Vegans That Argue are Really Beefin' - 08.09.17

Published Aug 9, 2017, 3:23 PM

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all all soon looking back to back down, giving them just like American buck bus things. And it's cubs, y'all. Do me true good to the hut guy listening to move to other for stolen toy. Don't you join ye by what radio? Join me into being men? Say? Do you turn? Yeah, you gotta turn to turn turn you love, you got to turn out to turn the water the water come uh huh, I shall win. But good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show today? Is it? Everybody? Okay? On a real positive note? Today? Is it? Today? Is the day? You know, when I was in high school, you know, my mother was Sunday school teaching until she passed. I would walk out the door every morning on my way to school, and my mother used to say, listen to me something, hey, don't forget. Today is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. And you know I didn't think much of it. You know, it's just my mama being religious, you know, my spiritual woman. So you know, I just took it as that. But as I've gotten older, man, you know, that's registered more and more with me. You know, today is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. That's pretty cool, man, I mean, what better blessing will you get throughout the day than the fact that he allows you to live and see another day. See sometimes, man, when you're young, you don't pay no attention to that. But all you got to do is keep living, keep watching some people that you know not be here anymore, go to class reunions and they're smaller, See people that you really loved. It meant a lot till you leave this world, and all of a sudden, man, immortality starts to matter a great deal to you. Some of us learned this lesson sooner than others. But I know, when you're young, man, you know, you think you're gonna be here for a while. You think you've got time to play around. You think you've got time to get it together, you've got time to make the mistakes, and you've got time to chill. But man, oh man, I almost every full blown adult that I know will tell you, and have said these words right here many times and I want to the reason I'm saying this because I want you to hear him, because you're gonna use them. Man, if I only knew then what I know now. Do you know how many people have said those words right there? Because in time, man, you gained so much wisdom. Oh but it ain't like nobody didn't tell you though. See that's the hooker. Somebody told you back then. Hey man, it's best to buckle down now, he said, Hey man, you better quit wasting time. Hey man, don't stop taking your foot off the gas pedal. Hey look, do your best at all the times. You know, stop stop worrying about that. I'm telling your son. In a minute, them clubs ain't gonna mean nothing to you. In a minute, they're going out all the time, ain't gonna mean nothing to you. I can't tell you how many times I heard all of it. I can't tell it to you. I can't tell you how many times I repeat it to my kids. But man, today is a different day, because the day is the day that the Lord has made. So he gave you a shot today if you if you woke up this morning, or if you're finishing your day on your shop. He gave you a new day. Nothing bigger than the fact that he woke you up today. Now, why don't you do something about that? Why don't you take advantage of it? How about today? How about if you start today? How About if you stop hesitating today? How about if you stop delaying it today? How about if you stop procrastinating today. How about if you make today to day that you go forward? I mean, man, let's all just decide today. Let's go forward. Let's put forth a maximum effort today. How about today? I mean, really, man, what you're doing? You look, man, take advantage of this blessing of waking up. Do something today. So many people are in the indulge rooms of life, or living in a rut, or just merely existing instead of thriving simply because of one one thing. You just won't do it today. If you would just start the process, man, Start that business you always dreamed of. Go looking to that other job you always yearn for. Go get the training you need to get the promotion. Man, going back to school. Man, go see what you need to do to lift yourself to the next level. Stop waking up every day seeing high it's gonna go, and start waking up and do something about how it goes. If you make one step, he'll make two. But you can people people talk about all the time. Man, it seems like you're always getting a blessing. Oh man, when you're talking to a person, listen to this. If you're talking to a person and it seems like there's always a blessing coming his way, let me tell you what that person doing. That person is putting one foot in front of the next. That person is putting forth some efforts out there. And that's the only way God can bless you. God can only bless you with your efforts. He can only put his finger on the thing that you are doing or attempting. That's all he could help you with. He there are no jobs walking up to your door, knocking on your door. But if you beating the payment, if you're sending in the apps, if you online scouring somewhere to work, somewhere to get a job, then God can touch somebody's hard to hire you. But if you're sitting at the house every day, smoke everyday, drinking, but you wonder why you just can't get a job. A couple of times you don't want out there, you got to if you ain't got a job, you gotta look, get go, get one. Every day. You got to go look for one every single day. You can't take no days off. How about today? How about today? If we decide today is the day that we're gonna make the move. Today is the day that we stopped delaying, hesitating, procrastinating. Today is the day that we take a step in the direction to do something for ourselves, for our lives, for our family, for our wives, for our children, for our community, for our school. Do something today, for crying out loud, man, stop sitting in your own life in just a stew of misery in your own life. I'm gonna tell you something. If you are in a state of confusion, if you are troubling, if you're stuck on what to do next, you let me tell you what's happening. You're not doing enough. That's what it is. Man. See what I get in a place man, where I don't know what the next move is. It's because I unusually stalled out. See, this is the way God works. This is the way He's worked for me. Every time I'm busy and I'm about the business of always trying to live my creed which is ABC. My My motto is ABC always be closing. I'm always working on something, something to close something. When you're so busy with the business of improving yourself and doing with yourself and becoming the best you you can be, God is always working on your behalf, behind some scene of something that you're in the process of tempting to close. But because you're not doing all you can do, you're limiting you you are because if you're just, you're not to give you all in all, you're limiting the opportunities for God to put his finger on things and touch them on your behalf. I don't know if the average person really understands or knows what it takes to truly be successful or whatever level you're talking about. But whatever that level is, I don't care what a dollar amount you've got attached to it, what level you got if you have made the decision that you're going to be successful, I think that a lot of people, the average person does not know what that means. Whatever level you've decided to be successful on, See, that's your level of faith, that's where you see your life at. Well, guess what you got to maximize your efforts to even get to that level. So listen to me. If you want to be successful at your church, if you want to be successful in your relationship, if you want to be successful down at the day cassing, if you want to be successful at your college, if you want to be successful on your job up, guess what it's gonna take all you got in that world to become a success. I don't know why people think that if you don't want to be where somebody else, that you ain't gonna put forth that effort. No, no, I wrong. You've got to put forth your maximum effort at whatever role you're trying to accomplish. Lord have mercy. Man. How about today, though, y'all? How about today? Today is a good one. Let's make today today. Let's get out of that. Let's get on with it. Stop hesitating, stop delaying, stop procrastinating, start today. Watch God have something to put his finger on there. And that's all you're trying to do. Man, to line yourself up with God's grace, you gotta put out a lot of effort so God can put his finger on something. You feel me today, I shall hope you do, because I'm on one today. Let's go. You're listening. Matter, have your attention, please, man, I have your attention. These boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen. This show is dedicated to ventriloquist Yes, all of you that got a dummy sitting on your lap with your hand jammed up in their booty and you're trying to make them talk when you smote them to This show is dedicated to the ventriloquis out there. All ventriloquius. Mimes arelike neither one of y'alls. Yeah, careful either one of them. Now, as a purist, a stand up, we do not care for jugglers, mimes, all magicians. Sorry, I can't stay in mimes. No, no, no, no, I don't get mimes at all. No, you're just up there with your first your face white, then you got the white gloves. Now you're do emotions. I'm supposed to be amused. He would be on shoes, Moms would be on your shoes. Stuff like that. Dogs he Back in the day, comedy was big. Everybody's jugglers and magicians in mind, A mind was go on the show, not open his mouth. He'd be open that here. I've never seen the mind get pasts open in the act though. I can't do more than fifteen minutes of mind. Anybody's gonna do headline, no mind, he