Usher Interview, Winter Olympics, Not Over Ex, Mary J. Blige and more.

Published Feb 17, 2022, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Mr. Difficulty gives us the best examples of resistance ever known to man. We see today what The CLO knows about glitter. The global icon returns to Vegas. What team are you Durant or Lebron for the NBA All-Star Game? What's up with paw paw's pills? Would You Rather has us choose between the Sharks and Mountain Lions. Ever have divorce remorse? Can't stop the Queen from shining. Today as the show wraps up, we get the worst Closing Remarks because of Tommy.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all have all suit looking back the back down giving them like theming bu bu things and its rude. Steve listening to together for stuy, I don't joy by me. You gotta turn hur, you gotta turn to turnout, turn got to turn out to turn the water the water. Come come on your bad uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show man, o man o man. How many times I got to say that before I get tired of it. I think it's gonna be a minute, folks. I gotta be real with you, because, boy, that Steve Harvey got a radio show man, clear indication of how God can do some unexpected, wonderful things for you, how he leads your life in directions that you never ever saw coming. You know, I was talking with somebody the other day and they were talking about how man, they were young and they were doing things, and they never knew that the things that they were doing as a youngster would come and helped form who they were today as an adult this guy's fifty years old, and you know the same thing for you, If you look back on your life and all of the things that you've done, it helps shape you into who you are now. This is provided now that you take the positive approach. Now when I say look back at your life and see what you've done, that doesn't mean dwell on the misfortunate moments, because the misfortunate moments were necessary. I know it. It's hard to see that when it's happening to you, but the unfortunate moments are necessary. You know, what really makes you appreciate summer vacation is winter work. What really makes you appreciate a walk on the beach, it's when it's cold, it is raining outside. What really makes you appreciate when you're up, it's because you've been down. See if you are up all the time. Just the nature of us as human beings, we would lose our appreciation for because it becomes case urah, whatever it is, well, it is what it is. I'm just what what what you take it for? Granted, it becomes expected, But what happens in life says it has so many twisting turns, and then you learn how to deal with those twisting turns, which makes you now a more experienced person. And then when the sunny days come, man, you go wild. It's really nice outside. You really want to appreciate how warm weather. Just stay in a bunch of cold weather all the time. I'm you know what I'm saying. I'm just this is really really simple and now analogies, but it helps you along the way. Now here's what I came to say today to everybody out there. And this has helped me in my life. I can't tell you what it's done for me, but a lot of people are struggling with moving forward with their future, their future plans, their future goals, their future aspirations, their future hopes, their future dreams, just simply that your future wants. A lot of people trying have a hard time mapping out their future, even what I'm gonna do, what I'm gonna be, what I'm gonna make ham or go about it? What do I do next? I want to share something with you that I had to come to terms with. The quickest way to lose focus on your future is to keep focusing on your past. You know, It's like I said at the beginning. You know when I say, it's wonderful to look at your life and review it, because if you look at it, it'll tell you it really helps shape inform you today as the person you are now. If you look at it in a positive sense. But if you dwell in harp on the negative that's happened to you, then that keeps you from seeing the good in the incident, every bad thing that's happened to you, that was a silver lining behind it. I know people who were on drugs who finally, man just got sent to prison for stealing because of their habit. I know Cat's soul dope. Well, he went to prison. He told me one time. He said, Steve, it's man, this is the best thing ever happened to me to save my life. Now, most people would think, how in the world it's going to prison helpful for you? The brother said, it saved my life. First of all, it got me clean. He said, I've been cleaned for five years from sitting in here. That's for starters. I'm cleaned. I ain't still in no more. I ain't putting myself in jeopard and I ain't jeopardizing nobody else. He said. Now, man, I don't went to college I didn't got a college degree while I met him. Then he was released from prison and the brother's life was completely turned around. He married, he got a family, he got a great job. He go to work every day. He's a productive citizen. I mean. So he looks back on his incarceration, even his drug abuse, and it taught him how to appreciate the things in life that he take it for granted and was missing because he said, man, my life was just in a blur. I didn't even know what was going on. He said, Now I appreciate every day I wake up. That's what I mean. Even in your missteps in life, there is a purpose for the missteps. Every time you fail, there was a reason for the failure. See what I had to do was I had to learn that all of my failures taught me how to get back up. So I became a very strong and tough person in getting back up. And then I was down and out so long that it taught me how to really appreciate the up. And so I've taken all of that and used it those experiences that happened to me, and I became a more experienced person. So next time when people talk about me, who don't know me. It don't shake me because everybody's not gonna like you. Man, you might as well gonna get on this train right now. And so what I'm saying to you out there is the quickest way to lose focus on your future is to keep focusing on your path. Let it go. Yeah yeah, yeah, he left. Sometimes the breakup is the blessing. I know it's hard to break up because now you're loaning you by yourself. But man, but when you're in misery, When you was in that, weren't you in complete misery in that? Now you kept asking God to fix it. But it takes two people to fix a relationship. It don't just take one. It takes two to make a thing go right. It take two to make it out of sight. You really do have to have two people wanting a relationship to work. It can't just be one person want a relationship, so you can pray about the relationship all you want. If the other person don't want you no more and ain't gonna act right, you can't make him do that or you can't make her do that. But you steady asking God for a new relationship. But you are yet to be grateful that you are in a position to have a relationship, and you keep harping on the pass. You don't think he hear that. I'm just a dude with a show, and I hear it all the time. Let it go go forward. It's over. You made it, He bought you through it, you conquered, you survived it. Why are you dwelling on it and making it the cross around your neck when clearly he had removed it for you. Now all you got to do is come on. So if you're sitting behind him walls, brothers and sisters, I'm talking directly to you sometimes. Man, you just got to get it right. All this repeat of fitting the business that's for? Who is that for? How ignorant can you be to keep giving your life back to the penal system? Be free, man, walk the streets, do the right thing. Ask God to help connect you. He could do anything. You think he can't give you a job? Are you serious? Man? Put some faith on it. Let's move forward, y'all. Let it go. Let's move you're listening, ladies and gentlemen, to Steve Harvey morning show has be gone. You are here, which means you have been blessed to see another day, and so have we gratitude. Remember that nothing, nothing speaks more volumes to the heavenly angels, that when we show gratitude, the trumpets is blaring on your behalf. When you show gratitude, I am grateful. How about you, ladies and gentlemen. Shirley Strawberry calling for real Mississippi Monica, Junior killspace, Nephew, Tommy U Junior? What's on your mind this morning? Me ask you something? Uncle? You're six to five and your mantra? You know why this means so much? You that being difficult not not mean just being difficult? What what does that do for you? Well? I don't. I don't really know, Junior. You know, I was in my high school yearbook voted me most difficult, So I don't really know. For the test, I know what it's done for me over the years. I know what it is caused. It's been some good with it and it's been some bad with it. But I'm difficult because I don't like going alone with just what anybody say. You