Vegas, A$AP Rocky, Ayesha Curry, Kennedy Center and more.

Published Jul 22, 2019, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride.  Today's show is so hot that chickens are laying boiled eggs.  Junior has a blast in Vegas for his birthday.  Licki Minaj is offering her services in the congregation.  Kim K. and Kanye have persuaded President Trump to help free A$AP Rocky.  Today in Comedy Roulette, we have the things people say when they get caught with porn on their computer.  Ayesha Curry, wife of NBA superstar Steph Curry opens up her 4th restaurant and gets criticized for her dancing.  Ever wonder what happens in your seat on the airplane before you sit in it.  Marvel has a new Blade and Tessa Thompson will be in another Thor film.  Earth Wind and Fire will be the first R&B group to receive Kennedy Center Honors.  Today in J's What We Learned Today, the crew learns new things about Shirley and more.

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know, y'alla have all suit all looking back to back down, giving them like American buck things. And it's not me true? Could it be Steve har listening to move together? For ste Please, I don't join joining me. You gotta use that. Don't turn hur you go. You gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water. Come come on your baby it uh huh, I show will good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now one it only Steve Harvey Man got a radio show. Real glad about it too, you know. Um, I hope that God always keeps me in the frame of frame of mind to try to be sharing and try to be motivational and un even when it's not felt or wanted by some people. I have people around me who seem to not benefited off anything, and I can sit with them and talk to them or take meetings with them to try to encourage them, and for whatever reason, you know, they want to just keep going the way they're going. When you run into people like that, you have to pray for them. You have to just hope that one day that they release the chains on their mind and open up your mind to a new way of thinking. A couple of things I wanted to go over with it. I want you all today in terms of motivation. I want you to be aware of statements or old sayings that have been created that you hear over the course of time, and you may be applying them to your life. And I want you to be careful of some of them because some of these old sayings, man, are not designed for people who are dreamers, are not designed for people who have any aspirations of being extraordinary. These are not designs or sayings that people who want to be extremely successful at anything or have high aspirations to put these sayings into your life. Let me give you an example. Statistics say that's it. That's the one who want you to be careful about statistics, say be very careful of stats. When a person says, you know statistics, say one out of every what see, listen to me. These are things that sound like they're good, sound solid advice, but they're setting you up for failure and you can't adhere yourself to a lot of these sayings that's been passed down from generations and it's not scripture. It ain't in the scripture nowhere that statistics say. It's just some people, and a lot of people who have lost have come up with these sayings to justify why they keep losing or why they lost. When I was arst got started in the business, there were more stand ups around now than it is today because the comedy boom in eighty four eighty five was it was gaining a lot of momentums, comedy clubs, comedy nights everywhere. The statistic that a guy told me I told him I wanted to be on the Johnny Carson Show, the Tonight Show. The guy said, one out of every two thousand comedians ever make it to the Tonight Show. Okay, Now, when he told us that, some of the comedians in the room went, well, wow, man, oh that's rough. Because a guy had also said that there was approximately six thousand comedians in the country at that time. I don't know if it was true. I'm just telling you guy, without the sputing numbers, I have no idea how many it was. But he said one in every two thousand will make it to the Tonight Show. And he let the air out of everybody in the room button be so every night before I went on stage, I used to do this right here. But Bampa da bada la la la da bada Pampa ba la la la da. That was the tonight theme song. I was young, opening act know where near Hollywood, didn't. I was in Cleveland telling jokes at one nights. But that was my thing because I was bent and determined that if it's one in two thousand, okay, why don't I just be the one? Be careful when people say so statistics say because they are set up to ful failure. If you're gonna adhere to him, see that one in so many, it wonn't so many people win the lottery. But if you don't play the lottery, you ain't gonna be the one to hit. Now when the dude hit you go while he was lucky, but he played. Here's another one. Maybe it's not meant to be a right let's go one step further. I guess it wasn't the Lord's will. Don't you dare blame God for something you may have not done yourself because you didn't get the proper education, because you didn't do the things you were supposed to do, because you didn't stay to the task because you quit, turned around and with the other way. Now, maybe it's not It wasn't the lord's will. These are all statements that sound like sound advice, but they ain't all the time, got nothing to do with you. Stop letting these old fogy sayings get in your way of what can happen in your life. Don't put all your eggs in one basket? Wow, who came up with this? Who came over with the If you don't pour all your efforts into one thing, how are you gonna be great at that one thing? If Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordans, Magic Johnson, Larry Bird had not played basketball sun up to sundown, Magic Johnson didn't go to Michigan to get an education. Lad Burry didn't go to Indiana to get an education. These casts was balling. Michael Jordan didn't go to North Carolina get an education. They went to play ball. They went to do one thing. Tiger Woods didn't go to Stanford to get an education. He went to play golf. Soon as he got good enough, he'd gone. These are guys that put all their eggs in one basket. See what's what's cool with putting all your eggs in one basket, is you now can maximize your effort and laser beam what you're doing. Your problem is all you gotta do is make sure what is your basket made out of. If your basket is made out of faith, hope, hard work, and belief, then guess what, that's a good basket. I'm dumping all mine in it because ever since I was a young dude, I've been telling jokes one thing, one thing only. Even when he got ugly and I was living in a car, I never quit telling them jokes. Man. I just kept believing that them jokes was gonna pay me one day, and I'll be dog gone if it didn't. I ain't take no time off. Go work at to Walmart, give me a job, go back to Forward and beg for my job back. Hey, man, put all your eggs in a basket. Just make sure that your basket is made up of faith, hope, belief, hard work. Your basket woven by God. What you're tripping for, You're defeating yourself. Where is your faith? Where is your belief? Where is your trust? At one point in time, you got to believe that God could do what he say gonna do because he didn't done it for others, he'll most certainly do it for you. Be careful of these sayings that's out here, that's aligned by losers and people to justify why they are not succeeded. Don't apply this stuff to your life. And it ain't got nothing to do with you. You're gonna mess yourself up. All right, Okay, you're listening show. Good morning everybody. You're about to listen to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It is a line king weekend. I have no idea where you are, but it is hot everywhere. Good morning, Good morning Shae. Happy Monday. I'm hot. Calibrell's on vacation. Should be back tomorrow. What up, Junior? You hot man? Jake, Jake, you're too loudly? He had a hard weekend. Everything Well, when you've been you had the weekend he had everything is too Yeah, so he had one of those everything too loud weekend last but not listens and King of pranks. What's up timing? When you hot? Man? It's hot, Jail, it's so hot they say chickens are laying bald eggs. Baby, it's hot. It's hot baby like that? Yeah, man, it is a hot weekend, man, But Junior, you had the hotest weekend. Is there any part of it you can tell? Why are y'all even talking? Why are you here? I should have took off. I'm through. I can't even believe. First of all, why would