Valentine's Day, J-Lo, Motown and more.

Published Feb 12, 2019, 3:00 PM

Blackface is still being talked about even in the show open.  We have a list of the best foods that raise your libido as we approach Valentine's Day.  Katy Perry has controversial shoes.  Nicki Minaj was made fun of by BET's social media team and she clapped back.  Cardi B. made a video that is inspirational according to Steve.  Jennifer Lopez is getting mixed reviews for the Motown tribute.  Can you be friends with your ex?  Virginia Governor put his foot in his mouth and gets corrected.  For Closing Remarks, Steve shows us the difference between wealthy people vs average people and more.

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know, y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them like a millican buck things. And it's true, good it Steve har listen to move together for ste Please don't you join join be you going me? You gotta use turn hurting them. You gotta turn to turn them out, turning, got to turn them out to turn the water the water go. Come come on your fab it uh huh I shore will I good morning everybody you're listening to the voice, Come on gig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Well, nothing changes about that, Nothing changes about that. Man. I was just so getting ready to come on the air this morning. I was just thinking, man, I was just having a reflective moment of just how really good God has been to me. I just it's it's it's man. Let me just say that again, how really good God has been to me. And here's a cold part. In spite of myself, you understand, in spite of all my shortcomings, in spite of all of my flaws, and and and and in spite of all of what anybody has said about me, God through his rason mercy just keeps me anyway as always. You know, I was. I get taught things by people who know a whole lot more than I do. And Bishop TD Jakes is one of my favorite teachers. He's just one of my favorite people. He happens to be a friend of mine too. I mean, he's always there for me when I don't have anywhere else to turn, you know. I mean he said he was talking about a thing that he was calling exceptionalism, and what it was all about was so many of us are exceptional people, but we refuse to just go ahead and be exceptional. We settle for the ordinary. We follow the pack. We try to fit in. Man, oh man, oh man. You know, I've heard my wife say this to my children all the time. When she's scolding and talking to him. She'd be talking to him about leadership. You know, why are you following everybody when God clearly made you to lead? You know, she talks to him about that all the time. So many of us are born, and so many of you are born to be exceptional people, but we always trying to follow the pack, always trying to be a follower, always trying to fit in, when clearly you were born to be exceptional. And one of the things he was talking about. I'm paraphrasing all this now because i gotta get it into the way that I can tell it to you. Because he's such a gifted speaker man that's he has, He's at another level. So I'm trying to paraphrase this to get you to world this where you can understand this. Why would you try to fit in? Why would you try to be like everybody else be ordinary? Why would you follow the pack? When God has created you to be exceptional? You know that the key word in exceptional is except you. Ever you ever done this right here? You know everybody did that accept me. Everybody felt that way except me. Everybody said that except me. Everybody won't wanted that. Accept me. Everybody went over that except me. Everybody jumped in except me, accept me. See why have you saying that in your life? If you were not to be exceptional? See, you got to say everybody accept me at one point in You'll to I don't know who ain't done it. You know everybody wanted everybody voted no except me. See it. So you're not You're not created to follow the pack. You ain't created to fit in. You ain't created to, uh, you know, to be ordinary. You will create it to be exceptional, as exceptional as your fingerprint on your finger is. You were created to be exceptional. Why not make this the year that you go ahead on and be exceptional? Why won't this be the year that you decide in your mind? But just has to be a decision that we make. Now we're not following the pack no more. We're not trying to fit in no more. We ain't settling for ordinary no more. We're gonna be exceptional. But you know, you got you got to go ahead and follow that. You got to get on the exceptional path because that's what you were created for. Why be ordinary? You know? But all of this this comes to it has to start with a thought. You got to first think something thought to become things. A man is as he thinketh that's all you will ever be. So what are your thoughts today? Why not have exceptional thoughts instead of ordinary thoughts? Why not have exceptional thoughts instead of fitting me in thoughts? So why you want to be like everybody else? Why you want to be ordinary when you could possibly be extraordinary with a change of your mind, a change of your venue, and you don't have to be any other kind of way just because my mama was this way, my daddy was this way, or this the school I went to? This? What race I belong to? This is my sexual preference, this is my this, this is my dad? Why? How many? How many? How many excuses? You need? I'm an excuse? What? What? What? What? You? What's it gonna be this year that we let another three hundred and sixty five days slip by without improving our condition, our place, our spot, our life, the quality of life we have. We cannot afford to keep letting all these years go by without changing. You're an exceptional person. How many times have you set up and said, everybody did that? Accept me? You know I was only everybody jumped in accept me. I told him, I knew it. Everybody voted for that, accept me, And now look at it, man, it seemed like everybody went that way, accept me. Okay? Do you get it? Do you understand what's being said to you that a't accept me is because couldn't it be? Because you're an exceptional person and it's time for you to take control of that. It's time for you to start thinking different It's time for you to start acting on what you think. It's time for you to start doing something about it. It's time for you to stop taking each and every day that God gives us for granted and letting them go by the wayside like you got plenty more. Well, you may have plenty of mode, but guess what what you wasting the ones you got for? I got you young, and you and you feel like you're gonna live forever. Da Okay, cool, But let me ask you something. See here here here they go to part about suppose you do live? See see, everybody will about dying. But I got news for you. Suppose you keep on living. You want to keep living in the condition you in now. You want to keep living with the money you got now. You want to keep living with the relationship you got now. You want to keep living by yourself like you are now. You want to keep wanting the right relationship, the right man, the the right woman, but you keep getting the wrong one. You want to keep doing that for the rest of your life. Problem ain't dying. It's problem is if you keep on living. Who wants to keep on living just the way they are right now? And if you can say I'm cool with I am just the way I am right now. It ain't cool. This conversation ain't for you. I ain't got no problem with that. You know, you want to say, greatness ain't for everybody. Being exceptional, ain't for everybody. Becoming extraordinary ain't fun everybody. Heck, becoming successful ain't fun everybody. I got it. And you can come up with a way to justify your non existence in your ordinary life all you want, and that's fine and dandy. I ain't got no problem with it. Because some people just gonna be regular. Some people just gonna follow the pack, follow the crowd. Some people just wants to fit in. But if you're not that person, if you want to be extraordinary, if you want to be exceptional, if you want to be if you want to dare to be great at something, and you got to change your mind set. You got to get with your creating, find out what he created you fault. You gotta quit thinking of things just in your own thought process. You know, lean not to your own understanding. I don't know what that is, but it's in there somewhere. Seeing Once you lean, if you lean to your own understanding, you know what it's gonna do. It's gonna limit you, man, it's gonna limit you. Why not see what God got for you. I would rather know what God got for me than to think of all the things I could because I can't out think him out and tried it before. All Right, it's just the beginning. We're gonna have a good one. Man. Let's go. You're listening, ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls. Trump died his head. Doc. Yeah, it's a Oh, it's an auburn. Oh, I didn't know that autumn alburn like the college. I don't know what it is. No, I don't know. Yeah, I heard that he does his own makeup. Somebody said, oh, he's the one responsible for those white eyes and orange skins. Well, the white eyes are supposed to make you look brighter, I know, you know, like somebody going, who he just wears this little glass or something covered? I covered, I covered. I'm gonna do that. What I'm gonna gonge? Yeah, get just having a lot of problems with black See what that dude? You know? O? Orange face, Gucci and everybody else just saw the new stuff. Who's gonna be mad about purple face? Good morning, everybody? How y'all doing okay? Well it started that went off a little bit different than everybody good. I don't hear Gray you