Valentine's Day, Bill Cosby, Reality Update and more.

Published Feb 14, 2019, 3:00 PM

Today is Valentine's Day and Fool #2 opens the show serenading everyone.  We have the signs that show you are in love with someone.  Bill Cosby's prison experience so far has been amazing according to his camp.  Junior our resident poet has an untitled poem just for you.  If you missed the interview between Steve and Mo'Nique, we got the recap right here.  Sheryl Underwood is here to talk about Trump, The Wall, El Chapo and more.  Miss Carla's Reality Update covers the season finale of Celebrity Big Brother and Real Housewives of Atlanta.  Today is the one year anniversary of the Parkland. FL shooting that left 17 dead.  Today in Closing Remarks, the fellas tell us what women really want and more.

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving them more like the milking buck bus things in the cubby good it. Steve listening to the movie together for Studley. I don't join by join me in doing me. Honey, you gotta turn, you gotta turn to turn them out. You got to turn them out. Then turn the water. The water got me. Come come on your back at it. I show will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show today. It's real simple for everybody that's trying to become successful on any level, in any arena, any genre. I don't care what it is. If you're trying to be successful, this message is for you. Let me help you understand something real clear. You ain't gonna make it the way you want to, and you're not going to make it to the heights that's fully out there and available for you without God. And I'm just keep it real simple and clean for you today. You're not going to make it the way you want to, and you're not going to get to the heights that's available to you without God. You have to get this through your head. Now, listen to me. You can try it if you want to, because I did. I'm here to tell you I am talking purely from experience. Here. You can try it without God, and you can see how far you can get. Now, will you have some measures of success? Of course you will. Will it feel like days like you might make it? Of course you will, without a doubt. But let me ask you a question, though. What you're gonna do about them days when you feel like you ain't gonna make it. What you're gonna do about them, days when you feel like giving up. When you're gonna do about them, days where it feel like there are no answers to your questions. What you're gonna do about them days? What you're gonna do about them, days when everybody laughing that you turn against you. What you're gonna do about them, days when you just don't see no way through it? What you're gonna do about them days? See, I got them, I got the sunshine. You know sunshine cool? Everybody got friends? When it's Sunday outside, you want some friends, hit the lotto. You want to get rid of them friends go ask for some help. Man, I'm talking about man. They scattered like roaches. When come on, I'm trying to tell you. So, now here we go again, and you can do this without God now because I've done it, and you can have yourself some measure success. Let me even hip you to a little bit closer though, Let me tell you why you are doing it without God and having some measure of success. Can I tell you why? Because of God's grace and mercy to us, because of His grace and mercy trying to keep us in spite of ourself for the real mission that He really got for us. See, that's the truth of the matter now now what we're talking about, nasty See. So yeah, yeah, you can do it without God, and you can have some measure success without God. And yeah, you know, you know, yeah you got your little degree and everything. Yeah you completed the program, got all that, YadA, YadA YadA. But don't you know something. It's because of God's grace and mercy that he helps us anyway when even when we ain't asking for help, when he bails us out anyway, when we don't even ask him to be bailed out, you know why, Because he loves us that much that he would allow us to exist until we get our mind together where he could take us away, really trying to take us. But now, let me tell you something though. Let's get this real straight and clear today. You can do this without God if you want to. But I am telling you to get to where you really want to be and to be all that God has for you. You got to have God. There's no ifs ands buts about it. And let me tell you this here. I don't really care what nobody had been told you. Are you listening to me? I don't care what they say. Don't get this thing twisted. They got these people out here talking about their luminatis and all listen, man, don't listen to me. Don't get caught in this mess. Don't get caught in no foolishness. You were created by God. God created you, ain't your soul. We were all created in His image, all of us. Don't get to talk about you've been to cut a deal with the devil in all you ain't cut no deal with nobody. Man. The devil don't do deals. He one sided. I'm taking you to hell. You going to hell. You're burning in hell. That's his deal. I want your soul. I want you to lose hope. I want you to take your life. I want you to take some other people's lives. I want you to feel hopeless. I want you to realize that it ain't no God. That's his whole deal. His whole deal is negative. Oh he can talk you into dealing drugs if you want to. But let me tell you something about this. I watched these shows all the time, drug ink and all this here, cocaine mafia. Everybody on now go to jail or get killed. Our prisons is filled the day with our young boys because they thought they could outslick the system. They thought they had a way. They thought they said to them, been here, and they failed. For the old cliche, man, I gotta do what I gotta do, I gotta get this money. Well, the only reason you gotta do what you gotta do is because, like I say all the time, you didn't do what you were supposed to do. Had you just done some of the things you were supposed to do, had you just stayed in that school when it didn't look right, But if you had has formed a relationship with God and gotten rid of that I ain't gonna make it that. I'm hopelessness feeling you wouldn't have found yourself doing something so far out the box got you out here being in the spirit that don't even belong to you. God ain't created you to be no dope dealer or no such a thing or nothing even close to that. See, let's get your mind right and understand what's going on here. You know, that's what I need everybody. I need everybody to get me clearly about this. This is not going to happen without a relationship with God. It will not happen for you in any shape, form or fashion. Now one more time, for those of you that think you're making it without Him, I want you to understand something clearly. It is but because of His grace and mercy that we exist. And God has just taken care of you, looking out for you. Got some angels encamped around you until you get your mind right so he can get you where you're going. But now I want you to understand something. There's a cause and a consequence and a toy for everything we do. This outside the will of God. That's for all of us. All of us have consequences, penalties, and everything that we got to deal with outside of the will of God. Understand that clearly. Don't get this thing twisted sideways. You understand me. You know. I heard a young man tell me one day. He said, uh, Steve, you know, man, I just don't see how God looking out for me, if he would allow all these things to happen to me. I'm having such a hard time in my life. I really don't see how there's a God looking out for me. I live the young man, I said, the man, it's just something. Man, you're still breathing. He said, yeah, I'm standing here talking to you. I said, you're still free. He said what you mean. I said, you ain't locked up on you said no, I'm standing here talking to you. I said, where you get them clothes from? I bought him? I said, where you bought him with what I bought him with? Money? So where you get the money from me? So I got a job, mister, huh, I got a job. I said, well, well where you live though, he's our our apartment. I said, well where you your department? It's the Harve I'm working. I got an apartment. I got a job. I was okay, okay, So now this this God ain't looking out for you? Thinkin finish telling me what you're telling me. Well, see, man, I'm having it real hard right now. I said, hey, hey, man, you are you hungry? You have you had lunch yet? He said yeah, yeah, yeah, y'all already had lunch yet. I said, oh, okay, okay, so gone finish. Tell me about this how God ain't looking out for you? He said, oh. And you know, man, every every time I try to do something, it seemed like it go wrong for me. I said, but let the man something. Man, I say, every time I go wrong for y'all say, somehow you survive it. He said, yeah, yeah, I survive it some kind of way, but it's still be all messed up for me. I say, but but you still got through it though, he said yeah. I said, okay, man, gone finish telling me how God ain't looking out for you? And he stopped. He said him it is Harvey. He said, how come every time I tell you something that's going wrong, you keep telling me God looking out for me? I said, because you're still here, man, I said, See, you don't understand it. I said, you seem to think that you're supposed to just supposed to skate through life, that it's all supposed to go how you want it, any kind of way. I said, Man, Jesus to test to your faith, I say, God looking out for you the whole time. I say, every time you tell me something going wrong, you seem to turn around and tell me how you survived, and you keep telling me what ain't going right, But you keep telling me all these things you have. I said, man, so what you gotta do is you gotta stop looking at what you ain't got, column, and start focusing on what you do have. Column. But if you ain't happy with nothing heating done for you, you wanted to keep piling stuff on, I said, you fail in the test, young man. The test is are you grateful for where you are right now? So I could give you more so we can move forward. He said, oh, man, I never even looked at like that. I said, well, why don't you take your blessed cell phone somewhere and sit down? He said, I think I'm going over here and let you finish talking. I said, thank you. So sometimes you just got to look at what you do got, folks, that's all it is. Okay, you can't make it without God y'all you got me today? All right, let's