Unwanted Gift, Meeting Santa, Take The Hint, X-Mas VM and more.

Published Dec 22, 2021, 11:00 AM

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a suit on the don giving them like the million bucks things, and it's not good at listen to mother, I don't join joining me. You gotta use that turn you're going to do. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn. You got to turn them out to turn the water the water go. Come come on your tha h huh, I sure will. Good morning, everybody. Are you are listening to the voice? Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, I got something for you today. I'm gonna have a conversation this morning about my understanding of grace now that I've gotten older and I've come in to a better understanding of a lot of things I didn't know about when I was younger. This is just my interpretation of grace. Now once again, y'all listen to me. I ain't nobody's pastor, I ain't nobody's minister. So you know, I'm pretty sure you can go to church and get a far more extensive definition of one I'm giving you. I'm just talking to people. You know. Grace is this thing that that God provides for us, and grace's just things that you get that's really undeserving, you know. I mean, I look at my life as it is today. You know. Look, I work hard and I have faith in God that I do so things are going to happen in my life. But the way my life is now, I don't. I don't. I don't deserve all of this. I don't don't. I don't look at it that way. I have been the beneficiary of God's grace. I have aligned myself in a position to accept whatever grace God has for me, and it will be far abundant and exceedingly in anything you could think of. His grace supersedes anything you could possibly imagine. You know, the goals that I set and the aspirations that I shoot for, and the things that I have on my dream board. I have the faith that God will give it to me. But what He does with grace, he gives you far more than that. He gives you what He he has for you, not what you can see. You can't see all He has for you. It's impossible. Who are you? How can you possibly imagine what he can imagine? How can you possibly think? How he can think? How how can you possibly do what he can do? How can it be that isn't a single mind living or a collection of minds that could have thought of earth? What in your wildest imagination could have made you think of Earth? The stars, the heavens, the oceans, the galaxy, the constellations. What in your mind? What in any man's mind? We can point at it and analyze it, but we show it couldn't have thought of it. So come on now, I'm talking about lining yourself up with God's grace, which he will give to you if you if you want some of it now. But now his thing about grace, it can't be bought. If it could, if it could be bought, I'm telling you I would pull all all the money I have and dump it into grace, because, after discovering what it is, it's this goodness that God shines on you simply as a reward of some type for his love for you and for you attempting for you, attempting to do right, not because you get it right. Because if He judged us purely on how we are the right and wrong of it, we would all be doomed, all of us, every last one of us, would be doomed because we all fall short, we all make mistakes, we all sin, we all get it wrong from time to time. Nobody's perfect man. Now I understand what my mother was saying about cleaning the house. All I want is a little more grace. All I need is a little more grace when the last time you ask God for some grace. No, I'm not talking to you like I know everything. If you just benefit from His grace, which you already have, but if you're not aware of it, you don't know what's going on. Become aware of grace, Get aware of the fact that God does things for you simply because He loves you. He does things for you that you don't even deserve. Somehow you just wonder how you just got over when you didn't even do the things to get over. Sometimes you don't even know how you got that job you got when you ain't even really do the things to get to job. How you end up where you are, all this education you thought you went and got and had, How you end up where you are today in a much better position than your education could have ever gotten you. That's grace. How I get every place I am today. I didn't plan this man. If I could have planned my life the way it is, don't you know how to have done it when I was living in that car? If I knew how to do it. No, I benefited from his grace. I'm just a beneficiary of his grace, of his goodness and his mercy. God's goodness is better than your goodness. God's goodness is better than your mother's goodness. It's better than your wife's or your husband or your booze goodness. God's goodness is different. His goodness Man covers some stuff you can't even imagine. So why are you trying to put your life together when the last time you asked him for just a little bit of grace? When have you thought of your life in terms of the grace that it has already benefited from? Have you ever done that? Man? Just thought about you know you hear songs like my soul looked back and wonder how I got over. That's grace, That's all I can call it. Now. Like I said, you can go to church or somewhere ever you want to, and ministers that the wind at school to teach this thing way better than me. I'm just giving you from a layman standpoint. Man, have you thought about his grace? Would you not bewailed to be a beneficiary of his grace? With not? Now, check this out. The better you try to do, the more grace he'll give to you. And that grace can't be bought. Like I said, it's free. You can't purchase grace. But the better you try to become the more the more grace he gets to put your way. So man, just try Why don't you just try to do better? Look, man, quick tip, mind, I'm gonna start next week. I'm gonna start at the new year. Now you now you do that every year, you know the ems at the new year. I'm eat better at the new year. I'm gonna I'm gonna gonna get in here and the new year. If you're gonna do it, you're gonna do it now. Man, you're gonna do not stop trying do something, do it, stop talking about it, do it now. The best way to benefit from his grace is starting action now in old w now right now today, what you're waiting on. All you're doing is delaying his opportunity to bless you. You know, man, you know, do you know how many times we do that? We delay his opportunity to bless us by not starting now. If you're gonna get healthy, why don't you start now? Now you're gonna trip a little bit called the holidays coming. But you ain't got to eat bad all the time. You could start eating correct today, you could. You could, and then guess what that could be? Some grace on the end of that. I'm just giving you a little cheap analogy. But do you feel what I'm saying to you? Start thinking in terms of grace, what He has done for you and provided for you that you ain't even see coming that you know, you keep calling them blessings and I got that a lot of it, and us all it is. But man, have you thought about the stuff that didn't happen to you? You can't account for I. For me, that's been grace and I'm beneficiary of it. And that's available to everybody that wants sun. Next time you're talking to him, just check in with grace. See what that is. That's that's better than money. You're listening show, ladies and gentlemen, here it is. It's the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Now. I've been starting off with your songs that just out of nowhere. That just meant something to me and all I don't have one this ja ja, let me make love to your loose Yes, yeah, I don't know where that came from. I was talking to me, just blurted out and Eddie Lavert came out. Man, I don't know what it was. Just in me rolle my bike down to Leo Casino when I was fifteen years old because my brothers was going down there to see the old Jay's. I rode my bike down now parked in on the side by the tavern, crawled in the basement window, went up the steps to watch the old Jay's body of security. God grab me and say, what's your park hands