know, I am supposed to present some type of opposition, some type of resistance, some type of coope de gral. If you will or to something that's being said, but I'll never be is just to go along follow the crowd ass person. So I've developed a layer in front of me that asked the question WTL, HTL and how come to el see? Those three things have been a part of my life. What the elf? Yeah, white the elf? And I come to elf see? Those hc TL and those things right there have helped me create a moment of pause, not only for myself but people involved. I'll give you an example. Ladies, join in right now. Ask me anything you want to. I don't care what the subject is. Just ask a question of me right now, and I'll give you this today. See right there? Did the sun come out yesterday and didn't come out the day before that? Now? Merely what Shirley wants, clearly is just the answer to the question will the sun come out today? My resistance to that rather obvious answer is if it don't come out, all I ask is to throw to death before we discovered. So now if it then came, why would you ask me about the sun today? When it came out yesterday, the day before that and the day they that don't come out, we won't know it because I asked, so be frozen. Yes, call it. Do you ever have anybody to just say that's okay, that's all right? Then when they asked you a question, I don't allow that because once you asked the question, you must want what is the makeup? That is? Me? And I got to get to you a difficult coming up after the hour. We got the nephew and run that frank back right after this. You're listening to show time now to start your morning off with run that prank back and the nephew. What do you have for us this morning? You know? I got it? I got it. Surveyance. This is surveylance, okay, but you should all have around your house at this point for alance. You got a smart house, everybody don't. You can't have no dumb house in this day and Tam, I have a smart house. But oh cat dogs the Baylors. Let's get it. Hell, yes, I'm trying to retail police. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach it missus. Uh police. Hello, My name is Officer from the Condor Police Department in Narccotics Division. Where's the call from police Department Narcotics Division. Man, my name is officer. Okay, I'm giving you a call. Um, there is a possibility and I want to try and get the particulars with you. Uh you have two sons? Do you have a one? And okay, Uh, there's reason to believe that there is some narcotics going on with these two gentlemen. Now, I wanted to speak with you about it. My understanding that you're over the crime watch actually in that particular area, yes, sir, and I know that here lately there's been um camp Hello, hello, hang on the phone ahead. It's my understanding. You guys have I know you've put surveillance cameras up so you can actually get a general area of what's going on all right, Yes, sir, Okay, where has been within the last week, because what we've done is we've put somebody on them and watched them very closely. And we're wanting to know from you because I understand that you are the person over crime watch. What's going on with your two sons? Well, sir, For one thing, I don't allow drugs teller for my house period. I don't. I don't even allow that because I am the head of the car watch. I don't even allow people to even come back here. It's a buy drugs. Okay. Now, I know it's some kids that's mad at my kids. They were calling the cops to my house, come into my house and throwing rocks and everything. But I can assure you, sir, that's one thing I do not play. I do not allow people to even come back to my house. Okay. Now, are there surveillance cameras, ma'am that are pointing in any area like in your back that you haven't really? No more? Okay, where exactly where your camera's pointing? What angle? Were they towards the road? Towards the road? Is there anything in the in the backyard area of where you are? No? Okay, that's the only one we had. All right, here's what's going on. We're actually and I'm gonna just be completely honest with you, miss, there's a possibility of a raid coming in there because we truly believe that are having some type of counterband in that house right there. Hello, see if you can get that tech here? Hello? Okay, yes, have you spoken, sir? Let me tell you one thing. Okay, I will bust. I don't even allowed to come back to my house at all. I don't play that. I'm a head of crime. Watch. I think all these you need to go get a job and stop messing up their damn like that's that's that's what's wrong with them, Okay. And I don't play that, and I don't appreciate that. Okay. Are the two boys there right now? Yah? Can I speak with those guys one by one place? Do you mind if I do that? Miss They don't want to come to the phone. Nobody wants to talk to the office of the law. Huh uh, what do you think, miss Jo. I'm gonna try to handles as diligently as possible. Do you think I should come out and speak with your boys there? No, I'm trying to avoid a raid. I'm avoided my damn self. No, I'm trying to avoid a raid coming to your home, man, That's what I'm trying to do. I want to call and talk to you, sensible and see if I can get some things rectified here, because right now it seems like it shouldn't. That camera should be actually pointing and you're backdoor, your backyard, so I can see what's going on there. That's what seems to be happening here. Okay, Well, do what you gotta do, you know, but I'm gonna go take Okay, uh, well, before you do all of that, can we permit pretty much? Let make sure that we know what we're talking about. Do you think that they have contraband in the household? No, I don't allow that in my household. Okay, I'm a Christian woman. I don't allow that in my household. Have you beat these children before on this particular issue, if you had problems with them in the pass on this? No? All right, I don't. I'm just trying to square it up as quick as possible. I don't want you going through being stressed out about this particular issue. But I know that from my understanding, you're supposed to be a law abiding person and you're trying to be layal biding very right, Mary, I care very much about my community and that's why I do not allow these things in my community. And if they're doing it, trust me, I'm going to be on as soon as I hang on this phone. Well, I don't want you to hang up your check because I got a couple more things I want to talk to you about. Because if you need me to come over there and bust with y'all, don't. I need that comes and I'm gonna help you, but some too. Okay, I got one more thing I need to say to you. Are you listening. Yes, this is Nephew Timing from Steve Harbin Morning Show. You just got you got pranked by and oh my goodness, I'm going to kick day behind. Don't do that because I take that very serious. They told me, they told me you are about cleaning up the community, and they bet not be nowhere around. They're selling no dope. And I mean, all I gotta do is look at me, and I steer at them and they automatically leave. And that's that's a good thing. Though, my goodness, I'm gonna get you back. No, you can't get me. Now, you can get you can get them, Oh gosh, oh my goodness. And him, I'm like nervous. I'm like, oh my goodness, oh boy, you look at you. I didn't want you to get off that phone because you gonna go beat them boys. You've got that's right, because I do not play No cops run up in my house. Miss did We need more people like you in the community. That's making sure that we ain't dirtying up the neighborhood. We need you, baby, for darling. You keep doing what you're doing. I got one more thing to ask you, though, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show, Harvey, any about everybody with a smart house? Raise your hands, Valence, My hand is slanging this drugs and stuff, and we're gonna put a stop to it. That's right. She's saving the community. That's what she do. That's what we need more people like huh yes, sir, yes, sirs. She called you a psychopath. Favorite part. That's that's a compliment to me. What are you talking about? I embrace that, all right, nephew, Thank you. Coming up next, it is Asked the Cello with Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Ussher. That's right, I said, usshert Our special guest ers your baby. But right now it is time for the CLO. I'm so excited about Usher. It's time for Ask the Clo with Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building. Ready for your love questions? Here we go. This one is from Kamika and Tulsa. Kamika says, I've been seeing a married man and we have decided to meet in Dallas this weekend and get a hotel room to celebrate Valentine's Day. He said, we won't be leaving the room and I can't bring perfume, scented lotion, or baby oil. I'm not used to rules or being a side chick. Are these the normal guidelines? Absolutely not? Absolutely? What was it on? It can't have no awe, perfume, no