y'all let me go down to Vegas and make irrigs possible positions for why? Why? And I want to say a shout out to all my friends y'all they ain't good. I have a good group of people. I do not have a good group of friends. I realized that I don't have it. Did you make new friends? Jay Jay? I met so many new people, But the fact that my friends that I went, they encouraged everything I'm through, I'm through so a lot of sy I did not. If I should have taken off today, I shouldn't be. You shouldn't even talking to me now I'm in the studio. Shut leaking to me. I got a whole battle of water. I've been drinking water. Let me ask you one question, Junior, did you do anything Invaders that you need to pray about? I didny twenty things I know for show I need to pray about. And then what you know what. I didn't even think I was the type of person. But I am, Oh you did you did something? I'm that type of question. Some of the things you did, some of the things you did, did they involve anybody? Anybody putting anything like oils or anything on another person? Was two days? Jay? Ain't like two days? Two days of oils? You're right? Yeah, you a time. Yeah, I'm sticking right now. But the fact that the man you and Jay weren't even that teen. How y'all know we just two days? I'm I'm sticking. I'll be honest with you. I haven't even faid. Oh no, I can't fresh off the flight. Oh you stick in parts of your body? You shouldn't be sticky day. I'm not gonna lie tell you and time me again. Yes, yes, I am, I'm sticky. I'm sitting on parts of my body is that's supposed to be in the front. Did you see Elvis? Why you were there? You know what time? I'm gonna tell your starts. Me and Elvis hung out, Oh my god, Friday night. But but ahead the guitar. All right, hang on, guys, we're gonna find out more about everybody's weekends when we come back, but I don't think it's gonna be as interesting as Junior. Yeah, also, Jay saw the Lion King. We'll talk about that coming up to thirty two after the hour. Right after this you're listening to show. Well, Junior, we're gonna get to you in a moment to finish up about your crazy birthday weekend in Vegas? Should I be embarrassed? And I wasn't even there? Should I be in? There's four years? I should be in Shirley. I don't even know how you talking about. You do know some people go down there and wake up on Sunday and can't even don't remember the fact that they got man, you can't remember? Yes, yes, well you know you were gonna say they don't have the liver remember those stories. I don't have I don't have a liver. And secondly, I did wake up with people I did not know I did all of this. Well, at least did you enjoy yourself? Did you have a good time? Well? I don't know. I can't remember. Okay, all I know is they was there, We leave each other. She said, oh, well that's good bye. But it's supposed to stay in Vegas. Should that I didn't know that, but I'm on a radio show. I gotta tell you all right, So Jay, can you can you give us a little enlightenment before we get to this is the third installment of The Lion King. First of all, the Lion King, the cartoon, Lion King, the play, now like King, the movie. I've seen every last one of them. Tremendous. It's great, great, it's great Timmy and Junior. It was fantastic. It's much better than the animation. Yes, I don't know who directed these animals to do what these animals did, but they had these animals acting ass Okay, no problem. But there was one problem. What I love Beyonce. I'm a big Beyonce fan, you know I'm but it just sounded weird when she came into the movie. It's like I kept thinking about dream Girls. I didn't know what just was. It still sounded like she had that dream Girls voice. Donald Glover did a great day. It's a great movie. She didn't destroy the movie, but the movie was fantastic. Man, Yeah, he's a bad boy. Man. It's such a superstar. She's such a superstar. She has like James Earl Jones is an iconic Joe hasn't a amazed man. Yeah, amazing. Yeah. Well, I'm glad you liked it. I like to kill the movie. No, you gotta go see it. She did a great jobs out props out too, all right, well, good, good good. Any kids didn't say a damn word. I was the most amazing thing. They did not one word at these kids. I don't know. They won't pop something, the popcorn and they drank or something, but they didn't open their mouths one time. I'm gonna see it today. I'm saying today. Man, today, I will too, and I will say this one hundred eighty five million dollars what chang? I mean the critics. You know, the critics didn't give it such great reviews. A hundred and eighty five million dollars for the Lion King. I'm smelling Lion King too. You smell it. Smell it Lion King too, Yeah, making it one of the best openings ever. I mean, the critics were really pretty harsh on it. Yeah, lion came too simple become all right, So we're going to switch gears here and go to Iowa, Iowa's former director of the Department of Human Services, who was recently fired guys over his love for Tupoc. Okay, get this. His name is Jerry Foxhoven and he's a sixty six year old white man that loves Tupac's music. So here's what got him fire. He emailed over forty three hundred agency employees the lyrics to a Tupac song. The very next workday, the Governor of Iowa demanded his resignation. This was not the first time he'd done something like this. During his two years as director of the Iowa Department of Human Services, Foxhoven send his co workers at least three Tupoc themed emails per week, and the day before what would have been Tupac's forty eighth birthday, Foxhoven emailed the entire staff and told them to honor this special occasion by listening to Tupac's music. He also created Tupac Fridays in the office and once brought in cookies with thug life written on them. I love Tupot. You get fired because for your love of Tupac. Yeah, no, he shouldn't get fired. I don't think he should get fired. Y'all eat these Tupot cookies. I tell you. Jacky Jackson that's a whole different thing. Man. Why would you fire the man over tupots? Yeah, you can't over to pot great? Yeah, Park is a great artist, right, Yeah, I trust men. I know. I listened to him a week I can't wait to hear what you surely don't ask me. I can't wait. And the other question you need? Did you get a tattoo? Jay? Jay? I was close. I was in the tattoo shot. But when the person before me was getting a tattooed for me, what was you gonna get tattooed? I it was gonna be something Chinese, but I wouldn't. I couldn't be sure because you can't yet. But they had one. Okay, now you say yes to this. You may not be friends. You didn't get a tattoo, but you were in the shop, so you were less. Yeah. Any piercing, Yeah, pier No, I didn't get Surely I didn't get anything pierced because I didn't get anything perced. But I'm telling you what I did this weekend. You you still would not be friends. It doesn't matter what I did. Surely you've been shamed to me. Sure you would act like you don't even know me. Okay, woman. Question, I got another question. I was any did you film anything? Was a recording? There's a filming of me falling in the tube. Don't ask how I got in the tub. Don't ask who filmed it. But there is a filming of me falling in a tub. One more it's question another question, my question. Who your knowledge? Okay, did you father any children? This week? Yes? Your knowledge, Shirley. I'm expecting a call probably six years now me six Shirley, you know I didn't have any kids. Are you telling you there's gonna be a phone call? Is by six years? And he said, this is yours. I did last question that I did. What nationality? What nationality? Asian? That's why you're getting come out? Do you? Are you putting together? Are you putting together? Yes? What? Okay? This is hey Hanson? Is yours Hanson? All right, we gotta get out of your coming up next it is Monday saying you know what that means to conduct jam rebing Motown. We'll be here in spirit right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up. At the top of the hour. Miss Anne will be here with our national news, headlines and entertainment news. The new face app that's gone viral is tied to the Russians, and R Kelly is fearing for his life in prison. Right now, dickon deaf Jam and Reverend Adnoid are here with church complaints. All right, I am king death Jam and my partner am crying today is the one and only Reverend ad no Good voted everybody good, voted everybody's to start a motive. What I was saying good voted everybody? Yeah? Okay, Well anyway that is, no Id will be giving church announcements and I will mindself neck and death Dad will be doing the church