doing in hill? I just start holly because I was so scared of this dude. Man, my little skinny he's I'm gonna whip your hand. You come up in here and out. But praise God, my brother saw it. My brother walked over to him, his head. The hell you're doing in here? Boy? I'm sorry, I don't feel the whoop his ass, brother, hod man, you feel the whip who As a reprieve from the governor the red phone, I was on death row. This dude see to beat me. I got out, never saw the old jay's never heard a note. Oh that's only good thing happened when he put me back up through that. When you're gonna take your little lass back up that whend you came out of show me how you got in here, took him downstairs, showed him. I got to push my little lass back up and doing the only good thing. Well, my bike was still there, thank golf. And that rolled back from fifty fifth down to one hundred and twelve. Went on in the house. Ride your head from fifty fifth down to one twelve. That's it. I used to ride downtown all the time, Public Square on hundred and twelve blocks, ride down, Now, that's a lot. You were in shape, weren't you. I didn't. I didn't even know. It was a long ass ride. It wasn't no other way to get out. I ain't no money for no damn bus. Yeah, we know you wouldn't take nobody with you. You know we've done well. You do remember that time I tried to take you something. Your little last kept falling off the handlebar. You didn't want me at no high hold on. He couldn't touch the nuts on the wheel in the front. So now you just up there with your legs swinging. You didn't fell off the damn handaball not to ran over your ass. Yeah, bro, god damn you ran him old like he fell forward. I was trying to pick you up. It was funny though. All right, well, listen, we're all never apologize to you about that either. Oh, now you gonna said I never apologize. We'll be back. You're listening Morning show right now. It's time for the nephew to run that brank back. Pump your brakes, that's what we got. Cat down, pump your brakes. Let's go. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Natalie. Please, Yeah, this is Natalie, Natalie. How you doing. My name is Darren. I'm with the homeowners Association. Oh okay, hey, dare how you doing? Listen? Um, we got a we got a bit of a problem, if you don't mind me asking, who's who who actually brings your kids home from school? Uh? Each day? Oh, my mom gets my kids for me and she dropped them off. Okay, okay, okay, Well we have a we have a bit of a problem. The kids are fine, there's there's no issue with the kids at all. But you know, we've had a meeting here at the HLA. We've been getting some complaints. Uh, it seems like your mother is is uh really speeding down the street real fast, and you know everyone's complaining about it that you know, it's a lot of kids walking home from school and it seems like your mom is driving real fast when she's coming down the street to drop your kids off. Did you know anything about this? But no, not at all. That doesn't even sound like her. Okay, what type of cards my mother? Uh, let me ask you this, Natalie. We're we're we're from what I understand, it is a what kind of car does your mom had? Is a board escape or something like that? Something a little suv? Does that what your mom has? Yeah? She has a little red stuv? Okay, all right? So the problem is that that that's the same car. That's the one we're talking about. And it seems like, you know, your mother is is flying down the street and she drops the kids off, and when she leaves, she's flying back out of the neighborhood and a couple of times some of the neighbors have told her to slow down. And you know, I don't know if she's flicked them off or set something out the window, you know. But you know this is stuff that we just cannot tolerate. Huh well it really doesn't sound like my mom. But you know, okay, well listen, you know what, Natalie, what what we're not gonna do is what you're not gonna do is act like it's not your mamma. It's your mother that's doing this. So what we need you to do is tell your mama to slow up down so we don't ask problem, all right, because I tried to be nice with you at first. But if you're gonna be a denial figure it's not your mamma, then we got an issue. First of all, Darren from h O A, I need you to watch your charls and who is you're talking to? All right? I need you to climb that all the way down all right. Times you need to slow your damn mama down. That's what you need to do. Slow your mama down the way she's driving. What she to do is stand in the middle of the street. Is she flying down and so hopefully she can knock you out the way. Okay, don't talk to me like that. You're being ruined disrespectful. I don't ask her if it's time because I don't think it's time. But you're not gonna talk to me like that. Okay, So your mama can just drive down the street and after damn you what you want to do. My mamma could do whatever she want to do. She'll grow on a doman. She can't do it in the neighborhood that I'm a member of the h o an. She can't do it there. Okay, I don't mind ever your mama arrested with your kids in the car. If I got to, I wish you would. I wish you would have my mama arrested with my kids in the car. You're gonna have more problems than you ever had. Okay, you bet, And I have my mama arrested, You're gonna get arrested and you're gonna be sent to the hospital. How about that? Okay, let me tell yourself. Tell your mama so slow her down in the streets. This the last one, and I'm giving y'all this the last one. Well, you know what I'm say. You ain't got to get no war, and it's okay. We can have a real conversation about it. We can meet and talk about it, because ain't gonna talk to me like that, and you and I ain't telling my mama nothing. I ain't telling out a slow down for nothing. What you're gonna do? What's your mom do? There? Not that? Let's meet about it. And I'm not bringing my husband to say you got so much to stay? You don't say. I don't want you to keep that same energy, okay with my husband. I want you to talk to him like you talking to me. I literly tell you something. I ain't worry about your husband and none of that. All right, I'm gonna say I'm gonna say this right here. I'm gonna say this right here. Tommy is the one that told us that your mama was speaking down the street. Tommy One said it, Tommy put it on returning. Tommy said, your mamma was the one running up and down the street fast going part of picking mile and out. Commedy one said that I don't know who Timmy shot, but Tommy can kiss my. You can kiss my. And then you got the neighbors who got something to say about my mama can kiss my? How about that? Gonna shoot it? Let me and shoot this do you little Matthew Tommy from a Steve Harvey Morning show. Do you know who stop? How are you going? Manly from Mike's god like on the phone talking questions to me about to get you up? Brother. Let you tell me. You'll to the Darius got me to play fall call you baby, you'll see. Oh oh it's going down. It is going damn. Oh take back is a real mother? You know I'm I'm getting back. Oh man, I knew how like my mama to me like now stought me? You got me? Everybody tell me this one more thing before you go. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. You know it's the Steve Harvey Martin Show. And tell Steve I said, hey, who is me working? Good? And then happen? Yeah, you play too much? Let you march were good? Be good cat your nephew. New Year's Comedy laugh Fest. That's the New Year's Comedy Laugh Fast. We're hit in Chicago, Washington, DC, Atlanta, GA. You don't want to miss it. It It jumps off on the thirtieth in Chicago, Washington, d C. On the first Atlanta, Georgia State Farm Arena on the second. That's earthquake. Eddie Griffiths Sagulty entertain the DL hugely hosted by Yours truly Nephew, Timmy tickets on sale, red Nah. Okay, laying in the cut. You know what's laying in the cut? Jackson, Mississippi, MLKA weekend, Jackson the Nephew finally coming to Jackson. Baby, get your tickets and have me some fish Friday. When I get down there, I just don't just throw it. I throw that out there, nice little old catfish or something. Be nice for the nephew. Okay, you're listening Stry Morning Show, all right? So um you when Steve came up? What is this all about? This segment? No better than there's certain things over the holidays when the holidays happened. You can pretty much bet money that some of these things are going to happen, Is that right? I mean somebody's house. If somebody's house, all right, might not happen at your house? One of these. I promise you, one of these it's gonna happen over the holiday at your house. Okay, let's hear it. Come on, I'm ready, come on, dinner. Dinner will get interrupted at somebody's house because we gotta go get somebody out of Jake. Yeah, that's yeah. Can I finish eating? That just made my place? You hear somebody I said, I'll accept Where's Here's something else the new boyfriend, somebody's new boyfriend gonna get beat up by the baby chap somebody else though, all this gonna happen to you, that's gonna go down. They shouldn't be in the same room. She never leaves me. She never leaves me. He stepped down when she got with you. Here's another a family secret. He's gonna get told at your real dad. The should have been told. Here's another that's gonna happen to somebody's house. Maybe not your, but that will be a fight over the drumstick it down. Oh yeah, oh yeah, you know I told you I wanted the leg I call that ball even left the house. You know we've be somebody who ain't working, Graby, ain't brought a damn thing, ain't got no job. One chick gonna show up at the house with the new board friend that's doing wave better. Got her old. Yeah, this's gonna happening somebody's house. She's gonna show up pregnant again. Yeah, you make some baby, she can make them baby. Every black house, go ahead, somebody gonna show up dressed like they go into a quans apart and man, we don't understand. Ain't you hot? He got attitude of everybody got show up at your house that's been eating meat their whole life, not that vegan. Yeah yeah, disgusted with all the dishes. Yeah yeah, yeah, me yes, Turkey in the greens because half of we stopped putting park we upgraded. That jet happened. Come on, some of the women gonna have to circle around because he didn't bought white girl over. Oh and they all gonna have to come to the conclusion Finn, Yeah you might be white, she might be white. She fine? And where you get all that rump fun fakenomb a fake am a fake twit my side get it saying yeah that ain't real. You know that ain't real? Something long white? She fine. I guess I'll take a guess. It might not happen all those things that your house, but it's gonna happen. It's gonna happen. And somebody through and he's thinking, right now, I'll tell you something, ELK gonna have somebody Christmas tree gonna catch on fire. Her to change these light here all on the tree always herman hair. Somebody, somebody gonna put the wrong gift in the wrong box. You didn't, man, you ever wrapped up something. Man, My drunk as uncle did this. He wrapped up his shirt and gave it to my daddy. And when my daddy opened the box, my daddy said, oh man, this night. Oh hell, no, hold on, slip, I didn't get you the rong sh that's must shirt. My daddy said, we even gave it to me. Now it's gonna go down. Yeah, happy holiday ready. Something else gonna happen to somebody. Tooth gonna fall into food that's nasty. Y'all. Each slow, each slow, everybody, don't take these teeth out there loose like that to have Americ Okay, things that will definitely happen over the holiday. Somebody gonna knock the dressing on the floor. Hella, hey, tim jay car, what's happen? What's up? You know? You know what we need to give Americans people who are gonna get the if they don't want to fix your face when you open it, play it off like you happy from your kids. That's all the money they head all right? Oh just lie oh dish washing liquid? Yeah, I get that. Yes, something, we got to play together. People doing the best they can for you don't give me? Oh man, how about you that big box of paper tis by because I know you always un Yeah, I mean it. There's no really way to say. I mean, you say the gift and you gotta fix your face. Oh wow, thank you for the college Daves. I didn't even know you're listening. According to the New York Times, Christmas tree sales are booming as pandemic weary Americans seek solace. So, guys, I have to ask you. Are you decorating more for the holidays or less? Hell? Yeah, I'm I'm lit up. I'm up the tree up mine too. What what's your favorite holiday tradition? Steve? Egg Na, fried Orshris and hot rolls? Them three? Any question? Let me ask you a question, Tommy, do you like egg Nah? I do I love? Okay? Okay, let me ask you a question. Do you like hot rolls? Yeah? Who don't? Okay? Let me ask you another question. Do you like fried oysters? I really like them grilled, but okay cool, I like them fried Now if I like fried oyshos and I like hot rolls and I like egg nah, how you can't see that together? But how how did you bring all that together? One day? Though? Because well, my father was living he had a tradition with my brothers and I grew up. He just wanted to see his sons all together on Christmas morning. So we all went by his house on Christmas morning. Every Christmas morning he fried oysters. Well, my mamma know I love egg now, so she might. And then my mom would make some hot rolls with it, and you put them fried on she between that hot roll oh like a minute. That's a minute poker, and then some eggna with some nut man on it. So, as my sons have gotten older and all live away from home, I started to tradition years ago. So all my sons on Christmas morning, no matter where they are, they fly home. They sit with their daddy on Christmas morning, have fried oystris, eggnog and hot rolls. They like it. Two of them don't care for eggnog. But you have to drink it though or else on christ you know. Oh you ain't, no, Harvey, give me my damn name back, Okay, you know. Okay, okay, so what you want to be you ain't nothing else. So Steve tell us about the new tradition elf on the shelf. All you know about that because we talked about it. Tommy talked about it. Is Yeah, you thought I would that our house, Marjorie does that. I'm against it. But this year for the grandkids, it's living with us. So and were talking about this elf on the shelf. We're just talking about elf on the shelf. Are you're gonna case some kids? I think it's up there with fan Oh yeah, momis you? It ain't up there with some Take it from me. The man ain't about a damn thing. But I'm glad you brought that up. Tommy. How conscientious of you? Yeah, man, Tommy? What country you got this year? This year? Uh? You hear that? Y'all? What you normally have more than one Christmas tree? Too? And last it all boy not I'm girl, No, no, I have two big windows. That's why it just putting up one would be crazy. You want to balance it? I like, yeah, you know, aesthetically, I'm all, we could have falled with one tree. Well, we could have fad with one tree. Timmy, ain't gotta put up two trees. The tree so damn big, you can see it in all the windows. There's so much pressure with the same We started off with elfha the shelf. What happened? How did it go? Left? Okay, wait to get some money. Man, all right, Steve, let's get to the news. Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Anne trip you guys, Okay, this is a trip with the news. Well. President Biden went national yesterday out line he has planned to deal with the fast spreading omicron COVID variant. Almost everyone who has died from COVID nineteen in the past many months has been unvaccinated unvaccinated. But if you're among the majority of Americans who are fully vaccinated, and especially if you've gotten the booster shot, that third shot, you have much, much less reason to worry. Mister Biden says the government is going to deliver five hundred million free rapid test kits to Americans while also increasing support for hospitals and expanding availability of vaccines. The omicron variant has become the dominant strain of the virus in less than a month, and the President says it's americans patriotic duty now he says, to get vaccinated against the coronavirus. Jurors are going to continue deliberating the manslaughter case against former Minnesota policewoman Kim Potter today. Potter, who's white, charged with last April shooting death of an unarmed young black man named Dante Wright, and after deliberating for about twelve hours yesterday, jurors submitted questions to the judge Regina Chew. First question is if the mary cannot reach consensus, what is the guidance around how long and what steps should be taken? Well, Judge, you kept, responded after rereading, and she read that, and then she reread part of the jury instructions to respond to the question, which says that they should not hesitate to re examine their views, but shouldn't feel forced to surrender their honest opinions just to reach a verdict. Judge also agreed to allow juris to further examine Potter's unloaded gun. They wanted to be able to actually talk to active, feel it, I guess, and feel the weight of it. Stuff. It's been big news this week that West Virginia Democratic Senator Joe Mansion announced that he was definitely not signing on to President Biden's social stimulus package. We talked about that. Everybody's can talk about that. Well, there seems to be a big fly in the ointment, and that fly is the United Mind Workers Union, believe it or not. Apparently, besides Republicans in Congress and dirty energy CEOs, a lot of people in West Virginia were looking forward to the passage of the bill. In a statement the whole work as you when you were politely but firmly asked Senator Mansion to reconsider his no position because of the benefits that would contain, like health of mind. Work is suffering from black lung. A lot of mine workers are dying from that every day. Finally, sad news for soap opera fans. Jerry Douglas, the actor who played the patriarch of the Abbot clan and The Young and the Restless, has died. Jerry Douglas was always the dapper you know, gray haired John Abbott. He was a chairman of Jabbok Cosmetic fo with thirty years. Jerry Douglas died after a brief illness, only three days before his eighty ninth birthday. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the String Show. Well, it's time for steve favorite segment. It's called as the clo Now, Steve you ready? Are you ready? Stay ready? All right, here we go. This one's from tab A DC. Tab says, I'm forty nine and I'm dating a man that's seventy four. Okay. He looks like he's my age, and he's very athletic and energetic. We have a big problem in the bedroom, and it's not what you think. His problem is that he doesn't know when to stop. The sex can go on for an hour and I have to work, run errands and do other stuff, so he needs to wrap it up sooner. He admitted that he's on medication and the side effect is increased a sexual desire. Desire. He's called me a lightweight and said I'll have to find someone else that is up to the challenge. I hate it when he said stuff like that. Do you think he's just joking. Well, let's go a couple things. First of all. First of all, the seventy four and last too long. In medication, he's lost feeling in certain areas, so the lasting longest. Don't worry, he'd have lost a lot of fear. He knew it. So don't worry about that. That all that hours and all that. Yeah, you know, you know you need gonna pay you a lightweight. I need to get somebody help. And the other thing you said was you forty nine and he's seventy and he looked your age. Not hold up, you're not going forward. He's athletic and energetic. She says, he's seventy four, and he looked your age. Ah, he's seventy four, and you look his age. I didn't think about that. Just say that. Well, I looked at all of it. When you ask me something, we're in here problems because he might not be all that athletic and energetic. Just your ass is older than forty nine physically, and maybe that's what the problem is. Maybe you thinking he more than he really is because you ain't what you're saying you are. Let the church say, man, let men, sometimes the answer is in your own damn question. I believe her. Maybe she ain't an athletic. She ought to get athletics. She would be more like forty nine, most forty yin your women still got it, So she ain't well. Well, he sat in the forward. Well, you got medication that increases his that's viagl. That's what it is. It increases what else? What it taking? Once again, if you have something else, sir, please write into this show. This became another secy yesterday some dude took a shot. Yeah, a strawberry letter. Yeah, a shot, and he wasn't going through that pain no more. Okay, all right, we'll come right back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening Steve Morning Show. All right, guys, it is time for comedy Roulette. Please, Jay set this one up for us. Tell us. And it's so important to explain this because we get new listeners every day and we're doing a different segment that people are not aware of. So that's why I take the time to explain. And it's very simple. You take subjects and you put them on a wheel, and you take them on the wheel, You spun the wheel and which stop. We can do the damn thing because we'se comedians were good? All right, here we go. These are the subjects for today. Things you can do to get people to leave your house, things you say to people who've overdecorated for the holiday, yeah, things you say to people who have underdecorated for the holidays. And here's the last one. Things you say when you didn't get what you wanted for Christmas? Okay, yeah, yeah, you gotta. Yeah, let's let's spind the wheel. I'm my own old but death of way. Yeah oh oh. I thought it was gonna stop on over decorating, but now it stopped on things you say when you didn't get what you wanted for just the same as Steve's bad acting theater. No, no, that's no, no, no, not at all. I don't even know how you got that out of that. But these are things you say when you didn't get what you want for Christian Yeah, let's go the things you say you didn't give what you say? Who come on? Oooh this is nice and this one lights up? What is it with that attitude? That's how you say it, that's what you say and how you say it. Yeah, j I'll tell you what. This is something I actually said as a kid, but I didn't get what I want on huh for Christmas? And they were standing there by parents, but I was about ten. I said, you said the actual words. Yeah, you know, when you open that box of it ain't what you're supposed to get. Oh, thank you, I'll I put this in the drawer with that racket ass time you about like I ain't grateful. Well, you didn't get what you want this one. This is what you say at work. I knew when he pulled my name it wasn't gonna be worth for damn I can't exchange. I knew what pulled thing you save and you didn't get you Yeah a pound cake? Huh? Thanks a lot? Yeah to a diabetic Things you say when you don't get what you want for Christmas? What happened? Check short again? Take again? Come on? Why? Why? Why? In the hill? What I wanted to kill? I don't work on that. Come on, man, really, I don't work guys a county. Come on, Steve. Black people don't eat fruitcake? Stand that down? Fruitcake? What is some damn green things in there? What is that snowshovel? I live in La Thanks. These people say what they don't get what they want for Prismas. I already know the story of Jesus. I already know it. Come on, who eats this basket of cheese? Is all right? Steve? Come on? Closing out that's why we're getting into the boys. This damn croc pop. This is the last thing somebody won't know. Damn Croc pot. That was me who said that one. Sorry, all right, I'm next. It is the nephew with a praying phone call that's coming up right after you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today's subject, my husband's supportive secretary. All right, right now, the nephew in the building with today's praying phone call. What you got for us? Nev This is for uh, you know what, Shirley. This is for you. Huh, Carla, let get into the price. This is sipping Monica. Neighborhood Watch. Neighborhood Watch. Okay, that sounds sound all right right, all