down, Carlin, welcome back? Where you being purple face? Really okay? Carlin? Yes, uh, everybody won't know where you've been. Everybody, Dad, Mom, duties. Just came back from Louisville, Kentucky. My daughter's team one first place. Yeah, that's about third one y'all the one, some of them, some of the five. I see somebody fit the come to y'all practice, find out what the hell going going home? Five? Five? Yea, that's old ten grand, that's grand work working already, know, Yeah, League casts them money. Man, it's expensive. Yeah, but I am back and get a little break until the big summit in May in Disney World they go into the championships. So Disney, yes, man, you know, I was in a hotel one time with them little cheer kids were yes man, they was up in now. Yes, you know, all of them had them bowls and they had them big giant bowls in the back and the ones that sit on top, you know, you know, almost looked like Mickey Mouse is. Yeah, they prop up who and they was excited. Yes, it's like watching have you ever watched college gymnastics? Yes, you know, you know, like so one of the girls get up on the uneven bars or something, or or the pope or the vault the whole time, and then as soon as she do, I don't care what she can do. Three hops damn their fall. They all come charging over there and they hugging and high five and I've done good in hair? Well it don't you hopped three times? Damn? NEI went to one knee. What did we high five? Yeah? Didn't stick it and didn't didn't stick it, just stuff on it and rolled off for it. One little girl just fell off the mat and then jumped into her pole. I say, get up on the mat, you answered, off the man? All right? Coming up at thirty two after the hour? What to eat? Get on the mat? What to eat to boost your libido for this Valentine's Day? We'll tell you about it right after this. You're listening show, all right, Steve, here we go. Certain foods have the ability to actually increase your sex drive. All right, that's nothing new, we've heard that before. Right, Well, we'll tell you what food Some foods can increase blood flow and others really natural biochemicals in the body that can make us feel more relaxed and aroused. The brain, of course, is the biggest sex organ. So if eating a certain food makes you happy, you may be more likely to feel frisky and boost your libido. So here we go. Sprinkle on the cinnamon in your coffee. Sprinkle a little cinnamon in the coffee you drink coffee, stea or oatmeal in your coffee. Centimon in your coffee, your oatmeal. And not just because cinnamon is tasting and gives it a nice flavor. It is a natural afrodisiac. This is according to doctors. Now, okay, also you must have to have an afro to had Okay, so'll be a little coffee cinnamon, all right? Do you apologize with that one steave from your nepew? All right? Spicy red chili peppers? Wow? Who would think this? I can't do that becuse top of my head. Well yeah, they say they're great for seduction because they'll make your tongue tingles high, and if you eat enough of them, they will release those endorphins. You know, I didn't get hot downemofo. If you just want to be there's a lot of things you can't do after that? What lead a house? All right? How about almonds? We all love almonds, we all eat the damn thing, y'all quick. Well, according to the survey, they do steven. It says almonds are sexier than you think. They are a sex stimulant. They're high and several trace minerals that are important for sexual health, including you'd sometimes all right, how about this one? Then snack on some strawberries. They say they are delicious. They're very high and folic acid and vitamin C, which is important to the production. Are you just saying that, just snack strawberry? But did you see how she said, just snack on that, Get this strawberry, snack on that. They're delicious. That they all they delicious. Snack on ney. They produce vitamin C, folic acid there that's important to the production in your mouth. And they boost your libido. Okay, right, all right? And finally this one is for the fellas. Watermelon. Okay, this not sexy watermelon. It says increases We're going through too much right now, right, you're not going to tell us that watermelon does. Yes, it increases your blood flow, guys, Yes, sir, a dozen watermelon, see what happens. Researchers at Texas and M found that the watermelon can have a viagra like effect. Alma Mater, Tommy looking up watermelon, but go ahead. Researchers at Texas, A and M found that watermelon can have a viagra like a fact. Have you guys ever tried anything? We've heard of oysters and things like I've done oysters. Ain't gonna do a dog on thing. None of this stuff work. No, but you're saying that we get us a bowl of watermelon. The I'm the messenger, must be clear. Almon strawberries, watermelon, hands down, spicy red chili peppers and cinnamon. What what works? Jaysh Hey, I'm with you when you're right, okay, every time, I've never seen it? Not working? Home, baby, in the move, anything else I want to see if you don't get in the mood, Yeah, yeah, grab you all these other ones, grabmelon though, gratb all these none of this work. You've tried it all, Steve Yeah, who spicy red chili peppers? Oh everything, watermelon, watermelon. I'm ashamed to say it, but I'm probably no watermelon anybody on this day show. It's my favorite fact. Y'all couldn't pretty much total y'all, watermelon ain't came closer. You don't even want to stand and I don't even want to basically doing black history more. Everybody eating watermelon. I don't like to eat it on the rand in front of white people. You got to the bottle. You just gotta stop that. You get embarrassed. You didn't you make yourself look bad? My watermelon chicken eat at home? Wow, So you guys aren't willing to try any of this. I've tried it all. I'm not trying this. If she ain't in the mood, it ain't working over there. I might need to try this because looking at me ain't gonna get a going. There's such cynics. Sprinkle some some some cinnamon in your coffee or your oatmeal tomorrow morning and see what happens. Trying to get us. Yeah, it's just y'all. I'm gonna getting myself I all worked up and then get into argument. And here I am with all this stuff in man, he ain't doing that. All this watermelon I got blow you got all this stuff. Watermelons were trying to argu not to mension. You got ants all over your where they come from? Oh my god? All right? Well some some some almonds that won't help you said you eat almonds all the time. Nothing, Well, why would they put it in the in the study, say that I always doing that kind of stuff. Watermelon angry selling all this mess tomorrow? You know all these people in heat know all this stuff. You know walking around your girl walk you have played full of watermelon with sentiment on some damn u is laying over there, some ostri and some chocolate, some chocolate, none of that stag to all miss now you need an ampip? All right? Uh well, you guys can keep this conversation going on social media. Go to Steve Harvey FM. Coming up next, it is the Nephew. I know what a bummer these guys run that prank Back with the Nephew right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, and entertainment news. Katie Perry's black face shoes have been pulled from the shelves, and Nicki Minaj is mad at b Et, but Beet has apologized. We'll talk about that. Plus Miss Anna's on deck with our National News. But right now the nephew is in the building with run that prank back what you got for us? Now? Your mom in the pap up breaks Okay, tell your mama, Mama what I said? Run that print? Hello? Hello, I'm trying to reach Natalie please yeah us Natalie, Natalie. How you doing? My name is Darren. I'm with the Homeowners Association. Oh okay, hey, dare how you doing? Listen? Um, we got a we got a bit of a problem if you don't mind me asking, who's who who actually brings your kids home from school? Uh? Each day? Oh, my mom gets my kids for me and she drops them off. Okay, okay, okay, Well we have a we have a bit of a problem. The kids are fine. There's there's no issue with the kids at all. But you know, we've had a meeting here at the HLA. We've been getting some complaints. Uh it seems like your mother is is uh really speeding down the street real fast, and and you know everyone's complaining about it that you know, it's a lot of kids walking home from school and it seems like your mom is driving real fast when she's coming down the street to drop your kids off. Did you know anything about this? Uh? No, not at all. That doesn't even sound like her. Okay, what type of car? Uh? Let me ask you this, Natalie. We're we're from what I understand, it is a what kind of car does your mom had? Is a board escape or something like that? From a little suv? Does that what your mom has? Yeah? She has a little red stuv? Okay, all right? So the problem is is that that that's the same car. That's the one we're talking about. And it seems like, you know, your mother is is flying down the street and she drops the kids off, and when she leaves, she's flying back out of the neighborhood and a couple of times some of the neighbors have told her to slow down, and you know, I don't know if she's flicked them off or set something out the window, you know, but you know, this is stuff that we just cannot tolerate. Huh. Well, it really doesn't sound like my mom. But you know, okay, you know what, Natalie, what what we're not gonna do is what you're not gonna do is act like it's not your mamma. It's your mother that's doing this. So what we need you to do is tell your mama to slow up down so we don't ask problem, all right, because I tried to be nice with you at first. But if you're