scented oils, ain't no baby oil. No. I don't know what this means is he don't bathe regular and you can't. That's what this is to me, because you got to have a baby all and what this baby gonna do? Ain't you gonna bathe afterwards? Dog? Now, these scented oils and scented lotions, I agree with that, because then't be some strong sense. It's hard to get them off. You know, he can add to the list. I could. I could tell him from experience, add any glitter to that. Put that on your list. Nothing with glitter on it. Put that on your dog. Yeah, don't pack glitter because you can't get glitter off I don't care what you do. It's gonna be glitter, gonna be with you four, five, maybe six days. It's gonna show little bitty steps of shiny stuff. It'd be little piece in your ear, it'd be something behind your ear, it'd be something will deep in your mustash and it brush up a week later. It's just glitter. It's just a glitter in your one of the cracks of your teeth. Then just then, just glitter in one of your cracks. It just shoulders, it just shows up. So put glitt on your list. Yes, but this is the norm, lady, and that's what dust the downside of what you're doing. Sorry, okay, sorry, all right, well thank you. Celo Faye and Flidel writes, My younger sister was messing with our pastor and his wife found out him threatened my sister. I told the wife, if she wants to jump on somebody, go chump on her husband. She says, she'd better not catch my sister alone. I warned her. If she touches my sister, she's getting touched. Am I right or wrong? Well? I think you absolutely correct. Family has to stick together. Even though your sister's wrong. Your husband is the one who said the vows. He took the vow. Your sister probably didn't, and so the onus is on him. He has to be faithful. He's the one to say he had passed him man of God, and he the one married. You married the lady that you want to jump on. So if now she touched your sister, y'all got to touch her, which is gonna blow up even more in the past. His face calls, who is jumping on the first lady? Wow? And the headlines at the church pamphet first lady receives a second degree ass That's an ugly headline on the church bulletain news. Actually a crime, all right, White, all right? Moving on to Sherry and Evanston. Sherry says, I carpool to work and it's just three of us now because of COVID. I dread it when it's one co worker's day to drive, because we are stuck in her car with the heat and she's musty. It could be her clothes, but whatever it is, it is unbearable. Are we supposed to tell her or do we kick her out of our car pool group? Well, on that day, on that day, I'm driving, Yeah, on that day, I'm getting car pool day. Confused, I'm gonna show up at her house in the car. Yeah, a matter of fact, I won't forget to pick car. A matter of fact, I'm just gonna drive to work. I'm out the car pool. You're not locking me up in here with this. That's not what you're gonna do. And it's win of time. But we need some cracks in these windows anyway. But I'm not fit to be sitting up in the car with big big funking and we got to just heat on. I'm not fit to do this, not not with big funking her coach stinking. He tell this her car. You can't tell people in the car she or you could kick her out of the car pool group. Why she in the car pool? I don't understand who who put together a car pool list? Stinking in her cubicle? Why would you think that there's nothing ain't gonna be strong in this car? She staked down that lunch. Yeah, she's staking the meetings. She staked on the line. She staying. They need to do her favor and tell her. I'd say something, I tell her, Yeah, but how would you tell her stealer? No, you can't do. The big people hard to tell because they start swinging. Now you get your asswhip and that see see, let me explain something to you. This is a rule I know about. Musty skinny people get told quick. Anybody scared of the big skinny people go for years. I want to say nothing. Don't nobody want to say. They give him a pass. You know, they figure, well, you know, maybe because they wasn't a good wash day. You know, they stuff like that. You know, they couldn't get their coat off in time. You know, they say stuff like that. You know, well they did sweat coming up the steps, you know, as elevator went out. You know, they make excuses for big people. That's why I'm assuming it's a big person. Go ahead, yell all right, because Landry in Baltimore, all right, I'm a twenty three, twenty nine year old white man married to a thirty year old black woman, and we've known each other since middle school. She started smoking hookah and having girls' night out with a new group of women. I wanted to join them Saturday night. She said, no, we always hang out together. Should I be worried? Well, don't look. Let me explain something y'all in an interracial manage, you know, it always comes. Something comes with that. I'm not making up anything. That's just the way it is. She got this new set of black friends, and she hasn't quite explained you to them yet. And it's black Nights, and that's just you're gonna come in there and throw the whole group off. And he did not say they were black. She just said having girls night out with a new group of women. He said he was white, didn't he the reason he specified he was white because he knows there as a difference. Now, she didn't met this new group of black girls, and she has yet to break the news into them that she's dating Santa Claus. So now if you just show up, it's gonna throw the whole thing off. Better keep it work. You already know what this he is now, Hi, guys who in Baltimore Landry What Hey? I just started to come up and have lue time the guys. Why ladies, Keisha Danya Danya time, y'all never get it right? Salt Da coming up at the top of the hour, ladies and gentlemen, usher will be our very special guests. After you're listening to show Hey, y'all, as promise, we got one of our great family members on the show. H When I tell you global megastar, that's an understatement. Eight time Grammy winner. He's already out there, but he'll be headlining in all new Las Vegas residency Residency at the Dobe, Live at the Park MGM and the new shows kick off in ju Live. He's been out there already. If you haven't seen it, you're missing a treat. One of the greatest performers live that I'm telling you. I'm telling you that I've seen the boy got my respect at Essence one year when he went out and they was doing a tribute to Luther. That's when I said, oh, this boy right here, cole ladies and gentlemen, straight out of ATM, the one and only, the legend that is Raymond Ushah Man. I don't know if I don't know if I ever had a better introduction that thing up and let that be my introduction in Vegas this time. You know, Hey, hey man, nobody introduced nobody like me. Dog. One time, I'm gonna come out that I'm gonna bring you out because, man, let me tell you something, Man, I've been watching you, and I'm telling you, I last time I saw you was down at the Kentucky Derby. But and then we've talked on the phone sets. But man, this guy's live performance. You forget how many hits this man got because he wanted them performance where he can do a whole show and you know, he ain't gotta do nobody else's cover. This dude got a bunch your damn hits. Yeah, I went to love. I appreciate the time. You know that it's taken to build his career, So not the celebration, you know, it's it's a it's been a really tough time for a lot of people. So being able to hold onto that ticket up until this, up until the point last year was was really a treat. And uh, it would say, you know, and actually, you know, I just really enjoyed being able to try things that I never tried. You know. I decided to do some things that a little bit different. It was a theatrical experience because we were in the theater at the time and we're gonna be again this one as well. Um, but I just really wanted to just give people something to remember. It's like I can't remember, you know, talking about this almost twenty years ago, and I really wanted to at some point be it a to go to Las Vegas and and experienced things or experienced music in a way that felt plastic, the same way that same me they was junior and all of those guys did it. But this time, you know, with the celebration of the music and the dance, and you know, I even skated, you know what I'm saying, with the fashion all of it. Hey man, let me ask you that. Let me ask you that, because as a performer, and you say you kind of talked about this years ago, how does that feel for you from the standpoint of having had the career you've had, all the Grammys, all the accolades. How do you rank a residency in Vegas in all of this. I'm gonna tell you this much. Not many people can do it easily. You know. It ain't interress me in these times, but I say I would rank it um from one to ten. I say it's a ten. It's like, you know that with the responsibility of keeping the show, it's