complaint be okay though, I'm fun. I'm fun. I'm feeling very fun everything. Let me ask you something adding now right, why is it when I give you all that this medicine for your nasals, that you don't use it? Why do you do that? We'll see your wrong. I'm using it and it's working, music and it's working. This is clear. You should have heard me before I took the medicine. Oh my god, you don't feel congested at all at all. Okay, man, were donna get down. Let me give you some complaint here. Here's what we have going on all the women who didn't have a big butt and decided to buy one. Sister Nicki Mina to be teaching you how to walk on Saturday at noon. All right, nick manags no flatbuts allowed, so y'all stopped complaining the flatbuts and complaining about the big butts anyway, But Nicki Minaj would teach you how to walk with you're bigger behind. Thank you, go ahead, I had, I said, nick im you said licking. I'm sorry? Did I say licking? I can't wait to me linking? Nicky does not belong here. She doesn't belong to this shop, okay, all I asked to stay after service to be entertained by the Ladies barber Shop quartet known as the Brawls Baritones. They'll be singing the ses. They'll be singing some of their hit songs. You haven't even heard the songs. Baritones'll be what you didn't hear the song? Let me let me name some of the cuts they're gonna be doing. They'll be singings from their song and their album, a song by the name of Way Down Younger. They'll be singing that you gotta hear. They also do a jazzed up rendition of swing low, Oh my god when they hit that, and last but not least a jazzed up a jazz up So it don't mean the thing if you don't let him hang. I mean you have got brother from the three cut album. Go right ahead with all right here, we are asking that our sister, she read a Womac, I, use the aging app on her three kids. This might help us sign out who exactly these kids dad is here if we put that age app on them kids. She's scared to use the app because she don't want to get the truth. I just want to let y'all know that we are trying to get Shariada Womac to use the aging app so we can see exactly who they dad is. Excuse me, uh diack and death chair. May I have have I have an announcement somewhat right here, right baby, go ahead, this is where you coming for announcement. Speaking of the face app that everybody was on last week, whoever sent me the picture of Morgan Freeman young and old and the picture was the same pure it was the same picture, looked exactly the same. I just want you all to know I'm saying this before the church. I did not appreciate that. Wait a minute, now do you have to do you have a younger picture? That is not all I know? That is not the point, Deacon, carry on, please that all I've known Morgan came out around the people who will wait, people who went there, people who are weighed too much camouflage. We can still see you, big ass with meeting meeting. Who do you think you're all right? Let's see, Yeah, this is this one right here. I can't, I can't. I can't deal with this one. Listen, Uh, somebody needs to talk to brother Myron Daniels. He said he was having phone sex and now he believed he has hearing aids. Somebody has to talk to this food please, brother, Brother Myron Daniels was having phone sex and now for some reason he thinks he has hearing aids. I don't understand what's wrong with him. Lord, anyway, go ahead now, okay, more entertainment for you after service. If you would like the stage to be entertained, there's more entertainment service for you all as to stay up the service right after the Brothers's Baritones performed right what right after the brother's baritones before you'll be entertained. But the capre cloggers, I mean, you have the the pre cloggers. You have got the CDs ladies dance, I'm telling you man, when the highstep, it's unbelievable. The pre cloggers will be women who fill up pay yes, your different sizes, but they will be dancing. Yes, yes, all right, listen, there's a problem here. There's a new challenge that we have to stop. The shouting at white folkst church. Challenge has to stop black people going in white folks church shouting and scanning them. That's not right, y'all stop doing that. The shouting at white folks church. Challenge to stop Wow people churches and it be so calm in there, and and black people doing and just break out shouting and just scaning white people. Stop. So what they do with you? How they doing it? Walking? They walk in it okay, the church is quiet, right, and they walk in speaking in tongues which throw a white people when they hit that, and then they go into the shakes, right, and it's really scared white people. So we want y'all to stop stop. I mean, imagine you in a white church and somebody black and it's frightening that clear a p it will. I believe you all right, thank you guys for those church announcements. I think we appreciate her coming up at the top of the hour Entertainment news and then our national news update with miss Anne Trip right after this you're listening to show. Well. Uh, I didn't want to start the morning off like this, but we have to have to give our condolences out to the family of our very own family member, Uh, Monica Barnes. We call her, of course, Mississippi Monica. She's an executive producer of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Um, she lost her father on Thursday, I believe of last week. And yeah, our prayers and condolences of course going out to her family, to her, to her family, her mom, her brother Glennis, everyone in that family. I've talked to her every day. Yeah, me too, of course, did y Yeah, man, we all do. Yeah. It is the toughest. There's nothing in the world compared to, you know, losing a parent, a parent, right, and I think it has really affected us personally. I mean, I think Tommy, you lost your father while we have all worked together. I think Carla lost hers. Of course, I lost my mom a couple of years ago, and now Monica has lost her father. Uh, you know, so just our prayers and everything, you know, you know, we love you and we're praying for you, and um, you know, take as much time as you need and yeah, yeah, this is a tough. Yeah, this is a tough man. I mean, I stopped my weekend. I just at the caller, you know, and you didn't answer, but she did taket me back. Yeah, she needed that. And it's understandable when people don't reach out over and they don't pick up the phone. You know, we get it, we know absolutely, you know. You know what you know when it really gets tough is after yeah, rule and a couple of weeks gone by, so all the people that have checked on you, they're gone now, and then that reality sits. The hardest part for me, Timmy is like you want to share something with your parents and something good happens to you. No, man, let me call mom, let me call dad, and then you know, boom, they're not there. Yeah, you know that really hits you. Yeah. I still think about my mom every single every day, every single day, and I have my parents. I don't even think about that. Jay, that's crazy because if you cherish every moment, Yeah, what happens, great, I still have them to call, but I call you guys, and I don't even realize that your parents, your parents are gone. Yeah. Yeah, she'll get through it. But it's gonna be a tough road, but you'll get through it. You get stronger, you know, you get stronger. But yeah, that that that that ache, that pain is that that doesn't go away. It's like a hole in your chest. Man, It's the worst feeling every end. Yeah no, no, yeah, So yeah, saying all that, we love you, man, We absolutely love you. Again, take as much time as you need. We completely get it and understand where you are. All right, all right, so we're gonna move on here, as difficult as it is, but we are going to move on. You guys are familiar with the face app, right, I mean we just we talked about it last Yeah right, Well yeah, Tommy, you use a face app last week and your pictures are posted on our Steve Harvey FM Instagram page. Face app, of course, is that smartphone app that allows you to apply filters on a picture and make yourself look older. Well, cybersecurity experts have raised several red flags about face app. Here's why. It's made by Wireless Lab. It's a small company based in Russia, and according to its terms and conditions, your photos could be used in unexpected ways. Faceapps privacy policy notes its affiliates and service providers may transfer information that we collect about you, including personal information, across borders and from your country or jurisdiction to other countries or jurisdictions around