ain't talking for we got to be looking for forty five minutes. The attention span of a human being is not that good. Good morning, Shirley, Hey, Good morning Steve, how are you good? Good morning, Colin your hey, Hey, Shirley, mind moring everybody? Food number one, yoursel and a ventriloqu's what's happening this morning? It's not a dying art. I've been event trillers for a long time. I've had a dummy sitting on my lap and it was Tommy. The show was dedicated to Tommy. Yeah, he just said he wasn't he was Actually why didn't know he was gonna go? Ight? I know what I just turned because you don't listening. I turned it that way because I felt necessary. YO needed something. Hi. Everybody doing the day nothing. I ain't in a hospital of nothing. This is Donald Trump has doubled the amount of golf trips that Obama has taken, and he criticized Obama for eight months, six months January? What month is this? But can I tell you that the course nando? But I don't blame it you would play golf. Hell yeah, as the president. Yeah, y'all think he taking some time right now? The president. No, No, he insists that it's a working vacation. But all they got is footage of him own and off golf course. And understand, they don't like nothing he do. Right now, they didn't like nothing Obama did, so we just did. We are in our ninth year of don't like the president. We liked what Obama did. No, they didn't like what Obama did. I loved what he did. Yeah, and now it's making you love it even more. The lickability factor for Obama has gone up because all they really got right now. They keep talking about repeal and replace Obamacare, but they have nothing to repeal it or replace it with. They just ran on the campaign that was nothing. All right, we're gonna talk about things you wish would make a comeback when we come Backma, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, it's time for something funny, Steve. Now, it's normal for people, you know, to get nostalgic about things from their past. A lot of us do that. Like the Slinky, remember that toy, the Walkman, Remember the Walkman, Arkad games and even suits and hats for men for pac Man and all that. Yeah, I still play pac Man. I can't play the new games. They too complicated. I can't play none of the sports games like NBA Live or Mad and football. I don't know what the A B they jumped, the A D they roll? I can't or or you know what about being nostalgic about how you raise your kids, you know, with discipline and all that, things like common courtesy, like manners, things like that. To come back, Yeah, you're gonna get a whooping. Yeah did you? I'm telling you're gonna get a whooping your kids growing up? I'm asking still, Yeah, why you think they ain't in jail if you saved them? I tried to beat him worse than my mama beating me. Ah that's pretty bad. Ain't none of my kids got it like I got it. I ain't. No, but our parents before us really got it too. But we got it. I think we were the last of the kids that got serious beat down my kids, my kids and generation well some more. I really I really pledged my son, Yeah, I pledged. So what fright is here? They ain't cused, but they could they could go ahead and get it. They could, they could technically they should actually be in. But I Jewish manners, we're more prominent like they used to be. I mean, you know what, I'm really proud of. Though, I think all of my kids are very very mantal manners are important. Yeah, she's so sweet, daddy. You know you have great kids. And it's being on your answer. You know, good, she got clapback going on. And you ain't heard nobody come up to you. I can't talking. Your daughter's talking to Visa, talking to crazy Steve. I ain't seen it either. Good, you've just heard. I just happeople coming over. Can I talk to you for me? I just can't do it. No, I'm serious about her business stuff brand. She runs your foundations, so she's serious about that. What else do you guys wish would come back? Like products? Because they said iPad, But I mean, you know, I wish girl free moristerizing would come back. What act purl for yellow bottle red? Right? Yeah? Yea chess kings Mary go around. Yeah, I want him to come back, but I don't want to have to have the money I had back then. Don't I want to come back poverty. Yeah, I have no design for that to come back. What were the famous what was the famous advice your dad gave you about being for the best thing you could do for pol people's son is not be one of that advice. I listened to that real close, especially coming out of homeless people gonna talk about, man, why you work so hard because I'm running running for what. I ain't running fun nothing, I'm running from. I'm not gonna be back in that position no more. Right. So, now what I did was if I become homeless and have to live in a car and now have calls, you can live in Yeah you go, you like it? Like, yeah, you can put bottle, you got shelter, air conditioning, TVs you know, and you got one of your car, got computers in it. Yeah, WiFi all that. Do you know that They had a little card you can buy and you put it in your system and you can have your own WiFi in your car. Yeah. Yeah, it's it's Limos that have that. Not Limos, but car car Service. How do you get it though? It's just a little program that you buy, you put it in your car, and then you have your own password to your own WiFi when you go way out, you know you'll still have WiFi. Me there for my sons. You don't have that in the prewned. You don't have to You don't have to say for your Yeah, but wait, what Carla does not have to say? She said you don't have that in the you You could have just said you don't have that in your car. That's all you have to say. If you don't. Yeah, Tommy, don't worry about that a ghost, but it's pre owned. I'm just asking when you get when they have concierge service in cars, do you have that of yours? And one day the things I don't know, I pressed the button and you have concierge. Certain that are people who will make flight reservations for you, dinner reservations. Excuse me, Steve, excuse me? Do you have that, Tommy in your ghosts? That ain't what you wanted to say. The old owner got it do this with you, he got the subscription. I tried to figure out Junior why he looks so surprised. And Steve even say, but they have they have everything available you could programs you can purchase now. The concierge is free in a certain car in a certain carr Okay they want to say it, just want I just want to tell you what's Yeah, they have they have a concierge service. They guarantee your reservation no matter what. They take care of flight reservations. They'll tell you anything you want to do, you can. You can go out of the country and they'll make a reservation for you. They have that servicing cars. Tommy's looking it up right now, aren't you. That's why I get quiet? What time? Don't you have a date coming up? A tour? Don't you have something? Let's come now. You can buy tickets to it? Did they book your flight? That's what stevens his flight now? They don't do budget. Alright, alright, we gotta go ready, prank back with the nephew's coming up. We'll be right back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, Mrs Anna is gonna be here with our national news. But right now it's time for the nephew to run that prank back. Let's run it back to all you all you praise dance is out there. This goes out to all of you, all praise up this one. Yeah that did that run go out on the radio? Yes, yes, yes, they were tweeting about it, saying they wanted us to talk about it a little bit more. And you guys do what I like praise d that ain't for me. I like them, but everybody ain't. Don't need to be up there, all right, pray we'll talk about the minute praise dance. This for y'all. Hello, this is the day that the Lord is made us rejoice and be glad in And how you're doing? I'm looking for uh such Talia? This is this is brother Fuller from the church. How are you? Oh, I'm brother ful. How are you? I'm good, I'm good. Um. We wanted to give you a call about the about the praise dancing that's at the church. First of all, I wanted to really show you how much, uh, you're doing a great job over there with the praise dances and you you definitely do a great job on h every third Sunday that you guys actually performed. Everybody seemed to really like it. Well, thank you, thank you. What can I do for you today? It was a bit of a situation with uh, you know, it's been brought to our attention. We actually had a small gathering, a little meeting about it and wanted to I've been elected to actually give you a call. Who is this? I'm sorry, who are you, brother Fuller? Uh? Huh? And and who had a meeting? Uh some of the brothers at the church and and uh have to actually said in for a moment on it. And I was actually elected to actually just give you a call. And nothing that. I don't think we can't get rectified and you know, move on smoothly as we normally do. But I just think it's we wanted to reach out to you and kind of make you aware of it. If it's if you don't mind, okay, Um? And what things are those? Well, sister tell you, has any of the praise dancers before they became praise dances? Was? Was? Was? Was any of them strippers? I beg your partners. Was any of the praise dancers that at the church that you have on the praise team right now with any of them strippers in the past. I'm sorry, sir, I don't I don't really know who you are, um, and I don't really understand this line of question. But like I said, I'm brother full. I don't think we've met, but like I said, I've been elected to give you a call. Not now. It seems like what happened is this past week when you all actually uh danced, it seemed like a couple of the girls was actually gy rasing during the praise routine. Hey, what ing brother, I don't know who you are, and I don't know what you saw. None of my girls which ire rating. They would dancing for the lord. And I think if you