Usher Interview, Sheryl Underwood, Carla's Reality Update, 45 Peace Prize Nomination and more.

Published Sep 10, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve wants nothing more than your full attention. Btw, we have a Wonder Woman sighting as well. The Chief Love Officer has an older man that is caught in a situation that requires him to pay in order to play. Mr. Entertainment bka Usher stops by to discuss his upcoming Vegas residency and his latest song. Sheryl Underwood is here and she is not speaking to Junior. Real Housewives of Potomac is full of drama and Miss Carla talks about a particular incident at the strip club. 45 has been nominated for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks about early voting and encourages us to get informed by going to

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things and the stubbing good hastening to the other for please, I don't join jo. You gotta use that turn you are? You gotta turn to turn them out? Turn you got to turn them out? Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your back. H huh, I sure will. Good morning, everybody. Are you listening to the voice? Come on? Dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, I got something for you today. I'm gonna have a conversation this morning about my understanding of grace now that I've gotten older and I've come in to a better understanding of a lot of things I didn't know about when I was younger. This is just my interpretation of grace. Now once again, y'all listen to me. I ain't nobody's pastor, I ain't nobody's minister. So you know, I'm pretty sure you can go to church and get a far more extensive definition of one I'm giving you. I'm just talking to people. You know. Grace is this thing that that God provides for us and grace. It's just things that you get that's really undeserving, you know. I mean, I look at my life as it is today. You know. Look, I work hard and I have faith in God that I do so things are going to happen in my life. But the way my life is now, I don't. I don't. I don't deserve all of this. I don't don't. I don't look at it that way. I have been the beneficiary of God's grace. I have aligned myself in a position to accept whatever grace God has for me, and it will be far abundant and exceedingly in anything you could think of. His grace supersedes anything you could possibly imagine. You know, the goals that I set and the aspirations that I shoot for, and the things that I have on my dream board. I have the faith that God give it to me. But what He does with grace, he gives you far more than that. He gives you what He has for you, not what you can see. You can't see all He has for you. It's impossible. Who are you? How can you possibly imagine what he can imagine? How can you possibly think? How he can think? How how can you possibly do what he can do. How can it be that isn't a single mind living or a collection of minds that could have thought of earth? What in your wildest imagination could have made you think of Earth? The stars, the heavens, the oceans, the galaxy, the constellations. What in your mind? What in any man's mind? We can point at it and analyze it, but we show it couldn't have thought of it. So come on now, I'm talking about lining yourself up with God's grace, which he will give to you if you if you want some of it now. But now, his thing about grace, it can't be bought. If it could, if it could be bought, I'm telling you I would pour all the money I have and dump it into grace, because, after discovering what it is, it's this goodness that God shines on you simply as a reward of some type for his love for you and for you attempting for you, attempting to do right, not because you get it right. Because if He judged us purely on how we are the right and wrong of it, we would all be doomed, all of us, every last one of us would be doomed, because we all fall short, we all make mistakes, we all sin, we all get it wrong from time to time. Nobody's perfect. Man. Now I understand what my mother was saying about cleaning the house. All I want is a little more grace. All I need is a little more grace when the last time you ask God for some grace. No, I'm not talking to you like I know everything. If you just benefit from His grace, which you already have, but if you're not aware of it, you don't know what's going on. Become aware of grace, Get aware of the fact that God does things for you simply because He loves you. He does things for you that you don't even deserve. Somehow, you just wonder how you just got over when you didn't even do the things to get over. Sometimes you don't even know how you got that job you got when you ain't even really do the things to get the job. How you end up where you are all the education you thought you went and got, and hey, how you end up where you are today in a much better position than your education could have ever gotten you. That's grace. How I get every place I am today. I didn't plan this, man, If I could have planned my life the way it is. Don't you know how to have have done it when I was living in that car? If I knew how to do it, No, I benefited from his grace. I'm just a beneficiary of his grace, of his goodness and his mercy. God's goodness is better than your goodness. God's goodness is better than your mother's goodness. It's better than your wife's or your husband or your booze goodness. God's goodness is different. His goodness man covers some stuff you can't even imagine. So why are you trying to put your life together when the last time you asked him for just a little bit of grace? When have you thought of your life in terms of the grace that it has already benefited from? Have you ever done that? Man? Just thought about you know? You hear songs like my soul looked back and wonder how I got over? How's grace? That's all I can call it now? Like I say, you can go at church or somewhere ever you want to and ministers that the wind at school to teach this thing way better than me. I'm just giving you from a layman standpoint. Man, have you thought about his grace, would you not bewall to be a beneficiary of his grace? Would it not say? Now, check this out. The better you try to do, the more grace he'll give to you. And that grace can't be bought, Like I said, it's free. You can't purchase grace. But the better you try to become the more the more grace he gets to put your way. So man, just try, why don't you just try to do better? Look, man, quick tip, minda, I'm gonna start next week. I'm gonna start at the new year. Now you nawn't do that every year, you know, the ambras at the new Year. I'm eat better at the new year. I'm na I'm gonna gonna get in here and the new year. If you're gonna do it, you're gonna do it now. Man, You're gonna do not stop trying to do something, do it, stop talking about it, do it now. The best way to benefit from his grace is starting action now in old w now, right now today. What you're waiting on, all you're doing is delaying his opportunity to bless you. You know, man, you know, do you know how many times we do that we delay his opportunity to bless us by not starting now. If you're gonna get healthy, why don't you starting out now? You're gonna trip a little bit called the holidays coming. But you ain't got to eat bad all the time. You could start eating correct today, you could, You could, and then guess what that could be? Some grace on the end of that. I'm just giving you a little cheap analogy. But do you feel what I'm saying to you? Start thinking in terms of grace what He has done for you and provided for you that you ain't even see coming. That you know, you keep calling them blessings and I got that a lot of it, and us all it is. But man, have you thought about the stuff that didn't happen to you? You can't account for I. For me, that's been grace and I'm beneficiary of it. And that's available to everybody that won'ts su Next time you're talking to him, just check in with grace. See what that is. That's that's better than money. You're listening tow ladies and gentlemen, let me have it. You're undivided attention. I don't want nothing else now, all of it attention Steve Harvey Morning Show, Shirley Strawberry, Good morning, Steve, call it for real, Good morning. What's up? Kroll that dad damn Junior? Morning up morning everybody. Now you Tommy here and accounted for man and wonder woman herself straight out to silk Mississippi money wonder woman, Steve Hern. You know, because we all zoom and there can't see it, and then don't acknowledge her, you know, and her head it right there in the zoom, A little pigtails sometimes. I don't know. No, no, no, no, no, she's been wearing her hair nice. Tommy should do that. You know she's getting