be clear, let's go. You're listening to show every Valentine Day to you. Happy Valentine's Day to you, who is Happy Valentine Day to all the ladies and some of you guys. Happy Valentine's Day to you? All right? Did I do it? You're Are you turning over a new lover? More? It's Valentine Day? Baby, it is a Steve Haiving morning show. We're riding solo? Is your boy? James Brown, Charlette Starberry? What is going on? Happy Valentine's Day? And lots of love to everybody? You know? I love loved Valentine. I hear people who love love. I love you hate me then because I love? How you doing be Valentine's Day? Jake Crew? What's coming on on this lovely day? Love? Love love lovers? Hey, it's just morning, Jake. You're not feeling the love. I'm not telling him Happy Valentine's Day. It's just morning Lake about us and happy Happy Valentine's Day, ladies and everybody in radio. There you go, but not Jay? Where he coming at me? Ain't like? How's wrong it? Even? Happy? Do you? Tommy? How about love days a lot. It's that naked day everybody you think tonight, I take a loved. This is about love, not about sex. Okay, well, I just want you to know. It's about love. It's about love. But if you're gonna have love, but you have to be Yeah, if you if you had love you right time, at some point nakedness comes. It has to happen today, it has to now. Let it not happen. In order to love someone, you have to be naked me at some point if you're gonna love me, Okay, and Jay, I just want to correct you. It's not happy Valance Hans, it's happy valid No. No. Black people's to times say do you know the times? Three? And sometimes have the Valentine's Day tens love though it is, well he got m but okay, I get that. But Tommy says, you gotta be naked today. Okay, okay, okay, okay, let's stop this. Yeah mean no offense. Y'all ain't gonna be naked with town man today at some point, thank you, But that doesn't mean that it has some valent Yeah, you'll eventually get to get naked by myself. Love you, Jake, you your own Valentine, charl gonna act like Nicka ain't got nothing to do with No, that's not what I'm saying. What's the purpose of Valentine's ain' gonna be naked? All right? Look, it is Valentine's Day, Happy Valentine's everybody, and we're gonna ask the question when we come back, how do you know when you're in love? That's coming up at thirty two after the hour? How do you know? All right, right after this you're listening to show. All right, we're gonna quickly go around the room and see how do you know you're in love on this Valentine's Day? As we celebrate love today and Valentine? All right, come on, Junior, how do you know? How do you know you in love? When you're in love when no matter what she do, you defend it. Yeah, she slapped you because she loved me. Why as would her hand be up here like that? Nobody love you because you ain't getting slapped. That's what you know. You would love? You know what you got? What about you? Jay? When you asked the question, how about how long are you gonna be over your mama house? I need to know, how do you know you're in love, how long you're gonna be over to your mama house where you come back. I need to know how long be open so when you start keeping tabs on her where she got way too much? Okay, all right, come on, nephew, Okay, I'm gonna make some sense. You ain't make some sense a minute when I really am. I gotta just let that. Just let you know you too, y'all. Something else when I when I get philosopher caw. Y'all, y'all can't when you get what philosopher caw. Okay, okay, see right there, right there, now that's okay, Now give me the question again. Okay, it's not hard, Okay, Okay, how do you know what he on Valentine's Day? How do you know when you're in love? It really happens? When your first nick? It does? It? Does it happens? It happens then? Okay, Carl, I'm I'm anna swa honestly, no, just say what it is. Okay, I'm just gonna give it to you from this is Thomas mind. When you know you cannot live without that person, okay, when you wake up thinking about them, go sleep thinking about I always say that I truly want to die before my wife because because I can't live with us. That's that's really sweet. I don't know who this isn't bring Tommy back, but not tom timm Yeah, we ain't nick it. I don't love you. I know that an't nack it. I don't love Let me asking me by love. Fact after we get through being don't remind me I told you I love you went in the middle of we were that was just but in Yeah, thank you, thank you. Tommy, yall, you know what. I know that y'all don't like Tooma's mind. I don't like it's just that it's nothing. We don't like him as we don't know him. This is true. Yeah, yeah, we know that guy. You've done. You know you shut the room down with that. All right? So so Jay, um, you have a Valentine's Day love song for us. Great? This is great. Everybody who has been in love has been through this. This happens around the end of love when love starts to leave. You've been naked, Oh you passed naked. You've been naked. But excuse me, excuse me, Jay, Wait a minute, you murdered a love song for Valentine's Day? Is that what you're saying. It's kind of like a love song. It just lets you know when the love is gone. This and just that is very important for a lot of people's Valentine Day. It is God, that's a deal. Hello, Hello, Hello, it's me. I know who it is. I'm aware. I was wondering old these years, and then we already went over. We already went over this everything. We went over everything. They say the time I ad much. Okay, well, you know it's time to move on. Hello, I'm here. Can you hear? Yes, I can here. I'm talking on the phone. I'm in Californe. Your dream about who are you? Okay, Well that's over. We're moving younger. We moved on, Adele, and it's time to move on. Let it go. I mean you forgoten how it felt before the world. Fellow. Okay, it's such good, you know, we move on. It's just I forgotten. Can you just let it go? I mean, God, Jesus good. Okay, hello, Hello, you don't have to scream. I'm right here. Yeah, you called more than that? Should report your band. Yeah, I'm okay, it's good, I'm old with it. Yes, let it go what now? How I'm fine? I mean what it didn't let it go? An please? Oh that's how you murder here now hello, my laugh, that's your beautiful flaws. What do you do? You really murdered that one right here on the phone. I know, I mean, we just got here and we're already that man. You put the phone on mute and you curse. You've ever done that? Have you ever done that? I didn't. I didn't cursed him. I didn't cursed and forgot to put it on you you heard me? You heard me, oh my god, or they hung up and or you hung up and they didn't hang up, and they hear your conversation. I can't stand No, it's nobody talking and it's just so that's it. Yeah, pretty much. Yeah, yeah, so you got nothing to say. No, No, I've done. We've done two minutes of what elp? What help? Well? What help? You know? You're in my lane? Whatever to you? Well? Whatever to you? Back to you? Okay all of that, yeah kind of okay, all right, we gotta bring love back. We whoa god, we really really do. This is Valentine's Day, guys, it's the damn love. Yeah whatever, Jay all right coming up next view with run that Prank Back? Right after this you're listening, coming up at the top of the hour, Guys and Entertainment News get a lot of this. Bill Cosby says prison is amazing. He likeing like to talk to you about plus miss Amazon deck with our national news. But right now it is a nephew in the building on this Valentine's Day with run that Prank Back? What you've got now? Creeping past, creeping pasta here you go. Oh, I'm trying to speak. You got him? How are you telling I'm doing I ain't doing too good. You've been over praying for my wife again, right right right, Yes, sir, you came over here three times in one week. My wife had already went through the operation and all that she's gonna be fine. I don't need you over a praying three times a week because, honestly, I think so. I think it's something else on your mind when you come over here praying for my wife. I ain't stupid. Brother, kind of hold it, brother, this bloody, this is well. Your wife was on the second shown list. I rever actually come by. Reverint requested that I come by. Okay, he ain't requested for you to bring your blacks to my house for no damn three times in one week, man, So you can cut that boy down with me. You hold it, brother. I came with sister Georgia the first time. The second time I came by myself because she wasn't able to come by, and I saw only stayed fifteen men each time. So what's the problem, because I already know what you what youre doing. I know you're trying to holler my wife. I ain't stupid. How could your wife? How have a wife? Why would I happen to your wife? She's part of already know what you already know what you're doing. Man, you up in here show my wife whine whine, whine, nobody at the house. I already know what you do. Let me tell yourself keep your black away from my damn house. If you want to pray for my wife and pray my wife, I'm gonna wait. Wait you ain't wait, man, Oh, you can't talk to you about lay hand. That's what you're gonna now. Brother, Ain't gonna be none of that, and ain't gonna be none of that. You're talking to the wrong brother. Not okay, now, First of all, you're not gonna disrespect me and curse me out. Okay, that's not even the way brothers should be talking to brothers. Second of all, if there's any laying on the hands, it's gonna be my hand laying on you. Okay, you ain't feel the lads, You ain't feel the lady. I know, trying to lay my wife. If I find that on what man? You? You know that you mess around with my wife? This is gonna be some I know, trying to do crazy. I'm just letting you talk. I'm gonna say it one most time. Keep your black talk around my First of all, I told you once again you can't be talking to me like that. Now, I'm trying to be cool about the situation because I know you may be just upset. Okay, I can appreciate that. Okay, I have a wife, and I'll be upset if somebody's coming back to them my wife. Won't you won't you to show out with your wife? I spend my time with my wife. I do you know what I'm saying now? I don't anybody with root house. Maybe I need to come out your house and how let your wife? Are you welcome to maybe come come and come lay something over there on. Huh God, now trying to do with my holder, Holy one, man, I told you before being disrespected. Now that was a very giddiotic statement for you to make. Okay, that's what's