right, ye not, let's run it though. God. Hello, I'm trying to reach Johnny. Yeah, it's Johnny. Okay, you're the one that'll be doing the neighborhood watch. You'll be walking your dog doing the neighborhood watch. Is that you? Who's this is this Johnny? Who is this man? This is cree j Answer my question? Are you Johnny? To your rode your roe. I'm Johnny and I do the neighborhood watch. Who was the damn tj on? Man? Don't call my phone y'all at me charging me up? Hey man, only a two streets over from you. Okay, And you're supposed to be the neighborhood watchman, but that ain't what you're doing now. I didn't caught you looking in the window at my wife when I came outside. You with halfway down the street. You when your damn dog. You ain't watching the neighborhood. You're looking trying to see them in the window. That's what you're doing. Picking some Please, I don't look man. I'll do my job. Man, I do my name, I do my job, do the neighborhood watch. I make sure people ain't bringing nobody houses. I gotta write, what the hell I want to look at somebody else's wife. I got a pizza at home. I want you need you need to stay over looking people do looking through people? Wonder Man, You're supposed to be watching the neighborhood, not watching my wife. When you say you live again because we went, I live too street. You know what I'm gonna tell you what though, I'll tell you what. Let's see damn people. Tom, I'm gonna show you what a damn people Tom is. No, I'm gonna show you what. No, I'm gonna start looking through your window looking at your wife. See one he served another peep, mister John. But but putting your over here, I want you to look. I want you to look at my damn window. Who the hell is this? I ain't got time for this, man. I got a job, I got a mortgage, I got kids. I ain't got time for this. Man. Don't look at a job. Man, don't don't find a job. I got a job. I got a job for one. I'm at work. You got a job, Yeah, you got a job. Crying like a damn talking about somebody looking at your Why I don't body looking at your damn white man. Got a job. But when I'm at I'm wondering if you back of the looking through the window at my wife. Please come to my damn house. Please, I'm coming later than life. Look through the window. Fine, Remember the hell are you talking about? Calling me? Tell my people, and it's just damn white. You don't body come. That's what you've been doing. Man, No wife, you're probably ain't got no wife. You're probably married to him, damn midget or something. You're talking about, man, tell about not people at your wife got a wattle wife, and you was gonna wonder and I'm willing still watching the neighborhood. But that ain't work. I'm doing all I take. Come over here, announce, because you're a round the neighborhood. You three streets whatever, how many streets whatever? You are for me? Come night now. I'm stand outside, whip my dog, pushing on your I want you to come by what I'm coming later that night when you are at that shower the same way you were looking through my one. Please just come by, don't wait, just come by now. Please. I cot that way with I don't talk about right now when I'm wearing somebody way what I'm getting ready to slow down so I could get ready and ten of my business. Man, I'm getting ready to gold work again the day. Man, What the hell are you talking about? Bro? I got two damn jobs. I got a job to what I'm doing the day and at night and in between I do the neighborhood. Watch. I'm doing your service. I'm helping your lazy. Do you stop your watching people looking to see if they're looking at your damn watch? Want you get your second job or something? Man? Wan't you google? Wan't you look at muster dot com or something? What the hell is wrong with you? Coming? Mem I'm peeping at your day yall? Watch man, don't you ever call me with no Who the hell is this anyway? Yeah? Who the hell is this? Because some for you who tell you who it is? This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvard Morning Show. You just got franked by your wife Trisha, and they want baby. They ain't right, baby, ain't baby, they ain't right. Then you got me man, because I said, ain't nobody to go get me on? No, Frank, Man, I don't fall time for that. Man, Damn frank. Your wife told me you do the neighborhood. Watch oh man, she said you do the neighborhood. You walk, you know, because what you gotta rob Waller. Yeah, that's why I use nigga. I want to be safe. They just keep something happening. I just stick my rock fell on that. Then you got me bad that you you got me, You're good. I'm good. Bang. I'm gonna get it though, all right. Let me ask you this though, what is the baddest and I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land made the Steve Harvest Show. I just want to know it's my twenty nineteen stupid start now right, I just I have Top twenty nineteen the right white you. Why would you jump start something that was in full blast if you don't think it's next level Steve, you don't think it's next level the top when it comes to stupid, he had the top hist game. President and CEO. You did get Thank you, sir. All right, I'm gonna tell it to you again. Chicago, Illinois, Here we come the United Center, Baby, Washington, d C. Here we come Eagle Bank Arena and Atlanta GA. State Farm Arena, Chicago. You are on the thirtieth DC. You are on the first, Atlanta GA. You are on the second. It's the New Year's Comedy Live Fest. Tickets available at all ticket Master outlets. Here is the line up. Earthquake in the Building, Eddie Griffin in the Building, Centric the Entertainer D. L. Hughley, hosted by yours truly nephew Tommy once again shy Town. It is December the thirtieth, watching d C. January first, Atlanta, Georgia, January the second, Stay Farm Arena, all ticket Master outlets or you can go to the box office get yourself from tickets. It's gonna be a hell of a show. Thickets Donna say right, no, yeah, I hope you come hang out with you boy in atl Man. I hope you back home by then January second. Slide. Man got a couple of things that Judge showy jumping off that Tuesday. So I gotta figure out. I gotta I gotta promote the show. You come to jail what. I don't know, what's what's gonna happen. I just want to go home right now. Man, So I biggnog man, look at my Christmas tree. All right, gotta go to the grandson BJ played basketball. He playing basketball? Now ya? All right, thank you nephew, and we'll be looking for Steve for sure. Up next Strawberry Letter subject my husband's supportive secretary. Right after this, you're listening to show. All right, it is time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry letter, fuck it up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry letter. All right, thank you. Subject my husband's supportive secretary. Dear Stephen Shirley. I've been married for fourteen years and we have two sons. My hus is a middle school principle and I work full time in an office. Excuse me. My husband and I have a great social life, and we used to focus on keeping the romance alive in our marriage, but my boys are very active in sports now, so it's hard to find time to hang out together. It has not affected my husband's social life at all, though he still hangs out after work and I have a big issue with who he chooses to spend his time with. He has been going out with his secretary to have a quick dinner or just to grab a drink, as he says. His secretary is married too, but her kids are grown so she doesn't have to rush home after work. After the first couple of times the two of them went out, I went up to the school and had a talk with both of them. She told me that they are merely co workers and good friend that tell each other everything. He told me that I should not have come up there and that there was nothing going on. Later, when he got home, he was angry with me and told me that I don't support who he is as a black man, and the secretary is easy to talk to. She listens to him. I was furious and humiliated. Meanwhile, he's hanging out after work. I am running around with our boys, making sure there at all of their practices and