hurt her. Yeah, we're gonna get a man on zoom. Yeah, we're gonna call her have a zoom date. We're gonna have zoom dates only. She's fine brush with bacon, so I think she's fine. Yeah, she got pretty white team she got Okay, hold let me tell y'all about Missippi monk. But she works hard. She's extremely intelligent, she's trustworthy, very loyal. Her work ethic is impeccable. She bright, she flat, she knows how to dress. She ain't get in bash you nowhere. You know, I ain't never tasted the cooking in none case, say nothing about that. But she's from Mississippi. She gonna be able to fry calf fish. That you have to do if you even from Mississippi, nor or love her. That's what's going on, y'all. Nothing tonight Rockets play tonight boy, y'all gonna. I'm glad you brought it up, y'all think y'all can't get it back even y'all hair well, y'all, what's up? Wasn't you? What? Do you sound so happy? Steve talking about it? He's flat? You know? He poking us? Oh? I know, because y'all, damn his favorite player play on the team. Huh. Russell Westbrook is my favorite NBA player, And do you like so much about him? The problem is he playing against a dude that gave me my only damn title. I can't ever let that go. He is in my heart forever. Two thousand and sixteen. Oh, you ain't forgot the NBA championship, y'all. Y'all had once at sixteen. No, No, you got something using boom you when you got to tell you the baby. No, he wasn't crawl. Junior was a baby. Yeah, I was junior. Don't even bring it up. I don't even I was in class. I know that. Well, we ought to have a good day to day. Huh, yes, sir, we're getting closer to the lecture. Oh yes, oh yeah, and we are within fifty days closer of getting rid of Donald Trump. Come on to look at it. I like that. M all right. We got work to do, though. He's just not gonna disappear. If we don't make him disappear, he's not going anywhere. Okay, all right, listen. Coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, let's clo clo, the Chief Love Officer will be in the building. Yeah, to take your love questions. Right after this you're listening show coming up at the top of the hour, Ushers Baby will be our special guests. Has been a minute since we talked to Usher, but he'll be here. We're gonna see what he's been up to. Will premiere his brand new single is called Bad Habits, So don't forget. Usher will be at the top of the hour. But right now it is time for Ask the CLLO. Go to Steve HARVEYFM dot com to submit your love questions for the Chief love officer. Are you ready, sir? All right, here we go. This one is from Don in Oakland. He says, I'm a fifty two year old divorced man, and I'm familiar with the saying you have to pay to play. But the lady I am dating has taken it too far. When we met, she made me wait ninety days to have sex, and I respected that. She told me that we had to be in a five star hotel to do it. I got a room on the beach for the weekend. Now, each time I want to be intimate with her, I have to promise to give her shopping money before she takes her clothes off. We've been together for six months. Will this stop at some point? Or will I end up going broke for this beauty and her great sex? Help me? Okay? Don? Don you fifty two, you know what this is. She's charging you indirectly and directly for for for sexual favors. That's what you're in. This is not a relationship before she takes her clothes off. You got a problem to give her shopping money? Then that's what this relationship has built on. Now she got good sex, so that that's your problem right there? That's his whole problem. He wonta but this is all you got. You don't have nothing else. She ain't talking about helping you save, retire, build the future, none of that. She won't go shopping, don That's all the SEI is. So you need another purse dog. Yeah, he going the money for the purse turning. Now I'm naked. What this This ain't gonna work out for you ever, because you're gonna run out of money. She ain't gonna run out of sex. You're gonna run out of money. He needs to get someone who own speed, I mean, get somebody to care about him. Yeah, thats exactly exactly instead of what you can do. And it's not a pay to play system. Is you got to invest This ain't even an investment. No. Well he's investing all right, but he's not seeing any dividends. Canard in Columbia, South Carolina. I've been married for nine years and I'm ashamed to admit that I cheated on my wife. For the past two years. I've never got caught, and I ended my affair on my own. My mistress is constantly calling, begging me to see her face to face to tell her why we broke up. I have politely told her to stop contacting me, but she won't, and I am worried that she's ambing up to create some type of drama in my life. Should I meet with her and hear her out or tell my wife everything before things get crazy? Boy, if you tell your wife everything, that that that wait till they get crazy is right in the middle of that conversation. Why would you tell her dog she's amping up to do something crazy? Okay, amping up and done something, it's two different things. Now, if I were you, I would go on and try to put it to bed, put it to rest for good. Yeah, if you meet with or that's what it's gonna do. Yeah, Now that the best way to do it is should try to come to a fair and equitable resolution. But I got news for you. I don't think she's gonna go away quietly. I think this's gonna cost you something because what she looking at is you. You ain't gonna just leave me high and dry and going back to your wife. That's how they get Yeah. Yeah, and so I think that could be a problem. Dog, So be very careful. So, yeah, be very careful. But you don't think he should meet with her, and you definitely don't think he should tell his wife. You bet not tell your wife. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard tell her. I right, well, well, well let's deal with it. We ain't gonna be ignored part Okay, we ain't gonna deal with that. Yeah, but you're gonna have to dress it some kind of way. But don't meet with her because you're just gonna end up in bed to bed. Don't mean with a practice. Yeah, either way, Dog, she gonna across the way taking pictures of something. Dog, you got yourself in the spot. The best thing I could tell you do is get your family and moved right now? He attraction. He remember, Yeah, your job transferred, you change your number? Yeah all right, yeah that's true. That's gonna really make her go crazy, all right, Cello John and te Neck, New Jersey says, I did something so stupid and I need your advice. This is no man day. Uh huh. I think so. I had my four year old son with me the other day and I saw my ex who plays in the same tennis league with my wife, and she has a three year old daughter named Tiffany. She usually tells me I still have love for you, and I usually laugh. This time I mistakenly said I love you too, you know, Steve, you know it? Yeah, and my son and my son started giggling. He went home and told his mom, Daddy loves tiff Needs mommy. Daddy love Tiffany, Mommy, Daddy love Tify Mommy. I told my wife he made it up, but she believes our son. How can I fix this? We got to talk to the boys. I don't know why you didn't backhand is as soon as he giggle. I don't know why you didn't backhand his ass soon as he giggle. Not the baby here you laughing that. That ain't nothing funny say that about to anybody love nobody in this car. I can't believe you said that in front of him. Man, Dog, I can't help you. Dog, well I could, but we don't. We didn't get we out of time. That's your response. All right, We're gonna keep the ignorance going on. Coming up next, it is the nephew with running that prank back right after this. You're listening Stave Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, our sure will be our special guest. He's gonna tell us all about his brand new single, it's called Bad Habits. We'll also talk about what else is going on with us. Shure. He's got a lot going on. But right now the nephew is here to run that brank back. What you got, nephew, Ladies and gentlemen, Oh criosity? Yeah, I look at Carla her face dog. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Marvin Police. Yes, speaking Marvin High. I'm calling you from doctor's office. I'm actually the lab technician. Um, and you you came in and I got it physical. I guess about a couple of weeks ago. Yeah, okay, and my understanding this is for your for your occupation correct, Yeah, okay, you're at what do you do for a living when you're a Oh yeah okay. Now I was giving you a call about I'm here looking at your records and all the testings that you actually went through. Um wow, let's see have you had any Have you had any activity or any problems around your naval area? Na fine? Okay, it was saying, all right, uh, yeah, everything's fine. But I mean if you haven't had any any type of nothing, no breakout or anything around your navel or whatsoever. Nah about my navel? Now everything's going straight, man, Okay, to see what's going on? Man, what's happening? Okay? Actually, you've been diagnosed with um oak triositis and oristriosis is actually a fungus that comes out of South America, and you have no activity whatsoever around your navel. It's otriositis, sir. And what what that is is actually your your if you haven't had it yet, you say you haven't had any activity. There's gonna be like a small little tree that's gonna be growing from your navel and it gets about six inches long and it probably bears probably about twenty five to thirty leaves on it, but it's very small. Whoa, whoa, what about man? You see a tree gonna be growing out my neighbor. It's gonna be a small tree. And uh, what's gonna happen is I'm gonna have to get you to come back in, probably in the next month. We're gonna need you to come in so we can check it out. But it's got to grow its fullest potential before we can actually do anything to it. Nah, I can't come in and on money. I got to come in today. Man, somebody got we we we get this problem resolved. Man, I'm gonna get married. Man. Well, we can't. It has to grow its fullest potential, sir. And the full term is actually like about four weeks before we can actual man. I'm not waiting for those four weeks. Man. Somebody got to come to meet something, right nah, Man, I ain't gonna go married. Man, have to fly to time, man and have something growing out of my neighbor. Man, y'all going crazy, man, sir, Oh, triositis is something that's very rare. We're actually getting this assignment from overseas in South America on how to treat this. I don't give it down. Where is it? Man, somebody's gonna have to come give me some some help right now. Man, I'm gonna get ready to get married. Man. I'm not gonna be putting up with it. Man. Somebody in this office maint got to come down and do something for me. Man. And what you say telling you said, I can cut it out myself. So the best I can do is probably trim it a bit, you know, and maybe knock a few leaves off. But I cannot touch the full stock at all, man, you can cut this. Put a bad day, do something. If you cut it right now, you cannot, sir. If you cut it, there's a possibility of hemorrhaging, and you're gonna really create a bigger problem than what you have already. Man, I'm trying to get this cool or dot. Man. You didn't tell me cain't nobody never I've dried on there and get this putting a dot. Man. I'm gonna get married in two weeks. Man, We're gonna fly to Jamaican. It can't now. Somebody can do this for me. I put it so you cannot pull it out. You're gonna create, good man, You're gonna create a bigger problem if you try to pull it out. Sorry, problems are already there. I'm trying to get this problem. Man. You mean me big hospital. Ain't now you want me to do? It's not something man of you can do. Man, sir, Oak triositis is not something that we treat all the time. Like I said, it hails from South America, so we got I don't give from Great Britain somebody for me to come down and help me. Poor man, sir, I understand what you're going through, but we have to let it grow it's full term, which is four weeks, sir, the full root of it to grow. Man, I ain't something whoa man, right, nah Man, y'all gonna have to do something. Man, Sure, there's nothing we can do. We can probably trim it a little bit, the trim get some training, song man, do something, sir. There's nothing we can do at this point but sit back and wait and let it grow it's full term. Okay. Can we get you doing the waiting? Man? Somebody helped me, right, nah man, Sir. Can we get an appointment for you in the next four to five weeks and we do that. Now, you got to get a point for me to day. I'm gonna give matter. Man. I'm gonna fly to Jamaican now. I can't have them chicking out of me. I can't see it the opport. Man, you're gonna embarrass me like that man that chicking out my neighbor. Sir. I understand it. And like I said, oatriositis is very rare, and it's it's something that we haven't treated that many times here in the States, but overseas, the message that we're getting is that we need to let it grow. It's full term. So we men tell me. Ain't nobody in the Mirrico got what man? It's oatriositis, sir, So I can get it if nobody else got it, Sir, I could not believe that you were coming up with oatriositis here in the States. It's it's something very rarely seen here. There's been two people in the past has been diagnosed with this and they actually passed away. So now you tell them to dive and you're gonna chill me three weeks. Man, I'm coming down another day. Man, somebody's gonna do something for me. Sir. There's nothing that we can do today until four to five weeks or I gotta go get married. I'm fine to Jamaica. Man. I just said. Man, I'm hearing what you're saying. But I can't do anything if you don't see the tree already coming out of the navel. Yeah, somebody got to do something. Man. Now, I'm damn what you want me to do? Man, I don't know what I want you to do, sir, but I have one more thing. I can tell you what you got to say. Man, Oh, you're listening. I'm listening to you. Man. This is nephew, Timming from the Steve Hoppin Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy, Earl Man. You gotta be damned out, my wig man, you too, you comming man man, y'all he'll be going crazy here. Man, I'm looking all of my damn neighbor things. The truth. Fella, go out this man. I'm gonna have man. No, you ain't right now, man, I'm already never gonna get married and two weeks he man, I got one more thing to ask you, Marvin Man, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land show. If you're listening your asses, Yeah, you out of that, tim Me, give me till me what to say? Give me till me right away. You play too much for the husband. This is color favorite. Go asses at the weid go to pranks. Yes, a tree growing out of his navel. I never heard of such a thing. Once you do the research, sir, surely you can get them on anything, once you do the ready, okay, physical you right, I got you all right, thinking of you coming up at the top of the hour as promised. I sure will be our special guy. Ersha Baby, Ersha you're listening right. Everybody asked promise. We got a special guest this morning. Family member, Grammy Award winner. He's an icon in the music world. I'll tell you man, over forty five million records sold worldwide. Man, single, composing, man, actor, philanthropist, got so many great things going on right now. But let me just say this. I saw him at the Kentucky Derby last year. I will tell you man, I was sitting there going just a bad boy right here. He got hits. He's I asked Scots hits. He didn't have to do nobody else's song. It were just all damn ushant. Oh, this is a bad Ladies and gentlemen, he's here. He's got a new single out. It's called bad Habits, and we're got here today. And also we got a big announcement for you today that you don't want to miss. He's one of the greatest living performers today and he's a legend. Ladies and gentlemen, put it together for the one and only us. Shall y'all been hating it? Now? Man? Y y'all, y'all all right? Everybody good? Yeah, hey man, let's hear this song. Man, let's play it. This is bad habits. This is your new single, Man, This is my new single. Video came out to Day as well too, so you can see the visuals as well as listen to the song. You get off so bad at it. I just can't a skeep all that he's bad habits. I ain't way too many more night. I keep missing up my love lives. I loved um. I'm just bad at it. I just can't as keep all that he's bad at it. I ain't way too many one nice. I keep messing up my love. Every time I think that I found the one, I turn round and then another one come. Oh god, I'll be trying me. You should know that you find live. Any time I see my new girl is the best and I get another text from my eggs, Oh god, it's like black room. She can do. I to get down and buy loop soon. Then you got prageous to make good wageous a little come day. Read out what he's emotions about love. I'm just bad at it. I just can't keep all that he's bad habit. I can't way too many one night. I keep messing up my love life. I love love. I'm just bad at it. I just can't to keep all that he's bad at it. I can't way too many one night, I keep messing up my life. If you I bet, I wish that I can love you, baby, I keep messing up my love life. If you knew beat, I wish it I can love you. Baby, I keep messing up my love life. You take me backing