gonna be a denial, I think it's not your mamma. Then we got to issue. First of all, Darren from h O A, I need you to watch your charls and who you're talking to, all right, I need you to calm that all the way down. All right. You need to slow your damn mama down. That's what you need to do. Slow your mama down. The way she's driving. To do is standing in the middle of the street and she flying down and so hopefully she can knock you out the way. Okay, don't talk to me like that. You being ruined it respectful. I would ask her if this time, because I don't think it's hard. But you're not gonna talk to me like that, okay, So your mama can just drive down the streets and after damn what you want to do? What Ima could do whatever she wanted to do. She ha gon had drum. She can't do it in the neighborhood that I'm a member of the h O and she can't do it there Okay, I don't mind whatever your mama arrested with your kids in the car. If I got to, I wish you would. I wish you would have my mama arrested with my kids in the car. You're gonna have more problems than you ever had. Okay, you bet not have my mama arrested. You're gonna get arrested and you're gonna be sent to the hospital. How about that. Okay, let me tell yourself. Tell your mama so slow her down in the streets. This the last one, and I'm giving y'all this the last one. Well, you know what I'm saying. You ain't got to get no one. It's okay. We can have a real conversation about it. We can meet and talk about it. She ain't gonna talk to me like that. And you can't tell me my mama nothing. I ain't comeing out of small own thing about that. What you're gonna do? What's your mom to dare? That must meet about it? And I'm about bringing my husband too. Says you got so much to say, you don't say that. I don't want you to kiss that same energy. Okay with my husband. I want you to talk to him like you talking to me. I literally tell you something. I ain't worry about your husband and none of that. All right, I'm gonna say I'm gonna say this right here. I'm gonna say this right here. Tommy is the one that told us that your mamma was speaking down the street. Commedy one said it, Tommy put it out, Timmy. Tommy said your mamma was the one running up and down the street fast going part of picking mile and out. Commedy one said that, I don't know who timmy shoes, but Tommy can kiss my. You can kiss my, and any other neighbors who got something to say about my mama can kiss my about that. You gonna shoot it? Let me and shoot it, do you? Little Matthew Tommy from a Steve Harvey Morning show. Do you know who stops me? Why are you going, mam mis god like pe talking question to me about to get you? What up? Brother? Let you tell me you'll to the Darius got me to play fall Call you baby, you'll see. Oh oh it's going down. It is going damn okay. Back is a real mother. You know. I'm I'm getting back man. I like my mama talk to me like that. Stot me. You got me. Everybody, come me this one more thing before you go. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show is Belated. You know it's the Steve Harvey, Martin Shaw and All. You gotta do. Tell something once it's somebody mama. Yeah, you know you go too far. It's a bit too far, but sometimes you gotta let people know about their MoMA. No you don't. Where are you gonna be? You're not gonna win this argument. Bring your mama out Kaleen, Texas this weekend. Bring your mom out this weekend. Yeah, twice. It is Funny Comedy Club. I'm in Kaleen, Texas Thursday. That is Valentine's Night. Two Thursday to Friday, and two Saturday. The nephew will be in the building. Place is Funny comedy Club. I'm hanging out at the military base. I'm doing everything while I'm in Colleen, Texas. The nephew Kaleen that's at home. Basically all right, shout out to Colleen. Yeah you want to come, sure, Sure you're gonna wear your bloom. How you got going? Uh? Yeah, it's on my head. Yeah, I just thought you were to go with that coat because they go with that coat. No, thank you, who's you know, nice trado? It actually wasn't a nice tri to get that with awful all right, So coming up at the top of the hour in entertainment news, Katie Perry's black face shoes get pulled and Nicki Minaj is mad at b et. We'll talk about that right after this. You're listening to all right, what is going on this Black History Month? Uh? Here we go again. It seems like time and time again, the fashion industry does not recognize black face fashion as being offensive. What is a problem and what are we going to have to do to get that through to them? Katy Perry has a shoe line. Katy Perry, the singer, has a shoe line that is um It's distributed by Dillardton Walmart. And one of Katie's shoe designs look just like black face. It looks just like that. The white folks is doing the most in black history money? Is that what you're saying? Oh man, what did Nick Cannon say on his ig on the gram? He said, happy black face history money? Because that's what's happening. That's what's happening. Here, you know. Um, yeah, Katy Perry's catching a lot of heat for these shoes. She has two. She has one that looks like white face and then one that's kind of pink, and then the black shoes look like black face. It's craziness going on right now. Yeah, I saw him. Yeah they look crazy. Yeah, Katie said, she did not. Of course, you did not intend for the design to offend anyone. And Dillardton Walmart, they've pulled the shoes from the website. Well, thank you for that. But yeah, you know, come on, man, I mean, come on, Steve, what are you saying? That's all time? Hig? I mean, you know, to be honest with you, I've been around sixty two years. That's a while, you know, and I'm just I get exhausted from having to wake up and having to constantly adjust a deal with an address the fact that I happen to be black. You know, I don't know if people can understand what that's like, a matter of fact, I know you can't because you have to. It's it's it's so it's it's such an add on to your day, you know, like life ain't already challenging as it is, just the flows of life, grieving loss of loved ones, you know, jobs, separation, love, stress, trying to make it, trying to build your dreams. On top of all of that, you then have to wake up and contend with this on top of all of it, like like life is not enough as it is, and then we got to add this additional thing on top of all of that. And then on top of that, here we go with the fashion industry is tripping, the White house is tripping. People who think they have a voice coming from the top now are tripping harder and more outwardly and openly. And so now we're just sitting up in here going wow, man, for real, y'all for real. And then every time you call them on it, every single time, there's this apology like I just didn't know. Well, damn man, you know what, maybe if you would put some black people somewhere around you that was in the because because I'm gonna give your prime example, all these people being hit with this, all these fashion houses, but you ain't heard nothing from Louis Verton, because Louis Vaton has managed to find a leading spot for African American who understands the sensibilities and ain't. Ain't none of this dude's fashions coming out like that. But everybody else ain't. Nobody else, got nobody in their department. That's why Pendleton at all of them, Bendleton, whatever the thing is, little monkey sweater. Oh that man, When you don't hi, no black people, these are decisions you make. And then when black people get mad, you don't understand that, don't they't mad? Again? You're damn right. You don't even know the other little stuff that we got to deal with, the little snide remarks at work, the little stuff on the elevator. Oh yeah, I whooped it. Okay, okay, hold that we gotta go to news with missing ladies and gentlemen. Ain't crazy. I got it. This is a trip with the news, and I hear you everybody out there. Congressional leaders say they of a reach a deal in principle on border security. However, the tenative agreement only calls for one point three billion dollars and not the five point seven billion that Trump wants, and Democrats always said they're only going to approve about one point three anyway. The money would be used to erect fifty five miles of metal slats and not a solid wall. We'll see what the President thinks about it. Yesterday, he flew to El Paso, Texas for a campaign rally, where he urged his supporters to keep the faith about his promise board of wall, and before he left Washington, the President expressed his thoughts about security to a sheriff's organization. The people that kidnap people, the Democrats want them to come into our society. I don't think so. At the same time, lawmakers in El Paso pass the resolution yesterday which states, at El Paso County is quote disillusioned by President Trump's lies regarding the border in our community unquote. That's what the resolution says. It points out that while Trump insisted El Paso's crime rate, for instance, dropped greatly after a board of wall was built, that the city's violent crime rate dropped a whopping sixty two percentween nineteen ninety three and two thousand and seven, but the wall wasn't built until two thousand and eight. Virginia's governor attorney general both Democrats, continue to apologize with dressing up in blackfaced years ago. They refused to resign Governor Ralph Northam went even further on Sunday, telling CBS News that his state needs someone like him to get through this crisis. Well, there are some people who apparently agree. In fact, some of the governor's supporters held a news conference yesterday, community activists and religious leaders joined former city councilman Chuck