almost it ain't quite like you know, Broadway, but for the most part, you know, you know that people are coming from all over the world to see you, you know what I'm saying, and there they get a chance to celebrate all of your music. It's it's a planned destination at that point. It ain't about just let's just let's just see what's going on over here with this show. Now they know you know that they come in to see you and celebrate. You know. So um for me again as years ago that I knew eventually I was gonna make it to Las Vegas. And what better time to do with coming out of the pandemic and being one of the first shows to open in Las Vegas, so to cod to Thedobe Live this time after Brunomars, uh, you know, so many, so many other performance have been able to get the shows going there. I'm like, okay, Zobe Live, let me show you what I got. The lady got got, she did it, she did it one way, Bruno Mars did it his and I'm gonna do it my way, you know. Yeah, you know, man, I want people to understand that's the real sign of fame. A guy told me one time, he said, Steve, if you want to if you want to know if you're famous or not, it's two places. You just need to go walk down the streets of Manhattan. If don't nobody stop you, you're not famous, he says, And go to Las Vegas. If don't nobody stop you, you ain't famous, he said. Because Las Vegas is where the world goes the world. And for you to have a residency in Las Vegas, y'all, listen to me, you have to be globally famous. You can't just be American famous. That ain't gonna sell all the tickets. And so that's that's that's the testament to this brother right here. Now you're gonna be It opens Friday. This is the New Vegas Show. It opens A residency opens July fifteenth at the Dobe Live Everybody at the Park, MGM. You got twenty three shows on the schedule from July through October this year. The new show incorporates audience interactions and staging throughout the Listen to me, y'all, five thousand, two hundred seats. You can't do that at night unless you're ask famous. This every night, fifty two hundred seats. You find out real fash your ass saint got it, especially on a Wednesday. Yeah, you're gonna have to have a bunch of dark ass nights. Homie anyway, that's where he's gonna be. Ay uh An, stick around. We want to do one more break with your us when we come back. I mentioned in the intro right here, I said audience interactions and staging throughout. We're gonna find out if he can drop a little hints on what that could be like when we come back. We got more with the world famous, the one and only, our homie Usher right after this on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Yeah you're listening show all right, y'all, we're back in our special guests this morning is Usher. He's doing a live residency July fifteenth. It kicks off at the Dobe five at Park MGM. You're calling this an immersive show now when we went to break tell it. Can you give us a little bit about that? What do you mean by immersive new show with audience interaction? What do you mean by that? Orsan, Well, if you had the opportunity to come to law FACS the last time, I called it an immersive experience because I was gonna be able to take you, you know into you know, kind of my mindset before the show actually started. Now you didn't know that, you know, before you got your ticket. But if you were able to be a part of that experience, then you actually got a chance to be with you know, almost twenty different performance as this immersive experience that happened before the show. Right, there's this for Region club that you go to take you to Atlanta, Magic City, and also too, I took you to this experience and I had many years in New York. Now this time at the Double Live. It's gonna be an interactive experience with my fans. So not only do I incorporate, you know, all of the hit records, but you know, you feel like you're actually a part of the show. You know, the way the room is set up, the experience that you see, the things that I do, you know, with the skates on, you see the incredible fashion that's dining. There's all of these other things that you're gonna get as an experience that you wouldn't at a normal show. It's not just you standing in an audience looking at looking at the show. You actually, you know, depending on where you see this is um you know, you feel like you're literally in the show. They ain't a bad seat in the house. Everybody gets to it's gonna feel like they are asking the part of the show. Wow, to be there with your wife, and your wife is standing there saying these girls are bad. I mean, that's how everything you got on stage was incredible. Man, everything If your wife, what would you say? I just say nothing. I didn't say I didn't say nothing. I didn't agree with what I just re quiet and just kept us usher. I didn't know you had a little magic city. See. I've been in my life. I've been the Magic City twice and both times was before I got saved. And that's all I can tell you in Jesus name. I was in there just with cool my broadcast. Lord, I wasn't rich when I was in there. Let's you know you're talking about the radio show taking a trip to Vegas. Let's do this, all right, let's do that. Go see ye Well, Tommy just said it to Steve Harvard Morning Shows coming to see July fifteenth. Everybody have to don't be live at park mgm Uh it's an immersive show. Uh, it's crazy, it's usher, and it like you've never seen you before. Make sure y'all go out and see tickets. Gone say on Friday, February twenty fifth. All you gotta do is go to ticketmaster dot com slash usher vegas Usha, We love you boy, thank you man, love y'all. I see you there. I shall, I shall sure. Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hours, the outrage continues over Olympic figure skating, and we'll get into that right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Track star Shokary Richardson is calling out a double standard in Olympic sports. The International Olympic Committee decided that Russian figure skater Kamilla Villieva can continue competing in the Beijing Winter Games after testing positive for a band drug. The IOC's ruling raised a lot of questions for Richardson, who was barred from the Tokyo Summer Games after testing positive for marijuana. She says, can we get a solid answer on the difference of her situation and mine? My mother died and I can't run and was also favored to place top three. The only difference I see is I'm a black young lady. This is what that is the only difference On Twitter, because they were trying to say that the Russian girl had some problems from family, the problems, and she's under the care of adults, and so she took this drug. And because she's a miner under the supervision of adults, that don't mean a damn thing. Yeah, they're saying that, you know, the medication maybe was her grandfather's and there could have been some sort of mix up there taking their granddaddy. Pilly, Where where does she find them? Man? Because all that is all the night stand? Yes, it is his nightstale. Why are you sitting up in here in his room. You supposed to be out here, ice skating. What is you in here picking up prescription medicine off of his damn night stand? For your ass supposed to be out here? Figure skating? You saw high and make your grandpapa do when he took it. Now you're gonna take it. Figure you jump high since it's helping him get up quicker you figure hell, I'd be able to do a quadruple loop if I take that chap. Look, here's a deal. They removed this black girl, and everybody knows that we don't help you do nothing right, nothing performance wise, not really dog, But this band subject right here is on the list now if it's a band. Now weed is band, and so is she. But the girl lost her mother. She took it as a coping mechanism. Understood. Not the best decision, understand that, but that's what she did. They took her out to the Olympics. She was expected to meddle. This white girl from Russia is expected to meddle. She's in the lead. She white, though, See why we keep what's the surprise? It is the only damn difference. There's no surprise. That's that's all to it. Listen, listen to me. She gonna got her. They're gonna find a way. And let me tell you something. All of the ice skaters on NBC does commentating, Johnny Weir and the white girl who was in the Olympics. Yeah, let'm sinking, who was in the Olympics when she was fifteen. They are dead set against this decision. They said this girl should be put out because ice skating has to remain clean and these are too you know, like me, I don't care what they do because I know what it is. It's damn racism, pure and simple, and that's all it's been. It's just like rescinding the Voting Rights Act it's racism. Oh and now I was just watching Fox and oh my god, Hannity and all of them now has jumped all over this Biden statement of he putting a black woman on the Supreme Court. Oh, now that the narrative is so if you're a white man or a Latino