it out out of you again. I skipped into the day of my best friend. Oh God, I didn't mean shoot this. I only need this stuff because you've seen it when I say I love you, Gods where I really do. I didn't think suit you up. It wasn't cool. Oh God, can you forgive me? I mean, look, that's all I'm forgive me. If you may, you can't prageous keep away from me? Way little damn figure it out. I don't know what about baby. I love love. I'm just bad at it. I just ain't a skeep all that he's bad had it. I can't way too many one night you. I keep messing up my love lie you. I love love. I'm just bad at it. I just can't to keep alo he's bad at it. I can't way too many one night. I keep messing up my love life. If you know who I bet, I wish it. I can love you, babe. I keep messing up my love. Lie. If you knew who I bet, I wish it. I can love you, babe. I keep messing up my love, lie. I can't get it right. I try and I tried, but I end up right back. Well, sad, don't take my advice. If I didn't know any better, I would think that I was sor. I told you a million life, sorry a million times. Never wanted you to cry. Babies. You gotta way too good at me, get you hurt because I love I was the worst baby. I love love. I ain't been mad. I hadn't trying to get on, but he's bad. Habit way way to me one nice. You messing to my love, live love. I hadn't been him bad. I didn't bad to my life, but he's bad habits. I had way too many one dies, I said on my life life. He said, I can love you, baby, I keep messing up my love. If you knew I bad, I wish it. I can love you, beab. I keep messing y'all bad. Classic. I listen to him. Oh that's ordered. Somebody gonna let me collect. I like that, man, Yes, sir, A lot of a lot, Man, God, I'm happy y'all. Man had it. I saw that Zapp. You saw that Smith that Zapp? Hey man, you didn't pick that up from the when we were at the Derby, did you, now? No, Look, it's just a it's a classic. I think that in this time, being able to really be real in the messaging, but then also to be real in the in the in the feeling. Like when that Computer Love came on as Rogers, it's like video the video. Yeah, yeah, because they want the same show with you that night. Yeah, Derby. That thing is bad, man, and it's got that hook. See that's what that's what you specialize in. Man. You get that hook. Quit everybody can get with it, sing along, you know, it's it's hard man, cousin a lot of new school artists they missed that that hook. You gotta have a hook man that makes the hit baby. Yeah, that's hey, Usher, stick around, man, we'll be right back. We got more from the legend Usher right after this. You're listening, I'm trying. I gotta some of these bad habits. Everybody went back to Steve Harvey morning to show our special guest this morning. It's the one and only Usher. You got this new single out. It's called Bad Habits. Yeah, and this is from your new album that's coming out, and tell us a little bit about it. Man. You know, I've never been shot to drama, you know what I'm saying, And as it relates to say the least relates to some of the relationship issues that I've had. You know, this one is kind of taking me back to the beginning of the story of making this album. It's it's been a two maybe almost three year process, given the fact that we've been kind of shut down because of COVID. But when I first started it, some of the kind of realization of where I you know, where I was. They stopped what I had seen and I had to own some of my my stuff, you know what I'm saying. I had to really take two minutes and really like, look what's going on. I got bad Habits. I love. I'm just a little bad at it, so you know, to be patient with me. The conversation is between a guy and a girl whatever, you know what I'm saying, a relationship and the guys just being forth right, I guess, you know, in order to have a successful relationship, it really doesn't start with honest. You gotta be straightforward with each other and sometimes, you know, they may make the choice to move on, but at least you were honest about who you are, where you were, and what you can stand, what you can take, not trying to, you know, figure it out on the way down. It's like, nah, look, this is where I am in my life. But I want I want love. I just I'm a little bad at it, you know. Yeah, But I got better. I'm better. That was a confession though, for real. Yeah, man, I mean, look, that's that's the growing up. It's growing up part. Man. It's hard. People don't understand. This is hard, man. There's no there's no manual for this. I mean, I got it wrong so many times, chid, you know, but I got to the point of I was sick of my own ass. You know, you just go hey, dog, like you said. Man, Like, see, I saw my mom and daddy married for sixty four years, so I thought that's what you was supposed to do. Wow, But I didn't know that you was supposed You can't just can't just marry anybody as sixty four years, you know, I've been married now man for thirty five years, man to three different people. I was like counting the numbers. Keep total. I will y'all credit for Yeah, I just keep a running total of I've been doing this thirty five years. But I thank you, James, hey Man, you're doing a lot. Man. We're gonna check this out. We're gonna well, I'm gonna make sure all of Steve Harving fans get out. So the video is out today. Yeah, and the single is out. The single is officially out. Video is out, and it's one more piece of that great news that we have shared with He Usher Hot, don't sit tight right there. We'll be right back everybody with more Usher. Right after that. You're listening to a right everybody, We're back with Usher now. Usher. Before we left, you said that you had something really big to share with us. I'm officially having my residency next year the college game in Las Vegas. That's right, these metal Let me tell you something. If you all don't understand what that really is. If you want to know if you are an international star or not, a residency in Las Vegas says it all. Because Las Vegas and New York are the two cities that the world goes to, the world goes to New York, and the whole world go to Vegas. And in order to sell out a residency in Vegas, you have to be an international superstar because it's so many foreigners coming to Vegas, so many Americans coming to Vegas. It's where the world comes And if you're an international global star, you can get a residency in Vegas. If you're not, there are no residency for local dudes. Local people don't get residency. Partner, No, that's that's so y'all. That's that's sling big, that's that's that's sick for you, Roy Big. That's that's. Yes, you got to be somebody to get a residence by man, to be able to finally check on that's it. And it don't be an experience like like none of I know, everybody's kind of shut down. I'm really looking for to getting back in the swing. And I felt like it was a perfect comic you know. No, I mean it's perfect for you at this stage of your career. Man. I mean it's like a place to go. Man, it's girlfriend right love comm it's touring because every night the audience is different it's touring without have to leave and they're gonna lay you out. You find to be ball and they find to put you in the Hey, Carlin, do you remember when we were at the last I think it was the Last Hoodies in Vegas and Usher performed and we were backstage waiting. Right when he came backstage, We're like, Usher, Usher, and he was like, I'm a sweaty and we were like, that's what we want. We want the sweat. We love you, Usher, you know we love you. Limit to this hill. Hey, listen, y'all, listen. The singlest out today, Bad Habits. Now, this is what we're gonna do. Steve Harvey Nation. This man demand so much to us over the years. I mean, just a music icon and the legend. So let's download it today. Steve Harvey Nation. Usher got a new one out. It's called Bad Habits. Check the video oft downloaded today now. Also, the residency begins July of twenty twenty one, So get ready because we ought to be opened by Vegas because I got to get out there July twenty twenty one and it will run to the end of the year. Tickets go on sale today at one pm easton for the residency. You could be one of the first ones to go out and see us. You live at Caesar's some great venue. Man, congratulations, Board, that's big. Thank god, Man, I appreciate it, Man, I really do appreciate it. Hey, so usher kind of a give us your take on this upcoming election. Man, oh man, that ain't a new conversation. That's one that goes on and on and the people understanding its voter suppression. Yo. That means you gotta get out early. You got a register and you gotta be you listen, You're voting is your voice. Whoever you choose to vote