Richardson to say that while Northm's not perfect, not all that bad, Ralph Northern is a good man and a decent man. He has stood with us on issues both popular and controversial. Often when more calculating politicians would have stood on the sideline, he came forward. Now Richardson's thought to be referring to issues like the so called Confederate row in Virginia and how Northam has actually advocated getting rid of those statues and now Northam is no longer suggesting that Lieutenant Governor Drew Justin Fairfax stepped down before thorough prope he says can be conducted into the charge of sexual abuse charges against him, and a recent poll shows Virginians now split over whether their governor should quit. There are still some black organizations to say he should be out of here and go on. Also, a study by the Pew Research Center shows that a third of those asks, mostly white, middle middle aged white Republicans think the dressing up in blackface for Halloween is okay, today's Lincoln Birthday. It's also for the birds now Stey Morning show. You're listening to show? Okay, sometimes these stories, they're so unbelievable, all right. B et social media team thought it was a good idea to make fun of Nicki Minaj on Twitter when Cardie B won the Grammys. Okay, b ET tweeted, Nicki Minaj is being dragged by her lace front. Well yeah, that's what they said. Yeah, so you know, Okay, yeah, they shouldn't have that's the point. Well, Nicki clapped back. She just didn't sit by and let this happen. She clapped back and announced that she and her label Young Money would not be part of the Beet Experience later this summer, Hello, which is a concert series she and Cardi B were booked to a co headline just days before the b ET Awards. Thank you very much. Beet has apologized and they have released a statement Beet loves Nicki Minaj and unfortunately the respect we have for Nicki was violated by unauthorized by an unauthorized post and should have never been written. The statement went on to say that BEET is conducting an internal audit to ensure these types of posts are not published. Again, we apologize to Nicki and her fans. This should never have happened. I believe that you know, probably somebody so this got access to the social media where they know who it is. Oh definitely, Oh they know they know who posted because you gotta had a code to post, and so am so many people got it. Now that type of stuff like that. You know, here we go again. But see, let me tell you something it now can I say this probably shouldn't. But okay, if a white person had made this statement, we would be in an uproar and be asking for their job. There has to be some type of issue. You can't have irresponsible people controlling your social media that makes statement on behalf and affects your network. And BT is too big for this, right and quitting these two women together. I was saying, we would be in an uproar. What I'm saying, like right now, that has to be an uproar about this, because see, black on black crime don't ever get the same further that white on black crime get and that's the mistake we make it and as women too, we have to subdue this. There can be so many male rappers, so many of them, but to two of the best and top rappers in the game, they always got to go at it. They always have to be fighting. Stop that too. All this hate, it's ridiculous. It's room for everybody. Yes, yes, it is room, all right, coming up at thirty four after the hour, respect, Cardi B. You're listening to show, all right. Cardi B walked away from the sixty first Annual Grammy Awards Sunday night with a Grammy in the Best Rap Album category for her album Invasion of Privacy. It might mark yeah, and congratulations again to her. It marked the first time in Grammy history that a solo female artist won in that particular category. And instead of celebrating Carti's win, so many people are hating on her now and she's just sick of it. She's out enough, Kurtie says. While she was pregnant, she worked very hard to finish her album. She also posted a now deleted video on social media to let people know that she has had it. Take a listen. It's not my style for people to put other people down to uplift somebody else. That's not my style and that's not what I'm with and I don't support that. However, I've been taking a lot of to day. I'm seeing today and I saw a lot of last night, and I'm sick of this. I worked hard for my album. I remember last year when I didn't want for Boardack Yellow, I was like Carty god snubbed. Carty was the god snub. Now this year is a problem. My album went two time platinum and every charge that it was. My album was always top ten, number one album as well. Work my ass off, loved myself in the studio for three months, didn't want to sleep in my own bad sometimes for four days straight, pregnant. Some songs couldn't even get on the album because my nose was so stumpy for my pregnancy, couldn't sleep, couldn't do well. Everybody was harassing me, like you're not gonna do it. We know you pregnant, Your career is over that mind when I'm working love badroom giving it. Yeah, she was grinding, she was grinding, Yeah, yeah, I can't do me one hell, she didn't inspie me. Tell a whole lot of people. How to hell out feel? We just live right now in such a hateful, racist world. Everybody's hating everybody's hat and we're hateful towards each other each other. It's just all out hate. Yeah, you know when it's racism, is racism. But it's just overall hate. Man, it's just too much. It's just we are such a hateful society. We can't be happy for anybody. Oh we cheer for you on your way up. Yeah, now we're mad when you get up there, and we do everything in our power to cheer you when you fall in. And then it's a sad state that we're in. Man. Everybody experiences a level of hate. That's right. They were hating on her husband, Steve, because he was standing on stage with her. Did you see how genuinely uh appreciative she wasn't nervous she was she was so I mean, she could barely. She was shaking. She needed her husband there for support. They hate her. It's the people like her that doesn't make any sense. Love her. And if he if if she did not want him on that stage with her, she would not have Yeah, she would not have brought him up there with her. So I mean, it's just they find every angle, every area just to hate. It's like, I'm already trying to work on her marriage, her husband. Yeah, they're having problems, they have a baby. They're trying to like every marriage, family, every marriage, everyone to something. Yes, some type of glitch and she's something. She's twenty five years old. Man, But y'all sitting up here, y'all be acting like man, y'all life just rosy like. But here another thing, man, Like you ain't never done nothing wrong. That's the other part to be killing me. Man, we just be we just be walking through life like we just I mean, man like we just skip through this thing seeing free. Yeah, we ain't ever done nothing. Come on, man, that's a sad state. Man. We got to stop with this hate. We have to. It's horrible. I mean it really really does. I find this do it to each other? Yeah, I wish everyone else and I wish people would like money, and I wish we could hold you up to the light to keep you real or fake crazy? Yeah, man, real man, it's just yeah, it's just a sting. And that's something like the internet has that video to music though that's a hit. Yeah to us Only the man who does murder the hits would think of that. You know, I hit when you hear one? Right? Jay? All right? Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today's subject, get the funk out my face? Uh huh. Up next it is a nephew with the prank phone call. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's today strawberry letter. That's subject, get the funk out my face? Heard this so different though? Right now, though, the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got now? Girl? Scott cookers? Girl, Scout cooking? Woud okay? Playing about that? Hey? Hey, what's your favorite Flabel? Girls? Scott cooking? Baby? Right now, I'm filling lemonades? All right? What lemonade it is? Watch this praying man? Watch this pray? Hello? Hello? Who's this? Um? How are you doing? Man? My name is Glenn Man. I work in U I work in building too. You work for Snudia? Right? Yeah? What what's what's fun? So we probably met a couple of times. Uh, do you have a girl? You have a girlfriend? Uh? Why what's up? Did you guys you guys live together or or what? What? What is this your business? Like? What what? What's what's what's the deal? What's what's why are you asking about my girl? Well? Let me ask you this here. What's what's what's going on with you and at the job? Uh? What what do you? What do you mean? What's going on? It? Like? Like I mean you you know you know, right, I mean so what like what what's what's the deal? What? What? Who are you? Like? Who the who the are you? Like? What? What? What the what? What is this for? Like? Why are you? Like? I don't even know you? Right? I just calmed down, bright, just climed down. I gotta say, my name is playing. I work at Guilda too, you know, And I know I'm just telling you now. I know you. I know what you're doing, Okay, I know what y'are doing at the job. I already know, and a couple other people know what's going on. And I know you got a girl. I know you got a girl at home. I know that. What so so what what? What? What the what? What is this about? Like? Why why do you call my pholt trying to harass me about the book, like who are you? Like, what? What? What is your problem? Like, hey, man, hey, hey came now, man, I ain't I ain't trying to tell you a little secret or nothing like that. I