the world. So basically, over one hundred and fifty million people have downloaded the faith apt and have given the app to the power to use their pictures and names for any purpose that wishes, for as long as it desires. That is kind of scary, so just be aware of that when you do that. Okay, right, all right, No, I didn't do it either. All right, Jay, it's time to move on. All right, everybody, It's time for the news with miss Antrip. Thanks Jay, Good morning, everybody. This is Antrip puts the news. President Trump's doubling down on his attacks against four minority congresswomen with his go back to where you came from type comments, now that his approval rating among Republicans is soaring at seventy two percent according to a recent Royds Ipsos poll. In fact, the presidents now insisting that they apologize to the United States for the things that he says they said, and adding that he doesn't believe that the four lawmakers are quote capable of loving our country. That's a quote. Many legislators and others called Trump's marks racist, but Jersey senator and presidential candidate Corey Booker says Trump is something worse than that. This is a guy who is worse than a racist. He is actually using racist tropes and racial language for political gain to divide our nation against itself through We've seen it with a No Nothing Party, which was a trying to stop Irish and German immigrants. We've seen it with McCarthyism. We have a demagogue, fear mongering person who was using race to divide. And this is a referendum not on him. It's actually a referendum on the heart and soul of our country. Booker was interviewed on CNN State of the Union, and the hate is spreading. According a newsweek, of police officer in Louisiana suggested on social media that one of the forminarity of female lawmakers targeted by Trump, Alexandrocatio Cortez should be shot, calling the progressive Democrat a vile idiot. The in battle. Governor Puerto Rico Ricardo Sejean now says that while he won't quit, that he will only serve out the remainder of his term and will not, he say, run for reelection. A lot of protests to say that that's not enough. For se days, Puerto Ricans have been protesting outside of his residence in San Juan, calling on him to resign. Ever since, some eight hundred pages of emails were released showing him and some of his cabinet members making fun of her came Maria Victims and others. The winner of Michigan's Miss World America contest this year is drifted of her title over the post she made on social media about Muslims and black people. Kathy Zoo is Asian. She's the vice chair of the University of Michigan's Republican Party, and she claims that she's been discriminated against. The pageant people told her that her insensitive and appropriate posts were in violation of the pageant's rules and conditions, and according to ABC, the pageant email to Zoo states quote effective immediately. Miss World America does not recognize you as a participant of any sort or any capacity as it relates to any and all events of the Miss World America pageant. So there hundreds of electrical customers in parts of Northeast and Midwest still without power this morning due to the brown islets and midi blackouts caused by that superhib whether we had in the weekend. Finally, no real surprise. The Lion King was hide at the box office. That can take a true king. So it's just for what he can give. You must take your place in the circle of life. The line King brought in a whopping one hundred and eighty five million dollars locally. Back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. President Trump is aware of Asap Rockies legal situation in Sweden, and he's got his team working to get him freed, thanks in part to Kim and Kanye West. Okay, wow, that's right. Yeah, Kim and Kanye lobby the White House to jump in and get involved in the drama surrounding Asap Rocky's imprisonment in Sweden. He's been behind bars for more than two weeks now as prosecutors determined if he should be charged with aggravated assault. We have learned that the State Department is now actively working to get Asap out of jail, thanks in large part to Kim's efforts. Kim tweeted about the ASAP situation, saying thank you at real Donald Trump, at Secretary Pompeo, Jared Kushner, and everyone involved with the efforts to free a Sap, Rocky and his two friends. Your commitment to justice reform is so appreciated. So there you go. Yeah, Trump's just trying to get rid of the stuff he said about the four women. Yes, that's all he's trying to do. He ain't fooling me. But I would like to have him out of jail, don't get me wrong, Absolutely free a Sap. Yeah. Yeah, I just don't want R Kelly, Carlin, Kim and Kanye thinking. You know what I'm saying. I just don't. I'm just saying, yeah, they can't. They can't help everybody. Yeah, speaking of R Kelly, Tommy, since you brought that up, He's reportedly scared for his life behind bars. He fears retaliation from fellow inmates who know he's accused of horrible sex crimes involving under age girls. Yeah. Yeah, Kelly's attorney report he's chosen to stay in solitary confinement because he would be in real danger in the general pol You know they have, they say, among thieves. And that's one thing they do, is they really attack people who hurt kids in jail. Yeah, your life is in danger, yes, they do. You live in a different life and the body yeah, well yeah. And the other thing is, you know, Kelly can't read it right to the people know that before before all came out. He can write. I think he can read. He probably can't read real good, but he can read. He knows he knows words like the and they say he can't read Jake, Yeah, you think he can't read it all. I think he can read those two words. I mean, I'm sure you know how to stop it, to stop saying, but I'm just saying you just stopping it for so long? Yeah, you know, to stop. Yeah, and you'd be surprised how many adults can't read it, right. That are a little thing. He can't read it all? Right? I think I think he knows. Oh h Oh, he got that down because he knows that is they're just a bunch of olds and agents. He knows that. Yes, what he gonna sound k he no lights out? I bet he know that. Coming up at thirty four after the hour, you guys, we're gonna play a little comedy roulette. That's coming up right after this you're listening to. All right, Jay, time for comedy roulette. Please set it up? All right, here we go. We take a shot. Put it on the wheel for a difference. Shof you spun the wheel when a wheel stop? We can make it funny because Junior is a comedian, I'm a comedian, and Tommy is a comedian. Do it, Shiley's spun the wheel? All right, here we go. Stuff you say when someone finds porn on your computer. Things you say when you show up to the barbecue just to get a plate and then leave, things you see, things you say when your friends new mixtape or song sucks. And then number four, excuses you make when you can't take your shoes off because your feet stink. All right, any of them? Just any one? Yeah, spun it, spun it, you don't care? Oh stop? The number one do you say when someone finds porn on your computer, all right? Is that what that? Man? I thought I was downloading The Lion King. I'll be damn. Yeah. People say, when you find that your point on your computer, when you got some people say when you got a party of Hey man, it was Tuesday, it too things. Just say when somebody might find porn on your computer. Uh, now you know you know what I'm taking this biology class, so that's worth class. It's it's wor got to know the human body. You say, when people find that you got porn on your computer. You know, I've been trying to get that off. I don't know how to get that off For that man, I just don't know. I don't know how to delete that. Man. If you do empy time theys you say where people find port on your computer? You said you was checking emails. Why is you in the other how you checking things? You say? Or somebody catches pawn on your computer? See see what it is is I'm an artist and I draw. Understanding I draw, and I just just one of the things I'm drawing basically, you know it's art. That's what I'm trying to say. Yeah, you say, people find out you got porn on your computer. The file said family photos. That your damn family. Okay, I didn't know why you open it said family photo, But the hell you open that? Fuck. Things you say when people probably part on your computer. Things you say, did you like I like? Man? That Why I like that? Why I got it? You like, I know you did. Things you say when somebody finds point on your computer. This this, this this my