voice on you. But you have to use that opportunity to try and influence the change that you want to see in your state, the city, your country. It's really to your vote. You really got to do this. Wow, if you're listening, you know that it's real. You know, I know that everybody's got an opinion or you know everybody's following this way that way. Yo. At the end of the day, vote You got to do it. And so many people live, so many sacrifices was made to be able to vote. So don't take it for granted. Right. We think before we go Sure, where do we get the tickets? Are the tickets on sales? You go to tickets dot com. The last time your answer bok somewhere ticket back. Wait a minute, Usher, where we get ticket? Should ticket in our backshaved passes? Don't forget our back quiet Usher, Star. He don't say I no damn ticket. This is just hey man, we got big love for man. Thank you so much. Man. Also, don't forget everybody. Usher. The Legend will be performing this Friday is Sadday, nine pm at the Our Heart Music Festival. You don't want to miss it both nights. Keep doing you, guys. Appreciate you, ladies and gentlemen. The one and only Usher coming up next, The nephew is in the building with the prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject I went from the main house to the outhouse. We'll talk about that uh in a little bit, But right now the nephew is here with today's praying phone call. What you got for us? Now? Sure, I think, I'm I think today I feel like I just want to be a little extra stupid. You know what I'm saying. I just want to put put a little mo one. You know. I don't know how my level of stupid has been to y'all, but I'm just gonna put a little mo way up there. Yeah, we'll, I'm just yeah, I'm gonna put a littus put some on it. Okay, this right here is baby chick, baby chick. Let's go cat watch this right here. Thank you for calling. I'm trying to reach one place. Yeah, you are you the manager there? Yes, sir? Your name warned? Yes, sir, this is one. Okay. I needed to actually file a lawsuit on y'all, and I'm actually calling you first to let you know that I'm getting ready to file a lawsuit on the whole grocery store for what did happened to me? Sir? Let me let me get hold on a second. So let me do this. Let me let me have what what did you say? Your name was? My name is Evans. Evans is my name? So Evans is your last name? Let me let me write this down. And you came into my store? Did you have an accident in my store or something? I just have to show what you're calling about. I ain't had no accident. What appum was? I came in there yesterday and I bought a bunch of grocers and I bought a card in the eggs right now. When I got home, I was checking to make sure the eggs didn't didn't break on the way home. When I got home, it was a baby chick get inside the egg carding man, one of the eggs happen, it had hatched and got my kids traumatized. Now they don't even want to eat breakfast or nothing around here because the baby chick inside caught the eggs. That don't make no man um. I don't mean to uh let me so you tell me it was a chicken, a baby chicken, actual chicken, and a baby chick inside the cart and the eggs man, you got my kids traumatized. Man, don't nobody what got eggs? If you're just here, because if you just calmed down for one second, listen what I told y'all put that chicken down and then put it down, it might have ray b say what. I don't even think that that's possible. First of all, if you had any idea how this thing comes from the farm to the store. It is they go over these eggs a countless some of times, and the temperature and the freezer. First of all, wasn't even allow for a chicken to be allowed if you had a baby. I don't I did this one, this one. I don't know how this one got tasked the system, okay, But what I do know is we got a baby chick over here running around because y'all show ain't doing what y'all's supposed to do. Man, and I got it, and now my kids are traumatized behind this When did you say you were in here? So I was in there yesterday. I bought the eggs yesterday. Man down here, and I'm free. Yes, I bought him up, said the grocery stove. I sure did. Okay, let's do this. Why don't you bring me eggs into me and the chick? You want me to transport a baby chick back to the grocery store. I aught my Look, we already traumatized over here, already behind this dog bone baby chick. Man. I'm not I'm not exactly sure what you were trying to pull here, but I just don't I don't think that first of all, any anyone of a common sense will tell you that that's not possible. First of all, you can't have a baby chick living in a dozen eggs. There is no possible way that this. The temperature and life freezers are right above freezing. There's no chickens of fragile creature in the first place. You can't have a little bird is not gonna survive the transport from the farm to the factory to my store. I'm not getting dude. Look, hey, hey, hey, I'm not gonna go back and forth. But you remember baby shit you if you want to bring me a dozen eggs, bring the dozen eggs in if you can catch the chick, catch the chick. Hey, man, you came you. You're supposed to be the manager. You're not supposed to talk to me like this. So I mean, I don't tell you as politely as possible if you want to bring in the leven eggs and a chick, I will gladly refront your money, give you another car, and ask whatever you want to do. But I'm not don't even hear you what's gonna happened. But I'm not all a lawsuit because y'all to traumatized me and my chick. So listen, right, let's just bring this down a lawsuit, sir. It over a dozen eggs. A dozen eggs that got a baby chick. Hit it man, But let me let me get your phone number as some information, and I will call to my manage and we will figure this thing out for you, because I just I just don't believe that this would be possible. I just I don't understand how you would have a chicken let him. Let just leave them over that, don't touch the chicken. I just don't believe that this could possibly be happy. So this is just its unbelievable to move even get this fun. I don't have time to go back and forth with you about how something happened. All I know is it. Maybe it's some fluke accident, Okay, but it happened. My kids are old here playing with a baby chick, and I'm trauma cod. I don't even want to ever have prick up again. And I'm gonna to make shoke. I file a lawsuit on your shoe and your show me. I don't sucide anything to do with me. I didn't do anything, uh except come into rug today. You understand what I'm saying, if you want to follows, I'm gonna find a lawsuit. I'm throwing over to the grocery stow and I'm filing a lawsuit on the manager Warren, which is for giving me a hard time about what I'm telling you doesn't happen. And you don't even got a hard time on the meal as you'm saying. I'm saying you are a hard time. Come down here. I'm bringing the bags down here, and I'm bringing that baby chick that back up down there. I'm bringing out all of it. Well, poops says, I'm about to see it. How much did you pay for those days? I'm paid my two down and it ain't bland how much I'm paid for the end. That's what you have trauma time? Oh yeah, because I'm gonna give you just got much back and out when you're getting here, you I'm a saying I don't give its im cusses out here and hind legitimate people are online senses and not something drop from the telephone till about some chicken and a grabbing egg. Okay, well let me let me tell you this too. Do you have a guy that works at the checkout name Tyrant? Yes, okay, Tyran got me to break phone call you. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Hobby Morning Show. One. You just got pray what you couldn't? Hey, look, man, how do you even come over? Chicken? Chicken is going through egg? Man? Man, I'm like I played got people looking at me in this story. I'm crazing. Ay one, I gotta ask you, man, what is it the baddest that, I mean, the baddest radio show in the land. Man, it's the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You check out, got tyrant he got you man. Yeah, I'm gonna get in too. I'm gonna put him back and produce. I'm gonna take them off the register. How about get him stacking egg? There you go. How do you think of this stuff? Left side of the Brave? Baby? That's so much the kids about that chick. But don't you playing baby, that damn chick. I don't know about that chicken anyway. I don't want over easy, over medium, I don't want nothing. Oh my god son, stupid Tommy, Uh huh when he said the chick wouldn't survive the refrigeration, I'm going on with thet on you prest onst baby, let's go. I love it. Don't know how you can think of this. I just don't know. Left side, my left side is my brilliant side. You know. The right side is my tall side, Like the left side is brilliant. You know that's tall side. Oh, here we go. That's the brilliant side. It's the tall side, shut side, it is stupid side whatever, it's brilliant all the way around, brilliant. Wow. All right, Neverew, thank you. Coming up next it is my strawberry letters subject I went from the main house to the outhouse. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. Well, guys, only fifty four days left until the November third election. Please go to vote dot org. Vote dot org and get registered. It only takes a few minutes, like a couple of minutes, and you can get all your early voting information in your state. Okay, for your state. All right, we want to early vote by November third. We want to already have our votes in. Okay. We want him out, but we got to do our part to get him out. All right, vote dot org dot org. All right, yeah, all right, time now for the Strawberry letter and if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could your letter. You never know, we could be reading it live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it is straw baby letter. Thank you nephews. Subject. I went from the main house to the outhouse. Dear Stephen Shirley. I cheated on my fiance four years ago, and I found out he was cheating on me too. When he caught me in the act, he wasn't upset at all and informed me that he was cheating too, so we called the wedding off. I was living in his house at the time, so I moved out and into some apartments across the street so we could see each other regularly, have sex and work on our relationship. One Saturday morning, I woke up and there was a moving truck in front of his house and the woman he cheated on me with was standing there. I called him and he told me that he's getting serious with the woman. So they decided to live together. I was hurt because we've been having sex and acting like a couple, and I thought we were working on our relationship. Now it's been four years and he's been stringing this woman along by telling her they're getting married, then coming to see me when she's not looking. I literally live across from them, so it's easy access. I've tried to cut him off, and he always pulls me back in. He has paid my rent since we broke off our engagement, so I'm puzzled as to why he's still with this woman. He told me that I'm very different than she is, so he's with her for her good qualities. Is he trying to say I have a lot of bad qualities. I can't ever get a straight answer from him, and I've given him an ultimatum to either marry her or get back with me. I think I should move to a new apartment and make a clean break from this mess, but he says he loves having me across the street so he can make sure I'm safe. He still tells me he loves me, and we still make sweet love. What should I do, girl? If you don't pack your bags and get out of their today. I mean, right now, okay, you gotta move, you gotta you gotta leave him. I mean, aren't you tired of letting him string you along like you see him stringing this other woman along. I just think you should be tired by now. He's not going to marry you. He's not going to marry her. He's not going to marry you. And here's the bigger question, why should he? Why should he marry you? What's incentive to marry you? I mean, you said it yourself. You live right across the street, and you're easy access. You're easy, all right, You're easy. Let's just put it like that. He doesn't have to work to get you. He doesn't have to work to keep you. He doesn't have to work to have you, none of that nothing. He doesn't have to think about it at all. All he has to do is walk across the street and there you are. He gets exactly what he wants all the time. He tells you whatever you need to hear and get you to your words. Make sweet love. But what a cheap date? You don't want to continue to be a cheap date, right? He doesn't have to take you anywhere or anything, Just walk across the street. I just think this man is living his best life. And the other thing, how is he trying to work on your relationship when he moved another woman in his house. She's been there for four years and she's right in your face. I don't get this. Like I said, he's living his best life. He's having his cake and eating it too, So why should he change anything about what's going on in his life. He's got a made I mean, that's why you need to do it. You gotta do this. You gotta get your life and move on with your life. And please don't allow another man to use you like this. This is too easily accessible. You are okay, Steve Shirley Strawberry. Just nail this entire letter top to bottom. She left no rock unturned. I have nothing to add nor detract. Bye, get out right, Let's don't make no damn sense. I mean, Charlie, you covered everything what's wrong with you. Here's the one thing that I think I picked up in here. See, you said that you cheated on your fiance four years ago, and you found out he was cheating too. But he see, he caught you in the act that you found out he was cheating later on, but he caught you in the act, so y'all called off the wedding and you was living in this house, so you moved out some apartments across the streets so we could see each other regularly, have sex and work on our relationship. Boom, And then you woke up one sad day and there was this moving in front of the house and the woman that he cheated on you with were standing there. So then you called a dude and said, he told you he getting serious with the woman, so they decided to live together. Now you hurt because y'all been having sex and acting like a couple, and I thought we were working on our relationship. First of all, how do you act like a couple, Because either y'all some bad actors or this is all you're gonna get. And I think it's both. I think you're bad actor. You acting like you something you have something that you don't have. Because now it's been four years that he had moved a woman in and you've been she and you were talking about she'd been stranging this woman along by telling her they're gonna getting married, then coming to see me when he ain't looking when she ain't looking. Wait, don't you feel strong along? Same thing? Right? Hang on, Steve, we're gonna have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's subject went from the main house to the outhouse. We'll got back into the letter right after this. You're listening show, all right, Steve, Come on, let's recap today's strawberry letter. This subject I went from the main house to the outhouse. Wow, this letter is so ridiculous. It don't make no sense at all. Now here's a woman that was dating a man that she cheated on. He caught her in the act, then she found out that he was cheating on her also, Now he moved. She moved across the street so they could work on a relationship and have sex. She wake up one Saturday morning, she truck out front and a chick standing at the same woman he cheated with home. Now they're getting serious, and he had moved her in. Now four years have gone by four four years, and now you mad because he's stringing this woman alone by telling her they're getting married, then coming to see you when she ain't looking. Then you said, I literally live across the street from them, so it's easy access. I've tried to cut him off, but they always pulled me back in. How how how she's easy access you right across the street? What are you talking about? Sherley's absolutely he playing both of y'all. But here's what I think has happened. See, he got you guilt tripping because of the way he caught you cheating. Then after you found out he was cheating, y'all decided to split up. But you moved across the street because you wanted him to forgive you because he busted you. So now that you haven't waited for four years while he living with this other woman and he coming on the street just doing you when he wants to, but you didn't guilt tripped yourself into accept it. A bunch of bad behavior on his part. Now here's the kicker. He has paid my rent since we broke off our engagement. Oh that's it. Oh by your clothe, Oh pay your rid your dinner tonight, baby, soon as I get home from work. Yes, okay, so now you're getting your see what you're tripping for? Now? I'm puzzled as to why he's still with this woman? What because she dumb enough to think that you can leave right across the street, and he tapping over that doing doing what he want to do. So you can't believe she's still with this woman. The woman cross the street probably can't believe you still la. He can't believe he got either one of y'all. Eat, everybody's surprising this damn letter, and lady, I gotta tell you