ain't trying to do that, all right, but but but I'm gonna be real with you, Okay, all right, Like I said, you know, I got one of your names. I got your number from one of the co workers. Okay, I got your number. I said, I want to I want to give the call and you talk to him about something. That's how I got your number. So yeah, who gave the ten? We'll get to that lady. Okay, we'll get to that lady. But let me but let me say this though. I know what's going on with you and the job, right, and I ain't gonna say nothing about it. You know, that's just a little secret or whatever. But I do have something that I want you to do. Though, what do you want? Dude? Like, but what do you want? You call me bugging me about and all this book, like what do you want? What do you want? But here it is, man, listen, I ain't gonna say nothing about what you got going on. All right, that ain't that ain't even I don't even care about that. But here here's what I do want you to do. I do need some help from you. All right. Listen, my little girl is selling Girl Scout cookies and I want you to buy fifty boxes of them, all right with be a cash out because she got an album Soul by tomorrow morning. Are you kidding me? Bro? You okay, so you're on some black mail's books and listen to who the gave you my number? Because you're gonna call me asked me to box them cookies and you should just bet a man and ask me about it. Like, don't be calling my phone trying to give me that book, Like come on, man, like I ain't got no for this. Like I'm asking you to do is buy today. I'm cookies. Man, That's it. You know what I'm saying. I'm just saying I do want you to buy cookie. I need you to buy fifty box little Girl Scout cookies. Can you do that? No? No, no, no no no no no no no no no no no. You ain't gonna call and try to manipulate me and defying like you're you're talking. Are you trying to make me fice. So think for you, nothing for you disrespecting me, calling my phone, trying to act like you like, just trying to manipulate. I ain't down with that, bro, I ain't do you. You don't want to buy my cookies though, So do you want me to call your your girls and see it ship on my cookies? So you gotta say the away for my bro. Man like, don't don't come near her. Okay, you don't call her, you'll come near her. So don't come near me. You just get get out of here. I'm about to start this nine. Figure out who you are, and come right after you, man like, because I ain't playing, bro, I ain't. I'm gonna tell you what, man, I ain't argue with you. I don't argue what you But I'll get off the phone right now. I'll get off right now, and I'm gonna you girl. I'm gonna call your girl and see if you do you want to buy some cookies. No, no, no, no no, you didn't call nobody. You just get you get I try to God, I'm gonna find out who you are. I'm gonna find out who gave you that number. I'm gonna call you up like you know, you donna call me trying to right me. Okay, hey man, hey, hey, you know what, Angrian, cool, we're still talking about it. All right. I'm gonna get the right like you so so, so I'll get off the phone like you want me to, Adrian, I'll do that. But let me let me ask you this though. Let me ask you this though. You sure you want me to call you? Sure you want me to do that? Right? Ain't isn't that her name? Man? You something? Individuals? All right? Look, how much are these cookies? How much you want a man? Tommy told me you would buy the cookies. Tommy, Yeah, Tommy told me you would buy the cookies. I'm hey, man, check it out. Listen, nephew telling me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your co worker got me to pray phone call. Yeah, my god, I'm gonna kill him, damn so so oh god, who listen, So listen, Adrian. We have beat. We have beat all the names, so nobody knows the things at all. Okay, you're good, bro, you're good man, and I you got me. Oh god, I'm I'm gonna go. I'm gonna take a nap man. I just used up all my Yeah, I'm done. Oh God, like, hey, where you go? I am going out? You up? Man? I can't believe you got me on this. Tell me this morning one. What's the badest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvard Morton show Man, which is why he got played every morning? Kill me bro. Anybody wants some girls got cooking? Not from you? Yes, a little black man, A little black man, that's all right, A little way to sell him. Yeah, I know you're cheating. I ain't gonna tell on you, though, You're gonna have to buy these girls got cooking? Get ready to Colleen. The Nephew coming, Baby. Valentine's Night is getting closer. I got two shows on Thursday, which is Valentine's Night, and two Friday and two Saturday. Tickets on sale right now. The Nephew coming to town. Laying in the cut West Palm Beach, Florida. The Nephew is coming twenty second, twenty third time. Where you going Valentine's Weekend? I mean Colling, Texas up? Okay? Oh he's asking, uh, oh, you know that I ain't gonna Makena. Do you know that promoter called me and said, hey, uh, you know they're excited about you coming. But we've been hearing y'all talking. Uh it's Steve. You think Steve coming? No, No, he ain't coming. But we we we we we planned. No he's not coming. Uh then't are you? Are you trying to tell many people that come to see me and listen he comes? Because I like you, d is already sold out. You are already like, uh, you are already sold out? Who talked like that? I do you are? You're already ye? You are already keep us posted it Steve, it's that come? What is y'all? Friends? Do? Different? Sounds like you were hurt? Look, probably had to ask some most shows days and weeks. All right, thank you, nephew. Up next, it is my Strawberry letter for today. This subject get the funk out my face. We'll get into that right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it is time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right now. Well, buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is Strawberry letter, all right. Subject, Get the funk out my face. Dear Stephen Shirley. I've been dating a guy for close to three years, and I need some advice on a major issue I'm having with him. I love this man and he is a great guy. He loves me too, and we have been talking about marriage. But here's my issue. I cannot stand going to his house because it is always a mess. When we spend quality time together. We're always at my house and I have to encourage him to pick up after himself and not eat all over my house. He and his teenage son live like slobs, and I have told him that I don't feel comfortable at his house. There are clothes and shoes all over the place, old food containers in the kitchen and living room, empty bottles and mail throne everywhere, and I won't even mention the bathrooms. Okay, as you can imagine, there is also a very bad stuffy odor in the house too. When we first met, I asked him if he needed me to help him hire a cleaning service to come in and help out. He said he was ashamed and he would do it himself. But over time nothing's change and it's gotten worse, not better. Now the worst part is that he's starting to smell like his house. Don't get me wrong, He's never had an issue with hygiene, but his clothes have started looking dirty and smelling funky, just like his house. I've been making up excuses to avoid intimacy with him because I'm totally turned off by the smell. Intimacy is a big part of any great relationship. So how can I get How can I get this man to see that his filth and funk are pushing me away? Please help? This is a bad situation. This is a funky, nasty situation to be in. Like, yeah, low down deal right hygiene, I mean this is a big deal breaker, and any relationship if this is a big deal breaker getting past this. I mean going to someone's house that's messy. Maybe have you know a few clothes thrown around or something like that, messy and nasty or two different things. Okay, you can pick up some clothes and hang those up, and you know your house is still clean. And everything, but being nasty with food containers in the bathrooms being a mess, and it having an odor, and then you having an odor because you live there. That is a mess. And you make him sound like he's just a couple of you know, a couple of boxes or something away from being a hoarder. That's kind of what you make it sound like. And if you watch that show Hoarders, they say that hoarding is mental. It's a mental condition. I say, you, on your own, do what you suggested to him, get him some help to clean up his house. That's one thing. I mean, this is a mess and you don't want to be a part of it. And I understand that you guys are talking marriage. If he's like this now, you guys aren't married, you go to his house. Can you only imagine if you marry this guy and he starts doing this in your house, you guys will be divorced very quickly. I'm sure. So he needs help, his son is it needs some help because he's a slob, like you say, He needs someone to come in on a consistent basis and keep this house clean, and he needs you need to make sure that he's doing the same with himself with his personal hygiene. All right, if that doesn't help the situation, you're gonna have to say a thing and say something, and you're probably gonna have to leave because this is this is a deal breaker. Hygiene, nastiness, This is a deal breaker as far as I'm concerned, Steve, this letter is real, simplest cutting drive. I probably not gonna have to take two breaks to do this. Okay, Okay, keep it funky. Now here's a deal. Shirley mentioned hoarding and how it's mental. This is not a mental problem. This is a physical problem. Stink is not mental. Stink is physical. Stink produces physical reactions. WHOA Lord, that ain't mental, that's physical. You got the ro whoa you gotta do it? WHOA lord? Damn man? Hell, what's happening in him? That's not mental? This is a physical problem you have it. Smell is physical. You have to inhale, your nostrils, got to start burning. That's physical, eye water, it's physical things that happen when you run into a smell, shortness of brown. That's physical. So we're not gonna sit up and act like him and his nasty as the sun. It's got mental problems. It's physical. Now he's starting to smell like his house. I had a part in the smell just like his house. You know what his house smell like on the radio? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, because it didn't stink. It was just strange. His house smell like and he smelled like hot dog water. You know, hot dog water don't stink, but it's just strange. And that's how he smelled like hot dog water. I'm going And then you know his house smell like. Hey, when we went over that, we was always man, y'all hot dogs and they never was and the never we walk in man, man, man, we've been the hot dogs. I'm now we haven't no hot dog. What was that? I smell the weed cooking? Well, somebody has some hot dogs in hire, just being his house. Arguy. Now, lady, you got to get involved here. I'm not saying this your job. I'm not saying women have to do this, but you know, if your man is short in the department, you're supposed to pick him up. And if you shorten the department, your man's supposed to pick you up. You know, good in hair. Were you to let this stink go on too long at this house when you offered to get a cleaner service and he said he was ashamed, he would do it himself. You should have sent the people over there. This nasty ass son sitting up in there. You're there, right, We don't can't imagine what the bad froom is like because you never rule smell like hot dog water. Now there's another water that's going on in that bathroom. Oh that's our house. You sure you don't need a part two, Steve, because yeah, I'll probably do. I thought you'd find it. I'll be back with it all right. We'll have part two seems response coming up at twenty three after the hour subjects get the funk out my face right after this you're listening to all right, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter. This is real simple. Ain't nona recap your house? Steak? She with a man who house steak her teenage son. He stink. They starting to smell like the house. Now I want the fellas to join in hill and right down. Your house smell like filling the blank. Now I kicked it off with hot dog water. What other snales does a house smelling? Your house smell like gorilla? But Joe, how do you follow that? Your house smell like under arm. Your house smell like two skunks in the summer. That's hot. That's hot, funk right there. Your house smell like hot garbage coarbage is hot. God. Your house smell like wet feet that's been hiking. Wait a minute, what I don't want to say this, but your house smell like it's some far milk somewhere. Yeah. Yeah, your house smell like y'all didn't put the guy a job three weeks straight. That's what it smelling. We all have forgot to do that before three weeks, not three. Your house smell like a bag of warm dog food, not hot, Jeff. Won't you know when you open up that bag of dog food and it don't really smell good to you, but your dog over there be going crazy. Yeah, okay, I got one and we've all experienced it. Come on, you go lay down on the couch and your grandmama been sitting there for a long time and you have to jump up to the wo smell like three weeks for that's thank you? Right? I got the worst. Oh yeah, how about this here? Your house smell like y'all just took some hockey and put it in the Microway put that on thirty that's you know. Oh I turned it on thirty seconds. Oh god got it hot. Oh I'm like, bar what come on, Steve YEA No, house smell like an empty chitling bucket. That's like I have a week. Know that, because I'm the only one that knows what just smell like. Because I have to shave. This is mama back hair. That's what it smell. George Wallace's gonna jump on you one day when you least expected. Oh, come on, her house smell like a used baby diaper left in a hot car when you open that door. Amen. When the twins was little, I did that one time. God, God the man you left the diaper in the car seat. Man, I thought I thought my little girls was mean. I didn't have you. You ain't twin girls back then. It is grown ass me with a little bunnet. So I didn't have daughters. I have two men in the back. That's strong. This is how it smelled like. Gorilla told jam Yeah that right there, smell it call smell surely and our face has just been frown Yeah, your mama, No, I have a weak your mama. You your mama house smelled like that can of fish grease on the spell the whole I did mama get at it? I don't know, mister George Wallace. I just said your mama house. You say, just you know I didn't do that. Your your house, I mean your house smell like an empty sardine can that you forgot and it's back behind the trash can. That is, you can't and you can't find it. You can't what is that coming from? Coming from? Ye? Did it happen? What I walked it? I said, hey man, this house smell like hot sex. I'm not like somebody that where they doing it? What little twins? This house smell like goat cheese and monkey ass? What is that? Hey man? House? Yeah, that'sn't making me sick. We out of time yet, No, we got you got about a minute. Come on, let's go y'all's house. Y'all's house smill just like y'all's breath. That's strong. That's why I do nobody case y'all when they talking to come in, come on Jack again. Your house smell of the back of your granddaddy's ear. Oh that is stank. That's kicked up. I've seen it, that's kicked up. I came in this house smell like some spoil putting. You scared me. You scared me. I don't been proud of you. I went over. I came back. Smell like help the dragon from Game a Throne. Breath this life? All right? Come on, Steve, oh oh, we're going to break Okay, all right, you can email us your Instagram us, your thoughts on today Strawberry Letter, guys, and Steve Harvey f M coming up in about ten minutes. Jennifer Lopez defend her Motown performance The clapback right after this from the block. You're listening to the Steven Show. All right, no question. We all love Jennifer Lopez, love her very talented young lady, love her beautiful all of that. That's not the issue here. People are um, they're still talking about why Jennifer Lopez was chosen in the first place to do the Motown tribute tribute at the Grammys instead of an African American sere, especially during this very special month what is it Black History Months? Hello? H Well, Jennifer Lopez defended her Grammy performance, and she told Entertainment tonight music inspires us all. Take a listen. The thing about music is that inspires all. Any type of music can inspire any type of artist. And when you you know you can't. You can't tell people what to love. You can't tell people what to what they can and can't do what they should sing or not sing. You you gotta do with in your heart. And I think Ken and the producers and Berry Gordy, who was so thrilled that I was doing this. They they know how much I've been influenced by that music, and so it was a natural for them. But maybe some people didn't know. That's okay, But uh, I'm just very humbled an honor to be able to have sung those songs. I mean, I grew I grew up with those songs. I'm on a high right now. I'm sorry, I'm just black babbling. Huh, all right, all right, No, I'm really not. You know, I'm not a man, but it's no animents black. But they asked her though I didn't exactly not her, Yeah, yeah, exactly, yeah exactly. The only part I got mad about when they saying Papa was a rolling though. That that right there, yeah right there around Seriously, that was the only thing that irritated me. Yeah, And you know, I almost thought they couldn't do some Michael Jackson's stuff and that would have took me out too, But I did not. Papa was rolling stone. I don't even think people know, well, respectfully, she didn't do Supremes or Diana Ross because Diana Ross was there. Repectfully, she couldn't. Boy, let me tell you something. That dog on down the Ross. Oh my god, Anna Ross. She showed them kids in that room what a real star is that woman seventy five years old look like that and commanded. But you know what I loved about that room. They gave it to her. The respect that they had for Diana Ross in that room was was over the top. I give the Grammy people. They're better audience. They're much better audience than the Oscars. The Oscar audience sucks. If you watch the Oscars, man, they don't give each other no love. It's like the NFL honors, they don't. They don't give each other love because the athletes and like I told them, y'all ain't used to clapping for no damn body. Y'all used to be in clapped fault. Ever since she was in peewee football. That's my baby, little Ray Ray King random and you just so, y'all don't know how to clap for nobody. The Grammys, they give it up for each other, even if it's not their genre of music. There as art as musical artists. They appreciate good artistry. And I will give it to the Grammy audience for that, all right. Well. Smokey Robinson, who also performed in that Motown tribute, he came to j Lo's defense prior to the performance. He told Variety at Clive Davis's pre Grammy celebration that he didn't think that anyone who is intelligent is upset. I think anyone who is upset is stupid. That's what Smokey said. Yeah, he says stupid. Okay, love Bath, that's what I must say. I love Smokey. I mean he is a legend, legend, a legend. Yeah, love him