longer than he anticipated, because we will be looking at the verses together. But Carlin Pharrell, I heard your gas and Temmy, you have lucked up on my master plan because I have to spend the night with Junior to be ready. What's up right, sholn so live, We're gonna be on time for the Lord and I got a lot more cooking to do by Junior Carlin's Reality of right after this you're listening to, all right, come on, tell me introduce our girl. Well she is here, the one and only Colin Ferrell with what reality update? All right, let's go. Let's talk about the own network. Let's start things off with Yes, Love and Marriage Huntsville the best show ever. All right, So, Melody and Martell's friends, the Fletchers, this couple, they invited Melody and Martell over to kind of, you know, talk about their marriage and relationship. This couple that they're friends with. They want them to work out their marriage. They've been married a very long time, so they were trying to counsel them, give them advice, and they've been through some of the similar things with infidelity and all that. Well, what we learn in that moment at the Fletcher's house is that Melody Holt is sick of her soon to be ex husband, Martell. Take a listen. You know, when Martell started explaining himself and talking about cheating and how the conversation got heated. And listen to him go off on his wife. Now he cheated for years in a relationship, has a child on the way, a baby boy on the way. Listen to how he talked to his wife about cheating. Take a listen. And then yeah, stepped out because you want taking care of me. And then somebody starts taking care of me. And then I'm like, I like this when I went to and then you still disrespecting me, You're still not being the person that I want you to be. This other person i'm talking to, she satisfying me. I'm trying to heart like that's the true boo. So she threw the glass at him. The table fell over, and I was like, yes, Melody sick of him? Did you hear him in his tone and his attitude? I mean, how dare you talk to your what we're saying, Steve, if you think that's the way to do it right way? Because brother, you're setting yourself for some for some misery. You and your new girl. Who Ye right, he said, you're not the woman I want you to be. How about the woman she is? Yes? I just I can't get it takes two people to break up right, if she's not the woman you want her to be, could it be because you ain't being the man you said you are, Because it ain't no way you can be over there making other babies and devoting any kind of time to the house. Right and Steve, they have four children, right, and she just had a baby from her husband. They have a baby too, and an infant baby as well. They were trying to work things out. I just don't like his attitude. I don't like how he talks to her, any of that. So moving on loving Marathon's it's still good though. It's Melody Yes all day, Team Melody Hope. Speaking of the own network, Spring is here. Love is in the air. So tomorrow night it is season four premiere Ready to Love, hosting by marry On Nephew tell us about the baby, all right, So tomorrow is uh, tomorrow is the show where we introduce to you the contestants that will be on the show. And that's where I have a surprise for you. So you want to make sure you come to that. Okay. For those of you that don't know what Ready to Love is all about, it's ten men, ten women coming together looking for love. It's a process of elimination, and throughout they gotta go to Miami, ready to love Miami process of elimination. Each week, the powerships back and forth. Many eliminate women, women eliminate men. At the end of this journey, six people will remain, three couples who have hopefully found love. And I will navigate you. I'm your host. I will navigate you through the entire journey. And I'll promise you I got twist and turns, curveballs the whole nine yards. Ready to love, y'all, lone Star state, here we come. You see how sex are he trying to say? Six Central on home, be about the vomit. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, don't forget today. Check out our Facebook live Happy Hour with Me, Shirley Strawberry and Colin Farrell on the Steve Harvey Morning Show page. It is going down today this afternoon, four pm Eastern, seag rooms, Escapes, sit happiness, right, Carla, That's right, Shirley. We are going to have a good time this afternoon, four pm Eastern, Just like Shirley said, ladies, come join us. We're gonna talk about beauty. You can ask us questions. Actually, you can go right now to Steve Harvey FM on Facebook and drop your questions in. Right now we'll go. We can plan and be ready and have fun and kick it. So Steve Harvey FM, Seagram's Eskates, Happy Hour, Ladies, are you gonna come? Are you gonna? Okay? All right, junior, you should do it. Yeah, I ain't gonna wait. It's fun when you don't like waiting last time, last month, I've happy hour to let me in. Don't do that, don't do me like that. It's four else or what's gonna happen? The Rider to Love Let's going on so again. It's going down today four pm Eastern four pm Eastern time, Seagram's Escapes. We have our signature drinks. We are read d for you. Okay, fab five? Yeah, cheers, all right. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It is time now, ladies and gentlemen, to ask the CLO. The Chief Love Officer is Steve Harvey, and he is ready to go. This one from hell yeah, the close clo. Hello. This one is from Khalil in Ohio. Khalil says, I'm forty seven years old and I've been married for close to six years. I got a new job in a different state and we're staying in temporary housing until we find a house. My wife can work from home, so she was able to keep her job. Over the weekend, we plan to look at a few houses, and my wife told me that I should look at apartments because she was moving back to our old city. She said she missed her mom and her friends and her old life. I'm her husband, and she should be with me. Am I right or wrong? Yeah? Yeah? Wow? You right? Yeah, she should be with you. But now let's deal with what's happening though. She moving back to her old city with her mom and her friend and her old life and her old life. Let me just give her a suggestion. Don't start that. Let's go back to this old life business, because you know I had one too. Oh you know, I don't know what you thought I was for. I got married, married for six years. Steve's that seven years? Itch? Yes? What it is? See she want to go back and leave you down there with that apartment. All