man or woman or Asian American, don't even put your application in. It has been narrowed down to simply it's going to be a black woman. And that's unconstituted. Oh, Fox's ride this one in the ground. He should have just nominated the lady. And that was it. Don't You cannot tell these Republicans what you're going to do. I thought it was a stupid mistake on his part. You don't tell the enemy what you're about to do. Man, just just just announced the lady. Yeah, I don't like that. That was a that's a that's not smart politics. Man. All right, coming up next and the prank phone call. We'll get into it right after this You're listening show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject my husband found the wrong gift. We'll get into that. Yeah, just a little bit, and it is just what you think. But right now the nephew is here with today's frank phone call. What you got for us? Now? Well, you remember we used to have you know, back indad it used to be calendars with the hunks on it, you know, the fireman only remember that? Remember that? Yeah, and of course you know me and we always had this centerfold. We always had the great calendar with the beautiful latest on it. Yeah. Okay, well you know we're going than you do a calendar? Shirts off the calendar. No, he ain't doing a calendar. I don't think you might have done an hour. He might have done an hour, ain't done no mind, No hotties remember my hotties. And you go. But this right here is church calendar. Somebody. If you would turn into your neighbor and say church calord, won't he do what? Let's go cat down church? Hello? Hello, I'm trying to reach sister Alison. Alison. Uh Alison, she's not here, man, she had worked um as she's speaking. Hey, this is this is brother luster brother lest how you doing today? All right? Lester? Brother Lester right from the church. Okay, okay over at uh right right, right right, your husband right with Jared. I'm Jarl Yeah this Gerald Yeah okay, okay, I met you a couple of times, Jered. We ain't seen you in a minute though. Man, I've been working on Sunday and I said that I was gonna try to make it, but I told her, you know, I want to get involved. You know this year it's gonna be a better year. I'm gonna get involved. Man, We'll come on down. Man. We love to have you, that's for sure. Man. Can I get you a number where she can call me back? Well? Okay, yeah, sure us this about you know, lesson or something. What's going on? Actually the single ministry, Man, I'm over the single ministry and we're raising some money. So we're actually putting together a calendar. And we wanted her to give us a call. Nobody. Okay, so let me let me get you. Let me get my number real quick. Women in Okay, you say a calendar. So the church is doing the calendar. But is it like the couples like we come in, like how it always be like the couples come in and be like this is mister him? I mean a calendar down? No, no, no, what we're doing to see a lot of the guys got together. What we're gonna do is the Mount Swimsuit Caledar and we're gonna we kind of put that together. Man, So let me give you my number, man, because I want to call all the guys were saying, if she get on the calendar, it'll probably get solid. You wait a minute, wait a minute, whoa wold woar war w Let's slow down, Slow down, brother Lester, let's slow down. Okay, a calendar, a swimsuit calendar. But for the single ministry at the church, what it is, Gerald, We're gonna be the first church to who have ever done a swimsuit calendar. You see what I'm saying. No, wait a minute, Wait a minute, Wait a minute. You call it for us? My wife to be in it. You sure you got the right number because we're there, I mean because your wife is Alison, right, Yes, my wife is Alata. And first of all, didn't what's this man about? All the guys y'all got together, y'all voted for about Okay, I'm trying to take this slow man. Oh God, hold my tongue right now, because I'm trying. I don't understand where you're going with this and listen, we're gonna get sister Gieddre. She's gonna be Miss March June is like pretty much in the middle of the year. We want your wife to be the big centerfold. Please please tell me you're not tilling my house this morning talking about my wife to be in a Canada I swim through calendar. But then on top of that, y'all all got together and y'all voted that y'all want my wife to be in a swim too, Canada fad church. Okay, well wait, wait a man, gard I'm looking at us on the positive side? Man, what this is? See, like I said, we're raising money for the Singles Ministry and the single Ministry and get ready to go on a big trip. But the fingers Ministry, she's man, man, peoplestry, why are you calling and talking about my wife? Bid is something like this, you hold up, Oh Jesus, yell hey man, you you should feel honored man that your wife while y'all looking at my wife like that. Man, we're coming in there and we're trying to get hip and we're trying to do it. Y'all looking at my wife. Time y'all want my wife to be in a swim through contest? Name? Do you understand what that is? Man? Ain't number some panties made? So y'all good that my wife time? My y'all want my wife to be here a panties? See what you gotta understand? Gerald, This right here, man, is for the single ministry, which we got a big trip coming up, so we're raising money. Fun. What are y'all doing? Man? It's not something you do at the church. Man. You have car watches? Man? Without man, I'll really watched cars. Man. Y'all talking about Canada? Man? What are you doing? Man? What type of churches? This? Five? Turning two? Man? See Gerald? The difference deals on this whole thing. Man, don't be upset about it. What it is that? Man? We don't found something that ain't no other church done before? You see what I'm saying. The reason ain't no other church done this? Because this is wrong? Man? What committee got to get on something like this? Man? What is wrong with you? Hey? Dog? You gotta understand. Listen. We got sister Gieddrid, we got sister Vicky. Okay, uh no, you said the thing that signed out on that you got these women in the church then that they're gonna put on swim suits. Well, what I'm saying, we got them on our list. We got them on our list to come saying. Ain't nobody getting with man? What is wrong with you? Man? Hey man, listen, just to help us get started. Do you have a picture or sister Alison in a swimsuit? Look, man, I ain't give it, you know, get your my wife and on swim suit. Man. No, this is just something we're trying to do for the ministry. Dude, you know what are you at the church? Did you work at the church for a turn part time? I'm at the church? Okay, are you there there? No, I'm not there right now. But I'm gonna beat up for crime rehearsing lating on this evening. Okay, what time do quid rehearsal start left? So having o' clock? But why you what's what? I want you to do this for me? Before you go to rehearsal. Can you just be right in the front right quick? I just want to we need to meet personally right quick, less to me and you. So I'm gonna come to the rehearsal and then let's talk about this face to face because this over the phone and all that, this is not working right man, and I need to meet the person that's called in my howl talking about my wife doing all this idiotic type. So let's leave bak in the front. Brother, before you go to sing, I got something for you to sing, gay bout. So meet me in the front man, please before you go in left, because we ain't gonna talk about this no more over the phone. Let's talk about this in person. Okay, further all, I mean you gotta calm down. Man, I don't even understand why you already like you know what. Yeah, I'm gonna come down, Lester. Seven. So it started at seven, let's do six fifty five, Lester. I think this is gonna worst for us. This is gonna help your caller to get out the way that you really really needed to get out. Man, I got something for you that's gonna help just calls. Please be outside at six fifty five. Please don't go on there. I'm gonna be outside. Can you bring a picture with you? Oh yeah, I got a picture for you. I got a nice picture for you. I'll tell you what me or tell me. Will be outside waiting on you when you get there. You who Me and nephew Tommy from the Steve Harby Morning Show. We're gonna be right outside in front of the church. Oh man, who did this? Name a man? Your brother Jason told me the prank phone call? You man, god man, you know you know what you said? Tell him, I said, if that food came to church more often, he would know that this is a prank phone call. Oh Dad, I'm glad it is. Man. Can't you just imagine how to draw up to that church acting the food? Ain't man, gir I got I gotta ask you this hire man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land? Man to Steve Harmy Morning Show man? Real stupall? I love him? What time is choir practice us? Can you get that six five? I didn't need five minutes of your time. That's all I need right in the front. Don't make me do like that man in that video we saw a couple of weeks ago. Remember the man came around the front of the pew and hit the and punched that man in the face. Yeah, that was too much, Marcus, Marcus, I got stupid all lined up for you. Stupid this weekend. That's Thursday, Friday, Saturday. The Nephews in Baltimore, Maryland at the Baltimore Comedy Factory Friday Thursday night. That's one on Thursday to Friday. Who Saturday and the Nephews in town. Tickets are just the black gown, So call them and see if they got a few more. Then you can come hang out with the Nephew Laying in the Cut, Beaumont, Texas, March nineteenth, Baby, Julie rogers Field up that Saturday night one show. We'll get your tickets now, all right, Beaumont, Texas. Land in the Cut is Zany's Comedy Club, Nashville, Tennessee. April Fools weekend. What bella to celebrate April Fools with the fool in your city, Nashfield, Laying in the Cut. All right, that's all right now, thank you, sir, Thank you. Coming up next Strawberry Letter subject my husband found the wrong gift. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry letter. How we could be reading your letter on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. You never know, it could be yours. You never know. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it is Strawberry letter. Thank you, nephew. Subject my husband found the wrong gift. Dear Stephen Shirley. I've been married to an interesting man for nineteen years and we have a daughter that's a freshman in college. He works two jobs by choice because he gives my daughter any and everything she asked for. He stopped spoiling me years ago, and I'm jealous. Since he works a lot, I have plenty of time alone. It's true that an idle mind is the devil's workshop. And out of sheer boredom, I started flirting with an old acquaintance on Facebook. He knows I'm married and he's married too, so we both are bored and wanted someone else to talk to. He asked me where I worked, and I told him, but I didn't mention that I'm working remotely right now. This past Friday, he dropped a small red box off at my office and the receptionists call me to come pick it up. She said, quote, a man that's not your husband dropped off something for you that was nothing but shade. But I went right up to my office and got my gift. The box contained some small red lingerie and one hundred dollars cash with a sweet card. When I got home, I slid the box under my bed. When my husband came home, I was in bed. He was getting undressed and he took his wedding band off and it rolled under the bed. He saw the box and looked at me, smiling. He opened it and started getting giddy. He thought it was his Valentine's present, so I had to play it off and put the lingerie on. It was way too small for me, and it almost cut my circulation off. I couldn't wait for him to rip it off. I had to go through two rounds of bad sex, but he was so happy. I want my one hundred dollars back, and I want to tell him another man gave me that gift because he sent our daughter flowers for Valentine's and he didn't give me any. Should I tell him just to make him jealous? No, you should not, and especially you shouldn't be jealous of your daughter. And I mean, you know, making him think that the gift was for him was the only option you had at the time, because that could have gotten really ugly, but not as ugly as it already is. I mean, I'm surprised you're still sleeping with him. You have so much, so many complaints about him. You stayed in there for not one, but two rounds of bad sex, you say, so, so how long are you gonna put up with that? You got nothing for Valentine's Day, but he got the money, the sexy Undy's and he got sex with you twice. You said he stopped spoiling you years ago. You did not tell us why why did that stop? I mean other than he's working two jobs. Now you're thinking it's to spoil your daughter, and you're jealous of that. He's not married to his daughter. He's married to you, and the idea that you're no longer number one in this life should be unacceptable to you. You left a lot out in this letter. You guys have grown very far apart. Now you're thinking about cheating with someone from your past that you met off Facebook. I mean that's not going to solve your marital issues. You're looking for attention. Your husband sounds coolest to your needs as far as that's concerned, and that has to change because your marriage is already in trouble. You're thinking about Hey, I know you say you want someone to talk to, but that's how it starts. Okay, that is how it starts. Those thoughts become actions. If you still want your marriage to work, I think you guys need to get in some sort of marriage counseling or therapy right away. At that, Shirley, absolutely brilliant answer. I agree with every single thing you said well said, which leaves me nowhere to go in this letter except to dig and find little gems of ignorance that may be typed in this letter some square. So come on with me as I take you through the mind of the person who writes a letter like this. Even the subject my husband found the wrong guilt, even the way he found it was just, oh my goodness, Where you hid the gift was, oh my goodness, how you hire the gift? Under the damn bear? Who do that? What is he? Foe? What is he? Phoont he don't go under the bed who hids to give? Who do that? Anyway? You've been married to an interesting man nineteen years old, got a daughter's freshman in college. He works two jobs by choice because he gives my daughter any and everything she asked for. So now the rest of the letter is to penalize the man for being a great father. But there's more to it. As Shirley said, he stopped spoiling me years ago, and I'm jealous something happened years ago that you're not putting in this letter. Demand just stopped? And did he turn his attention to someone who was more appreciative? Did someone start saying, thank you, daddy, while you're wonderful. Did somebody go, you're the best dad any girl could ever have. Did you stop saying you were the best husband? Thank you for all of your hard work. No, you're just married to an interesting man. Then, as you said, since he works a lot, you've got plenty time alone. And now here we go and I don't mind is the devil's workshop, And out of sheer boredom, I started flirting with an all acquaintance on Facebook. You do understand that this entire letter is really looking like your fault because your husband working two jobs and spoiling your daughter, showing her how a man should treat her, giving her an example of what love looks like from the eyes of a daughter through watching her father and you taking it as he stops spoiling me. I'm jealous, I'm bored. I'm flirting on Facebook. Facebook then ended a lot of marriages. Get ready for yours to be gone too. Right now, we gotta take a break right here. We'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's Strawberry Letter subjects I know you just got into it. Today's Strawberry Letter, my husband found the wrong gift. We'll get right back to it right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letter. The subject my husband found the wrong gift. Everything about this letter is crazy. This woman is married to what she claims as an interesting man who has a freshman daughter in college. To both of them, he's spoiling her. He's got two jobs, she says, to give the daughter in and everything she asked for. He stopped spoiling me years ago. And I'm jealous. Well, then she says, since he works a lot, she got plenty of time by herself. And then she says that it's true that an idol mind is a devil's playground. So she started flirting with an old acquaintance on Facebook. Facebook and ended a lot of marriages, and this has been to be another one. He knows I'm married and he's married too, so we both are bored and wanted someone else to talk to. Lady, everything you're saying, it's like somebody going so what because you're not. All you're doing is justifying the dirt that you've done. Oh, this is a letter field with justification. He asked me where I worked, and I told him. Now, let me tell you something. This has been going on for a while now because you jumped from they want somebody else to talk to to. He asked me where I worked, and I told him, but I didn't mention that I'm working remotely right now. So on this past Friday, he dropped the small box office. Excuse me, He dropped a small red box off at her office, and the receptions called me to pick it up. As she said, a man that's not your husband dropped off something for you. That was nothing but shade. Well, what you want, lady, that ain't the lady ain't being messy or shady. This is a fact. A man dropped a red box off up hill where you don't work at no MO. And it wasn't your husband. But I went right up to my office and got my guilt that I show my husband buying this girl all this stuff. That girl is your daughter, damn, so now I showed her. I went