look through your lord's I perhaps you would see them better instead of maybe you were looking through the rat. No, she's a couple of the girls. We can poll them out. A couple of them have uh strip girl tendencies of it then, because some of them has been girls tendencies. You know what, sir, I think we need to complete this call. Grads. I need to competition up. But speak to him myself, because you know, I don't know what you do all days, but I have a real job and I'm sitting here holding a conversation in my office about jar rating strippers in the church. Are you kidding me? Now? Listen, Now, here's a couple of the things that that they're talking about. Some of the girls h feet A real ask you when you all a performance and they wanted to see and maybe you can you can. I don't know. Maybe I don't know if y'all need to grip or whatever that y'all don't. Y'all don't put lotion on. We're not sure what that is. As well as the total of father, everybody has three full five different designs. Never think is it any way? Y'all can be in unison what you're told upon us. But the most important thing ill the JI rating, doing the dance routine. I don't know what your feet look like. I don't need you calling me talking to me about my girls their feet, their nail polish. Perhaps your man should be on Jesus instead of on them. How about that man? I don't have time. I don't have time, but I don't want your mama and to be on Jesus where somebody's shaking them. But at the church, that's the problem, you know what. Look, I'm at work now, I'm trying to keep a work tone. You're gonna make me curse up there. Now, let me tell you something. Don't call me anymore. I will deal with pastor if he has something to say. With me. He can say it to me personally, but I'm done with this conversation. Are you gonna deal with the Ji Rayton? Is what we want to know? Maybe you know what? It just hit me. Maybe you're one of the ones that doing the GI rate. Look, let me tell you something. My girls aren't going to rating, and neither am I. Now I am done with this conversation. Do you understand? But listen, I'm done or you're done with this raton. That's what we want to stop so we can We can't praise the Lord if the boot isn't shake you know what, chirt, Look, I gotta go to work. I gotta go now again. I don't know what your issue is. It sounds to me like you have an issue which I reading booties and I heard so much gyrating booties in one conversation in my entire life. Now my mind is set on Jesus. I don't know what your man's set on. What's to tell you? Before you was a praise then? Uh the ministry over the ministry? Did did you l used to strip? You didn't do no striping? Now did your wife do any strip? And what did your momma do any striping. What what you heard? What I said you? How do you like doing? Somebody call you would ask you if your mamma get some script? And how do you like that? You know what? I want to know? When is the next rehearsal. That the way I can come and pick out who it is that's doing this. You don't have you don't have any business at my rehearsal. I don't want to see you in my rehearsal. I don't want to I don't want to see any part for you in my rehearse if I see you near one of my girls. That's why I'm coming after you myself. Do you understand me? Need to find out who's doing that. You need to pay your body, y'all. And I'm glad y'all. Ain't this and when the latest being plays because I ain't not telling her you act with them? One's coming through it? You know what? That's it. That's it. You called me, disrespecting me. I'm at what. I can't even have this more. You know what. Don't call me no more, don't look at my girls no more. Man, Come to the church and see what I got for you. I don't want to know if you're gonna stop the job rating what isn't doing? And that's what doing? Who I do talking to like that you're supposed to be. I'm gonna say, yeah, let's have done. Listen to tell you now, I'm getting ready to get when I got one more thing to say to you for you leave? How you ain't got a thing to say to me? I said I was dealing, and I said I got one more thing to say. If you listen, you know what, Man, get off of my phone. I'm gonna say it anyway. This is nephew till it from the Steve Harvey Morning Show, your entire praise and ministry congregation, all your girls got me the prank phone called you. Oh I'm a shoot for real. Oh I think I'm person on the radio. I think I don't have I got one thing to ask you tell you what is the baddest radio show in the land. Nobody else to the Steve Harvey more on the show. So surely, huh you know what I mean? When you're listening to that, Yeah, you get some people up there don't need to be up there. Absolutely, that's not for me to say. I'm just judging. And there's a praise limit. Do you agree with timing, which I seldom do, but we have got to limit the time that praise dancers can be up down. It's just through one song, and it's always the longest song extended. I've only seen it done on one song. It's me. It's never moved me. That's never made me want to join. It ain't never made me want to do better. It always has made me want to go home. I want this service over with. I want y'all stop all that waving. Maybe it's the male female. Maybe men don't like women. Can I tell you the real dude? What it ain't like synchronasswimmen just swimming like girls? Be own key. I don't like watching people ain't all at the same time. See our praise dancers. You're talking about it, some toad. If you're missing your big baptist, Yeah what what Tommy? If you're missing your big toe praise dancer, Ain't you're equal liberal? You got to look at the barefooted? Absolutely all right? And it's coming up next. You're listening Steve Harvey show. Um, miss Anne is standing by with today's headlines, of course, but Steve, you're gonna love this story. Dave Chappelle, comedian extraordinaire um and his friend, comedian Danielle Rawlings. We're yeah, we're at a hotel in New York City in the restroom, all right, and this guy tried to take a picture of Dave Chappelle. We're in the men's room, for even sakes, save that, Danielle told him, yeah, David, Danielle told him not to, but the guy persisted and got aggressive. What and uh well, this uh so called fights seemed like it lasted forever, lots of in words, hurled back and forth that they were into it. Okay, Danielle wanted to he's wanted by police for questioning right now. And yeah, yeah, now the guy said he was injured in the altercation, of course. Yeah, you're harassing these guys where they're trying to use you are, yes, yeah, he cites the soreback, neck and head, among other scrapes. And Bruce, yeah, he's lucky he got away with But see you all in him at bothering his brother in the bathroom. You file, yes, yeah, we just man, law man, law alone. You got to get out of here, man famous or not. Once we entered the latrine area and unzipped our pants. All conversations got stopped. Yeah, what you can't do is be standing over there with yourself making eye contact with me and talking no partner and then want to picture though, But no, man, you out of line. Man, I mean, and usually women, you know, we're more liberal. We go to the bathroom, to other things like that room, but even that's off limits for women. You don't want to take a picture, and you just we're gonna get this. We're gonna get this picture out of head phone. Though. Before we while we whip, inde Z said, the fight lasted forever. Like what, I don't know about that because all the stuff you're having in your hand, I don't. I don't don't see how you're gonna the whole let's fight. Yeah, Tommy, so it's out of order. So it's man can't do. It's man law. He can't do. It could be quiet in from anybody, you know. You know, look, we started most our conversation at the faceboat where you wash your hands, but in that at the latrine toilet area. Nothing. You can't have a conversation with me, don't see. Women can be in a stall next to each other and have a conversation. We can do before, we can do We can do that. Yeah, never, we can do. But you don't talk. I got my pants down. I'm talking to you, dude. I'm just saying. Women do it all the time. That's just the difference between men and women. Men don't do that. We don't talk. There's no tissue. And you know what, men don't go to the men's room together. I know you don't do that. You women going groups. Hey, I'm going to the restroom. We'll go. Yeah, I'm going to go to bathroom. Want to go? No, I'm good man. You take care of yours. I'll be right here. There's difference. First of all, why would you want to go with what if you have to really go? When when Steve asked you, when a guy asked you one? You'll never see a man ask a man to go to the bad Yeah, I've never seen that, but you see women do it all the time. Or I got security, I get him go to bathroom here, good, I got it down. Boom doesn't go with you. I've seen him do that. Man, I've got this say I'm going to bathroom. Dave Chappelle should have had some security in this particular situation. Room. Alright, gonna be a cracking up in here. Let's dodge make this transition as smoothly as we can and go to ms and ladies and ships. And the reason I never talked during miss and it's because so all of the news can get out and y'all can quittee Tom about Steve Bee interrupting the news. I'll be wanting to here with ladies and gentlemen. Here she is with the news, miss and trip. I ain't gonna say nothing. Let's stuff go. Steve. Okay, thank you. This is Andre with the news. Thanks, thank everybody. Oh God, this is serious. Tensions between the US and North Korea have now escalated after report that Kim John Ang has become a serious nuclear power. A Japanese defense paper and the Washington Post report that the Young Young government may have successfully produced a nuclear warhead that's small enough to fit inside its missiles, and if that's true, that would count as a key bench mark in North Korea's