gonna happen. If I cant your black said my house again, I'm gonna play this man, and then I'm getting on the phone with you, you, your pastors, any more of them, because if anybody come by my house again and I ain't there, I'm kicking your black. Got some promise, you know, Just that's it. Look him, brother, If that's gonna be any that sposing going on, I'm gonna be kicking your I'm gonna lay my hands on you, and I'm gonna give you a sanctified the whooping, and then I'm gonna pray for you. I'm gonna pray to heal you. Just put I'm gonna put up your okay, because I've had it with you, you know, And I only went by it to visit your wife because I was asked to go visit your wife. Now that was a problem you should have caused a pastor. Okay, Well, you're not going to disrespect me. My wife's to church on the phone. Life. You want to do somebody, you can meet me any place. Well, I've been man. You know, as a matter of fact, I can go anywhere I want it in this town. If I be at your house talking to your wife, if the path asked me to go, I'm gonna be there. Okay. You you know you're just a stupid brother. Okay, you need to come to come to church, the one. You need to come to church more often. That's the problem. You don't come to church more often. If you come to church more off, you wouldn't be talking to me like that. You wouldn't be worried about me and your wife because it must be something wrong at your house. You be worried by me fooling with your wife. Okay, so you need to check huse. Okay, you how about that? Why don't you do that? Why don't you why don't you just check up? Okay? Tommy says, you're the one that's cheating with my wife. That's all I know. Who Tommy Harmy said. Tommy said, you're the one that's cheating around with my wife. Tommy who who is Tommy? Tommy who? This is nephew, Tommy man, this is never your Tommy from Steve Harvey, Morty show Man, your churchmen. Lawrence got me to pray ball, but not wrong for that. You know you're long, You're long. You know y'all know Highway to Hell, all of y'all. You know none stop no, you know y'all just you know, y'all just go. You know I ain't gonna stop signs. You know I couldn't go. I'm gonna pay for all of y'all, all of your brothers if you Tommy, Steve Harvey brother Lawrence is wrong for that. Okay, I'm gonna checking him. I'm gonna check. I'm gonna go. I'm gonna talk to you in the moment. I'm pretty Friday. I'm gonna say, Hey, you gotta tell me what's the baddest radio show with the lab bad Steve Harvey Morning the show on that on that slide all the way to Hell. I'm gonna go. I talk to you all later. By That is the creep. I'm sorry, that is the creeping. Always messing with those church people and keep telling you I gotta put it out there. Tonight is my first night I'm in Kaleen, Texas. Tonight. It is Twice as Funny Comedy Club. I got two shows tonight and to tomorrow Friday and two on Saturday. The Nephew will be in town. So as soon as we get off the air, I'm rolling to Kaleen, Texas. So watch me work tonight and then next week landing the cut is West Palm Beach, Florida. I'm at the m Prov. That's Friday night, Saturday night, and Sunday night. The Nephew was coming to town West Palm Beach. Baby'll ca okay, you'll probably have a lot of couples tonight. Yeah, because it's and a lot of military people. Oh okay, Yeah, if you go out tonight, you're the one? Yeah, well are you're the one he has to take out? Now? If you go out early on that day, No, it's not early lunchtime. It's a different person than the person that don Okay, okay, but there's the one that's the one that you have to take on, not have to to you get to take her out, but to show Sometimes it's a no, not if you really love that person. You guys in a relationship, Jay, I ain't say all that. I just said sometimes it's have to. That's all right, all right, listen, coming up to the top of the hour, guys, I know entertainment news. Bill Cosby says, jail is amazing. We'll get into that right after this amazing, amazing. How you're listening, Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, here's this crazy story. Bill Cosby is. I'm the messenger. Guys know, I'm the messenger. Bill Cosby is serving three to ten years in prison. We know that for sexually assaulting Andrea Constant. Now, of all the words you'd expect someone to use to describe prison, we've never heard amazing, right, Amazing probably is not one of the words that they would use to describe prison. Yet that is just what we're hearing from Bill Cosby's camp. According to mister Cosby spokesperson Andrew Wyatt, he says his experience at SEI Phoenix Prison has been much better than he anticipated so far. Bill Bill Cosby's eighty one years old, he's lost weight, he's given up coffee, the funny part about it, and he's giving up wine in there. Yeah, I ain't had no choice, ain't making it, but ain't the same one. But the funny part about all of this is his wife, Camille Cosby, has been trying to stop him from drinking coffee for about fifty five years. His spokesperson, why it said, Uh, it took this. It took prison to stop him from drinking coffee. Speaking of Camille Cosby, he speaks to her on the phone at least three times a day. Three times. What is he doing? Yeah? But time she's on the phone going Hello, what is it? What? Nah? What is it? Nah? Hate all of you? I don't know who Bil thinks you're not doing anywhere? What did earlier did? But is it? Bill? This is nice? Right now? Can we do a re enactment? But I wouldn't have helped you about everything. Really, I wanted to give you a god and tell you what you're going on? Six times. I know you haven't seen what's going on. They got new Year, they got giving a break miss a day. Cosby was finished. Copy was moved to general population a couple of weeks ago. But he's yeah, he has a solo cell though he still has a solo solo seller, and he doesn't exercise with everyone else he does King Man. Those guys are so happy to have nobody's gonna mess with and they're gonna protect him. They're not gonna let anybody mess with Bill their respect. So that's probably what an amazing part. Oh, but he's telling a story. Trust me, he's a great storyteller. So he listened to him. That can't go nowhere. I'll tell you one thing, though, I don't. Can't nobody say it, don't be free? What's that to talk about? It's amazing. You should try an don't be as free? Well, I mean, at least he has a good positive attitude. If I'm just in cause of parceration. I mean, I don't know what you can say about this story. I didn't drop paint off at prison. It wasn't it wasn't fun. I don't know what to say. I got a night night in Misselle. Guys, Really we shouldn't have read this. Well, I'm the messenger, guys, this is what's going on. Yes, I forgot who I was in the room with. All right, listen, it is time for today's headlines. Please introduce me fan J ladies in Jeleman's Time for miss and Trip y'all. Trip Cosby hasn't seen his wife since he entered that maximum security prison in Phoenix, and that he calls a three times a day, he says, and insists they have a quote solid relationships. Okay. President Trump's position on the temporary Bipartisan Congressional Agreement on water security and government funding can be summed up in two words, not yet bend landmine would have that could happen to happen to happen before the people. But we have not gotten it yet. It'll be sent to us at some point and we'll take a very serious look at it. I don't want to see a shutdown. Shutdown would be a terrible thing. So President could always change his mind. The deadline is Friday tomorrow, but Trump seems to be suggesting that he will sign the measure and therefore keep another government shut down from happening. Votes on the pack schedule for the House and the Senate for later on today and this evening, as a new presidential election of season begins. Kicking up the American Civil They's Union challenging in New Hampshire law that it says on fairly targets young voters. The ACLU has filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of two Dartmouth University students who say that making residency a condition of voting in that state creates a heartshipt for people who are just in school there. That law takes effect July first, Today's the anniversary of the Parkland, Florida school shootings where seventeen students, well seventeen people entirely were killed at Marjorie Stoneman High School. They were shot to death by a government of course, are they're going to have moorial services there and they say that it's going to be a day of reflection for the children as well. One of the women who accusing Virginia Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax the sexual acts, apparently going to speak with a district attorney, Vanessa Tyson, says Fairfax assaulted her about fifteen years ago when they met at the National Democratic Convention. Another woman accusing Fairfax had taken advantage of her nineteen years ago when they were in Duke University together. The problem of sexual assault in the military, he's gotten a little worse. Cording to the latest government figures, the number sexual salts report at the country's three US military academies rose slightly. Pentagon says one hundred and seventeen students that the Army, Navy, and Air Force academies file sexual charges during the last school year. That's up from one hundred and twelve two years earlier. Americans expected to spend an estimated nineteen billion dollars would be this Valentine's Day, which is today, of course, on chocolate and cards and flowers and all that kind of stuff. And today is of course National Lover's Day. Valentin, I have it, Valentin. It's also Single Awareness Day, just by the fy, So be loving whoever you love and your pet, your plants, or whoever. Okay, now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show. All right, guys, I know you can't wait for this. It is Valentine's Day. We've been saying Happy Valentine's Day all morning. And guess who's here with the on time today poem for it. It's Junior. Thought you thought y'all gonna get by today without a poem. You think the Day of Love. I wasn't gonna have no poem. Okay, don't tell you, let me tell you. Let day. You know I'm a bastard, so I'll be I'll be looking out for these ladies, right, you know, I'll be thinking about some of the ladies that don't have nobody. You know what I'm saying. You got some ladies who slide in your second. But it's still high though what I'm trying to tell you. But it's some lads day ain't got nobody. Some like smoking. And there's