right on up there to get my guilt. The box contained some small red lingerie and a hundred dollars cash. I don't be done. That's all the table, the thought that I didn't put into all these gifts over the years with my wife, all of us stuff out and spend money off. A I really had to do was get a live bitty red pair of larger rain, cut her blood off, and put a hundred dollars in the box. Boy, that's it. When you married, and you know she mattered. All you need is a small ass box with a hundred dollars in. He man get out of you, and then she said with a sweet card, you're just you easy, you easy. You get excited about little or nothing because you want to when I got home, I slid the box under my bed. Excuse me, you slid the box under y'all's bed. He go a good part. When my husband came home, I was in bed. He was getting undressed, and he took his wed bed off and it rolled under the bed. I be down. Ain't that how you get busted always on some dump stuff? He took the wedding band off and it just so had clickly it hit the float and roll under the bed. When my husband and then he saw the box and looked at me smiling. He opened it and started getting giddy because he thought it was his Valentine's President. Well, I don't know how that is, because fellas for the last time you got a pleasent on Valentine, I never expected nothing. I be done. So how old is he here? In his eighties or something? On the hell? And we started getting Valentine's stay gifts? Anyway? Uh it was. I had to play it off and put the lingerie on. It was way too small for me and it almost cut my circulation off. I couldn't wait for him to rip it off. I had to go through two rounds of bad sex, but he was so happy. I want my hundred dollars back, and I want to tell him another man gave me that gift because he sent our daughter flowers for Valentine's and he didn't give me any. Now, the dumbest line in this whole letter is you want to tell your husband. Let me understand this, that another man gave you that gift because your husband sent your daughter flowers for Valentine's then didn't give you any. So your snapback for that is, I'm gonna tell him that another man sent this red box up to my job. I would up there and picked it up. Is too small for me, but I put it on just to deceive you. You ripped it off and you took my one hundred dollars. I want one hundred dollars back. Should I tell him just to make Kim jealous? Lady, This ain't gonna make Kim jealous. This FINNI caused a whole lot of other thing. Jealousy gonna be your least of words in the police report when y'all it out, jealousy, it's gonna be other things, and the police report like a sault in battery, receiving stolen property. It's gonna be a lot of stuff in this police report, but jealousy won't be in that. That's the dumbest thing you could do. Lord. Post your comments, Thank you, Steve. Post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM and Instagram and Facebook, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Coming up at forty six minutes after the hour, Junior and Sports Talk. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's that time for Junior and Sports Talk, which you got Junior? Okay? Sure. They just reminded that it is All Star Weekend. Has super Bowl now this weekend All Star Weekend held in Cleveland. Team Lebron versus Team Durant. That's what we got. Date occasions. They've chosen teams to hit. The starting five. For Team Lebron, you got Lebron Still Curry, John Morant, Nicolai Joking, Andrew Wiggins, that's the start in five for them. Team Durren Dmarta Rose and Trey Young, Joel Embiide and the Greek free Jannis who I don't lose. It's gonna be a game. Then you're on Friday, they got the celebrity all Star Game. You know this. You know just a few people that we may know in here. I don't know all of them, but I know Tippy Hattes. She's gonna be playing Quavo. Quavo from a Mego's gonna be out there. He got a bottle, right, Yeah, yeah, he kind of yeah. He's been MVP. Yeah for the Celebrity Monstar Game. Miles Garrett, Yeah, Miles Garrett, Jack Harlowe and machine Gun Kelly gets his name. A few all saw the three points shootout. It's gonna be Saturday night. Fred van Fleet for the Toronto Raptors, Desmond Bain for the Memphis Grizzlies, Luke Kennard for the LA Clippers, Zach Levine for the Chicago Bulls. C J. Mccullars for the Pelicans, Patty Mills for the Brooklyn Nets. Call at the towns for the Minnesota timber Wolves. And Trey Young out of Atlanta. Anybody towns ain't been to win? No, damn, I don't know. Lass over there and sit down all these misses. I'm gonna I'm gonna Tray Young man. I'm just tyng. Yeah, I'm gonna go with Trey. I think Trey gotta get shot this ship. I just gonna know Steph Curry this year. M no, what you already won? But I thought, you know he's the greatst shooter of all who what? Why would he be competing? Why? What? I got to prove I would have made most three point shots? And anybody on earth ever played the game? What you're fit to give me an award to say, do your harden doing anything? Slam Doctor, Tommy Slam Dot Contest. Obie Topping for the New York Knicks. Now here we go, tom this us, that's where our money at. Jalen Green for the Houston Rocks. We come on, we gotta, we gotta put it on. Jalen, come on, j Cole Anthony for the Lando Magic and want to Sconnell Anderson. When did used to be a time we used to knew who was being a slam duck content. I don't even know nobody but Jennie Green and him. I don't know him. He dressed like he's straight from the sit. You love him. He's so cute. Okay, my daughter that age group he up, he got your daughter? Yeah, that age group they think he's cute. Thank you. Junior coming up at the top of the hour, listen to this question. Guys, have you ever dated someone that you knew was still not over their ex? We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, you could say this about Kanye and Julia Fox's relationship if you want to call it that, Well, that was short lived. U. In case you haven't heard, Kanye Julia Fox have called it quits. Yeah, they dated for a couple of months. Uh. Kanye has been busy meanwhile, trying to break up Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson and begging to get his family with Kim back. He wants them back together. So the question for you, guys is have you ever dated someone that you knew was still not over their x h Yeah? Yeah, and didn't give a damn either, didn't get it? Yeah, that's what I'm fault. Yeah huh. Yeah, I'm the rebound. Hell, I'm the backboard. I'm so against me. Yeah there what there has to be some logic, all temporary. He just enjoying the moment. Yeah, if I know, that's what it is. Yeah, man, capitalization time. Oh, this ain't going nowhere? Okay? Cool? Oh Yeah, capitalization time. I got capitalized on this moment for you. You need me to get you. I'm a bridge till you get back to him. Girl, Let me help you be in this stand. Come on, what if readjover trouble water, I will leave me down. What if it's you know, they just need a moment to get over them. They want to be in a relationship with you. I'm here for that moment. Yeah, that's not temporary, then, Junior, I help I tell him. I told her, I said, you know what, he is a great guy. You agree with her. I agree right with us. Stay right there with it the whole time. Let me come here, let me call you, need me to hold you just for this two weeks? Right, I got you, Let's go. Yeah. I ain't got no problem with that. I don't feel some type of way about it at all. Huh. We know werena for two weeks. We got that. We good. That's cool, that's all. So you're saying that because you think she's going to go back to him if she, dude, that's where you think good, because this is when we go back and keep trying to tell me that I ought to not let you just walk on me. But I told him, yeah, I don't mind. Just keep on using me until you use me up. I O, yeah, use me, baby, Y grooved me. I say us, you got my brother. He sent me right down and he talked to me, and he tried to tell me that I ought to not let you just use me. But I want to spread the news that if it feels this good getting used, oh, you just keep on using me until you use me up. What doesn't matter, because good, I'm not finding developed feelings for you, Thank you. I'm not finding go into that going in what this is and what they say at church, and let him use you all the time, said Lord. And when you go back to him, I'll be there the whole time the bend, honey, I'll be damn your shoulder's honey. Doo wrote that what never ceased to amaze me? Are coming up More trending topics, More of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Twenty minutes after the hour, right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Carla is here with today's music news. But you got Carla, what's going on? So riding high after her epic Super Bowl performance, Mary Mary J Blige is back with her fifteenth studio album, My Girl Got fifteen albums. She is truly a legend. The album is titled Good