something. You're trying too hard to make this work. You have nothing. So now, then he told you that I'm very different than she is, so he's with her for her good qualities. Is he trying to say I have a lot of bad quality? Yeah, yeah, he had bad qualities when he moved the woman in that Saturday morning while you woke up and look out there and saw the truck. He was telling you, then you got bad quality. And then you proved him right by staying over that, letting him come over and do what he wanted to do to you, and then go back across the street and do what he want to do with hug all, y'all got bad qualities. I think I should move to a new apartment to make a clean break from this mess. But he says he loves having me across the street so he can make sure I'm safe. What wait, he said, and you believe that I want you to stay across the street because I know where you are and I know you safe. Oh he loves me. He still tells me he loves me, and we still make sweet love. What should I do? Move? Start over? Forget him? Man, this is crazy. Just don't make no sense. I want to make sure you say so. I need you to stay right there. I don't feel like burning on this gass and throwing across tennis. You're easy access and with my girl, that Malia with me. Go to the stove. I come over to the other stove. Everybody's shopping. I want some fresh vegetables too. Yes, but they started out wrong. Though they started up both cheating one. They have nothing. Neither one of them has anything. Let him have that girl, and you go start somewhere else and don't cheat this time. And the street. I can see Russia from my back window. Yeah. Stop, you think she'd be on the porch where y'all going to day? Yeah? Because he takes her out, y'all drive careful see when you get back next Tuesday. Easy access doesn't get taken out. Wow, he does said, yeah, you're sad. Yeah, what about what about Steve herb when she says, I can't ever get a straight answer from him, and I've given him an ultimatum to me, either to even marry her or get back with me. Wait a minute, that's not an ultimatum. He he already got both. Either marry her or get back with me. You can't make him marry her. She can't even make him marry her. Now, you either marry her, and then he gonna come over to you and go, what we're getting married? But I still love you and I want you across the streets. So you'll say he's Steve raved because you keep having the wrong takeaway from y'all's conversation. He still loves me, he still loves doing you. Yes, there you go, there you go? All right, Thank you, Steve. Post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and please check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six minutes after the hour, It will be our Girl from the Talk Cheryl Underwood. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have Carla's reality updated right now, Steve, come on, introduce our girl from the talk. Put your damn hands together for Charlo. Yeah, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Charlie Scrobby. Every how you doing, girl, I'm good, girl, I'm good. Wonderful one. Colin Frells, how's you doing, Dolin? I'm doing well. Cheryl? What's up girl? Well? You know what, it's a fantastic to day today. Thomas. How you doing, Thomas? I'm Goody's something doing good and I'm glad y'all doing good. But that's one person. I'm not going to toxics right now. Who is that? Who did I not mentioned Toomy? Oh you spoke to Shirley is supposed to or I'm not even gonna say his name. I'm so mad at him right now. I'm so angry, sure at what's wrong? Okay, this is what happened, Steve. You know, we're telling everybody feel out their census forms. We don't have a lot of time. We gotta get everybody counted, feel out the ciss for them. So all I said is we need to get married right now so my name could be on the sisters farm when they ask where you live? That's all I said. That's a pretty big ass now, damn that, Steve. We try to get everybody counted, and I want to be in the right place when the government split up the damn miney. We need to fill out our senses, f Julia. So, Julia didn't answer me at all, calor for rounds as you go, see look at look at the women, look at the women on my side. You didn't answer me as you just broke my heart, but not even answer me. And your silence it just hurt my feeling. Huh huh, Syl let him, let him get a word in. Okay, I'm gonna let him get a word in. Damn, what's up? What's up? I told her she wasn't gonna like it, like my friend wasn't gonna like that? What frand what you gotta friends? Got a grand you? This continues on next he got a friend and he told you what But I get my second like this, I will in my segment jest like this. I don't give a got al Thank you? All right, thank you, Cheryl. Wow, she's mad. Okay. Coming up at the top of the hour, we got Carla in the building with her reality update right after this little wald you're listening to show. All right, come on, Tommy, let's go. It's that time. She is here, call a Farrow with what reality update? All right, thank you, nephew. First off, first things first, tonight is the night I am so honored you guys that I will be recognized during the All Women in Media forty five Annual Gracie Awards. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yea. Thank you guys, thank you, yes, yes, yes, yes, you know we were supposed to be in LA because of COVID. We are going to do the celebration virtually all women in media. Check us out on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube. Hashtag to Gracie's Watch tonight, seven pm Eastern and Pacific. So thank you all very much, thanks much deserved. Oh thank you, Shirley. Here we go, let me go quickly. Real Housewives a potomac. I told you last week that the ladies went on a trip to Monique's lake house. However, they were bored to death. Yeah, some of the ladies. Yeah, they were really really bored, right, Shirley. Some of the ladies were like, there's no cell phone reception. The lake activities. They were okay, fishing and water canoeing. Then they had a pancake cooking contest, boring contest. Yeah, they had a pageant cook all a pageant contest that was whacked. Anyway, Candice, here goes the hot news hot tea can this. She got a text from one of her friends saying that she saw ashley husband Michael at a strip club where he was over heard saying that he has a wife and a boyfriend. Okay, hold on, rewind say that real slow for we didn't hear all it. Ashley's husband, Michael was overheard at the strip club and you heard me saying that he has a wife and a boyfriend. Anyway, Candice and Ashley are cool. Listen to this. They're cool now. So candiceing know what to do with this information, So she went to talk to Gizelle. The ladies later on all went out to dinner. You know, they're in the Potomac area, Maryland, having crabs. You know, that's what they do. And Candice was about to tell Ashley what she had heard about humming in the streets. So you know, yes, Sherwood, do you have any idea if you're in a strip club, how loud. You got to be talking for somebody to overhear you say, I got a wife and a boy friend. Do you know how loud you got to be in the strip club? Yeah yeah, maybe he step what happened? How he's asking y'all got I got a white check in, I got a boyfriend. I got a boyfriend too. You over the music music taint and they're making it rain. Tell you what you're saying. I said. I said, I got a wife, and then check this out, you've made it s got a boyfriend, boyfriend too? What man, listen to me, I said, I got a wife. Can't you know my wife? But then I also got I do on the side. Yeah yeah, usual it worn't worn't huston. That's not what he says, that's what that ain't what I say? What did you say? I said? Man, listen, I got a boyfriend too. You gonna go in? You say you gotta go in fro too? Never mind? Never So before we ran out of time, we'll find out what what the candidates actually saved, said Ashley about her husband Michael. But anyway we'll find out next week. Follow me and looks about Carl and we gotta go that's reality Update coming up. We'll have more of today's trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We'll be back in twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, guys, Donald Trump has been nominated for a You're not gonna believe this one Nobel Peace Prize. What piece he did? Hey? A Norwegian lawmaker is nominating President Trump for the Nobel Priest Prize. Okay, the nomination something else. It's the Nobel Peace Prize, guys. It cites his work in reaching an agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. Steve, you you've traveled there a lot. The lawmaker said that he's also nominating Trump. He also did that in twenty eighteen for his Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong un. In his nomination, it was noted as it is expected other Middle Eastern countries will follow in the footsteps of the UAE. This agreement could be a game changer that will turn the Middle East into a region of corporation and prosperity. Only four presidents have won the Nobel Peace Prize. Of course, Barack Obama in two thousand and nine, Theodore Roosevelt in nineteen o six, Woodrow Wilson in nineteen twenty, and Jimmy Carter back in two thousand and two. He just nominated, right, yeah, yeah, please peace, holy you. Okay, because the Nobel Prize for Division. Yeah, he can get that. Man. He wants to be in the group with Theodore Roosevelt and Barack Obama. All right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steven Show, It is time for as the CLO, go to Steve HARVEYFM dot com to submit your love questions for the Chief Love Officer. Are you ready, sir? All right, here we go. This one is from Don in Oakland. He says, I'm a fifty two year old divorced man, and I'm familiar with the saying you have to pay to play, But the lady I am dating has taken it too far. When we met, she made me wait ninety days to have sex, and I respected that. She told me that we had to be in a five star hotel to do it. I got a room on the beach for the weekend. Now, each time I want to be intimate with her, I have to promise to give her shopping money before she takes her clothes off. We've been together for six months. Will this stop at some point? Or will I end up going broke for this beauty and her great sex? Help me? Okay, don don you fifty two? You know what this is. She's charging you indirectly and directly for sexual favors. That's what you're in. This is not a relationship before she takes her clothes off. You got a problem to give her shopping money? Then that's what this relationship has built on. Now she got good sex, So that that's your problem right there. That's his whole problems he wanted. But this is all you got. You don't have nothing else. She ain't talking about helping you save, retire, build the future, none of that. She won't go shopping, don That's all the s is. So you need another person, don't. Yeah, I'm here going the money for the purse turning now I'm naked out. This This ain't gonna work out for you ever, because you're gonna run out of money. She ain'tnna run out of sex, You're gonna run out of money. He needs to get someone his own speed. I meant get somebody to care about him. Yeah, exactly what you can do. And it's not a pay to places. Is you got to invest This ain't even an investment. No. Well he's investing all right, but he's not seeing any dividends. Nard in Columbia, South Carolina. I've been married for nine years and I'm ashamed to admit that I cheated on my wife For the past two years. I've never got caught, and I ended my affair on my own. My mistress is constantly calling, begging me to see her face to face to tell her why we broke up. I have politely told her to stop contacting me, but she won't, and I am worried that she's ambing up to create some type of drama in my life. Should I meet with her and hear her out or tell my wife everything before things get crazy? Boy Yellow, if you tell your wife everything, that that wait till you get crazy is right in the middle of that conversation, coming up our last break of the day, guys, us break up of day, and we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after right after this, you're listening to the Steven Show. All right, guys, here we are last break of the day on this Thursday. Don't forget there are just just now fifty four days left. See how this time is moving. Fifty four days left, Yeah, till the November third election. Yeah. Please go to vote dot org and get registered. It only takes a couple of minutes and you can get the full information on early voting. And again we've been saying it a lot. That's what we want to do. Early vote, early vote. We don't want to wait in long lines. We want to do any of that. Go to our polling place. It's been closed, so we got to take more time to drive to the new we want to do any of that. Let's be prepared to early vote. Go to vote dot org. Yeah, we gotta be prepared. We have to plan for this one. This is a major election. We have to plan and be ready, state ready. Well, all right, you know, folks, as we get into the fifties fifty some days, we're gonna be in the forties in a minute. We just have to keep telling you how critical this election is. If you are a young person, you are saying to yourself, this is Uncle Steve talking. I'm just gonna be real straight with you. If you are a young person and you are saying, I don't like either candidate and I'm not going to vote. If you don't vote, you're not Your non vote is a vote for Donald Trump. Period. That's all it is to it. Kanye ain't on the ticket. Ain't no independent on the ticket that you know that has a shot. If you do not vote for Joe Biden, you are in turn giving the vote to Donald Trump because his base is going to vote, and that folks is forty some million people now because of COVID. I understand that older people are a little worried about going to these polls. That is why we have got to get the ballots into these folks hands and make them aware that they can vote early, they can vote by mail, and there are different laws in different states on how they do it, and you got to read it very carefully and make sure that you are in total compliance because they are going to try in everything in their power to read this election to get this man in. Listen to me, some votes will re quire black ink versus blue ink. Some of them you may have to get your vote notarized. We don't know it's state to state, but get informed by going to vote dot org and understand what you have to do to vote. Listen to me, there are people that will be fine. Let me tell you something. Man. I was in a golf course in June and I heard some well off people talking. They don't care who the president is. They going to be fine. But their concern was the common man, because they make their money with the common man. These guys own the businesses that regular people have to go to and support for him to survive. So his concern was genuine for the common man. And he was saying, then, Donald Trump is just not good for the common man. Donald Trump isn't good for unifying this country. The most divisive president we've had. Listen, we know what this man is. But if you don't vote, he is going to be a bigger one the next four years. If you've had trouble from him, you can expect more trouble. If you think he's saying some idiotic stuff, he's going to say more. If you stay at home, you are casting a vote for Donald Trump period. Understand that there is no one I ain't voting for either one of them. Get that moment out of your head, because that's exactly what they're hoping you do. Stay home and don't vote, because Donald Trump's base is going to vote. Look, man, it's something about people that's committed to this dude. They committed man, almost in a cult like way. Because if you can realistically watch what the man has done for four years and be okay with that and say I'm proud to call him the president of this country that we built, you've got to be something wrong with you. That just has to be. He's just not good for all of America. He won't take a stand for black lives matters. He won't say anything about these people's lives. He doesn't support any causes. He don't give a damn about the athlete. He don't really give a damn about us. Y'all, this is important. We got to get to the polls. Man. We've got to take Black lives matter, improve it, and we've got to make them understand how important our life is. And we're gonna prove it to him on November third at the polls We're going to surprise some people. You know, the thing I know about statistics, they don't count us because of all the statistics they have. I've never I don't know any of us that ever said yeah, they asked me that, all them questions, dog, they don't really, they don't count us. They just get a reading of where we at. And that's it. This election right here, you can shock them. You can shock them. You can send a message that we are no longer going to tolerate the way you've treated us, The way you've talked about Africa Hades, the way you've done the people that need the Docker program, what you've done for education funding, you've stripped, the lies you've told, the cheating you've done, your blatant disregard for all Americans happiness. I'm telling you, man, we got to get to the polls and vote. We have had enough of him. I know you have, because I have go to the polls. For all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show