some ladies that's breaking up today with somebody. It's not really happy Valentine. It's just Valentine's Day's event. This poem is for them. It's just Valentine's Day. I call this poem a poem, just like everybody else that's that said. Nothing special. That's the name of a poem. What do you call it? Just up? I just wrote this pretty much like it's like Kanye, like you write a song, the same thing with poems. Me. It just comes to him. Yeah, I just put him up, you know. So I didn't had time to get the name. I got the poem. I had time to get the name. Yeah, I didn't title it. It's called a poem. It's actually it's called it untitled poem. Thank you. It's unted. Yeah, he it is. Daisies are yellow and sometimes white. But I want your ass gone by Valentine's Night, the end, that's deep. Where's the love that I told you? This for women who ain't got nobody? This ain't about it's Valentine. Is ain't happy about that? It's Valentine's It's like you're happy. Daiss are yellow and sometimes white, but understand I want your ass gone by Valentine's night. The end? Love that is it? That is that is hit three up, hit me at one time. Flowers on earth to give us a great smell, But the love making you do is bolling ass hell nails. I did my health day. Nothing happening in this room, ladies. Yeah, this is gonna happened, Like somebody's gonna have to take Yeah, flowers on earth to give us a great smell, but the love making you do is bolling ass heal last one. The gift of tulips is a gift that won't miss. But these two lips you won't again kiss. Yeah, take that you killed it all right? Coming up, Thank you, Junior. Happy Valentine's Day to you two. Coming up at thirty four after did you guys watch Steve Monique on the show yesterday that interview. Wow, we'll talk about that. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Happy Valentine's Day, guys. If you're just joining us, Junior, our poet just spit some beautiful one and so we're gonna move on. Thank you again, Junior. Yeah, Steve is out today. In case you haven't noticed that, but the number one trending story on Steve Harvey FM is Steve's interview. Everybody's talking about this with Monique, and as we all know, there was a lot of drama between Monique, Tyler, Perry, Oprah, and producer Lee Daniels. Well, Monique has been very vocal about this situation. Take a listen as we try to come through this, because what I want really is for you to come through because I know who you really are, and so what I want you to do is come through this with a different way because you Monique, you my girl. I love you like a sister. I hate what's happening to you. I hate what they're saying that's not true. I want them to know that you are carried, that you're a great mother, that you are incredible talent. I don't like the fact that you've been black ball you can be unblackballed. You're too talented to have to worry about all this. Where the next one coming from, I want this to end for you. Well, I wanted to end for you, Monique, because I love you, because these people are doing it the wrong way, and you better than that. You are better than that. Why Yeah, this is that was really something that was steving. Yeah, yeah, it's good. That's good. And this discussion was heated. Take a listen. Here's more. I probably should have called you as soon as but I didn't. I got a lot of stuff going on, so I didn't. When I did call you, I listened to you. But I began telling you at the very beginning. I think we're going about this the wrong way. Now, we keep saying stuff in the interroom that keeps just making it worse Hollywood, know you, but making it worse who. It's making it worse for who. Okay, if you think it's cool, then it's cool. That's what I'm saying. But it's not cool. It's not cool. But whole the fact that we're sitting here arging like this, we're okay, we're discussing you and your sister. We're having a conversation at Mommy and Daddy are here right now, and I'm gonna punch you in your mouth. That's the conversation. Bam bam. Right. I think what happens, though, is I've had to understand how to agree to disagree without being upset. And that's the thing. I disagree with my brother. I'm not upset with you. I love you. Wow. Well, I mean, you know, brother sisters do get into heating it. It was time for it to come up. Yeah, it's been going on al it hasn't come to the forefront like this. You know, we know what Monique said on stage and all of that, and we know what's been going on behind closed doors and behind the scene, but people, you know, haven't heard the two of them discuss it publicly, like they discussed it yesterday on the show and it was trending. It was trending a lot and homeless. Yeah, and it still is. Right. I think Monique could have said, you know, um, if it's nothing, but if I offended somebody for the way I said it, then I apologize for that. I'm not taking back what I said because that's what I felt as opposed her saying, well, I stand by what I said, because I think that's what everybody wanted, is just to move on. It seemed like a fight that Monique had with Netflix, not that everybody had that fight with fixing. That's probably what to me, that's where she went wrong, And there was a lot of issues. It was the Netflix boycott. It was then telling you know, like Shirley talked about with Tyler Perry Daniels and with and with all of that and being blackballed from the industry, you know, based on things she said, there ain't gonna be a lot of people calling you when you say it right, right, but you know, and that was Steve's point. It seemed like he was saying he wanted her to handle it different right. And that was the thing too with Steve. He wants he loves her, He believes in her, He knows she's a very talented woman. He doesn't want the world deprived of her talent. He wants her, uh and whoever to make this thing right and good so we can move forward, so you can get some work, so you can you know, feed your family and make your money and all of that. You know, an apology can't hurt, well, they can, but they have to do the work. You can't just wish it's gone and it's gone, you know. You know what. The whole interview was like fifty minutes long. Uh yeah, yeah, slo more too, and he'll be back tomorrow. He's gonna talk about it. Yeah. Go to Steve Harvey f M and leave your comments. Okay, thank you. You're calling Jay. You were right there when it all took place. Coming up next, it is the nephew with a praying phone call. Right after this, you're listening Dave Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's today's Strawberry letter on this Valentine Today. The subject is manage or na. Oh yeah, this is for you manage or nah. We'll tell you about that right now though. The nephew's here. He's in the building right here, with today's frank phone call. What you got Valentine's delivery? Oh, brand spanking new Valentine's delivery. Y'all ain't ready for this, like a he go, hello, Hello, my name is Eric. I gotta here, you guys a call. I gotta delivery. I gotta make there tomorrow for Valentine's for who Kendra. Kendra, Yeah, Kendra lives here. That's my wife. But I didn't order. I didn't order anything for from her form Valentine's Day. I'm supposed to be there between seven and seven thirty. You got the first on my list tomorrow morning for Valentine And I got like seven eight boxes here. That's uh, that's coming to you. All's play. So all right, I can let me, let me let me ask you this are you at six West Dawn? Is that you? Yeah? That's me. But again there's there must be some clerical error typo because like I just told you, man, I didn't boxes in channel. It's about seven boxes. But I mean, I mean, let's just looking at the total here, that adds up to about six hundred and something, not dollars. I mean, I got five hours. No partner, were just gonna I'm just gonna take her to dinner and we're just gonna do our thing. But there was there was There was no delivery schedule from me, No, especially not at at seven o'clock. No partner, you got it? There something wrong? We are you? Are you? You're not gonna be there? Are you not gonna be there tomorrow morning? Sir, Oh yeah, I'm I'm gonna be here. But it's for is accepting a delivery that I didn't order and didn't pay for. That's not happening. Man. Well let me say this. I got flowers, two boxes that are Lingerie, several boxes that are sex Choice, all that stuff. I have all this stuff loaded to be delivered tomorrow at seven am. And dude, obviously there's a communication breakdown between you and me player because I didn't order that, and right, but but you tell me I have the But what the problem I'm having is that you're telling me I have the right address. You know the name of the person Kendred, which is your wife. Right yeah, yeah, so far so good man. But as far as me ordering that, dude, I'm not. I'm not. I'm not accepting it because I didn't pay for it. I did not order. It's already it's already paid. Let me let me just look at the name here on the here it is here is right here. Okay, we got Devin. Would you say, upset Devin, that's that's to make the purchase. Oh no, no, no, no, okay, that's my wife's ex husband. So either you and him or in cahoots with each other to do this and and try to upset me. But guess what you succeeded. All right, So I'm gonna make this as toy. I listen to you, so you listen to me. This is what I want to make abundantly clear to you. I understand you have a job to do, but if you bring those roses and all of that stuff past my house tomorrow, this is what's gonna happen. Those roses, those storms. I'm gonna put them somewhere so far up your rear end that the only way that they see sunshine is when you open your mouth. So do not, I repeat, do not. You and Devin, y'all can take this and you can do whatever y'all want with it. Y'all can play with the sex toys, red roses and all that other stuff. Y'all gonna do what you need to do. Not show up at my crib tomorrow, because it ain't gonna be a happy Valentine's Day for nobody involved. That's what I'm okay. Well, here's the deal. As a delivery person, I am obligated to make the drive. I have to make this job or then I don't get it. You know, I get chewed out that I didn't do my job because such something. Okay, so what would what would you rather be chewed down or half towards up your rear end? Since you let's hold down, let's slow down here. What you're not gonna do is hold on dobles you bring up, you bring Okay, all right, I'm gonna do the flowers. I'll use the sex toys for you. So you got a choice. Music