attempt to become a full fledged nuclear power. So President Trump has issued this morning, best not make any more threats to the United States. They will be met with fire and fury. Like the world has never seen now. Both Democrats and some Republicans are calling Trump's reactions of bombastic and unhinged, and they wish he would negotiate. Also, in the wake of Trump's threat no, North Korea says it's planning a missile fire attack on Guam, which you know is the U. S territory. A massive government report on climate change has been leaked. It summarizes climate science from various government agencies and concludes that global warming is both man made and potentially dangerous. A big police candle in Baltimore, Canal defense attorneys have apparently discovered police camp videos allegedly showing costs planning evidence. So far, more than forty criminal cases have been dropped because of the videos, cases mostly involving drug and weapons related felonies. Defense laways claimed cops turned medly things all turn them off whenever they want to Police Chief Kevin he would say, maybe they don't understand the technology and those gaps in video footage exist. It's ugly. The camera was on, now it's off. So does that mean that when the camera was off, some type of criminal misconduct was taken place by police officers? I think that's a conclusion that we just can't jump to police brass say that Internal Affairs is investigating. Legendary country music singer Glenn Campbell has died. It was a battle with Alzheimer's. He was eighty one years old. And of course that song was redone by my good friend, the late Isaac Hayes, making him very beloved in the black community as well. And today National book Lover's Day and National hand Holding Day. Well, I hold your hands. Twenty minutes after the hour comes Eugene the Butterfly. Stay tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I Stave, please introduce the Butterfly please, La, gentlemen, Eugene, Good morning everyone. Good morning Steven, Shirley, Carla Jr. And Tommy. Good morning to all of you all um. Today is our second day of anger management. Dr castle Berry is on the phone, so we're resuming. You know, last week we had our first session, Steve and I of anger management of two people that are trying to get along at work. Dr Castleberry, Yes, hello, is that mounted since we left? Yes? Dr Castleberry, good morning. Yes, things have not gotten any better between Stephen and I and I don't know. Is there any kind of exercise we can do to work on this relationship? Yes? Are you guys actually there in person to looking at each other? I'm looking at him right now. Okay, So what I want you guys to do is to face each other. Okay, can you guys? Can? That means we need to interlock our fingers, come out and steep. Okay, so just space each other linco hands and on account of three, we're going to breathe in for three and out for three. Here we go three to one inhale one two three exhale inhale to three, exhale three release. Can open your eyes and you should see each other. Born a new that's Sary's hand, And why were you out in my hand? Shouldn't see too? He just asked me to that's all. Oh you know, sorry, my hands is so much bigger than yours. It wouldn't have been fair. Is there a nine touching exercise we can do? Because yes, Actually, if you have a sheet of paper, okay, I want you guys to write down three things that you respect about one another, keep it private, and then what we're going to do is going to read it aloud. I like this exercise. We respect you. Dr Castle thereya, thank you so much. And what it does is it re establishes the reason why you guys connected in the first place. You know, all relationships get lost somewhere along the way. All right, I'm ready, ready, go ahead. Okay, this is what I respect about him. His work, ethics, his fame, and even his money. Those are the things I respect. So I want to hear what he respect. Come on, Stephen. I respect the fact that he lives alone now and that his segment ends in four minutes. And then the third thing I respect about him that he has a highest and can steal wall. You see, how do you see how disrespect for that I respect about you? That's disrespectful. One of those I'll say that it's unique, very unique qualities. But if you know some things that you'd appreciate. Nonetheless, we will continue to work with you. Guys. Okay, we want thank you. Thank you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, Steve, we know that Usher is a friend of yours. We are his fans. We love Usher. Uh, We're sick of hearing about this story. We really are his wife, Grace Miguel is standing by him, thank god, as she should of course as his wife. Yeah. One of his alleged accusers, Quantasia Sharpton, had a press conference and she is suing Usher for having sex with her and not revealing he had an STD. Now his accuser who is a big girl, and folks are fat shaming her all over social media. There's a video footage. There is video footage of Usher dancing with the alleged big girl on stay she'll check this out. The week before her press conference, Uh, Quantasia Sharpton um posted on social media she needed some money. Okay, okay, can I ask you a question? Because you have a big girl come up on your stage and one of your performances, does that mean you have sex with her? Absolutely No, she's just using that as I would dance with him, and then we had sex and then she needed money. Don't forget that part. She didn't tell me. Why would he have to tell y'all ain't have sex? Right? And she doesn't say he doesn't. She's saying they did, and she after they hooked up afterwards. Wait, hold up for real, y'all. But but okay, go ahead, Yeah, but she's saying she's also saying Steve that she doesn't have her piece. So we're trying to figure out what is she doing this for? What she doesn't have it. She's trying to sue him for not telling her he had an STD. That's crazy. That's garbage. That's garbage. That's that's garbage. Why are we so hell bit on the destruction and tanned down to one another? Man? Why are we just so hell bit? Look, man, we cheer for one another. I was talking to Kevin Hart about this. We cheer for one another on the come up. But when a person get that, man, it's one goal in mind, and it's so unfair to him and his family and his life and moving forward. People listen to me, absolutely, because us is a great guy. Listen to me. Everybody in their life has made mistakes. Everybody in their life needs forgiveness. Everybody in their life has the right to get over their mistakes and move forward, and we as a people have no to hold a person to. They passed right. What we're trying to figure out what her point is though she doesn't have her pies. Her test was negative. Why are you doing what? Why are you out in front saying because you know you're not going to get any because you're not. And that's right. But who says they had sex other than her? But where your video, your proof, your picture him coming through your back door, you in his hotel? See all that man, you can make up and you don't have her pies. And I'm taking one piece of the story and adding so much more what you think will add validity to the rest of it. He pulled you on stage, y'all, dance through his routine. You know how many times these performers bring girls on stage all the time. It don't mean you hook up after all the time. Now, don't make me ask this question right here. I want I'm gonna make you Okay, y'all have seen Yeah, yeah, cain't usher do better? Stop better that a question? Should do better? Yes, he can and have done better, and it's doing better. Some of the women love John Head and John So I'm just wondering right now, why, of all the options you got, you would choose someone who doesn't fit the m O of anything else you've ever done. We from Houston. I haven't seen saund cause Sale bowling. Yeah, it is the exact replica Sam because Sale is my boy. They had a long finger. He could sit here. My bodyguard boomerang could have been one of my favorite cartoon came Magilla go. We gotta go right on that. Okay, prank phone call with the nephew coming up, we'll be back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's today's Strawberry Letter. But first nephew on tap with the prank phone call. What you got, sir, is something every woman wants. The ring. Okay, yeah, the ring? Yeah yeah, don't that mean a lot of y'all? Absolutely all right, check this prank. This is the ring. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach an Yes, this is hi. My name is Gavin. I'm I'm actually the head jeweler here, diamond. How you doing. I'm good. You brought your ring in what was it last week? I actually wasn't here, but you gave it to one of my sales persons and you wanted to get it resized as well as getting a praise, right, yes, yes, yes, and you don't have to tell him my own Okay, wow, okay, listen, I actually do the resize the ring, and first of all. Let me be the first to say, um, congratulations. When when is your wedding? Thank you? I'm getting married and stuff. Come there, Well, congratulations to you. Listen, I don't know how to tell you this now. As far as your praising less concern. I've looked at your ring over and over and this this ring is probably worth maybet excuse me. I've been I've been in this business for over twenty years. But you know what, I'm confused on what you just seeing. And I understand that. What I'm trying to explain to you is that I've been in this business for over twenty years. I've seen so many different pieces of jewelry and this is something that you that you buy late night on an infomercial for this is a Cubic Saconian stones and the gold is not real at all. It's like, wait, wait, wait, you lost me. You lost me as much money as my fan make and as much money as my father is putting down on his winding or has put down. And you're gonna understand everything you're saying. But what I need you to do is hold on. No, I need you to hold on because we need to convictims. Wait. Wait, man, First of all, I can't wait wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, hold hold us hold on because you wait wait wait, what are you trying to what you're trying to do? Sir? I need I need you to repeat because what you just said to me. Okay, I need you personal stuff? Man, you oh you hit it. It's personal now, So I need you to hold on. Okay, oh she calling man? Okay think think hello Victim. When you can listen to this jewel and that's on the phone, I want you to hit it that he just told me. Hold what's what's the problem? What you mean, what's the problem. He's gonna tell you what the problem is. Gonna hit on, sir, gonna hit on. Hello, Yeah, who's this all? My name is Gavin. I'm from Diamonds. And actually your wife, I mean where your fiancee. Rather, she brought her ring in to actually be re sized, and we we also did an appraisal on the ring for her and actually the ring is estimated to be only in the words of around fifty dollars, said sir. Obviously there's some sort of mistakes, sir. Now, what you got to say about that, that's that's got to be some kind of mistakes. What did you say your name was, sir? My name is Gavin. I work here at Diamonds. I'm the head jeweler here. I've been here for twenty years. And uh, there's there's no way that that ring is worth fifty dollars. I know what I paid for it. So obviously there's some sort of mistakes, because there's not a mistake. I've been dealing with jury, I've seen it. I can pretty much look at a ring, but I actually went into detail on this one, as I do all of them, and so I promise you this is probably maybe between forty and fifty dollars for his workers. Absolutely not. That's that's impossible. How is that impossible? He's a jeweler. You heard him say, he's been doing it for twenty He's impossible. I don't understand that. All the money that my daddy putting down on this wedding and you don't pay fifty cheap ring. So no, no, no, I did not buy tea. This is this is this is obviously some kind of mistake. You didn't got it. You show got that right, You show got that right. So what you got to say for yourself? Then you can't I believe that that's right. That's this is obviously some kind of mispac. Oh, it is a mistake, a mistake and thinking I'm gonna get married to the man of my dream. I do have the engagement ring that was purchased and bought for your wife. I don't think you I don't think you do. I don't think you have my ring, because if you have my ring, you wouldn't be telling me this is worth fifty dollars. I have the ring that your wife, your fiance brought his wife. Yet hold on, hold on, the man trying to explain, I'm trying to get to the body, thank you, so you have I don't think you have the right ring. Um, I have the right ring. And what I'm letting you know, sir, is that this is something you buy on an infomercial in the two talk in the morning on their home. Dude, you know that ain't bottled damn ring on infomercial. I bought the ring from a reputable establishment. I have the receipt, I have the certificate. So obviously the mistake is on your and where they're the mistakes out here, Sera, you bought a piece of jump. He's ain't doing it all these years? How hell he gonna make a mistake where you come off telling me I bought a piece of jump. I know what I bought. If there's any mistakes that's been made, it's on your end world, where it's not on my end. Yeah. Hold don't, don't don't one thing that my dad is paying too much money for this wedding. You don't wanna pay fifty Do you wait till I tell him this? Chill? Hold on. First of all, I don't appreciate you. I want to tell you this. This is a typical case of you trying to pawn it off on us because you bought a piece off for fifty bucks. The money the two times don't make it. I get fifty of a ring, then he's hold on, let me talk to this where you gonna I never heard of it. So your wife knows exactly where that she's the one that brought the ring. And I'll tell you what. I'm gonna come down there to see the ring that you're talking about. If it's not the ring that I gave my girl, I'm gonna take seventy six hundred dollars out of your because that's so now you want to jump on me because you brought your wife a piece. Come on, you want to put it on me. You don't tell me what the I'm known what the I spin on the ring? And you I don't kind of trying to pull. First of all, I don't appreciate you coming to my household trying to mess my and you want to come in me with this. I know the ring gotta be real. If I were you, miss the niece, I would not marry somebody that's gonna be I'm coming there. I'm looking for your pocket and you know what. You don't get the ring and a right me, and you're gonna go in it. Can I say one more thing? The broth of you all better? I'll tell you what if they did, I want to hear me, and you're gonna have some more problems. This is Matthew telling me from the Steve Orbit Morning Show, y'all just played by the niece's system. That that's why she ain't got no man to do. Wow, that's how clear talking to you about to start? I think I'm sorry, baby, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I will make it. Maybe I played with a woman's ring. I gotta ask you'all something. What is the baddest radio show in the low but Steve Harvey Morning? Wow? What y'all think? Oh? Got pretty tense to people? Man too much? You know that already doing ring exposed to Cause when you want a man about his lady of right, they say a third or fourth of your income, your yearly sac your third up. Though, that's not gonna happen right here. If I die, come back, I want to be a market. Yeah, if you die, don't bother coming back. If I spot your show, then crack, I'm in bed. Tom, I'm and he gonna love. No, You're not be cause I'm gonna know I do it. Talk to his stupid I know good hair well that a month after we started talking. Well, as soon as I discover his dumbasses here, I'll be out there in my Bikinia. We're sailing in the Mediterranean. I don't care if you look exactly like her when you open your mouth to start talking disrelationship in That's what I'm not gonna do at this stage of my living with a stupid person. I have that. I'm with you on that one, Steve, I'm not gonna do it. Man. You want to come back. He don't get out at you're listening to the Steven Show. All right, coming up next Today's Strawberry Letter. But first you all are going to get enough messing with celebrities. Okay we just talked about us your last time. Yeah, okay. Seven time NBA champion Robert Ory got into a fist fight at his kids basketball tournament this past weekend. Yes you know him, Tommy, Yeah, alright. According to TMZ, Robert Orri's son was playing ball and a man affiliated with the opposing team was heckling Ri throughout the game when he approached Robert Orri and pushed him. Yeah, Robert responded with his fists. Not actually okay, that's not what happened. Okay, what's what happened? Robert persisted to Wolf as Well, says he responded with his fist, But I like your version, j he did happened? He did? What? Yeah? He push man. That's that's it. Yeah, that's an aggressive Yeah, it stands it is. He did. He threw several punches at the man. Or He insists that he was simply defending himself. The guy was trash talking the whole game. Robert Ory said he shoved me where I'm from. You protect yourself, but one of the nicest guys. Yeah, that ain't in him at all. You really, he takes off. Yeah, it's just people are only human, you know right. It proves you just can't go up to hit anyone. You don't know what's coming. And you my son a game. I'm not losing in front of my son. I'm throwing the first and the last point. I promise I'm not losing. I go home and explain to Jordan's well, I got a ice back on my hand. You don't want to go back to practice because while you had none of them dash lightning boys, the lightning while we was in the pool. Let's see, it will be hard, but whip how you can explain the lightning? Yeah, I don't know how I can explain the light But aren't there certain people who deliberately trying to push the celebrities, people who are instigate, who are trying to get a check, get a check. Robert is there to watch his son playball. The man from the opposing team is heckling the whole game. Because I mean, man, that demand just trying to watch the game. That's that's that's antagonistic. Now you walk up to him and you pushed the man. Okay, Now he hadn't had enough for you with the heckling. All game, right Now you come down and you pushed the man. He has to defend himself. That had to be How does Robert know what's behind the push? Absolutely, you gotta protect yourself. Push could be the kick. You never know, that's the beginning of the fight. If you pushed me, I'm assuming you you have some other intent And I got it. Got quiet in there, It got quiet. Well, good for Robert ry for protecting and defending himself. All right, let's move on. Time for the letter, Tommy, let's go all right, buggle up, hold on tight. We got it for you. Strawberry letter. All right, here we go, buggle up, hold on tight, Strawberry letter. All right, here we go. Subjects and upset child. I am writing you this letter in regards to my mother. I love my mother dearly, but the decision she makes are poor. To be specific, her pick in men. Her husband is a sorry ex use for a man, and I have no respect for him. My mother is the man of the house. She's a nurse, so she brings in the money, and she takes care of any problems in the house. Last year, my sister became ill and was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Other than me, I'm away at school and my aunts who live out of state, my mother has no help. He never came to the hospital, nor did he see if she needed anything, nor did he see if she needed anything. Instead, he was at the casino. They were barely making ends meet even before my sister became sick. Uh. My mom only