games. But I'm not supportive. I really need some good advice before I ring his neck. Please help, go ahead and ring his neck? Go ahead, because he is wrong. I mean, your husband's out of order. He's ignoring everything you're telling him and just doing whatever he wants to do with his so called best friend and very supportive secretary. I think your husband's disrespectful and he knows. Should you have gone up to his job? No, no, you shouldn't have gone up to his job because you know that could cause him to get fired or whatever, depending on what happened after that. But he didn't, So that's okay. If you guys can't work this stuff out at home, there is something really serious going on. A telling line in the letter, he said, a couple of them I don't think that you don't support who he is as a black man. What does that have to do with anything? What does that have to do with anything? Right? But yeah, he tried her, didn't he try her? Yeah, he tried it. And and but this is a real telling line. The secretary is easy to talk to. She listens to him. Yeah, that was a very telling line. And you had every right to be furious and humiliated. He's not listening to you. She listens to him. But he's not listening to you at all. And where he wants your support? Where's his support? You're the one running around with the boys making sure they're at all of their practices and games. Isn't that something that usually the dad does or you guys do together? You both support your children. Meanwhile he's at the club, hanging out, doing his thing with his secretary. No, this is wrong, and your and your husband is wrong. He's not supporting you as a black woman, as a black wife, as a mother, as a lover, all of these things. Okay, he's wrong. He needs to get it together, and I'm all for you ringing his next Steve, Well, let's start with this. Ringing his neck ain't gonna do it. Damn good. All he gonna do is go over there and get his neck rubbed. Now, you already ain't listening to him, so he sayd she easy to talk to because she listens. Here you is ringing next. Now I got to go over him and get my neck rubbed out by the same hellel that's talking to me and listening, pushing me. You're just making it easy for the clean up woman to get your man's love. Oh no, that song was written for you. Now let me walk you through it. Steve, you wrong on this one. Whatever, it's a letter the people wrong for that. You and your husband have a great social life. We used to focus on keeping romance alive in our marriage. Well you ain't gonna do that no more. See you don't have to focus on keeping it alive no more. Oh his ear is his live here, dinner out, drinking, his social life. He's live. But your boys is active in sports. Who it's hard to find time to hang out together. Uh, it ain't affected my husband's social life. I told you that he still hang out out to work, and I got a big issue with who he's spending this time with. He going out with his secretary to have a quick dinner or just grab a drink. I don't know who you are. I can't call my wife and go baby, I ain't coming home. I'm going to grab some dinner a quick drink with this girl. Dog. Say that out loud, act like you're on the phone. Baby, it's me. Hey, how you doing? Hey, listen, I'm gonna go grab some dinner and we're gonna stop and ask some drinking. I'm gonna be a little day, all right, take it easy. And how does that sound crazy? So after they did it a couple of times, the first couple of times the two them went out, you went up to the school and had a talk with both of them. When we come back, what happened when you went up to the school to talk with both of them? Well, I tell you what happens. It ain't go like your thought, did it. We come back, we're gonna go over what God said to your faith, what you miss that didn't get said to your face. Let the chests say amen, Amen, all right? Coming out Part two of Steve's response to my husband's supportive secretary at twenty three after the hour, right after this, you're listening, all right, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letters subject my husband's supportive secretary. They used to have a social life, they worked on in everything. But they got these two boys. They had sports, so you relegated yourself to taking them to all the sporting events and have practices and everything. The husband his social life good because he going out after work then a drinks and you don't like who he's going out with because he told you. Now, I don't know who this stupid as a husband is you as you're married. But it ain't no where in the world. I'd have told you about no woman I was going out. Yeah, I would have been with some boys and anything. You'd have been driving no place. It wouldn't have been nobody in there but me, And I'd have told you me and my boys and were down at the sports club or the sports bars. Ain't the way in the world. I'd have told you that I go to have dinner with my secretary and we grab a drink. Now his secretary is married too, but her kids has grown them so she ain't got to rush home after work. Now they went out together a couple of times. Then you went up to the school to have a talk with both of them. Now, this is what she told the lady when she got up to the school. We are merely co workers and good friends that can tell each other anything. This woman had the audacity to tell you, the wife of this guy. We go out, we have lunch. We good friends that can tell each other anything. So I guess the part about him being married to his best friend. I guess that going out the bar, that's just going out the winter because he's got an new friends were good friends that could tell each other anything. And then he told me I should not have come up there, and that that was nothing. Go you shouldn't have came up hill talking to both of us, right, chew up hill fault. Ain't nothing going on now. Later, when he got home, he came in the dough mad with you, like he posted, because what I hadn't told you. Ladies, the best defense is a good office. You're gonna just come up to the school, yeah, or you come up to the school like you crazy? Not crazy? You look, you know what the people saying when you walked out of there. Yea rolling one role in the back of your head. You forgot to take out. Then you're all up at the school coat open. You don't toew it getting out the car, sitting up in here, lipstick all over all over your TeV. You don't got mad, tried to put it on in the car. Stoplights just up in here and bassing me. Shouldn't have came up in here. Ain't got nothing going on. Now I'm home now, and I got news for you. He told her that I don't support who he is as a black man. Now you're going to dinner with your second time having drinks and dinner. Really ain't got nothing to do with you being a black man. I appreciate that. Really white man, Filipino man, Chinese man, Latino man, any of us that go to dinner and without secondary it ain't got nothing to do with being a good, strong Latin. It has nothing to do but a wonderfully strong Asian. It ain't got nothing to do with that. So quit tripping. He lying. But then he said, and the secretary easy to talk to. She listens to me, she said. I was furious and humility. She didn't be really hurt, but it made him mad that he had the gall to say it, because he's crazy. I don't I don't know who you mad too, And it's stupid behind. He wanted them over educated dudes. He's so damn he's so damn smart. He dumb. I'm going out to dinner with this woman. We haven't dinner and drinks. Then you come up down talk about I talked to about what she said. We talked about it. They yeah, it could because she listens to me. Meanwhile, he's hanging out after work. I'm running around with our boys making shore. They at all they practices and games, but I'm not supported. I really need some good advice before I ring his neck. First of all, what you're gonna when you say ring his neck with that man? It ain't gonna stop nothing. You already mad. You came up to the school, they're still going out after here's your only hope, and this is what you're gonna do. And I know you didn't already thought it, because