still. Jennifer Lopez isn't letting the criticism get to her, and that's good. She dedicated her performance to her mom, Loupey, who she said turned her on to the Motown music. Her mom loved Motown music, and that's how they found out about it because of her mom. And that wasn't that Barry Gordy's whole thing. He wanted Motown music to be for everyone. You know, the music of the sound of Young America. I got news for you. If you go to Motown concerts, it's mostly whites. Oh now you mean, I'm telling you right now. If you go back and you see the Temptations, it's it's the large number of whites in that audience. People don't know. Man. But like when you go back to the fifties and sixties sounds, the Platters and all like that, all the whole audience be white, white artists. They didn't have white artists on that label, did they. Yeah, Um, the Young Rascals was a Motown Jay was dead. I had a lot of white artists on that label. Man. And but see we didn't. Let let me give you a little bit of black history in Cleveland, come on February. He was the thing, man. Black music was not allowed to be played on white stations. That's still the case. That's still the case. We black. Curtis Shaw, w A b Q was the first black person to play Elton John's Benny and the Jets on the radio. The first black person to play Benny and the Jets on the radio on a black station. That was in seventy seventy three, seventy four somewhere like that. That boy right there, man seventy three, seventy four, seventy five, right in there. That's the first time because black people, we just played our music so we couldn't get on the whales. We turned stars in the stars. We made you on black radio. Black radio has always been powerful. So you know that's it's I could I could say something else, but let's go lead into a whole other thing called this Black History Month, but we still dealing with Well, Steve, you can use this, you know, as a teachable moment here. I mean, people, we need to learn more about our history, especially if you're in the music business, whatever business. Learn more. Looking up, we caught a lot of hell getting where we are. Understand that, Yeah, yeah, all right, we gotta go. Coming up at the top of the hour, Brad Pitt went to Jennifer Aniston's, his ex wife's birthday party. Oh can you be friends with your ex? A lot of people say are saying they're getting back together, but can you be friends with your ex? No, that that's why the X Okay Hamperdshire could still be friends. All right, well we'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to show. Well, Brad Pitt quietly snuck pass paparazzi as he joined the stars at his ex wife Jennifer Anniston's fiftieth birthday party and Los Angeles this past weekend. It was on Saturday night, so I started a lot of people talking. You know, maybe they'll get back together. But the other question is, you know, are you okay with the fact that they're friends? Can you be friends with your ex? And what does it take to be friends with you? I don't give a damn what they do. No, I'm asking for you guys personally, though. Can we be fair? Don't try to flip. I don't I know they're they're they're handling it, they're managing it. Excuse me, you want to go last, you want to think about it before you say something. Christ way too many times. I've been the court way too many times. O hell that my answer can't even be said on the ass. All right, Junior, we're not gonna be free, okay, Junior? Can you be friends with an ax? I would like to have been. They just don't want me. Do you keep leaving me? I still be there. You're the sweetest guy ever. Yeah, but I still be there. Quit acting like no one wants you're You're so sweet, you're Come on now, I know what anybody want him? Come on, Junior, tell the truth now, don't know? Ju Junior, don't you let them make you cute? What? Stop? Stop? Don't I know I ain't make you ugly? Don't let him? Can you say? My daddy? You all look just like, Yeah, I love your nice looking man, not a cord lying to your bank account? Get the cute? Do you get? Thank you? But wait a minute, even even besides that, Junior, why do you go to the gym every day? Then? If what? Why do you go to the gym? I got sick, the sal shirt, I got to be in shapeful something. But yeah, but you yeah, but you got the fight say for no boddom. This is this is for me. Try to slim it down. You got your gun. The text is getting stronger to say for nobody. For me. All right, jay, let me let me ask you give me friends with your eggs. All the stuff I've lost in every divorce, all of them, every last one of them. I got that back and more so I'm cool now. I'm cools. Yeah, we're cool. You know. I ain't gonna go out of my way not to speak. Yeah, well that's that's not being a friend. I know, I know one that you cool with. No, I'm cool with up. No, you number you just about to throw excuse me? What number you got caught out? Ja? I can tell you this. I can tell you this. You need to listen to this. The very first divorce, which had was a long time ago, has not spoken to me since then. Really, I'm talking about Mama died, died you know, not a word, not a word. Have y'all seen each other? No that she saw you, Jay, because I know him. She saw him. She just missed. He threw something out him. Yeah, she had his ass lined up, she just missed. You know, I'm a nice guy. I'm a very nice until you married me. Wow, that is you in a nutshell? Is that the truth? Seed? That sounds like the truth right there? Did you hear what he said? Bro? Jay is a nice guy all the way around. He really isthe he just you know all it is. And I'm gonna tell you about my friend. The only thing is he just doesn't. He never developed conflict resolution skills. He just walked out. He don't. He don't the conflict resolution. He just looked at you and you just keep talking. Crazy. He just look at you. Why I And then one day then one day he just drive off. Yeah, he gone. He doesn't come back. Steve ain't man ain't. I ain't ain't. I ain't even do all that. Yeah, I don't like to argue. I don't. All right, now, let's get to the name on the job. Long than I've ever been married. That's crazy, all right, nephew, you're the newest to marry in the group. Can you be friends with an ax if we're still doing it? You know? I mean that makes sense right, No, only to you, I think, I mean we should do it, then we might well still be friends if we're still doing it. But if we're not, you're still involved. That's not really the Yeah, yeah, doing it involved is not the same thing. Carlin, You're well, what else is left after that thought? Are we doing it? We ain't talking after you do it? That's what's next. The only friends you have are friends with benefits. What's the purpose of a friend. Wow, Wow, you want to do over? Yeah? Sure, you want me to do it? No? No, no, I mean just your thought. Get your nephew, Steve. He's saying, listen to me, listen to me. It's times when he not my nephew would be one of those times. I'm oh, I know when to disown. It's times where disowning him is just the best way to have it, you know. I look, when he says something so damn stupid, Why do I have to stop him? I'll do nothing but be stopping him all damn day. Okay, but you say some of some of it, you gotta go. I say stuff that makes sense, it's just you don't want to digest it. Well, the thing that's really got me is that out of all of you guys, Jay is the only one that can remain friends with his axe, the bitter man of that is crazy. And it's only one Shirley. And I know exactly who I could say her name right now? Could I? Ja? Jacob? Okay? That that is if I say the wrong name? You not? No, You're not? Wow, how many? There's a lot we don't need to talk about it. Okay, lot of Junior? What well you went all the way back there, all right, coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. Yeah, you're listening to show. Virginia Governor Ralph Nordam's apology tour got off to a very rocky start, and he put his foot in his mouth once again. The governor is trying to hang on for his dear political life after an old yearbook emerged showing him in a picture, uh of a man in black face and another in a ku Klux Klan robe. But on CBS this morning, he had a slip of the tongue that some may believe show his true beliefs. Governor Ralph Northam um called slaves indentured servants, and Gail King corrects him, take a listen, please, And you know, if you look at Virginia's history, we're now at the four hundred year anniversary just ninety miles from here, uh, in sixteen nineteen, the first indentured servants from Africa laying it on our shores in Whold Point Comfort what we call now Fort Monroe. And while also known as slavery, yes, yeah, but they weren't called slaves when they first came over. Man and the point now, we don't know what to say. What everybody in there in that state, the officials, they're in some kind of trouble. And Gail King said, he that's slaves, indentured servants. Yeah, there was no chance of giving gil freedom right. Yeah, but you know it's it's alarming though. To me, it's almost like, you know, they want to just act like it never happened. What makes it so difficult for blacks African Americans is we can't forget it happened because there are so many reminders us And the greatest reminder has been make America great again? For us? When was it great? Because we've been steady trying to get better since we got here. I don't know none of us that want to go back. So when I see African Americans wearing a make America Great Again hat im, I'll just be looking at them and I'll be wanting to go walla man, make America great again? When when was it great for us? When was it better than it is today? For us today? It sickens me and