got flowers you you? Let's let me let me say this flowers as professional as possible. You. I'm trying to be as cool as possible, but you ain't listening to me. Do not bring them every Okay, you can drop them off at the curve, then you get credit for and whoever walked past and up and down the street they can pick it up. But do not come to my front door and ring my doorbell asking me to sign and accept nothing. It ain't have to drop them off at the door, sir. I'm telling you now, I gotta drop them off at the door. The problem I'm having is you telling me you're gonna stick some flowers up my Now we got a problem just listening to this whole scenario. I'm just curious. Is it possible that maybe Devin does something for her that you don't do? Hey? Man, you what what's where are you going at? Was this all I'm telling you is demanding your business? And don't make this drop that sure? I'm why am I don't do this stuff that Devin has purchased for her? And why you need to ask Devin? Because Teven not show his faith up over here. You can take it home and give it to your girl if you want to. I'm not giving my girl or anything that I didn't buy far. I'm not doing that you think. So if you if you're not gonna get your girl or anything that you didn't buy for why am I going to accept something for my girl that I didn't buy? Far? I ain't A'm telling you that you gotta accept me at all. I'm saying you know you have to make livery and you bring out my hounds. I got accepted and I'm telling you now don't even bread to my house. Maybe maybe mister Devin know what she let me. She looks like obviously she don't like him no more. She knows me any boy of the flower delivery person, just like he her ex husband. I'm whooping. That's all I got to say. Two words. But you're bringing some whooping, so you might as well come on now so you can go home after you get to whooping. Okay, okay, okay. Let me let me say at the end of the day, I'm gonna say this is Tommy already told me, Yo, she's gonna do something like this. He told me that. Who do you say? Who the hell of me? Already told me you was gonna act like who the hell is timing you? Tire me? Isaiah, this is nephew tiught me for the Steve Harvey Morning Show. And guess what, Isaiah, Your girl Kendroll got me to Frank phone call you. You know what you Kendroll and Devin, all of y'all can show up tomorrow and all of y'all gonna get portions of this Valentine's Day. You got your brother chance to cool down. Not man. I to my sweet one and only kindred with all that is in me. I love you, baby girl to death. Do us talk and it almost came early, but I love you. That's when that bought. That's when that boarts breaking right there. You understand I'm saying, but tell me it's Valentine's Day? Well what you meant them all? Mad? Well, what you're supposed to bring up? Somebody? Somebody had to sit, yeah, or else it wouldn't be a price, It wouldn't be a prank. And you tell me why I do it on Valentine Day? I mean what you want me call somebody today about Christmas? You want me to do this? They're gonna have a good Valentine's to Day, of course, but you can't help but think that in the back of your mind a night, Yeah, all night to night Devin on his mind. You did that, and then he ain't gonna come as correct as Devin did. They're gonna be fighting me for nights at least, where are you gonna be? I'm bad at night baby? Soon to the show with I roll into Kaleen, Texas. The Nephew got two shows to night. It's twice as funny, comedy club brand spanking new, and the Nephew will be there. That's too tonight to tomorrow and to on Saturday. Tickets are on sale right now and then the following weekend. I'm in West Palm beat Flaida and I'm gonna do something new starting next week. I am going to prank someone live on stage, right, So I just bought all they that. I just bought all the gear that allows me to prank you while I am on stage on that microphone and the audience can hear me do question? Yes, you have security on stage. I ain't pranking nobody in the building. Ohhh okay, but okay you better have security. All right, neview, thank you. Coming up next, it's the Strawberry Letters. Subject Minaja na. We'll get into the letter right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It is time now for today's Strawberry Letter. If you need advice on relationships, people, relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. That's all you have to do, and we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one on the air right now. Yeah, here we go. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you, the Strawberry I'm sorry, Strawberry Letter, you're a little too excite, all right, subject Manaja naw. All right, Dear Stephen Shirley, my husband and I need your help. We this is in the letter. We want nephew Tommy's opinion too. Come on, we met in college and we've been married for twelve years, so sex can get rather boring over the years, even though we work hard to keep it interesting. My husband, Hubby, completely fulfills my needs and he says that I'm all he needs. But lately we have been joking about having a manaje ta with another woman. I know, I know, married couples should never invite someone else into their bedroom, but we think it would help us more than hurt us. My husband and I met when we were very young, and neither one of us had the opportunity to be sexually adventurous before we got together. We even waited till we were married to be intimate, and he's the only man I've ever been with. Now the curiosity is killing us. We've talked about the manage and my husband explained to me exactly what he would like for the woman to do to him, and I told him exactly what I want the woman to do to me. Now we will now, we want to make it a reality so we can stop fantasizing about it. I know you go. I know you get letters like this all the time and manage tie can either be a good thing or a bad thing. Worst case scenario, my husband may really like how this other woman pleases him, and he may want more of her and less of me. I'm sure any woman is way more advanced in sex than I am. Or maybe I'll really like the woman and get caught up. How can we safely explore our sexuality without ruining the good thing we have going? Do you think it's possible? Please help? Oh, I think you guys are treading in dangerous territory. That's what I think. I don't think you guys should do this. I know you've been married twelve years. I know you know you've gotten a little bored with it and you but you are working hard, you say, to keep it interesting. What's wrong with the fantasy just being a fantasy? Do we all have to act out our fantasies? Do we have to do that? You know you kind of answered your own question in the letter. Worst case scenario, my husband may really like how this other woman pleases you pleases him, and he may not. He may want more of her and less of me. Absolutely that can happen. One hundred percent, that can happen. Are you willing to Are you willing to risk your marriage on that? Because that is exactly what can happen, and you got you can bring a whole bunch of problems into your marriage that don't need to be there. Or like you said, maybe you'll like the woman and get caught up. Okay, I mean all of these things can happen, all right. I just you know, I think marriage is too sacred and I don't think you should risk a MANAJETI on your marriage. I don't think you should risk your marriage. I should say on a manage TOI. Now, if you if you think you're mature enough and you can handle it. I'm sure a lot of couples have done this and they're fine. But yeah, when you start inviting other people into your marriage, you know, then then that's where the problems start and can real be really devastating. I mean, this could lead to all kinds of things and ultimately divorced. If you're willing to take that chance, um, go ahead, go ahead, I say no, I don't think you should. But I'm but I'm sure the guys are are gonna you know have their own opinion on this and it they won't agree with me. But I don't think you should do it. I think you're too Uh. You've answered your own question, worst case scenario and you know what it is, all right, Junior, I don't think they should do it. No, they shouldn't, Sharley, No, I'm wit you, shre they should really? Nah? What should they not? Because he can't please the one he got now he's gonna get somebody else. I'll tell you what, lady, you better be both women. That what you need to do. You better be both women. You better be Brenda, and you better be Brenda and Beverley. You better be Sharon and Karen better come in here at least blindfold him and make him thanks too in them. But don't go get two women. Nah, nah, nah, don't do this to yourself. No, I can't believe you're all right. Come on, I'm not gonna do that. Come on, Jay, here's what's gonna happen. If you you're gonna get somebody. What you need to do to make sure that you never either one of you ever want to do this again. You're gonna get somebody in there. That's so damn controlling. That's gonna take both of y'all out the mood. Okay, so just a thrill killer, just all about. All right, let's get this going on. Let's start right ready, you're ready, she ready. First of all, we got to fill out these forms, all right, we're doing nothing to these farms. Just fill out. You signed here, You signed here, all right, flip it up on the back. Sign that out. Fill that out. Alright. Let's get this payment done. We need just payment because there's nothing going down to we do payment. Let's exchange payment, all right, Sign here, Sign here, Sign here, Sign here, Sign here. This is your all, This is his all. Do not get these arms me stuff. Okay, pay close attention. Oils oil is his oil. Do not get these oils mixed up. All right. I will be rubbing you for ten minutes, and I'll be rubbing him for ten minutes. Okay. After that, we would exchange oils and I'll rub you for ten minutes, and then I rub him for another damn ten minutes. While I am rubbing, I won't know damn talking to each other. I'm in control, okay, Am I making myself cliff myself clip not your damn head. If I'm making myself, okay, and then after that, we're gonna smoke a cigarette. You're gonna smoke a cigarette, he gonna. I don't damn if you don't smoke. We're smoking cigarettes. Okay, I don't want to hear that we don't smoke. We're smoking cigarettes, all right, And then we're gonna tax one another by how you had and enjoy the eating. Am I making myself? You're gonna just robe and then you just roll? Okay, just roll, okay