if you don't wrote the letter women think of everything. I know you're gonna call her huss already. Oh he get married? Do you think that I already notice what she gonna do? Dog, shedn't love this lot of sheepings in there and stuff about her damn sulf. Oh everybody didn't know about this dog. I don't see, I ain't seen. Nobody won't do that. Oh did your husband know y'all going out to eat and drinks? Of course he doesn't. He understands as part of my work, I'm telling you what husband is gonna agree to that? Nor husband is going to be good? And what wife is going to agree with this? Right? No, So that's why she gonna tell the lady's husband. Now the lady's husband gonna come up and sucker punch the priustle bam, which is her husband fighting at the school. Yeah, then he gonna end up doing some time because he wanted real educated dude. We're squas dude. He came in and punched me. I wasn't looking. I'm they're educating children at all of them. This barbaric man comes up and goes asked me, was I Howard? Of course I couldn't lie. I said yes, mister Howard, and plat owl right in the eye. So plat Owl heard my nephew say that, well, aunt, when he was talking to Steve Harvey on his radio show, and he just said plat owl right in my mind. It hurt like all heck, And I'm pressing charges. We gotta go email us instam not even if she looks like you've described her, all right, email us or Instagram. She looked like me, I'm no good here. Well, he don't want to Today's Strawberry letter at Steve Harvey f M. You're listening to stow. Here's a quick question for you, guys, um, do you have a memory or vivid recollection of the first time you met Santa Claus. First time I met Santa Far No, I've seen the pitching, but I don't remember the man. You ain't met the mall. But he never came to my house. I never saw him. My mom would always tell me he had been there, though, and they sat out and talked for a minute. Oh really always Yeah, Steve, you remember meeting Santa Claus when I first met him? Yeah, but I already knew who he was. What happened. I had been told by my brothers and stuff. You didn't go down his white man if it nothing house, So when I met him, it didn't have the joy that you think you would have as a child. But still I liked Santa Claus. I always liked him. I thought his intentions were well. Plus I'm a big Christmas guy, So and why is that? I just I just think it's the dopest holiday of all time. I loved Christmas from day one, the gifts, the giving. You know, see my father, mother face man. When they opened up this little worthless ass gift out of bottom, you know, I knew to give wasn't worth for damn. But the way they faked it and act like they kid it meant a lot to me, you know. And so I became a big giver of Christmas guilts. I've always kind of like that, you know, nice gifts and stuff. But then as I grew older, I realized what Christmas was really about. So it wasn't about the gift giving, no moment, and so it just became I just want to treat. That's all I want. It's a treat, you know, I know, I know the real meaning of Christmas. Right looking for to getting home so I can see my treat. Haven't seen it? No, haven't seen it from again, I'm not sure where this one came in from. I haven I have a disgusted chet with my wife, but this coming in from somewhere. It ain't didn't get it at wall? Are you mad? From a lot to treat. Yeah, where your treat called frontier names you name excuse what? Excuse me? The markets name market as in predecorated, Yeah, predecorated, Julian Yeah, yeah, wow, all right, all right, well, uh, Merry Christmas, everybody. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. According to new research, one in five Americans are planning on giving someone a take the hint gift this year. A new survey of two thousand Americans found that hint gifts are pretty common practice, with one in three response and saying, uh, they've given at least one in the past year or so or in the past period. And who is the person in our life most likely to give us one of these hint gifts? Well, research shows it's our own partner. So when Gil Tasha running God, he asks for running shows. But you know what they'll call it. I think it's cool though, because dudes, we different. You know, if that's what we want, then I think it's cool. Yeah. I mean, Tasha's real cool. You know, he's real laid back. He's not bagging some running shoes and you know, getting here and do your wifely duties. He'll say something like, yeah, well, I mean, yeah, with some heels on the shoes. Your shoes r you'll not like like in the hood when you see them shoes hanging over them over the telephone. Yeah, and I didn't want to Nessa did ask for the dinner jacket, but I didn't know that it was attached to dinner. Like Junior said off the air, he didn't at least he know he was going to eat. It was strategic. He put that jack. He starts smiling. He really did. He take a picture of him in every today decent he did? Okay, take it. He might get some running shoes too. Okay. The most popular most popular hint gift Americans gift is deodorant, what or you do? Cologne? Yeah, self help book? I got your yeah, yes, more than take a hand. The most popular most popular gift is self help books. They scored real high. Also on the list were cookbooks. No, I did not don't get one issue, exercise equipment, Carla, exercise equipment, I know, razors, toothpages, cleaning supplies, and even breath mints. Yeah, well I just bought. I just bought my wife the pelotike. Okay, so she she asked for the bike though she wasn't offended by you getting it? Right? Do you save that for Christmas? Christmas? Oh? This is your stand? He can't get off. But she asked save the Peloton bike for Christmas? Okay, well never mind. Yeah, different incomes, different bracket is different. All right. So Stephen and Junior and Timmy, if you guys had to give someone to take a hint gift, who would it be and what would it be against my sister getting every job application pamphlet I can find since she can't talk about they can't find in the world. I see that high every day. Well, I think we just saw the best take a hit gift. If I pick you up to go shopping and I put your ass in the back seat because my I got another fine chicken the front, that's about a bigger hit gift you can get. What about you? Now, my auntie? Is she listening? I don't think a nice perm box a nice permit Damn. Let this sit for at least twenty minutes. All right, Look, everybody can't win, nowt your hell. Everybody can't do that. I'm sorry, more ignorant more Shenanigan's coming up at twenty minutes after the hour on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. I ain't doing no Washington. You're listening Morning Show, all right, Steven. It's time to check your voicemail. If you want to leave Steve a message or just give a holiday greeting to your loved one, call us right now at eight seven seven twenty nine Steve and leave a message. Okay, good morning, Steve Harvey Morning Show crew. My name is Koko from talahad Pepart. I like to wish my family guys in Miami, Savannah Atmerica a very merry Christmas. I love you guys, and I look forward to seeing you all at my cousin's wedding in Sa Bahamas. Hi, Steve Harvey, wishing you and your family of merry Christmas. I was calling. I wanted to wish my son Rickie and Michael diedal and my daughter's Sonya Deal a very merry Christmas. And I love you very much. Your mom happy on all the days. Mister Harvey. This is Mary calling some landover. I just want to say Mary, Christmas to you and your staff. I listened to you guys every morning. You're such an inspirational to me with your inspirational messages. It's just a blessing and listen to you, but I just want to call and the shooting your staffs a merry Christmas and a price of smooth YEA good morning, Steve. I listened to you guys every morning going to work. This is Riggie Evans, markansall Man. I just want to say, Marry Christmas and all those affected by the tornado. Man's not blessed down, y'all a night, keep encouraging us to keep up laughing. Right. This is Levon Robinson in Prostes for Virginia. I want to wish