works two days out of the week and sometimes not even that because of doctor's appointment. Instead of her husband, she looks to others if she needs help with a bill or things of that nature. As a man, instead of taking off work and gambling, he should be going to work and even looking for another job to support his family. He also put everything in my mom's name, so if she leaves him, everything is on her. On top of all this, he doesn't have any type of relationship with me or my siblings. He said he married her, not us. In um fact, he doesn't even want me in the house. So if I go home on my breaks, he says nothing to me and acts as if I'm not there. I'm all out of solutions. I pray and even confront it my mother. I don't know what else to do. I know you love your mother, I know you do. I I feel you on this, I really do. And you're right if what you're saying in this letter, all this is going down. Uh, she has made a poor choice in a man for a husband, and I do use that term man very loosely. But as her child, as her daughter, you've got to know that your mother's are grown woman and a lot of times, you know, we see things as outsiders that they don't see when they're actually in the relationship, and she might even see it. She may even see it, but you know, figure that this might be the best she can do. He's her husband, so she's gonna deal with it. But I do know that if you've confronted her and you've talked to her and express her express your displeasure with the situation, that's about all you can do because she's a grown woman in a grown woman's situation, and only she can change that. Steve H Well, little girl college student, I feel for you because you know better in your mama don't. But then again, in this letter, she does no better. I'm gonna refer to one line in your letter. You said, instead of her husband, she looks to others if she needs help with the bill or things of that nature. That's the key line in this whole letter to me. Your mother, instead of turning to her husband, turns to others if she needs help with a bill or things of that name you. That is the essence of any marriage. The man must be able to turn to the woman, but the woman has got to be able to turn to the man. That is the order. The reason your mother does not turn is because she know you already know ain't nothing happening right here. Your mama know she'd have made the mistake. She's just keeping it to herself. You can confront her. She know he ain't nothing. She know she discovered it long before you did. When we come back, I'm gonna give you more and I'm gonna tell you the real issue here so you can release yourself from feeling responsible, messed up, jacked up anything. I'm gonna share with you the real truth in what I see, and you're going back school, gonna get your education. Wake Up with Steve Harvey Morning Show with Yours truly Steve Harvey, Shirley Strawberry, the King of Pranks, the food himself, nephew Tommy calling for real Junior, and now we got a brand new family member two to one and on it, j Anthony Brown. Every weekday. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right now, Steve is here with part two of his response to today's Strawberry letter. An upset child that is the subject today. I pointed out earlier that your mother knows this because whenever she gets in trouble, she goes to other people. Well, now let me tell you and show you what the real issue is. Because you seem to have a better grasp on manhood than your stepfather. That's alarming. Whenever a woman care who you are, have powerful you are? You have a better grasp of manhood than the supposed man. It's because your man. And listen to me, just because a man claims to be a man does not mean that he knows the meaning of manhood. Because you're twenty one, you don't get a pass into the club. You don't get an invitation into the club a manhood because you're twenty one. Other me and judge you first of all based on will you do what you say you're gonna do well. Now, let's just go through what's really wrong with your daddy in law? Here? He is. He never came to the hospital, nor did he see if she needed anything. Instead, he was at the casino. A real man takes care of business. Daddy in law whatever you hey, why are you calling him my father? Here? That daddy in law, he ain't your father in law. He has no father traits. So instead of being at the hospital, he had the casino. A real man takes care of the family first. Let me show you something else. Uh uh? Instead, I mean, as a man, instead of taking off work in gambling, he should be going to work, even looking for another job to support his family because he ain't got his orderline. Dump. It ain't family first, it's him first. Real men understand that the family is the second order of business after God. He don't know the meaning of manhood. You're gonna be mad at him rest of your life. He don't get it. Next thing he says, he also put everything in my mom's name, so if he leaves, everything is on her. I don't know any man who does this because for us, as other men, you can't call yourself a man. See just because he said here, man, don't mean he know the meeting. Then he said, you have no relationship with you your siblings. He said he married her, not us. Every man that I know who has a woman who has children understands first and foremost that when you take on a woman who has a child or children, it is a package deal. He don't get that. Here's your deal. Your daddy in law is not a man. Quit whearing yourself about his punk. As you go back to school, get your education, and you may not know exactly what a man is, but you damn show know what he ain't. So as you start the selection process for your man, do not pick him. Got it all right, Thank you, Steve, But we gotta go email or Instagram. What's your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at My Girl Shirley and coming soon Strawberry Letter Live after the show on Facebook will start that next Thursday at one o'clock after the show Strawberry Letter Live on Facebook. So people, well, you know, I always want to talk about the Strawberry Letter and all that. They picked me up all the time and asked me, you know, tell me about their problems and asked me about the Strawberry Letters, so they'll have a chance to do it. We're gonna start doing it next Thursday at one pm Eastern Strawberry Letter Live on Facebook. Yeah yeah, yeah, so so so it's a week from a week from tomorrow. But we'll tell you all about it. Cool, okay, all right, So it's gonna be fun, but but it'll it'll be funny. You guys can join me whenever you want to. Yeah, whenever you want to. I'm honest, I know you will. I'll come to the set. We'll do it from there. Okay, but it's gonna be fun though. I'm also entering what week is this day? Today's Wednesday. I've kept track of every calorie and all the food, and I lost three hounds last week. Congratulations. But what's what's the goal? Man? I want to get to to twenty man? That's white and shape right there? Uh one, So you're eating clean now and everything, you're working out every day or every day man? Four days of weight training, one day of pure cardios, combination weight and cardio. But yeah, so okay, even if I didn't do d herbs, I don't read Japanese that's in these products that he took and it was a disaster. It was a disaster. Ticket I'm sitting over there just full of hisself. You remember work, oh man. But you know everybody's talking about dtox, detox, detox, you know, and it's good for you every now and then. But you know, after you do that, you gotta get on some type of program that you could live on. It's so far, I'm not getting hungry. I'm just trying. Got this guy out here named Old this training. I had him on my talk well remember he came on my show with Morris Chestnuts. Oh I remember Morris Chestnuts. I know you do? Oh him? Yeah, Well the dude that was with Morris. Because I got a book out called The Cut, and him and Morris is on the cover of it. Remember that there was someone else on the cover with Marris'm saying complexion. You didn't see them. So he's been working with me. So I'm gonna have him come on and talk to you all about it. Let's give y'all some startup ideas and stuff. Okay, all right, thank you, thank you for sharing. Good. Maybe my next book about baby boomer fitness, those between fifty one and seventy one, that baby boomer generation. Maybe I'll do that. I don't know. Surely, good job though, Facebook Live Strawberry Ladda one o'clock starting next Thursday. Yeah, yes, of course, yes, I want you guys to be there. We'll talk about it, okay, all right, coming up next, we got a phone blast and we'll talk about that as well. Brought to you by our good friends at McDonald's. Call and tell us how you plan to spice up the last few weeks of your summer talking about food and fitness and everything. Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, let's go out with a bang McDonald's. Yeah, you're listening to the stew alright, So our friends at McDonald's have really spiced things up a notch with their new Saracha Max sauce. Okay, that's what it's called, Saracha Max sauce. It's bold, it's creamy, it's spicy goodness. It is really good. I stopped my McDonald's last weekend have the Saracha crispy chicken sandwich, and it was love at first bite. Now, I'm this is spicy, but it's spicy good. You know how something are spicy but they're so hot. Yeah, you can enjoy it. This, you can enjoy it. Not here hot right Ruin the rest of your you can't. Yeah, none at all. I got my sandwich on the artisan bun. It was delicious, let me tell you. But Carlo, you can also get the signature Saracha sauce on your quarter pounder. You can get it on your grilled chicken sandwich. Uh And for a limited time, the Saracha Max sauce is available as a dipping sauce for your you love these Steve you'r McNuggets and your French fries. Yes, I know. So. Today's phone blast is sponsored by McDonald's. McDonald's has spiced up the end of summer with their bold and spicy Saracha Mix sauce. You gotta get this in your life. It's really good, especially if you like spicy. So call us and tell us how you plan to spice at the last few weeks of your summer. Any last minute vacation plans anybody? Yeah, I gotta I got one more week coming up. Another vacation for you, Well, just off TV. I've been working, but that's a like a vacation for me. Yeah, yeah, I call it. I'm not on TV. You ain't on TV, and you just radio. I'm back on Today Now Family right after this. Yeah, June, you guys are still touring. Yeah, I'm touring, you know, but I do want to do something for myself. You know, I work all time, so I want to do something like go to the beach, you know, like like just getting out here. I want to go see the beach. I really want to see that. Man, spend the weekend. You got to see the beach, the sand, dunes, the mountains, all of that. I would not be skateboarding though we're not doing that. Go to go to Manhattan Beach and go up to dune. All right. Well I was gonna get my McDonald's and my Sacha Max saus and going up there. And still yeah, I was being ready to, I know, back to school. Come on, tell us about it, tell us about it. Carla's start, but Tatsha to get out of the house and my husband, we are counting down. I can't wait back to school. Aren't you all excited? We'll make sure you get the baby Tasha, even though she's not a baby anymore, to get her some McNuggets because I know she loves her McNuggets and fries. Yes she does, Yes, she does. So we'll get her the Saracha Max sauce and then it's all that cracking baby, yes, spicy, al right, here we go. Yes, I'm gonna take my mama fishing one more time. Photos somewhere over with. We will not be on a boat, though, we will definitely be on a pier fishing. That's its boat trip. We had scared the mess out of it. So what happened now, Temmy? I tell you all about it before. Remember I tell you both turn sideways, always getting something. Little birth. Put my mama on a little black people on that scared get each other. All the way back to shore Man, I got singing coom. Yeah, nobody fishing fishing rods in the floor. Oh my god, I used to. I used to eat twenty nuggets on the way home from track and steell be and still grew him some more when I get to the house. But I had to have them nuggets for I got. Yeah, Well this time when you have it, make sure you get the Ratcha Max sauce because it's really good. It'll change, Yeah, it'll good. We did ask for phone calls, so let's go to the phone. Hello, who's this? This is Dollar? How you doing? Everybody? This is brother Tommy, everybody. This is My name is Sq Dollar, he squat and my last name is Dollar, just like money, like crust little dollar. So like yes, que, I am a How do you know that you listen? You're in time? And that's how y'all when you when you when you're playing Springing two thousand five, Brothers, I'm a young I'm a little young kady welcome, welcome to the welcome. I appreciate it, all right, Q, So tell us don't worry, but I got him. I'm not time to let him talk a little young to find out something. It's que you the first met. I just want to know how you're gonna spice up just the last few weeks of summer as Q, what are you gonna? Okay? Well, what I'm what my plan is this? I'm a I'm a high school teacher and tomorrow, tomorrow the students come back. All summer long, my wife, who just graduated from r N school, has been working and she's been taking care of pretty much of me all summer because I was working on this book that I just put out called this while you're not married, and so she's been supporting me all summer and I finally got the got the book put out. So I'm gonna take my last free night before school start. I'm gonna take her to Orlando and get her a nice hotel and we're gonna have us a good old married couple of times tonight for I get back to work tomorrow. Another couple like Carlin. Yes, that's big right down. I'm gonna go ahead. I'm gonna keep it McDonald's McDonald's. Thank you nephew. Soon do we get off as I'm gonna deal with here, keep McDonald McDonald Hey, congratulations on your book and everything. And they thank you for teaching our kids. We need, you know, more strong teachers like you. Tell her said hello, thanks for her all of her support, and thank McDonalds. Thank you McDonald for your brand new Si Racha Max Saus. We will be back right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go. All right, Steve, we need you again. It's time for right or wrong with your nephew and junior. So you need to be the judge. Ladies and gentlemen, This is right or wrong. This is where decisions getting made. Things have complicated measures, things that have discussed, debatable issues come to the forefront, and I make a decision as to who's right or wrong. Tommy is always the one who wants to know whether he's right or wrong. Now, so far it has been a ninety that he has been wrong. I think Temple center time. I have agreed with him, but the job so go ahead. See okay, see now check this out. And actually, for for a split second, he agreed with me last night. For us split on the first thing I said. I said, Amber it was a little girl that got lost a long time ago and death when Amber alert came from. He agreed with me on that. I did not agree with you on that. I said, Okay, what did you say. I said, they named it that just because let people know that people missing. That's all I said. I said nothing about this being no Amber And first of all, what made you even think of that? Okay, First of all, I'll let you know. It was a little girl named Amble and that's what that's where Amber alert came from. Then I told you, I said, Foster is a little boy who didn't have his mama or his daddy, and that's where foster home came from. Oh no, right, But Foster and Amber don't know each other, do you know what? Well, he's correct on member, give him that I might right about Foster though, Amble is actually a color. Amber is also a young young girl's name. My name is his name Amber? Right? So that led you to say, what now, Foster. It was a little boy who didn't have no mama, no daddy, and they were trying to find a home. Form that can't be right, and that's where a foster home come from. Yell, I thought that was a seal foster flakes. He's right, the wrong, worse what we're been saying that for ye I had a partner calling the foster flake. Quickly, love me some foster flake. I know that, you know, since we're just gonna be ignorant, take it there. I thought it was a seal of foster flakes. We called it though that Foster means to developes, to bring about, to nurture, to falter, to nurture a situation. Foster is a definition. It's not a little boy. There's people named Foster. Most of them don't end up in care Foster was the lead singer. The seal was one he wasn't lead, saying the singers. Now he played e d I mean in the King of scott Forest, you see where he get from. And then Forrest Griffin was fighting in the UFC. The Stefan Barnard had some epic Okay, here go the next one up. Tell Junior that people in China called their good dishes they dishes. You know what I'm saying. I like it. They don't call them China. They just called them by dishes. They don't say. You know what I'm saying, we have a winners that I've never been to China, and I don't know what they they called people in trying to call their good dishes they dishes put over here China. Oh maybe they call them USA dishes. Yeah see, and then when they want some neat, they just go full because it's already in China. Say Chinese food. Okay, Jack, go food. Everybody goes. This is where everybody's just starting, and there ain't no names for all of us food. Listen, this is where you hung up on. I told him. If two vegetarians is arguing, they're beefing, I love it. Yeah, give me there's some meat in there somewhere. If two vegetarians just arguing, they're beefing, yeah, that's true, Timmy and if and Timmy, If to meat eaters is arguing, then they just juice it. We're from the same But I think Chinese people say us a food, stop and bring this up to your last night. But I just want you to have this. I just asked the question. Oh I'm sorry, god h but I'm just saying, awesome food. I know I heard you. We heard you the first three times. That's just how you say. U s a what I would saying. They when they eat our food, they go us, Yeah, you want some awesome USA. Okay, I can telle you. I can tell you this because you ain't gonna be to hang up. You're listening. Yeah, I'm listening, Junior. If you job backwards, you gain weight. Huh. You get that from well, you only lose when you're running form with right when you get that from here? Okay, we explaining this day and Tommy, we're gonna go with that theory. You jogged Ford every day. Still fat. I'm hanging up on you. Let me ask you a question. Tom is dog Vado, or black man or a white man, cause somebody's in that damn Jones dog your father, which is very good, I might ask. Okay, so what have we learned? What have we learned to think? Nothing? We'll be right back. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. All right, people. On August one, many people will be looking to the sky as a total solar eclipse moves across the US or USA as you called it. I'll called it Steve earlier. Most understand that it's just a matter of the Earth, Sun and Moon lining up in a weird way. But some think it's some sort of sign, okay, and that we're headed toward doomsday. That's what some people are thinking. This numerologist, for instance, David Mead, is one of these guys. He's convinced. He's thinking the world is gonna end. Right, So he's saying, call everyone you love and start taking your bucket list seriously, because, according to this numerologist, David Mead, a planet floating around out there, which he's calling Planet X, is going to collide with the Earth, ending it all. And yeah, so next month is it? According to David, you don't have to Yeah, He's saying we're not gonna go in. Remember David Need, David Mead, Remember David Koresh Yeah you start, Yeah, I mean can we call the markets company and tell them that? Yeah, and we'll not tell him. You need to wait and see we're still gonna be because that's pretty quickly. Were listening to this food. But guess what, no, no, no, no, there's Shelly somebody going along with this and they ain't no scripture, nothing, but it's just some earth winding fire song. Though. Always gonna find a few to walk with you, many people claim, don't always view the same. You go, I don't care what you do. You can find somebody go along with your stupid You can stand up and make the most ignorant remark you want to, You can find somebody. They go, you know what, Yeah, you know what. Tommy just did it to us, man. Tommy got to go for it. In China, they don't call a good dishes that, They just call it. Yeah, and some people along with it. Yeah. Well the election showed us that yes it did, Yes, it did. They went alone, didn't they. I mean it's always something I mean, wow, I mean, look, you know, because like they mad not Donald Trump down and playing golf for seven vacation. He's seventy. Well, he said it's gonna be a work case. That's what he says. You can't just stop being president, you can't date, you can't somebody down, Mr President. They're still calling that President Obama though when he took vacation he sure did, of course he did. But let me tell you something. Is anybody surprised me? No, Look, listen to me. We have a president who has never been city count, submit right, no, no politics whatsoever. So the fact that his White House is in order disarray should be of no surprise because he really wasn't planning on winning, so he hadn't pre picked any cabinet ideas, so he selected people that he knew they didn't had to get rid of them. I'm not surprised at any of this. What I am surprised at is that this country is doing nothing right now, We're doing nothing, just like they did Obama. They just stop, stop stop everything Obama did. Now the Democrats are stop, stop, stop everything he want to do, and we're getting nothing done. And until he started signing some executive orders like Obama did, this thing ain't gonna move man. All right, us food for thought. Definitely something to think about there. Uh, since the world is ending in September, according to this guy, all right, we'll be back right after this everyday you're listening to the Steve har Show. All right. Barack Obama celebrated his birthday on Friday. He turned fifty six years old. And from now on, Yes, yes, congratulations and happy birthday belated. Uh so will the entire state of Illinois from now on. Governor Bruce Ronner has signed a bill that will make the former president's August fourth birthday a state holiday starting next year. Who love that. According to the bill, Barack Obama Day will be observed throughout the state as a day set apart to honor the forty four president of the United States of America, who began his career serving the people of Illinois in both the Illinois State Senate and the US Senate. Okay, yeah, and he's dedicated his life to protecting the rights of Americans and building bridges across communities. Hold up, this is not a legal state holiday though, which would have closed and government jungle's. Oh okay, miss to the former president. Miss you, miss you, miss you, miss you. Obama. February six, by the way, is Ronald Reagan Day? And away? I don't know, but drinking drinking, yeah, old Melvin and the Blue notes. This is not a legal state holiday, which would have closed schools and government offices, as I was saying, did not pass. Illinois also voted to name a stretch of the highway after Obama. So there's something. Yeah, yeah, I like that. I take this Obama down to my mom right quick. You know what good? This needs to be a national holiday? Ship. How do we get that to happen? How that well, his home state, I didn't make a holiday. What's the start of that? I just don't really all that. I just I just get a day claiming and do it start barbecuing. I don't come in. Yeah, just calling in sick, and I get me a label, put it on it. Then I go get some read. Did your dad ever work on dot King Day? Uh? Wasn't there? Yea, he worked on a lot of dr king but we did. He didn't have it there when they had doctor that my dad time. We still we didn't get that. And then Arizona farted. You know how much you're full of hate? You've got to be not the one a day all. Who the hell don't want a day? All? I don't get three Monday? Give a damn you had National skin Head Day. I'm setting up with Green. I'm taking. I'm cut even asking. I got a ball here. I find the reason to Bobby cute National skin Head Dad. I'll be out there with my riems and Bobby my skin hate black skin head, have on my little black boots and everything. It's so crazy, y'all. Keep up the hate now, all right, drive by times out rims, slip those they've done that. Oh yeah, that's right, all right. Uh, we're gonna close out of the show almost that time. Great day to day. With just one more thing, we'll be right back. You're listening to the Steve Harby Morning Show. Just one more thing, last break of the day. This story is really crazy, Carla. While some moms struggled to produce enough milk to breastfeed their infants. Okay, and I'm looking at the guys on the show, now, that's really what they're for, guys, just so you'll know, so we can feed our children, just so you'll not still like milk. Okay, okay. Australian writer and chicken, chicken, white meat. So I don't know what you thank you fin to stop here, but go ahead. Australian writer Kim Jones says kind of the opposite problem. She says she stopped breast feeding her last child eleven years ago and her body still hasn't shut down producing milk, So her body is can you imagine that's here for you, grown man? Alright? She she first noticed her body was still making milk about a year ago after she stopped breastfeeding. She asked her doctor why her supply never dried up, as it did with most bombs when they stopped breastfeeding. Her doctor simply chalked it up to stress. But she didn't feel like her stress levels were so high that they would change her bodily functions. Okay, Another doctor tells her it's just one of those things, and that menopause might straighten her hormones out and make it stop. All we can say is better her than us. Carlo Boo Boo years Shirley Child. I mean it depends. Yeah, it just depends. Some people doing Along magazine. He was nine, Yeah, he was nine. He was just tall. Not know he was about two or three. Tommy he could ride a bike, could ride walking at one. That was a few years ago. Yes, one, ain't it time? I heard once you get teeth, Well, I mean that's a good time to stop because you don't want to be injured, you know, while your child is nursing, So that's a good time to stop. But I mean, you know, as long as you're producing, the child can well nurse. Well, Miss Joes she could just you know, just could work out for you know what stuff she could do? Yeah, like give miss Joes, Um, do you mind leaning over this serial bowl? You're not gonna do this. That's some good Sirial that is help you put that in your your captain cron You're you're working it now now. Were you guys nursed babies? I wasn't because my mom had to work. She okay, I don't remember. I don't think because I go a way better the ones you wear that same one do sooner we get off the ship. I need I need the holic to you about a couple of them. To day. We had one more away if we were slaying here holding when he go the bath thro time, I had burlap said clothes and everything, right, man, Yeah, I know all mine was the dipper service and everything. Yeah, coming and clean your diapers and that will pay all when they open it. Pampers haven't always been around. They haven't always been around. That's it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Like you said the other day, though, that's a great way to keep people out. Your lunch at work. Put all your punch. I did to be there when you get back. You shut down social media that one. Yeah, still tweeting about that over. Put your lunch. I promise you wouldn't be there. Nobody's gonna take that. You have to really be a refrigerator troll. Your granddaughter Rose is potty trade. Oh good, But she had a little accident one morning, so she didn't want us to know. So she took her dipper all, took a whole box of baby white and cleaned herself. No, no, not good. But the three year old clean, took the diper, taped it up and threw it in the crib with her little brother. No, y'all fine, it wasn't me. It was and was in a career with nower sleep. Now what gave it away was she put a little panties on and she wasn't clean, and it started coming through the panties a little bit he got after having breakfast, just inn because when you find this nast that damn no I just set up in here. Boo boop up boy, let me tell yourself because you know, because we got the two grandkids with us, but been a week now, I wanted to go. Came last night. Now I want them to go home. I want the parents want and they're going home when you leave this time, you're taking your babies because grandparenting like a long time, it is not good. So this was a great moment. Man, Holly, Holly. She took a dirty dipper and threw it in hallu brother creo. Because when y'all find this, it wouldn't me. I'm embarrassed. I'm a girl. I shouldn't have done this. Very smart but little Noah ass that's very very smart though. But the whole box of baby white, you know, like eight at a turn. I love how she knew to get the baby wipes and all of that. But she didn't need a good job. She's smart. She wiped herself like a teenage boys in this show. Have a great weekend, man, We love y'all, will see you next week. It's why keep Hope a lot for all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening, Stay Harvey Morning showm