all the way. Top solve, top salve, top salve. All right, pants, all stress off? All right, another good? All right, turn around, look at each other. Let me see some love in your eyes. Love love. Look at each other like you love each other. A damte, look at it. Yeah this sounds sexy, jay real well it's really a right. This is turning everybody on. Jay. I better see some lives. I'm about to see some love. Love now, some love love now love now, let me get in that love. Hold on, hold on you, come on out of there. I'm gonna tag you and I'm gonna come and do some love it. Okay, tag come on out now, I love it. Hey, look at me, I'm love it. Don't look at me when I'm loving. I'm loving all not tag me so you can do some love. Yeah, this kind of all is this Jake? Sounds like hate oil? All right? And then you know what, when I leave here, I want full stars? All right? Am I making myself sorry? I certainly hope you're listening to reading between the lines to what we're really saying. Don't mess up a good night, don't mess up your marriage, all right? She asked for nephew Tommy's opinion. We're gonna get Nephew Tommy's opinion in Part two of the Strawberry Letter at twenty three after the hour, subject manage or nab will be right back. You're listening to all right, guys, here we are. Let's recap today's Strawberry Letter, and then we'll get to Tommy's response. Because they asked for it, because they know how you are. A bus manages I think subject manage or naw It was written by a woman who has been married to her husband for twelve years. She says, in that amount of time, sometimes sex can get rather boring, and even though they work hard to keep it interesting, So she says her husband completely fulfills her needs, and he says she's all that he needs. But lately they've been fantasizing about having a manage TA with another woman. And she says she knows that Mary couples should never invite someone else into the bedroom, but they think that it would help them more than hurt them. She and her husband have talked about what they want this other woman, exactly what they want the woman to do to him, the husband, and exactly what the woman wants the woman to do to her. And they want to make this fantasy a reality just so they can stop fantasizing about this. She says, she knows we got a lot of letters about this about manage tis not as many as you think, but I will say this, the ones we get, they always want to hear from Tommy. I will say that. I won't say that. So Tommy. She wants to know should she do this? Is it going to ruin a good thing that they have going? And do you think this is possible? She wants some help in this. I think we shouldn't try, you know what I'm saying. At least try let's give it. Okay, Now, you're not supposed to bring anybody into your bedroom. That's always good. Bring into the kitchen, bring into the living room. You understand it. You ain't got to go to the bathroom the bedroom with this, Bring into the kitchen, the garage. You can get this thing up. Yeah, anywhere, but anywhere but the bedrooms. That's sacred. We're not gonna miss that up. That's just between the two of y'all. Okay. But but when you want to manache, try yeah, when you want to just dry, Yeah, you hit that living room, You hit that garage, back that, Yeah, that patio, Yeah, hit that, hit hit that and get hit but that Okay, Now you don't really know. You don't when it Jake say the little hallway, hit right up in the out right there by the thumb and status ja. Yeah. And when it when it get good, bring that out of, bring that out of when it get good. You know what I'm saying. You hit that hallway. You really want to hit something you ain't number weapon, it's never been in. Go up in y'all, in your in your pantry, yeah, get it up. Yeah all that can goods. Get it right down. Try in the ceilings. Wid You ain't never you ain't never seen your attic, nick, you know, feeling your attic? Manage try You tried different in your backyard while the law won't run it? Get it? Yeah, get it? Okay. Now, you don't have a lot of experience, and I understand that because this was your first man and your only man, God, that you don't really know what you're doing. So let this woman do everything to this man. Sit back and watch. All right, you need a shoot up, you need a coach, you need to learn something. This is what you do. You sit on the self laying step something, Sit on the bench and watch. Get your camera, recall it. Take Yes, I have a question. Questions, Go ahead, I have a question. So the husband wants another woman in the bedroom. Yes, okay, what if they do that? Like you said, hut it out? Okay? What if next time they want to manage try with a man? I wish the hell we we ain't trying. No, what do you need all that for? We ain't pay no bills in here? I pay the bills. Okay, I decide who else come in here? Ask me nothing like that? Okay, you brought up something you want to still a relationship? Go to hell? You asked me something like that? It's still a manage. Try no, it ain't try us trying to work ring. You want to see what happens on I know you ain't invited Kreem in my house. See what happened? Whose hand is this on my show? Wait a minute? What? What? Wait a minute? Dog is this Kareem? Is this your piggy? Try with my heard what the doctor? Jose? I just I just wanted to point out. We gotta get this. We gotta get this manage tried out and working, okay, because it can possibly this is something that could work. It could fulfill what we're looking for in our relationship. It could be wonderful. We have tory missing. This could be the missing. We're bored right now. But we're bored. She says. They tried really hard to keep it interesting, but you're not trying. You need to try with other people. This is a fantasy. It can stay in your head. Why no, sometimes sometimes dreams come meant to come true. Why why don't we dreaming? Why why are we dreaming? If we don't want it? This can mess up your marriage. It's a good thing, not a tray. This is a point not to try. You know, it's it's like a thirty day track. You know, thirty for you're doing this for thirty days. I would like, dude, if you're gonna do it, If we're gonna try and we're gonna try something, we gotta see what we really like it thurday try you know you know, yeah, you know you boy, you know you by that medicine. You're supposed to wait and if it don't working thirty day, you send it back to get your money back. That's all it is. That's all it is. It's a thirty day of manage. Not mentioned. Someone there to help out around the house. You ain't gotta cook, You ain't gonna watch this all the time we use it. Let's please don't do this, Let's try Who wrote the letter? Please do not listen to these idiots. And this is a great of your man, This is a great night to try time night. Huh, who the fuck try tonight? Love could be there for from here sport there for. That's a great story to tell the words of somebody before. What have you got to lose? What have you got you already? Boy? You have everything to lose. Jay, that is the issue. You have everything to lose. Not treat what demand said, what have you got to say? Timing. If you ain't cheating, you ain't trying by saying something, saying something and the word cheat. Look at you ain't training. In the word of my granddad, I ain't know how to quite will put it something? May listen, do not do this, okay, do not listen to them. Your marriage like it is. It's just working hard to keep it interesting. All right. But but but that hallway by the thumb step, give it a shot, all right. Listen. If you want to comment on this letter, please go to Steve Harvey f M. Coming up in ten minutes from the Talk. It is our girl, Cheryl Underwood. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Carla is here with reality Update. But right now, yes, from the Talk, you gotta right now, it is our girl from the Talk, Chryl Underwood. What I'm saved? Nah? Have na had you not? Today? Is today? Yes to day? Happy Valentine, Danny Brown, what you give me? Stop stop playing? Listen, you better go ahead with the old school. You've been going with the old school. You better take that rubber band off that wallet and stop playing. It still works. You know what, old cat daddies to be talking, old cat daddies trying to match that. They come up, they want to pay bills. Pay your light bill, girl, but I stopped playing. Yeah, yeah, you know how gonna talk that front right? Yes, yes, that's right, that's right. And then Valentine dance over. So what we're talking about? Man, it's so much going on a question. Everything is on my mom and I'm trying to keep my good CBS job listening y'all have to ask if y'all ask me something that I ask it, but I don't do for Valentine's Day, Cheryl, what I'm doing right now, try to get that back back, try to get retirement. That's why I keeps all my jobs. People say, why you still do Steve off the show because that's where the money is. Why we rob banks, because that's where the money is. The Lord. Lets Steve stay healthy and still want to do everything that he do it. I'm gonna show up. I'm not. You're not. You better know it. Steve. Steve needs another sidekick. I know he got all of y'all got question. What's question? Question? All right? Did you get a chance to check out Steve Talk Show yesterday his conversation with Mo. What's your thing? I ain't because listen, I'm trying to be friends with. Monique should come after you? She records you and she turned back on Hell. I say, isn't what hell? I said? I have you on tape? Who are you the government? You ain't gonna have abody? Y'all know I'm telling the truth because I tried to call her. Remember that time I told y'all try to call her and talk to her. I hope she ain't listening right now. We was aying like we used to go together something. I was mad. I didn't get out my arm Badley. I was upset me. When you say I was hurt, Okay, then we'll just change the subject. Hurt. Huh? What's question? She need pologize, the open dough pogiz, open ty, the prayers. Steve was right, You got to sometimes you got to go I'm sorry and then be like, but I'm still protesting. I'm sorry. What's your question? What we're gonna have a government shut down, that they're gonna have a resolution to all of this Hell to the double No, no, no, let me tell you why we're not gonna have a commander. And she told to comb up about the act, like you know, every time you ain't being a no wall. Listen, they hain't already dug a hundred tunnels underneath where they coming over here. All al Choppa told it. That's how