how we have to wake up just deal with the fact that we are black today in twenty nineteen. I don't have the luxury of just waking up and going about my day. I have to somehow filter in and factor in the fact that we are black today. It's disheartening almost man, every damn day I have to factor in that we black today. Again, as we try to move forward, we see another brother get shot by another police for no damn reason at all except he black. Excuse me, man, so you hung this brother, You choke this brother out be simply because you shot the brother in his back, simply because he was black today. And we know that's what it is, because it don't happen to nobody but black people. They don't choke whites out for selling cigarettes. Don't a white person run from the police to get shot eight times in the back. Oh, they get to chasing, calling for backup everything, you know. Gail King told him right, it's slavery. You can't excuse the pump a whitewash it. Yeah, so you want to whitewash it with a little cute slave saying like like indentured servants, no, no, no, no dog slavery, whipped, sold, separated from their children, their spouses, strip were treated inhumanely. Come on, this sounds this sounds very close to a closing remark, We'll be back with more of a Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening, all right? What is going on this Black History Month? Uh? Here we go again. It seems like time and time again, the fashion industry does not recognize black faith fashion as being offensive. What is the problem and what are we gonna have to do to get that through to them? Katy Perry has a shoe line. Katy Perry, the singer, has a shoe line that is um It's distributed by Dillardton Walmart, and one of Katie's shoe designs look just like black face. It looks just like that. The white folks is doing the most in black history. Mon man. What did Nick Cannon say on his ig on the Gram? He said, Happy black Face History Months? Because that's what's happening. That's what's happening here, you know. Um. Yeah, Katy Perry is catching a lot of heat for these shoes. She has two. She has one that looks like white face and then one that's kind of pink, and then the black shoes look like black face. It's craziness going on right now. Yeah, I saw him. Yeah they look crazy. Yeah, Katie said, she did not. Of course, you did not intend for the design to offend anyone. And Dillardton Walmart, they've pulled the shoes from the website. Well thank you for that. But yeah, you know, come on, I mean, you know, to be honest with you, I've been around sixty two years, that's a while, you know. I get exhausted from having to wake up constantly a just a deal with an address the fact that I happen to be black. You know, I don't know if people can understand what that's like, a matter of fact, I know you can't, because it's it's such an add on to your day. You know, like life ain't already challenging as it is, loss of loved ones, you know, jobs, separation, love, stress, trying to make it, trying to build your dreams. On top of all of that, you then have to wake up and contend with this, on top of all of it, like like life is not enough as it is, and then we got to add this additional thing on top of all of that. And then on top of that, here we go with the fashion industry is tripping, the White House is tripping people who think they have a voice coming from the top now are tripping harder and more outwardly and openly. And so now we're just sitting up in here going wow, man, for real, y'all for real. And then every time you call them on it, every single time, there's this apology like I just didn't know. Well, damn man, you know what, maybe if you would put some black people somewhere around you that was in Because because I'm gonna give your prime example, all these people been hit with this, all these fashion houses, but you ain't heard nothing from Louis Vaton, because Louis Vaton has managed to find a leading spot for African American who understands the sensibilities. And ain't none of this dude's fashions coming out like that. That's why Pendleton at all of them, Bendleton, whatever the thing is, little monkey sweater? Oh that man, When you don't how no black people, these are decisions you make. And then when black people get mad, you don't understand that't ain't mad again. You're damn right. You don't even know the other little stuff that we got to deal with, the little snide remarks at work, the little stuff on the elevator. Oh yeah, all right, when we come back last break of the day and Steve's closing remarks, you don't want to miss him. We'll be back at forty nine after you're listening show. Here we are, last break of the day. It's been a good Tuesday, guys. Yeah, yeah, it's been a good day. And to take us home, get your day started right as the one and ever least. Steve Harvey with his closing remarks, you have been on fire lately, my brother, Well my remarks today, I've usually decided and hopefully I can stay on track, even though sometimes I get so aggravated with things that's going on in our world today, with what's happening with our clothing designers, with the symbolisms that they're putting out quite naturally, what's coming from the White House, all the things that's happening with politicians across the country, and you know, just things we have to deal with. I still got to keep us moving in the right direction. That's my task, that's my calling for this year, to share with you all the things. So what I've decided to do today was I have a list. If you want to know the difference between average people and wealthy people, I have a list of the difference between average people and wealthy people. I'm doing this just as inspiration if you are guilty of any of these things on the average side, and many of you will be. This is not slamming you, but I want you to understand why we are all in the positions we are in, and it's because of things we do. And so I'm gonna go down this list I have of what wealthy people do and what average people do and the comparison between the two. And once again, this is not slamming or dog in anybody, but I just want you to see you can make a conscious decision to change anything about you. Now. You can't change the color of your skin and you know, but you can change the way you think. You can change the way you live. You have a say so in where you live. You can decide what you're going to be, and you can decide how good at whatever it is you choose to be you're gonna you can decide how good you're gonna be at it. It's a decision that you all have because God gave us a power choice. So here we go. Wealthy people read daily, read, they read something daily. They're always trying to do something improving. Average people watch TV daily, daily, watch TV. And I'm not talking about the news, or I'm not talking about the Stock Market Show, or I'm not talking about Joel Oldstein or Bishop Jakes. I'm talking about the real foolishness of television. Wealthy people set goals. Average people never set goals. Wealthy people compliment, average people criticize. That is a difference, y'all. And I'm telling you just go over this with people around you. Take inventory of yourself. You may find yourself in here. And I'm gonna tell you something when I get through with this. Wealthy people embrace change. Average people fear change. Wealthy people for gilt. Average people hold grudges. Wealthy people listen to this talk about ideas all the time. Wealthy people are constantly talking about ideas, planning, talking about their goals, going over their visions and dreams. They always coming up with an idea. You know what average people talk about. Average people talk about people. They just talk about people. Wealthy people continuously learn. People think they know it all. Oh man, I ain't talking about nobody. I'm just trying to share with you what out and learned. Wealthy people take responsibility for their failures. Average people blame others for their failures. The question for you is where do you see yourself on this list? And what can you change to get on the list, to fix your mind to become as wealth as you like to be. And when I talk about wealth, I'm not talking about just money now. I'm talking about rich in spirit, rich in family, rich in hopes, rich in dreams, just an overall rich person. I'm not talking about money. I'm talking about richness of spirit, things you really want. So if wealthy people read every day and you watch TV every day, if you keep that up, you'll be average. While wealthy people out there setting goals and you never set goals, you're gonna remain average. If wealthy people are constantly finding a way to compliment and you always trying to find a way to criticize, you're gonna ever stay behind the eight ball. If wealthy people embrace change and you are afraid of change, like I can't do that because the n I change, it's no good. Wealthy people forgive. Average people hold grudges. Wealthy people talk about ideas, Average people talk about people. Wealthy people continuously learn. Average people think they know it all. Wealthy people take responsibility for their failures, while average people blame others. Pick those two lists that I gave you, see where you fit in and if you can't change something about you that's average, so that your life can be wealthy, rich in spirit, rich in happiness, rich in joy, rich in money, rich and love, kindness. That's all. Those are my closes. I love that, those are my remarks. I say I love that because that runs them in the morning, because rich doesn't always mean financially. For all Steve Harvey contests, no necessary inhibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.