song. Computer. I just had it for the day. I don't know. I got to talk to that board, that board and got out of control. Man, great computer. Things you say when people find that you got point on the computer. I just got it because if you don't look at the pictures, the music is great, man, if you just listen to music. No, don't look at the pitch. Just listen to the music and the jazz. They have jazz on man. Everything they say, put people fine pooring on your computer. I think I'm getting into business. Put it out there like I want to stay fine. I think I can do that. I can do that. I can do that. Thanks. You say, somebody finds porn on your computer. Listen, it's a lot going on at my house and it's just basically, let me say ain't nothing going on in my house, so you know, it's all I It's all that guy. That's all I got. Let me have that one more. We got one more, all right, thank you, saying when people find out you got painting. See, I have a lost cousin that was into that, and I'm looking at these videos to see if this is heard. That's all I'm all right, guys, thank you. That was comedy Roulette for today. Coming up next to Foolishness doesn't stop there. It continues throughout the morning. If you know anything about this show up next, nephew, with today's prank phone call coming up right after this, you're listening to the Steven show coming up at the top of the hour, well about four minutes after the hour anyway. It is my Strawberry letter for today. The subject my man wants to play follow the Leader. My man wants to play follow the Leader. But right now, nephew in the building with today's prank phone call, what do you have for us today? Next? Yeah, you old daughter bit my son yep, your daughter bit bit my son bees? Yeah, yit with me now your daughter bit bit my son running that kit running that Hello, Hello, this is curious. This is cur Look do you do you do your daughter go to little academy? Yes? Who's this? And her name is Yes? Who's this? Listen? Your daughter the bit my son, Uh, Joshua went on the back my daughter. You know this is Wilton, your daughter and bit my son down. You can't just call my house and tell me my daughter bit your saying be cussing at me, lady. I just said, your daughter Sakia bit my son Joshua in the back, and I just let no. I just said no two things. One my daughter wouldn't bite nobody, and two, don't call my house with this tone I called with any kind of tone. What I want to call with. All I'm saying is your daughter then bit my son in the back. And I'm gonna tell you what I'm saying is don't call my house with this attitude saying something that my daughter beat your child in the back. My daughter has manners and she wouldn't be biting nobody in the back. Did you know, somebody, how the hell you know what your daughter gonna be doing? If you ain't there my daughter you're raising ain't you just come in one month and trying to do some kind of daddy work your dadda, but four years old high nailed you. You know how that? Damn well, I've been with her for four years. What you being? My daughter does not be biting people around in the back of the neck or anything like that. What the hell is wrong with you? Don't call my house with his attitude? Where I get how the hell you figure I'm a weekend daddy. I'm calling you about what's going on with my child. But I don't think you got your facts straight. So next time you call somebody to tell them about the child, figure out everything about your child first. All I'm saying is that the people at the academy says, so, Carol bit my son Joshua were in the back. Well, I can't understand what you're saying because I don't like your tongue. So don't call me about my baby. Have her mama called me? It don't make no difference. If a mama or daddy called along with somebody, call hello, call her back down? Hello? Is this Carol? This is why you ain't no poem? Why are you still calling me? And why are you yelling at me? My child didn't bite your child in the back When I picked up my child. They didn't say to me, your child is body in the back? My child, my child every day, Like I said in the first lady, you must be some kind of weekend daddy. How can you know my child? I'm with my child every day. How you are you? I'm with my I don't even know who Joshua is. She should have just hit him in the head. Ain't what you ain't gonna do and city and talk about my baby like you asked me to lower my child. You know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna hang up one more lay Hello, Hello, called back, call a back cat Hello, don't hang up on me no more, Lady Noma again. I'm gonna call you until you tell me. Why are you your child just bite my child in the back. I am not in the mood to play with you right now. You're gonna mess try to get you and your child. You and your child. You don't guess what Shakira got her, daddy. You're talking about whipping somebody cares, Daddy, No, you have else to say. You can't call my house and threaten me and my jold. If my child beat you up, child, that's what your child deserves. He got whooped daughter, whooped your son just probably want me to last trying the little fast not in those kids. Get this, you're gonna be talking about fake facts. She didn't bite them in the back. She might have whoked it, but my daughter don't play now like what, keep talking. You found my phone number, find my address and have kids. Daddy beat you what I said, Bring your phone over again. My babies, fare with your babies. My baby. Daddy gonna whip y'all. Bring it on. I'm coming over there and beat you and your child that you don't call a woman and tell her you coming over to beat behind child. You come up here and beat her. Daddy's come over here and beat your kids. Daddy, he don't he don't want not to me. You don't want it. I'm on my way over without now. Bring on, somebody gonna get day daddy home. He ain't got no damn job. He got a job. Y'all gonna make me come over without a night. Bring it on right now. You know you know what I'm gonna tell you something. I'm gonna tell me something else. You're gonna get bit and your baby gonna get bit too. You gonna my baby gonna whoop? Yo? Can I say something to you? Say something to me? Nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got prank you. Oh, I am shame ya just got prank. Your sister Glinda told me, she said, but they couldn't get me. She said, give me. She said, you always never get me. Oh. I told her that wouldn't happen to me here. But you can't call somebody talk about baby. That's that's where kimman. Don't don't call nobody about that. Now you got my heart hearted? Look, can I ask you something? Let me ask you? What is the baddest radio show in the land. Steve Harvey Morning Show. You don't tell I go too far? You know, plan with people. But that's what it's about. You have to go. It's about, thank you. You You don't go too far. You're not going anywhere. You ain't going far enough. Thank you. Brother me. You ain't gonna, but you do it every daytime. I'd be nervous for you, so scared I do I surely? Yeah? Can I tell you something? Sure I didn't hear my ass that don't bother you what you're trying to really do? You know what you're going to really do when you look at it like that, all I'm gonna end up with his ass whoop and the prank. Don't still be that. We're gonna rune. Okay, man, if you want you, I am man. Who now where we get? Okay? All right? August second, y'all. The Nephew Friday Night, August second, w d A as Philadelphia, Pennsylvania sounds like Philly to me are throwing a summer square hosted by yours truly a few time of a Steve Harvey Morning show. And it's all going down the same weekend that the Kappa Cotton Play will be in the city. Baby k we'll beat there. Y'all, come hang out with your boy. August second, Friday night. It's a summer suare. It's a part of y'all. The Nephew is hosting that thing, and we're gonna have fun. August and second August and third I'm on a plane headed to Saginaw, Michigan. That's right, Sagatonaw, Michigan, Michigan, Huntington Event Park at Dow Event Center. Seven o'clock. The show jumps off. You don't want to miss it. Saginaw. The Nephew coming to town. Been years since have been there, So get ready to get your tickets in on sell right now. August the thirtieth and thirty first Test Labor Day weekend. But THEESDA Blues and Jazz supper, that's what I waiting for. Waiting on that. When singing and what instrument are you? When do you start the comedy set, because I don't want to miss any of it. I don't want to do my first number, surely I do all. You're another love like mine. Hey, Tommy, Tommy, huh, you need blues the brawls man, back it up, man, I love that from the jackpoint. You ain't of Jerusalem, j J. He's able. He's able, boy. You know what. Let me throw this in following weekend after that, September the seventh Sideurday night, I will be in Greenville. That's right, Greenville, North Carolina. That's at the Greenville Convention Center. Take his own sale right now. I'm on a roll y'all. Soon as I get through we're taping this Ready to Love my second season on my TV show, I'll be back on the roads slanging chokes. That's what I know. But you told everybody when they can your as, that's all I got. Let me tell you something. Everybody to run up and try. Ain't gonna win. Ain't gonna win. I got it. Oh you need one as woman? All right? Thank you, never you, thank you fellas. Up next, it is the Strawberry Letter subject. My man wants to play Follow the Leader. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show. All right, it's time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice and relationship, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M. And click submit Strawberry Letter. Boy. Yeah, then I have a little problem with yes. All right, let's get to it. Buck up and hold on type we got itfore you Here. It is the Strawberry Letter object. My man wants to play Follow the Leader. Jar Stephen Shirley, my boyfriend and I have been living together for three months. He prides himself on being the man of the house and he enjoys paying all of the bills. I handle all of my personal bills and I buy the groceries. Shortly after we moved in together, he started flexing and setting rules, saying he needed to run his household in this way. We have a one year old child, and he said that it's my responsibility to drop the child off and pick her up from daycare. He wants me to come home right after work so that I can have dinner ready when he gets home. He said that the baby should be bathed and ready for bed at a decent hour each night so that he can have me all to himself before bedtime. He also expects to have a tidy house before we leave for work each day each morning, and he expects to make up the bed daily, even if he is the last one out of it. I couldn't agree to any of this foolery. That foolery. I told him that we're partners and we should share in everything we do, like cooking, cleaning, and taking care of our child. He told me that if that's the case, then I need to share in paying half of our bills. I was so outdone. I cook, clean and take care of our child because I am a good woman and a nurturer, not because he tells me too. We moved in together to save money so we can plan a wedding, but I am glad this controlling behavior came out before he asked me to marry him. My male best friend says that I am going to end up messing up a good thing over something that's very petty. So what do you think should I follow the leader? Please advise? Wow, we're in twenty nineteen, right, not in the nineteen fifties or anything, right, because that's where he's from. It sounds like you're right, he's very controlling. Listen, just because a man pays all the bills at home, that doesn't make him a dictator. That does not make that a real man would pay the bills and help out. Okay, and you pay your personal bills, you buy the groceries, you buy the groceries, you cook, you clean. I'm sure you have to clean up after that. Because he doesn't sound like a man who does any kind of housework or thinks it's an insult to him to do sort of such things. You have to drop the baby off at daycare, pick her up? What does he do? What does he do besides bark orders? What I mean? I don't see anything else he does besides pay the bills. And I'm with you. I couldn't agree to any of this tim foolery. Either I love a freshly made bed when I come home from work and all of that, but it doesn't mean that I have to do it. Or you know, Necesar doesn't put a gun in my head and make me make up the bed. We just whoever gets out of the bed last it makes up the bed. That could be me, that could be him, whoever whoever gets out of bed. So, yeah, he's controlling. He sounds like he has some sort of chip on his shoulder too. Why can't he bathe the baby. Plenty of fathers out here bathe their own babies. Plenty of them put them to bed, tell them bedtime stories, sing to them, whatever they have to do. Those are called good fathers, not controlling fathers. I agree with you. You guys should share. Don't listen to your best friend. You're going to mess up a good thing over something of it's very petty. This is not petty. And let me tell you something, when you do get married, it is those little things that come back up to haunt you. I think that no, you should not follow the leader. You guys should set ground rules on sharing, and that's it. If he's not agreeing to that he's not the one. Okay, he's not the one. He's too controlling, Junior. Yeah, now I see why my grandmother used to say to these type of thing. My grandmothers used to say this. And I love my grandmother loved she's gone. But Wilma brand you to say, you don't give husband privileges to boyfriends? Right, whoa, and now I see why you don't give husband privileges to boyfriends. See, what you ask for is a commitment every day to cooking, cleaning, bathing the baby, putting the baby to bed so you can have man so you don't have no ring for that. You're not committed to that. And then you need to also let him know that you have a father. Yep, you have a father. You're not that's not your daddy. And then all this is the crazy part. All this is after three months, just this, this, this, this ninety days they had a child together or she has one by herself because he's not helping at all. But that's ninety days. Can you imagine what what a year looked like or two years looked like? I know, I mean, I'll tell you what. Also, let's see how he really feel after if you locked the cookie up, then oh wow, then it's gonna be baby. I get the baby, but don't worry. I got the bed. Hey, you just go to work. I got this kitchen here. Craziness. That's all I have to tell you. It's just don't give husband privileges to boyfriends. That's it, is it? That's very good? Okay. What he needs to do is make sure when the time she gets home, he has to have a did it attitude? Maybe I did it well, I gotta did it, I got it, did it, I got to make did it. I gotta watch the cloth it's done. I gotta did it. Everything just did. It's the best loving you can get is when you help the loving out because you don't want loving. Oh my god, you do not want tired love it. You wan't rested loving. Okay O, yeah, oh it's not funny. You got you and take it, but you really don't. All right, hold that thought, Jake. We're coming back with part two of the Strawberry Letters subject my man wants to play Follow the Leader. We'll hear more from Jay and of course the nephew. At twenty three after the hour, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All Right, here we go. Let's recap today's Strawberry letter subject my man wants to play follow the Leader. A woman wrote in she and her boyfriend have moved in together. They've been living together for three months or ninety days, as Junior says, and the woman says that the man prides himself and being the man of the house. He enjoys paying all the bills, enjoys paying all of the bills. But after they moved in. Shortly after that, he started flexing and bossing her around and becoming a dictator. He's controlling. He wants her to cook, he wanted to lean, he wants her to take the baby to daycare, pick the baby up from daycare. He doesn't want to share in any of the responsibilities. He doesn't even want to make his own bed up. Okay. All he says he's doing is paying the bills. She says, no, she's not signing up for any of this foolishness. She thinks they should share in the responsibilities, and he's like, Okay, if that's the case, then you need to pay half the bills. She's saying, I do these things because I'm this child's mother. And I'm a good person, a good woman, and I'm a nurturer, not because you're making me or i'm you're you think you're controlling me, none of that. So she talked to her best male friend about it. He told her to be quiet because she could mess up a good thing, and she's being petty. Yeah, we don't think you're being petty at all. Okay, go with your gut. You know this is wrong of him to do this. All right, we heard from Jay. We are from I mean, we heard part one from Jay. Go ahead, Jay, Okay, let me just say there's nothing A lot of ladies all tell you this. There's nothing than more sexier then wash dishes that are already put up and dried up. Nothing clean. What