they yeah him, he was, he told it all. So why are you messing with these people's Trump's is gonna listen, You're gonna mess it up, gonna be thirtified democrats running. Everybody needs to run. Run Jesse and run. Let's get our T shirts back out, run Jesse Man. Listen. Back in the day, Jesse Jesson was fine, little Jason, you better go to some of the old congressional black hawkers. The end up lacp a miss Jesse will Fine had a big natural and a white turtleneck with a level. Listen, Jesse, Yeah, me and ROBERTA. Flat was like, yeah, girl, I'm sorry yer from shut up man. Listen. Let me tell you what. Listen. Marry and Barry I was in Mississippi once and man they was having a reunion and Mary and Barry man listening. He was one of them. Neru Jackson man of GC man, very fine man, very fine you know who else is fine? You remember, I don't. I'm gonna go far back. Remember Room two twenty two, Remember Lord Hayes, Fine, Al Freeman Junior, remember Al fre Go ahead. I got a question you remember for little soup Al Sharpen with the medallion. Do you remember that? Listen to me? And when Al Sharpton had the fingerway Pappa door Flipp I could have got it. And he had a cape with it too. I said, before you let get on out of your plan. He played too much, but then he became the revered Al Sharpton. Yeah, yeah, white man, Jamie Brown, Jannie Brown. You remember that one year we thought we had our movie career set. Remember we was both fighting to see who was gonna play Ralph Abernathy and to morrow I have asked you stop that please, And we both had callbacks. I never forget it, and they said, they said, well both of them is realistic. But I think the little short fat one she's got to play Ralph. Ever, I got a question for Wallace's mama. She killed with your question. All right, Cheryl, what's question? We know today is Valentine's Day this weekend, though, are you headed to Charlotte All Star NBA. What you got girl? What's well? Well? See, I had to I had to hang up my chaps. You know, I had to retire. You know from the All Star they get a little young. I can't play Fortnite all night. I'm old, y'all. Listen to me. Young people be trying to stay up all night, Yes, all night, and me like it's five third, it's time to watch the nightling news. Come on, don't you have a game to play at? You know, where's your father? Let me get in your father. And I'm going back to Will Chamberlain. I'm going back when you used to come back on the dude, just walk up and go what you're doing after this? While you're drinking Crown Row. You know, back when I used to chase child Barklou and charl Oakley. I chased them both of the same too. Yeah, I was at the Togo in Cleveland. Steve noticed start too. I had him kemmed up at the Togo. Then we went to Lasso, had a good time. Reminiscent. What was the question? Got a girl got? We love you, Cheryl, We gotta girl coming. Dandy Brown, you are not drought ever after you cannot convey. Coming up to the top of the hour, It's Carlin's Reality Update. Right after this. Thank you, Cheryl, we love you. George Wallace's great grandma. You're listening Morning show, Tunny. Is that time? It's that time, Shirley. It is happening on the perfect day, Valentine's Day. She is here, the one and only Colin Farrell's Reality Update. Who thank you, nephew. Okay, crew, let's get to it. Last night season finale Celebrity Big Brother the Okay, So it was down to the final two contestants former NFL player Ricky Williams, Rickett and Tamar and ladies and gentlemen, the winner Big Brother for the first time, an African American woman. One Celebrity Big Brother Tamar Braxton. Baby. Yes, Now what do they win? Call up the two hundred and fifty thousands? Yeah, congratulate and what is the rule? Well, let me just say this, Jay word. Tamar. She played the game. She bought the drama, she bought the tears, she bought the comedy. And it's a strategic game that you have to play, and and you have these alliances. You gotta get the strongest and most athletic person. You gotta get them out of the house. It's just a it's a game. It's a mind game, so shout out. Let me say this game. But it was you gotta think it's strategy. And let me say this as well, Lolo Jones. She was a little bitter. Yes, she was like yeah, yeah, come you know whatever though, Ye, Candy, Carla, Candy was very, very good. She was down to the final five. She made it. She made it. Um and and the friendship her in Tamar. They had this moment, so it was good. Much love to Candy. She played the game as well, but the winner at the end of the day. I gotta give yes, Candy Burris. Yeah yeah, and we have to just give it up to Tamar because she got everybody watching Celebrity Big Brother. I mean I am watching it forever. So shout out to Tamar again. African American one Celebrity Big Brother first time. So that's so big. And she's a woman, so that's good Black history monk here. So yeah, and Kenny, if you listening, let me something. The toys wid a man, I just think about the toys. Coome on, Carl, don't pay any attention to am right right, right right. And then you know what, I wanted to keep talking about Lolo for a second. Lolo Jones her and Tamar and they were talking, uh in the celebrity big brother's house, and you know, Lolo is still a virgin, and um, hell, I'm gonna get the junior number three. Come on, she's okay, go ahead. You were saying she's a virgin. She says she's waiting until marriage. And then Tamar, you know that, she was just saying, wow, what if you marry a guy and the sex is just not good? What are you gonna do? And then Lolo said, well, she had nothing to compare it to, so yeah she'll be good, So no comparison. Then, so there you have it. So why poud because she lost? She really stressed, stressed. He got a lot pent up about the thirty. Yeah, she's stressed. She's in her thirties. Oh, I'm saying, well, this one informed y'all that me and Lolo will be getting married. This writing y'all. Yeah, y'all invited. And then you know, hey, that is I don't want I didn't want to, okay, man, congratulation, Hello, hey boy, going on, Carla all right, let's switch gears. Let's go to Real Housewives of Atlanta since we were talking about Kenny Burrs. All right, So, you know, the ladies are in Japan, in Tokyo, and they were doing this whole celebrating Eva, you know, her wedding, bachel rat party, Girls Trip and Tanya, she's one of the new friends on the show. She planned this bachel rat party for Eva, and boy was it boring. But then I mean boy to listen, Jay, listen, listen, listen. Then Borsia had the ladies play this game with pickles and that was kind of crazy. And then the ladies they started having fun. And then Jay Anthony Brown, a Japanese stripper, came to the bachelorette party. He's gonna be hot for you ladies, Jay happen. Now he was. He danced, but he kept the socks on the whole time, and they kept telling him to take his socks on. What kind of thugs just regular white? Oh yeah, they keep so sexy. Yeah. Anyway, let's witch subjects here. So Ninie um Ni she had a meltdown, you know, about Gregg's battle with station three colon cancer, and she just admitted that she's used to Greg being there at the nurturing one and taking care of her, but now she has to be the one that's strong all the time and front like everything is okay. So she kind of broke down in front of Cynthia and then Nini. She did talk to Greg, you know, because they were kind of beefing and the time zone differences or whatever. They hadn't been talking while she was on the trip. Long story shot. Greg sent her some flowers, a big bouquet of flowers. He wrote her a note, and Eva was there with Nini and Nini was just crying and then eat yeah, Eva said, could she read the note from Greg, because you know, Nini was really really touched, and part of the note said, this is from Greg to Nini. You are for me, and you are in pain. I her too. Forgive me my arress. Let me draw you in my love, for I feel pain that I have inflicted on you. Let me back in your heart so I can touch and men our love and we continue to grow with each other. Oh my god, oh girl, oh my god. She was gone after that one. Yes, so Nini cried and uh Eva gave us some privacy. Finally let me go at the end of the dinner, Candy apologize to Porsche for talking about her man, Dennis. Candy said she kind of understood what all that stuff she went through when people were talking about when she was dating Todd and her husband. So it seems like Candy and Porsche had squashed their beef. If you want to keep talking about this reality update, go to at lips by Carlum and sure the strawberry we gotta go. Yeah when he after you're listening. Well, guys, uh wow, the story is still really hard to talk about. But it was a year ago today that seventeen people were killed by a nineteen year old gunman at the Stoneman Douglas High schoo in Parkland, Florida. We all remember this. We will never forget this day. Yeah. And then how all of the historic March for Our Lives rallies were organized by the schools shooting survivors. These kids and their families wanted Parkland, Florida to be the last of these mass school shootings. And now, for the first time in years, Congress held a recent hearing on gun violence prevention policies, including HR eight, that is a bill to require background checks on all gun sales. This is an essential piece of legislation because right now, background checks are only required under federal law for sales conducted by licensed dealers. That leaves out plenty of unlicensed sales, you know, at gun shows and online. So in fact, nearly one in nine people looking online to buy guns from unlicensed sellers wouldn't pass a background check. That's according to a new report from Every Town for Gun Safety. This legislation can fix this dangerous loophole. Yeah, us and our prayers and thoughts are still with the people of Parkland, Florida on this day. Yeah, it really was sad. I mean really sad. It was just horrific on a day of love. Yeah, on Valentine's Day of all days. Yeah, And I was watching the news. Some of those students, some of the survivors, you know, they were some of them were seniors in school last year and they took a gap year off from college to do work like this to try to help those legislation bills get put in place. You know, they organize those you know, rallies and protests, March for Our Lives because they wanted change, and they're going through grief now, you know, because they wanted to do something so immediately after it happened, passion. Now they're dealing and processing with the loss. Yeah, it