my daughters a Mary Christmas and happy New Year in Korea. Thank you you got to help the holiday to the sea. Harvey Morning Showing Number one show. If you under radio, come in from you need a Harry and Lawrence Filermo. You're listening to show. Well, it's time for Steve's favorite segment. It's called ass the CLLO. Now, Steve, you're ready? Are you ready? Stay ready? All right? Here we go. This one is from Tab at DC. Tab says, I'm forty nine and I'm dating a man that's seventy four. Okay, he looks like he's my age and he's very athletic and energetic. We have a big problem in the bedroom, and it's not what you think. His problem is that he doesn't know when to stop. The sex can go on for an hour and I have to work, run errands and do other stuff, so he needs to wrap it up sooner. He admitted that he's on medication and a side effect is increased sexual desire. Desire. He's called me a lightweight and said I'll have to find someone else that is up to the challenge. I hate it when he says stuff like that. Do you think he's just joking. Well, let's go for that. First of all. First of all, the seventy four and last too long in medication, he's lost feeling in certain areas, so the lasting longest, don't worry. He'd have lost a lot of feel he knew, so don't worry about that. That all that hours and all that. Yeah, you know, you know you need to pick up pay you a lightweight. I need to get somebody else. And the other thing you said was you forty nine and he's seventy four, and he looked your age. Not hold up, You're not going forward. He's athletic and energetic. She says, he's seventy four, and he looked your age. Ah, he's seventy four, and you look his age. I didn't think about that. Well, I looked at all of it when you asked me something. We're in here problems because he might not be all that athletic and energetic. Just your ass is older than forty nine physically, and maybe that's what the problem is. Maybe you thinking he more thing he really is because you ain't what you're saying you are. Let the church say, man, let me sometimes the answer is in your own damn question. I believe her. Maybe she ain't athletic. She ought to get athletics, she would be more like forty nine, most forty yin your women still got it. So she ain't well. Well, he sat in the forward. He got medication that increases his that's viagral. That's what that is. You know what it increases? What else? What it taking? Once again, if you have something else, sir, please right in this show. This became another second man. Yesterday, some dude took a shot, Yeah a strawberry letter, Yeah, a shot, and he wasn't going through that pain, no mold, Okay, all right, coming up into her last break of the day. It's last, I mean the absolute last break. It is damn day. That's right. And some closing remarks we will have from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minute closing right after this. So I like that you're listening to. All right, here we are our last break of the day. It's been a good day. It's been Yeah, it's been a really good day. We got through it has some fun um and yeah up day. That used to be Steve's favorite commercial right there, that camel. All right, Steve, it's time for you to take us home with some of your closing remarks. As always in my closing remarks, I try to mix it up. Yesterday I talked about all comfort and convenience. How in order to build a life of convenience, convenience is built through inconvenience and to build a life or comfortable. To build a life of comfort, you have to be you have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. And these are just true statements. Now here is something else I want to share with This is a little bit more direct. This is a little bit more This is everybody. People oftentimes ask me Steve, why do you talk about faith? This is just from my own experience. I have no other way to explain how I've gotten to where I am today. Had it not been for my faith, had it not been for my mother, who was a Sunday school teacher, who taught me about God, who taught me about prayer, taught me about faith, who taught me about having a relationship with God. Had it not been for that teaching right there, I wouldn't be here today. Now. There are people who will tell you that they have become successful without a relationship with God, and that can happen. Will it last? No, but it can happen. But the reason it won't last is because there will come a point in time in your life where you will have to know God. And if you don't know him, there will come a point in time in your life where you will wish you did. That will become a point in time in your life where you will call His name as you've never called it before. It happens to us all. It will happen before you leave here. You will acknowledge the fact that He exists now here. The upside, because God is not a god that he wants us to have this life for fear, and oh, my God, if I don't do this, I ain't gonna get this God. That God is really not that way. God comes to give you life and give you life more abundantly. Here's a reason I enjoy my faith. Here's the reason I enjoy having a relationship with God. See so many people I don't want to go to hell and I want. Oh, let's let's let's talk about the positivity of it. That's some good reasons for having faith. That's some great reasons for have relationship with God. This relationship with God I have. I feel safe. I don't feel things. I'm not afraid of what somebody can do to me. I'm not. I'm not I'm not afraid of a decision that a company can make about me. I'm not. I'm not fretful of what anybody may think about my income. I feel safe. I'm also I'm reassured that when something goes contrary to what I thought was gonna happen, guess what, I'm reassured because of my faith in my relationship with God, that that too go work out on my behalf. Also, I enjoyed this relationship because I have a constant guide. I constantly can ask God for guidance and he'll give it to me. My guide happens to be a king. But this king is also my best friend, this relationship that I have with him, he is my best friend and my king. Man, don't you know it's kind of cool having a king is your best friend? Who can make decisions? Man, who can help you out, who've got answers, who got resources, who has a way out, who can be with you through everything you're going through and never leave you. My king is my best friend. I enjoyed because of my faith in my relationship. I enjoyed having his companionship, a place that I can go to get real answers, somebody I can talk to about anything I'm talking about. Man, I hadn't been in some trouble, I haven't been sick, I haven't been counted out. But because he's my companion, I can talk to him about anything. And you know what I really love about my relationship and my faith. He got answers. He got real answers. Man, he got real I don't care what your situation is, he got answers. There's scriptures written about everything you're going through. There's actually prayers about everything you're going through. You ain't running across nothing new. I don't care nothing about technology and none of that. You're running into nothing new. The stuff they're saying about you on the internet. They talked about Jesus. He didn't do nobody. He gives me inspiration. There's so many stories that I can read about, so many incidents in scriptures that I can get inspired. Man, that God don't really ever leave you. I'm so reassured that he's with me every step of the way, that he didn't bring me this far to leave me. That all things work for the good to those who love him. It's so many things that I have inspired me. Man, when I get up, when i'm through praying, that I just feel better. That's why I like my faith in my relationship with God. You should just look into it. Man, You ain't got to be perfect to have one. You just want to have to talk to him. Just start talking to him. That's all you got to do, all right. Those are my closing remarks today. Have money right now, y'all have a good man. I'm out see y'all fright for all. Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.