what kitchen clean? I mean if they the trash, sweep the trash up, dry the dishes. There's nothing more sexy than picking stuff up off the damn floor. Talk about turn on, boy, the loving you're gonna get when you picked up up off the floor. I come on, nephew, no booty, if you don't pick up have to do that. That's how it's going. If I got to get that baby from daycare, guess what he't need no booty. Okay, if I got to cook everything, or at night when we come home, guess what, no booty. If I got to go to daycare in the morning and daycare in the eating, no booty. That's right now. This is what I'm gonna do for You're gonna make life but look easier for me. I'm about fifty TV donners and put them in the freezing That's what. That's what we're gonna be eating since I got the cook every single night. No booty, no duty, that's all. That's all I gotta say, Tommy, you're married, of course. I mean, let's be honest here. You help out you definitely. I think I probably cook well. I like to cook, so I probably cook more than she does when I'm at home, you know what I mean. But last one we have this rule you said it earlier. The last one out the bed makes up the bed, you know what I mean. So that's fair, uh you know. And then of course, um like I'm like, if I can, I'm excited to go pick up my kids from school. You know, I'm excited. So that's I'm never against that, Yeah, because you always don't you get especially the conversation with me and Jordan, my eight year old, to have a conversation with him, just one on one. Oh my god, amazing. And Jay, you've been married, I had. I've been married a couple of times and I had one problem, Okay, a lot, a lot. I just had one problem when I was mad. I had a lot, but one was me. But when when you wash them, I'm just ladies, when you wash things out in the sink, we don't sometimes know what the hell at is. Okay, we see it, we see it floating there. We don't know exactly what what is what those things are. So if you don't do that, wash them drop and hang them up, don't don't. It's just this kind of scary when you when you walking in there, in there, I don't it looked like a brod or something. I don't know what it is. That's the twenty f a hour broad Hell. I'm just saying, but you didn't help out, and you were married, you helped out around the house. This guy in the letter needs to learn the phrase happy wife, happy life, because it's miserable right now with you and all of your rules and huh come straight home from work. Yeah, who are you? You're like, Yeah, come on, man, my mama loved to test em theories. Oh what, he wouldn't come home for a day. Yeah, this is craziness right here, just just playing craziness. She says she does this because she's a good woman and a nurturer, not because I think he doesn't get it. That's what I think. Yeah, he don't. He don't know. He's young and he doesn't get it. You think he's young. He sounds so old to me. He definitely ain't gonna get it. That's he sounds so old school, like he needs to run his household in his way. I mean, this sounds from the color purple exactly. He sounds old to me. Did not catch you messing Ryan with? Yeah? That's yeah. Yeah. So you can't cook, you can't clean, you can't make him the bad and you can't pick up your own baby. This is their child together. It's not just her baby, this is their child together. But she's completely in totally responsible for that. Yeah, you're ridiculous today. Yeah all right, listen, you can email us your instagram us your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM, or you can check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. You're listening to the Steve Show. Well, the beautiful Aisha Curry, wife of NBA player Steph Curry, recently opened her fourth restaurant, congratulations, four restaurant, International Smoke. Yeah, it's called International Smokes in Delmark, California. Yes, Jay, it is her fourth restaurant. So when you open your fourth restaurant, you're entitled to do a little dancing, right, little happy dance, a little congratulatory dance. Yeah. So she did her celebratory dance, you know, the Millie Rock, of course, and it was posted on social media. Well, it didn't take long at all for the Internet rolls, the hate firs, yes, to come after her with men and nasty comments about her dance moves. Of course, her man, her husband, her love, Steph Curry wasn't going to let it go down like that. He did a little video of his own and he shut down all the haters, all the trolls. We've got a clip of Steph's clap back here it is. Check it outway to just make sure y'all send me the video of you dancing at your own restaurant opening. Really rocket and so that happens. I'm saying, I love it. I love it. But he started doing it in a car. Yeah, I love it. When you got four restaurants with your own name on him gives a damn high you dance? What is what all this was? She was just celebrating the owner of the restaurant. It was facing yes, yes, but I shall appreciate your step. Yeah, you're right. He's riding in the car with ride in the car. He started mill Ran. He said, when you open your own restaurant, we gonna wait for you to do that. I love that. We'll still threes threes and folks, I ain't met it, I know. And what a great you know, just family institution. I mean they're together. They talked earlier about putting each other first. Once they put themselves first as husband and wife, then the kids, and you know, because they don't they don't take care of each other, then they're not going to because yeah, well enough to take care of the kids. So I love that. But everything they do, come help me. We should do you know, we should do We should all get together and go down Okay, yeah, I think we should all just go yeah and go and support the Steve at the restaurant. I love that it's called International Smoke and it's in del mar Let's do it. Yeah yeah, and congratulations. All right. Listen coming up at the top of the hour. If you fly a lot and like to watch TV on the plane, I've got an a large story for you that's coming up next right after this you're listening to. All right, So when you get on a plane, you just never know what went on in the seat before you. Okay, well, let me give you an idea. There's a viral video circulating on Twitter that shows a Delta passenger using his bare feet to scroll through movies on the screen in front of him. His bare foot, yeah yeah, on the plane on the TV screen. Some people reacted to the video by asking if the passenger used his feet because he suffered from mobility issues. The person that took the video confirmed that she saw the guy walk on and off the plane and carry his own bag, So it proves his hands and arms are fully functioning. And we see, we ought to had a right to who up his ad I see him, We ought to had a right to do that, you know, just just a nice public answhip. Ain't nothing wrong with that? What's wrong with give us a bigger room than the restaurroom? To what bass and I let What if he was on my flight, it didn't matter. I needed other things. I wouldn't care who foot was on that damn plan. I've been struggling morning. In case you're just joining us. Junior had a wild weekend in Vegas. Yeah, I got a little Asian baby coming sometimes years from now. I don't know. I don't know what his mom comes finds me. Congratulations going out to herschela Ali all right, we all know who that is. We learned of him first, I guess we could say from a House of Cards. He played Renny and yeah, and he did a great job. Then he went on to play um in Moon Moonlight. Oh he did. Yeah, he won an Oscar for his rolling there. Well, mihrschela Ali is set to start in Blade. Marble reveals at Comic Con. Yes, yes, yes, yeah, they went wild Blade fan. I really liked it. But there's really y'all really could put a Wesley Snipes in this damn movie. It just it didn't take away from the movie. He was the original Blade. Yeah, he's killing the movie. He's really good. He's in shape. I mean, fun fact. Do you know in Blade that Wilfley Snipes organized all the fights? Yeah? In Blade? Yeah, yeah he did, Yeah he did. Yeah, he's a great martial arts Oh my god. Yeah. I was just surprised to know that I wouldn't know that I knew he too. Job. He did a real good job in Man Man great when it is Wesley Snipes not a job. I'm not scared of him about Round April. Why you say that tax season? He's not gonna do a damn anyway, we're talking about Rehearschela Ali. Marvel Studios went wild and revealed its face for a movie lineup at San Diego Comic Con uh this past Saturday, but still managed to come out with one big surprise, a new version of Blade. Like I said, it starts mihrschela Ali also on the way. Okay, Uh, this is a tweet that was at that was sent. At this point, we have little info other than mihrschela Ali's casting. Most likely Blade will be a cinematic release, but it could appear on Disney Plus. So congratulations, congratulations, congratulations. Uh. Tessa Thompson is going to play Marvel's first LGBTQ superhero in the Next Store movie. So they're making I mean, they're making big moves. Marvel is. Yeah, Marvel makes really good superhero movie long. But here's here's a little thing, you guys. George Wallace's mama will play all the night scenes in all of them Marvel movies. She will play She's Night. If you hear them, if you're hearing the name Tessa Thompson, but you can't quite pay the faith. She's currently starring in uh men in Black, that film. Yeah, yeah, it's in theaters right now. She's gonna be the superhero. Yeah. Oh yeah. He played a Creed's wife. Yeah. Yeah, all right, So there you go. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show. Organizers of the Kennedy Center Honors, the annual tradition recognizing lifetime achievements and arts and culture, have announced the twenty nineteen honorees will be celebrated at a star studded tribute in December. See will be so happy when he finds out that this year I love this his favorite group of all time, Earth Wind and Fire will be honored. Nothing major. Yeah you mean to me, Trump have to be there to see this. Yeah. Oh you don't know none of them, so you don't know. He don't know what win Fast Zone have. No, No, he don't know. This is great. Sad news that Maurice White won't be there, but you know, I'm sure he'll be there in spirit. Uh, you know, founder of Earthwind and Fire. Of course, Sally Field, the actress, will be honored as well. Singer Linda Ronstat love her. The creators of Sesame Street will be honored. Yet yes, yes, yes, that was our childhood Sesame Street. Come on now. Uh. Conductor Michael Tilson Thomas will be honored, and music director of the San Francisco Symphony will all be honored. That is great news. Surely Sesame Street was on Music Year. Well, I mean, is that is that an age junk? Junior? I thought it was. It wasn't. Maybe we're my kid was a kid. I remember watching it. All right, I'm gonna deal with Junior. We're gonna have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show President Trump is aware of Asap Rocky's legal situation in Sweden, and he's got his team working to get him freed, thanks in part to Kim and Kanye West. Okay, that's right. Yeah, Kim and Kanye lobbied the White House to jump in and get involved in the drama surrounding Asap Rocky's imprisonment in Sweden. He's been behind bars for more than two weeks now as prosecutors determined if he should be charged with aggravated assault. We have learned that the State Department is now actively working to get Asap out of jail, thanks in large part to Kim's efforts. Kim tweeted about the ASAP situation, saying, thank you at Real Donald Trump, at Secretary Pompeo, Jared Kushner, and everyone involved with the efforts to free Asap Rocky and his two friends. Your commitment to justice reform is so appreciated. So there you go. Yeah, Trump's just trying to get rid of the stuff he said about the four women. That's all he's trying to do. He ain't fooling me, but I would like to have him out of jail, don't get me wrong. Absolutely, Yeah, I just don't want R. Kelly, Carlin, Kim and Kanye thinking you know what I'm saying. I just don't. I'm just saying, yeah, they can't. They can't help everybody. Yeah, speaking of R. Kelly, Tommy, since you brought that up. He's reportedly scared for his life behind bars. He fears retaliation from fellow inmates who know he's accused of horrible sex crimes involving under eight girls. Yeah. Yeah, Kelly's attorney report he's chosen to stay in solitary confinement because he would be in real danger in the general pol You know they have they say, what honor among thieves? And that's one thing they do is they really attack people who hurt kids in jail. Yeah, your life is in danger, yes, they do. You live in a different life and the body yeah well yeah. And the other thing is, you know Kelly can't read it right to the did people know that before before all came out? He can write. I think he can read. He probably can't read real good, but he can read. He know words like the and they say he can't read JA, Yeah, you think he can't read it all? I think he can read those two words mean I'm sure he knows how to stop it, to stop saying but I'm just saying you just stopping at it for so long? Yeah, you know to stop. Yeah, and you'd be surprised how many adults can't read it right, that are literally can't read it all right. I think I think he knows. Oh h oh, he got that down because he knows that is they're just a bunch of He knows that. Yes, what he gonna sound like, he know lights out, He know that. Coming up, our last break of the day on this Monday, and then we'll do Jay segment what have you learned today? That's all coming up at forty nine minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steven Show. All right, here we are, guys, last break of the day. It's been a good Monday. We've had fun today. We had a lot of we do. I know you're happy, Junior that it's all over. I'm going straight to ie. We were here, we were at work, remember, yeah, when you go down the Junior. But Timmy, you should Tommy should have never told me go to right now? Why there no not here, No, you can be it any times. So just know that they're coming, guys, I know, just know, I know. Well, where are we gonna keep going on? All right? Jay? So now it's time for your what have we learned today? Segment? Everybody. I hope you guys had a great time today. This is to the Steve Hobbing Money Show. And then we've been doing for quite a while. We're gonna run the room and let everybody tell them what did you learn today? So, Shirley, Shirley Strawberry, what did you learn today? Well, Jay, I think you said it earlier. You have to have a thick skin to be on this show because because we do go hard in the paint, we we do. And if you condition him, you ought to be able to take him. And the only person who can't take him is not here, and that's Steve Hartley a zero to six days now and he's a comedian. He can't take a joke. Yet. Times less your ass talking. But I did want to say this, I did learn. Uh. I didn't know this about this face app thing. Uh. They're saying that a company called Wireless Lab, it's small company based in Russia. Uh, your photo could be used in unexpected ways if you participated in the face app uh thing last weekly? We don't Can I say something about that? What? We don't have to worry about the app? Donna give something to Russian Trumpton already done. And anyway, I'm still mad about the Morgan Freeman picture that someone text texted me. Anyway, you need to get over look young and old. That is so not true. Damn, it's absolute truth. That is so not true. Surely it's the same person. Do you have any young pictures? More? Have you seen him? I don't have any. I didn't know you seen any. Yeah. Always he has always looked a hundred. He has always love Morgan Freeman. I will not get mad if Morgan Freeman been forty two. Since he's been forty two. He's been forty two. Freeman started off at forty two. Why do you think he plays the voice of God? He was young and glory? That was young. He was what do it? Timmy? The lad who suck the boy? I was all trying to find some shoes? Who suck just I was off trying to find some shoes. He was the same age. All right, Jake, continue be aware of it. Yeah, well no, no, Junior, What did you learn today? What did you learn I've learned if you're gonna have a birthday on this show. Calling on Monday with trying to come to work. He got to be that dedicated miss myself. Up, I did all right, I tell me what you learned today? Uh? I learned that? Uh? What I learned? I was getting Ray say this sounds like you didn't learn anything. He didn't, He didn't, He didn't, you know? I learned. I learned not to go to Vegas and get a tattoo with Asian language. I learned, didn't. Who My daughter was young, I used to ask her what has she learned today? And sometimes she would say I didn't learn anything, and I would get mad because tui tuition was high. Much love for our coworker, Monita, Yes, I learned that today, and we vent you back. Take as long as you need. I love you, love you mine all right, and we love you guys too for hanging out with us every single morning. We appreciate you so much. We love you. Thank you for all. Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show