Morning Gorgeous. Mary has a few appearances on the album Anderson pack A Shah a Shah who was our special guest on the show earlier DJ Khalid And now she has a single on there called Rent and Rent Money and It's Just Fire. And she wrote the song about her husband after the divorce. We know about her divorce and Mary said, you know, in this exclusive interview she did with iHeartRadio, she said that she had to pay him so much alimony that she didn't have enough money left to pay any of her bills, and that he spent all of her money. That was basically what she said was the inspiration behind this song. So you know, loser, well, she has recovered. God has you do things like this sometimes just to demonstrate his power amends, because sometimes you find God's greatest glory when you need it most. And if you just trust him and believe in him, he come through shining. And so Mary J. Blige, look at her. I can assure you this guy right here that money went through his fingers man like like water. That money went through his hands like water. All right, coming up, Thank you, Carla. Coming up at thirty three minutes after we'll do a round up. Would you rather right after this you're listening to Harvey Morning Show time Now guys for would you rather let's get it started. Would you rather perform surgery or fly a commercial jet without any qualification? I'll do the surgery, Yes, surgery. Yeah, I'm gonna cut on y'all because you you gonna die, but not me though. Yeah, it's gonna be something wrong with you. But I'm not gonna be up in this play killing myself. I'm gonna work through it. I'll be I do okay with that surgery? I do. I You know you needna gonna be a minute. You know you're bouncing right back, you know. Okay? Yeah, bouncing might be over. But we not fend the fly commercial jet and kill myself. Look at it this way, if Odell Beckman seals coming, he's gonna break out running. You don't want to serve Joe, all right? So would you rather swim with the sharks all right? Or would you rather spend a night in the forest with mountain lions? Huh? Would be would you rather swim with the sharks or spend the night in the forest with mountain lions. I'm gonna spending that night in the floor. I'm I'm spending that night in the fourth with mountain lions in a tree shirt. I'm in a tree. You quit asking me, Junior. They get in trees? Do they do? They ain't here what I can't do? I can't swim, I can't hold my breath. So what as I'm in here with this damn shock? This is a no win situation. You can't get away from him now. I'm in that force with their mountain lions, working on something to learn from my Granddaddy's something something bill, a fire something. I'm gonna get a five started. I burn this damn forest down. I'm gonna have all the animals running. I'll set the forest on fire. Now we're on the news. Yeah whatever, We're gonna set this whole force. I'm gonna start a force five. I'm gonna get a mountain line. Something else to think about other than my ass? Why are you so crazy? All right? Here we go? Last one? Would you would you feel worse if no one showed up to your wedding or if no one showed up to your funeral? To the funeral, yeah, I had two wins where where nobody asked? So I'm used to that over there? Did my shouldn't have been that I should? The biggest surprises my dumb ass was standing up here. That's the biggest surprise. Why am I here? Ain't nobody else did? A bigger question is what made me come down? All right? I think that's a great way to end. Would you rather for today ask my ass that question? A million? Done? Why was I there? Coming up? In forty nine minutes after the hour, our last break of the day and closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, here we are last break of the day. First of all, sending our condolenses to our friend Tyrese whose mom passed. Uh yeah, definitely yeah yesterday. So um, condolences go out to Tyree send the family also, UM, I guess in closing, what would I do today? First of all, let me ask the team before I go in today, any questions about anything? Let's do ask Steve segment right quick about anything you might want to ask. It can be personal, it can be humorous. It could be business, it could be career, it could be whatever. I'll give you a chance or a moment here all you can ask me how much something costs that you don't think I know the dollar amount to just a couple of those. As I prepare, Okay to close, Oh, I have a question. You know. Earlier in the week, we had talked about our morning show vacation. We just had Usher as a special guest on the show. We talked about going to Vegas. Do you have the dates and do you have everything planned out for us so we can be oh, yeah, well you know, well, you know we've come to a conclusion. What is the conclusion, your feeless leader. Your boss is in charge of all international travel Africa, the Middle East past, I have have I not done what I said I was going? Absolutely, you've done the Caribbean next, You've done all that. Yes, surely has labeled Tommy as half rich. Okay, she called him that. Yeah, I don't like it either, because I know he's rich. So Tommy is in charge of all local trips and travel, domestic domestic travel. It's what you're in charge of and so all of this, can you can afford that question to nephew? Okay, so Tommy, being that you're in charge of our vacation domestically travel, Yeah yeah. We had Usher as a special guest on the show and we talked about earlier going to Las Vegas. Do you have our dates and our travel our ten Now let me say this about my international travel. I took care of all flights, hotels, and ground and ground transportation. You had to pay for nothing when they was with me. I paid for all the food that's till now. That's what Go ahead, Tommy, go ahead. Okay, we're dealing with a little bit of a budget now, so it's not gonna be Quiet. Has never said the word budget to us. Ever, we like, once again, I ain't Steve. So everybody get ready. We're gonna we're traveling on Spirit Frontier. Just merged Spirit A Spirit Frontier. I don't know which, but we're on the SNL okay SNL Spirit in Frontier were on that. Now y'all can decide first class. No, they just got first. Get on the first boarding group. Boarding group. Now you got it. You need to you need to respond earlier and check in there if you want to get on first New Orleans hotel, we can stay there. Oh they got a Vegas six. They got a Motel six round the corner from the strip. That's a bad boy right there. Excuse me, excuse me? Do you know how many baller hotels are in Vegas? Steve Jumping? Here? You stay at the Motel six. You can see your car from the parkt and you can pull up in the parking lot and see if somebody's at your dough. You got to look at the advantages. Oh my good. Okay. And as far as food, everybody got to go to the buffet when I go. All right. We may not want to eat when you eat. We want to go shopping gambles. We don't want to eat with you. Alter you gonna eat when I eat? Are you not? That's okay. I'll tell you what if you don't want to eat when I eat, I'm gonna branger cooler. We're gonna have sans meeting stuff like that. In that love we got so, we got so, we got hall Head cheese. And here you think we ain't got it. It's the worst trip ever. Blumber sausage, hall Head cheese, the limy but loney her can meat, got all that crackers, Mark will be sick now, I got miracle with far we can get that other man names will y'all one, y'all like y'all let me know what you want helmet. Yeah, okay, okay, probably I'm probably gonna get that spicy mustard in case y'all want that too. Mix it up a throw a little class in there. I'm classic with it, slices of pickles and stuff. I'm just tip bum Woa be real with y'all. I'm gonna just wait till it a national trip head be dealing with him with all these rudes. We don't gonna see Usher buffet for in COVID now as I'm over to Usher tickets too. Huh am, I over to Usher tickets too. Yeah, this is your trip. So let me explain this to y'all. I'm about three Usher tickets, three not once once. Let me three first three gonna go watch the first half, and we're gonna take this stuff back out there and let the other three come on man and catch that second hand, decide what had for the show you want to see. Now we're gonna get arrested sneaking up this is the worst closing remarks all time. I want to apologize to people, just letting you take a sneak peek inside the mind of a person who is committed to fronting. But that's it when it comes. But but he's very real though he told you what he wasn't gonna do, and he's not. It's gonna be the worst trip to Vegas y'all have ever had. I'm gonna probably have to step in here and make some phone calls now, bearing in frontier forever we're run. Hey, y'all, talk to God. He loved to hear from you, because you know you don't need to talk to Tommy. See y'all them all. For all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void were prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.