has an effect on the effect the president. You know, you don't even hear him talk about gun control. No. The only time we ever talk about it if when something horrible like this happened. Unfortunately in this country. Um, but yeah, I hopefully. I know they were offering like psychological help to the students and the people who were involved last year, and I hope that help is still available to the kids from the school and to those who are affected their families and everything. I think about my kids at school every day, every single day, every day I do. Man, when they leave, I'm like, oh my god, God, God, please stay with them. Yeah, make sure they say, because you don't know what person may do something. I'm sure every parent goes through that. They think about that everything. Yeah, And homes people who homeschooled their children a lot of times, this is why they homeschool are now because of you know, the school shootings and the violence. You know, I'm sure surely that's the number one reason. Yeah. Yeah, And my little girl and my little girl and my son go to school together. They both the same private school. So my little girl knows get to your brother. Yeah, get to him and run and don't stop. And I get emails from my daughter school. We conducted a safety drill today. We conduct in lockdown. This is a normal routine for our babies. Yes, yes, yeah, it's scary, it really really is. But I'm glad they have them though, because they need them. Unfortunately, it's the world we live in now, you know, in which we live? Wow, yeah, it is so Again, our thoughts and prayers are with those families on this day. We know this is a hard day for you, and we're with you. You're in our thoughts and prayers. All right, We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. You're listening to show. The number one trending story on Steve Harvey FM is Steve's interview. Everybody's talking about this with Monique, and as we all know, there was a lot of drama between Monique, Tyler, Perry, Oprah, and producer Lee Daniels. Well, Monique has been very vocal about this situation. Take a listen as we try to come through this, because what I want really is for you to come because I know who you really are, and so what I what I want you to do is come through this with a different way because you Monique, you my girl. I love you like a sister. I hate what's happening to you. I hate what they're saying that's not true. I want them to know that you are carried, that you're a great mother, that you are incredible talent. I don't like the fact that you've been black balled. You can be unblackballed. You too talented to have to worry about all this. Where the next one coming from. I want this to end for you. Well, I wanted to end for you, Monique, because I love you, because these people are doing it the wrong way, and you better than that. You are better than that. W Yeah this is that was really something that was steveing. Yeah missed it it, remember, Yeah, that was good. That's good. And this discussion was heated. Take a listen. Here's more. I probably should have called you as soon as but I didn't. I got lots of stuff going on, so I didn't. When I did call you, I listened to you, but I began telling you at the very beginning. I think we're going about this the wrong way. Now, we keep saying stuff in the interroom that keeps just making it worse. Hollywood, know you who it's making it worse for whose? Okay, if you think it's cool, then it's cool, that's what I'm saying. But it's not cool. It's not cool. But who the fact that we're sitting here arging like this. Okay, we're discussing you and your sister. We're having a conversation, and mommy and Daddy are here right now, and I'm gonna to punch you in your mouth. That's the conversation. Bam bam. Right. I think what happens, though, is I've had to understand how to agree to disagree without being upset. And that's the thing. I disagree with my brother. I'm not upset with you. I love you. Wow. Well, I mean, you know, brother and sisters do get into heating. It was telling it was time for it to come up. Yeah, that's been going on a long It hasn't come to the forefront like this. You know, we know what Monique said on stage and all of that, and we know what's been going on behind closed doors and behind the scene, but people you know, don't haven't heard the two of them discuss it publicly, like they discussed it yesterday on the show, and it was trending. It was trending a lot and hatless. Yeah, and it still is. Right. I think Monique could have said, you know, um, if it's nothing, but if I offended somebody for the way I said it, then I apologize for that. I'm not taking back what I said because that's what I felt as opposed to her saying, well, I stand by what I said, because I think that's what everybody wanted, is just to move on. It seemed like a fight that Monique had with Netflix, not that everybody had that fight with and that's probably what to me, that's where she went wrong. And there was a lot of issues. It was the Netflix boycott and then telling you know, like Shirley talks about with Tyler Perry Daniels and with Free and with all of that, and being blackballed from the industry, you know, based on there ain't gonna be a lot of people calling you when you say, right right, all right, guys, uh, We're gonna have one more break of the day on this Valentine's Day and we'll come back right after this with our last break of the day, a Valentine's message from Jay and the Fellas right after this. You're listening, all right, last break of the day. It's been a good day, this Valentine's Day. Huh Yeah, love is in the Steve will be back tomorrow, guys. But before we go, uh, this Valentine's Day. So Jay, you want to kick it off with some Valentine love stuff? Set the more. Yeah, we can get something. Yeah. What I want to talk today. What I want to talk about today is what women really want. I saw the movie What Men Want, and a lot of times men are struggling find out what women really want, what they really want, what they they don't tell you what they want. But here's what here's one of the things that women really want. If you can take some time out of your day, take some let's say five ten minutes, don't say a damn word, don't look like you're thinking about nothing, don't laugh, don't look at your phone. Okay, just listen. Now you're gonna hear stuff you heard before. Okay, but you just listen. Listen. Do you know? Listen? You know what you know? What you know? What women really they won't and this is what men need to understand. That's some things sometimes and you overlook and you don't see what a woman really won't. A woman wants a man, a man to just take the time out of his business schedule and just scratch her scout. You understand what I'm saying, man, scratch manut, you don't know what do to a woman. Man if you just scratch, you don't. You don't know what kind of love that brains. And you just scratch. Oh, I mean just grab about the back and then just get the scratch. Just get with that, with that rat to car. You just gonna do me like this, I'm gonna tell you. I'm gonna tell you man, what they want. You know, this is the day for love, you know. And that's all the flowers is gone to dinner, you know everything you take it to dinner to night. You know, I to get through. You have a little couple of drinks and never thing. It's time to go in that room. You know what women really wants you to do, not to go to sleep that earth. They really want you to be up this path. Yeah, you know they don't want to feel like they feel it then you want that's what we're doing they want. Let me tell you what else women want. It's late at night, lovemakings over yeah, and she says, I hear something, and then she got to go back and forth. You go with what is it? And she said, didn't you hear that? And she said, no, I didn't hear. She wants you to get right up and find out. Nobody wants to talk to you, back and forth. They could be up the steps by then. Okay. When she said she hits something, damnit, go deal with it. That's what we do. Well, you know what I think you. I think you've missed a point here, what they really really want before we get to that, even before we get to that love making that you're talking. But you know, after them drinks are done, when they first get in that rule, when they take that brazil off, they want you to rub where that brazil been cutting up under them, you know where cutting up the Mark Show, Mark Show. If you rub down, you think you'll be surprised, how fooding foothing? Ain't that moment if you follow them off, thank you your GPS in the back when fancying up at yeah, yeah, when you under just start rubbing around them, lying, yeah, I know you hit all of that. Yeah, I think I think you older something about that, but you know that you get that. All you have to get the thing and y'all get in the tub. Everything you got everything, Please fellas this this this tonight. Please spake sure you ain't put the dawn in there. Use actual bubble bath because when them when the bugle that's stay actually go get bubble bath. She comes over. Don't use yeah, don't use Paula, get the bubble bad. Don't come up and be washing a glass. Wash the Let's stay in the restroom for a while. Come on, let's stay in. Come up in the tub. You're in the tub. You put the real soft bubble bath and then it doesn't itch her eye. But over you think you see some things bubbling, bubbling, don't complain. Wash those things out. Okay, you wash them out. I do your duty. Range them out. Yeah right, yeah, rach dry them off, twist them in the towel so they'll be dry tomorrow. I love it. I love it, NA. Now when you get out there, we do when you when you get out there to you know what y'all want. You get out that tub and she's you didn't pad it her dry now all right, Nah, it's time to greezer. Get you some nice bass leah like a box ass like a boxer boxer. Yeah, boxes on their face over that eyebrow, got your shine, Rub that all over because y'all fend to go into some great love making that. Yeah, that put them socks on that feet so that soaks in over there. You know nothing about if you're gonna if you're gonna cut up, if you're gonna cut up and carry it, make sure your back on the wall first. Then tell us come over and run to that bay. Don't you rob my assle the hog. Get you back on the wall first. They come on, they leaves falling and run to that bay. You know what that ails? No, that's that Africans on. Women who were prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.