right, Yeah, you got to be real careful. Yeah, separation ain't good sometimes. Once we put these beads in this hud, you lonely. Now, come on bobbing tonight, girl. See, I gotta be careful. Yeah all right, all right, just playing all the old hit turn off. So he's right in that she should fare you want to be with him? Yeah, definitely. Sir Khalil Jericho in DeSoto, Texas says, I'm twenty eight and I'm dating a man that has a three year old daughter that is a brat. She was at my boyfriend's house recently and I cooked dinner for the three of us. It was baked chicken, sweet potatoes, and broccoli. This three year old child announced that she wasn't eating my food because it looked nasty. She asked for chicken nuggets and her dad took her to get some. She stuck out her tongue at me before they left. I don't play with children, and she needs to know that. Can I discipline her myself or should he? Well, I mean right now, he should, but you know it's it's not right to disrespect you. But now, on the other hand, there's some things you can do when ain't nobody around. You know, I've done it to a lot of people kids, like, what what do you mean? What's done? Duh? You know, just just right in there, just what you do, just put right against it. He just said, don't get your ass coming up. It is our last break of the day, and at forty nine minutes after the hour, it's also Steve's closing remarks, and I bet he's going to talk about the versus battle. What you think? Uh? Out right? You better get his tassels together. That's right after this. You're listening to show. Here we are, guys, our last break of the day. Don't forget to join Carlin and I this at four pm for our Facebook live Happy Hour on the Steve Harvey Morning Show page going down four pm Eastern Times, sponsored by Seagram's Escape Sip Happiness. See. I like, well, you know I'm on Big Dog. Yeah, ain't just to talk about really just versus I don't I don't know. I mean person, I don't know nobody that ain't gonna watch everybody in your age group and know everybody I know. I'm told my kids if you can. If you don't watch this, don't tell nobody else. I'm your daddy. Can you put the pressure on him, Steve pressure, No, Scott just got to go down. Man, I'm like, you know what it is. So it's like really, I'm so, I'm so thrilled about it, just to sit with them, man, Yeah, because you know I have a person relationship with him. You know, we've known each other for some years and they've all known about how I felt about him. You know, Ron Man my first apartment in La Man, we bought a bucket up Kentucky Fried Chicken. Were sitting on the floor eating fried chicken in the floor. Now that's the story. Yeah, that would never think that, man, never you know, first of all that you you know that you would just eat a bucket of chicken out of the bucket on the floor, you know. And then he had money to go to a restaurant, you know, Man, I mean, Man, we just had some I've been to his house in Saint Louis. You know, he's been to my house. You know, we had a lot of moments together, manth when the fire spent time with him backstage, I've announced them, you know, I've i wrote the forward for Maurice White's book. I inducted them and put their hands in the cement down in front of a good Toss tore On on Sunset Boulevard. Yeah. Man, they asked me to do that for them. Immy, man, I've had a relationship with these guys, so for me to sit between them and I just don't know what. I'm gonna cry, probably because I don't know. There's some songs that they got that are emotional for me. But it's just really, man, in all honesty, just gonna be a great time man to be sitting there with that much music. Oh and the Lord Him, Mercy, the hes Yeah, yeah, the awards, the platinum albums, the concerts. I mean, this music really was the soundtrack to your life, Steve. You've told us so many stories. I know you probably remember every person you dated during whatever particular song and all of that. Yeah, you know, I've had enough divorce is to apply to songs, is that what? Yeah, don't worry about the Dayton You've only had two, only had two whats. Yeah, but you know, when you're going through it, you have to hits come out. Doing the divorce proceedings, the papers, and signing, the fighting up of the property and all. Oh. Man, by time we did all that, man, about five six hits had coming out on the radio. You got some god papers turn it up? Yeah, man, Richard dimple So, I'm excited man about Sunday. Man, I really am. Man, It's gonna be a pleasure. I don't really know how I'm gonna host it, you know, having really to come to you talked it over. But I'm gonna be natural. I'm gonna be my regular self though. Oh please understand the radio show hosted it talks your whole would not be there. You know that makes me nervous, don't you You should be. Let's let's do we lay some rules out for him right now. I'm gonna try. You can try. I'm just okay, Steve, what come on? What are you gonna cuss? Let me ask you a questions. Okay, what have you ever huh listened to a ron The album and did not cutch full times while you was listening to it? But you not? But I'm talking. We're talking about Hey, I'm talking, Carl Carlin. Ye I'm listening. Have you ever listened to a Ronley album and not cuts full? Time or yeah, drifting on man, produce right there? See how produce some Tommy? Oh the love you? Oh? If I touch, if I kiss, if I help you tight in the morning life, Hey, you want my love and you can't deny. Boy, you're gonna no, it's true, but you try. I'm standing up and saying that on the verses. I don't know if you stand up, but I'm standing up and saying that one and with my back to the camera like Miles Davis. But Steve, you got you know what I think You're gonna gotta be down. You go, Steve, don't don't tone it down? How because you add a team right now? No, no, no, no, no no, I got news for this, a folk this right here right you're yeah, no, no, just the foe? What are you doing that? I don't know, Sherlan. I'm going through it right now, you know, Witness it's gonna look like an all right, we gotta go. Versus is coming y'all. This Sunday asked somebody how to download Triller so you can watch it on HD on your computer. You can put it on your screen. Man, It's gonna be fun. Man, Please don't miss it. We'll talk to y'all. Hey, have a have a nice day, y'all. Talk to God. I love to hear from for all Steve Every contests. No purchase necessary, void we're prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening. She was named Horday Morning Show